‘ i*

-T O I S D A T , AUCTW T i t , 1M4

Avenffs Dailr Cirealstioii T h d W M t h e r . ffn r tha M an fh a f Jnly, 1S44 Fomenet of L. S. Weather Bmma park antranee, but tola pond had Eleanor Ann. daughter of Vg. Too Hot Beneatli V dried up and chemicals ware used Ropfing-AibeBlM and Mrs. Thomas Keames s f 37 Two Tobacco to extinguish firss that started on 8,728" Fair and Cooler tonight; 'Sntur- Quiz Program utmtlas polsa. Both bulldlnga and Elro street, celebrated her eighth Siding and Rock Member of tha Andit M tattrJtPm rV iC uFutuu 2^ raU l day fiUr aad coatiiiued' coeL resi^iits her*-, left today' ifor trteir Tobacco Tenting oontenta war# burned in Isas than 1. birthday yesterday, with a party home. Mr. Wright has been h er^ Sheds Burn an hour and to* Wool Insolation Bnrmn ot Ctrcolatlona 9 for tlie past two weeks, while Mrs; ib r 18 boys and girls, cousins and Used As Test that.traffie to and from Hartfonl Manchester— ^A City of Village Charm Wright and her son have been^s- iSym aUs. The children pUyed wras unabla- to paaa for a tlma. w e _ R. Law. 8, 3-C, i« home ^ e s for which prises were It was so hot yesterday tha^t, flrat leave aince entering iting'relatives In ^Boltom S an Paul Smith, of Woodbrldge street, Buildiiij|S, Filled to Ca­ heat from the fire badly sconced Hartford and this town amoa the aw arded^^ winner*. The decora­ Prospective Stpiires An­ five pole# carrying wire# and tha (CkMsMed Aivertlalag an Page I t ) MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1944 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENlfftl i^aval Training C roty at tions in t&.dlning room wew in manager of the Consolidated VOL. LXIII., NO. 272 oC pacity, Destroyed in heat broka tha gtaaa InsUUtbra on N. Y.i June 10. The first saM red. whlU aftd blue. The birthday swer Questions to Sup­ Tobacco Company ordered' his R^to whiph he waa aaBigned help on the local plantofjbn to the polea, leaving tha wires hang­ cake was the ^nterplece on the Laurel Parl^^ection. ing on tha aims of tha polea, which tha •diatinction o< being w e Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Hansen many pret- ply Officer Material. take the remainder of to# day off table. Eleanor received ma • \ wera ao badly taimea In many I few companies to^arts toe and two small children, forrnerlytof with pay. . Burton InsnlaHng Co. this town, left, today for* thelf ty gifts and currency. Two five-acr* tobaced' sheds lo­ cases that.thev'wlll have to be re- '• twice during toe boot _ A ouis program featured the The tobacco is grown urider PiMNM Harttasa a M S l* home in Kansas City. Mrs. H a ^ n cated on Middle turnpik^.. west, placed at once' and It may be nec­ , period. X y n * ; Staff. SergeantrgeSnt . _„Kenneth C. the prospective Coluni- cover which makea'lt much hotter essary, to replace some of the poles. IM Oxfaia 8$. ...u of Mr. and Mrs. J. HL ^ w and her children have been here of Mra. Nellie m rk s gquires at their meeting at than working in/lhe fields. There on.the Si^h'alde of McLeaii Alill, since early In July, and Mr. Han­ Marks, son of Mr Wadsworth street. " of 97 Main street, is home for th e 'knTghts of Columbus home were about 150 affected by the just e i^ ' of the entrance to Lautel ted in June from Manch^s- sen has spent a couple of weeks 16-day furlough from Seymour last night. Boys in ths order. Parkr.-^wers destroyed by firs this' : High school. in town. JotuuKm Field, N. C. slw ETOup were partlcipanti In the moriitng causing a loas that tobac- program which was WE PAY CASH The executive committee of the, Frederick Sniore, who vfith the cd men catlmated at $30,000. . FOR GOOD Beethoven Glee aub will meet to­ assistance of Luke D. Phillips, Chenev Water The sheds were owned by Mrs. morrow evening st 7:30 in Eman­ prepared ihe questions. Robert V. Treat and had been MObi;RN FURNltURB uel Lutheran church. The purpose of the program leased to the Consolidated Tobacco ' W E B U Y TO THE PUBLIC was to bring put the sbtllW ^ of System Breaks Company for the housing of their Mr. and Mrs. Ormaiid O. West the boys to. get on their feeC face tobacco. Ths tobacco waa not ENTIRE ESTATES WF WANT TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO AD- 1 of Steep Hollbw Lane have l»en the members of the organisation grown on tha plantation, but had It yMB ara aaovtag aad ha.v*^ entertaining rfcOntly Mr. and Mra. and give their opinions on a vari­ Sanitary Service Dis­ ^ en carted there from other aoweaa Hena, eall as. ^ raA T WE ARE NO LONGER CON- Edgar Wahlberg^ ^ d daughter El­ ety bf subJecU. In the opinion of places and both sheds were filled. ' w S X STORES AND AT THE lis Lou of West Hartford. the counsellors present all the rupted Throuf^out the The fire was discovered by Oili­ ROBERT M. REID participants male an excellent er John Cavagnaro who waa driv- f&S^TOIE^rW ANT TO THANK ALL OUR Sergt. Stanley Wrobel arrived showing. A slniilar program may Mills as IVfaln Bursts. Ing the police cruiser at 5:15. He &SONS Cdmly ’ Ro^ti^e Starts in Southern France ['FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE TRADED Tuesday evening at his home, 24 be given at toe dieetlng next week radioed ..back----- to- Officer------Rudolph------. Sn Main 8L Phoae 818$ North atreet, after spending near­ with toe participantt Coming from The enUre ianltary system of Wirtella at police headquarters, Ooam. ' US FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS. ly two years in the Panama-Canal the 14-15 year "age group. The >vho in turn called the South Man­ the Cheney;/’mill* was put but of Patrols zone, end overseas in the Mediter-, chester Fire department. Chief A1 Burn Own purpose of toe counsellors in plan­ ans order todsy when the water system MR. AND MRS. RICHARD VEEN,. ranean area. He is ths son of Mr. ning these programs is to acqtiamt Foy responded with No. S's truck. ' T o a 'I cafoytoc tot * There was little hope.of saving tile and Mrs. Joseph WrobeL the boys with possible material lor waa cut-bff by the failure of an old acqiy— "tree shade coohMU** oa officers of the organlMtlon who wood atsve pipe at the*‘'eojpi««’ of bulldlnga aa both were, burning rapidly when the firemen arrived. konesc days and niton! InsuU Mrs. Marv Delaney, of Haw­ will be elected immediately fol­ Pine and Forest streets. The break Sfloe^-litot Reynolds Conon In­ thorne street, has received a let* lowing the Investiture of the local They had hoped to be- able to use evidently .occurred early this morn- a suction pump In the small pond sulation, easy as unrolling a rug! on Border; I ^ej. from the War department, circle at 'Tinker hall, Sunday, Aug. jng ^ and water began gushing that la located'near the former Xoaic ia soday. Get oar tstimacel stating that her son, Privata 20. George Delaney has returned to Poatpoaed a Week through toe road about 5:45. The .^ A vy duty in Italy. Private Delaney was The meeting waa “ ^er to pipe that failed la a ten-inch main REVIWUS wounded during the invasion of Mr. Smore, after Austin Schillin- and feeds directly from the storage HELP GET TOP PRODUCTION Sicily more than a year ago and ger, -hairmsn ot ths Knights of located on high ground back the Crdftsm an Tank Battle received the Purple Heart. He was Columbus Squlrgs Organizing miUa used by Independent Cloak FROM YOUR HENS I hoapltsllzed and saw acUon again commitUe, had told ttis boya that Oo. Water la pumped Into this GOTfOir INSUUTHM tank' from toe Globe' Hollow rea- (at the Anzio beachhead in Italy becauBS it waa impossible for toe Auto Body Shop 'U R K E © » Mighty Striking Force Apparently New Gidloj^l ' and was*wounded in ths foot, early Tonkers, N. T., ceremonial team efvolr and aerves the entire sani­ ans Report Reds Vets^ Rights j the present summer, and was tary system throughout toe whole Johnson Bros. W ill B e Threat Posed to coma to Manchester next Sun­ Body and Fender R e p a ir!^ h Hi )k Result of UnioD of ing Roundup of Gf^l swarded the Oak Leaf Cluster. day tha Inveatlture of to# charter ttoeney plant. 188 Lake Peipua •* As soon as the acriousn«aa of 538 Main St. TeL 6227 Wake Up Sleepy Layers membara had been postponed tor * WeMing And Are Establiehed ^ Elements Landed To Old Jobs man Forces Retresl^| I Sergt. WUllsm T. Ktome, sea of weeb. He ioM them of plans to the break was seen the entire force / Given Shock in toe plumbing and steamfittlng \Truck Painting On Riviera from Sea ing Toward Rouen ol(| — ^wrrH— Mrs. William P. Klnns, of 221 Ad­ attend the » o’clock mass at St. On Weat-v. Shore in ams street, is now somewhere in Bridget’s church on toe morning shop was piit to work making tem­ porary connections to the sanitary Expert Work! And Air; Known Cas­ In D ispute Seine; Paris ] France. He is a member of too first of toe investiture and that they Eatonia; Alao Admit By FDR Talk By Blockade Service Group of toe Allied Bx- system from other wster soirees. Off Air 24 HounM would -be gueaU of Campbell Tt is-eatlmated that it will take Prompt Service! Loaa o f Yilkaviakia in ualties lliu s Far To- PURINA CHEK-R TON peditlonsry Air Force which land­ Council at a communion breakfast ed In Normandy after D-Day. almost two days to restore' the |al Less Than 300; Conflict Between Un­ Eiffel Tower in ! to follow ths mass. 127 Spruce St. Tel. 2-1848 lAK (m i- Lithuania; Fierce Bat­ SiatemeM on Intention Spreading Creeping Pa­ Miff With the Feed —• Peps Up Appetitel regular system due to tlrt deep A brief talk on toe necessity of coverage of earth at the point "WHERE GOOD FELLOil^ GET TOGETHER** 7,000 Naais ion Seniority and Parisians Hear Gi Corp. Marshall D. Finley, son of the boys making Clans to add to tle to Reach Border. To C ^u p y Nation ralysis Across Vital H E IP S p r e s e n t Mrs. Marie Finley, of 36 Elm where the break occurred, the tiieir treasury ^ participating in presence of gas and the large Sea Lanes in Sector Preference in Rehiring 3 LB. CAN street, is now serving as a clerk their own projgram of money-rais­ DINE AND DANCE WiU Jar \Fain Coun^ London, Aug. 18.- in toe sUtlstlcal control section amount of earth washed out by the London, Aug. 18.— ^e)— across vital sea J^es below the in the rahlrtog.to ex-aervicemen CHOW M E IN HAMBURG STEAK by-the union of all— the ele- toward Rouen on the Sex 25 LB. DRUM Good for Birds Recovering John Bernard Pieseik. of ,30 Co- DietedDieuu and .uw in... the______han^ of Mr. , R ^ ln g * •>*''>. Including Sunday, Live and sleep In comfort. said today. (A n N B C broad­ Presidenl Roosevelt’s “'atS Phtilpplnea, posing an ultimate waa out In toe opqn today after SchlUlneer by toe meetirtgjOf next 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolnt- threat to all -Japaneae holding* American armored -^pat lumbua atreet, Edward W. Bars, of Our Kitchen Closes At 11 P. M. cast from Moscow said the that Japa^a to be occupied, msnts landed on the Riviera From Colds — P o i — Coed- weeka at which time they will re-! tnenl. In the Service of the Peo- Balaam Wool will make souto to China. beachhead from toe aea and air. a debate between a SelacUva Serv­ are operating in the vicinity $8.00 74 North Elm street, and Stephen Rad A m y was rapprted to hava ice official and a union repreaao- W. Lewkowicx, of 96 Cooper Hill celve final instructions regarding : for SO Tears. your house 10 to 15 degrees render or n ^ will Jar that - Already/aiiemy garrisons on is- Known American aaaault caaual- Paris," said a correspondent i dfosis. 169 ^ttreh Street, Hartford, Conn. croaaad into Germany. .The Red tatlve. street, all with the raUng of Sea­ the investiture ceremony. cooler in Summer. SO OAK STREET TEL. 3894 country to ita nMl*. landa ^totered along a diatonca ties thua far total leas than 800, Patton’s forces, and the Gar 100 LB. DRUM Phene 6-2024 A m y raachad tha Kast Prussian Bhnployers wera left in the mid­ radio declared the fiery man, First Class, have completed hoondary yesterday.) When Japan’aXproud overlords' iMdrouate' ^ famlllaf In an invasion areas Is repeated In the Allied headquarters said, -whUs W e win apply Balsam Pine Wines — Liquors snd Beer German prisoners, including a dle, stUl apparently caught in the columna Were waging a $27,50 the Aviation Machinist Mate’s hear this they are going to bo fit items auto as southern Fiance area where Allies landed Aug. 15, as a Yank soldier croaafire to union varsua' Salactive GET SOME TODAY courss at toe Naval Air Training TALL. CEDAB8 Wool Blanket InsulatiMi in Tarta PsaalMy OntSaaked to be tied, for thejr^ve always general ^ d his staff, were' astl- movement” within 12 milea o t ^ n s Slid aviation gaaollne." i canoy to a French child as members to her family look Service Interpretatlona to the se­ French capital. << Center, Memphis, Tenn. your attic now so jrou may ’Tha German communlquax said thought of themselves a* masters. matod at 7,000 With the count atUI FOR TOP VALUE /^raphie Pictara Preaeated on. (A P wirephoto via Signal Corps radio). lective service law. enjoy year ’rotind comfort tiM R-.iaaiana—m oping up an sa- Heretofore they have owed incomplete. / May Bo neatawylng rtHW^an IN A NEW HOME timatod 200,000 Germans trapped A graphic picture to this mount­ Spveafi/i/ t)u t Aloag Coast. BnttUed to OM Sob Back BINGO for many years. no ona. Japan baa not Col. Paul H. GrtfCith, chief of The Parts radio M ff been off 1 la tha Battle statoa—had ing for Nippon was pra- MaJ; Gsa. ATexander M. Patch's ao much as invadad, much 1< tho Vetetana’ Persmmal dlvisiott to a ir 24 hours, a poaaibl FLOOR LAYING t o m o r r o w NiGHJ See the Ones Being Built By' We also apply roofs and L fk * Patpus and, are aatabUgbod ‘ by a fo4. aentoAtoday by Gen. Dougtaa Mac-' forcea struck Inland throii^ that the Germans either Qieckerboard Feed Store A r th u r ^ a co'inmunlque report­ Selective Service, contendiid ia a a n d SA N D IN G ■ AX 8 O’CLOCK \- ' {fi* wdPVhore in Eatonla. ’The itrange thtngs' await U)4t /'dc- 'valleys to the Maritime Alps aiid stroying communicationa faciUtiiK'| 1P68 M A IN — OPP. F O R E St i T . ____ TE L. 7711 sidewalls. ' ing toe Hth air raid tola moatb Baldwin Will Talk drtva serosa tha lake, 80 miles •^nmA out 50 alriina miles along KefinlsUag aad Waxlag. GREENBROOKE (CoaUaued an Ppge Six) in Paris or that the aituatloa w8l I Esttmstes Gladly Ghrea. ORANGE HALL FREE ESTIMATE! wlda in places, ipaalbly outflank- on the Piniippinea and the knock­ toe Coast both east and weat.'" so chaotic that regular radio fiha#-| Auto Servicing- (Couttnued mm Page. ing out to 28 planes at neutralized TED SOl.VOl.D HOMES, I N ^ ad tha aecond largest Estonian Last official reports placed them nels were unable to operate. 23 REGULAR GAMES AT Financing Arranged... city of Tartu tpop: 60,000). Rus­ Halmabera. \ within 10 miles to the once great TELEPHONE H754 MacArthurV said Japan's big To Electric Boat The Americans were within;' 63.00 A G AM E FOR 25c! . On Walker Street sian troops ware 16 miles aoutb- French Naval bast to Toulon and ON ALL MAKES OF CARS enst at last reports. ships no longer dare venture sight of Che Eiffel tower, aiMt-l W ILLIA M F. within six miles of Cannes. Ger­ Planes Lash P iriaiania r i a l ...... continued to hear . th|r| 7 SPECIAL GAMES For further taforipatloa caD st . The Germans also announced Drop iiy^bte southeast to a\llne curved from man broadcasts hinted that the Alexander Jarvla Co. oWce oo A N D T R U C K S they had lost Vilkaviskls in Lithu­ toe PhlUpplnea ^rou gh Celebes roar from the gunfire which woukt | SWEEPSTAKES Firing Three resort town already had been spell their liberation from Oenter atreet or nt 26 Alexnnder JOHNSON and Ceram. On ania, 12 miles from Blast Prussia, penetrated. Nazi Troops years to Nazi rule. 15.00 WEEKLY PRIZE atreet. Broad Street in a hes'vy tank battle in which OnPrCsident Only amaU ahlpaXsaiUng vessels, 'The doughboys already possess COTTAGES Pboneai 4118 o r 2278 SKILLED MECHANICS luggers and “local' ,\amaU craft'' Berlin aaid other strong Ameifi/ large air formations partlclpiUed. a big chunk of the . ttaain lateral BLOCK ISLAND 625 WAR BOND TELEPHONE 7426 supply outlying gamaons on Hal- Fins Akmg Whole Fitmtler road across southern France, can formations had auddaal|ii-.| We cannot give yon tlM cooVng aea breezes of B lo A MONTHLY PRIZE mahera and in the C ^ m , Banda Ne^af Seine awung north in a drive aimed nt * FOR RENT AT The Moscow broadcast, recorded /Is Forecast French Take which in thia afea parallels the Island, but W E C A N offer you a taate of the island in T o Be D rawa A ng. 25 and Artoura aeaa. poinlM at Action in' encircling escaped remnants to tht by the Soviet monitor, said Soviet Naay Basea la coast about a dosen mil** inland. German Seventh Army, south ql oenter slices of freak Block Island BARLOW MOTOR SALES fliers spotted fires along the whole Refusing to Restore They were a cbnaidcrabla distance COVENTRY ^ p v e y ShoTfB Declines In that area, ex^endlikg aouto Smash Comeback At­ the Seine. The Germans were re­ IT^S _ Studebaker Sales — Service Bast Prussia frontier. toward AustraUa, are aucovenemy 300 Germans up the road that runs into the treating in the direction of Rooefi. I “ Schirwuidt is burning," om To Jobs Officers of Rhone valley by way of Alex-en- tempt by German Air 16 BRAINARD PLACE PHONE 2-1709 Ranging Up ta Nearly bases as Ceram, Ambtona, Boeroe, —toe city where Joan to Are LAKE GO O D SEN SE flier reported, “let them burn 7 tha Kal, Aroe and TanImbaV Is- No Further Provence, 14 miles north o. Mar­ SWORDFISHA _ _ Now they are burning their Union; Force by Shooting 50 Per Cent in Re- lands. Captive^ seille. (Coatinoed on Pngs-Ten) The quality of the liali and the freshness of the flsh T O S A V E towns, not ours," Walkout Is Plannetl. Able To Divert Bombere received today, tempted us to wire for another shipment Through Sept. 8 State Primaries. “F'or diatributlon forward of Down 23 Aircraft. ’The, report quoted a froto line cent Halmabara," the commimlque The situation, in southern France of ibis famous Swordfish to arrive early Friday morning. Reduced Rales ACCIWVW8 amww— --* correaipondent as ,declaring that said, Japan “ U now compelM v 120 Others Flee tb In waa going ao well that Mediter­ THE TIRES YOU Soviet infantrymen had/dialodged Hartford, Aug. 18.— —WnL Realtors 888 No. Mala St. TeL 4148 cation of the .November turnout toe enemy’s vital Pbilippines-Hal- buildOTS and Marine union to two German infantry diviiions, tor C. Berger, cglef of the Fold French D f^sin g with Chutney. Becker’s Celery, Cu­ "Ask Your Neighbor** VICTORY! the mam Braaaian attack againat hundred Germaiia of . Annemasse As doughty ’ Allied fighters i i u U S ie A d i. An Associated Presb survey of mahera defense line." / - (indepwdent). Gov. Ray­ the 242nd and the 148th. The main Management. branch of the Offiaa cumbers and P e p ^ rs received fresh daily,— .— 953 Main St. TeL 3301 TESTS East PruaSia waa iqpunted by 14 AUled thrust was made between alashed at swarms of Focke- HacArthtir's comiBuniquee have ASK FOR FREE INSPECTION infantry'^dlvlslona, Mveral. tank elections for governor and aena- mond E. i^ldw ln announced today capitulated to French partisans Wulfs and Measeracbmitta in the of Production, War Food Admim You would be amazed if the made elaborate and pointed refer- those two divisions, creating coni' brigades aad numerous aerial for- tor in 18 states showed today vote that he 'Would talk with company and 120 others fled to internment air, heavy bombers campaigning iatratlon, today warned poultip YOU JUST KNOW ITS GOOD! actual figures could be told of raiaers to' effect a 25 per cen4 m> You don’t ixpoct to treat declines in i#' ranging up to near­ officials "aa soon aa I can arrange in nfutral Switzerland after against German forward air bases As we told you before, while we may not be in a low many thousands of tires ly 50 per cent to 1942 or 1940 pri­ (Oonttonad M Page Tea) '(Ooattoned on'Pnge Tea) ducUon in their laying flocks 'by a !__AaaaawlA I4abm VAII mclf ^AIP IfB , your painted furniture (OeatiBiMd on Fags Tea) an appointment. sharp three-hour battle early- to­ made two big raids. position to give you every single item you ask for in are n eed ^ by- our motinrized mary totala. mmaiy-registrations 1 have alM talked with Mr. Jaa. 1 to bnlanoe, production with WILL BUY ANY roiiaR- accidents do day. -A. force of Liberators ba.ahed estimated feed siDjppUfq. Batgei PinehursttrJfllJlIUIal Meat*vicHi Department, JUUyou af JUST RJ kJ A gAAvvFfv KNOW' TH a anaw AT„ r I 'orces --i-.iiot only for original alao were off compared with re­ (CbarlMl., Suisntan, counsel for the Roye flelib 70 miles north of Lappen. So bo euro your cent years. Only Ohio and South The vlctory gave the Maquis full told delegatee at the Nortbeaauiff ^ K R Y ITEM WE DO GIVE YOU IS GOOD QUALITY. G ladiolus equipment but for continual ^ toe union.” toA governor declared, Paris. — GOOD Carolina polled largef/votes. 'and I have urked that the work- control of the Haute Savoie front­ Sniping Still Poultry Producers council confer^ Farther than that, we. tell you if the grade is Choice, Do you knpw replacements. • things wUl not bo damaged. PeaceSetup Scions Favor ) Then a aecond force of several ence that the “mlmclee of | Pink Is a Specially Good Fewer Votia ReoofdM ers^atay at work!- ier along the aouth shore of Lake hundred Fortresses and Libera­ G o ^ or Commercial and price it accordingly. When YOU save rub^r,j Both parties recorded \fewer "Mr. Suisman tells me tbat the Geneva from St. Gingolph, weat- tion” on Americnn fnrms hnd-l REAL ESTATE about the crusade tors bombarded four bases at obtained by dipping, into feed There seems to be a little confusion about beef being Color This Week! you’re extending ^4NIC rabuer For the good of your pockot- Votes in moat 'instances. Some to SmaU Buyers union has kept its agreement to' In Florence Metz, Nancy-Eimy, 8t. Dizier and ' \ i. ^ Looms Soon toe decreases were attributed, to (Gqntinued on Png< Six) aervee built up between I9S7 ■■■) point free. The only beef point free is Utility Grad6. resources by jpst that much book-Mvo oatra painting call off toe atrikeX and tba^ the RomrtiiHy-Sur-Seine. They also 1941 which were now “ Juat nbodS to loiuer iia of cMiteats in contrast with unton-Will -take no action to call Hams now require points. Bacon and Shoulder Hams Fair Frices M ORE . . . to help get more coata hy uaing Kolor Brita, hit an airplane factory near Meta as fnr down ns It is snfe to go." former.years, but on toe whole To Be Given Preference out the workera Teqse Situation Mucb The <3ermans , were .reported are point ^ e . ' ires to our Alined Forces. Possibility Agency Can th$ 16 atates polled over 2,500,000 Treasary Balanct Helen Carlson thecost of hearing? in-juat tha colors you want. KtnuiNrswaKn Easier Today; Slight Would Promote Patch Have your smooth tires re­ Be Established B ^ in Sales of Govern- (Continued on Page Six) FRESHLY GROUND PINEHURST HAMBURG i(OaatlMMd #■ Page Bight) Officers of Vniot Wnahlngton, Ang. 18 — (47 136 Summer Street Wm. F. Johnson capped. Holes and breakaji Watoiington, .Aug. 18.—(if)— The Activity Along FroiiL No Points.. 29c Pound. ••8#ee86«4 fore Europe'Wai' End. mentr-Surplus Goods. Prroident RoonevoR today aoMN ^Bailder — Real Estate should be repaired. Carcasses!! fOU BIIttina COLORS USE Given Discharges^ position of the Treasury Aug. 18: .naied for promotion to Lieiitonnot Tel. 6971 LAMB PATTIES- -No Points ...... 35c pound Telephone 7426 or 4614 8' I f you-find younielf straining to are good for many more thou-; Washington, Aug. 18.--M’)—*rhe Groton. A ug. IS —(47— Receipts, $6..958,524.43.; expen­ Rome, Aiig. 18-T-(g7—The tense Genernl. MaJ. Oea. Alexander M.. —^-Washington,. Aug. 18—)—Tha Charles Suisman, counsel Patch, Jr., commander of the 7tt SLICED B.ACON ...... 