USSVI Thresher Base News September 2010 July 2010 Minutes the July Meeting of Thresher Base Treasurer’S Report - and Issues
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USSVI Thresher Base News September 2010 July 2010 Minutes The July meeting of Thresher Base Treasurer’s Report - and issues. Due to concerns that arti- was held at the American Legion $4455.45 opening balance facts owned by many people may start Hall in Seabrook, NH on July 17. The $3490.19 current balance to disappear, he has been working on meeting was called to order followed $3229.19 Memorial Service balance details to create a nautical museum on by a silent prayer and pledge of al- special acknowledgement of $300 do- the seacoast. He has various meetings legiance. The Tolling of the Bells was nation from Vermont WWII base for scheduled and conducted for those boats lost in July memorial service and also a donation will announce and August. A silent prayer was said from Kurt Hoffman in memory of more details for those on eternal patrol. subvet James Rankin. when they are A sound off of those present was available. conducted - There were 95 people Old Business - none • John Car- present for this year’s lobsterbake. cioppolo Gary Hildreth introduced guests New Business - speaks to the Tom Shannon, D1 Commander, who • Base elections to be held at Septem- group about reminded everyone about elections ber meeting. Candidates are: his qualifica- and John Carcioppolo, Groton Base. Commander - Tom Young tions to be Special acknowledgement was given Sr. Vice Commander - Kevin Galeaz USSVI Com- to those Thresher family members in Jr. Vice Commander - Dennis mander. attendance: Jill and Lori Arsenault, O’Keeffe Mike Dinola, Sherely Abrams, Carol Treasurer - Dennis O’Keeffe continued on page 2 Norton, Paul Piva and Arlene Lelos. Secretary - Kevin Galeaz There was a standing ovation for John Chaplin - Peter Joy Upcoming Events Taylor, WWII Pearl Harbor Survivor. • Mike Dinola, son of Michael Dinola, Recog- spoke about attempts to get approval September 18 - 1200 - Meeting/Lun- nition for a national Thresher Memo- cheon at Newick’s, Dover, NH of all rial. Things November 20 - TBD - Meeting/Lun- spouses have fallen cheon at Flaghill Winery, Lee, NH. was through Invitation and details to be sent out. made. since the Secre- 9/11 tragedy tary’s and the sup- Report - port is not Minutes there due to from other com- Table of Contents the May 2010 meeting were read and mittments July Meeting Minutes ........................ 1 approved. Lost Boats ............................................... 1 Upcoming Events ................................ 1 Boats Lost in July and August To Perpetuate the Memory ............. 3 USS Bullhead (SS-332) Lobstterbake and Holland Club .4/5 USS S-28 (SS-133) USS Flier (SS-250) USSVI Conventions ..........Back Page USS Robalo (SS-273) USS S-39 (SS-144) Next Meeting .......................Back Page USS Grunion (SS-216) USS Harder (SS-257) USS Cochino (SS-345) USS Pompano (SS-181) Page 1 Thresher Base News July 2010 Minutes (continued from page 1) • David Lazar, editor of the NH Trou- Irvin qualified in 1952 aboard the USS • Recognition of the Sons of the badour, was recognized for his recent Trout. Jack Hunter, a former crew- American Legion for the fantastic job article on the USS Thresher.“The member of Irvin’s was on hand to help they have done for the base over the with the presentation. past 16 years. • The meeting was adjourned follow- ing a closing prayer. • As soon as the meeting was ad- journed, all subvets went inside for group photos. This was followed by a great lobster meal Sacrifice At Sea” featured interviews with family members Lori Arsenault • Auction - Larry Oiler acted as and Mike Dinola and former crew the auctioneer as he auctioned member John Riemenschneider. off various pieces of Thresher • Sherely Abrams, wife of Fred memorabilia. Mrs. Sherely Abrams, was formally recognized for Abrams was the highest bid- her generous $1000 donation to the der for all the auction items: Memorial Thresher challenge coin Service in box ($55), Thresher fund. She magnet took the ($45), and a oppor- ships wheel tunity