> ■ 'i \- I I' ‘ \

: V -, F A i 5 t r T n m ’n r y « i x " '» »»}/ - ^U RSDAY, FBlBRUiRY jX, 19ST ^nrh^at^r lEufuitiJS H m U t \ St, Merchants* Third Annual Washington Birthday Sales in Second Day Mr. and Mra. Ardito KOpafrlek pr^ars the usual ’’ZapiuUe” food. Specialist SIC. Raymond M. of Bpniwwok, left this mom- Msmbera and. friends are invited. .Oarra, son ohMr. and Mrs. Michael About Town in ( for a vacatkm in Florida, after Ihere wtH be dancing ’ and enter* parra, S Charter Oak St., la a a brief visit with their sons’ fam> tainment. member of the 3rd Armored Divi­ Average Daily Net Press Run tb a R«r. Rlehard Dron. UMCi- ir 1 In town. sion in Oerptahy. A cook In Co. A For tha* Week Eaded -T V The Weather •te pMtor o f NtwinirtMi Aasembly Dr. Amos B. Friend has, been of the dIvMon’a 33rd Tank Bat- February I f , 10S7 PoiMBBt Of D. 8. Weetfear I God C h ^ l, will apeak at the The PoIMi American Club wlU formally appointed by the Connec­ tallan, he entered the Army in Au­ •vaacelistic aervlee Sunday at 7 hold a pre*Lentsn boeial in its ticut Medical ^Service board of di­ gust iWiS, and arrived in Europe jn. m calvary Chapel, 32 Vernon cl brooms Saturday night at ' 6 rectors to membership on the pro­ last June. He is a 1033 graduate If you don’t ha,vs time to make a Cherry Pie, come 12,459, OoUdy, not ha eald toalght. Law St o’clock. ’The wives of members will fessional policy committee. of Manchester High School. in and get a FARMHOUSE CHERRY PIE . . . Just Member af the Audit aaar SO. Skfurday inaat|y dandy, heat and eat Be sure to put some of these Me sp ^ a i Burean ef Oireulatiea centinned mild. U gh ia the dSa. Values on your list and remember, pteese, that Pine- Manchester-^4 City of ViUage Charm hurst at 303 Main is open tonight and Friday night till X 0:00 P.M. We have free parking , . , we cash pay­ ... To go along with the roll and authorised personal checks. (SIX' Marjorie Mills, jn her 9 VOL. LXXVI, NO. 122 TEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1957 (OlBaatfla4 Advertlalag on Paga 14) PlUCE nVB CENTO Champajpie music of Law- to 10 o’clock WTIC rence Welk, Margaret kin of Pepperidge Farms broadcast about the qual- - out with a hew Pepperidgs ity of Farms CHAMPAGNE AS- Queen Makes SOR’TMENT of cookies. Israeli Minorities PhiKp Prince . . . They 'sell for 00c a box and are a nke addition r 4 w t € / U € a b t—Gaihbling on American EGfi NOODLES this weekend (or one for . . toast it . . . it’s really night Israel would order her last In the Gulf of Aqaba ta a “struggle Reg., 17c value. Vitaatai euriebed, im salt added. ,.33c) and get 18c worth of different. invasion forces home if U.N. troops 'for our very existence and inde­ support, the Arab bloc in the United Nations planned to ask MQRREU PURE PORK free coupons with every Pinehurst 99c So/e were etatiohed on the Aqaba coaat pendence. p , p ers Reveal the U.N. Assembly today to clamp crippUng economic and SILVER LANE 3 pkgs. M ix'« or motch 'om . . We have a supply of and Egypt la Imn-ed from Gaza. From the opposition side, Jacob military sanctions on Israel. . « most everything MarjoriS The Prime Minister rejected Pres­ Meridor of the Herut (Freedom) Dulles* Oilmen The 27-nation Asian-African group was expected to bring Pictsweet Pictsweet Mills recommends. . . ident Eisenhower's latest appeal party said the Israeli people are 39 for an immediate withdrawal but “ united in saying ‘no’ in capital the sanctions demand before the General Assembly this after­ SWEET MIXED PICKLES ^ -^ e Sausage Meat PEAS FRENCH PRIES Doeskin Majtc Tow'els aaid Israel wanted more negotla- lettera" to a further withdrawal. noon, then wait for the United States to declare its podition. > 36' tiona with the United States and Meridor aaid the "threat of sanc- S e cr^ Parley ^ boxes 9 9 d ^ boxes 9 9 < Doeskin Tissues O m Poyod Socks 'Froshor by For the U.N. Washington, Feb. 22 (,/P)— President Eisenhower and Sec­ FRESHLY GROUND ' Ylgal Alon, a former general in (Continued 01 Page Eleven) Yon ^ Hirto ono-pound poekogos of Hi|s Doeskin Napkins Washington, Feb. 22 ((P)—- retary of State Dulles expressed regret today that Israel “ has Sen. O’Mahoney (D-Wyo) high qiioliry sousogo at this bargain prico; Pinehurst Sunsweet cooked Prunes not yet found it possible to withdraw her forces from Egypt, said today papers subpoenaed but said the “dTOr is certainly not closed” to further nego­ Pinehurst 99c Sale Mott’a Apple Juice from this files of major oil tiations. “ . Wi------Fruits Mix 'om or motch 'om Hale’s Coffee ■’85' Sultarno’s Plan Hits companies “ show clearly that White House press secretary they have an. important ef­ James C. Hagerty made that Pictsweet Pictsweet Georgia Votes Jbs. Vegetables.,, fect on the policies of the statement to newsmen on behalf 3 '1.00 SPINACH ORANGE JUICE of the President and Dulles after RITTER United States’’ in the Middle 5 0 os. caiu 9 9 ^ . . . This week, we were Elsenhower and the Secretary ot 6 9 9 < pleased to hear Bob Stsela East. State had conferred for an hour To Accuse Six Price Goes Down Again mention Pinehurst as a place b ’Mshoney told a reporter that and a half on the latest Israeli TOMATO JDICE ^•83e one •ot the papers reveals that Sec- la lamdsoine decanter betWe of maay naea. CLEAN w a s h e d where yOu could get a full turn-down of Eisenhower's pro­ Pictsweet P ictsw set line of Farmhouse frosen Jakarta, Indonesia. Feb. 22 (iPi— ' of State Dulles had a secret In High Court FRESH P rudent Sukarno last night un- into, the cabinet: ...... posals . aimed at getting Israeli ORANGE JUICE MEAT PIES pies. ,, . meeting with executives of the in­ troops out of Egyptian areas they 1 .veiltd his formula .for political "It wasn't long befors the Com- j ternationaltemational oil Arms last August SPINACH 3 13 os. Cana 9 9 d peace in Indonesia: A “ national .munists were.ninnlng the country. still hold. AUanU, Feb. 22 (IP) — The PURE HOMOGENIZED 4 8 9 d when the Middle East - crisis was Georgia legislature today called . . . Farmhouse pies are unity" cabinet-of ail - parties. in­ Sukarno spoke of 11 years in starting to boil. Premier David Ben-Gurion told not only made in Connecti­ cluding the Communists 'vsdvised" which western Diplomacy ■ failed the Israeli Parliamsnt yesterday for impeachment of six omembahs Cello Bag BM «» London Oonfecence of the U.S. Supreme Court, an ac­ 19c cut, but they are next door by a national council headed by Indonesia. It was not the system that his countr'.v would not pull out tr y; He. said the rneetlng was ju s t! tion jyhich minority members de­ SHOULDERS neighbors to our own Asso­ himself. which was '.vrnng, only the peo­ before Dutlee* went to an urgent j of the Gaza Strip and the Aqaba nounced as “ ridiculous" and a "bit A Fovorito IramI Offorihg Rod Economy! ciated Grocers warehouse in ■'At last lAhi convinced \ve used ple r inning it.” ■ London conference called because I Gulf area under existing condi­ WethersSeld. the wrong system — western tions, The Israelis have made a o f tomfoolery.” Abs.di, a newspaper of tlie Mos­ of Egypt’s nattonaUutioh of the j ' The House gave final iegialatlve SPRY Democracy,’’ Sukarno declared in Suez Canal in July. 1 prior guarantee against EgypUan 1^ pM and aO you baha or fry. Colory Hoorts lem M isjuini party, one of ' the approval by concurring 113-13 in Halo's offors .frosh drossod podtry!—OAFETTE . . V Of course. Cherry Pi# an address at the presidential "The papers in the possession of j aggression a condition for moving palace to 000 political and military “big three" parUes, asked that out. an amendment to an impeachment' ROASTERS. F6WL, IROILERS. CHICKEN PARTS. will be in demand Friday, the Pre.sident'“glve ua.a medicine the BUbc'ommittfe show that these readluUon, which .the Senate had Boot Grooiis but for the weekend give a leaders. His words were broad- major oil companies have the in- Eisenhower hod sought a com­ cast throughout the. crisis-ridden for w r troubles, and not .f .pew promise with an offer of Aiherl-' paaaed yesterday 37-11. The meas­ thought to Farmhouse C3ioc- gl al4r track in coruralting and in ' ure now ‘ goes to Gov. Marvin SUNSHINE KRISPY SALTINES Bb^ 27o Island repuIDliC. sickness. can backing for the protecUon ot RONE.IN B roeeoH olate Pie, Pecan Pie or the Illiterate knowing what our government is ' Griffin, who alraady haa given it old standbys, Apple' or Blue- Sukarno said the National going to do in this area," Israeli interests in the areas if the Council would repreaent ail classea However, there was consider- Is>-aeUs would pull back.” hia blessing. KEEBLER’S MILK LUNCH u. 39s Groon Now Cobbogo beiry. O’Mahoney sfid. The last voice raiaed in opposl- of 'society but he did not specify aple dqubt how far the newspapers "They show that these com ^ In tho coimse of their White' it* ‘•owers. .Tb*- csbiMt! ■h'ei-asiiLi r<■eflectsd ___ the oolnlMM of lion ' W a s that of Rep, D. B. B(iSlalock F o m ilp D paaisa ihjWn'- 'lwara -JnforMinWsn ?' BiaenhowarAfiil. o f Cefwata County.-He toM- the would re4ect the composittenpqf donesianlonesian people, 0o per cent ’or than the .Congress of th* United Duller'.talked by 'telephone with. parliapient. J- - whom are illiterate. For them; House, "I cast a vote 08 Ibis last PrioiNrt Now En^loiM States about our poltctes in* the Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.. U.S. am­ week that I am ashamed of, and POT ROAST >36 The President added that the Sukarno is the great national hero l^iddle East," Lamb and Eive Equal Spring bassador to the United NaUoos. I want to apologiza to this House Rriek Ovoo Fricod liht tho "G ood p w Doys" Pinehurst Grocery cabinet and 'council would resolve O’Mahoney heads an investiga­ Dulles, however, said this coun-' any differencea that arose between (Continued on Pnge Bight) Although winter has another month to fun on th« calendar, a sign as well as a symbol of spring—a and to the people o f Georgia. 1 SELECTED RIPE tion by two Senate subcommittees try would not make a formal move hope you will kill this bill by re­ Many special prices on other items. PictsWeet manager wants in on the them In "brotherly, discussion.” Of recent oil price rises and the time of rebirth and regeneration—Is contained in this scene, of a day-old Iamb walking on atilt wob­ for a further delay in UN, debate MMITED QUANTITYI then "ail of us will shake hands.” fusing to. agree with the Senate TOMATOES Frozenn FeFoods ■ * .. It will pay you to cktu^'entire effort to supply petroleum prod­ bly 1 ^ with its mother. The Iamb and ewe were photographed y^terday on the farm of Gerald R. OT the Urael-Egypt ioaue, set for amendment.’* RAKED BEANS display. The Preeident appeared to Japan Premier HI: ucts to western-Europe. this afternoon. The amendment deleted a sec­ recommending that the natloq of Rlsley, off Tunnel Rd. in Vernon. (Herald Photo by Oflara). lArge Shut 99e Some documents subpoenaed Israeli’s am ^ssador Abba Ebaa tion which Senators referred to as O I x o n Cp/opfo/ Skfn/ess Box of 4 82 million people adopt on «' na­ from Sles of oil flrma already have .had been called home for consul­ I I ’ f S g Cabinet Set to Quit “undocumented." Pea B eans . . . . 2 ca iu 55c tionwide scale the aystem o f gov­ been disclosed In the hearings. tation* on the American stand in special deal this weekend ernment by unanimoua council ac­ . *Flgbt for Sovereignty* O’Mahoney said others would be support of U;N. demands for xn Peyton Hawes, adminlatration GIANT Tie Red Kidney ...2.c«|i8 55c Our moat monagor, Charlts McCai^hy, tion that prevailed whim the Is­ Tokyo, Feb; 23 (JPl—Doctors an­ made public later. Blast Sh atters Escapes Shot Norfolk Local Israeli pullback. lands were a-collection of isolated .floor leader, praised the resolution. REGULAR 2 for S8e salacts only wall known quality brands for nounced tonight Prime Minister The hearings now are in. recesa Bcn-(3urlon in turning down a. He said it was a “waapon in Geor­ YeUow E ye a .. .2 cans 59e From Pero tribes and villages. until next Wednesday. l|Ioat of the’ Of Assassin’s Gun featured specials. Moat newspapers except those Tanzan Ishtbaahi will require at new .jilea from Eisenhower for gia’s fight for aoveraignty.’’ Ynth'Oosvea FRANKFURTS “ An Apple A,D*y’’ oil- conmanles remain to be heard. Caustic Soda Signs to End Compliance with the U.N. decialons -36 least two more montlu to recover Identified with Sukarno’s Indo-, 'Sweeplag Exemption’ Saigon, South Viet Nam, Feb, 22 expressed hope “ the door la not (CeiitiBaed oa Page lagbt) nealan Nstionsllst Party (PNl) from pneumonia, which has idled O’Mahoney aaid* that the plan D o lic io a t Swift Premium apprars only on Swift’s best and the Communists -attacked the- (#1 ’-Presldsnt Ngo Dlnh Diem nar-, .xloaed to further dlscusalon" and Luncheon Snacks him since mid-January. Hie cabinet “to provide a substitute flow of Tank in Texas rowly escaped an assaasin'a buUet Dock Walkout aaid his government would “ malu products and we are glad to offer at a verv spe­ Our A.sG. warehouse just P' eai dent’s proposals. Much , of immediately went into session to oil for our western alUea, a per- B oM w k is received • new car of Tprk tlelr opi^Mfitioq was based on the. today. A government minister was A further effort to reach an ifnder- cial price- decide whether to resign.' Houston, Tex., Feb. 22 ’the standlng with the United Stale#.’’ LARGE UOLOGNA State cream style Yellow recomjnbndatioh to include - the Kyodo News Service said a mass (Laattaoed on Rage Bkvea) wounded seriously; Norfolk, V*., Feb. 22 (P)—The Lb. 36c M e in to t h Cora. York State is famous Reds in the government. explosion of a tank containing 125,- With that aim obvioualy intnind BLUE resignation la almost certain. CKX) gallons of caustic soda rocked The doughty little 5«-year-old last obstacle to settling thS East he sent Ebon hurrying back here Bulletins SW IR 'S PREMIUM. FULLY COOKED for good corn , . . and we See Security Leaks Ishlbaslti, 72, was commissioned President was unruffled and pro­ Ctokst' dock w'orkers atri)—An Air Force OU4 tm rrj- NOMfl A ouAtfrr { REEF C H O P SU EY . . RuMot Fofotoos utes after a cabinet meeting broke out. Sion was not Immediately deter­ man. tary of State dlSeussed the apeech tog 159 American eervioemea CORN up. mined. • ' The attempt took place at Ban- hours and followed earlier accept­ PAPER WAPirfir a t : Note these are shankless, skinless and fully Four doctors made a 30-minute For Criticism ance . in Baltimore of a general of last night of I^m a Minister crasblanded on aa Island in the S i b s . 3 9 e cooked . . . no cooking shrinkage. (11 to 14 lbs.) (Yellow Cream Style) -Another independent peper, the exemlnation .of . (he ailing prime A. M. Koury, industrial relationa methout, near Saigon, Ben-Guiion of Israel Insofar aa the Haa Blver tonight. Not n man A POPWIAt PRICES MEATLESS CHOWMEIN ... .. 49c Indonesian Raya, recalled what . The wounded minister,was Iden- wage pattern providing 32 cents 23c The round half (shankless) will be 79c. We. will Hartford, Feb. 22 (fi-State Tax manager of the plant, reported the an hour wage increase over a 3- text was available. was killed bat 10 to 15 oaffered happened to Csechoelovakia after (Centinned on Page Fonr) fire resulUng from the blast was serions Injurle*. Tbe Mg sUp 2for2Te Ytlth Ceapea A free can of Chow Mein Noodle* with each of the above. cut slices out of your ham, by request. Oommiasioner John L. SuIUvan to­ year span. ■ ^ “ The President and the Secre* contained ahortly after 10 a.m. I (Coatiaued oa Page Pool) tary regret that the government of was carrying 140 men back to 7 C a n s . day lashed back at state auditor (CST) about 45 mihutea after the; . Settlement in Hampton 'Roads duty from leave in Japan. 8he had been held up because of sev­ Israel has imt yet found it possible from Idaho' - L«an Pln*burat Pinehumt criU ci^ for hi* decision t6 waive j exploeion. ’ 1 to withdraw iU force from the had a crew of 10. Frozen Food Specials For Resolute Leadership many tax penalUes during the 1056 eral local lakues.. The two sides Gaza Strip and the Gulf of Aqaba. ,, . Witness said amoks and fire finally agreed Uiif morning. 10 ozs. B cA log Chuck Ground Sousogo Moot / flood period. poured fromsthe hugs plant, and "The door ia certainly not closed PEEK AT KNEECAPS AOdltore Raymond 1. Longley hone were able to get cl6ee during David Aiatoh, longs^reman to further discussion of the Paris, Feb. 22 TOe first News Tidbits vice president tor the port, gave situa- SNOW CROP BRUSSELS SPROUTS ...... 31c F o t o t o o s ib . 4 9 c (Case of 34 $ 3 .3 5 ') • and Raymond 8. Thatcher, in an the first 30 minutes. ■Uon. faahionable peek at feminine 2 lb s. 9 9 c audit report today, said that a the employes their ba^-to-work kneecaps aiaee the 1920A waa • r Home ^ J. Edgar Hoover Given Emergency vehicles, police fire Culled from AP Wires Welcome New Talks “ general relaxaUon occurred in the trucks, and ambuiancea streamed orders at 10 o’clock. “ The President and the Secre- provided today by dress da- S l b s . 4 9 e from Houston. Alston said Norfolk dock work­ RED L FRENCH FRIED HADDOCK ...... 42e ^ Beef prices continue low, and Chwrlie wUi hav* plea- assessment of statutaiy penslUea" taqr welcome such further discus­ algncr Balenciagn- In Us moathp during the July 1 - Dec. 31, 1955 The only injured person identi­ r ers would return to their posts at sion because they believe that a Into show, he flew In the faea ty oTtesder roaats, steaks aad other cut* from 8wtft ■ Former University of Connecti­ 7 p.ni. rremhnn and oUier choice beef. Freedom Group Award period. fied immediately was Red Kirk­ full understandii^ ot the United .o f Dior’s dictate that sklrto “ Both the number of waivers .and cut Comptroller Assistant Francis In New York, longshoremen -FRORgN • MUELLER'S DATENUT or BANANA BREAD .; 49e land, a foreman from the company, J. Mahoney dies at SO in Hanover, States position and the United Na- should cover or nearly covor tha ths dollar amount Incnoased sub- who was rushed to « nearby hoapi- dalf. Balenciaga’s eerar K to atantlsUy" during this period. tal. ■ N. H . , Sraate Judiciary Commit­ (Conttnued en Page Pour) (Coattiiued en Page Eight) ouasaRV: m. '« .. . In addition to Regular Sirloins at 4»9c lb- and flqt or dtOREETTA Valley Forge, Pa., Feb. 22 (SP)—^ t e d with inUgrity in the same tee anaeuaec* it will held a public are so .hobble-tight ttant'OipT J. Edgar Hoover, dlrectof of the iLongley and Tbatchen ssid.~ The u u : e o v Keebler Chaco. Fudge ELBRRTA mold of the founders of our t«- Officer A. J. Baughman ibid he hearing next Tuesday on nomina­ aetoly ooter the knee, MO hMuqr doubla bona Sirloins at 79e will ba sura to Federal Bureau of Investigation, public." ■. auditors maintslned tlist the tax was abopt a mUe away from the ride np when the sandwich ahd Choco. s h o r t c a k e commissioner baa no authority un­ tion of William J, Brennan to be a ptaasa you. today- was awarded Freedoms After accepting t h e honor, paper company, and said “It rocked justice of the Supreme Court. , walk by. .conut CTookies jri the’ eco­ Foundation’s Miriest honor "for der the law to. vralv* or forgive tax Jury Names 20 in Tulsa Hoover took over tbe task of hand­ penalties. Tbe latter are imposed the whole area.” Official Hungarian newspaper nomical .family one Ib. his resplute leadership sgslnat ing' out Foun<^tion awards-rse-. Paaodene is an induatrial com­ WELIKSS AT 147 Again this week, we feature C3ioice Round SLICED due to late filing of tax returns, aceusca Joseph Cardinal bflkdazcn- ESdidiKew bag, we have these hew godless cflftamuniam.’’ lected by a Jury headed by Dr. failure to file correcUV, and the munity about 8 or 10 miles directly ty of persecuting priests working Cleveland, Feb. 22 (J*) •— Wel­ varieties Steak Roaats at 59c lb. and meaty 3rd thru 7th Hoover, head of the FBI etnee Francis - Pendleton Gaines, presi- Hke. east from downtovn Houston. terweight cMunpioa 'Carmen Ba- PEACHES dsnt of Washington and Lee Ug:- in (Communist “ Peace Movement".. FLO U R SALE! ribs of Choice Oven Roast of Beef at 59c Ib. 1034, was.among 763 individuals, . CItee Fleod Are* Aid The Houston Ship channel Js Electric Boat tsaoc* eaclict -com- Police Heads, Reporter alllo and challenger Johnny Sax­ versity—to other top Winners. bordered by a vast aeries of indus­ ton each weighed in today at EGGPLANT* No. 303T businesses, orgsnixatlona a n d e Burning Over the criticism. Com­ mrmoraUng completion of 20,000 Lb.-23c schools cited in ^ c i s l George 7n this chore he followed Pres­ missioner Sullivan skid he felt his trial and chemical p'mts. leagues or 60,000 miles steamed exactly 147 ponnds, the Umlt for Cans Washington'e birthday ceremonies ident (then General Elsenhower, side of Ole story should be told. It is ths channel up which ships tonight’s 16-round fltle match at 99c who handed out the awards in the by the Nautilus without refueling.' Indicted in Licpior Plot e u for furthering “ the American ,wpy “ This period under question was come from the Gulf of Mexico to Israel says abe will call last of the Cleveiaad arena. |iRiftSrr'* e u o a NanoNat *S i h w 5 L b . B e * 5 3 C CUCUMBERS. For Form Frosh Fowl for Fricossoo from The same fine peaches in the Foundation’s first year—1040; Houston. 2 29c ipf Ufa" by what they said, wrote th* period ef the flood, when the Vice President Nixon. Gen. Omar tnvasloa lereea home I f UN troops U. S. NO. I LIMESTONK RUSSET BAKING Cdvoufry. Ckkkon ForH, Brolors. Fryors. large 3H can for 3 9 ^ can. or did. state and othera irare trying to do ars stationed along Egyptian IIHUBTINRIOT Bradley. Adm. Arthur W. Rad­ everything poesible to help flood____ (OoatlaiMd oa Page Four) Tulsa, Okla., Feb, 23 (J)—roUce.^ing the '‘unselfish and meritorious Salonika, Greece, Eebw n (ff)— In a ’ flag-draped, converted ford; the late Dr. Robert MUUlum, Coaat and Gulf of Aqaba and if Commissioner’.mmiMinn.f Jay.t.w L.T' Jones. Tnr,.. Tulaa'a 'T,.i..'.T|*|.vice" rendered by the jury to Revolutionary Weir bara that over- victims whb lott so heavily In the A mob o f about 1,000 students atoipic scientist; Dn Milton Ei­ dlaaaters, * Egypt la barred from Gaza Strip: highest law enforcement officer, the TTulea community, immediately stoned' the U.S. InformattM POTATOES 5 Lb. Bag 33c loolu the hilly fieida where Wash- senhower, now head of Joiuu Hop­ . . Flock , of sheep from Jordan tbe police chief and a prominent suspended Livingston. Lt. Oeorge ii^ o n ’s b e d ^ g le d Army spent “Iraet of these cakes involved Service' office here toda}'. P»- Also Farm Fresh nus. perhaps. Will bc the kins University, anS Clifford 8. persons and businesses in the Air Force Cancels waadera late Israel aettfag off 30- newspaper reporter were among C. O’Neal waa temporarily ap­ Hee called out the Army t o help the bitter winter of 1777-78, Hoo­ Hood, president of United States minute exchange of fire between 20 pew na indicted yesterday by a pointed chief with orders to i-e- from local terms last sUpmeat of spaetal pack ver accepted the George Washing Wlnsted, Torrington, Putnam and restore order. TOe youths LOOSE TOMATOES 29c (le deal) Kraft Da Luxe Steel Oorp. Ansonls flood-dsmi^ed ares*. In Wild Rocket Hunt Israeli t*x>opa and Arab Legion­ federal grand jury. They were'ac­ port directly to the mayor. Norvell clashed with police durtug a TABLECLOTH i NAPKIN ;'ET and ort the special Margariac. Boy»l Ib. for 80c, award—$6,000 and a special honor Besides Hoover, other top sward naires. cused of conspiracy to violate the said the other police officers also ipedsl—for making what the- foun­ some Cases, even the cash kept naarch oa the Britlah Ooasuiato value Hat ipiis get the Sad Ib. for raty ONE winners Included: to pay taxes was washed away in Alamogordo, N. M., Feb. 22 iJPt British court acatcaces 17-year- federal liquor laws by aiding in would be suspended shortly. to protest the. Ualtod Nations 4 9 c dation caUsd “the moat important old Greek Qypriet plumber to BANANAS 2 29c week. CENT. The U.8. Defense Department, the floods." . . —T{)c location of the remnants o t . . . the Importing of texpaid liquor SO ‘Overt Acts* General Assembly’s fallura to contribution during ites by an in­ Girl Scouts of America, Nohnan The tax chief aaid that while (^ t h for firing revolver at BritlahT] into constitutionally dry Olcla- adopt a reoolntton favorable to dividual or group toward tbe im­ an sprant military rocket appar­ The single true bill listed 30 CToUege, College Park, Oa.; Ma­ he realised the law provided no ently may remain lockad unknown Army warrant officer last Novem­ homa overt acts" allegedly performed Greek rebela on tbe Island of provement of the Amerlofn struc- rine Cpl. C. V. GaUagher, New way at waiving the tax penalties ber.. .Pope respeads to cbeeia (>f The indictment. climaxed seven by ths defendants. The report de- Cyprua. Eleven pereons were to- Florida Oranges Doz. 55c ■tore of freedom." in the h i^ Rockies of Colorado or York a t y ; editorial writer Tom '•the law apparently didn’t' antici­ the colored desert reaches of Utah. 2,000 y.S. ■ sailors from Oirrler weeks of work by th* grand jury, tailed 'instances where it said •Jured, nene eeriously. PINK SEEDLESS FRESH LOCAL EGGS BpeciflcaUy, ih« Foimdation at Horner, of the Akron (Ohio) iMa- pate such a catastrophe." Yesterday '(the. 39H toet long Forrestal as he views them in. St. headed by U.S. Atty. B. Hayden money was given to police officers, Sta Sth annual awards presentation coniJournal; Walt Disney /Sjid “I couldn’t go along with the Matador escaped remote controls Peters Square. Crawford. He said the jurors had allegedly for prottotion against POLE FACES CHARGES ! Kraft honored the FBI chief *ttor hU de­ Disneyland, Inc.; Oeneral Federa- imposition of penalUea on' people opelAtsd from Holloman .Air De­ Governor Riblcoff slgas bill returned only a. partial report and raid* or arrests. votion beyond duty to the 'cause of Washington, Fob. 22 (By-Sen. GRAPEFRUIT ^ 3 , Doz. tion of Women’s C^ldba. and War- and businesses who suffered such velopment . Officials aaid forming University of Hartford will meet «.galn next week. More Others indicted we.re; Eastland (D-Mlse) said today PORKABEANS Doz. it trying for a spot in the human liberty through four dec- ner Brother* Pictures, Inc. LARGE SIZE terrible disasters during thie flood it had about an hour's fuel left. . made up of Hillyer .College, Hartt indictments are mcpected. Martin Edwards, Eliper Oakley, be trill file contempt of Oen- imported Swiss Gru>T9re his reeoluu leadership All t^d, the non-profit non- period," he said. “I fAt a moral They said they believed It soared Musical Foundation aHd Hartford In addi(loh to Jones, others gross charges agatast Ludwig gadlege communism—do- John Hood, Leo Johnson, Fred A. market . ... with » new poUtieal, non-^tarlsn freedoms justification to waive the penalties northwestward over flve-aixtha of Art School. - .(^vlUan mechanic named included Police <3M*f Pa\il' 'yriffing .and Bernard Neil Wil- Itajehmnan, PaSah ieiegsfs to Open Tonight and Friday^^ight till 9 :00 ia ia te « M tatorantional: for his foundations gav* out in in deserving cases." ' ^ New Mexico and lUPOl^bly landed badly burned when Jet crashed into J'. livlngaton and Nolen Bulloch, a United Nsttena a «toej’ wh* |aekage to sell at bnly l o f charooier and courage, liluns, all bootleggers; Don Gray, cash switrda Jo ^$0. w l^ r a . Oommiasioner SuIUvan niadk it in aouthwest Colorado or aouth- garage yesterday died today in veteran Tulsa Tribune general aa- idehflfted as a liquor dealer at An- defied a Senato anlvaena and 'e' to the youth o f tho Medals aad otbir av^ab to the PiaMutrat is balfwa)i Um 1^ High lain that there were .“no pojlUcs aast Utah. The r ^ o n ia a|Mires- Hertford,! N. C. ' algnment re(>erter. S)X'other po­ dereon. Mo. and OpoUs, K ^ .; left the ' ' ''■* ] f JMtHALC aad tbtf Sho OM vfOr Alt tOM to s»lsetoai totoled an SI'ivoIVsd’' ■ ...... ia lstting up «n the tax populated, a iand w hen indus­ Negro. Seantptraaa ___ .moved. . lice department membera accused Thaopolis Scoggins, grocer aad be expeeto Bajehannn WfS in> 10 Os. r,-, 1 M A M C H l S m t C p n i i * 'lOfiifiM. -'N- ! - penalUSa..'- try la based on ranehhkg. mining, irlo white Datrblt neighborhood in tbe raport were Jack OoU,'L*o dia'T uM ilu aad Mala St. Fraa Parkiag. Ctoea all day GeUlt at Pinehurst ' - 4 KmMmUi ; ranehhkg. poSUcal worker; C liffB . Wells, turn to the IMNedEtotan sea *' M H U e* OIANS Friday, Waahlngtm’a Bii^day. .For ttA first tima (Us yaar tbs "Wsfra Btill gatUng tjia tax dita l0(rgliig, natural gas and^iondToU ■ays abe wUI istoy In aplto of Jackson, John m . Cole, Jim R.' profesalOTsl bondsman; John Mc­ P O R N U m a i n ood OAK STRI tlM‘ naplr that awwdsihto tha aUta,“ ha aaid. "It’s just that I TO# 7Air Fore*“ piaimed to giv* deraepstratteaa \against her and Harp, William ‘R Petoraon and Afee, blUord parlor, ^mrator; ' «fis fesr^ whit* woman who sold her tha OUver BtmbMUL ' . . . who has Kail Pag* # * « ) propatty. ' Mayer' Gaarg* K. Norvalt aft* r)


-j'.- - •.-.••-.■rvr ■■ ■ 'L-V . « • 'd A JL-- . .. , b-- at .*.* -a A L -S. ' I * • •'• /■■ . . ’ - \ ' . . . • . : ^ • •■* , / •’ :'?■: ■ ;1'-. ?, '. .<' ' ’ ..' ■/ ■■ ■' ^ ' ■■''