42c pound hear. . . if you can’t "get” aU that’s sands of miles if yon take good House wrote Into aurplus proper­ ditures. $206,951,125.43; nerbal- sitimtton >n the northern portion* Nazis Admit poasibillty that a world peace ag­ Dewey Plans ^ V __ Amen^iMiAmeiicaa A.rnijArmy bow now iby Invqdlac^wb^ ■aid at homa, at huuneia, at tbea* ency can ba establiahed even be­ ty diapoial legislation \oAmy a re­ of Florence, into which German care of them. | ■(CohUnned of Fkge Fc ance. $19,970,087,074.06. tanks yesterday were reported to K ral’t'lf* . O t t f : *"*^i**to tCrnnce. Patch holdo tiM trea or social gathennga. you owe it fore the end of toe war In Europe quirement that small-ldt purchas­ U 4 * H .A 6 > AJXFrrsI temporary rqnk of major genelin ers be given preference over pros­ have penetrated, waa deacribed of­ to yourself to try thia Mnrotional WHEN YOU HAVE TO GET] Almost odorleaa, quidt dry­ arose today with Secretary of 2 Addresses and hia preaeat permaaent rank l| PINEHURST POULTRY pective buyers of lar^'^: amounts ficially aa much eaaier today, but NEW TIRES, _ State HuU'a dlscloaure that a Uni­ colonel of infantry. new bearing aid. At its low price, it ing. I f a Idaal for onantiol- ted Nations conferanoe on secur­ to government onmad sorpluaea. there itlll waa a certain amount of Poultry is still in good supply, and here at Pinehurst ia bMping thousand* who could nqt GET AR^ISTRONGSl ed to Supply enemy sniping from the northweat Bcrliu Radio Forecasts G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. ing ovorything frogn walla ity plana may be held this. fall. To Speak in Pennsyl­ It adopted by an overwhelming ValCe Devel To Repreoeat Dewey we.offer the finest “fresh from the farm” Frying Chick­ “ afford" to hear. Lot your own #M* American officials say It has not voice vote an amendment by ahd northeast suburbs. ;.." Further Withdrawals ens, Small Roasters and I.,arge Broilers. And baby haniagaa to furnl- yet been decided-whetoer the new vania and Kentucky Activity along' the reat-of the .tlbnny, N . Y.. Aug. IS (47" Lumber of All Kinds droido—youwiUaotbapnaaadtobuy. MT ifftiia IT IMUM w n Representative Voorhla (D-Calif) Turkeys will probably be all sold by the time thia. turo, floors, toys and bath­ world organization should be aet requiring the surplus property ad­ A irm en O x en as Needed Italian front as a whole remained Soon in. France. Gov. Thomas E. Dawf9 wrote Sas* On Sept. 7 and 8. alighC being limited almost entire­ rotary of State Bull today, pro. advt. reaches you, but we will take your order to come MasOn SuppUcs— Pmnt^^Hardware ~ room. A oomplata rsnga of up by treaty or orilinslry legiala- ministrator to dispose of “all aur- New tioh in e^ch country. ptua. property in tha amalleat ly to minor patrol clashes ahd ar­ poeing that John Foster Oiii|ta% out of the next load we receive. Balsam W ool inanlatioii oeloes In stoek. Albany, N . T>, A ug. IS —0 ^ —t Toronto, Aug.) 1$-^(F)— es toe mixture inhaled- richer tillery duels. The enemy along the London, Aug, ! 8—(47—Frankly New York eity nttorney, oamtOL b u r Ba DleenaeeS Next Wask pracficable lots cbnatatent with admitting that the German Army Satisfied his organization machin­ the ustml and customary commer­ .which auppllea oxygen foi; high- north bank to the Arno, however, with Hull on too orgntozattoai of FOWX FOR FRICASSEE This point will ipibbably come liiUur aviation long has tried showed increased sensitivity to has lost the battle of Normandy, VAN ’ S -V W hat Is Y O U R p m b la m T under, discuaalon at the talks be­ ery is ninning smoothly. Gov, cial practices.” — ' nltituda combat according to the poat-iror security na Dewey’s rapN win he ail cut up, singed first of course, ready for your Radionic Hearing Aid Thomas B. Dewey ahlftad gearii in ircsiule a satlafactoi^ demand probing American patrols, bring­ the Berlin radio today forecast reeeatative. The BepabUeali OIL Com a In and 1st ua hiflp. tween Russia, Britaui and the The purpose of the amendment, airman’s need t)da been developed Pilots Zooming and diving ing down artillery concentratlona further large-acale Naxi wlthdraw- cooking utensil. It will please your family if you buy COAL COKE his pcesidential campaign today yoorhia told the House, is to re­ preeldeatial oondnea said in n lal* Smice Statkn ted Statoa opening at Dumbarton by tke clinical inveaUgatlon unir at 5(XPmUe-an-hour apeada have no at a number to points. aU to Frahce, but asserted toe poultn^ at Pinehurst. ___ TeL 5125 Oaki hare Monday. for a speaking drive Sept. 7 and 8 quiff that «alea ba made to “local ter nmde pabMe today that ha 2 Mam St. into Ptnnayhrania and Kentucky, of the R.C A.F. and aeronauUcal time to fiddle with control dials. A Fontaaaleva Abandoned high command waa gaining time “happy to nooept" H oH’s _427 HARTFORD ROAD Howavar, it ia now clear,that ia merchants,’' ao long aa tony offer for a revolution to German arma­ to two statoa that gave their electo­ engineera, an Air-Force press re­ flow to oxygen satisfactory, at 15,- Indian patrols to toe Ehghth for conaulto^on with Dowoy Come our meat department . . . . as fast as meat MARIMSENOM contzaat to thg Paris conference to buy, "iiiatead to to the big mail Army .found Roaano, a mile and ment production which w o i^ TEL. 8866 after the last war, the long-range ral votes to President Roosevelt in lease said today. 000 feet, fo r example, brings un- othor ^pe rz ii who wonM r la ready for sale, it is placed in the case for your selec- 1936 and 1940. order houses." In develoidng their new "demand conaciouimeas at ^.000 fecL onerhalf aouto of Pontamieva in ’ctoinffe toe whole aspect to the peace aetUeihent including bound­ Repreaentatlvea Manaaco (D- the mooting In ■ non-poUUcnl timi. . You will findj^-ffood-Selection of point meat and As a forerunner o t other plat­ valve" the aclentlsta had to avqjye Half M-elght of Nasi Type > the upper Tiber valley, had been WAfe nen-pnrtinnn sptrK. ^ aries and territorial adiustmehta Ala) and Whittington (l*-MUa) Dr. Max , Krull. DNB millUry »int free meat. Again we stress the quality of our will come after the eatahliahment form appaaraneCa expected to take TJ’ lone which would turn on oxygen The German Air Force introduc' abandoned by tha enemy, who also intaMRnH tha Repuhlicaa prendenttal nomi- opposed the amendment ed the demand valve principle in apponred to have given up aeme cerrcspoBtlq^ daclarcd in a broad­ ouitry and Assorted Cold Cuts . . . also First Grade EATTHE BEST AT REYMANDER’S • f a aew aasociatlen of nations. 'when tha airman breathed la and B B h F In o O n P la a in m K n w a MUI ■aa into naariy all aectloha to tha j(rouBda tt would delay sales by turn it off when he breathed out. 1933 and has been working on it outpoata further east cast that “tha Normandy front has Frankfurts for outdoor roasts. Diplomats who- remember tha forcing tha iulmipistrator to wait been liquids tod by the- Gormans.' . Now Bedford, Mnza,, CORNED BEEF Swplii ly Amsriew M«* i deluge of claimaiifa from all over country before Nov. 7, Dewey an­ It was naceaaary alao for the valve since. TTie R.C.A.F. valve, U eu t Gen. Sir Harold A lex- WfA AdMMfffjfffl C9HEt€il ffl9 nounced through hia secretary. until all small lot purchasers had ainnlt '•adcr’s headquarters, meanwhile. Transocean qubt^ Adolf Hitler’s (47—An enemy anhmnrli Ice Cold Watermelons . . . Sunkist Oranges and AND CABBAGE t% world on Paris, demandinfi in­ to deliver the proper proportion to w eighing Paul Lockwoodr that ha wlU niaak indicated their Intention to buy. oxygen in relatiob to height since enough to be slung around a pilot’s disclosed th’at the U. S. 91st tofan. newspaper Vbelkisrber Beoba’chter to bo Gernssn, i ....^jons .i!« Peaches . . . and many other hot weather STEAKS creased territories or indepandafica, toe Neeth Attaatie andBrdi WebwhgYeii- era encouraged at the onenriep-at- to Philadelphia...... Sept' 7 " and at I Lou- Holat'Hlgli Barriei considerably more oxygen is re­ neck, ia half toe size and weight of try divialona under -command to aa saying; Unns in Puiehiirst Fruit Department. ★ NAtlV^ BROILERS ★ IsvlUe the following day. PropoSala to give schools and quired.at l*lgh altituiles. toe Nazi type. Its Canadian In­ MaJ-G«ti. Wiinam G. LitfCsay now is “The situation in Frange ■hots, barely azlaalnff tha 74 a-tims proceaa being used to make New Bedfard SOFT SHELL CRABS C LA^ AND SCALLOPS CosMisfprl the peace after World War Q. farms priorities for surplus war ‘ ' Bcgtoaitea Freqilcncy ventors say it ia more efficient. to the line aa part of toe American changed from June to July, and this confronts tha Gorman high taday. ------AND DANCE;ETON1 ’^ IQ H T ! Secretary Hull ' Thera rtmained the possibility matoriala ” today hoisted a high In tha new device, a dlapbram U n tU _ l»a the U. S. Air Force P ifth *his barrier in the House to psasage.to ragnlstoa the frequentr/ of oxygan used the ronttnuous delivery ayn- command with decisions to a neW clear th at tl ha Slight acbadula anotniK' fovma| kind. N o longer caaTBe hlyh ceno- af tha maehiaarrehiaary for aattiamnl of •ddraas bsfton than. But am annt- ena to tha admlnistraupa’a key intaka. Aa tha airman MreatheA tiini, providing ao much oocygim Raymander^a Rm tanrant Larsen’s Feed Service aaan par minute at varioua hef mitod attompt to bold, the proatnt poet-war plans. tha diaphram preaies a tiny T E L . 8406 totoraatlanal diaputaa will eonw ly the New Toik govnnar mtands front lines by improriaed means to 88 DEPOT SQUARE grsL' and then tha diapites can to carVy the flgh^ to Chairman ManaSeo (D-Ala), as spring, rclcf sing the right aniount American authorities since Fine Wines, Liquors and Beer ____ done much work-in' toe field to .35-37 OAK STREET ' TELEPHONE 8922, to oxygen. Aa the aircraft rises, m Bags BtgM) ' (CantbMMd an Pnr t BUM) a metal bellows expands ' and demand auoiMv. ' m

V . . . - / AUUUSl 1», i»44 rA U L 1 / _ -MANUHESTI^ BVEmNG HERALD,. «A ^ T U !»1B «, UONN., t KMJAX, MANCHESTPB e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANUHESl’ER. CONN.. FRipAX. AUGUST 18, 1944 y‘".T three showed Up and the meeting face on which a specially designed ' ■'iy - ; ...^ Board wa^ called off. dustlesa chalk will be noiseless la removed becaks* of mismi ROady to Drop Into Southern tment of three 8e- one of the^new types of boards be­ Bafk%ptg Capi ment, S a n ^ tastUl*d *Hand Grenude Parkin' Mammas' Germana Brownell Hits irve on the pension ing considered in a reconditioning Tells Troubles He said R. T., Jr., aiwaW andsd George Sees Change Jfe Postponed M was also to have program for schools here. Tliennos and PienR his frequitnt demands f<^ more laat night- but this and Sappliea. ependlng money with threat* to Wilson Action ezch b bi til a meeting called New Air-Sea Rescue Of Trustees "pop the damnedest lawsuit.”' The A I JL Looming in Benefits j r i i o meeting of. the Selectmen 1. '■ suit w«fc hied here In/July before NOW PLAYING /scheduled for last night at the '• Latest device for air-se* rescue • 1 • Judge Ross Wllllama Says Geopg^ Official Water Department’s property oh SSqueak To Be Missing work is art all-plywood, power- n n i (VERY DAY OF THE Nearly. All Receipt* of driven lifeboat dropped from Embarrass^ by Ex­ 'Rather Full Revision' Charter Oak street, was not held WEEK Hotel Taken by Sun Rationing Data because of the rain. The' mepi- New York — Squeak on planes to liersons stranded at sea, Of Social Security bers of the board were to Mve slate blackboards IS. due to be as carrying enough food, clothing and MONEY SAVING Five From State posure «^n Electors. FnrnlalMd By SPECIALS! Seeking Guardian. met at 6:30 but at that boOr it outmosed as lfcOuff*y's reader, in gasoline and sail tb permit a voy­ Law \ Foreseen Early OPnCB OF PUCE *0 New York schools. A\ glass sur­ age of 1600 miles. (iiven/Air Medals Atlanta, Qa., Aug. 18.—(/P)— was raining hard that only Read Herald Adirs. 18 (yp) — AOBUNlSTBA'nON NATIVE Miami, Fla., Aug. Georgia'a Secretary of State John Next Year by Solon. Tnvitees c i a rich family'* proper­ Begtoaal Departmeat A FRESH EGGS. B. Wilson "la emban-assed over laformatioa ty have their 'trouhle*. Samuel gomev^cre in the Southwest By rrasKds d. Kelly D osco the exposure to public view of bis Plus: “Fslcon Out Wsst” 58 TreoMot Btieet, Boaton. S. Daniel uetifled ii; court here. Pacific^iyP) — (Delayed — Ueut. high-handed action" In declining Washington, Aug. X8.— — Maaaaehnaetta MAXWELL HOUSE He said an envelope •;ontnlnlng Gen. dcorge C. Kenney, comman­ to grant a place on the state bal­ With Oapltol hUl t*x expert* sXj receipt* for the fiay from tlie der /Of Allied Air Forces' in the lot to a bl-racial faction of the Re­ SUNDAY: PAT O'BRIEN r'OOFFEE. publican party, says a statement resdy neck-deep in blueprint* for Meata, Fata, Etc. 1-Pound Jaf . .. Alexander hotel in TuKsa^ Okla., Spmhwest Padific, h*s aw,arded by Republican Natibnal Chairman * post-war revenue ' program, Book Four red stomps A-81 ttke air medal to the following men in "MARINE RAIDERS” owned by the Daniel family, fre­ Herbert Btownell, Jr. ■ Senator George (I>-G«) predicted through E-8 and A-5 through D-5 quently «rrlved bearing only 75 m Connecticut', Browntll replied to the Oeorgla PLUS: "Oilderaleeve'B ObeeT valid Indelhiitely. WHITE PICKLING SUIT Bergt. Angelo A. Cietti, S3 official in New York laat night toitay that Oongre** will have to PraMssed Foods cent* or ao and a note eaylng that Franklin street, Bridgeport. plunge early next year into *'* I^EOAB, ^1- R;.. T. Daniel. Jr., had taken tl^ after the latter accused him of Book Four blue stomps A-8 Stag Sergt. Edward P. DiDriscoll, "dragging the racial issue into rather fuU revUlori” of the social through Z-8 add A-8 through F-5 rest.' / 259 Park street, Bristol Samuel returned to the wiWess the limelight" of an intra-party eecurlty law. valid indefinitely. Staff Sergt. Joseph Mogaro, Jr., d ilu te. “We are getting all JorU of re­ Sugar stand today in connection with ac­ Stony Creek, PICKLING ONIONS, tion by R. T , J r , to have thyir 83- . 'The Republican chairman earlier quests for an expanded social Book four stomps .30, SX/and 321 Sergt. William F. Steffe, '426 had announced, plans to sue for security program,” said George, valid indefinitely for five pounds |; lO-Pound c year-old, partly paralvze^ father Reef road, Fairfield. 'X . 49 decle.r^ lntbmr.«t'cnt ancy a cura­ ballot recognition, of a. slate t>f L*IB I chairman of the Finance commit­ each. Stamp 40 good for 6 pounds I Peek-A-Bob Bag' Tech. Sergt. Max Zachem, R.F.D. electors chosen by a whtte-Negro 3 3 for home canning through Febru-,' tor and guardian appoints. R- T., 1, Box 84, Norwich. tee which handles tax matter# on Jr., alleged that the father is a The awards were mad*, the cita­ faction of the party whose clalma ------NOW PLAYING — the Senate aide. IBoclal security ary 28, 1946. - / GOLD MEDAL pri*oner of ' designlnjy peraons" in Wilson, a Democrat, rejected in leglalation is so classified becajise X ----- , 'Shota/ tion read, for , "meritorious favor of Identical lists submitted Book Three alrphuie stamps .iJ iWHEATIES, his closed (j4-room Seminole hotel achievemerW while participating in FIRST TIME SHOWN of the payroll levlea on employer* suatained operational flight mis­ by an all-white Republican group and employes.) and 3 good indefinitely. 1 Package here. and by the independent Democrat­ GaapUne Denies N'e«d^f Guardian sions in the Southwest Pacific IN MANCHESTER! Not Wisp Qf Chance Now area, during ^whle*« hostile contact ic party. PoliUcal realUU are aware In Northwest and Southwest! The fatiier hat denied the. need was probable* and expected. These To Take Matter to Court* there is not a wiap of a chance IX-A coupons good for three gal­ D EL MONTE of a guardian,/pralaed hi* son, In disclosing Intent to take the lons through November 8. Else-1 I TOMATO SAUCE. operations consisted of bombing that Congreaa wil. attempt to p ya Samuel, .ind^^escribed the peti­ missions against enemy airdromes matter to the courts, Browfriell as­ where, X 2-A/coupons gQ O d for 3 tioning son, K. T.. Jr , as a "play­ serted that “this is one more evi­ n post-war tax bill or to revise gallons through September 2X. f Can and installations and attacks on lx the complicated social aecurtty boy and black siicep.” enemy Naval vessel* and shipping. dence that New Diealers who alap- B-3, B-4, C^3 and C-4 coupons good I B. T., -fri, charged Samuel with ped down the legitimate claims of He paid with atructure while the war and the everywhe^ for 5 gallons. The courage and devotion to duty preiidenUal campaign are ap­ ^MUSTARD enrlcblng/hiih*c|f and prejudicing the Nsgross of tats country at the FImI OU displayed during these flights are Women member* of the French Forces of the IntsHor cljat on a _atr##t In aulncamp Brittany, proaching their climaxes. ^•EED, Package. hie father against him worthy of commendation." where they are serving as guldsa end scouU for th* AUlsa. .With hand grenpde* slung at their belts, New Deal convention ' ire main­ his life to Period Four and Five coupons I Samuel said he gave up the taining the same attitude at the Nevertheless the Finance com­ valid in all areas through Septem­ they assist In mopplng-up operation* against Osrman# In captured towna____ mittee in the Senate an j the Way* truatebakip of the R. T. Daniel Lugosl’a Wife Seeks Divorce present time." protect our ber ,80. New period one coupons I building in Tulaa, of which the ‘After Wilson charged him with and Means committee, It* counUr- may be used as sobn as received I HoMI Alexander is a part, and was "a c n ^ and Inhuman hus- week when crops roadi thsir most ralalng the "racial queatlon," the part in the House, know acUon on from ration boards. Los Angsles, Aug. IS—8 radlophoto). in excellent conditinn. Has is avallabl* at A * P Food Stores, oordlng to the snnounceihsnt Infanttl* paralysis reported for the employers and employes *®aMe Way for Peace / storm windows and screens. K. M. Muldoon, director of aeles first 81 wceka of 1944 than at any through payroll taxes, be broaden­ Owner moving nway. Snh- for the New England Divlalon, an­ corresponding time in th* teat 28 ed to take In large groups not now nounced today. yean, the National Foundation covered—such as farm ^ London, Aug. 18.—fSI-^The Bul­ atantial down payment re­ ''T h la aarvlco conalata of free Hears OPA Rent for Infantile Paralyala reporU. jnestlca. and-employes of the Feo- garian radio quoted Premier Ivan quired. leaSate containing eaay-to-foUow Quoting figures of the U. S eral, state, county dnd municipal Bagrianov last night as telling the PRICED recipaa and approved methoda of Rediii;tion Suits Pxiblic Health service, th* founda­ Bulgarian Parliament his govern­ FOR QUICK BALE canning freah frulta and vage- tion said yesterday there were 8, **8.*Fln5iyf ahaU the Federal go^ ment was "determined to remove tablea, the announcement said. 992 ca-ses through Aug. 5—or X.226 •tnmtat sponsor an all obstacles” standing In the way PICNIC $5,900. Quantities of fresh commodities Deputy George C. Leaaner, heer- more than during the same period. prewram of, medical and hMpltal of his country’s "love for peace. necaasary for flUing ovary aUe of Ill X94S. care, maternity benefits and "The majority of the Bulgarian -at- For inspection caI1«2*0301 home rantainer are included. - ing two summary proceaa suits In ments to persons unable to work people never wanted to interfere any time, including Sun­ *Ik Aid War Program clvU aid* of the Toum Court of Boiti Bee* aad Melons Mia*lug Hi because of aceWent or Illness T in a large-scale conflict between days. "By devoting a few hours each Mancheatar this morning brought ON THE SAME MIOWi can Be Produced by Inaction great powers," he was 'quoted as by W. Henry England, local real Ringgold, Ga., Aug. X8— t payroll levy on employers and menjr of ren t reserved hi* decision. morning things were different — erftpioyes next Jan. 1. 'Three times | S ^ rts and Brule were repre­ both bees and melons were miss­ the Senate has blocked the other­ . British- MAIN SI. MANCNESM^'fc s e n t ^ by Judge.W. 8. Hyde and ing. MONDAY - TUESDAY wise automatic Increase on the SB3B4I MAIN SI. MANCHESIER'^ the plaintiff, w. Harry England, ground It wasn't needpd at the waa represented by Judge William time, but indications today are American Club Sunday, Aug, 20 . / Harney, of Hartford. Both caae# "Buffalo Bill" that it wasn’t needed at the time, ! revolve about a ruling under which PLUS: "Laiceoy With Mrnlr but Indirations today are thpt ItJ ■ : - '■ ' I' I the Office 4>f Price Administration will be allowed to rise In tha ex- Dancing, Swimming, Refreshments I hed ordered.* reduction in- the DANCE pectatlon of a sharply Increased BINGO rcnUl..l««A di^n on the fund after the war. ■ M-L— . ■■Ill' \ The Finance chairman estlmat- ti/T May Lose Sight Of Eye MILLER'S HALL that at least another three per T omorrow 2 to 9 p. m. Admission Free ToUshd Turnpike For Your eentwoijM have to be collected StamfOru, Aug. 18.—4SV -Elea­ from em ^ yera and employe* to 1 nor Knepper, 12. may loee the finance a cradla-to-grave, plan Night Sponsored by Polish-American Qub, Inc. Young Men*$ eight of her left eye, physician* at SaL Night, Aug. 19th protection against health and ac­ Stamford hoapital aaid laat night 9 to 1. DANCING cident haxauds. With the aulbma- after she wa* shot in the fee* by tlc rise In the present payroll levy, In ' . ^ a charge from a .4X0 gauge rtot- Modem and Old Fiwhioned. that would -bihig the tax to five And Lisfaning per cent or more on all covered ] g\tn in ths baiida, of a compsmipn Peter Miller. Prompter. I with whom she wa# playing cop* workers and, their employer*. . ORANGE and tobbers. Detective Iflcbael A Good Ttai* for Voaeg aad OM Thera Is certain to be a drive to SUITS Lion* said Eather Jenaen, XI, Pleatura give war veldrans full credit for Sizes S2 to 38 daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Osorge ------...... time spent in the services, against 1 HALL Please Notice ! Jenaen. took the gun from her tkelr social security taxes. Nobody | father's room while her parents Preiant In Congress has said out loud he I were at work in a war plant. WALTZES HOPS would vote against that. Our Service Man Will Be In I : EVERY WEDNESDAY Boya* lee Brought luto Stats AND SATURDAY NIGHTS S e b S h o n t y j Russiims Accuse THOUSAND? /Manchester and Vicinity On Hartford, Aug- IS.— (Poland) camp by German 71 PRATT STREET—* HARTFORD of tk«lr ears at th* drath o* Fascists and Fiiuiiah two-legged Young Men's Sport Coots Boys’ and Young Men’s /■ band, and brothar. John Harwarth. day and Saturday I beaata of - the Karelo-Flnnlsb | Wif*. Brothers aad SiaUie. camp* of death.1 Sizes 34 to 38,— — Nights. SWEATERS Robot Bciiibs Put T h * Horm o f ' Loudon Doge In Boots | Boys' Loafer Coats Real Italian aad American Boys' Poplin Jackets WANTED Food. ‘Loiidon—Un—Because o f gip OIL CO»lPANY Sizes io to 18 Ymrs. . . J shattered by flying bomba, animal I SpecialixiiMf in Spaghetti, welfara organiaationa urging an dog ownsrs to the - bombed A T ONCE! RavlolL Cliopa and areas to proiMe“ sboea’’ to pro­ Boy4’ White, Tan, Blue and S teak a. tect their Mta’ feeL Boys' Knickers Candy Stripe. Shoes, the aocleUea say, can be I . Siz«r 8 to 1'8 YcaiR, NEW SBOYSt Try Dur Famow made' from oM leather or canvas ' folo Shirty BR 0 ‘ L A PIZZA , gloves and almllar material. An C 4 ^ . .im ­ For Route Alonf Hartford Orders Pat U p ^ Take O e L I animal welfar* ofnclal reportod that hundreds of dogs have , been 33 EAST CENTER STREET Road and Silver . Laas- treated for cut feet and some have | Boys' Longies. Homes Secthm. CHOICE WINES suflared great pain. Sides 10 to 18 Yean. Boys' Colored Shirts a CiRO RIMAC AND LIQUORS 86 Customers A lio AMFRIfi RlVilf Te Oripo Abent Feofi | 3.«! . 1-. . , i Hi i 1>1 M ’ .'i.’M ’l l t k /A .’ i J NamM Available. Roanoke, Va.—(ff)—On the basis t Boys' Ankle Length Hose DEPOT of exkmlned cans of food 0H>Uur* from the enemy, Fritele h atn t AD Storage Shoqld B« Apply At SQUARE len eating nsarly as weU as QI Filled Now! Joe. , (£INIHe''S0 N. Boys' Knee Length Hose ' German cans of food analysed h ig h iw, ^ mc . h e r a L d GRILL! for the Army Quartermaster iSID Ri QBAtlTr corps showed. In addition to cor­ Telephoaes: op U Depot S^oaro T S U W ] rosion, diced pototoaa and beaafi /^(^': Neckweor oi^ BMlf OFFICE which weirs darii and discolored, RoekYtlii. 110 and nntilmme-- carrots aad amat CHOICE LIQUORS isjffiiBen Streep ao Mmih- aad atrtagy Um f aeold J e r a l d A rfv i ■rJ-J- .y \. ...



