Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1946-08-29

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1946-08-29 GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITYI Generally fair and continued unseasonably cool to­ day and tomorrow. High today about 65. Low to­ night around 50. Vol 78, No. 291-AP New. and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Thunday. AuCJUa1 29. 19(6-five Cent. / • • OPA Tbld to. Up Meat- Ceiling~ , . Aussie Plail Delay Return Loses in Vote Of Controls O~ Reparations On Livestock By ROBERT HEWETT WASHINGTON (Jt')-The OPA PARIS (JP)-Australla's propos­ aot a mandate yeSterday (rom the al to limit reparations levied on 8aricultl,lfe department for meat former enemy countries to their price ceUings above those of June "reasonable capacity to pay" and 3D, although below present prices, delay action until a special com­ and a bald reminder from the de­ mission made studies was voted cOntrol board that no controls wlU down last night in a peace con­ be restored to dairy produc~ un­ ference commission after three less the board sa so. days of arguments. Secretary of Agriculture Ander­ The United States, Britain and BOn exercised the new powers France Uned up with RUlSta which congress aave him to order against the measUl'e-beaten by a the meat ceilings set at • lever vote of 15 to 2, with three absten­ which he said will prevent condl­ Uons--whlch provoked 1.ong, angry tions threatening a shorta,e. debates cllmued by Soviet For­ eign Minister V. M. Molotov's Ap-leuJture depanment aacl charge that Australia was acting THE UNITED NATION lIee ul'll), council met at Lakeucces. Y., I council It around the hc--sesboe baDe4 table In the baC!Jlvound. OPA. opert.* etltlmated* * the reo "against the Interests of the Soviet )'esterda)' In Us lint session In the new quarters In a convrried WIlr • (At W1RErROTO) tall prices In the ".teher 8110.,. peoples." . Plant. Spectators ,ll In the fore,-round while II"embus of the will be hl.Mr Ulan the June Jt "Cornerstone" of Treaties cellinp ." nve and one-half Yesterday a Soviet delegate as­ * * * • * * * * * * * * cenlll a pound on belef and two serted reparations were a "corner­ &lid oDCl-halr &0 iJlree eenie on stone" of peace treaties and that Pork, on the avera,re. BATl'LE'S OVER for Iowa City's diapered pu.. lUst, Bobby Thor- dh1ays on this would mean "post­ AI. a result, the OPA postponed 628 N. Linn street. Sllghlly battered but stili stydln ... he ..a_ poning the peace conference." Opposes UN Memberships * * * u.s. the eflective date of the new Jive­ world with his one good eye: "14 was a touch flcht, Mom, bul Meanwhile, delegation spokes­ stock ceilinis from midnlih t Ilat men disclosed that the Big Four have seen the other guy!" (Dally Iowan photo by Arnold I night until Sept 1. The datel council of foreign minJstera - previously announced lor the ceil­ summoned Into session by British Ings at other levels, however, re­ Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin In Por Albania, Outer Mongolia main unchanged - Sept. 5 for an attempt to dll: the conference out 01 dispute-would meet this wholesalers and Sept. 9 for re- afternoon. tailers. B), FRANC) W. CARPENTER tlons before the i neral ass mbly lhe se~lon. with t.he Yugo lav r p­ Conlronted by what amounted to The decontrol board's state­ Molotov. Bidault ACClflpt LAKE SUCCESS. N.Y. (Jt')-The meets next. month. The fir t ses­ re entative scheduled t.o speak !Irst an uncaat veto by the RussIan menl on dairy prices tollows a . GAR's 80th Parade Molotov and French Foreign United States stOOd firm Ilist nliht sion will begin at 8:30 . m. (CST). today. delegat.e, Johnson acceded t.o Gro­ speech by Price Administrator Minister Georges Bldault accepted in the United N.Uons security • • John on propo ed tbls morning myko', request that he withdraw Paul Porter In New York Tuesday council against admitting Russian­ • Bevin's suggestion without con­ The nit a ,tate virtuallY be[ore a chllmb r packed with the proposal. In which he said he "will insist" -At Annual Encampment I dition, but Secretary of State sponBOrl!d Albania lind Out.er Mon­ ve&Oed the admI Ion or Albania. lAng lsi nd sociames and United lhat milk and dairy products be Byrnes said he would attend onl1 goUa to the United Nations lind Johnson went. on. to a k the restored to ceiling'll. it procedCtral matters were not the council adjourned until today and Outer MOI\KolJ .. after stron, Nallons follow~1"$ that the coun­ council to delay aclion at this time (IP)- A hand- allied GAR O"ganizations* lind II Tbompeon Phones tatement aging *boys * in* blue rode * * discussed because he would not without reachlna a decision on any RUSlllan opposition forced wlth- cn recommend to the g neral as­ on the applications of Albania and Roy L. Thompson, chaIrman of snappy, steel-helmeted military of the eight applications before " yesterday In thc Grand police company. conscnt to the council's limiting drawal of a United tat plan sembly next month the approval Outer Mongolia. JohnBOn said the the board, telephoned the state­ the freedom of action and sover­ It. g( the Republic'S 80Ul an· For nearly hall an hour, the pro.... in. aeeep~n('e .11 ei,ht of applications from Albania, the membership commutee whIch die­ ment from his home In New Or­ , , elinty of the conference. Dr. Oscar Lange, l>oJish dolegate 0' parade. • vetera ns sa t under a hot sun and council president, warned the application. Mongolian People's RepubUc, AI.