. ' < ICANCHESTER flV^SNING HEI MANCHESTER, CONN.» FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1957 P&G& TWO ...... ■ifc...... i.-ii-. I i\ Tiitra .-iii MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1967, r '.- i PAGE O f ■Mi a gas md eervlce station on South HW llllln a w M a siaiqaiiqfqm Be pays K would oontowe on Martin Gets RevisM RockviUe-Vernott*> I , west of Grove St. ’ abdut the same basis as now at In2^Ciu* C hidi Sheinwotd ob fridge ■ * 5. ^------' ' Scheduled tor March 7 at 3:30 Doubt Remains on Question toe beginning, , and toe town would p.m., the hearing will be held in undoubtedly make as full as poa* One Inlury and two arraats w en the City Court room. atble a use of vohmteer aeiylees*— Proposed High School Bids ' Of Town Clerk for Vernon the reauita of two aealdaato, t t H a e r a v B f i a t Ketth:deatov Ob Dean'a List Answered by Martin Marttn said the ■ head of toe oarly tMa morning laR s a t u r d a y in e it h s g r e a t Tiown Fine Oepartmaot, W, CUN ^ ^ wots VRAX. TRICK Neither ddr mlhersble David Payne, son of Mr. and !:. K ' nigbt, poUea rep today. ' Alfred BheiinrVld NORTH OB an informal t«<^«dMrged that he got no aoppeit fWd Mastwi, ahonld have the op* i The Board of Bducatlonh budg^'la very reaUsUe for our bOM Carol To Be Sought Next^. Month Vra.-Clarence Payne, Center-St., Rockville,- vFeb. 22 (SpMlal)—»has ~)>een acted upon or accepted from Republican Dtreetbra the portunlty to plan for operating one et request of |8,0tT,710 was sub* qchbdl enrollment and plani 'T cannot tell a lie,’’ obnfessed A I $ t - has been named to the dean’s list Despite the fact the town likely to meet with stiff opposition able Manchester to ^^tpetuato bUu Dabrowskl was ajieesenger posed high school on Loveland Hill The committee will fill the 1. from Thorp, who made it clear the vote anh toe effective date of con* felt that repaUu were needed. te a car dflven by John T. Koblm^' was amussd. Mr. Fox had Just F t $ 4 F 7 $ $ 3 will be aought early next month. Public Health Nursing Asan., 13 receive' the Interim appointment. naetton with poa^ihle conaoUdaUon its fine educetlonel pragranl. d A 8 4 . d * • B vacancy at its next meeting March Park St. starting March 7. Incumbent Town Clark Kerwln Henry F. Butler, active Repub­ District officials will brook no In* eolidatimi, V it 1* voted. In a covering letter, School The new budget contains a la- akl, 17, RockvlUe, which coUlded "stolen’’ an unmakable contract Allen A. Schaefer, co-chairman of 13 vyben full attendance la expect­ A. Eilliott, who resigned and sub­ t t the xaghth Sdiobl and UtlUtieB The mansger speculated toat U palrs Item of HS.d^S. Last year, wltti n ear drivsn by Robert O. J p T * A $ 4 ' The series of five lessons, will lican. was endorsed by the GOP terference from what they tool are Board Chairman SherWood " m them . the togb school building commit­ ed, Schaefer aaid. sequently withdrew his resigna­ Town, Committee Monday night. Diatrict with the town. forces ontslde toe District. might take the whole Of a fiscal Robb eays toat toe budget had after cuts, toe School ISoard budg- Baker, S3, o t OM G antoer St. a t Wbst imened SOUTH \ tee, paid today, be svsilable to any mother-to-be year to make such plans for ovsr* dtod 1^5,015 for repairs. 9:1$ p.ta., aooordtog to peUee. Mr. FOX ' T Theft at BPHNA Office who lives in Rockville, Vernon jr tion, has still not received an opin­ Butler was appointed by the Board FURNITURE been prepared w ith an eye to eco* .toeaijf^ apadee, t He added that the committee ex­ Director Kugene Kelly OTggert* TIndWg at Veto all operatlor,. Rodewaki said he waa driving A A Q Theft of about $26 was reported Elllington and is under 'the care ion from Town Counsel Harry H. of Selectmen Tuesday evening, ed St toe Board meeting that toe One of toe questions Martin nomy as weU as to the need for '^o tee Inereaee la Rapalm Bast pwsW the pects to be ready early in April to Lugg on Elliott’s contention that ■everal* hours after Elliott had Would Ooatorae OpemRou providing "the hiBtoricaUy fine 'The inereaee in repairs,’* the north on Oardner St and was FKJd advertiae for bida for construction by the Rockrille Public Health of a private physician. , XBreetora hold aoeae sort of meet* songht to answer Jn his report con* rauadtog a curve when ho saw toe Ung, an^M r. d Q J 10 $ Nursing Office yesterday. Police his resignation had been with­ sought to withdraw his resigna­ tiw at which ographienl reasons. Re $5,688,0®!, which cost the town At the same Item, Robb ael Technical details of the construc­ The nursing office is in the Pro- aociatlon to home patlenU to the trlet planned to hold a meeting at Thorp, who. has atoadfssQy re* pear to Town Court March 3. fesal

WImh iooktog I6if fine food, □ advantages of shopping on Manchester's famops Mile-Long Free Parking at Both Keith Stores OTHERS MAY TRY TO COPY OUR SKILLFUL GCUFS frton^ atmoiiihiee, courte­ Main Street W OU . . . BUT IT IS NEVER DUPUCATED B-i-m jfcllM . z :' ous aarvice, oobm hara—fo r □ *nito la tile Ftoee.” O _ MANCHESTER □ r • v w m ^ m e m b e r -- a mile, pf stores to shop J K e i t h F s t r u i t i i t FOB □ liELipRIAL COMPANY^ ' m i n A 'V E 'T S __ EVERT ,'V -V. . A . AMiETTI. FropM m 1115 MAIN ST. 31? MAIN ST. A ' VTA- • ■ I tflLyEMCTR^ □ J : \ V t s t r e e t —TEL. M l 9*5807 MANCHESTER EAST H A R r F C):. v^;;^^'^WGiBTE EAST CEME l RR Y l l H o da ODD Pd D d A 8 I STORES HAKE EVERYTHING :n m m m iri mw» a i> ^ MANCHtsTa-dkAMiBt o f coM M ntci iii V - a y ■ ■ ' '■ " r : -i'' - U i i M i l i i M l i M i CZ

> liAKCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 22, W57 1 -' P A lG X F 6 x m f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M A N C H ^ S » , CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1957 PAGE FIVE about tha fairgrounds as though i day. Her legal name waa Mar­ Norfolk L o cal /««ry in Tulsa *nothlng had happened. He later Boltoil Mrs. Luce Hits Rabbi Says Irish / guerite A. Smith. WUOffi-Mi - 20 B la st Sh atte rs * M o d e r a t o r tat in the stands and watched a St. Petersburg, Fla —^ Ffcy Daily Radio group of colorfully clad mountain MANCHESTER ^nctionsi Plan Treat. Jews V^ell Hartaell, 56, known profeaatonally Signs to End Caustic Soda trihesilneh.wha/had oome to greet More Tb4m SSO Interested as "M.echanp the Great," who per- | fV C O O -U N ■aatena DayUgtit TteN WPOP—1418 Police Heads, Repoi*fer him. The txllm paraded by with formed In movie ahorta and for; AUTO PARTS New/York, Feb. 22 *(>*V-Mrs. ^ ew York, Feb. 22 (J>-~Dr. Im- aome 50 yhlaphanti and ' racing' elgltt years In the Broadway hit; horacA Clai^er'Booths Luce, former ambas­ niuiuel Jakobo/its, the chief rab- rtm marnim pttmmn Dock Walkout Tank in/Texas In Salk Vaccination Clinic sador to Italy, says impi^ition of "Jlellzappppln," and who' offered | ROA5TING CHICKENS I*t Watcli economic sanctions against Israel i>i ot Ireland, says it would be a 350.000 to anyone who could make I •n ■millitf tfj Qm (W>o m am i*- ^ I___ C —HoJito'Homtor Indicted in Liquor Plot WDRC-The World TonigM '‘‘would be as destructive as a dec­ far better world .f all nations him smile, died-Thursday. i a tn*ff mad « r « Mittjact to cbontt lj|POP-Modani Seuada (Cm UrM frdni Pag* Om ) ■ tOoattaued Page One) Bolton; Feb. 22'(Special) — TheT The group haa voted to change' “I have r M your ads but didn’t'suppose they were 1/5 Japan Pren^ier 111: FOR MACHINE laration of war.' treated minorities as well as the Gloucestei^, Va. — Perc'ywatt • .true until^ tried your chickens. They ARE the most WltlMMIt MtiCO. WHAY—.Nfaiit Watch (Continued from Page One) cause "Vm not a fike/" He aald Later a call Was pot out for all Mother! March for tft# polio drive ita radio call lettera to the mdn- President E 1 s e n h o w e t-'^ald^ Irishman treats the Jew in Ire- Hood, 82, who retire Ir 1933 as i * sail) they had been instructed to ber ayatem effective in the)'near WTJC—Mrtiltor he would fight "this tning to tha availlble ambulancaa. ' ^ not only^-produced dollars to r that Wednesday night the UUKm Na-‘ land. j-dee p^ident of 'nhtken Detroit' delicious^ have ever tasted.” So a new customer toM us Ho«u* ' WDRC—Ruaa Raugtilnn return to work tomorrow. Cabinet Set to Qtiit SHOP SERVICE future. They are endorsing Ihglaia- t WPOP—Modern Soanda Failure to reach agreement'^n and Don Rucker, gambler and last btealh in my body." 'The aceng of the explosion is .(rent hutN:^vealed more than 350 tlons “has no choice btfi to exert Never in Ireland's history has Axle Co., and In recent years; r,pcenUyv For a special treat try them charcoal*bar- Ittai- ' Uguor dealer. C.S. Diatrict Judge R6yce H. tlon in the ctiri-ftnt aeaaton i f the pressure” on Israpi'‘''to withdraw there been anti-Jewish persecutioii manufacturer of the "Glouceater assssr 1“’'“ Baltimore and Hampton Roads only about 300 nllaa norUi of (Ooktiaaed from Page Om ) iitira, any day on order. WHAY—Night Watch had kept aome dS.OOO workers in All except Gray are Tulsa resi­ Savage i>vt the defendants' ar­ T e x u City, Tex., where one o f the Tfl. Ml MS28 adulta woultl-.^be int.reated In -a General Asaemfciy which will in- all ita troops frhm the Gaga Strip or oppression, says the 36-year-old Leg Stool" died Thursday. H e , ; w n c —Monitor dreaae flremen'a compenaation' to ., W ^ C —Rufia Naughtoa jiorts from Maine to Virginia away dents. raignment for Maiel<^4. great disuters of all times oc­ minister. They conferred for two clinic to adminlater Salk polio vac­ and the G u lf^ Aqaba. spiritual leader of Jewa in Ireland. was born in Lancaster, England. ' I WPOP—Modern Sounda In another development. Tulsa 340 a Week to col icjd. with provl- ilroih' their jobi after a maater curred April 16, 1947, houiA - \ cine locally.' Aa aNi-eault, Mra. r ; . ■The Pf4mden\ did not specify He said there are 'about 5,000 His wife, Mrs. Margaret H a rt; Open Houm County Atty. J. Howard Rdmond- aiona for wOrkmen's-compenaation: what.sim't of pressure should be ROGER OLCOn contract waa Ironed out in' Kew A ahtp explosion at Texas City Nohusuke- KisHi, who nsrrowl^ Knealand Jonea Sr. .has arranged Jewa In Ireland- 9o per cent of Hood, 81, a member of a promi-i I **W ^Y-Nlght WalCh son and Sheriff Glenn H. Brown' uspd; but the U.N. has’bMi) sched- w n c —Cavalcade or Sporta York Sunday nighjt. on that day resulted in chain tx- lost the prime .ministership to KA.SGi them in Dublin. One of them, he nent New Britain, Conn., family, j — 7C—R « mi' miier announced they have i^quested Bay Stale Driver ,.r cm,. „■ f. 403 West Center Street Mitchell 3-7853 - - - ■ KelOy WQRCrrRuaa Naughton The contract for Hampton' jointly by the local Grahgi ed to take, up the question of said, is a manufacturer of figure.s also died Tluirsdsy. I WPOP—Modern Sounda the callthg of a county grand jury pIoatoiM which took 513 Uvea and Idithashi and now Is foreign min­ im ^slng -sanctions on Israel. Roada, covering longshoremen Ih caused an'estimated mllUon to ister;, has been acting.prime min­ March of. Dimes chjopter. of Leprechauns—the little fairies Phoenix, Ariz. — Harry C. lt:lb - to look into the same area being Posts $75 Bond I'UEL on telephone lines to perml^ trapsfhia- In an interview yesterday Mrs. ! WHAY—Night Watch Norfolk and Newport News, em- }70 million in property damage. ister during Ishibaahi's illneJs. I t ■will be held from 6 to ,8 'p.m. of Irish folklore. -f’ owan. 74, New York City, chair­ . l^ b oU I Wl'lC—Cavalcade of Sporta covered by the federal jury. Dis­ Luca said: braeba most ot the featurea of the Feb. 28 In the Civil Defense !hel- alon O f a flre call. Th'a^remen Dr. Jakobovits waa in New York WDR^Rim Nekton trict Judge W. Lee Johnson as­ Kyodo speculated that Klshi will GASOLINf ' ‘-T ddubt that the time haa man of the board of the Wall WPOP—Modern Sounda general coaatwlde agreement A Bay State motortkt. wlio waa become prtme minister in a new ' ter at the Elementary School. The- state the legislation is asked to yesterdsy to apeak on tha subject Street brokerage firm of Cowan A vmc—ttof MUIrr sured the two county officials eliminate conditions which have come when the United States la WUHO-BMoraJUm« Itrib- These terms Include adjuatmenta injured severely in a l-car accl- cabinet and 'al*o keep his foreign local director of health will ad- of Jewish life ’ in Ireland before Co., died Thursday. WFOP—WnswoiM ' WHAY—Night Watch in wages, hours, welfare benefits such a...... grand jury will be , called . dent in Vernon Feb, 4 waa dls- Diem Escapes Shot been responsible for large flre loss­ prepared to say it wishes to vote Jewish and IriRli group.i. WTIC—Cavalcade of Sporta minister portfolio. Other ministers mlnater the vaccine at a nominal for the destruction of Israel Cleveland - - Mrs. Ethel Wead IMPORTANT when tha federal inquiry la com-. ghar|red yesterday from’ Manchei- es due to refusal of a ^ rty -lln o WORC—Ruad Naughton and pensions. are likely to keep their poets in a charge. Ha-will be assisted by two Mick. 75, founder of the Order ‘ Ite X-«etty lUmMi Concessions by the shippers on pleted. ter Memorial Hospital. B A N T L Y OIL user to grant this couttesv. New i through sanctions, especially in SS?&-K.cf, ib^SE?*’ —Mudarn ^ninda . Of Assassin’s Gun new Cabinet, Kyodo said. nurses,. Mrs. Byron H. Shinn and >'abian Barbrach Photo of Job's Daughters in 1920 in " tteTOe certain local isauei apparently Harmon PhiUtpa, managing edi­ York State has already enacted i the view of the conduct of other Edward Malik, 35,. of Brookline, A hew cabinet would find heavy ' i\i Mrs. O. 'W. Roberts. • AU y( (Robert Satter Omaha and the group's first - I ^ Hiller WHAY—Night Watch paved the way for this morning's tor of the 'Tulsa Tribune, released such legislation, flriimen report. | nations which have flirted openly Deaths Last Night WTIC—Cavalcade of Sporta who posted a 375 bond after being (CoaUaued from Page Oae) going in the Diet. The opposiUoti j>>* ■ ■'M ' I lii I. ! Others who will Include president, died Thursday. „iR O —1-Ktoord------OMp WDRC—Ruaa Naughton settlement. Ihese included a 3> this statement: NEW ADVANCE WPOP—Wnxwork* charged with reckless driving, will -I- - '' Socialists are militant in demand­ >Ira.'John Swanson Jr., Miss Mary AdditionalXwVto lor completion ! i': '» “J’ *’ Atty. Robert Setter of Hartford Omaha—cJapt. John K. Davis. ^^'l^fPOP—Modern SMnda week vacation for employes with "W e had noted the probable ing general elections. ■ilP— appear in Rockville City Court tifled as Do Yan Cong. He was- TEL Mlfcl.dl 9-457S iTedford,' Miss Grace Tedford, Mr. impose will act aa moderator in a dis­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 4':, San Diego. Calif., director of - WHAY—Reootil IM ee WHAY—Night Watch over six. years seniority and addi­ trend of the grand jury aeveral Ishihashl has never been able cussion of the film. "Chuck Han­ For Roliof from Common v W(XO-mioarO ftarlew March 16. State PoUcq said. rushed to a hospital in Saigon. and Mrs. Bruce G. Ronson and Mrs. Belgrade — Mimilds Trifunovtc, the Shore Establishment Depart- WTIC—Newa » tional paid holidays. weeks ago. A t that time we dis­ ' Malik suffered a fracture^ left to appear in the Diet since hla ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 Peter MaSsolint. at W lU lm ^tlc arbs also being " sen, One Guy," at the meeting of WKNB-P.M. > W D tt—Newa Alston said the workers would Oong ia minister for S'grlcultural 86, a premier ot pre-Communist n-ent of the Naval Reserve Train­ WPOT-Newa cussed the matter with Mr. Bul­ arm and multiple contusions when reform. He suffered a shattered election .as prime minlstei'. ' Every adult In the community sought liythe legislature, Ben Ezra Chapter. B'nal B'rith, . R e is e r meeb sometims nest week to rati­ Yugoslavia later Jailed by the ing command, died Wednesday. Rheumatic and Artinitic-likRPaiim' II lU — loch and made an Independent In­ his car went into a long skid on Socialists stepped up demands who is interested in obtaining this C h ie ^ Massollnl and Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the WPOP—Bob and Ray WHAY—Night Watch right arm and a pierced right lung. Communists, died Thursday. South Portland, Maine—Thomas fy tba pact quiry. We have 'complete confi­ RL 15. When admitted at the hos­ for a cabinet resignation in the last - protecUori is eligible \e attend the Speaker Typifies Temple Beth Sholom. ' An important new advance hu been art able to do the thingt that pain may WTIC—Sporta—Weather The aasaasin waa taken ii\|to cus­ Chief/Geo^e Nelson were among Sweet Home. Gre.— Klondike Pegler, 90, onetime pre.sldent of 2 WHAX-Raeord R o ^ .WDRO—Ruaa Nauighton, dence In hla Integrtty." pital, bia condition waa termed as few days, after reports circulated clinic. Mrs. Jones said "Ten years- S t i^ and city fire- officials who This film tackles the problems -made in the relief of common rheu- have been preventin|, ‘like tewing, tody by police. _He was reported to Kate, 77, the dance hall girl of th Gardener's and Florist's Club ■ wcug-Baoord Rayiaw WPOP—Modern Sounda Bulloch said he would M v e no "fair." that Ishibashi's illness was more ago we would have given anything ended a dinner meetihg Tues- of discrimination oi\ the job: It ' malic and arthritic-lika paini, due to walking, gardening, or luat having fun. II !lb - be a member o'f the Cab Dal reli- Career Woman Dawson CSty in the 1900 Gold of Boston and an authority on WHAY—Night Symphony - Commitees Set comment on the accusation and gioua sect. The President has many serious ' than his ruling Liberal for a preventative for polio. Now Tay at the Hotel Slaller in Hart­ depictor the changes in attitude of •tiff, aching joinit. It'i ZAtuaim ... a th* Ecsaowy Sixa VFOP—Bob and Ray "frameup." necticut industry. A spokesman Joseph Mack to indicate their in­ Coming Events prejudice and prejudiced people in meeting Wednesday evening In Diem has been president since magazine for its "World of Wom­ discovered by Gilbert and Sullivan relief houri later—thus giving you •l4b— H t said he know of no wrong said yesterday the hearings, open L "SAFELY FILLED" 4 terest. This registration la ' re­ industrial situations. WHAX-RwtiiX Ka«y Air Force Cancels Tinker Hall: October 1955. Region 2 of "the -Connecticut en” series as typifying the new in London when she was 20 and T V SERVICE lonter^lasliSt relief throughout the diy ^ S 3 1^| I | . n WOCC—Recntd RoTtew doing' in the Po'ice department to the public. wiU be held Feb. Security precautions were quested in order to have sufficient Association of Boards of Educa­ ' A^ty. Satter, a graduate of Rut­ and night. At a'reeull, once again you U I I I 1 1 1 WKNB-P.H.___ Walter Leclerc, chairman of the women of the Pan-American brought to the United States Days M A C A Call 2 and indicated unidentified peraoits 26-27 in the Ne'wr Haven Post Of­ quantity .of vaccine available at tion will meet at the local school at gers University snd Columbia Law w n c —Roaa HUUir Board 'of Directors; Wilfred Le- doubled' around Diem after- the in­ ^Arthur Dhir SiorM j countries. She founded the first where she sang jipposlte Caruso Nights m £e99 Plat Parte W D RO -Ri^ Sbop ■ Wild Rocket Hunt were "out to get rid of me" be- fice Building the dinic. 8 o’clock tonight. School, practical law for. five 3195 WELDON DRUG STORES mlre, Dr. J, L. Hebert, ta rry Cas- cident but he Instated on walking private nursery school Jn Santiago, and other operatic notables In this WPOP—Wcatbtr and K«« a To 51 ail Progress Reports Open House Set years, in New York, and for the TEL. M I 8-5483 901 MAIN ST. 487 MAIN ST. — 843 MAIN ST. tonguay, Denis E. Frechatte, Kl teaches adult Englisif classes at country and Europe, died Thurs-. (Oektlaned treoa Page Oae) bemi-annua] progress reporta to past five years has been associat­ phega H. Casavant. The Grange will hold Ita open the Chilean North American In­ R ra n ^ Oood Huaid Paul Grenier, chairman of the parents of local school children house tonight, beginning with a ed with the fi/m of Ritter and w S5b —Today la BporU up its, search this morning for the should be received in the mail this stitute, and still finds time to go Satter in Hartford. He is a lec-. WT10--Maira _ ^ way* and means committee; Ray potluck supper at 6:4.'), The pro on lecture tours. Wimc->Na«B; Waattaer big'miseile, which has a wingspan ciood Laurent, Denis E. Frechette, weekend. The school office reports j pram is scheduled for 8 o’clock turer of constitutional law at Trin­ WPOP;-Nawa a few minor revisions in the re-j and will seek to acquaint guests Tlie mother of four children, ity College. A former president of of 27.9 faet a ceiling of more than Kerman M. Frechette, Leo Paria- her husband is Juan Orrego-Salas, eau, WllUam Marsh, Mrs'. Yvonne portin|^form adopted two years i with the purposes of the organlza- the American Civil Liberties Un­ 3S.OOO feet and a spbed>in excess pianist and composer. latuUppe, Mrs. Irene Desrosters, ago. The changes are based on tion. ion, he is aft active member of the of SSO miles an hour. " ^ BUggestiona of both parents and vShe will speak at the Second wnm-«araat' 8p6keamen for the A ir Force Mrs. LorettA Marquis, Mrs. Jules Final Seesion civil liberties group in Hartford teasers. CotTgregational Church— at 8 and the Civil Rights Commission. and bdraaa said the search would be abandon- nUer. ■ The Board of Tax Review will WPOP—Lawranea Walk Mrs. Ida Cormier, chairman of AnAll ,J111|1U1 Important mm umiiiiuii,addition, thelilt: I . - ...... o’clot^ and will be introduced by The film will be-presented for ^ because continuation "would , achMl bulletin advises, is inclusion tsession to hear ap- Mrs. E\H. Phillips of the program tcost more than the miaaile is the atek and aunshine committea, Dospoir net! viewing by Mrs. Abraham RIkIn, F I N A L of * comment On whether the child I P*"®’* f^por assessments at the Sarenada ' Mrs. Denis and Mrs. Harm a'n co m m itt^ Hostes-ses will be Mrs. program chairman, in observance worth." They aald it did not car­ aeem* to be working to the best of Community Hall tomorrow from John Pre-s^n and Mrs. Paul A. ry an explosive warhead and waa Frechette, klrs. William C. Marah, of Brotherhood Week. ■------1 ObW' •Tho Trust Co." his aMlity. Thta infohnation is en- 9:30 a.m. to -4 p.m. Bori.'i. .The program la open to equipped only with Instrumenta. Mrs. Marie Paquette, M r* B. H. In keeping with the brotherhood Liomnarta sential before a parent can deter­ members and their guests. AHan BUght; minutes after the IMng Casavant. theme, each member of the chap­ hos somo rIco mine what, he should say to His Manchester Evening Herald Tickets for th^qnnual Women's at this teat center deep In south­ Mrs. Herman M. Frechette, ter has been requested to invite a TWIN chill} about hla school work, the Bolton correspondent, Doris M. Club Dance sfjiedi^ttpd May 4 at FEBRUARY chairman o t the pubUcity commit friend, of another faith to this )S^O&I^Sd*t^ralli>-Qood Hoald central New Mexico, the ground bulletin maintains. D'ltalia, telephone .Mitchell to-ground guided missile which is tee, assisted 'b y ' her husband and cdofidor bonks 3-554.5. the Country Cl»ib, can be secured meeting. • wSre-HBreelns. aerenade 1,1 Farmers Attend Meeting from Mrs. Myron Boglish and WTIO—Thraa Mm atttra Hsed as a , Uctical'Weapon, ran Mrs..i—Joseph mittee. \- ' SAVE 8 $ O N Iit t ^ niiiiiiailii and in northeastern Utah that the Romeo GosseUn of West Hart­ MAIN errici Capitoi this session. late man. / Plo.szaj, Salem first selectlhen and WCO>3odaHyanlni Good Huaie electronically controlled roisaUe, ford waa guest speaker. m MAIN snitT Extinguish (irass Fire Here's ^ y : state represenative, received back WKNB—Allan Brown • Howard's WnO-IMck Burtel capable of carrying either c.onveh- 'The Fire Department \vas called A fter/ ix months of furtive ef- and leg injuries when his car hit Simmons, Crimson-ShieM, Blua-Bill, Shlfman-Saiotuff aad Slumbaiiaad wpRO—JUnoa n Andy tional or atomic warheads, had Noara asANCH SLEEP CENTER out at 1:50 p.m.^..... ^yesterday______to ex- fort ^ t h a 4-incl.-file, he sawed a bank ahfV overturned here last W P O Iv ^ P . Morcan n no«th main sTtin "SLEEP SPECIALIST look Hm ■iSP- been spotted. . Press Cameramen MEMBER FDIC tingul'sh a^'graiia flre at the'home of i throttgh the steel hinge pins of his | night. Police said he lost control of WHAY—Harina Show ^ ^ Then a report of an explosion 60 MANCMIST'lt. CONN - FROM A to 2-Z-Z-Z” John Campanello on Cook Dr. It cell tltor, pu.shed It open and be- | the car when his lighted cigar fell ^ Real Honest to Goodness Markdowns On WCOT-Oood kiyanmc O ^ Mua^o 539 M A P« ST.—M I 9-633& .r - gan to scale the tier grUlework .to I to the floor. « W ntB —Evening Barenad* miles northeast of Rock Springs, T o Choose Queen was the second call of this-nature w ^ O —Nawa M World 'Wyo.. set off a search in that area Popular Calendar Coin Banks at MANCHeSTfR TRUST in as many days the roof. . | , , CMS Floor Samples and Warehouse Stock Orr Hand ---dtp Amoa and Andy — 650 miles from Holloman. A Fire Chief P eter. Massollnl haa He was spotted immediately by WPOP-O^aattar ground observer corps spokesman Miss Joyce* M. Cunliffe o f 16 requested residents to be extremely a guard and pulled down. ! Wa Doane S t wU) repraaent Manchaa- **§HAY-:-raten Band Reporta at Casper, Wyo., said a check in­ careful in burning outd.oors in Now he is In solitary and faces i disploy ----- _ . Huald dicated the resprt gtaouned from ter in tha Miaa Naw England Praaa windy weather. He paftieularly a possible extra sentence on top c a iv e n k iiiv c 4 — ^Manadd ■ a .dynamita hkat.'aet, 'off by a Photographers beaijty pageant of the maximum 70 years he at-'lL B A L T B U N U T a j ____ stressed the need to keep a flre In seismograph eiew lookftig for oil. srhidi will be held in Worcester, an outdoor Incinerator under con­ ready is serving. Mass., Sunday. "W*d«liv*r" ^ WPC9>lSa/M WHb Maaiei 'At. &>loradb' Sjirlhgs. Colo., a stant observation, until it burns He was given 20 to 30 yearn for The pageant ia being held in ter krfanntoiMi rnkper *Md •-rghol- - Continimtal A ir Defense Com- out. rape, another 20 to 30 for beipg nMd><«l care, phOiM ar wrka: connection wdth tha 2-day Naw an habitual criminal, and 3 to 10 Oaad Muaio ^mand official aald It waa believed FlreSghters Meet ■ j^rthur Drus Stortsj| CONNICTieUT MIOICAl SliVICt W » r 6 - $ v 5 d * Baraaada - if the’ miaaile ckused damage when England Preta Photographers Fire Chief Peter Massollnl.. As­ more for a brief escape lagt year. wno-VonlioK . LAST D«* TOMORROW!! EAUV BIRD P.O. gox let • NIW NAVIN 1 jt landed, there wppid have been a Aaan. convention that aUrta on sistant A Chief ' Paul Maneggia, W D I^R niw it O. Lawto Saturday. WPOP—Conatar 8ny report. *. Stuart Wells, William Hand. Wil- Hp fcaid the miagUe>illd not have The winner of the beauty pag­ liani Clifford, Henry Rau, EdwaVd eant will represent New England EARLY SHOPPERS GET THE BEST SELECTIOK “^iSaJdag Good «lpwld\ b.noiigli fud.'to'soar -more than a Steele and Jph.n Avery attended few, n^ilea.beyond the Nafi' Mexicb |r> the Miss Nationgl Press Photog­ the qiiarterly pieeting of Windham boundary. raphers beauty contest which will j ^ ^ T ^ Y b u i y and Tollpnd Cmjntles Firemen's WPOP—GdOMar Rpy ...... 1- be held in Washington next months Aasn>. at the'^wllltmantic Sports LAST DAY •lib - /- TRUUKEB INJURED Mise Cunliffe a Hartford in* Center thi* week. WHAY-Jaia Allay Oxford, ; 'kaas..Masa„ F4h. 32 (jr>— euranca company worker who ia e w n r ------SPECIALS WDH Hatold Stockman, 41, Charlton pert-time photographers modal, at WPOY Depot, aiilfered cuts about t|e 'Won the title of Mias Manchester to SAVE on •lib— WHAY—Jkaa AUey head iM a y wbeii he was thrown last month in the Miss Universe . W T lO Jinnitor- througirv the 'windshield of h)s contest preliminaries. * WDM-RoiSrt q. Lawla J. De MORROW pickup, u ^ k whldh was in colli- She is being sponsored In the Plumbing and HeaUiig WFOi^mlary Tima Mon w itb w 3-car Diesel train of New England press photographers # Over The Stocking TOWLE ^STERLING WRATrr|f>t|bt WlltCit the New Haven 'Railroad bound contest by 'The Manchester Eve­ Says GAS HEAT from Worcester' to New :London. ning Herald. Miss CunLffc ia the Usd our cy^venient credit terma WDROtW WerlT'ToBlafat is Rost for 'S7, WPOP—Hodarn. 8 o u ^ Conti. He was taken to Worcester daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fur-Ljned Boots City HospitaL Cunliffe. Best for o Lifetime Tek vision ProcrRms SALE Our ontiro stock. On P w Two SIMMONS DE LUXE HOLLYWOOD FAMOUS SLEEPERS CHOICE Jf you’ve been longing for more of SEVERAL HUNDRER PAIRS R09. to 12.95 your favorite Towle pattern — don’t TW IN BED OUTFIT Simmons Mattress or Box Spring • E h E R A L Skywatch Schedule delay! If you’ve been thinking of Complete with mattresH, boxsprmg, headboard and Comes in reRular or extra firm, twin or fall size. T V SERVICE ii- starting a Towle aet-vnow’i your bed frame on casters. (Not on legs). Saturday. Feb. 33 FAMOUS RRAND SHOES SALE *37 « 2 r, *72““ Days Midnight—3 a.m...... Vehmtoera Needed golden opportunity! Mlgkta #fts99St.95 Plus Parts 3 Am.—4 a.m...... Vohmteera Needed S A L E * 6 9 = “ REG. $59.50 TEL. BO S-MU 4 a.m.—6 a.m...... VohMteera Needed 6 a.m.— 8 Am...... VeiuBteara Needed Special Purchase Towle Silveramitha Are announcing REG. $89.5D Each BElTER HURRY, STOCK LIMITED 8'a.m.— 10 a.m...... Victoria Filewidi —with regret—e price rite on all their '10 a.m.—Noon . . .. .T...... Louis Call Troylings SPECIAL Noon—2 p.m...... Jamea- Galanek silver. And th ^ve given us permis- 2 p.m.— 4 p.m...... 1 . > Ttiomaa Hickey ’ r strs# dress shocn SUPER DE LUXE SLUMBERLA^D AlUED TV SiRYICE sien to tclhour customers in advance, MAMfSESTEB. 4 p.m.—6 p.m...... Thomas Hickey in black and ^ HOLLYWOOD 6 p.m.—3 p.m...... Lucy Burke beige eombinations. so that all of you who have been $150''VST5r 8 p.m.— 10 p.m. . Lucy Burke Reg. to 12.95 :50 10 p.m.— Midnight_ ...... VoloBteers Needed planning Towle purehaaee can take TWIN BED OUTFIT s,ic B U 9 - 0 0 8 (^ 9 SJB. to 9' p.n . Skywatch Pott located on top o f Manchester Police Station. Vol­ Jcrnies Morrow _ M— ket af Pactorr Advantage of thia last ehancm! Raadad WitSeiala TschaiclaM unteers may register at Ciril Defense Headquarters. Municipdl Plumbing and Heating * W ORTH $119.50! Building, on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday from p.m. instoiier O f ' SLUMBERLAND PULL SIZE CENTER-FIRM American Stondord Under these circumatancee, you may SLIPPERS Equipmont want to buy now against future MATTRESS and BOXSPRING B-.hr,. Tei. M i 3-7861 needs. And we’d be glad to help you Smooth top, eyelet border. Reg. 1119.00. A I T t N T I O N SHAVEMflSTIR OWNERS do to and you can pay for your pur- Install A Clean, Quid, efaasa in the months to come. Don’t Famous Dr. Mof bon 8 ONLY Bring in your oid Shavernaster for a Efficient Foam Rubber Twin Sot ; CRIMSON-SHIELD hesitate to ask about our cradit Crimson*ShioM Mattross PERMA-FIRSI »"<) 3.99 OR BOX .SPRING tanns. Call, coma in, or use the con­ BEG. 79.50 4 O NLY M am uss and Rax Sprinq* FuHSizo Free Check-Up R . to A m e k i c a n * venient coupon. REG. $ 7 .9 5 . 4.001 REG. $11.95...... 6 . 0 0 09 6,00 lOX SPRINGS by a Factory-train^ Ex part NOW' $ 5 5 . 0 0 Reg. 8149.50 $79.00 REG. $8.95 ..... 4 « ^ Q | m G. $12.95 . . . 6 . 5 0 2 Per $105.00 3 O NLY Reg. 859.50 $33.95 > Saturday, Feb. 23 Dear sir: REG. $9.95...... 5 . 0 0 I $^5.95 . . . . . 7 . 0 0 Q Pfsase sand me tha Tewia Starllne erica LIMITED NUMBER SIMMONS SOFA-BED SAVE UP TO Hat ter thair. ______._pattarn. SLUMBERLAND DE LUXE Also see the ALL NEW REG. 510.95 ..... 5 .5 0 | REG. 514.95 ...... 7 . 5 0 Shoes On Tables For OPEN TO BED FOR TWO $100,00 Q I would alao llha information about your TWIN STUDIO COUCHES SLIGHTLY SOILED ON FAMOUS MAKE cradit tarma. A U SIZES, COLORS, STYLES. HEELS Easy Selections - FULL INNERSPRING UNITS PUXUUAN and e fU a d M * Nama— CHOICiS FABRICS $59.50 CRCMSON-SHIELO HIDE-A-BEDS AND MATERIALS RUT NOT IN EVERY STYLE - Hot Water or Steam Addraao- Clty_____ -Zona- .Stata- Worth 889.50, Only $69a45 SAVE 20.00 FLOOR SAMPLES ONLY 1 SMAVEMASTER Boiler For The Ultimate atiavee otjommn a n * SMOOTHRR Huui Blad— « r In Home HeaQiii: Phona NumbarJ aosr^a iaaerla S k a v e r s -h , Aetoiai TeMd* , < S> > .1^:, tZ TERM5 TAKE 90 DAY5 ON CA5H TERMS Now! An Eatifely m w 6UN9EAM SHAVEMASTIR BUDGET TERMS TO 18 MONTHS s- ^ mRnziag Golden Gliw head, and a new, fasesr *■' .T YF^***??* KMAL motor. You get the cloeest shave . JUST. SA Y 5 i . i -----•—^ speed and coaaforh V; FURNITURE U i 5 .1 .. J*WEL«iMILVHl8MrrtI8 D E P A R T M fh S R « n o ^ . thte'. MvSiL. n -) 9 ^ I U b 8L, Maechoeter-T-MI 9-4293 • * • • • • • • • • S H yO E S It te y w ___ ' “ LOW a STREET FLOOR LW r-tH < •IG4iMiN er*«a.MANQIilS1IR

A ' - f‘

- J ■ - V-' ^ ' i '. r' V. ', V 4rs^..’

