AUGUST 11, 1943 TBI Aiioclatao ,Al., - VOLUME Xllli NUMBER 271 E'
lallon Cal.ndar Showers 'UOAll •••••• 11 ,1.ptr~. A.,. 111 DAT *,",P. V. ",11,1 •• A~, . 81: raoOE811EO '0001 •ta ... ,., , a". T•• ,1.. ,.. ,1. It; OAIIOLINE A IOWA: Somewhal warmer. 'l'.~." .nl,. II.,,!, .1: FIJJL 0.... Pt ••••••, •••• 8eaUered thander •... 48.1"'.1"" ••,1 , ~: IIUOA. "'''',. If ant Ie, h •• ....I.,.. ,,,,Ir. Pol, 81, 8HO"1 .1" .. , .1 ex,lr.. Oot. aIlowen• II; fvu. ~IL ~ •• t ........ '4•• • ..... " •• JID. ' . Iowa City's Morning Newspaper c::d... ; ... TBa A'.OOlATID ••al. IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 11, 1943 TBI AIIOClATao ,al., - VOLUME XLllI NUMBER 271 e' : . ~-fliihl ciauU( I 1a)' the IlIlIIenli In flyt iversi!» I I na r. 11\81\. .. .,.' II serv, ~jch iI. ~tea 0( • tons 0( en ega. I, 2.100 !n ron" d, 8.300 'I as azzo of ·Ran larts I 01 Ice lned by SOVIETS PAUSE IN OiEL BEFORE RESUMING ADVANCE .. • ..•. '~t ~~ ..,., r leta re lest -Sicilian Qefense on -, Roa~ Ya~~. Jungle T~oops (rosses Atlanlic PaHern ~f call). 10 18. The to eat . ., . M .I Abl ' ,. F. Rid' Wlthm Two Miles , Ip \belr Served •0 esslna · ale ' rom .al SOf Bairoko Harbor 1 Global OHensive Against Axis throup !!en per , .y BELMAN MORIN Last Jap Holding ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NOltTH AFRICA (AP) tandard 1 Wilh ' No'rlh American Allies : on the Allied' forces smBRhing the center of the German line northwest· 9n New Georgia ralnees. ot 11ft. Etna, drOve yesterday to within seven road miles of bat·, Nearly Captured ' tered Randazzo, OPQ of tjle 1111'1t of the' enemy's hedgehog defenses QUEBEC, an{lda (AP)-Winston penceI' hurcbill com- plcted another venturesome Atlantic cro sing ye tcrday to perfect ~:~~ : OD thp road to M.essjna from central Sicily.
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