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Author: Ituarte, Lia S Title: Exploring differential patterns using volcanic edifices as a proxy in

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ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID .ID.Number 115 -99 NP Volcano and eruption 355806 355806 122 -99 NP Volcano 355823 355823 133 -99 NP Volcano 352826 352826 150 -99 NP Volcano 355868 355868 159 -99 NP Volcano 355870 355870 164 -99 NP Volcano 355832 355832 179 -99 NP Volcano and eruption 355060 355060 208 -99 NP Volcano and eruption 355809 355809 219 -99 NP Volcano 355840 355840 233 -99 NP Volcano 358062 358062 234 -99 NP Volcano 357153 357153 235 -99 NP Volcano 352021 352021 241 -99 NP Volcano 357060 357060 247 -99 NP Volcano 358070 358070 249 -99 NP Volcano 357042 357042 253 -99 NP Volcano and eruption 358020 358020 254 -99 NP Volcano 357091 357091 255 -99 NP Volcano 357140 357140 256 -99 NP Volcano 352006 352006 259 -99 NP Volcano 358012 358012 263 -99 NP Volcano 354007 354007 297 -99 NP Volcano 351070 351070 298 -99 NP Volcano 355112 355112 300 -99 NP Volcano 351080 351080 304 -99 NP Volcano 352020 352020 307 -99 NP Volcano 354030 354030 308 -99 NP Volcano 358057 358057 313 -99 NP Volcano 355100 355100 315 -99 NP Volcano 355832 355832 316 -99 NP Volcano 357110 357110 320 -99 NP Volcano 357100 357100 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 321 -99 NP Volcano 358056 358056 322 -99 NP Volcano 357021 357021 323 -99 NP Volcano 357061 357061 324 -99 NP Volcano 358052 358052 326 -99 NP Volcano 358054 358054 327 -99 NP Volcano 358040 358040 343 -99 NP Volcano 357130 357130 344 -99 NP Volcano 352005 352005 346 -99 NP Volcano 355130 355130 347 -99 NP Volcano 358010 358010 348 -99 NP Volcano 357066 357066 349 -99 NP Volcano 352011 352011 351 -99 NP Volcano 351060 351060 353 -99 NP Volcano 355094 355094 355 -99 NP Volcano 357150 357150 358 -99 NP Volcano 352060 352060 361 -99 NP Volcano 358063 358063 362 -99 NP Volcano 352010 352010 363 -99 NP Volcano 355210 355210 364 -99 NP Volcano 351011 351011 365 -99 NP Volcano 351020 351020 372 -99 NP Volcano 352001 352001 373 -99 NP Volcano 357111 357111 375 -99 NP Volcano 354031 354031 382 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Volcano -99 -99 1768 21 NP Volcano -99 -99 1769 22 NP Volcano -99 -99 1770 23 NP Volcano -99 -99 1771 24 NP Volcano -99 -99 1772 25 NP Volcano -99 -99 1773 26 NP Volcano -99 -99 1774 27 NP Volcano -99 -99 1775 28 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 1776 29 NP Volcano -99 -99 1777 30 NP Volcano -99 -99 1778 31 NP Volcano -99 -99 1779 32 NP Volcano -99 -99 1780 33 NP Volcano -99 -99 1781 34 NP Volcano -99 -99 1782 35 NP Volcano -99 -99 1783 36 NP Volcano -99 -99 1784 37 NP Volcano -99 -99 1785 38 NP Volcano -99 -99 1786 39 NP Volcano -99 -99 1787 40 NP Volcano -99 -99 1788 41 NP Volcano -99 -99 1789 42 NP Volcano -99 -99 1790 43 NP Volcano -99 -99 1791 44 NP Volcano -99 -99 1792 45 NP Volcano -99 -99 1793 46 NP Volcano -99 -99 1794 47 NP Volcano -99 -99 1795 48 NP Volcano -99 -99 1796 49 NP Volcano -99 -99 1797 50 NP Volcano -99 -99 1798 51 NP Volcano -99 -99 1799 52 NP Volcano -99 -99 1800 53 NP Volcano -99 -99 1801 54 NP Volcano -99 -99 1802 55 NP Volcano -99 -99 1803 56 NP Volcano -99 -99 1804 57 NP Volcano -99 -99 1805 58 NP Volcano -99 -99 1806 59 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 1807 60 NP Volcano -99 -99 1808 61 NP Volcano -99 -99 1809 62 NP Volcano -99 -99 1810 63 NP Volcano -99 -99 1811 64 NP Volcano -99 -99 1812 65 NP Volcano -99 -99 1813 66 NP Volcano -99 -99 1814 67 NP Volcano -99 -99 1815 68 NP Volcano -99 -99 1816 69 NP Volcano -99 -99 1817 70 NP Volcano -99 -99 1818 71 NP Volcano -99 -99 1819 72 NP Volcano -99 -99 1820 73 NP Volcano -99 -99 1821 74 NP Volcano -99 -99 1822 75 NP Volcano -99 -99 1823 76 NP Volcano -99 -99 1824 77 NP Volcano -99 -99 1825 78 NP Volcano -99 -99 1826 79 NP Volcano -99 -99 1827 80 NP Volcano -99 -99 1828 81 NP Volcano -99 -99 1829 82 NP Volcano -99 -99 1830 83 NP Volcano -99 -99 1831 84 NP Volcano -99 -99 1832 85 NP Volcano -99 -99 1833 86 NP Volcano -99 -99 1834 87 NP Volcano -99 -99 1835 88 NP Volcano -99 -99 1836 89 NP Volcano -99 -99 1837 91 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 1838 92 NP Volcano -99 -99 1839 93 NP Volcano -99 -99 1840 94 NP Volcano -99 -99 1841 95 NP Volcano -99 -99 1842 96 NP Volcano -99 -99 1843 97 NP Volcano -99 -99 1844 98 NP Volcano -99 -99 1845 99 NP Volcano -99 -99 1846 101 NP Volcano -99 -99 1847 102 NP Volcano -99 -99 1848 104 NP Volcano -99 -99 1849 105 NP Volcano -99 -99 1850 106 NP Volcano -99 -99 1851 107 NP Volcano -99 -99 1852 108 NP Volcano -99 -99 1853 109 NP Volcano -99 -99 1854 110 NP Volcano -99 -99 1855 111 NP Volcano -99 -99 1856 112 NP Volcano -99 -99 1857 113 NP Volcano -99 -99 1858 114 NP Volcano -99 -99 1859 115 NP Volcano -99 -99 1860 116 NP Volcano -99 -99 1861 117 NP Volcano -99 -99 1862 118 NP Volcano -99 -99 1863 119 NP Volcano -99 -99 1864 120 NP Volcano -99 -99 1865 121 NP Volcano -99 -99 1866 122 NP Volcano -99 -99 1867 124 NP Volcano -99 -99 1868 125 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 1869 126 NP Volcano -99 -99 1870 127 NP Volcano -99 -99 1871 128 NP Volcano -99 -99 1872 129 NP Volcano -99 -99 1873 130 NP Volcano -99 -99 1874 131 NP Volcano -99 -99 1875 132 NP Volcano -99 -99 1876 133 NP Volcano -99 -99 1877 134 NP Volcano -99 -99 1878 135 NP Volcano -99 -99 1879 136 NP Volcano -99 -99 1880 137 NP Volcano -99 -99 1881 138 NP Volcano -99 -99 1882 139 NP Volcano -99 -99 1883 140 NP Volcano -99 -99 1884 141 NP Volcano -99 -99 1885 142 NP Volcano -99 -99 1886 143 NP Volcano -99 -99 1887 144 NP Volcano -99 -99 1888 145 NP Volcano -99 -99 1889 146 NP Volcano -99 -99 1890 147 NP Volcano -99 -99 1891 148 NP Volcano -99 -99 1892 149 NP Volcano -99 -99 1893 150 NP Volcano -99 -99 1894 151 NP Volcano -99 -99 1895 152 NP Volcano -99 -99 1896 153 NP Volcano -99 -99 1897 154 NP Volcano -99 -99 1898 155 NP Volcano -99 -99 1899 156 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 1900 157 NP Volcano -99 -99 1901 158 NP Volcano -99 -99 1902 159 NP Volcano -99 -99 1903 160 NP Volcano -99 -99 1904 161 NP Volcano -99 -99 1905 162 NP Volcano -99 -99 1906 163 NP Volcano -99 -99 1907 164 NP Volcano -99 -99 1908 165 NP Volcano -99 -99 1909 166 NP Volcano -99 -99 1910 167 NP Volcano -99 -99 1911 168 NP Volcano -99 -99 1912 169 NP Volcano -99 -99 1913 170 NP Volcano -99 -99 1914 171 NP Volcano -99 -99 1915 172 NP Volcano -99 -99 1916 173 NP Volcano -99 -99 1917 174 NP Volcano -99 -99 1918 175 NP Volcano -99 -99 1919 176 NP Volcano -99 -99 1920 177 NP Volcano -99 -99 1921 178 NP Volcano -99 -99 1922 179 NP Volcano -99 -99 1923 180 NP Volcano -99 -99 1924 181 NP Volcano -99 -99 1925 182 NP Volcano -99 -99 1926 183 NP Volcano -99 -99 1927 184 NP Volcano -99 -99 1928 185 NP Volcano -99 -99 1929 186 NP Volcano -99 -99 1930 187 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 1931 188 NP Volcano -99 -99 1932 189 NP Volcano -99 -99 1933 190 NP Volcano -99 -99 1934 191 NP Volcano -99 -99 1935 192 NP Volcano -99 -99 1936 193 NP Volcano -99 -99 1937 194 NP Volcano -99 -99 1938 195 NP Volcano -99 -99 1939 196 NP Volcano -99 -99 1940 197 NP Volcano -99 -99 1941 198 NP Volcano -99 -99 1942 199 NP Volcano -99 -99 1943 200 NP Volcano -99 -99 1944 201 NP Volcano -99 -99 1945 202 NP Volcano -99 -99 1946 203 NP Volcano -99 -99 1947 204 NP Volcano -99 -99 1948 205 NP Volcano -99 -99 1949 206 NP Volcano -99 -99 1950 207 NP Volcano -99 -99 1951 208 NP Volcano -99 -99 1952 209 NP Volcano -99 -99 1953 210 NP Volcano -99 -99 1954 211 NP Volcano -99 -99 1955 212 NP Volcano -99 -99 1956 213 NP Volcano -99 -99 1957 214 NP Volcano -99 -99 1958 215 NP Volcano -99 -99 1959 216 NP Volcano -99 -99 1960 217 NP Volcano -99 -99 1961 218 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 1962 219 NP Volcano -99 -99 1963 220 NP Volcano -99 -99 1964 221 NP Volcano -99 -99 1965 222 NP Volcano -99 -99 1966 223 NP Volcano -99 -99 1967 224 NP Volcano -99 -99 1968 225 NP Volcano -99 -99 1969 226 NP Volcano -99 -99 1970 227 NP Volcano -99 -99 1971 228 NP Volcano -99 -99 1972 229 NP Volcano -99 -99 1973 230 NP Volcano -99 -99 1974 231 NP Volcano -99 -99 1975 232 NP Volcano -99 -99 1976 233 NP Volcano -99 -99 1977 234 NP Volcano -99 -99 1978 235 NP Volcano -99 -99 1979 236 NP Volcano -99 -99 1980 237 NP Volcano -99 -99 1982 239 NP Volcano -99 -99 1983 240 NP Volcano -99 -99 1984 241 NP Volcano -99 -99 1985 242 NP Volcano -99 -99 1986 243 NP Volcano -99 -99 1987 244 NP Volcano -99 -99 1988 245 NP Volcano -99 -99 1989 246 NP Volcano -99 -99 1991 248 NP Volcano -99 -99 1992 249 NP Volcano -99 -99 1993 250 NP Volcano -99 -99 1994 251 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 1995 252 NP Volcano -99 -99 1996 253 NP Volcano -99 -99 1997 254 NP Volcano -99 -99 1998 255 NP Volcano -99 -99 1999 256 NP Volcano -99 -99 2000 257 NP Volcano -99 -99 2001 258 NP Volcano -99 -99 2002 259 NP Volcano -99 -99 2003 260 NP Volcano -99 -99 2004 261 NP Volcano -99 -99 2005 262 NP Volcano -99 -99 2006 263 NP Volcano -99 -99 2007 264 NP Volcano -99 -99 2008 265 NP Volcano -99 -99 2009 266 NP Volcano -99 -99 2010 267 NP Volcano -99 -99 2011 268 NP Volcano -99 -99 2012 269 NP Volcano -99 -99 2013 270 NP Volcano -99 -99 2014 271 NP Volcano -99 -99 2015 272 NP Volcano -99 -99 2016 273 NP Volcano -99 -99 2017 274 NP Volcano -99 -99 2018 275 NP Volcano -99 -99 2019 276 NP Volcano -99 -99 2020 277 NP Volcano -99 -99 2021 278 NP Volcano -99 -99 2022 279 NP Volcano -99 -99 2023 280 NP Volcano -99 -99 2024 281 NP Volcano -99 -99 2025 282 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2026 283 NP Volcano -99 -99 2027 284 NP Volcano -99 -99 2028 285 NP Volcano -99 -99 2029 286 NP Volcano -99 -99 2030 287 NP Volcano -99 -99 2031 288 NP Volcano -99 -99 2032 289 NP Volcano -99 -99 2033 290 NP Volcano -99 -99 2034 291 NP Volcano -99 -99 2035 292 NP Volcano -99 -99 2036 293 NP Volcano -99 -99 2037 294 NP Volcano -99 -99 2038 295 NP Volcano -99 -99 2039 296 NP Volcano -99 -99 2040 297 NP Volcano -99 -99 2041 298 NP Volcano -99 -99 2042 299 NP Volcano -99 -99 2043 300 NP Volcano -99 -99 2044 301 NP Volcano -99 -99 2045 302 NP Volcano -99 -99 2046 303 NP Volcano -99 -99 2047 304 NP Volcano -99 -99 2048 305 NP Volcano -99 -99 2049 306 NP Volcano -99 -99 2050 307 NP Volcano -99 -99 2051 308 NP Volcano -99 -99 2052 309 NP Volcano -99 -99 2053 310 NP Volcano -99 -99 2054 311 NP Volcano -99 -99 2055 312 NP Volcano -99 -99 2056 313 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2057 314 NP Volcano -99 -99 2058 315 NP Volcano -99 -99 2059 316 NP Volcano -99 -99 2060 317 NP Volcano -99 -99 2061 318 NP Volcano -99 -99 2062 319 NP Volcano -99 -99 2063 320 NP Volcano -99 -99 2064 321 NP Volcano -99 -99 2065 322 NP Volcano -99 -99 2066 323 NP Volcano -99 -99 2067 324 NP Volcano -99 -99 2068 325 NP Volcano -99 -99 2069 326 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-99 -99 2305 563 NP Volcano -99 -99 2306 564 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2307 565 NP Volcano -99 -99 2309 567 NP Volcano -99 -99 2310 568 NP Volcano -99 -99 2311 569 NP Volcano -99 -99 2312 570 NP Volcano -99 -99 2313 571 NP Volcano -99 -99 2315 573 NP Volcano -99 -99 2316 574 NP Volcano -99 -99 2317 575 NP Volcano -99 -99 2318 576 NP Volcano -99 -99 2319 577 NP Volcano -99 -99 2320 578 NP Volcano -99 -99 2321 579 NP Volcano -99 -99 2322 580 NP Volcano -99 -99 2323 581 NP Volcano -99 -99 2324 582 NP Volcano -99 -99 2325 583 NP Volcano -99 -99 2326 584 NP Volcano -99 -99 2327 585 NP Volcano -99 -99 2328 586 NP Volcano -99 -99 2329 587 NP Volcano -99 -99 2330 588 NP Volcano -99 -99 2331 589 NP Volcano -99 -99 2332 590 NP Volcano -99 -99 2333 591 NP Volcano -99 -99 2334 592 NP Volcano -99 -99 2335 593 NP Volcano -99 -99 2336 594 NP Volcano -99 -99 2337 595 NP Volcano -99 -99 2338 596 NP Volcano -99 -99 2339 597 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2340 598 NP Volcano -99 -99 2341 599 NP Volcano -99 -99 2342 600 NP Volcano -99 -99 2343 601 NP Volcano -99 -99 2344 602 NP Volcano -99 -99 2346 604 NP Volcano -99 -99 2347 605 NP Volcano -99 -99 2348 606 NP Volcano -99 -99 2349 607 NP Volcano -99 -99 2350 608 NP Volcano -99 -99 2351 609 NP Volcano -99 -99 2352 610 NP Volcano -99 -99 2353 611 NP Volcano -99 -99 2354 612 NP Volcano -99 -99 2355 613 NP Volcano -99 -99 2356 614 NP Volcano -99 -99 2357 615 NP Volcano -99 -99 2358 616 NP Volcano -99 -99 2359 617 NP Volcano -99 -99 2360 618 NP Volcano -99 -99 2361 619 NP Volcano -99 -99 2362 620 NP Volcano -99 -99 2363 621 NP Volcano -99 -99 2364 622 NP Volcano -99 -99 2365 623 NP Volcano -99 -99 2366 624 NP Volcano -99 -99 2367 625 NP Volcano -99 -99 2368 626 NP Volcano -99 -99 2369 627 NP Volcano 355094 355094 2370 628 NP Volcano -99 -99 2371 629 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2372 630 NP Volcano -99 -99 2373 631 NP Volcano -99 -99 2374 632 NP Volcano -99 -99 2375 633 NP Volcano -99 -99 2376 634 NP Volcano -99 -99 2377 635 NP Volcano -99 -99 2378 636 NP Volcano -99 -99 2379 637 NP Volcano -99 -99 2380 638 NP Volcano -99 -99 2381 639 NP Volcano -99 -99 2382 640 NP Volcano -99 -99 2383 641 NP Volcano -99 -99 2384 642 NP Volcano -99 -99 2385 643 NP Volcano -99 -99 2386 644 NP Volcano -99 -99 2387 645 NP Volcano -99 -99 2388 646 NP Volcano -99 -99 2389 647 NP Volcano -99 -99 2390 648 NP Volcano -99 -99 2391 649 NP Volcano -99 -99 2392 650 NP Volcano -99 -99 2393 651 NP Volcano -99 -99 2394 652 NP Volcano -99 -99 2395 654 NP Volcano -99 -99 2396 655 NP Volcano -99 -99 2397 656 NP Volcano -99 -99 2398 657 NP Volcano -99 -99 2399 658 NP Volcano -99 -99 2400 659 NP Volcano -99 -99 2401 660 NP Volcano -99 -99 2402 661 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2403 662 NP Volcano -99 -99 2404 663 NP Volcano -99 -99 2405 664 NP Volcano -99 -99 2406 665 NP Volcano -99 -99 2407 666 NP Volcano -99 -99 2408 667 NP Volcano -99 -99 2409 668 NP Volcano -99 -99 2410 669 NP Volcano -99 -99 2411 670 NP Volcano -99 -99 2412 671 NP Volcano -99 -99 2413 672 NP Volcano -99 -99 2414 673 NP Volcano -99 -99 2415 674 NP Volcano -99 -99 2416 675 NP Volcano -99 -99 2417 676 NP Volcano -99 -99 2418 677 NP Volcano -99 -99 2419 678 NP Volcano -99 -99 2420 679 NP Volcano -99 -99 2421 680 NP Volcano -99 -99 2422 681 NP Volcano -99 -99 2423 682 NP Volcano -99 -99 2424 683 NP Volcano -99 -99 2425 684 NP Volcano -99 -99 2426 685 NP Volcano -99 -99 2427 686 NP Volcano -99 -99 2428 687 NP Volcano -99 -99 2429 688 NP Volcano -99 -99 2430 689 NP Volcano -99 -99 2431 690 NP Volcano -99 -99 2432 691 NP Volcano -99 -99 2433 692 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2434 693 NP Volcano -99 -99 2435 694 NP Volcano -99 -99 2436 695 NP Volcano -99 -99 2437 696 NP Volcano -99 -99 2438 698 NP Volcano -99 -99 2439 699 NP Volcano -99 -99 2440 700 NP Volcano -99 -99 2441 701 NP Volcano -99 -99 2442 702 NP Volcano -99 -99 2443 703 NP Volcano -99 -99 2445 705 NP Volcano -99 -99 2446 706 NP Volcano -99 -99 2447 707 NP Volcano -99 -99 2448 708 NP Volcano -99 -99 2449 709 NP Volcano -99 -99 2450 710 NP Volcano -99 -99 2451 711 NP Volcano -99 -99 2452 712 NP Volcano -99 -99 2453 713 NP Volcano -99 -99 2454 714 NP Volcano -99 -99 2455 715 NP Volcano -99 -99 2456 716 NP Volcano -99 -99 2457 717 NP Volcano -99 -99 2458 718 NP Volcano -99 -99 2459 719 NP Volcano -99 -99 2460 720 NP Volcano -99 -99 2461 721 NP Volcano -99 -99 2462 722 NP Volcano -99 -99 2463 723 NP Volcano -99 -99 2464 724 NP Volcano -99 -99 2465 725 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2466 726 NP Volcano -99 -99 2467 727 NP Volcano -99 -99 2468 728 NP Volcano -99 -99 2469 729 NP Volcano -99 -99 2470 730 NP Volcano -99 -99 2471 731 NP Volcano -99 -99 2472 732 NP Volcano -99 -99 2473 733 NP Volcano -99 -99 2474 734 NP Volcano -99 -99 2475 735 NP Volcano -99 -99 2476 736 NP Volcano -99 -99 2477 737 NP Volcano -99 -99 2478 738 NP Volcano -99 -99 2479 739 NP Volcano -99 -99 2480 740 NP Volcano -99 -99 2481 741 NP Volcano -99 -99 2482 742 NP Volcano -99 -99 2483 743 NP Volcano -99 -99 2484 744 NP Volcano -99 -99 2485 745 NP Volcano -99 -99 2486 746 NP Volcano -99 -99 2487 747 NP Volcano -99 -99 2488 748 NP Volcano -99 -99 2489 749 NP Volcano -99 -99 2490 750 NP Volcano -99 -99 2491 751 NP Volcano -99 -99 2492 752 NP Volcano -99 -99 2493 753 NP Volcano -99 -99 2494 754 NP Volcano -99 -99 2495 755 NP Volcano -99 -99 2496 756 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2497 757 NP Volcano -99 -99 2498 758 NP Volcano -99 -99 2499 759 NP Volcano -99 -99 2500 760 NP Volcano -99 -99 2501 761 NP Volcano -99 -99 2502 762 NP Volcano -99 -99 2503 763 NP Volcano -99 -99 2504 764 NP Volcano -99 -99 2505 765 NP Volcano -99 -99 2506 766 NP Volcano -99 -99 2507 767 NP Volcano -99 -99 2508 768 NP Volcano -99 -99 2509 769 NP Volcano -99 -99 2510 770 NP Volcano -99 -99 2511 771 NP Volcano -99 -99 2512 772 NP Volcano -99 -99 2513 773 NP Volcano -99 -99 2514 774 NP Volcano -99 -99 2515 775 NP Volcano -99 -99 2516 776 NP Volcano -99 -99 2517 777 NP Volcano -99 -99 2518 778 NP Volcano -99 -99 2519 779 NP Volcano -99 -99 2520 780 NP Volcano -99 -99 2521 781 NP Volcano -99 -99 2522 782 NP Volcano -99 -99 2523 783 NP Volcano -99 -99 2524 784 NP Volcano -99 -99 2525 785 NP Volcano -99 -99 2526 786 NP Volcano -99 -99 2527 788 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2528 789 NP Volcano -99 -99 2529 790 NP Volcano -99 -99 2530 791 NP Volcano -99 -99 2531 792 NP Volcano -99 -99 2532 793 NP Volcano -99 -99 2533 794 NP Volcano -99 -99 2534 795 NP Volcano -99 -99 2535 796 NP Volcano -99 -99 2536 797 NP Volcano -99 -99 2537 798 NP Volcano -99 -99 2538 799 NP Volcano -99 -99 2539 800 NP Volcano -99 -99 2540 801 NP Volcano -99 -99 2541 802 NP Volcano -99 -99 2542 803 NP Volcano -99 -99 2543 804 NP Volcano -99 -99 2544 805 NP Volcano -99 -99 2545 806 NP Volcano -99 -99 2546 807 NP Volcano -99 -99 2547 808 NP Volcano -99 -99 2548 809 NP Volcano -99 -99 2549 810 NP Volcano -99 -99 2550 811 NP Volcano -99 -99 2551 812 NP Volcano -99 -99 2552 813 NP Volcano -99 -99 2553 814 NP Volcano -99 -99 2554 815 NP Volcano -99 -99 2555 816 NP Volcano -99 -99 2556 817 NP Volcano -99 -99 2557 818 NP Volcano -99 -99 2558 819 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2559 820 NP Volcano -99 -99 2560 821 NP Volcano -99 -99 2561 822 NP Volcano -99 -99 2562 823 NP Volcano -99 -99 2563 824 NP Volcano -99 -99 2564 825 NP Volcano -99 -99 2565 826 NP Volcano -99 -99 2566 827 NP Volcano -99 -99 2567 828 NP Volcano -99 -99 2568 829 NP Volcano -99 -99 2569 830 NP Volcano -99 -99 2570 831 NP Volcano -99 -99 2571 832 NP Volcano -99 -99 2572 833 NP Volcano -99 -99 2573 834 NP Volcano -99 -99 2574 835 NP Volcano -99 -99 2575 836 NP Volcano -99 -99 2576 837 NP Volcano -99 -99 2577 838 NP Volcano -99 -99 2578 839 NP Volcano -99 -99 2579 840 NP Volcano -99 -99 2580 841 NP Volcano -99 -99 2581 842 NP Volcano -99 -99 2582 843 NP Volcano -99 -99 2583 844 NP Volcano -99 -99 2584 845 NP Volcano -99 -99 2585 846 NP Volcano -99 -99 2586 847 NP Volcano -99 -99 2587 848 NP Volcano -99 -99 2588 849 NP Volcano -99 -99 2589 850 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2590 851 NP Volcano -99 -99 2591 852 NP Volcano -99 -99 2592 853 NP Volcano -99 -99 2593 854 NP Volcano -99 -99 2594 855 NP Volcano 355210 355210 2595 856 NP Volcano -99 -99 2596 857 NP Volcano -99 -99 2597 858 NP Volcano -99 -99 2598 859 NP Volcano -99 -99 2599 860 NP Volcano -99 -99 2600 861 NP Volcano -99 -99 2601 862 NP Volcano -99 -99 2602 863 NP Volcano -99 -99 2603 864 NP Volcano -99 -99 2604 865 NP Volcano -99 -99 2605 866 NP Volcano -99 -99 2606 867 NP Volcano -99 -99 2607 868 NP Volcano -99 -99 2608 869 NP Volcano -99 -99 2609 870 NP Volcano -99 -99 2610 871 NP Volcano -99 -99 2611 872 NP Volcano -99 -99 2612 873 NP Volcano -99 -99 2613 874 NP Volcano -99 -99 2614 875 NP Volcano -99 -99 2615 876 NP Volcano -99 -99 2616 877 NP Volcano -99 -99 2617 878 NP Volcano -99 -99 2618 879 NP Volcano -99 -99 2619 880 NP Volcano -99 -99 2620 881 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2621 882 NP Volcano -99 -99 2622 883 NP Volcano -99 -99 2623 884 NP Volcano -99 -99 2624 885 NP Volcano -99 -99 2625 886 NP Volcano -99 -99 2626 887 NP Volcano -99 -99 2627 888 NP Volcano -99 -99 2628 889 NP Volcano -99 -99 2629 890 NP Volcano -99 -99 2630 891 NP Volcano -99 -99 2631 892 NP Volcano -99 -99 2632 893 NP Volcano -99 -99 2633 894 NP Volcano -99 -99 2634 895 NP Volcano -99 -99 2635 896 NP Volcano -99 -99 2636 897 NP Volcano -99 -99 2637 898 NP Volcano -99 -99 2638 899 NP Volcano -99 -99 2639 900 NP Volcano -99 -99 2640 901 NP Volcano -99 -99 2641 902 NP Volcano -99 -99 2642 903 NP Volcano -99 -99 2643 904 NP Volcano -99 -99 2644 905 NP Volcano -99 -99 2645 906 NP Volcano -99 -99 2646 907 NP Volcano -99 -99 2647 908 NP Volcano -99 -99 2648 909 NP Volcano -99 -99 2649 910 NP Volcano -99 -99 2650 911 NP Volcano -99 -99 2651 912 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2652 913 NP Volcano -99 -99 2653 914 NP Volcano -99 -99 2654 915 NP Volcano -99 -99 2655 916 NP Volcano -99 -99 2656 917 NP Volcano -99 -99 2657 918 NP Volcano -99 -99 2658 919 NP Volcano -99 -99 2659 920 NP Volcano -99 -99 2660 921 NP Volcano -99 -99 2661 922 NP Volcano -99 -99 2662 923 NP Volcano -99 -99 2663 924 NP Volcano -99 -99 2664 925 NP Volcano -99 -99 2665 926 NP Volcano -99 -99 2666 927 NP Volcano -99 -99 2667 928 NP Volcano -99 -99 2668 929 NP Volcano -99 -99 2669 930 NP Volcano -99 -99 2670 931 NP Volcano -99 -99 2671 932 NP Volcano -99 -99 2672 933 NP Volcano -99 -99 2673 934 NP Volcano -99 -99 2674 935 NP Volcano -99 -99 2675 936 NP Volcano -99 -99 2676 937 NP Volcano -99 -99 2677 938 NP Volcano -99 -99 2678 939 NP Volcano -99 -99 2679 940 NP Volcano -99 -99 2680 941 NP Volcano -99 -99 2681 942 NP Volcano -99 -99 2682 943 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2683 944 NP Volcano -99 -99 2684 945 NP Volcano -99 -99 2685 946 NP Volcano -99 -99 2686 947 NP Volcano -99 -99 2687 948 NP Volcano -99 -99 2688 949 NP Volcano -99 -99 2689 950 NP Volcano -99 -99 2690 951 NP Volcano -99 -99 2691 952 NP Volcano -99 -99 2692 953 NP Volcano -99 -99 2693 954 NP Volcano -99 -99 2694 955 NP Volcano -99 -99 2695 956 NP Volcano -99 -99 2696 957 NP Volcano -99 -99 2697 958 NP Volcano -99 -99 2698 959 NP Volcano -99 -99 2699 960 NP Volcano -99 -99 2700 961 NP Volcano -99 -99 2701 962 NP Volcano -99 -99 2702 963 NP Volcano -99 -99 2703 964 NP Volcano -99 -99 2704 965 NP Volcano -99 -99 2705 966 NP Volcano -99 -99 2706 967 NP Volcano -99 -99 2707 968 NP Volcano -99 -99 2708 969 NP Volcano -99 -99 2709 970 NP Volcano -99 -99 2710 971 NP Volcano -99 -99 2711 972 NP Volcano -99 -99 2712 973 NP Volcano -99 -99 2713 974 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2714 975 NP Volcano -99 -99 2715 976 NP Volcano -99 -99 2716 977 NP Volcano -99 -99 2717 978 NP Volcano -99 -99 2718 979 NP Volcano -99 -99 2719 980 NP Volcano -99 -99 2720 981 NP Volcano -99 -99 2721 982 NP Volcano -99 -99 2722 983 NP Volcano -99 -99 2723 984 NP Volcano 355210 355210 2724 985 NP Volcano -99 -99 2725 986 NP Volcano -99 -99 2726 987 NP Volcano -99 -99 2727 988 NP Volcano -99 -99 2728 989 NP Volcano -99 -99 2729 990 NP Volcano -99 -99 2730 991 NP Volcano -99 -99 2731 992 NP Volcano -99 -99 2732 993 NP Volcano -99 -99 2733 994 NP Volcano -99 -99 2734 995 NP Volcano -99 -99 2735 996 NP Volcano -99 -99 2736 997 NP Volcano -99 -99 2737 998 NP Volcano -99 -99 2738 999 NP Volcano -99 -99 2739 1000 NP Volcano -99 -99 2740 1001 NP Volcano -99 -99 2741 1002 NP Volcano -99 -99 2742 1003 NP Volcano -99 -99 2743 1004 NP Volcano -99 -99 2744 1005 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2745 1006 NP Volcano -99 -99 2746 1007 NP Volcano -99 -99 2747 1008 NP Volcano -99 -99 2748 1009 NP Volcano -99 -99 2749 1010 NP Volcano -99 -99 2750 1011 NP Volcano -99 -99 2751 1012 NP Volcano -99 -99 2752 1013 NP Volcano -99 -99 2753 1014 NP Volcano -99 -99 2754 1015 NP Volcano -99 -99 2755 1016 NP Volcano -99 -99 2756 1017 NP Volcano -99 -99 2757 1018 NP Volcano -99 -99 2758 1019 NP Volcano -99 -99 2759 1020 NP Volcano -99 -99 2760 1021 NP Volcano -99 -99 2761 1022 NP Volcano -99 -99 2762 1023 NP Volcano -99 -99 2763 1024 NP Volcano -99 -99 2764 1025 NP Volcano -99 -99 2765 1026 NP Volcano -99 -99 2766 1027 NP Volcano -99 -99 2767 1028 NP Volcano -99 -99 2768 1029 NP Volcano -99 -99 2769 1030 NP Volcano -99 -99 2770 1031 NP Volcano -99 -99 2771 1032 NP Volcano -99 -99 2772 1033 NP Volcano -99 -99 2773 1034 NP Volcano -99 -99 2774 1035 NP Volcano -99 -99 2775 1036 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2776 1037 NP Volcano -99 -99 2777 1038 NP Volcano -99 -99 2778 1039 NP Volcano -99 -99 2779 1040 NP Volcano -99 -99 2780 1041 NP Volcano -99 -99 2781 1042 NP Volcano -99 -99 2782 1043 NP Volcano -99 -99 2783 1044 NP Volcano -99 -99 2784 1045 NP Volcano -99 -99 2785 1046 NP Volcano -99 -99 2786 1047 NP Volcano -99 -99 2787 1048 NP Volcano -99 -99 2788 1049 NP Volcano -99 -99 2789 1050 NP Volcano -99 -99 2790 1051 NP Volcano -99 -99 2791 1052 NP Volcano -99 -99 2792 1053 NP Volcano -99 -99 2793 1054 NP Volcano -99 -99 2794 1055 NP Volcano -99 -99 2795 1056 NP Volcano -99 -99 2796 1057 NP Volcano -99 -99 2797 1058 NP Volcano -99 -99 2798 1059 NP Volcano -99 -99 2799 1060 NP Volcano -99 -99 2800 1061 NP Volcano -99 -99 2801 1062 NP Volcano -99 -99 2802 1063 NP Volcano -99 -99 2803 1064 NP Volcano -99 -99 2804 1065 NP Volcano -99 -99 2805 1066 NP Volcano -99 -99 2806 1067 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2807 1068 NP Volcano -99 -99 2808 1069 NP Volcano -99 -99 2809 1070 NP Volcano -99 -99 2810 1071 NP Volcano -99 -99 2811 1072 NP Volcano -99 -99 2812 1073 NP Volcano -99 -99 2813 1074 NP Volcano -99 -99 2814 1075 NP Volcano -99 -99 2815 1076 NP Volcano -99 -99 2816 1077 NP Volcano -99 -99 2817 1078 NP Volcano -99 -99 2818 1079 NP Volcano -99 -99 2819 1080 NP Volcano -99 -99 2820 1081 NP Volcano -99 -99 2821 1082 NP Volcano -99 -99 2822 1083 NP Volcano -99 -99 2823 1084 NP Volcano -99 -99 2824 1085 NP Volcano -99 -99 2825 1086 NP Volcano -99 -99 2826 1087 NP Volcano -99 -99 2827 1088 NP Volcano -99 -99 2828 1089 NP Volcano -99 -99 2829 1090 NP Volcano -99 -99 2830 1091 NP Volcano -99 -99 2831 1092 NP Volcano -99 -99 2832 1093 NP Volcano -99 -99 2833 1094 NP Volcano -99 -99 2834 1095 NP Volcano -99 -99 2835 1096 NP Volcano -99 -99 2836 1097 NP Volcano -99 -99 2837 1098 NP Volcano -99 -99 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 2838 1099 NP Volcano -99 -99 2839 1100 NP Volcano -99 -99 2840 1101 NP Volcano -99 -99 2841 1102 NP Volcano -99 -99 2842 1103 NP Volcano -99 -99 2843 1104 NP Volcano -99 -99 2844 1105 NP Volcano -99 -99 2845 1106 NP Volcano -99 -99 2846 1107 NP Volcano -99 -99 2847 1108 NP Volcano -99 -99 2848 1109 NP Volcano -99 -99 2849 1110 NP Volcano -99 -99 2850 1111 NP Volcano -99 -99 2851 1112 NP Volcano -99 -99 2852 1113 NP Volcano -99 -99 2875 -99 Maricunga Ignimbrite -99 -99 2930 -99 Incapillo Ignimbrite Ignimbrite 355870 355870 2931 -99 Purulla and El MadanoIgnimbrite or 2nd volcanic cycle 355210 355210 2932 -99 Campo de la Piedra PomezIgnimbrite Ignimbrite or 1st volcanic cycle 355210 355210 2986 -99 NP Volcano 355210 355210 3000 -99 NP Volcano and eruption -99 -99 3306 -99 NP Volcano 355210 355210 3546 -99 NP Volcano 355150 355150 3560 -99 NP Volcano 355150 355150 3662 -99 NP Volcano 355094 355094 3707 -99 NP Volcano and eruption -99 -99 4044 -99 NP Volcano and eruption -99 -99 4052 -99 NP Volcano and eruption -99 -99 4528 CO 514 Ignimbrite 355870 355870 4530 CO 320 pumice Ignimbrite 355870 355870 4531 CO 138 pumice Ignimbrite 355870 355870 ID Sample.ID Unit.sampled Unit.filter IAVCEI.ID Volcano.ID.Number 4554 SAF374B ignimbrite Ignimbrite 355210 355210 4802 TA380500 Ignimbrite -99 -99 4975 B06_070 ignimbrite Ignimbrite 355840 355840 5410 El FLOW 2 ignimbrite Ignimbrite 354010 354010 5413 MIS-02-02 ignimbrite Ignimbrite 354010 354010 5423 UBI-99-03 ignimbrite Ignimbrite 354020 354020 5424 UBI-99-06 ignimbrite Ignimbrite 354020 354020 5425 UBI-99-08 ignimbrite Ignimbrite 354020 354020 5758 COR-98-80 ignimbrite Ignimbrite -99 -99 5779 QG-97E ignimbrite Ignimbrite -99 -99 5787 Pe18 ignimbrite Ignimbrite -99 -99 6357 OLA25 Volcano and eruption -99 -99 6704 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6705 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6706 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6707 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6708 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6709 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6710 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6711 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6712 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6713 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6714 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6715 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6716 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6717 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6718 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 6744 -99 volc Volcano and eruption -99 -99 7837 -99 NP Volcano -99 -99 7840 CO 140 dome Volcano 355870 355870 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 115 Anallajsi, Nevado NP South America -17.92 122 NP South America -21.22 133 Chalupas Buenavista/ Huahui/ QuilindanaEcuador South America -0.8 150 Cerro Galan NP South America -25.93 159 Incapillo complex NP Argentina South America -27.9 164 Cerro del Leon NP Chile South America -22.14 179 Ollague Volcano NP Chile II -21.3 208 Sajama, Nevado del NP Bolivia South America -18.1 219 Tatio, Volcano NP Chile South America -22.42 233 NP Chile South America -50.33 234 Antillanca Group NP Chile South America -40.77 235 Atacazo NP South America -0.35 241 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 247 NP Chile South America -52.33 249 NP Chile South America -35.56 253 NP Chile South America -41.33 254 NP Chile South America -37.92 255 Carran-Los Venados NP Chile South America -40.35 256 NP Ecuador South America 0.03 259 Cayutue-La Vigueria NP Chile South America -41.25 263 Nevado NP South America -16.19 297 Dona Juana NP South America 1.47 298 Cerro Escorial NP Chile South America -25.08 300 NP Colombia South America 1.22 304 Guagua NP Ecuador South America -0.17 307 NP Peru South America -16.61 308 Cerro Hudson NP Chile South America -45.9 313 NP Chile South America -23.37 315 Cerro del Leon NP Chile South America -22.18 316 Llayma Chile South America -38.69 320 NP Chile South America -38.38 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 321 Maca NP Chile South America -45.1 322 NP Chile South America -34.16 323 Laguna del Maule NP Chile South America -36.02 324 NP Chile South America -44.08 326 NP Chile South America -44.7 327 Minchinmavida Chile South America -42.8 343 Mocho-Choshuenco NP Chile South America -39.93 344 Mojanda NP Ecuador South America 0.13 346 Nevado NP Argentina South America -27.12 347 NP Chile South America -41.11 348 Payun Matru NP Argentina South America -36.43 349 Pululagua NP Ecuador South America 0.04 351 Purace NP Colombia South America 2.32 353 Purico Complex NP Chile South America -23 355 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle NP Chile South America -40.59 358 NP Ecuador South America -0.85 361 NP Chile South America -50.96 362 El NP Ecuador South America -0.08 363 Cerro Blanco del RobledoArgentina South America -26.77 364 NP Colombia South America 5.21 365 NP Colombia South America 4.9 372 NP Ecuador South America 0.55 373 NP Chile South America -38.97 375 NP Peru South America -16.76 382 NP Ecuador South America -1.47 387 NP Peru South America -16.36 393 NP Chile South America -39.42 396 NP Chile South America -43.5 397 NP Peru South America -17.18 411 Planchon-Peteroa Volcan Peteroa/ Cerro Argentinadel Planchon Mendoza -35.24 504 NP Colombia South America 4.67 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 543 NP Colombia South America 1.08 544 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 545 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 546 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 547 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 548 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 549 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 550 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 551 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 552 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 553 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 554 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul-Quizapu Chile South America -35.65 555 Cerro Blanco Cerro Blanco del RobledoArgentina South America -26.79 563 NP Colombia South America 5.09 646 Chacana NP Ecuador South America -0.38 647 Chachimbiro NP Ecuador South America 0.47 652 NP Chile South America -42.83 685 Chillan, Nevados de NP Chile South America -36.87 713 Corcovado NP Chile South America -43.19 798 NP Ecuador South America -0.68 802 Cuicocha NP Ecuador South America 0.31 806 Dona Juana NP Colombia South America 1.5 1090 Laguna del Maule NP Chile South America -36.06 1128 El Misti NP Peru South America -16.29 1153 NP Chile XV -18.17 1159 Payun Matru NP Argentina South America -36.42 1160 Planchon-Peteroa Volcan Peteroa/ Cerro Argentinadel Planchon Mendoza -35.22 1376 Nevado del Tolima NP Colombia South America 4.66 1645 Yucamane NP Peru South America -17.18 1655 Ollague Volcano NP Chile II -21.31 1705 Volcano NP Argentina Salta -24.3 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 1720 Nevado Ojos del Salado NP Argentina Catamarca limite con Chile -27.12 1728 Planchon-Peteroa Volcan Peteroa/ Cerro Argentinadel Planchon Mendoza -35.27 1740 NP Argentina South America -37.85 1748 Cerro Santo Tomas NP Peru South America -13.32 1749 NP NP Peru South America -13.78 1750 Cerro Llehuecclla NP Peru South America -13.95 1751 NP NP Peru South America -14 1752 NP NP Peru South America -14.07 1753 Cerro Ajochupa NP Peru South America -14.07 1754 Cerro Cristalniyocc NP Peru South America -14.15 1755 NP NP Peru South America -14.18 1756 NP NP Peru South America -14.2 1757 Cerro Huarajuyo NP Peru South America -14.22 1758 NP NP Peru South America -14.23 1759 Cerro Huaracco NP Peru South America -14.25 1760 Cerro Antapuccro NP Peru South America -14.28 1761 Cerro Quichcasora NP Peru South America -14.28 1762 Nevado Carahuaraso NP Peru South America -14.33 1763 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -14.37 1764 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -14.37 1765 Nevado P. de Pesjapuquio NP Peru South America -14.4 1766 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -14.42 1767 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -14.43 1768 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -14.48 1769 Cerro Balcon NP Peru South America -14.5 1770 NP NP Peru South America -14.53 1771 Cerro Alco Loma NP Peru South America -14.53 1772 NP NP Peru South America -14.55 1773 NP NP Peru South America -14.62 1774 Pampa Galeras NP Peru South America -14.63 1775 Pampa Parccalsuyog NP Peru South America -14.73 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 1776 Pampa Guiapampa NP Peru South America -14.73 1777 Pampa NP Peru South America -14.75 1778 Pampa NP Peru South America -14.83 1779 Cerro Pumahuiri NP Peru South America -14.83 1780 NP NP Peru South America -14.9 1781 NP NP Peru South America -14.9 1782 NP NP Peru South America -14.97 1783 NP NP Peru South America -14.97 1784 NP NP Peru South America -14.97 1785 NP NP Peru South America -14.98 1786 Cerro Condor Sayana NP Peru South America -15.05 1787 Cerro Huallaja NP Peru South America -15.08 1788 Cerro Ticllaccahua NP Peru South America -15.08 1789 Cerro Huagra NP Peru South America -15.12 1790 Cerro Antapuna NP Peru South America -15.15 1791 NP NP Peru South America -15.2 1792 NP NP Peru South America -15.23 1793 Nevado NP Peru South America -15.23 1794 Cerro Soncco Orcco NP Peru South America -15.23 1795 Cerro Cosana NP Peru South America -15.25 1796 Cerro Jahsaya NP Peru South America -15.27 1797 Cerro Huaychahuaque NP Peru South America -15.28 1798 NP NP Peru South America -15.3 1799 Cerro Chuquihua NP Peru South America -15.32 1800 NP NP Peru South America -15.32 1801 Cerro Lomas Jochane NP Peru South America -15.32 1802 Nevado Sara Sara NP Peru South America -15.32 1803 Cerro Tirane NP Peru South America -15.33 1804 Cerro Antapuna NP Peru South America -15.33 1805 Cerro Sani NP Peru South America -15.35 1806 NP NP Peru South America -15.37 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 1807 Nevado NP Peru South America -15.42 1808 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -15.42 1809 Cerro Puca Majuras NP Peru South America -15.42 1810 Cerro Quello Apacheta NP Peru South America -15.43 1811 NP NP Peru South America -15.45 1812 NP NP Peru South America -15.45 1813 NP NP Peru South America -15.47 1814 NP NP Peru South America -15.48 1815 Cerro Pumaranra NP Peru South America -15.48 1816 NP NP Peru South America -15.52 1817 Nevado (1) NP Peru South America -15.52 1818 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -15.58 1819 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -15.68 1820 Nevado NP Peru South America -15.72 1821 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -15.73 1822 Volcano (2) NP Peru South America -15.78 1823 Nevado Ananita NP Peru South America -15.8 1824 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -15.82 1825 Nevado NP Peru South America -15.82 1826 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -15.92 1827 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -15.92 1828 Cerro Colquerane NP Peru South America -15.92 1829 Nevado Calcha NP Peru South America -15.93 1830 Nevado Hualcullani NP Peru South America -15.93 1831 Cerro Antasaya NP Peru South America -15.98 1832 Cerro Bangarane NP Peru South America -16.02 1833 NP NP Peru South America -16.03 1834 NP NP Peru South America -16.1 1835 Cerro Nocarane NP Peru South America -16.13 1836 NP NP Peru South America -16.18 1837 Cerro la Horqueta NP Peru South America -16.2 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 1838 Cerro Condori NP Peru South America -16.22 1839 Cerro Choquepata NP Peru South America -16.21666667 1840 Cerro Pucara NP Peru South America -16.23 1841 Cerro Pampa de Palacio NP Peru South America -16.27 1842 NP NP Peru South America -16.27 1843 NP NP Peru South America -16.28 1844 Cerro Cana Canari NP Peru South America -16.28 1845 Cerro Tacune NP Peru South America -16.28 1846 Cerro Ccapia NP Peru South America -16.33 1847 Cerro Camata NP Peru South America -16.33 1848 Volcano NP Peru South America -16.38 1849 Volcano NP Peru South America -16.4 1850 Cerro Horquetilla NP Peru South America -16.43 1851 Cerro Bencasa NP Peru South America -16.47 1852 Cerro Huertasora NP Peru South America -16.47 1853 NP NP Peru South America -16.48 1854 NP NP Peru South America -16.48 1855 Cerro Larelare NP Peru South America -16.48 1856 Cerro Creston Gr. NP Peru South America -16.48 1857 Cerro Jaquela NP Peru South America -16.52 1858 Cerro Caamani NP Peru South America -16.57 1859 Cerro Cruzane NP Peru South America -16.62 1860 Cerro Antajarane NP Peru South America -16.63 1861 C.S.F. Patakena NP Peru South America -16.65 1862 Cerro Ccallanave NP Peru South America -16.7 1863 Nevado Curahuara NP Peru South America -16.7 1864 Cerro Condoriquena NP Peru South America -16.72 1865 Cerro Quiroja NP Peru South America -16.75 1866 NP NP Peru South America -16.75 1867 Nevado Ampato (UNK) NP Peru South America -16.75 1868 Cerro Mullijalla NP Peru South America -16.77 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 1869 Cerro San Francisco de Cachapaque NP Peru South America -16.8 1870 Cerro Toto Bravo NP Peru South America -16.8 1871 Cerro Buena Vista NP Peru South America -16.8 1872 Cerro Aconcahua NP Peru South America -16.82 1873 Cerro Quesllampo NP Peru South America -16.82 1874 Cerro Pacchiauque NP Peru South America -16.82 1875 Cerro Vizcachas NP Peru South America -16.83 1876 NP NP Peru South America -16.83 1877 Cerro Caurapequena NP Peru South America -16.87 1878 Cerro San Francisco de Pinon NP Peru South America -16.86666667 1879 Cerro Zaparani NP Peru South America -16.87 1880 Cerro Camillata NP Peru South America -16.88 1881 Cerro Huallatauqui NP Peru South America -16.9 1882 Cerro San Francisco de Orcovara NP Peru South America -16.9 1883 Cerro Mesacalene NP Peru South America -16.92 1884 Cerro Antajave NP Peru South America -16.93 1885 Cerro Lluma NP Peru South America -16.93 1886 Cerro Minasa NP Peru South America -16.93 1887 Cerro Huajanane NP Peru South America -16.93 1888 Cerro Yaurara NP Peru South America -16.97 1889 Cerro Pantiuso NP Peru South America -16.97 1890 NP NP Peru South America -16.97 1891 Cerro Huaranhuarani NP Peru South America -16.98 1892 Nevado Urjanco NP Peru South America -16.98 1893 Cerro Sallajaque NP Peru South America -16.98 1894 Cerro Toro NP Peru South America -17 1895 Nevado Arundane NP Peru South America -17.02 1896 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -17.02 1897 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -17.02 1898 Volcano (6) NP Peru South America -17.02 1899 Cerro Chuchuaura NP Peru South America -17.05 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 1900 Cerro Llallahua NP Peru South America -17.07 1901 Cerro Toccoraque NP Peru South America -17.07 1902 Cerro Suri NP Peru South America -17.07 1903 NP NP Peru South America -17.07 1904 Cerro Ichurasi NP Peru South America -17.07 1905 Cerro Ninacara NP Peru South America -17.08 1906 Cerro Surichico NP Peru South America -17.08 1907 Nov. Choquiananta NP Peru South America -17.08 1908 Cerro Paullo NP Peru South America -17.1 1909 Cerro Antajave NP Bolivia South America -17.1 1910 NP NP Peru South America -17.1 1911 Cerro San Pedro NP Peru South America -17.1 1912 Cerro Vilantani NP Peru South America -17.12 1913 NP NP Peru South America -17.12 1914 NP NP Peru South America -17.13 1915 Cerro Koverane/Gihuara NP Peru South America -17.17 1916 Cerro Lopez Extrana NP Peru South America -17.17 1917 Cerro Calientes NP Peru South America -17.17 1918 Cerro Koverane NP Peru South America -17.17 1919 Cerro Tamaromani NP Peru South America -17.18 1920 Yucumane Volcano (7) NP Peru South America -17.18 1921 Cerro Choreccollo NP Peru South America -17.2 1922 Cerro Chila NP Peru South America -17.22 1923 Cerro Negro Pekena NP Bolivia South America -17.22 1924 Cerro Inciensocucho NP Peru South America -17.22 1925 Cerro Thola Kkollu NP Bolivia South America -17.25 1926 Cerro Putina Grande NP Peru South America -17.25 1927 Cerro Titire NP Peru South America -17.27 1928 Cerro Pisarane NP Peru South America -17.28 1929 Cerro Laram Khaua NP Bolivia South America -17.28 1930 NP NP Peru South America -17.28 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 1931 Cerro Jucure NP Peru South America -17.32 1932 Cerro Kere NP Peru South America -17.32 1933 Cerro NP Peru South America -17.32 1934 Cerro Yanacach NP Peru South America -17.32 1935 Nevado Antajavo NP Peru South America -17.33 1936 Cerro Serkhe NP Bolivia South America -17.35 1937 Nevado Ticaco NP Peru South America -17.35 1938 Cerro Capaia NP Bolivia South America -17.4 1939 Cerro Corpresani NP Peru South America -17.4 1940 Cerro Buarahuarani NP Peru South America -17.42 1941 Cerro Sitpicota NP Peru South America -17.45 1942 Nevado (8) NP Peru South America -17.47 1943 Nevado Inuma NP Peru South America -17.48 1944 Cerro Candor Pico Cerro Pico Peru South America -17.5 1945 Cerro Atajan NP Bolivia South America -17.52 1946 Nevado Achacolla NP Peru South America -17.55 1947 Nevado Unknown NP Peru South America -17.58 1948 Nevado Huancune NP Peru South America -17.6 1949 Cerro Calzon Chiata NP Peru South America -17.63 1950 Nevado la Monja NP Peru South America -17.63 1951 Nevado Chupiquina NP Chile South America -17.68 1952 Volcano (9) NP Chile XV -17.72 1953 Cerro de Caracarani NP Chile South America -17.75 1954 Cerro la Joja NP Bolivia South America -17.77 1955 Nevado de Chuquiananta NP Chile South America -17.78 1956 Cerro Wacan Kkollu NP Peru South America -17.8 1957 Cerro Khakha Pata NP Bolivia South America -17.82 1958 Cerro Esquentaque NP Bolivia South America -17.83 1959 Cerro Cocapilla NP Chile South America -17.85 1960 Cerro Lquilla NP Chile South America -17.85 1961 Cerro Suni Khaua NP Bolivia South America -17.87 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 1962 Cerro Anallajchi NP Bolivia South America -17.92 1963 NP NP Bolivia South America -17.92 1964 Cerro Llisa NP Bolivia South America -17.98 1965 Cerro Colpitas NP Chile South America -17.98 1966 Cerro Jachacha Condoriri NP Bolivia South America -18 1967 Nevado Jiskha Condoriri NP Bolivia South America -18.02 1968 Cerro Laram Khaua NP Chile South America -18.02 1969 Cerro Condoriri NP Bolivia South America -18.03 1970 Huaylillas ignimbrite NP Chile South America -18.03333333 1971 Cerro Sunu Kkollu NP Bolivia South America -18.05 1972 NP NP Bolivia South America -18.05 1973 Cerro Muntirune NP Chile South America -18.05 1974 Sierra Huaylillas NP Chile South America -18.05 1975 Cerro Macho Tankha Tankha NP Bolivia South America -18.08 1976 Cerro Lampallares NP Chile South America -18.08 1977 Moroccocala Ignimbrite NP Chile South America -18.03333333 1978 Nevado Kakepe Junthuta NP Chile South America -18.08 1979 Nevado Unknown NP Chile South America -18.08 1980 Cerro de Ancoma NP Chile South America -18.1 1982 Cerro De Tarapaca NP Chile South America -18.1 1983 Cerro Tankha NP Bolivia South America -18.12 1984 Volcano NP Chile South America -18.12 1985 Cerro Larancagua NP Chile South America -18.12 1986 Cerro Chingurani NP Bolivia South America -18.13 1987 Cerro Yaretani NP Bolivia South America -18.15 1988 Cerro Llanquipa NP Bolivia South America -18.15 1989 Cerro Guaneguane NP Chile South America -18.15 1991 Cerro Asu Asuni NP Bolivia South America -18.22 1992 Cerro de Quisiquisini NP Bolivia South America -18.23 1993 Cerro NP Chile South America -18.27 1994 Cerro Chullcani NP Bolivia South America -18.3 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 1995 Cerro Fundicion NP Chile South America -18.32 1996 Cerro Arcotango NP Bolivia South America -18.37 1997 Cerro Elena Capurata NP Chile South America -18.42 1998 Volcano (11) NP Chile South America -18.42 1999 Cerro Uyarani NP Bolivia South America -18.48 2000 Cerro Culloma NP Bolivia South America -18.5 2001 Volcano Quemado NP Bolivia South America -18.62 2002 Cerro Familiane NP Chile South America -18.68 2003 Cerro Magarita NP Chile South America -18.72 2004 Cerro Poquentica NP Bolivia South America -18.73 2005 Cerro Arintica (12) NP Chile South America -18.73 2006 Cerro de Anocarire NP Chile South America -18.78 2007 Cerro Pacha Cacaollu Quimsa Misa NP Bolivia South America -18.8 2008 Cerro Mamaniri NP Bolivia South America -18.8 2009 Cerro Khellhuiri NP Bolivia South America -18.83 2010 Cerro Guaiguasi NP Chile South America -18.83 2011 Cerro Inco Camacho NP Bolivia South America -18.85 2012 Cerro Santa Catalina NP Bolivia South America -18.85 2013 Cerro De Achecalane Cerro Vilacollo Chile South America -18.85 2014 Cerro Macusa NP Chile South America -18.87 2015 Cerro Chokho Chokhoni NP Bolivia South America -18.88 2016 Cerro Lliscaya NP Chile South America -18.88 2017 NP NP Chile South America -18.88 2018 Cerro Chuquiananta NP Chile South America -18.92 2019 Cerro Chiguana NP Chile South America -18.93 2020 Cerro Pisakheri NP Bolivia South America -18.95 2021 Cerro Capitan NP Chile South America -18.95 2022 Cerro Mulluri NP Chile South America -18.95 2023 Cerro Maugayuta NP Chile South America -18.95 2024 Cerro Pokoloma NP Bolivia South America -18.97 2025 Cerro Anzanaguas NP Bolivia South America -18.97 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2026 Cerro Pascual NP Bolivia South America -18.97 2027 Cerro Caltaya NP Chile South America -18.98 2028 Cerro Amachuma NP Chile South America -19 2029 Cerro Pumiri NP Bolivia South America -19 2030 Cerro Curamane NP Bolivia South America -19 2031 Cerro Guaijata NP Chile South America -19.02 2032 NP NP Chile South America -19.02 2033 Cerro Chicu Paya NP Bolivia South America -19.03 2034 Cerro de Mamuta NP Chile South America -19.05 2035 Cerro Wila Kkollu NP Bolivia South America -19.07 2036 Cerro Cullebra NP Bolivia South America -19.07 2037 Cerro Pumiri NP Chile South America -19.07 2038 Cerro Tamachuma NP Bolivia South America -19.08 2039 NP Chile South America -19.1 2040 Cerro Sabi Loma NP Bolivia South America -19.1 2041 Cerro Sacasani NP Bolivia South America -19.12 2042 Cerro NP Chile South America -19.12 2043 Cerro (13) NP Bolivia South America -19.13 2044 NP NP Bolivia South America -19.13 2045 Cerro Guaichane NP Chile South America -19.13 2046 Cerro Caburaya NP Bolivia South America -19.15 2047 Volcano (14) NP Chile South America -19.15 2048 Cerro Faile NP Chile South America -19.15 2049 Cerro Chapiyiesa NP Chile South America -19.18 2050 Cerro Sicaya NP Chile South America -19.22 2051 Sierra Tolompa NP Chile South America -19.23 2052 Cerro Coraquane NP Chile South America -19.25 2053 Cerro Chokkoa NP Bolivia South America -19.25 2054 Sierra Tolompo NP Chile South America -19.25 2055 Cerro San Martin NP Bolivia South America -19.28 2056 Cerro Villa Pucarani NP Bolivia South America -19.32 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2057 Cerro Chucullani NP Chile South America -19.32 2058 Cerro Gordo NP Bolivia South America -19.33 2059 NP NP Chile South America -19.37 2060 Cerro Jatun Willa Kkollu/ C. Villaco NP Bolivia South America -19.4 2061 Frailes ignimbrite (W) NP Bolivia South America -19.4 2062 NP NP Chile South America -19.43 2063 Cerro Churco NP Bolivia South America -19.45 2064 Cerro Turqui NP Bolivia South America -19.48 2065 Cerro Queitani NP Chile South America -19.48 2066 Cerro Maraga NP Bolivia South America -19.48 2067 Cerro Opa Kkollu NP Bolivia South America -19.5 2068 Cerro Tatajachura NP Chile South America -19.5 2069 Cerro Sojalla NP Bolivia South America -19.5 2070 Cerro Tihua NP Bolivia South America -19.52 2071 Cerro Cariquima NP Chile South America -19.53 2072 Frailes ignimbrite (E) NP Bolivia South America -19.55 2073 Cerro Huanapa Pampa NP Bolivia South America -19.55 2074 NP NP Chile South America -19.57 2075 Cerro de Tapa NP Bolivia South America -19.57 2076 Cerro Keucha NP Bolivia South America -19.57 2077 Cerro Moco Moconi NP Bolivia South America -19.58 2078 Cerro Coracora NP Chile South America -19.6 2079 Cerro Pusichuto Loma NP Bolivia South America -19.62 2080 NP NP Bolivia South America -19.62 2081 Cerro Potosi NP Bolivia South America -19.62 2082 Cerro Grande NP Bolivia South America -19.63 2083 Cerro Pumire NP Chile South America -19.63 2084 Cerro Panturani NP Bolivia South America -19.67 2085 Cerro Cailla NP Bolivia South America -19.67 2086 Cerro Serkhei Takanere NP Bolivia South America -19.68 2087 Cerro Jilarata NP Bolivia South America -19.7 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2088 Cerro Moko NP Bolivia South America -19.72 2089 Cerro Chivia NP Bolivia South America -19.72 2090 Cerro Kari Kari Caldera NP Bolivia South America -19.72 2091 Cerro Wara Wara NP Bolivia South America -19.72 2092 Cerro Cuyco NP Bolivia South America -19.72 2093 Cerro Chorka NP Chile South America -19.72 2094 Cerro Titivilla NP Bolivia South America -19.73 2096 NP NP Chile South America -19.73 2097 Cerro Picavilque NP Chile South America -19.73 2098 Cerro de Quimsachata NP Bolivia South America -19.78 2099 Cerro Aroma NP Chile South America -19.78 2100 Cerro Suna NP Chile South America -19.73 2101 Cerro Alto Toroni NP Chile South America -19.75 2102 Cerro Lirima NP Chile South America -19.75 2103 Cerro Chiviya NP Bolivia South America -19.77 2104 Cerro Jatun Mundo Khorihuarani NP Bolivia South America -19.78333333 2105 Cerro Irpa NP Bolivia South America -19.78333333 2106 Cerro Cultane NP Chile South America -19.78333333 2107 Cerro Hualchisa NP Bolivia South America -19.82 2108 Cerro Patara NP Chile South America -19.82 2109 Cerro NP Bolivia South America -19.83 2110 Cerro Hoyada Ulo NP Bolivia South America -19.83 2111 Cerro Umani NP Bolivia South America -19.83 2112 Cerro Vilajake NP Bolivia South America -19.87 2113 Cerro Condor Chucuna NP Bolivia South America -19.9 2114 Cerro Patalani NP Chile South America -19.91666667 2115 Cerro Picacho Sapajo NP Bolivia South America -19.95 2116 Cerro Porquesa NP Chile South America -19.96666667 2117 Cerro Picacho Chin. NP Bolivia South America -19.98333333 2118 Cerro Paza NP Chile South America -19.98333333 2119 Cerro Cuzco NP Bolivia South America -20.01666667 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2120 Cerro Caltana NP Bolivia South America -20.05 2121 Cerro Challacolla NP Bolivia South America -20.05 2122 Cerro Anapav NP Bolivia South America -20.07 2123 Cerro Piga NP Chile South America -20.08 2124 Cerro Alto Mira NP Bolivia South America -20.1 2125 Cerro Sillillica NP Bolivia South America -20.13 2126 Cerro Cosuna NP Bolivia South America -20.18 2127 Cerro Thacha Punta NP Bolivia South America -20.18 2128 Cerro Huaylla Khaua NP Bolivia South America -20.22 2129 Cerro Pallalli NP Bolivia South America -20.23 2130 Cerro Tres Tetas NP Bolivia South America -20.33 2131 Cerro Laguna NP Bolivia South America -20.33 2132 Cerro Velachaymani NP Bolivia South America -20.37 2133 Cerro Nana Kheat K.Kollu NP Bolivia South America -20.37 2134 Cerro H. Oriental NP Chile South America -20.37 2135 Cerro Jaruma NP Bolivia South America -20.4 2136 Cerro Gordo NP Bolivia South America -20.45 2137 Cerro Mancha NP Bolivia South America -20.47 2138 Cerro Taua NP Bolivia South America -20.47 2139 Cerro Naps NP Chile South America -20.52 2140 Cerro Waraco NP Bolivia South America -20.53 2141 Cerro Paja Redonda NP Bolivia South America -20.53 2142 Cerro Caiti NP Bolivia South America -20.58 2143 Cerro Gualcani NP Bolivia South America -20.6 2144 Cerro Juquel NP Bolivia South America -20.62 2145 Cerro Milluri NP Bolivia South America -20.62 2146 Cerro Tirani NP Bolivia South America -20.63 2147 Cerro Ichu Orco NP Bolivia South America -20.63 2148 Cerro Sailica NP Bolivia South America -20.65 2149 Cerro Caltana NP Bolivia South America -20.65 2150 Cerro Pata Unu NP Bolivia South America -20.65 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2151 Cerro Phisa Kkolla NP Bolivia South America -20.65 2152 Cerro Kolligi NP Bolivia South America -20.65 2153 Cerro Ocana NP Chile South America -20.65 2154 Cerro Bofedal NP Chile South America -20.7 2155 Cerro Huahulli NP Bolivia South America -20.7 2156 Cerro Julina NP Bolivia South America -20.7 2157 Cerro Cordillerita NP Bolivia South America -20.7 2158 Volcano (15) NP Chile South America -20.73 2159 Cerro Cerrito Negro NP Bolivia South America -20.77 2160 Cerro Llipe NP Bolivia South America -20.77 2161 Cerro Laguna NP Chile South America -20.77 2162 Cerro Caral NP Bolivia South America -20.82 2163 Cerro Phicheques NP Bolivia South America -20.82 2164 Cerro Gordo NP Bolivia South America -20.82 2165 Cerro Patillani NP Chile South America -20.83 2166 Cerro Uquilla NP Bolivia South America -20.85 2167 Cerro Perenal NP Bolivia South America -20.85 2168 Cerro Pujtin NP Bolivia South America -20.9 2169 Cerro Pabellon de Inca NP Chile South America -20.9 2170 Cerro Chorloque NP Bolivia South America -20.92 2171 Cerro Paruma NP Bolivia South America -20.93 2172 Cerro Chutinza Cerro Chile South America -20.93 2173 Volcano Olca (16) NP Bolivia South America -20.93 2174 Volcano NP Bolivia South America -20.95 2175 Cerro Pabellon NP Bolivia South America -20.97 2176 Cerro Luxar NP Bolivia South America -20.98 2177 Cerro Soniquera NP Bolivia South America -21 2178 Cerro Ujina Ignimbrite NP Chile South America -21.03 2179 Cerro Chajra Orkho NP Bolivia South America -21.05 2180 Cerro Alcondna NP Chile South America -21.07 2181 Cerro Jayula NP Bolivia South America -21.08 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2182 Cerro Chiguana NP Bolivia South America -21.1 2183 Cerro Arenas NP Bolivia South America -21.13 2184 Cerro Cordon Orkho NP Bolivia South America -21.15 2185 Cerro Chascos NP Bolivia South America -21.18 2186 NP NP Chile South America -21.18 2187 Volcano Mino NP Chile South America -21.18 2188 Cerro Khala Katin NP Bolivia South America -21.22 2189 Cerro Tres Monos NP Chile South America -21.22 2190 Cerro Auqanquilcha (17) NP Chile South America -21.22 2191 Cerro Polan NP Chile South America -21.22 2192 Cerro Porunita NP Chile South America -21.23 2193 Cerro Huanacu NP Bolivia South America -21.25 2194 Cerro Gordo NP Chile South America -21.25 2195 Cerro Eskapa NP Bolivia South America -21.27 2196 Cerro Sedilla NP Bolivia South America -21.27 2197 Cerro Chaihuiri NP Chile South America -21.28 2198 Cerro Tomasamil NP Bolivia South America -21.28 2199 Cerro San Geronimo NP Bolivia South America -21.3 2201 Cerro Puquios NP Chile South America -21.32 2202 Cerro Homito el Chico NP Chile South America -21.33 2203 Cerro Quinisa Punta NP Bolivia South America -21.33 2204 Cerro Kasquiu NP Bolivia South America -21.33 2205 Cerro Ayahua NP Bolivia South America -21.37 2206 Cerro Intipasto NP Bolivia South America -21.38 2207 Cerro Peineta O Chijiapishina NP Chile South America -21.38333333 2208 Cerro Chela NP Chile South America -21.4 2209 NP NP Bolivia South America -21.42 2210 Cerro Papellon NP Bolivia South America -21.42 2211 Cerro Puntilla de San Martin NP Chile South America -21.41666667 2212 Cerro Cairasilla NP Chile South America -21.45 2213 Cerro Canapa NP Bolivia South America -21.45 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2214 NP NP Bolivia South America -21.47 2215 Cerro Caquella NP Bolivia South America -21.48 2216 Cerro Chuhuilla NP Bolivia South America -21.5 2217 NP NP Bolivia South America -21.5 2218 Cerro NP Chile South America -21.55 2219 Cerro Chulluncan NP Bolivia South America -21.57 2220 Cerro Cebollar Viejo NP Chile South America -21.56666667 2221 Cerro de las Cuevas NP Chile South America -21.58333333 2222 Cerro Cava NP Bolivia South America -21.6 2223 Cerro Araral NP Chile South America -21.6 2224 Cerro Cebollar NP Chile South America -21.62 2225 Cerro Tapaquillcha NP Bolivia South America -21.62 2226 Cerro Aguas Calientes NP Bolivia South America -21.63 2227 Cerro Pebellon NP Chile South America -21.63 2228 Cerro Polar NP Chile South America -21.65 2229 Cerro Negro NP Chile South America -21.65 2230 Cerro Negro NP Bolivia South America -21.68 2231 Cerro Cachi Laguna NP Bolivia South America -21.68 2232 Cerro Asooun o del Jardin NP Chile South America -21.68 2233 NP NP Bolivia South America -21.72 2234 Cerro Pabellon Cachi Laguna NP Bolivia South America -21.73333333 2235 Cerro Ojitos NP Bolivia South America -21.75 2236 Cerro Chauhuilla Ignimbrite Chile South America -21.75 2237 Cerro Agua de Perdiz NP Chile South America -21.78 2238 (19) NP Chile South America -21.78 2239 Cerro (Chanka) Pabellon NP Chile South America -21.78 2240 Cerro Arenal NP Bolivia South America -21.8 2241 NP NP Chile South America -21.8 2242 Cerro Negro NP Bolivia South America -21.8 2243 NP NP Bolivia South America -21.8 2244 NP NP Bolivia South America -21.82 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2245 Volcano Chico NP Bolivia South America -21.83 2246 Cerro Aguilucho NP Chile South America -21.83 2247 Cerro Colorado Cordon NP Chile South America -21.85 2248 Cerro Colorado NP Chile South America -21.87 2249 Cerro San Bartolome NP Bolivia South America -21.88 2250 Cerro Chascori NP Bolivia South America -21.88 2251 Cerro de Inacaliri NP Chile South America -21.88 2252 Volcano NP Chile South America -21.88 2253 Volcano San Pedro (20) NP Chile South America -21.88 2254 Volcano La Poruna NP Chile South America -21.9 2255 Cerro Huiskhachillas NP Bolivia South America -21.92 2256 Cerro Cueva Punta NP Bolivia South America -21.92 2257 Cordon de Inacaliri(S) NP Chile South America -21.92 2258 Cordon NP Chile South America -21.92 2259 Cerro Lipez NP Bolivia South America -21.93 2260 Cerro Negro NP Bolivia South America -21.95 2261 Cerro Llancor NP Bolivia South America -21.95 2262 Cerro de Calana NP Chile South America -21.95 2263 Cerro Quebrada Honda NP Bolivia South America -21.97 2264 Cerro Inacaliri NP Bolivia South America -21.98 2265 Cerro Puca Orkho NP Bolivia South America -22 2266 Cerro Kapina NP Bolivia South America -22 2267 Cerro del Carcanal NP Chile South America -22.02 2268 Cerro Silala Chico NP Chile South America -22.03 2269 Volcano Chico NP Bolivia South America -22.03 2270 Cerro Chico NP Bolivia South America -22.03 2271 NP NP Chile South America -22.05 2272 Volcano Cerro Sisala Bolivia South America -22.05 2273 Cerro NP Chile South America -22.05 2274 Volcano NP Chile South America -22.05 2275 Cerro Negro NP Chile South America -22.07 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2276 Cerro Cahuana NP Bolivia South America -22.08 2277 Cerro Silagula NP Chile South America -22.1 2278 Cerro Chijlla NP Bolivia South America -22.1 2279 Cerro de Silaguala NP Bolivia South America -22.12 2280 Cerro Sanabria NP Bolivia South America -22.12 2281 Cerro Chao NP Chile South America -22.12 2282 Cerro Chinchijaran NP Bolivia South America -22.13 2283 Volcano NP Bolivia South America -22.15 2284 Cerro Laqueyta Orkho NP Bolivia South America -22.17 2285 Cerro Abra Amarilla NP Bolivia South America -22.17 2286 Cerro Chillahuita NP Chile South America -22.17 2287 Cerro San Antonia NP Bolivia South America -22.18 2288 Cerro Cuevas Cerro la Ramada Bolivia South America -22.2 2289 Cerro Panzios Ignimbrite NP Bolivia South America -22.2 2290 Cerro Crucesniyoj NP Bolivia South America -22.2 2291 Cerro Chillahuar NP Bolivia South America -22.2 2292 Cerro Vicunitayoj NP Bolivia South America -22.22 2293 Cerro Negro NP Bolivia South America -22.22 2294 Cerro Quetena NP Bolivia South America -22.25 2295 Cerro Panizo NP Bolivia South America -22.25 2296 Cerro Pabelloncito NP Bolivia South America -22.25 2297 Cerro NP Bolivia South America -22.27 2298 Cerro Huaylla Jarita NP Chile South America -22.27 2299 Cerro Khastor NP Bolivia South America -22.3 2300 Cerro Loromita NP Bolivia South America -22.3 2301 Cerro Colorado NP Bolivia South America -22.32 2302 Cerro Morokho NP Bolivia South America -22.33 2303 Cerro Viscachillas NP Bolivia South America -22.33 2304 Cerro Pabellon NP Bolivia South America -22.33 2305 Serrania Huayllajara NP Chile South America -22.33 2306 Cerro Lagunitas NP Bolivia South America -22.37 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2307 Cerro Suriphuyo NP Bolivia South America -22.4 2309 Cerro Huacho NP Chile South America -22.4 2310 Moros de Cablor NP Chile South America -22.4 2311 Cerro Puntas Negras NP Bolivia South America -22.42 2312 Cerro Michina NP Bolivia South America -22.43 2313 Cerro la Torta Tocopuri Chile South America -22.43 2315 Cerro Bravo NP Bolivia South America -22.47 2316 Cerro Bajo NP Bolivia South America -22.48 2317 Cerro Loromayu NP Bolivia South America -22.48 2318 Cerro del Quenoal NP Argentina South America -22.5 2319 Cerro Cueva Blanca NP Bolivia South America -22.5 2320 Cerro Negro Muerta NP Bolivia South America -22.5 2321 Cerro del Pajanal NP Bolivia South America -22.5 2322 Cerro Orosmayo NP Argentina South America -22.52 2323 Cerro Totoral NP Bolivia South America -22.52 2324 Cerro NP Bolivia South America -22.53 2325 Cerro Granadas II NP Argentina South America -22.55 2326 NP NP Bolivia South America -22.55 2327 Cerro Piedras Grandes NP Bolivia South America -22.55 2328 Volcano O Joriencal NP Chile South America -22.56666667 2329 Cerro Boratera de Chalviri NP Bolivia South America -22.58 2330 Cerro Colorado NP Chile South America -22.58 2331 Cerro Curiquinca NP Chile South America -22.6 2332 Cerro Macnuco(?) NP Chile South America -22.6 2333 Cerro Amarillo NP Bolivia South America -22.62 2334 Volcano (22) NP Bolivia South America -22.62 2335 Cerro Jorquenacal NP Chile South America -22.63 2336 Cerro Tinte NP Argentina South America -22.65 2337 Cerro Puripica Chico Cerro Guacho Bolivia South America -22.66666667 2338 Cerro Curiquinca NP Chile South America -22.68 2339 Cerro Nelly NP Bolivia South America -22.7 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2340 Cerro Aguas Calientes(W) NP Bolivia South America -22.72 2341 Cerro Aguas Calientes(E) NP Bolivia South America -22.72 2342 Cerro Brajma NP Bolivia South America -22.72 2343 Cerro Puripica Grande NP Bolivia South America -22.72 2344 NP NP Chile South America -22.73333333 2346 Cerro Quebrada Honda NP Bolivia South America -22.75 2347 Cerro Tres Cumbres NP Bolivia South America -22.78 2348 Sierra de Chaxas NP Chile South America -22.78 2349 Sierra de Chaxas Ignimbrite NP Chile South America -22.78 2350 Cerro Coyanguama NP Argentina South America -22.8 2351 Cerro Sandoncito NP Bolivia South America -22.8 2352 Cerro Rosario NP Argentina South America -22.82 2353 Cerro NP Chile South America -22.82 2354 Volcano NP Bolivia South America -22.83 2355 Volcano (23) NP Chile South America -22.83 2356 Volcano NP Argentina South America -22.85 2357 Pampa de NP Chile South America -22.88 2358 Cerro Guayaques (24) NP Chile South America -22.9 2359 Cerro Coyambuyo NP Argentina South America -22.92 2360 Volcano Santa Barbara NP Chile South America -22.92 2361 Cerro San Pedro NP Argentina South America -22.93 2362 NP NP Chile South America -22.97 2363 Cerro Guayaques Sur NP Chile South America -22.97 2364 NP Chile South America -22.97 2365 Cerro Chauantar NP Chile South America -22.98 2366 Cerro Tocal NP Argentina South America -23 2367 Cerro Coranzuli Cerro Tocal Argentina South America -23 2368 Cerro Negro NP Chile South America -23 2369 Cerro Purico Complex NP Chile South America -23 2370 Cerro el Chascon NP Chile South America -23.02 2371 Cerro el Abra Laguna NP Argentina South America -23.02 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2372 Cerro NP Chile South America -23.02 2373 Cerro Negro NP Chile South America -23.02 2374 Nevado de Poquis NP Chile South America -23.03 2375 Cerro Macon(E) NP Chile South America -23.05 2376 NP NP Chile South America -23.05 2377 Cerro Macon(W) NP Chile South America -23.07 2378 Cordon Honar NP Chile South America -23.08 2379 Cerro Aspero NP Chile South America -23.08 2380 Cerro Putas NP Chile South America -23.1 2381 NP NP Chile South America -23.12 2382 NP NP Chile South America -23.13 2383 Cerro NP Chile South America -23.15 2384 Caldera NP Chile South America -23.17 2385 Cerro Curutu NP Chile South America -23.18 2386 NP NP Chile South America -23.23 2387 Cerro (25) NP Chile South America -23.23 2388 Cerro Hecar NP Chile South America -23.23 2389 Cerro NP Chile South America -23.25 2390 NP NP Chile South America -23.27 2391 NP NP Chile South America -23.28 2392 Cerro De Pili Chile South America -23.3 2393 Cerro de Saltar NP Chile South America -23.32 2394 Volcano Aquas Calientes (26) NP Chile South America -23.37 2395 Cerro Arenoso NP Chile South America -23.4 2396 Cerro de Rio Negro NP Chile South America -23.4 2397 NP NP Chile South America -23.42 2398 Cerro Corona NP Chile South America -23.43 2399 Cerro Corral de Coquena NP Chile South America -23.45 2400 Cerro NP Chile South America -23.47 2401 NP NP Chile South America -23.48 2402 NP NP Chile South America -23.48 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2403 Cerro Lejia NP Chile South America -23.55 2404 Cerro (28) NP Chile South America -23.57 2405 NP NP Chile South America -23.6 2406 NP Chile South America -23.67 2407 Cordon de Puntas Negras (29) NP Chile South America -23.72 2408 Cordon NP Chile South America -23.73 2409 Volcano Puntas Negras (30) NP Chile South America -23.73 2410 NP Chile South America -23.77 2411 NP NP Chile South America -23.78 2412 Cerro Laco NP Chile South America -23.8 2413 NP NP Chile South America -23.82 2414 Cerro Tuyaito NP Chile South America -23.82 2415 NP NP Chile South America -23.82 2416 Cerro Miniques NP Chile South America -23.82 2417 Cerro Cosor NP Chile South America -23.83 2418 NP NP Chile South America -23.85 2419 NP NP Chile South America -23.85 2420 NP NP Chile South America -23.88 2421 Cerro las Tecas NP Chile South America -23.9 2422 Cerro Murchota NP Chile South America -23.9 2423 NP NP Chile South America -23.92 2424 NP NP Chile South America -23.92 2425 Cerro Toloncha NP Chile South America -23.93 2426 Cerro NP Chile South America -23.95 2427 Cerro Aguas Calientes NP Chile South America -23.97 2428 Cerro Medaro NP Chile South America -23.97 2429 NP NP Chile South America -23.97 2430 Volcano Tilcalar Sur NP Chile South America -23.97 2431 Cerro Aguas Calientes NP Chile South America -23.98 2432 NP NP Argentina South America -24 2433 Cerro Abra Quesera NP Argentina South America -24.03 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2434 Cerro del Rincon NP Chile South America -24.03 2435 Cerro Aguas Calientes o Hincahuasi NP Chile South America -24.03333333 2436 Cerro Aguas Calientes NP Chile South America -24.03 2437 NP NP Chile South America -24.03 2438 Cerro Caransoque NP Chile South America -24.07 2439 NP NP Chile South America -24.07 2440 NP NP Chile South America -24.07 2441 NP NP Chile South America -24.08 2442 NP NP Argentina South America -24.1 2443 NP NP Chile South America -24.1 2445 NP NP Chile South America -24.13 2446 Cordon de Puruchare NP Chile South America -24.15 2447 Cordon de Puruchare NP Chile South America -24.15 2448 Cordon NP Chile South America -24.15 2449 Cordon de Puruchare NP Chile South America -24.17 2450 El Ngrillar NP Chile South America -24.17 2451 NP NP Chile South America -24.18 2452 NP NP Chile South America -24.18 2453 NP NP Argentina South America -24.2 2454 Cordon de Puruchare NP Chile South America -24.2 2455 Cerro (32) NP Chile South America -24.2 2456 Loma Pajonales (32) NP Chile South America -24.2 2457 Cerro San Geronimo NP Argentina South America -24.23 2458 Cerro Guanaqueros NP Argentina South America -24.23 2459 Cerro Pajonales (32) NP Chile South America -24.23 2460 Cerro Pocitos NP Argentina South America -24.25 2461 NP NP Argentina South America -24.27 2462 NP NP Argentina South America -24.27 2463 NP NP Chile South America -24.27 2464 Cerro Negro de Chorrillos NP Argentina South America -24.28 2465 Cerro Guanaqueros NP Argentina South America -24.28 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2466 NP NP Argentina South America -24.28 2467 Cerro Verde NP Argentina South America -24.3 2468 Nevado Queva NP Argentina South America -24.32 2469 Nevado Unknown NP Chile South America -24.32 2470 Nevado Unknown NP Argentina South America -24.33 2471 Cerro Salin NP Argentina South America -24.33 2472 Cerro Mamaturi NP Argentina South America -24.37 2473 Cerro Quironcolo NP Argentina South America -24.38 2474 Volcano (33) NP Chile South America -24.4 2475 Cerro Azufre NP Argentina South America -24.42 2476 NP NP Argentina South America -24.42 2477 Corrida de Cori NP Chile South America -24.47 2478 Corrida NP Argentina South America -24.48 2479 Corrida NP Argentina South America -24.48 2480 Cerro Socomp NP Chile South America -24.48 2481 NP NP Chile South America -24.48 2482 Cerro Bayo NP Chile South America -24.48 2483 NP NP Argentina South America -24.52 2484 Cerro Guanaqueros NP Chile South America -24.52 2485 Cerro La Negrillar NP Argentina South America -24.53 2486 NP NP Argentina South America -24.53 2487 Cerro Sierra Bayo NP Chile South America -24.55 2488 Cerro Sierra Unknown NP Argentina South America -24.55 2489 Cerro Sierra Unknown NP Argentina South America -24.55 2490 Cerro Sierra Unknown NP Argentina South America -24.57 2491 Cerro Inca NP Chile South America -24.58 2492 NP NP Argentina South America -24.6 2493 NP NP Chile South America -24.6 2494 Cerro Chuculay NP Chile South America -24.6 2495 NP NP Argentina South America -24.63 2496 NP NP Argentina South America -24.63 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2497 NP NP Argentina South America -24.67 2498 Cerro Mellado NP Argentina South America -24.67 2499 NP NP Chile South America -24.67 2500 NP NP Argentina South America -24.68 2501 NP NP Argentina South America -24.68 2502 Morro Punta Negra NP Chile South America -24.68 2503 NP NP Argentina South America -24.7 2504 Volcano Llullallaco (34) NP Argentina South America -24.72 2505 Volcano NP Chile South America -24.73 2506 Volcano NP Chile South America -24.75 2507 Cerro Rosado NP Argentina South America -24.77 2508 NP NP Chile South America -24.77 2509 NP NP Chile South America -24.8 2510 Cerro Bavo NP Chile South America -24.85 2511 NP NP Argentina South America -24.85 2512 Cerro Mital NP Chile South America -24.85 2513 NP NP Argentina South America -24.87 2514 NP NP Argentina South America -24.9 2515 Cerro del Leon NP Chile South America -24.9 2516 Cerro Aguas Calientes NP Chile South America -24.9 2517 NP NP Chile South America -24.92 2518 NP NP Chile South America -24.95 2519 NP NP Chile South America -24.95 2520 NP NP Chile South America -24.98 2521 Corrida de Cori NP Chile South America -25 2522 Corrida NP Argentina South America -25.03 2523 Cerro Negro o Volcano NP Argentina South America -25.03 2524 NP NP Chile South America -25.05 2525 Cerro de la Pena NP Chile South America -25.07 2526 NP NP Chile South America -25.08 2527 NP NP Argentina South America -25.1 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2528 NP NP Chile South America -25.1 2529 NP NP Chile South America -25.1 2530 Sierra de Aguas Calientes(N) NP Argentina South America -25.13 2531 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.13 2532 Sierra NP Chile South America -25.13 2533 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.15 2534 El Crater NP Chile South America -25.15 2535 Sierra de Archibarca(W) NP Argentina South America -25.17 2536 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.17 2537 Volcano Azufre Volcano Chile South America -25.16666667 2538 Sierra de Aguas Calientes(N) NP Argentina South America -25.18 2539 Sierra NP Chile South America -25.18 2540 Sierra NP Chile South America -25.2 2541 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.22 2542 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.22 2543 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.22 2544 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.22 2545 Sierra de Aguas Calientes(N) NP Argentina South America -25.23 2546 Sierra de Archibarca NP Argentina South America -25.23 2547 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.23 2548 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.25 2549 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.25 2550 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.25 2551 Sierra NP Chile South America -25.27 2552 Sierra NP Chile South America -25.27 2553 Sierra de Archibarca(E) NP Argentina South America -25.28 2554 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.28 2555 Cerro Quebrado NP Chile South America -25.28 2556 NP NP Argentina South America -25.3 2557 NP NP Chile South America -25.3 2558 Cerro Morro Negro NP Chile South America -25.32 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2559 NP NP Argentina South America -25.32 2560 NP NP Argentina South America -25.32 2561 Sierra de Archibarca(W) NP Argentina South America -25.33 2562 Sierra de Azufre (37) NP Argentina South America -25.33 2563 Sierra de Archibarca(E) NP Argentina South America -25.35 2564 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.35 2565 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.35 2566 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.37 2567 Sierra NP Chile South America -25.37 2568 Cordon Valentin NP Chile South America -25.38 2569 Cordon NP Argentina South America -25.38 2570 Cordon NP Argentina South America -25.38 2571 Cordon NP Chile South America -25.38 2572 Cordon NP Chile South America -25.38 2573 Cerro del Azufre NP Chile South America -25.38 2574 Cerro Dos Hermanos NP Chile South America -25.38 2575 NP NP Argentina South America -25.4 2576 NP NP Argentina South America -25.4 2577 NP NP Argentina South America -25.4 2578 NP NP Argentina South America -25.4 2579 NP NP Chile South America -25.4 2580 Sierra de Aguas Calientes NP Argentina South America -25.42 2581 Sierra NP Argentina South America -25.42 2582 Sierra de Bayo (38) NP Chile South America -25.42 2583 Cerro Bayo NP Chile South America -25.42 2584 NP NP Chile South America -25.42 2585 NP NP Argentina South America -25.43 2586 NP NP Argentina South America -25.45 2587 Cerro el Chaco NP Chile South America -25.45 2588 NP NP Argentina South America -25.47 2589 NP NP Chile South America -25.47 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2590 NP NP Chile South America -25.47 2591 NP NP Argentina South America -25.5 2592 NP NP Argentina South America -25.5 2593 NP NP Chile South America -25.5 2594 Cerro Blanco Cerro Blanco del RobledoArgentina South America -25.5 2595 NP NP Argentina South America -25.52 2596 NP NP Argentina South America -25.52 2597 NP NP