' IJVV- ‘ i* -T O I S D A T , AUCTW T i t , 1M4 Avenffs Dailr Cirealstioii T h d W M t h e r . ffn r tha M an fh a f Jnly, 1S44 Fomenet of L. S. Weather Bmma park antranee, but tola pond had Eleanor Ann. daughter of Vg. Too Hot Beneatli V dried up and chemicals ware used Ropfing-AibeBlM and Mrs. Thomas Keames s f 37 Two Tobacco to extinguish firss that started on 8,728" Fair and Cooler tonight; 'Sntur- Quiz Program utmtlas polsa. Both bulldlnga and Elro street, celebrated her eighth Siding and Rock Member of tha Andit M tattrJtPm rV iC uFutuu 2^ raU l day fiUr aad coatiiiued' coeL resi^iits her*-, left today' ifor trteir Tobacco Tenting oontenta war# burned in Isas than 1. birthday yesterday, with a party home. Mr. Wright has been h er^ Sheds Burn an hour and to* Wool Insolation Bnrmn ot Ctrcolatlona 9 for tlie past two weeks, while Mrs; ib r 18 boys and girls, cousins and Used As Test that.traffie to and from Hartfonl Manchester— ^A City of Village Charm Wright and her son have been^s- iSym aUs. The children pUyed wras unabla- to paaa for a tlma. w e _ R. Law. 8, 3-C, i« home ^ e s for which prises were It was so hot yesterday tha^t, flrat leave aince entering iting'relatives In ^Boltom S an Paul Smith, of Woodbrldge street, Buildiiij|S, Filled to Ca­ heat from the fire badly sconced Hartford and this town amoa the aw arded^^ winner*. The decora­ Prospective Stpiires An­ five pole# carrying wire# and tha (CkMsMed Aivertlalag an Page I t ) MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1944 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENlfftl i^aval Training C roty at tions in t&.dlning room wew in manager of the Consolidated VOL. LXIII., NO. 272 oC pacity, Destroyed in heat broka tha gtaaa InsUUtbra on N. Y.i June 10. The first saM red. whlU aftd blue. The birthday swer Questions to Sup­ Tobacco Company ordered' his R^to whiph he waa aaBigned help on the local plantofjbn to the polea, leaving tha wires hang­ cake was the ^nterplece on the Laurel Parl^^ection. ing on tha aims of tha polea, which tha •diatinction o< being w e Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Hansen many pret- ply Officer Material. take the remainder of to# day off table. Eleanor received ma • \ wera ao badly taimea In many I few companies to^arts toe and two small children, forrnerlytof with pay. Burton InsnlaHng Co. this town, left, today for* thelf ty gifts and currency. Two five-acr* tobaced' sheds lo­ cases that.thev'wlll have to be re- '• twice during toe boot _ A ouis program featured the The tobacco is grown urider PiMNM Harttasa a M S l* home in Kansas City. Mrs. H a ^ n cated on Middle turnpik^.. west, placed at once' and It may be nec­ , period. X y n * ; Staff. SergeantrgeSnt . _„Kenneth C. the prospective Coluni- cover which makea'lt much hotter essary, to replace some of the poles. IM Oxfaia 8$. ...u of Mr. and Mrs. J. HL ^ w and her children have been here of Mra. Nellie m rk s gquires at their meeting at than working in/lhe fields. There on.the Si^h'alde of McLeaii Alill, since early In July, and Mr. Han­ Marks, son of Mr Wadsworth street. " of 97 Main street, is home for th e 'knTghts of Columbus home were about 150 affected by the just e i^ ' of the entrance to Lautel ted in June from Manch^s- sen has spent a couple of weeks 16-day furlough from Seymour last night. Boys in ths order. Parkr.-^wers destroyed by firs this' : High school. in town. JotuuKm Field, N. C. slw ETOup were partlcipanti In the moriitng causing a loas that tobac- program which was WE PAY CASH The executive committee of the, Frederick Sniore, who vfith the cd men catlmated at $30,000. FOR GOOD Beethoven Glee aub will meet to­ assistance of Luke D. Phillips, Chenev Water The sheds were owned by Mrs. morrow evening st 7:30 in Eman­ prepared ihe questions. Robert V. Treat and had been MObi;RN FURNltURB uel Lutheran church. The purpose of the program leased to the Consolidated Tobacco ' W E B U Y TO THE PUBLIC was to bring put the sbtllW ^ of System Breaks Company for the housing of their Mr. and Mrs. Ormaiid O. West the boys to. get on their feeC face tobacco. Ths tobacco waa not ENTIRE ESTATES WF WANT TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO AD- 1 of Steep Hollbw Lane have l»en the members of the organisation grown on tha plantation, but had It yMB ara aaovtag aad ha.v*^ entertaining rfcOntly Mr. and Mra. and give their opinions on a vari­ Sanitary Service Dis­ ^ en carted there from other aoweaa