the union which called a strlk^ laSt tem and the city fire-alarm sys­ MOiaUOMERY W. Baldwin Will Talk Monday has urged the employei Bow-Wow Chow Son Wounded; New Orleans^ To Speak Before^ . j Storms Cause tem went out of order tor hours, 18 P la n Frenchman Fights for Revenge to go back to work. and the state police barracks In To Electric Boat Thic was announced late yCater- i-- Chinese Students Ridgefield had to use its emer­ day after a three and a half hour M o th e r T o ld Seeks D ata Some Damage gency geherators to provide pow­ ■o Q u it T o w n confe ence In the office of Gov. er for lights and tor its radio.. On Firing Three sRaymond E. Baldwin- at Hartford, In NeWtown a large barn and a a • between union and company offi­ Special Trip Made to New Haven, Aug. 18—OP)—Vice two sUoa on the dairy farm of Don­ cials. Request Post-War Re- President Henry A. Wallace and Hit Various Parts of ald Ferris were struck by light­ "S (Continoed from Psge One) Home Here and Arthur Ward,, president of the Coventry Since News Dr. Lin Yu-T(uig, the Chinese ning and burned with the loss'of union which had charged the com­ Employment Program State; Prelude to End 75 tone of hay and oats and sev­ R ^ Esute; Shipbuilders and Marine EMgl- author, have been invited to speak pany with ’’Intimidation’’ and "dls- Catanot Be Telephoned O f Heat Wave. eral farm implements. neera union a t Uie Electric Boat crinilnatlon,” issued the back-to- Like CohnecticuCs. here Au^. 81 at the S5th anniver­ Two Cows Killed for 21 Years. . company, submarine builders, an­ .11 .. ' VvA - r-Y' work call. By 5 m., the com­ Mrs, E'la Klederling, of 136 sary conference of Chinese Chris­ Tw o coWs in the pasture of an- nounced this morning that the pany said, 60 per cent.of the sec- Hartford. Aug. 18—(d’)— Three tian Studer.tV association. * New Haven, Aug. 18 7- Up) ther Newtown farmer, Isaac Electric Boat management has Walker street, was notified today and ICw. JuUu* Fr*dln ot oild shift was on the job, and more tliat her son, SeriA Walter K. hundred buslneu men o f New Or- Approximately 200 Chinese stud­ Sharp thunder storms, a include S’aufman, were struck light, i.Miin street have aoW their discharged Arthur C. Ward, union enjployes were coming in all the ents from various parts of Canada ning 'and killed. • president and George Richards, Klederling had been seriously leona have unanimously requested to the end of the heat wave sched­ to the real estate Arm pf time. wounded In action In France on andJttaeJUnited States will be at the uled tor late today, hit various A toolhouse and greenhouse at HOMI VALUIS THAT GIVE YOB O N iY’S WORTH ... SIR THEM. • . NOW ! . a Hitchcock, and are plan- vice president, ns well as suspepd- Before that, about; 90 per cent of a poet-war re-employmeht pro­ Yale Divinity school tor the con­ the summer home of Nell Agnew, ing a considerable .number of July 30. parts of Connecticut yesterday af­ to move to Hartford In the the more than 11,000 employes gram similar to the one being car­ ference between Aug. 28 and Sept­ ternoon and lost night, causing vice -president of Paramount pic­ etrikere for three days, In a sur­ S er^ . Klederling ehilsted In New had stayed off the job although In ried out In this state by the Con­ ember 3. some damage In western Fairfield tures, in .BiHithbury, burned after • i^ture. prise move following the an­ York but hie mother has been liv­ and Mrs. Kriidln have been an NLRB-supervleed election last county. they were struck by lightning. nouncement yesterday that the ing In Manchester for the past two. necticut Re-Employment eommlo- tents and prominent business Saturday they had voted against a years. She was not at her home, Danbury refidents sold a three- Telepilone lines were out because company and union had agreed to sian according to a report by a I^hyslclon Deolrea Jeep In Mancheater for 21 years. strike by a margin of 4 to 1. but was at Coventry Lake. Under hour storm there, during which o f- toe storm and firemen could arbitrate their differences after a committee of the New Orleans „ the tlUe of "Fradln’s." they Direct Negotlattons Planned government nllcB she .could npt be the temperature dropped from". 98 not be called. Aaeociatlpn of Commerce submit­ ucted a store for the “ J* long conference In the officeof called by telephone, which made Prestonburg, Ky., Aug. 18— to 74 degrees, was worse than tte Nearly an inch of rain fell in Gov. Raymond E. Baldwin- -Bt- -The mediation agreement work­ ted for the consideration of the Dr. J. G. Archer has asked the Hartford, and 300 telephone sub­ v ^ w e a r women’s and chll- ed out In'the conference at the necessary a-ai^clal trip to Coven­ 1938 hurricane, but Danbury , saw Hartford. - A strike beginning Committee on Re-Employment of Smaller' W ar plants corporattdn' to scribers fh e rt were without ser­ 1*8 8W>ar^l» and iucceaifully governor’s office calls - for ■ direct try. lees of the hurricane than did some Monday was believed settled today Returning M ilitary and Naval aid him In getting a jeea The vice tor a time. Msed the same until they TOld negotiations between, union and Mrs. Klederling Is a widow, her of the coastal areas.- when the workers returned to Petaonndl in that city. physician, who rides horseback ; last winter to James T. Blair- company officials with no third husband having died two years Several trees were b(own down their jobs. over slippery moiuitoin roads In and Mrs. Fradin had other party, but If no settlement can be ago. The report states: yesterday, an undertermined num­ Alloy Production Rises ■tsstaU interests In this town, Notice of Action Given "Three hundred business men the winter to doctor the families ber of residences 'were without reached It was agreed that the o f 300 coal miners, wrote: " It U (■Of which Uwy have disposed The men, on reporting for work State Board of Mediation and Ar­ Boat Mired in Mud of the Association of Commerce telephones or electric power and Production of alloy steels In­ my hope that 1 someday will have there' was one slight fire, caused creased. from 3,212,000 tons in 1939 this morning, received notice of bitration Would step In. were so grwtly impressed by the Springheld, Hi.—W — Abe Rob­ ‘hpmon engineering’' accomplish­ a jeep so that I might get to these by lightning. to 13,300,000 tons in 1943 with Betseos For Seninn the company actlonf the union at­ All previous attempts to arrange people without going horseback or reason for selling their erts' motor boat ride was 50 Mr ments of the Connecticut Re-Em- /' FoUce Radio System Hit peak of production.Jll,284,000 tons torney said, and the union is still arbitration had been met by the walking.’’ The Danbury police radio sys­ in March, 1943. here Is because Mrs. Fra- "taking Inventcfry” to determine union with a statement that cer­ cent successful. He enjoyed Ills ploymeht rommlsslon, u ,presen t­ brother tost his wife and how many persons were suspend­ tain conditions would have to be ride Into the middle o f LhH« ed, recently at a luncheon meeting ■ daughter In the dlSMlrou* ed. A meeting of unlon-tpfflclals agreed "-upon In advance, and by ...These Marine Doberman pinschers, Guam-bound, answer the call Springfleld, but he had to wade by the dynamic Carl A. Gray, flnTin Hartford on July ^ will be held this morning to de­ the, company, which denies all the to colors and the call to "chow down,’’ on deck of a Coaat Guard- home— pushing his ersfte^after It chairman of the Connecticut Re- Amencan soldien restrain a French patriot who tries to attack Employment commission, that ieh to date has claimed 168 Nasi prl-soners of war gathered on the Rennes city hall steps. Fierce termine what action is to be tak­ union’e charges, with Inslatenca manned assault transport They’re members of a 60-dog platoon became mired In the mud and his calls for aW ^rou ght no response. they unanlinously ask for consid­ Hrs. Fi-adln^ hatred of his oppressors is written In every line o f. his face.—N K A en by the union, and the attorney that the arbitration procedure In of scouts and measage bearers, and favorite sport is ferreting Japs care and upbringing of the 18 said the union will at once notify the union contract be followed. out of foxholes. (U. S. Coast Guard photo). eration of a plan for similar ac­ telephoto. ’ ’ tion here. Mr. Gray, a practical sths’ rtd baby that w m /left Governor Baldwin of this affer- High Hopes o f Success LegaV Notices heriess. and with her husband math of the conference. In the manufacturer, 1s president of the The conference- called by the ^ MqvoB rr.RHiT Grenby Manufacturing Co., ot live In her brother's home, talks with—the governor, Mr. NOTICK OK application governor started with high hopes PlainvlUe, Conn.,/Ond is also au­ have an . only Suisman said, there was some dls- of success because the union had This is to elve notles thet I O cllls wife of Or. Greenblatt oi Got. Baldwin Praises cus.sion of pas.sible retaliation Report Local Soldier Albo, o f '25 Bldridre street. Manches­ thor of the Connecticut plan for announced earlier in the day that ter. ,Cbnn., have Died an application job training. ^ He was very con. Britain, and the latter have against union leaders, representa­ any proprtal he put forth would dated 17th 'of Aiixuat. 1944 with the , children. tives, of the company refusing to Liquor Control Conunlsalon for a vinclnR os he told-of definite and be acceptable. ' . ' surprising things already accom­ bth Mr. and Mrs. Fradin have commit themselves on this suh- This announcement followed Re­ As Missing in Action Tavern Permit for the sale of alco­ Local Flier’s Proposal holic liquor on the premises ot 120 plished through returned soldier B. active In the aftalrs of Tem- ject. - ceipt by the union and the com­ Charter Oak atreSt. Maheheste.. Conn. placement." ■Beth Bholoin,_ prior to and Representatives of the company pany of a priority dispatch from The busineas ia owned by Joseph and the MtabliBhnjent of A were not immediately available for Cecilia Albo ot 25 Eldridee street. " It is our purpose,” th^“repprit the Navy department’s Bureau of Fvt Paul Rotticello of statement to MlssourPs nacle In this town. Mrs. Lt. Horvath Would Drop comment. The Union was u'ndecid Ships sa. Ing It waa "ImperaUve” rv i, rau i OOIUCCIIO *ecreury of State showing the Manchester, Conn., and will be con­ continues, "to show how the Gray tOalqt' On Price Rule and Kla parents were notified by commissiOTi’i choice ss No. sued the following statement: 99 geatlon that the state’s executive officers In the Marines, and Mist The Electric Boat Company the W ar departTnent today. ' eager, mstte WUUe Pep. the conaldeni in fine spirit and hlghly^^ Huaaey la cast aa a lieutenant In In Annored Division rsoognised world's festher* this morning announced Its refu­ ^^Privilege Brimd commendable. the Australism Women’a Air Aux­ sal to-take back Arthur Ward, Local retail dealers attended ..He form erly lived in Hartford champion, the title bout Insurance Firms ^ Lieut Horvath auggested that iliary. After participating In.-the president of the Marine Engineers special meeting of the OPA in and waa employed by the Cushman fH id w W f rtm te New Tork aald EM the name sihd address o f aome per­ grim affair of Guadalcanal, O’Bri- union; George Riehards, vice pres­ Chuck Company there before en­ ep and Ryan go to Australia for East Hartford last evpnlng. It Was ^ W i£er, WrlghVa manager, son outstanding in the promotion ident, and Roland Bishop, secre­ tering servlM the last week in Show Progress a rest, and there Ryan meets the held in order to clarify maximum of War Bond sales with a mesaage tary of the union. In addition, the August. 1943. He was in England who has been offered heroine and falls in love with her. be aenl to him. Lsrtt. Horvath company issued three-day suspen­ price regulation. In a recent In­ a month and a half before crossing Ifw per cent chanenger’t It*s the Mid'Way mark of the season— and we mark it Bdld t e would aee that the name, But before they can-gist married, sions to 21 employes* who com­ vestigation It was disclosed that to France for action shortly after Hartford, Aug. 18—— Con­ O’Brien makes use of his superior to boK Pap for the crown on address and msasags were printed posed-the strike steering commit­ some dealers In services were not Inveision day. He wes a tankiAan necticut Mutual Life Insurance with this BIG SHOW of BIG VALUES in things you need rank to have Ryan sent back to the _ IM at Hartford, Conn.. Pep’s on a 2,000-potmd bomb and deliv­ complying with the maximum •in an Armored division,, Co., and Phoenix Mutual Life In­ Btatea on the ground that a fight­ tee. ' . . for play . . . for comfort . . . for beauty . . for'health se town, said ho had signed w ltt ered against the enemy where it The ■ company atated : that Its price regulation. Have Young Son BLENDED FROM surance Co., In financial stote- ing Marine' had no business with k« Jacobs to iwld the fight In would do the moat good. I f possi­ action was taken because of the Some dealeri) said that although Private and Mrs. Bottlcello have mento. issued today, rjported strik­ ... for greater enjoyment of the REST of the Summer. matrimony.' on Square Garden, ble he will see that a photograph part these employes bad played In they were charging the celling a young son who will be two years ALL GRAIN WHISKEYS ing progress made by both com­ Step up. Ladies and Gentlemen! It’s the BIG SHOW . . . won the title from Wright of the message-bearing bomb la re­ Bitter at hla friend’s action, the complete and irresponsible dis­ price, the cost of labor made it Im old next month. The last time he panies during the first half o f this r.’ fiO. IM *. „ turned to the person designated. Ryan,puts their association on a regard by the union o f Its obliga­ possible to make a profit. This was home to visit with his family NEED WE SAY MORE?^ jreor. the three-ring show . . . offering QUALITY, VARIETY antima Lou Vlacual, Pep a .X- Governor Baldwin thought so cold official basis as they are as­ tions under its agreement with the complaint was referred to the IVar waa on Palm "Sunday of this year. Connecticut Mutual’s statement gcr, waa espected here during and LOW, LOW PRICES. Come in and buy for the fun highly of the suggestion that he signed to one of the big Marine company, and because Of their Il­ Labor Board. He has three brothers, two in the QUALITY COUNTS I showed that assets have passed the day. forwarded Ueut. Horvath’s suggea- training' camps In California to legal insistence upon the surren­ service. Those In the service are half bllUon mark, the total on of the Summer and the savings of the season. tion to Thc.HsrMd for publication. teach thousands o f youngsters der of legal rights by the company. Corporal Harrry Bottlcello station­ June 30 standing at 8521,786,534 Governor Baldwin’s letter and en- what they have learned about Jun­ To spread a (food thinff aroand to as many customers against $479,905,234 on the same Cannot Overlook OffenKes ed In England, and Motor Mach-v sec s n r cIoMiig Ueut. Horvath’s communi­ gle warfare. Not until the pair re­ ‘The company-declared that the Hospital Notes Ist’s'Mate 3-c Pan Bottlcello who as possible •— one bottle each please. date a year ago. In 1922 the com- cation follow; . , turn to Australia to take part in offensee o f these individuals were is in the Southwest Pacific. A *pony reached the $100,000,000 MOLLS W ed d in gs a big-scale Invasion o f the Philip­ mark, the $250,000,000 mark in EPSOM SALT 29 ^’August so serious they could not be over­ younger brother, Louis, Uvea at pines, is the romance resumed — SHAVING "Editor The Herald*: looked. Although the agreement Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Ar­ home herw He has live sisters, Mrs. 1935 and then added anbther %^S0,- FOR BATHINO. r iUmMti.. . this time to a satisfactory conclu­ "Bbiclosed herewith Is a copy with the company prohibited lene -Rohinabn, 92 Spruce .street. Millie Gipnfriddo who Is with her 000,000 in the lost nine years. CREAM sion. of a letter which I received from strikes and guaranteed that there Admitted' today: Thomas Cur­ husband who is in the service and Phoenix Mutual, basing Ito re- Hanver-Morris one of your fellow townsmen. U Affording many spectaculsur would be no strikes, and although ran. 138 Summit street. - . port on the first seven months ' of scenes of~ South Pacific fighting stationed Ih Florida, and the [Mrs. Bertha Lapp Morris, daugh is one that we can all be tremen­ approximately 80 per cent of the . Dischsu-ged yesterday: Alfred Misses Connie, Sella. Isabel and this year, showed « gain of 35 per o f Mr. and Mrs. J. D.' Lapp, of. and details of the elaborate com­ cent In soles o f new life insurance, 50’ PHILLIPS’ 34- dously proud of. /I thought so well employes voted against the strike, Ehisign, Andover: Mrs. Irvin g Columbia who live at home. MILK, OF MAQNKSM. V V A on, fo m eriy of Manchester, of this letter that I am sending a bat tniining given the embryo nevertheless these individuals de­ Coles and son, 86 Deep wood drive; actual new insurant sold totaling married to Clayton R. Hauver copy of It to Ekigene Wilson, Chair- leather necks In contrast with the liberately chose to violate their ob­ Barbara Btesao,. 32 Spruce street.; PACKAGE STORE $W,000,000 compared with $26,- CHARM-KURL murtford, Wednesday evening, man of the Connecticut W ar Bond remarkable love scenes, the pic­ ligations to their company, to Michael Ginolff, 77 Birch street. Nominated Cheaply . 300,000 In the first seven months WAVE KIT fO T T if IM ceremony was performed by Committee. 1 thought that you ture is said to be one of the finest their country and to their fellow Discharged today; Lee Stele, CORNER SPRUCE AND BISSELL STREETS a year ago. offerings of Its kind. Cswgltte Irfb C | | < SACCHARIN , 1^. Earl H. FMrgeson of the would lJk.k to have this letter and workers. , Ela-st Greenwich. R. I.; Felix Lon- Jefferson City, Mo.— (AV-; Rep- 3 estr t it e i. w w forth Methodist. church at the S F DR. LYON’S . 3-PlfECE BEDROOM SUITE 5-PIECE D IN E m S ir possibly you. would want to pub­ "The result of their action cost go, Glastonbury: Leo Ducharme, Clarence Cannon has turned in his Only 2c Fed. Tax. TABLETS ge bh Henry street. The TOOyH POWDER, r.*r Tph* rtw . t35 # V lish It in your paper. It certainly our nation’s war effort hundred^ Rockville. Told How Plates 109.88 5 4 88 al attendants were Miss Ida shows a splendid spirit and should of thousands o f man hours which Bicth yesterday: A son to Mr. LARGE SIZED PIECES WITH MARQUETRY IMLAY . . ; Campoeeo and Julius Andre, be an Inspiration to everyone of ud D id You Know were vitally needed for the pro­ nd Mrs. Stanley G.' Best, 26 Alton i Thie bride wore a navy blue dress back home. Incidentally the good duction o f submarines. Also, their treet, south. Can Be Shifted Bathing Vanity, Bed and Chest. , . oil massively proportioned and oil three Exceptionally attractive design you’d expect to pay much more farfj with pink accessories and corsage pMple o f Manchester should be action threw thousands... of em­ T h a t — ■ 2r0XYD0L pieces ore yours at this.W Word pricel Early American design 5-ply hardwood top has richly grained Walnut veneer center N it 9t. pink roses and her maid o f hon- proud to have such an energetic ployes out of. work and also cost Caps [/. or wore powder blue with darker the local community thousands of Think You’re ChiUy? SOAR FOWDffR. rtjmntr 'S from Oak veneer bordw by ganuina Marquetry Mayl Cnmfertehldl and patriotic member oif. the A ir Cheyenne, Wyo. is credited with Hartford, Aug. 18—(F)— Attor­ will be good for olwo^ . . . and sturdy construction assures you ' blue accessories and corsage of Qbrps from tljelr town. dollars. ney General Francis A. Pallottl. ytflow roses. more hall then any other city'In STATIONERY...... ,29e * o z s a t lasting servicel Solid ^rthem Maple, medium" brown finish . . . tops. chairs, seats and backs upholstered in red artifkial leothaa $] “ Tours very sincerely, "Such irrespohilbility In ■war- your house Isn’t as w u m this In on opinion today odvlaed High­ The bride Is employed by the the United States. 49c "Raymond E. Baldwin. tiiue,” the company maintained, winter as you would like, r?mem- | way Commissioner WlUlam J) Cox in. table extends to 58-in. with leaf. See iti Pioneer Parachute Conipany, and $1.00 JERIS...... 79e rauniuxol and fronts hdnd-rubbed foi|iadded beoutyl Matching Bench.7.95 "Governor.” Whistling' swans do not whistle "could not be overlooked. her m at in Japan, with a . win­ POPULAR bow holders of Merritt Parkway Hair Tonic. CondlUoner. 5 - ? Only 2 0 % Dowel ManlUy PaymaMJ ^ t the bridegroom who was stationed A copy of Lieut. Horvath’s letter In its action, th company fol­ ter c^mate almget like that o t I snuvM 20% Dowitl MoidSy Paymanl Plant for a year and a half’ with the Air and screech owls do not screech; toll roorkere may transfer their ifoIlowB;— lowed a precedent eatabllabed oy New England, houses ate made o f from one car*to another. UNGUENtINE .....;. 69c Corps at Topeka, ICpnsas, Is now . -----.V A'ugust, 1944 , Illinois’ highway system covers the National War Labor Board, m paper \and bamboo, and heating | " T h a motor vehicles .comnfis- Batteries Rectal Cones. Soothing. >- srith the General Baking Com- which the War Ldbor Board baa FOOD MARKET 49’ His Excellency. 10.1,184 linear miles. plants W e nonexistenL oioner may not transfer, tor the p*ny- t Raymond E. Baldwin condemned such Irresponsibility RUBINOW BUILDING J.IFEBUOY SHAVE . .27c I ' ^ j . On their return from an ‘ un­ '■» \ 855 MAIN STREET balance of the 12-month period, Cream.' "Stay Moist” Lather. 'Gov'emor of Connecticut ..j England’s huge 16-inch and has upheld management's •pswkway toll' markers Issued In announced wedding trip, Mr. and naval Walrshlp Fewer.,Blaato 10c • ■ \ HEAVYWEIGHT ... J T . „ ■ , ' 8^ "* $225;Q00 each. right to discipline those Involved." connection with the specific motor 100 ASPIRIN ...... 39c : Mrs. Hauvsr will live In Bolton. "The other ^ay 1 waa talking to Agree to Arbitration, • ' D m M i itt tin The elMtric generators on a I GENUINE registration plates of one vehicle WARDOLEUM RUGS the Commanding Officer of my me­ Technically speaking, a rose does The union and the company Frankfurts - .to another vehicle o f the Same TiDYHQm b...... ngc- TytM Ninth to Enter Service big U. S.\ battleship or' carrier O-DO-RO-RO dium bomber group about War not have-thoms; they’re-prickles. have agreed to arbitration of owner, with different registration DfNidorant. Fast, effectiw.- C K tA lt " Bonds and asked him, about an-idea could fill the electrical power WatM’ the- Independent union’s 34 griev­ plates." ■ Chicago—f/P)— Service Star No. needs of a city the size of New­ 50c cuneuRA ...... 39c’ OMolec* T had. He snld'lt sounded good to EMfty-five foreign lands are rep­ ances against the company, build­ 37e lb. However, the motor^ vehicles D m O R A N T • la in the flag at the Springfleld him so I am passing it oh to you . Ointment. Soothing, healing. “U p 9 *12 S in 5.45 resented In Washington, D. C. er of submarines for the Navy, and ark, N . J. L E G S o iL A M B commissioner, the opinion says, tiome o f’ Dr. and Mrs. Herbert W. for whatever action you want to ' Hines, parents of 10 children. Delfeloa* - may make transfer toll plates to ALOPHEN PILLS ....49c take. Farke-Davls Laxative. lOO’s. H o finer' heavier felt-base floor Their ninth child, Marion "Louise, Hazel and B r ^ l nuta rank first another cor of the same owner "I am a Bombardier in the old­ In f(,od value, fallowed by the covering-^ode! Will -lost 50% 28, was sworn in ^Mterday as an est medium bomber group in the Horn Loof 'Where the registration plates of chestnut, alm'ond, 'alnut and pea- No Points! the first car are transferred to la rff, ftm lh SU* rtsign In the U. S..Navy, women’a Army Air Formty -I. know that nut. longer then lighter weight rugs. L. laaerve. She Joinra one iiistcr the second. to RUBBING ' >, /' 1 0 ^ Oats many, people back home are help­ 63c lb. Smart gay patterns in florals, tex­ seven brothers in the service. ing in the sale of W ar Bonds, and .Sn.ails have been khpwn to go ALCOHOL Caff aa Makar •ID FILLOW WITH A.C. A. GENUINE PLATE At'hom e la Donald, 14. I thought that if you would send Superfluous Hair R ppyed Serufran tures Ond tiles. Economy-pricedI GLASS MIRROR, hungry for five years.- \ SUoedi— American $3.50 TICKIN9 fr. 2*98 me the name of the Individual you o f 22 Servicemen 294 - 6x9... .2.9$; 7'/2x9...3 .6 9 ONLY * 2.98! Only Bricks INslodged feel has done the most to promote Rumps Veal Hondr pouring lip. According to a ircientiBt in Eng­ Permanently — Painlessly —-Safely! 42c S0% tieiv 2 0 ^ turkey feothersl An tnexpffnstve the current sales. I would inscribe land, every mai* is worth $8000 to Bologna 9x10'A.r,4.98. Heavyweight ymy ' Chicago— OP)— Lightning struck Crash Victims 20% Federal Exolsi^i' Tax Qn Toiletries. SATON TICKING— 25% each - ^^Nparkle** to mny room! IftcM his name add address, or any mes­ his country at the time of his FREE CONSULTATION^ Yard Goods...... 4Sc sq. yd. tw lM In the same place within a sage on a 200p-lb. bridge-buster birth. MILK-FED duckjien, turkey,gooM— 4.98 pr. , Ineheft • . .. true-rrfleotjbigS' few minutes at a movie house- which I would drop where It would 31c lb. hut the show went on. The only ao the most good t e l e p h o n e 2 - 1 2 M SKEETER-RID ...... 3 9 c Asparagus continues to grow af­ Hartford, Aug. 18—:(ff)—-Twen­ OIL Insect Repellent. 2-otmoee. damage caused when two. bolts “ If the censor will let It go ter" it is cut and or. its way to ty-two servicalhen ^n furlougho. struck the building housing the through I vrill send you a picture market; Meunster "euppoaedly.^J6ret..from the hox- CITRON- DOAN’S -People’s theater waa the dislodg­ of the mc.ssape being ’delivered.’ Miss Rena H)—Want ad In Shc^ soles generally are mode 59c lb. within that period, according to yrisoners. He says the jail pop- WALGREENI The Kansas City StarL_ “Nice information ^ven to the. Safety , .X*. J -fflntion totals 75 more than nor- room: excellent, meals, transpor­ Reterved, Dignity ,;S, VITAMINS oommiasion by the Department ox GASmiA !>: JOaUy. _____ tation; men." F o r Summertime Energy in Modem MemoriaU FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Motor Vehicles. BIG END TABLE ALT. STEEL FRAME SOLID OAK NIGH CHAIR KNEEHOLE DESK nmynomim0ASD-Mtm AT LOW BABY CARRIAGE WALNUT VENEERED^ -TT M * FBOUDLS FRICID LOW 9,95 Oar 1 3 7 .^ Y d X O W TMevee Steal Otrdrta ^ N C -A -D A Y ~ -WARD PRICE 7.S 35.50 VOLUNTEER BLANR — BLOOD DONOR SERVlcfe bait to be FBOUDI-Y AAD TABLETS . 34 X IS X SS-inches, Sturdy strcl frame folds com­ Solo end sturdyl Solid oak eoo- Feefn), and a bondeoNe Manchester Chapter, The American Red Cross mm preasat atoea of ” BANANAS FREESTONE PEACHES , ■Wilkaa^Barra, Pa.—(F )— County OLAnMIPt N I W X e T t bMM . . . oe useful as It Is pactly-. Safety brake, " siiM struction with nrtiral flnithi Sl'd* nltur* ^leeo f* r any ITeaaamtenL m ffm tim . good looking! Wohint veneer vteor, storm shield protect Hardwoad I Want To Donats Blood for th.e Army and Navy aB type* aad pileaa, cpmntlcelcnan ore relying on atetc Aax SO OeMefs .. .big tray. ’>4o,^b” tides. IlPO 1 . 13c pound 2 pounds 25c police to finish construction c* a AYTINAL aife'lusrdwaad. baby! t0\42” top! lu-ldge— thieves stole 12- tons o t Nafua '••••••••• ■ 9 % ■ » 4 • a • • • a gird en and unless «h e y «r e recov- OLAFSEirs ..ay U I h iiiiilu i ■ ------■ r x - .trod the new bridge will be a post­ T s i u n WATERMELONS ABDOL CM liBlet SSrSrviZR /4|Lddre8a «••••••••« » • aao •• • • • • € L JUICE ORANGES war project - -. — ' BoMla — oucAuxaa ♦ VliR our Cc9olog Deportment ter Items noHitsterastechs OivayeurbwdgelqUft.i.woMr.MonailyFujiinNlFtodl 1, . S its .... "dr 49c Half S tepoilani _____ BENEFAXAMP itST. .99^ . jPhoii# 18*20* • • • 21*80 Manchesti^ Meniiaial Gmipaiiy 1 49c dozen ' Uriag UF *• Nqiae in oodi Unr oqpealo. 2 1 ’ , Flop, f 00 Getsfct. . A A a boar yog. prefer mppointmegt: PAYROLL summersouash ffirortiidlla, Fa.—'^ - 'A * . iU t ^ VltANH^WISl .TrtTW f oe OVI ^ I8»l«a^*»a l*Seor*o* 2*8 • • •« • - 8*4 i 7%';';r— - CUCUMBER$ utOoUe ’greveyard" In thla rArd 4 iFor 15c ^ -a l eommi nity Is living up to Its FiO fai 'oiid Budi to SAVINGS [ 3 for 10c ^ B i e — a mine subsidence buried Fresh Stock of Whiskey A t Reasonable Prices! tod CkooOp House A HaJe Buildlny K vvverar thowand dollon woria of m 4 tnicluk 824-828 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 5^1 T mm. V '•

