TCU DAILY SKIFF Tuesday, March 28, 1989 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 86Th Year, No
TCU DAILY SKIFF Tuesday, March 28, 1989 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 86th Year, No. 89 Fear of responsibility may cause anxiety for seniors By ANDREA HEITZ The debate about television's influ- should not be interpreted to mean today certainly is not what it was prior But older people who watch televi- ram that teachei adolescents." Staff Writer ence on young people is nothing new, that television has a definite negative to the age of television," Barker said. sion instead of getting involved with But while studies show that chil- though, said David Barker, associate impact on education. Etta Miller, associate professor of the world around them undermine dren who watch "Sesame Street" be- In the continuing concern about professor of radio-TV-film. "For every piece of research that education, agreed. their education, she said. fore going into school do better when the state of the U.S. education sys- "The amount of blame that televi- indicated that television has a nega- "People spend their time watching The type of television children are they start school, they also show that tem, those looking to place blame sion has had to shoulder over the de- tive effect on students learning, there television instead of reading or parti- watching also makes a difference in those same children begin to get have a new, old enemy at which to cades for its negative impact on chil- is research that shows that television cipating in the world," she said. "And the effect it will have on education. bored with school more quickly, Bar- point: television.
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