' '4 } •. nuS&six MANCHESTER EVEfflNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1957 ■■ - i >4aLV:.-. a NCHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1957 7>*^ P A G K i i i l ^ Amrl^BBtEr The Abop bitenriew 'crowded conditions will soon .^be South Windsor opposite the Ptocjer ViUage Thall­ Drooclles eliniinated by the new addition.' . er Cs/np caught fire around noon PMWTx lly, a (real deal -of at­ . One ot the things thgt midtCa but toaa sl|ibn brought unUtr eon- JfBraid tention if being paid to the inter­ By BOOBIt PBlUfe Manchester a fine 'place In Which HolHs C h iii:^ At 3 fijB., firemen 'were called view American ColTuniilat Joaeph to live is Its grand hospital, 'f t to put out a fire in a trarii pile loaujEiffili^STcro'a^ m e desenres the support of all of ua. u bmmu Alaop haa had . «*ith Nikita May t ill •n Burnham . St: Sincerely, Chief Richard J. Jonat cautiona V f I Khrushchev tn .,Uoacow. In this Fred R. Eilgar. Board Vacancy all reaidenta to uae extra care in lE ssrr^Fakdikm \ , j interview, as r^>i>rted -by Alsop outdoor burning, especially, in in­ fM s M Odoter C tm i in the Herald Tribune and the Mother bf Trlpteta cinerators. VOL. XXIV, No. 22 I To the Editor. South Windsor, Feb. I f (Special) FBIDXY, FEBBUABY 22 Compiltii by Stndenta of . Manchester High School Mice Helen Eateii, Paenlty Advitor Crery Cvtainc ! Hartford Courant, Khrushchev The M anch^er Memorial Hoe- —The name of Hollte F. Church Maaehesfer Bveaiag HermM ■ffiS?' M : sVetched a proposal for a rela^a lital offers many diversified was quggeated to UU Uu interim W'appteg, South Windeor corree- . Claw Mau Matter. I tion of world tension. to the peo|He'df Mancbedter ladMt, Mrs. Q. Warren W«at« SDBSCRIFTION RATES and the surrounding communities. vacancy on. the School. Board at the March 1146 Students Prep€u*e Payable ta Adrance apeciil -meeting of the Republican t erook, telephone MlteheU t-4ai4. Dave FlavelVs As quoted by Alsop. the Russian In June of ibSb I became ^feas- \ Si|.Mj leader'aketebed it this way: antly .acquainted, witp the excellent Town Committee laet night. For Future Work Oae Tear . The vaCqncy, caused bjr the ' ^ Mce Uia n .« "Soviet troops tvould be with­ premature ntmery care given at Dates Set for three .Mootba...... ESO resignation of Gaylord Paine when Artistic Work 1.8t our hcMpital. There There'are ' not,many ‘Mad B o i^ r,’ At Local Schools ■One. Mealb . . drawn to the national territory of coipmunities,' o f our size, as for­ he wpa elected, chairman of the Re­ r *.*>.... >ooeoeo»a«o JO SSS'- Ob I the Soviet Union from all the tunate to have' this fine, medical publican Tosvn ^m m ittee. will be Oopr .. permanently fUlM at the town elec­ Science Fair . Twenty-six high school students countries in- Europe where they facility m^their' oisposat. Vienna Style Places High MEMBER o r With the steady ir g ^ h pt bur tion in October. \ recently spent their^ time ob­ . the aSsOCLSTKI) FRABB j are now .atatianed .in accordance • ‘Crasy Mixed Up Cherry Tree* Church ia a life-lbng resident' of V pcqnilaUbn, it would^deett fag- jm Do you . know how an eclipse is serving and working with the The nrt 'work of Manchester the asscctated Preaa •• "tthgljea with existing treaties and agree- South Windeor and a graduate of Vienna, Feb. 22 .(A>) — Viennese entitled w the osa a( lepubUcatta si If you had difflculty getting into , i„rtunate if bocause'M inadequate rOR FINE STEAKS and FOOD formed? What causes fuses to teachers at various elemSntary High StudenU waa awarded recog­ all Devs dMpatrh— craW sd to It. or menta. Meanwhile, Waatem Eu­ your Bank thu morning and there j buUdinga that IMS'plwnahife ckre yple UnIveraUy. He owna his .own police'aren’t sure whether they not othervlse e x i l e d in„tMs. tjapth drilling and blasting business, is are .Qoplng with a “mad bomber” bloat? How the eye seea? schools. The purpose of tl)ia pro­ nition in the recent Scholastic art ■ sad also the loeal aeera pabttsM bbwt. ropean countriM would also'with- Was nobody in the ofllce but you, i could not be made available tq an- These questions, along with gram. was for the pupils to find contest. Thirty-two entries from tbk AU rlcbts rspubUcatioa ot special married and the father df three or just another joker. He haa e t d'aw their troops sUtUoned in the theWa a reasqn for it. Today la i ber-premafure children. ■ ^ ' out whether or not they really classes of Mrs. Ellzabeto Bqdd amd aispaloitw hvatai are alao reaerted. threatened to blow up several mo­ many others, are being solved by Mrs. LaVerne Kelson received keys territories of other Western Eu- K caucus was held before^ the vie theaters and gambling houses students in grades through *w«nted to become teachers. FW> asrrlca cUaai 6t N. E A Sirv ot Manchea- meeting to ' consider e major 8 12 While at their- aaslgnmenta, the or honorable mention. rup^ui countries. The United but hasn’t carried out the threats. « m e n . 6 . r — as projects for the alxth annual Senior David Flavell received Reprassatatives: The should“ £.'iw''SS '^'-w' » « «««i" amendment to the by-laws. Town The police bblieve thp sender of teachers had a chance to put some SUted 'would also withdraw its j about, but if you don't here are a this care are depending on Science Fair are being completed. the highest number of awards in JuUts Matbesra Speelsl A gtxy — New each and everyone .o f ua to -help Committee membership was in­ the notea la a prankster inspired Many of the ideas for these proj- of the observed methods of teach­ ' to American territory from ! few clues: Who looked his Father creased from 55 to 70 by unani­ the achoBl. His portfolio was made them. by George Metmky of New York, ,ects were> taken from a list of sug- ing Into action. The future teach­ eligible to'compete for a acholar- c S S r a o i A ® ® " " EEurope u ro« «and .d Asia, and alobealong withvciih »" .the eye. and «Ud. "I cannot teU mous vote'. recently captured and indicted for ers all agreed that teaching la an ■ lie" 1 strongly.urge the clUaena of 'Warning Issued geationa for each aga level, corn- ship. In addition, Dave also re­ a He. Grarge lAaahingt^. Who Manchester and the surrounding planting 32 bombe over 18 years. riled. by the Science Club from .interesting profession, and really that would go the. liquidation of threw a dollar across a river, and Dog '.Varden ^ w ^ d Deakus is­ ceived a key for an oil painting ______, _____ , for * °° epipimunlUea to a u ^ r t the Mait- But the notes are givtng the Aus­ lilts of projects' done In ether emails for quite_a_blt of tact and and three tor other paintinge._____ an foreign mllitai^ hases." fareweIlad*eaa^4*once iMenittriiaB^ltal Build- sued a warning yesterday to dog trian authorities a lot of head­ psychology. 9 errors sppaartns in ad- years. The suggestions range from Other key winners were: Carol • VL Other readins mauct This is not particularly new, George Wbahl.hgtonl .Who as a ing ■— Fund. owners who'^ allow their pets to aches, and a big rbld to capturie elementary science for fifth and Dale Brown, who wal at Bar­ Henderson, fabric deai^; Richard r Eramos HtraM. Boldier was just dand.v, and had a roem. Many complaints have been ax.d perhaps it gains mSdi of its Mrs. Robert A. ' Jones. the perpetrator ia expected:’ sixth graders (model volcanoes nard School, had an intereating Stephens, poster; Peter ZagHo. wife who inade some candy T received concerning deetnicUon of The last threatening letter was and cloud formations) to projects time w!ien the regular teacher painting; David Tomin, wood Display advcrtiatiig etoatog boors: drsmstic Impact from, the . fact George Washington! Who's ' the property and ahn.ti, he said, and nr Moabay-l p.sk JVtdM. •f* sent to Vienna' Police headquar­ r e sta u r a n t in advanced science for juniors waa oui and he.really had to Uke sculpture: Thopnks Sllvenaky, wood fs Tttfsday-i pusL Moodsy. that R ta Khrushchev talking di­ man who madq PomwallU sur­ owners should be mindful that they ters It said: "I will blow up the and over the classes. sculpture; Brimda Desrocher, lino­ , A Thoufdrt fon/Tb^ay and acniors (how to make an Bruce Staples JoAnne Kerrigan rectly to a top-notch American render. and has his picture on are liable to 80 days In jail, a 825 Schubert movie theater next Mon­ COCKtAlk LOUNOS atomic bomb.) At Bowers School, 'Harbara leum biock^iirint I>gal Tender? George Washing­ fijpsnsemd ky tihe' fine, or both. day." Lauretano said shS waa surprised Gary MilekMiii with three awards ‘ reporter. , ' Students entering the fair this Bruce Stapiea, our "Man about! JoAnne Marjorie Kerrigan ia ton! Who saved the day at Valley Oa«neB sf tmerrhse 4-H Chib to.Meet The letter was stSiinped •with Bootes 44A and A Bolton, Conn., Mitchell 8-4448 year are reminded of the judging to see that when the claaa had for water colors, Susan Betko with Two things can be said about it. Forge, and had a name that began The 4-H Club, under the .direc­ a.t invalid Russian one-ruble staiqp the Campus ’ for this week, is ^rith a cheery amile around dancing, the boya weren’t, very two tor painting and fabric design. day St paMMsUoa eaccgl Sslarday — criteria for the contest. Exhibits noted for hia quiet, sincere and vruo ' .. a g a sa. . The first that American with George? George Washington! Wimt's Wrong? tion of" Herbert Tomlinson, will — left over fr^m the Soviet oc­ this year will be judged by these anxious to dance. The girls, how­ And James Arthur with two for a Give up?. Under New Mriiagement-^Formerly The Hlllcreat Restaurant friendly peraOnaJlty. i corridors and those of the statesmanahipt of the moment, Three thousand for my brand new meet at 7 p.m. Saturday at the cupation — and mailed here. standards: ever, were ready and waiting. jpainting and a design ted the Ust Friday, Fabntary 22 home of Harold Cumminga, Darn­ Aa his aertior aubjecu In the CS>1- j hospital, where she is a lady in 'of honorable mention recipients. would mject it almost automsti- "-car. 1. Creative ability—30 points— lege Preparatory course, Bruce is ; green. All the students reported that ing. St. STATE DRAFT QUOTO 158 OPEN EVERY.DAY INblock print; Joan Landers, Hospital. which alM> has a I’ve Just mads our pledge to the mad . pant in extra-curricular activities. ing her treasurer of Senior Girls’ average, aveiage, and below aver­ enameled piece; Steve Negy, RosMa occupgUon o f other cotm- Hospital _ Building Fund Drive. I ask-^Lord: What's that matter? ect. Thia year,' he is a member of CXir- age. ereditahia' smaller hoapitid of ita 4. Skill 10 points—Good work­ Club. She also heads the Running enameled piece; ■ Ann Meintoeh, .triea. There can be no permanence I te was' not as large as I wish Yet there is one quMtlon begging.' rent Affaira Club. Physical Edu­ The students assigned to pri- enameled piece; Diane Smachettil lU answer I will search— manship on project. cation Club. Spanish Club,, and Commentary Committee of the 'own, a humher of cltlxena have to our own pmoeat ndUtary.posi­ It could have been, but it was Soman IT la Staff. CYO at the mary grades or kindergarten fabric design; James Varney, de signed thrir namaa to an open made with a spirit,of thanksgiving W ith. things 80 bad jn this old 5. Clarity — 10 points — Will Varsity M. Ijist year, he waa a through third grade were: Carolyn sign; Priscilla Tennant, fabric de­ tion around Um world, with all its world everyone understand your work member of Senior Hi-'Y. Church of the Assumption and letter/ urging that their fellow for all that the hospital means to church choir also occupy Jo’s Johnson, Frances Sweet, Barbara sign; Roland Gists wood sculpture; bases on the. territory o f other na­ me, my family and the large num­ What's holding back the church? and the aim of this experiment? Outside of school, Bruce is an Kennedy, Maryann Pagani, Pran­ ^ .towiMveopla may ha asHad to con- t’-ne. and David Julianson, fabric design. tions. RussU may be wanting to ber of people that the hospital *. (Selected) More 8. Dramatic 'Value— 10 points— Explorer Scout, and hia favorite ces Caaey, Andrea Cyr, Gail Eagle- Paula Adams *50, t r i b ^ to the currriit building The attractive arranging of your Pastimes are aeronautics and fish­ Sports are Jo's hobby and past- Shop Students Work on Generator build an empire, but cannot. We serves. time. She’s very glad that " this son, Barbara Cwickla, Barbara Claire (Jarlson '59. • fB|i^ drive of the Manchester Inati- 1 know- from first-hand ex­ experiment comes under this ing. For adventure, he eitjoys tak­ Salo, Valerie Michaels, Lynn Mur­ . Mr. Sullivan, Charles Johnson and Jeffrey Smith are repairing the generator of a 1947 Chevrolet car. are not engaged in building an heading. ing 100-mlle canoe trips in .the winter she can continue her swim­ This la a part of the automotive course 'offered at MHS. ^tkm . Tiieir argument is that the perience of the overcrowded con-!, ming and ice skating. Jp also col­ phy, Pat. Syphers, Susan Turking- empire, and therefore cannbt re­ ditic^ and the-need for expansion. The Science Fair will be held at AdirOhdacks. Sportswise, Bruce iitgton and Linda Peterson. noup\o ot this commarnty should Freedom’s Comer Little Hatchet Waddell School March 11 through has been a member of the track lects bells. Her pet peeve is people Automotive Boys gard our present mUitary stance Time after time I call on patients who are late. Those assigned to elementary or /ptaerve whatever donations thay 18. The total number of exhibits team for three years and the foot­ grades four to six were: Brenda in the wdrld as a permanent part who haVe had to wait a long time The euthors of the Bill .of ball squad for two yeara. Honors have come to JoAnne Class Sees Film World Interviews can afford for thrir own hoapitM. for an available bed. ,When I do. is expected to surpass,last years Hills, Barbara Laurentano, Jean Repairing Motors of world life. And even our friends Rights -were clearly trying to pro­ W e ve beaten total of 325 projects. Upon graduating from MHS in with her election to Legion of X’ Change Excapt tO' out that the it always makes me wonder how tect cltiMna against a system un­ Specials: June, Bruce plans to major in his­ Honor and Student Council. LeClaIre and Janet Whitney. On Police Work wouldn't tolerate it If we tried to many others could, be helped if Carolyn S. Housa Students assigned to junior high Driving Instruct6r .. drlva for Mancheatiw Memorial der which the’ information per­ tory at. Trinity, Clark, or Colby Jo's work at the hospital is an 'The Automotive Shop now has a keep it permanent. apace was available, or what riould mitted to them might fall under College.. introduction to next year's activ­ or grades seven and eigl|t were; "The American Cap” waa the ‘’Definitions” from the Berlin large variety of ptojecU being Hospital to not attampUM to do happen if there was a major cataa'- Dale Brown, William Handler, Dick Jerome Sulli'van, one of the Driv­ The question is not really if. the control of government. Bruce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ity, which wilt be found at either title of the movie viewed by Wel­ Beacon via the Gilbert ' School done. The basic project is getting haything mord than of^Ter tha trophe of some kind in bur towTi. —James Russell Wiggins in Pepin. Lynn Woltersdorf, William er Education instructors at Man­ but when. for Saturday Aqukettes Probe Allen E. Staples of 22 Ruaaell St. Hartford hospital or. St. Mary'a News: ' peopla of RockvHle an oppor­ 1 am glad that these over- "Freedom or Secrecy."- down prices for " Wayne Keith, '57. Hospital In Watebury. Knight, Auatra Ozols, Evelyn ker Brlgg'a Modem Problems lec­ Cold caah-So called because few chester High, was interviewed by used engines back into good work- The sooner both we and Russia JoAnne ia the eldest of five chil­ Yevlnsky and Theresa Pantaleo. ture class on Feb. 8. of ua can keep it long enough to tunity to contribute what they Future Activities Pat Syphers, ’37. 'World" re^rters at the Feb. stay wiah to contribute to the eX‘ gst that into our thinking, the on ly dren of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ker­ The film dealt with the training warm it up. meeting of the club. The- interview battsr. . The* Aquaettea of Manchester Delegates Speak ^ rigan of 14 Ensign St. of a policeman and detective, and Honest polttician-When he's y|"l' panalon of an Institution many Joan Swanson, '57. the work an average policeman en- bought, he steyi bought. had a double purpose—obtaining •Old parU are reconditioned or .. Rockville peopla do use, wa have The Alaop interview—Alaop, in­ n ■ 1 Hiph School had a preview of French Students cotmtera in one day. Modern Music—Played to fast, Information concerning the scbool'a new one are put in their place. The BO particular quarrer with the cidentally, has long been labeled V hat they hope to accompliah in At Club Meeting By exemplifying, the New York you can’t tell which classic it was driver education program, and giv­ small engines and parU that are a capitalist villain in Russian WASHINGTON'S the future. The members of the police- department, the film aUo stolen from. , ing the students an opportunity unserviceable are sectioned for ‘ poaitioa taken by the signers of Conduct Contest BANK A panel composed of the dele­ Paint and Powder showed the various types of Miser—A dough nut. to practice their interview techni­ uaea as audio-viaual aids. Thia 'the open letter. propaganda—alao 'performed a -tiewly formed i^iH* swlmmln, club gates to the U.N. Model Assembly llcemen, the patrol car' crew, 8?e Press agent—Strange case of a ques. gives better instruction to the stu­ In fact, on one score they de- minor service in providing a real­ attended i. water ballet i h o w Drawring maps of Paris and two Her' the students have s minimum of (or dancing?) In the water. To rehearsals in January were held In famous. Tbeaa RockviDe letter writers fctpigii relations with considerable I decorated ...... 4 ,9 8 lems present in the world to ^ y After learning how to use the six hours behind the wheel, end Slides of sunny Italy were shown I oBd 10:30 OJB. ^ aymbolize 1927, the flrat Dad’s and what the U.N. can do to. set­ A7: Barbara Duncan ’58 at least have what la, for. them, astuteness." Readers’ Guide, each student Shooters Gain Mr. Sulllvsn must - tske students to the joint meeting of Senior Day, the Dolphinettea spelled out tle these problems. Student directors Judy HiUnakl, chose a subject report on and a rational cacplanation of their re­ Bristol Mattresses, Box Springs, 3 9 ^ 5 each •» Reg. $13.95 Mirror Clan- D-A-D In water formations. Com­ '59, and Francis Robinson. '59, and 10 out on the rosd on Saturdays to Girls Club and Junior Girls Club by Good, intelligent, objective Amer­ Delegates and their alternates used magazinea to acquire more meet this requirement. Mr.. Sulli­ fusal to make a donation to the dleabra with two black iron plete with canine ears and leashes, representing Manchester High are faculty advisor Kenneth Holt ican mporting abroad ia a healthy Biggest'sleep buy of the year! Steams Fosters firtn posture-t\'pe tnner- Views of France knowledge-on that aubj^t. The stu­ 13th Victory van revealed that, during one of Mias Doris Kibbe on Feb. 7. . Mancheator iasUtuUon. In this, candle holders ...... 2 .9 8 the girls dog-paddled In harmony as followa: Janet Whitney, -Judy were roving about the auditorium dents then reported orally on the In color, the pictures has beauti­ thing two waya We are, after spruijg mattresses with pre^built Seat-Edges and matching gO-coi! box to g(ve credit to Jonathan, Broverm'an, Anne Simpson, Aii- giving critical advice and direc­ their driving lessons, the studenU tlwy dre way ahaad of some Man- springs. - Seen by 'Class subject they chose. This, gave the ■re given the same type- of teat as ful backgrounds. Mias Kibbe and all, as the Russian told Alaop, "on UConn'a_ masltot. stra Ozols, John Donner, Ivar tions about movements and audit- students an opportunity to' work Three seniors and two sopho­ ■ chaMcr people who. according to Reg. $108.50 Modem Ma­ ability to the cast. is given by the 'napsetor from the Mias Catherine Putnam spent sev­ one planet^" and we car. all bene­ World War II memories were Jozus, Bob Warren, Bill Knight; with the Readers' Guide, and also mores scored e decisive 914-889 eral weeks in lU ly; they took a leports front the volunteer can- hogany Double Dresser: dark altematea, Parnells Shorts and Views of Notre Dame Cathedral Motor Vehicles Department. The fit front fewer stereotyped atti­ Maple Sofa Beds 89.95 v . rcrived as the swimmers, In mllir However, despite the'distracting a chance, to improve oral speech victory over Bristol in CCIL com­ StudenU'ere not aware that the special course during most of the Taawrii of the ManchOster drive. brown, brass pulls . . ;2 5 .0 0 tar;,’ bathing sulU, sainted aa they Eveljm 'Yavlnaky. ttenu and the new problems pre- ' and the Louvre' Museum w-ere fea­ making. The topics ■ivere tape-re­ tudes. R ^. $115.00 Sofas with maple am s in nutmeg brown finish; covered to tured in a film aeon recently by all petition on Tuesday at the Bristol teat ia being given. By thia method, day and could Uke pictures only In . offer a weird assortment of rea- I am. Nancy Fargo, the Dolphi- Evy Yavinaky '57 • sented by the new auditorium, the corded and played back to the their spare moments. ' ' the French classes. classes later. - ^ Armory, giving the Manchester Mr. Sullivan can determim. if .the - acna for not gt^ing—or for making 2tS*J..*** document prints or textured homespuns. Matching lounge chairs nettes* president, did a solo aym-. play ia rapidly shaping up to be an, student is ready to take tSe scCual Several pictures were shown of ^49.95. - / . /■» ^®^F79.5Q Modem Limed ^ hollaing <1953.— and a new audi­ interesting comedy about a High Notre Dame is altuated on the High Rifle team 13th consecu- - • gift • which is only of token A fqw of the outstanding reports its test. Rome’s ancient civilisation aa well M.vth And Man Oak (Jhest o f four'big draw­ torium. school dramatic club-a^d the prob­ He .loramic Dinettes 59.95 19 .9 5 of the beat examples of Gothic strength against a strengthened jiaa his license take tbe course? In the exact place where - Cicero . non-donors don't Mds behind a chester Aquaettea waa one of in­ play. Report Cerda:” James Ledbetter, ■toed during hia famous oraUona. usually try merely to dramaUze 19^7 Somanhis architect. 'The cathedral was be­ Bristol squad, the Indians captured "Yea,” says Mr. Sullivan. He said . pretended belief that Manchester Reg. $79.50 5-piece groups with 30 x 40-inch tables (extend to 30 x 52 spiration and alao astonishment When "Curtain Going Up” is “ Hockey;” Roberta Shankman, that a lot of young drivers don't ^ e r e were alao a few alldea of tha and emballiah qualitiea which did . Iteg. $89.50 Mahogany Low­ when they realised that someday gun in 1163 and took several gen- "The Ideal Bov and The Ideal their second CCIL victory by a Memorial Hospital-is run for the inchM) in Wack woodgrain DayStromite tops and 4 chairs -with gray dr red boy Cedar Chest in caSual presented on March. 22, it will be erationa to build, but waa never realize the hazards they're pre­ Coliseum looking as' old and exist in the man himself, and it - 7— — 1,1 visu al they might put on a similar show. Miss lone Fellows, adviser for thfe flrat time a play of this kind Girl;" Vincent'Girard. "Perils of margin of 25 points. senting when they’re behind-’ the ancient as it ia. -■private gUn of its triutees. or 'plastic covers. ~ ' At the last meeting, the club's completed. Postmen;” and Barbara McIn­ la eo with George - Washington.- tone (toige) mahogany 25.00 Somanhis, ia confident that', this hM been present^ to such a large, Pacing the Indians was senior wheel. There is also'a 10 per cent Mias KIbpe’a Latin HI claaaei behind an argument that Man- memebra decided on either title— , An aeriil view of Oie Louvre tosh, "Rock end Roll Music.’ < Bill Breedheft, breaking out of a myth and man. year's yearbook will be "better audience In Manchester. waa shown. The museum began aa reduction' on Insurance If- a stu­ can poaaibty expect an examination ‘ cheats Memorial Ho^ital’a in- Hollywood Bedf by Steams and Foster 59.95 The Aquaettea. AV their weekly .Tlckela tor this 3-act comedy Kathy Fournier, '59. shooting slump with a 98-89, 187 dent passes the-course. Reg. $64.95 Black Iron and practices, th e girls practiced than ever.” » a fortress in the 13th century but on some Latin inacripUona she nMUty to atawnuhodate everybody There was a, certain reaolute- •may be obtained from any Paint total. Captain Tom Baaler captured Approximately llQ. atudenu found on atonea. Reg. $74.50 34-inch Box brings on legs and taOored pre-built-edge inner Formica Server with large awtmming synchronised strokes. She expriMcd her appreciation has housed some of the richest art the second match place witJi a 184 - Iiiiiiiediately in Its present cramped neaa about- him which stemmed and Powder member. treaaurca in the world since 1793 took the course the first semeater, Beautiful aUtuea graced aeyeral spring mattresses. Low cost beds for any room and the Summer cottage, drawer; white trim; 42 inches They are learning to' blend the dlf- to the peopn who have put' in Donna Metcalf '59 French Students combination, followed by. Indians and of that number only 5 failed space coBstitutea a reason for not fiom his faith,.in the power of too." : ' ferent strokes and stunU together.' much time and effort to make this Two of the most famous works are A i Feri-is, and oophonriores Jim T u'. ------i-..** muaeuma It to perhaps impoasible such sUtUea m adarf aoUd giving to a fund Which .w ^ enable truth and .Ight to do battle for ...... V.***19.95 A choreography , committee has yearbook a good one. She da Vlnct’a Mona Lias and Venus-de Tierney end Jack Toomey, with Milo. take the driving.test again after marble today. Even tfie amallcat themselves. It'was'a quality ■which bean fomjed to plan the .different emphaslaed that Angela Grazzo, Hold Bin^o Match 182, 182, and 179 respectively. The a week has passed. the hospital, to expand. At least Decorated China Table Lamps 9*49 Reg. $49.95 Armless .Chair Scenes of the Arch of TrUinlph, details are' brought out in these might have refused, to tell a lie routines fpr future shows. 8dltor-ln-chief. has been a most Honors Awarded highest effort seen-on the Belltown MariijTi RoberU, '57 sUtuea. these Rockville letter writers, do in linen-textured Naugha- ■' . Jean Martin efficient organizer. ■ Mrs. LaVerne the .Eiffel Tower and the Champa- Un/clnq, dlx,-huit. Bingo! ■quad was Harold Bunbais 181, fol­ 'a r t Jiat shrug their shoulders sod about .p cherry tree. It was a Reg. $14,9^ lamps handsomely decorated with floral design; tailored taf­ Kelson of the art department Was Blysees were also viewed. Such cries were heard at the last Even if no one has studied any h.vde; green with brass nails To Sylvia Fi$her lowed closely by a Bristol 180, fired ^ U n background at all. it would -dhy that bciapitals are none of quaUty which did. almost alngle-, feta shades, 34ite Bblb sockets. Lamps are 28 inches tall; shade tilts for acknowledged . for her coopera­ Barbara Duncan ’58 French Club meetings when the by Clarence Bodamer. A 179, 175 reading. , . ' tion; ' and Edward Ryder, in Students Instruct be well worth whUe to see these their knaineas, . that hospitals ! ***■<•*<*• provl^ the turning point . . It haa 'been announced that' group played "Bingo." MUa Jeanne and 174 completed the 889 Bristol pictures , . FuluPe Vocations charge of .advertising, was praised Low, adviaor for the club, called off charge mumgb to be able to a - ! ^ ^ constitutional convention Sylvia Fisher, a former student of showing, and brought the final tal­ R'eg. $105.00. Modern for his helpful t>*vticipation. Al­ the numbers In French while each ly to 914-889 Manchester. Latin with 'falks JoAnn Fisher, '67 . nance their own expansion. They! created these United States Youths' Maple Kneehol^ Desks 59.95 . * Subject of Talk Manchester High School, ia saluta- Jimmy,Sosville Lounge Chair, blond legs, ton Holt, who has taken many torian o f Regional High School in member followed the said digits on am at least loj-al to one hospital America. It was there, in the "candids” around the school, and Iheir cards.' ,' Reg. $69.50 D^ks with 40 x 20-inch tops; three drawers at left side; drawer melon cover . . ; ...... 2 5 .0 0 Dundee, III. Sylvia moved • to Visitor at MHS it. Students became instructors in .and know that no hnaptf i ever •t»oephere ot ihkny-anglbd poUU- above kneehdle; open leg base on right; p e rffo r bedrooms.. The students of Kenneth Holt’s Brenda Desrocher, who haa been , Maria Panteleo won the flrat Girls, Boys Clubs freahnan World UnderaUnding responsible tor cooperation on the Dundee in the winter of her junior Mrs, Lucille Gipson's Latin claaiea its patients cal compromises, where the in­ year. Since thtn, ahe haa become prise, A pin in the shape of the ____ 23.95 (12) 9 x 13 Hit- classes have recenUy been giving work between the A t department James Sosville. former MHS stu­ Eiffel Tower was awarded to her. Campus Sketches this past week. tienu coat ic stinct o f alin<>st an delegates waa Thumb-back Windsor Side Chain 12.95 a )>oj • member of the school Discuss ‘Teens’ ■’t’ - I or-Mws Fiber Rugs; Gray, oral talks on their future vocations. and the editorial staff, were also dent, class o f '57, waa recently Other winners were Pam Baraea, Etoch pupil was assigned a Latin The blunt truth Is that the suc- to seek some soluUoa which The required Biaterial was a re­ commended. Credit wask likewise body, both in scholarship and out­ seen about the halls of Manchester Reg. $17 .^® Authentic Windsors with turned In d ies, scooped seat bamboo- Green or Brown'...... 9 .9 $ side activities. Syl\ia has'been on Jean Halverson end Alan, Weiss. word, such as "audio.” "iaclo.” of the Manchester Memorial would compromise in some de­ sult of at least one trip to the given to the 23 members of the edi­ High School and attending many Vital SUUsUca: 5’8>i” ,'brow n ^ Sophomore turaed l^a. Choose in. mahogany or nutmeg maple colors, (3ood for dinettes. . guidance office and an intervievy torial staff tor their work. the honor roll at Regional High classes. Jim, who is at present a hair, blue eyes; Most Seen: With —...and "facto,’’ uru and ,,icaviii.cu presented • a i-2 Girls Club and three membera of Roqiital huUdiag fuiM} driVe isnot gree with too many points of view, since she entered. At MHS, Sylvia R ^ . ^93.75 9 'x '12 Axmins- with someone In that particular Marilyn Roberts *57 student of a Portland, Maine, high Brenda; Noted- for: Leading the n.lnute speech on hia particular 1 »>P a panel that that WaAington stood forth with became a member of National by the stand of a few Covered-to-Order Lawson Sofas 149.50 ter Rug; rose tone-on-ione occupation. school, was received warmly and Volleyball Season band; Pet Peieve: People who bite word. T The he talks included English ^ t®®"* Mtter writers in Rockvilie. but a differeat kind 'of formula for Bryan Krause presented a tape I.onor Society In her aophomord had many thlnga to tell-hia former nails; Ambition; To be an under­ derivationa from them and pointed ager’z life. The eeaaton took place year. at a meeting on Jan. . Hie penel IBat it ia being menaced, threat- action- Hia advice to the delegates Reg. $1^.50 TVo-Cushion &fas with square key arms, fringed bases: 19.95 f o r d in g of hta Interview with an claiamatea in answer to their ques­ Started by Girls taker. out eepectolly the difticult aapecU 6 Teachers Attend Her brother, Cordell, haa also membera were: Lee Decker, chair­ I and made to look -Very dSrk' that they should not 'seek $ 6 9 ^ ‘**‘^**’ fi»se» And cushions for long lasting luxuVy. Matching chairs architect, instead of speaking di­ tions on the comparison of the twq Vital StatlsUca: 5’7”, big brown of hia topic. A question end answer man; Doris Micheiitech, Carol 2 rectly to the class. One student b ^ n ie a pop"lar member of the schools. period followed each student’s '•y attitude of people unity through endless and weaken­ -^ R e g . $8.96 ,3-Shelf WaH ■The glrlF volleyball aeaoon to eyes, brown hair; Most Seen: Kelly, Peggy Kamella; Ctorol Mart- tbo found the Ubles had turned when Home Convention schpoi. "'brdell, better known Jim it very interested in dramat­ underway, with juniors, and Fresh­ preoenUtion. right here ia Manchester. ing coropromiac, but through the Rack in maple finish . .1.98 " ( torky,” lef* in hia sophomore Laughing; Noted tor: Repremand- ling. Dick Olmatead, BUI MalauMiy Black Decorated Boston Rockers 26.95 he interviewed a lawyer. Instead of ics and in track at hia.new Alma man playing Monday and Sopho- Ing -Nappy (Frertch poodle); Pet Clever pictures which were dis­ and Clyde Richard. They know Mandieetar Memo-i of the kind o f cOnstitu- the , lawyer being asked certain Mrs. Marie Helmboldt and Mrs. year. He la now vice-president of ■M ter. mCTree and Seniors on Wednesday. played to illustrate the words made the junior class at Regional High Peeve: "C in't think of one” ; Am­ The first topic discussed on the Reg. «4.O0 28-inch JShip questions, the lawyer asked the Doris Pyne recently attended the Of special interest to the claaa was observed by many, the the' a^-eeches of several studeiiU rial Hospital is their hospital, • *® •»« T>»en. One of our inost popular models selling regularly at $82.50. Scooped Wind- School. In hia freshman year at /M ' bition; “To put the top down.” subject of dating was looks, fol­ 'Fbieh cxiata ^ They know | might be compelled wheel Mirror, nutmeg maple ’ boy questions on the material he mid-winter convention of the Con­ of '57 would be Jim's future. He la rivalry U already strong between ViUl SUtiatics; S‘8” , blue eyes, particularly interesting and en­ lowed by peraoniSitjr, manners and Mr-type seat, bent back spindles and nicely shaped, top slat Stenciled in had acquired. The lawyer then MHS, Corky was president ot hia applying to Yal« and Bowdoin. He the teams. lightening. Theae 'iaual aids were ft runs at a leas, aa all g o o i bos- ■ ^ come to it. The delegates did necticut Home EcononUcs Assn, class. blond heir; Most Seen; Washing dress. The subject of dating waa . -4 .9 5 gave hia answer, thus comparing also haa taken exams laaued by the The Tumbling Club ia practicing his Pontiac; Noted for: Playing offered by James Arthur. Jay also diacuaaed, but no concluaiona jNtals should. They know it be-j ^ « y to be right, with with the guidance office informa­ held at New Haven'Lawn Club. Marietta Gagnon '57 U.S. Air Force to gain entrance to tor Its oaaembly, which will be ■qccsr; Pet Peeve: Fickle women; Boris, Paul Newth and Donald were drawn. to thorn, and to nobody else. 1 confidence that It would 9®8. $12.00 Polo Watercolbr tion. Dr. Beulah-Gillespie was guest the Air Force Academy. given on March 21. The aeventh * « b ltition; l To Make a million. McLagen. Kathy - Fournier, '58. ' The reports ranged from a voca­ speaker. A fashion show was pre­ ,a»d they know that if they don't a ctu ^ y be accepted anywhere. and eighth grade club will perform ViUl SUtistica: 5'5", blond hair, ,'The students fiui d that thia by F. Rebour, white frame. tion in art to a. vocation In plaster- sented' by the-Vogue Pattern Co. method of teaching worked well. DISPLAY IN UBRABT H mxl help it be what it Put it waa accepted, and we did These got the hatchet, too! as basic tumbling stunts while the blue eyes; Most :en: swim­ . 18 98< taif. The firm; showed the same pattarn Freshmen Lose tc. a. a r> i. » Senior ■ High Club will do some Af. They have acquired these words There is a display in Uie Hhrary become a nation. ming'meets; Nj . j for; “ Home­ _ to , tor their own good, no- Jean Martin *80 made up in sporty material and iq more advanced work. ■s a permanent part of Uieil- lArtln this week featuring sketchesand tod y rise wUL And, in fade of Reg. $42.50 9 x 12 Tufted Reg. $87.46 9 x 11 Nylon- dressy material, proving that a Three Contests made bangs;” Pet Peeve; Desert vocabulary, and enjoye; doing it pamphlets on the Shakespearen The Washington formula still Reg. $5,50 Old Pine Tray — I , An idpflAish Llsss Carol Huestia boots; Ambition: ' o aee tl.e baa- dWA knpurladge. thqy find oome works. We stUi find it so that the Rug in black and white with Rayon Bug in ambef gold pattern can bo used tor more then '' Barbara Rottner, '60 Era. Included are billboard adver-^ PlftntCr •nmaanaa.*,-*., * 9 3 ^ one dress. New teaching ideas were Manchester High’s Freshman ketbali team win '!n New Haven. Uaementa of William Shakes­ i dor danyiag or o«||dia^ fringed ends ...... 9 .9 g Secretarial Duties NOTE BOOKS KEOORDED maneuver in jioUUcs, 1 9 :9 5 also presepted to the gi^up. baMcetfafll team haa dropped its I ' l f you haven’t been studjring Student in ' John Palmer’s Answera: 1, Dave Woodbury, 2. QUILL RESPONSE GREAT ' peare’s famous playa An inter- or world. Is that last three games. On Feb-12 Coach your leaeons as }’ou should-have Unda Nelson, 3. "Whitey" Stev­ The conoerinis of opinion of the eating unit on the life of Shekea- Reg; $22.50 Botany Print in . Beg. $7,50 Pr. Half-Bucket English claasiea have recently re­ maneuver which finds and iaolatos Reg. $112.00 9 X 12 Ax- Viewed by .Class FRENCH BOY ENTERTAINS Philip Hyde started the second been, you're probably going broke ceived oredit tor 'their notebook ens, 4, Karin Pearson. members of MHS Publications Oub pears and anapehota o f Stratford-C Planter Book Ends; can be Janet Flavell tos m * right pitociple which minster Rug; modem ivory, antiqued gold frame; As is ) The members of Symond Yaven- string, dropping the game to Rock- by now If you happen to be' in study risview' This review ahowa ia that Manchester. I ^ h School on-Avon were cbntrlbuted by hung on w a ll...... • PirpUs in Miss Avia Kellogg's er'a and Michael Oaudano’s French vUla'S team by one point I^e '-'Llt- OeorKe Dougherty’s Spanigh n (Jarot Fischer students are becoming more ap- Janice Abair. '60, and Daate Dona- ought to apply. We etiU find that brown and beige design 4 9 .50 the teacher how much the student Shorthand II class recently viewed I Club were recently entertained tle Injuns" previonaly lost to the classes. . ia In^rested in English. It con- preci;iclative of the literary works by van. '60. Skillful aketchea of the the yianalt of an ideal, if waged B ^ . $22.50 ^ w e r Print by a film entitled "DuUm of a Secre­ by Jean Claude Peltier, playing Windham Jayvoeo and to Hart•rtforil The rule ia that every time one Utina information about' every­ NEW TYPINO -TCTHOD tiieir fellow atudentat. 'rtele club de­ ■ drees and hair stytea of the KUm - ^ Beg, $5.60 (3) Moderji the accordion. J'ean haa only oeeii by throe points. cided .this after selling 750 ctmies bcUian Era are also on dlaplay, firmly «Ad boldly, has a ^ R»g. $160.60 9 X 12 Plain' H. D. Biditer, roeocoo frame tary.*^ This film showed a young q>eaka an Cngljah word'in class thing in life that pertains to the Tbe Typing I claaae.. of Harry Black and. Brass TwiaXan^ girl reporting to her first job. In the Unitad Stataa a few araekitl Ctoach Hyde points out that poor he pays out a penny. The money course or English.. ^ i t h are practicing tabulatioii in of the\'winter edition of the Quill • Joan Kent ’5S o f wiantag w h ^ the cautious Grsy High Pile Rug ,. Magazine. They noted that the 55.OO in dusty white, aa is . - .1.$^ «IJertick a...... * .....9 8 4 . Among the imporUst thlnga a but has already learnad many foul shooting has hampered the collected is-being saved up for a ‘The following studenU kept outn M unus-ial and Informative man- pursrit o f the mersty poaalble aecratary should remember Is to werda. Jean’t accordion is not of "Injuns.” Against tvin^ham, they ,ner. The students si*: listing the magaz(nea were to very great de PAPW8 S U f l f t , P«rty- * .J standing noteb^ks; Judy Jackaoii mend a** M4y( Sv l *^a 'm4 aa n■ ««» y more o^ m fslL We still And honssty not \ keep her boaa's huaimaa txinfidan- -too typa hut rather oTJhit a . poor . 9 for 24. and against Other atudenta in other claaeea Bill Keish, Caiidancs Kin^i toach'srs in. Msnchestsr High Studenta ia Jolm Falmer’e ' ' "j;(^8tlaii type. Aimmg Bomp'' HPH a'FOOr U for 31. could------have been ------had sold, i 'they ' been liah claeeee ' morely best pcdlcy, from nn sthieal ' tlal, ftevfT i o t s n ^ ttw 8 have written up tha (JCIL stand­ Thomas Newman, Siuan Bpicer] School, the subjects they teach available. r "" — w ont “ tm ASBth«r cun# to-Matod irith pleted a 808 goint o f stow, but^strongost policy toeauat W t-nftf toat'U* ings, in SpaniMi. Some students (Jsrol. W-eSt.. Pet Sommers^ Jean and 4M coUegss they attended. ’ Students are reminded that -Vi whO'tolong to High Sffiiool clubs They )uiv4 also tabulat ' the ool- SSc- atudenta; ' netua^ getting W .. “ Stprrs. Xinda 'Weinick, Thomas ond payment fw* Somanhto was due tiva cards and let- Anaaldi, DoHhy Best and Judy legsB New Englend, the sdioql WATKINS SEMI-ANNUAL SALE 111 before vacation; th M M jm aat wfil ¥ Bl them in f)ian!ah. Mutty. colors rad atltisUe hteliuisiilH. be due at the end of ------99f 3:1^ ^ CUure Cartoon '38 , Muriel itikolffit’l l Joan Kffiit *M N. • /

