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E1770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 1, 2004 their courage. So many hours of training; days There is reason for concern, because oligar- Before departing for my mission to Russia, and nights of service; time away from their chic interests will likely try to stack the po- I asked several local schools if they would like families and friends; comradery with their litical deck, and to protect ill-gotten gains to create, draw, color or write greeting cards from past and pending privatizations. brothers; lives and homes saved... it is impos- The second issue affects the United States to the survivors and grieving families. The re- sible to put into words our gratitude for these even more directly, for Ukrainians will de- sponse was overwhelming. I was honored to heroes in our lives and our communities. cide whether to support those who favor in- be able to present hundreds of colorful cards Gary Lee ‘‘Deuce’’ Staley of the Porter Vol- tegration into NATO and the European to patients and families. unteer Fire Department, will have his name Union, or those who favor realignment with During my time in Russia, I had the oppor- added to the plaques surrounding the National Russia and Belarus, the latter already under tunity to visit survivors recuperating at two the sway of an unsavory dictator. Fallen Firefighters Memorial Park in Emmits- After meeting with Russian President hospitals. The visits were moving and tearful, burg, Maryland, just outside of Washington, Vladimir Putin last month, Ukraine’s Presi- but you could see the hearts of American stu- D.C. this weekend. dent Leonid Kuchma amended his govern- dents truly shining in the eyes of the Russian As a member of the Porter Volunteer Fire ment’s national security doctrine to turn children. I was truly privileged to represent the Department, Deuce died serving the commu- away from NATO and the EU. The impact United States, and especially grateful to be nity that he loved and will always be remem- was felt immediately: Instead of continuing able to share wonderful cards full of encour- bered for his heroism and sacrifice. to plan to transport Caspian oil from the agement and joy. In January 2003, Deuce was responding to Black Sea to central Europe and eventually Again, thank you, the students of Sanger the Baltic, Kuchma now plans to transport a fire at an antique car showroom. While at- Russian oil to the Black Sea and further con- Middle School for your kindheartedness and tempting to lead three stranded firefighters out gest the environmentally sensitive Turkish thoughtfulness. Your words strongly conveyed of the blaze and to safety, a car filled with ni- Straits. the spirit of the American people and our com- trous oxide exploded, killing Staley instantly. Both the EU and the Turkish government mitment to build relations with countries dedi- Firefighters represent the best our commu- have expressed deep concern about this de- cated to combating global terrorism. nity has to offer. We honor them today, not velopment. But the Bush administration has been largely silent. f only for their final act of bravery but for the Our European and Turkish allies recognize lives they led. A firefighter’s work can some ACKNOWLEDGING CONTRIBUTIONS the stakes. Will a country of 48 million peo- MADE TO DEPARTMENT OF times be thankless, but of all the men and ple, almost the size of Texas, have the oppor- women I’ve met, meet challenge and the dan- tunity to pursue a common destiny with its HOMELAND SECURITY BY ger without complaints and without regret. neighbors to the north and west? Or will MARGIE GILBERT AND DR. JULIE Their lives provided hope and comfort to vic- Ukraine take a course in which new lines CANEPA tims of horrible events that we pray never could be drawn across post-Cold War Europe? come to us or the ones we love. Will energy flows continue to be subject to control by Russian monopolies, or will they HON. MAC THORNBERRY This remembrance service is as much a reach markets competitively and support the OF TEXAS celebration of their lives and their ideals as it freedom of Ukraine and the Caspian states? IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is a time to reflect on what we have lost. Fire- Strategically located between a newly as- Thursday, September 30, 2004 fighters remind us that heroes are every day sertive Russia and an expanded NATO and people who decide to devote their lives and EU, Ukraine can be a bridge to increased co- Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, one of work to something greater than themselves. operation between these two realms. Or it the biggest challenges for this Congress over Today we are here to honor Gary Staley can create new grounds for division. What re- the past 2 years has been to fulfill our respon- mains to be seen is whether this pivotal Eu- and his brothers, the 106 nationwide who’ve sibilities on homeland