At .Owan Wednesda.Y
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The Weather ~ OleariDl and cold toda,. with s&eacliJ7 .b.. I...... '.' wb,.. Some e.....u.e. and DO ellaqe III temp.. eratllft FrIda,.. IIlch 10- da,. %I; Ie.... III. RIP at .owan Wednesda.y. H; J_. n. Eat. 1868 - AP Leaaerl Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. [<)WO. Thursday, Nov. 27, 1952 - Vol 97, No. 46 owa nows orm Tots Help Mother Prepare Thanksgiving Turkey Winds~ I Red (hina's • Strong Veto of Indian Drifts Hinder Road (Iearing 'Plan Reported DES MOINES (~Thanksliv UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (IP) - In, eve found much of Iowa snow Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky told bound, three dead from the sea: the UN political committee Wed son's first severe slorm, and pros nesday that Red China rejected India's compromise peace plan pects tor a cold but quieter holl for Korea two days ago. That was day. the same day Vishinsky turned it Four to ten inches of snow was down lor the Soviet Union. whipped into drifts by gales up The United States delegation to 55 miles per hour in most of the said while Vishinsky spoke that it western two-thirds of the state. will leave up to President-elect Some light snow stlll was fallinl Dwight D. Eisenhower any fur ther moves for pcace In Korea if In tbe northeast. It had ended the Indian I?lan is oWcially and elsewhere by evening. tinally rebuffed i:)y the Commun Along with reports of the three ist Chinese and the North Ko deaths attributed to the storm reans. came word that two babies were A high IncUan source said his born without physicians in atten delegation had received word only dance atter hospItal-bound autos ......11 ' " ,;.~. t! Wednesday morning of Red Chi became stalled. SOME IDEA OF THE BLOODY, DISCOURAGING TASK tulng United Natlollll forees on this Thanks na's attitude, relayed through TrtIyel b,. TraID elvin, Day Is liven by this view of the stark terrain surrounding Trlan,le HIU In Korea which, with New Delhi. What pre-holiday travel there nel(hboring bel'hts has been changing hands rapidly and repeatedly. To the left of the dominatin&" "You can call it a rejection," was, was ,ener~ly by train. Quite peak ~f Trlnagle Hill Is the lower promontory (arrow, known as Pike's Peak. The photo was taken this source said, "but we call it a number of m~in roads were irom the crest of Sniper Ridge, which in Itself Is a never-endlnr battleground. objections. The more objections blocked, buses were operating on we recejve 'the more ' we must partial schedules, and the threat of drifted and icy highways kept mo push out C)fforts." toring down. 'Godless (ommun,ism Wanls No Peace' VI.blosk,. ObJeeted The dutlook for Thanksgivinl J • Over the sustained and vocifer morning was lor temperatures of ous objecti ns of VIshlnskY the 10 to 15 dell'ees In the northwest. political committee Voted 49 to 5, tn.lI. re.a.. I"bale b,. Te... c •••I •• , and 15 to 20 in th southeast. The Yan ·Fleet Says in Thanksgiving Messag,e with Nationalist China absta ning, DENISE BERKEY, (RIGHT). CAN'T DEOIDE whether she 11 happier because It's Tbank.rtvtn&" or strong wind were expertpd tl) ti' l to give top priority to the Indian her first birthday. BI, brother Bobb,., '. (left), licks hi Ups and appeal'll more Interested In the minish during the holiday, anti .. peace plan, which Is expected to ------------1 SEOUL, Thursday (IP) - Am-j ------------ Tbanks&ivlng turkey his mother Is preparll1l' than in his lime sister's birthday. Mrs. Kenneth Berke,., daytime temperatures range In tile be amended In such a way as to 903 Webster st., (cenier), Is looklnl forward to some bllJly future Thanksr.lvlnls when she wtlI have 205. erican frontline troops ate full O'D O"t P t meet U.S. objections. to pian double-celebrations to keep both Denlae aDd tbe famlly happy. 1'lr. Berkey Is a salesmaD lor &be No DOW Foreeu~ . course. Thanksgiv~g dinners t~- wyer UI S OS 50 Foreign Students day WIth the warnIng from their In a move aimed at calming the International Harvester Co. No additional snow is forcca'lt fears expressed by the U.S. and for Iowa City, a more fortunate com,:,,~nder that "Godless. com- As . Un"lted St:ates': area with regard to windswept In several other countries, India late Iowa Man Gets leave for Holiday mUDlsm wants no peace" Ko- '41 Wednesday changed a controver- snowfall which blanketed most ;)f sia 1 section to leave up to thc UN Iowa Tuesday and Wednesday. re~oliday feas.! were preceded by I Mex"leo Ambass' ador Eisenhower Names 2More Althoulh. the Icy winds which After 'Snow