rite V'-V V'I / n

F A C ^ S E tC H T MANCHESTER EVENING ^HERALD, MANCHESTER. COfJN.» FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22,' 1967 , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY,'FEBRUARY 22, 1957 ------^------j p ------:------.7 Mother of Thl*ee Shows * St. Johhg^ Rringg ' fUma and in televlaion; Mia* Ally-: »■ • t Eis^liow er Holds Doors Open Georgia Votes Headline Revue June Allyson, son with 'top part*' in movie*. Sukarno’s Jun* was a rtsihg young stir Polish Refugees Dick Powell at MGU When .she and Powrell For New Parley with Israel To Accuse Six Determinatioit Makes a Teacher were married on Aug. 19. 1945. i I To Maiufhegter In Separation It waa her firat marriage. 691 MAIN ST. AUNCHESTER . (OnltaaNI tra m Pag* Oae) I delay* in recent day* while carry* B.v NEA Sers'lce . Powell was married twice pre­ _:------Ing ■ on neg'otiationa with larael, In High Court viously, first to'* noh-professional. NEXT TO g a s CO. Sprinffletd, Ohio, The critical •r«n Poliah refugee*, yoi^g men Hollywood, Feb. 23 —One of llees raaolu^M e t Feb. 3 ahmild! otficiala aaid it would not request, shortage of school teacKert. that MlldrM Maund. Hi* second mar­ Israel to pi«* j any more delays now (Centtaoed from Pag* Oae) , I (Omtteeed from Pugi CMw) beityaan th* age* of 19 and /3'0, HolIywo(>d’s older marriages has riage. to Joan Blondell in 1938, i'N is plaguing educators; government haV* been ^ u g h t to Mancheiter c**4 with th* withdrawal., ! lliey said that while thiiy and pupils would’ be eased con- •nded with the separation of Jun* ended when she divorced him in OPEN MONDAY to SATURDAY ’The resolution charged Chief i who led the fight to win Uie inde- 1944. •It the meanwhile, the Secretary'i,fully prepared to go on Ulking aiderably .if there were a few O bitu a ry b y BC John's Polish National Allyson and D(Ck Powell. T A.M. to 5:30 P.M.— THURSDAY TILL f ( Mata is awaiting the return of i with Bban and exchanging views Justice Warren and Justices Black. ' pehdenct from Uie Dutch, m thousand'^more women like Mrs. .Catholic (Jhurch. Their friends weten’t surprised; the Israeli ambassador who. Prime with- Ben-Ourion, the line laid Douglas, Iteed, Frankfurter and John W; DeLong, Springfield i “In 11 yeais of indcpiintlenc* we Minister Ben-Gurion said, would down by the President of forcing Clatk with "high crimes and mis­ All *lngle, the men arrived here the PoWell* reportedly had aepa» housewife and mother of three jliave no Stability,“ the president Wednesday night, accompanied by Admitted Killer convey to the American govern- the Israeli troops out if they are demeanors" in connection with the children. rated before, for brief period*— ^ saU. ’‘Difficulties have firibeft .be­ 'Walter Wojnarowicz of thi^ 'Yet the fans considered it a most ment the pcwition o( the govem- not to be voluntarijy withdrawn is High Trlbupal’s sedition and racial . Mrs. DeLong yeariied to teach, D eatiu ment o< Israel. now the guiding line Of U.S. diplo­ decisions. cause' of opposition. Every cabinet Church’* *xecutive board. / romantic union > Gels Sanity Test She knewew it would mean intensive They were taken from their •Th* President and the Secre­ macy. It asked Georgia’s congressional study and training, but figured she ^ faced it. No cabinet has been But a parting of the w’sys was tary also coninfpred by telephone l At the same time these Infonti- delcaation to institute the im-' MUIard W. Park homes ' by the Germans during acknowledged for the flrst time Springfield, Maas., Feb, 22 (jf)— SAVE could cram the- work Into her al­ LAST CHANCE able to survive long because of the World War II. One was 12 years with Ambassaaoraoor Lodge _ In New ______^nts said- the United______States ____ IS not peachment proceedings, but dele­ ready '"full" dally schediilc. Millard Warren Park. 327 Wood- ______last night by.both Powell and Mias Lucian Peeta, 34, who aHegedly Tork City with r*i5ecu_ to the i interested In trying to punish Israel gation mehibers showed little en­ bridge-St.,' died laat night at Man- continuing crisis. old when separated from his par­ Allyaoit, who wera wed H H years admiUed he killed a wonian for So, when Wittenberg College ents, and was never able te return prsssntat^ to the United Nations or-impoae penalties. Its sple cdn- thusiasm for the proposal. here started a csTdet te«ching pre-. Chester Memorial HosplUl lo l-1 » “ We have trieid to face these ago. He is 52, She is 33. which another man la serving life, o( ths United States position. . owm, they added, is the removal of 'Tbe resolution was Introduced in lowing a short Ulneas. ever to them.' "We have not been getting alonT has been committed to a s'tate hos­ pa ration program In Frtruary.*’ The group landed In Brooklyn •*No United SUtes presenUOitm. Israeli forces from the disputed Senate by Hawes who admitted 1955, she was right there to sign He wras bom in East Hampton, have the aame problem an op- in the past few years, even though pital for mental tests. liowever. will be made until after regions. that it was "not going to turn the Dec,' 28, 1888, the non of the late -positlon which opposes juat for Wednesday aiter a trip across Uie We tried," conceded Miss Allyson. Judge Donald A. Macauley Ambassador Eban has had an op­ up for the courses. Now. just two Atlantic during a jltorm. The dock ■ Meanwhile the Elsenhower ad­ world upside down. But with It we years later, she’s ready to begin Hattie Skinner and Arthur A1. the sake of opposing... "I have decided that- Richard, and I sighed the order yesterday at the portunity to meet with the Secre­ Park. He bad been a resident of Import^ Demorrmey- strike at New Ydrk made it nec- have a better chance for happiness requeat ot Dlst. Atty. Stephen A. tary of State, as Prime Minister ministration tried a new tactical say to these Supreme Court jus­ teaching in elerabntary grades. maneuver. A half dozen American tices. ’we read your decision and Manchester for^the p'ast 45 year*. "The democracy we used is an e**arj’ to dock ,-at Brooklyn. if we are apart from one another." Moynahan. Ben-Gurion requested.” 'V^’hen Mrs. DeLong flrst signed Wojnarowicz brought the men Jews who strongly support Israel our blood boiled.’ ” ■ up for the program, she planned He was a member of the Second imported demooraty, so w* were Said Powell: "It’s true we W*ve Peels 'was arrested on Jan. 30 on That* were indications the Congrentional Church and held to Manchester where a grpup o f not been getting along, but . I DuUaa-Kban talks will continue in­ nMt with Secretary Dulles and The Senate amendment to the to take evening classes for seven faced with abuses.' ’ charges of assaulting four women/ with presidential assistant Max­ resolution deleted a sigUon which setnesters and to do 'her studbnt many cSfices In the church. He Was Sukarno said that ail parties in women from the church were wait­ The State Theater, Hartford, thought it was worth another He wafc held In $50,000 on those to Sunday, thus delaying any new ing with preparaUons for a wel­ will reopen this Saturday* and United States prasentsUon to the well Rabb at Dulles’ office yester­ stated that Douglas and Black “ac­ teaching the *igMh semester, ^ u r also a member of Manchester parliament ahould sit in the “Got- .chance. Unfortunately June did not charges. L o ^ e , No. 73. A. F. and A. M.; come supper. Mrs. Genevieve Woj­ Sunday with stage revue featur­ agree;’’ Moynahan quoted Peeta as say­ U-N. unUl Monday. day. cepted awards o f money and things earning her- cadet teaching (ArtlA- ong Royong’’ (cooperative) cabl- - . Dullea was reported to have of value froip Communist front cates. Delta Chapter. N-o. 51, Royal Arch nbt he proposes. The Communists, narowicz, wife of Waiter, was as­ ing an aggregation of 40 stars Both denied that an.v other man ing he k iV ^ Mrs. Mildred G. Asksd if Eban will ss« Eiseh- Masona, of which he was a past sisted by Mrs. Helen Opalach, Mrs. and entertainer. quirement in June, aha will need "But how can we avoid this group mors 'at tr(ftibl» between them Balaban said after returning to Marvin Moate said today and the just six hotlrs. of sumibar school Park of Wapplng; a daughter, Mrs. which won tho support o f aia mil­ giving tl)e men homes. Wojnar­ Dlng-Dong" and "Symbol of were met by Miss Allyson with the POSTAL OFFICIALS WED thera has been I have no com­ courses fo complete the 64 hours George Thurber of Manchester; owicz, who ' is superintendent ot Love"; Jo-Ann Campbell of "Come East Hsddam, Feb. 22 — ment.'' Nek York, however, that the group bill to prohibit interracial sports lion people in our (1955-56) elec- statement: “ As far as I’m con­ and other activities was put on the required to asm her teaching ‘Dteam Car^ Incorporates and seven grandchildren. t ons ? tlje Colonial Board. Co., arranged On Bab.v" fame, and Frankie Brun­ cerned our marriage will last for­ Postmaster Roljert Smith and as­ BLOUSES Ha did say however, that there was not asked to exert pressure on The funeral will be held at 2 Israel to withdraw her troops. ’ calender of the Georgia House by certificate.'She speeded things up "I do not take side*. I only want to have Jobs waiting for the men son, offering "Charmaine" and ever. I’m madly in love with the sistant Postmaster Mildred Ven­ was no telephone, call to the White o’clock Sunday afternoon at the other hits. E\tra added wil) be House laat night from the Israeli "No such .requests was made of the House Rulea Committee this by taking the maximum number national unity. I only express the at the company’s Parker St. mill. man. He’s ao good for me.” , tres. who worked side by side for morning. of evening class hours permitted Longer^ Lower Silhouette Holmes Funeral Home; 400 Main w ill'of the peopIeC’’ The' Rev. Stephen Stryjew'ski, Ali.s Lesle.v, the “ Female Elvis And Powell chimed in then: 21 years before they retired last, govammant head. us ,” he. said, but declined to com­ St., with the Rev. Arnold W. Tozer, and SKIRTS! A t the close of his vialt to the ment on what did happen. $ Moate was referring to Gov. and' s' full load during two -Wit­ rector of St. John’s, said t(xlay Presley,” temous for her "Rock- "This sort of thing has been month, were married Tuesday. tenberg summer sessions. minuter of the Second Congrega­ Indonesia ha* • been suffering A-Blll.v” ' interpretation of pop­ Whits House. Duties was naked by ■ .The Isrseli government la de­ Griffin’s sponsorship of the meas­ Detroit (IS[EA) Here’s a peek-ycan’t get into the side too well. from prolonged economic and that additional refugees will be brought up by the troublemakers 2 ure. The cadet ayst'em, a plan to en­ tional Church, officiating. ' brought here under sponsorship of ular, western and folk tunes. Also before, and it will be again. It’S, newsmen whether this country will pendent to a large bxtent on the et some of this town’s best - kept and we must develop access at Friends may call at the funeral ^litical crises. Spiraling Inflation accept. Ben-Gurion's proposal to backing of American Jews who The bill was put in third place able periions without coHeKe degree the church. appearing will be Carl Holland, stupid, because 1 don’t know two to teach, is a condensed eolTege secrets: least particularly -through the top," home tomorrow night from 7 to has provoked loud complaints hia "Rockin’ Sax" and "Band with reopen negotiations. He said that send about 1100 million a year to on the calendar as the legislature Auto engines will be so -powerful he explains. . throughout the republic of some people who are more happily mar­ prepared to begin the flhal day of course leading to a bacbelor de­ 9:30 a Beat.” ried. We are perfect for each -as hu: as he is concerned negotia­ Israel in the form of contributions only one forward speed is needed. "The solution is the auxiliary The family request* that In lieu of 3,000 islands, and no government tions never were?broken off—that and bond purchases. the 19S7 session. gree in education. has been able to find a solution. Performances will be continuous, other." After the first two years, the Cars will be so low you’ll have to roof door," he insists, referring to flowers, frlcnd.x may. contribute to Bohlen Arrives with late stage sliow'.s nightly at OFF furthw talks will be more ,in the Already juuised bv the Senate, enter partly through the roof. a side door which Includes part Residents of the less populous Is­ To those farther removed from 30 nature o f a continuation. It w u generally believed the mt ti­ teaching student begins teaching the Heart- Fund. 10 p.m. the whisperings that keep Holly­ % Passengers will be sealed in com­ cT the roof also opening up. The lands also have long resented the WATKINS / There was evident disappotnt- m e would gain House approval if full time With a temporary cer­ domination of the central govern­ For Capitol Talks wood occupied, the Powells had al­ Doctor Blames tificate. Courses are .generally pletely air-conditioned interiors. foreign-made Mercedes 300" SL has chea, or windpipe. He said Eisen- jnent here, but not much surprise, __ * it reached the* floor fof a roll call Seats will be ventilated. Radar' iilch a door, ment by the Javanese. This situa­ ways appeared the happiest of •t Ben-Gurion’s rebuff to Bisen- vote. Strategy of the opposition taken over the next twd summers, tion came to a head before Christ-' hovyer is using spray to fight iL film folk: They maintained a large SIRLS’ after which the final certifickte la warning devices will prevent rear- ' Windows in the coming cars will New York, Feb. 22 i.W - Charle.s -WEST hosrer's public appeal of Wednes­ Food Dves as was to attempt to keep the bill Funerals mas when dissident Army officers E. Bohlen. U.S. Ambassador to ; The doetbrs 'said they believe estate in Mandevllle Canyon, one awarded. The temporary certlfi- end-collisions. Cars will look more be sealed but provided with an : Eisenhower caught cpld 'while re­ day night Officially, however, the bottled up In the rules committee and more like guided .missiles: emergency release. Thqy will be seized control of much of Sumatra Russia, arrived here by plane to­ of the' colony’s ahowpisceii. United States withheld its reac­ but they were unable to overcome catd is rescinded after the four —the republic’s richest and second day en route to Washington for 10 viewing hia second Inaugural pa­ Both have been bbsy. Powell as | Fumrali Servie* Cancer Cause years are up. The student must This is not “dream car" atuff, made flush with the skin' of the Antti A. OJala rade a month ago. tion pending a detailed study a t' admlninstratipn pressure. either. car for better streamltnihg. This largest-island -and demanded more date of discussions with State De­ actor, producer and director, in ! Knit Suits Baseball spokesmen say enact' complete the course if he wfcnts The funeral of Antti A. Ojala, Ormaad.J- West, Director Ben-Gurion’s declaration to the W’Sshington,'Feb. 22 UPf ~~ A 'These innovations wUl be shew- wUl also help reduce noise, Canterbury, was held at 2 o’clock self-government , and , economic partment officials. Isrseli parUsment. ment of the bill will'"sound the to. continue teaching. benefits for the\Sumatrans. He told newsmen at Idlewild Air­ 142 East Ceater St. cancer specialist says cancer-in­ Mrs. DeLong wilt be a certified ing up on new models -within the; Radar Warning System, yesterday afternoon at the Holmes MltcheU 9-7196 In the dreumstancea, Elseii- death knell of the South Atlantic next few years. . "Wind noises resulting from the A pro-government officer later port that he knew of no direct con­ bower and Dulles were described ducing chemical addlUves and League. teacher in August, 19 years after Funeral Home with the Rev. C. nection between his orders to re-: her high school graduation. She This information comes from use of movable windows are a Henry Anderson, pastor of the re-established authority in . the as rehietsnt to accept the . Pre­ dyps aiw going into food for hu­ Rep. William Lanier at Candler Victor G. Rariolo, Ford’s director major nuisance at high speed," he northern Sector, but anti-govern­ port home at this time and the REG. $10.98 mier's parliamentary statement as is the first evening session student Emanuel Lutheran Church, offi­ Middle East crisis or recent d e-; man consumption. County said an amendment would of engineering research. Chrysler explains. "Heat will be added or ciating. Burial was in Blase Ceme­ ment elements held on elsewhere Maacheater’a Oldest tho last word on his position. They be offered'to exempt professional to receive a cadet teaching certi­ on the island. The Sumatra out­ velopments In Russia. Dr. William E. Smith of Engle­ ficate. and General Motors experts con­ removed aa required and clear fil­ tery. VD' e s t o w m with iinest Facilities thought ha may have sent by Eban wood, N. J., a cancer researcher, baseball and ad^ed: firm most of these trends. Raviolo break sparked similar movements Bohlen said he received -'his soma modifications which would in She meant to start teaching tered air wilt also be supplied ^'Bearers were Will Korsu, Emil orderii from the State Department ,Off-8tr**t PaiMflg makes the statement In a letter "I think ,I’U offer an amend­ says: — ■■ ■ mechanically.’; Lbeman. T hor Peters, Jalo Ham- in the Celebes and other, outlying some manner change the situation. when 2-year-old Jimmy, her young­ Island*. * three weeks ago. His last trip bark -- P H A S M A C Y EstabUtli*d 1874 GIRLS' FLANNEL-LINEO placed In the Congressional Record ment to keep them (whiles and est son, ehjtered kindergarten. But "We cqn expect at least a 25 Ravl'olo’s men are now working ala, John Hamala a n d John But Ben-Gufian- Strongly re- today by Rep. Delaney (D-NY). Negroes) from picking cotton to­ Large parts of Java itself are for consultations was last April. 459 HARTFORD RD. (CORNER OF McKEE)—TEL. Ml 9-9948 ahead of schedule: she now hopes per cent and possibly as. much as on revolutionary changes in seats. Lehmus. He described the new consultations airmad in his speech the policy Delaney is the author of legla- gether in the'same field just to subject to frequent raids from that Israeli troops cannot be with- to become a' aubstitute' teacher a 40 per cent increase in horse- Ventilation through the seat is at as "normal routine.” ______ilation propoalng changes in the show how silly the whole thing i*." next fall end a full-time teacher jmwer in' the next few years. This first only likely to show up on a Mrs. Bertha F. Dodge bands of the fanatic Moslem ~ d t « w n ■ . "Darul Islam” . movement which Bohlen had no comment on the | SLACKS botdering the sntrMca to the GiUT f."** P rul Laws for when Jimmy goes to grade school. will permit the use of a transmis­ few models. Seats will also be The funeral of Mrs. Bertha F. significance of the recent appoint-; \ tighter restrictions on the use of Loves Kids sion of different character. Large made more adjustable for individ­ Dodge. 73 Union St., will be held at the government has not bcin able ofi-Aqaba or from the GSsa Strip to put down. ment of Andrei Gromyko a* Rus-1 OORDUROY-WOOL-FOFUK chemical food additives. '"I’ve., always loved kids," Mrs. engines with a hydro-dynamic tor- ual needs. He does not think rear­ 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at ■ian Foreign Minister. | until Israel's interests in ths gulf Smith has been a staff research­ and strip ara guarsntsed. Op6n Forum IteLong explains, "and In going qu} converted and a reserve gear ward facing seats for paasengers the Davis Funeral Home. Farm­ Asked about rep<}rt.*i that he | F ■ ANNUAL- , On these fundamental points er at Harvard Medical School Into teaching. I’ll b e . In a field will replace today's complex as­ Will ever be popular. • , ington, Maine. Burial will be in planned to resign as ambassador, Rockefeller Institute* for Medical that will help keep me young.” sembly with a three speed and Accident reports from the ex- Fairvlew Cemetery, .Farmington. Bohlen said: "I haven’t any spe-! R«9uUr $2.98 . . 5 | .9 8 ,erhat Ben-Gurion said clashed head Research and the Loan-Kettierlng ‘Village of Outsiders.?’ Milk Proves Good on with what Elsenhower had said To the Editor, And Dr. Wendell C. Nystrom, reserve gear box.” preMways and turnpikes, reveal the rial plana." He said he expected to CHERRY BLOSSOH Institute for Cancer, and now holds desin of, Wltjenberg, saya: ,"In Deterioration of service avail­ growth of the rear^end collision. be back in Moscow about March 15 i Wednesday night. The President a fellowship from the American I disapprove the latest move of For Halting Fire asserted'that Israel must get its Chief Schendei in accepting ap­ Ohio- alone, more than 7.000 new able to car owners in the past few "The answer to this is a warning Robbery Brings and "what happens after that may j "AS IF BY MAGIC” WASHINCTON Academy of NutriUon for Cancer teachera will be needed every year yrars will be reflected in the new­ device which will operate so as to depend on the discussions in Wash-1 Uguliir $3.98 .. 5 2 -9 8 trptqM out of both places without Studies.. plications from applicants living Inslatlng on guarantees. for the next 15 years. At pres­ er cars. "I expect sealed trans- allow for safe deceleration,” he re­ Concord'? Va., Feb. 22 (JP>— Ington." ; In hia letter to Delaney, Smith outside of town seeking appoint­ Penally of Dealb TAKES OFF CALLOUSES TOUR BIseidiower pictured the issue ment to tho local police depart­ ent, only 5,000 persons are teing mbsions and axle, and lifetime ports. "All the elements for such Dair>Tnan W. D. Evans la not ciy- Bohlen-has been mentioned in : aays a. loophole in existing law prepared annually to fill these po­ ing over the 50 gallons of spilled ■A ■* . ■* as one wditch now*, involves, the ment. Ifibricated chissis components that a system are known and in use.” published reports as a possible sue-1 Leave April 4>. . . Washington R.fiiUr (4.il .. 5 3 -4 9 ahould be closed to insure that can­ sitions.’’ ’ Would not be serviced," he says! Radar would be involved in such Houston, Tex., 'Feb. 22 (A';!— milk he . used to (louse a fire in cessor to C. Douglas Dillon, retir-: SMOOTHS ROUSH SKIN HOCKMEYER CORDUROY • PINWALE prestige and effectiveness of the cer-inciting substances—called car­ This town id a growing commu­ in CheriY Blossom Timr . . . United Nations and he said that nity with a total population, of A couple of thousand like Mrs. If you think the '57 models are a system. Alvin. Charles Blankenship was the bathroom at' the home of his Ing Ambassador te F rance./ CHINOS AND DENIMS cinogens—shall "under qo circum­ DeLong would help very nicely. convicted ..n a charge of robbery sister-in-law, Mrs. Oliver J. Bohlen said he will have a hoU-1 ELIMINATES OFFICE ELBOWS Public Buildings . . . . Arling­ * ths U.N. has no choice but'to ex- stances be introduced into food.” some 12.000, From my point of Ic between 57 and 61 Infehes-— i On improvements in' steering he ton . . . Mt. Vernon . . . Con­ srt pressure on Israel to compel drop your sights for the ones .com­ says; by firearms and was given the Wright. day reunion here with,his daugh­ "It U simply not in the public view if acceptable men cannot be ter. Avis, 17. who attends Milton REMOVE EXCESS CUTICLES gressional Library . . . Lin­ withdrawal of the troops. found within our midst it is time ing up. Mi^nufacturers and custom- "Today we balance rim pres­ death penalty here yesterday. Fortunately Evans was loading FLANNELETTE interest to expose consumers to a milk truck when he received her Academy at MiU(m, Mass., and is. coln, Jefferson Memorials . . . $ | 4 9 Barring further relays, the U.N. the unforeseeable . risks of a host to toss in the' sponge. Israeli Minorities -ers alike 'desire this because low sures on the steering wheel against A jury of 10 men and two worn'' KEEPS GOLFERS HANDS SOFT Franciscan Monasterj* . . . General Assembly in New York cats are safer to drive, look faster the varying aid* forces gn the car en found .him guilty of the rob­ frantic phone call from several on a Washington’-* Birthday viBlt to REGULAR $1.98...... of biologically foreign food addi­ Unquestionably over a period of New York. Shrine of Immaculate Concep­ Heayy takes up tbe Isrsell-Egyptisn tives that may provide eye-appeal a few years there has b^n more Reject Ben-Gurion and are faster because of reduced and ao trace the desired track. To­ bery of Ora Oscar Gilmore. 77. a miles away. He sped- to the fire KEEPS HEELS SMOOTH tion . . . Return to Hartford crisis this sftemoOh. 'That means or aih'ertialng values but offer no resignations from the local police wind resistance. morrow our steering wheel will night watchman At Busch Sta­ with 100 gallons of milk in 10-gal- April 7. PAJA/AAS ths beginning of a debate on sanc­ ' enmb ,In Through Top truly Indicate the desired track dium. • ' ' lon drums. nutritive benefit,” he said. • force in comp'arlson with any Will Not Affeet Or Harm Lira Skin arid $ 1 . 9 8 tions—a niova ths Arabs have ■ He said restrictions should ex­ other police unit in the state of Withdrawal Terms The minimum height of a car, and automatic servo-mechanisms Gilmore was shot four times, The milk was carried Into- the President Fi»hts All Exjienses, * 6 0 been demanding. But Britain ap­ tend to chemicals administered fo Connecticut. theoretically. Is about 51 inches, will compensate for the side stabbed twice and suffered nine house and poured onto the flame.s REGULAR $2.98...... peared cod to aancUona and animals destined for human con- In the past I was amused indted (Conttnned from Page One) and within tbe next 10 years alt forces.” ' broken rib.s and a head injury in until they were sufficiently under Throat Infection Unconditionally Guarantaedl From Hartford Light .nd G O W N S! France was opposing them. ’The aumption. and cited findings by.the when "it was announced by Chief models will be close to that, Ravi­ On future design he predicts: the robbery. Some 12,930 was control that the bathroom water ■ V U.S. stand for pressure on Israel taps could be reached and water For Detailed Itinerary Food and Drug Administration in Schendei that most of the resigned tions won’t frighten us” — that if olo claims. Thl^: pi-oxides' seven "The customer is becoming more taken. Weight $ T . 4 9 thus raised th* chance of a new respect to the drug dlethylatU- men were entering one of the air­ inches for ground, clearance, five sophisticated about innovations of drawn to extinguish the blaze. Washington, Feb. 22 (A’)—Presi­ And Reiaervations invoked they might prove a bless­ The state asked for the death Visit Flione Write Big H it— rift. bestrol. craft factorie.artment. Instead of not return to that '.area, either di­ Washington. Feb. 22 (/P>— Sen. lungs and sinuses. ^ * JAchson 2-8188 BOYS' FAMOUS NAME tian Coast) and qur Navy in the understanding with the •United'^Na-* rectly or ipdlrectly. and the United I and that marketed poultry have j being known the Village of City Tiran Straits'(the entrance^to the About Tow n Russell (D-Ga) said today hs lAter, White House Press Sec­ U:ontained per bird up to' 321,000 Charm 'perhaps we should adopt tions, and the United States. 