They May Go in Disguise
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u '.I ESTABLISHED JULY . tSJA. XXXV., NO. 6124 JOL. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, MONDAY. MARCH 21, 1902. PR1CEF1VECENT?." THEY MAY GO IN DISGUISE 1 r . dbn xv i!' it . i iii v.- mmAAt Wfi Ink t- - s N t hala and Ilamakua as may be neces- -' bea was nut in charsre of one band. KOHALA BILL sary to properly supply the consumers while the deputy sheriff in person com- NATIONAL GUARD - BURGLAR WOODS SHOT AND manded Four mounted pa the other. !.- -; utilization of waters now running t trolmen were also of the party. PARKED r"OVllRFS! ARTILLERY ' DAFrlJJLJ VVil Vrvl-J- J j ate Jnlo the sea. The right of way PUNCHBOWL With Chillingworth went Captain! I ! tor the wlJth of the ditched anJ fifty i TAKEN ON Kanae and Officers Ah On, Alfred t ( fe-- on either side. Austrian Guns Now i : Not the Parker -- Wilcox Cinch The rieht of war la granted aubject usTheiSsTtartingoutiKalakaua's to all the conditions and requirements A 1 . Kaulua. the gun sergeant of the force,; But a Right of r tt ii police Exhibited in Capitol uf the act of Marca J. iwi. tnapier m LlUtl III iTIIILIi II 1C arrived at the station and breath- Way. Sections IS to 21 inclusive. The ditch lessly vouchsafed tiye information that! Grounds. m romztanv is to furnish to all persons de ne naa come across was on me toy; I slrous of using paid water for IrrlRat Deputy Marshal of Punchbowl and disturbed him as he. f The grounds of the capitol between i Kin k.s the liou" srantlns ine purposes. uch quantity as is rea was playing solitaire on a rock near. nilthrough Kohala ta the enable for a fair price. If the ditch the flagstaff. He fired a shot at the the oid ralace and the Iron fence on right of way f . 11 . ; a ....... WA t Taclrlntr f,i tt. Scores. convict, which was ieturne-3- Then tne jIote street side, have recently as- - Ditch Company. It U not( gun Hawaiian cannot the Unltei Kaulua's refused to work and he' sumed quite a martial appearance by presented by Delegate ilcox.: will determine the was forced to retreat. W hen he had the bill state3 rjlstrict Curt.7 the parking of the eight Austrian entirely new one. drawn by I.ep- - same. and may change Its decree from evading police for ten told his storv he was commanded to but an FTHU the breech-loadin- g to time as may seem eauitublo guide nniingwortn to me ?poi wnere guns belonging to th rontattve Powers of Maine. .which time days, during which time he lived seen of They . erantinn' and The wrk must besln within he had Woods last. National Guard Hawaii. have ....K..itV f.r Jut. A hunted thing anions' When lunchbowl was reacheil Kupihea been arranged in a circle, for ornamen- rights of way. The bill was had-- j two years and be completed In fix the life of a the algaroba and lantana thickets and his men went around the Waikiki tal purposes, under the spreading ed "A BUI Granting to me ' the side of the crater, the Deputy Sheriff branches of the giant banyan. The Ii'tch Company. Limited, the right of the bill. which clothe the f.wthills back of town. and his party round the Kwa side, while . guns are at present exhibited minus - r KnHh anil South' the mounted patrolmen proceeded mauka way in ine uumi j Woods, the escaped negro convict, wasj the' breech-block- s and firing-pin- s, In the Island of Hawaii, for and Lady Hope. n order to cut off escape in that direc- Kohala. 8tron brought to bay yesterday morning Ini tion. Iiy these tactics Punchbowl was awaiting the time when tarpaulins can the purpose of constructing ana main - be placed over each. or canals and the nee- - the crater of Punchbowl, and was cap- practically surrounded by an armed cor- talnlng ditches .,r.o,erar. d,iart- - many ilfm These guns were secured from Aus- rr reservoirs, aims ana me - . cont.erninK the re- - tured after the expenditure of 1 Kaulua without any hesitation led the tria by King Kalakaua after his tour purposes th-a- id ) if. for irrigation and domestic m, ,v, KatV,n 'of officers of rounds of ammunition by both sJdes. way to a spot just ofT the road, which of the world, and formed an admirable districts." w: transport W.trr-- for mfertaininfr Lady The battle was not a bloodless one, j runs Ewa of the crater. There In the battery as far as guns of that pattern UraJ-Compa- ny Hawaii Ditch , Chil-- were found unmistakabla The bill gives to the Fram.lj( n.w. i capt.ilu for a bullet from Deputy SherlrT j 4 . soft earth and age go. They are eight centimeters the right tn construct and K. j;trt,n(. vckt.hama. He said: "This lingworth's revolver, fired when the lifej tracks of the negro's footsteps. Broken each, the barrels are rilled and when invr-.'