■ A ., MANCHESTEE BVEW Pfg HBBAU9, XAHCHBSTBB. OCINir.. FRIUAT. AUGUST 18.1S4« HANCHESTBII EVENINO HEI^ a LD. MANCHESTER. C O ^ ., PETDAT, AUGUST 18,194’l t - future, that there may seldom rates an important head, AnbvUmce Breaks Dowk WTlcU-lOSO W TTO-1199 Six Casualties Pfiris.l8 Our Goal post-war Here on Trip to Maine Hot^ Weather w o a c —1960 1 O u C i y 8 MVUU b O WNBO—1410 ,come a time, particularly in the even on an inside page. State Group Eastern W u Time earliest stages of thef internation­ i: ■ An ambulancs from New dent named Lucien Carr, M Jraara ,F^om State al organisation, toward which Elects Quislil ; Haven, taking an elderly wom- Spell Broken \ surely we are all dtrectlnS our , as- oid, -went to the authorlUea to I an to Portland, Maine, from 4:00—W n c ,— Backstage W ife;?. 8:00—W TIC — Cities Service WDRC — Service Time; News; Concert; WDRCCharles Rug- A little money--a little originality plraUons. when* smaUer nations, New York, told a fantastic story I that city, broke down here yes­ Among 356 Listed by of having stabbed to death an old Local Undertaker Chos­ terday afternoon. Showers (^ol Atmos­ WNBC—Parade of Store. glee — Casa Daiey; W THT — or even one smaller nation, finds -Brunner’s euto station in the 4:lfl—w n c — Stella Dallas Cecil Brown; WNBC — Bay Navy Department; To­ some vital proposal of ths Big friend named Kemmerer and sunk en President of Conn. ] I North "End, received a call for phere anid Helps the 4:80—IVTTC — Lorknxo Jones; Henle. Four to b# injurious io its own ths body to the Hudson, was dls- ' assistance. The caU was tum- Victory Gardens Here. WDRC — Ad Liner; WNBC — 8 :16—w n c — Something forth# tal Now 55,056. beUevsd at first but believed all Fdneral Directors. I ed over to John B. Burke who N ew s GlrU, WNBC — Parker Family. go a long way in re-furnishing at Interests, even as certain impor­ assigned hie ambulance to con­ 4:4lh-’W nC — Young Wldder 8:80—W TIO —Thin Man; WDRC right whan the body was dredged The unusually hot weather epell Waehtagton, Aiig. 18.—<8 ^ tant Argentine elements now find William P. Quiflh, local funeral tinue the long Journey. WiUlem Brown; WDRC — Cranectieut ’’r:-Sarvice to the Front: Hews; up, and when the story appeared which had been baking Manches­ Heroes; Ad Liner. W THT—Freedom of Opportun- Names o f ato Oonn^ticut men are pan-American soUdarity to be in­ director, was yesterday elected Shaw Arove the ambulance on jurious to their interests, or even It did under a two column head I the 200-mile trip. ' ter for the pest two weeks, was 6:00—w n c — When a GIA Mar- Ity'r WNBC — Meet Yoor Navy. toohided among 868 cdeualties of on Page One of yesterday’s New president of the Connecticut Fuu' a ------■. — ^ broken at 6 o'clock last evening rtea: WDRC — News; Ad Liner; 9:00—R m C — Walto T it o s ; toe U. 8. Naval forces mads pub­ to Argentine's totsrasts. It is WTHT — News; Music; WNBC WATKINS ' ^ York Times, one may well believe erel Directora’ Aesoclatton at ths by a shower that laated a half WDRC-^t Pays to be Ignorant; lic today, raising to 55,068 toe trsssonably possible, too, that 56|h annual convention of tbs hour. After that, throughout the —^Terry and the Pirates ’ WTHT — Gabriel Beatter; total Naval casualtlea since Psarl that it was an extraordtoary-4^ r y not Interpret the act. It only en- 6:16—w n c — We L o v e end ipthtog hut aome measure of group held St the Kdgewood Coun-1 forces it! Anyone who disagrees night and during the early hours WNBO—Gitogbusters Harbor. indeed. of. today, rain fell Intermittendly. Learn; WNBC — Dick Tracy. 9:16—W THT ^ Screen Teet, T h e y ^ e : ircion” would avail to brlfig tlfy club yesterday. Mr. Qutoh is can go to Congress and have ,.it 6:30—w n c — Just PUln Bill; a naUon Into agreement-with We wonder whether the fact also secretary of the State, Board changed or go to court and get a The break cams after a solid 9:80—w n c - r People Are Fun­ McNamara, Francis Raymond, different-ruling if the court sees week of temperatures in the high WDRC—News; Baseball Scores; ny; WDRC—ThatBrewtsei Boy; Jr., Pharmactat’a mate, third class, August Clearance ^ J S S u A Preke •» eaciu«»ely all tho^ other. n>eiqb«slP» of the wqrld that draft board doctors bad rar o f Ehcaminers of Embalmers. WTHT — Tom Mix; WNBC — Other officera elected were: the law differently from the way nineties which reached Its peak WTHT — Double w Nothing; ' U. 8. Naval Reserve. Wounded. organtoetiOn. We confess to a Jected tbta young man, thus deny­ Jdek Armstrong. ^HSsiuawr^ First vies presidtnt, Freemont AJ- Selectivs Service docs. yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock 6:45—w n c — PYont Page Far- WNBC — Spotlight 'Bondel Mother, Mrs. Anna May McNa­ completi^\toabUlty to see how, to ing him the privilege of perhaps Answering questions from the when______104 was regietetsd on tber- Story Teller. \ mara. 148 Patterson svtnue, '^ - S S J S S . ' floor, Griffith clarified some points mometers rellr'W DRC — Swoon or Croon; such as *y«t, the “right#” of sticking a bayonet toto a Hun, on Main street in the W THT—Superman; WNBC — 10:00—w n c — Boston Bl^Mo: Stratford. • , rwabHc^* had anything to do with bis stick­ at issue: South Bind. WDRC — Durante and Mo6m ; MUardo, Jkmes Paul Coxswain. feeMa. are a^rM errea such a nauV> " paople weiutd Q—What is a temporary em­ Sea Hound. ing hie Boy Scout knife toto hie I CkOm Saved 8:00—Nows on all itationa. WTHT—Jimmie McDanleto ^ V. a. Naval Reaerve. Mtastor Par­ alieat of N. ■. A. •ernea dafina;tbem.'«ould be perfecUy ploye? , The rain gave VIctoty gardens Aaron Perry Fight; WNBC — ^ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Milardo, friend, who seems to have been a . 8 :16—w n c — Victory Ie Our wm Yanks parade past Are da THcwpItat safeguarded Eileen B. ist If all tha people of aU the na- somstimss tenlpt the mother or get himself a good attorney and WDRC — Friday Night Musical Smith, 123 College street^ Middle- k aoU are operating to territory skirts welcomed the rain, as it Show; WTHT — Music; WNBC WTHT — News. tiona were ready to forego self in­ home nurse to permit smsU chU- Are are going to court town. \ isa Ruaeian end Oennan gen- Q—What then? helped in saving their crops. They —Lone Ranger, 12:30—w n c — Three SunsTrio. terest to tbs causs of sroild psace drsn to stsy up later than they 12:46—w n c — Lee Sima. Pian­ haea fought hefoee. There A—After we win the case, all havs been watering them fo r the 7:45—W TH T — Vincent Lopex’s and amity. Ws know, unhappily, should. Since the young child ist; N ew s \ A ataam-roller baok is actlVs and usss up much ener­ wnuam P. Qtosh the employer has to do is pay the past two weeks and had about Orchestrs that this is not so—it is a long veteran back pay going back to given up hope for rain.- __ ftaat W«wW War. and it loet gy, It is necessary for him to have derson. New London; second vice 1,157 Disputes way ftom bstog so right ^are to more sleep than the adult When the time he was refused a Job. Local residehfa, whom the hot efwie. hi August, m t , to tovad- president Cyril Mullens, Bridge­ weather had slowed down to a America even. That fact, bow be does not get ths required 9 —What about the physical fit­ port; aacretary, Edward H. Bishof^ ness of the veteran? snail’s pace, perked up as the Summer Listening >^Habit8 Handled in Year "V, Qennan soO. ever, must not be allowed to deter amount of sleep an,d rest he is B ri^port; treasurer, Leon Walk­ the eampaigna o f their A —The employer is enUUed to the atm oe^er# and ue in attempting to flnd-an equita­ likely to he croak and irritabla er, Putnam: sergeant at arms..Wll- He should havs a regular year- ask a checkup,* A t not from » difference w m A the young Russian ble smswer to the pusale, fo r that Uam C^entano, New Haven; hoard |us. SelecUve S en ^ will not the eboppers-to the South End last Different Than Winter BostMt Aug. It.—(ff)—The Con­ can probably see pretty round schedule that can be fitted of directors throe year torm, Reg- ciliation aervioa of toa U. 8. De­ would be sbeer'dafeatiam. toto the family life ao that the furnish a certificate v t diagnosis, night. what h a n d le ^ and orrera insid Roberts, Mlddlsto^; dele- In many of the reeidentlal see- partment of Labor handled 1,167 I t Mr. Deway will find the an­ mother as weU A s tha child wlU gstss to national convMtlon to nor will it let an employer refuse disputes involving 809,584 workers major ntoaas to ■tost y « « r new aasd to avoid, as well as benefit . . \ a Job on questionable p h ^ M l I tlons men and women to scanty New York, Aug. »9.—(iP)—S u m - ^ to Ifndon Whan famoos taadmarka of Parte an Ucated, swer, or what sp ea rs to reason­ anctonati, W. P. B- H. attirs, some to bathing aults, ’ York. The cards thsy hold wlU be ta Nsiw Bnidend between July 1, loutoemMUWandetytot Beautifullydesignsdaadfiaetf aatnral Oenaaa atrsngth Tha amaU chlldXnua enouiashould na^have .BUhop, Leon Walker, FreeFreemont] - . • mer Uatenlng habits don't seem .to 1948, end Jtme 80, 1944. made ef Mnutoa walnut with delleata daeemtteaa ta mar- able men to be the answer, then 9—^What about a replacement Btood out to the rain, grateful for revealed to listeners, so that-they are approaching, test period or a nkn both n Aldarsos and Arthur M. Ooughlto, foUow toe psttern of ^ winter. can foUow the game....Beoausc Regional Director H. R Colwell qiMtry taiayal Waa 187140 I88AA88888 indeed he wUI have a full Issue— tog and afternoonoon be is worker who does'the Job better T the shower. tepidity sritb which tha I of Middletown. In uie cooler d a j^ eoinedy and of the ’ laet-mtoute scheduling of said yaatorday that toa aervlce and. we suspect, one /(ipon which or six years old.aid. EvanEven thithough I x t, the banquet held in connec- A—That is no reason vfhF also handlad 899 “other sltua- "I-!?* ■ u invaded Oennan soil veteran can’t have the Job back. ■._ . « i variety shows gat tha preference President Roosevelt’s broadcast 249"» he can win. he dM i not sleep, h ^ ■dioiUd ^ba j ^ t h the a ^ u a l meeting WU- on hU Pacific trip last Saturday tlone” —arbitratlono. toveatlga- in liA d was equaled by the put to bed in a quiet\room for Torrington,I *■ 9—Suppose the fl r*#aTlg»h f l K A in the program polls,. When the liam A. Gleesori, of I weather waxes hot and many of evening, Susanna Foator’s guMt tiona and tocbnical setvicaa—in­ Ity with which they evacu- from 30 minutes to an hour of rest acted aa toastmaster. * ' should be forced to retrench after I S. £ * C81KK/ volving 47,827 w orked durtoj;. toe ______reblrtog vatertois, can they be. the radio toowa take vacaUons, appearance with Kenny Baker on t t Their organlaatlnn ' and relaxation. This is emecial- Speech of Aaeeptoaoe u u t ■/ ^ E xpended Jape _ ly Important for tha child who In accep^"tbs p^dm ey of] discharged for such readon? the folks turn'to other things de­ CBS baa been relisted for tomor­ do things'* with s bam ln? Th«R tSM AngiuA spite the conttoitafl avaUabUlty of row. - ^ 'n q r a t o s and emrkeri affected a •‘ataam-roUer" because of has been ill or who ie tocltoed to tha aasoeto^ Mr. 9ulah said that A—Not for one year, during 300 Carmans ta toe New Engtand etates: fludni Is for you! Tsko the drosMr u d It cornea to us ss tbs complete­ ha was fully aware of the reepon- which their "euper-eeniority’’ pre- plenty of comedy end variety. oaMo sdmbsra. But it s be over-active and irritable. On the air tonight; NBC -^ 8, Maasaehusatto 708 dlsputel iil- mirror shown above, fo r inotioce. ^ Add a Hollywood bed, ly unoffioisl reporting of an Mothita^Nead a Nap ■ibilltiae of the office. He said he vails over seniority of other work- In the latsat Hooper rating, for to snppUoa of am a wM the period ending August to, sn Lucille Manners Conosrt; 8:»o. velvtag 418,im workers, Connecti­ or two... .and you l»v e the beginning of i nxiart ICedem American aoldlsr who has been Many mothers find It conven­ knew it wee his duty to guide the era. ^ .As Captives cut, 218 and 216,181; Rhode itlon. Ih tha 19U cam- of the organisation dur- The meeting was called by the *^4. . I I anU-crims drama serlss. District Thin Man drama; 9. Abe room! Or, start with three Colonial reprodueriona Uke for 8 ocoslderabie tlma to the Pa- ient to put the child to bed im­ waltses; 9:80. Paople A » »* h n ^ Island, 98 and 91,741; Maine, 47 fo r Bast Piuasia. tha mediately after lunch. By tbi^ tog the next year. He appreciated board specifically to discuss “ sen- (Ooattooed from Page One) Attorney, is given top place. ’The the Southern Highland group ehown hera; It tdtas o i ^ clflc theater e f war and is now re­ Hit Parade, with Frank Sinatra 10. Boeton Blackie. . -, ^ — R end 83,489; New> Hampshire, 65 .reOar'* was spUt up toto time the mother herself needs raat the fact that ths work would not lority and reemployment of war Charlie Rugglas variety: 9, It IJgto anfl 18;T80, aad Vermont, SO and a few hceeiseriea, d rap ^es aad ruga to eiBapleto a beau* umda Theaa apparate patriated that tlto rtmarkable re- and wlU profit aa much aa the' be easy during war yaara Ha veterans.’’ In echeduling the I to a point Just outside Belle- and music, comes second. Completing the first flvs, Scresn to Be IgnaKvf. 10, Moore Md Du­ 7488. . tiful bedroom, la v e moaer* tooct . had no raUabla ayatam luctanoe o f the Japanese to ' sur­ child t^ an hour’s nap. Mothera aakad the full cooperation of all special conference, which drew an garde, and inland to o depth tS rante: 10:30, Stage Door Canteen render msy not be ss incompre­ who make this a habit are better members o f the association and audience at about 750, the board almost 75 miles. Guild, drama with mOvle stars, Company, Lazy paady eommunioation with ona is third; Phil Harris, subsUtuttog 11:30, Mildi-ed■ BalBailey hensible as we hsya been led to able to flriish the day without be- aeaured them he would do his best said It waa attempting to deter­ The exubersnt poputatlott of ai^ new time. • , • BLU-—7, im eat Ihar, and whan thay triad to to\maks tha ysar a ahucceesful one. mine, among other things: "What prmdmately 6,000 paraded* the for Kay Kyser to music and quls- _ Your Associate Justice belleys This soldier, for whose cmning ovartlrsd, and s«e likely 10:30) Blondie; 8:80, Meet Your the wtarOltaa tha Oennan oom< to have more paUence with the He\expreMcd his gratefulness fori policy should be followed to the strlete singing the MaraelUals* . zing, U fourt, and Mr. and Mrs. N a ^ ' UeJTt oJL Cirison; 9. Gang Luxury North, sijother . detecUve ssrtss, got tha meeeagee mpra entire veracity wo have no smaU trials of family Ufa at tbs betog hon'oredx^th the office. event that company seniority pn>- Toes Stones a« Prieaadta Busteto; 9:30, Louta Amtattpng vialons conflict, with ruling of the W ith ehouyteof “ Vive dfr.GaritUe,.' rates fifth. Is Taken by Death thaa did tha Ruaaian. thought e f vouching, la known to end e f the day. Band; 10:15, Ted M S io ^ from SelecUve aeivlce administration?’’ the tricolor wee hoisted ob every____ iw s lineup is to contrast to a England. . . , MBS—8:30. *Muto whOa’^ th a Ruarian have doelarod that the unit to A smaU child may be undressed house. Excited women tossed winter checkup when top p ^ ^ n e which he was attsohsd, when un- before supper and allowed to eat Vets’ R ig!^ to George Gershwin; 9:80, Double Washington, Aug. 18.—(P)—^As- and transport aystam was to his night elothee. A fter the stones St German prleoriers. ' went to Bob Hope, Fibber McGee, or Nothing; 10. Bout. Jimmy M e Elyseie Is a world wsiBiieid avena^ uV Top Mattresses 39^® Whal'i new today? dor orders to sscort some thirty •nie Maquis, well armed, sUrt-lqbaru® McCarthy, Jack Bewy sooiata Juatloa Oscar R. I^ihrtog, _____ jnd handicapped b y * . ^ meal is finished he may havs a To Old Jobs Dsnieta vs. Aaron Parry. sis. of toe District court of the Surging BWlfUyxforward, American foron A n driving four major Jap {wiaonsra to a certain deetina- half hour with a story or picture About Town ing moving toto Annemaaae at 6 Red Skelton to about that fliflk o f auttaUa road and railroad a. m. They chased the Nasi front- ordeV ^U o f thaee are temporarl- United States for toe District of ■pearbeada along toa main roads to Paris, Gen. Omar N. Brad­ liegular 49.75 Quality tlon, arrived there without any hook, or some quiet amusement, foturday programs: NBC rv>ini»iTiia, a former msmber of H e w «>b)■; The Another Grand Rapids wing ehtlr Is B other Spanish speaking countries, does not “ hear the grownup peo- Victor G. Reuther, assistant dt- race: if unfavorable, to the citadel. through the parUean toea. | T r ^ A t la n U c CaU on Satui^ aaW with whlcb they struck sud­ Demand Gestapo Surrender ■ | . „ j. i 2;80 p. m. via NBC and HeUo Mom: 8 p. »«■’ 'was taken to toe hospital shortly W ar depdrtment to^lAy announced Washington, Aug. 18-HP)—Tha Queen Anne reproduetioii with four eabriole but it Is net the kind o f fate that ple's feet stUl going past” him to rector of the War PoUcy divtslon Several Salvation Army officers i. .'il denly concentrated blows at stra­ About 75 Geata^ ntan were thal"y-*L**BBC. Two player# — .wlU hs sUtlon- Hospital; A Navy Bidtatta Board. afterward, W ar department today announced lege and flat anna that flaya outward. Tha the street If he must hear “the o f the United Auto Workers vtaiting relatives to town wlU only Germaria rsmatolng to be .toe award o f toe btonn star med­ ta ^ potoUr^By^Uun^ of 1914, baa been met by enemy captives toa folioiring award: Bronw star eoverlng la a tapastry in bislgs with a rattna birds sUU hopping on the tree,” (CIO) told the private research have a part to thia service, and m opp^ up. Ttie Maquis surround­ al for “maritmd^ achievement” medal to: Max L. Kurlansky, First IsHfandorfr and Htodsnburg had of Amerlcsns, and we ere there­ toll yhim they are going to bed. organlsaUon. made up chiefly of aU art cordially invited. trolled s^temattoaUy; traxwport, design m grey, gold and n ^ . $89.00. fore inclined to doubt the tale. employers' in industry, that such ed their house end demanded their targets southeast of Parta and to Deaths Last Night to First Iiei)t; Max L. Kurleneky Lieutenant FA, 28 Taft ^avenue, dsught and won the battlee of too. The child who la put to bed lurrendBTe Bridgeport, Conn., for: Meritorious a policy seemed ‘Yoreign to the Anderson-Shea AincUiary, No. Planes tash Normandy were attacked. Eaat gray'. $78.00. Nazis Admit ntog to_ attend an| urged to c w I trucks and autonsobiles to pre- qualltyl Congolaum’a flneat . . . 'I This time it seems to be sllght- Our feelings ^ this matter are n 1 Y , | sensl9n pitting veterans againit (Conttaned from Paga One) among Oermana re&edttag to col­ l«a Angelas—Edwin X n R ucwl not, we are aware, in the' least 8489. Reearyations win close Mon- p^n^tioa for an offensive. umns throe abreast yesterday eii 89, board chairman of toe DaLum grads! They’re pattern# ly dtftsranU- It is tha RuMians D 3 t t l 6 L iO S t civUians, and would give veterana -n- . _ ■■ ■ ■■ “ Buper-aanloilty.” day. August 9L y . A communique from Brir Cten. these hii^wmya leading from AT- a l ^ and SInma Valley railroad we’ra diamtlnutaig from our stock. orthodox, but th fy are, ours. They —— Joseph Koenig reported the French eenoentrattog bundrede o f river I toho astm abla to attack siny- Griffith dectarad ha waa for os toe Seise for a "Dun­ gsntan. toa U. S. Ninth Air Fores antltoe E. L. Bruce Lumber com- •Armstrong <)ualMr and Bird Anho. Whara at will, with aurprlse con- rest on the conviction that the (Coattonad from Paga One) “ super-imlorlty” for vatarana. Rev. EJnar Rask o f SprtoSfisld, Forcaa of the Interior were *Yvag-‘ announced. , lata at toa asm# low pries. Regu­ Japaneae soldiars-jand the whole ass., win occupy tha pulpit | iqg open war in the Creuse depai^ kerque” oecape a tte m p t-, Hundreds of Oertnane were kill­ lar 88.95 to $740. Steaa 8x9 to dj atratlona agtonst German key — ---- L u th e r contended that the law Tha Oennan Air Force sUged few York—Frank D. Mahoney, Japanese nation for that matter, throwing In ruahed-up reserves, 1 pyoylded <,piy for “ like seniority” of the Covenant Congregational mfitt.” Tha department’s capital, ed as they sought refuge to hedges 57, president of toe Cuban Elec­ 18x16 at similar savings! painta Although they Are ad- church Sunday morning a t' th e^ u a rst, 75 mUci. west o f Vlphy, a daaperata eleventh hour attack and ditches. A t least a hundred totally lack Certain vital attributes Decisions of a major scale are Im- —that la, that,"" military servioe over toe battle front of northern tric company and vice president vahctog through' tarrltory still in- 10:45 worship hour. Rev. Rask waa surrounded and tba German vehicles were deetroyed. Homes e f the American and Foreign whlcb differentiata human beings pending —taking into account the should to added to work seniority, garriaoh at 550 men wab forced to France,, but met a Jdttog aat- wwc awrta iOtior to trsnspoirt facilities; they inter-relation of the campaign to a veteran would oontew sad Rev. Raynold lohneoa, the stampeded overtumtog oarto ^ Power eonmany. Ha was bom to Open Saturday from the lower beasts. And if hew ^ a itoiv were atudenta at MRunder, the report said. plants dropped doym through toe , x asam to have solved their supply the-west and the general course of jobs on such sn aggregate In a frantic move to stem the Fond du L m . Wis. this is so, then why, unless we, the war." seniority basis. North Park CoUege, Chicago, at overcast, sending etreanu of 60- pcoblsm efficiently and brllilantly. th# tisM* H6 hfttf been locnt* me'rdM AUlod raking of re­ calibre'buUeta toto toe panic- Baldwto AM# to BUtcheU too, f ^ Into the ridiculous orien­ Revised Strategy Neoeasary Grimth cited the taw saying i ^fWic/k Capture treating Oermana columns from Aad the Ruesian front, iimtead of The paper asserted the Allies man la totltled to hla Job back if: ed at Moline, lU., aa interim pas­ stricken masses. Evening to 9 tal theory that the really Impor­ tor and ta at present vl^ttog hta .*yrenkk»Citiet toa air, toe enemy throw up an "The ahoottog waa toa beat wa Hartford, Aug. 18—(P)— The gtvtog tha Oermana any breather were making the moat at their 11—He reports within 40 days; 2-^ unusually large swarm of fight- tant , thing la to uaave face,” “present luperiorlty ta men and Hie dia^arge v m honorable; 3— parents in Springfield. Rev. Rpak Londotu Aug. 18—(PV^Uhito o f ive ever had.’^one plioC eaid. "the Republican State Central com­ Which w ill permit them to roncen* scene looked like a three-lane high­ should A s make prieonsrs of them material"fto an. effort to end the h s is qualified to do the work; 4 wiU also eerve aa pianist and ^ tha Ftdneh Army of the Interior mittee, meeting here taat.^night, trate on 'tlM waetam front, ie. *^ltah and R. A. F. Mustang way leading from football stady and assume a atilted obligation to war by autumn. It reasoned that —^xhe Employer’s drcumstancas company Carl Johnson who wlU Be have captured the Pyrenees ciUee approved toe eppototmmt of for- growing oontUually more decl Pau and Tarbat, Spantah border equadrorm t air m i l e a , a . . . a ...... 449 paeity is often measured .by the home front bears first fruits,” th e]- Outlining the amFe man and matariaL stroyed d a m ayS ™ ^ toa atreat below. Bummed sp Tire SS-...V...$34.50 Make it a point to atm and lae thia davenport in our flatkiBs e f the world he given paper went on. “Germany le I Griffith said ‘Tha toughest Job for tiun, which waa e ^ t at Ray­ I or 12” Globe on metal stand...... 449 tent to which he can force the mond. M e, to the Sebago Lakara- Koanlg said apacialtoad taaB uleoo vehictaa yaatorday deapita Battalion Chief J. B. Kinney: *Tt window tomorrow. You*U see it in an barmcmious ♦thair fuU rights” to a world or- S i c t i n g mobile w aifato m Selective Service stiU Use ahead.” 12” Globe on walnut base ■aeaaaeoaoaeae •a «•••a 546 'relinquishment at front page glon. cut sight important bridgm u d I poor wwstoar. ■ u..,! A tn . sounded Uke toe Fourth o f July.” ThompoonvUta, Aug. 18—<1F— $66.00 Oiippendale Wing ^ ^ i r color scheme which you can duplieata in your own j smiaatina after peace baa been France^th the aim of one day It Ja wen to the future, hinwever, be foroad tha Oermana to Mtandon | *Heavy bomham attocimd mlp- SupC BUlott L Petoraah cf toe space by the ”newe” editor in fa ­ clmnglng the whota a sj*d l e f S commenting: ^ No one waa injured. 12” Globe on maple base with sem l-m eridlan..... 848 with itreteher base; blue figured home! Thia London Lounge sofa is a lar^ model; laatacBd by the Big Four; but we Mcmbera of the Ladies' many important railroad lines, to-1 pu,g » t besieged Brest, Bigelow-Sanford Carpet company vor at some atory of local or war with a revolution to German Tf the war end^ to Ihmpe to- eluding toa Toulouae-Oitaana and nents of three trapped divisions 13” Globe on metal base; fuU meridian...... 8.88 cretonne with rad. aggaheU and ieep, low and loungy; covered in a striped and tex- -am a Uttle uncertain—and here ary of the IteUan-Amertcan Chto Steal Prodneta Ontpnt •aid tast night ha hid -aakad rep- neighborhood importance. Now, armament producUon. Thia. _ are requaatad to meet at the olulH Montoicon-Bourgea routea. j niigbt be attempting an . reaantatlvea of 100 atrlktog Jao- graenintha t u i^ 8ofe blue homespun tapestry. ^ A a g ito wa Stay ha to teU accord final go^ ta more important thanjjy**' to briny hack the toys to 18” Globa with full, movable meridian...... 748 however, to face of what Is going Europe now. to aay nothing of bailee oh Eldridge street—a^ • Tha French patrloto were flght-l xttacke on toe retreating Gep»: SMpments o f stoel produetd ta l —quard waaven to eehd too inea floral design . . . ^ 4 4 a d 0 lYas*$X98.00...... A ^aw J- a Lounge chair m .With tba RapubUcaa Preatdentlal holding on to French towns orl?***®!** o’clock eyentog. From thara tog aerooB ranch of Franoa, to some I fnoiy higfawaya aad brldgaa back to .wetk aad arbltnta their 18” Globe ea walnut stand; black oceans. Vary on aU over the worid, it ie departments.” a who WlU be transferred to toa first quarter of 1944 aatahUah- ■fadtitate SI to precisely how the Jananeoa theater.” they wUl proceed n> the John B. caaaa with armor, to many V ito ! night ed a new record at 17,818,000 net pay daputo, but that hta request smart ,,, 748 Another group of Sofas at $98.(KI>. doughty city editor indeed who Burito Funeral Horns. « B raortam aad heavy anas. . . 1 only Ona B il^ $78.00 Cabr|oIa4eg Batrd Chair in UliM rights are to be guaranteed Plays A Sole Duet on m tou ftim atad some 16,000.- tone, an toctsaae of IJ par cant was rajectad. 14” Globa on walnut bast...... 849 hasn’t'succumbed to a definite 000 men eventually would bavo Cantor atreat to pay a fh«l trib- Late tast night M jam fl ^ o j blua mid n d j|g tbta time: .We are even not al- over toe 17478,000 tons ahlppod blue, 4 9 ^^ meaaUto of defeatism. gone through Selective Service uU of reapact to Mtae W f * * ? *5 * 1 over toa 8e*na—| d _ C ^ to too final quarter of 1848. tapastnr...... ' O' . r oartato aa to what either Alsomndria Arm y A ir Field, La. into the armed forooa and out Oommoao ef Birch atreat who dtad ^ Honorlna. 10 saflanjortfa This is eSpedally true with re- —on—S. Sgt Chaftee Harr plays snB aattcaa or Mr. Dewey again. ’ yeetarday. ______Ona -waa around La Rocha, I ^ atooa bridge . . Ptaalfe-Cevsiad POtaTa New Tork, Aug. It,—<*V— The W atkins W b uss this sitota e S S t a a i ^ tatten to murder stories. No todl- aa otgan with ona hand aad a Lounaa osta tai oasSwiBasw "■■■ wasm iBHV'deem to be sutoi rtgkta. Dtactaargas from tbo services al­ srhere at Mootaa-Ctasalcourt now ta ihatr Tokyo radio 'ssaertsd toOay ta a $79.00 Sheraton Barrel Chair wlth^ vidual murderer could ever poaai- grand piane-.wlth tha other every ready havs totalad 1,289,000, ba Members of the- Manchesfar tereA^MncirWad^ s v ^ Development ^a-MOS-: organic - domaetSc htoadeart that Japanese ipade feet; turquoise and egg- Oovacod ta a Ugkt Mas MM ** TZ Mgard H." he aays to affect, My hope to edmpete, by a eingle, day at noon and hta ooncarts are ■aid. • Impro^'emaat AasodSttan at lia 1 *1 htidgee aeroaa too Rtate, w h ^ oament makes pcaalMia a mi to.o i diplomata aad other Japanade riagbeoa waava. Mot toe tasga 9i saito M tba tasdEsst acet ef impartal- broadcast over the camp public Applying Saleettve Sarvlce maattog last sight, voted to agsto ®6#iisvIDSi wlmfc I bataIIaI to the o f covering metal pUlara with ad vat fiiD taoMta saatar acaMtoll w m double or even family homicide, address aystam. He started play­ nationals had left Paris for Ber­ ta coaroe tbs emaltfr blrtog prtociplea to that group, ask the town to parchaaa tha ■ongBC to eensenoau m oir p w I before their confluence, axtremely JUa t a ^ of ptaatir; nail trimmMl... • R O t U E R S I H C I99BB with the wholesale slaughter tales ing tha organ several years ago I im bae* reanltoff Whits propmrty off Manebpetar lin yaaterday AS toa Allied Armies ------to only two have been bombed. dnlshad and coloced to rssenihls neared tha SVeneh capltaL Tha GIFT BOX T*i.J brought over air and cabta from whan ba hraka aeoM Sageta and 1 court caaaa. Green road, tt tatenda to e A fuelYtamp near La Mailleraye- matWa, wood or otoar matailsl. tpsa la aa to be acoicatvatata; .,tbey^er• too utaak to play b| Does Not tolaspiut Aet late a patttlOB aSktog that A m y *e«k» coat about a dMiar broadcast was raeordad by U. A. sB.^s#any ^s*-«ff .fronta. ThILOnJt alponnd to todld, and a haavp a 8e|na was bombed;. rail Uaea for uae aa postwar sst- fovanuasBt look into .thejnary mur^ story. dsysi^' T tu a . Now be ooatotoes the two I O f Reutber*s ooutsattotta, Grif. quastlon ba toduded to tha tariaU toatruBunta. - flth stod: SMeettvo' Servioe does n r tbe amiial tosm aaestttig tosSkim n toaa 60 tan. Lftom BettlBBi to f . ' (