'This Nations and Israel should arrive retary James C ., Hagerty told Gulf’ ). appe-ted designed in part to hold at an agreed settlement which will will seek “ several hundred mil­ j times the amount of thia drug suf- I the name the Village o f Outsiders Alon’s threat to pull his party Manchester Assembly, No. 15, lion dollars" In addithinat defense newsmen that Army doctors found I ticing as a daily dose to induce in the future. off U.N. action on Arab demands guarantee security for Israel and Order of the Rainbow for Girls, the President to be In fine shape, ' cancer in mice.” out of the coalition came as , a Ion san<^ons against Israel. In­ her settlements in the south and funds to speejl work on a nu- JERSEYS Thanking you for the allotted surprise and raised the possibility will meet Monday evening at 7:30 clear-poxvered aircraft. Russell, except lor a throat condition caus­ •n Smith further aaserted that “up­ space. Francis J[. Happenny, formants hqre said the basic situ­ Ni^eb, provide {or the rehabilita­ at tbe Masonic Temple. As an ing the cough. , LONG SLXEVi: wards of half a million pounds of of a serious' split in the govern­ ation now SMnqed to depend on tion of the permanent residents, rhairman of the. Senate .Armed Editor’s Note: We question im­ ment backing. Soon after he spoke, initiation will be held, all mem­ servlres -eommlttee,' told aexxs- Hagerty said V*J- Cten; Howard dyes" containing "^angerous car­ plied statistics as to the compara­ whether the debate on the impro^rishei} during’ the period ber* are asked to wear white. Of­ M. Snyd(vr. the White House physl- JACQUA1VCM8-8TRIBES-BOUDB cinogens"-have been cecUfled for the KneMet adjourned until Mon­ Middle -East crisis—scheduled to of BgJ^tisn occupation, and pave raen the reqnested-budget would tive number of resignations and as day night. Then Ben-Gurion and ficers and members are also re­ clan.described the cough as tra­ use in -food while arguments have be resumed today—would be post­ the way for a solution of th* prob- provide only pnei'fourth as miirh to police and war Induatry wages. other coalition leaders will' reply, quested to attend the. rehearsal at money- fqp developing' the plane cheitis—inflammation j f the tra-i gone on over the safei;ly of the poned for another lew days. Ism^of the refugees by the United the Maaonic Tempi*' Sunday after­ material. prior to a vote of confidence. 'Nations.” aa wa* appropriated'ter the cur­ Start These Bulbs Now •Wonderful Work* Ben-Gurion and his cabinet met In his speech to psrlfament, noon at 2 o'clock.' rent ‘ year enittng June 80. He He said a aenlor scientist of a T the Editor, which was broadcast td the nation, Most of the residents of the leading . chemical manufacturer until early today to draw up new criticized' a Pentagon decision 1 have occasion to visit the hos­ instructions for Ambasiador Abba Ben-Gurion said ‘Israel-dare not Gaza Strip are Arab refugees U.S. A-WEAPONS De m a n d e d lost his job after discovering the frfihi the 1948 Palestine War. Taipei, Feb. 22 (A>)—A 'member to sloxv down spending and work FOR RENT pital frequently (last week I was Eban to take back to Washington unconditionally abandon ths de- on the atomic plane proJecL TUBEROUS GLOXINIAS OFF presence of carcinogens in the dye. there six of the keven dsys) and fq(M op her rights" in the Ijulf of ' Ben-Gurion said 'Elsenhower’s of Parliament, Kao Ting-ngau, an­ 8 and 16 mm. Movie Projaeton CALADiUM 20 for more talks with U.S. Secretary t! ' Smith also said, there is no as­ appeal for' a troop withdrawal had grily demanded today that Ure —notiad or silent, also 35 mm. % know,' rather intimately some of Aqaba and "will not submit td res­ surance that pre-testing of chemi­ of State Dulles. BEBQNIAS The "an -ttma” favorite ,p(>t the wonderful -w-ork that is being toration of the status quo in the placed him under "great moral United States supply Nationalist slid*- projeetors. Brilliantly colored leaves for cal additives on animals will of­ Eban aaid he was taking back' preaaure,” Truly the aristocrats of plant. Produce* a mass of done In. our community. Here is an new instructions aimed'at an iin-. (Gaza) Strip.” China with atomic weapons so that WELDON DRUG CO. indoor house plant* or may BOYS' FLANNELETTE fer protection for'^m ans, or that iiistitution that serves day and ' ’Tt waa not with a light heart the government could cut defense be planted outside aa a gar­ *ha(Ie loving plants. Start large tt;umpet shaped blooms dosages can be und which "some-, deratandtng with the U.S. govern­ Ben-Gurion declared: 901 Mala 8 t TeL Ml 3-5821 indoor* now for earlier night, without regard to creed or that I gave the answer 1 did 't<) spending. W EITW HARTFORD den companion for tuberous that last for two or three one else thinks" will not be harm- ment. which he said is becoming "The government of Israel con­ the President of the United — .1^.1 IMli ...... blooms this aqmmer. Will color, all who come knocking at well aware of IsraeTs security siders It essential that the United ■ Premier O. K. Yui curtly replied ' begonias. ■ / months. ' fuL its doors for relief from pain and States," he said, “piit out of a deep flower continuously until late '.‘’Am an example," he . stated, problems. Nation* Emergency Force shbuld that the goVcmiirent planned no i FAIR discomfort. I do not believe I need sense of responsibility that resta S ot the beat color* for pot­ fall. ROBES "beta-naphthyylamine, from which But government sourcM said be stationed on the coast of the reduction in military spending SI AIK AiOlOlth to spell out the .excellent program on the repreaentative of this small ' ‘As Ibng as tht threat of Commu­ ting. • ' CAMILUA FLOWERING Emparer Frodorlclc some presently-qsed food dyes are Eban’s new Instructions do not Straits to safeguard freedom of nation in its hard and bitter atrug- TYPE' manufactured, iq recognized as' or Uie wonderful work that Is imply any major departure from navigation of Israeli'shipping until • nist .invasion remains imminent.’’ Red bordered white. being done. .But 1 would like-to take gte for-Burvival-against many^who 8 different colors. BEG, $2.98 ...... $2.29 capable of causing cancer in man IsraeTs, Insistence on firin guar­ peace is concluded with Egypt, or Yui made no mention of atomic March 13 thru i 7 HHFaE f seek to destroy. IL" but not in rats or mice" thia opportunity to urge everyone antees for shipping rights in the until some other reliable and effec­ misailes. . ' Each 39c HANGING BASKET TYPE to give enthusiastic and generoua Th* Prime Minister said he ^Trpf> fit fi- ■ Gas EmpM^or WIRIam In man, he continued, "many Gulf of Aqaba and assurances tbe tive arrangement is made to thU tried to explain to Etsenhower P.-?' 6 colors, excellent for win­ REG. $4.98 ...... $3.49 s'.tpport to this drive for-funds that Egyptiana will not return to the end. HEARING SET -FOR. PRISON Fttmocos dow boxes in a shady loca­ Purple borderod white. years may elapse between expo­ that all Israel aaked waa freedom Th*'. i .o m ; h \m .i:k the. good work that is being done <3asa Strip. .Hartford, Feb. 22 (A'l— Fraak tion. sure to a carcinogen and tbe time ms. be expanded even more. As for the Gaza Strip, it should of-navigation In the Gulf of. Aqaba ;»iu. 0*p- ' T( A. 1% 2 r.r 75e When cancer appears" , Ben-Gurion said lara^l is seeking be made certain that Egypt wUi and “ appropriate arrangements W''oJralewiez,. the paraplegic ROSEBUD E M l l a d a F M REG, $3.98 ...... $2.91 * "In my own experien?*,'' Smith ’Thank you for the courtesy of whose execution for a double Orhet. iil -lA . Perfrot roaebud form in nice your column. with the United yationi to safe­ Bright Red. said. "I have induced cancer later T guard-peace and atabiUty” In ’the murder baa been delayed five sbadr of pink. in life,, in hundreds' of Animals by Very cordially yours, years because legal maneu­ REG.$5.98 ...... $3.98 Clifford O. Simpeoni Gaza Strip C A L U D U E S CRIMPA MARGIXATA Mount Bkme injecting them when young writh South Windsor Ben-Gurion opened his speeih vers, wrill ue give* still aaetker 4-H C L U B A single frilled, flower, red a single dose of a fraction of .a mil­ with the questions: “ Shall the hearing next. TueMlay. This and white. Pur* White. ligram of iarincogena... FRITNDLr PERSUASION Make ideal house plants or Milwaukee iP>—Hotels and rho- united Nations with the assist­ time Superior Conrt Judge Rich­ EXHIBIT Allowance may be planted outddors for 94AMORATA “The human, digestive tract pro­ ance of the United States show dis­ ard H. Phillips will hold court For Your 014 Unit FAMOUS NAME- vides an endleas imd understand­ telg apparently, can get along with Highway lJr\it Workers Seen $50 added- beauty . tn rock gar­ CamelUa formed flower mot­ ‘ Tigrlno each other, after all. crimination between dictatorial la a room at the State Prison In No Payments Hll April den* or in annual bordara. tled red and pink. Spotted hybrids in various ably attractive outlet for products Egypt and Democratic Israel?.. Wethersfield for a habeas Sponsored by HEAVY WEIGHT of chenqical Ingenuity, b u t...it U At lea.e*n sending us their busi­ Hippie, head of -Local 991, State, Board o f SaleclMcn to dlacusa the PANT SETS s h ir t s Senate Internal Security subcom­ ness, and vice versa. We accept ing. opposition o f the people of County and Municipal Employea: matjer. Israel." dress shop mittee for th* Polish representative calls from all neighboring motels Union AFLrClO, laid the g^up Local 991 represents workers In SPECIAL - SPECIAL SPECIAL CORDUROY and RAYON FLANNEL Ilanhclette-Cottoaa-Corduroy to the U.N. International Chil­ and they accept ours." was planning to become members th* Afanchester Highway, Recrea- dren’s Emergency Fund.' ALUMINUH SHIP . "Wltara It costs kss. GIRLS' of the local. tlontion, /Park,. Cemetery, J,, Water, TTMier, Lnx- De- More aluminum went into con­ IMPORTED DUTCH AMARYLIS HYBRIDS They suggested if was inspired LADV ROUNDS VP Hippie bald the 'unioni will -work partlncnts and custodial workers to bo bottor drtssofir by i>eople who wante{] to hslt the Albuquerque, N. M.—'The New out' a simple w-orking< ■gr^i agreementment for the Board o f Education. struction of the 8.8. United States, trend toward better American- and a simple job clasrificaUon sys- speed queer, of th* Atlantic, than DYNAMIC Pottad In lu d dad Maoiif Many Colort REG. $2.98 REG. $1.98 Mexico Cattle Grow-ers Assn, has ' It operates under memoranda of Into any other aingle'stnicture-on i ^ »l »5 2 r „ »3 w 52.29 51.49 /. Polish relations. n.amed a grandmother. Mr*. Linda tern for..submission to town i^ -' understanding with the'town's gen­ ROBES clals. iand.or sea.. I^’bod is used only )n New Spring Ensenthles Lambert of IVIangle Ranch, Mos- eral manager and with the Board LINEN CXITTONS...... SILKS INSiiilANCE AZTEC LOOK Union Head Sees Workers of Education and a j<^ clarifica­ her pianos and butchers’ clwpping quero, "Cattleman of the Y*ar." • SUOCS 7 to IS:,10 to IS Mexico City—WUi the next New She is the flrst woinan to receive The union head said he and other tion system forma th« U t blocks. ‘ _ REG. $3.98 REG. $2.91 Look be the A*tec Look? 'offlclaU met last night with the determining wages. 52.98 5I.9S the honor. Mrs. Lambert has been I .OUR LABl^ MUST BE REMOVED . . . It wUl.if Mexican designers have workers anS plan another meeting If the South Windsor worker* do COAL RESERVES A president of the ?{cw Ifexico Here­ Monday. By that time, he said, he ...... , , bn the anything to say about, IL They’re ford Assn. Join, it will be the uniqn’a first at­ New apprwlaals estihrate -ttaeiwj BUT THE qUALlTh’ RtalAINS! goin|r back to Aztec days 10 cen­ hopes that tbs agreement and job tempt to represent any . group out*- are itau-ly 950,000.000,'000 tons o f ' OFF clasaiflcatlon will be prepared. side Manchester. I Hours: Tueaday thru Saturday IM S aju. to 5lt0> m . REG. $4.98 . REG. $3498 turies ago for” eew’,’ designs in The Smithsonian Institute In recocv^bli*' c<^ reservA In the 53.79 52.98 Hippie, who fsld. the workers re- ''' dresses, textiles and'colors. A dress Wasblniton D.C. has-a fabulous PtesumaWy Local *61 wUT aub- United Statec, o f which 40 pet a t TMB tnunoT'. /' ' fair late this yiiu- wUl featur* tbs eeiv*,, about U-I0 , an hour, • termed "*** tb-towh officialsrah •gieement cent is bitumlnou*, 24 per etat . CON. WDODBRIOaE aa« MlDpI^ mOfcM AOf coUectfen o f, sojly American th* figure •'ridiculous.” A cteasiflcatlert .imH.,- to L MIMmI 9-2508 A s^ jUook. ; . - . J Ucyclen, aubbitumOtoue, 84 per cant UgsHe He said Ov*-union would try teitte)i* Manchester, ta t stapler. and 2 f t r cent nntfcnelte. 'C- '- ' < 51-; X' l i f f i ) f' '■ • fi • MANCHESt^R EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY,. FEBRUARY 22, 1967 t s m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1967 BUGS BUNNY XUnlster (calling on inmate of .In case you find a mistaka in prison)—Remember,' that stone this newspaper^ plapsa ramamber CAKPUU 0* TH'TKI.;, walls do no't a- prUon make, > nor State Tax Chief Top Adult Scouting Award ers Reveal For Resolute Leadership , . > VEI? aCAR NOW! Sense and ^llonsense that it was put*thera for some­ ■ vj"’* r” iron bars a cage. , ^ body’s benefit. We try to please Anawar to ^ravioua'^iild' Prisoner-Well, 'they've got hie everybody,; and soma people are Raps Au^tprs T fl^ and Countjy Given Mrs. M ^er at Banquet Dullest^ Oilm en French Maid (to inquiring Bookkaapar—No ? hynotUed then; that’s all. alaraya looking for mistakes. J. Edgar Hoover . Given r ^ -1 friend)—Out, madama U UI, but Stano—No; he goes his way and z t doctaira hiaf pronounce It eoqie- I go his. AOMHill DOWN For Criticism Securet Parley thing very trifling,''vary small. CARNIVAL BY DICE TURNBR 1 — Diego, ISeeshere y • . Friend—Oh, I am so relieved, Captain—Coward, why did SCanturynlant from N g e Onh' Freedom' Group Award for I was really anxious about her. run when- the battle began?. CalUomlA - (OoBtlnued from Page One) « War god ’ llBstemnata 'Whai. does the doctor say the Private—Captain, that was no we/^dn't fe p o is ihe''p4nalUes.’’ M Gneet 4 Girl’s namt fectly proper program thgt must (Centiaued from Page One) pOi. on a daultng performance of WE WERE trouble 'is battle. It looked like a plain shell 8 Rave French Maid—Let nie thin)c. It game to me. AudilonC. Leefr'to''exercise sonite degree 'Die senator said he wanted to 33 Spirit 36Ffdd 40 Flying Others honor^ from Connecti­ als.’ “its new look and program Wife, (icily)—Maybe, James, The real test of courage occurs nickname of discretion In the imposhim of emphasize that “ the operations of 34Earth . 37 Scattered machine the statutory penalities," the cut included: are designed to enable the Amer-. you-do call, a Spade a spade, but when one is in. the minority;'the the Middle Bast Emergency Com-^ lean' Communists to regroup ahd 36 Portion tors said. mittee (composed! of ^ a jo r oil Henry E. Josten', Deep River, you don't call a club a club—you real test bf tolerance when we are George Washington honor medal develop a militant party to accom­ call that working late at the of­ in the majority. STPaleeUae Turning to other matters, Loiig firms) and the Middle East reso­ town ley and ThabcljerTI were pleased at for hla editorial. “ Why Vote"’ plish their 'historic mission’ of ():• fice. lution 8Ub!ultted by ths President straying American freedoms. KNOW WHY? IO(}peB The Gray Mfg. Co. Hartford, Soldier—I'm hungry enough the amount of extra tax money relate to the same .thing. SaWish brought in by sales ■ tax auditors "You cannot 'Mpiirgle oil from" encased George Washington honor “Sovlet-styls communism cq-' • BARGAINS ARE TRUE AND HONEST SSEngUsh who examine books of taxpayers. Mrs. HerauuB Petersen Mrs, Gladys Meyer Middle Bast policy.'" ' medal for top award'in advertis­ mains the ideal, and the Comi6u- . novelist 'During the 1955 'fiscal period, ing. nist party intends to do Its Nst ago. And we 'tnougnt they were the getting in ten r '‘">'*es. The resolution now Is being dC' to -Imposs it upon this country. • n o c o Me o n s o p i o n l y it I m s 35 Wipes out they Xtdd. a total of 3850,000 was The annua?’ dinner of the Man-T*" baled in the SChktc, after paaaage Wilbur Cross High' School, New 36 Plaything T brought In as a result of such Chester Girl Scouts was held last; Superintendent Graff hy the WniiM^ ^— ------Haven. George Washington honor Every law-abiding persoh who • NO OLD MERCHANDISE 37 Filament audits. The following year, the night at the Emanuel tiitheran' Fractures-teft-Anir •Dedal for hlfjr school 'e ditorial, wishes to preserve our American nrpr -figure topped, the ai million mark Church, Wltli'aljout 150' adult Si “From the editor’s Desk.” freedoms certainly must recoghlM 40Touches, for the first time. ' James Hlllhouse Hlg)t School, that they cannot long endure with­ • CUSTOMERS KNOWLEDGE OP VALUE members aind friends of the organ-; George E;-Graff, supervisor lightly Izatioir present New Haven, George 'Washington out respect for authority which “Tti^ Justifies the number 'of of rui'u education in several Public Records is dedicated to preserving civil lib­ 41 High cord examiners employed and indicates A Thanks BadgA the^ highest medal for Ita school program; alao, • DbillLE STAMPS A U WEEKEND 42Head bone. award an adult in^Girl’ Scouting ' araa towns, suffered a frau- second place award for high' school erties rather than to deatroying that additional revenue may be tu'retf left arm aj: Atlantic 4S Pried may receive, waa presented to Warrantee Deeds editbrikl. "Foundations MainUin them.’’ IE v o r tlw fkoptkt bouvhtl) obtained, by the employment of . City, N. J„ Tuesday' htglit 4llhisatlaflable additional audit .examihers," they y 1 . Gladys Meyer, outgoing pres­ . Camillo GambolaU to Lillian G. Heritage;” 31Q9 and George Wash- Hoover blamed what he called, How 1 M UST r W H Y ^ SlSpeek ident of the Manchester Girl .Graff attending the con­ Larson, property at Hockanum Ingtein honor'medal. the ‘'psucdo-liberar for attacking S E A aaid. EfiAD.BoVfi.'ASlENrr VOO '^DISEUISE S3 Year between L mta, Inc., by Mrs. Herman P e-' ventions of ths National As­ Circle. Farmington High School, Unlon- the ‘conatitutlonal balance of free­ The Roasons AroMOny 1. We T O - y<5RA\Pr V O < E (. . OOR- 13 and 30 The audit report urges hiring sociation of School Boards and vllle, George Washington honor dom and authority" in the name r SI N ; of additional personnel in the tersen, new president of the group. Leland Elvin Ellis to Kaare S. BSTTce knot Preceding the dinner and , pro-; the Association of School Ad- Hyer and Alice Hyer, property kt medal for high'school editorial, of "social progress” and said I L ll^ agency’s Inheritance tax dlvtaion. LIKE /a -a a . 64Miriner’s w gram, the colors were presented by ministrato’s. 43 W. Middle Tpke, "A Memory for Memorial Day." "they have become the ready tools TO walk' fDUKES ? direction 'which l\as a backlog of more than 'tVlIllam Derdertan, New Britain, of the Communist conspiracy." he HAKT-KAFF.'UAI^-k^AFC:? nMrtui o w icif V Z - y < .1,100 caaea 'waiting attention. members of Intermediate Troop 7, i Snow, followed by rain, fell Alice E. Powell to Anthony WE HAD SlLNEr p E R THEy'Rt A round UiN'T rr e tWT H SI* «—<». tm. SSWitherNI BT and the Navy Hymn sung by. mem- Dzen, property on' Beacon St. national commandant. Marine added: EASIER ■‘TTie-state should provide ade­ at. the .New Jersey resort Ities- OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 CAMOELABRA' ' l a b * , WE WITHA [THE same 86 Revise t jrs of Senior Troop 6. 'The guests dsy night and Grqft suffered Quitclaim Deeds Corps League, served with mem­ “To be sure, the 'pseudo-liber­ T o e e r TOOTHPICK OLD "But Jimmy i« forttighted, Daddy! Hit invaatmanta in ■ quate service to Ihsure prompt COUt-tJ DINE IN.THE 87 ------Moines. were greeted by Mrs. Meyer, the the injury .when he, slipped, and Ethel A. Buckland t Forrest N. bers of the 1956 national Swards als’ proclaim themselves as artl- OUT OP IN MV Br e a d ^ lata racofdinga will pay off aomaday aa seulem«nt~and prompt collection REFINEO OKStOnV lows outgoing president. ' ' fell on an li^ sidewalk. He was Buckland, prope^-ty at 36 Bush Hill Jury, and Dr. Albert C. Jacobs, Communist. 'They have made ef­ OC.A SHIRT toTlactora^ hams!** oi the inheritance tax," the audi­ president of Trinity College, Hart­ forts In recent years to curtail the PUODiNSt tors said. ' * Skits Presiented hospitalized there and driven Rd. . The highlight of the evening's to hla home in Rockville by , John J. Walker, Wlillam A. ford; worked with, the directors of government's authority to defend More Door Busters! program waa Mrs. Meyer’s report ■friends yesterday. ' Iker, and Samuel -Walker to FreUdflins' Foundation. our national security. * PRISCILLA'S POP Two Can Play. BY AL VERMEER of activities during her term of John Walker, property on CHinton Hoover, accepting hla honor as “Some of them may be honeat JUST AKKIVID office. 1955 and 1956. Aa she read St. a tribute to FBI employes "who and sincere but they are mia- ME HE JUST PEOPLE WHCD^ Hospital Notes her report, members of Senior Meyer to the following; Eidward Certificate of Deeeent have made Its achievements pos; gulded. Others aeelt the ‘pseudo- PAMOUS CANNON PRINGED DIDN'T SAVE ME THIS LIKE TO RENT TWISJ Troops 1, 6 and 50 pfescihted en­ O'Brien. Mrs. Herbert McKinney, Eiatale of Mary Walker to John sible,'* declared American, ideals liberal’. cloak to conceal more sin­ are "under ; ceaseless attack both TWE LANDLtORD SAY A LIST OF H O U S E ^ Patients-Today 191. < tertaining skits depicting the Mrs. Francis Hale,. *in Scheiben- Walker, John J. Walker, William ister objectives, because deceit is PI NGEKTIP 1ST OF TUIKliSS from withlli and without" and % ANY­ HIS OW N ! a d m i t t e d TESTESRDAY; outstanding events of these two pflug. Mrs. Appleby; ..Mrs. A. B, A. Walker and Sumuel Walker, ths very essense of communism." THIN®.' John’ McNril, 36 Strant St.; Linda years. Sundquist, Mrs. ''«rnard Fogarty, ■property on CUnto i S t., warned they' “c*rt. be preserved Weniski, 20 Green Manor Rd.; Troop 50 did a slbgtag game, only through eternal vigilance."' ' About 150,000 tons of mattrebs W. F. Conant, Mra. Ycrner Ny- Certificate of Dtstrlbution He said the alia of Communists Mrs. Ouve Nickerson, 126 W. Main •'Tia," depicting the folk dance II Mrs. John Ko.raldek, Miss Jean Estate ef Theodore - Mathew wire and box springs are used TOWELS —in America''and throughout the St.. RockviUiK;' Buonflglio Carine. festivals . held in May 1955. The Campbell and Miss Jacqueline ‘TomaaalUs to Johanna A. Toma- each year in the United States. i 123 Oak St.; Charles Hull. East next skit, presented by Troop 6. wdrid—has not changed. Bed makers censume about 375,000 Hollander, chairman o f the dinner saitla, property at j)2 Wells St. “American Communists have Pink, Blue, Hartford; CTalg Grant, Ireland Dr., showed some of the work done .at committee, Certificate .dfk Oevlse tons of steel products annually. Coventry; Barry Midwood, 413 Camp Merri-Wood last year, un­ Milze, Green FOR Turkey' Dinner Served Ethel A. Buckilmd to Forrest " 3 r Parker SL;‘ ttosnird Johnsem, 233 der the leadership of Camp Chair­ ■\ - Ooncloding the prdgram, RTAeLB words Concerning the future. All garage at 41 FairviCw St., 3900. 104 Charter Oak 8t.; Mrs. Doris sented to O'Brien as a token of ^ - -To -Coast Lumber' Corp„ for a Paquin, Kldgeeeood TYaii, Coven­ appreciation. Mrs. Meyer made present sang “Taps,” with Poppy Gerard of Troop 7 playing the garage at 18 Hendee Rd., 3975. try; Mrs; Sexmh'Connolly, 13 Sum­ the presentation. To Mary Jolly, to demolish a FREE SUNBEAM mit S t; Michael Sxemruylo, RFD Members of Troop 1 presented echo on her bugle. R t o .f S t A turkey dinner was served by dwelling at 86 GIcnwood St., 350. BY RAY G OnO ’ 2,‘'Bok 10, RockylUe; Karen Miller, a scene , of a morning at the Na- To Doroenic J, Ponticelli, for a Box Mt. Dr., 'Vemon.' ttonal Senior Roundup' held in the Ladles Aid Society of the /// AND y o u ' l l Michigan last summer, then the church, with Sen'or , Scouts in dwelling at Elro St.. 313,000. NEVER GUESS . BIRTHS YESTERDAY:,' a Troopa 1 and 50 asaistih# in aerv- To' CTiarle* A. Steurcf, for al- daughter to Mr, and Mrs. Francis thrqe Manchester delegates to the SHAVER CLINIC WHAT HAPPENEOJ IZdimflup. Julie'Haugh, Judy Hil- ing. Table decorations 'were made teraUons to. a dwelling at -21 Fiano,'. RFD 2, Mancheater. by Intermediate .Troop 40, Mra. Cllft&n St., .32.590. BIRTHS TODAY: A son to-Mr. inskl and Bonnie Wyman, rem­ ‘ ^ A V E YOUR SUNBEAM - . and; Mte. Peter Merisotis, ,156 inisced about hAppenings at the Robert Johns leader.' Betty Jones ‘ Broad St.) a daughter to Mr.' and big national event. V.es mistress of ceremonies, and s h Av e m a s te r s h a r p e n e d . The laat two skiU, presented by group singing was dlracted by Mrs. Mrs. Devid Titua, Windimr Locks;’ Petersen. Extended Forecast X CLEANED and OILED a daughter t o MT. and' Mrs. Wil­ Troop 4,' coached by thefr leader. ' . . .1 . ... . 11.,, , *^1,, A liam Supply 139 Main S t Mrs. Ekiward Brown, assisted by \ AT NO CHARGE , Mr*. # o h rt_ Coe, showed the or- ConnecUcut— Outlook for the dischadoedt < BEsterjm ^ Cologne to Show^Flowicra , ■ext five day*.,;;S«ti(rday through gaMxqUctr' bt the . first 'aelghbor- . . Henry D es^ne' Sr- VVillinUuiuc* ■ ^ ■ w— >■ ■ r", . Wednesday,: cal0^for Unparittures Mn. Anna .Scarchok, 105 Balttwiii, J^ood. In'Uie tall of 1951). ’ the .Cen­ Cologne. Germany;-lder SuMSy «it(i Mon­ Vemon St; Mra.'ifertrude Fogar­ cial drive held last fall. A-hum­ Show, from May to Detober, F ^ - orous song on financial drives was day, warmar 'Dieacay and turning ty, esacW. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. tured wlirbe rose and'shrub gar- colder at the end of the period. Tomorrow^Feh, 23 Emma Hammerlind. Coventry;. sung by the girls.. .denq,. educational ahbwa, fruit and Numerals Awarded. . Normal mean temperature for Mrs. Olga Lynch, 94 Hawthorne vegeuble secUons 'and special bedrf Bradley Field for this period U 31 an d C C J S t; Edward Nalick, Brookline, During the evening; numerals of exotic and novelty blooms. MITTENS ■ranging from a high of 41 to a low IVES EDGAR Mass.; Mrs. Ann Wood, 39 Cole- Indicating the number of years of An aerial chair lift wl'l lead of 20. BUZ SAWYER '*ma.n Rd.; Francis Armstrong, 132 active membership in the organi­ 1 -1 POttHED BY ROY CRANE from the new exposition ball to a PrecIpUation will average around All Wools. Spruce.St;. James McDowell, 28 zation were, presented' to the fol­ restaurant wUh a fine view over ^ inch melted occurring as snow D O O isiT H t w6 m s AM ofporniNiTv to T0UH8 JUST THE MAH, YOU^L fUlSN YOUR OOSMICSON Lilley St.; Valerie Karsky, RFD lowing by Mrs. Margaret LaBar- Fancy patterns. STAi)US...)>J ^ toe Rhine, and an- garial ropeway- about Sunday o f Monday. p »ir Q AANTAHUMPUC0V8R A€SNT WITH the UNDnSTANDlNe THAT, WHEN THt$ J O I WITH ZORKA 1, RocIcvUle: rdn,' registrar; five years,. Mrs. M.' with closed cabins will carry visi­ 977 MAIN S t MANCHESTER Solids. Reg. to $1.19. SELF-OSFtWat'. YOU'VS AS A PHNATB PILOT 10 lORMA, D13CHARGED TODAY? Mrs. I.- . ppleby, Mrs. Stanley 'Blest, 6 ’ PONE. YOVU « n YOUK CPMMIISION MCK. tors across the Rhipe to city parks, MIN IMklNi 7)18 iNTSaHATONAU Oil TYCOON. , Joan .Geiger and aon, 156 S. M^in — ifrs. 'lYumaln CrandUl, Mrs. the Zoo, and the.Botonical Gar- ASOUTMTTINg S t; Susan Hall, 12k Green Manor (3eorge Elliott, Mrs. Willi am 'deria. , OUT OF THr NAVY, Rd.; Miss Doria'Bcyer, 133 E. Cen­ Gotd£% Mrs. Ehwald Jackie. Mrs. PrEseriptiom ' 1 Ladies’ and iQc 8AWVW, 1% ter St)^ Mrs. Roberta Mdldoon, 12 Fe?dln*nd Laxzari, Mra Henry -Jamalca’a profusion of riverstk “FREE PICK-UP 4 ■■ 0FF8RINE YOU Cedar St,)'.'Mrs. Katherine Tam- Moore, Mlse Doris Mitchell, Ed­ d^reama, nunibering well over 100, " children. Reg. to 91.98. p * " ^ DU owHTwiry, kunas, 102 High S t; Mra.'Victoria mond Morancey, Mrs. John Mort­ prompted the aboriirtnal Afawak AND DELIVERY" } Englaiul. 8L S. Main S t; Mra. B a^ imer, Mrs. Jame*. SmiUi, 34rs. Indians to name /the ialahd bars ^anchak. West WllUngtoit:' Robert Taylor, Mrs,''t>eOfge Walk' “xaymaca,” which means "Land of ^Arthur Onis Stores j Sherry^ilfeenwood, ■'lib Coleman ou ^ er LaBarroni- ip y«»rs Wood.and Water-”. . ■ End your home heating Rd.; « c k a e l and p*yM M aldm enL^to Tom REG. 104 Gray* 8t.^_Ep«Kv4He; '■ H t t u y ' Morley and Mias Susan. Crocl^etL "T" 1.00 BotticeU|$^ 64 Russell,SL her mother. Acce|ftlng for her; 15 problems with our complete EARRINGS yekrs. Mrs: Mqyef; 20 years. Miss Jteindeer. Imported Jessie Heivitt, who was unable to STOR-A-WAY Shell Heating Oil be present at the dinnw: and 30 EKCO STAINLESS STEEL Nome, Al'a^a—Reindeer were years, Mqi. L. V. Cartson; INDOOR-OUTDOOR GRILl Loyalty! 1892flrst brouf^t to the New Certificates of appreciation for 'Certified Comfort” Service BY LANK LllONARli World In 1892 to supplement the work done' for the Manchester KITCHEN TOOLS a-auT< ZABMITMtUZV meager living the northern Eski-' Girl Scouts, either as chairmen of ea. P-PIPNT, AMAUMAVS BOMOMNO mos and Indianst were afforded by committee* • or helping (h other ssm a n t! AKWEy-aOTHEYNEWa the dwihdhng herds of native cari-’ ways, were presented by Mrs., REG.79c-1.29 K-Hoanrf STEALSneeANT! I’P bou. In that year 162 Siberian rein- - sukemvufeimtnat! deer Wefe landed tn Alaska. Today thera site many thousands.'