-gate- ago. two ditches, to be known a4lnatIrr orae time was in Imminent peril,, branches of lantana were also notice- parts polished present a fit rraintaln Ljw- - ar-- er of the latter und and footmarks plain-u- p all the are Upper Ditch and the u ! un u ,t.ry r.ow. When the thumb socket of the f ugl- -' able, these the appearance. carriages the KohU I l shattered the showed Woods had retreated in- handsome The Kohala Ditch, through and over th ren was at 1'raga. Sro left hand. I that are quite heavy, being mostly of steel. the termasur Cannon invii.d Captain tive's to the lantana thicket which extends public lands in Hawaii, with.n The police gt the tip as to Woods') v.-- fhe of the clear down For sonv time past they have been kept I--n crater area: whereabouts yesterday morning about i slope of hill. In the old sheds built expressly to cov- 2i by aS- -, the mauka the no-t- h by the sea. on the east ThV'hlwife. The matter 11:4.1 o'clock. It was brought to them The Deputy Sheriff, convmcM that er them. Kalakaua. it is said, thought pk vall-- y and the summit separating. l, re an.l was found to be hv a. man who suH that an hour or so lst he was within striking distance of the guns were a present until the bill - rnrte.i rePM-kbe- d. v,-ili- the watershed from the Kohala water- rut. yj.irurmuMvr Cannon was .,n'f.iwlv Wr..! h.i.l hrnkn Into the! cni,1 that it r! for th .irf? in his man. plunped into the brush and was came in. well-develop- f an wat.-fcma- n Ke-- soon following a ed trail. on the south by the summit n,jn,, ,.har,.iy and advld that house of the old at the j mate of the house should he attempt j the Kohala mountains, and on th west Arnrri. an otll-- r hould be very cartful walo iuarry. n:id after helping himself; to thwart his ends. lie had not proceeded far before he Secretary Shaw will discontinue the v ship. in a gully pack of car?- - 1 s! by Toluiu Gulch, said area being known about hl ku. on board Thit some food and a suit of denim. hadj On receiving the news, every avail-mad- e found little a purchase of outstanding government - Incident. The to as Kohala watershed, and thruueh.j as all tfur.- w.i to the off in of Punchbowl.' oJTicer. was requisitioned and arm-H- e bonds, because they are at too the coup!,, will l e entertained on any the direction at!? liia ill over and such other public lands not had a revolver with him aad threat-- td with a revolver or a rifle. Jim Kuui- - (Continued on Page 4.) iiish a price. ort. uin S-- uth Ko- - more you may be sure. ' In th- - districts of North and ii - 0 HAVE YOU SEE. THE Orescent Safety Razor ? EHSTER THIRTEEN TONS OF BRAND NEW j y EASTER MERCHANDISE WHICH Toe "Safety Razor" is getting to be used uninersal-l- and gradually tiking the place of the ordinary NEVER BEFORE SAW THE LIGHT one. It ensures a clean, smooth ehave, without OF A RETAIL STORE. WILL BE t dangerof cutting and the most inexperienced person can use it with with perfect ease. The Crescent razor is a good article and J s FORTUNE" it is said, "knocks once at Oos-fc- Only $1. every man's door but nine-tenth- s of them are out when she knocks." In like manner, I using a If you don't want to change to "safety opportunity knocks at the door of every wo- - 2 razor," try one of our justly celebrated "Bengali" man who reads this advertisement, and for- - i blades $1.50 we assure satisfaction. at luuaic iji iicr ii sue, iuu, Vi UUl, n at mis store taking advantage of the opportunities offered E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. in this great Easter Sale of ours New Ehlers Block, Fort Street. Ribbens j II Ribbons for I - WALDRON CO., Ltd. j. e very...pur- VOLTERS, i. pose,ribbons Sole Agents for Armour Packing Co. for bows, has just received a shipment of belts, sashes trimmings; Aimonr's Hams and Bacon Punahou and Kamehameha ribbons for Satur- as well as a fall line of CANNED GOODS, day's meet.