Chile South America -25.52 2598 NP NP Argentina South America -25.55 2599 Volcano NP Argentina South America -25.55 2600 Volcano NP Chile South America -25.55 2601 Volcano NP Argentina South America -25.57 2602 Volcano NP Argentina South America -25.57 2603 Volcano NP Argentina South America -25.57 2604 Volcano NP Chile South America -25.58 2605 Volcano NP Argentina South America -25.62 2606 Cerro Aguas Calientes NP Argentina South America -25.62 2607 NP NP Argentina South America -25.63 2608 NP NP Argentina South America -25.63 2609 Cerro Cajero NP Argentina South America -25.63 2610 Tinguipaya mine S. NP Argentina South America -25.63 2611 NP NP Chile South America -25.63 2612 NP NP Chile South America -25.63 2613 Cerro Beltran Cerro Calalaste Argentina South America -25.67 2614 NP NP Argentina South America -25.68 2615 Cerro de la Aguada NP Argentina South America -25.68 2616 NP NP Chile South America -25.7 2617 Cerro Aguas Blancas NP Argentina South America -25.7 2618 NP NP Chile South America -25.7 2619 NP NP Chile South America -25.73 2620 NP NP Chile South America -25.73 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2621 Cono de la Isla NP Chile South America -25.75 2622 Cono de la Isla NP Chile South America -25.75 2623 Cono de la Isla NP Argentina South America -25.77 2624 Cono de la Isla NP Chile South America -25.77 2625 Cerro de la Isla NP Chile South America -25.77 2626 NP NP Argentina South America -25.78 2627 NP NP Argentina South America -25.78 2628 Cerro Bolson NP Chile South America -25.8 2629 Cerro Llano las Vicunas NP Chile South America -25.83 2630 NP NP Chile South America -25.83 2631 Cerro de Encanche NP Chile South America -25.83 2632 NP NP Argentina South America -25.88 2633 NP NP Argentina South America -25.88 2634 Cerro de los Infieles NP Chile South America -25.9 2635 NP NP Chile South America -25.9 2636 NP NP Chile South America -25.92 2637 NP NP Argentina South America -25.95 2638 Cerro Galin NP Argentina South America -25.97 2639 NP NP Argentina South America -25.97 2640 NP NP Chile South America -25.97 2641 NP NP Chile South America -26 2642 NP NP Chile South America -26 2643 Cerro Alto NP Chile South America -26 2644 NP NP Chile South America -26.02 2645 Cerro Anaranjado NP Chile South America -26.02 2646 NP NP Chile South America -26.03 2647 NP NP Argentina South America -26.05 2648 Cerro del Saltar Grande NP Chile South America -26.05 2649 Cerro Forturia NP Chile South America -26.05 2650 Cerro Gemelas Cerro Dona Inez Chile South America -26.08 2651 NP NP Chile South America -26.1 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2652 NP NP Chile South America -26.1 2653 Cerro el Aluminio NP Chile South America -26.1 2654 NP NP Chile South America -26.12 2655 NP NP Chile South America -26.13 2656 Cerro la Nuez NP Chile South America -26.15 2657 NP NP Chile South America -26.15 2658 Volcano Alumbrera NP Chile South America -26.15 2659 Volcano NP Argentina South America -26.17 2660 Volcano NP Chile South America -26.17 2661 Volcano NP Chile South America -26.17 2662 Volcano NP Chile South America -26.17 2663 Volcano NP Argentina South America -26.18 2664 Volcano NP Chile South America -26.18 2665 Volcano NP Chile South America -26.18 2666 Volcano NP Chile South America -26.18 2667 Volcano NP Chile South America -26.2 2668 Cerro Valecito NP Argentina South America -26.2 2669 NP NP Argentina South America -26.22 2670 NP NP Chile South America -26.23 2671 NP NP Chile South America -26.25 2672 NP NP Argentina South America -26.27 2673 NP NP Chile South America -26.27 2674 Cerro Tridente NP Chile South America -26.28 2675 Cerro de Panteon de Aliste NP Chile South America -26.28 2676 NP NP Argentina South America -26.3 2677 Cerro de Laguna Bravas NP Chile South America -26.3 2678 NP NP Argentina South America -26.33 2679 NP NP Chile South America -26.37 2680 NP NP Argentina South America -26.38 2681 NP NP Argentina South America -26.38 2682 Cerro Pampa NP Chile South America -26.38 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2683 NP NP Chile South America -26.4 2684 NP NP Argentina South America -26.42 2685 Cerro Plomizo NP Chile South America -26.42 2686 NP NP Argentina South America -26.45 2687 NP NP Argentina South America -26.45 2688 Cerro de Pierdra Parada NP Chile South America -26.45 2689 Cerro Penon NP Argentina South America -26.47 2690 NP NP Argentina South America -26.47 2691 NP NP Chile South America -26.48 2692 Volcano de las Bayos NP Argentina South America -26.48 2693 Sierra Nevada (39) NP Chile South America -26.5 2694 Sierra NP Chile South America -26.5 2695 Cumbre de Laudo NP Argentina Catamarca -26.52 2696 Cerro Cueros de Purulalla NP Argentina South America -26.53 2697 NP NP Argentina South America -26.53 2698 NP NP Chile South America -26.53 2699 NP NP Chile South America -26.55 2700 Cerro de Juno NP Chile South America -26.55 2701 Cerro la Ola NP Chile South America -26.57 2702 NP NP Chile South America -26.58 2703 NP NP Argentina South America -26.6 2704 Cerro Lagunas Escondida NP Argentina South America -26.6 2705 NP NP Chile South America -26.6 2706 NP NP Chile South America -26.6 2707 Volcano Peinado (4 1) NP Argentina South America -26.62 2708 Cerro el Condor (40) NP Argentina South America -26.62 2709 Cerro el Potrero Grande NP Chile South America -26.62 2710 Cerro Escondida NP Chile South America -26.65 2711 NP NP Chile South America -26.65 2712 NP NP Chile South America -26.65 2713 Cerro Bravos NP Chile South America -26.67 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2714 Cerro Carachipampa NP Chile South America -26.68 2715 NP NP Argentina South America -26.68 2716 NP NP Chile South America -26.68 2717 NP NP Chile South America -26.7 2718 NP NP Argentina South America -26.7 2719 Cerro Volcano NP Argentina South America -26.7 2720 Cerro Wheelwright Caldera NP Chile South America -26.7 2721 NP NP Argentina South America -26.73 2722 NP NP Argentina South America -26.75 2723 Cerro Blanco Cerro Bayo Argentina South America -26.75 2724 NP NP Argentina South America -26.75 2725 NP NP Argentina South America -26.77 2726 NP NP Argentina South America -26.77 2727 NP NP Argentina South America -26.77 2728 NP NP Chile South America -26.77 2729 NP NP Argentina South America -26.78 2730 NP NP Argentina South America -26.78 2731 Cerro Ermitano NP Chile South America -26.78 2732 Pico Weel Wright Cerro Pircas de Ind Chile South America -26.78333333 2733 Tridente Volcano S NP Chile South America -26.78 2734 NP NP Argentina South America -26.8 2735 San Cristobal Fm silicic tuff NP Argentina South America -26.8 2736 San Cristobal Fm, dacitic lava NP Argentina South America -26.8 2737 Cerro Laguna Verde NP Chile South America -26.8 2738 Cerro Pena Blanca NP Chile South America -26.82 2739 Cer Penon (42) NP Chile South America -26.81666667 2740 NP NP Argentina South America -26.83 2741 Cerro Dos Conos NP Argentina South America -26.83 2742 NP NP Chile South America -26.88 2743 Nevado de San Francisco NP Chile South America -26.92 2744 Cerro Mulas Muertas NP Chile South America -26.95 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2745 NP NP Chile South America -26.97 2746 NP NP Chile South America -26.98 2747 NP NP Chile South America -26.98 2748 NP NP Chile South America -27 2749 NP NP Chile South America -27 2750 Maricunga Volcano Ojo de Maricunga VolcanoChile South America -27 2751 Las Peladas NP Argentina South America -27.02 2752 NP NP Chile South America -27.02 2753 Nevado de Incahuasi NP Chile South America -27.03 2754 Nevado de Unknown NP Chile South America -27.03 2755 Nevado de Unknown NP Chile South America -27.03 2756 Macizo Tres Cruces NP Chile South America -27.05 2757 Macizo Tres Cruces NP Chile South America -27.05 2758 Nevado el Fraile NP Chile South America -27.05 2759 Cerro Merrito NP Argentina South America -27.07 2760 NP NP Argentina South America -27.07 2761 NP NP Argentina South America -27.07 2762 Nevado el Muerto NP Chile South America -27.07 2763 Macizo Tres Cruces NP Chile South America -27.07 2764 Macizo Unknown NP Chile South America -27.07 2765 Macizo Unknown NP Chile South America -27.1 2766 Macizo Unknown NP Chile South America -27.1 2767 Nevado de Tres Cruces NP Chile South America -27.1 2768 Nevado de Santa Rega NP Chile South America -27.1 2769 NP Argentina South America -27.12 2770 Cerro Ojos de las Lozas NP Argentina South America -27.12 2771 NP NP Argentina South America -27.12 2772 Nevado Ojos de Salado (43) NP Argentina South America -27.12 2773 Nevado Unknown NP Chile South America -27.12 2774 Nevado Unknown NP Argentina South America -27.12 2775 Nevado Unknown NP Chile South America -27.12 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2776 Cerro Tres Cruces NP Chile South America -27.12 2777 NP NP Chile South America -27.12 2778 NP NP Argentina South America -27.13 2779 Cerro Pastillitos NP Chile South America -27.13 2780 Volcano Roja NP Argentina South America -27.15 2781 Volcano NP Argentina South America -27.15 2782 Cerro Puntiagudo NP Argentina South America -27.15 2783 NP NP Chile South America -27.15 2784 NP NP Chile South America -27.17 2785 Cerro Lagunillas NP Chile South America -27.17 2786 NP NP Argentina South America -27.18 2787 NP NP Argentina South America -27.18 2788 Sierra Pastillitos NP Chile South America -27.18 2789 Sierra NP Argentina South America -27.2 2790 Cerro (44) NP Argentina South America -27.2 2791 Unknown (44) NP Argentina South America -27.2 2792 Cerro las Cuelcas NP Argentina South America -27.22 2793 Cerro Agua Caliente NP Chile South America -27.22 2794 NP NP Argentina South America -27.25 2795 Cerro de Cienaga Redonda NP Argentina South America -27.27 2796 Sierra Villalobos NP Chile South America -27.27 2797 Cerro del Nacimiento NP Chile South America -27.27 2798 Cerro de los Patos NP Argentina South America -27.28 2799 NP NP Chile South America -27.3 2800 Cerro Azufre o Copiapo NP Chile South America -27.3 2801 NP NP Chile South America -27.3 2802 Cerro de Lajitas NP Argentina South America -27.33 2803 Sierra Azufre(S) NP Chile South America -27.33 2804 Sierra de la Sal(N) NP Chile South America -27.37 2805 Sierra de la Sal(S) NP Chile South America -27.38 2806 Sierra NP Chile South America -27.45 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2807 Sierra NP Argentina South America -27.45 2808 Cerro de la Laguna NP Argentina South America -27.5 2809 NP NP Chile South America -27.5 2810 Cerro DosHermanas(E) NP Argentina South America -27.53 2811 Cerro Dos Hermanas(W) NP Chile South America -27.55 2812 NP NP Argentina South America -27.58 2813 NP NP Chile South America -27.58 2814 NP NP Argentina South America -27.63 2815 NP NP Argentina South America -27.65 2816 Cordon de Darwin NP Chile South America -27.65 2817 Cordon NP Argentina South America -27.7 2818 Cerro Vidal Gormaz NP Argentina South America -27.7 2819 NP NP Argentina South America -27.72 2820 NP NP Argentina South America -27.72 2821 NP NP Argentina South America -27.72 2822 NP NP Argentina South America -27.73 2823 Cerro Negro NP Argentina South America -27.75 2824 NP NP Argentina South America -27.75 2825 NP NP Argentina South America -27.77 2826 NP NP Argentina South America -27.77 2827 Cerro Nacimiento de Jaguel NP Argentina South America -27.78 2828 Cerro Pabellon de la Laguna Verde NP Argentina South America -27.8 2829 NP NP Argentina South America -27.82 2830 NP NP Argentina South America -27.82 2831 Cerro Reclas(?) NP Argentina South America -27.83 2832 NP NP Argentina South America -27.87 2833 NP NP Argentina South America -27.88 2834 NP NP Argentina South America -27.88 2835 Cerro Bonete NP Argentina South America -27.9 2836 Cerro Veladero NP Argentina South America -27.9 2837 NP NP Argentina South America -27.92 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 2838 NP NP Argentina South America -27.92 2839 NP NP Argentina South America -27.92 2840 NP NP Argentina South America -27.95 2841 NP NP Argentina South America -27.95 2842 NP NP Argentina South America -27.95 2843 NP NP Argentina South America -27.97 2844 NP NP Argentina South America -27.98 2845 NP NP Argentina South America -28 2846 NP NP Argentina South America -28 2847 NP NP Argentina South America -28.02 2848 NP NP Argentina South America -28.07 2849 NP NP Argentina South America -28.1 2850 NP NP Argentina South America -28.2 2851 Cerro Barmcas Blancas NP Argentina South America -28.32 2852 NP NP Argentina South America -28.43 2875 Maricunga Volcano Ojo de Maricunga VolcanoChile South America -27 2930 Incapillo complex Bonete caldera Argentina South America -27.89 2931 Cerro Blanco NP Argentina South America -26.85 2932 Cerro Blanco NP Argentina South America -26.65 2986 Cerro Blanco Cerro Blanco del RobledoArgentina South America -26.75 3000 Volcano los Cuyanos NP Chile South America -26.49450259 3306 Cerro Blanco Cerro Blanco del RobledoArgentina South America -25.51666667 3546 NP Argentina Jujuy -24.05 3560 Cerro Tuzgle NP Argentina Jujuy -23.82 3662 Cerro Purico NP Chile South America -23 3707 Cerro Escalante-Sairecabur/ ChileCerro Colorado II -22.733 4044 Cerro Tunupa NP Bolivia South America -19.86666667 4052 Cerro Tunupa NP Bolivia South America -19.76666667 4528 Incapillo complex NP Argentina Caldera south rim -27.95 4530 Incapillo complex NP Argentina Caldera south rim -27.935 4531 Incapillo complex NP Argentina Caldera southwest rim -27.916 ID Volcano.Name Alternative.name Country Region Latitude.DD 4554 Cerro Blanco Cerro Blanco del RobledoArgentina Southern Puna Ignimbrites and related-26.518 samples 4802 Chuquiananta Volcano NP Peru South America -17.12 4975 Tatio ignimbrite NP Chile Tatio Ignimbrite -22.42 5410 El Misti NP Peru Misti Misti Queb San Lazaro -16.355 5413 El Misti NP Peru Misti Quebrada Pastores -16.338 5423 Ubinas NP Peru Ubinas -16.416 5424 Ubinas NP Peru Ubinas -16.379 5425 Ubinas NP Peru Ubinas -16.38 5758 Cerro Sairecabur Escalante-Sairecabur/ ChileCerro Colorado II -22.652 5779 Aucanquilcha Volcanic Complex NP Chile Ujina Ignimbrite -20.955 5787 NP NP Peru Arco Frontal -17.294 6357 NP NP Chile Ollague -21.2875 6704 Asuasuni, Cerro NP Bolivia South America -18.23 6705 Caltama, Cerro NP Bolivia South America -20.65 6706 Tul-tul, Cerro NP Argentina Puna -24.19 6707 Ulla Ulla Cerro NP Bolivia South America -19.62 6708 San F. Pachapaque, Cerro NP Peru South America -16.8 6709 Incacamachi , Cerro NP Bolivia South America -18.87 6710 Japia, Cerro NP Peru South America -16.35 6711 San F. Orcorara, Cerro NP Peru South America -16.88 6712 Pacha Kollu, Cerro NP Bolivia South America -18.8 6713 , Cerro NP Bolivia South America -17.35 6714 Sarani, Cerro NP Peru South America -17.15 6715 Sunicagua, Cerro NP Bolivia South America -17.87 6716 Ccarhuaraso, Cerro NP Peru South America -14.32 6717 Huicso, Cerro NP Peru South America -14.4 6718 Jatunpunco, Cerro NP Peru South America -14.73 6744 NP NP Chile South America -22.9333 7837 Cerro El Quilindana NP Ecuador South America -47.09 7840 Incapillo complex NP Argentina South America -27.9 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 115 -68.92 4401 Dormant 1349 122 -68.47 4737 Stratovolcano Dormant 1439 133 -78.39 3637 Caldera Dormant 371 150 -66.92 4409 Caldera Dormant 1503 159 -68.8 5250 Caldera Dormant 500 164 -68.11 4394 Stratovolcano Dormant 1360 179 -68.18 3803 Stratovolcano Fumarolic stage 2065 208 -68.88 4045 Stratovolcano Dormant 2497 219 -68.02 4406 Stratovolcano Dormant 908 233 -73.75 2296 Stratovolcano Latent 250 234 -72.15 1112 Stratovolcano Latent 878 235 -78.62 3594 Stratovolcano Latent 869 241 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Active 2448 247 -73.4 405 Stratovolcano Latent 1353 249 -70.5 2224 Caldera Dormant 1284 253 -72.61 668 Stratovolcano Latent 1306 254 -71.45 1802 Stratovolcano Latent 1362 255 -72.07 398 cone Active 716 256 -77.99 3699 Stratovolcano Latent 2091 259 -72.27 205 Scoria cone Latent 301 263 -71.53 4057 Stratovolcano active 2000 297 -76.92 3280 Stratovolcano Latent 870 298 -68.37 5107 Stratovolcano Dormant 347 300 -77.37 2639 Stratovolcano Latent 1637 304 -78.6 3025 Stratovolcano Latent 1759 307 -70.85 4063 Stratovolcano Latent 787 308 -72.97 1443 Stratovolcano Dormant 462 313 -67.73 4068 Stratovolcano Active 1524 315 -68.12 4394 Stratovolcano Dormant 1360 316 -71.73 798 Stratovolcano Dormant 2327 320 -71.58 1429 Stratovolcano Active 1403 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 321 -73.17 871 Stratovolcano Latent 2089 322 -69.83 3321 Stratovolcano Latent 2002 323 -70.58 2390 Caldera Dormant 589 324 -72.88 341 Stratovolcano Latent 2059 326 -73.08 550 Stratovolcano Latent 1110 327 -72.45 792 Stratovolcano Latent 1660 343 -72.03 700 Stratovolcano Dormant 1722 344 -78.27 2881 Stratovolcano Dormant 1382 346 -68.55 5244 Stratovolcano Latent 1635 347 -72.5 905 Stratovolcano Latent 1754 348 -69.23 2272 Caldera Dormant 1443 349 -78.46 2684 Caldera Latent 672 351 -76.4 3177 Stratovolcano Latent 1473 353 -67.75 5089 Scoria cone Dormant 641 355 -72.12 555 Stratovolcano Latent 1681 358 -78.9 3521 Caldera Dormant 393 361 -73.58 439 Monogenetic centre Dormant 561 362 -77.66 2497 Stratovolcano Active 1065 363 -67.72 4306 Caldera Latent 364 364 -75.36 3151 Stratovolcano Latent 707 365 -75.32 5262.8 Stratovolcano Latent 1579 372 -77.58 3341 Stratovolcano Dormant 614 373 -71.52 2061 Caldera Latent 221 375 -70.6 4550 Dome Dormant 858 382 -78.44 3030 Stratovolcano Latent 1993 387 -70.9 4408 Stratovolcano Latent 1267 393 -71.93 1047 Stratovolcano Latent 1800 396 -72.81 173 Stratovolcano Dormant 1876 397 -70.2 3467 Stratovolcano Latent 2028 411 -70.57 2508 Stratovolcano Latent 1469 504 -75.33 3040 Stratovolcano Dormant 2175 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 543 -77.68 3439 Stratovolcano Latent 631 544 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Active 2448 545 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Active 2448 546 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Active 2448 547 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Latent 2448 548 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Latent 2448 549 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Latent 2448 550 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Latent 2448 551 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Latent 2448 552 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Latent 2448 553 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Latent 2448 554 -70.76 1340 Stratovolcano Latent 2448 555 -67.77 4306 Dome Latent 364 563 -75.29 3270 Stratovolcano Latent 715 646 -78.25 3889 Caldera Dormant 754 647 -78.29 3119 Stratovolcano Latent 987 652 -72.65 690 Caldera Latent 432 685 -71.38 1548 Stratovolcano Cenozoic active 1632 713 -72.79 289 Stratovolcano Latent 1537 798 -78.44 3944 Stratovolcano Latent 1967 802 -78.36 2906 Caldera Latent 340 806 -76.94 3280 Stratovolcano Latent 870 1090 -70.49 2390 Caldera Latent 589 1128 -71.41 3622 Stratovolcano Latent 2200 1153 -69.14 4636 Stratovolcano Dormant 1700 1159 -69.24 2272 Caldera Latent 1443 1160 -70.57 2508 Stratovolcano Active 1469 1376 -75.33 3040 Stratovolcano Active 2175 1645 -70.2 3467 Stratovolcano Latent 2028 1655 -68.18 5417 Stratovolcano Fumarolic stage 2065 1705 -67.78 4131 Stratovolcano Cenozoic active 1964 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 1720 -68.55 6555 Caldera Latent 324 1728 -70.58 2508 Stratovolcano Latent 1469 1740 -71.18 1922 Stratovolcano Active 1031 1748 -74.83 4600 Stratovolcano NP 408 1749 -74.52 4150 Stratovolcano NP 319 1750 -74.47 4200 Stratovolcano NP 439 1751 -74.13 4300 Stratovolcano NP 423 1752 -74.45 4100 Stratovolcano NP 430 1753 -74.62 4000 Stratovolcano NP 487 1754 -74.35 4000 Stratovolcano NP 610 1755 -74.47 4000 Lava flow NP 466 1756 -70.32 4600 Stratovolcano NP 800 1757 -74.55 4300 Lava flow NP 134 1758 -71.6 3800 Stratovolcano NP 800 1759 -74.27 4100 Stratovolcano NP 410 1760 -73.87 4000 Stratovolcano NP 600 1761 -74.18 4250 Stratovolcano NP 339 1762 -73.77 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1004 1763 -74.35 4300 Stratovolcano NP 241 1764 -74.53 3900 Lava flow NP 410 1765 -74.02 4200 Stratovolcano NP 437 1766 -73.58 4400 Stratovolcano NP 352 1767 -71.75 4000 Stratovolcano NP 800 1768 -73.48 4400 Stratovolcano NP 566 1769 -73.88 4400 Stratovolcano NP 441 1770 -73.6 4450 Stratovolcano NP 522 1771 -73.98 4300 Stratovolcano NP 350 1772 -71.65 4200 Stratovolcano NP 600 1773 -71.72 4050 Stratovolcano NP 775 1774 -74.35 3900 Caldera NP 427 1775 -73.7 4600 Stratovolcano NP 564 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 1776 -73.82 4400 Stratovolcano NP 461 1777 -71.53 3950 Stratovolcano NP 450 1778 -71.58 4050 Stratovolcano NP 700 1779 -73.75 4350 Stratovolcano NP 478 1780 -73.17 4600 Stratovolcano NP 200 1781 -73.28 4575 Stratovolcano NP 450 1782 -71.7 4424 Stratovolcano NP 550 1783 -71.9 4600 Stratovolcano NP 350 1784 -72.63 4574 Stratovolcano NP 630 1785 -72.2 4900 Stratovolcano NP 570 1786 -71.43 4500 Stratovolcano NP 633 1787 -71.35 4600 Stratovolcano NP 450 1788 -71.77 4600 Stratovolcano NP 546 1789 -71.83 4600 Stratovolcano NP 639 1790 -72.3 4700 Stratovolcano NP 238 1791 -72.42 4400 Caldera NP 550 1792 -71.2 4700 Stratovolcano NP 450 1793 -72.63 4750 Stratovolcano NP 700 1794 -72.7 4600 Stratovolcano NP 591 1795 -71.72 4400 Stratovolcano NP 604 1796 -72.73 4600 Stratovolcano NP 450 1797 -72.53 4600 Stratovolcano NP 550 1798 -72.12 4700 Dome NP 377 1799 -72.02 4000 Stratovolcano NP 500 1800 -71.68 4700 Scoria cone NP 105 1801 -72.45 4400 Lava flow NP 100 1802 -73.43 3500 Stratovolcano NP 2005 1803 -72.55 4600 Stratovolcano NP 525 1804 -72.78 4550 Stratovolcano NP 302 1805 -71.88 4900 Dome NP 277 1806 -73.43 3800 Stratovolcano NP 925 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 1807 -72.82 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1693 1808 -72.27 4800 Stratovolcano NP 325 1809 -72.33 3900 Scoria cone NP 350 1810 -70.85 4400 Stratovolcano NP 830 1811 -72.72 4400 Dome NP 331 1812 -72.23 4700 Scoria cone NP 250 1813 -71.82 4900 Scoria cone NP 163 1814 -72.02 4350 Scoria cone NP 175 1815 -72.5 4500 Stratovolcano NP 550 1816 -72.32 3250 Scoria cone NP 75 1817 -72.65 4477 Stratovolcano Dormant 1900 1818 -70.82 4460 Stratovolcano NP 839 1819 -71 4600 Stratovolcano NP 360 1820 -71.87 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1725 1821 -71.55 4725 Stratovolcano NP 664 1822 -71.85 4376 Stratovolcano Dormant 1600 1823 -71.68 4500 Stratovolcano NP 740 1824 -70.98 4800 Stratovolcano NP 305 1825 -71.88 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1988 1826 -71.77 4300 Stratovolcano NP 738 1827 -69.98 3960 Stratovolcano NP 540 1828 -70.83 4550 Stratovolcano NP 621 1829 -71.45 4300 Stratovolcano NP 957 1830 -71.52 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1090 1831 -71.08 4400 Stratovolcano NP 854 1832 -71.2 4198 Stratovolcano NP 890 1833 -71.52 4100 Caldera NP 915 1834 -70.25 4400 Stratovolcano NP 781 1835 -71.53 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1684 1836 -71.1 4300 Stratovolcano NP 825 1837 -71.57 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1784 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 1838 -71.15 4300 Stratovolcano NP 986 1839 -70.33333333 4600 Caldera NP 748 1840 -69.47 3900 Stratovolcano NP 442 1841 -71.6 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1450 1842 -71.02 4350 Stratovolcano NP 700 1843 -70.95 4300 Dome NP 400 1844 -70.33 4600 Stratovolcano NP 750 1845 -71.28 4198 Stratovolcano NP 860 1846 -69.15 3810 Stratovolcano NP 999 1847 -70.65 4300 Stratovolcano NP 850 1848 -71 4400 Stratovolcano NP 450 1849 -70.95 4400 Stratovolcano NP 530 1850 -71.23 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1215 1851 -69.88 4400 Stratovolcano NP 785 1852 -71.13 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1050 1853 -69.73 4100 Stratovolcano NP 850 1854 -70.02 4800 Scoria cone NP 225 1855 -70.62 4500 Stratovolcano NP 741 1856 -71.25 4010 Stratovolcano NP 1500 1857 -69.92 4300 Stratovolcano NP 850 1858 -69.5 4250 Stratovolcano NP 648 1859 -70.55 4600 Stratovolcano NP 996 1860 -70.12 4650 Stratovolcano NP 702 1861 -69.83 4200 Stratovolcano NP 853 1862 -69.93 4400 Stratovolcano NP 810 1863 -70 4700 Stratovolcano NP 550 1864 -70.38 4400 Stratovolcano NP 480 1865 -69.52 4300 Stratovolcano NP 550 1866 -70.02 4750 Scoria cone NP 200 1867 -71.63 4020 Stratovolcano NP 980 1868 -70.12 4550 Scoria cone NP 500 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 1869 -69.65 4200 Stratovolcano NP 725 1870 -70.52 4600 Stratovolcano NP 650 1871 -70.57 4550 Stratovolcano NP 500 1872 -69.9 4450 Stratovolcano NP 600 1873 -70.08 4650 Dome NP 300 1874 -70.18 4500 Stratovolcano NP 844 1875 -70.18 4600 Stratovolcano NP 600 1876 -70.15 4600 Stratovolcano NP 800 1877 -69.57 4350 Stratovolcano NP 863 1878 -69.85 4300 Stratovolcano NP 625 1879 -69.97 4650 Stratovolcano NP 571 1880 -70.55 4450 Stratovolcano NP 600 1881 -69.57 4300 Stratovolcano NP 825 1882 -69.76666667 4200 Stratovolcano NP 732 1883 -70.47 4500 Stratovolcano NP 495 1884 -69.9 4500 Stratovolcano NP 725 1885 -69.57 4300 Stratovolcano NP 595 1886 -69.63 4300 Stratovolcano NP 635 1887 -70.63 4300 Stratovolcano NP 836 1888 -69.48 4450 Stratovolcano NP 415 1889 -70.12 4600 Stratovolcano NP 950 1890 -70.35 4500 Stratovolcano NP 650 1891 -69.93 4600 Scoria cone NP 250 1892 -70.1 4600 Stratovolcano NP 985 1893 -70.43 4500 Stratovolcano NP 680 1894 -70.47 4600 Stratovolcano NP 850 1895 -70.55 4400 Stratovolcano NP 825 1896 -70.07 4500 Stratovolcano NP 650 1897 -70.13 4600 Stratovolcano NP 725 1898 -70.37 4415 Stratovolcano Dormant 1400 1899 -70.17 4450 Stratovolcano NP 800 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 1900 -69.55 4400 Stratovolcano NP 750 1901 -69.67 4200 Stratovolcano NP 750 1902 -70 4550 Stratovolcano NP 925 1903 -70.07 4450 Stratovolcano NP 700 1904 -70.2 4350 Stratovolcano NP 900 1905 -69.58 4450 Stratovolcano NP 580 1906 -69.92 4500 Stratovolcano NP 600 1907 -70.47 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1050 1908 -69.83 4700 Stratovolcano NP 350 1909 -69.43 4300 Stratovolcano NP 650 1910 -70.02 4550 Stratovolcano NP 375 1911 -70.22 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1050 1912 -69.87 4500 Stratovolcano NP 550 1913 -70.1 4350 Stratovolcano NP 800 1914 -70.2 4250 Stratovolcano NP 1075 1915 -69.88 4450 Stratovolcano NP 632 1916 -70.1 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1125 1917 -70.2 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1058 1918 -69.92 4400 Stratovolcano NP 600 1919 -69.8 4500 Stratovolcano NP 507 1920 -70.2 3900 Stratovolcano Dormant 1650 1921 -69.98 4350 Stratovolcano NP 600 1922 -69.72 4350 Stratovolcano NP 834 1923 -69.42 4500 Stratovolcano NP 625 1924 -70.07 4300 Stratovolcano NP 784 1925 -69.57 4300 Stratovolcano NP 542 1926 -69.97 4400 Stratovolcano NP 920 1927 -69.82 4300 Scoria cone NP 250 1928 -69.93 4600 Stratovolcano NP 825 1929 -69.42 4550 Stratovolcano NP 400 1930 -69.9 4700 Dome NP 450 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 1931 -69.68 4250 Stratovolcano NP 973 1932 -69.8 4450 Dome NP 200 1933 -69.9 4800 Dome NP 515 1934 -70.03 4500 Stratovolcano NP 473 1935 -69.85 4400 Stratovolcano NP 970 1936 -69.37 4300 Stratovolcano NP 772 1937 -70.05 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1375 1938 -67.78 3800 Stratovolcano NP 562 1939 -69.87 4650 Stratovolcano NP 600 1940 -69.67 4450 Breached Cone NP 800 1941 -69.68 4450 Stratovolcano NP 1000 1942 -69.82 5100 Stratovolcano Dormant 550 1943 -69.85 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1075 1944 -69.68 4400 Stratovolcano NP 925 1945 -67.5 3725 Scoria cone NP 523 1946 -69.87 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1342 1947 -69.58 4200 Stratovolcano NP 450 1948 -69.8 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1067 1949 -69.75 4600 Stratovolcano NP 650 1950 -69.8 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1169 1951 -69.8 4404 Stratovolcano NP 1380 1952 -69.77 4280 Stratovolcano Active 1700 1953 -69.63 4300 Stratovolcano NP 879 1954 -67.52 3725 Dome NP 444 1955 -69.5 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1097 1956 -69.88 4100 Stratovolcano NP 418 1957 -67.38 3700 Dome NP 650 1958 -67.33 3700 Dome NP 668 1959 -69.4 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1086 1960 -69.48 4250 Stratovolcano NP 1090 1961 -68.97 4200 Stratovolcano NP 818 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 1962 -68.9 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1483 1963 -68.95 4350 Stratovolcano NP 500 1964 -68.77 4200 Stratovolcano NP 508 1965 -69.35 4450 Stratovolcano NP 434 1966 -69 4500 Stratovolcano NP 906 1967 -69.02 4400 Stratovolcano NP 925 1968 -69.13 4400 Stratovolcano NP 900 1969 -69.07 4350 Stratovolcano NP 1412 1970 -69.71666667 2000 Ignimbrite Shield NP 2000 1971 -68.65 4100 Lava flow NP 206 1972 -69 4350 Dome NP 550 1973 -69.43 4550 Stratovolcano NP 537 1974 -69.78 3900 Dome NP 407 1975 -66.72 4200 Stratovolcano NP 666 1976 -69.72 3900 Dome NP 358 1977 -69.71666667 3900 Ignimbrite Shield NP 500 1978 -69.08 4350 Stratovolcano NP 1050 1979 -69.7 3900 Dome NP 339 1980 -69.43 4600 Stratovolcano NP 869 1982 -69.51666667 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1424 1983 -66.72 4300 Stratovolcano NP 550 1984 -69.13 4350 Stratovolcano NP 1872 1985 -69.37 4600 Stratovolcano NP 839 1986 -68.47 4400 Stratovolcano NP 676 1987 -68.35 4300 Stratovolcano NP 750 1988 -69.02 4400 Stratovolcano NP 802 1989 -69.27 4500 Stratovolcano NP 597 1991 -68.52 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1188 1992 -69.07 4450 Stratovolcano NP 1086 1993 -69.22 4550 Stratovolcano NP 800 1994 -68.83 4200 Breached Cone NP 832 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 1995 -69.25 4600 Stratovolcano NP 350 1996 -69.05 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1652 1997 -69.05 4250 Stratovolcano NP 1700 1998 -69.08 4371 Stratovolcano Dormant 1700 1999 -68.65 3900 Stratovolcano NP 421 2000 -68.07 3800 NP 76 2001 -68.75 3950 Ignimbrite Shield NP 265 2002 -69.37 4050 Stratovolcano NP 591 2003 -69.43 3850 Stratovolcano NP 1067 2004 -68.98 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1446 2005 -69.05 4297 Stratovolcano Dormant 1300 2006 -69.23 4250 Stratovolcano NP 680 2007 -68.3 3800 Stratovolcano NP 902 2008 -68.67 4000 Stratovolcano NP 596 2009 -68.93 4300 Stratovolcano NP 950 2010 -69.17 4250 Stratovolcano NP 366 2011 -68.22 3800 Stratovolcano NP 995 2012 -68.82 4450 Stratovolcano NP 912 2013 -69.38333333 3800 Caldera NP 550 2014 -69.32 3850 Stratovolcano NP 737 2015 -68.57 3850 Stratovolcano NP 672 2016 -68.92 4250 Stratovolcano NP 1384 2017 -68.95 4500 Scoria cone NP 200 2018 -69.15 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1359 2019 -69.02 4500 Stratovolcano NP 814 2020 -68.67 4050 Stratovolcano NP 598 2021 -68.97 4250 Stratovolcano NP 848 2022 -69.13 4500 Stratovolcano NP 725 2023 -69.25 3850 Stratovolcano NP 400 2024 -66.43 4000 Ignimbrite Shield NP 950 2025 -66.7 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1102 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2026 -68.55 3850 Stratovolcano NP 675 2027 -69.33 3600 Dome NP 150 2028 -69.28 3800 Stratovolcano NP 534 2029 -68.43 3750 Breached Cone NP 1112 2030 -68.83 4250 Stratovolcano NP 1321 2031 -69.05 4500 Stratovolcano NP 912 2032 -69.08 4500 Stratovolcano NP 850 2033 -67.23 3800 Dome NP 245 2034 -69.43 3500 Caldera NP 1094 2035 -66.32 4400 Stratovolcano NP 744 2036 -68.7 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1192 2037 -69.03 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1184 2038 -68.77 4400 Stratovolcano NP 639 2039 -69.3 3900 Stratovolcano NP 521 2040 -68.47 4100 Stratovolcano NP 650 2041 -68.42 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1300 2042 -68.82 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1016 2043 -68.53 3800 Breached Cone Fumarolic stage 1630 2044 -68.62 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1523 2045 -69.32 3800 Stratovolcano NP 884 2046 -68.7 3850 Stratovolcano NP 2019 2047 -68.83 4300 Stratovolcano Fumarolic stage 1201 2048 -68.88 4300 Stratovolcano NP 644 2049 -68.72 4350 Dome NP 429 2050 -68.7 4050 Dome NP 286 2051 -69.27 3800 Stratovolcano NP 743 2052 -68.83 4000 Stratovolcano NP 346 2053 -65.95 4000 Ignimbrite Shield NP 836 2054 -69.3 3800 Stratovolcano NP 650 2055 -67.58 3700 Dome NP 301 2056 -68.32 3653 Stratovolcano NP 1267 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2057 -68.97 4150 Stratovolcano NP 1095 2058 -66.83 3800 Dome NP 350 2059 -69.12 3700 Stratovolcano NP 720 2060 -66.55 4600 Caldera NP 614 2061 -66.56666667 4100 Ignimbrite Shield NP 700 2062 -69 4300 Stratovolcano NP 632 2063 -66.45 4800 Dome NP 425 2064 -65.97 4100 Stratovolcano NP 830 2065 -68.95 4400 Stratovolcano NP 822 2066 -67.58 3750 Stratovolcano NP 888 2067 -67.37 3800 Scoria cone NP 250 2068 -69.1 3750 Stratovolcano NP 1502 2069 -58.88333333 4200 Stratovolcano NP 515 2070 -66.65 4300 Dome NP 445 2071 -68.67 3800 Stratovolcano Dormant 1631 2072 -66.2 4100 Ignimbrite Shield NP 782 2073 -67.45 4600 Dome NP 282 2074 -67.44999701 3700 Scoria cone NP 325 2075 -69 4200 Stratovolcano NP 738 2076 -67.67 4848 Dome NP 300 2077 -67.7 3800 Dome NP 596 2078 -69.63 3750 Stratovolcano NP 1126 2079 -65.75 3800 Lava flow NP 650 2080 -68.03 4000 Stratovolcano NP 650 2081 -68.48 4200 Stratovolcano NP 624 2082 -67.92 3703 Stratovolcano NP 1400 2083 -68.97 4000 Stratovolcano NP 431 2084 -66.45 3700 Dome NP 450 2085 -68.48 4350 Stratovolcano NP 447 2086 -67.75 4400 Stratovolcano NP 708 2087 -67.97 3800 Stratovolcano NP 450 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2088 -65.63 3800 Stratovolcano NP 883 2089 -66.03 3750 Stratovolcano NP 660 2090 -66.28 4000 Caldera NP 1050 2091 -67.82 4425 Caldera NP 200 2092 -68.18 4600 Dome NP 250 2093 -68.87 3950 Stratovolcano NP 505 2094 -66.15 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1350 2096 -68.82 4650 Dome NP 257 2097 -68.83 4850 Stratovolcano NP 653 2098 -68.62 4750 Stratovolcano NP 1035 2099 -68.92 4850 Stratovolcano NP 650 2100 -68.93 4400 Stratovolcano NP 474 2101 -68.7 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1480 2102 -68.87 4600 Stratovolcano NP 972 2103 -68.18 3950 Stratovolcano NP 649 2104 -66.48333333 4700 Dome NP 738 2105 -68.61666667 4450 Stratovolcano NP 791 2106 -68.91666667 4350 Stratovolcano NP 382 2107 -68.2 3800 Stratovolcano NP 550 2108 -69 4000 Caldera NP 639 2109 -68.65 3650 Stratovolcano NP 1750 2110 -68.32 3700 Caldera NP 500 2111 -68.53 3900 Stratovolcano NP 509 2112 -68.43 3900 Stratovolcano NP 450 2113 -66.53 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1090 2114 -68.88333333 4200 Stratovolcano NP 630 2115 -68.31666667 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1401 2116 -68.73333333 4200 Stratovolcano NP 990 2117 -68.38333333 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1200 2118 -68.7 4300 Stratovolcano NP 822 2119 -66.70027778 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1023 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2120 -68.32 3810 Stratovolcano NP 1200 2121 -68.63 4200 Stratovolcano NP 732 2122 -68.5 4100 Stratovolcano NP 700 2123 -68.77 4300 Stratovolcano NP 738 2124 -68.52 4050 Stratovolcano NP 1008 2125 -68.73 4300 Stratovolcano NP 650 2126 -66.67 4250 Stratovolcano NP 965 2127 -68.28 3850 Stratovolcano NP 470 2128 -68.6 4400 Stratovolcano NP 527 2129 -68.7 4300 Stratovolcano NP 799 2130 -68.6 3950 Stratovolcano NP 575 2131 -68.65 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1048 2132 -66.72 3900 Stratovolcano NP 662 2133 -68.62 3950 Stratovolcano NP 500 2134 -68.73 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1034 2135 -68.4 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1150 2136 -68.2 4000 Stratovolcano NP 778 2137 -68.32 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1105 2138 -68.4 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1138 2139 -68.67 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1470 2140 -67.7 3650 Stratovolcano NP 605 2141 -68.32 3800 Stratovolcano NP 850 2142 -68.52 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2143 -68.48 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1250 2144 -67.65 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1175 2145 -68.45 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1521 2146 -68.32 4300 Stratovolcano NP 939 2147 -67.98 4050 Dome NP 575 2148 -67.7 4000 Stratovolcano NP 877 2149 -68.13 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1620 2150 -68.27 4150 Stratovolcano NP 1000 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2151 -68.28 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1400 2152 -67.75 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1385 2153 -68.47 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1392 2154 -68.53 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1225 2155 -67.65 3800 Stratovolcano NP 765 2156 -68.1 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1405 2157 -68.43 4450 Stratovolcano NP 500 2158 -68.57 4065 Stratovolcano Fumarolic stage 1100 2159 -68.45 4050 Dome NP 423 2160 -67.72 3950 Stratovolcano NP 955 2161 -68.55 4150 Stratovolcano NP 1052 2162 -67.78 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1297 2163 -67.83 3750 Stratovolcano NP 900 2164 -68.28 3900 Stratovolcano NP 749 2165 -68.55 4000 Stratovolcano NP 850 2166 -68.2 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1045 2167 -68.55 4000 Stratovolcano NP 825 2168 -67.7 3750 Stratovolcano NP 475 2169 -68.6 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1114 2170 -66.03 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1497 2171 -68.4 3700 Stratovolcano NP 2028 2172 -68.52 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1200 2173 -68.5 4150 Stratovolcano Fumarolic stage 1100 2174 -66.32 3950 Caldera NP 753 2175 -68.15 4300 Stratovolcano NP 493 2176 -68.05 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1843 2177 -67.22 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1299 2178 -68.52 4250 Caldera NP 100 2179 -67.87 3800 Caldera NP 900 2180 -68.53 4200 Breached Cone NP 631 2181 -67.2 3900 Stratovolcano NP 625 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2182 -67.78 3650 Stratovolcano NP 1628 2183 -68.13 3700 Stratovolcano NP 350 2184 -67.78 3900 Stratovolcano NP 750 2185 -67.8 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1327 2186 -68.57 4200 Stratovolcano NP 950 2187 -68.6 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1611 2188 -67.62 4250 Stratovolcano NP 1100 2189 -68.43 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2190 -68.47 4476 Stratovolcano Fumarolic stage 1700 2191 -68.58 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1450 2192 -68.3 3750 Scoria cone NP 118 2193 -68.1 4250 Scoria cone NP 500 2194 -68.57 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1150 2195 -67.7 4150 Stratovolcano NP 1000 2196 -67.85 4100 Stratovolcano NP 750 2197 -68.52 4400 Dome NP 682 2198 -67.97 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1990 2199 -67.6 4100 Stratovolcano NP 692 2201 -68.48 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1330 2202 -68.37 4000 Scoria cone NP 155 2203 -67.68 4000 Stratovolcano NP 325 2204 -67.8 4200 Stratovolcano NP 450 2205 -67.97 4400 Stratovolcano NP 550 2206 -67.9 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1126 2207 -68.26666667 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1126 2208 -68.52 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1944 2209 -67.88 4350 Stratovolcano NP 200 2210 -68.05 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1121 2211 -68.33333333 3750 Stratovolcano NP 783 2212 -68.33 3950 Stratovolcano NP 1290 2213 -68.07 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1882 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2214 -68.1 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1700 2215 -67.93 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1547 2216 -67.78 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1135 2217 -68.12 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1700 2218 -68.52 3900 Stratovolcano NP 2123 2219 -67.87 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2220 -68.35 3950 Stratovolcano NP 511 2221 -68.45 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1196 2222 -67.7 4600 Stratovolcano NP 417 2223 -68.18333333 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1888 2224 -68.47 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1816 2225 -67.97 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1458 2226 -67.88 4500 Stratovolcano NP 725 2227 -68.48 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1368 2228 -68.4 3800 Stratovolcano NP 2149 2229 -68.45 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1360 2230 -67.47 4100 Scoria cone NP 150 2231 -67.9 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2232 -68.12 3803 Stratovolcano NP 1705 2233 -67.87 4700 Stratovolcano NP 550 2234 -67.9 4650 Stratovolcano NP 700 2235 -67.6 4700 Stratovolcano NP 578 2236 -68.85 4600 Caldera NP 1202 2237 -68.07 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1234 2238 -68.23 4046 Stratovolcano Dormant 1800 2239 -68.3 4000 Dome NP 840 2240 -67.87 4700 Stratovolcano NP 850 2241 -68.15 4400 Stratovolcano NP 592 2242 -67.62 4800 Lava flow NP 350 2243 -67.77 4600 Dome NP 350 2244 -67.27 4100 Maar NP 150 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2245 -67.08 4300 Scoria cone NP 250 2246 -68.2 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1881 2247 -68.67 3400 Stratovolcano NP 1062 2248 -68.27 4250 Stratovolcano NP 835 2249 -67.57 4300 Stratovolcano NP 934 2250 -67.9 4600 Dome NP 525 2251 -68.13 4400 Stratovolcano NP 850 2252 -68.35 3900 Stratovolcano NP 2192 2253 -68.4 3500 Stratovolcano Fumarolic stage 2645 2254 -68.5 3325 Scoria cone NP 300 2255 -67.5 4100 Caldera NP 1062 2256 -67.73 4800 Stratovolcano NP 425 2257 -68.08 4700 Stratovolcano NP 650 2258 -68.2 4150 Stratovolcano NP 774 2259 -66.88 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1329 2260 -68.02 4750 Stratovolcano NP 500 2261 -67.78 4900 Stratovolcano NP 625 2262 -68.13 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1076 2263 -67.7 4700 Dome NP 650 2264 -68.07 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1126 2265 -67.28 4600 Stratovolcano NP 450 2266 -67.78 4900 Stratovolcano NP 803 2267 -68.37 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1081 2268 -68.02 4400 Stratovolcano NP 450 2269 -67.77 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1175 2270 -67.83 4650 Stratovolcano NP 400 2271 -68.03 4600 Stratovolcano NP 250 2272 -67.95 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1355 2273 -68.18 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1650 2274 -68.23 3900 Stratovolcano NP 2046 2275 -68.15 3700 Stratovolcano NP 560 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2276 -67.95 4600 Stratovolcano NP 950 2277 -68.03 4200 Stratovolcano NP 650 2278 -67.77 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1409 2279 -67.93 4600 Stratovolcano NP 977 2280 -67.55 4750 Stratovolcano NP 904 2281 -68.15 3400 Lava flow NP 1700 2282 -66.7 4800 Stratovolcano NP 650 2283 -67.95 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1150 2284 -66.68 4800 Stratovolcano NP 539 2285 -67.9 4800 Stratovolcano NP 550 2286 -68.03 4400 Dome NP 300 2287 -67.17 4500 Stratovolcano NP 850 2288 -66.63 4900 Stratovolcano NP 650 2289 -66.68 4500 Ignimbrite Shield NP 500 2290 -66.68 4800 Stratovolcano NP 705 2291 -67.93 4800 Stratovolcano NP 550 2292 -66.75 4900 Stratovolcano NP 650 2293 -67.87 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1308 2294 -67.42 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1330 2295 -67.57 4794 Stratovolcano NP 656 2296 -67.75 4650 Stratovolcano NP 400 2297 -67.22 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1508 2298 -67.93 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1051 2299 -67.03 4700 Dome NP 482 2300 -67.5 4900 Dome NP 450 2301 -66.92 4600 Stratovolcano NP 798 2302 -66.98 4600 Stratovolcano NP 525 2303 -67.58 4700 Stratovolcano NP 650 2304 -67.77 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1098 2305 -67.95 4800 Stratovolcano NP 700 2306 -67.65 4700 Stratovolcano NP 450 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2307 -67.48 4800 Stratovolcano NP 658 2309 -68.07 3933 Lava flow NP 750 2310 -68.17 3800 Caldera NP 653 2311 -67.1 4550 Stratovolcano NP 872 2312 -67.82 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1250 2313 -67.97 4600 Dome NP 418 2315 -67.15 4800 Stratovolcano NP 934 2316 -66.93 4650 Stratovolcano NP 818 2317 -67.1 4800 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2318 -66.75 4875 Stratovolcano NP 665 2319 -67.05 4800 Stratovolcano NP 800 2320 -67.73 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1150 2321 -67.88 4700 Stratovolcano NP 230 2322 -66.42 4300 Stratovolcano NP 493 2323 -67.25 4500 Stratovolcano NP 850 2324 -66.97 4800 Stratovolcano NP 878 2325 -66.53 4500 Breached Cone NP 1213 2326 -67.38 4500 Lava flow NP 300 2327 -67.02 4800 Stratovolcano NP 900 2328 -67.86666667 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1290 2329 -67.62 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1084 2330 -67.92 4800 Stratovolcano NP 943 2331 -67.87 5000 Stratovolcano NP 700 2332 -68.08 4000 Caldera NP 500 2333 -67.77 4600 Breached Cone NP 1014 2334 -67.38 4600 Stratovolcano Fumarolic stage 1100 2335 -68.02 4300 Stratovolcano NP 689 2336 -67.02 4600 Stratovolcano NP 784 2337 -67.61666667 4750 Stratovolcano NP 714 2338 -67.87 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1369 2339 -67.75 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1076 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2340 -67.68 4500 Stratovolcano NP 950 2341 -67.83 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1184 2342 -67.13 4700 Stratovolcano NP 656 2343 -67.63 4750 Stratovolcano NP 700 2344 -67.95 4300 Stratovolcano NP 800 2346 -67.57 4800 Stratovolcano NP 815 2347 -67.62 4700 Stratovolcano NP 670 2348 -67.98 3800 Dome NP 610 2349 -68 3500 Ignimbrite Shield NP 300 2350 -66.65 4500 Stratovolcano NP 825 2351 -67.73 4400 Stratovolcano NP 350 2352 -66.63 4500 Stratovolcano NP 800 2353 -67.18 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1056 2354 -67.83 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1304 2355 -67.88 4400 Stratovolcano Latent 1516 2356 -66.6 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1215 2357 -67.48 4600 Scoria cone NP 200 2358 -67.6 4900 Stratovolcano Dormant 684 2359 -66.58 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1224 2360 -67.58 4700 Stratovolcano NP 800 2361 -66.98 5100 Stratovolcano NP 716 2362 -67.73 4900 Dome NP 200 2363 -67.58 4800 Stratovolcano NP 700 2364 -67.75 4800 Stratovolcano NP 890 2365 -67.75 5000 Stratovolcano NP 639 2366 -66.28 4200 Ignimbrite Shield NP 300 2367 -66.32 4500 Stratovolcano NP 681 2368 -67.43 4600 Stratovolcano NP 560 2369 -67.75 4300 Ignimbrite Shield NP 800 2370 -67.68 4800 Stratovolcano NP 748 2371 -66.45 4200 Stratovolcano NP 400 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2372 -67.57 4800 Stratovolcano NP 505 2373 -67.85 4400 Stratovolcano NP 625 2374 -67.03 4268 Stratovolcano NP 1489 2375 -67.83 4600 Stratovolcano NP 530 2376 -67.6 4700 Stratovolcano NP 525 2377 -67.87 4000 Stratovolcano NP 869 2378 -67.78 4250 Stratovolcano NP 1125 2379 -67.7 4800 Stratovolcano NP 450 2380 -67.72 4750 Scoria cone NP 712 2381 -67.7 4800 Stratovolcano NP 450 2382 -67.35 4269 Stratovolcano NP 914 2383 -67.63 4700 Dome NP 693 2384 -67.42 4300 Caldera NP 900 2385 -67.07 4550 Stratovolcano NP 844 2386 -67.58 4600 Stratovolcano NP 535 2387 -67.65 4200 Stratovolcano Dormant 1431 2388 -67.75 4200 Stratovolcano NP 805 2389 -67.72 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1212 2390 -67.53 4700 Breached Cone NP 550 2391 -67.57 4800 Stratovolcano NP 485 2392 -67.61666667 4501 Stratovolcano NP 1545 2393 -67.72 4400 Stratovolcano NP 795 2394 -67.68 4500 Stratovolcano Dormant 1424 2395 -67.48 4300 Stratovolcano NP 766 2396 -67.58 4301 Stratovolcano NP 770 2397 -67.6 4300 Stratovolcano NP 550 2398 -67.75 4400 Stratovolcano NP 891 2399 -67.38 4700 Caldera NP 200 2400 -67.82 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1558 2401 -67.37 4600 Stratovolcano NP 510 2402 -67.77 4300 Scoria cone NP 250 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2403 -67.77 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1493 2404 -67.7 4400 Stratovolcano Dormant 1378 2405 -67.67 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1652 2406 -67.72 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1322 2407 -67.63 4200 Stratovolcano Dormant 1574 2408 -67.47 4500 Stratovolcano NP 750 2409 -67.53 4500 Stratovolcano Dormant 1352 2410 -67.42 4450 Stratovolcano NP 919 2411 -67.73 4200 Stratovolcano NP 925 2412 -67.5 4600 Stratovolcano NP 635 2413 -67.45 4600 Dome NP 300 2414 -67.6 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1423 2415 -67.7 4400 Stratovolcano NP 625 2416 -67.77 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1710 2417 -67.82 4000 Breached Cone NP 786 2418 -67.45 4550 Stratovolcano NP 400 2419 -67.7 4300 Breached Cone NP 525 2420 -67.7 4100 Stratovolcano NP 425 2421 -67.5 4200 Stratovolcano NP 547 2422 -67.73 3900 Stratovolcano NP 671 2423 -67.65 4100 Stratovolcano NP 250 2424 -67.45 4400 Stratovolcano NP 300 2425 -67.98 3700 Stratovolcano NP 780 2426 -67.73 4000 Stratovolcano NP 450 2427 -67.52 4300 Breached Cone NP 750 2428 -67.63 4000 Stratovolcano NP 672 2429 -67.85 4100 Stratovolcano NP 425 2430 -68.13 2900 Stratovolcano NP 216 2431 -67.55 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1004 2432 -67.3 4400 Breached Cone NP 1117 2433 -66.12 3800 Stratovolcano NP 850 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2434 -67.33 4400 Caldera NP 1208 2435 -67.51666667 4190 Stratovolcano NP 1579 2436 -67.53 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1489 2437 -67.85 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1015 2438 -67.9 4250 Stratovolcano NP 850 2439 -67.6 3800 Scoria cone NP 160 2440 -67.97 4100 Stratovolcano NP 300 2441 -67.8 4100 Stratovolcano NP 550 2442 -67.22 3850 Stratovolcano NP 850 2443 -67.82 4350 Stratovolcano NP 996 2445 -67.97 4250 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2446 -67.87 4250 Stratovolcano NP 1000 2447 -67.8 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1350 2448 -67.98 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1221 2449 -67.82 4050 Stratovolcano NP 1540 2450 -68.27 3300 Lava flow NP 200 2451 -67.95 3950 Stratovolcano NP 1300 2452 -68 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1000 2453 -67.1 3850 Stratovolcano NP 1417 2454 -67.83 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1250 2455 -68.08 3900 Stratovolcano Dormant 2325 2456 -68.1 3800 Stratovolcano Dormant 1850 2457 -66.42 4510 Stratovolcano NP 480 2458 -67.45 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1100 2459 -68.12 3899 Stratovolcano Latent 2059 2460 -67.05 3850 Caldera NP 1170 2461 -66.98 3850 Stratovolcano NP 1150 2462 -67.85 4250 Scoria cone NP 350 2463 -68.07 4250 Stratovolcano NP 450 2464 -66.5 4100 Stratovolcano NP 350 2465 -67.45 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1200 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2466 -67.78 3962 Stratovolcano NP 2120 2467 -66.6 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1130 2468 -66.73 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1829 2469 -68.15 4100 Stratovolcano NP 550 2470 -66.8 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1450 2471 -68.07 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1933 2472 -66.88 5000 Breached Cone NP 960 2473 -66.85 4200 Stratovolcano NP 960 2474 -68.27 4000 Breached Cone Latent 2051 2475 -66.78 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1710 2476 -67.98 3950 Stratovolcano NP 1868 2477 -68.42 4400 Stratovolcano NP 550 2478 -68.2 3700 Dome NP 200 2479 -68.23 4000 Dome NP 200 2480 -68.32 3950 Stratovolcano NP 1150 2481 -68.35 4400 Stratovolcano NP 650 2482 -68.38 3950 Stratovolcano NP 1390 2483 -68.22 3700 Dome NP 200 2484 -68.5 4250 Stratovolcano NP 800 2485 -67.85 3950 Scoria cone NP 400 2486 -68.12 4270 Breached Cone NP 870 2487 -68.73 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1190 2488 -67.73 3650 Scoria cone NP 150 2489 -67.87 3658 Dome NP 762 2490 -68.3 4050 Breached Cone NP 1000 2491 -68.43 4400 Stratovolcano NP 300 2492 -68.25 3950 Breached Cone NP 1300 2493 -68.5 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1150 2494 -68.53 4400 Stratovolcano NP 650 2495 -68.43 4250 Stratovolcano NP 450 2496 -68.48 4500 Stratovolcano NP 200 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2497 -68.28 4250 Stratovolcano NP 450 2498 -68.33 4250 Breached Cone NP 1000 2499 -68.53 4250 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2500 -68.35 4400 Stratovolcano NP 650 2501 -68.23 3950 Stratovolcano NP 1591 2502 -68.85 3500 Lava flow NP 194 2503 -67.93 3600 Dome NP 100 2504 -68.53 4250 Stratovolcano Dormant 2473 2505 -68.67 4250 Stratovolcano NP 450 2506 -68.6 4500 Stratovolcano NP 450 2507 -68.38 3950 Stratovolcano NP 1400 2508 -68.67 4200 Stratovolcano NP 300 2509 -68.57 4550 Stratovolcano NP 700 2510 -68.73 4000 Scoria cone NP 200 2511 -68.53 4400 Stratovolcano NP 850 2512 -68.77 4000 Scoria cone NP 200 2513 -68.42 4250 Stratovolcano NP 800 2514 -68.43 4250 Stratovolcano NP 800 2515 -68.58 4100 Caldera NP 1140 2516 -68.68 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1070 2517 -68.52 4400 Stratovolcano NP 250 2518 -68.48 4500 Scoria cone NP 150 2519 -68.58 4200 Stratovolcano NP 300 2520 -68.58 3900 Stratovolcano NP 300 2521 -68.42 4550 Stratovolcano NP 450 2522 -67.87 4100 Stratovolcano NP 670 2523 -68.38 4550 Stratovolcano NP 1040 2524 -68.57 3900 Stratovolcano NP 300 2525 -68.73 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1561 2526 -68.37 4700 Ignimbrite Shield NP 300 2527 -67.9 4400 Scoria cone NP 100 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2528 -68.47 4500 Stratovolcano NP 200 2529 -68.58 4200 Stratovolcano NP 100 2530 -67.23 4250 Dome NP 400 2531 -68.32 4900 Stratovolcano NP 350 2532 -68.63 4200 Stratovolcano NP 200 2533 -68.3 4700 Dome NP 600 2534 -68.73 3700 Caldera NP 500 2535 -67.92 4250 Breached Cone NP 1300 2536 -68.3 4900 Stratovolcano NP 350 2537 -68.51666667 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1203 2538 -67.3 4350 Dome NP 350 2539 -68.53 4500 Lava flow NP 500 2540 -68.55 4600 Stratovolcano NP 400 2541 -67.93 4700 Dome NP 350 2542 -67.77 4400 Lava flow NP 200 2543 -68.33 4600 Caldera NP 800 2544 -68.38 4500 Stratovolcano NP 500 2545 -67.33 4500 Dome NP 571 2546 -67.87 4550 Stratovolcano NP 1007 2547 -68.23 4250 Caldera NP 800 2548 -66.88 4250 Stratovolcano NP 880 2549 -67.92 4700 Scoria cone NP 200 2550 -67.98 4350 Lava flow NP 150 2551 -68.57 4500 Stratovolcano NP 700 2552 -68.67 4000 Stratovolcano NP 600 2553 -67.62 5450 Stratovolcano NP 100 2554 -68.35 4900 Stratovolcano NP 400 2555 -68.75 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1400 2556 -68.32 4300 Dome NP 200 2557 -68.55 4700 Stratovolcano NP 400 2558 -69.05 4000 Scoria cone NP 143 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2559 -67.9 4100 Lava flow NP 150 2560 -68.48 4500 Stratovolcano NP 500 2561 -67.57 3950 Stratovolcano NP 1350 2562 -68.53 4850 Stratovolcano Latent 450 2563 -67.65 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1387 2564 -68.18 4450 Stratovolcano NP 900 2565 -68.3 4400 Stratovolcano NP 900 2566 -68.38 4500 Stratovolcano NP 500 2567 -68.68 4200 Stratovolcano NP 400 2568 -69 4200 Stratovolcano NP 450 2569 -67.93 4450 Lava flow NP 150 2570 -68.08 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1373 2571 -68.67 3800 Stratovolcano NP 300 2572 -68.75 3900 Stratovolcano NP 400 2573 -68.88 3660 Stratovolcano NP 1820 2574 -69.05 4100 Stratovolcano NP 550 2575 -67.77 4450 Lava flow NP 150 2576 -67.8 3660 Stratovolcano NP 1370 2577 -68.3 4600 Stratovolcano NP 400 2578 -68.42 4300 Stratovolcano NP 200 2579 -68.77 3900 Stratovolcano NP 100 2580 -67.42 4000 Lava flow NP 150 2581 -67.87 4250 Lava flow NP 150 2582 -68.58 4400 Lava flow Dormant 300 2583 -68.58 4194 Stratovolcano NP 1207 2584 -68.73 4000 Stratovolcano NP 400 2585 -68 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1367 2586 -67.72 4200 Lava flow NP 150 2587 -69.03 4090 Stratovolcano NP 955 2588 -68.3 4200 Stratovolcano NP 1302 2589 -68.72 4300 Stratovolcano NP 300 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2590 -69.12 3850 Stratovolcano NP 375 2591 -68.33 4200 Stratovolcano NP 800 2592 -68.4 4200 Stratovolcano NP 300 2593 -68.8 3800 Stratovolcano NP 500 2594 -68.98 4306 Stratovolcano NP 364 2595 -67.67 3650 Lava flow NP 150 2596 -68.43 4200 Stratovolcano NP 300 2597 -68.67 4300 Stratovolcano NP 400 2598 -67.02 4250 Stratovolcano NP 650 2599 -67.88 4700 Stratovolcano NP 1740 2600 -68.73 4300 Stratovolcano NP 300 2601 -68.08 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1150 2602 -67.97 5050 Stratovolcano NP 500 2603 -68 5050 Stratovolcano NP 600 2604 -68.93 3900 Scoria cone NP 200 2605 -66.85 4500 Scoria cone NP 150 2606 -67.55 4200 Lava flow NP 150 2607 -67.95 4800 Dome NP 200 2608 -67.97 4700 Stratovolcano NP 300 2609 -68 4700 Stratovolcano NP 1000 2610 -68.25 4600 Breached Cone NP 700 2611 -68.58 4500 Stratovolcano NP 300 2612 -68.8 4200 Stratovolcano NP 828 2613 -67.38 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1350 2614 -67.28 4600 Stratovolcano NP 750 2615 -67.9 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1450 2616 -69.42 4600 Stratovolcano NP 400 2617 -68.48 4268 Stratovolcano NP 1512 2618 -69.77 4200 Stratovolcano NP 500 2619 -69.72 4200 Stratovolcano NP 400 2620 -68.7 4300 Stratovolcano NP 500 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2621 -68.5 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2622 -68.77 4300 Stratovolcano NP 700 2623 -67.67 3650 Lava flow NP 300 2624 -68.68 4300 Stratovolcano NP 825 2625 -68.73 4400 Stratovolcano NP 300 2626 -66.85 4700 Stratovolcano NP 350 2627 -66.98 4700 Stratovolcano NP 550 2628 -69.1 4200 Breached Cone NP 650 2629 -69.1 4200 Stratovolcano NP 450 2630 -68.58 4200 Caldera NP 200 2631 -69 4200 Stratovolcano NP 425 2632 -67.28 4400 Scoria cone NP 200 2633 -67.42 3900 Scoria cone NP 100 2634 -69.02 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1012 2635 -68.65 4300 Breached Cone NP 868 2636 -68.5 4300 Stratovolcano NP 500 2637 -67.28 4350 Scoria cone NP 600 2638 -66.93 4800 Caldera NP 1150 2639 -67.73 3900 Scoria cone NP 150 2640 -68.87 3964 Stratovolcano NP 978 2641 -68.58 4600 Caldera NP 857 2642 -68.82 4300 Caldera NP 200 2643 -68.93 4400 Stratovolcano NP 541 2644 -68.68 4300 Scoria cone NP 200 2645 -68.93 4450 Stratovolcano NP 500 2646 -68.48 4500 Stratovolcano NP 200 2647 -67.18 4800 Stratovolcano NP 1009 2648 -68.77 4400 Stratovolcano NP 858 2649 -69.12 3900 Stratovolcano NP 850 2650 -69.18 3400 Stratovolcano NP 1675 2651 -68.52 4400 Breached Cone NP 400 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2652 -68.93 4300 Stratovolcano NP 500 2653 -69.02 3400 Stratovolcano NP 750 2654 -68.5 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1154 2655 -68.5 4600 Stratovolcano NP 200 2656 -69.02 3500 Stratovolcano NP 1087 2657 -68.75 4600 Stratovolcano NP 400 2658 -68.87 4200 Stratovolcano NP 800 2659 -67.4 4000 Scoria cone NP 100 2660 -68.62 4500 Stratovolcano NP 500 2661 -68.7 4500 Stratovolcano NP 300 2662 -68.82 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1070 2663 -68.38 4900 Stratovolcano NP 1100 2664 -68.57 4400 Stratovolcano NP 400 2665 -68.68 4500 Stratovolcano NP 500 2666 -68.83 4600 Stratovolcano NP 300 2667 -68.85 4600 Stratovolcano NP 200 2668 -68.32 4900 Stratovolcano NP 1220 2669 -68.13 4150 Scoria cone NP 150 2670 -68.65 4500 Stratovolcano NP 768 2671 -68.7 4600 Stratovolcano NP 548 2672 -68.43 4600 Caldera NP 700 2673 -68.83 4500 Stratovolcano NP 300 2674 -68.57 4500 Stratovolcano NP 852 2675 -68.83 4703 Stratovolcano NP 973 2676 -68.2 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1000 2677 -68.67 4500 Stratovolcano NP 870 2678 -67.38 3450 Lava flow NP 384 2679 -68.62 4500 Caldera NP 200 2680 -68.25 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1000 2681 -68.5 4600 Breached Cone NP 800 2682 -69.05 3700 Dome NP 267 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2683 -69.75 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1100 2684 -68.03 4250 Scoria cone NP 150 2685 -68.65 4700 Stratovolcano NP 670 2686 -68.13 4400 Stratovolcano NP 300 2687 -68.5 4900 Stratovolcano NP 200 2688 -68.75 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1483 2689 -67.47 3600 Scoria cone NP 100 2690 -68.07 4200 Lava flow NP 100 2691 -68.65 4750 Stratovolcano NP 550 2692 -68.28 4500 Scoria cone NP 100 2693 -68.58 4557 Stratovolcano Dormant 1570 2694 -68.7 4700 Stratovolcano NP 550 2695 -68.53 5200 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2696 -67.83 3962 Stratovolcano NP 1220 2697 -68.07 4200 Stratovolcano NP 200 2698 -68.67 4900 Stratovolcano NP 700 2699 -68.63 5000 Stratovolcano NP 600 2700 -68.73 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1180 2701 -69.08 3700 Stratovolcano NP 550 2702 -68.62 5000 Stratovolcano NP 600 2703 -68.2 4500 Stratovolcano NP 600 2704 -68.35 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1400 2705 -68.63 4900 Stratovolcano NP 1090 2706 -68.7 4268 Stratovolcano NP 1219 2707 -68.12 4268 Stratovolcano Dormant 1775 2708 -68.35 4500 Stratovolcano Latent 2032 2709 -69.28 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2710 -68.57 4500 Caldera NP 850 2711 -68.67 4600 Stratovolcano NP 700 2712 -68.75 4400 Stratovolcano NP 100 2713 -69.27 4100 Stratovolcano NP 1229 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2714 -69.13 3900 Stratovolcano NP 450 2715 -68.38 5200 Stratovolcano NP 400 2716 -68.68 4400 Stratovolcano NP 300 2717 -69.08 3800 Scoria cone NP 350 2718 -67.65 4000 Scoria cone NP 100 2719 -68.12 4900 Stratovolcano NP 660 2720 -68.62 4500 Caldera NP 1050 2721 -68.08 5100 Stratovolcano NP 500 2722 -68.03 5100 Stratovolcano NP 500 2723 -67.73 4306 Caldera Latent 364 2724 -68.15 5100 Dome NP 400 2725 -67.8 4500 Stratovolcano NP 694 2726 -68 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1300 2727 -68.08 5200 Stratovolcano NP 300 2728 -68.4 4900 Stratovolcano NP 500 2729 -67.87 4550 Lava flow NP 150 2730 -68.3 5000 Stratovolcano NP 300 2731 -68.6 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1546 2732 -68.73333333 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2733 -69.02 3900 Breached Cone NP 810 2734 -68.13 4800 Breached Cone NP 600 2735 -68.22 4900 Stratovolcano NP 400 2736 -68.3 4900 Stratovolcano NP 700 2737 -68.5 4700 Stratovolcano NP 1130 2738 -68.65 4700 Stratovolcano NP 1320 2739 -68.35 4570 Stratovolcano Dormant 1300 2740 -68.17 4700 Stratovolcano NP 600 2741 -68.2 4600 Stratovolcano NP 800 2742 -68.73 4650 Stratovolcano NP 300 2743 -68.27 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1600 2744 -68.52 4600 Breached Cone NP 1280 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2745 -68.32 4800 Stratovolcano NP 300 2746 -68.42 4600 Stratovolcano NP 500 2747 -68.68 4800 Stratovolcano NP 1319 2748 -68.63 4800 Stratovolcano NP 1300 2749 -68.65 5000 Stratovolcano NP 1100 2750 -69.22 3800 Stratovolcano Cenozoic active 1189 2751 -68.1 4100 Stratovolcano NP 500 2752 -68.62 4900 Stratovolcano NP 1200 2753 -68.3 4410 Stratovolcano NP 2200 2754 -68.77 4800 Stratovolcano NP 900 2755 -68.92 4500 Stratovolcano NP 500 2756 -68.8 5000 Stratovolcano NP 1000 2757 -68.83 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1300 2758 -68.38 5000 Dome NP 1060 2759 -68.17 4200 Caldera NP 800 2760 -68.22 4600 Dome NP 400 2761 -68.43 5300 Stratovolcano NP 670 2762 -68.5 5200 Stratovolcano NP 1270 2763 -68.8 5200 Stratovolcano NP 1300 2764 -68.85 4600 Dome NP 600 2765 -68.45 5300 Stratovolcano NP 890 2766 -68.72 4600 Ignimbrite Shield NP 800 2767 -68.8 5000 Stratovolcano NP 1788 2768 -69.27 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1115 2769 -68.72 5300 Stratovolcano NP 900 2770 -68.28 4578 Stratovolcano NP 661 2771 -68.42 5200 Stratovolcano NP 400 2772 -68.55 5000 Stratovolcano Fumarolic stage 1880 2773 -68.62 5200 Stratovolcano NP 700 2774 -68.73 5100 Stratovolcano NP 800 2775 -68.83 5200 Dome NP 400 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2776 -68.88 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1100 2777 -69 4200 Stratovolcano NP 300 2778 -68.48 5600 Stratovolcano NP 500 2779 -69.2 4200 Stratovolcano NP 890 2780 -68.33 5033 Scoria cone NP 150 2781 -68.47 5200 Stratovolcano NP 400 2782 -68.8 4900 Stratovolcano NP 1040 2783 -68.92 4300 Dome NP 1000 2784 -69.07 4000 Stratovolcano NP 600 2785 -69.27 4100 Stratovolcano NP 657 2786 -68.48 5100 Stratovolcano NP 800 2787 -68.75 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1100 2788 -69.2 4300 Stratovolcano NP 663 2789 -68.37 4950 Scoria cone NP 150 2790 -68.55 4550 Stratovolcano Fumarolic stage 2110 2791 -68.53333333 5800 Stratovolcano NP 400 2792 -68.53 4200 Stratovolcano NP 446 2793 -69.2 4390 Stratovolcano NP 1117 2794 -68.3 4400 Stratovolcano NP 600 2795 -68.75 4400 Caldera NP 790 2796 -68.93 4200 Stratovolcano NP 553 2797 -69.05 4700 Breached Cone NP 1793 2798 -68.52 4800 Stratovolcano NP 1450 2799 -68.82 4800 Dome NP 150 2800 -68.88 4700 Stratovolcano NP 1352 2801 -69.13 4600 Stratovolcano NP 400 2802 -68.63 4500 Stratovolcano NP 670 2803 -68.97 4300 Stratovolcano NP 1208 2804 -69.18 4400 Stratovolcano NP 409 2805 -69.07 4200 Stratovolcano NP 557 2806 -69.1 4600 Stratovolcano NP 300 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2807 -68.58 4500 Scoria cone NP 100 2808 -68.6 4200 Breached Cone NP 760 2809 -69.25 5000 Stratovolcano NP 300 2810 -68.42 4900 Stratovolcano NP 700 2811 -68.98 4900 Stratovolcano NP 650 2812 -68.45 4700 Scoria cone NP 100 2813 -69.17 4300 Stratovolcano NP 400 2814 -68.52 4600 Lava flow NP 200 2815 -68.72 4600 Scoria cone NP 200 2816 -69.23 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1000 2817 -68.55 4600 Breached Cone NP 700 2818 -69.05 4800 Stratovolcano NP 700 2819 -68.82 4900 Stratovolcano NP 1100 2820 -68.87 4900 Stratovolcano NP 1100 2821 -68.63 4500 Lava flow NP 100 2822 -68.73 4900 Stratovolcano NP 500 2823 -68.53 4800 Scoria cone NP 200 2824 -68.85 5400 Stratovolcano NP 800 2825 -68.8 5300 Stratovolcano NP 1500 2826 -68.98 4900 Stratovolcano NP 700 2827 -68.77 5400 Stratovolcano NP 1458 2828 -68.63333333 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1162 2829 -68.73 5100 Stratovolcano NP 800 2830 -68.68 5100 Stratovolcano NP 600 2831 -68.95 5200 Dome NP 200 2832 -68.92 5500 Stratovolcano NP 600 2833 -68.68 4600 Stratovolcano NP 1100 2834 -68.75 5400 Dome NP 200 2835 -68.82 5150 Caldera NP 500 2836 -68.92 5400 Stratovolcano NP 882 2837 -68.95 5200 Dome NP 200 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 2838 -68.98 5100 Dome NP 200 2839 -68.73 5300 Dome NP 300 2840 -68.08 4500 Dome NP 400 2841 -68.68 4800 Dome NP 300 2842 -69 4600 Dome NP 700 2843 -68.73 5500 Dome NP 600 2844 -68.65 4400 Stratovolcano NP 1250 2845 -68.77 4900 Stratovolcano NP 1814 2846 -68.9 4880 Stratovolcano NP 1070 2847 -68.92 4900 Stratovolcano NP 1050 2848 -68.98 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1971 2849 -69.05 4600 Stratovolcano NP 400 2850 -68.8 4500 Stratovolcano NP 500 2851 -69.02 4500 Stratovolcano NP 1078 2852 -68.92 4700 Scoria cone NP 100 2875 -69.24 3800 Stratovolcano Cenozoic active 1189 2930 -68.82 3874 Caldera Dormant 1050 2931 -67.72 4135 Caldera Latent 302 2932 -67.61 4135 Ignimbrite Shield Dormant 302 2986 -67.72 4306 Pyroclastic deposit Dormant 364 3000 -68.76599297 4399 Stratovolcano Dormant 1579 3306 -68.51666667 4306 Stratovolcano Cenozoic active 364 3546 -66.48 4300 Stratovolcano Dormant 1244 3560 -66.25 3416 Pyroclastic deposit Dormant 106 3662 -67.75 4994 Dome Cenozoic active 200 3707 -67.883 4443 Stratovolcano Cenozoic active 1528 4044 -67.56666667 3700 Dome Cenozoic active 1603 4052 -67.6375 3700 Dome Cenozoic active 1603 4528 -68.821 5250 Caldera Dormant 500 4530 -68.851 5250 Caldera NP 500 4531 -68.864 5250 Caldera NP 500 ID Longitude.DD Elevation.m Volcano.Type Volcanic.Activity.status Volcano.height.m 4554 -67.704 3459.46 Ignimbrite Shield Dormant 1579 4802 -70.38 4298.63 Stratovolcano Dormant 1538 4975 -68.02 4406 Stratovolcano Dormant 908 5410 -71.476 2673 Stratovolcano Latent 2673 5413 -71.493 2913 Stratovolcano Latent 2913 5423 -70.873 4408 Stratovolcano Latent 1267 5424 -70.874 4408 Stratovolcano Latent 1267 5425 -70.874 4408 Stratovolcano Latent 1267 5758 -67.959 4443 Stratovolcano Latent 1528 5779 -68.637 3953.6 Ignimbrite Shield Dormant 326 5787 -70.19 3163.02 NP Dormant 1579 6357 -68.1875 -99 NP Dormant 1579 6704 -68.53 3900 Stratovolcano NP 1199 6705 -68.12 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1658 6706 -64.1 3800 Stratovolcano NP 1462 6707 -68.03 3720 Stratovolcano NP 1316 6708 -69.66 4000 Stratovolcano NP 923 6709 -68.22 3700 Stratovolcano NP 1076 6710 -69.15 3840 Stratovolcano NP 955 6711 -69.77 4100 Stratovolcano NP 912 6712 -68.3 3730 Stratovolcano NP 1026 6713 -69.37 4100 Stratovolcano NP 967 6714 -69.68 4250 Stratovolcano NP 822 6715 -68.98 4230 Stratovolcano NP 769 6716 -73.78 4000 Stratovolcano NP 1076 6717 -74.02 4000 Stratovolcano NP 599 6718 -73.72 4400 Stratovolcano NP 743 6744 -67.9819 -99 NP Dormant 1579 7837 -78.19 3638 Stratovolcano Cenozoic active 843 7840 -68.8 5600 Dome Cenozoic active 150 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 115 206.8 -99 -99 Large -99 122 -99 9.94 -99 Small -99 133 -99 -99 20 Small -99 150 -99 -99 30 Small -99 159 -99 -99 6 Small -99 164 35 11.23 3 Small 3 179 57 7 0.3 Medium 1 208 237.7 16 0 Large 3 219 -99 5 -99 Small 2 233 -99 -99 -99 Small -99 234 -99 9.05 2.27 Small -99 235 677 -99 6 Large -99 241 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 247 -99 10.1 6 Small -99 249 -99 -99 20 Small -99 253 -99 12.2 -99 Small -99 254 -99 10.32 -99 Small -99 255 -99 5.6 -99 Small -99 256 -99 9.37 -99 Medium -99 259 -99 2.4 -99 Small -99 263 140 14 0 Large 1 297 -99 2.51 -99 Small -99 298 1 3 1 Small 1 300 -99 14.2 5 Medium -99 304 -99 9.1 5.27 Small -99 307 -99 -99 2.5 Small -99 308 -99 16.1 12.4 Medium -99 313 -99 7 0.5 Small 1 315 35 11.23 3 Small 3 316 400 20.27 8 Large -99 320 -99 8.9 -99 Small -99 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 321 -99 7.18 -99 Medium -99 322 -99 13.4 -99 Medium -99 323 -99 -99 22 Small -99 324 -99 16.3 -99 Medium -99 326 -99 8.7 -99 Small -99 327 -99 10 12.5 Small -99 343 -99 15.42 4 Medium -99 344 -99 16.1 2.84 Medium -99 346 -99 10.11 -99 Small -99 347 -99 11.55 -99 Small -99 348 -99 -99 10 Small -99 349 -99 -99 5 Small -99 351 -99 11.23 0.5 Small -99 353 -99 4 -99 Small -99 355 -99 22.6 2.3 Medium -99 358 -99 -99 3.27 Small -99 361 -99 14.18 1 Medium -99 362 -99 9.25 4 Small -99 363 -99 7 10.96 Small 4 364 -99 1.5 -99 Small -99 365 1 -99 -99 Small -99 372 -99 7 -99 Small -99 373 -99 -99 4 Small -99 375 11 6 0 Small 2 382 -99 6.54 -99 Medium -99 387 30 10.3 1.5 Small 1 393 -99 17.4 6 Medium -99 396 -99 13.3 -99 Medium -99 397 -99 23.8 -99 Medium -99 411 -99 14.7 -99 Medium -99 504 -99 10.1 3 Medium -99 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 543 -99 7.8 3 Small -99 544 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 545 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 546 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 547 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 548 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 549 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 550 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 551 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 552 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 553 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 554 -99 10.5 -99 Medium -99 555 -99 -99 -99 Small -99 563 -99 3.09 -99 Small -99 646 -99 1.67 21.9 Small -99 647 -99 11.4 4 Small -99 652 -99 -99 4.57 Small -99 685 -99 14.48 -99 Medium -99 713 -99 12.7 18.7 Small -99 798 -99 13.2 -99 Medium -99 802 -99 -99 3.32 Small -99 806 -99 2.51 -99 Small -99 1090 -99 -99 22 Small -99 1128 110 12 -99 Large 1 1153 76 13 0.5 Medium 1 1159 -99 -99 10 Small -99 1160 -99 14.7 -99 Medium -99 1376 -99 10.1 3 Medium -99 1645 -99 23.8 -99 Medium -99 1655 57 7 0.3 Medium 1 1705 40.6 -99 1.5 Medium -99 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 1720 -99 -99 1.7 Small -99 1728 -99 14.7 -99 Medium -99 1740 -99 9 -99 Small -99 1748 2 4 0 Small 5 1749 14 13 0 Small 5 1750 77 18 0 Medium 5 1751 91 20 0 Medium 5 1752 14 11 0 Small 5 1753 10 9 0 Small 5 1754 23 12 0 Small 5 1755 29 7 0 Small 2 1756 17 8 0 Small 2 1757 6 6 0 Small 3 1758 54 14 0 Medium 4 1759 5 7 0 Small 5 1760 13 6 0 Small 5 1761 21 12 0 Small 5 1762 170 21 0 Large 5 1763 16 16 0 Medium 5 1764 41 10 0 Small 3 1765 24 11 0 Small 4 1766 38 13 0 Small 5 1767 64 16 0 Medium 4 1768 82 24 0 Large 5 1769 15 12 0 Small 5 1770 11 9 0 Small 5 1771 18 14 0 Medium 5 1772 54 15 0 Medium 5 1773 130 18 0 Large 5 1774 470 65 15 Large 5 1775 33 15 0 Medium 5 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 1776 8 8 0 Small 5 1777 8 7 0 Small 5 1778 31 10 0 Small 5 1779 8 8 0 Small 5 1780 10 4 1 Small 5 1781 10 6 1 Small 4 1782 8 8 0 Small 5 1783 12 9 0 Small 5 1784 22 9 0 Small 3 1785 15 8 0 Small 2 1786 26 9 0 Small 5 1787 19 10 0 Small 5 1788 36 13 0 Small 5 1789 20 1 0 Small 5 1790 3 3 1.3 Small 2 1791 22 9 6 Small 4 1792 27 12 0 Small 5 1793 17 5 0.25 Small 2 1794 10 6 0.25 Small 2 1795 7 5 0 Small 3 1796 11 6 0.25 Small 1 1797 11 8 0 Small 4 1798 6 8 0 Small 4 1799 6 4 0.4 Small 2 1800 1 1 0.5 Small 2 1801 12 2 0.7 Small 2 1802 76 12 0 Medium 2 1803 8 6 0 Small 4 1804 9 2 1 Small 1 1805 1 2 0 Small 2 1806 45 12 0 Small 4 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 1807 220 18 0 Large 3 1808 2 3 0.6 Small 2 1809 11 2 0.5 Small 1 1810 30 9 5 Small 4 1811 2 4 0 Small 3 1812 1 2 0.5 Small 2 1813 1 2 0.5 Small 2 1814 1 1 0.25 Small 2 1815 26 3 0.75 Small 2 1816 4 1 0.25 Small 1 1817 350 24 0.25 Large 1 1818 34 11 0 Small 3 1819 5 7 0 Small 3 1820 71 12 0 Medium 2 1821 45 16 0 Medium 3 1822 20 8 0 Small 1 1823 58 15 0 Medium 3 1824 3 5 0 Small 3 1825 220 20 0 Large 2 1826 18 9 0 Small 5 1827 3 4 0 Small 2 1828 46 15 0 Medium 5 1829 68 14 0 Medium 4 1830 34 9 0.25 Small 2 1831 17 8 0 Small 4 1832 31 9 0 Small 3 1833 24 10 5 Small 4 1834 29 12 0 Small 5 1835 75 11 0 Medium 2 1836 11 6 0 Small 3 1837 33 8 0.75 Small 1 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 1838 9 5 0 Small 2 1839 44 15 6 Medium 5 1840 1 3 0 Small 2 1841 37 10 0 Small 2 1842 17 8 0 Small 4 1843 2 4 0 Small 3 1844 38 14 0 Medium 5 1845 12 6 0 Small 3 1846 190 19 0 Large 3 1847 38 12 0 Small 5 1848 3 5 0 Small 3 1849 2 4 0 Small 3 1850 15 6 0 Small 3 1851 44 1 0 Small 4 1852 38 11 0 Small 4 1853 52 12 0 Medium 5 1854 0.09 1 0.25 Small 2 1855 5 5 0 Small 3 1856 25 7 0 Small 3 1857 38 1 0 Small 4 1858 23 9 0 Small 5 1859 44 13 0 Small 3 1860 120 21 0 Large 5 1861 27 9 0 Small 3 1862 35 11 0 Small 4 1863 47 14 0 Medium 5 1864 1 3 0 Small 2 1865 30 11 0 Small 5 1866 0.21 2 0 Small 4 1867 98 20 0 Medium 3 1868 1 2 0 Small 3 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 1869 17 9 0 Small 3 1870 2 9 0 Small 4 1871 8 7 0 Small 4 1872 27 12 0 Small 5 1873 5 6 0 Small 3 1874 24 9 0 Small 3 1875 4 4 0 Small 3 1876 4 4 0 Small 2 1877 37 12 0 Small 5 1878 4 4 0 Small 4 1879 3 4 0 Small 4 1880 16 9 0 Small 4 1881 27 10 0 Small 4 1882 22 9 0 Small 4 1883 4 5 0 Small 4 1884 28 11 0 Small 4 1885 1 2 0 Small 3 1886 16 9 0 Small 4 1887 21 9 0 Small 4 1888 12 8 0 Small 5 1889 8 6 0 Small 4 1890 7 6 0 Small 4 1891 1 2 0 Small 3 1892 10 6 0 Small 4 1893 9 7 0 Small 4 1894 11 7 0 Small 4 1895 31 12 0 Small 4 1896 7 6 0 Small 3 1897 26 10 0 Small 5 1898 67 13 0.25 Medium 1 1899 18 8 0 Small 4 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 1900 10 7 0 Small 4 1901 9 6 0 Small 3 1902 19 8 0 Small 3 1903 4 4 0 Small 5 1904 17 8 0 Small 3 1905 7 6 0 Small 5 1906 9 6 0 Small 3 1907 62 14 0 Medium 4 1908 1 3 0 Small 5 1909 13 8 0 Small 3 1910 2 4 0 Small 3 1911 20 8 0 Small 3 1912 14 8 0 Small 3 1913 11 7 0 Small 5 1914 8 5 0.25 Small 2 1915 8 7 0 Small 4 1916 26 9 0 Small 4 1917 8 5 0.3 Small 2 1918 6 6 0 Small 3 1919 8 6 0 Small 4 1920 25 7 0.3 Small 1 1921 8 7 0 Small 3 1922 20 8 0 Small 4 1923 33 13 0 Small 5 1924 17 9 0 Small 4 1925 3 5 0 Small 4 1926 23 9 0.25 Small 2 1927 0.26 2 0.75 Small 2 1928 7 5 0 Small 3 1929 8 8 0 Small 4 1930 6 5 0 Small 2 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 1931 13 7 0 Small 3 1932 1 2 0 Small 4 1933 7 6 0 Small 2 1934 1 3 0 Small 3 1935 8 6 0 Small 3 1936 53 9 0 Medium 5 1937 49 11 0 Small 4 1938 23 13 0 Small 5 1939 5 5 0 Small 5 1940 39 10 0 Small 3 1941 9 6 0 Small 4 1942 21 9 0 Small 1 1943 39 11 0 Small 4 1944 30 9 0 Small 4 1945 1 2 0.9 Small 3 1946 100 17 0 Large 4 1947 11 9 0 Small 3 1948 31 10 0 Small 3 1949 19 9 0 