- cussed the appllcatlons'was a com­ leans. It declared: Only eight or the survivors of A lorelgn office spokesman in watching the parade pass. Then delegates to be prepared for three • • • ghani tan, Transjordan. Ireland, mittee of the whole and that no "The only ofticlal spokesmen ~e 300,000 members of the GAR London said the tour-power coun­ as to what Rction the price decon­ it was over and, accompanied by ell "might deal with matters out­ sessions today, for the councll must Herschel V. Johnson, UnJt d Portugal, Iceland and Sweden. new Information had been 8ub­ the plaudits of thousands a police escort, the automObiles conclude its consideration of the States delegate, proposed that the He was seconded by Trygve Lie, trol board can or will take on any the plaudits 01 thousands side its primary purpose of facil­ mltted by Albania and Outel' Mon­ whisked the aged yeterans back itating the work of the peace con­ applicants by tonight In order to council postpone consideration 01 United Nations secretary-general. aolia to clear up U.S. "misgIvings." situation are the members of the downtown streets for the applications of Out r Mongolia Gromyko OPPOIts Move board themselves. Any statements highUght of the en- to the hotel headquarters ot the ference." and dl ploma tic sources submit them to all the United Na- encampment. in the Brltlsh capital said the Dar­ and Albanin until a later date. Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet del- trom any other source wbatsoever JobnBOn said the t if a vote were egate, op ned the afternoon set!­ are merely suppositions or specu­ by the famous marine corps The 11 veterans voted unani­ danelles question was "almost mously later to rcatfirm a resolu­ certainly" on the agenda. in~lstcd upon al this time, he slon of the council in Its new in­ WyaH Orders Review lation and should be treated as four open au lomobiles car­ tion adopted at an earller en­ Halsey Rejects Soviet would be forced to oppose their terlm headquarters in a former such." veterans around historic The Australian deleat came applications. This would have the war factory with the statement The statement said that "unless campment pledging the organi- when a vote was taken in the Of Military Priorities Circle, dedicated to 7.ation to hold an annual encamp- effect of blackballing those two that "I cannot agree on the United the board Is fully satisUled that who fought in the civil UaUan economIc commission on a Criticism of American nations, since the United. States is Slales proposal for the wholesale prices have risen unreasonably ment as "long as a comrade ~ ur­ move to insert her proposal for a vives." Today at the concluding one of the five powers holding the acceptancc of thc applicants." On Building Materials and that It will be In the publio Itin'.'." ..... ,. e-year-old Hiram R. reparatlons commission in the veto right. Gromyko said Russia preferted Interest to do so, no price controls business seSSion they will elect Italian treaty. EarUer In the day, Naval Dispositions Seattle, Wash., tbe GAR and install oWcers. The council did not vote on to deal Individually with the WASHlNGTON (JP) - Housing will be reestabllshed on dairy commander-in-chief, rode Australia withdrew an identical Mentioned most prominently as WASHINGTON (IP)-Adm. Wil­ Johnson's mOlion but lnst ad b -I would-be United Nations members, Expediter Wilson Wyatt la.;' night products." of the automotive cav- amendment offered for inclusion in glln consideration of Albania. Re- som oC which the Soviet opposes. '1'0 Reinstate Subltclles the likely new commander is the Romanian treaty. Uam F. "Buli" Halsey, one 01 the put the SQueeze on army and navy presentatlves of Greece, agalnst Australia al 0 opposed the Uni­ use of lumber. and ordered lum­ After Anderson's word on meat cars halted and parked John H. Grate, 101, of Atlater, top wartime commanders tabbed OhiO, the present senior vice-com­ Only Two Vote 'A,e Albania, and Yugoslavia, favoring ted States plan, but on the questlon ber dealers to hold 80 percent of prIces was handed down, the re­ ,"Iltrg:;ide the parade route and Only Australia and New Zea­ by President Truman for an "el­ Albania, were invited to the table.
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