5 ~ ¥t .I"TII. PAT II. ,ef ala",. Yl.. ZI ••• AI ,Iar •••• V ' ••,.. ••••. PaoCllIlIlO POODI. .1.. ole .. , . B. 1lifornica 1.. ,.., .. ZJ ••• At ......, .. Cl .... ..... I VaU, " .... I....... ,. II ... ,. ..... ,., ,1 •• , •••••. 8110111. ...... ,.... .1,,1... •... ,. 1. I ... • , . .. IOWA: elouclT. _ Uerfll a Il'acIu 1",""1,"" . GAIIOLDII. II-A ..., ••• , ... I., In, MoaU7 ,~I ••• ••••••• C-t ••-1 ,., C-' '''H •• .. U. I., lin _owen.. IoWa rot' pU. ... FUl L 01.... Ib ••• ,b II........ DAiLY· IOWAN •• ,or'" •• e THE . his h~ Marrh ~ .~~~~~ ,... ,.u'• ..,1" I ••, ••• II•• ••• ..~·=·======== ~====================~========:;~I~o~~~~a~~C~i~t~Y~'~.~==~==o~r~n~';;n~g~~~;;';;¥t~I~p;;a~p==.=r==:;======================~::~~~~~~~~====~~~~~~;=====~~~~~~=y~ 11198 .... mE CENTS nIJI .ulOCllArD ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY. MAY 19.1945 ... ueocJIArD .... VOLUME XXI NUMBER 201 :ardner~" [medici: GOERING ENTERS PRISON he lllo,fCI AtaGla~ 'Iii Nittons, vife, thrte ~hJ~ for (ollective - Today's .' American Troops Make 9,167 ~ , ersltr Of stUdfll" Iowan i!d f ot~ Dictatorship' ,nths·1'1It 011 no. Amerieull *l1mltd * to* s mall lOC&l Small Gains on Okinawa caSUalty Vandenberg Ans~erl gains on Okinawa. lualty list Fiery Cuban's Charge e Feb. 1. Cllban repnaeh&at.lve charges Of 'Totalitarianism' big nations with desire for "col­ Yanks Capture High ~icials Involved in- Japs Resist ~ lective dictatorship." SAN ]<' RANCI SCO (AP)- U. offert to turn over part Delegates reported last night of American zone in Germany Island Field China Gold Scandal Stubbornly tha t a fiery Cuban, speaking in to France. WASHINGTON (AP}- At least • Uni ted Nations confer ence and he declined to comment fur­ Armon Bonney appointed pro­ two Chungking banking officials, ther before he gets full details of eolJlJllittee, had accul.led big na­ gram director of WSUI, eflee­ 40th, Americal Units and possibly 18 more, face im­ what it discloses. Fiercest Fighting tions of wanting to set up a tive J une 1. peachment proceedings in connec­ News leaked out prematurely Drive To~ard Jundure tion with China's muJti-million­ In Whole Operation " co llective dictatorship " over that the official price of gold was SUI IfrUuate featured In Time With 311t Division dollar "gold scandal," Chinese to be raised from 20,000 Chinese No~ Raging-Nimitz tbe world. magazine. press reports said yesteday. dollars to 35,000 per ounce. Quick - ---- In the mo't violent dispute MANILA, Saturday (AP)-Maj. News of the speculative buy~g fortunes were made by those who GUAM, aturday (AP) - yet wilnes.'1ed by the conference, . , . I wave which hit the Chungkina got wind of the rise in time to buy American troops ground out Gen. Clarence Martin s 31st In- gold market March 28, involving gold at the old price. small local gain on the southern delegates said Senator Vundcn ­ Stalin Insists Polish fantry division, drlvint sllC miles some gold loaned by the United Some of the gold involved was Okinawa r ron t y st rday in berg (R., Mich.) called for other north in central Mindanao, cap- States, is just coming to light here nown In to China by American some or tile island's mo t intense nations to en t rust t hc great turell Valencia and its two adja- through tight censorship which the planes as part of a loan to enable figh ting but failed to capture Provisional Rule c e n t aJ rllelds Thursday, Ge n. Chinese applied on export or the the Chinese ,overnment to stabil­ powers with " the same confi­ RBICHSMARSHAL HERMANN GOERING who surrendered to the stOry. Ize Its inllated currency by buying either of their prim objectives, dence and faith" In peace that they Seve.nth army, arrives at a prillon camp In Aupbarlf. Germany. to be Must Be Recognized Do u ,I a s MacArthur announced Just before he left Washington up surplus notes In circulation. Nahe. or huri cities. have in war. held for trial. Qoerinlf t. .howli above a. he removes some of h is today . Thursday night to return to the Although the news had not pre­ o stubbornly stlvag was t he It was anotber flare-up of con­ medals durin. proceuinlf before enterlq prl on. American pla nes already were San Francisco conference, China's viously reached the outside world J a pan r i lance that the troversies tbat have been sputter­ Says Reorganization operatlnll" off the airfields. foreign minister T. V. Soong au- through Chinese censorship, it be­ ixth divi ion mar i n e near Ing between big and small nations Will Be in Accord Two other Yank diviSions, the thorlzed a statement that the came widely known in China after Naha and the vet ran 77tb in­ at this conference called to build 40th and the America!, were mov- guilty persons behind an official T. V. Soong urged Generalissimo fantry divi ion wer fore d to SUI Graduate