Small 4 1950 6 4 0.25 Small 1 1951 11 5 1 Small 1 1952 36 8 0.5 Small 1 1953 54 12 0 Medium 5 1954 3 4 0.25 Small 3 1955 49 12 0 Small 3 1956 8 8 0 Small 4 1957 4 5 0 Small 2 1958 11 8 0 Small 2 1959 52 11 0 Medium 4 1960 43 11 0 Small 4 1961 26 9 0 Small 3 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 1962 110 15 0 Large 3 1963 6 6 0 Small 3 1964 8 7 0 Small 3 1965 5 5 0 Small 5 1966 20 9 0 Small 3 1967 17 8 0 Small 3 1968 6 5 8 Small 2 1969 160 20 0.25 Large 3 1970 1100 45 10 Large 5 1971 3 6 0 Small 2 1972 3 5 0 Small 2 1973 7 7 0 Small 4 1974 0.48 2 0 Small 4 1975 5 5 0 Small 3 1976 1 3 0 Small 4 1977 270 45 0 Large 3 1978 16 7 0 Small 3 1979 2 5 0 Small 4 1980 14 7 0 Small 5 1982 110 14 0 Large 4 1983 3 5 0 Small 3 1984 41 9 0.8 Medium 1 1985 18 8 0 Small 4 1986 14 8 0 Small 3 1987 50 16 0 Medium 5 1988 30 10 0 Small 3 1989 4 5 0 Small 4 1991 110 12 0 Large 3 1992 41 11 0 Small 4 1993 25 11 0 Small 5 1994 68 11 0 Medium 2 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 1995 15 9 0 Small 5 1996 130 16 0 Large 2 1997 100 13 0 Large 3 1998 120 14 0.25 Large 1 1999 5 6 0 Small 5 2000 1 4 3 Small 3 2001 6 7 2.75 Small 1 2002 21 10 0 Small 4 2003 50 13 0 Medium 3 2004 55 11 0 Medium 4 2005 28 8 0 Small 1 2006 11 8 0 Small 3 2007 27 11 0 Small 4 2008 33 13 0 Small 5 2009 7 5 0 Small 3 2010 2 3 0 Small 3 2011 33 11 0 Small 4 2012 84 2 0 Medium 5 2013 47 14 7 Medium 5 2014 26 11 0 Small 4 2015 15 9 0 Small 5 2016 24 8 0 Small 3 2017 0.21 2 0.6 Small 2 2018 40 10 0 Small 3 2019 8 6 0 Small 2 2020 12 8 0 Small 4 2021 7 5 0 Small 3 2022 24 7 0 Small 2 2023 1 2 0 Small 3 2024 400 40 0 Large 5 2025 170 23 0.25 Large 5 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2026 18 10 0 Small 5 2027 1 3 0 Small 3 2028 8 7 0 Small 4 2029 32 11 0 Small 3 2030 32 9 0 Small 3 2031 30 11 0 Small 4 2032 19 9 0 Small 4 2033 1 3 0 Small 2 2034 160 19 6.5 Large 3 2035 31 12 0 Small 5 2036 13 5 1 Small 2 2037 48 11 0 Small 4 2038 8 6 0 Small 4 2039 2 4 0 Small 2 2040 6 5 0 Small 4 2041 77 14 0 Medium 4 2042 27 10 0 Small 3 2043 39 8 0.25 Small 1 2044 90 13 0 Medium 4 2045 15 8 0 Small 2 2046 86 11 0 Medium 3 2047 32 10 0.5 Small 1 2048 11 8 0 Small 3 2049 1 2 0 Small 2 2050 0.47 3 0 Small 2 2051 2 3 0 Small 2 2052 1 4 0 Small 3 2053 170 28 0 Large 5 2054 15 8 2.5 Small 3 2055 0.49 3 0 Small 3 2056 100 13 0 Large 2 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2057 56 13 0 Medium 5 2058 1 3 0 Small 2 2059 20 10 0 Small 5 2060 5 5 3 Small 3 2061 550 55 3 Large 5 2062 9 7 0 Small 4 2063 4 2 0 Small 5 2064 57 14 0 Medium 5 2065 2 8 0 Small 4 2066 21 9 0 Small 3 2067 0.26 2 0.15 Small 2 2068 81 14 0 Medium 3 2069 2 4 0 Small 2 2070 1 3 0 Small 4 2071 51 11 0.25 Medium 2 2072 620 55 0 Large 4 2073 5 8 0 Small 4 2074 0.34 2 0.9 Small 2 2075 7.7 6 0 Small 3 2076 1 2 0 Small 5 2077 25 12 0 Small 3 2078 71 14 0 Medium 3 2079 14 5 0 Small 2 2080 35 12 0 Small 5 2081 10 7 0 Small 4 2082 22 6 0.25 Small 2 2083 15 8 0 Small 4 2084 2 4 0 Small 2 2085 2 4 0 Small 3 2086 41 12 0 Small 5 2087 4 6 2.5 Small 4 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2088 46 13 0 Small 5 2089 5 5 0 Small 2 2090 470 25 30 Large 5 2091 2 4 2 Small 4 2092 1 3 0 Small 4 2093 3 5 0 Small 3 2094 35 9 0.25 Small 1 2096 1 2 0 Small 4 2097 9 7 0 Small 4 2098 49 12 0 Small 3 2099 4 3 0 Small 2 2100 5 6 0 Small 3 2101 160 17 0 Large 3 2102 20 8 0 Small 3 2103 3 4 0.25 Small 3 2104 13 5 0 Small 1 2105 1 7 0 Small 2 2106 4 5 0 Small 3 2107 17 11 4 Small 4 2108 12 8 2.5 Small 4 2109 110 16 1 Large 2 2110 17 12 3 Small 4 2111 7 7 0 Small 4 2112 5 6 0 Small 4 2113 45 11 0 Small 5 2114 16 10 0 Small 4 2115 94 16 0 Medium 2 2116 23 9 0 Small 5 2117 9 5 0.25 Small 2 2118 9 7 0 Small 3 2119 70 12 0 Medium 4 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2120 42 8 0 Small 3 2121 27 11 0 Small 4 2122 29 12 0 Small 4 2123 7 6 0 Small 4 2124 48 13 0 Small 4 2125 30 12 0 Small 5 2126 87 15 0 Medium 5 2127 4 6 0 Small 3 2128 18 10 0 Small 5 2129 22 10 0 Small 5 2130 2 3 0 Small 4 2131 7 5 0 Small 2 2132 47 14 0 Medium 5 2133 3 4 0 Small 4 2134 18 6 0 Small 2 2135 16 6 1 Small 2 2136 4 5 0.4 Small 2 2137 31 10 0 Small 3 2138 25 9 0 Small 3 2139 68 12 0 Medium 2 2140 16 10 0 Small 4 2141 5 4 0.25 Small 2 2142 19 8 0 Small 1 2143 15 7 0.25 Small 1 2144 32 10 0 Small 4 2145 38 10 0 Small 2 2146 8 6 0 Small 3 2147 3 4 0 Small 3 2148 10 7 0 Small 4 2149 66 12 0.25 Medium 3 2150 15 7 0 Small 3 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2151 17 7 0.25 Small 2 2152 34 8 0 Small 2 2153 12 6 0 Small 2 2154 5 4 0 Small 2 2155 1 8 0 Small 3 2156 47 11 0 Small 3 2157 3 4 0 Small 3 2158 6 5 0.25 Small 1 2159 1 3 0.25 Small 2 2160 36 11 0 Small 3 2161 13 6 0 Small 3 2162 28 7 2 Small 2 2163 24 8 0 Small 5 2164 5 5 0 Small 2 2165 5 4 0 Small 2 2166 12 6 0 Small 3 2167 4 4 0 Small 2 2168 9 7 0 Small 5 2169 5 4 0 Small 2 2170 23 8 0 Small 5 2171 70 10 0 Medium 2 2172 12 5 0.5 Small 1 2173 40 11 0.25 Small 1 2174 44 14 5 Medium 5 2175 15 4 0 Small 2 2176 130 11 0 Large 2 2177 120 13 0.25 Large 3 2178 5 4 2.5 Small 4 2179 17 8 2 Small 4 2180 5 6 0 Small 5 2181 52 12 0 Medium 5 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2182 38 8 0.25 Small 2 2183 1 4 0 Small 3 2184 7 6 0 Small 5 2185 10 5 0 Small 4 2186 6 5 0.25 Small 4 2187 18 6 0.25 Small 2 2188 34 8 0 Small 3 2189 88 14 0 Medium 3 2190 170 14 0.25 Large 1 2191 24 7 0 Small 4 2192 0.03 1 0.2 Small 2 2193 2 4 0.25 Small 2 2194 26 6 0 Small 2 2195 26 9 0 Small 4 2196 6 6 0 Small 4 2197 6 5 0 Small 3 2198 60 8 0 Medium 2 2199 19 7 0 Small 5 2201 29 8 0 Small 4 2202 1 1 0.25 Small 2 2203 5 8 0 Small 5 2204 10 7 0 Small 5 2205 3 4 0 Small 3 2206 3 6 0 Small 3 2207 18 7 0 Small 3 2208 59 7 0.25 Medium 1 2209 1 3 1 Small 2 2210 11 5 0 Small 2 2211 14 8 0 Small 4 2212 36 10 0 Small 3 2213 34 8 0 Medium 2 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2214 20 7 0 Small 2 2215 46 8 0.8 Small 1 2216 86 13 0 Medium 2 2217 60 10 0 Medium 2 2218 110 10 0.6 Large 1 2219 7 5 0 Small 3 2220 4 5 0 Small 4 2221 5 4 0 Small 3 2222 4 5 0 Small 2 2223 53 8 0.4 Medium 1 2224 33 8 0 Medium 3 2225 97 15 0 Medium 4 2226 3 4 0 Small 3 2227 17 7 0 Small 3 2228 99 13 0 Medium 3 2229 18 6 0.25 Small 2 2230 0.2 1 0.8 Small 3 2231 19 8 0 Small 3 2232 43 10 0.9 Small 1 2233 2 4 0 Small 2 2234 3 4 0 Small 3 2235 10 6 0 Small 2 2236 1100 12 35 Large 4 2237 38 8 0.5 Small 2 2238 84 12 0 Medium 1 2239 10 7 0 Small 2 2240 8 6 0 Small 5 2241 1 3 0.25 Small 2 2242 3 6 0 Small 5 2243 1 2 0 Small 3 2244 0.45 3 1.5 Small 5 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2245 0.31 5 0.25 Small 2 2246 33 8 0 Medium 2 2247 50 12 0 Medium 5 2248 9 6 0 Small 3 2249 3 4 0 Small 3 2250 3 5 0 Small 1 2251 10 6 0 Small 4 2252 86 11 0 Medium 2 2253 150 13 0.25 Large 1 2254 1 1 0.2 Small 1 2255 27 7 3 Small 5 2256 2 4 0 Small 4 2257 7 6 0 Small 4 2258 9 7 0 Small 3 2259 83 15 0 Medium 4 2260 2 3 0.25 Small 2 2261 2 4 0 Small 2 2262 15 7 0 Small 3 2263 4 3 0 Small 3 2264 29 9 0 Small 3 2265 13 4 0 Small 4 2266 10 5 0 Small 2 2267 180 16 0 Large 4 2268 1 3 0 Small 2 2269 16 6 0.75 Small 2 2270 2 5 0.25 Small 4 2271 0.15 2 0 Small 2 2272 65 10 0 Medium 2 2273 3 7 0.25 Small 3 2274 100 13 0.25 Large 2 2275 4 5 0 Small 4 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2276 15 7 0 Small 3 2277 3 4 0 Small 2 2278 43 10 1.5 Small 2 2279 12 6 0 Small 2 2280 20 8 0 Small 3 2281 45 10 0 Small 2 2282 9 6 0 Small 2 2283 27 8 0 Small 2 2284 2 4 0 Small 3 2285 3 4 0 Small 4 2286 1 4 0 Small 1 2287 12 6 0 Small 3 2288 16 8 0 Small 3 2289 330 50 18 Large 4 2290 5 5 0 Small 3 2291 8 7 0 Small 3 2292 10 7 0 Small 3 2293 20 6 0 Small 3 2294 11 4 0 Small 2 2295 6 5 0 Small 2 2296 2 4 0 Small 3 2297 89 13 0.25 Medium 2 2298 33 11 0 Small 3 2299 5 4 0 Small 5 2300 2 4 0 Small 2 2301 14 7 0 Small 5 2302 1 3 0 Small 5 2303 8 4 0 Small 2 2304 6 4 0 Small 2 2305 21 11 0 Small 3 2306 3 5 0 Small 3 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2307 44 14 0 Medium 3 2309 1 1 0.5 Small 1 2310 9 6 2.25 Small 3 2311 6 5 0 Small 5 2312 26 8 1 Small 1 2313 1 4 0 Small 1 2315 9 4 0 Small 2 2316 11 7 1 Small 2 2317 16 6 0 Small 2 2318 12 8 0 Small 4 2319 9 4 0 Small 2 2320 94 15 0 Medium 5 2321 1 3 0 Small 2 2322 16 10 0 Small 3 2323 32 12 0 Small 2 2324 14 8 0 Small 3 2325 16 7 0 Small 3 2326 1 2 0 Small 2 2327 20 7 0 Small 2 2328 33 10 0 Small 1 2329 12 6 0 Small 3 2330 9 6 0 Small 1 2331 8 6 0 Small 1 2332 11 8 4.5 Small 5 2333 30 10 3.5 Small 4 2334 38 11 0 Small 1 2335 6 5 0 Small 4 2336 33 9 0.25 Small 1 2337 12 6 0 Small 3 2338 58 11 0 Medium 1 2339 13 7 0 Small 4 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2340 66 5 0 Medium 4 2341 14 7 0 Small 3 2342 25 10 0 Small 3 2343 6 5 0 Small 4 2344 7 6 0.25 Small 5 2346 17 7 0 Small 2 2347 4 3 0.25 Small 2 2348 4 5 0 Small 3 2349 1 12 0 Small 3 2350 6 5 0 Small 5 2351 1 3 0 Small 4 2352 2 3 0 Small 5 2353 14 7 0 Small 2 2354 25 8 1 Small 2 2355 38 9 0.25 Small 1 2356 9 5 0 Small 5 2357 51 12 4 Medium 5 2358 14 7 0.25 Small 1 2359 12 6 0 Small 3 2360 11 7 0 Small 2 2361 35 12 0 Small 3 2362 1 4 0 Small 2 2363 9 7 0 Small 1 2364 12 5 0 Small 4 2365 3 4 0 Small 2 2366 330 65 0 Large 5 2367 29 13 0 Small 5 2368 19 7 0.25 Small 3 2369 130 25 17 Large 4 2370 4 5 0.2 Small 1 2371 4 5 0 Small 4 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2372 5 6 0 Small 2 2373 5 3 0 Small 2 2374 28 7 0 Small 2 2375 2 4 0 Small 3 2376 4 5 0 Small 3 2377 5 4 0 Small 2 2378 15 8 0 Small 4 2379 0.36 2 0.25 Small 1 2380 3 4 0 Small 2 2381 1 2 0 Small 2 2382 30 10 0 Small 2 2383 7 10 0 Small 3 2384 6200 30 47.5 Large 3 2385 43 13 0 Small 3 2386 2 4 0 Small 3 2387 11 5 0.25 Small 1 2388 3 4 0 Small 3 2389 4 3 0 Small 2 2390 5 6 2 Small 4 2391 3 4 0 Small 2 2392 49 11 0.25 Small 1 2393 5 5 0.75 Small 3 2394 29 8 0.25 Small 1 2395 6 5 0 Small 4 2396 7 6 0.25 Small 2 2397 3 5 1.5 Small 2 2398 15 7 0 Small 5 2399 3 6 3 Small 3 2400 110 13 0.25 Large 4 2401 4 5 0 Small 4 2402 0.07 1 0.3 Small 2 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2403 57 9 0 Medium 2 2404 11 5 0.25 Small 1 2405 46 9 0.25 Small 1 2406 12 6 0.25 Small 2 2407 180 18 0 Large 1 2408 12 7 0 Small 3 2409 30 8 1 Small 1 2410 14 7 0 Small 2 2411 8 6 0 Small 5 2412 11 8 0 Small 5 2413 1 3 0 Small 3 2414 73 14 0.25 Medium 2 2415 3 4 0 Small 5 2416 76 11 0 Medium 2 2417 5 5 0 Small 2 2418 3 5 0 Small 3 2419 2 4 0 Small 4 2420 1 4 0 Small 2 2421 4 6 0 Small 3 2422 4 5 0 Small 2 2423 0.33 2 0 Small 2 2424 1 4 0 Small 2 2425 7 4 0 Small 2 2426 4 3 0 Small 2 2427 4 4 1 Small 3 2428 4 5 0 Small 4 2429 0.45 2 0 Small 3 2430 1 3 0 Small 2 2431 8 5 0 Small 4 2432 26 8 0 Small 4 2433 49 13 0 Small 4 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2434 23 8 2.5 Small 3 2435 10 5 0 Small 3 2436 17 6 0 Small 4 2437 52 11 0 Medium 2 2438 12 6 0 Small 2 2439 0.28 2 0 Small 3 2440 0.49 3 0.25 Small 1 2441 3 4 1 Small 2 2442 10 6 0 Small 5 2443 5 4 0 Small 3 2445 15 7 2.5 Small 2 2446 9 6 0 Small 3 2447 15 6 0 Small 5 2448 15 6 2 Small 2 2449 21 7 0 Small 3 2450 10 2 0 Small 1 2451 15 7 0 Small 3 2452 6 4 0 Small 2 2453 39 9 0 Small 3 2454 17 7 0 Small 3 2455 74 10 0 Medium 1 2456 25 6 0.25 Medium 1 2457 1 2 0 Small 3 2458 2 7 0 Small 3 2459 56 9 0 Medium 1 2460 26 9 3.5 Small 4 2461 16 7 0 Small 4 2462 1 3 0 Small 2 2463 1 4 0 Small 3 2464 5 4 0 Small 4 2465 33 9 0 Small 3 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2466 78 10 1 Medium 2 2467 16 7 0 Small 5 2468 34 8 0 Medium 4 2469 7 7 0 Small 5 2470 27 8 0 Small 5 2471 40 8 0 Medium 3 2472 6 5 0 Small 4 2473 7 5 0 Small 4 2474 170 17 0.25 Large 1 2475 49 9 0 Small 4 2476 86 12 0 Medium 3 2477 6 6 0 Small 4 2478 0.33 3 0 Small 3 2479 0.33 3 0 Small 3 2480 13 6 0 Small 3 2481 5 4 0 Small 2 2482 25 8 0 Small 3 2483 0.33 3 0 Small 3 2484 9 6 0 Small 3 2485 1 2 0.25 Small 1 2486 5 4 4 Small 2 2487 18 7 0.25 Small 4 2488 0.12 2 0.1 Small 2 2489 4 4 0 Small 2 2490 12 6 3 Small 3 2491 4 6 0 Small 5 2492 26 8 3 Small 4 2493 18 8 0 Small 4 2494 6 5 0 Small 4 2495 10 8 0 Small 5 2496 2 6 0 Small 5 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2497 4 5 0 Small 3 2498 13 6 0 Small 2 2499 13 7 0 Small 5 2500 22 10 0 Small 4 2501 54 10 0.25 Medium 3 2502 4 1 0.25 Small 1 2503 0.1 2 0 Small 1 2504 110 11 0.25 Large 1 2505 2 4 0 Small 5 2506 1 4 1 Small 4 2507 21 8 0 Small 3 2508 1 3 0 Small 5 2509 5 5 0 Small 4 2510 1 3 0 Small 2 2511 12 6 0.25 Small 5 2512 0.21 2 0.1 Small 1 2513 12 6 0 Small 5 2514 14 7 0 Small 5 2515 26 9 3.5 Small 4 2516 89 14 0 Medium 4 2517 4 7 0 Small 5 2518 0.23 2 0.2 Small 2 2519 3 5 0 Small 5 2520 3 5 0 Small 5 2521 4 5 0 Small 5 2522 91 13 0 Medium 5 2523 17 8 2 Small 3 2524 1 3 1.5 Small 3 2525 140 15 0 Large 3 2526 20 12 0 Small 4 2527 3 1 0 Small 2 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2528 2 7 0 Small 5 2529 3 5 0 Small 3 2530 2 4 0 Small 3 2531 2 4 0 Small 5 2532 1 3 0 Small 4 2533 8 6 0 Small 2 2534 5 5 1.5 Small 2 2535 130 13 0 Large 4 2536 3 5 0 Small 5 2537 25 8 0.25 Small 1 2538 4 6 0 Small 3 2539 4 2 0 Small 1 2540 2 4 0 Small 3 2541 2 5 0 Small 3 2542 10 2 0 Small 2 2543 11 7 5 Small 5 2544 9 8 0 Small 5 2545 3 5 0 Small 3 2546 19 7 0 Small 3 2547 57 10 6 Medium 2 2548 36 8 0 Small 4 2549 0.17 2 0 Small 2 2550 1 1 0.5 Small 1 2551 14 5 0.5 Small 1 2552 2 4 1 Small 2 2553 9 8 0 Small 4 2554 3 5 0 Small 4 2555 5 10 0 Small 2 2556 5 7 0 Small 5 2557 1 2 0 Small 2 2558 0.23 2 0 Small 3 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2559 1 1 0 Small 2 2560 10 7 0 Small 1 2561 91 15 0 Medium 5 2562 2 3 1 Small 1 2563 34 9 0 Small 4 2564 42 11 0 Small 4 2565 13 7 0 Small 4 2566 4 6 0 Small 5 2567 4 5 0 Small 3 2568 1 3 0 Small 2 2569 1 2 0.5 Small 2 2570 35 10 0 Small 4 2571 1 4 0 Small 4 2572 4 4 0.25 Small 2 2573 9 12 0.25 Medium 2 2574 2 3 0 Small 2 2575 25 1 0 Small 2 2576 19 7 0 Small 2 2577 2 5 0 Small 5 2578 1 4 0 Small 3 2579 0.33 3 0 Small 3 2580 4 10 0 Small 3 2581 6 1 0 Small 2 2582 2 1 0.25 Small 1 2583 15 6 0 Small 5 2584 2 4 1.5 Small 3 2585 36 10 0 Small 4 2586 2 1 0 Small 2 2587 25 8 0 Small 4 2588 21 7 0 Small 4 2589 4 6 0 Small 5 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2590 2 4 0 Small 4 2591 8 5 0 Small 4 2592 2 5 0 Small 3 2593 2 3 0 Small 3 2594 10 8 0 Small 5 2595 2 2 1 Small 2 2596 2 5 0 Small 3 2597 2 4 0 Small 3 2598 24 10 0 Small 5 2599 110 14 0 Large 3 2600 4 7 0 Small 5 2601 27 9 0 Small 5 2602 2 4 0 Small 4 2603 5 5 0 Small 4 2604 1 4 0 Small 3 2605 2 6 1 Small 3 2606 3 1 0 Small 1 2607 0.14 1 0 Small 2 2608 2 5 0 Small 2 2609 1 6 0 Small 2 2610 3 8 0 Small 3 2611 2 4 0 Small 2 2612 1 5 0 Small 3 2613 120 15 0 Large 5 2614 20 9 0 Small 5 2615 32 7 0 Small 3 2616 3 4 0.25 Small 3 2617 46 9 1 Small 2 2618 3 4 2 Small 3 2619 0.38 2 0 Small 2 2620 0.44 2 0 Small 2 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2621 8 5 0 Small 2 2622 6 4 0.5 Small 1 2623 6 9 0 Small 2 2624 5 5 0 Small 3 2625 2 5 0 Small 4 2626 7 5 0 Small 4 2627 5 6 0 Small 5 2628 27 11 0 Small 3 2629 2 4 0 Small 3 2630 4 8 5 Small 5 2631 8 7 0 Small 4 2632 1 3 0 Small 3 2633 3 1 0.3 Small 2 2634 12 7 0 Small 3 2635 40 10 3.5 Small 4 2636 23 11 0 Small 5 2637 4 5 0 Small 3 2638 1700 16 32 Large 5 2639 1 1 0 Small 2 2640 3 4 0 Small 2 2641 31 9 5 Small 5 2642 14 7 4 Small 3 2643 1 2 0 Small 2 2644 0.26 2 0.75 Small 1 2645 1 2 0 Small 2 2646 4 6 2 Small 4 2647 37 11 0 Small 5 2648 8 6 0 Small 3 2649 22 9 0 Small 5 2650 86 13 0 Medium 3 2651 4 6 0 Small 3 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2652 9 8 0 Small 5 2653 2 3 0 Small 3 2654 10 5 0 Small 2 2655 2 4 0 Small 4 2656 20 8 0 Small 3 2657 8 6 0 Small 5 2658 7 6 0 Small 4 2659 4 1 0.25 Small 1 2660 8 7 0 Small 5 2661 1 4 0 Small 2 2662 9 5 0 Small 4 2663 24 9 1 Small 3 2664 2 4 0.2 Small 2 2665 2 4 0 Small 4 2666 1 3 0 Small 2 2667 0.33 2 0 Small 2 2668 16 7 0 Small 2 2669 0.28 1 0.25 Small 1 2670 6 5 0 Small 3 2671 4 5 0 Small 3 2672 150 19 11 Large 5 2673 5 6 0 Small 5 2674 1 8 0 Small 3 2675 11 6 0 Small 3 2676 24 8 1.5 Small 3 2677 5 5 0 Small 2 2678 4 3 1 Small 1 2679 3 6 3 Small 4 2680 3 9 0 Small 5 2681 7 6 0 Small 3 2682 2 2 0 Small 4 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2683 16 8 0 Small 3 2684 2 1 0.5 Small 1 2685 8 6 0 Small 3 2686 1 3 0.5 Small 2 2687 1 4 0 Small 5 2688 51 12 0 Medium 2 2689 6 2 0.5 Small 1 2690 1 1 0.3 Small 2 2691 6 6 0 Small 2 2692 0.04 1 0.8 Small 2 2693 59 11 0.5 Medium 1 2694 2 4 1 Small 3 2695 25 9 1 Small 1 2696 17 5 1 Small 2 2697 4 6 1 Small 1 2698 5 5 3.5 Small 4 2699 6 5 0 Small 3 2700 27 9 0 Small 4 2701 5 5 0 Small 3 2702 1 2 0 Small 5 2703 9 8 0 Small 3 2704 43 11 0 Small 3 2705 7 5 0 Small 3 2706 12 5 1.2 Small 2 2707 54 10 0.25 Medium 1 2708 120 11 0 Large 1 2709 17 8 0 Small 5 2710 53 16 14 Medium 5 2711 5 5 0 Small 3 2712 0.24 3 0 Small 3 2713 23 9 0 Small 5 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2714 2 4 0 Small 3 2715 2 4 1.5 Small 4 2716 2 4 0 Small 3 2717 0.41 2 0 Small 3 2718 0.33 3 1 Small 2 2719 8 6 0.5 Small 2 2720 120 19 14.5 Large 5 2721 4 5 0 Small 3 2722 6 6 0 Small 4 2723 4 7 10.96 Small 4 2724 3 5 0 Small 1 2725 20 9 0 Small 5 2726 27 8 0.25 Small 2 2727 5 6 2 Small 4 2728 5 5 2.5 Small 4 2729 1 1 0 Small 1 2730 4 5 0.2 Small 1 2731 42 9 0 Small 3 2732 30 9 0 Small 5 2733 17 9 4 Small 5 2734 9 7 3 Small 3 2735 8 6 0 Small 2 2736 5 5 0 Small 4 2737 19 8 0 Small 3 2738 27 8 0 Small 2 2739 98 14 0 Medium 1 2740 9 7 2 Small 4 2741 7 6 0 Small 3 2742 2 4 0.5 Small 4 2743 69 12 0 Medium 3 2744 48 10 0 Small 2 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2745 6 7 0 Small 4 2746 7 6 0 Small 2 2747 30 8 0 Small 4 2748 21 8 0 Small 3 2749 8 5 0 Small 3 2750 85 15 0 Medium 4 2751 5 6 0 Small 5 2752 12 6 0 Small 2 2753 84 11 0.7 Medium 1 2754 5 5 1.5 Small 2 2755 1 3 0 Small 2 2756 17 8 1.5 Small 3 2757 22 7 0 Small 3 2758 10 5 0 Small 2 2759 27 10 3 Small 5 2760 3 4 0 Small 4 2761 7 6 0.8 Small 1 2762 25 9 0 Small 4 2763 9 5 0 Small 2 2764 3 4 0.5 Small 2 2765 4 4 0 Small 1 2766 32 10 0 Small 3 2767 25 7 0 Small 2 2768 29 10 0 Small 3 2769 35 5 0 Small 3 2770 8 7 0 Small 4 2771 4 5 0 Small 4 2772 74 11 0 Medium 1 2773 1 3 0 Small 3 2774 12 7 0 Small 4 2775 1 3 0 Small 1 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2776 26 9 0 Small 3 2777 2 5 0 Small 2 2778 2 4 0.5 Small 1 2779 11 7 0 Small 3 2780 1 2 0.5 Small 2 2781 7 6 0 Small 4 2782 19 8 0 Small 3 2783 20 8 0 Small 2 2784 19 11 0 Small 5 2785 9 7 0 Small 4 2786 12 7 0.75 Small 1 2787 19 8 0.75 Small 2 2788 2 4 0 Small 3 2789 1 1 0.25 Small 2 2790 110 13 0 Large 1 2791 1 2 0.5 Small 1 2792 1 3 0 Small 3 2793 52 12 0 Medium 5 2794 7 7 0 Small 5 2795 42 13 6 Small 5 2796 9 8 0 Small 5 2797 42 8 0.25 Small 1 2798 43 11 0 Small 3 2799 0 4 0 Small 4 2800 160 16 0 Large 3 2801 3 5 0 Small 3 2802 7 6 0 Small 5 2803 36 10 0 Small 5 2804 5 6 0 Small 5 2805 11 9 0 Small 5 2806 1 4 0 Small 3 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2807 1 1 0 Small 2 2808 29 11 4 Small 4 2809 6 9 0 Small 4 2810 10 6 0 Small 3 2811 25 11 0 Small 2 2812 0.06 2 0 Small 2 2813 2 4 0 Small 3 2814 3 6 0 Small 3 2815 1 3 0 Small 2 2816 17 8 0 Small 4 2817 14 9 0 Small 4 2818 8 5 0 Small 5 2819 22 9 1 Small 2 2820 17 8 1.5 Small 2 2821 4 1 0 Small 3 2822 6 7 0 Small 2 2823 0.26 2 3.5 Small 2 2824 11 7 0 Small 2 2825 27 7 1 Small 2 2826 11 7 0 Small 4 2827 10 5 0 Small 3 2828 22 9 0 Small 2 2829 10 7 0 Small 3 2830 9 7 0 Small 3 2831 1 4 0 Small 2 2832 4 5 0 Small 4 2833 29 10 0 Small 4 2834 0.33 3 0 Small 2 2835 47 12 5.5 Small 3 2836 11 7 0 Small 3 2837 2 5 0 Small 2 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 2838 1 4 0 Small 2 2839 1 3 0 Small 2 2840 1 4 0 Small 2 2841 0.36 2 0 Small 2 2842 4 4 0 Small 2 2843 3 5 0 Small 2 2844 50 11 0 Medium 2 2845 80 11 0 Medium 2 2846 27 9 0.25 Small 2 2847 40 11 0 Small 4 2848 60 11 0 Medium 2 2849 15 9 0 Small 5 2850 26 8 0 Small 5 2851 43 11 0 Small 5 2852 0.1 2 0 Small 2 2875 85 15 0 Medium 4 2930 -99 -99 6 Small -99 2931 -99 -99 -99 NP -99 2932 -99 -99 -99 NP -99 2986 -99 -99 -99 Small -99 3000 -99 -99 -99 NP -99 3306 -99 -99 -99 Small -99 3546 24 8 0 Small 1 3560 -99 -99 -99 Small -99 3662 -99 -99 -99 Small -99 3707 30 7 0 Small 1 4044 72.7 -99 -99 Medium -99 4052 72.7 -99 -99 Medium -99 4528 -99 -99 6 Small -99 4530 -99 -99 6 Small -99 4531 -99 -99 6 Small -99 ID Volcano.Volume.km3 Cone.Diameter.km Crater.Diameter.km Volcano Size Erosion.Status 4554 -99 -99 -99 NP -99 4802 219.1 -99 -99 Large -99 4975 -99 -99 -99 Small -99 5410 110 12 -99 Large 1 5413 110 12 -99 Large 1 5423 30 10.3 1.5 Small 1 5424 30 10.3 1.5 Small 1 5425 30 10.3 1.5 Small 1 5758 30 7 0 Small 1 5779 -99 -99 -99 Small -99 5787 -99 -99 -99 NP -99 6357 -99 -99 -99 NP -99 6704 121.4 -99 -99 Large -99 6705 76.4 -99 -99 Medium -99 6706 33.3 -99 -99 Small -99 6707 38.7 -99 -99 Small -99 6708 33.3 -99 -99 Small -99 6709 38.9 -99 -99 Small -99 6710 89.5 -99 -99 Medium -99 6711 26.4 -99 -99 Small -99 6712 27.7 -99 -99 Small -99 6713 61.7 -99 -99 Medium -99 6714 22.3 -99 -99 Small -99 6715 29.2 -99 -99 Small -99 6716 172.2 -99 -99 Large -99 6717 37.3 -99 -99 Small -99 6718 67 -99 -99 Medium -99 6744 -99 -99 -99 NP -99 7837 -99 10.6 -99 Small -99 7840 -99 -99 -99 Small -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 115 -99 -99 368.8 -99 -99 -99 122 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 133 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 150 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 159 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 164 13 14.5 -99 -99 -99 -99 179 18 8 246.6 -99 -99 -99 208 29 0 496.8 -99 -99 -99 219 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 233 -99 -99 -99 6 3 5.8 234 -99 -99 -99 2 1 5 235 -99 -99 -99 2 1 5.2 241 -99 -99 -99 10 4 6 247 -99 -99 -99 3 1 5.5 249 -99 -99 -99 225 94 7.4 253 -99 -99 -99 0 0 3.7 254 -99 14 -99 0 0 4.4 255 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4.5 256 -99 10 -99 0 0 4.6 259 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4.5 263 20 0 -99 50 22 6.7 297 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4.3 298 6 5 -99 1 0 4.8 300 -99 -99 -99 0 0 5 304 -99 -99 -99 1 0 4.7 307 -99 -99 -99 26 11 6.4 308 -99 -99 -99 3 1 5.5 313 9 9 -99 0 0 4.4 315 13 14.5 -99 4 2 5.6 316 -99 -99 -99 24 10 6.4 320 -99 14 -99 1 0 4.9 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 321 -99 -99 -99 2 1 5.2 322 -99 -99 -99 450 153 7.7 323 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4 324 -99 -99 -99 1 0 4.7 326 -99 -99 -99 1 1 5.1 327 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4 343 -99 -99 -99 5 2 5.7 344 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4 346 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4 347 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4.3 348 -99 15 5200 0 0 4 349 -99 -99 -99 11 4 6 351 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4 353 -99 -99 -99 40 16 6 355 -99 -99 -99 3 1 5.5 358 -99 -99 -99 12 5 6 361 -99 -99 -99 10 4 6 362 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4.6 363 8 -99 -99 110 48 7 364 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4 365 213 -99 213 0 0 4.2 372 -99 -99 -99 1 0 5.3 373 -99 -99 -99 8 3 5.9 375 9 0 -99 0 0 4.6 382 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4.3 387 9 9 -99 0 0 4.6 393 -99 18 -99 1 0 4.8 396 -99 -99 -99 1 0 4.8 397 -99 -99 -99 1 0 5 411 -99 -99 -99 0 0 4.3 504 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 543 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 544 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 545 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 546 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 547 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 548 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 549 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 550 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 551 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 552 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 553 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 554 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 555 -99 -99 -99 110 -99 -99 563 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 646 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 647 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 652 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 685 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 713 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 798 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 802 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 806 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 1090 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 1128 18 13 -99 -99 0 -99 1153 14 8 170.6 -99 -99 -99 1159 -99 15 5200 -99 0 -99 1160 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 1376 -99 -99 -99 -99 0 -99 1645 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 1655 18 8 246.6 -99 -99 -99 1705 -99 -99 170.6 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 1720 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 1728 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 1740 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 1748 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1749 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1750 23 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1751 25 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1752 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1753 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1754 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1755 16 13 -99 -99 -99 -99 1756 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1757 10 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 1758 17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1759 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1760 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1761 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1762 26 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1763 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1764 18 13 -99 -99 -99 -99 1765 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1766 18 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1767 18 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1768 24 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1769 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1770 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1771 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1772 19 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1773 25 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1774 65 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1775 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 1776 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1777 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1778 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1779 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1780 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1781 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1782 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1783 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1784 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1785 11 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 1786 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1787 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1788 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1789 1 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1790 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1791 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1792 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1793 13 11 -99 -99 -99 -99 1794 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1795 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1796 11 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 1797 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1798 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1799 9 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 1800 5 18 -99 -99 -99 -99 1801 13 13 -99 -99 -99 -99 1802 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1803 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1804 11 11 -99 -99 -99 -99 1805 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1806 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 1807 26 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1808 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1809 12 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 1810 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1811 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1812 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1813 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1814 6 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 1815 16 18 -99 -99 -99 -99 1816 9 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 1817 29 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 1818 14 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 1819 7 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 1820 14 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 1821 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1822 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1823 18 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1824 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1825 22 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 1826 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1827 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1828 17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1829 18 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1830 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1831 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1832 14 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 1833 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1834 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1835 17 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 1836 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1837 10 1 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 1838 8 1 -99 -99 -99 -99 1839 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1840 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1841 11 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 1842 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1843 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1844 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1845 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1846 28 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1847 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1848 5 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 1849 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1850 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1851 17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1852 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1853 17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1854 1 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1855 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1856 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1857 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1858 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1859 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1860 25 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1861 13 0 103.9 -99 -99 -99 1862 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1863 18 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1864 4 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 1865 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1866 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1867 20 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1868 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 1869 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1870 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1871 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1872 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1873 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1874 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1875 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1876 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1877 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1878 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1879 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1880 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1881 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1882 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1883 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1884 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1885 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1886 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1887 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1888 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1889 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1890 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1891 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1892 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1893 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1894 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1895 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1896 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1897 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1898 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1899 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 1900 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1901 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1902 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1903 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1904 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1905 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1906 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1907 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1908 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1909 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1910 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1911 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1912 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1913 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1914 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1915 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1916 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1917 6 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 1918 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1919 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1920 10 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 1921 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1922 12 0 115.9 -99 -99 -99 1923 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1924 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1925 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1926 12 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 1927 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1928 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1929 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1930 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 1931 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1932 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1933 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1934 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1935 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1936 19 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1937 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1938 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1939 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1940 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1941 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1942 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1943 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1944 14 0 159.8 -99 -99 -99 1945 4 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 1946 18 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1947 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1948 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1949 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1950 7 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 1951 8 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 1952 12 3 129.9 -99 -99 -99 1953 18 0 263.5 -99 -99 -99 1954 6 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 1955 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1956 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1957 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1958 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1959 17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1960 15 0 184.1 -99 -99 -99 1961 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 1962 20 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 1963 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1964 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1965 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1966 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1967 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1968 7 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 1969 22 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1970 45 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1971 7 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 1972 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1973 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1974 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1975 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1976 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1977 45 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1978 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1979 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1980 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1982 21 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1983 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1984 10 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 1985 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1986 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1987 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1988 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1989 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1991 23 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1992 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1993 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1994 20 15 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 1995 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1996 21 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 1997 19 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 1998 20 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 1999 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2000 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2001 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2002 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2003 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2004 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2005 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2006 8 0 142.4 -99 -99 -99 2007 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2008 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2009 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2010 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2011 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2012 20 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2013 18 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2014 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2015 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2016 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2017 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2018 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2019 6 1 -99 -99 -99 -99 2020 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2021 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2022 14 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2023 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2024 40 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2025 25 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2026 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2027 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2028 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2029 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2030 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2031 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2032 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2033 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2034 25 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2035 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2036 10 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2037 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2038 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2039 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2040 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2041 17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2042 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2043 14 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 2044 18 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2045 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2046 17 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2047 11 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2048 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2049 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2050 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2051 4 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 2052 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2053 28 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2054 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2055 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2056 21 0 268.4 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2057 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2058 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2059 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2060 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2061 55 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2062 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2063 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2064 18 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2065 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2066 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2067 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2068 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2069 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2070 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2071 12 2 123.3 -99 -99 -99 2072 55 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2073 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2074 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2075 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2076 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2077 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2078 17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2079 12 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2080 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2081 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2082 13 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2083 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2084 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2085 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2086 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2087 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2088 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2089 6 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 2090 40 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2091 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2092 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2093 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2094 12 13 -99 -99 -99 -99 2096 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2097 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2098 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2099 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2100 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2101 23 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2102 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2103 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2104 12 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2105 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2106 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2107 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2108 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2109 17 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2110 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2111 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2112 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2113 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2114 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2115 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2116 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2117 7 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 2118 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2119 19 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2120 16 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 2121 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2122 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2123 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2124 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2125 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2126 21 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2127 7 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 2128 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2129 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2130 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2131 6 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 2132 17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2133 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2134 12 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 2135 10 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 2136 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2137 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2138 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2139 16 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2140 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2141 7 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 2142 9 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2143 8 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2144 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2145 11 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 2146 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2147 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2148 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2149 14 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 2150 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2151 8 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2152 13 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 2153 7 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2154 4 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 2155 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2156 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2157 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2158 8 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 2159 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2160 13 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2161 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2162 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2163 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2164 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2165 6 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 2166 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2167 5 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 2168 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2169 5 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 2170 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2171 16 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2172 9 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2173 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2174 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2175 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2176 23 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2177 23 13 -99 -99 -99 -99 2178 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2179 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2180 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2181 19 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2182 13 11 -99 -99 -99 -99 2183 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2184 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2185 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2186 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2187 9 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 2188 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2189 21 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2190 23 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2191 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2192 1 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2193 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2194 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2195 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2196 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2197 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2198 17 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2199 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2201 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2202 5 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 2203 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2204 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2205 6 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 2206 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2207 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2208 18 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 2209 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2210 10 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2211 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2212 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2213 12 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2214 8 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 2215 16 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2216 20 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 2217 16 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 2218 21 15 -99 -99 -99 -99 2219 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2220 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2221 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2222 7 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 2223 17 8 109.4 -99 -99 -99 2224 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2225 18 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2226 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2227 9 14 -99 -99 -99 -99 2228 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2229 10 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2230 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2231 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2232 11 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2233 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2234 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2235 10 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2236 55 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2237 15 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2238 15 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2239 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2240 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2241 4 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 2242 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2243 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2244 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2245 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2246 9 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2247 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2248 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2249 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2250 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2251 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2252 17 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2253 19 13 -99 -99 -99 -99 2254 6 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2255 14 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2256 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2257 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2258 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2259 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2260 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2261 4 1 -99 -99 -99 -99 2262 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2263 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2264 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2265 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2266 10 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 2267 28 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2268 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2269 10 11 -99 -99 -99 -99 2270 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2271 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2272 2 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2273 13 15 -99 -99 -99 -99 2274 16 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 2275 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2276 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2277 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2278 14 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2279 9 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2280 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2281 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2282 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2283 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2284 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2285 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2286 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2287 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2288 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2289 50 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2290 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2291 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2292 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2293 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2294 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2295 8 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 2296 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2297 18 11 -99 -99 -99 -99 2298 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2299 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2300 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2301 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2302 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2303 10 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 2304 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2305 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2306 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2307 17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2309 5 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2310 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2311 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2312 11 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2313 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2315 10 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2316 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2317 11 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2318 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2319 10 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2320 19 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2321 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2322 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2323 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2324 9 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 2325 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2326 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2327 12 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2328 11 10 -99 -99 -99 -99 2329 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2330 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2331 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2332 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2333 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2334 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2335 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2336 15 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2337 11 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2338 16 19 -99 -99 -99 -99 2339 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2340 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2341 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2342 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2343 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2344 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2346 11 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 2347 8 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 2348 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2349 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2350 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2351 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2352 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2353 9 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 2354 10 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 2355 12 15 -99 -99 -99 -99 2356 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2357 21 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2358 11 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 2359 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2360 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2361 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2362 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2363 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2364 11 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 2365 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2366 65 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2367 13 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2368 13 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2369 25 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2370 5 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 2371 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2372 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2373 9 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2374 12 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2375 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2376 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2377 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2378 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2379 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2380 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2381 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2382 13 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 2383 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2384 100 0 15000 -99 -99 -99 2385 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2386 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2387 9 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2388 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2389 5 2 -99 -99 -99 -99 2390 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2391 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2392 11 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2393 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2394 11 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 2395 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2396 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2397 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2398 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2399 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2400 21 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2401 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2402 1 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2403 17 12 -99 -99 -99 -99 2404 8 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2405 14 9 -99 -99 -99 -99 2406 7 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2407 24 11 -99 -99 -99 -99 2408 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2409 12 6 -99 -99 -99 -99 2410 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2411 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2412 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2413 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2414 14 8 -99 -99 -99 -99 2415 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2416 17 13 -99 -99 -99 -99 2417 6 1 -99 -99 -99 -99 2418 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2419 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2420 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2421 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2422 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2423 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2424 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2425 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2426 8 5 -99 -99 -99 -99 2427 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2428 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2429 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2430 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2431 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2432 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2433 16 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2434 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2435 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2436 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2437 17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2438 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2439 3 0 -99 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17 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2477 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2478 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2479 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2480 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2481 8 4 -99 -99 -99 -99 2482 11 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2483 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2484 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2485 3 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2486 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2487 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2488 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2489 5 3 -99 -99 -99 -99 2490 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2491 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2492 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2493 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2494 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2495 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2496 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 ID Deposit.Diameter.km Flow.lenght.km Area.km2 Bulk.Volume.km3 Bulk.DRE.Volume.km3Magnitude 2497 7 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2498 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2499 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2500 12 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2501 15 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2502 9 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2503 2 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2504 19 7 -99 -99 -99 -99 2505 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2506 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2507 8 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2508 5 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2509 6 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2510 4 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 2511 10 0 -99 -99 -99 -99 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-99 -99 6718 -99 -99 341.6 -99 -99 -99 6744 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 7837 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 7840 -99 -99 -99 16.03 -99 -99 ID Rock.Type.Source Dominant.Rock.Type Last.Known.Eruption Year.Source 115 NP NP -99 122 NP NP 11000 Pleistocene 133 Andesite_Basaltic Andesitic Pleistocene -99 150 NP NP Pleistocene -99 159 NP NP 0.51±0.04 Ma -99 164 NP NP Pleistocene -99 179 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic Pleistocene -99 208 NP NP Pleistocene -99 219 NP NP Pleistocene -99 233 Dacitic -1250 3200 234 Basalt_Picro_Basalt Basaltic NP 2910 235 NP NP 320 5040 241 Dacite Dacitic 1967 18 247 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 1910 9400 249 NP NP 150000 300000 253 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 1995 57 254 NP NP 2012 2450 255 NP NP 1979 -5 256 NP NP 1785 380 259 NP NP 1995 1995 263 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 1030000 2420000 297 NP NP 1897 53 298 NP NP NP 457000 300 NP NP 2012 370 304 NP NP NP 1880 307 Dacite Dacitic NP 350 308 NP NP NP 110000 313 NP NP NP -43 315 NP NP Pleistocene 423000 316 NP Basaltic NP 15991 320 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 1988 -38 ID Rock.Type.Source Dominant.Rock.Type Last.Known.Eruption Year.Source 321 Basalt_Picro_Basalt Basaltic 1560 1400 322 Trachyandesite_Basaltic TrachyandesiteAndesitic Pleistocene 450000 323 NP NP -50 1100000 324 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 1820 1620 326 NP NP 1710 7530 327 NP NP 1915 4000 343 NP NP 1937 10300 344 NP NP NP 350000 346 NP NP NP 1200 347 NP NP NP 1403 348 Trachybasalt_Tephrite Basanite Basaltic -5050 170000 349 NP NP NP 2400 351 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 1977 81 353 NP NP NP 800000 355 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 2011 1090 358 NP NP NP 17541 361 Dacite Dacitic 1908 14817 362 NP NP 2018 -52 363 Rhyolitic NP 4250 364 NP NP 5390 8822 365 NP NP 2014 2156 372 Dacite Dacitic 11016 11016 373 NP NP 1240 2927 375 NP NP 1800 13451 382 NP NP 2011 64 387 Andesite Andesitic 2016 8800 393 Basalt_Picro_Basalt Basaltic 2014 3332 396 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 1835 10364 397 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 3340 3398 411 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 2011 188 504 NP NP 1943 Pleistocene ID Rock.Type.Source Dominant.Rock.Type Last.Known.Eruption Year.Source 543 Dacite Dacitic -2095 0 544 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1967 545 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1949 546 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1933 547 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1916 548 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1914 549 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1913 550 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1912 551 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1907 552 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1906 553 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1903 554 Dacite Dacitic 1967 1846 555 Rhyolite Rhyolitic -2300 0 563 Dacite Dacitic 300 -4280 646 Rhyolite Rhyolitic 1773 -8050 647 Dacite Dacitic -3740 -3740 652 Rhyolite Rhyolitic 2008 -7750 685 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic -6890 0 713 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 1835 -6640 798 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 2015 -7690 802 Dacite Dacitic 650 -2550 806 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic 1897 1897 1090 Andesite_Basaltic Andesite Andesitic -50 -50 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1869 NP NP NP -99 1870 NP NP NP -99 1871 NP NP NP -99 1872 NP NP NP -99 1873 NP NP NP -99 1874 NP NP NP -99 1875 NP NP NP -99 1876 NP NP NP -99 1877 NP NP NP -99 1878 NP NP NP -99 1879 NP NP NP -99 1880 NP NP NP -99 1881 NP NP NP -99 1882 NP NP NP -99 1883 NP NP NP -99 1884 NP NP NP -99 1885 NP NP NP -99 1886 NP NP NP -99 1887 NP NP NP -99 1888 NP NP NP -99 1889 NP NP NP -99 1890 NP NP NP -99 1891 NP NP NP -99 1892 NP NP NP -99 1893 NP NP NP -99 1894 NP NP NP -99 1895 NP NP NP -99 1896 NP NP NP -99 1897 NP NP NP -99 1898 NP NP NP -99 1899 NP NP NP -99 ID Rock.Type.Source Dominant.Rock.Type Last.Known.Eruption Year.Source 1900 NP NP NP -99 1901 NP NP NP -99 1902 NP NP NP -99 1903 NP NP NP -99 1904 NP NP NP -99 1905 NP NP NP -99 1906 NP NP NP -99 1907 NP NP NP -99 1908 NP NP NP -99 1909 NP NP NP -99 1910 NP NP NP -99 1911 NP NP NP -99 1912 NP NP NP -99 1913 NP NP NP -99 1914 NP NP NP -99 1915 NP NP NP -99 1916 NP NP NP -99 1917 NP NP NP -99 1918 NP NP NP -99 1919 NP NP NP -99 1920 NP NP NP -99 1921 NP NP NP -99 1922 NP NP NP -99 1923 NP NP NP -99 1924 NP NP NP -99 1925 NP NP NP -99 1926 NP NP NP -99 1927 NP NP NP -99 1928 NP NP NP -99 1929 NP NP NP -99 1930 NP NP NP -99 ID Rock.Type.Source Dominant.Rock.Type Last.Known.Eruption Year.Source 1931 NP NP NP -99 1932 NP NP NP -99 1933 NP NP NP -99 1934 NP NP NP -99 1935 NP NP NP -99 1936 NP NP NP -99 1937 NP NP NP -99 1938 NP NP NP -99 1939 NP NP NP -99 1940 NP NP NP -99 1941 NP NP NP -99 1942 NP NP NP -99 1943 NP NP NP -99 1944 NP NP NP -99 1945 NP NP NP -99 1946 NP NP NP -99 1947 NP NP NP -99 1948 NP NP NP -99 1949 NP NP NP -99 1950 NP NP NP -99 1951 NP NP NP -99 1952 NP Andesitic NP -99 1953 NP NP NP -99 1954 NP NP NP -99 1955 NP NP NP -99 1956 NP NP NP -99 1957 NP NP NP -99 1958 NP NP NP -99 1959 NP NP NP -99 1960 NP NP NP -99 1961 NP NP NP -99 ID Rock.Type.Source Dominant.Rock.Type Last.Known.Eruption Year.Source 1962 NP NP NP -99 1963 NP NP NP -99 1964 NP NP NP -99 1965 NP NP NP -99 1966 NP NP NP -99 1967 NP NP NP -99 1968 NP NP NP -99 1969 NP NP NP -99 1970 NP NP NP -99 1971 NP NP NP -99 1972 NP NP NP -99 1973 NP NP NP -99 1974 NP NP NP -99 1975 NP NP NP -99 1976 NP NP NP -99 1977 NP NP NP -99 1978 NP NP NP -99 1979 NP NP NP -99 1980 NP NP NP -99 1982 NP NP NP -99 1983 NP NP NP -99 1984 NP NP NP -99 1985 NP NP NP -99 1986 NP NP NP -99 1987 NP NP NP -99 1988 NP NP NP -99 1989 NP NP NP -99 1991 NP NP NP -99 1992 NP NP NP -99 1993 NP NP NP -99 1994 NP NP NP -99 ID Rock.Type.Source Dominant.Rock.Type Last.Known.Eruption Year.Source 1995 NP NP NP -99 1996 NP NP NP -99 1997 NP NP NP -99 1998 NP NP NP -99 1999 NP NP NP -99 2000 NP NP NP -99 2001 NP NP NP -99 2002 NP NP NP -99 2003 NP NP NP -99 2004 NP NP NP -99 2005 NP NP NP -99 2006 NP NP NP -99 2007 NP NP NP -99 2008 NP NP NP -99 2009 NP NP NP -99 2010 NP NP NP -99 2011 NP NP NP -99 2012 NP NP NP -99 2013 NP NP NP -99 2014 NP NP NP -99 2015 NP NP NP -99 2016 NP NP NP -99 2017 NP NP NP -99 2018 NP NP NP -99 2019 NP NP NP -99 2020 NP NP NP -99 2021 NP 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2520 250 0.00252 0.00025 NP Holocene 255 65 0 0.000065 -99 NP Holocene 256 450 0 0.00045 -99 NP Holocene 259 2065 275 0.002065 0.000275 NP Holocene 263 2420070 110000 2.42007 0.11 NP Upper (1.5-3) 297 123 0 0.000123 -99 Pleistocene Holocene 298 457070 13000 0.45707 0.013 NP Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 300 440 0 0.00044 -99 NP Holocene 304 1950 75 0.00195 0.000075 NP Holocene 307 420 0 0.00042 -99 NP Holocene 308 110070 0 0.11007 -99 NP Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 313 27 0 0.000027 -99 NP Holocene 315 423070 100000 0.42307 0.1 Pleistocene Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 316 16061 2043 0.016061 0.002043 NP Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 320 32 0 0.000032 -99 NP Holocene ID Age.A Error.Source.A Age.Ma Error.Ma Age.Class.source Age.epoch 321 1470 60 0.00147 0.00006 NP Holocene 322 450070 60000 0.45007 0.06 Pleistocene Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 323 1100070 0 1.10007 -99 Pleistocene Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 324 1690 100 0.00169 0.0001 NP Holocene 326 7600 50 0.0076 0.00005 NP Holocene 327 4070 0 0.00407 -99 NP Holocene 343 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2694 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2695 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2696 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2697 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2698 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2699 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2700 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2701 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2702 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2703 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2704 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2705 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2706 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2707 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2708 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2709 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2710 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2711 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2712 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2713 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP ID Age.A Error.Source.A Age.Ma Error.Ma Age.Class.source Age.epoch 2714 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2715 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2716 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2717 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2718 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2719 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2720 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2721 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2722 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2723 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2724 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2725 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2726 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2727 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2728 -99 -99 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NP NP 2832 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2833 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2834 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2835 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2836 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2837 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP ID Age.A Error.Source.A Age.Ma Error.Ma Age.Class.source Age.epoch 2838 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2839 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2840 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2841 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2842 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2843 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2844 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2845 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2846 