security. At the begin- ropean country will take the path of reform ning of this Congress, the Speaker decided to sacrificed so much. With the start of a new or the path of increased state control. This day, we honor the families and friends they’ve decision will impact a similar drama being create a Select Committee on Homeland Se- left behind. Mr. Speaker, our prayers are al- played out between reformers and statists curity to help get the new Department of ways with them. Together as a community and across the vast expanse of Russia itself. The Homeland Security off to a good start and to a nation, we say thank you to those who will most important interest here is to create du- focus congressional efforts on the many stand in the place of those who have fallen rable political, economic and security ties issues related to helping to protect our citizens engaging the Euro-Atlantic community with against terrorism. and will continue to faithfully serve and pro- both Russia and Ukraine. tect. Americans can make clear where we stand: Beginning a new committee on such a com- f with those in Ukraine supporting free and plex topic would never be easy. Doing so with- democratic choice. With our European allies, in a very limited time was even more difficult. UKRAINE-U.S. RELATIONS we can make clear that EU and NATO doors We had to have help, and to the good fortune are open if Ukrainians choose the path of in- of the House and of the country, we got help HON. MARCY KAPTUR tegration and reform. But this brings us from some exceptional people. back to our own elections in November. OF OHIO I want to take a moment to acknowledge the There is one candidate who believes in demo- contributions of two of them whose tour of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cratic action, rather than ideology, and fa- duty on Capitol Hill is ending and to thank Thursday, September 30, 2004 vors making common cause with our allies. There is another who has failed to do so, to them for all they have done for me, as a sub- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the great detriment of America’s vital na- committee chairman on the Select Committee, submit the following article for the RECORD. tional security interests. The stakes in the and for the entire Committee. Working with my COMMENT: UKRAINE-U.S. RELATIONS HINGE ON United States, as in Ukraine, could not be Legislative Director, Kim Kotlar, these two indi- FALL ELECTIONS higher. viduals have made enormous contributions to (By Richard Holbrooke, Jan Kalicki and f the development of the new Department of Mark Brzezinski) HONORING SANGER MIDDLE Homeland Security and its vital mission. SEPT. 27.—Americans are increasingly fo- SCHOOL’S AMERICAN SPIRIT TO- Our subcommittee has had responsibility for cused on our pivotal presidential choice on cybersecurity and for science and technology. Nov. 2. But many may not be aware that WARD THE VICTIMS OF THE BESLAN SCHOOL TRAGEDY To advise us on cybersecurity, we have had partway around the world, at the doorstep of the assistance of Margie Gilbert. Margie was an expanded Europe, the citizens of Ukraine will be making an important choice in their previously assigned to the White House as a HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS director in the Office of Cyberspace Security, Oct. 31 elections for president. OF TEXAS Ukrainians will decide whether a pro-West- supporting both the National Security Council IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ern reformer, Viktor Yushchenko, or a pro- and the Office of Homeland Security. She Russian statist, Viktor Yanukovich, will be Thursday, September 30, 2004 dealt with intelligence and domestic protection, elected. That choice is theirs and theirs Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, today I would particularly national-level incident handling and alone to make. But friends of Ukraine can like to say thank you to one of my hometown counterterrorism. Throughout her DOD career, certainly express concern about issues at stake. The first issue is the freedom and fair- schools, Sanger Middle School in Sanger, she has worked as an intelligence liaison offi- ness of the election process—to ensure that Texas. The students of Sanger Middle School cer, foreign relations officer, collection systems the power of the incumbent president, who enthusiastically participated in a card giving project leader, contracts and budget manager, cannot run again, is not mobilized to sup- program for the victims of the Beslan school and supervisor of a microelectronics research press open debate and unfettered choice. tragedy. organization. She completed international CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1771 business studies at University of Copenhagen, HARD TIMES tion, materials from Home Depot, free termite has a bachelors degree in computer science treatment donated by Terminix, free heating from the University of Tennessee, and a mas- HON.