Extensions of Remarks E1761 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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October 1, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1761 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING COMCAST CARES HONORING CHRIST OUR SAVIOR Western Colorado Botanical Gardens, and still DAY LUTHERAN SCHOOL’S AMERICAN sees patients at Women’s Health care of SPIRIT TOWARD THE VICTIMS OF Western Colorado. This year the Lion’s Club THE BESLAN SCHOOL TRAGEDY in Grand Junction named Paul as Lion of the HON. JIM GERLACH Year for his commitment to the community. Mr. Speaker, it is a privilege to honor Paul OF PENNSYLVANIA HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Jones for his service to the citizens of Grand OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Junction. As a doctor, and community leader IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Paul has always been there, and it is with Thursday, September 30, 2004 Thursday, September 30, 2004 great pleasure to recognize him today before Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, today, I would this body of Congress and this nation. Thank you Paul, I wish you well in all of your future honor the Comcast Cable Communications for like to say thank you to one of my hometown endeavors. their contributions to community fellowship and schools, Christ Our Savior Lutheran School in Coppell, Texas. The students of Christ Our f well-being as demonstrated in their unique Savior enthusiastically participated in a card CHARLES FLOWERS, SR. one-day Comcast Cares community project. giving program for the victims of the Beslan Comcast began their tradition of volunteer school tragedy. service in 1997 when Comcast employees and Before departing for my mission to Russia, HON. KEVIN BRADY OF TEXAS their families participated in the Philadelphia I asked several local schools. Today, I would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Cares Day. The Philadelphia Cares Day like to say thank you to one of my hometown began as a day of city-wide community serv- schools, Christ Our Savior if they would like to Thursday, September 30, 2004 ice in the Comcast headquarters hometown. create, draw, color or write greeting cards to Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, during As the number of employees continued to the survivors and grieving families. The re- the 2004 Fallen Fire Heroes Memorial Week- sponse was overwhelming. I was honored to grow at Comcast, so did the number of end, our nation will come together to honor be able to present hundreds of colorful cards Comcast volunteers. The Comcast volunteers the 107 firefighters who perished in the line of to patients and families. duty last year. Regretfully, eight Texas fire- are well-known for their enthusiasm, dedica- During my time in Russia, I had the oppor- fighters lost their lives, two of whom are from tion, and for contributions to their community. tunity to visit survivors recuperating at two the 8th Congressional District. In 2001, the spirit of volunteerism and com- hospitals. The visits were moving and tearful, We are not here to mourn the loss as much munity grew and the Philadelphia Cares Day but you could see the hearts of American stu- as we are here to celebrate the lives of these became company-wide, spread across the dents truly shining in the eyes of the Russian dedicated heroes that serve selflessly in the country, and was renamed Comcast Cares children. I was truly privileged to represent the worst of conditions to keep us safe. We cele- Day. Six thousand, one hundred Comcast em- United States, and especially grateful to be brate their commitment, their compassion and able to share wonderful cards full of encour- ployees participated in over 120 non-profit their courage. So many hours of training; days agement and joy. and nights of service; time away from their community projects in 26 states. This new ini- Again, thank you, the students of Christ Our families and friends; comradery with their tiative gave Comcast the ability to show their Savior Lutheran School for your kindhearted- brothers; lives and homes saved . it is im- commitment and dedication to each commu- ness and thoughtfulness. Your words strongly possible to put into words our gratitude for nity that it serves. conveyed the spirit of the American people these heroes in our lives and our commu- In Comcast’s home state of Pennsylvania, and our commitment to build relations with nities. Comcast employees worked on 13 different countries dedicated to combating global ter- Charles Flowers, Sr. of the New Caney Vol- projects throughout the state. In Pottstown, rorism. unteer Fire Department will have his name Pennsylvania, 125 Comcast employees f added to the plaques surrounding the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Park