fO L O LADIES YALfy MEDAL WINNERS ■an# New Haven. FYb. 22'SB—The Yale It’s all done for you-. No work, em tO R E H Alumni today chose; a- Los no worries with 24-ftouf $hell Angeles -nt bw ly t am) the Cffltfied Comfort Servioe!... SHIRTS *« »Ag presid< «acwlBaard' Of Educi' We certify you get these medal#' for servfcc eictraa at no extra „T h e ; - given for “out- , ____ _ to the university.:* cAorge—automatic fuel deliv- ‘Ihei'WJihtjmiCatJign H; -Rarnes, enea before your tank runa dry. annual denning of LAMPS aasa V l9*r?BISveriy Hills, CalU.. your beating ayatem before ^ t e r . and Sonitor* •SSS and Robert 8. Shriver Jr., class of applications to protect your tank againat rust 1838. Chicago. LAMP SHADES STOCK PRICE No Problem BY MERRILL BLOSSES Tlie.madal is the highest honor And remember-Shell Heating Oil in premium bestowed by the Yale Alumni grade fuel. It is tops in dean burning quality I'era-te I Mope YOU A WUEU// Hr ACUIALiy SMILED “ T 1 Yeah. HE WAS Iward. : e it a ct^ iy cUons your furnace filter as it henta. You en joyed'tOuR.lwEGdT AND SM oeocxiev/ .GOOD SPORT fooD.eovs./ J w < S S :y/ get more economical, more dependable warmth with Shell Heating OiL 6UR6ER WORLD HEAVEN O v ’ ■■acer-OuMaei Grill » •Svaned aa'iigK 'llM ColF US toddy for w ••k*. indMr M w«ll m Mtdear coekino iiaisle atM la*. Ttilr'it.i*;| SMrRANOI Slar-A-Way- GriH will if any Srtptac* Ey rai.l^ er- larrnrkg^ifc^ more dotoils On Shsll "C«rtifiRd Comfort" T O M O Ifr «d . & aeiu>tM«nt tap it painlpd, paraitting Sra'pJj^iea •a Sr«p|'acP apamno. rar'avMaw friHinf p«.k palnlad *ite Me SATUMIAY S’ CS YOURSHEU ■ S i mNACEOH JS- - JbisriUBUTbRs m ^ E RiUNCHESTEIl s-aa AREA ARE: Editor’s Sw :BITW»,S0N sc ruggb 3 " WE aiVE P t Y W A P t A o l [«lfDA8KTHAr/j $ 6 . 9 5 M & M OIL G. E. WILLIS WORLR aREEN S T M P i VERY HNEST SERVICE & SON, Inc. INAUW0AIHUAC ''•’w PHONE Ml 9.7S40 PHONE Ml 3-5125 PPEK ALL RAY MONNY It- W YM AN'S THE WHITING O IL CO. CORP. P H O W Ml 9-6610 PHONi Ml 9-1166' 9 9 il

' A

'I * • J


t h e 78-64 Heiruld Angle 13-5 Ghoice to Beat Saxton fbr B f ■'VS Detroit Wings EARL W. YOST !ging 29 Aifif 26 Fine Foul Performance, Sports Editor m Makes Champ Eight Points Toujrnament Jdltinga pointa ware registered at the VlS-foot5 - ^ t ■■line. Defense Checks Locals Scoring 16 pointa in the final B ig Favorite Out in Front two minutes and 25 seconds of pUy Although Manchester 'failed to last night the Wilbur Cross High Vero Beach, Fla., Feb. 22TLaague, but not the park or roalwof the ILfiOC.-COO needed to build a By PAT BOLDUC win on the basketball floor it Cleveland, Ffi'th 22 (/P)~ New Torki Feb. 22 — Those Go'ftmOTB of New Haven lurried took all honor,, for the night in (A*)^Lo8 Angeles - will have estate. The Cubs will lease Fort new Btadlura. in Brooklyn. Exceptional foul shooting, a slot^ and deliberate offensive Carme,n Bjasilib’e slugging Worth’s LaGrave Field from Mar­ el(ht points separsting second- their Clase A - CIAC BasketlS^ having the noUiest and largest major league baseball “ no Tha Dodgers, have long been un­ place Montreal from flrst-place attack and a tenacious full-court pressing defense combined edge makes the world welter­ vin Kratter, the real estator who happy with cramped EbbeU Field Tournament encounter with. Man­ rooting section aa well aa the big­ later than 1960.” So says betroit In the National Hochey to provide ninth-ranked Wilbur Cross with a surprising^ weight champion a strong recently'bought Brooklyn’s EHibets and last season played Mven home chester High into a rout. The elec­ gest group of cheerleaders and Field. XiCafue standings loom larger ohe-sided 78-64 victory over eighth-ranked Manchester last tric tCoreboard clocks at the was (he only acho^ that brought favorite to solve Johnny Brooklyn Dodger President games In Jersey a ty , N. J. Follow­ •fery lilglit — to both teams. ^ along-. Its band. There’s alwaya Walter O’Malley, one of basie- The Dodgers will end their limit­ ing sale of the field, the Dodgers night in the opening of the annualy ends of the dreary, amoke-fllled Saxton’s hit and run style in ed working agreement with Port­ Montreal had Its chance^ to . ,State CIAC Class- A Basketball New Haven Arena each showed ao>..consolation in‘defeat. . Few ball'a better poker playei^a cur­ leased the prope.'ty. for three years Vantage before Roche picked his their third title fight tonight at rently dueling with the Ntw York land In the P ( ^ and Chicago may and must move out by 1960. How­ whlUla ai-ay at that margin, Tournament at the New Haven Cross out front by a single point, tickets were sold at the box Officri the Cleveland Arena. playing host to Detroit last night tourth personal and was r«{^ced civic officialdom. asaurae that agreement, said Cub ever, erven if the Dodgers want to Arena. 83-62, when the roof caved. In'on with the paid attendance being an­ President Philip Wrigley. In the league's only game. But the A paid crow'd of 3,652,-including by senior Charlie Boggipl. Vital the eight ranked Silk Towners. Up nounced as 3,952, excellent for an Bolstered by assurances from The pot; A new stadium in Flat- move their franchise to'L os An­ Cteadiens failed and had to con­ scores by Car^Me an^^ Coppola BsaiUo and his handlers that the I Officials of the Cubs and Dodg­ geles, they couldn’t do so immedi­ over 9tXi Silk Town fans, was orl Until that point in the 35th an­ opening. night. buah for the National- League ers will meet eoon to discuse the tent themselves with a 3-3 tie. sliced the Indians' mqr^n to 52-50 nual tourney the schoolboy battle champ’s pnee-damsged -right hand ately. According to. basHmll tew. hand to -watch favored Stratford, St the three-quartqr riiark. champions. disposition of the players of Los minor league territory can be If It hadn’t been for Henri Rich­ ranked second In the -field of 16 i was almost even Stephen. Man­ Lack o f bench strength hurt has/completely healed, most box­ O’Malley predicted big league Cross Fougllt Back ing men are picking the 29-year- Angeles, Fort Worth and Portland. drafted only between OcL 1 and ard, Detroit's bulge oyer Mon­ teams, hurdle past I2th-ranked | chester had held a six-point edge the Indians. After Lazzari, the ball-,- not V necessarily Dodger The Chibs, in acquiring some Fort Dec. 1. treal might have expanded,to lo New Britain 77-72 In the opeqer | Opening the last period with ' shortly after the final stanza .No. 6 man on the squad. Coach EH- old left hooker from - Canastota, variety—for Loi. Angeles after four, straight tallies, Manchester N. Y. Saxton has been made a 13 Worth playera. will give up -eome ; Authority Appointed - points. The PocKet Rocket scored of the doubleheader program. started while Ch-oss, Until it un­ gin Zatursky had Uttle to call yesteiday's announcement of Los AngSles playeis to Brooklyn. erected, a 5 ^ 0 lead apd key hoops loaded all its bombs, never led by to 5 underdog. a v ic leaders alarmed at the his second goal of the game with Perforrhlng without their No. I j upon with any kind of game ex­ Brooklyn’s purchase from the Chl- Shifts NeM Approval prospect of losing the D o ^ r s , be­ Iwt than two minutes left to dead- rebounder and sctlter, Ken Mc-‘; by Hohenthal and Lazxairi kept the more than six points — holding, a perience. , Second guesaers had a Plans Old Style io a g o Cuba of the Los.Angelea ball Silk TpWners ahead, 6(V-54. with Saxton has assured'newsmen he Finally, the franchise shifts must gan to move last year. A Brooklyn Inek matters. Kenzie who did not return from a ■ 2~-22 margin midway in the sec­ field day, .' L.-jgh of the night park and tranchlas in the Pacific have the approval of the PCX and 5:34 remaining; But' Cross fought ond period. The final seore,-78-64, will revert to his old boxing style Coast League Sports Center Authority waa ap­ Henri’s big brother. - Maurice trip do-wn- south' this week,, the waa when the public address an­ Texas'Leagues, but that It expect­ pointed by the eUta, Bnt the N«N well-drilled downstaters turned' a back—The National Basketball Assn, has if the Dodgers were'gqlng to get ^ points. Botaersome Defense Baailio assured all listeners that league baseball worked this way; national League) and Fort Worth new stadium in Brooklyn, "Thep Cross wenfNihe distance with .its a'perfect 9-6 from the foul line Ken McKenzie, Cross’ leading It won’t make shy difference what now experimented with practically everything—even m id­ scorer and rebounder, was among Brooklyn bought the Los Angeled property for about |4,000,0(X) I will have tO make other arrange­ bothersome mah-to-man defense to gain its final 14-point. advan­ Saxton does because he'w ill be week afternoon games. i W latest experiment proved a suc­ ball park and franchise. O’Malley explained that the con­ 2 ments.’’ while the locals also employed a tage. - It is quite doubtful if an­ the missing, it was reported that ready for anything. Carmen In­ Hammond Leader the ace of the down statera was cess yesterday, at lea.st froi^ a Boston point of view". Not only The Cubs rZeedved the Dodgers’ version of property into cash gave la he bluffing? O’Malley saye simitar defense. \ Although only other team will surpass Cross' tre­ sists he Is In the best conditiprt did 10,616 turn out at Boston Gsr-^,------Fort Worth franchise In the Texas the Dodgers funds for their share no. mendous showing. frbpi the 15- visiting in North Carolina with of hla 68-bout career. out.scoring the Indians by one den to watch a doubteheader, but In Point Making basket, 22-21, the ^ m sll down- fOot line In this year’s tournament. his family and didn’t get back . The fans, lured by the contro­ ing scorer, could garn - only three home in time to play. . Both the Celtics liefeated St.- Louis 126- at^ers, riot a man o\^.the squad Hohenthal concluded his varsity versial decision in C3iicago and the 112 to stretch their Eaatehi Di­ points.' .New York, K#b. 22 (4^—Ken stands six-feet, converts 34 of 43 basketball career in brilliant fash­ rivals sported the same colors, red smashing performance by Baslllo The St. Louis loss, plus Fort and white. Howeier, Croa^used vision lead to seven full -games over Hammond, the big wheel In, West free throws (76 per cent) to ac­ ion. The sturdy 6-4 center egged at Syracuse, are expected to turn Philadelphia. Fort Wayne . trimmed Wayne’s victory over the Knicker­ Palmer Leads Houston Open, Virginia Tech’s point making ma- count for the vast msrgliKat the eight baskets and 10 of 12 free red jerseys and Manchester waa out 9,000 strong. Co-Promoter bockers, gave the Pistons a 2*&- attiied in new white jerseys. . New York 120-114 in ih t opener of ' chine, led all small college basket­ final btizzeK Coach Elgin gatiir- throws for a total of 26 points, ex­ Larry Atkins thinks the gross the daylight twinbill. game lead in a e Western Division. Game officials were Johnny Mel Hutchins aiollected 24 points ball scorers today with 36.5 points sky’s charges hit on a prett.W\falr ceeding his previous high of 24 gate will be “over glOO.OOO” which . The O ltics were aided in fatten­ ^RES Trio Trail by Only One Stroke per game. 63 per cent of their charity toa^s, against Meriden earlier in the sea­ (Lefty) McKenna, head tioaketball would be a Cleveland high since and George Yardley 23 as the Pis­ coach at Wilby High in Water- 1931. ing their lead by Syracuse, 92-86 tons spurted to a hig second-half HOUSEWIVES' LEAGUE Hammond, in 'top position for caging 22 of 3,5 attempts. Bill son. In addiUOi), the ruggjed and Houston, Tex., Feb. 22 (^*—fh e couldn't buy a birdie aU day, the second week in a row, was from the outset Manchester wai^ personable senior played his Usual' bury and Bob Balia of Bridgeport. . Radio and television fans will victors over Phl(adeinUa in the lead and staved off a New York toague leading Bowl-a/Dears rgam e q(r the boards while McKenna at one time pitched with rally. Old reliable Han-y Gallatin, (45-19) and runnetup Rockettea, Young Arnold Palmer, who says soared to a 74. closely pursued by, F lo .r ln d o handicapped by the numerous per­ follow the 15-round match on HBC night's lone game. his golf is- 4«tUng better all the Thomson, the British Open “Porky’’ Vieira, thei 6-6 deadeye sonal fouls called, the two game ying all 32 minutes. Hartford in the Eastern Baseball across the. nation, but Cteveiand Helnsohn on Spree with 24 pointa, topped the Knicks, (38-26) scored 3-1 victories over K League. Ten Pins (29-35) and Pi'nupa (27- time, led the 336,000 Houston Open champion from Melbourne, Aus­ from Auinnlpiac College, who is officials detecting a total’ of 45. Filled in Commendably and a 100-miIe surrounding area celiar-dwellera In tho Eastern loop. V A 32-polnt contribution by Tom The Nats increased their spread 36), respecUvriy, while Hi-Fi’s Into, its second round today but tralia, who won thk Texas Interna­ averaging 35.1. with 25 being against the Red and LtbuMri, another senior, filled in will be blacked out on the TV knew that Just one slip could drop tional last fall and who was con­ White. ■ The Indians had'-plenty of sup- screen. Ring time is 10 p.m. EST. Heinsohn, the Holy a o s s AIl- over New York to l i j games, de­ (30'32) moved into third place al­ A total of five players have been All Eyes Focused bn Ball Which Soars High Toward Ultimate Goal comrnwdably for Stagner, chalk­ him like a rock. sidered a big threat here, lived up The Indians greatly felt the loqs ort from the student body. Six AmericSi put the Celtic show on spite 28 points by the Warriors’ though being deadlocked 2-2 by scoring at a rate' hi 30 points or Seven of the competing 10 players stare intently and wait patiently for the baU ers easily idenUfled are Don Perho (15), Dorn Ferrara (5) i^id Dick Proto UO.) ing up 10 markers and emerging SS The fighters 'wlU cut into the The 27-year-old ex-Natlonal to kxpectauons. Thomson had a to complete Its goalward flight during last night's Manchester-Wllbiir Cross play- of their second-leading scorer and lundred student tickeU were-sold Paul Arisin and 21 by Neil Johna- the cellar-dwelling Bowlte-Jeta better, according to NCAA statih- And on the right, three Silk Towm rooters whoop It up ss the ball Anally dropped as the game's top rebou'nder, be­ at the local school, plus 300 adult 160,000 radlo-’TV fee and also will the road. Heinsohn, bidding for (21-43). Grace Hanaen 123, Mar­ Amateur champion from Latrobe, 68 and had he not misaed an 18- down game in the State Basketball Tournament at the New Haven Arena. The rebqunder. Hayes Stagner who ing credited with eight. Roche- share the gate receipts with 30 ton. The Nats led only 82-81, with tics induding games through through the neta to accord the locals a short-lived lead. The Governors rallied ducats. No less than seven buses rookie - of - the - year honors dia- four minutes to play, when Johns­ tha Randall 115, Dot Keropian 112 Pa., took over when the favorite foot putt on the final green by Wednesday. All of them are from Indians’ Tom Roche (23), who took the outside shot, and teammates Bob Laztari In the closing minutes for a top-sided 78-64 triumph and move into the quarter­ picked up four quick personals In also chipped in with 10 points and per cent going to each man. Shich inches would have tied Palmer for (32J and Norm Hohenthal (31) move ih to grab a possible .. Cross play­ the first four minutes of the open- | seven rebounds in a (osing cause, were hired to transport the stu- I layed a dazzling variety of shots, ton had to leave the game because and Celeste Sheldon 110 posted the faltered yesterday to whip out a Eastern schools and at this stage final round next week. (Herald Photo by Oflara). denU to the Elm a ty . School of- could get about 343,000 for the rebounded well and contributed top scores. . flve-under-par 67 for a one-stroke first place. ing period and never did return to ! Four Cross starters scored in battle that was postponed once or a sprained ankle. Dolph Schayea, It seems certain that the Bast will ficlala were tremendously Im­ valuable assists. .But scoring lead. But the margin waa too nar­ Tied for second .nith Thomson action once taken out for safety double figures, • with Coppola the from an .original Jan. 18 date when Ekirl Lloyd and John Kerr hit for MERCHANTS LEAGUE have its first scoring champ since pressed with the backing the stu­ honors went to tl e Hawke’ Jack field goals Immediately after row for him to become overcon­ were Demaret, the Texan who lw 9 Oef^Rtt Stops Kansas measure-s. pace-setUr with 23, including 11- Baailio injured his hand. Rolling with Dart's Dairy, AI registers out of Ktemetha take, J950. That was the year George ■ With forward Ron Carbone pro­ dents gave the Indians. Part of a Coleman, who accounted for 33 Johnston’e departure and the spurt Heim pinned games of 127, 131 and fident. Giants- May 13 from the foiil line and 17 mark- regular aaaembly yesterday at the Under the rules of the Cleveland N. Y.; Buddy Weaver of Houston; Xipg o f Morris Harvey won the * . * vlding all the points, Cross opened ers in the second half. Teammate points. Plajing with his left arm tewed up the game.. Five Syracuse 144 .for a fins 402 triple although Only two*strokes separate nine title. Motioii Picture Films school consisted of a Pep Rally Boxing Commiseioh, two judges taped from wrist to elbow, St, players at tha top and among those Ford, the year’s laading money up a 5-3 lead in the first two min-1 Perno tallied 19 points. 14 in the / playeri hit in double figures, his teammates had to settle for a winner from Mahopac. N,. Y „ and Sontheraer Last Year If Dodgers Move Herald Photos which helped ■ eaae the tension of and a referee will score the scrap LOuis’ ^ b Pettit, the league’s lead­ topped by Schayes with 18 pointa. 2-2 stalemate with rival Com­ just one stroke away are ace ahot- Since then, five champions in a K'djiecond half while CaSone w^unS the players before heading for tbe on the "five must’’ point system. makers Jimmie 'Demaret, Doug an amateur. PhU Rodgers of and WWte C h aplain Lm ^ hit up with 16 tallies, five more than BOB LAZZARI munity Press. In other matches, Aggies Spring Upset Arena. The winner of a round gets five Ford and. Peter Thomson. Houston. row were crowned in the Midwest May Efenefit Lockmah on a jump shot and Dick Dubana-1 guard Don FerrarkV Carbone White .Glass blanked Howard'i and last year It was a e - therner, New York, Feb. 22 (/P) If the points and the- loser four, three The 7,200-yard Memorial Park Grand Putting Brooklyn Dodgers ever shift their . / . ______and to say he was a tiger under Landscaping 4-0 and Morlarty Bill. Relgel o f McNeeee State in wlth^4*G *ren^lJlnl)'*’**Wl»h**)i.M missed two of 16 charity toss- Rebounding of Tommy Roche In and on down. Total points deter­ Bros, ahad^ Vic’a Soda Shop 3-1. course—longest on the winter tour Palmer, a professional only franchise to- the Pacific CoMt. the both boards would be putting . it the second period helped Manches­ mine. the winner on each official's Arti Aragon^s Future Doubtful three years and already a major liouisiana. * Sf, Petersburg, Fla., Feb, 22 (iP)— Motion picture films bor­ W ‘Idly. Also, the qrew-cut lad Other noteworthy scores Includ­ —wasn’t so tough aa 28 of Uuf field baseball Gianta may leave New ter, the home team on the score­ card. of 158 starting the 72-hole grjnd winner — he won the Eastern Trailing Hammond and Vieira York, too. s rowed from his old New York Giant team, may help Whitey ■ecutive foul shots accorded the' , dunked in 10 points, a personal ed Eld Bujauciua 170-392. Ken Sen- . were Jack Sullivan, Mount S t In Halting Kansas winners a 20-16 edge before the marked the sixth board, cut the, CroDs margin to one Eight-Ounce Mitts bettered par. But two of the favor- Open last year and only last week­ high for the season... Little Leo point, 84-83 at intermission .. Play ton 125-126-365, Otto Cook 146- end tied for third In' the Texas Mary's 32.3; Joe Wallace. 'Gng'a, The New York Mirror in a tele­ Lockman regain his batting eye with the St. Louis Cardinals. Indians’ briillant Norm Hohenthal; “ " 'f tournament appearances Despite a . demand by Basllio's After Conviction of Fight Fix 368, Charlie Harris 129)351, HoiHe Itea—Jay Hebert of Sanford, P3a., phone conversation with Horace Lockman, one of the National Leaguers most consistent hit­ Cyr waa another standout in de- was so nigged and ragged In the Open — shot his fine round — Just Ba., 31.3, and Joe Miller, Alderson- retaliated with a basket and two “ ’**^.^* bowed out in the -feaL in these eyes. The shitty handlers for six-ounce gloves, the August 129-348. Harvey Johnaon and Cary Mlddlecoff of Dallas—had Stoneham, president of the Giants, ters during his 10 years with the^ free throws to make the score 20-I?P*"^6 round. The locals lost first five minutes that fans only their troubles Hebert, winner of threb ztrokes over the competitive * Broaddus, 30.4. Ne(w York, Feb. 22 (^>)— Veteran Coach Henry P. (Hanki -baekeourt performer gave a dasz- saw a parade back, and forth to the boxers will wear eight-ounce Los Angeles, Feb 22 lAI—Ring 346, Charlie Elcabert 133 and Hammimd, a 6-3 senior, tossed at Scottsdale, Arlz.. quoted him Giants, suffered through his m ost' all at the buzzer. The locals were tj'* " " 2,1 occasions—five officials say Art Aragon's boxing George Bensche 129. / the Texas Open last weekend, took course record — with some grand Iba o f Oklahoma A&M, master of possession basketball and where It was pitched, spraying hits ling display of setting up his mates foul lines. Any team thst presses,, mitts. Both the automatic eight- putting and calling on his chipping In 185 points in his last four as saying “ If the Dodgers moved miaerable sbaeon in 1956 following charged with nine personals in had passes, eight times count and three-knockdpwn rules future is "very doubtful’’ following a 73 while Mlddlecoff, the National E to all fields. But wlicn l-eo said he nnd bringing up the ball. . . Lanky fouls, and Cross committed more PAGANI CATERERS ability. disciple of defensive play, had reason to gloat today as his it could change our thlnklpg. I his trade to the Cal-dinals. His opening eight minutes and Cross because of poor ball handling and' his conviction on a felony fight-fix­ Open champion, complaining that games, ci^iping the regular eeason felt the club would be better off Norm Hohenthal, a veteran, like than its share during the first five have been waived. Once again the vt'omen turned "My golf- has' been much better u st Saturday with 45 points tactics once again provetl successful. Iba, in his 23 years with wouldn't for a moment' try to atop batting average ehyunk to .260,'' a responded with 12 strikes In 16 Umes tKe result of rule \1o- ing charge. O'Malley (Walter O'Malley, presi­ if 1 went for the long ball, 1 agreed tries, closing out the period with i >»tlons. On the other hand, the Cyr, of the fine 1955-66 squad, minutes, as did Manchester. No This may be the last of the bi'numeroua fine scores. Last the past month.” he said. “I ggainst Morrta Harvey. the Aggiea, h u won 481. gamee drop of some 30 points from his nlght’t list Included Amy Pirkey but probably none gave aa much dent of the Dodgers) from moving lifetime mark. Worse etiil, his ex­ to chan.,c-my style. I felt if it six consecutive hits from the 16-1 winners lost jiosseasion only eight .topped all game' scorers' with 26 doubt both teanis suffered ’ from "serlea” because there is no re­ The 29-year-old “Golden Boy" started playing good at Phoenix.” Hammond’s* total points, 766, is points to boost his scoring average points. No one can overlook a Arena and tournament jitters . .It match contract this time. If was ■ found, guilty yeatefday of 122-107-333, Shirley FotherglU 123, Buffets rolled almilar 3-1 wins over Among the one-under-par shoot­ second to Miller’s 857, but Ham­ pleajLre aa the upaet of Kansas if he thought it would -be sound tra base output dwindled to a' didn’t work out, I could always foot line, [times and there tiee another para- Clambakes and Receptions, respec­ from 29.0 to 29.2. (^amberlain'a business to do so. But I think it g back to my old style.” scoring output like ^he big blond, looked like a high-scoring night Baailio wins he probably will go offering another Loe Angeles wel­ June Uchatz 116, Helen Llchatz ers were Ted Kroll of Fort Laud­ mond has played seven games that rie engineered last lilght. The startlingly low figure of ll. ■ sum Halftime liead 'mount reason w h y the 1956-57 tively. output enabled him to move from would be more p)-actical for both, A twin-pointer and two foul shots season has reached its con- had without mentioning the fact when the two clubs each piled up gunning for bigger game, challeng­ terweight, Dick'Goldstein, 3900 to 118-114. Flo HUlnakl, 110, Sherry erdale, FIA, the defending cham­ Cowjxikes squeezed past ‘ Uie Jay- Determined to hn-i out where Lockman hit 16 home runs that pointa in the first eight minutes. Jochimaen 113-109, Kay Sckbles hawks, ranked No. 2'in the Asso­ fifth to.fourth in the individual rather than one teani jto. go.” - by_guard John Coppola gave C^esiclualon at Manchester High. When Norm wanted to go, he 20 ing the Ray Roblnson-Gene Full­ throw a fight scheduled for Dec. 18 HERALD LEAGUE pion, and Mike Souchak of West Vlrg*nla Tech, well on Its scoring race, passing Idle Elgin his base hits went, the 30-year-old season, the second higheet total of proved that he could. The pace slackened, with O oss mer winner for the middleweight at San Antonio, Tex. By 108, Bea Cormier 107-107, Olive The front running Bendays (45- ciated Preas poll, 56-64, in a typical Stoneham was quoted further; f i r s t baseman-outfielder bor- hie career. Some of hie homers a 28-22 bulge with nearly aik mtn-' Wilbur Cross (78) Qroasinger’s, N, Y. the 1955 IJrst Way to t o m .‘scoring honors for Bsyior of Seattle. < leading 34-33 at the half and Man­ crown. Written for NEA Service Rossetto 107, Emma Aceto 106, 23) captured three of four ipointa place winner. Iba-patterned \ictory, “ '.fter, if we couldn't retain our rowed motion pictures of himself .; in crucial apots, winning ball utee left in the second quarter, but I P B F PLs. The California Athletic Com- Uie third year in a row, was pour­ The only other team In U)e top chester out front, 52-50 at the end Question: The defensive team Mary Brown 106. Grace Oliva 106, from the second place Rulers (35- The game played %t Stillwater, rivalry New York might not be aa during the Card's final visit in Fames. The Giants won the pen- three straight Manchester hodps i 4 Perno, f . 6 7-13 19 Cross, short on height, more of the third canto. Neither/noxer has been in action miaaion said Aragon’s 1957 boxing trailing, scraps for thp ball and ing- the points in at the rate of by Hohenthal, reserve Bob Lazzari 3 than made up for it in speed and Betty Kusmlk 105 and Alba So- 331 and the cellar-dwelling Agates Doug Ford, 1955 PGA champion, Okla., was a non-conf irence one, 20 to see action last night \|lso attractive. VVhiif we, might, be in­ New York last September. Back ' hut Whitey’s batting average Proto, f . . . , 1 0- 0 0 since their September brawl air licenae would not be issued. tha referee declares a jump. There blaki 105. lOOg a game. TeS TOS DRAL'OF YOUR FREE OIL CHANGE AUTO GLASS INSTAUED Mpa. BUie Pound. Flo Kloter, Ruth OIL WHEN YOU CAN m . t [ R Ml (iM ill new *57 OUs- 5 to 7 YEARS TO PAY MeIntoeh, Meude Carpenter,. ■oblte or a good Used Car. All “ U. S, GARA(»S’' and COHAGES carry a t2-yeac,^ Saturday ami Sunday Only GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Helene Dey, Helen Wilhelm. Ann STILL GET SHELL O IL - NOT RECAPS... 8 « a M o GIFTS written guarantee. Fiffi^r M d MrK Janlcke. B4;w li!i •O-rteec SH oM CkeM. A HArn,fi MIRRORS mraptoe* «i^ Deer)^ a* 7 o clock Saturday night will FROM M & M OIL SERVICE NOT SECONDS... reoevo tirrcsiu* ■ Jean Gaudino, Shirley FotherailL HOFFMAN nONAL fttvpl em- FKEC C t M o q ■ 'to C ^ of bad vlMtber we . Meiy Simmona. Lll Molum^y. W.G.GLENNEY .GREEN GREEN lee for S. OR Will rain ebeebn” PICTURE FRAMING (oM typM) * Audrey Frey, Emma VeronaT vl CbapmM, Amy Plrkay, Mary Mc­ COMPAMT. STAMPS STAMPS MQTORS GENTlEMim; WiTHQUt OIUGATION I yaur Wnah. 4 ,,,. ATTRACnVE kbpGET PLAN W IN D O W p l a t e GLASS - Carthy aad Oilckle BarzenakL BUILOINO BtAVm Alil. 4- □ Fieeee aiell year Free Oarage Booklet. More entries are expected bMore of SaoittHK UnmIm .S.GARAO jAuiUBOBSt taMtKUatlM la QaMi. Easy aad Eeaa— leal. LUBIBER — FUEL mA B W * ■■ a tonight’s 9 o’clock deadline. rV6« mmmW n W f f W ’OONTRAOmlCit .WE'IIAVC '''' CHARLES i. MINICUCCL Jra riob Lamon, Cleveland pitching I8« N. Mala at.—TM. M I>3M S 342 M T C f N T f t ST. — Ml M i l ? MEDICINE CfHNETS o|tal S H O ^ DOORS jme. hit 21 home runs in 1943 fer , ’ PBOUEFISLD RD; roLTON>-Ml 8-7605 ' 122* MAIN ST. ^ MANCHESTIR Opea fataadayai — Dgaa Ihoiaday Baitimore when the Orioles .wara ■atarisys tOt OFllCDr 84&IIAIN ST^ liAN01ESTEit-MI 9-7540 \ OraNHU V— TILi Ml f.B23l KIANCHISTIR.MANCHISTW, CONN. - ^ ^LAIILT OfVBN Iq the Intemaliohal League. I em on played 148 gemee that w ar aa * thlrtl haaeaum a

