(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-05-19
5 ~ ¥t .I"TII. PAT II. ,ef ala",. Yl.. ZI ••• AI ,Iar •••• V ' ••,.. ••••. PaoCllIlIlO POODI. .1.. ole .. , . B. 1lifornica 1.. ,.., .. ZJ ••• At ......, .. Cl .... ..... I VaU, " .... I....... ,. II ... ,. ..... ,., ,1 •• , •••••. 8110111. ...... ,.... .1,,1... •... ,. 1. I ... • , . .. IOWA: elouclT. _ Uerfll a Il'acIu 1",""1,"" . GAIIOLDII. II-A ..., ••• , ... I., In, MoaU7 ,~I ••• ••••••• C-t ••-1 ,., C-' '''H •• .. U. I., lin _owen.. IoWa rot' pU. ... FUl L 01.... Ib ••• ,b II........ DAiLY· IOWAN •• ,or'" •• e THE . his h~ Marrh ~ .~~~~~ ,... ,.u'• ..,1" I ••, ••• II•• ••• ..~·=·======== ~====================~========:;~I~o~~~~a~~C~i~t~Y~'~.~==~==o~r~n~';;n~g~~~;;';;¥t~I~p;;a~p==.=r==:;======================~::~~~~~~~~====~~~~~~;=====~~~~~~=y~ 11198 .... mE CENTS nIJI .ulOCllArD ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY. MAY 19.1945 ... ueocJIArD .... VOLUME XXI NUMBER 201 :ardner~" [medici: GOERING ENTERS PRISON he lllo,fCI AtaGla~ 'Iii Nittons, vife, thrte ~hJ~ for (ollective - Today's .' American Troops Make 9,167 ~ , ersltr Of stUdfll" Iowan i!d f ot~ Dictatorship' ,nths·1'1It 011 no. Amerieull *l1mltd * to* s mall lOC&l Small Gains on Okinawa caSUalty Vandenberg Ans~erl gains on Okinawa. lualty list Fiery Cuban's Charge e Feb. 1. Cllban repnaeh&at.lve charges Of 'Totalitarianism' big nations with desire for "col Yanks Capture High ~icials Involved in- Japs Resist ~ lective dictatorship." SAN ]<' RANCI SCO (AP)- U. offert to turn over part Delegates reported last night of American zone in Germany Island Field China Gold Scandal Stubbornly tha t a fiery Cuban, speaking in to France. WASHINGTON (AP}- At least • Uni ted Nations confer ence and he declined to comment fur Armon Bonney appointed pro two Chungking banking officials, ther before he gets full details of eolJlJllittee, had accul.led big na gram director of WSUI, eflee 40th, Americal Units and possibly 18 more, face im what it discloses.
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