in, down from th e north and were leak which caused the speculative an organization to insure peace. Cattle Feeders With Crimea Decilions Chiang Kai-Shek to order an in­ capture two small hills twice Delegates said Francisco Aguirre only 40 miles from a juncture with wave will be punished drastically. vestigation and a subsequent pre­ before apparently securing them. LONDON, Saturday (AP)- Pre­ of Cuba touched oft the fireworks the 31st. The two outfits scored a An investigation w hi c h he liminary report disclosed the im­ G company, 383rd regiment of Featured in 'Time' mler-Marshal S t a II n declared suecessful f I a n kin g maneuver ordered before he leCt Cbungking mense profits made in a few hours in a ~mm i ttee considering powers the 96th division, engaged in an today the Polish question could be around Japanese defenses at the is still in progress, It was learned, by insiders and speculators. hour-long grenade duel with Jap­ ot a proposed aU-nation general Guaranteed solved by agreement between the Ulembly. It was dlsCl.Jsslng specif­ Roy Porter Man.ima river. -----:...-.---- ----------------- anese in another instance. allies only "if in reconstf\lctlon of This WIlS the first mention of Fleet Admiral Chester W. NI­ Ically whether the assembly should Described as 'Most the Polish prOVisional govClrnment Maj. - Gen. William H. Arnold' have the right to "make recom­ mitz In tod ay's communique said mendations in respect of any mat­ U~likely Conqueror' the latter is recognized as the basic veteran Americal dlvison on Min­ Nipponese Retreat the enemy' lines were "beinlf de­ New Subsidy core ot the tuture Polis h govern­ danao, This division last was in­ Japs ~all Bac~ fended with the «Teate t tenacity lers affecting international rela­ ment oC national unity." vad iJlll( the central PhUippin.e Vis­ tions." The vote was 42 to 0 for (The foilowinlf article ~ .. ·taken In Hunan Province 01 the entire operations" as the lQ'atr islands. that authority. from this week's Issue of Time WASHINGTON (AP)- The gov­ His statement, broadcast by the loth army smashed at the strongly m .....lne ••nd Is written about Roy ernment gave cattle producers a Moscow radio, said t hat the reor­ On Luzon, the 43rd infantry di­ fortified "little Sielftried line" This is how the scrap developed, ganization "must be in accord with vision seC\lrcd Ipo dam, cast of For Moulmein Porter, a .lfI"aduate of iIIe UnJver­ guarantee tonlgh t against ceiling Chinese 18 Miles IItrelchlq ac roS!! Okinawa. Irom 15 reported by delegates who at­ the Crimea decisions," because no Manjla, source of one-third of the tended the closed door meetingt s"y of Iowa IICOOoI of journa.IJsm price cuts, and at the same time set From Paoching Base Naha on the west coast to Yona­ who served as editor of iIIe 19~1 - up a brand-new subsidy to feed­ deviations from these decisions c~n capitll!'S water supply. hara on the east. Aguirre asserted that the Big be permitted." Substantial .ains against de­ Four countries sponsori ng the con­ 28 Ha.wkeye.) ers, in a general attack on the Guarding Supply Route He estimated that Maj Gen. meat shortage. Stalin's statement came in reply creasing resistance was reported in In Burma ference-China, Britain, the Uni­ "The week's most unlikely con­ Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr.'s SilCth' Subsidies to packers of both to a letter from Ralph Parker, the Davao area of southeastern ~ Sta tes and RUSSia-want "col­ CHUNGKING (AP) -Chinese division leathernecks destroyed queror turned out to be a soft­ beef and pork also were boosted. Moscow correspondent at the Lon­ Mindanao, where Maj. Gen. Ros­ CALCUTTA (AP)- Thousands lective dictatorship, that the same spoken, 37-year-old NBC news­ troops hotly pursued enemy forces two battalions ot flerely defend­ The order, trom Fred M. Vin­ don Times, as)!:ing for a statement coe Woodr1.llf's 2.th d i v I s Ion of bedraggled Japanese, I r g e over Hunan province's 1,500-loot ing and counterattacking Nip­ totalitarian doctri ne most of the caster named Roy Porter. from the head of the Soviet gov­ (ought bitter hand-to-hand en­ nl,lmbers In poor physical con­ world has been l lihting seems to son, war mobilization director, hills yesterday toward the key ponese troops in their advance "Tbe veteran reporter (who saw provjded for u bookkeeping record ernment on the arrest of 16 leaders gagemcmts atter capturing Davao dition, fell back yesterday toward be the inspiration. behind a . flew Japanese base of Paoching, guard­ from the Asa to the Asto river Poland, the Low Countries and on cattle from the range to the in the Polish elCile government. city. Moulmein, whicb they seized early ing the communiClltions city of auarding Naha.
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