>1 V*L,-.y’.;^V\Vt!|^i»4^-j';V-f> -.-■'un TKT '2 ■' '. -• il>\ ! 1.V \ : ; • \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18,194# MANCHE5TKK EVTEmwo ITiniALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST fTCHT ilie event aa postponed, when the tbs legal equivalent of a hlgb date has been decided upon. Cir­ Jeep Goes HoneyinooDiug Plans to Give school diploma; estabUsb an orien­ German Sub CreWmen Cringe' as End Nears 13 Pound Turtle Caught 168th Victim cumstances made It necessary to tation course for veterano and Lauds/Buddy’ put off the dance until later. It will others featurlni InstnioUon In Free! ^ is Week Qply lells Capt Sdiendel’s be sponsored by tbe American Le­ Veterans Aid study techniques; and develop Strolling Along Summit St. Of Fire Dies gion and proceeds will go towards ■many short-term transitional On War Front fund for World War U veterans. course! for groups fronting high­ William 8. Griffin, EUectriclan’s ly spedallsed training. 3 New R w /P dw n Plontr Work in Dog Program Last night after the atorm real-< aqemed to know how to handle Hartford Welfars Com­ Mate, 1-c, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. New Educationa] Pro­ College authorttleo said a guid­ Pfc. Charles Lucas of ance expert would be added to Its dents of SUmmlVstreet, near Mid-i turtles, secured a rope, tied It missioners Vote to, Griffin of Hebron Center, ia gram Announced by If Yen’ll Send 25 Cents for end HmndBiif Walker St. Keeps Jee]p die ’Turnpike |>ist, were surprised' around the neck of the turtle and having a 10-day leave,' part of staff to assum" major responsibili­ __.lor of Defense Set- Show Opens Today to see a large snapping turtle on drove off with it in the, back of Present No Bills., which ho ih spending with his par­ Bridgeport College. '■ ty for , cbunaelllng tbla student Moving Under Fire. the highway, weighing upwards of his car. ents hers. group:’ iy> advertloa our unique method of oelling dlritot from nunoty to you throuafr the malL wa’U oend you Oune well Itoee Daeto ip Furnishes Detailed fifteen pounds. It came down Asked what he waa going to do Mtsa Dorothy Simpson, who Bridgeport, Aug, lA — The Hartford, Aug. 18— A few taught in tbe Center School inter­ perouUal nowto plento, reedy to aot out In your ywfl. Thoeo ere through one of the driveways in with It, he replied: "I’ll have some Junior College of Oonnkctlcut to­ TliompeonvUIe Marino Wounded Information on Police How private, P in t Class, the rear of Willard Hills on the fine turtle adup and a number of hours after tbs 188th vicUm of Uu mediate grades, two yearn ago, the new flowere you have been hearing about thiotMh^ radio eto- Charles Lucas, of 04 Walker was a visitor here recently at the day announced the appointment of Hone and tho garden magezlnea of the eountiy, -They “SOcer’s Assisunce. east side of the street, evidently other dishes, and no red points July 6 Ringling Brothers and Bar- James H. HalaeR assistant to the Washington, Aug. 21— Hie street kept ammunition, food and from tee woods or brook near the needed. You know there are about home of Mrs. Archie Green In Navy department announced today to three fMt hligh end beer loads of sliver pink flowere frotlApril num and Bailey elrcue fire died Amston. Miss Simpson, whose president and director of evening to AugueL Fine for cutting or for yard decoration. Ideal water, aiippll.ed to soldiers in the old golf lots. __ I seven different kinds of meat In a a list of 294 casualties In the U. S. Btfoni ye«terd*y aKemoon’i The driver of a passing car, who turtle!” hers, the city Board of Welfare home la in Canterbury, will teach classes, as supervisor of its new Naval forces, among them Oorp. Ing time now. veterans educational program and ISOeting of the Board of Police front lines in the battle for Rome Oominlssioners voted last night East Hampton the coming Stanley KaamierekL U. 8. Marine that no bills be presented to fire said that the college would: Wo went yOu to hove three of theee plento to treneplent to year [jptaiunlaalonara called to further Is told In s letter written to The school year; Corps reserve. Wounded. (Previ­ crease of 57,6<)6^ from 1942 guber­ yictlms who were treated at the Offer any subject at any time yerde, oo you cam eee whet etrong, healthy flowere we relee. Fbn Herald by a "buddy” of Lucas, natorial. Mrs. Raymond Canfield of Hart­ ously reported wounded on report MMiiaider tjhe request of Captain Oorp. Harry Moneschl. The letter Munlcipel hospital for which them was a sufficient of I^val casualties for Jan. 18, merly priced in our catalog at 30 cento yer plant Now you may Drop in Vote Idaho: Governor 71,365, off 10,- ford and Mm. Leslie HlUs - and have three selected two-yeer-old epeelmena for the coat of pooUige i'Muman 6. Schendel that he be follows: The 168th victim, the fourth daughters of Leonard’s Bridge, group; adopt a tutorial plan so 1944). Hla father is Albert Kaz- 280 from 1942. member of her family to die as c end handling, 25 cento. titiew ed to take hia lw o weeks va* August, 0. 1044 were Sunday visltom at the home that persons might enttr some mleraki, 12 New atreOL Thompson- ♦ Iowa: Senatorial 200,952, off result of the fire, was Clara Ooul ' ktlon on a day-to^ay baais m Italy. On President of Mr. and Mm. Sherwood Griffin. classes at Irregular periods; In­ ville, Conn. Offer good thie week only. ..Send your request, inclosing 98 centM 113,590 from 1942; governor 218,-' ko, 16. of West Hartford. She suc- augurate an "honora plan” in sub­ , Jiat he could keep up hla conUcts "To^the Editor: 200, off 96.736, __ Mr. and Mm, Harry Dean of to:.,. ■ _ - ,r" oumbed to burns at 8t. Frar'>‘ - ’ jects whem possible for those stu- i^at doc trainlqg exhibits, obedience, Writing a few lines that I Kentucky: Senaitorial 197,446, Central Vulage, were vlsitor)i Sun­ Woniagfofd Boy Drowns thought would make good reading Is Forecast hospital. dente who^^are qualified; accept rttfals and other gatherings of dog about 35 per cent of 549,000 votes *iye dfclsion of tbe Welfare day afternoon at the borne of Mr. r’OuiCiers, S ew ta iy Jay E. Rand of material for the people of Man­ cast in 1943 election in which R e -. and Mrs. Carlton 11. Jones. Mrs. credits .ramed during mlllta'ry Wallingford, Aug. 18.—(F)— i^'Sie Commission corresponded with chester and sort of give them an board was in accord with a sug service; accept certain experience Kenneth Corcoran, 9, unable to CLARK GARDNER (Continoed From Page One) publicans won governorship by sstlon of Mayor William H. Mor Dean Is tbe latter’s aunt fiB, N. Carvalho, regional director Idea as to how one of their local Mr. anu juia. ve.u., . ...is had as In war work or elsMvhere on the swim, slipped off a plank on which ROUTE 1. BOX 469 OSAGE. lO^A about 9,000. Democrats cast 114,- snsen, who said: I'd f the Pogs for Defense program boys is making good on the Ital­ votes ..less than in the most re­ 878 in 1944 senatorial primary; S dinner guests Saturday, Mrs. basis of "demot.strated compe­ he was fioatlng and drowned yos- “In Its attitude toward the vie tence” ; Inaugurate a plan to pre­ terday tn a pool in the North :ib Connecticut. ian front. CharleB Lueaar 04- Walk­ cent-i comparative statewide prl Republicans 82,568. tiow of this community-wide dis­ Arteur Manning and Miss Bernice kv- Mr. RM d desired certain intor* er street, a member Of .the 88th maries. '' Galbraith of Florida . and New pare non-hlgh school graduates Farma district. Tha. victim was i^ryland Vote light aster, I should like the municipal­ for the state equivalency exaini-. Itte b o n about Captein Schendel s Division since Jan. 1, IW4 where Important ^factors id the decline York, also Mr. and Mm. Galbraith exaini-4 U** of Mr. and MM. Jootph Marylknd: Senatorial 131,815 ity to be no lees generous than nation which give those who pass Corcoran. ^'.enbtk as a Dogs for Defense, inspec- he joined it in North Africa. Pfc, include the millions of service men Were the hundreds of our citizens of Somers, Conn. j -tpr so that he could present the Charles Lucas was highly com­ compared with estimated registra­ Miss Irma Lord, of the faculty scattered aU^ over the world and tion of 854,009. Deraocrate polldd who volunteered their services or I data to the Police Commission. A mended by his commanding, officer the migration of workers to war made other contributions in behalf of tbe WilUiuantic State Normal After wedding ceremony in St. Augustine Chapel, Bari, Italy,, this «Spy of Mr. Rand’s letter to Mr. 18 per cent of their registration; rritlnlng College, Is spending part slicked-up jeep carried the bride and groom, WNAC Cpl. Florence L. The Army and Navy CIhB, for his outsUndlng work and the plant centers. These were appar­ o f the sufferers.” (Qarvalho and a copy of the letter extellent way he perforpied h(a Republicans a little over 10 per of her vaicatlon at OgunquiL Baurir of Lyndhurst, O., and Capt. Wilson W. Hopkins, Jr., of Dur­ ent two years ago when the off- cent despite a scrap )ivithin theli The Municipal hospital 1s the AT THE HEAD OF THE CL,ASS! I Mr Carvalho wrote furnishing the dutiea thro^oghout the bi,; push for year Congressional elections nearest of Hartf^ord’s four major Maine. She haa^: been at ner ham, N. C., to a mountain camp where they spent five-day furlough l^l&Brmation will be found below. party. : Incorporated Rome. Lucsx sTjeep driver for a brought out only about 30,000,000 hospitals to the dreus lot where Hebron home for part of the time. honeymoon. O. I. paint job added white sidewall tire effect. J .. ‘ Board’s Action Mills Broe., CIro R^mao heavy weapon’s Co. and who’s job Massachusetts: Governor 382,-"' Word has been received, of. the votes. 032, off 110,150 frofii 1942. the fire occurred, and many of the ^ BACK-TO-SCHOOL V At yosUrday’s board season the Alzira Oamargo it U to see tha't^hiiiijr are well sup­ lUinois’ aggregate RepubUcan death of Huber S. Doubleday at Anirmiirinprrn voted to w t Captain Michigan: Governor 441,006, off more severely burned victims were Grange will be held Wednesday plied with, ammuajtion, food and and Democratic primsny vote for his home on the Jordan road, WU- S yw idel’s "days off’’ for ’Tuesdays Members of the“ crew of a German submarine (arrow) cringe aroiyid the conning tower of their 50,824. taken there. Umantic, Ue was 65 years old and Wants to Exclude night In the Ellington Town Hall The MilU Brothers, stars of water. During the attack his com­ governor was off 36 per cent com­ Mayor Mortensen said the Red at 8 o’clock with Miss Hattie BeVr I that is the time he makes his stage, screen, records and radio, craft under attack By U. S. Army Mitchell and Navy Liberator bombers, which a few minutes later Montana: Governor 105,248, was born in Columbia in 1870. He ctlona of dogs offered for pany was pinnec down by German pared to 1942. Part of this was which is only 51 per cent of regis­ Cross would pay the extra ex­ as chairman. The subject for the PERMANENT whose recording of "Paper Doll' machine gun Ore and In need of sank the U-boat (AP wlrephoto from U. ,S; Navy). due to the fact that there was no penses incurred by the hospital for was a son ot the late Dwight ana Jap Labor Menace jng for defense work. How- tration. Registrations were down Martha (Wheeler) Doubleday. Ue program Is “Pet Superstitions." has sold over a million records, is ammunition and supplies and contest in the Democratic prima­ blood plasma, special nurses and The Ellington Volunteer Fire tho board also voted Uiat the headline in-person ’ attraction 55,000 from 1942. leaves his wife who is 'the lormer BINGO Lucas jeep and trailer was loaded Georglanna M.-Kuhnly,. died as the ry. The total vote was 1,252,262 as oteer services, and also was "pre­ department are planning their an­ SPECIAL! i f Samuel O. Gordon’s vacation on stage of the air-conditioned New Mexico: Governor 52,658, Katherine Hanna of Hebron, also a Seattle, Aug. 18 — (/P) — AFL stand, thus rejecting With just the very things the result of the circus fire has Dewey Plans against 1,963,298 in 1942, a de­ off 21,607. No contest this ' year, pared to meet the expenses of the nual lawn party to be held the State Theater, Hartford, today, Rockville brought a suit for* $30,000 against crease .Of 711,()46. fire victims who have be«ti recely daughter. Mm. Louis Dean, bote of Teamstera union leaders^from 11 first part of September. Time and Biggest Prizes In Town! Schendel’s request for a troope needed. Receiving his though,,in either party. the Jordan road, WUUmantic; a Satupilay and Sunday. Hear this orders to move out, he seated him­ the Ringling Brothers and Bamum big treattaent a t ,oteer hospitals."' place will be announced later. >j^iy.to-day vacation plan. Chief famous quartet sing all your fa­ 2 Addresses Registrations Off 50 Per Cent Nebraska: Governor -127,321, off slater, Mm. Eldward McMurray of western states have. reCotnpncnded self behind the wheel and over and Bailey Combined Shows. Inc. ttoMon Immediately a a s lg ^ the vorite songs ax well ax their new- Kansas rolled up only 188,000 58,050 from 1942. Middlefleld, four brothers, Hyde, of an aggressive campaign for “ per­ Every ^^at. Night A t 8:30 Sharp! S r t two weeks beginning Monday mined roads and under Mrs. Kuhnly- died, in the Hart­ votes In the senatorial primaries Utah: Governor 77,178, decrease eat hit. ’’You Always HuiTThefbeavny Tolland Fair ford fire while Miss Kuhnly/died (Continned from Page One) Amston, Walter of Franklin, Roy manent exclusion of the Jap cheap r 4g Captain Schendel’a vacation pe* One You Love.” which is now the observation of the enemy who as against 371,899 in 1940, a drop of 44,303 and less than one-third of South Windham, and Amos of labor menace” from tbe west. 20 Garnet' Indoding Sweepttakee later opened up with motor and at a Hartford hospital several days of estimated fegistration. Hebron ‘ 'fle d . * nation’s newest song sensation. On later. Mr. Kuhnly has been ap­ crats in the border-Une states at of 183,899' or 49 per cent. Regis­ WilUmantic. All were well known Th4 action msterday followed an ’ Mr. Band’s letter asking for the same program is CIro Rimac, artillery flrtmi the very road he For Saturday trations were off 50 peq cent ' in 'Washington;, Governor 345,000 in tbla place, as waa Mm. Double­ assertion by Dave Beck of Seattle, Admittion $1.00 j l ^ on Captain Schendel’a inspec* was traveling. He completed his pointed administrator of the es­ the outset of hia stumping cam­ (minus absentee vote) as against Elisha Craves O tis . "Peruviath Ambassador of Rhythm tates of his wife and daughter, and paign. Previously he visited Pitts­ cities requiring them. The staff of teachers for He- day, widow of "the deceased. the union’s International vice Be lovelier, more vlbrariL more work follows: and his Alio America Revue,’’ fea­ mission by getUng the supplies • Peiinsylv'ania's senatorial pri­ 547,(k)0 in -1940. No \jemocratie hren's public schools will be the Mm. E. G. Lord has received president, that "there are still .jovented the first "Town of Manchester through. For this he was awarded Attorney Donald C. Fisk is repre­ burg, Sprin^ield. HI., and St. alluring. with one e'f our Wavto turing Alzira Camsrgo, "Brazilian To .Be Teld ajU County senting Mr. Kuhnly. The case is Louis in what was primarily or­ maries drew 876,693 voters, with contest this year. same tM coming year as last with word that her grandson, Pfc. John short-sighted employers who might Safe Elevator that will give you permanent fist- "Connecticut Singing Star” : Mechlta and Nina, the Combat Infantry Man’s candidates unopposed in both par­ two exceptions. Mrs. Ida C. Heck E. Champe, ts somewhere in consider hiring Japs." tory. . -Board of PoUoa Commiseionara .retumabla-in -Tolland County Su­ ganizational work. , "Spanish - Dancing PersonallUea” ; Badge.” Pfc. Charles Lucas has Home Groundfi at Ver­ perior Court In September. ties. This Compared with the-pre­ win resume bet place In tbe Jones Francq. He ia a radio operator on \ "August 15. 1944 Elena Imax, "Exponent of the Cu­ been In four engagements against , Republican National Chairman Promising Field Left ^rTdONTGOMwnr w A m The Kuhnly civil action is the vious statewide primary vote of strest school,-which was taught a bbmber, and is tee son of the fol poteniad ih# Mqilaw ■ ib . B. N. Carvalho. ban Dance” ; and a big coat of the bitter enemy and eaxh time non; Other Gty News. Herbert Brownell, Jr., confers to­ 1,499,229 for governor in 1942, a Rev. and Mm. Howard C. Champa first one instituted here although day with Dewey on general cam­ last year by Mrs. Charles M Lar- Oreuad lloda for castor, —' " • Director South America’s greatest stars he’s proven himself a soldier. ■■ ’ ^ decrease of 622,536 or 41 per cent. Topeka, Kans.— William A. eemb. Mrs, Heck has tought this qf Lebanon. Defense there -were a number of Tolland paign plans. Biby, Kansas transportation ad­ Ellinston q«lent the past few weeks. HI Ml llOVUt coev U ts AT WAKDel tables; Flowers; Clothing; Food; the post-war world, will be broad­ buss PdrmeUa Broussean of Co­ point for tauq^tion or la each dog wherp the dogs are vicious and o’clock and will continue for one ag;p. The Republican vote account­ lumbia win resume her work at Canning; Hobbles; Pet Show. The night a week , for ten weeks. Mem­ cast nationally aa«wlU that In Lou­ tnapeeted at its place of residence? dlfflcultles arise in getting them (Conthined From Page One) judges will be Donald Gaylord, ed for almost all the increase, al­ Amston where she has been s fine "S. la Captain Schendel the only bers of the Rockville and Vernon isville the following night at the though the Democratic vote waa te t h e r fo r s number of years, 1 O'*!- ^ Gerry Miles, • Walter McClatchey, Fire Departments, and representa- closing session of, the biennial con­ tnapector'or are there others, and I "On behalf of our organization, hided empire and It’s going to Miss S. Helen Roberts, and Mr.s. higher than 1942 by slightly mo:o t j inoyd Fogil will continua her if so how many are working in the I want to thank you for the conald- take some time for the Sons of . lives from Wiilington, Tolland, ference of the National Federation than 1,000. [ VrCric at tee White school, Thomas Neill. • ' Stafford, ijrystal Lake, Elling;toh, of Republican Women’s Clubs. territory covered by Captain erittion you are showing us, heaven to become reconciled to There will also be an adult ex­ May Prove Exoeptloai tiss Tsresa Vincent wlU keep on "Youm very tmly, and Somers will attend tha State When he crosses into Kentucky, B ^ n d e l? thetn. hibit of agricultural or home­ with her woric M. school nurse, ”B. N. Carvalho. From the dawrn of history their Board of Education is corporating Dewey will invade territory no Ohio may prove a Novembei^'ex- « ’ "A Are , Inspectiona _ made on making articles which will be and Mrs. Charlotte Tribble will re­ ' ^ . / ‘Regional Director.” folklore and books have been In this project, as firemen are ex­ RepubUcsn presidential nominee ception to the smadler vote indica­ : A1942 gubernatorial. Primsuy reg­ In her 'rdsignstion aa member W A STE M P E R *ny other duty in connection with Ihs towA smmol board, owing to wake of a daylight attack yester- to the contrary. But to ham Amer­ ceed Mrs. Marguerite Hale Dulac gle free uninjured. But that it in 1940 after the state returned istrations off 380,000 from 1942. a ll minor bum ll I your organization and if so, what ? day by about 500 American heavy lUnasa. Tbs ttsud, however, ^n«>Quort Mewon Jan^ DoiiN . • . M N icans patroUing Tokyo's ginsa (Ja- who has joined h«r husband at the wasn’t all. A hornet’s nest Was. majorities for President Roosevelt Cieorgla: Senatorial 245,546, de- „ Waet8 paper that’i bem etoined by i’ "Tou-.may be sure that it la* the bdrobers and a large number of fused to accept hexKsignatlon. As if desiri of our Board to cooperate pan’s Michigan boulevard, Fifth camp where he is stationed. smashed, too. And all five mem­ in 1936 c-nd 1932. gerbsM and eehM cen’c be repro­ fighters. she is making a atoMy Improve- I srith.you fully as we appreciate avenue or Market street), well, Miss McKenna is a graduate of bers of the Blanc family who Bricker has said both ho and cessed for wsr use, There Isn’t tha 2-Pc. S ^d o rjl Mmol Jor Copt, DoiMi^\23e The American attack caused F.D.R.’a statement will shake the the Gardiner, Me., 'High school and Dewey will carry off a nation-wide Rient It is hoped.that she can re- I the value of your effort. If we fires and explosions in the big Ro- rushed out to view the damage Inime her active work bMqre too manpovrar available to separata waitt wepe not so shortbanded there sacred shrines at Ise in west Japan of Sargdnt College of .Physical speaking drive, but as yet thera HOU^ISTER ST. SECTION. maiib Americano refinery. Bomb Education In the doss of 1044. She got itung. are no indications whether the e a s t HAR'EFOBD— tang a. time. I .Would.be no question in this mat- where lie the remains of all Ja­ Rector Street. Duplex wtth NEAR SCHOOL— 'paper wrappinga from garbage. Motol Standard Jar lidt Only, Deson . . hits on other Ploesti targets, ob­ pan’s -emperors since the time of has done practice teaching in Med­ presidential nominee’s first two / A im Clara Gallant of Nev S ’’tor, blit since we are shorthanded 6 and 7 rooms. All bnprove- Pre-war 5-Boom Single. Hot. u la the guest of Mrs. Cbarh scured by smoke screen and sent the sun goddess and the beginning ford and Belmoiit, Mass. addresses will be the beginning of j So don’t waste your waste paper— I ecmslderable thought to planning Foe Bombed With "JeBy" mentx Screened porches. Near water heat Fu«y Insulated. Miner. She was s classmate of i must be given. flames towering into the sky. of the empire. Commanlty Dance an extensive . campaign swing | don’t wrap garbagcl Keep your waste 2-Pc Metal Wldemouth Jor Copi, Deien 8 9 * Fighter Airdrome Hit The fourth in the series, of Com­ chopping center. $5300. ^ Attached gardgt. Good lot Miner’s when both were tak- ‘•It probably will not be possible . Chinese to Have Hand Latest contribution to the art of westward, or v hether he will re­ a trained nurse’s course. I it eat A German fighter airdrome at To make matters worse for the munity dances will be held this turn to Albany before lombarklng $7300. Mpar clean. Bundle it and i to grant Captain Schendel the piiv- modern warfare is a new type in­ EASf CENTER STREET— 4tH Club girls, members Oege o t taking his .vacation as he Nis. Yugoslavia, also wan hit by Japanese peace of mind, It is talk­ evening at the Town Hall starting later on othar sorties for regular coilcctioa. Metal Wldemouth Jor Udt, Desen . . . the heavies in yesterday’s opera­ cendiary bomb that scatters blag^ 7-Boom Single, strlcfty mod­ M tb e Thimble Cliib of which Mrs. hsis requested, but I am sure that ed around here more and more that at 8:30 o’clock. Music will be fur­ Ing gasoUne-jelly on enemy ter- HIGH STREET— yettm HUla Is Instructor, have bad we csjv make arrangements that tions, which Included hundreds'-, of the Chinese are going to have a nished by the Star Dusters orches­ In colonial times, housewives ern. Large loi.^ Well land­ 5-Roora Duplex. Improva- gets by use of a small hexagonal scaped, Nice location, $10300. tiielr jdeturea taken at work by Stondord Shoul^ Jor Rubber$» Dosen g t —- WUl uWTaVor'b^te^'reVire: landing.'In hand in-..,this occupation of Dai tra. pipe filled with jellied gasoline preserved meat. by storing it in [ mente. Porches.' 88,800. Cash I southern France. Cash required $8,000, Mias Dorothy Morton, county club ments. Nippon. A feature of the dance will be called “Gel Oaa.” barrels of wet bran. required fl,000. ilgent Of those preaeqt Misses ■‘Yours very truly, “ Yesterday's Taids marked the And th'e Chinese are thinking the Soap Box Derby Rallk at which second anniversary of the flint Clsre Porter and Lola Woodward U.S. Victory Top-Seal Jor Rubbert, Dosen ..•••• g i . "Board of Police Commissioners. that way too.‘Only a few days ago time the drivers of tlie "cBf will be ANDOVEB, CONN— Were at the sawing flable. Misses bombing of .European soil by HORTON B0AD=- ^ SAVE "(Sgd) J. E. Rand. a Chungking leader said the Chi- introduced to the audlehce. The Route 6- 10-Room Single, jBmlly Hewitt and Betty Horton A BUHUll A WltH American heavy bombers. nese are willing to undertake the prizes to be awarded on Saturday pleasantly located. 8 acres of Very good 4-Boom Homie (9 "Secretary.” nnflnlshed rooms upstairs). were pirating a pattern at the cut- Mr. Carvalho’s letter furnishing The Fortress. group with which expulsion of tee Japanese from will be on exhibition. land. Near boa line. $4300. - table, and Mm. HUls, cluV WASTE PAPER Lieut. GPn. Ira C. Baker, com­ Chinq and occupation of Japan, The popular Coke Bar and Cou­ Large cabinet Wtehen. Wired the Information follows: •for electric stove. Good lot waa fitting a dress to* Mias V-J*” ! '"TlS'Broad Street mander of the Mediterranean Al­ once they get the tools to work ples’ Corner will be added fea­ BOLTf^, CONN— ry Gray. Another picture was lied Alj- Forces, flew his pioneer tures. Auto Setvicing 86,400. / "Hartford 5. Conn, with. ft&ate 5. 2-Room Dwelling Itan of those who participated in . Av i S iIm I L I M - Campaign Aiieust'ie 1944.! niisslon over the Rouen rallyards Contrast that with Japanese Seep Box Derby ^ witto 5 acres o f land. High County Dress Rsvus, held re-, T o n -Q U A im "Mr, J. E. Rand. Secretary in France, later participated In talk for decades of their superior A %>ap Box Derby sponsored ON ALL MAKES OF CARS elevatloa. AvaUnble now. Price WEST CENTER STREET— •ently. "Board of Police CommiKSloneis the first raid on the enemy in Ity over the Chinese . and their by the Summer Recreation Bbard, 91309. Cash 9500. 8-Room Single. Vt ■«>« * Announcement has been made NOW CUT-MICini "MancheBten Conn. France from North African Itases. destiny” to lead all Oriental peo­ the first to take place In RockvlUs, ground. Excellent locatioa. b y the Rev. H. R. Keen that tlcketa Bring it to the nearest! vndet.doklcr Now Supporting Landings ples, if not the whole world! will be held on Saturday afternoon ^ AND TRUCKS "Dear Mr. Rand; SOUTH KHX1NOLY. This Is a property with many teUght for a community dance at "I have yoiir letter. of August Now it is supporting landings on the American Mill Hill starting possibilities. $8,200. the Town hall, scheduled for last ~— W ar Service fa r aU in .southern France ui\der the com­ tft 3 o’clock. CONNv— ' G«t Our 15th asking for additional Informa­ SKILLED MECHANICS intoom Single. Pump In Saturday evening will be good for Slew Wartime Ortvinf rntJea of can and truckt. tion which -1 am pleased to supply mand of Col. Niles D. .Olnna:!!:^ 69* The following boys have regis­ Hyde Park street, Dedham. Mass. C7C:iU|S tered for the Derby: Joe Durelko; sink, ^ectrio Ughts, new roof. JARVIS ROAD— his experience, hu iMderehip in servii< *'SlxwStar using your numbers as indicated. 2-car garage. ' Price $2300. Small Btodem Home. Ther­ Fremelee Slwdfle “ 1. The territory under our jur­ It was in the first raid on the f o Chester Knybel; Stanley Surdellh Survlcu Equals most famous end eortHasll Rome area and the first shuttle L o o m s s o o n |'WiUIam- Sojka. Earl Edwards; Cash required $590.______mostat Control heat and air are your aesuranoe o f expert work.. . . isdiction in which Captain Schte- condHionIng. Inomedlate oe- Self-pollihinfl w ox . . . no fob­ del is supposed to inspect is Hart­ mission-'from Italy to Russia. Wesley Babcock;■ C. Holman, Al- BARLOW MOTOR SALES All Ammca knows this—and you can Spuclurj The M.A.A.F, lost 24 planes in bert Mprganson, JoeJCincman imd SOUTH COVENTRY- cnpancy. 85300.- 1 3 0 ^ ^ 3 ^ L E f US bing or poildiing . . • M ia s os If ford, .Tolland, Litchfield, Middlesex, (Continued from. Page One) Studebaker Sales — Service' >. Duplex — 2-PamUy Hoaso— s ' _____ tvoifT beoow uaneeesiarUy. be eure o f h, too—foe yoor own judg­ New London and-Wtndhxm-coun­ yesterday’s operations, apparent­ Freddie Allison. A / teit tf s leen will aolrn a ■* "M tURWr CM ON ly most .of them victims of ground The ‘first event" on the program 6 and 5 rooms. Lights, run­ drtos) S oob floors wW* o duroWo ties. We also have Putnam coun- | be taken up as they arise. BRAINARP PLACE PHQNE 2-1709 ning water. Lavatory. 