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1657 FACE FOIJRTEEN , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRId JiY, FEBRUARY 22, 1967 PASS Houaes Yor Sale 72 { Bouaea VUr Sal* 72 Subuitiui For Sate ' 75 BusiAess Services Offersd 13 Regional DUtnet 8 Several to Attend Moving—Truddog' THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW! BY FAGALY and SHORTEN WanteA—To Bay 58 Houses For Sale 72 ' a r e y o u xsa^y to maks a movaf ELLINOTON — (thidsr Oonstnie- Storage ’ 20 Too can look Car and wlda a ^ tion) 6% room ranch, 38x40, with Classified RADIO TV Service. Sewing ma­ HAVE. MEDIUM priced hbuoes for you wlU not find, a home to corn- M ^ Street—11 rooms, bresaeway and twoTubo tester. CaU MI. sale. ExceUent locations. J. D. p a n she room Capo Cod Board of EducatioD Taddes palredr-cu t Ralph Aldrich. Ml. 2 g a r a ^ store, |28,000. BuUt on a lovely lot, U0’x300’ . and long distance moving, pock­ ’ 8-1863. Realty Co., John DdQuattre, Brok* aad Atiached garageI in the Porter Lovely living room with flreidace The faculty faoultv' otof Thpip*Tbpipl* Beth ertisement 3-8m . ing, storage. CaU ML 8-n l7; Hart­ B i««IPU9S. 7^4 81ECTQXIAN. QgRORn ID er.'. M l 8-8363, Ml. 8-3840. ford CB. 7-I43S. So COM46 BACK MKE Md,048»AfiC and Mcture window. Three good syhdom'an'a RaUglousBeUgloue BriioolBrtiool and HlLLSr TELEVISION Service. V(0Qlt WANKlNfr a iA N 4MO kOOKlNOLlUS A DUMP 0PABS7 AND WHiai'f Cope, Ihto'dha foaturoa six flntahad rise bedrooms, tile bath, kitchen B udget members of the School Board will in S D ADVT. MitllON AND VULL6 0O6N A JOB LHfC Rooms Without Board 59 4UBAXAM CSRCXE - Eight room rooms, full roar dormer and two Prospect Street—?6 room AvaUable at au Urnsa. PhUco fac­ MANCHESTER - Moving ahd '\A6fiiat)MtNT.' duplex, In good condition, quick with btrtei cabinets and buUt to attend a State . conference on HOURS front dormora, ceramic tile »«(»« range oven', dinette space. (A tory supervised service. TeL 'ML tnieklag Oo. ML A68a. O w nS' oocuj^cy on one side, good in­ and extra Uvatory, llreplaeo, full ranch, fireplace^ $18,000. Hsbroa. Peh. 33 (Spselal)—'riMYlsr and he ^ attraded another Jewish'education 'Sunday in New 9-9696. and oparated to Walter B. Per- PLfliABANT. hiated room with pri­ lovely boms In Which you can Havan. 8;15 A I t . t o 4 *m90 P. M. cu tra cA K g : vestment 8. A. Beechler, Agent. baaomont. hot water oU boat, lovo- Rsghmal District 8 Board of Bdu- b*qflng rsoentiy on blUa affecting ett Jr., and wmiam J. Plchering. ^ L 'M tP tt «»S6« AU. COUkfQ vate bath. CaU BO. S-40IS. MI. 3-8S69. MI. 9-8863. ly yard on quiet aata stroet.-4%% decorate to your own choice). For TIm confarenda^ is ^onaobad by CLEAN AND paint thosd gutters OPfPkA^ model AMWCyj Autumi) Street— 5 room wpointmeht coU Wateon Realty, cation, last nlgh» tackled a lengthy ...... tha United Synagogue ot Ahterioo. COPY Cl TIME now. Avoid costly reiMdrs later. fiOLVf ASUORTlKtUE ROOM FOR RENT, hot water, 1980 EIGHT R(X>M Ctemial repro­ XDortgM available with |s,0M' TbmU Road, VeriMh, TR. 8-7630 — Bavlags cash. fioUlng for $18,300. Jarvis agenda whldh inchidsd a further Iter Crawford, Mirl- in ooopemtion with the Rabbinical , 6U. 8-1888. ORKSMGaoOM.' heated and parking. Tel. MI. duction, IH bathe, screened rand^. fir^Iaee, $16,900. or l a . 0-7686. -Assembly and the Educators ot FOR CLASSIFI ADVT. Painting—Pagertag 21 KOTIMeiDCMAKCef. 8-1406. ' ,/■ I Realty Center St. CaU MI dutUn^ of budget prsparaygtis bonx^ reported1 that an tttsnatvs porch, garagee, 1% scree, meny RUBBI8B AND ashes removed. _ . ------I, i d . '8-4112, sVsnlnga-Mr. Werbnir, Ml! for a distriet htsrlng in lath ^om sql^mmt display at the OonnectieuL The oemlnan aad RicFlNISHmOkMWM-wMM—jr ce — ■ painting, CMON, 6ET extras. Carlton W. Hutchins, , 8-7847. TGLLAND-rNew ranch. 14% rooms. workrtiops will deal with math- General cleaning, cellars, atUes GoiKi&r ’ IN PRIVATE home, clean,, com' S-8133. 9-4894. Member Msnchea- Stock Plato—6 ranch, Lorge lot, full ceUar, ' tile bath. L-fxtei, problems rteatinig to cur­ Atlantic .-709l. MI.>7466. PLEAS ROOM near toth for only $13,900. Cariton W. Hutdtins. George Erlandson, East Hknto- equipment budget. tnm following M-whester neo- . anota repalrad, BQ. S4017. rasl> sonable rates. 30 ysars in Man- gentleman. 1^ High St. 21 sere farih, $14,00^ Pending boiiflrmaUon of prices, BANK /; \denca BEC .849M. chsster. Raymond Fiaks. MI. Ml. 9-6183, 9-4694. Multiple Usting ORBEN M^OR->5% room ranch. TOLl a n d —lliree bedroom ranch, ton well-driUer, said he la unable pit VdU attend. tha conference: Dial Ml 3-5121 3-9287, FURNISHED ROOM tor lady, with Member. Garage. Three bedrooms; Natural large living .room with jictUre to provide an accurate test of thd the oommlttaa Win submit equip­ Cantor George Wald, Mm Ray­ IRS OPENED, keys fitted, (xmtinuous hdt water, on Main finish birch cabinet. kitchen, dis­ E A E REALTY COMPANY window, loveto kltcben with bireh capacity of the 166-foot deep sse­ ment rec monarel. Call Lee Fracchla, Dog FURNISHED apartment two Flve room ranch, fuU ceUar, cost of « specified 24-hour test hsig-TMm Sholom Ihisenbato of 9-r, VAIS • T i Warden. MI. 8-4840. any time. Antenna conversions. RADIO - Elactnmics • Television. rooms, kitchen facilities, adults TWO FAMILY, aluminum storms, kitdien, formica counters and VERNON — 4% room ranch with em Scbool Building** during which Philco factory supervised service. EAST HARTFORD — 0% rooifi awnbigs, sundeck, built ISM, two- closed in breezeway and garage. would be borne, by the driller or' the Regtonel Dlatrict 8 School was Storrs aad liana Bodenheimeb ot TriUn at ConnscUcut’s Oldest only. 108 Birch St. or phone MI. ki)o^ pine cabinets. ExceUent tite board. They wUI arrange for Hartford, both members of the FOUND—Black and white female Tel. Ml. 3-14M. \ ^huM kitbr >9-3731 sifter 6 ;30' p.m. ranch. Three years ted. ExceUent cargarage, amesite drive, $16,900. conmUon. Assume 4% QI mort­ Two bedrooms, living'room. kltch- 'Olte^ as sa outstanding examrte 9 A. IVI. to 12 NOON i Electronics Scnool. PracUcal day condltim. Clone, stetools and trans­ teste. of contemporary school planning. Tismplo faculty, will attend tha \* ' molprel. CaU Lee Fracchla, . Dog course. Twlce-a-week evening u iM o u a . HuitTz, Cariton W. Hutchins, w . 0^183, gage, exclusive broker. Tel. MIo_^-en hss knotty pine 'totoUng-and \, Warden. MI. 8-4840. REFRIGERATION Sales and serv. 348 NORTH MAIN St.—Four room portation. P ricsjin ly $lt,90(L Low 9-4684. Member Manchester Multi' plenty of cabinete. ISFXSIO’. - ~?2f***** specifications callsd for Dr. Heisler informed the Board conferaaos. ice. Commercial, reiUentlSl, air course. EnroU now! "Leam-by-Do- S liO l9XJ>As/g.i taxes. May assume 4% G.I. m ort',^ 8-<5ll, evening*.' JA—9-tt88^iSr Mrs. Osndsl, Cbopto and Gold P3. If yoff'ra h « iwrry Solwdoy Ing" class starting March l l . New B------gooK—' tyv y.MV. A -aa heated apartment, adults. CaU pie listing Service. Windsor Locks, MUrdock 8-4087. A lovely — home, in exceUent con- • ** gallons par minute. that teacher applications were etiU h FOUNIV-Palr child’a strong' lens conditionera, treeMra\A. and W. ui>. tuctnii iiiwiwn umittu JA. 8-1649. v e . C ul GoodchUd Realty Oo., dition for the low price of 81L900. Drilling o f the Asoond w e U ___ being received, hut he presented Will aerva aa rtcordars at. the t ' Refrigeration Go. MI. B-ISST, ML England Technical InsUtute of MMffff. BAsHi. DG A glasses under leaves on Carol Dr. BU. 9-0839 or MI. 8-7938. Alto have Z30IEDIATE (KXUPANCY. Ex- MANCHESTER— Attractiva brick For sppolntment coll Wateca authorised when the firfct weU no additional staff racommenda- mmlnara. Rabbi Leon Wind of jwii wm nm IT m s g t o w q g q d o t w m r t 9-2080, MI. 9-0066. Conn., Inc., IBS TrumbuU St., EDR REINT—^New four room apart­ new 8% room ranch in Manchee- ceUant 'location, iminsriiiiite two CaU MI. 8-7307. Hartford. JiL 6-8406. home of four rooms. FuU base­ Realty, ThraU Road, Vemon, TR. yielded only 18 gaUdne per minute. tiona at this time. Temple Beth Bholom, chairman of ment. Automatic tel heat, base­ ter. Price $16,900. bedroom home on WeU landacapto ment OU heat C i^ utUittea. Cor­ 6-7630 or ML 9-7886. Mrs. Clifford R. Wright, secre­ Bndget Changes Fnposed the conference, will greet the dele­ I o m I 10:30 ojn. FLOOR AND paper ice. board radiation. Fireplace and all lot. Oarage, near bus, scbool, Floors sanded and reflnlahed.N DIESEL HEA,VT Ikiulpment—We Help Wantad— Male Articles For Sale 45 Ronaehold Gooda 51 ner lot with, patio and trees tary, presented letten tropi three Treasurer Stephen Degnan, Marl­ gates at the opehing sesskm. Announcements are Seeking men in this area to modem conveniences. Babcock church And shopping center. E. F. Madeline Smith, Realtor, NEW BARN—37’g40’ and two-car townspeople etrortf^y recommend­ borough, submitted an altomaUve. papering and painting. TR. WAREHOUSE MAN lor shipping HIU Road, So. Coventry. Phone Coventry iSolice Von Ecker, Agent, 609 Koeney St. 9-164$. garage attached fa d land. Oould or TR. 6-1060. train for Diesel apd Heavy Equip- FAIRBANKS SCALE, heavy duty, TO GO HOUSEKEEPINO “ !• ing the provieton of Latin in the plan for the operaUi« budget to , INCOME TAXES prepared In your ment. High pay and future secur­ and receiving. Good working con­ 27>Ax20 plitfoTm, on wheels: ALL YOU.HAVE TO DO evenings, 8-8, MI. 3-7086. ; be converted Into a ranch type regional school curriculum. be presented at a dlstrtct-wide open M incing Sim plified home or by appointment Ebeper- ditions and company benefite. iveighs to 1000 pounds. Watkins The legil voters of tta Town MANCHE8TBUI-—Nice ranch, hot LOCAL.LISTINGS house. On hard road. ReBaanahle. ity are the benefits of a trained , * 18 PUT $38 DOWN of (Coventry are hereby warned water, tel heat, comhiaation letters were from Frederick hearing late in March. Degnaa’s teneed tax work CaU MI. 3-4728. B ^ li Apply Goodyear Tire A Rubber Bros., Inc. AND PAY $16.18 MONTH CaU MI. 8-8178, Wapping, Conn. plan caUs for a lowest pMsihle New Y ork,— A new device Im­ and qualified Diesel man. If you THREE ROOM unfurnished apart­ and .directed tolneet af tha George storms, one cor garage, nice con $ll/)00-rOentrsi, three bedroom, Wythe, Amstra (Hebron), Mrs. televlston service. 3-4641. have mechqnical aptitude, write Co. ,180 Goodwin' St., Etest Hart­ Ta k e i, 2, o r s y e a r s Gertrude C. TUley, MarUwrough, operating budget fm- the schort’a ported from West Germany eiseieeblpeiaHyaidiB la '___ INCOME TAX prepared. Personal ford. BU. 3-8434. I IH TEAR OLD National radia­ ment for rent. 291 Spruce St. • Heraey Robertson School on diUon. ’F«m price M u m . Over ib older' home, too car''garage, ATTRACTJVB, sportoua nine room first year, since interest payments rimpltaes the kitchen mincing job. to us for free information without TO PAY IF YOU WISH- more Uatings of o___ . all______kinds______includ- vacant. home. Situated on 1% acre.plot and Mrs. Reginald Helfferich. S**aiM— M sa4m Aa4 Bam sad bualnesi. Frank: FP^ddcl. « Ml. DICK’ S WEATHERSTRIP Com- obligatian as to how you may be- tor furnace, complete with con­ —YOU CAN HAVE ALL THIS Wednesday, February 37,1967 at 8 on the bond Usue will be at their It uses five circular cutting kalvee •-S818. pany, doors and windows, custom GENERAL machinists. See Mr. trols. Rated 107,000 BTU per hour. PM. to take action on tha fol­ Ing new splUa and ranches. CaU $16,800-Woodbridge St six room convenient to Moncheeter. Iflve In addition. Mrs. HeUferich, peak during the initial year of the that at Into a white plwtLhous! ex- RothweU Or Mr. Kirk The Roth- "S U P BR" “D E L U X E” Business Locations tors, MI. 3-6930. Member of K.L. ranch'-with garage. bedrooms, living room 20x18 with whose three daughtera plan to en­ work, guaranteed. CaU Ml. 9-1888 Traln- ExceUent condition. Call after 6 8 R(X)MS OF FURNITURE lowing articles; school’s, operation. He suggested ini^ .TlM manufacturer says the after 6 p.m.*. Vetl Corp., Bolton. MI. 8-8116. p.m. MI. 9-3988. For Rent 64 ARTTCXE 1 S. . . $16,100—Parker St, eix room fireplace,' 19x12 dining room with ter collegaa requiring L a ^ fur­ ^ d g e t 1a roUed over the chopping THE DAIRT QUEEN on West Herald. All 100% Guaranteed Ionia], garage. fireplace, oil heat. Bern with play- cute in maintenance suppllM, ONLY $438 To see what action the Town nished the Board with a reaCareh Carthage and other areas, after a bodrd until the desired flnencM te Middto Tpke. wUl open soon. AIRWAY Sanitiser-sales and serV' WANTED—Toolmakers, rooldmak- STORKLJNE collapsible baby" car­ BRICK BUILDINO, two blocks PARK STOEBIT—Six room single. $16,600—Bolton, new 8% room romn. Brook, stonewalls. study conducted in national col­ obtained. / ■T" ers, lathe hand mUler operators. $28 Delivere—$16.16 Month ' from Main St. Approximately 3800 wlihea to take on tha tecom- Hot water oU. Fireplace, 1% Grant, Walton W. Grant Agency, thorough check of th* previous op­ ice. Trade in your old vacuum, riage $26. Playpen pad, $1.60. mendailMi of the Board of ranch, basement garage leges and imivecsiUea which indi­ erating budget. An increase from Charge the balance, your credit is Music*)— Drapistie 29 60 hours per week. Am coTpol and Both'in excellent condition. Ctell YOU GET — sq. ft of floor space. Close to baths, game room in basement. $U,00(n-^llister St, 6 room root co- Realtor. MI. 8-U53. Member Man­ MAGIC Die, Inc., 96 Brooklyn St., Rock­ 16-PIECE BEDROOM parking lot. MI. 3-6494. Finance that an additional Attechedt garage. Cotnhlnation cated a strong preference for 88,000 to 87A00 w is recommended L u g e s t O m I D o c k S e t ood. We handle our own accounts. MI. 3-9387. lonlal, garage. chester MLS. Xutin; a curriculum study of sec­ '.O . Box 881, or phone MI. 8-6310 DRUMMlNa LESSONS. Matthew ville, Conn. 18-PIBCE LIVING ROOM appropriation of $6,(XX> be triple track storm windows and for fuel costs by Louis J. Drakoa, for ait :evening of pleasant enter­ f Keevers, instructor. Studio, 30 FOUR ROOM air-conditioned of­ $34JOO-LiAe St., seven room oo- ondary Bchoole in Connecticut orrtittect. before 8:80 a.m. or after 6 p.m. WE HAVE TWO used 8 horsepower . ISrPlECE KITCHEN made for the Snow Removal doon. Also abors cottage for sale. lootol. Memphis — a coal-bugG-un- tainment at your next social gath­ Portland St MI. 9-0606. Easy ACCOUNTANT with broad general — Plus — fice with off the street parking. which showed more students en­ An eetimnte on light and power Ask for Mr. Aronson. water cooled air-conditioners. Account: . Owner going to Florida and wante $88AOO—Oak Grove St. de luxe ------a ——— ^9 J** MW waasvAconstructed tsvbVU- VOnn Poultry portation, I’ll send, my auto for EXECUTIVE would like two or owner, ML 8-4307. Oo., 351 Center St,, MancheAter. borough, to be used at a Town HIDE WANTED, working S4S p.m. lage knives, mowerer MaiUadSs, akears, 6 -6 ^ days or JA 9-6908 eves. SINGLE BED for sole, in good you. No obligation. ARTTCLE m 9-7886. ML 3-1507. evenings ML 0-8666 or a questionnaire which would/I necUcut Mortgsgs Exchange. Farms, Manchester Parkede. condition. MI. 9-3356. three bedrooni single home in sent to students and their putots, Meeting March 6 to set that town’s PRESCRIPTIONS Mandiester Center to . Hartford kmves’ves’ sctTated; cappers,clippers, etc.etc.' A— L —B— E— R— T— ’S suburban Hartford. JA, 3-3768. To see if the Town wiU vote ML 3-778L tax-mill rate. Keys dupUcated. Bnipsm H. to auction Iota S3 and 84 in ROLJJNCr Ba r k —. seven room Lota Sale 7$ asking what courses would to con­ Center and return. MI. S-91U. WANTED—Body and fender , mkn i e 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD Tha next meeting will be held at "FKBB f ig k - u p Aborm M i^ e S t. EUlngton. Rock- HOT WAT R furnace complete YOUNG COUPLE with two chil­ Section 8 on Foxcroft Trill in Cape Cod. Three finished bed­ ARE YOU OONaiDERINa sidered eeeential. SAPORm MEMfiSIAL GO. Business Opportunities 32 or helper. Some experience pre- with pipes and radiators. Also, rooms upstairs with unfinished LOT FOR S A I^. Carter St.. Man­ SELLING YOUR PROPB21TY7 However, the Board toproved a 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Elmer AND OELtYERT** WANTED for educaUcnal training, vUle TR. 6-7168. ferred. Vacations andid holidayh " ' pay. MAPLE KITCHEN set. coffee dren desperately in need te five or Waterfront HrighU. any discarded radio or TV set by complete steam furnace, cabinet alx room first floor apartment in lavatory area, ' front and rear chester, approximately . 128’xl68’, We will u praise your protorty recommendation fromdOr. W. Chris Thienes Schort in.Marlborough. 470 CENTER STREET . S^MIS^TTSS CENTRIFUGAL pumps, diaphragm Insurance coverage. Must be 18 sink, combiiiation gss and oil table, kneehole desk, platform Dated at Coventry, Conn, this trainee. CaU MI. 3-1663. V BARBER SHOP 'foY sale. Cteli MI. rocker. Pine chest and wooden Manchester. Good references. TR. dormer*. ceramiO tile bath dovm- CaU ML 9^ 76 befmre 6 p.m. fiea and without any obUgation Reisler, superintentont, to distri­ PINEmARMACY pumps up to 4”. power trowels, years old or over. Coll at OUle’s stove. OKoman’s Housewrecking. 31st day of February, 1947. Btairs. Ihterior recenUy redeco­ We also buy property for cash. CENTER 8T.—m t-SSlS \ 9-9958. Auto Body, 8 Griswold St. rocker. MI. 3-7449. 8-2071.— I GOODWIN W. JACOBSON ; bute copies of tbo present curric­ m WOULD LUCE ride from Rosedale, concrete and mortar nfixers, MI. *9-2892. rated, meterior painted 1986. Lot 2 BeUhm or buying contact ulum outline to students wKh a Specialists in momunents senlptored fram scl^t Banra granltK RICHARD at. OALINAT F or Bdlfon, to Manchester or Hartford, large and small electric hammers, AUTO REPAIR, body shop for rent FIRST CLASS tool makers, gauge TWO STUDIO couches, Westing- FAMILY OF five needs three bed-, 70x234, ameaite'^at 888 Main TWO WOMEN for general laun­ ested in steady work applying rub­ Musical Instruments 53 row apeclalteatlon, you’ll lUce ochool, only 815,600. Oariton W. able to. regional districts. He urged FORMICA ceuntera, oeramlo wall dry work. Five day week and Diamonds—Watches— Hutdtins. MI. 9-8133, 9-4834, Multi- m e. Hot water, stall shower in 9-4694. ^^PACKAGE St (Formerly OougUs Motors). and floor tile. Lag its modsrtuas ber. Must be steady and willing to our work. Much o f It la far out­ ouster bedroom. Screened in the attendance o f aa. many Board beneflU. Apply in person. New work with their hands on all types Jewelry 48 MUSIC instrumental, rental. Com­ side the acope of moat tool de- ' pie Listing Member. • members aad interestad persons as your bathroom and kitchen. For Model Laundry, 78 Summit St. porch, heater, furniture in MUST 8EI^1354 Mercury. two- free eatlmetee call ML 3-3886, Tha of work. Apply Unatex 0)rp., plete line of instruments. Rental SEPTIC. TANKS aign departments. eluded. Desirable location with BUYING OR SELLING? possible at this hearing. ) ^ door custom.uatom. Radio, front < and Vernon Ave., Rockville. LEONARD W. YOST Jeweler, iv- applied to purchase price. Repre For instance, we develop, com­ BOS BAST CENTOR ST.—-Large Ha also reported that Dr. HsIs- rear speakers. Heater, signal Tile Shop. Buckland. WANTED—Receptionist for pro­ AND ten room home. Suitable and ■bade trees. Bxduslve broker — fessional office. Must be exper­ p^re, adjusts watches expertly. senting (lids, Selmer, Ped plex test rigs -and special de­ t o eMMintmcnt only. Tsl. MI. It you are planning to buy, buUd, lights, fog 'lights, dual exhaust, FLAT FINISH Holland window TRUCK DRIVER wanted. Exper­ Reasonable prices. Open dally. ler ahd Bundy. Metter's Music equipped for two famOles. New trade or *eJl caU a MLS (Multiple ienced in book k eep ^ and typing. ienced furniture mover for long PLURREO SEWERS vices for the Welding, assem­ heating system. Two garages, lot 8-8811, evenings JA. . 0-4108 or BATHROOMS^1 . ' ■ . smte waU tubeless tires. Color, ahadee, made to meaaure. All *niurMlay evenings. 139 Spmer Studio, 177 McKee. Ml. 3-7500. listing Service) Realtor. This is Good opportunity. Write Box K, distance work with a national vain bling and machining of unusual 177x378. MadAline Smith, Realtor. . “Windsor ■ MUr UrdiKlock 8-4037. Ught tan. 81160. MI. 3-8407. metal veneUan bilnde at a new Herald. Street. Ml. 9-4387. parts and materials. We have ■gr- u oigahisatlon of twenty local low price. Keya made while you line. Phone New Haven, WEat HaeliiM Gluiiil MI. 9-1643. SZXJiraTOK-^Nw Ctepe Cod with Realtore-----— trtto....vr have V.VS1«WU6Ccombined their lSeO-6Jects and problems. It does ranch, full cellar, oil hot water hrodiure on Just what »«*■« 1361 PonUac—HydrunaUc . heat, large lot, ideal locatiao. CaU LAKE CHAFFEE— Arijford. Four 1361 ‘ Buick Special—Dyflad ow FOUNTAIN HELP Wanted. Male suggest, however, thb oppor­ room completely furnished cot hpw It works. Rmnember. A. R. Wilkie A Oo„ 481 E. Middle Realtor devotes full time 1350; Mmputy—$346 Building— Contracting ^4 or female. Full and part time. tunity for Ingenuity and crea­ Tpke. ML 8-4888. tage. Largs knotty pine lifting 1380 DcSoto WIRERS AND SOLDERERS Arthur Drug Store. 943- Main St. Pertnigers tive thinking—the exceptional room, fireplace, large ftont p ot«. real eatato business in this Ask for Kenny White. ' ^ opportunities for fast personal tv on take frqpt. AsMng $8,800, muhity. 1349‘ Ford-836 Bi d WELL Home Improvement Go. Eimrienced operator^ preferred W ondarfuHy FlaHerin'g 1348. ■Cadillac Fleetwood Alterations, additions, garagee. development. ■" ' small'dotm jlayment. p va Tyler, to Wire. and — solder — reslatera, trans BOOKKEEPING-machine operator, WELL ROTTED cow manure for SILK SCREEN 1948 Chevrolet—$45 Re-aidinc epaeiaUsta, budg­ your gardens arid lawns. De­ Openings are at attractive sal* Railtor.-'MI. 9-4489. “ W W OS WANTEDHBlngie two- (MPNOAILY 8 AAL la * PJL 134$ Chrysler Convertible et terma. Ml 9-6496 or TO formers and coodenqera to various male or female for position with aries at many levels. Better- to rts (aariJy, buatneae components. Ideal location for local expanding company in East Hart- livered to the loads. Pelia Bros. proyrty. Rtoe many cash buyen. DfOUimNO SATUBDAY 1347 Bidck—$60 8-9109. Phone MI. 3-7406. thSn-average employs bbnefll : Fin* .Filaf! resident. Hours 8 a.m;-4:30 p.m. ferd, -Stertlng salary in excess of OPERATOR plans. , IpxtgagM arranged. Please call IISSELLST. Ml 9-7322 MANCHESTER FOR TOUR remodeling, rep->palra or with cafeteria facilities. 365 vreekly, 38% hour weak. Vaca­ Rw^tor, ML additions call William R a n ^ , tion, life -insurance, hospitelise- • Apply 109 HeniT MOTOR SALES ANNEX C(mfr*ictbr and Builder. MI. tlon, etc. Write riving full particu­ Household Goods' 51 883 MAIN ST. 8-7TO. GRAY MANUFACTURING lars to-P. .0. Box 71, East Hart- i PAINTINe AMD Muof Im v o IcDowl^go Employment Office ML 3-6783 CO. ford. , of photogrophie pToc* Weekdays: Bfsgy Jackmw, Manager £IARPENTRT< repairs, alterations, HUliard S t, Manchester FRANK’S a n t iq u e SHOP, 430 PAPER HANGINQ J, ■>. etc. No Job' too small. Reasonable 8 s.m. to 4:30 p.m. 1366 OUfiBMuilLE eup^ 88 HoU- Lake. St., Is buring and selling TELEPHONE ouiiig. Top pay fPr| prices, work guaranteed. TR. “ A GOOD PLACE TO WORK’ *' Situations Wanted— n od used furniture and antiques. Saturdays: WASHINGTON'S day. Hkrdtop, 13,000 mllee. Excel­ 6-8759. Male - 39 M I9-32M ^ quoilfiod moo. Comh^ i lent coudlUon. Padded daah, ML 9-6680. Houra 9 a.m .4 p.m. 8 s.m. to 12 noon power •tsering, poster hrakea. FOR ALL TYPES of . carpentry HAHtDRESSER WANTED, also a n t iq u e FURNITURB, suvsr, pony booofits. Apply BIRTHDAY neater, radio: front And rear work and hardwood floor laying CARPEINTER would like-small re-' glasa, china, and used furniture PRATT A WHITNEY and finishing cab Jutraa, Gmeriu one to manage beauty ahop. Write ^leakers, widt* side waU Urea. Box T. HerHenad. -palr Jpbs. Call MI. 9-9020. bought and sold. FUmlture Repair AIRCRAFT $3A60. Call ML 34600. Contractor. MI, 34»79. NoI Job too Service. AG. 8-7449. • Divialon of United Aircraft small. TYPIOT-GLERK in Insurance of­ MORE ITEMS! LaPOINTE Corporation 1964 OLD8MOBILE Super 88. fice./Hours, 8:16 a.m.-4:i5 p.m. WOULD LIKE part time work, re* VISIT OUR SALESROOM East Hsrtford 8, ConaecUeat Power ateering, power brakes. Contact Mrs. Lubas, Office Supt. tired man.. Call MI. 8-7052. FOR TOMORROW'S INDUSTRIES, lac. White side waU tires. Windshield Roofing— Siding 16 MI. 8-1134. > AT THE GREEN ROCKVILLE, CONN. World’s foremost dbUgner aad washer, tinted glass. Excellent condition. Must seU. WUl take old­ ROOFING, SIDINO. painting. Car- boUdor s f teivm ft enjiJiies. GIRL FOR general office work. Doip^Birds— Pets 41 Ebetensive eelectian of decorator AUCTION er car in trade. Best offer. CaU pentry. Alteratlansand___ addltlona. Excellent working conditions, ell ,Just Good Deals, Courtesy and Service MI. 8A483. > - v-— Oeillnn. Workmanship guaran­ lamps, end tables, living room fur­ company bOhetite, Apply oMce, niture. Very good selecUOH of fur­ AT LEGION HALL 1*66 n.YMOUXH 4-Dr.^ Hardtop. Radio. teed. A: A. Dion, Inc., 399 Autumn second Boor. J. W. Hele Co. b i r d , cat and dog auppltea, whole LEONARD 8T„ TOWN 196$ DeSOTO. Powar brakos^poif- f f f A A C ATTENTIpN AIRCRAFTERS — St. MI. 8-4660. sale and retaU. DaUy 9 to 8 p.m niture for Uie entire home. hsater, white side Waite,-power. er steering; automatic transnUsd^T 1 w 7 0 1360 CadUlac Umousine. This fine' EXPERIBNCED woman for lunch­ TXi«Klay, tiiu r^ a y , ^ d a y niaiita flito, tone. 9 2 2 7 0 FOR THE beet in shingle and built Universal Electric Range automobUe wlU pay for iteeU. Will eonette work, deys. Apply In per­ 7" to' 9“ Porterfield'sPorterfleldte - Route Sluid- CHAMBE|IS FURNITURE^' O-E Refrigerator^ II Cu. FL PLUS. . ;.Wall T ile . . • Floor Tile .. • Painting comfortably carry nine pasimn- up rooting, gutters, leaders, chim­ son. Pine Pharmacy, 664 Center Chapel. South Windsor. JA 8-8891. 