Hena, eall as. ^ raA T WE ARE NO LONGER CON- Edgar Wahlberg^ ^ d daughter El­ ety bf subJecU. In the opinion of places and both sheds were filled. ' w S X STORES AND AT THE lis Lou of West Hartford. the counsellors present all the rupted Throuf^out the The fire was discovered by Oili­ ROBERT M. REID participants male an excellent er John Cavagnaro who waa driv- f&S^TOIE^rW ANT TO THANK ALL OUR Sergt. Stanley Wrobel arrived showing. A slniilar program may Mills as IVfaln Bursts. Ing the police cruiser at 5:15. He &SONS Cdmly ’ Ro^ti^e Starts in Southern France ['FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE TRADED Tuesday evening at his home, 24 be given at toe dieetlng next week radioed ..back----- to- Officer-------- Rudolph-------. Sn Main 8L Phoae 818$ North atreet, after spending near­ with toe participantt Coming from The enUre ianltary system of Wirtella at police headquarters, Ooam. ' US FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS. ly two years in the Panama-Canal the 14-15 year "age group. The >vho in turn called the South Man­ the Cheney;/’mill* was put but of Patrols zone, end overseas in the Mediter-, chester Fire department. Chief A1 Burn Own purpose of toe counsellors in plan­ ans order todsy when the water system MR. AND MRS. RICHARD VEEN,. ranean area. He is ths son of Mr. ning these programs is to acqtiamt Foy responded with No. S's truck. ' T o a 'I cafoytoc tot * There was little hope.of saving tile and Mrs. Joseph WrobeL the boys with possible material lor waa cut-bff by the failure of an old acqiy— "tree shade coohMU** oa officers of the organlMtlon who wood atsve pipe at the*‘'eojpi««’ of bulldlnga aa both were, burning rapidly when the firemen arrived. konesc days and niton! InsuU Mrs. Marv Delaney, of Haw­ will be elected immediately fol­ Pine and Forest streets. The break Sfloe^-litot Reynolds Conon In­ thorne street, has received a let* lowing the Investiture of the local They had hoped to be- able to use evidently .occurred early this morn- a suction pump In the small pond sulation, easy as unrolling a rug! on Border; I ^ej. from the War department, circle at 'Tinker hall, Sunday, Aug. jng ^ and water began gushing that la located'near the former Xoaic ia soday. Get oar tstimacel stating that her son, Privata 20. George Delaney has returned to Poatpoaed a Week through toe road about 5:45. The .^ A vy duty in Italy. Private Delaney was The meeting waa “ ^er to pipe that failed la a ten-inch main REVIWUS wounded during the invasion of Mr. Smore, after Austin Schillin- and feeds directly from the storage HELP GET TOP PRODUCTION Sicily more than a year ago and ger, -hairmsn ot ths Knights of located on high ground back the Crdftsm an Tank Battle received the Purple Heart. He was Columbus Squlrgs Organizing miUa used by Independent Cloak FROM YOUR HENS I hoapltsllzed and saw acUon again commitUe, had told ttis boya that Oo. Water la pumped Into this GOTfOir INSUUTHM tank' from toe Globe' Hollow rea- (at the Anzio beachhead in Italy becauBS it waa impossible for toe Auto Body Shop 'U R K E © » Mighty Striking Force Apparently New Gidloj^l ' and was*wounded in ths foot, early Tonkers, N. T., ceremonial team efvolr and aerves the entire sani­ ans Report Reds Vets^ Rights j the present summer, and was tary system throughout toe whole Johnson Bros. W ill B e Threat Posed to coma to Manchester next Sun­ Body and Fender R e p a ir!^ h Hi )k Result of UnioD of ing Roundup of Gf^l swarded the Oak Leaf Cluster. day tha Inveatlture of to# charter ttoeney plant. 188 Lake Peipua •* As soon as the acriousn«aa of 538 Main St. TeL 6227 Wake Up Sleepy Layers membara had been postponed tor * WeMing ^ Elements Landed man Forces Retresl^| And Are Establiehed To Old Jobs I Sergt. WUllsm T. Ktome, sea of weeb. He ioM them of plans to the break was seen the entire force / Given Shock in toe plumbing and steamfittlng \Truck Painting On Riviera from Sea ing Toward Rouen ol(| — ^wrrH— Mrs. William P. Klnns, of 221 Ad­ attend the » o’clock mass at St. On Weat-v. Shore in ams street, is now somewhere in Bridget’s church on toe morning shop was piit to work making tem­ porary connections to the sanitary Expert Work! And Air; Known Cas­ In D ispute Seine; Paris ] France. He is a member of too first of toe investiture and that they Eatonia; Alao Admit By FDR Talk By Blockade Service Group of toe Allied Bx- system from other wster soirees.
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