1 acre SUMMIT STREET- .pmMam eotM to ttmm. and gte "DE-SIUDGE" ment telie you—MORE PEOPLE * m d 08108.,'. in the ty Ui New York but do'not use the i fire, since the only air opposition will be the lineup of the cars on 6-Room Single. Oarage to them plUB sdeaBtefae: dirt-dwddingfWdil CoMtonsCar- reported, was an aggressive attack Hull’s deepest, concern; he indi­ front of' the bandstand on lower o f land. One side' vacant. iMMmeiite All lmpfovein€nt% • GO TO CHEVROLET DEALERS * 841411 lilB^ Captain In that locstllty. . ,i 98300. D. P. $500 — Balance 1 . Leeaenwdeenriinetereeely. YOUR noubo Wox, moif durabtofaiownl by a small formation of fighters' cated yesten’^ la not over the road when they will be judged for $ . Cash required $808. "2. Dogs are sent 'te a central willln^ess of other nations to 92030 perm oath. ______4300 r “■ FOR SERVICE THAN TO ANY * unaKen' iiamM84 >lnt in each- County for inspec- on—the- heavy bombezs— leaving the most attractive, which will in­ 2- Ooaitelo** pri*ooy stwaya. . participate in world cooperation * tm a tinm e eio on. Ploesti. clude paint job, lettering, number­ CAR ENGINE OTHER d e a l e r ORGANIZA­ S but Involve# . what he termed a ing, _ color and originality and also BRANFORD STREET- SUMMIT STREET— S- Vmsept. friandly aerrtee. "3. The Captain is the only In- 6-Room Duplex. Steam t e t A ■zelertm Wetleawlde Oerti- TION. Nmibwest Glad To See Police iack_of informed American publln-j-for-the-bestfoF-tho-best meehanicsdmechanical job, in­ 8-Room Slasto. Steam heat. •pector for Nbrthem Connecticut. Folly tnsainted. 98300. 2-car gardge. $8,708. “ ^ Ciedtt OHda iMuad ead hew- -* tama Mem, cuntu. •This was by request of headquar­ interest in the establishment of a cluding brakes, steering, body,' de­ REAL ESTATE BARGAINS C om e k to d a y l peace agency..Hfi. told reporters at sign and'originality. d-Reom Single. OU beat. leqitered .fLOOt. _ BUY MOKE B O H O S ... SPEED THE VK rO K r Covor ters on account of hts ability. Los Angeles— (ff)—Royal Zehn’ Wired for eleetrle stove. Largo pbeoe or write todoM er, 44, yvas glad to see. the two a news conference: Following the awarding of these "4. Yfis. We try and get two Available Septenber 1st— let. 98309. pwuw sawsw or three doga sent to the inspection 'policemen even thougb--1taey-did Confronted By Grave Crisis prises,' the cfuw will paradO up EAST HARTFORD, Section 25c 2 0 $ m St point on a c4rtain4ay. arrest him on suspicion of bur­ "I wish I could burn this into Middle road to the atarting line 4-Boem Stagie--3 nnfllilslwd rooms upstMra . roof ^ M e la- m a y s t r e e t — where heats of two cars at a Ume FOXCROFT DRIVE— ^Tel** SSUL "5. We try 'to give the Captsin glary. . Three women occupants your minds and memorii^ for the enlatod—garage—tot beanUfolly laadeosped. Hot water beat— 8-Boem flbigle. All SSsSi ilnD 24-ea. oeti next 50 years at lebat. 'and' that will be rim off. Prizea will be Modem 4-Roem Single (mm . ItGG •ttJf 48 hours notice.' caught him in a house, pulled off Oil Bmraer. Stopl frame screeas storm windows. Bear porch. — smiriMd iqratalrs). AH oou- vealenees. Near schools aad v n p4o tying or lodng iwcDMOfy} "A I Xhould say about 34 time# is, the humqn 'race this hour., this awarded for first, second and third* 200 MJ* ixn hia coat, knocked him down and place In the race. Hooee wired for an Mectrto nmge. Owner leaving town, 84.46e venlpnoes.~Ga« beat. Nice lot. siiopplag center. $9308. Clash His flg Wongofrf ilin lohln& •nd inspected about 65 dogs. sat on him until the officers at- day, this week, this year ia con­ m S4M 800 .JUS. The officials and judges wil) be laorfgagc. 888 per month paye taxes, lnsaranca,''priacl|iat and 96300. Caen 9848. reqnlrrd $800. "7.11)13 depend.3 entirely upon rlved. Gasped Zehner to the fronted by the gravest crisis in all I MondayyAug Francis Gelsaler, Emil St. Louis, .21 lfcs’\Arniy. 'liu-y want so maliy police: "It Was pretty awful until Us experience and that we Who tntereet. Price 88JN#. First mortgage can be- tneccaard. - / Howard C. Bates, yrneat Backc^ -v: — ADDITIONAL USTtNOS AVAILABLE. 8I6 M wee dog* and notify us what oui' quota you came.” are here on the scene of action at fen, Peter Oenoveai, Harold Lelu< Unleaaujnctement weather prevents collection — then is for Connecticut and as our re- this critical time have the re- • > - $JRoom Single—steam iMiiit (ooal)—8 anfiafahed rooms ap- MORTOAOES ARRANGED. mitt, Mary McCuaker. Richard FIRE — AUTO — LIFE INSURANCE the next fair day. Abo Pbaae Note — if cidlection am- ilte In Northern Connecticut have Shelia Peas on Car sponaibUlty o f saying which way Bundy, Ralph 8ni^, Frederick staira. Available Sept 15. Price 98,800. not ba flnished the drat day it will be. on the foDowing MB so good: v9e Seem to get mos^- the world is going for 60 years td Berger>rger and Ernest uuppmann. p "H nbim at ftbs quota. Denver—(Pi—Oho young -Den- corns." T & final feature o f the daWs day. .ontgomery If there 1e more than ooe dog V t .. laatroii knows how to make He plaeded for a revival of the program will ba i. peanut scramble ALLEN R E A L TY C O M P A N Y StlwrsdJit the meeUpglfOade, Ahsy every minute count. Homeward- fiery eplrit of Uberty which moved In Central Park for all the young­ . , GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO'"" ALLEN * HITCHCOCK, INC. . Carter Chevrolet Co > inc. REMEMBER . . . THE PROCEEDS FROM ALL SAL­ 824.828 MAIN ST, TElA 8181 re lined Op . to see how they act in 858 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 8881 bound on a crowded street car, she American ravolutloparies, and ex­ sters who-attend the race.' Beal Eatato and bwaraaee VAGED WASTE Pi^ER IS BEING USED TO BUT »ny. They are singly led on dtllgently shelled^garden peas,'put­ pressed bla conviction that Ameri • 8aee Ctnae MANCBI^SnS . CORNER CENTER AND KNOX STREETS MANCHESTER NEEDED EQUIPMENT AT THE HOSPITAL. .leash to j'udgs their slertness. ting the ,peas iri a paoer bag. The can participation ip the peace Francis-P. Kuhnly of White 198 HENBY STBEEY TELEFHOAB SS7g Ofltee Hoars 8:88 to 5:88 E n ^ S ttofln .v- Tharalay Kventofs ere esemined for pbvsicsl re-- pods? Just tosaeil them on the 'agency must be on a non-partisan streeL whose wife,' Mrs; Dorothy Advertiee ia The kU and art .tusUd U to fiuwx. hssia., . Jbu^Mi ^******** uud ^ftuemATe MiM n ■ ’ J ■ MANCHESTER EVENING H ^ A L D , MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1944 PAGE El

«>- j MANCmESTEK ETVTN1NG mERAtiD. MAmJHESTER, CXJNNi, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18,1944 T!EW Roligher Going Movie* Actor’s Horse Favorite PA’s to Play Plant J Big Job Coming Up Cards Point Germans Burn Nafiifl Surrender tb'Yank Invaders Threat Posed At New Marl ilf in Vicinity When a te’s a Life-Saver For 2, Champs Border Villagesi; a ja p Areas Toniffht at thc' Oval French Capital Plan to Set New R« Tanks Battle Nelson and Mt^paden B v^lock ad Face Tough R i ^ ^ ih Rain Washes Out Tilt League Leiiders Hold By Winning 117 Gon^ fiwM P a g « Om ) Fliei^ Hamiltonr Props (Continued From Page One) Two Decisions. Over tests; Other Games. (Continued fron^- Kgc One) P. G. A. ^ampiondhip ___ I ImudmI Rouen te on the The Twilight League base­ Aircrafters But Fans j 7B nUes northwest of Paris. matlons, a total of (ierhaps 225.000 i ball gamd scheduled last night By Jack Band ^IbMgdMad Established ence to that defense l l ^ as his By Russ NewSnnd ^ or pio*’* men., I planes struck toe dpenlhffsbiow of between the WilUmanttc Fliers Expect a Fast Game. (A. P. Sports Writer) / Berlin ‘ account, the Amerl- 'Fresh Fighting Reported Spokane, Wa8h.,''^Aug. — the battle for the Philippines^ The chips were down and, rougher and the HamlltoB Props was No longer content with' a gmarheads of the northward Fresh fighting was reported on washed ou t Both -teams - had ■ were at Oace and Laiffle, 14 Aug. 1, In announcing In va ^ n going appeared ahead for Meimrs. The ‘ .PoUah-Americana who National league pennant, t h a ___ the long dormant. Romanian sector ■ of Sansapor on toe northwesteim p\it in an appearance .but th* , miles east of Argentan. It In the Balkans, wnere the (3er» I Byron Nelson of Toledo, b., 'and clinched the top position in the Louia Cardinals today blt^d4^ tip of Dutch New Guinea, toe com^v Harold MeSpaden, Philadelphia, aa clouds finally brqke shortly 1 announced from the Allied side mans told of Russian attempts to { local. Twilight League in their last their wagon to a star sad soarai|^ munique said “ should this (Philip- \ the one-two choices to win the after six and the tilt was call­ a t^dgehead had been estab- cross the "lower Dnestr” river. plnea-Halr jaHe’ra)' line go, all his ' 1944 National P.G.A. golf cham­ ed off. Thla game will be play­ •tart, 'Will be In action again to­ after a new all-time winning rse*^ over the Eure river at Intensified fighting also was re­ conquests south of China will be pionship teed off against formid- ed next Thursday avenlng. night at toe West Side Oval when ord under the impetus o f a maniliri.j ported In the slopes of the Car-,, ■i**- * . Imperiled and In grave danger of '-^ le rivals today in third round t ^ y encounter the Plant J A ir­ Jhese represented barbs 80 to pathians In the west end , df the . long record of 23 victories in 81? flank envelopment.’’ . 36^hole matches. • craft i ^ e in a league clash. ' miles south o f Uie Seine which 500-square mile bulge toe Rua- starts. i j j Flexibility Now (imne ey breezed through second- The PA,’s hold two decision* over ht pe Btebbed Into the side of signs have captiired west o f the If the Red Birds take 85 of tbair ■ .jnan forces reported jamming Aug. 16, reporting that the Touno^mpetitlon yesterday hard­ SoftbaUtoop the Aircrafter’a and tonight the Vistula river. Halmahera sector was "practlcal- ly 'wito^t drawing a deep breath league rjiampions hope to make it remaining 45 contests. Msnag*Cf| j roads in flight from the Falalse Thh\Rus8lans were said to have iy neutralized," a communique but N elsm jia d a real battle on Ida three straight. The first clash ■was tvill have ^ket, now rapidly dwindling. gttemptqd trr raid Klrkenes In 'said "the flexibility of this groat hands todajr,.with Willie Goggln, Nearing End a 19 to 1 affair while t h » second satisfaction of tying the 38-yeantJ I ^ it h but one good bridge avall- northern^orway, suggesting that old standard set by Frank' for flight over the Seine, the bas^!, frons which 'pre%’lously his White Plains,'N. Y., and MeSpa- waa a 2 to 1 game, in which a the Germans might be moving forces of all categorlep oouUl * be dea drew a toug'h.one In Bob Ham­ Chance's Chicago Cubs who WOB- ; o f the German retreat toward their djvlsloris^ln Finland to a more pitcher’a tattle took place, The rapidly distributed i to points ilton, Evansville, In^ thriller saw Bud Hayden toasing' 116 games in 1906. Lien was taken t o , mean that active front. Final Game Tonight If As the Cards have - captured Dl' ir escape route to Paris already where’ ^hey were needed Is now Nelson clouted oiR. a 7 and 6 them up for the A ircraft and t^e gone." win over Merk' F i^ , Oakland, Weather Permits; Fire­ lanky right-hander came ■’through and lost 28 to data for. a .743 per-. I been closed, and that the Sev- centage and need- only a .778 galt - Army was unable to defend Rusfian DiviHpns Today’s comr.uinique reported Calif., in toe second rohpd while with a swell game. Hayden may the sinking of a 1,000 ton freighter hlS erstwhile opponent, tjoggin, men vs. Suicides. twirl against the first place PA to match toe record, prospects* of a new mark were bright. Slnea. with the reported nqrth- Drtncn Up ut Hi^^der In Davao gulf,, southern Philip- was taking the measure of jPony nine and if he does, the latter team Manero, Stamford, Conn., 4 and.,3. the defending champs atartad ta- Hum of Patton’s forces, the Moscow, Aug. 18. — (sV — The pineq. by aerial bnmhin.g. It also 1110 final game in the local w ill be in fo r a busy evening. Nelson advanced with below phy AP Features roll in high'^ gear July 22, thay • j ^ e d line In the Cagn area. Germans arc setting Are t French resistance groups, which bombers on toe Bonlif islands. '600 lAsm to oe pushed around. .Yesterday’s ScDres Seine., Lalgle.ls 2ft mllce east of Bossier, Culver City, Calif., States stakes at "Washington Park. Chlca"go, returns under guidance the .entire citeuit. There la no loya Chicago mark was- a rousing ta-, in two miles of ChamboK quickly, It-also was apparent that Massing for Crossing > gave valuable help on D-Day, still milM south of Tokyo. The Libera­ Rocky Luppadchino will atari Argentnn and 40 miles south of toe and 6. of an exercise boy'-from . a morning workout His trainer, WiUlt. loat between tbe two teams sinca Hopes to W in centlve to keep the Cards beartog^ ’ miles northeast of Argentan the Allies are not going to com­ Gen. Ivan Chemlakhovsky’s ; all Buyers Is Coiisoliclateil are helping In the American- tors attacked a seaplane base at In the box fo r the P A ’s and - the Eastern Seine. Thirty-five miles farther Chichi Jims Tuesday. Other matches today brought to- Crump rides horse a t W t (A P wirephoto). Hook Brennen decided to Join the High school lad haa an umblemlah- down although toe flag was nine miles west o f Oace mit toe same error as Hitler when Third White Russian Arm y grpup French drive, the Allied command - t'other Ed .Dudley, Colorado I - - •------____j...... ------Scranton 8r Williamsport>7. east toe Americans were known to He also reported a continuation Suicides. Hdbk pUyed with the ed record In league play thla sea­ the bag" with a 17 1-2 g^one heae attacks by British. Cana- he concentrated on the French was reported massirg for a cross­ said. Springs, and Charles Congdon, Ta­ Hartford at Utica (2) post­ be" at Dreux, only 20 miles south (Continued Page One) (C^tlnued from Page One),^ o f air raids north of Japan on ■miSce-eatera for years and was son. Rocky baa pitched in three 4 Swim Titles Chunky earned Poies. Belgians and Dutch capital instead of sticking strictly ing of the Szcszuppe river, which The Allies now are far enough coma, Wash., and A rt Bell, San poned. of toa Seine. one of their moat depen^ble play­ games and won' them all and has fifth shutout last night the effect of lengthening the to, the military opportunity of forms part of toe German bound­ inland to permit establishment of Paramush'.ro^ln the KuHies. Francisco, a ^ in s t George Schnei- Albany at Binghamton (2) Thus> toe Allies seemed to have floor manager foi to^\admlnlstra- if^ble confusion among enemy There was*no interception men­ ers but now the veteran is on the been very stingy with bage hits. Cards bumbled New York, T-OV'i funnel through which the turning west on channel ports for ary- air fields for tactical support of ter. Salt Lake City. poattioned. three sp^rheads li; series point­ The forces of the 37-year-old tlon of the bill c r e a t in g surplus (iopa already badly battered by tioned anyv’hcre against all these Pep Is Recognized other ride of the fence and the The entire P A team w ill be on Ann Curtis Believes She the Giants* tenth succesaiv* 1 IS were attempting to es- a quick Invasion of England. { their operations. One large air­ Wilkes-Barre 1. 11; E lni^ ed horthwaril In the area west of property disposal agen cK sl^ove ombing. Congdon and Bell furniahed the Firemen are pretty peeved at the feat. It was Lanier’s 16th vicUmV^ In Brittany, the long siege ofc tank expert, after battling for two port, In toe Frejus area, already far'flung attacks. m ajor uptirta of. toe second round, hand to obarpen up their hdU Tor 1 . 9. > , Paris and easl^of Argentan which for approval }>y nightfall. Bjit hr Can Do What Was and Ewald Pyle’s sixth loss wtQlg Ing clouds allowed Air St. Malo ended when toe rock- weeks against fresh ^ azi Infan­ Actually Double Distance has been captured. the Tscomah; playing in his first move. National might chop off toe Gorman line o f Tbe sificidea are the younger of ttirCe SI- Louis double play* to strike at the Germans bound citadel finally sent up toe try. and armor In western Lithua­ conceded that toe pending a While the Invaders have extend­ The U. S. Third, 45th and 36th P.G.A. championship eliminated Never Done Before. PltUburgh 7, 6; Philadelphia retreat from toe Falalac area. nia, Buccceded In smashing Ger­ ments are of more than ordlrti Japs Trying to Cut the tw o teams and it will be a bat­ turlng. Will as they tried to cross the Dispatches from the BrlUsh-Ca- white flag and 660 prisoners were ed their beachhead 50 airline miles divisions are taking part In the Sam Byrd, jjetroit, third high Tops in Own State 6. 5 (10). man resistance and advandng to Interest. ^ . invasion of southern France, it tle of youth against age with both Sfiretohee Its 8 ti«a k ne and they smashed at barges nadian sectors told of sweeping taken. Brittany now is Cleared of along the coast, actually U Is O ff Chinese Retreat • money winner of t^e year ,!pie By, F. W . Crawford Boston 7, Chicago 6. toe East Prussia border yesterday, Representative Tarver’ (D-Ga) uble that distance because Of was announced today. teams determined to pln..A defeat Brooklyn at Cincinnati, post­ Pittsburgh stretched Its strs*ll{ for a small scale ”Dun- eastward advances, ranging up to Germans except for garrisons hi Chungking, Aug. 18.— (g ft^ a p a - score was 2 and 1, and 35-yeaT-bld Kansas (Rty, Aug. 18^-UP)— a S o vi^ communique announced, t offered the plan to require that the xtremely tortuous shoreline, on the other, ' , poned. , to 11 by trimnting the Phils la across the river. 10 miles. Brest, Lorlcnt and St. -Nazaire. nese forces. in Hunan province, Congdon ahaved par to chalk up For First Time Is Cham* Pretty, dark-haired Brenda Hel- [M tlsh troops advance four to Among towns overrun as Pat­ The Germans, In a desperate at­ surplus ■ property ^administrator ‘Officially toe troops were re­ Fresh Landiug* Reported the surprlae win. Tbe game w ill start at 6:30. St.. Louis 7, New York 0. doubleheader, 7-6 and 6-5 In 10 : Entire Allied Flank In Motion tempt to checic the Russian . ad­ striking simultaneously from ser who would retire undefeated, miles beyond Troam along the ton's Army surged southward was channel suitable gohds to voca­ portedDoriea 25to milesnines Inland, but _____ unoffi- London, Aug. 18—(/P>—Fresh A1 Dudley, veteran of many tourna- Major "League American nings. Bob Elliott’s triple vance, launched a futile, assault north and south, are making a de­ pion of Connecticut as 'IB**' and tall, statuesque Ann Curtis, formandy coast toward Le Havre, The entire AUled flank appeared Vendome, 43 miler southeast of tional and trade/i!^**!^’ cial renorU nut them beyond 30 lied landings on '40th sides of Tou- ments, moved up by . defeating New York 10. Cleveland 3. Jack Barrett in tbe eighth was ' against toe extreme end of Cher- termined effort to cut off the re- riding a wave o f success that puts Varavllle. four miles be- In motion along toe Normandy charge. / Ion were reported today by the Jimmy Hines. Amsterdam, N Y„ 1 Coskey Quits as a St. Louis 10, Philadelphia 5. big blow In the first whdn Le Mans. niakhovsky’s right wing, attac)c- miles. ff eat o f Chinese, troops which Leaders the playoffs and the Aircrafters her among the greatest of all the Ome and two miles coast toward he Havre, at the The American advances placed An amendment to permit leas­ The last pocket of resistance .on German Transocean news agency. up on the 37th. Hines, incidentally Detroit 3,'^ston 8 (tie, 5th, Rescigno notched his seventh, ing northwest, west and southwest have been attacking the vital rail had better wear their armor American swimmers, meet tonight the coast and three other mouth o f toe Seine. nearly a dozen key air fields In ing of equipment to soil oonserva- the llyeres Islands off the . coast beat himself. He drove toe green Member of the NBA. jackets aa once toe vaunted Mur­ rain). umph. Pete Coscarat dravs ' The effect was to lengthen the of Siauliai in Lithuania. Junction of Hengyang’ from th# National League r t / i P U L i In a race that could smash Miss reg S t Jullen, Le Faucon and France within Allied poasession. Uon d is t^ ta was proposed by Rep- was eilmiftated when big guns of on the 300-yard 36th, then three- derer’s Ro\y get’s into action, they C3iicago 1, Washington 0. Nick Strincevlch In tbe lOtA neck of toe pocket from whlcfii toe Enemy Loeaes Heavy southwest', a Chinese Arm y Curtis' ambitions in the first min­ let the rookie pitcher win his nlntb^ Canadians and Poles captured reselatative Poage (p T e x ;) an Allied battieship pounded the putted, permitting Dudley -to Hartford, Aug. 18—(flft— WllUc . Batting — Walker, Brooklyn, w ill be hard to atop. Ota. „ Germans are withdrawing. Soviet front reports said enemy spokesman said today. Eastern ute of the three-day National A. at Dick Barrstthi expense la Poles, advancing six miles Trun, 10 miles southeast o t Fa- Mahasco served notice his forces thick v.-alis of a medieval fort on square the match. Plant J has loat aeveral df its Front line reports said the Ger­ losses wcie heavy aa the Nazis would fight an^Kich fundamental Obituary H ie apokesman, Maj. Gen. C. C. Pep of Hartford a champion j "*®^uns-Mu.lal, St. Louis, 89. Hartford at Utica (2). , A. U. women's championships. second. St out of Tnin, “ captured laise, and then moved oh toward the Island o f Pbrt-Cros. Bell really rang the bell In the dependable players hi the# past mans abandoned their efforts, to threw in vimves of tanks and In­ Tseng, declared the enemy had Albany at Binghamton (*)• The blond San Francisco girl Champeaux. While the Ca^ Chambols. Americans and Brit­ changes. . x Fall of La Napaule, coMtal vil­ second round with the biggest up­ In hi# own , home town today, for | Runs batted In—Nicholson, Chl- week, largely due to shifting Jim Tobin was belted for escape due eastward out of toe Pa- fantry In an. unauccesaful effort Wilkes-Barre at EHmlra. hopes to do what no other woman tna pushing aoutheast out of ish advancing, along the bottom •To me, that’s making a gift of lage four miles southwest of Cannes brought two more divisions into set of the day. He eliminated dura­ the first time since the New York [ engo, 90. > around o f hours at the shop, and blows before he gave way aftsr 1 laise bag this morning and wheeled to break through into Cliemla- Scranton at Williamsport. nlnth-inntng injury but his BoatsaJ approached Chambols. of toe Normandy pocket encoun­ surplus war property," he declar­ gave toe troops a full view of the Hunan from the Honon and Nan­ tion U. 8. open champion Craig Boxing commission recognized i Hits— Musial, St- Louis, 155. thla has proven to he a stiff Jolt )to has ever accomplished—win four northeastward towarjd toe. Seine, khovaky’s leiear. Gen. Iva n ' Ba- ed. “ It’s our duty to see that the king areas, giving them a total Wood of Mamaroneck by a 3 and free style races in the National. Braves outslugged Chicago; 7-h{ ; 88 TroOpa la Vaa o f Fllgh« tered only light German rear­ resort city across toe Gulf of Na- him as the world’s featherw eight' Doubles—Musial, St. Louis, 40. the team’s power. twt a great fleet of Allied bomb­ gramian’s FirstIrst Baltic A'rmy,A'rmy Mix­ nation wets e^ery possible dollar DeaUis strength of more than 10 divisions 2 Count Hla rival of today, Schnel- National T o do it she must. deUirpne the Cincinnati and Brooklyn guard -ketion and the cleanup ap­ ixiule. ttUeholder nearly two years ago, I ’Triples— Barrett, Pittsburgh, 17, I f Hayden can come through 88 troops wore In the van of ers and fighters streaked across ed Ctoemiakhovaky’a flank guards out of toe material.” — or about 210,000 men— In the ter, also w:is responsible for a re­ Philadelphia at ■'^Pittsburgh intense, dramatic Misa Helser as rained out of a morning gam*. be flight ahead of them. the channel early today toward peared near at hand. The pocket in toe stubborn defense; Aircraft Carriers IJsed and Connecticut was no longer a Home runs— Nicholson, Chicago, with another performance Impossible to Reach Vote Mrs. James M. Cubic area southward from Changsha. versal, by taking the measure of (night). the ' l(H)-meter champion, oome- Eastern St. Louis lengthened Ita In the bottom of the pocket the river, where the Genhans were now la BO* small that Air Force East 'Prussia, where decisive member of the National Boxing 27. Brooklyn at Cincinnati (2 twrt- match the prartoua Job that he The House successfully with­ A Naval communique disclosed Mrs, Catherine Rankin CUble, diineae.Contlnoe Attacks Toney Penna, Dayton, O., 4 and 3. thing she has failed to accomplish can league lead to 7 games anwhlle, American and British said to have massed a fleet of hun- operation are stricUy limited be­ battles of the Flnt World War association Stolen bases— Barrett, Pitts­ hurled against the P A ’s It 'could W. L. Pet. stood efforts to make major that aircraft carriers were being wife of the Rtev. James M. Cubic, He said the Cailnese were-con­ Schneiter flniahed his match fiY* lighL and night). in their last three meetings. doubling tha score 00 tha raplifly closed out the gap .dreds of barges for a "Dunkerque” cause of the danger of bombing were fought, was threatened by Frank S. Coakey, state athletic burgh, 18. Boston at Chicago. easily turn out to be a top notch Hartford ...... 76 29 .724 changes In the measure yesterday used With American and British died Thursday. Aug. 17,. at toe tinuing their attacks In the under par. Miss Curtis' coach, Charley Sa­ teUcs, 10-5, with V em the Rdinrrarirtver against Allied troops. three powerful Russian Armies commissioner,. wrote Abe J. Pitching—Wilks. St. Louis. 11-1, New York at St. Louis (night) ball game. '-v Albany ...... 72 37 .660 crossing. but amendments and arguments planes operating frorj toeiji. not Massachusetts General hospital, Ichang are# and the ricebowl seg­ va, who has entered his star 15tb homer sparking a _ „^"sUght raelstahce^ Sixteen bridges spanning the A field dispatch said the Ger­ along a front nekrly 200 miles Greene, N B A president;^ yesterday, .917. ' I The game is scheduled to start Wlll^msport .. 56 52 .619 flew BO thick and fast It was Im­ only to glvp cover to watshlps but after a lingering Illness She ment north of Tungtlng lake to “ across the board** from the 100 nlng rally for Nels Potter ' Patton's Mghtnlng — armored Rlale river west of the Seine, man armor had abandoned efforts long, extending from northern Po­ informing him that "I am about American at 6:15 wiih toe usual attendance Utlpa ...... 63 57 .482 possible to reach a vote. Defeated to bomb and strafe enemy posi­ leaves, besides her husband and prevent the Japanese from send­ to 1500 meters, says: captured his last she OuUagsi Jd '^Baaahes appeared to have the across which toe Germans must to break out due east and had ' land at a point below the Suwalki to give Willie Pep bis rightful due American League Chicago at Washln^on (night) Prize- Binghamton .... 51 56 .477 amendments would have replaced tions. . . six children, her mother, Mrs. W il­ ing further reinforcements td Sports Roundup "We may see some history made Scranton ...... 43 69 284 "Sunday Pitcher" Floreo wa» ” - In a state of complete Withdraw, were hammered yester­ wheeled to the northeast In' ^an triangle northq(ard beyond the Use of the carriers p e r m ltt^ by recognizing him aa feather­ Batting—Doerr, Boston, .330. S t Louis at Philadelphia (night) Nlemen river in northern Lithu­ the dir^pc^®*' '''iib a board and liam Perrett, and two slaters, Mrs. Hunan, where he estlmat#d toe In­ Lumber Oflicial Dies here.” Wilkes-Barre .. 44 71 263 loser. ■Hnti around Paris, with day In an effort to plug the line of attempt to plunge through.. far more effective flrrhtor auppiW weight champion of the world." Runs— Doerr, Boston, and Stirn- ' CHeveland at New York. The Yankees alaughtarsd Cli ania. would have confined hla term to Harry Goodwin and Mra. Ernest vaders would need three itiore.fitll By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. Stood It Long Enough Representing the strong Mult­ /Elmira ...... 40 65 .381 hourly reporting clashes in retreaL , Hananer German Columns the remainder of tola year instead than otoerw:se would have beed weIss, New York, 85. Detroit at Boston (2). land, 10-8, with Johnny LIndsU’l ; But Field Marshal Gen. Guen T h e Third White Ruasian Arm y ^ o u g h o f this town, and a broth- divisions before they could ren •• New York, Aug.'18.—(J*)— Ted Coakey -.aald he had been—T L ob Angeles, Aug. 18.