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2847 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2848 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2849 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2850 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2851 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2852 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 2875 -99 -99 16.1 -99 18–14.5 Ma Lower Miocene (15-23) 2930 -99 -99 0.5 -99 <2.5 Ma Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 2931 -99 -99 0.00885 -99 <2.5 Ma Holocene 2932 -99 -99 0.31 -99 <2.5 Ma Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 2986 -99 0.1 0.55 0.1 Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 3000 -99 -99 1 -99 Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 3306 -99 0.8 15.7 0.8 Mid-Miocene (11-15) Lower Miocene (15-23) 3546 -99 0.1 0.3 0.1 Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 3560 -99 0.18 0.65 0.18 Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 3662 -99 0.2 4.5 0.2 Lower Pliocene (3.1-5)Lower Pliocene (3.1-5) 3707 -99 0.2 4.5 0.2 Lower Pliocene (3.1-5)Lower Pliocene (3.1-5) 4044 -99 0.5 2.5 0.5 Upper Pliocene (1.6-3)Upper Pliocene (1.5-3) 4052 -99 0.2 1.8 0.2 Upper Pliocene (1.6-3)Upper Pliocene (1.5-3) 4528 -99 0.03 0.52 0.03 Pleistocene Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 4530 -99 0.029 0.521 0.029 NP Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 4531 -99 0.0029 0.521 0.0029 NP Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) ID Age.A Error.Source.A Age.Ma Error.Ma Age.Class.source Age.epoch 4554 -99 0 1 -99 Pleistocene Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 4802 -99 0 0.9 -99 Pleistocene Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 4975 -99 0.06 0.75 0.06 Pleistocene Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 5410 -99 0 0.001 -99 Holocene 5413 -99 0 0.001 -99 Quaternary Holocene 5423 -99 0 0.001 -99 Quaternary Holocene 5424 -99 0 0.001 -99 Quaternary Holocene 5425 -99 0 0.001 -99 Quaternary Holocene 5758 -99 0 0.001 -99 Quaternary Holocene 5779 -99 0 0.011 -99 Miocene-Pleistocene Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 5787 -99 0.04 0.97 0.04 Pleistocene Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 6357 -99 0.17 0.91 0.17 NP Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 6704 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6705 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6706 -99 0.7 7.3 0.7 NP Upper Miocene (5-10) 6707 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6708 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6709 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6710 -99 0.09 7.2 0.09 NP Upper Miocene (5-10) 6711 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6712 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6713 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6714 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6715 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6716 -99 0.5 9.2 0.5 NP Upper Miocene (5-10) 6717 -99 -99 -99 -99 NP NP 6718 -99 0.7 14.35 0.7 NP Mid-Miocene (10-15) 6744 -99 0.2 1 0.2 NP Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 7837 -99 -99 0.012 -99 Pleistocene Pleistocene (0.01-1.5) 7840 -99 0.7 1.9 0.7 -99 Upper Pliocene (1.5-3) ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 115 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 122 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 133 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 150 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 159 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 164 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 179 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 208 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 219 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 233 NP 0.00327 Holocene Dated NP 234 NP 0.00298 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 235 NP 0.00511 Holocene Dated NP 241 NP 0.000088 Holocene Dated NP 247 NP 0.00947 Holocene Dated NP 249 NP 0.30007 Pleistocene Dated NP 253 NP 0.000127 Holocene Dated NP 254 NP 0.00252 Holocene Dated NP 255 NP 0.000065 Holocene Dated NP 256 NP 0.00045 Holocene Dated NP 259 NP 0.002065 Holocene Dated NP 263 NP 2.42007 Pliocene Dated NP 297 NP 0.000123 Holocene Dated Pleistocene 298 NP 0.45707 Pleistocene Dated NP 300 NP 0.00044 Holocene Dated NP 304 NP 0.00195 Holocene Dated NP 307 NP 0.00042 Holocene Dated NP 308 NP 0.11007 Pleistocene Dated NP 313 NP 0.000027 Holocene Dated NP 315 NP 0.42307 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 316 NP 0.016061 Pleistocene Dated NP 320 NP 0.000032 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 321 NP 0.00147 Holocene Dated NP 322 NP 0.45007 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 323 NP 1.10007 Pleistocene Dated Pleistocene 324 NP 0.00169 Holocene Dated NP 326 NP 0.0076 Holocene Dated NP 327 NP 0.00407 Holocene Dated NP 343 NP 0.01037 Pleistocene Dated NP 344 NP 0.35007 Pleistocene Dated NP 346 NP 0.00127 Holocene Dated NP 347 NP 0.001473 Holocene Dated NP 348 NP 0.17007 Pleistocene Dated NP 349 NP 0.00247 Holocene Dated NP 351 NP 0.000151 Holocene Dated NP 353 NP 0.80007 Pleistocene Dated NP 355 NP 0.00116 Holocene Dated NP 358 NP 0.017611 Pleistocene Dated NP 361 NP 0.014887 Pleistocene Dated NP 362 NP 0.000018 Holocene Dated NP 363 NP 0.00432 Holocene Dated NP 364 NP 0.008892 Holocene Dated NP 365 NP 0.002226 Holocene Dated NP 372 NP 0.011086 Pleistocene Dated NP 373 NP 0.002997 Holocene Dated NP 375 NP 0.013521 Pleistocene Dated NP 382 NP 0.000134 Holocene Dated NP 387 NP 0.00887 Holocene Dated NP 393 NP 0.003402 Holocene Dated NP 396 NP 0.010434 Pleistocene Dated NP 397 NP 0.003468 Holocene Dated NP 411 NP 0.000258 Holocene Dated NP 504 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated Historical ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 543 NP 0.004115 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 544 NP 0.000053 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 545 NP 0.000071 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 546 NP 0.000087 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 547 NP 0.000104 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 548 NP 0.000106 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 549 NP 0.000107 Holocene Dated Uncertain 550 NP 0.000108 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 551 NP 0.000113 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 552 NP 0.000114 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 553 NP 0.000117 Holocene Dated Uncertain 554 NP 0.000174 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 555 NP 0.00432 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 563 NP 0.0063 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 646 NP 0.01007 Pleistocene Dated Confirmed Eruption 647 NP 0.00576 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 652 NP 0.00977 Holocene Dated Confirmed Eruption 685 NP 0.00891 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 713 NP 0.00866 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 798 NP 0.00971 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 802 NP 0.00457 Holocene Dated Confirmed Eruption 806 NP 0.000123 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 1090 NP 0.00207 Holocene Dated Confirmed Eruption 1128 NP 0.00921 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 1153 NP 0.00173 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 1159 NP 0.00707 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 1160 NP 0.000009 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 1376 NP 0.000077 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 1645 NP 0.00334 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 1655 NP 0.01 Holocene Dated NP 1705 NP 0.001993 Holocene Dated Uncertain ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 1720 NP 0.00125 Holocene Dated Fumarolic stage 1728 NP 0.000183 Holocene Dated Confirmed eruption 1740 NP 0.00002 Holocene Dated Fumarolic stage 1748 arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1749 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1750 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1751 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1752 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1753 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1754 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1755 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1756 arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1757 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1758 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1759 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1760 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1761 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1762 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1763 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1764 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1765 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1766 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1767 arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1768 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1769 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1770 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1771 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1772 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1773 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1774 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1775 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 1776 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1777 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1778 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1779 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1780 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1781 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1782 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1783 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1784 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1785 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1786 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1787 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1788 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1789 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1790 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1791 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1792 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1793 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1794 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1795 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1796 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1797 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1798 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1799 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1800 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1801 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1802 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1803 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1804 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1805 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1806 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 1807 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1808 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1809 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1810 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1811 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1812 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1813 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1814 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1815 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1816 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1817 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc Dormant 1818 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1819 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1820 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1821 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1822 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc Erupting 1823 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1824 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1825 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1826 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1827 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1828 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1829 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1830 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1831 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1832 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1833 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1834 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1835 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1836 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1837 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 1838 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1839 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1840 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1841 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1842 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1843 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1844 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1845 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1846 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1847 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1848 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1849 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1850 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1851 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1852 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1853 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1854 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1855 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1856 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1857 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1858 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1859 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1860 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1861 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1862 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1863 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1864 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1865 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1866 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1867 arc 85.765 Cretaceous Arc NP 1868 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 1869 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1870 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1871 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1872 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1873 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1874 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1875 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1876 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1877 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1878 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1879 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1880 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1881 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1882 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1883 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1884 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1885 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1886 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1887 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1888 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1889 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1890 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1891 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1892 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1893 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1894 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1895 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1896 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1897 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1898 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc Dormant 1899 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 1900 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1901 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1902 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1903 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1904 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1905 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1906 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1907 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1908 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1909 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1910 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1911 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1912 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1913 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1914 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1915 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1916 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1917 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1918 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1919 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1920 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc Dormant 1921 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1922 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1923 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1924 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1925 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1926 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1927 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1928 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1929 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1930 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 1931 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1932 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1933 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1934 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1935 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1936 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1937 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1938 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1939 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1940 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1941 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1942 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc Dormant 1943 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1944 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1945 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1946 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1947 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1948 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1949 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1950 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1951 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1952 NP 0.0000011 Holocene Dated Fumarolic stage 1953 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1954 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1955 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1956 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1957 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1958 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1959 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1960 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1961 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 1962 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1963 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1964 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1965 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1966 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1967 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1968 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1969 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1970 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1971 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1972 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1973 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1974 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1975 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1976 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1977 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1978 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1979 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1980 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1982 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 1983 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1984 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1985 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1986 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1987 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1988 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1989 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1991 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1992 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1993 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1994 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 1995 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1996 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 1997 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 1998 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc Dormant 1999 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2000 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2001 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2002 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2003 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2004 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2005 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc Dormant 2006 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2007 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2008 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2009 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2010 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2011 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2012 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2013 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2014 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2015 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2016 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2017 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2018 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2019 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2020 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2021 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2022 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2023 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2024 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2025 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2026 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2027 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2028 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2029 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2030 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2031 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2032 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2033 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2034 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2035 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2036 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2037 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2038 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2039 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2040 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2041 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2042 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2043 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Fumarolic stage 2044 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2045 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2046 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2047 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Fumarolic stage 2048 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2049 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2050 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2051 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2052 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2053 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2054 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2055 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2056 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2057 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2058 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2059 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2060 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2061 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2062 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2063 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2064 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2065 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2066 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2067 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2068 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2069 NP NP NP Arc NP 2070 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2071 NP 0.02 Pleistocene Dated NP 2072 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2073 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2074 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2075 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2076 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2077 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2078 Cretaceous arc 85.765 Cretaceous Arc NP 2079 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2080 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2081 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2082 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2083 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2084 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2085 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2086 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2087 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2088 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2089 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2090 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2091 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2092 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2093 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2094 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2096 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2097 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2098 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2099 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2100 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2101 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2102 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2103 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2104 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2105 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2106 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2107 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2108 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2109 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2110 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2111 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2112 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2113 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2114 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2115 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2116 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2117 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2118 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2119 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2120 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2121 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2122 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2123 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2124 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2125 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2126 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2127 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2128 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2129 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2130 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2131 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2132 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2133 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2134 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2135 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2136 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2137 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2138 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2139 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2140 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2141 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2142 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2143 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2144 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2145 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2146 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2147 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2148 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2149 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2150 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2151 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2152 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2153 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2154 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2155 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2156 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2157 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2158 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Fumarolic stage 2159 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2160 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2161 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2162 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2163 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2164 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2165 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2166 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2167 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2168 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2169 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2170 NP NP NP Arc NP 2171 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2172 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2173 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Fumarolic stage 2174 NP NP NP Arc NP 2175 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2176 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2177 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2178 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2179 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2180 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2181 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2182 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2183 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2184 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2185 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2186 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2187 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2188 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2189 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2190 NP NP NP Arc Fumarolic stage 2191 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2192 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2193 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2194 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2195 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2196 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2197 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2198 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2199 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2201 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2202 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2203 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2204 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2205 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2206 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2207 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2208 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2209 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2210 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2211 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2212 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2213 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2214 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2215 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2216 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2217 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2218 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2219 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2220 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2221 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2222 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2223 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2224 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2225 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2226 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2227 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2228 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2229 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2230 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2231 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2232 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2233 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2234 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2235 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2236 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2237 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2238 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Dormant 2239 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2240 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2241 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2242 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2243 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2244 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2245 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2246 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2247 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2248 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2249 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2250 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2251 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2252 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2253 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Fumarolic stage 2254 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2255 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2256 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2257 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2258 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2259 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2260 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2261 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2262 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2263 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2264 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2265 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2266 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2267 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2268 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2269 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2270 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2271 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2272 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2273 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2274 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2275 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2276 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2277 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2278 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2279 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2280 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2281 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2282 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2283 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2284 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2285 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2286 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2287 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2288 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2289 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2290 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2291 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2292 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2293 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2294 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2295 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2296 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2297 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2298 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2299 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2300 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2301 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2302 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2303 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2304 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2305 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2306 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2307 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2309 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2310 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2311 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2312 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2313 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2315 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2316 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2317 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2318 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2319 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2320 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2321 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2322 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2323 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2324 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2325 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2326 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2327 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2328 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2329 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2330 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2331 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2332 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2333 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2334 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Fumarolic stage 2335 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2336 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2337 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2338 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2339 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2340 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2341 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2342 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2343 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2344 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2346 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2347 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2348 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2349 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2350 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2351 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2352 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2353 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2354 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2355 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Latent 2356 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2357 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2358 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Dormant 2359 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2360 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2361 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2362 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2363 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2364 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2365 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2366 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2367 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2368 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2369 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2370 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2371 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2372 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2373 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2374 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2375 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2376 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2377 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2378 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2379 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2380 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2381 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2382 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2383 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2384 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2385 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2386 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2387 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Dormant 2388 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2389 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2390 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2391 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2392 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2393 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2394 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Dormant 2395 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2396 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2397 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2398 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2399 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2400 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2401 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2402 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2403 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2404 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Dormant 2405 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2406 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2407 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Dormant 2408 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2409 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Dormant 2410 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2411 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2412 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2413 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2414 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2415 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2416 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2417 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2418 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2419 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2420 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2421 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2422 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2423 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2424 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2425 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2426 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2427 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2428 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2429 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2430 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2431 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2432 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2433 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2434 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2435 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2436 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2437 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2438 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2439 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2440 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2441 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2442 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2443 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2445 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2446 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2447 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2448 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2449 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2450 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2451 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2452 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2453 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2454 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2455 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Dormant 2456 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Dormant 2457 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2458 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2459 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Latent 2460 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2461 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2462 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2463 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2464 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2465 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2466 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2467 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2468 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2469 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2470 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2471 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2472 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2473 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2474 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Latent 2475 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2476 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2477 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2478 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2479 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2480 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2481 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2482 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2483 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2484 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2485 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2486 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2487 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2488 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2489 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2490 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2491 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2492 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2493 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2494 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2495 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2496 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2497 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2498 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2499 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2500 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2501 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2502 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2503 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2504 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Dormant 2505 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2506 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2507 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2508 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2509 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2510 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2511 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2512 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2513 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2514 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2515 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2516 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2517 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2518 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2519 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2520 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2521 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2522 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2523 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2524 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2525 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2526 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2527 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2528 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2529 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2530 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2531 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2532 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2533 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2534 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2535 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2536 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2537 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2538 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2539 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2540 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2541 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2542 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2543 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2544 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2545 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2546 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2547 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2548 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2549 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2550 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2551 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2552 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2553 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2554 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2555 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2556 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2557 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2558 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2559 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2560 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2561 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2562 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Latent 2563 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2564 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2565 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2566 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2567 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2568 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2569 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2570 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2571 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2572 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2573 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2574 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2575 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2576 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2577 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2578 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2579 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2580 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2581 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2582 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Dormant 2583 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2584 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2585 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2586 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2587 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2588 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2589 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2590 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2591 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2592 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2593 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2594 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2595 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2596 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2597 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2598 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2599 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2600 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2601 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2602 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2603 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2604 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2605 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2606 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2607 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2608 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2609 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2610 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2611 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2612 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2613 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2614 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2615 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2616 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2617 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2618 Cretaceous arc 85.765 Cretaceous Arc NP 2619 Cretaceous arc 85.765 Cretaceous Arc NP 2620 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2621 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2622 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2623 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2624 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2625 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2626 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2627 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2628 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2629 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2630 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2631 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2632 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2633 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2634 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2635 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2636 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2637 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2638 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2639 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2640 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2641 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2642 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2643 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2644 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2645 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2646 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2647 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2648 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2649 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2650 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2651 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2652 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2653 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2654 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2655 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2656 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2657 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2658 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2659 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2660 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2661 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2662 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2663 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2664 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2665 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2666 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2667 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2668 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2669 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2670 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2671 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2672 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2673 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2674 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2675 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2676 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2677 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2678 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2679 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2680 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2681 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2682 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2683 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2684 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2685 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2686 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2687 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2688 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2689 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2690 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2691 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2692 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2693 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc Dormant 2694 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2695 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2696 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2697 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2698 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2699 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2700 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2701 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2702 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2703 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2704 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2705 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2706 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2707 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Erupting 2708 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Latent 2709 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2710 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2711 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2712 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2713 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2714 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 2715 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2716 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2717 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2718 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2719 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2720 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2721 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2722 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2723 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2724 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2725 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2726 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2727 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2728 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2729 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2730 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2731 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2732 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2733 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2734 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2735 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2736 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2737 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2738 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2739 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Dormant 2740 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2741 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2742 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2743 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2744 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2745 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2746 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2747 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2748 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2749 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2750 NP 16.3 Miocene Dated NP 2751 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2752 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2753 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2754 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2755 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2756 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2757 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2758 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2759 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2760 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2761 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2762 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2763 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2764 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2765 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2766 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2767 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2768 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2769 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2770 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2771 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2772 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Fumarolic stage 2773 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2774 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2775 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2776 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2777 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2778 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2779 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2780 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2781 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2782 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2783 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2784 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2785 Eocene arc 39.025 Eocene Arc NP 2786 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2787 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2788 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2789 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2790 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc Fumarolic stage 2791 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2792 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2793 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2794 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2795 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2796 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2797 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2798 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2799 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2800 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2801 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2802 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2803 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2804 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2805 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2806 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2807 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2808 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2809 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2810 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2811 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2812 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2813 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2814 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2815 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2816 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2817 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2818 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 2819 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2820 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2821 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2822 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2823 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2824 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2825 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2826 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2827 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2828 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2829 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2830 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2831 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2832 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2833 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2834 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2835 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2836 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2837 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 2838 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2839 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2840 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2841 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2842 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2843 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2844 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2845 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2846 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2847 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2848 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2849 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2850 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2851 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2852 Miocene- Pliocene arc 14 Miocene Arc NP 2875 NP 16.1 Miocene Dated NP 2930 NP 0.5 Pleistocene Dated NP 2931 NP 0.00885 Holocene Dated NP 2932 NP 0.31 Pleistocene Dated NP 2986 NP 0.55 Pleistocene Dated NP 3000 NP 1 Pleistocene Dated NP 3306 NP 15.7 Miocene Dated NP 3546 NP 0.3 Pleistocene Dated NP 3560 NP 0.65 Pleistocene Dated NP 3662 NP 4.5 Pliocene Dated NP 3707 NP 4.5 Pliocene Dated Latent 4044 NP 2.5 Pliocene Dated NP 4052 NP 1.8 Pliocene Dated NP 4528 NP 0.52 Pleistocene Dated NP 4530 NP 0.521 Pleistocene Dated NP 4531 NP 0.521 Pleistocene Dated NP ID Period.by.arc Age.by.arc.Ma Age.period Age.method Uncertainty.source 4554 NP 1 Pleistocene Dated NP 4802 NP 0.9 Pleistocene Dated NP 4975 NP 0.75 Pleistocene Dated NP 5410 NP 0.001 Holocene Dated NP 5413 NP 0.001 Holocene Dated NP 5423 NP 0.001 Holocene Dated NP 5424 NP 0.001 Holocene Dated NP 5425 NP 0.001 Holocene Dated NP 5758 NP 0.001 Holocene Dated Latent 5779 NP 0.011 Pleistocene Dated NP 5787 NP 0.97 Pleistocene Dated NP 6357 NP 0.91 Pleistocene Dated NP 6704 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 6705 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 6706 NP 7.3 Miocene Dated NP 6707 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 6708 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 6709 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 6710 NP 7.2 Miocene Dated NP 6711 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 6712 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 6713 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 6714 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 6715 Oligocene arc 29 Oligocene Arc NP 6716 NP 9.2 Miocene Dated NP 6717 Paleocene arc 60.025 Palaeocene Arc NP 6718 NP 14.35 Miocene Dated NP 6744 NP 1 Pleistocene Dated NP 7837 NP 0.012 Pleistocene Dated NP 7840 NP 1.9 Pliocene Dated NP ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN..content IGN.Volume.km3 115 NP NP NP NP -99 122 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 133 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 150 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 159 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 164 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 179 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 208 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 219 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 233 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 234 14C (corrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 235 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 241 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 247 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 249 NP NP NP NP NP 0 253 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 254 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 255 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 256 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 259 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 263 NP NP NP NP NP 0 297 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 298 NP NP NP NP NP 1 300 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 304 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 307 NP Holocene NP NP NP 2 308 NP NP NP NP NP 3 313 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 315 NP Fumarole NP NP NP 0 316 NP NP NP NP NP 24 320 14C (uncorrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 321 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 322 NP Fumarole NP NP NP 450 323 NP Fumarole NP NP NP 0 324 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 326 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 327 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 343 NP NP NP NP NP 0 344 NP NP NP NP NP 0 346 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 347 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 348 NP NP NP NP NP 0 349 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 351 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 353 NP NP NP NP NP 0 355 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 358 NP NP NP NP NP 0 361 NP NP NP NP NP 0 362 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 363 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 364 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 365 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 372 NP NP NP NP NP 0 373 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 375 NP NP NP NP NP 0 382 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 387 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 393 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 396 NP NP NP NP NP 0 397 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 411 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 504 NP Historical NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 543 14C (uncorrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 544 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 545 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 546 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 547 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 548 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 549 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 550 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 551 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 552 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 553 NP Holocene NP NP NP 0 554 