Scare' religious services of all fa iths- _ " _ Itself the final disposition of all J0- Year Sentence • prisoners remaining In a demili blasted throu,h Iowa City reach d held even in frontline dugouts and - up to 55 miles per hour, the snow Nearly 50 SUI foreign students more elaborate than on either of WASHINGTON (IP) - William tarized zone five months afler an DAV~NPORT (/P) - LaVernc armistlcc. Zaehringcr, Davenport, was "en fall was only one-half an Inch. who were scheduled to leave Iowa the two 'precedin~ Thanksgiving ("nwvt>r resiS!ned Wednesday . as To ~Official ,Family' Positions Sidewalks and strcets, howevpr, 'ObJectloll8 To Be Mei tenced to 10 years in the Ft. Mad City Wednesday to spcnd thc days of thl) Korean war. ambassador to Mexico. were Icy. ison state pen~tenUary when he Thanksgiving holiday in Osage, 1'lllttle 11 n e s were relatively The White House announced This is expected · to meet the NEW YORK (A") - President Strong winds are expected to di will leave at 8:30 this morning. quiet as the day dawned. that his resignation has been re- objections of the U.S. that there pleaded guilty In district court elect Elsenllower chose two more In the defense departmen t, she minish today and thc tempera The trip was canoelled Wednes The traditional turKey dinner, ceived by President Truman and must be a definite arranternent Wednesday to abducting and rob members 01 his oUicial family laughed and said: tur s range in the 20's. The wea tor disposition of the prisoners 50 bing a Quad city cQuple. day because of a raging snow from shrimp cocktail til nuts and has becn accepted effective at Wedncsday - his White Hou~e Extended Wuhlnci.on tay ther bureau saId that gradua1 storm around Osage where visi 18 ounces of turkey per man, was midnight, Dec. 6. they will not remain in camp In Zaehringer admitted having secretary and deputy attorney general. .. I went to Washington only tor clearing would take place. bility was zero and snowplows 1"Tnpared for every soldier in Ko- O'Dwyer is a former mayor of definitely. taken Jerry Stoze. 22, Davenport, Wednesday, in Iowa City, street were unable to operate. Vishinsky said the committee and Mary Minca, 22, Rock Island. Eisenhower named Arthur H. eight months. That was two ycars crews went on duty at 4 a.m. to shared the Amel'lcan feast New York city. ago." re~hey was wasting its time in view of Ill., from a tavern Nov. 10 and Vandenbcrg Jr" son of the late sand sllppery sections In Iowa . Wallace Maner, foreign student with troops of" almost every other He resigned the mayoralty post adviser, said the group will leave Peiping's negative re~ly. forcing them to drive at gunpoint Michigan senator, as White House She said, though, that "anythinl City, mostly hills and Intcrscc one of the 21 United Nations fight- in August, 1950, to accept an ap In a surprise move, he sub to all abandoned farmhouse near secretary. He will succced Mat- I can do for Gen. Eisenhower, 1 in the university bus and two sta ing in Korea. pointment as ambassador to Mex- tions. lion wagons. Originally, four or mitted II series of amendments to Princeton, Ia. thew Connelly. would gladly do." Tree BIOWU Over Some of the nations' soldiers do ico. the New Delhi propqsaT'submitted Rogel'll YO\lng, Experlelll)ed Mrs. Rosenberg sa iel she· WIIS One ml hap was caused by the live cars were coming from Osage not care for the turkey menu. After O'Dwyer left the country, to supplement the bus transporta by V. K. Krishn~ Menon, deputy The general also appointed Wi!- "amazed at the- improvement In wind Wednesday. A large tree was lion. Here is the Thanksgiving day he became a controversia~ figure Indifln delegate. These would Writes Prayer 1Iam P. Rogers, of Bethesda, Md., the South Korean army" and that blown over damaging the lront menu: in the ncws. !lave the effect ~f substituting young b1,l1 experiencet1 corruption the speed with which South ICo porch and breaking windows in Begun two yeal'S ago as a ges Shrimp cocktail The scnate crime committee Vishinsky's own peace plan lor and racket buster, as deputy at- rean divisions could replace other the Charles Gaeta homc at 4U lure of hospitality to the foreign Stuffed celery, olives, pickle" said in one of its reports that he the M~non plan. torney general. United Nations depended on the S. Governor st. Itudents, the Thanksgiving day Roa~t yo ung tom turkey with had contributed to the. growth 1leds Want Cease Fire James C. Hagerty, his press sec- rote of training. Temperatures dropped steaoi!y dinner has come to be a big fea poultry drc~slllg and giblet gravy of crime in New York.