—(AT— Ed­ nomah club, Portland, Ore., Mlsft directions from the cap^- The Air Forces now are ham­ o f the two-year span proposed. possible at the Ume of the land­ Andrp\l' Rankin In the Armed Runs' batted In—^^Stephens, St. ^ National five hits showing the way. toor'< ther von Klfige apparently had ex“ was reported 40 miles east-of the their offensive southward. OolUna, the radio man, has hired m artyr long enough" and that win L. Bruce, 89, board chairmani Helser believes she’s the fastest W. L. ranging frenn 12 to W miles mering German columns fleeing Accepted were amendments re­ ings, since the nearest land fight­ Louis. 82. lA tcst Creation In Booby Trap* P e t them being douMea to tla a ■* tricated toe bulk of his armor. rail city o f Inaterburg and 85 millea F o t ^ . Meanwhile, CJblnese forces stage designed Russell Patterson he waa entering into a "working o f the Mlaelaalpph-iaid Skuna VaI-‘ swimmer in America today afi'd St. I.ouls ...... 81 28 .743 ___Ida the city. _ northward towarda the Seine. If quiring toe . director’s staff to er bases were in Corsica, almost . Fiineral services will be held on Hits— Doerr, Boston. 140. Jor league record JMlU ..Jointly 1 German broadcasts today de­ from the Ekut Prussian capitol rim up against determlnet’ Ja“ i- to design greer and gold- tmiforms ley railroad and - l i e ' E. L, Bruce "should wlii.” / Pittsburgh .. 63- 45 Ond'German report .said the toe Americans plunge to the Seine ISO miles away. 8 S atui^iy at 1:80 In toe Church of agreement” with the New York Doubles- -Fo«., Boston, 31. London, Aug. 18.— (J*)—The .583 19 men. New York pulled into S? clared Naxl counter-attacks had city of Kohlgaberg, both astride function uhder civil aervlce provl- nese counter-attacks In fishtlriT for hla Boston Yanks footballers. Lumber company, one of toe larg­ 'But win, Io.#e or draw. It’s, my Cincinnati ...... yaerlcains had reached Etampes, west of Paris, and goert weathef A stream of reinforcements and the N aurene, Haverhill, Mass., boxing conihiiaslon, similap to that Triples--Llndell, New York, 1(J. latest Nazi creation in booby 61 .570 toird place tie wlto Detroit prevented the narrowing of the its direct Western route. It cap­ alons and to establish advisory for Tengchung and the Burma Jimmy Crowley should be able to traps,-ae-reported-from France: A est In the hardwood flooring in­ last defense of the- title," yMiss • e O itile s south of the center of allows aircraft -to operatq It ap­ supplies continued to pour Into the with R e v X Charles Jenkins in of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Home jnc—Doerr, Boston and Chicago ...... 49 M .467 toe liigers and ReA Sox had 1 tured SO aettlementa In the past 24 committees representing toe In­ road towns of Lungling and provide a good Irish green back­ dustry, died yesterday. He had Helser said. “I have my sights i-^ltols on the road from Grleans. Falaiae escape neck and resulted peared unlikely that toe German beachhead from the sea without and several other States. cigarette lighter that explodes New York ', .... 60 62 .446 hours. , , dustries In volv^ In disposal trana- charge. Bui'ial will he In toe East Mangshih, three main objectives Stephens, St. Louis. 15. lived here for 25 years. on Hollywood.” / it qulU In th* sU tb hecausa Ora. Dwight p . Elswnhower’s In the capture o^ several towns. Seventh Arm y could get many ground and ColUna, no doubt, will IHibllcation of Coekey'a letter wl en the wheel is thumbed. Boston ...... 44 66 .400 The Szeszuppe river, a tribu­ actiona. Interference, Naval officials said. cemetery, Suhd^V afternoon at of the western Yunnan offensive, Stolen bases—Stlrn'welss, . New Their keen rivalry highlights rafii with tbe score tied. 8-8, /^sadquarters maintained almost Report Bitter Styeet Battles tanks or guns across the river. The v/irships that bombarded supply the gold... .After every disclosed alao that he - had de­ Phadelphia . . . . 42 6^ » .396 tary of toe Nlemen, is the north­ Meanwhile the Senate Military 1:30. - V aTSKinese copimunVlue said. York, 37. the first races in the i^et that Hal Trosky's long outfield ffPi igonplete aUence, announcing only -They said fighting for Chartres Headquarters announced last toe shore in toe Invasion opera­ Rev. James A. Young, pastor of fight, welterweight Aaron Perry clined election as NBA vice presi­ Brooklyn ...... 44 67 .396 eastern frontier of East Prussia committee went Into executive ses­ Night Attacks Repulsed Pitching*'— Hughson, Boston win bring together 60 girls from scored Qug Curtrlght with thd, the capture of Authon, 22 miles still was going on and that bitter night that the Fourth and'Sixth the local- Church oKthe Nazaren* piles a lot of sliced fruit in a salad dent. American fo r more than 25 miles. The sions to put the final touches on its tions fired almost 16,000 shells of 18-5, .783. only nm as the Chicago Whits I—_ SOttUiwest &t Paris and nine miles street battles were taking place at Armored divisions and toe Eighth five-inch calibre .and above, and o f will conduct the committal service. Hie enemy made four night at­ bowl, heaps s..9U6rt o f chocolatp Connecticut has been a\ menfi 21 cities: The Riviera club, de­ W. L. P e t Red Arm y push was bglieved con­ own surphis property bill for floor Size Was Against Him, But fending champions fp6m Indian­ blanked Washington, 1-0] bahi*4,^ Orleans. Motorized division are among the toese 12,500 were 12-lnch or larg- tacks northeast of Mangshih but Ice cream on it and feasta on the ber of toe'N B A since It was found*- St. Louis ...... 68 46 .596 aSMff of Etampes. centrated north of Eydtkushnen action there next week. Bill Dietrich’s five-hit chucldagi'Ji The German Seventh Army was LiOrlent and St. Naxalre. bisleg American forces In PTance. Resulta were reported as all were repulsed, the announce­ meos. It takes him three days to ed, and after Pep won New York apolis have the largert entry with Boston ...... 60 52 .536 from bases at VUkavlskia. Fresh-Crltlclam In House ~~ Versatile Bergamo Makes eight mermaids on / the roster. l^astlinated to have been reduced ed U-boat bases In Brittany, \were "nie Fourth, made up mostly of A t the same time' the reconver­ tpost effective in neutralizing ment today nalu. /^ork off the extra weight, which recognition as champion by de­ Detroit ...... 59 62 .532 heavily bombed by Allied pl^es, Meanwhile Soviet offensives In H ie Chinese were reported pre­ Racing Notes •Hielr strongest competition is ex­ " te between 40,000 and 100.000 men men from toe east coast,-is com­ sion measture, adopted by the enemy artillery." Funerals may explain whjf Manager Harry feating Chalky W right in Madison New York ...... 59 ' 52 ' .532 Estonia and west of tbe Vistula aa paring to exploit six footholda on Good in Cardinal Outfield pected to come from Miss Helser’s and was declared to be very Berlin said. manded by MaJ. Gen. John Wood. Senate, ran Into fresh criticism In Garsh expect!, Aaron to come put Square Garden Noveiliber 20, Chicago ...... 54 69 .478 Toward Paris, the Amerijeans bend below Warsaw scored new Break Through Defenses the city walla of Tengchung and Twilight Tear's first start since Multnomah club ^ h ic h won the . fg ro g g y ” from the attacks on all The Sixth, which was activated at the Houss where it still iff'in the o f the Army* aa "another" Joe 1942, Coakey clung to the hope CHeveland ...... 54- 62 .469 Local Sport easily were within sight of \ toe successes, while east o f the be- Front dispatches said last night Davld« Warnock trying to eliminate strongly-for* her stunning defeat at the hands and filled ip at first base for San- National Indoor laurels ■ last Fort Knox, Ky., Is commanded by committee stage. Representative Louis instead of a “ miniature’’ that the N B A would force Its By !4sni Davis Philadelphia .... 52 64 .466 Mdes. Eiffel tower. ' that Infantrymen • had broken . Funeral services for David War- tifled Japanese prtslUons outside of Vienna In the Alabama stakes dere when the Reds swamjied s' New Trap Closing MaJ. Gen. Robert Grow. The Joe..;George Monger, Penn foot- champion—then Jackie Callura of NEA Staff Correapondent spring; the Women’s Swimming Washington .... 47 66 .4!6 Giving Instructions to patriots Nazi counter-attaclu were re- ^ through German anti-invasion de­ nock, of 17 Walker street, who at Belmont Park last week may toe Pirates at Forbes Field the aasociation, ^ ew York city, ' -J t new trap Is closing and' ‘‘the E^lghth Is led by Brig. Gen. Donald nulfirid In a movement to potam «nem- the city from their flanks hall coach, devotes his early morn­ Hamilton, Onfc— to meet the Hart­ New York— Size was against him, Chatter , within the city, a supreme cbm- fenses before .Toulon, which had died at his work in Cheney Broth­ The Chinese continued attack* be tomorrow In toe $25,'<)00 added other afternoon. ing hours to canning veg^etablei fo r d sensation. ■ — — but August Bergamo fought It out whose sprl.it star, Marie Corrl- etrcle Is being completed,” a Brft- mand spokesman said over Ithe Stroh. ** r ployment compensation benefits up been swung against them at right ers whl'ce weav'ng mill yesterday Beverly, handicap at Washington Because h e resembles the base­ Wirm State Championship to 885 a week for war veterans and on two strongly fortified hlUa from hU Victory garden. Instead Callura met Phil Terra- to br.'come an imporUnt item to fien, may upset the apple carf The All-Star game the othsi; kj iish staff officer said. American broadcasting station! In , A high officer of General Elsen­ an.gles to the shoreiand. rnornmg. ^11 ^ held S u n ^ y ^ - 1 ,„aJor enemy Park. Trainer Ben Jones lyas ex­ ball coihie, rampant teammates U eu L -Gen. H. D. G. Crerar, hower’s "staff said last night that Ing more than 160 Elatonian towns clvlllana for 52 weeks over (BTC monitor#in London report­ Sidetracked nova o f New York and lost his the finest club In baseball—the SL for both Miss Helser and Mias evening topped all previous game* ^ Europe tABSIE) that "toe Bay and vUIagea, was within 20 miles ernopn at 2:30 In toe Church o f the | and annth o f pected to decide today whether to call him 'Al Schacht. New Britain, Aug. 18—(J*)—Dr. .eommander of the Canadian First the American Third Army’s a two-year period. The Senate ed hearing a Turkish broadcast to­ held positions east and aouth o f ■When Lou Ambers first decided title, and Terranova In turn waa Louis Ordinals. Curtis in the 100, and.the Crystal in calibre of ball displayed 1 is not far off when you will h|ave of the rail Junctions of Tartii and Nazarene. Rev. Jamea Yoimg. wiU send his, star filly after her 12th Ralph W. Nichols of the New -Army, declared In a message to mighty uppercut to toe Seine was bill leav“a this up to the states to day which said “Allied forces have Lungling. ^ to shake the dust, of Herkimer, N. stripped of the crown by Sal Bar- Augle Gergamo — 5-9. IW . N ext to baseball, Bergamo plunge team of San Francisco, well as toe attendance. The lattd* to rise and chase out the enqmy Valka, vital to further German officiate ".id burial will be In . the victory in 14 starts this year. Haven Country, Club .successfully his troops on their successful Jabs planned months before D-Day on determine indi'vidually. ^ landed at Durazzo in Albania," a T., from his shoes, he went down tolo o f Boston whom Pep has poufida and left-handed all toe plays tab> tennis best. He won a The first night’s program also proved to league officials that: and his accomplices.'’ resistance In the upper Baltic. East cemetery. Frlenda may call Old DnysT defended hts state Seniors’ golf •gainst the enemy that “we shall toe supreme headquarters map­ Ccller called a get-together 1m report Indicating an Allied thrust at the Watkins Funeral Home, 142 to the faiUoad’yards to bop s bqaton twice. ' ' way — Is a product of Detroit few distrl'ct titles. will Include the 300-raeter individ­ fans will, turn out to see to. flight' "You can already hear the g ins The Vistula bridgehead task His biggest thrUI- csmc in '39 at association championship here ping tables. Nothing In toe at­ next Monday or Tuesday to get into toe Balkans. There was no East Center street, from 7 o'clock train fo r Lietroit, where he hoped Jockey John' Magee was' pro­ sandloU. but H g e r acouU consid­ ual medley (100) meters each of attractions and the gats proved? uortly knock him out." and soon vou will hear toe rum ble forces snared 20 more populated Ohambersburg, Pa.— — Man­ Columbus, Ca., where he manu­ yesterday by shooting an^SS over Oen. Dwight D; Elsenhower's tack, it was said, was Improvised steam behind the higher-rate plan. confirmation.) this evening until 10 o'clock Sun­ to get a Job in an automobile fac­ MrlMmlela the Fhvorite nounced in "good condition” at ered him too small. breast stroke, crawl and. back- that, also: of toe tanks,” toe spokesman a Id- places, steadily increasing the power ' shortages or .10, colleg# factured bis first of toe Shuttle Meadow course. This, supreme headquarters maintained or off-ithe-cuff strategy. He said his group of more than a Surging inland in a great arc day morning. to ry .H ie first freight that came the NasSan General hospital after Pitching as a semi-profeasional stroke, and the 1600 meters free ed. salient and knocking out 200 en­ score of members has decided to glrlB old d aya" In the 1810 a, New York, Aug. i8—(ffi—Re­ his spill in the Steeplechase event the year on tbe last day of . the style. Joan Fogle, talentcd-RiVi added to toe 79 he had in the almost complete silence on the "We are pushing eastward ak ng behind the 50-mile-Iong beaphhead. •long was headed east, but Lou on • wt*k-ends, hi# arm went bad, Fans are still talWng about th* emy tanks in the past 24 hours form -a -"permanent organization" eariv WHaon Ootlege achool caU - turning to Madlaon Square Gar­ season. It came with two men lera star. Is ,toe reigning medley first half of the tournament at dasallng thrusts of General Pat- the whole of our northern sectc r, Maj. Gen. Alexander M. Patch’s Mr*. Annn Staveason climbed aboard anyway and even­ at Belmont yeater- sd In the rush to Chartres, also one-half miles northeast of Tro- have an important meeting this there should be. theae five basic years age. race losing streak' by' taking the goes to bat for th* S t Louis Oa- that club's ace hurler. area ^roes the Vistula 110 miles tured S t Raphael on the coast A. L. Williams, rector of SL Invest most of that dough In a o t les kec®-«y*tos _ At Garden SUte: White Paper, 1 ^ even burned our ear for fifteen has been stationed at Camp Polk, sands o f Naxia. “ West o< the Via-1 «urda; (3) modifying price method# Oratifled by Advances - - in 1938 at Paducah, where he won The only resistance he reported trpops reached the Dives north to ■ Hindering War Effort words aa’fwo words Iflnimnin - -t johnny Mauer, haa bsiK: drag­ 83.50- minutes to give ua hla lineup, bat­ Louisiana- Lieut. Canade has b ^ n tula, the German# Introduced »| !f* clto gtn g _eondltlona” ; ^(4) iGen. Dwight D. Eisenhower,-AI-' la pries 01 ilirra-nnaa.. , ___ the batting championship of the was ' a few Germans still en­ beyond Troam.* new "King Tiger tank," which 1 PHc* “ B . ^ t c o r t i d gin g his U. o f Tennessee basket- At Waahlngtbn Park: Anthem, Ttvi League ting order . and etc. TTiere are. from Camp Polk but lied supreme commander In the HarrUburg, P*.—(AV-M#y Una rstas par day tor traaaiMt Class D Kitty Lesgua with a trenched In a cemeter> Just out­ iForty and more miles east of 'bsllera out ot bed fo r 6:15 a. m. 811.00. * • plenty of good ball players toaV 2 Troam Allied bombers yesterday his destination ir'n o f known. Mrs. PTavda said waa a cross b e t w e s B ^ * “ JS*? w est told Gen. Sir H e n ry Mait­ hindering their war effort. , Hie ad*.,, '• spankifig .368. Ftrrt baseman Ray side Chartres, and some German Piuttoer hut no su-1 month ionge.r than that," and land Wilson, Mediterranean com- '■ffartivs Harr# It. ISST worttouts to avoid the summer At' Narragansett: Coronal, were sUghted; but that 1# alway* had wrecked most bridges span- Canade la living with her hus­ Pennsylvania Agriculture depart­ Sanders ' ot the Red BftdS waa armor which had been discovered (5 ) adjusting ^ i n g s for manu- ipander, in a "beat of luck", mea- ^ Case Cbara* heat and ihaintaina *^t’a not too 812.40. Standings true In toe case of selecting s “ “ » - ' - nthg toe River Rlale fri>n» Foulbec band’s parents, Mr. and Mra. Jo­ per-weapo^ converting, tak- ment reported awarm# o f to* peats I Consaeutiv* Uaya ...I 1 o*e\ f *'• with' the club. between^Paris and C3iartres. aage ywrterday that "every step of J»d. once } u get uaed to it.” ..., At Detroit: ■ Mighty Lucky, near its mouth to La Fcrrlere-sui> seph Canade at 150 High atreeL TB . w « t « l )iatched/by 90-regree heat tempor­ t Consaentiva Daya ...1 t «!• oia BOrganiQ kept fo in g up. His All-Star team. ■ The German*, more specific on Ruadana Ing Into account increased wages your progress will bring wailful Babe Ruth argues that otg league 818.20. W. L. P.C. Risle, 35 miles upptream. The rots onto aer-j ^ ^ I Day ...... In e'silt «“ size, or o f it, didn’t m stU r -•xact location , said tha A-meri- dismay from the Hun." Wilson re­ arily stalled sevieral electric loco-; an iirdars tor IrrtaulsT inaartiona baaeball magnatea - should Ido At Thistle Down: Inflsmable, 2 275 Rlsle flows jveat bt^thg Seine and U. S. Odd Consumption man aoU, hut o . moUvea pulling vital material., At­ now. iCardinal scouU and coaches P A ’S ...... The Fliers are tbe hottest team eans were driving through St. plied he waa gratified by the ad­ • III b* eharsao *• 'b# ona nnia r«'a aometiilng to encourage eight and 814.00. 4 .714 In toe league at this writing anfi parallel. East PrUaalfta frontier aald G ^ tracted by headlight#, the file# were con ■zinced. He hit .845 for Hamilton . • • • • ••• *10 ?Ari»oult. 23 uilles southwest of vances. ______-dpaa!•»' rata* 'or i«na larm avary nlne-yea»>Ida to play baU. A t Dad* Psrkl Wiated, 86.40. 4 .692 Steadily Reduce Pocket Arts and Industries in normal man resiatance nras furious and World's tMgest Uxard* smashed against the locomotive |ay adrartiains «i*en uiwn ragufs^L Columbus o f the Class B SaUy WllUmantic ...... 9 bid well to finish in toe thick of-',^ Paris and IV miles frrnn Versall- Headquarters said the opposi­ odUMM —e ______d«_.fab8-,ua« I Adfln Affvtnrndl ©•for# ‘.’Thafa when the players of tha 8 .429 American, British and Chadian Umes require 1,600,00 ounces of that the Red Army wga 'oppoa^ and piled up on trolley Insulators. Ada ardcrae nsneallcd nafor* ibs league in 1939. Rockville . toe playoffs that jriU start in two ‘ las, western suburb of Paris, on a tion thus fo r encountered constated Jrd ot l>b day will b« oharsvd only future are developed," he aaya..,. Jockey Nick JemOs has been .400 forces steadily reduced the Fa- gold annually In the United State# by a profualon of Infantry and •*!» I Monitor dragons of - Komodo Billy Southworth knew what W est Sides e.eV’e • • • • ^ 9 weeks. of elemento of only two German Short circuit# resulted. rot th« •nual numb»i ot fim»* tho Hie Green Bay Packers have riding like a "house on fire" since .267 secondary, road from Chartres. lalae pocket. Armored colunms alone. This Is 10 per cent of the propelled guns. u a n d , the world'# largest Usards, Id appeared cUarama si »h» reie he had when Bergamo reported to Plant J . . . esse* «-• e • ^ 11 idlvistona, both of which contained written all.player* onul4»it...draft arriving at Garden State. He had H iey also.said American armor striking south closed the gap to world’s output and amounts to Enemy , reriftance li^gh 500” p5iradrTlffd reach -arned bai ne allnwanrc ot rotund* the Cardinals lost spring. The Oak OriU . #•••••••• 3 13 233 How many . fans have noticed^ 3 a largie percentage of troop# im­ , Idaho has 28,808 miles of high­ Rat udio z.ro In’ sdrvice and who a double yesterday, including had reached RamboulUet, l i miles between two and three miles by 850,000,000, making America the but he la unable to conaollitate by ] langtb of 12 feet, yet sclentlsU -an no made'on an Mm* ed* ••opped boss o f the blokes in the red blaz­ toe botUe (coke! chasers w ho.fl ■Authwest of Versailles,' on the pressed from captured countries. ways. tfter ib* ntih day have achool wortTfolUilah to pun W hlU Pape, in the featured Ctoop- reaching toe vicinity of . Chambols, greatest consumer of gold In the taking advantage ^ fovdrtoolwd thdlr entati^ untU No ‘till torbid.*" display una* not ers made Bergamo's acqiutintsnce roam the Oval everjr night when. Main highway from Chartres. on returning to the ciunpus ufter just north of American 'forces at world. fenae poalUona," UeuL C®!- Nlko- fOld- er River purse. as toe industrious pi^.tfielder re­ there is a ball game? The kid’sJ DNB, German official news Argentan. lai Praqngl reported ------*•“ ' Th» Hsrsid will not oo r*«ponsibi« the war. Says Ooach Curiy.J#m- ported to Rochester in 1940, ■arbW wait until they see s fan purcha**.^ agency, said tola was Patton’s .Of mofo than on« loeorroci beau: "Oompetltlon fo r places on Trainer Andy .SchutUnger in­ Softball League •The supreme‘ command.— throw A neat weighing two tdna frontier. , ,^1 non of nnif •drorMsrmsnt ord#r#d his batting dropped to 288 aa he a bottle o f pop, then haunt thaa^g main thrust .-i»d that it had ijpd to another cloak of silence over oper- used by toe same family of eagle* The "Greater Germany" tank Mahogany a ISO-FL Tree foi more ihaif aoo time. major league teams wlU be ao tends to rUn L t Ool. C. V. W hit­ developed hay fever. to his aeat and onoa the bottle 1^^ a series of heavy batUea.- The ationa north of Argentan and west for 35 years at Verinllipn, O., . diyiaion was defeated M the bor­ rut ifmdv«rt«nt omiMion df tough those players with unfinish­ ney's Hoodoo In the Jersey handi­ Bergamo spent '41 with Roches­ Standing empty the purchaser has all rapidity o f Patton’s movements, of Paris but It waa obvious that der, Ixveatia said, adding that lOOl ~ Mlihogany trees frequently grow Mrroct pnt»li«*nMPh pf pdrofttsiftR ed school work, will be better off cap at Garden State park tomor­ ter and Columbus, tod was des­ can do to save hla hand aa tanks were knocked out In 24 win br r««nft#d only bp eancoilattnb to get a degree before risking s as reported by toe Gerihans them­ a new trap for the fugitive, Ger­ 150 feet high with trunks 60 l^lla Loidsa vf ,ih« ohsfjr# ntsdt for tbs oorviip# row. Last ^Saturday Hoodoo also tined to crash the National League PcL kids go a t ' it hammer and selves, however, appeared Ito belle man Seventh Army could be form- hours. IxvesUa reported the arriv- 80 feet high and three to seven rpnd*r#d tryout in pfrfesskmal football ” ran In the historic,'Travers at Bel- from the Cardinals’ American Cheney’s .. ,900 to retrieve the bottle. their assertions that Important ed If the Americana drove to- - that' Bl of units “which until rs-1 •_ diameter in their native All AdvtrtMOiPDta dtttPt •oncnm Bervloe D *^ mont Aasociation farm club, fo r which M. F. D. .. .667 cent dij^had days nao operatedoperewu Inui Italy."ivmiy. 1 »—nical forests. (Birch Mouptain Roady Bolton) ■n Myi*. oppy *a6 trpo«»*Pby, «ire 256 - raalatonce was being offered. Seine west of Paris. rcwiifailnn* anforrad by ib* onbllab. Corp. Miebs^ Rlsao of Camp he batted 203 in 90 games in '42. Suicides .. There are four postponed Thd-^j. The Berlin nows agency Trans- This would hem the Germans Yesterday, the Ruaslana reported! ______■ • or* and ibar raaar** ib* nubt W Blsndlng, Fla., Is Clalmlng a new Swtv haa been shipped from 8. M. F. D. .445 light League games that will havsj atnar declared that German “for- In the area to. tbe sea. Allied air unit# recently in France. A fto o tf adti ravis* ot roxtet any aopy r<-n. hand grenade throwing record Of Garden State to Narraganitott to _____ A t T*l»le T m uiIb W o o d s ____ .400 to Wphtysd within tha neat tr*" •■■tlonB which were «trlc a te d rCporti this morning said only correspondent aald the Oermawl Hsetery N y ta tor *011110* tidarad ohjaetionabi* 88 1-2 yarda. And Pvt. Billy Har­ participate t. tomorrow's Paw- Last season Bergam o^ bsttsd C. A. F. .. .000 weeks in order tor th* pIsyofEs CUifllMa BOMlto—Ctaaallltn -o* m the Argentan-Falalse bag one bridge waa in operation over were hurrying up every kind M Closed Monday s rell of Chanuje Field, IlL, puts tuckst handicap. Jockey M. N. .324 in 144 engagements, and was go on as scheduled. Chuiaes; unit waUable, seeking to block H m ahrouda of, a aiiigte Arm y n* publlabad earn* day nu ' >-* Big Race Postpoaed I obviously to be riveted by new the Seine west o f toe capital. The vad by 18 ffaleab aeon; Satar* in his bid for the rit-up record, Oonzalex. vdent along to ride him the leagues No. 1 Tom Donahue, golf profeaalonal twelve gams* being played la ! Germans were reported massing Y O V f l penetraUon Into East Prussia. parachuta contain os much nylon Saratoga Springs, N. Y.. Aug. __ricaa atUcka from the south daft* Id!**. I having ddne 6,666rertthout a halt in the race. extractor with 109. And picking at the New Haven municipal club, next tourteea days ar* 'gddff 500 barges and ferries in tbe in ha SiaUoi region of ‘weat os throe dozen pairs of atocktngs, 12.—(g ) F oatpon^ Ihst night be- L o l ^ and Oace. American at- Tflldtilione Y oor' Want Adn i in 7 hour! and 15 minutest. -^-Sgt. out good balls to hit enabled him haa been promlnnt In Connecticut fans sit \ntgk sod ntaau stream to remove their forces, but BOND Uthuania.'l8 miles from the fron­ or more than a year's Supply for Until Further Notice Trainer Charle Feltner reports to tie tor the lead In thumping causa of rain, a Grand Circuit " I at Lolgle ao far have broken Ads ar* assapjad avai Ua laia* 1 Charl*a.Kopp, the JU itoe corres­ since 1919, when be began play­ Allied airmen kept a close watch tier. the- Oennans mounted a th* average woman. pondent of Camp, Lejeune, N. C,, that J. L. Friedman’s flve-yesr‘ old two-bagger*. He packed the win­ hamsas racing, program featuring ooimtar-attock with three tank son* at th* OBAilUN RATn qi-ao ing the game and shooting low Tha Old TUnsrs gams 1 ______O f reia t to break up such attempts. abnv* os a donvaolaiie* le advar- I describes the camp's Negro base­ COochs Bridge now has four ning pumk in the Little Wbrld tha 85,000 Arden atah* will be and one infantry dlvlsiona sup- scores. He has been a pro for day evening at tbs Wq ' (BSiMtud a N a il fear that (London newspapers printea O ar Delicions Chicken and Spaghetti. loaru. aut th* CaJB SATito « ^ i a* ball team as *diotter than. any "Pitching for Rocltford Peaches sucklings at Dr. L. M. Allen's Bertea, three hits In ttie deciding oonducted tonight at the Saratoga ported by amaU gtoup# of plane*. Fhlls to Lower Attondanee -•oapiad as FOLL f g l U l t i n it 19 years (1944>,-having been con­ ggalnst the PA’s la •gala waa feinting at German frontier reports sayinif two-bit pipe Ir. tha tobacco sUte." at home, pretty Carolyn M onts o f /arm Ifi Clark County, Va. game and two key rvns-batted-ln. raceway. • Star aaM 55 tanka weiel paid at ta* baataaao odtio* ea ot e*. nected with Stonipgton Manor, steam by tha hoar 1 ■adgr a Cloak of official HiUeria highest military advisera ter* th* oavaath day toUewio# ta* I Tbe chib wUi get a chance ' to Phoenix turned in All-AAierlcun Berganu), 86 a M tingle, wield* Rad Tower, only conqueror of knochod out and that "aeyeral , Aua'tln, Tex.-*(F)— A typomraph- Dinners Served Daily Except Mondays Yankee Maid, the filly who won West Hartford, Meadowbrook In another large ^ iHMia aetuaUy Intending a had urged him to withdraw Ger­ arst laawitea of aaab ad eta*r*>** I prove it Sunday against; an aU- (Brin Frtifesrionsl Saftball league’s Jockeys Willie Bailey, at Wash­ a SS-ouneo R o g m Honiato sno' ' good. ToBtang r man troops from all of France In tb» u«aiwia o f aoldlern" were klU-l teal error in the club's buUeUq f Ml- 'b» casROn r a t s will h# e*U*at> mac*. H a* been employeu In l*tt A*fls Bergamo the 1944 Bambletonian. hdada the Hamden, prior to Joining N ew Ha- ’ Borthward te tbe ad. No raaooaai Witty for artwr* la star Negro tsair a t Greensboro, third no-hit, no-run gum* ot sea ington Park, u d Arlin Bassett imtniftinAJL phsit thsas Ms tbe next four, weeks or risk der ed. German parBchuHat# dropped U d to lowei attendance at the Ito- and rlMit Iteld* tor th* Oardinala Mg bat field aatared for tha Jirdaa. 'fo ra a aecoad poeket as inte Russian oorttlona to "scout I change Club'e picnic. Th * tnilleUn V JOHN ALBASI, Prop. ^ 'alaphaiiad *da -will h* aasamrit sad n. a - . ■ ' ■ ' son shutting out MUwuukss. 1-0, esi^ rod* trtPtes yoaterds)-. i «t Azantan last week- stniction of most of his forcee-1 anti-tank defanaeff’ .were rounded j had promlaed "Gun. lellowahlp and ibair aeaarsdy dasoet hq <^u*rM* east of Argen 'While ft was apparent that up ssrifUg. flOBth U tta (Mnatal Elaenhowhr could net i -A:,-