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 555 14C (corrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 563 14C (uncorrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 646 Tephrochron Dating technique NP NP NP 0 647 14C (uncorrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 652 14C (corrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 685 14C (uncorrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 713 Tephrochron Dating technique NP NP NP 0 798 14C (uncorrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 802 14C (uncorrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 806 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 1090 Uranium-series Dating technique NP NP NP 0 1128 14C (corrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 1153 Surface Exposure Dating technique NP NP NP 0 1159 K-Ar Dating technique NP NP NP 0 1160 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 1376 Historical Obs Historical NP NP NP 0 1645 14C (uncorrected) Dating technique NP NP NP 0 1655 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1705 NP Holocene NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 1720 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 1728 NP Historical NP NP NP -99 1740 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 1748 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1749 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1750 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1751 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1752 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1753 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1754 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1755 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1756 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1757 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1758 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1759 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1760 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1761 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1762 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1763 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1764 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1765 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1766 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1767 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1768 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1769 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1770 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1771 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1772 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1773 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1774 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1775 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 1776 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1777 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1778 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1779 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1780 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1781 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1782 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1783 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1784 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1785 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1786 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1787 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1788 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1789 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1790 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1791 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1792 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1793 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1794 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1795 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1796 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1797 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1798 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1799 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1800 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1801 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1802 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1803 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1804 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1805 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1806 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 1807 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1808 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1809 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1810 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1811 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1812 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1813 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1814 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1815 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1816 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1817 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 1818 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1819 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1820 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1821 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1822 NP Historical NP NP NP -99 1823 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1824 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1825 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1826 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1827 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1828 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1829 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1830 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1831 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1832 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1833 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1834 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1835 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1836 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1837 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 1838 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1839 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1840 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1841 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1842 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1843 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1844 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1845 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1846 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1847 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1848 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1849 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1850 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1851 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1852 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1853 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1854 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1855 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1856 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1857 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1858 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1859 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1860 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1861 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1862 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1863 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1864 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1865 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1866 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1867 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1868 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content 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NP NP NP NP -99 1906 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1907 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1908 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1909 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1910 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1911 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1912 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1913 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1914 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1915 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1916 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1917 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1918 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1919 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1920 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 1921 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1922 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1923 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1924 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1925 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1926 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1927 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1928 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1929 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1930 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 1931 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1932 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1933 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1934 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1935 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1936 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1937 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1938 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1939 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1940 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1941 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1942 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 1943 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1944 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1945 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1946 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1947 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1948 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1949 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1950 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1951 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1952 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 1953 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1954 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1955 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1956 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1957 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1958 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1959 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1960 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1961 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 1962 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1963 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1964 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1965 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1966 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1967 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1968 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1969 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1970 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1971 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1972 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1973 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1974 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1975 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1976 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1977 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1978 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1979 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1980 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1982 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1983 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1984 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1985 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1986 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1987 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1988 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1989 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1991 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1992 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1993 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1994 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 1995 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1996 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1997 NP NP NP NP NP -99 1998 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 1999 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2000 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2001 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2002 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2003 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2004 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2005 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2006 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2007 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2008 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2009 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2010 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2011 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2012 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2013 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2014 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2015 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2016 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2017 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2018 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2019 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2020 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2021 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2022 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2023 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2024 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2025 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2026 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2027 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2028 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2029 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2030 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2031 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2032 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2033 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2034 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2035 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2036 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2037 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2038 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2039 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2040 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2041 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2042 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2043 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 2044 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2045 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2046 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2047 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 2048 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2049 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2050 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2051 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2052 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2053 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2054 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2055 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2056 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2057 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2058 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2059 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2060 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2061 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2062 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2063 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2064 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2065 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2066 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2067 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2068 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2069 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2070 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2071 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2072 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2073 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2074 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2075 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2076 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2077 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2078 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2079 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2080 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2081 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2082 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2083 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2084 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2085 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2086 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2087 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content 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-99 2125 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2126 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2127 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2128 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2129 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2130 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2131 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2132 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2133 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2134 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2135 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2136 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2137 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2138 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2139 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2140 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2141 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2142 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2143 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2144 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2145 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2146 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2147 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2148 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2149 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2150 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2151 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2152 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2153 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2154 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2155 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2156 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2157 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2158 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 2159 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2160 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2161 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2162 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2163 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2164 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2165 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2166 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2167 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2168 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2169 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2170 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2171 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2172 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2173 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 2174 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2175 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2176 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2177 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2178 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2179 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2180 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2181 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2182 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2183 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2184 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2185 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2186 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2187 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2188 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2189 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2190 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 2191 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2192 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2193 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2194 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2195 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2196 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2197 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2198 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2199 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2201 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2202 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2203 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2204 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2205 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2206 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2207 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2208 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2209 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2210 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2211 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2212 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2213 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2214 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2215 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2216 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2217 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2218 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2219 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2220 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2221 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2222 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2223 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2224 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2225 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2226 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2227 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2228 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2229 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2230 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2231 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2232 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2233 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2234 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2235 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2236 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2237 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2238 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2239 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2240 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2241 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2242 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2243 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2244 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2245 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2246 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2247 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2248 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2249 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2250 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2251 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2252 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2253 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 2254 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2255 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2256 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2257 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2258 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2259 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2260 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2261 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2262 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2263 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2264 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2265 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2266 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2267 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2268 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2269 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2270 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2271 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2272 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2273 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2274 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2275 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2276 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2277 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2278 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2279 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2280 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2281 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2282 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2283 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2284 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2285 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2286 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2287 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2288 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2289 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2290 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2291 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2292 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2293 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2294 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2295 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2296 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2297 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2298 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2299 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2300 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2301 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2302 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2303 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2304 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2305 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2306 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content 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NP NP NP NP -99 2347 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2348 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2349 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2350 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2351 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2352 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2353 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2354 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2355 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2356 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2357 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2358 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2359 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2360 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2361 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2362 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2363 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2364 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2365 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2366 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2367 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2368 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2369 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2370 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2371 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2372 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2373 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2374 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2375 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2376 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2377 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2378 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2379 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2380 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2381 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2382 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2383 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2384 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2385 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2386 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2387 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2388 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2389 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2390 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2391 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2392 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2393 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2394 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2395 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2396 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2397 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2398 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2399 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2400 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2401 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2402 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2403 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2404 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2405 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2406 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2407 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2408 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2409 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2410 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2411 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2412 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2413 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2414 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2415 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2416 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2417 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2418 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2419 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2420 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2421 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2422 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2423 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2424 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2425 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2426 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2427 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2428 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2429 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2430 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2431 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2432 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2433 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2434 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2435 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2436 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2437 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2438 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2439 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2440 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2441 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2442 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2443 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2445 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2446 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2447 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2448 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2449 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2450 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2451 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2452 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2453 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2454 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2455 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2456 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2457 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2458 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2459 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2460 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2461 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2462 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2463 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2464 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2465 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2466 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2467 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2468 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2469 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2470 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2471 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2472 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2473 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2474 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2475 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2476 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2477 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2478 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2479 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2480 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2481 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2482 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2483 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2484 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2485 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2486 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2487 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2488 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2489 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2490 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2491 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2492 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2493 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2494 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2495 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2496 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2497 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2498 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2499 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2500 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2501 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2502 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2503 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2504 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2505 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2506 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2507 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2508 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2509 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2510 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2511 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2512 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2513 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2514 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2515 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2516 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2517 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2518 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2519 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2520 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2521 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2522 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2523 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2524 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2525 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2526 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2527 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2528 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2529 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2530 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2531 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2532 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2533 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2534 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2535 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2536 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2537 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2538 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2539 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2540 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2541 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2542 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2543 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2544 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2545 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2546 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2547 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2548 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2549 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2550 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2551 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2552 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2553 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2554 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2555 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2556 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2557 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2558 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2559 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2560 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2561 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2562 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2563 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2564 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2565 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2566 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2567 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2568 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2569 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2570 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2571 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2572 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2573 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2574 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2575 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2576 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2577 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2578 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2579 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2580 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2581 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2582 NP Uncertain NP NP NP -99 2583 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2584 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2585 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2586 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2587 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2588 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2589 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2590 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2591 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2592 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2593 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2594 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2595 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2596 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2597 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2598 NP NP NP NP NP 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IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2745 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2746 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2747 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2748 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2749 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2750 NP NP NP High Low -99 2751 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2752 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2753 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2754 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2755 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2756 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2757 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2758 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2759 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2760 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2761 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2762 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2763 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2764 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2765 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2766 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2767 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2768 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2769 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2770 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2771 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2772 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 2773 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2774 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2775 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2776 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2777 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2778 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2779 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2780 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2781 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2782 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2783 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2784 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2785 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2786 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2787 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2788 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2789 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2790 NP Fumarole NP NP NP -99 2791 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2792 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2793 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2794 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2795 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2796 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2797 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2798 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2799 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2800 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2801 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2802 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2803 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2804 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2805 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2806 NP NP NP NP NP -99 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 2807 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2808 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2809 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2810 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2811 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2812 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2813 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2814 NP NP NP NP NP -99 2815 NP NP NP NP NP 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2875 NP NP NP High Low -99 2930 NP NP NP High High 31.7 2931 NP Holocene Absent High Low -99 2932 NP NP Absent High Low -99 2986 Ar-Ar Total rock Dating technique NP NP NP -99 3000 K-Ar Total rock Dating technique NP NP NP -99 3306 K-Ar Dating technique NP NP NP -99 3546 K-Ar Bt Dating technique NP NP NP -99 3560 K-Ar Dating technique NP NP NP -99 3662 K-Ar Dating technique NP NP NP -99 3707 K-Ar Dating technique NP NP NP -99 4044 K-Ar Plag Dating technique NP NP NP -99 4052 K-Ar Bt Dating technique NP NP NP -99 4528 Ar-Ar Bt Dating technique NP NP NP 31.7 4530 NP NP NP NP NP 31.7 4531 K-Ar Bt Dating technique NP NP NP 31.7 ID Dating.method Data.uncertainty IGN.Welding.degree IGN.Pumic.content IGN.Crystal.content IGN.Volume.km3 4554 K-Ar Dating technique NP NP NP -99 4802 K-Ar Total rock Dating technique NP NP NP -99 4975 Ar-Ar Bt Dating technique NP NP NP -99 5410 NP Holocene NP NP NP -99 5413 NP Holocene NP NP NP -99 5423 NP Holocene NP NP NP -99 5424 NP Holocene NP NP NP -99 5425 NP 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Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1842 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 1843 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1844 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1845 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1846 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1847 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1848 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 1849 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1850 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 1851 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1852 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1853 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1854 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1855 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1856 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1857 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1858 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1859 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1860 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1861 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1862 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1863 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1864 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1865 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1866 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1867 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 1868 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary ID IGN.DRE.Volume.km3 Crust.thickness Tectonic.Setting Tectonic.margins 1869 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1870 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1871 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1872 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1873 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1874 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1875 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1876 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1877 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1878 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1879 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1880 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1881 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1882 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1883 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1884 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1885 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1886 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1887 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1888 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1889 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1890 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1891 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1892 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1893 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1894 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1895 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1896 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1897 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1898 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1899 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary ID IGN.DRE.Volume.km3 Crust.thickness Tectonic.Setting Tectonic.margins 1900 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1901 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1902 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1903 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1904 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1905 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1906 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1907 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1908 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1909 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1910 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1911 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1912 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1913 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1914 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1915 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1916 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1917 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1918 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1919 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1920 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1921 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1922 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1923 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1924 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1925 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1926 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1927 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1928 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1929 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1930 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary ID IGN.DRE.Volume.km3 Crust.thickness Tectonic.Setting Tectonic.margins 1931 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1932 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1933 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1934 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Rift Divergent boundary 1935 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1936 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1937 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Rift Divergent boundary 1938 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Plutonic arc Convergent boundary 1939 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1940 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1941 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1942 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1943 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1944 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1945 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Foreland basin Convergent boundary 1946 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1947 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1948 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1949 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1950 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1951 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1952 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1953 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1954 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 1955 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1956 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 1957 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 1958 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 1959 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1960 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1961 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary ID IGN.DRE.Volume.km3 Crust.thickness Tectonic.Setting Tectonic.margins 1962 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1963 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1964 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 1965 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1966 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1967 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1968 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1969 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1970 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1971 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1972 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1973 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1974 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1975 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 1976 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1977 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1978 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1979 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1980 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1982 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1983 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 1984 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1985 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1986 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1987 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1988 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 1989 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1991 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1992 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1993 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1994 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary ID IGN.DRE.Volume.km3 Crust.thickness Tectonic.Setting Tectonic.margins 1995 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1996 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1997 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1998 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 1999 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2000 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2001 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2002 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2003 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2004 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2005 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2006 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2007 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2008 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2009 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2010 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 2011 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2012 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2013 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2014 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2015 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2016 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2017 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2018 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2019 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2020 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2021 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2022 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2023 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2024 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2025 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Foreland basin Convergent boundary ID IGN.DRE.Volume.km3 Crust.thickness Tectonic.Setting Tectonic.margins 2026 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2027 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2028 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2029 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2030 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2031 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2032 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2033 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2034 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2035 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2036 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2037 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2038 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2039 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2040 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2041 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2042 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2043 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2044 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2045 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2046 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2047 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2048 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2049 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2050 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2051 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2052 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2053 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2054 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2055 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2056 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary ID IGN.DRE.Volume.km3 Crust.thickness Tectonic.Setting Tectonic.margins 2057 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2058 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2059 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2060 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2061 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2062 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2063 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2064 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Rift Divergent boundary 2065 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2066 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2067 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2068 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2069 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2070 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2071 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2072 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2073 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Rift Divergent boundary 2074 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2075 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2076 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2077 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2078 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Forearc basin Convergent boundary 2079 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2080 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2081 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2082 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2083 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2084 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2085 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2086 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2087 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary ID IGN.DRE.Volume.km3 Crust.thickness Tectonic.Setting Tectonic.margins 2088 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2089 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2090 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2091 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2092 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2093 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2094 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2096 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2097 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2098 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2099 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2100 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2101 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2102 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2103 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2104 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2105 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2106 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2107 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2108 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2109 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) 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Convergent boundary 2123 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2124 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2125 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2126 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2127 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 2128 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2129 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2130 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2131 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2132 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2133 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2134 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2135 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2136 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2137 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 2138 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2139 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2140 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 2141 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2142 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2143 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2144 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2145 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2146 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2147 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2148 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2149 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2150 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary ID IGN.DRE.Volume.km3 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Foreland basin Convergent boundary 2841 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2842 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2843 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2844 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2845 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2846 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2847 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2848 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2849 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2850 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2851 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Plutonic arc Convergent boundary 2852 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 2875 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2930 20.4 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2931 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2932 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 2986 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 3000 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 3306 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 3546 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 3560 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Retroarc basin Convergent boundary 3662 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 3707 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 4044 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 4052 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 4528 20.4 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 4530 20.4 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 4531 20.4 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary ID IGN.DRE.Volume.km3 Crust.thickness Tectonic.Setting Tectonic.margins 4554 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 4802 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 4975 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 5410 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 5413 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Intra-arc basin Convergent boundary 5423 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 5424 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 5425 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 5758 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 5779 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 5787 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6357 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6704 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6705 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6706 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Foreland basin Convergent boundary 6707 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6708 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6709 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6710 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6711 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6712 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6713 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6714 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6715 -99 Continental crust (>50 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6716 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6717 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6718 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 6744 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 7837 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary 7840 -99 Continental crust (>25 km) Volcanic arc Convergent boundary ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 115 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 66-112 m/Ma 122 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 133 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 150 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 159 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 164 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 179 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 66-112 m/Ma 208 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 66-112 m/Ma 219 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 233 AVZ NP 9 Western CordilleraNP 234 SVZ NP 16 Central Cordillera NP 235 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 241 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 247 AVZ NP Insular Patagonia CordilleraNP 249 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 253 SVZ NP 16 Precordillera NP 254 SVZ NP 16 Central Cordillera NP 255 SVZ NP 16 Central Cordillera NP 256 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 259 SVZ NP 16 Central Cordillera NP 263 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 297 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 298 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 300 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 304 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 307 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 308 SVZ NP 16 Western Patagonia CordilleraNP 313 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 315 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 316 SVZ NP 16 Central Cordillera NP 320 SVZ NP 16 Central Cordillera NP ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 321 SVZ NP 16 Western Patagonia CordilleraNP 322 SVZ NP 14 Central Cordillera NP 323 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 324 SVZ NP 16 Western Patagonia CordilleraNP 326 SVZ NP 16 Western Patagonia CordilleraNP 327 SVZ NP 16 Western Patagonia CordilleraNP 343 SVZ NP 16 Precordillera NP 344 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 346 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 347 SVZ NP 16 Precordillera NP 348 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 349 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 351 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 353 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 355 SVZ NP 16 Central Cordillera NP 358 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 361 AVZ NP 9 Western Patagonia CordilleraNP 362 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 363 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera NP 364 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 365 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 372 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 373 SVZ NP 16 Central Cordillera NP 375 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 382 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 387 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 393 SVZ NP 16 Central Cordillera NP 396 SVZ NP 16 Western Patagonia CordilleraNP 397 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 411 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 504 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 543 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 544 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 545 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 546 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 547 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 548 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 549 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 550 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 551 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 552 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 553 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 554 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 555 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 563 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 646 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 647 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 652 SVZ NP 16 Western Patagonia CordilleraNP 685 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 713 SVZ NP 16 Western Patagonia CordilleraNP 798 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 802 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 806 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 1090 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 1128 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1153 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 66-112 m/Ma 1159 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 1160 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 1376 NVZ NP 1 Central Cordillera NP 1645 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1655 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1705 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 66-112 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 1720 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 1728 SVZ NP 15 Central Cordillera NP 1740 SVZ NP 16 Central Cordillera NP 1748 Peruvian flat slab A 4 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1749 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1750 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1751 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1752 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1753 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1754 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1755 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1756 CVZ NP 6 Eastern Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1757 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1758 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1759 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1760 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1761 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1762 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1763 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1764 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1765 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1766 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1767 