1*64 FLYMOUTH 4-Dr. SOjI E gera. tow mUeage. Immaculate ney and roof repairs call CSoughlin. Both la go^, clean condition 191* FLintOUni 4-lhr. Sedan. ffTWAW 8L SALES rFrlgldalre Room Air WANTED Wonderful famUy car. condiUan. Can be seen at BanUy's ML 8-7707. MANCHESTER Pet Center for all Nicely equipped. 9 | / y 5 5 Bathroom Accesfories . •. Medicine Cabinet Service StaUon, 883 Main St., IF YOU, USE Avon OoemeUcs, you your pete and pet’s supplies. MI. 801 E. Middle Tpke. Conditioner Manchester. RAY'S ROOFING CO., ahmgle and can readUy understand how easy 9-4378. B A H green stampe. Open 2 SmaU TV Sets GRADE "A" MECHANIC 1*61 8TUDEBAKRR Champten ffA A e built up roots', gutter and con­ It is to sell. We require pleasant, Monday Saturday, 9-6 p.m. Hours; 10 a.m.4 p.m. I*W FLYMOUTH CtenvertiUe. Radio, heater, 1361 FORD, PI, pick-up truck Cten- ductor work, roof, oblmns'ly re­ ^ 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. These itama wiU be eoM shortly FULL TIME--GUARANTEED SALARY white aide walte, sport tone, ffY X A w 2-Dr. Ideal swxmd Car. ▼ A 7 0 NO DOWN PAYMENT.ss3 YEARS TO PAY! mature woman In Manchester tO Thursday, 9-9 p.m. after 12 noon. 1 * vaa top, signal UghU. <3all MI. pairs. Ray Hagenow, ML 3-331A serve regular customers. Gall MI. MI. 8-8187 This is an excellent opportunity for the right mpn with V-8, powerflite. ^ I O t O. 3-1168 between 4-7 p.m. Raysy Jackson, ML 8-8336. 3-6196. 1*64 MASH RAMBLER 4-Dr. Wagon. Au. HOMli NEEDED fop lovely- young SEIMI-AUTOMATIC washer, wring­ See last Wednesday’s Herald automotive knowledge. APPLY IN PERSON Dalmatian female. Only kind, un­ for fuU Usting. tomatlc tranamteaian, beds, S l i l A B CAPABLE MIDDLE-urad w er type. Good condition, $38. CaU 1*68 CHEVRCTJBT •nO*' 3-Dr. f fR 'T J9 B Roofing and Chimncjrs 16-A woman derstanding, adult people, in coun­ ML 9-839$. ttatodglaas. ;• Tnners tor Sale 9-A to care' for • three eeee asm eseiaiaa■ r^dren. maia aimlight try nped apply. CUI TO. 5-7694. CENTER MOTOR SALES Extra clean. ^ l / 4 0 housework, live in. MI. 9-4896. TWO HORSE trailer for sale. In ROOFING — Specialising m rspahr- COETEE TABLE, round table, two Robort M. R«M & Son M l MAlh 'STREET—HANCBESTER 8470 COMPLETE FH A TIN ANCED tng roofs of all klads. Also new Queen Anne chairs and steam AUCTIONEERS t3%-36% U M F«NU> S-Dr. Cuatomliiia. ve^_good condlUoo, Reasonable. Yo u n g w o m a n , Part time. BEAGLES—AKC registered, four 1866 Oa60TO'4-Dr. Power steer* C l A A E CaU PI. 3A781. roofs. Gutter wtn-k. Chimnays nighte. Drug Store. Apply In pei^ iron. Reasonable. (JaU MI. 9-6843. Overdrive. Real economical S T A B months old. Inoculated. MI. 9-6941. tag, powerflite.. ▼ i T y O transportation. . i t cleaned, rraalred, 33 years' ax- eon only, 4U H artfi^ Rd. Mn-O-KAMA . i t pertenca. fr m aatimaiea. Call REXHSTERED Dachshund. Black Pockoged Bathrooms' '^Bto Driving School 7-A ley. Manchester ML S-883L PBX OPEUtA^TOR wanted. Hours and tan, $80. Tel. PI. 3rS019 after For the woman who is a'SCtla 1866 MERCURY 4-Dr. 6-8 excMt Saturday. Apply in per' Fine filet ia also fascinating to la n MERCURY Monterey Hardtop.' Radio, 6 p.m. Aborter' than average—a good crocbat-^partlcularly this lovely Radio, heater, white side walte, f f l D O E hsater, white side walte, Merco. ffl*| A E LARSON'S DRIVINO School, son to Wm.Wm Schaller,...... Manchester looking daytime dress that maksa- MerconwUe. ^ 1 0 7 0 for as littletos • . • ■ ■ ■ Manchsatse's eoly trained and Heating and Plumbing 17 basket-rand-butterfly design. matlc. SpoUaaa. '^ J I T O I Motor Sates, 613 West Center St affective use of two blending Toa’U receive many admiring iMitlflad inatructor. For your oof a- livestock— Vehides 42 ^ w tratnad to teach proper- oommenta when your friends see , ^ INSTALLED )y. an, 3401*. PLUMBINO and hoatiag—Rapatrs SWITCHBOARD WANTED No. 8470 with PATTO-O-RAMA thte boauty on your table! ------_ 1 _ ~ 8^*» V KflU WE BUT COWS, calfs ’and beat taehidad Is in siaMl3H, 14%, 36%, and ooBtract Wdni. O U li a *4141^ catUa, oloo entire herds. CaU Pattam No. 6680 oontalns cro- '.PLYMOUTHS AVAILABLE iTOR 1BI5IEDIATE IMBLIVERT THREE nXTUKBB ILLUSTOATED, $3.08 FBR WERK EXTRA. MANCHESTER-Drivlng Academy OPERATOR 18%. 20%, 22% 34%,^36%. Slse dwt dbectidns for oearf meaoitr- 8. WATSON, PLUMBINO and heat- Palls Bros. ML 1-7408. WANTED guaw^ Ibcpertjn^^ wuitad for briuich offic# of incur*, 16%. (85 bust). 4% yards of 8B- lax aonraxliiiatolv 15" x '84": WB BELIEVE THAT DUE PRICES ARE UNBEATABLE jd u a l controlled car. Call ML i i « contractor. New Installatians. /GLASTONBURY iach; % yard contrast. stitch iUuAtrations; filet diagram. ■ alteHUlon work and repair work. anco company in Manctaestar loca* •4738 or PL 8-7349. Day or eve­ Uon^ Some t^lng4 ■■ I i I I essential. s Open­Jw _ . Articles For Sale 45 For Uto pattam, asnd S6c la Sand 36c la OOWa, your abma, ning appointments. MI. 9-3808. iXPEaiENCED COINS, your name, addrsas, fchte address and the PATTERN NUM­ ing also available (or .clerk tyriet, •APFUES TO NORBCAL DfaRTAIXATlOHS dlversifled duties, some secretari ROYAL .AND Smith-Ochuna port­ dasired, and the PATTERN NUM- BER to ANNE CABOT THE LLOYD’S PLUMBINO Sarvice as- etarial able and standard typewrittra. C«r»ge* Bgisiti*i Storage 19 oures_ satiifaction,1 prompt. aervloe. vmrk; shorthand not necaaaary, CORRESPONDENT BKR to SUE BURNETT THE 86ANCBESTXB EVENINO HEB- high school graduate prefented. AU makes ' of edging machtnss MANOHssm'tovxngfff, Agftf^ABaCBIOAS. CB. 7-6124, MI. 9-8486. sold or rsnted. RApahra oo oU LINOTYPE OPERATOR |9#M Plumbing ond maksa. lfariaw*s. ALP iiaa Am- OARAGE FbR RENT. 31 Rridnard applet HEW YOK SAN. T. B totarfUl ROY MOTCmS H M H i i g C o e Vtoea.(^ , X I . S 4 4 U . M oving-Truddng J Liberty Miitusl Insurance Co. Baaie FA.»ONB,* Spriito * coulstntinr _ INCORBOIIATED SALE 88 1-8% off on 1966-1987 ieaigns from Stongi; 20 wAUpoper.-Greeh Paint and WaU- Bummer ’67 wiB deUgllt FH$ MI. 3.1161 R O ^ R MORIN f COUNTY EblTOR) Ita wealth of pstert. .,6ato_w to/'6lNMA.JBaM fritern* to; :i4I_N. M ^ ST.^" . (TWO LOCATIONS) 155 CENTER 8 t. - ' ' — MAIICanrnBR Pao*oge O a U ^ for further lnf(>nnatiou \ paper at the Green. C^pini daUy 94 t^ glU tfodtiag and paeliag* dsltv< p.m. . MI s JL M. to 9:80 P. M. TBL. MI 8-il2f 'Master n n b a f . . . RaWodaHni EtoedaSsIri V ij M aRsEiillfi’U M * ’ • n . JUM geraten. wasbere and lAROB HEAVY canvas. ItM Poo- lEupnittg lilMiMMMMMiP tiae “ 8 ” . II'B” inboard boat Raa- cUAI^ for not. Read Qierald Adv#. oonable. X L 8-7445. PAGE $irr&Eif FRIDAY, FEBRUARY iS, IW t iEsnrl;#atfr lEopniud ISfraUi Moiti St* Stores Wind Up Waship^loftY Sales Bvent Today An American, k Turk end e was plaoed under i 8100 bond, and About Town Frenchmen will be panel members legislative Committee Set ia scheduled to appear In cou rt •at the second aessien o t "U.8. Police Arrests Wedneaday. fo B M AjpniM HEAT aad TROUBLE FREE OPERATION Policy In a Comply World" Dohald H. Ouatafaohi 29, pf S3 The Kehler Circle of the, South March>l at #66 Main St., Hartford. To Act on Manchester Bills Hackmatack St, waa arrested Sfethodlat Church WSCS will hold- -They will review basic factors be> Frank.S. Lukasiewskt, 43, o f,16 yesterday fpr pasring a stationary A rummace sail in Cooper Hall hind the rising tide of pationalism Fc i.Hin Dr„ Rockvifte, was ar­ school but,on E Main S t near the Oocaataual rain or m o w be-' o f the chuith Feb. 27 at 9:66 a ^ . in colonial and former colonial Three Manchester bllla not yetystead of an elective offleial. It rested for speeding on Oakland St, Suuth School. His. court. date has 1 2 ,4 5 9 Mrs. Kllsabeth Best, 5S O^um areas. The discussion la the second voted on by the Legislature's Cities wquid a ^ place him on a regtlar been set for Wedneaday. OR luriMr^ ^md'stekErs gtaulng tonight, oohUaiteg Sun­ in a aeries of five confereiices ar­ salary,'instead of allowing-him near’Edward St. early this moirv- Meubar o f tlM Audit Ad., chaimtan of the committee,' and Boroughs Committee will pndb- cmmI SETvIcEd l^romptly am i Efflel«Rtly day. Uttte change in teraperntipn and Mrs. James A, Ray, leader ranged by the Service Bureau.for to draw hia salary from the fees ing, police said. He is scheduled RECORD CHCBCB BCDOET Bureau o f OhrcnlatfoB tonight, eridet Sunday. ,of the circle, will receive calls for Women's OTganisetiona The ses­ ably be acted on Wednesday dur­ paid into the oAce. to appear in Town Court March 4. Greenwich, Feb. 22 OP)—The Na­ iA. M anchester-—fA City o f VUlage Charm pickup on Tuesday previous’ to sion wiU be held in the clubrooms ing an executive' aesaion of that At the committee hearing on the Edward 8. Qage, 19, 'Vernon Inn, tional Council of the Epiacopal Mhe aals. Mrs. Rosemary Hewey from 10:30 M.m} to 2:80 p.m. Ad­ committee. bill, Padula expressed strong op­ Talcottvllle. wss arrested on H a l­ Church, atfsn annual meeting here a. E Wlim 8 SON, lat. This. was .reported today by Rep. trill have charge of the nursery vance reservations should be made position to the provision making ford Rd. near Pine St. and charged yesterday, adopted a record |8,- j^ ’^gEOMaiiEy 2 MAIN ST. — PHONE Ml S-812S . VOL. LXiVL NO. 123 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1957 (Claaalfled Advertlahig oq Page 19) t for small riilldren. with the Service Bureau. Louis Padula, Houae chairman o f, the town clerk an appoinUve of’ with operating an unregistered 874,000 budget for the 1967 general' PRICE FIVE CENTS the. Joint House-Senate committee. I ficlal. He said he felt .the town motor vehicle and operating a’ mo- program—|200,00 F ARLURE A Brotherhood breakfast meet­ . Get Attention First ’ A public ^U>ack party will - be ing will be hrid at the Temple li-i. held tomorrow night: at 8 o'clock At the same time, Padula .aaiU at the Xlpaer C^b. Beth Sholom Sunday at 9:30 a.m. hii com:nittee^ had .1161 yet' re­ The speaker Will be LA. Samuel ported out any bill., and that Rock-Rail Rome of the Connecticut State Po­ Manchester's measures woui^ he The Holy Name Society of-St. lice, All Brotherhood members the "first dnes" to get this atr ians Lift Ban James' Church will receive holy and children of high school age are tention.. He, said this would be S-T-R-M-C-H oonummion. Sunday mofning at invited. Reservations should be dene out of “ courtesy" to Rop^ Raging in the 7 o'clock Mass. made with Arthur Rittenberg. Ray Wai-ren of Manchester, and because of the "urgency” of some On UNEF in Gaza of the measures. New York General Manager Richard Mar- K "SliM R«pdrbig of Hm iB tltr Klfid'' V >. la particularly interested in swift Leris|atlve action on a bill NYLONS New York, Feb. 23 (/P)— • Washington, Feb. 23 (4>-Pre8ident Eisenhower has re­ that would amend the town char-- Times Square which rocked ceived another message from Premier David Ben-Gurion of 'ter to bring It into conformity Small, MediXim, Large; ’n’ rolled yesterdaj' qujvered Israel, but the White House declined today to disclose ito ‘vrith the 'changes made in the again today from an outpour­ contents. S A M Y I 7 L Y E S town's fiacal year dates. ■a t.' Work Done While You Wgit or While You Shop He woulo like theae changes in­ ing of thousands of ecstatic corporated into the charter before teen-agers * bent on seeing \ By TOM HOOE I RUBBERS anif ARCTICS budget-making preparations get their favorite kind of show. xUnited Nations, N.Y., Feb. 23 )— Behind-the-scenes ef- REPAIRED too far along. According to the ■ Focal point of the bedlam ia the fortjs to break the Middle East deadlock were intensified to­ a Heavy duty aippera replaced. new' schedule, Martin ia to publl- . aramopnt Theater at 43rd St. and day vafter a formal Asian-African demand for sanctions cse his recommended budget for Special Baby Saved from Burning Home Broadway. againH Israel. the 1957r68 fiscal year early in It is featuring a week's run of NOW AT 23 OAK ST. April. Four email children were aaved from' burning homo in Camden, Despite the atmosphere of crisis after a 6-nation resolu­ N. J., by Marvin Gilmore, 29, shown here dropping the youngest, the movie, ' “ ^ n ’t Knock the At Parnell Place Another provision of this 'bill Belinda Woods, nine months old, to waiUng spectators on side­ ,Rock.” ~Also a rock ‘n’ roll- stage tion callinff for penalties against Israel waa introduced in Oak Street side of Purnell Parking would amend the town charter to walk, below. Gilmore latir. escaped by cUmbing down electrical show starring Alan Freed, a local the G enem Assembly, U.N. delegates sjaw new hope in Secre­ empower the..Board of Diractora i conduits on front of house. disc 'Joc)cey who clain^ to have OPEN MONDAYS invented the term. tary GeneraLDag Hammarskjold’s announcement on Egypt'4 CLOSED WED. AT NOON to create ,a new fire tax district,' which would Include all of the Today’s turnout as the second stand regafdmg .the Gaza Strip. town except the Eighth School and day opened was much smaller and He said the- Egyptian govent;<>' Abba Eban, left. IsraeU ambassador: to the U.S., ehters car at Tel Aviv airport on his return h6me to ment would let .the U.N. Ehner- Utilltiea District. far more orderly than yesterday’s give persqnal report to Premier Ben-Gurion and the cabinet on his negotiationa dn the Middle East GIRLS' PRETEEN — and police far more experienced gency Force (UNEFJ to take up Pretecu Against Double Taxation Dock Men Tackle crisis. At right is Brigadier Katrlel Solomon, Israel’s military attache in Washington, who accom­ positions in the dispul^ Strip. He It Is designed to protect that at their task of restraining the ex­ panied Eban. Hebraic banners in background read: "No submission, no retreat!” "Who submits Tugboat Union Domestic Depti uberant youngsters. also said Egypt would 1st the U.N. District from paying a double Ore -.’ ki today will submit tomorrow. Who stands fast today will stand fast tomorrow." (AP Photo by help end ail raids from either aide tax in the event It votes sgalnsl By mld-fnoming so-: 3,700 teen- radio from Tel Aviv). a(,ers occupied all the ' theater's of the Egyptlan-Israell border. Rejects 6-Year consolidation' with the town at the DAN RIVER Hoovy. QuMity NOW Israel appeared unimpressed by I forthcoming special election. The seats and some of the standing the announcement, made by Ram- i date for that Slectlon has not been VALUES to $7.98 room. There was no huge overflow marakjold aa the A m ihbly yes­ Gotham Pact TURKINGTON announced, but it is believed that Mattraii Coven outdoors as yesterday. Kishi Expected terday opehed its delayed debate SHEETS and GIRLS’ DEPARTMENT—SECOND FLOOR (/P>—Dockij^said "full-scale operati<)n8" would \- jit will be around the middle of * New York, Feb. 23 They were wildly noisy , over the f/.iV. Seen Backing on the latest aspects of the Mid­ April. 1 men vvent baclc to work today on be fn order over the weekend. show, but policemen, policewomen New York, Feb. 23 (/P)-:-8eme Losses to shippers and industry dle East dispute. The Israeli dele- \ One of the other bills still in CASES Zippered ...... piers ^iii New. York and other and firemen, constantly on the To Be Japah^s gallon made no official comment 6,000 striking tugboat workers committee wmuld eliminate any 1 during the etrike, which atarted al:rt, kept them front leaving ybfterday rejected a proposed 6- Sportswear Specials northeastern seaboard porta, end­ Feb. 12, after an 80-day Taft-Hart- on Hammarskjold’s statement, but BROS. doubt as to the town’s right to sell ‘ Reg. 84.69. $ 3 A O their seats and running to the private IsraeU sources expressed TYRE No. 136 ley Act injunction expired, have ybak contract to end the port work or lease any part Of the Globe H’ol- Rubber Buttons. GROUP OF ' ing a costly 10-day strike. sUge. ■ Next Premier New Cyprus Talks these views: low land which was purchased Signals summoning longshore amounted to an estimated 8M mil­ From 4 a.m. yesterday until stopba|;e, now in' its 23rd day. Full or twin bed Mxea. 1. The Statement is the Secre- oro preporod to leryo your from Cheney Bros, under a special Reg. 82.49. gangs sounded at 7:55 a.m. and a lion. . -I midnight there werg ^0 hours of lai'y . General’s interpretation of Rejection of the proposed pacu act of the Le^ature.. The effects of the walkout spread Tokyo, Feb. 23 Iff)—Prime Min­ 72 X 108 .. *1.89 few minutes later the' docks near pandemonium in and around Unltfed Nations, I ^ Y . Feb. 28^*hould be left to setUe thU prob- the Egyptian poisltion and doeil by m em b ^ of Local 33S, United The itaal blu would make techni-! buzxfd with activity onoa more. ^ far as Totifloi Ohio,, where an the movie house. ister Tanxan fidiibashi resigned to­ Marine diviaion. National Mari­ Formerly $17.95 NOW YdV-Th* U.N, ’ ’General Aaaembly lem." not commit President Nasser's insiironce needs. Please call us cal changes in administrative Reg. $2.69. A huge backlog of cargo meant auto plant wxa temporarily fbreed The lyoungsters, clad in dungar­ day-bocansr-of lll'^naKh: The government to a specific staiM on time Uniem came somewhat as a basis of the Town Water and to halt production. Railroads laid is expected to |^e overwhelming Sponsors of four othe; pending surprise. Untoa counsel WlUiam * 81 X 108 .. *2.09 R«9ukir Hoight Hrtt Blouses plenty of work ahead. ees and other attire favored by chances look bright' for Foreign resolutions did not press for votes Gsxs. Sewar Department. off workers' during the self-im- Hannan said Mjectlon was by a $2.98 VALUES Tha Bcene waa repeated elae- much of today's youjjb. literally Mlnlstw Nobusuke Klahi, who nar- appfoval next y^eek,. to a concili­ on them. They were: • 2. The etatement does not spell' ■The town clerk bill, which has Reg. 89c . p^aed embargo pn freight shlp- atory resqlvitiqh' calling for .new, 6 to 1 margin. - for on appointment at your Guoiity Lottx Foom ’Whara along, the coaat from Jtfaine ^asissad gnttlng th»|xist last. L A British resolution.calling on out how long the U.N. force would the backlqg of both parties as well j 42 X SO 'me'ntiTIo'the'struck ports." tKinr when hlB work' order went. un­ at the special invfutioh of MaJ ghelos Averoff said be voted for. (Oo-ttaned on Page Five) a 'mistake" to make a college edu­ causing agents have been certified President Eisenhower, at the re­ 72 X .103 . . . *2.49. Aeon., the empldyera group here, heeded. „ Gen. Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, cation available to all who want it on the Understanding Britain' .would enter Into negdtiations with for use in food, .amid arguments quest of the Bonn Government, Pennaylvanla’s adjutant general, I t . Japan’s first postwar ambas­ over the safety of the mattrial. Reg. $3.30. Each who has given hia support to the the Cyprlota Such talks were has dispatched medical aid by WINTER sador to Soviet Union Suemltsu Smith Is engaged in cancer re­ plane to West Oermnn, Presi­ Si x 108 ... Army-*W41aon six months active broken off last March. *2.69 Discontinueid patterns af kadowskl leaves for Moscow search under a fellowship from the Police Snare, One Deady 30 Injured duty plan. Numerous National Menon said the resolution aimed dent Theodore Heuse who Is suf­ Reg. 93.M. aUr regular 89c qqality: buy ------a— S— MSM^ pledging "aa utmost effort” to American Academy of Nutrition. fering from bronchltia The Guard leaders favor on ly an ll-- solve territorial aad other Issne* CO "bring to the British mind the He set forth his views in a letter 90 X 108 *3.09 s ^ r a l at tMs low priM. ■wedk program. reality o f the Cypriot nation." He White Bouse, said today the ,. X.' still snarling relations between fhe to Rep. Delaney (D-NY) and the Kill Burglars plane left New .York yesterday In- his talk at the Philauclphla two nations. expressed hope Cypnu -would be­ Congressman placed the letter in Reg. 78c. A O a * 0 YCT 400 Pupils Escape come independent. - with a drug desertbed at the 42 X 88 Csaes.,Each O f G / 8 8 ' \ Commandi|ig officer of New Mex­ the Congressional Record yeater- WASHWiTON’S (Cbattaned on Page Three) IVhlte House as MyooStatten. ico Air Development Cqpter says But BriUsb Minister of SUte Al­ day. ‘ In Gun Battle Oiir Sixth Shlpmmf FAMOUS MAKE. escape of Matador guided mIssUe lan Noble, in a press ‘statemenL Delaney, sponsor of legislation SOFT COTTON KNIT Mid the'5;day debate had demon­ for .tighter restriction on chemical DUTCH OPPOSE SANCTIONS Carolina School Blaze Thursday was due to failure of two Clnciniiati, Feb. 23 (AV-Two The Hague, Frti. 28 ITiVThe Slight Irrogulon of • WITH PLASTIC FEET electronic self-destruction ays-' strated a "widespread feeling that aafe c'racketf walked into a police Hd«*s SfurOywRor Great Britain, Greece and *^rkey (Continued on Page Five) Netherlands foreign offioe amid 98c 22x44 Lorg* Six* ^ SALE OF \ terns.. .National 'Guard and High­ ambush in a supermarket in near­ today If oiland will not snpport a iox-StitclMd Mount Airy. N. C., Feb. 23 W - « ’ Firemen and volunteer firefight­ way Patrol oboervers in Ohio keep­ by Forestviile early today and move tor sanettona agataut Is­ All . but one of more than 400 te^ ers said the building erected about ing close 'watch ba PortaoMMith I Were shot to death in a wild gun rael. Instmottons have accord- CANNON DATH Kitchen Gadgets J rifled youngster# scrambled out of 1025; was destroyed in less .than an area Where cablecuttinx* have 134 Americans Saved battle.' None of the police were Ingly been sent to the Nether- QUILTED windows. Or dashed Ourough door* hour after the fire started about a^ia blacked out'telephone com­ hurt. land's delegation at the' United BIRTHDAY as a lightning-fast fire raged 1:J5 p.m. . • munication* in Ohio River City. ' Killed in the gun battle were ya PRICE Nations, the foreign, office an- ' ‘Many useful items fof the , through their school here, yeater- ; Lairy Adams, 9-year-old third Communist Hungary aaaouaces Bari V. Burton, 34, LouisviUe, Ky., nouncement added. TOWELS grader, waa the only one who sentencing of three more rebels MATTRESS PADS S3S"VW i«*«a*fae»aa »"■ 06aoaaa $1.38, ■ — home or gift giving! Values and Nicky Nader, 49, who has % a toll stood today at "one dead didn't get out. His 'teacher, Mrs. who. fought aqU-Sovlet revoluUon Five Perish, 20 Missing Various addresses in CD'-ingbon, Extra Specihl X A 98c to $1.98. ASKS GAZA SECURITY WITH CQRh^ ELASnO Regular $8.00. ' pmd about 80 injured. The school I* i Cora Beasley, wss among five to ' long prison terms., .Police Ky,. and (hnclnnati. Jerusalem, IsraeU Sector, X smoking ruin. Each...... o y c NOW ...... • 0 0 • • • a *1.50 crtically burninL Spectators said wage two-hour gna battle with 65- Approximately 100 shots were Feb. 23 ID —A . leader In Pre­ HOUSEWAiUlS DEPARTMENT Many of the grade-school chil- they ' assumed Mrs. Beasley had year-old man who killed Oregon fired. Regular $8.98. F Q The Irregularitiea are so b Qk (BASEMENT) a C* drsn teatered fearfuUy ;on window mier Dav-ld Ben-Gurlon’s paity Regtdar $3.30. tried to the last to help Larry State policeman and woqnded a In Korea Plane Crash Robert Nelson, the store man­ said today some sort of Security 89 X 76 Twin 8lae.”^ A a Q F sUght they are hardly as- ' l ^ e s of the l-story. brick building NOW ...... « a a a 0 a a *1.75 escape. He was the son o f Ray sheriff’s deputy before 'finally ager, said there v as' approximate­ supervision of the Gaza Strip by tiecable. Extra heavy aolid Sind had to be help^ or pushed Adams, .a mill worker here. The shooting himself. ly 835,000 in Uie store safe. -Regular. 8648.. eoloni in light, hhie, dark, Regular $440. U.N. organ* with IsraeU paiRci- out. Several teXchers suffered pain­ father stood silently by aa the Thundering e x p lo sio n Hpa Seoul, Fab. -23 a dtvp of. about Mght feet .Diplomatic reports reaching^ j^ p p ers, entered (he store about The luuaied by claMromna. *, London court - where her es­ "It it very doubtful if they -wlU tkea. sin *n rontw hoane Irvin — Oie,xpaaia,'. . F^ris say 199 Mooeinr University a Half hour befora closing time. I e .: Special’Salel Band or'elaatie lag brief* in Only Each nt's uBbsIiayM^ ,liB6rAag tranged httOhahd hais brought students were expelled recently be found, alive.” .. “We landed qn our belly. The One by one, the officere wanders^ ' eaees with President all white or cokxa; all wiw full elA uc waljri- T9c Conn* wag. tt o aeeond libel aettea anlaat the Louden for what Soviet authorities coo- ITie Air Force listed 134 reecubd first impact was smooth, but the away and aecreted^ithemaelves in la Washlngtoo, Hai* M W E GlVE^a^ GREEN STAMPS band. Small, medium antrlarge. 6 pantiea to fcxcallent for writldg,. can bo refilled. Aa- .Sundiqr OrapWe.’ jatmUt 26. jUdered antlrCammunlsr politloal and the'Army 137. second was a lulu. The nekt Hhing a rear,stock rooht. . "other Arab 0 * 1 4 the box. ■arted qdlora.- QOmllR MAIN OAK S T t im 14 «ttiB|(.-Uai BBpar ovqr ah ar- a£tlvity^ .flpatfced by . the city’s The troop transport—the Air I knew I was . . . in the water. Latef'^ther .otftccn hid in ags- ■ :V^ ttd# U pMatUil flvUg. his 80: per cent Fkench populat Foree's laiifeat—took o ff teom "l.C(Aw>ed on an iq* floe and I rsgs St tbs rear of the sb>r<*- Klmpo Airfield for Tokyo with' 10 o f 4ad 149 ■------i «■ Bug* Blva) eiU fu g s W tf\

i . :

■ -A, k