(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-09-12
., MEATS. FAT8. book 'our .....I.",p. VI Ihre.rh Zf CloudY. loud Ihroarh Sepl. 80; A I Ih,ourh IH ••lId Ihr.alh lOWA: C.... erable e10llllinrs Otl. :11 : 1' 1 Ihr... h KI .ood Ib,.a.k Noy. 30, aDd 1.1 t. Ihroarb QI valid Ib,o.rb D ••. II. 8VGA" Itamp II da,. 8ea&teftd ahowen in after ,004 Ih ...,b D ••. 3l 10' ,Ive ro ••• " IIHOI8, b.ob DOD... No dedded ebaqe in tem t.hree alrpl.n • • t.lm,. J, S, a And, Ire r ••• lnderlaitel,. DAILY IOWAN THE perature. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ===========================-==========================~~~~~~~======~~~==================================~~~~====~~ :NE CENTS THI AI'OCIATED ral.' IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1945 TBIt .IIOCIATU PUll VOLUME XXI NUMBER 298 loio· ive to _xp aln• ar ui t Japan Reduced 10 fourth Rale House Places Final ATOMIC BOMB EYEWITNESS TELLS OF HIROSHIMA Former Premier Given 50·50 ' . Ad· M A OK on Congressional Nallon ccor Ing 10 ' ac rlhur Pearl Harbor Inquiry Chance by American Doctors Allied General Feels Nips Unable Group to Investigate Will Be Medics Fight to $aV. Lif. of War Lord To Wage War Again With a Predictable Future Degree of Individual With Plasma Transfusions and Penicillin By DON STARR Neglect in Catastrophe day (AP)-Hideki Tojo, art r another YOKOHAMA (AI') ,Jnpon hilS bl'cn reduced to II fourth rate TOKYO, Wedn blood WASHINGTON (AP)-Congress transfu. ion, still was given better than a 50.50 chanct' y t rday to nalion, Oen(,l"al M!l eA1't hlll", 'ommander-i n-chierfor A lIied forceR voted yesterday to conduct its own in tht' Pacific.
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