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1768 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1769 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1770 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1771 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1772 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1773 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1774 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1775 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 1776 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1777 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1778 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1779 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1780 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1781 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1782 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1783 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1784 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1785 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1786 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1787 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1788 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1789 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1790 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1791 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1792 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1793 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1794 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1795 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1796 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1797 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1798 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1799 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1800 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1801 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1802 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1803 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1804 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1805 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1806 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 1807 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1808 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1809 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1810 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1811 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1812 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1813 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1814 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1815 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1816 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1817 CVZ B 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1818 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1819 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1820 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1821 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1822 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1823 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1824 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1825 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1826 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 1827 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1828 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1829 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1830 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1831 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1832 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1833 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1834 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1835 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1836 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1837 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 1838 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1839 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1840 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1841 CVZ NP 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1842 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1843 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1844 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1845 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1846 CVZ C 6 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 1847 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1848 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1849 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1850 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1851 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1852 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1853 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1854 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1855 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1856 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1857 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1858 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1859 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1860 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1861 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1862 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1863 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1864 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1865 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1866 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1867 CVZ NP 6 Central Cordillera NP 1868 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 1869 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1870 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1871 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1872 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1873 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1874 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1875 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1876 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1877 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1878 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1879 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1880 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1881 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1882 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1883 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1884 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1885 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1886 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1887 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1888 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1889 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1890 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1891 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1892 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1893 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1894 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1895 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1896 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1897 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1898 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1899 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 1900 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1901 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1902 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1903 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1904 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1905 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1906 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1907 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1908 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1909 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1910 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1911 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1912 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1913 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1914 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1915 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1916 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1917 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1918 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1919 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1920 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1921 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1922 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1923 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1924 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1925 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1926 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1927 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1928 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1929 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1930 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 1931 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1932 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1933 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1934 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1935 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1936 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1937 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1938 CVZ D 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1939 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1940 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1941 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1942 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1943 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1944 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1945 CVZ D 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1946 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1947 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1948 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1949 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1950 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1951 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1952 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1953 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1954 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 1955 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1956 CVZ NP 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1957 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 1958 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 1959 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1960 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1961 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 1962 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1963 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1964 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1965 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1966 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1967 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1968 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1969 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1970 CVZ NP 6 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1971 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1972 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1973 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1974 CVZ NP 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1975 CVZ D 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1976 CVZ NP 6 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1977 CVZ NP 6 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1978 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1979 CVZ NP 6 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1980 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1982 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1983 CVZ D 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1984 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1985 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1986 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1987 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1988 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1989 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1991 CVZ D 6 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 1992 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1993 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1994 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 1995 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1996 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1997 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1998 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 1999 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2000 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2001 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2002 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2003 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2004 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2005 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2006 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2007 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2008 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2009 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2010 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2011 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2012 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2013 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2014 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2015 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2016 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2017 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2018 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2019 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2020 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2021 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2022 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2023 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2024 CVZ D 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2025 CVZ D 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2026 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2027 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2028 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2029 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2030 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2031 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2032 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2033 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2034 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2035 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2036 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2037 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2038 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2039 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2040 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2041 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2042 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2043 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2044 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2045 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2046 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2047 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2048 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2049 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2050 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2051 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2052 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2053 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2054 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2055 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2056 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2057 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2058 CVZ E 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2059 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2060 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2061 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2062 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2063 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2064 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2065 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2066 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2067 CVZ E 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2068 CVZ D 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2069 NP NP 7 NP NP 2070 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2071 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2072 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2073 CVZ E 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2074 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2075 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2076 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2077 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2078 CVZ NP 7 Intermediate Depression0-10 m/Ma 2079 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2080 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2081 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2082 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2083 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2084 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2085 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2086 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2087 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2088 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2089 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2090 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2091 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2092 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2093 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2094 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2096 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2097 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2098 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2099 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2100 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2101 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2102 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2103 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2104 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2105 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2106 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2107 CVZ E 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2108 CVZ NP 7 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2109 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2110 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2111 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2112 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2113 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2114 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2115 CVZ E 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2116 CVZ D 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2117 CVZ E 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2118 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2119 CVZ E 7 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2120 CVZ E 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2121 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2122 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2123 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2124 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2125 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2126 CVZ E 8 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2127 CVZ E 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2128 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2129 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2130 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2131 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2132 CVZ E 8 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2133 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2134 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2135 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2136 CVZ E 8 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2137 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2138 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2139 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2140 CVZ E 8 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2141 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2142 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2143 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2144 CVZ E 8 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2145 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2146 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2147 CVZ E 8 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2148 CVZ E 8 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2149 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2150 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2151 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2152 CVZ E 8 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2153 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2154 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2155 CVZ E 8 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2156 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2157 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2158 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2159 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2160 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2161 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2162 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2163 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2164 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2165 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2166 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2167 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2168 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2169 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2170 CVZ E 8 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2171 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2172 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2173 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2174 CVZ E 8 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2175 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2176 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2177 CVZ E 8 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 2178 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2179 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2180 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2181 CVZ E 8 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2182 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2183 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2184 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2185 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2186 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2187 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2188 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2189 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2190 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2191 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2192 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2193 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2194 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2195 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2196 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2197 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2198 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2199 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2201 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2202 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2203 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2204 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2205 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2206 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2207 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2208 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2209 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2210 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2211 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2212 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2213 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2214 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2215 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2216 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2217 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2218 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2219 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2220 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2221 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2222 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2223 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2224 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2225 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2226 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2227 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2228 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2229 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2230 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2231 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2232 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2233 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2234 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2235 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2236 CVZ NP 8 Precordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2237 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2238 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2239 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2240 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2241 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2242 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2243 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2244 CVZ E 8 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2245 CVZ E 8 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2246 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2247 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2248 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2249 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2250 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2251 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2252 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2253 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2254 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2255 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2256 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2257 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2258 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2259 CVZ E 8 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2260 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2261 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2262 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2263 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2264 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2265 CVZ F1 8 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2266 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2267 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2268 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2269 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2270 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2271 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2272 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2273 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2274 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2275 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2276 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2277 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2278 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2279 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2280 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2281 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2282 CVZ F1 8 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2283 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2284 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2285 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2286 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2287 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2288 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2289 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2290 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2291 CVZ F1 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2292 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2293 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2294 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2295 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2296 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2297 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2298 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2299 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2300 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2301 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2302 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2303 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2304 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2305 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2306 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2307 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2309 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2310 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2311 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2312 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2313 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2315 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2316 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2317 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2318 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2319 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2320 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2321 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2322 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2323 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2324 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2325 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2326 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2327 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2328 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2329 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2330 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2331 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2332 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2333 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2334 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2335 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2336 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2337 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2338 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2339 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2340 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2341 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2342 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2343 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2344 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2346 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2347 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2348 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2349 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2350 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2351 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2352 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2353 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2354 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2355 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2356 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2357 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2358 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2359 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2360 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2361 CVZ F1 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2362 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2363 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2364 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2365 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2366 CVZ F2 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2367 CVZ F2 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2368 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2369 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2370 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2371 CVZ F2 9 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2372 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2373 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2374 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2375 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2376 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2377 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2378 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2379 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2380 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2381 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2382 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2383 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2384 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2385 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2386 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2387 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2388 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2389 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2390 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2391 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2392 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2393 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2394 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2395 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2396 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2397 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2398 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2399 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2400 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2401 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2402 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2403 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2404 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2405 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2406 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2407 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2408 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2409 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2410 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2411 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2412 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2413 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2414 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2415 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2416 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2417 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2418 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2419 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2420 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2421 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2422 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2423 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2424 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2425 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2426 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2427 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2428 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2429 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2430 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 0-10 m/Ma 2431 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2432 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2433 CVZ G 9 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2434 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2435 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2436 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2437 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2438 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2439 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2440 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2441 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2442 CVZ G 9 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2443 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2445 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2446 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2447 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2448 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2449 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2450 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 0-10 m/Ma 2451 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2452 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2453 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2454 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2455 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2456 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2457 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2458 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2459 CVZ G 9 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2460 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2461 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2462 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2463 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2464 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2465 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2466 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2467 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2468 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2469 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2470 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2471 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2472 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2473 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2474 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2475 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2476 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2477 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2478 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2479 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2480 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2481 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2482 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2483 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2484 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2485 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2486 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2487 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2488 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2489 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2490 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2491 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2492 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2493 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2494 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2495 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2496 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2497 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2498 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2499 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2500 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2501 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2502 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2503 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2504 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2505 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2506 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2507 CVZ G 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2508 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2509 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2510 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2511 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2512 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2513 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2514 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2515 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2516 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2517 CVZ G 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2518 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2519 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2520 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2521 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2522 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2523 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2524 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2525 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2526 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2527 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2528 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2529 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2530 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2531 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2532 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2533 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2534 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2535 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2536 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2537 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2538 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2539 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2540 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2541 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2542 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2543 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2544 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2545 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2546 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2547 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2548 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2549 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2550 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2551 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2552 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2553 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2554 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2555 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2556 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2557 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2558 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2559 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2560 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2561 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2562 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2563 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2564 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2565 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2566 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2567 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2568 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2569 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2570 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2571 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2572 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2573 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2574 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2575 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2576 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2577 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2578 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2579 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2580 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2581 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2582 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2583 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2584 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2585 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2586 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2587 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2588 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2589 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2590 CVZ H 10 Precordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2591 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2592 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2593 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2594 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2595 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2596 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2597 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2598 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2599 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2600 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2601 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2602 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2603 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2604 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2605 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2606 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2607 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2608 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2609 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2610 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2611 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2612 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2613 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2614 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2615 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2616 CVZ NP 10 Precordillera 0-10 m/Ma 2617 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2618 CVZ NP 10 Intermediate Depression0-10 m/Ma 2619 CVZ NP 10 Intermediate Depression0-10 m/Ma 2620 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2621 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2622 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2623 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2624 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2625 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2626 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2627 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2628 CVZ H 10 Precordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2629 CVZ H 10 Precordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2630 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2631 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2632 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2633 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2634 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2635 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2636 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2637 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2638 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2639 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2640 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2641 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2642 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2643 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2644 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2645 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2646 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2647 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2648 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2649 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2650 CVZ H 10 Precordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2651 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2652 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2653 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2654 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2655 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2656 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2657 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2658 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2659 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera NP 2660 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2661 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2662 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2663 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2664 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2665 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2666 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2667 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2668 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2669 CVZ H 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2670 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2671 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2672 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2673 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2674 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2675 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2676 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2677 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2678 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera NP 2679 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2680 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2681 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2682 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2683 CVZ NP 10 Precordillera 0-10 m/Ma 2684 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2685 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2686 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2687 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2688 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2689 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera NP 2690 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2691 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2692 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2693 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2694 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2695 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2696 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2697 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2698 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2699 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2700 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2701 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2702 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2703 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2704 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2705 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2706 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2707 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2708 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2709 CVZ I 10 Precordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2710 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2711 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2712 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2713 CVZ I 10 Precordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2714 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2715 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2716 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2717 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2718 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera NP 2719 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2720 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2721 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2722 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2723 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2724 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2725 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2726 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2727 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2728 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2729 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2730 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2731 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2732 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2733 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2734 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2735 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2736 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2737 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2738 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2739 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2740 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2741 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2742 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2743 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2744 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2745 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2746 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2747 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2748 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2749 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2750 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2751 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2752 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2753 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2754 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2755 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2756 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2757 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2758 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2759 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2760 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2761 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2762 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2763 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2764 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2765 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2766 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2767 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2768 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2769 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2770 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2771 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2772 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2773 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2774 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2775 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2776 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2777 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2778 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2779 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2780 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2781 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2782 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2783 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2784 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2785 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2786 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2787 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2788 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2789 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2790 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2791 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2792 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2793 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2794 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2795 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2796 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2797 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2798 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2799 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2800 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2801 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2802 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2803 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2804 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2805 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2806 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2807 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2808 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2809 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2810 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2811 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2812 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2813 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2814 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2815 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2816 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2817 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2818 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2819 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2820 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2821 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2822 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2823 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2824 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2825 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2826 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2827 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2828 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2829 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2830 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2831 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2832 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2833 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2834 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2835 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2836 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2837 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 2838 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2839 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2840 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2841 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2842 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2843 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2844 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2845 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2846 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2847 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2848 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2849 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2850 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2851 CVZ I 12 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2852 CVZ I 12 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2875 CVZ I 11 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 2930 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 2931 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera NP 2932 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera NP 2986 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera NP 3000 CVZ I 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 3306 CVZ H 10 Central Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 3546 CVZ G 9 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 3560 CVZ F2 9 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 3662 CVZ F2 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 3707 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 4044 CVZ E 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 4052 CVZ E 7 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 4528 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 4530 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 4531 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Volcanic.Zone Volcanic.Segments.Wood Tectonic.Segments.Sillitoe Geomorph Denud.Rate 4554 CVZ I 10 Eastern Cordillera 7-9 m/Ma 4802 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 4975 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 5410 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 5413 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 5423 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 5424 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 5425 CVZ B 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 5758 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 66-112 m/Ma 5779 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 5787 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 6357 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 6704 CVZ D 9 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 6705 CVZ E 8 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 6706 CVZ NP 10 Eastern Cordillera NP 6707 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 6708 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 6709 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 6710 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 6711 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 6712 CVZ D 7 Central Depression 10-20 m/Ma 6713 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 6714 CVZ C 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 6715 CVZ D 6 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 6716 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 6717 Peruvian flat slab A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 6718 CVZ A 5 Central Cordillera 13-22 m/Ma 6744 CVZ F1 9 Central Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 7837 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma 7840 CVZ I 11 Eastern Cordillera 10-20 m/Ma ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 115 Semiarid 408 5044 10.5521 122 Hyperarid 42 5972 5.47662 133 Subtropical 1849 3879 4.36749 150 Arid 179 5467 11.3172 159 Hyperarid 45 5525 6.46452 164 Hyperarid 61 5476 11.9694 179 Hyperarid 56 5402 17.8359 208 Semiarid 323 5609 21.8409 219 Hyperarid 62 4824 10.6167 233 Subtropical 1460 970 1.82706 234 Tropical 2742 1537 11.8263 235 Subtropical 1790 4091 7.92663 241 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 247 Tropical 3302 852 23.2527 249 Subtropical 980 3328 6.74332 253 Tropical 2964 1678 16.3834 254 Subtropical 1544 2847 13.2311 255 Subtropical 1907 434 6.01537 256 Subtropical 986 5428 16.7554 259 Subtropical 1753 248 4.78098 263 Arid 183 5694 11.5286 297 Subtropical 1940 3301 10.5453 298 Hyperarid 55 5303 6.47563 300 Subtropical 1420 3862 15.3437 304 Subtropical 1676 4411 5.22583 307 Arid 254 4074 16.8616 308 Tropical 3201 1287 4.6501 313 Hyperarid 54 5341 12.8369 315 Hyperarid 59 4568 9.20781 316 Tropical 2197 2492 19.2101 320 Subtropical 1570 2243 16.4479 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 321 Tropical 5512 1756 16.6591 322 Subtropical 629 4890 16.6032 323 Subtropical 674 2361 7.93627 324 Tropical 4852 2074 15.6738 326 Tropical 5474 1479 10.4864 327 Tropical 3380 2009 17.9506 343 Tropical 2764 2190 6.17754 344 Subtropical 1063 3769 6.5161 346 Hyperarid 58 6496 9.72678 347 Tropical 3025 1904 23.1644 348 Semiarid 323 3177 2.69113 349 Subtropical 1379 2647 12.9936 351 Subtropical 1918 4347 10.7018 353 Hyperarid 59 5167 9.49238 355 Tropical 2509 1949 3.79292 358 Subtropical 1076 3635 4.78466 361 Subtropical 1637 1252 10.4866 362 Tropical 2092 3121 17.5897 363 Hyperarid 90 4229 1.88431 364 Tropical 2560 3342 13.0762 365 Tropical 2260 4841 16.8848 372 Subtropical 1350 3572 11.7928 373 Tropical 2021 2096 0.94288 375 Semiarid 365 5106 9.36241 382 Subtropical 1732 4224 20.0321 387 Semiarid 334 4772 25.4454 393 Tropical 2815 2218 12.476 396 Tropical 3284 1302 21.1745 397 Arid 282 5168 13.3288 411 Subtropical 1023 3456 9.76284 504 Tropical 2093 4444 17.4992 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 543 Subtropical 1481 3332 8.95616 544 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 545 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 546 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 547 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 548 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 549 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 550 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 551 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 552 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 553 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 554 Subtropical 1020 3256 17.4367 555 Arid 106 4608 4.78033 563 Tropical 2822 3485 16.6461 646 Subtropical 1037 4059 2.63365 647 Subtropical 1256 3854 8.15721 652 Tropical 3164 676 4.66956 685 Subtropical 1470 3055 8.10608 713 Tropical 3715 1419 15.0975 798 Subtropical 1223 5519 16.2718 802 Subtropical 1100 3274 10.8679 806 Subtropical 1992 3946 13.3832 1090 Subtropical 616 2161 0.18457 1128 Arid 177 5310 21.3955 1153 Arid 264 5723 22.3028 1159 Semiarid 430 3529 4.1069 1160 Subtropical 1115 3547 12.8818 1376 Tropical 2157 4744 16.2278 1645 Arid 282 5168 13.3288 1655 Hyperarid 59 5417 18.3308 1705 Hyperarid 43 5333 18.9086 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 1720 Hyperarid 58 6496 9.72678 1728 Subtropical 1067 3652 11.4559 1740 Subtropical 1195 2755 11.766 1748 Subtropical 753 4653 3.1386 1749 Subtropical 740 4233 5.89847 1750 Subtropical 903 4481 3.40469 1751 Subtropical 803 4417 3.72125 1752 Subtropical 856 4437 0.74106 1753 Subtropical 721 4414 1.5229 1754 Subtropical 799 4368 3.47283 1755 Subtropical 667 4298 4.10588 1756 Subtropical 1931 5016 5.67284 1757 Subtropical 624 4351 1.32497 1758 Subtropical 1199 4442 4.2881 1759 Subtropical 768 4402 2.20495 1760 Subtropical 936 4441 2.74066 1761 Subtropical 789 4434 2.42256 1762 Subtropical 1028 4858 5.8286 1763 Subtropical 651 4401 1.99097 1764 Semiarid 548 4243 2.03348 1765 Subtropical 823 4457 3.4055 1766 Subtropical 1006 4558 4.20845 1767 Subtropical 1129 4628 5.20675 1768 Subtropical 903 4569 3.95722 1769 Subtropical 949 4687 2.37409 1770 Subtropical 984 4587 5.47712 1771 Subtropical 694 4417 5.89335 1772 Subtropical 1168 4722 2.63361 1773 Subtropical 1086 4707 5.24317 1774 Semiarid 466 4165 2.82746 1775 Subtropical 826 4647 8.0069 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 1776 Subtropical 924 4643 2.65915 1777 Subtropical 980 4213 6.85061 1778 Subtropical 1132 4509 5.87804 1779 Subtropical 891 4672 1.84976 1780 Subtropical 683 4654 1.09031 1781 Subtropical 807 4557 5.91748 1782 Subtropical 1051 4728 4.04515 1783 Subtropical 1006 4816 3.05386 1784 Subtropical 810 5051 3.08653 1785 Subtropical 1092 5129 6.58426 1786 Subtropical 1132 4860 2.73083 1787 Subtropical 956 4616 8.06626 1788 Subtropical 1137 5014 2.60072 1789 Subtropical 1082 5047 3.72623 1790 Subtropical 858 4775 2.39816 1791 Semiarid 440 4319 4.44663 1792 Subtropical 955 4922 5.24973 1793 Semiarid 576 5150 6.97091 1794 Semiarid 519 5009 3.53434 1795 Subtropical 952 4786 4.00636 1796 Semiarid 502 4981 1.9813 1797 Semiarid 563 4890 5.54305 1798 Subtropical 677 4867 4.12483 1799 Subtropical 765 4863 2.95623 1800 Subtropical 722 4681 3.12902 1801 Semiarid 501 4455 2.31447 1802 Semiarid 328 4563 12.8764 1803 Semiarid 491 4818 7.48133 1804 Semiarid 429 4693 2.02323 1805 Subtropical 722 4949 2.5697 1806 Semiarid 327 4550 2.9765 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 1807 Semiarid 357 4552 7.92996 1808 Semiarid 546 4905 4.80363 1809 Semiarid 428 4009 7.33033 1810 Subtropical 1052 5109 2.81383 1811 Arid 230 4652 2.33799 1812 Semiarid 509 4741 3.24008 1813 Subtropical 679 5085 7.67309 1814 Semiarid 477 4305 4.88097 1815 Semiarid 363 4915 3.1108 1816 Arid 199 3233 3.48811 1817 Arid 244 6003 13.5179 1818 Subtropical 1026 4929 6.16598 1819 Subtropical 730 4625 6.31794 1820 Semiarid 365 5876 5.366 1821 Semiarid 538 4968 4.93197 1822 Semiarid 321 5448 11.5133 1823 Semiarid 407 4951 5.11988 1824 Subtropical 698 4699 4.31623 1825 Arid 285 5982 14.3703 1826 Arid 285 4689 9.04955 1827 Subtropical 936 4295 6.09031 1828 Semiarid 586 4646 6.92853 1829 Semiarid 423 5050 2.12634 1830 Semiarid 387 5086 5.33359 1831 Semiarid 535 4810 6.51709 1832 Semiarid 449 4618 3.65485 1833 Arid 291 4709 7.60878 1834 Subtropical 864 4973 5.79264 1835 Arid 205 5178 10.3414 1836 Semiarid 380 4764 12.354 1837 Arid 179 5082 9.85151 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 1838 Semiarid 342 4925 7.29932 1839 Subtropical 682 5035 3.1214 1840 Subtropical 950 3964 5.47416 1841 Arid 152 3743 8.44626 1842 Semiarid 374 4823 8.25159 1843 Arid 281 4424 3.07706 1844 Subtropical 641 4849 5.30659 1845 Arid 238 4748 4.85546 1846 Subtropical 1226 4625 5.71748 1847 Semiarid 473 4966 6.215 1848 Arid 276 4657 7.61549 1849 Arid 226 4551 5.58086 1850 Arid 160 4895 11.4776 1851 Subtropical 851 4912 5.77358 1852 Arid 221 5023 7.56762 1853 Subtropical 859 4687 4.04518 1854 Semiarid 372 4114 3.2594 1855 Semiarid 417 4893 9.17439 1856 Arid 170 5227 8.50592 1857 Subtropical 800 4965 3.57648 1858 Subtropical 968 4738 2.48241 1859 Semiarid 416 5186 10.5162 1860 Subtropical 687 4932 7.34953 1861 Subtropical 745 4826 4.19772 1862 Subtropical 716 4955 4.66178 1863 Subtropical 693 4962 5.78817 1864 Semiarid 429 4571 8.55106 1865 Subtropical 790 4812 2.38631 1866 Subtropical 604 4854 0.64394 1867 Hyperarid 38 1708 4.29453 1868 Semiarid 558 4881 4.85449 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 1869 Subtropical 731 4751 3.36635 1870 Semiarid 340 4589 4.2503 1871 Semiarid 368 4864 4.84288 1872 Semiarid 547 4821 6.08455 1873 Semiarid 472 4692 5.78612 1874 Semiarid 576 5079 4.29425 1875 Semiarid 563 4936 6.47126 1876 Semiarid 409 4651 4.83919 1877 Subtropical 693 4902 3.30069 1878 Semiarid 548 4734 8.43375 1879 Semiarid 522 4834 8.09334 1880 Semiarid 315 4950 2.34875 1881 Subtropical 725 4993 3.97497 1882 Semiarid 582 4677 7.77531 1883 Semiarid 313 4812 2.83181 1884 Semiarid 556 5019 3.42164 1885 Subtropical 634 4803 3.42655 1886 Semiarid 584 4601 4.89798 1887 Arid 269 4879 4.54278 1888 Semiarid 572 4495 5.21145 1889 Semiarid 452 5312 3.17273 1890 Semiarid 323 4937 3.01833 1891 Semiarid 465 4818 4.46238 1892 Semiarid 452 5398 6.17789 1893 Arid 240 4805 7.85453 1894 Arid 293 5229 4.97245 1895 Arid 252 4894 4.18466 1896 Semiarid 385 4864 8.514 1897 Semiarid 370 5028 7.77419 1898 Semiarid 311 5393 14.8935 1899 Semiarid 380 5186 4.34301 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 1900 Semiarid 599 4853 7.65624 1901 Semiarid 535 4748 4.38113 1902 Semiarid 437 5240 8.05277 1903 Semiarid 364 4918 8.37307 1904 Semiarid 345 5173 3.03129 1905 Semiarid 566 4735 3.58123 1906 Semiarid 402 4804 6.45112 1907 Arid 243 5174 2.65688 1908 Semiarid 414 4879 3.71225 1909 Subtropical 650 4700 3.72167 1910 Semiarid 372 4788 6.83163 1911 Semiarid 334 5132 6.90631 1912 Semiarid 419 4886 4.60402 1913 Semiarid 342 4970 3.8376 1914 Arid 263 4790 8.98683 1915 Semiarid 357 4818 8.8506 1916 Semiarid 326 5068 7.91387 1917 Arid 275 4871 15.3782 1918 Semiarid 383 4920 2.42403 1919 Semiarid 389 4697 7.52813 1920 Arid 282 5168 13.3288 1921 Semiarid 324 4713 6.31743 1922 Semiarid 456 4918 5.78784 1923 Subtropical 621 4955 1.7447 1924 Semiarid 306 4912 7.74969 1925 Semiarid 485 4526 7.35302 1926 Semiarid 315 4993 6.51904 1927 Arid 226 4325 4.19228 1928 Semiarid 313 4903 6.36022 1929 Semiarid 544 4632 6.06927 1930 Semiarid 306 5034 7.27599 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 1931 Semiarid 348 4571 12.0308 1932 Arid 218 4346 4.75645 1933 Semiarid 320 5220 5.80811 1934 Arid 214 4717 3.50878 1935 Semiarid 312 4967 9.49869 1936 Semiarid 562 4869 4.49294 1937 Arid 247 5031 7.00939 1938 Semiarid 505 4200 5.00715 1939 Arid 283 4976 4.66859 1940 Semiarid 351 5066 5.19168 1941 Semiarid 332 4949 7.21154 1942 Arid 257 5420 2.71476 1943 Arid 270 5394 7.99101 1944 Semiarid 355 5161 5.59324 1945 Semiarid 512 4071 2.70373 1946 Arid 226 5456 8.93251 1947 Semiarid 341 4432 8.07756 1948 Arid 257 5218 11.1742 1949 Arid 227 4873 8.3939 1950 Arid 236 5215 9.04632 1951 Arid 224 5393 14.0817 1952 Arid 221 5459 19.6753 1953 Arid 294 4854 5.09453 1954 Semiarid 479 3871 5.57612 1955 Semiarid 324 5114 4.51595 1956 Arid 170 3973 5.35385 1957 Semiarid 522 3926 11.0195 1958 Semiarid 549 4039 7.06665 1959 Semiarid 313 5020 10.3947 1960 Arid 278 4864 6.37306 1961 Semiarid 389 4799 5.02262 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 1962 Semiarid 353 4876 8.09982 1963 Semiarid 380 4845 2.37366 1964 Semiarid 342 4552 8.11518 1965 Arid 255 4661 8.15242 1966 Arid 274 4975 9.21186 1967 Arid 287 5032 6.24257 1968 Semiarid 347 5046 4.66661 1969 Semiarid 302 5203 12.3843 1970 Arid 107 3817 2.3466 1971 Semiarid 312 4136 3.52463 1972 Arid 248 4719 6.93644 1973 Arid 182 4747 8.04991 1974 Arid 145 4166 5.75293 1975 Subtropical 635 4547 2.96032 1976 Arid 150 4135 1.95658 1977 Arid 107 3817 2.3466 1978 Arid 259 4916 8.83539 1979 Arid 136 3890 5.5352 1980 Arid 229 5088 5.63518 1982 Arid 198 5534 7.54653 1983 Subtropical 618 4507 5.98086 1984 Arid 281 5775 15.9047 1985 Arid 236 5091 9.6994 1986 Semiarid 368 4758 5.40515 1987 Semiarid 358 4820 3.92032 1988 Arid 177 4266 1.85177 1989 Arid 265 4826 5.80755 1991 Semiarid 342 4843 5.86348 1992 Arid 282 5151 9.6467 1993 