cribbage to read board with a state- Thresher ment to challenge the group coin ($75). about how much the Memorial Ser- All money raised is vices have meant to her family over earmarked for the Memorial Service. the years. • Holland Club Induction was held to recognize Errol Chase and Irvin Searl to recog- nize their reach- ing 50 years as qualified sub- mariners. Errol qualified in 1960 aboard the USS Cavalla. Page 2 To Perpetuate the Memory John Gilbert Grafton was born on and commissioned ensign. He was then was then transferred to the Submarine August 13, 1937, in Fayetteville, West ordered to the Nuclear Power School School, New London, Connecticut. Virginia, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Upon completion of his basic subma- E. Grafton of De- Valleho, California, rine training there, John was ordered in witt, N.Y. for instruction. Upon March 1963, to the submarine Thresher Prior to entering completing this course (SSN 593) the Naval Academy in December 1961, Lieutenant Junior Grade Grafton in 1957, John was John was selected for leaves, in addition to his parents, his graduated from further training and grandfather, Mr. Gilbert Smith, to Fayetteville High received orders to the whom he was very close, and for whom School, where he Nuclear Power Train- he was named. was a member of ing Unit, Idaho Falls, the National Honor Idaho. While a student Society. at the school, John In June 1961, he received nuclear power was graduated from operational training, the Naval Academy until August 1962. He John Gilbert Grafton Lieutenant Junior Grade United States Navy John Penfield Inglis was born in Los 1960, he enrolled in Compton College, John received Angeles, Calif., on April 9, 1942, the Compton, Calif., orders to his son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Inglis. and completed a first submarine, John was active in Scouting prior to specialized 2-year U.S.S. Thresher entering the naval service in 1960. He machinist’s course. (SSN 593), after was a member of Explorer Post 60 John then request- graduation. of the Los Angeles Area Council. In ed active duty, and John is survived 1959, he participated in a 125-mile volunteered for the by his parents, canoe journey through Glen Canyon submarine service. Mr. and Mrs. of the Colorado River, which was Upon being accept- Robert P. Inglis, sponsored by the Explorer group. ed, he entered the and a sister, John became an Eagle Scout and was U.S. Naval Subma- Roberta, all of a winner of the Explorer Scout Silver rine School at New Spokane, Wash. Award. London, Conn., While a student at Lynwood High successfully com- John Penfield Inglis School in Lynwood, Calif., he became pleting the course Seaman associated with the local U.S. Naval of instruction in United States Navy Reserve Unit. After graduation in October 1962. Page 3 Lobsterbake and Holland Club Induction Page 4 Lobsterbake and Holland Club Induction Page 5 THRESHER Base United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. c/o Kevin Galeaz 1465 Hooksett Road #239 Hooksett, NH 03106 Next Thresher Base Meeting Saturday, September 18 @ 1200 Newick’s Restaurant • 431 Dover Point Road • Dover, NH USSVI Thresher Base USSVI Conventions States Government.” USSVI Thresher Base was chartered on The base newsletter, Thresher Base 2011 15 November 1989 in the memory of News, and base website, www.thresher- those 129 gallant men who at 9:17 AM Springfield, MO, are used to inform the mem- on 10 April 1963 lost their lives in the bership and community about meet- performance of their duties aboard USS ing happenings and upcoming events. 2012 THRESHER (SSN 593). Any member who has information to Norfolk, VA Our mission is “to perpetuate the share with the membership is encour- memory of our shipmates who gave aged to submit articles to the editor their lives in the pursuit of their duties for publishing. Send submissions to while serving their country. That their Kevin Galeaz, Editor, 1465 Hooksett dedication, deeds and supreme sacri- Road #239, Hooksett, NH 03106 or fice be a constant source of motivation [email protected]. toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United Page 6.