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9/1/19 to 3/31/20 Gifts Made in Support, in Memoriam and in Honor 9/1/19 to 3/31/20 To search this PDF, open in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Press CTRL-F (on a PC) or Command-F (on a Mac). A search box will be displayed in the upper right of the window. Enter the name you are searching for and hit Enter. Use the Previous and Next buttons to find the previous or next instance of the name you are searching for. Hospice of Cincinnati • Gifts Made in Support 9/1/19 to 3/31/20 AARP August A. Rendigs, Jr. and Mr. Richard Benvie Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Ms. Kolet Buenavides Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Abbinante Helen Rendigs Foundation Mr. Michael Berens Bortlein Mr. Jeffery Bullock Mr. Howard L. Abraham Mrs. Lois A. Avery Jeanne E. Bernard* Ms. Cynthia H. Bourgeois Mr. Paul W. Bunthoff Mrs. Mary J. Abraham Eileen B. Ayer* Mr. & Mrs. Richard Berning Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bowling Mr. & Mrs. Todd Burch Abrams Automotive, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Best Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Bowling Mrs. Susan M. Burdick Mr. & Mrs. James R. Adams Aylward Mr. Robert Betagole Mr. Donald K. Bowman Mr. Marvin Burford Joan Adams & Robyn Brands Dr. & Mrs. Bernard H. Mr. & Mrs. James T. Betlej Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Bowman Mr. & Mrs. James S. Burg Mrs. Joan A. Adkins Bacevich Mr. Michael Beverley Mr. Kevin L. Boyle Mr. Kenneth L. Burian Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Aerni Anonymous Donor Mr. & Mrs. Leslie R. Beyer Mrs. Anna M. Braam Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Burke Roger F. Aerni* Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Bahr Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Bezjak Ms. Sharon Bradham Mr. Jeffrey J. Burkhart Dr. Frank J. & Dr. Mary E. Mrs. Gail S. Bain Bi3 Mrs. Elaine H. Bradley Mrs. Janet E. Burling Albers Ms. Barbara M. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Glen Bibbins Mrs. Jeanine M. Brailey Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Burnes Anonymous Donor Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Baker Ms. Agnes C. Biehle Mr. & Mrs. David Brandstetter Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Alexander Mrs. Carmela S. Baldrick Phillip Bierbaum Ms. Vickie Brauning Ms. Linda Burrows Mr. & Mrs. David F. Allen Ms. Vicki M. Ballard Ms. Vickie L. Biggs Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Breen, Jr. Mr. David W. Buschle Mrs. Inez Allen Mr. & Mrs. Tony J. Balzano Mr. Michael Billoni Mr. Wilson N. Breiel Mr. James A. Busemeyer Anonymous Donor Mrs. Alicia Banks Mrs. Ester L. Binns Mr. & Mrs. William D. Bresler Mr. John H. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Mrs. Joyce L. Banks Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Anonymous Donor Ms. Tina M. Caldwell Altman, Jr. Ms. Patricia Banks Birkenheuer Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Brichler Mr. John C. Callander Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Aluotto Dr. & Mrs. Mark J. Barbara Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Bischoff Bricker & Eckler, LLP Ms. Janet C. Callif AmazonSmile Foundation Barnes Aerospace Mr. & Mrs. Robert Biser Mr. & Mrs. James G. Mr. James M. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Amburn Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Barnes Ms. Kathryn Blackburn Briggs, Jr. Ken and Joan Campbell American Legion Post 464 Mr. Allen J. Barrow Mr. & Mrs. William P. Blair Ms. Angela Brinegar Mrs. Gracelyn Canning America’s Charities Mr. Pat Barry Dr. Harry A. Blaney Ms. Doris A. Brinker Cargill Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Mr. John R. Brinker Mr. Robert J. Carlisle Mr. Jeff Anderson & Bartholomew Blankemeyer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Brinker Mr. & Mrs. William M. Mrs. Gayle Mattson Dr. Jeffrey R. Bartnik Mr. & Mrs. George Blanton Ms. Mary K. Brinker Carlsen Dr. Mark Andolina & Dr. Gina Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bass Mr. Joseph Blaylock Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Britton Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Andolina Ms. Pamela A. Battle Ms. Irene I. Block Mr. & Mrs. Terry E. Brokamp Carlson Ms. Carolyn L. Andrade Ms. Melanie Baumann Ms. Connie Bodley Ms. Christina D. Bross Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Antus Dr. Judith C. Bausher Mr. Keith L. Boehme Mr. Donald Brotherton Ms. Nancy G. Carroll Mrs. Wanda Apgar Ms. Michelle Beatty Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bohl Ms. Catherine L. Brown Ms. Serenity Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Appiarius Mr. & Mrs. Nick Beck Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Mrs. Gloria J. Brown Mr. Thomas I. Carroll Apple, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Beck Bokenkotter Ms. Patricia L. Brown Mrs. Jean Carter Archer Daniels Midland Daniel and Carol Beckman Ms. Jo Ann Boland Ms. Lori Browne Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Carwile Company Mrs. Linda L. Bedinghaus Mr. & Mrs. Fred Boldt Mr. & Mrs. Mike Brune Doris M. Case* Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Armstrong Mr. Joseph Beech, III Mr. Walter J. Bommer Mrs. Betty S. Brunsman Ms. April D. Casey Ms. Sherry F. Artman Dr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Behler Ms. Cassandra Bonz Mrs. Ernestine C. Bryant Ms. Mary E. Cassinelli Ms. Kathy Asalon Mr. John H. Beigel Rev. Jimmy Booker, Jr. Mr. Shelby P. Bryant Ms. Karen S. Cavendish Mrs. Lori Asmus Mrs. Mary Grace Bender Julia A. Allegrini & Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Bryant Ms. Vicki K. Celenza Assisting Hands Home Care Mr. Jeff Whaley & Susanne M. Bookser Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Bryson Mr. Ralph E. Centers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Athans Ms. Eileen M. Bens Dr. Janet A. Borcherding Ms. Cynthia Budig Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Chagares Mr. William E. Benson Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Budig Mr. Barry H. Chaifetz 1 Hospice of Cincinnati • Gifts Made in Support 9/1/19 to 3/31/20 Chaplain Robert J. Chevalier Ms. Heather Davidson Mrs. Erma M. Effler Mr. & Mrs. David W. Freese Mr. William Groneman & Christian Village Communities Mr. Samuel Davidson Mr. William R. Eggers Ms. Sharon A. Freyhof Ms. Maureen Flanagan Anonymous Donor Mr. Willy Davidson Mr. & Mrs. James C. Eigel Mrs. Dorothy P. Fricke Mr. William A. Grosse Mrs. Mary A. Christie Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Eiser Mr. & Mrs. Robert Friedhoff Ms. Judith A. Grubb Ms. Belinda S. Chua Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Davis Anonymous Donor Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Friedhoff Dr. Richard L. Gruber Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cianciolo Jack L. Davis Ms. Kristin Elkins Mr. Steven Friedhoff Ms. Betty L. Grupenhoff Mr. & Mrs. William A. Cilley Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Davis Ms. Elizabeth A. Elliott Friedlander Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Kenton L. Gulley CIMA, Inc. Ms. Margaret Day Mrs. Sarah M. Elmendorf Frost Brown Todd, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gumm Cincinnati Bell Team Mr. Michael S. Day Mr. & Mrs. Larry T. Emerson Anonymous Donor Mrs. Gail M. Gundrum Cincinnati Incorporated Dr. Nancy Deblasis-Prewitt Epic Systems Corporation Ms. Lei Fu Dr. & Mrs. Leslie F. Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. DeBrosse Ms. Mindy H. Erbland Mr. Donald Fugate Gunzenhaeuser Cincinnati Magazine Mr. Warren L. Dedich Mr. Richard L. Ernst Mr. & Mrs. William A. Fuson The H.B., E.W. & F.R. Luther Cintas Corporation Mr. Tom Deidesheimer Ms. Carol D. Ernstes Members of the West Side Charitable Foundation, Dr. Douglas F. Clapp Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Mrs. Jane P. Espy Running Club Narley L. Haley and Fifth Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Clark Deimling Ms. Linda A. Estep Ms. Ashlee L. Gajus Third Bank, Trustees Mrs. Mary W. Clauder Dell Inc. Mr. Charles P. Esterly Mrs. Lydia A. Gajus- Mr. Norman R. Haag Mr. Michael Clements Denier Electric Co., Inc. Evans Funeral Home, Inc. Brinkheinrich Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Coad Mrs. Jan K. Denton Ms. Donna M. Evans Mr. Eli Gallegos Habegger Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Cody Mr. & Ms. Daniel J. Mr. James E. Evans Mr. J. Neal Gardner Ms. Elizabeth A. Hackman Mrs. Rebecca J. Coffey Depenbrock Mr. Craig Blackschleger & Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garlock Mr. Michael T. Hadaway Ms. Felecia Coleman Mr. John A. Derrick Ms. Janie Evans Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Garver Mr. Russell Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Glenn C. Coleman Mr. Richard L. Dewey Mr. Lyle Everingham Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Garvin, III Mr. Jon Hale Marvin R. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Didion Ms. Virginia M. Eversole Mr. Alan M. Gast Mr. Thomas E. Haller Anonymous Donor Mr. Thomas J. Digman Chuck Kutchera Estate of Leola M. Geiser Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Ms. Catherine Collopy Mrs. Cynthia H. DiLandro Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. GE Credit Union Hamilton Comprehensive Mrs. Jill A. Dillard Fairbanks General Electric Foundation Mr. Kenneth C. Hamilton Reimbursement, Inc. Ms. Donna L. Dillman Mrs. Sylvie Falk Anonymous Chaplain Kevin Hamilton Mr. Earl J. Conklin Mr. Robert A. Dimling Mrs. Elsie M. Fangman General Mills Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mrs. Arlene K. Conlon Ms. Elizabeth A. Dimuzio Mr. & Mrs. James A. Fangmeyer Mrs. Jewel Geoppinger Hamilton Ms. Janice C. Connelly Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP Mr. Ray W. Faulkner George & Mary Jo Budig Ann Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Anonymous Donor Mr. & Mrs. William S. Fay Family Foundation Mrs. Barbara G. Hammersmith Conners Ms. Gabrielle Doerger Mr. Paul W. Feie Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Mr. & Mrs. Loren P. Conrad Ms. Cooper Doll Mr. Thomas J. Feie Mr. Marvin I. Germann Hammond Consolidated Health Services Ms. Darlene Doll Mr. Bryant Feistel Mrs. & Mr. Nancy Jo Gersbach Mrs. Jeanne M. Hannan Mr. & Mrs. Adam Contino Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Dolph Mrs. Nancy A. Feldman Mr. David Gershuny Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Mrs. Betty J. Cooper Ms. Patricia A. Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Getoor Hanrahan Mr. & Mrs. David S. Cooper Ms. Kathryn S. Donovan Feldmann Mr. & Mrs. James C. Ghering Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hansel Mr. Brian E. Cornell Ms. Kelly Donson Dr. Angela N. Fellner Mr. Nathan Gibbs Ms. Leigh Harlow Mrs. Tamara Correll Mr. & Mrs. Doug Dopp Ms. Vicki A. Felver Mr. Edwin L. Gibson Mr. Lawrence E. Harris Mrs. Billie J. Cox Mr. Norbert J. Doran Mr.
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