Arid 237 5127 2.6547 1994 Arid 269 4641 6.24309 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 1995 Arid 198 4635 5.95153 1996 Arid 223 5546 13.4171 1997 Arid 216 5635 11.4335 1998 Arid 196 5523 13.8836 1999 Arid 218 3950 7.18601 2000 Semiarid 308 3834 1.03797 2001 Arid 199 4166 5.7584 2002 Arid 102 4528 5.65068 2003 Hyperarid 83 4678 9.08517 2004 Arid 164 5315 14.0513 2005 Arid 145 4854 15.4373 2006 Arid 106 4697 3.75703 2007 Arid 269 4391 9.43638 2008 Arid 143 4145 3.97962 2009 Arid 163 4619 7.87848 2010 Arid 120 4560 6.28256 2011 Semiarid 308 4512 5.21197 2012 Arid 159 4976 5.62349 2013 Hyperarid 57 3719 5.01707 2014 Hyperarid 75 4317 8.91719 2015 Arid 185 4154 7.62322 2016 Arid 159 5181 8.23919 2017 Arid 152 4688 10.5209 2018 Arid 104 5139 12.2403 2019 Arid 114 4799 14.9053 2020 Arid 170 4358 8.16557 2021 Arid 110 4910 7.42344 2022 Arid 102 4770 8.23433 2023 Hyperarid 86 4055 5.19662 2024 Semiarid 368 4717 8.03411 2025 Semiarid 454 4765 6.62736 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2026 Arid 183 4234 12.7853 2027 Hyperarid 52 3693 0.53953 2028 Hyperarid 81 4128 6.76521 2029 Arid 243 4509 7.68978 2030 Arid 155 5007 11.7307 2031 Arid 114 5299 3.31906 2032 Arid 109 5112 4.03029 2033 Semiarid 370 3806 4.71565 2034 Hyperarid 48 3801 6.85454 2035 Semiarid 359 4892 7.11389 2036 Arid 157 4832 11.1047 2037 Arid 114 5248 4.2057 2038 Arid 148 4767 10.7433 2039 Hyperarid 59 4109 7.03202 2040 Arid 190 4250 11.9903 2041 Arid 219 4700 12.5997 2042 Arid 148 5254 7.76547 2043 Arid 209 4938 14.6557 2044 Arid 186 5351 4.71294 2045 Hyperarid 69 4509 7.04528 2046 Arid 171 5430 13.492 2047 Arid 141 5333 8.30474 2048 Arid 135 4788 3.12674 2049 Arid 159 4644 5.17195 2050 Arid 137 4124 6.21823 2051 Hyperarid 64 4169 11.2584 2052 Hyperarid 86 4043 5.85034 2053 Semiarid 491 4692 3.25248 2054 Hyperarid 69 4176 8.14865 2055 Semiarid 324 3778 4.18057 2056 Arid 247 4696 11.1093 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2057 Hyperarid 96 4996 4.20841 2058 Arid 236 3750 2.58594 2059 Hyperarid 79 3917 8.51262 2060 Arid 211 4732 4.11775 2061 Arid 235 4845 3.67404 2062 Hyperarid 87 4553 8.55868 2063 Arid 215 4989 5.56103 2064 Semiarid 350 4745 5.36094 2065 Hyperarid 88 4723 10.0113 2066 Arid 275 3899 13.1177 2067 Arid 283 3774 2.75392 2068 Hyperarid 74 4826 16.424 2069 Subtropical 1037 225 0.43455 2070 Arid 194 4554 5.68566 2071 Arid 130 4544 16.5304 2072 Arid 231 4657 1.69763 2073 Arid 288 3749 2.18975 2074 Hyperarid 84 4691 5.77209 2075 Arid 194 4844 5.68939 2076 Semiarid 359 4595 6.18878 2077 Semiarid 341 4262 4.50209 2078 Hyperarid 27 1649 2.01593 2079 Semiarid 376 4480 4.89365 2080 Arid 269 4669 11.2429 2081 Arid 135 4100 8.84216 2082 Arid 236 3803 7.35739 2083 Hyperarid 83 4603 6.29137 2084 Arid 184 4831 8.7384 2085 Arid 121 3871 4.04759 2086 Arid 293 4336 9.9628 2087 Arid 240 3986 5.99638 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2088 Semiarid 454 4697 5.73408 2089 Arid 226 4386 3.34604 2090 Arid 202 4787 3.07859 2091 Arid 296 4323 3.63583 2092 Arid 203 4313 14.9566 2093 Hyperarid 89 4689 5.61161 2094 Arid 202 4760 7.96931 2096 Hyperarid 89 5295 7.23357 2097 Hyperarid 90 5130 13.3773 2098 Hyperarid 99 4586 14.1814 2099 Hyperarid 77 4493 5.02112 2100 Hyperarid 80 4406 9.33577 2101 Arid 101 5776 7.54555 2102 Hyperarid 84 5020 12.0261 2103 Arid 186 4175 12.2695 2104 Arid 206 5274 5.67099 2105 Arid 101 4579 14.5431 2106 Hyperarid 75 4483 6.34477 2107 Arid 141 3789 6.93458 2108 Hyperarid 58 4145 5.69241 2109 Hyperarid 88 4213 4.50946 2110 Arid 100 3741 6.59585 2111 Arid 114 4126 8.44728 2112 Arid 134 4104 3.86092 2113 Arid 196 4985 7.62866 2114 Hyperarid 60 4447 10.274 2115 Arid 165 4875 9.8505 2116 Hyperarid 82 4736 9.74951 2117 Arid 140 4687 11.4236 2118 Hyperarid 92 4827 7.14741 2119 Arid 210 4818 10.5038 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2120 Arid 125 4407 12.6467 2121 Hyperarid 89 4680 6.40128 2122 Arid 111 4690 2.94637 2123 Hyperarid 76 4904 3.885 2124 Arid 107 4807 6.43465 2125 Hyperarid 73 4606 4.43019 2126 Arid 243 4925 6.30043 2127 Hyperarid 99 4014 4.43469 2128 Hyperarid 80 4770 3.38726 2129 Hyperarid 68 4856 1.39557 2130 Hyperarid 66 4251 4.13606 2131 Hyperarid 56 4315 10.8905 2132 Arid 222 4397 4.4716 2133 Hyperarid 69 4236 4.06267 2134 Hyperarid 44 4193 12.141 2135 Hyperarid 93 4648 5.90649 2136 Hyperarid 59 3658 0.01368 2137 Hyperarid 87 4559 15.6839 2138 Hyperarid 85 4724 12.7705 2139 Hyperarid 60 4824 9.25541 2140 Arid 119 3944 6.69295 2141 Hyperarid 65 4141 7.76676 2142 Hyperarid 62 4572 13.8823 2143 Hyperarid 61 4710 8.75796 2144 Arid 123 4579 4.20327 2145 Hyperarid 63 5028 10.233 2146 Hyperarid 79 4937 8.22324 2147 Hyperarid 60 3744 1.5285 2148 Arid 125 4551 5.67038 2149 Hyperarid 98 4959 11.4254 2150 Hyperarid 84 4882 4.48293 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2151 Hyperarid 84 4812 5.9016 2152 Arid 109 4432 11.2232 2153 Hyperarid 66 5034 3.09815 2154 Hyperarid 57 4826 7.78953 2155 Arid 109 4215 9.12472 2156 Hyperarid 88 4633 15.7786 2157 Hyperarid 68 4842 2.23564 2158 Hyperarid 59 4691 18.2179 2159 Hyperarid 53 4210 7.36352 2160 Arid 112 4635 10.4735 2161 Hyperarid 56 4951 9.79954 2162 Hyperarid 98 4559 14.2003 2163 Hyperarid 99 4271 11.0413 2164 Hyperarid 67 4469 7.99098 2165 Hyperarid 53 4724 4.51789 2166 Hyperarid 74 4712 13.0954 2167 Hyperarid 53 4690 3.82921 2168 Hyperarid 94 4033 9.61138 2169 Hyperarid 39 4413 15.2696 2170 Semiarid 359 4939 6.1941 2171 Hyperarid 44 4915 15.1691 2172 Hyperarid 52 4749 11.7163 2173 Hyperarid 49 4805 13.0609 2174 Arid 245 4325 6.53147 2175 Hyperarid 68 4434 4.4271 2176 Hyperarid 66 4847 15.7059 2177 Hyperarid 78 3771 3.98731 2178 Hyperarid 34 4226 2.17662 2179 Hyperarid 64 4273 7.57242 2180 Hyperarid 47 4576 7.9127 2181 Arid 114 4268 3.41881 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2182 Hyperarid 51 3845 3.78157 2183 Hyperarid 50 3821 4.87205 2184 Hyperarid 64 4289 13.1589 2185 Hyperarid 77 4679 13.4517 2186 Hyperarid 36 4884 14.0579 2187 Hyperarid 39 4939 15.5266 2188 Hyperarid 96 5078 9.85687 2189 Hyperarid 35 4851 13.0977 2190 Hyperarid 42 5972 5.47662 2191 Hyperarid 40 5137 6.22253 2192 Hyperarid 33 3767 2.75779 2193 Hyperarid 37 3933 4.25578 2194 Hyperarid 39 4850 6.21044 2195 Hyperarid 85 4837 8.30656 2196 Hyperarid 70 4653 8.89318 2197 Hyperarid 44 4866 7.50262 2198 Hyperarid 66 5200 15.0483 2199 Hyperarid 88 4573 7.19044 2201 Hyperarid 45 4792 10.3159 2202 Hyperarid 44 4024 3.95303 2203 Hyperarid 70 4114 2.06451 2204 Hyperarid 60 4473 8.22784 2205 Hyperarid 56 4559 11.5082 2206 Hyperarid 61 4767 13.0033 2207 Hyperarid 56 4669 7.7301 2208 Hyperarid 42 5385 13.5365 2209 Hyperarid 48 4416 2.84054 2210 Hyperarid 43 4885 10.7008 2211 Hyperarid 50 4306 10.9235 2212 Hyperarid 42 3883 7.4371 2213 Hyperarid 56 5396 17.1421 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2214 Hyperarid 55 5420 9.22121 2215 Hyperarid 63 5527 17.3674 2216 Hyperarid 75 5140 6.53864 2217 Hyperarid 59 5509 9.02643 2218 Hyperarid 40 5674 16.3421 2219 Hyperarid 60 5037 18.3047 2220 Hyperarid 33 4229 7.36431 2221 Hyperarid 38 4681 9.70406 2222 Hyperarid 80 4883 3.2518 2223 Hyperarid 59 5294 14.6077 2224 Hyperarid 45 4804 12.7358 2225 Hyperarid 68 5496 12.8585 2226 Hyperarid 57 4908 8.27997 2227 Hyperarid 45 4707 3.89232 2228 Hyperarid 47 5657 10.5268 2229 Hyperarid 45 4913 7.82358 2230 Hyperarid 77 4129 1.37999 2231 Hyperarid 73 5208 7.96163 2232 Hyperarid 62 5296 11.7099 2233 Hyperarid 60 4806 6.116 2234 Hyperarid 72 5106 10.0295 2235 Hyperarid 77 4831 10.0895 2236 Hyperarid 28 3892 3.81032 2237 Hyperarid 65 5455 6.64617 2238 Hyperarid 46 5231 14.3598 2239 Hyperarid 50 4580 8.00189 2240 Hyperarid 76 5273 6.41634 2241 Hyperarid 36 4468 10.7532 2242 Hyperarid 77 4935 7.02433 2243 Hyperarid 72 4816 4.89388 2244 Hyperarid 91 4215 1.36492 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2245 Arid 112 4405 5.91851 2246 Hyperarid 57 5307 11.3595 2247 Hyperarid 34 4162 12.1333 2248 Hyperarid 50 4728 8.27194 2249 Hyperarid 89 5137 6.75295 2250 Hyperarid 66 4995 8.50499 2251 Hyperarid 62 5096 6.06162 2252 Hyperarid 48 5798 14.2994 2253 Hyperarid 44 5684 20.4077 2254 Hyperarid 39 3466 3.45432 2255 Hyperarid 88 4817 9.75944 2256 Hyperarid 64 5085 5.02251 2257 Hyperarid 48 4886 8.72369 2258 Hyperarid 59 4731 5.03231 2259 Arid 163 5523 9.19588 2260 Hyperarid 52 4884 9.74694 2261 Hyperarid 75 5251 9.08273 2262 Hyperarid 63 5090 9.36196 2263 Hyperarid 78 5311 3.52254 2264 Hyperarid 66 5326 10.5731 2265 Arid 111 4857 5.59617 2266 Hyperarid 78 5405 10.1138 2267 Hyperarid 51 4774 4.77161 2268 Hyperarid 60 4640 2.26917 2269 Hyperarid 81 5532 4.56239 2270 Hyperarid 70 4869 3.16649 2271 Hyperarid 60 4589 4.36849 2272 Hyperarid 53 4947 10.969 2273 Hyperarid 36 4154 8.02628 2274 Hyperarid 53 5285 21.7074 2275 Hyperarid 48 4525 13.2873 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2276 Hyperarid 64 5091 12.0251 2277 Hyperarid 53 4505 8.56984 2278 Hyperarid 81 5374 5.14018 2279 Hyperarid 57 5086 6.83312 2280 Hyperarid 96 5505 9.86726 2281 Hyperarid 60 4800 4.66558 2282 Arid 190 5094 7.92238 2283 Hyperarid 59 5140 8.91426 2284 Arid 182 5119 6.81945 2285 Hyperarid 62 5015 8.50506 2286 Hyperarid 45 4527 7.38203 2287 Arid 116 5153 7.59199 2288 Arid 191 5223 6.25369 2289 Arid 159 4913 6.2996 2290 Arid 159 4913 6.2996 2291 Hyperarid 68 5193 7.19197 2292 Arid 190 5406 4.20564 2293 Hyperarid 67 5383 12.5493 2294 Hyperarid 97 5275 14.1446 2295 Hyperarid 90 5282 5.31837 2296 Hyperarid 41 4301 0.52136 2297 Arid 118 5235 7.61818 2298 Hyperarid 68 5415 3.86971 2299 Arid 127 5027 6.10441 2300 Hyperarid 75 5022 6.69253 2301 Arid 149 5215 5.97514 2302 Arid 110 4846 2.52422 2303 Hyperarid 79 5068 5.00907 2304 Hyperarid 69 5205 9.70831 2305 Hyperarid 68 5384 5.90843 2306 Hyperarid 67 4889 9.33394 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2307 Hyperarid 90 5167 6.01932 2309 Hyperarid 54 4545 4.42061 2310 Hyperarid 51 4141 9.52061 2311 Arid 110 5285 4.86806 2312 Hyperarid 62 5019 1.74305 2313 Hyperarid 63 5006 4.1099 2315 Arid 113 5251 6.4079 2316 Arid 140 5173 10.1941 2317 Arid 113 5430 7.04265 2318 Arid 156 4950 9.03322 2319 Arid 110 5292 5.85416 2320 Hyperarid 69 5341 4.21001 2321 Hyperarid 59 4638 3.13821 2322 Arid 207 4233 1.88906 2323 Arid 107 5226 5.30867 2324 Arid 120 5274 11.815 2325 Arid 191 4909 12.4672 2326 Hyperarid 81 4676 0.67139 2327 Hyperarid 90 5088 10.0936 2328 Hyperarid 63 5349 16.7663 2329 Hyperarid 71 4951 14.7508 2330 Hyperarid 59 4984 14.1567 2331 Hyperarid 59 5508 8.42769 2332 Hyperarid 48 4072 6.70228 2333 Hyperarid 49 4953 8.0615 2334 Hyperarid 69 4703 1.73169 2335 Hyperarid 54 4519 12.5565 2336 Arid 138 5597 9.7539 2337 Hyperarid 60 4907 11.2314 2338 Hyperarid 53 5354 13.9461 2339 Hyperarid 68 5306 7.43003 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2340 Hyperarid 66 5091 15.9253 2341 Hyperarid 39 4591 5.75513 2342 Arid 112 5169 7.36205 2343 Hyperarid 66 5116 7.48799 2344 Hyperarid 59 4747 13.301 2346 Hyperarid 78 5357 6.32774 2347 Hyperarid 60 4801 4.48674 2348 Hyperarid 53 3940 8.28259 2349 Hyperarid 49 3804 7.07271 2350 Arid 189 4831 10.6734 2351 Hyperarid 49 4457 5.69058 2352 Arid 213 5152 9.71534 2353 Arid 102 5228 13.669 2354 Hyperarid 55 4810 16.9301 2355 Hyperarid 59 5281 20.2546 2356 Arid 225 5336 5.28348 2357 Hyperarid 45 4639 1.38312 2358 Hyperarid 75 5346 7.91233 2359 Arid 204 5124 12.2248 2360 Hyperarid 70 5216 6.16793 2361 Arid 136 5554 6.58428 2362 Hyperarid 46 4918 4.46817 2363 Hyperarid 75 5169 7.89214 2364 Hyperarid 59 5038 4.81853 2365 Hyperarid 64 5321 10.0329 2366 Semiarid 340 4917 7.74778 2367 Semiarid 339 4950 7.76744 2368 Hyperarid 69 4780 8.42623 2369 Hyperarid 59 5167 9.49238 2370 Hyperarid 50 5068 15.4679 2371 Arid 155 4080 5.97566 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2372 Hyperarid 69 5113 4.32244 2373 Hyperarid 58 4773 4.78288 2374 Arid 101 5229 13.6693 2375 Hyperarid 58 4892 8.59839 2376 Hyperarid 61 4874 3.83417 2377 Hyperarid 54 4618 10.6236 2378 Hyperarid 60 4999 6.76599 2379 Hyperarid 47 4757 3.77196 2380 Hyperarid 63 5044 8.07609 2381 Hyperarid 58 5065 7.00317 2382 Hyperarid 77 4977 13.4189 2383 Hyperarid 58 4994 4.31971 2384 Hyperarid 43 4538 8.51793 2385 Arid 105 5129 6.8986 2386 Hyperarid 52 4762 10.7276 2387 Hyperarid 60 4998 13.7312 2388 Hyperarid 58 4594 9.70034 2389 Hyperarid 61 5115 8.42155 2390 Hyperarid 46 4991 6.08499 2391 Hyperarid 60 5106 9.34095 2392 Hyperarid 61 5323 11.5346 2393 Hyperarid 59 4992 4.52393 2394 Hyperarid 52 5242 18.6878 2395 Hyperarid 55 4767 10.6351 2396 Hyperarid 48 4705 12.1982 2397 Hyperarid 51 4734 4.44788 2398 Hyperarid 59 5080 10.3593 2399 Hyperarid 61 4495 4.57241 2400 Hyperarid 51 4982 18.7054 2401 Hyperarid 69 4680 5.95438 2402 Hyperarid 39 4357 2.00214 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2403 Hyperarid 56 5458 8.49106 2404 Hyperarid 54 5122 18.454 2405 Hyperarid 56 5350 7.54948 2406 Hyperarid 57 5393 11.6807 2407 Hyperarid 56 5212 4.62876 2408 Hyperarid 50 4950 12.0967 2409 Hyperarid 48 5230 8.85719 2410 Hyperarid 61 5199 8.22237 2411 Hyperarid 51 4940 8.11965 2412 Hyperarid 49 4975 8.84768 2413 Hyperarid 33 4373 6.65902 2414 Hyperarid 49 5296 11.1844 2415 Hyperarid 40 4672 6.0409 2416 Hyperarid 55 5485 15.5054 2417 Hyperarid 46 4077 10.0888 2418 Hyperarid 45 4559 12.8935 2419 Hyperarid 38 4527 9.32838 2420 Hyperarid 41 4363 5.31927 2421 Hyperarid 44 4355 7.54481 2422 Hyperarid 45 4312 6.99059 2423 Hyperarid 34 4034 4.12822 2424 Hyperarid 61 4588 4.08433 2425 Hyperarid 48 4133 10.2755 2426 Hyperarid 40 4204 5.04059 2427 Hyperarid 56 4944 4.4433 2428 Hyperarid 49 4386 3.97571 2429 Hyperarid 50 4411 5.85401 2430 Hyperarid 36 3010 3.10752 2431 Hyperarid 59 5006 5.8895 2432 Hyperarid 65 5181 6.76659 2433 Semiarid 466 4544 8.38348 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2434 Hyperarid 68 5413 6.6108 2435 Hyperarid 49 5262 13.3246 2436 Hyperarid 56 5404 12.0649 2437 Hyperarid 50 4758 4.37803 2438 Hyperarid 43 4650 7.14203 2439 Hyperarid 24 3723 6.51145 2440 Hyperarid 43 4135 13.6458 2441 Hyperarid 32 4488 5.67191 2442 Hyperarid 42 3934 3.86101 2443 Hyperarid 32 4350 3.86986 2445 Hyperarid 54 4978 8.68787 2446 Hyperarid 45 4846 13.4276 2447 Hyperarid 48 5104 5.8024 2448 Hyperarid 52 5025 7.76038 2449 Hyperarid 51 5292 9.5007 2450 Hyperarid 38 3214 3.57149 2451 Hyperarid 40 4823 14.4126 2452 Hyperarid 40 4638 5.26386 2453 Hyperarid 66 4788 14.5576 2454 Hyperarid 49 4912 11.303 2455 Hyperarid 50 5732 15.3265 2456 Hyperarid 51 5475 9.98145 2457 Arid 154 4026 3.87812 2458 Hyperarid 57 4749 15.7177 2459 Hyperarid 50 5644 14.9676 2460 Hyperarid 73 4423 14.2913 2461 Hyperarid 71 4571 14.7182 2462 Hyperarid 51 4309 3.31342 2463 Hyperarid 33 4589 5.32252 2464 Arid 186 4741 11.429 2465 Hyperarid 59 4857 9.89235 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2466 Hyperarid 50 5309 22.9766 2467 Arid 178 5188 10.9669 2468 Arid 135 5611 14.0746 2469 Hyperarid 50 4395 4.34158 2470 Arid 142 4964 8.21152 2471 Hyperarid 50 5786 7.26728 2472 Arid 116 4782 4.19699 2473 Arid 107 4822 8.08696 2474 Hyperarid 53 5127 21.6742 2475 Arid 124 5033 12.8171 2476 Hyperarid 43 5333 9.47578 2477 Hyperarid 50 4392 9.71072 2478 Hyperarid 31 3751 3.90952 2479 Hyperarid 22 3619 2.14892 2480 Hyperarid 52 4754 15.5298 2481 Hyperarid 51 4583 17.2128 2482 Hyperarid 48 4775 14.4682 2483 Hyperarid 22 3581 5.92134 2484 Hyperarid 44 4783 11.1708 2485 Hyperarid 48 4029 1.79446 2486 Hyperarid 52 4861 4.98018 2487 Hyperarid 39 3628 3.04104 2488 Hyperarid 26 3511 2.01314 2489 Hyperarid 49 3780 7.53488 2490 Hyperarid 49 4755 3.21914 2491 Hyperarid 46 4712 9.58789 2492 Hyperarid 32 4309 13.8743 2493 Hyperarid 49 5382 9.71573 2494 Hyperarid 49 5047 8.76588 2495 Hyperarid 40 4755 7.59447 2496 Hyperarid 41 4752 5.84722 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2497 Hyperarid 48 4657 6.34205 2498 Hyperarid 51 4856 15.7942 2499 Hyperarid 49 5256 7.99441 2500 Hyperarid 51 4698 17.8008 2501 Hyperarid 57 5168 15.6896 2502 Hyperarid 40 3488 4.28738 2503 Hyperarid 24 3503 1.47816 2504 Hyperarid 41 6044 17.0171 2505 Hyperarid 46 4424 10.6614 2506 Hyperarid 49 4841 2.92953 2507 Hyperarid 43 4664 20.6747 2508 Hyperarid 45 4371 8.67962 2509 Hyperarid 47 5099 7.29801 2510 Hyperarid 45 4125 4.46328 2511 Hyperarid 49 5276 7.26437 2512 Hyperarid 44 4041 3.10452 2513 Hyperarid 43 4791 11.8344 2514 Hyperarid 55 4990 6.74806 2515 Hyperarid 51 4934 8.61162 2516 Hyperarid 52 4899 6.62752 2517 Hyperarid 36 4368 5.89976 2518 Hyperarid 43 4570 1.78018 2519 Hyperarid 47 4402 14.1538 2520 Hyperarid 47 4411 13.6859 2521 Hyperarid 58 5064 3.52803 2522 Hyperarid 52 4487 3.23919 2523 Hyperarid 56 5292 13.1057 2524 Hyperarid 53 4213 12.8712 2525 Hyperarid 51 4982 9.91833 2526 Hyperarid 55 5303 6.47563 2527 Hyperarid 50 4290 4.80839 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2528 Hyperarid 50 4595 5.11264 2529 Hyperarid 53 4449 5.83101 2530 Hyperarid 62 4438 5.75759 2531 Hyperarid 55 5168 4.70325 2532 Hyperarid 48 4382 3.91377 2533 Hyperarid 43 4952 14.227 2534 Hyperarid 39 3691 2.80391 2535 Hyperarid 56 5223 2.05401 2536 Hyperarid 43 4829 11.6448 2537 Hyperarid 59 5486 10.6139 2538 Hyperarid 46 4516 4.9961 2539 Hyperarid 58 5017 12.2258 2540 Hyperarid 57 5015 3.29256 2541 Hyperarid 48 4779 11.6739 2542 Hyperarid 33 4326 7.18525 2543 Hyperarid 56 5201 3.46692 2544 Hyperarid 53 4957 13.5928 2545 Hyperarid 44 4409 5.0837 2546 Hyperarid 60 5272 5.7834 2547 Hyperarid 39 4587 6.07491 2548 Arid 130 4763 11.5634 2549 Hyperarid 50 4609 6.72104 2550 Hyperarid 38 4345 1.80098 2551 Hyperarid 52 4863 11.2285 2552 Hyperarid 47 4378 4.86814 2553 Hyperarid 59 5173 13.0601 2554 Hyperarid 39 4267 4.88675 2555 Hyperarid 42 4540 19.382 2556 Hyperarid 49 4692 13.3155 2557 Hyperarid 57 5176 4.86599 2558 Hyperarid 37 4026 1.81646 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2559 Hyperarid 50 4263 3.14419 2560 Hyperarid 49 4884 7.86735 2561 Hyperarid 46 5217 7.11924 2562 Hyperarid 57 5279 6.02907 2563 Hyperarid 62 5648 8.72678 2564 Hyperarid 50 4888 15.6961 2565 Hyperarid 61 5184 13.8824 2566 Hyperarid 36 4668 8.24292 2567 Hyperarid 40 4308 14.1509 2568 Hyperarid 44 4413 3.59514 2569 Hyperarid 40 4256 5.95464 2570 Hyperarid 48 4059 3.55072 2571 Hyperarid 28 3979 5.76117 2572 Hyperarid 47 4235 5.68413 2573 Hyperarid 45 5015 18.9397 2574 Hyperarid 42 4340 9.43662 2575 Hyperarid 36 4500 2.45245 2576 Hyperarid 46 4639 5.69389 2577 Hyperarid 54 4773 2.66112 2578 Hyperarid 41 4536 5.19974 2579 Hyperarid 43 3947 3.43837 2580 Hyperarid 58 4128 11.5966 2581 Hyperarid 50 4438 2.72514 2582 Hyperarid 55 5266 4.83588 2583 Hyperarid 55 5266 4.83588 2584 Hyperarid 40 4212 11.2196 2585 Hyperarid 58 5330 10.5681 2586 Hyperarid 32 4262 2.33508 2587 Hyperarid 45 4698 8.27542 2588 Hyperarid 47 5064 18.157 2589 Hyperarid 54 4629 5.705 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2590 Hyperarid 39 4090 1.89382 2591 Hyperarid 53 5036 11.1242 2592 Hyperarid 56 4652 7.86625 2593 Hyperarid 44 3942 11.6814 2594 Hyperarid 44 4349 6.86018 2595 Hyperarid 30 3897 2.42069 2596 Hyperarid 49 4592 6.59031 2597 Hyperarid 45 4681 9.36336 2598 Arid 110 4528 2.73617 2599 Hyperarid 58 5751 16.9104 2600 Hyperarid 51 4535 6.52625 2601 Hyperarid 55 5289 15.5728 2602 Hyperarid 61 5387 3.70887 2603 Hyperarid 64 5567 11.3337 2604 Hyperarid 30 3896 2.02974 2605 Arid 149 4432 6.84304 2606 Hyperarid 59 4133 8.63051 2607 Hyperarid 49 4965 6.44174 2608 Hyperarid 39 4858 6.23113 2609 Hyperarid 50 5197 17.8735 2610 Hyperarid 63 5219 6.96754 2611 Hyperarid 53 4751 6.33686 2612 Hyperarid 54 4917 7.21182 2613 Hyperarid 63 5200 9.3904 2614 Hyperarid 47 4601 6.28756 2615 Hyperarid 58 5566 10.1325 2616 Hyperarid 23 3164 1.63004 2617 Hyperarid 56 5452 15.1974 2618 Hyperarid 11 1813 1.28152 2619 Hyperarid 16 2179 4.34097 2620 Hyperarid 52 4613 17.4005 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2621 Hyperarid 42 4612 13.5256 2622 Hyperarid 50 4755 3.50216 2623 Hyperarid 58 3981 11.7801 2624 Hyperarid 38 4688 20.132 2625 Hyperarid 35 4512 10.9945 2626 Arid 202 5133 12.0731 2627 Arid 119 4931 4.57709 2628 Hyperarid 43 4706 4.75254 2629 Hyperarid 39 4592 4.39707 2630 Hyperarid 53 4396 4.08402 2631 Hyperarid 45 4446 4.95401 2632 Hyperarid 82 4484 7.00894 2633 Hyperarid 51 3785 3.26293 2634 Hyperarid 25 3949 14.4369 2635 Hyperarid 56 4915 8.69701 2636 Hyperarid 32 4163 2.33599 2637 Hyperarid 73 4292 8.98711 2638 Arid 171 5792 2.67424 2639 Hyperarid 39 3813 1.50155 2640 Hyperarid 41 4320 5.09292 2641 Hyperarid 59 5239 7.95407 2642 Hyperarid 35 4300 1.39765 2643 Hyperarid 45 4727 2.64879 2644 Hyperarid 40 4190 4.4627 2645 Hyperarid 40 4692 6.38923 2646 Hyperarid 49 4747 13.8454 2647 Arid 118 5313 5.37137 2648 Hyperarid 46 4790 17.0209 2649 Hyperarid 46 4365 9.52877 2650 Hyperarid 41 4549 14.6495 2651 Hyperarid 54 5043 13.0698 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2652 Hyperarid 49 4776 6.42194 2653 Hyperarid 37 3890 3.74457 2654 Hyperarid 44 4928 3.5274 2655 Hyperarid 46 4836 3.89366 2656 Hyperarid 45 4358 11.3956 2657 Hyperarid 50 4932 1.9346 2658 Hyperarid 51 5152 8.52911 2659 Hyperarid 40 3309 1.26786 2660 Hyperarid 51 4963 7.09061 2661 Hyperarid 45 4805 5.60353 2662 Hyperarid 50 5076 9.56658 2663 Hyperarid 59 5818 12.9337 2664 Hyperarid 33 4446 6.32469 2665 Hyperarid 49 4917 7.78693 2666 Hyperarid 45 5106 10.2794 2667 Hyperarid 41 4477 7.00405 2668 Hyperarid 61 5554 17.3424 2669 Hyperarid 34 4165 3.16646 2670 Hyperarid 39 4622 4.11876 2671 Hyperarid 50 5036 5.22193 2672 Hyperarid 37 4444 0.56524 2673 Hyperarid 53 4755 9.03855 2674 Hyperarid 53 5214 11.3199 2675 Hyperarid 53 4900 11.8653 2676 Hyperarid 66 5351 5.23343 2677 Hyperarid 44 4647 4.11622 2678 Hyperarid 61 3176 2.40996 2679 Hyperarid 50 4947 3.73881 2680 Hyperarid 65 5117 4.25979 2681 Hyperarid 61 5013 12.462 2682 Hyperarid 42 3657 5.24692 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2683 Hyperarid 20 1954 3.34419 2684 Hyperarid 62 4164 2.83851 2685 Hyperarid 54 5016 16.1728 2686 Hyperarid 55 4224 9.01516 2687 Hyperarid 58 5171 3.5559 2688 Hyperarid 55 5673 13.0292 2689 Hyperarid 99 3220 3.73771 2690 Hyperarid 49 4024 9.26388 2691 Hyperarid 58 5394 3.79331 2692 Hyperarid 38 4393 2.43204 2693 Hyperarid 57 5964 4.23932 2694 Hyperarid 41 4863 3.2693 2695 Hyperarid 39 5579 16.0298 2696 Hyperarid 68 4566 15.558 2697 Hyperarid 42 4052 12.9167 2698 Hyperarid 56 5136 4.54755 2699 Hyperarid 56 5257 7.28618 2700 Hyperarid 38 4778 8.59144 2701 Hyperarid 36 3781 6.47146 2702 Hyperarid 50 5059 11.9302 2703 Hyperarid 68 4780 13.1308 2704 Hyperarid 63 5322 15.6106 2705 Hyperarid 59 5398 15.2174 2706 Hyperarid 55 5053 15.2831 2707 Hyperarid 83 5587 13.7777 2708 Hyperarid 62 5714 18.3463 2709 Hyperarid 42 4686 5.28516 2710 Hyperarid 45 5067 6.05343 2711 Hyperarid 44 4902 15.1008 2712 Hyperarid 47 4539 4.27341 2713 Hyperarid 40 5168 5.2239 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2714 Hyperarid 37 4073 6.93495 2715 Hyperarid 65 5490 7.77424 2716 Hyperarid 34 4532 11.1668 2717 Hyperarid 36 3857 4.04396 2718 Hyperarid 79 3782 1.16567 2719 Hyperarid 81 4864 7.24895 2720 Hyperarid 26 4237 1.08197 2721 Hyperarid 94 5357 8.77731 2722 Arid 100 5323 7.88561 2723 Hyperarid 83 4094 1.5607 2724 Hyperarid 81 5205 10.0827 2725 Arid 128 4816 6.18559 2726 Arid 106 5728 6.88064 2727 Hyperarid 96 5378 4.31072 2728 Hyperarid 63 5030 3.36352 2729 Hyperarid 92 4602 8.29667 2730 Hyperarid 72 5192 8.59819 2731 Hyperarid 61 5806 10.7291 2732 Hyperarid 57 5383 9.58189 2733 Hyperarid 45 4012 10.5429 2734 Hyperarid 81 5049 2.83985 2735 Hyperarid 53 5131 3.19352 2736 Hyperarid 74 5457 5.20597 2737 Hyperarid 62 5305 18.6761 2738 Hyperarid 58 5851 9.05534 2739 Hyperarid 67 5587 9.0885 2740 Hyperarid 64 4977 0.95076 2741 Hyperarid 67 5018 3.75493 2742 Hyperarid 47 4563 3.69259 2743 Hyperarid 83 5887 10.2922 2744 Hyperarid 65 5764 8.71777 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2745 Hyperarid 67 4919 2.86423 2746 Hyperarid 58 4874 2.34279 2747 Hyperarid 58 5673 14.1449 2748 Hyperarid 44 5497 10.13 2749 Hyperarid 44 5483 18.9723 2750 Hyperarid 46 4755 3.22401 2751 Hyperarid 82 4448 5.7117 2752 Hyperarid 55 5873 11.0584 2753 Hyperarid 80 6412 12.7056 2754 Hyperarid 55 5595 12.5537 2755 Hyperarid 47 4671 4.32939 2756 Hyperarid 55 5952 16.4496 2757 Hyperarid 55 5511 16.3507 2758 Hyperarid 70 5652 18.2453 2759 Hyperarid 83 4775 7.67547 2760 Hyperarid 49 4416 4.51641 2761 Hyperarid 63 5681 12.6342 2762 Hyperarid 65 5999 14.5197 2763 Hyperarid 55 6262 18.096 2764 Hyperarid 55 5128 5.19436 2765 Hyperarid 59 5605 11.0784 2766 Hyperarid 48 5864 12.1286 2767 Hyperarid 56 6259 16.0842 2768 Hyperarid 46 4586 12.2245 2769 Hyperarid 37 5693 16.2688 2770 Hyperarid 56 4826 13.9498 2771 Hyperarid 45 5319 6.76787 2772 Hyperarid 58 6496 9.72678 2773 Hyperarid 57 5711 6.74903 2774 Hyperarid 35 5420 13.2949 2775 Hyperarid 56 5390 2.94513 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2776 Hyperarid 55 5080 8.53573 2777 Hyperarid 42 4376 8.03099 2778 Hyperarid 50 5790 10.7521 2779 Hyperarid 46 4532 9.9874 2780 Hyperarid 46 4718 3.88469 2781 Hyperarid 45 5557 1.63363 2782 Hyperarid 53 5461 7.96843 2783 Hyperarid 53 5040 7.4981 2784 Hyperarid 41 4503 12.278 2785 Hyperarid 42 4577 9.15299 2786 Hyperarid 55 5864 6.17704 2787 Hyperarid 33 4874 10.2417 2788 Hyperarid 41 4681 8.67886 2789 Hyperarid 44 4705 5.17738 2790 Hyperarid 56 6259 12.0985 2791 Hyperarid 43 5900 10.0481 2792 Hyperarid 42 5783 7.67082 2793 Hyperarid 33 4188 2.5699 2794 Hyperarid 87 5084 7.65187 2795 Hyperarid 40 4777 9.90561 2796 Hyperarid 52 5037 6.55243 2797 Hyperarid 46 4311 7.81046 2798 Hyperarid 64 6310 8.16343 2799 Hyperarid 57 5999 11.8823 2800 Hyperarid 47 4753 3.57252 2801 Hyperarid 48 5577 15.9947 2802 Hyperarid 56 4793 5.98373 2803 Hyperarid 46 4629 15.1556 2804 Hyperarid 48 5137 9.84822 2805 Hyperarid 32 4671 3.48065 2806 Hyperarid 41 4603 4.23134 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2807 Hyperarid 52 4755 6.56176 2808 Hyperarid 56 4440 3.60819 2809 Hyperarid 43 4391 11.4233 2810 Hyperarid 63 5094 3.54798 2811 Hyperarid 53 5336 6.69046 2812 Hyperarid 49 4529 2.26746 2813 Hyperarid 44 4456 4.92451 2814 Hyperarid 66 4531 8.54479 2815 Hyperarid 54 4671 3.54856 2816 Hyperarid 50 5180 9.32131 2817 Hyperarid 73 5392 15.8968 2818 Hyperarid 52 5007 2.7031 2819 Hyperarid 54 5624 3.70065 2820 Hyperarid 56 5880 9.43669 2821 Hyperarid 48 4471 0.99897 2822 Hyperarid 52 5028 12.5652 2823 Hyperarid 63 4746 4.34451 2824 Hyperarid 53 5855 5.16979 2825 Hyperarid 50 6521 9.96508 2826 Hyperarid 54 5208 12.1849 2827 Hyperarid 40 6256 9.16706 2828 Hyperarid 56 5506 11.9939 2829 Hyperarid 39 5751 11.8811 2830 Hyperarid 37 5329 10.273 2831 Hyperarid 56 5192 7.1499 2832 Hyperarid 55 5950 4.99485 2833 Hyperarid 60 5520 5.47852 2834 Hyperarid 59 5528 10.6689 2835 Hyperarid 36 5165 5.80979 2836 Hyperarid 53 6001 7.37787 2837 Hyperarid 55 5872 18.1531 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 2838 Hyperarid 56 5392 4.66733 2839 Hyperarid 45 5583 8.41676 2840 Hyperarid 89 3136 2.0001 2841 Hyperarid 40 4943 7.1563 2842 Hyperarid 54 5039 5.28138 2843 Hyperarid 51 5677 11.9139 2844 Hyperarid 62 5336 14.7962 2845 Hyperarid 59 6312 18.7938 2846 Hyperarid 55 5640 11.7579 2847 Hyperarid 55 5608 9.37967 2848 Hyperarid 53 6089 11.3926 2849 Hyperarid 55 4948 1.49389 2850 Hyperarid 69 5109 3.55758 2851 Hyperarid 55 5127 10.0202 2852 Hyperarid 49 4350 3.11494 2875 Hyperarid 45 4582 5.3869 2930 Hyperarid 36 5267 10.534 2931 Hyperarid 97 3911 2.98791 2932 Hyperarid 75 3575 1.9641 2986 Hyperarid 91 4129 2.61837 3000 Hyperarid 39 4399 5.68328 3306 Hyperarid 32 4372 13.858 3546 Arid 176 4218 1.66478 3560 Arid 195 3448 0.665286 3662 Hyperarid 59 5167 9.49238 3707 Hyperarid 57 5551 8.46624 4044 Arid 148 3664 0.341686 4052 Arid 187 3692 3.16095 4528 Hyperarid 36 5257 4.64884 4530 Hyperarid 35 5294 5.67385 4531 Hyperarid 36 5377 3.08327 ID Climate Annual.Precipitation.mm DEM.values.m Slope.Degree 4554 Hyperarid 48 3436 2.89231 4802 Arid 249 4297 6.39783 4975 Hyperarid 46 4753 2.21831 5410 Arid 133 3000 5.77002 5413 Arid 135 2983 4.99377 5423 Arid 171 3579 12.0236 5424 Arid 184 3657 15.2951 5425 Arid 179 3628 14.7119 5758 Hyperarid 52 4246 2.44279 5779 Hyperarid 27 4250 4.25673 5787 Arid 163 3166 3.82887 6357 Hyperarid 55 4970 22.753 6704 Semiarid 352 4905 2.39538 6705 Arid 100 4934 11.1092 6706 Subtropical 896 506 1.05282 6707 Arid 269 4669 11.2429 6708 Subtropical 729 4784 2.45354 6709 Arid 294 4274 7.92776 6710 Subtropical 1111 4569 4.29369 6711 Semiarid 570 4715 9.12259 6712 Arid 269 4391 9.43638 6713 Semiarid 562 4869 4.49294 6714 Semiarid 470 4766 5.82267 6715 Semiarid 404 4802 1.92157 6716 Subtropical 1036 4768 1.79929 6717 Subtropical 823 4457 3.4055 6718 Subtropical 1000 4897 2.86954 6744 Hyperarid 46 3221 4.81382 7837 Hyperarid 45 5618 7.17 7840 Hyperarid 45 5618 7.17 ID Source.ArcGIS 115 NA 122 NA 133 NA 150 NA 159 NA 164 NA 179 NA 208 NA 219 NA 233 NA 234 NA 235 NA 241 NA 247 NA 249 NA 253 NA 254 NA 255 NA 256 NA 259 NA 263 NA 297 NA 298 NA 300 NA 304 NA 307 NA 308 NA 313 NA 315 NA 316 NA 320 NA ID Source.ArcGIS 321 NA 322 NA 323 NA 324 NA 326 NA 327 NA 343 NA 344 NA 346 NA 347 NA 348 NA 349 NA 351 NA 353 NA 355 NA 358 NA 361 NA 362 NA 363 NA 364 NA 365 NA 372 NA 373 NA 375 NA 382 NA 387 NA 393 NA 396 NA 397 NA 411 NA 504 World_Volcanoes ID Source.ArcGIS 543 NA 544 NA 545 NA 546 NA 547 NA 548 NA 549 NA 550 NA 551 NA 552 NA 553 NA 554 NA 555 NA 563 NA 646 NA 647 NA 652 NA 685 NA 713 NA 798 NA 802 NA 806 NA 1090 NA 1128 NA 1153 NA 1159 NA 1160 NA 1376 NA 1645 NA 1655 NA 1705 NA ID Source.ArcGIS 1720 NA 1728 NA 1740 NA 1748 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1749 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1750 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1751 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1752 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1753 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1754 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1755 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1756 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1757 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1758 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1759 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1760 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1761 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1762 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1763 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1764 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1765 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1766 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1767 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1768 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1769 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1770 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1771 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1772 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1773 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1774 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1775 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 1776 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1777 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1778 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1779 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1780 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1781 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1782 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1783 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1784 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1785 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1786 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1787 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1788 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1789 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1790 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1791 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1792 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1793 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1794 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1795 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1796 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1797 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1798 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1799 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1800 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1801 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1802 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1803 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1804 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1805 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1806 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 1807 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1808 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1809 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1810 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1811 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1812 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1813 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1814 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1815 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1816 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1817 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1818 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1819 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1820 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1821 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1822 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1823 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1824 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1825 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1826 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1827 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1828 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1829 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1830 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1831 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1832 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1833 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1834 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1835 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1836 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1837 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 1838 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1839 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1840 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1841 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1842 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1843 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1844 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1845 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1846 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1847 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1848 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1849 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1850 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1851 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1852 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1853 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1854 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1855 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1856 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1857 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1858 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1859 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1860 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1861 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1862 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1863 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1864 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1865 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1866 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1867 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1868 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 1869 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1870 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1871 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1872 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1873 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1874 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1875 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1876 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1877 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1878 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1879 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1880 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1881 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1882 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1883 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1884 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1885 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1886 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1887 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1888 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1889 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1890 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1891 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1892 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1893 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1894 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1895 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1896 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1897 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1898 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1899 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 1900 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1901 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1902 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1903 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1904 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1905 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1906 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1907 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1908 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1909 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1910 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1911 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1912 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1913 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1914 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1915 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1916 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1917 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1918 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1919 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1920 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1921 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1922 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1923 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1924 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1925 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1926 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1927 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1928 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1929 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1930 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 1931 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1932 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1933 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1934 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1935 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1936 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1937 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1938 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1939 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1940 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1941 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1942 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1943 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1944 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1945 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1946 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1947 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1948 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1949 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1950 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1951 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1952 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1953 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1954 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1955 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1956 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1957 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1958 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1959 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1960 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1961 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 1962 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1963 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1964 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1965 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1966 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1967 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1968 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1969 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1970 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1971 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1972 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1973 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1974 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1975 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1976 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1977 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1978 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1979 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1980 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1982 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1983 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1984 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1985 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1986 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1987 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1988 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1989 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1991 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1992 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1993 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1994 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 1995 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1996 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1997 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1998 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 1999 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2000 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2001 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2002 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2003 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2004 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2005 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2006 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2007 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2008 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2009 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2010 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2011 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2012 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2013 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2014 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2015 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2016 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2017 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2018 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2019 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2020 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2021 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2022 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2023 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2024 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2025 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2026 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2027 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2028 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2029 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2030 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2031 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2032 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2033 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2034 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2035 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2036 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2037 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2038 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2039 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2040 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2041 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2042 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2043 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2044 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2045 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2046 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2047 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2048 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2049 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2050 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2051 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2052 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2053 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2054 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2055 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2056 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2057 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2058 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2059 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2060 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2061 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2062 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2063 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2064 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2065 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2066 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2067 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2068 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2069 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2070 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2071 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2072 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2073 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2074 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2075 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2076 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2077 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2078 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2079 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2080 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2081 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2082 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2083 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2084 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2085 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2086 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2087 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2088 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2089 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2090 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2091 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2092 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2093 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2094 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2096 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2097 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2098 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2099 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2100 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2101 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2102 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2103 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2104 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2105 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2106 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2107 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2108 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2109 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2110 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2111 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2112 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2113 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2114 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2115 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2116 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2117 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2118 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2119 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2120 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2121 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2122 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2123 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2124 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2125 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2126 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2127 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2128 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2129 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2130 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2131 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2132 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2133 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2134 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2135 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2136 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2137 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2138 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2139 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2140 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2141 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2142 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2143 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2144 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2145 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2146 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2147 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2148 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2149 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2150 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2151 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2152 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2153 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2154 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2155 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2156 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2157 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2158 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2159 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2160 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2161 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2162 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2163 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2164 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2165 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2166 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2167 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2168 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2169 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2170 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2171 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2172 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2173 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2174 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2175 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2176 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2177 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2178 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2179 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2180 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2181 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2182 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2183 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2184 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2185 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2186 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2187 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2188 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2189 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2190 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2191 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2192 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2193 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2194 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2195 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2196 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2197 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2198 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2199 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2201 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2202 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2203 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2204 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2205 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2206 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2207 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2208 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2209 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2210 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2211 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2212 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2213 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2214 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2215 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2216 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2217 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2218 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2219 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2220 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2221 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2222 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2223 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2224 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2225 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2226 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2227 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2228 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2229 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2230 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2231 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2232 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2233 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2234 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2235 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2236 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2237 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2238 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2239 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2240 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2241 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2242 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2243 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2244 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2245 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2246 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2247 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2248 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2249 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2250 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2251 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2252 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2253 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2254 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2255 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2256 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2257 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2258 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2259 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2260 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2261 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2262 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2263 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2264 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2265 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2266 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2267 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2268 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2269 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2270 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2271 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2272 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2273 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2274 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2275 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2276 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2277 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2278 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2279 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2280 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2281 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2282 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2283 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2284 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2285 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2286 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2287 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2288 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2289 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2290 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2291 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2292 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2293 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2294 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2295 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2296 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2297 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2298 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2299 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2300 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2301 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2302 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2303 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2304 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2305 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2306 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2307 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2309 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2310 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2311 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2312 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2313 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2315 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2316 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2317 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2318 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2319 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2320 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2321 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2322 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2323 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2324 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2325 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2326 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2327 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2328 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2329 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2330 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2331 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2332 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2333 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2334 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2335 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2336 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2337 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2338 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2339 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2340 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2341 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2342 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2343 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2344 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2346 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2347 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2348 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2349 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2350 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2351 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2352 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2353 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2354 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2355 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2356 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2357 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2358 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2359 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2360 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2361 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2362 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2363 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2364 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2365 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2366 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2367 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2368 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2369 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2370 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2371 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2372 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2373 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2374 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2375 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2376 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2377 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2378 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2379 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2380 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2381 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2382 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2383 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2384 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2385 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2386 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2387 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2388 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2389 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2390 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2391 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2392 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2393 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2394 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2395 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2396 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2397 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2398 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2399 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2400 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2401 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2402 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2403 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2404 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2405 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2406 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2407 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2408 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2409 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2410 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2411 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2412 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2413 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2414 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2415 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2416 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2417 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2418 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2419 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2420 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2421 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2422 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2423 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2424 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2425 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2426 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2427 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2428 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2429 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2430 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2431 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2432 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2433 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2434 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2435 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2436 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2437 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2438 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2439 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2440 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2441 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2442 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2443 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2445 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2446 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2447 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2448 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2449 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2450 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2451 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2452 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2453 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2454 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2455 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2456 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2457 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2458 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2459 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2460 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2461 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2462 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2463 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2464 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2465 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2466 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2467 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2468 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2469 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2470 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2471 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2472 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2473 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2474 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2475 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2476 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2477 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2478 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2479 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2480 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2481 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2482 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2483 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2484 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2485 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2486 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2487 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2488 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2489 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2490 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2491 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2492 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2493 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2494 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2495 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2496 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2497 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2498 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2499 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2500 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2501 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2502 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2503 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2504 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2505 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2506 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2507 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2508 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2509 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2510 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2511 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2512 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2513 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2514 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2515 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2516 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2517 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2518 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2519 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2520 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2521 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2522 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2523 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2524 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2525 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2526 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2527 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2528 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2529 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2530 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2531 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2532 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2533 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2534 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2535 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2536 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2537 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2538 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2539 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2540 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2541 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2542 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2543 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2544 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2545 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2546 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2547 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2548 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2549 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2550 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2551 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2552 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2553 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2554 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2555 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2556 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2557 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2558 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2559 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2560 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2561 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2562 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2563 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2564 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2565 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2566 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2567 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2568 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2569 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2570 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2571 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2572 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2573 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2574 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2575 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2576 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2577 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2578 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2579 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2580 