just outside partnered with the Rickets Community Center PAYING TRIBUTE TO PAUL JONES of Washington, D.C. this weekend. and the Pottstown School District to paint and Charles Flowers, Sr., a veteran firefighter for landscape the Pottstown High School, the HON. SCOTT McINNIS over 25 years died while responding to a Pottstown Middle School, and the Community OF COLORADO motor vehicle accident with a victim pinned in Center. Volunteers also worked in Reading, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the vehicle. He collapsed from an apparent Pennsylvania with the South Mountain YMCA heart attack after actively attempting to free Thursday, September 30, 2004 to clear trails, rebuild a rock-climbing wall, and the victim from the vehicle. Flowers was well worked on general clean-up for Camp Conrad Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it is with great known and loved by this community. He Weiser. pride that I rise today to pay tribute to Paul served the New Caney Volunteer Fire Depart- Jones, a terrific community leader from Grand ment as Chief, Captain, and finally as Assist- It was also in 2001 that Comcast received Junction, Colorado. Paul moved to Colorado ant Chief. He was also a representative to the a total of 11 awards in recognition for their and became this small town’s only obstetri- Montgomery County Fire Chiefs Association multiple community service initiatives. In 2002, cian/gynecologist. In addition to his medical and a member of the Emergency Services Comcast was awarded the Cable Television contributions, Paul was also an active commu- Ministries. Public Affairs Association’s Golden Beacon nity member, and I would like to join my col- Firefighters represent the best our commu- Award, the Association’s highest honor, hon- leagues here today in recognizing his tremen- nity has to offer. We honor them today, not oring Comcast’s service and continuing com- dous achievements before this body of Con- only for their final act of bravery but for the mitment to the communities they serve, as gress. lives they led. A firefighter’s work can some demonstrated in the 2001 Comcast Cares Paul moved to Grand Junction in 1972 to times be thankless, but of all the men and Day. serve as the city’s only obstetrician and gyne- women I’ve met, meet challenge and the dan- cologist. During his three decades practicing ger without complaints and without regret. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join medicine, he assisted with about 10,000 Their lives provided hope and comfort to vic- me today in recognizing Comcast Cable Cor- births. Still active in the community, Paul tims of horrible events that we pray never poration for their commitment to volunteerism works with the Community Hospital and St. come to us or the ones we love. and community service, not only in Pennsyl- Mary’s Hospital. He also co-chairs the River- This remembrance service is as much a vania, but throughout the country. front Commission, sits on the board of the celebration of their lives and their ideals as it ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 1, 2004 is a time to reflect on what we have lost. Fire- Committee and as the Northern California bodybuilder and was one of the patriarchs of fighters remind us that heroes are every day chairman from 1968 to 1970. Joe Holsinger California’s fitness movement that rose out of people who decide to devote their lives and also served as Northern California chairman the famed ‘‘Muscle Beach.’’ In addition, work to something greater than themselves. for the 1968 Eugene McCarthy presidential Harold’s vision for the future of health and Today we are here to honor Charlie Flowers primary campaign and Jimmy Carter’s suc- wellness came to fruition through his creation and his brothers, the 106 nationwide who’ve cessful campaign for President in 1976. of revolutionary fitness equipment, the ‘‘Uni- sacrificed so much. With the start of a new Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me versal Gym Machine.’’ As an established pio- day, we honor the families and friends they’ve in honoring the memory of this patriotic Amer- neer of the fitness movement, Mr. Zinkin left behind. Mr. Speaker, our prayers are al- ican, distinguished public servant, successful helped many achieve bodybuilding success, ways with them. Together as a community we private sector leader, father and grandfather. and lead many more toward making positive say thank you to those who will stand in the f lifestyle changes centered on physical fitness. place of those who have fallen and will con- Regarded by business colleagues as a suc- tinue to faithfully serve and protect. CONGRATULATIONS TO OLYMPIAN cessful businessman with an extraordinary TERIN HUMPHREY f business outlook towards future successful ventures, Mr. Zinkin was instrumental in cre- IN HONOR OF JOE HOLSINGER HON.