,V..- / ,/ ',r (i X .. 'V' MAlNUMt»ri!A I, AUliLTS'I 18» 1944 ItW E L V a MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCH£»i'fiR. CUNN,. FRIDAY, AUGUST 18,194« ______Household Goods 51 M achine ind Tools ' - 5‘i Automobiles for Sale 4 liusinesB SiTvIces Offered 13 Help Wanted—Female S.'V Amos Tash tells about tbe time over and over again by using d:f- HOI.D EVER)THING V Announrements be went • to the .lawyer who had (erent words has us stopped. EXPERIENCED Waitress wanted OUR 33RD ANNUAL . RECONDmONEQ Fordson trac­ NEED MUhlEl AKB Y'll buy­ 1940 DODOE c o a c h , rebuilt ' FLOOB SANDING tor, used silo filler. Bog harrows, sent him'a"btll charging for four It would be refreshing if one Laying and Finishing at once. Fin» pay, steady work, AUGUST SALE. Gastified ing a used dart Do you need car motor, good tires, radio, heater, new- manure spreaders, plows. consultations when he had only of them quit pretending to -be ex­ Clashed J. E. . easen-uPhone 3-0920 good hours. Write Box W, rierald. Sense and Nonsense cited and Just came out quietly repairs? Let liAhelp you with 1295 down, tein s and-trade ac­ three. ) Is Now Going Oh Dublin Tractor Company, Wllli- I mil III • ...... li I your financing. Isuoedlate service. cepted. Brunner’s, 80 Oakland If No Answer—5320 mantlc. ~ ------Tbe lawylilr got out his "Office with the cracks "Well, here we WANTED—WOMEN ai\d glrU to Mere’s Your Chancs Advertisements cover over the cage. As the LatS'^aummer la when tbe June Call 2-1735 how. The Manchester street Open c enlnga ’till 9. Call do bench work, steady work, good EISEMHOUER ^ OdV WerM Call Record" for the. month which are again with the same old tripe reverend gentlembn was about to bride reahscaUiet e bunch of rerliimaits Home Credit. 869 Main street, 5191. ASHES AND RUBBISH removed. pay. Apjdy Tober Basebell, Elm To Buy And Sgvs FOR BALE—SMALL 3-4 H. P. F or Rent F or Sale I Altho folks ara UmenUng tbs ahowed the fcrflowing notes after we gave you 12 hours ago." w air cooled Maytag, two cyl. two FIrrt Bloripliy AmRrica't GpmI ugly things that be, step into the parlor, the parrot hand-pelnted flov^rs oh e dinner Amos Tash’s name: Manchester, Conn. Rooms 5r6-7. Tel 2-1588. W. Schults. street Here wo go again with more Cspyilaht,'' ee4«> aaa WssSwsrS MllUri Bls>st>g«sSi USA assvtss, las. Rent For Sale ------,— ,------»------i-s r - 1934 DODOE SEDAN, .i935 Ford cycle gasoline engine. Has kick. T o Buy T o SeU 1 The world la full erf beauty for rabelUously remarked: ’Thia hea plate len’t half so fln p or^ t ea a June 3—Advlsetf on Income Tax ..Gladys—And Mabel, I was so-o Buy To Sell panel delivery, 1934 Mack flat WASHER, V/CUUMS, HOO^S. su{>er values for August! While ths stsrUr and M ignlto Ignition. hose with.ey$e to we.! been a damn short week.” hunk of beef and aomeYttud po­ dedqptiona confu'sed. I don’t know how WOOD FOR SALBfi,' for r»ove or platform body," 3 ton, 1936 Cadil­ lamps, etc., !-epaired. All pdrts 'Live Stock—Vehicles 42 supply lasts aoms of you flrat- Price 840. Cash only. H. E. Task­ Why Oorlan offi'cers’ front-line robae, dining I xitho folka ara complaining that tatoes. June' 14—Counselled on pay- many tlTfies he kissed me! lac Fleetwood sedan, 1937 comera will fnatch up linbellevabls fireplace, f S a coid. Call 6370. available ,24-hour aervlrt. Charg­ er, 37 Devon Drive, Manchester, with membere of his staff, whan | ufe is sadly drear, A d eta c^ en t of HlghlahdefX t of overdue account Mabel—What! Gladys . .with Clidvrolet sedan, .1938 Hudson es C. O. D. ManchesjtSr 2-1439 FOR SALE -ONE SOW, SIX bargains in fine living room suites, XVII the message of Darlan's death wee I days'ara sweet With arrived In camp and the sentiy Judge—The evidence shows, jrfilw g|^10:S0 a. m„ gave legal the thing going on rifkt under WANTED—ALL KINDS of elec- Conn. It is not our Intention to record ‘ “ ■ music sedan,' 1038 Chevrolet .loupe, 1939 mornings or evenings. weeks old pigs. One Fordaon bedroom suites and quality dining Wanted to Rent 68 delivered to him. His aid* sndl ^hoee with ears to w reported to the Sergeant-Major: Mrs. Griasly, that you thrsw a finding ait'-aiijployer-employe rel- your no»e? jtrio wiring and repairing. Any the history of the war in North ifsr. Lost and Found _1 Packard 6 sedan,' 1940 Pontiac tractor as Is. Call 3030. room furniture. ’This fumRure friend, Uaut-Comdr. Harry Q. Although folks are deploring ^ Sentry—Excuse me, sir, hut the rolling pin at your husband. tlonshipa. s(se Job ^ven prompt attention. ’Torpedo sedan, 1940 Chevrolet comprises one of our biggest pur­ Mosical Instruments 53 WANTEU> TO RENT five or six africa; neither shall be ettenmt to Mrs. Griasly—It shows more present ell the members of Eaaen-I Butcher ot the Navy, was at hts deede that sin. has planhed, pipei* have come. 11:30 a. m.—Aiihwerad In the Pert Pedigree -A WAIXiEJT containing a Phone 3975 before 7 p. m. station Wagon, 1941 Lincoln PAINTING AND PARER hanging chases, a pre-war purchase that room house 01 apartment In resi­ B id e . Leaving their (Ihristnms ^ Sergeant-Major (looking up than that; It shows I hit him. YOUNG FRESHENED cow for lower’s great staff who assisted God wanders thru the twilight negative whfn askeij if^rfuCd left I looked up her record to see If ■um of money and vafuatole Zepher sedan,. t 941‘ Chevrolet done reasonably. Phono 4661. has made our eelections larger now dential section, preferably fur­ Eve dinners on th table, they WE WONDER WHY, Is It good sale. Call any time 2-0065. FOR SAL£— GOOD UPRIGHT Jim in his epoch-making cam- with thoee who understand. frhm his desk arid snorting) — his umbrella In office on pravieus she had any parents.--— - waj lost at the Sheridan coach, 1941 Pbntiad sedan, 1041 than over before. Included In this piano. Just tuned. Call 4693. nished. Christian family of four. stepped into their car and s t ^ b d Don’t you know there’a a war on? American soldiers in France call. - y food or low prices that attracts Dodge fluid drive s id ^ , 1942 great event .«re bedroom suites In Including two grown ” chUdreiu sign. Ws e h ^ confine ourselves —Edgar D. Kramer ' “ le had none. yesterday afternoon, so many to lilnch at Weldon’s, 901 i,rgely to Elsenhower, himself, to for Algiers. I ’aven’t time te read ’em now. trade clgarats for hard-to-get Plymouth sedan Brunner's, Open Roofing 17 great variety.... period styles, September 1st. occupancy. Ref­ 5 egge^ . Another reasop why we I.i^brni^ that she had nU-guard- sr return same. to »ame. Main street. Poultry and Supplies 43 keep you standing by hi* side as All night long they drove at high] Be Brief; evenings ’till ,9. Call 5191. tepms modem, and Swedish Modern, al' COMPLETE DRUM OUTFIT, A-1 erences If neceSskry.' Writ* all speed over the roads through the An old lady kept a parrot which should smite when the man ]s out lan. Large rievard. ■- ROOFING * KEPUR of eblm- be directs these batUce, and issues we* always swearing. She could (Jonfuaed Orfiem—I was told to I even found''ibgt she had no STEEPLE TOM CLEANS OUT and trades accepted. We cldse ROASTING CHICKENt 4 1-2 to most any kind «6. suite you could /xmdltlon. CaU 3-1281. details to Box I, care of Herald. darkness, the genbrel taking turna of our brand. Be Right; _ BLACK AND WHITE neys, valleys, flashings, and gut­ bis orders, to observe his reactions put up with this' till Saturday, buy either e ckaserole or a cami- supporters. . chimneys, specialty. Call Mag- Saturday.-', at 6. 5 pounds. Dressed. 314 Gardner wish lor... .dinette suites .galore IS a man t k well WX -soldier—the at the wheel with Butcher. Be Gone! terrier puppy. ChUd's- pet. ters. Doim expsrtly and rsaaon- . . . .and .a tremendous aelectio' of 5-6-r ROOM HOUSE Immediately. but on Sunday, she kept a cover aole. I can’t remember which. nell’s Drug Co., MMn street ably by your local roofer. 81. V. street or Phone 2-0769, Wanted to Buy 58 human Btsbnhower' Christmaa morning dawned over Salesman—'That’s easy: ^ Is the Private (to a girl)—Will You 1. Call 4«8i. occasional ^eces, kitchen fural For permanent residents. Bmt of the desert. About noon Ik# and over th« cage tq^prevent the par­ marry me? The way the radio lads keep re- Hitler may live longer than'he..^ Coughlin. TeL 7707. 390 Wood­ NEW MILK GU felNSEY' cow. 4 references furnished. War Bond We see him first as a diplomat rot from swearing on Sunday. On chicken dead or alive? expects. It likely will take months^' Auto Accessories— ture, ruga and floor-coverings, and as he sits in conference with his Butch stopped by ths roadside, Girl—No, a thousand times no. peallqg themselves Is an amazing Personals land. ' years old, due 20-25 of August. WANTED— HOSPITAL bed for for bonus-If available for rent be­ and standing beside their parked Mondify morning she would re­ study of human speech. How and months to read all ths charges ’■ItT'lhe only picture we h*v* Tires 6 nursery furniture. 'There is furni­ American advisers, his British col­ More and more the common Private—Don’t get excited I I Call 7602—6307. invalid. Reasonable. CaU 2-1634. fore August 25. CaU Manchsstar car ate British field rmtiona for move the cage covering. How they can say the same things against him. ''^-^b(_lstheri’' ture for every room and most leagues, and French leaders. soldiers and the Important officers only asked you once. WANTED—MEN TO HE.E In FOR SALE - 1942 PLATT house- needs. See U|ese outstanding 2-1640. their Christmas dinner. It was ever, one Monday afternoon, she Moving;^Trpcking— When, on Nov. 10. 1942, he ap- of Germany ara being thrown to­ laundry, good hours, and good trallere. 24 feet long. Can be seen values now at Allert's and SAVEl Christmss night when they arrived saw. her minister coming toward fem a le h e lp pay. Apply Manchester Laundry, Storage" 20 - Articles fo r Sale .45 WANTJCD TD BITY—ONE traUer proved, the French General Olraud tbe house, fib she again placed the gether—-and sboL I at Sllyeratein’s Gas Station, But­ Houses for Sale 72 es leader of the French Forces In In the ancient capital o f AIRibre. She’s Game BY FRED HXKMAM M Present and post-war. op- 72 Maple -treet. Branch of Connectleut’s Largest hitch. Telephont 4779. Here ths detalle which could not RED RYDER ton Road. P-obert Lee. AUSTIN A- CHAMBERS CO.— ’TWO PAIR USEX) garage doors, Furniture Store North Africa, to organize the HlKtnnity for a few steady ’Trailer van service. Removals 4’ by 8’, Half j>rice. W. G. Glenney WANma>—ELECTRIC Washing FOR SALE—IN CDVENTRY, 6 French Army agbln to take up the be transmitted over the telephone were related. ^ FUNNY BUSINESS W H IM ' \( e R u i - \ THANkft, Writers to leanr «one Automobiles for Sale from coast .3 coast deluxs equip­ Co. Phone 4148. A-L-B-E-R-T-S machine. In good condition.., CaU room single, sU Improvements, fight on the side of the Allies, he WTTH' [laTAKEJ'OUfJ . PUCHES6 / KiE.'^OWl Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 ment crating, packmg and stor­ 43 Allyn St.—Hartford 8847 after 6 p. m. ' small garden ploL close to school, remarked, "He (Olraud) and I Tbe night was spent locked In POP YOU IM . ^irindinff and skein wlndinjj- 1038, CHEVROLET COtH^. heat­ FOR SALE—BABY’ S play pen consultations. After a few hours' BIKE FOR SALE. Good condition. age. AGENT NORTH AMERl- nice hard road, needs some minor ^understand each other perfectly..! KCUHCHEft' er. good tlrds, $6.t)0 weekly. Will and pad, walker, training chair, repairs. Can move in oh few days sleep, General Eisenl)ower went to Apply: Price $13. Phone 7388 or call at CAN VAN LINES JNC. EsU- am sura of this. There.is no doubt accept trad^. Brunner’a, 80 Oak­ 812 complete. Tel. 3375 or Jiquire FULL SIZE SIMMONS COIL Rooms Without Board 59 notice. EHUl price 84,000.. Jones about the complete unison of both Dtrlan'a home and offered hie land street Open evenings ’till 9. 30 Laurel street mates to all parts of U. B. A. TM condolences to the admiral's 6T87. 34 Lewie- street spring. Reasonable. Call 6467. Realty, 36-38 Oak .tree!. Phone sides to work together to establish a l d o n s p i n ^ n g Call 5191. 8254. “ , e sound basis for the conduct of widow. He then attended tbe mill TAYLOR ’TOT, 2 DOLL carriages, ROOM TD RENT—86 Foster tary funeral at the cathedral and MILLS WANTED 'TO BUY girl’s *or boy’s streeL Men preferred:',,, affaire in this country.’’ * 1940 CHEVROLBGT PICK UP folding baby carriage. 468 Hart­ FOR SAL.E1—ONE LARGE book­ PRE-WAR 6 1-2 ROOM single. 4 In the meantime Americans were returned to consultations.' (}n the , twcottvine. Conn, truck, good condition, good tires. bicycles. Phone 2-1453. Repairing 23 ford Road. Call 3-1453. case, Call 5252. FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVATE 1-2 rooms finished; 2 unfinished on battling for Oran, the capitulation following day It was announced i^an Uringf done In accordance 1940 Packard 6, low mUeage. pre­ PIANO t u n i n g and repairing; second floor, breakfast nook, fire­ that ths sucoeosor to Darjan would 26 INCH BOY’S BICYCLE, 4I7~28 FIELD FENCE—UNOPENED. 20 JUST ARRIViSD, 4 roonia o| fur­ home, next L bath, near bus line, of which was the equivalent of III area staUllcaMoa plan. ' war tires, excellent condition player plaiM specialty. John place, steam heaL coal, hea regu­ the duration of French resistance. be Genera, Giraud. TMs! appoint Inch boy ■» bicycle 110. Also re- rod roU. 4 feet high, 815;'$6 Fox- niture, 2 complete bed room sets, 338 Summit street. Tel. 45^1. throughout. Cole , Motora Call Coeberhain. 28 Bigelow streeL lator. ’Two dormers, side porch, Eisenhower Send word to Maj-Gen ment, too. wa.ifc«i«vid.WYAt^ rooms, large lot, well fauidMViped. selection of maple , arm - chairs IN COVENTRY— now ha wanta your ships. Do not founded by^gnlnt Benedict In 589 | with extrs Mvatory on flrat floor, WANTED! 6-Room Single, aB Improve­ let him take them. The eiK-my la. en th* hlUald^aaboro the town a t SUMMER Garden— Farm— Dairy and platform rockers, variety , of ments, smeU garden plot, “How about a good course in military lawF* 2-car garage, Inmilated, atorm win­ % maple end tables and night clEse upon you, sail at once for Casslno- Products SO Summer Homes for Rent 67 close to school, nice herd road, dow*, modem kitchen, all burner, Sales Clerks stands. Cal'. 5187, Austin Cham­ Gibraltar and join us." I-** , COTTAGES hot water beat, 88,500. Owner, FOIL.. R®FP---- ^WA’TER^ FRONT needs some minor repairs. 0 — Of what value Is the lady- BY GALBRAITH A t EX’TRA LARGE Canhlng toma­ bers’ 'Warehouse, • Manchester Can move In on Tew days’ no­ SIDE GLANCES t L Box IS, Herald. ----- Department Heads Green. Open dally 8-5. Saturday cottage at CUinton, Conn. 5 - with the fall of Casablanca, on bug to the citrus fruit grows? toes, 81.00 basket deliverec|. tice. Foil prii:* $4,(K)0. Nov, II, Easenhower faced the for SAj|.E Also large sweet peppen, 8100^ 7-12. Evenings, Monday, Wednes­ rooms. Available the last week A— It destroys the mealy bug.- Coventry Lake of AugusL 19 South Hawthorne. SHORT d i s t a n c e choice of driving on Into Tunisia Can Thia Be Oop? BY Y.T.HAMLI!f : basket CaU 7733 between 12 and day and Friday, 7:30-9. FROM MANCHESTER— or going Into Lybia. He deciefcd to deodl.v enem; of the fruit erap. It 1 ALLEY OOP (A bout 20 Miles East W. T. GRANT 1 o ’clock. is CMtimated that 19 sdul* lady- 4-ROOM HOSPITAL BEDS for sale or OtuUnt Old Homestead. Elee- make the gamble to "grab Tunis” of Hartford) COMPANY Wanted to Rent 68 trie lights, running Water- and bottle up the Axis along the bug* and their offsprInR can cM w Center Street NOW RATION FREE>— Wards renL fully adjustable. Rates rea- a mealy bug-infested tree la a few sohable. CaU Keith’s Furniture, Some room* have old ponM- coastline while General Montgom­ CAPE COD . These cottages have every fil5 Main Street Solar welQ«l can’t leak milk WANTEJD—5-6 ROOMS. Soldiers’ ling. Property has caHnS, nsonta*. On bus line, west of the cans. Plug cover, 20 quarts, 8^.45, 4159. ery with the British, forces were THIS oN> - ^ convenience and the rental ryife and schoo teacher. Husband barns and other ontbnlldlnKS. driving across North Africa to SLUDGflON \DU gtonn flashes and Screens. 32 quarts, 85.19. Montgomery Q—How are coconuts used In income for Jnly and August underpass, 2-FamiIy, 5 and GIRL FDR TELEPHONE operat- SMALL APAH’TMENT size gas tiks position with local industry- Approximately 10 acre*. ’This Join him. \MSRS (XUTCHIMt Ward and Company, Farm Store, to return to. Ebccellent references the war Tort? Gss Antomatie Hot Water ranges from $250 to $350. 5 Flat,'- all conveniences; ~ Ingj and general office work. Ap- range.. Also a coal hot water property la on a trunk Une Another crucial decision con-, \AfH8N aOUMO— 43 r*umell Place. Tel. 4748.- offered^ CaU 2-1166. 'A—Gas Maek* afq fitted with H ea t Prices are from $1,500 to -Ply_Koger* Paper Company,. Mill heater. 132 V/alker streeL and would moke an Ideal place ' fronted Elsenhower. Who should Good condition. Rents $35 for a. livelihood for a middle be Intrusted with the political ad- filters of cocoant shell char, the $3,500 with moderate cash and Oakland. ztreeL bent absorbent .'filling known for 48 Fteeroft Drive. and $35. One available Houseliold Goods 51 UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC ranges age or elderly couple. Snlt- Ininiatrktlon of the French terri­ requirements, balance be­ Variety'Of gas, eiectrlb 'ioid eom-^ . able down paymenL tory now under hla command in that purpoM*. CALL 8472 ing carried by very reason Sept. 1. Price $7,500. blnatlon ranges, parlor heaters, POULTRY BUSINESS— North Africa? The French were Shown by appointment. FOR SALE—BLAdR;.^tove with pot bumera, circulation neaters WANTED Nice 5-Room House. 5 poul­ politically divided into two groups, Q—Whaf is tbi firepower of a able monthly payments. try bouses, elertric light* and chemical Iwtialios ? i t * - oU burner. 8u Bigelow streeL and kerosene heaters. Chambers’ Admiral Jean Francois Darlan COTTAGES Warehouse, Manchester Gireen. 2 MEN OR WO^HEN FOR running water. Price $9,660. declared himself High Commis­ A—With 48 "goon guns" (4.2 In. THE ALLEN TIRE AND GAS WqRK. IN MANCHESTER— sioner in French North Africa and chemical mortars), ^t can fire Walton W. Grant FOR RENT AT FOR s a l e :- WARDROBEIS and 6-Room Single, all Improve­ W est Africa. To meet the critical three tons of phosgsna a minute. 647 Main St. Hartford bureaus, with separate mirrors. Steady Work. Good Pay. ments. $4,500. emergency General Eisenhower, HELP REALTY CO. ANDOVER, CONN.— Q- -W)xat sort of » robot ■ bomb Tel. 2-7584 Pioneer House. 95 Forest streeL Also a Small Farm In Vernon and bis government behind him. « Realtors COVENTRY Route 6. lO-Room Singly Open 3 p. m.-5:30 p. ni. Apply With some acreage, $5,5M. decided to support the situation on would Hitler need to bomb the 953 Main Street TeL 3301 Evenings: Manchester 3160 pleasantly looted; 3 aerra. Sewral other Usttngs of prep- th* grounds of military necessity. U. S. from Biirope? WANTED ‘ 3 PIECE PARLOR seL maple bed Sour Grapea? BY MPPRRD-L Pimer Machine Tender*^ of land. Near bus line. \ertlea available at oUr 9lflf«. H e’ considered the move essential A-*-Jet propulsion, bscause of <1 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS LAKE and bureau, 11 tube radio,, high q a m p b e ll;s in the light of the military crisis, lack of oxygen li the stratosphere; Male. $4,206. chair, large crib, canning Jars, for a 10-ton bomb; 330 gallons of bscauB* It wrould swing units of TJien why iKCXP PuMF Madtine Helpers— Through Sept. 8 car heater and defroster, girls Service $t0tioii JONES REALTY ths French fleet to the United fuel— 8 lbs. per gallon— per hour WHV piOtrfT LARD MeS Punish- What Hr Said hf BOLTON, CONN.— I OAK STREET INC VOU R>R WAS Hr WAS g o n n a o o SO\i horng coat aqd legging seL size 9. Also Cor. Main and Middle Tpk. Nations and bring substantial for a 17-hour flight; an over-all COMV WiTU US K ctr lu. PV40 M ale. Reduced Rates lONE 8954 weight of 34 tons, heavier than a peeCKLiS f 6POIUN& HIS DO£AM ^ iN G TAxr Route 5. 2-Room Dwell- toilet lavatory and shower, all French forces to his support. hangso SOMETHiNiS Dry Loft Worters Male. pre-war, ciirome fixtures. 67 Sea load^ B-17. OF BICHBS.' lb, oo. anothex. After Sept. 9 \ng with 5 acres of land. When the agreement was today LOOtC ATTiJP aaouno WRONG Laboratory Assistant — Hizh elevation. > Available - man..Circle, Orford VUlage. . r s a c h ^ on Nov- .15, General M0TOX5OAT T f WON fT> Elsenhower'said specifically. "Now mt almost , Male or Female. No Help Wanted now. Price $1,800. Casli 600Gnr th* woriug smmgtmsnt Is very Experience Necessary. ALLEN $500. For The Campus TO R&-SOLD - satisfactory," indicating the tem­ -G* Girl for Stenographic and We have Just had Hated with nx for sole by the owner Who la porary nature of the move. Within f-m . O ! ^ i X General Office Work. We have full-time and part-time work avail­ REALTY CO. EAST HARTFORD— planning to move out o f the etate aoon'— hie place meaaitring two weeks units of the French fleet May Street. 6-Room Sin­ on acre or more, on a high elevattoa In fhe Moncheeter Green as 'wsU a> Dakar surrendered and The Sltuathm: You ara talking Realtors section. Tbe bouse hoe six rooms and lam glassed oM to a nswly^made acquaintance, able on essential war material for: gle, all conveniences. Near Joined the Allies, sparing thou­ ROGERS \ 953MsinSL Tel. 3301 soreened porch overlooking the countryside. Full- bathroom — sands ..of American liVes and whose husband is In th* service. schools and shopping cen­ Hectrle water system copper piping—copper aoreehs and etorm , strengthening our naval power. Wrung Way: Ask her what his Paper Mfg. Co. Sewing Machine Operators, Spinners, Doffers,' ter.. Price $3,500. Cash window*'*' ono-car garage with a basement for storade.. Plenty Political factions In America, rank Ik. / % COPE 1»q iv WU WItVICI. mb. T, M. me. tf. ». PAT OFF Comer Oakland and Mill required $500. of shade trees — garden epoL SmaU poultry house. A ewse-ln England, and Francs' attacked the Right W ay: Don’t ask his rank, Controllers, Twisters, Slubbers, and Miscel­ country ptaoe a short distance from the state road. ’The aeUng Dorian agreemenL hut the gen­ since she may think youi^ question Streets T’m going to start dinner now, Willie—bring in your .m *T ,y« INC. T. m: SOUTH KILLINGLY, price ie $8JM0 and the purohaaer may move In by Septmber 1st. ^ eral's only remark to friends is la prompted by snobbery. _ bqllnets'" laneous Operators. CONN.— . The property may be seen at any time. said to have been, ’’I ani not a politician, tfy Job is to hsip win ROBERT J. SMITH. INC. Time To Worlrk Fast BY LESLIE TURNER 6-Room Single. Pump in 96S MAIN ST. Real Estate and Insurance PHONE $450 this war. I |b«n do whatever in BY FONTAINE FOX WASH TUBBS my Judgment will help to end the rUONERVlLLB FOLKS Trainees will be accepted for all types o f work. sink, electric lights, new - P. 8 . Teo, of coarae, we have other bomea for sole. IMCIPBNTALLV, ihof. 2-car garage. Price War victoriously iBu theL-qulckest we CAN MiTIIOV HADIO 5 N E U , c o l o n e l ; \ BY C0NVERTIN($ poAtbte time." H0W«00NCAM)0U ICIfriAMINSrSU- WE'RE leaving All hiring in accordance with Area Stabiliza­ $2,300. Cash required T«AT WINDOW AT FIGOINS'STORE WHICH FOLKS USE TO HAVi 50ME OF THE5E ) MeNTd ON HAMO fornenouinsa tion Plan. $500. On CSjrJstmaa Eve a revolver ON AU WME LINdfmS...UKe MTKBFERENCe /wCLLHAveeNOUdH TOMOpPcw.ro 6 6 : sboi decided, ttrs Darlan Issue. GETxON THE CAR ROOF WA© TOP SMALL FOR THE UNITS r yTOMECTTMEMUStWIO THyOyT.THElff . •. Buy s o l u t i o n ! ^ E U S ^Ruffle” Hat Admiral Darlan. 61 years old, was SITUATIOM ALLEN shot to death at hjs headquarters . Sell for til* tm t fries. In the city of Algiers. A 2(Lyear- posfiUs on your REALTY CO. old lad, member of, a French patri­ CHENEY BROS. _____ ReaHors otic organization, was thea^ssin. *- « • Trade Csr*or Sidfion 5551 Two days later the ardsnt yqung Wsqon. Any Miiks ^ 953 Main Street crusader was tried by court roar- Tdephone 3301 tlal and sent to his death- before orModoI from a firing Squad- REAL 1934 to 1942. General Ote was sitting at the - TO BE SOLD NOWAITINCy ■ ■••'a ESTATE If tMs adverttsement M of Interest to yon, four persons may WANTED DETAIL rOR TODAY ■ic. T.a. Kif. u. * w . e»r. V ho able to participate In a business transaction. ’The Herald gete IMMEDIATE CASH $ Boeina, oD am ama flpor, ssitli What Have You to the cost of the advertisenient (Tom gets his anyway), a seller gasage. !■ good oonditloa and Sand Pounder may. seU bis propert]%. the Smith agency makes aaetber sain— good BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR -BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLB: O ffer? and you boy a home that yod want and have use for, laoatloa. ------OUT OUB WAY '''' Here It is: Six-Boom Slagle, Uvliig room, dining room, mod­ Om io Five Aetea a t Load em kitchen, den or bedroom (knotty pine finish), two bedrooms srHfe $ jfqssa boose, ssttWa a /THI!IS OKIE IS WELL, BRINS IH ’ H A N STILL AN OLD ESAO,BOVS/I DBCIDEO IS THIS TRIP. ;PLTATOiS?NUaueT and large bathroom. Air condlttoaed heat — oU burner — base. dsa laila ladioe e ( Manehsefwr. AN APPV.ICA- IN !-1 CAN R E A P TH MAN MAIN STREET TO PLAY MO FAMORrrtS NECESSARY? ON YOUR. iMASiNA.-; ALEXANDER . ment garage — aU pre-war material — built only n.'few. yeara HAVE OA8B BDVEBSt *nOKJ FROM AN QUICKER AND BETTER BOY- STILL BE- EACH OF Sou (AhtJ -~-\NHY NOrr TiOiN, CvLiJM,'— » ago. Tlie lot Is about 86 x 160 ft. #lth shade trees and garden. ALL-ROONO THAAJhA BLASTED CARCl' i UEVE& A MANS A ADVANCE ME *50 FOR. owe STRIPES NOtWE STAKED A JARVIS Shown by opppintmenL Uat Four Pio|>eity Wttb tbe KAACHIWIS-T" AN D I >MNT DONE ■ I m a n AN'MOT A MS 30URNE'/ UPSTATE O N T H e e e r ,il!\ AT RA i n - Real Estate and Mortgagee U yon enre for n Two-Family Flat, we have ooe with a two- JARVIS REALTY CO. HE'S AN OLD ENOLK5H BAD OR <300D TICKET AN P O e TD SELL THE OiNOSAUft. AND sa n e BOVl'S END E\JER>/' ear garage for $7,500. - ‘ . TIMER. AC- IN THI^ WORLD TO BE TACi.' SOON YOUR ECSSuTp A MUSEUM IT till SATUROAt? hilSKT Alexander Street 'S t. WIFE WON'T LET ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. CORDlkiO TO a f r a i d O’ BEIN’ ASSASSIN­ WXiR-fejMPH.' II d U a r m f l ▼ to .THIS CARC^ A T E D - SEN D TH’ YOU IW WITH' BOTAU-NOUEV^ Phdni 4112 or 7278 Ott MAIN ST. Real Eotote and lasoranoe PHONE. 8450 iAKki tfOi OUT ELV -TEA-BAGS UNDEi^ An autumn Prlneeea brock with |HGU¥ FINN a clevor now treatment to the front BorderviUa LANE UM>MAMD panel—notice the equarsd-off neck­ line the clean-ae-a-whlstte ^look IP I DiONT I - I THINK \ I'M WaiNEP TO -•th er eV Pattern No. 8$91 la In eizea 12, .MflTTHFW,! WOULOIvrT MR. FINN IWAGREE WITH YOU, MR. FINN, 9IR> 14. 16, 18 and 20. Slse 14. three- WhSB a Navy maa is on beach y-you iteftuy L^have let m e. finn THE MOST SEE-WAlTING quartem eleevee, requlrea $ 8-d patrol duty bo..~ is 'X" SAND e e u e v e t h a t i m V e o th ro u g h WONDERFUL BY THE yarde of 39-tnra material; 1)4 POUNDER. When off duty, the OeXMS THE RIGHT A WITH THI9! MAN IN THE yard macUha n^ede ruffling to stars and sun shine brightly but THWG, OOMT ’POU, XSttOi"------as soon as ha d c ^ woricing gear, WORLa For thU pattern, eend 90 cente, Hr Mra. Ab m O bM raspberry chenille to wear wltb e ------AMMTMORE? You can't ,^nd a prattler crochet­ Mack "daU** dresa. Get yourself foul weattter..Agvcars. A SAND In Oolne, your name, eddreee, stac POUNDER works almost Jeontin- deaired. and the Pattern Number ed hat anyvriiera—no matter how soma ra^)herry Jersey gloves to much money you put am the line! match it! ually in either rain, fog, cold or to The Moncheeter Evening snow. He usuaJly devtiope two Harald, Today’s Patten Service, Tt’s so inexpenatva to make that ; Te obtain complete crocheting a you can eaeUy have one m on instructlpne fo r . the Ruffled Hat definite characteristics — knotty IISO Sixth avenue. New Toik 1$, calves end a humtng dasiM lor N. T. ' whlta midsummer hat .before you (Pattern N a 5551) send 15 cenU The new feU and winter laaue.o^ put your hot-weather clothes in (3oln, plus I'^cent postage. Your cities, night clubs and sidewallu. "FhA lon" la now ready-H83 pages. away. And you can klso make this Name, Address and ths Patters A SAND POUNDER'S station usu> It’a a oomplets guide to your faU ruffled charmer In Jewel color vel­ Number to As m Cbbot n * Man- ally is soot* isolatsd spot, where and winter wardrobe. Pend for vet elienUlea to wear with your ebsstsr Bvsaiiif HsnM U W Mgib he (eels be has been Ibrpetten by ^Qie worid and left to hla lonriy *,iS your COBX.' Price id cean flrqt fatt atreat eaetuaaa..X» M bt A t w w a M e^oilL aa. K. Jfr WITH A RAPER. s h o r t a g e : » eigtt iar.tbe duratkuA \ . —•

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