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2581 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2582 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2583 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2584 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2585 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2586 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2587 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2588 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2589 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2590 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2591 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2592 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2593 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2594 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2595 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2596 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2597 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2598 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2599 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2600 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2601 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2602 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2603 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2604 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2605 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2606 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2607 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2608 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2609 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2610 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2611 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2612 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2613 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2614 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2615 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2616 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2617 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2618 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2619 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2620 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2621 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2622 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2623 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2624 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2625 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2626 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2627 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2628 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2629 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2630 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2631 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2632 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2633 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2634 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2635 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2636 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2637 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2638 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2639 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2640 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2641 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2642 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2643 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2644 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2645 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2646 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2647 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2648 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2649 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2650 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2651 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2652 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2653 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2654 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2655 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2656 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2657 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2658 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2659 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2660 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2661 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2662 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2663 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2664 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2665 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2666 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2667 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2668 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2669 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2670 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2671 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2672 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2673 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2674 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2675 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2676 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2677 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2678 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2679 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2680 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2681 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2682 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2683 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2684 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2685 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2686 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2687 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2688 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2689 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2690 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2691 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2692 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2693 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2694 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2695 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2696 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2697 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2698 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2699 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2700 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2701 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2702 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2703 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2704 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2705 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2706 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2707 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2708 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2709 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2710 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2711 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2712 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2713 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2714 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2715 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2716 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2717 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2718 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2719 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2720 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2721 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2722 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2723 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2724 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2725 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2726 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2727 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2728 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2729 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2730 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2731 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2732 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2733 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2734 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2735 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2736 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2737 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2738 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2739 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2740 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2741 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2742 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2743 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2744 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2745 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2746 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2747 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2748 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2749 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2750 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2751 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2752 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2753 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2754 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2755 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2756 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2757 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2758 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2759 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2760 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2761 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2762 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2763 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2764 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2765 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2766 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2767 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2768 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2769 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2770 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2771 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2772 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2773 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2774 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2775 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2776 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2777 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2778 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2779 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2780 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2781 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2782 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2783 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2784 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2785 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2786 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2787 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2788 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2789 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2790 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2791 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2792 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2793 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2794 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2795 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2796 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2797 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2798 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2799 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2800 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2801 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2802 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2803 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2804 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2805 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2806 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2807 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2808 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2809 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2810 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2811 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2812 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2813 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2814 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2815 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2816 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2817 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2818 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2819 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2820 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2821 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2822 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2823 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2824 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2825 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2826 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2827 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2828 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2829 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2830 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2831 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2832 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2833 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2834 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2835 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2836 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2837 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. ID Source.ArcGIS 2838 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2839 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2840 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2841 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2842 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2843 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2844 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2845 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2846 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2847 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2848 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2849 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2850 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2851 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2852 Volcanoes (Compilation by DA SILVA)-Layer obtained from ArcGIS project Trumbull et al, 2006. 2875 NA 2930 NA 2931 NA 2932 NA 2986 NA 3000 NA 3306 NA 3546 NA 3560 NA 3662 NA 3707 NA 4044 NA 4052 NA 4528 NA 4530 NA 4531 NA ID Source.ArcGIS 4554 NA 4802 NA 4975 NA 5410 NA 5413 NA 5423 NA 5424 NA 5425 NA 5758 NA 5779 NA 5787 NA 6357 NA 6704 NA 6705 NA 6706 NA 6707 NA 6708 NA 6709 NA 6710 NA 6711 NA 6712 NA 6713 NA 6714 NA 6715 NA 6716 NA 6717 NA 6718 NA 6744 NA 7837 NA 7840 NA ID Source Export.date 115 Volcanoes of the World 4.6.6.-Pleistocene Volcanoes March, 2016. 122 Volcanoes of the World 4.6.6.-Pleistocene Volcanoes March, 2016. 133 Volcanoes of the World 4.6.6.-Pleistocene Volcanoes March, 2016. 150 Volcanoes of the World 4.6.6.-Pleistocene Volcanoes March, 2016. 159 Volcanoes of the World 4.6.6.-Pleistocene Volcanoes March, 2016. 164 Volcanoes of the World 4.6.6.-Pleistocene Volcanoes March, 2016. 179 Volcanoes of the World 4.6.6.-Pleistocene Volcanoes March, 2016. 208 Volcanoes of the World 4.6.6.-Pleistocene Volcanoes March, 2016. 219 Volcanoes of the World 4.6.6.-Pleistocene Volcanoes March, 2016. 233 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 234 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 235 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 241 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 247 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 249 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 253 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 254 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 255 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 256 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 259 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 263 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 297 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 298 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 300 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 304 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 307 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 308 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 313 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 315 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 316 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 320 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. ID Source Export.date 321 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 322 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 323 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 324 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 326 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 327 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 343 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 344 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 346 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 347 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 348 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 349 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 351 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 353 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 355 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 358 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 361 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 362 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 363 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 364 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 365 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 372 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 373 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 375 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 382 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 387 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 393 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 396 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 397 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 411 LaMEVE DB March, 2016. 504 SGVP and NOAA NGDC March, 2016. ID Source Export.date 543 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 544 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 545 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 546 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 547 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 548 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 549 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 550 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 551 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 552 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 553 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 554 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 555 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 563 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 646 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 647 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 652 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 685 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 713 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 798 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 802 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 806 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 1090 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 1128 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 1153 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 1159 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 1160 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 1376 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 1645 Volcanoes of the World (VOTW)-Holocene March, 2017. 1655 Ranking de los 90 volcanes activos de Chile June, 2017. 1705 Volcanes Activos de la Republica Argentina-ING June, 2017. ID Source Export.date 1720 Volcanes Activos de la Republica Argentina-ING June, 2017. 1728 Volcanes Activos de la Republica Argentina-ING June, 2017. 1740 Volcanes Activos de la Republica Argentina-ING June, 2017. 1748 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central . NA 1749 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1750 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1751 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1752 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1753 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1754 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1755 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1756 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1757 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1758 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1759 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1760 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1761 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1762 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1763 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1764 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1765 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1766 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1767 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1768 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1769 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1770 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1771 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1772 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1773 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1774 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1775 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 1776 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1777 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1778 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1779 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1780 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1781 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1782 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1783 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1784 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1785 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1786 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1787 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1788 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1789 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1790 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1791 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1792 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1793 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1794 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1795 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1796 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1797 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1798 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1799 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1800 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1801 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1802 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1803 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1804 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1805 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1806 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 1807 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1808 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1809 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1810 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1811 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1812 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1813 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1814 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1815 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1816 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1817 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1818 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1819 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1820 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1821 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1822 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1823 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1824 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1825 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1826 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1827 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1828 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1829 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1830 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1831 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1832 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1833 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1834 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1835 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1836 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1837 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 1838 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1839 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1840 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1841 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1842 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1843 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1844 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1845 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1846 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1847 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1848 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1849 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1850 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1851 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1852 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1853 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1854 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1855 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1856 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1857 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1858 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1859 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1860 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1861 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1862 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1863 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1864 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1865 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1866 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1867 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1868 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 1869 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1870 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1871 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1872 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1873 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1874 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1875 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1876 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1877 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1878 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1879 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1880 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1881 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1882 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1883 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1884 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1885 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1886 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1887 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1888 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1889 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1890 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1891 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1892 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1893 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1894 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1895 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1896 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1897 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1898 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1899 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 1900 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1901 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1902 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1903 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1904 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1905 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1906 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1907 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1908 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1909 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1910 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1911 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1912 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1913 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1914 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1915 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1916 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1917 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1918 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1919 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1920 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1921 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1922 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1923 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1924 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1925 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1926 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1927 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1928 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1929 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1930 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 1931 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1932 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1933 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1934 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1935 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1936 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1937 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1938 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1939 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1940 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1941 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1942 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1943 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1944 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1945 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1946 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1947 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1948 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1949 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1950 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1951 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1952 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1953 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1954 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1955 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1956 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1957 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1958 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1959 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1960 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1961 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 1962 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1963 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1964 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1965 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1966 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1967 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1968 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1969 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1970 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1971 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1972 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1973 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1974 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1975 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1976 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1977 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1978 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1979 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1980 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1982 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1983 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1984 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1985 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1986 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1987 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1988 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1989 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1991 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1992 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1993 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1994 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 1995 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1996 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1997 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1998 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 1999 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2000 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2001 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2002 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2003 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2004 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2005 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2006 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2007 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2008 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2009 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2010 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2011 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2012 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2013 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2014 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2015 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2016 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2017 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2018 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2019 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2020 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2021 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2022 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2023 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2024 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2025 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2026 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2027 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2028 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2029 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2030 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2031 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2032 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2033 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2034 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2035 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2036 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2037 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2038 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2039 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2040 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2041 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2042 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2043 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2044 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2045 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2046 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2047 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2048 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2049 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2050 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2051 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2052 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2053 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2054 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2055 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2056 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2057 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2058 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2059 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2060 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2061 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2062 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2063 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2064 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2065 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2066 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2067 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2068 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2069 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2070 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2071 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2072 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2073 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2074 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2075 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2076 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2077 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2078 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2079 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2080 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2081 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2082 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2083 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2084 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2085 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2086 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2087 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2088 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2089 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2090 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2091 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2092 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2093 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2094 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2096 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2097 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2098 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2099 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2100 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2101 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2102 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2103 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2104 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2105 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2106 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2107 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2108 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2109 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2110 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2111 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2112 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2113 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2114 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2115 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2116 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2117 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2118 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2119 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2120 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2121 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2122 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2123 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2124 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2125 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2126 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2127 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2128 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2129 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2130 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2131 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2132 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2133 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2134 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2135 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2136 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2137 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2138 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2139 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2140 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2141 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2142 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2143 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2144 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2145 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2146 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2147 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2148 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2149 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2150 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2151 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2152 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2153 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2154 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2155 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2156 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2157 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2158 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2159 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2160 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2161 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2162 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2163 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2164 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2165 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2166 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2167 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2168 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2169 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2170 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2171 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2172 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2173 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2174 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2175 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2176 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2177 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2178 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2179 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2180 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2181 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2182 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2183 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2184 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2185 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2186 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2187 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2188 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2189 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2190 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2191 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2192 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2193 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2194 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2195 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2196 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2197 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2198 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2199 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2201 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2202 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2203 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2204 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2205 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2206 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2207 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2208 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2209 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2210 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2211 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2212 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2213 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2214 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2215 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2216 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2217 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2218 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2219 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2220 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2221 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2222 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2223 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2224 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2225 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2226 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2227 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2228 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2229 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2230 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2231 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2232 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2233 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2234 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2235 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2236 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2237 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2238 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2239 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2240 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2241 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2242 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2243 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2244 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2245 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2246 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2247 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2248 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2249 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2250 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2251 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2252 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2253 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2254 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2255 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2256 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2257 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2258 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2259 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2260 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2261 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2262 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2263 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2264 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2265 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2266 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2267 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2268 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2269 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2270 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2271 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2272 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2273 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2274 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2275 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2276 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2277 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2278 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2279 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2280 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2281 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2282 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2283 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2284 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2285 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2286 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2287 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2288 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2289 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2290 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2291 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2292 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2293 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2294 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2295 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2296 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2297 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2298 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2299 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2300 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2301 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2302 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2303 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2304 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2305 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2306 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2307 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2309 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2310 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2311 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2312 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2313 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2315 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2316 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2317 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2318 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2319 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2320 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2321 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2322 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2323 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2324 De Silva et al., 1991. 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NA ID Source Export.date 2340 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2341 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2342 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2343 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2344 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2346 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2347 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2348 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2349 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2350 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2351 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2352 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2353 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2354 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2355 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2356 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2357 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2358 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2359 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2360 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2361 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2362 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2363 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2364 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2365 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2366 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2367 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2368 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2369 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2370 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2371 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2372 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2373 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2374 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2375 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2376 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2377 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2378 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2379 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2380 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2381 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2382 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2383 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2384 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2385 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2386 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2387 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2388 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2389 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2390 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2391 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2392 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2393 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2394 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2395 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2396 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2397 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2398 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2399 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2400 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2401 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2402 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2403 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2404 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2405 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2406 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2407 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2408 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2409 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2410 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2411 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2412 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2413 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2414 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2415 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2416 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2417 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2418 De Silva et al., 1991. 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NA ID Source Export.date 2434 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2435 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2436 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2437 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2438 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2439 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2440 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2441 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2442 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2443 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2445 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2446 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2447 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2448 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2449 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2450 De Silva et al., 1991. 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NA ID Source Export.date 2466 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2467 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2468 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2469 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2470 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2471 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2472 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2473 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2474 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2475 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2476 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2477 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2478 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2479 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2480 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2481 De Silva et al., 1991. 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NA ID Source Export.date 2528 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2529 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2530 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2531 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2532 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2533 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2534 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2535 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2536 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2537 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2538 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2539 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2540 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2541 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2542 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2543 De Silva et al., 1991. 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NA ID Source Export.date 2559 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2560 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2561 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2562 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2563 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2564 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2565 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2566 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2567 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2568 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2569 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2570 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2571 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2572 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2573 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2574 De Silva et al., 1991. 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NA ID Source Export.date 2590 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2591 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2592 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2593 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2594 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2595 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2596 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2597 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2598 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2599 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2600 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2601 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2602 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2603 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2604 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2605 De Silva et al., 1991. 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NA ID Source Export.date 2621 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2622 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2623 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2624 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2625 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2626 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2627 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2628 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2629 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2630 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2631 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2632 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2633 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2634 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2635 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2636 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2637 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2638 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2639 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2640 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2641 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2642 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2643 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2644 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2645 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2646 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2647 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2648 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2649 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2650 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2651 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2652 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2653 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2654 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2655 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2656 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2657 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2658 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2659 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2660 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2661 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2662 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2663 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2664 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2665 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2666 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2667 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2668 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2669 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2670 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2671 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2672 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2673 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2674 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2675 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2676 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2677 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2678 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2679 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2680 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2681 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2682 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2683 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2684 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2685 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2686 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2687 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2688 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2689 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2690 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2691 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2692 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2693 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2694 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2695 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2696 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2697 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2698 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2699 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2700 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2701 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2702 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2703 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2704 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2705 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2706 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2707 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2708 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2709 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2710 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2711 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2712 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2713 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2714 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2715 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2716 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2717 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2718 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2719 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2720 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2721 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2722 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2723 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2724 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2725 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2726 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2727 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2728 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2729 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2730 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2731 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2732 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2733 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2734 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2735 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2736 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2737 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2738 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2739 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2740 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2741 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2742 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2743 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2744 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2745 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2746 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2747 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2748 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2749 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2750 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2751 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2752 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2753 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2754 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2755 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2756 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2757 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2758 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2759 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2760 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2761 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2762 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2763 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2764 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2765 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2766 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2767 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2768 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2769 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2770 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2771 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2772 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2773 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2774 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2775 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2776 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2777 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2778 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2779 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2780 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2781 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2782 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2783 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2784 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2785 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2786 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2787 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2788 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2789 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2790 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2791 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2792 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2793 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2794 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2795 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2796 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2797 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2798 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2799 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2800 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2801 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2802 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2803 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2804 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2805 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2806 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA ID Source Export.date 2807 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2808 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2809 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2810 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2811 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2812 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2813 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2814 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2815 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2816 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2817 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2818 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2819 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2820 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2821 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2822 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2823 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2824 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2825 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2826 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2827 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2828 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2829 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2830 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2831 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2832 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2833 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2834 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2835 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2836 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. NA 2837 De Silva et al., 1991. Volcanoes of the Central Andes. 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A remote sensing and geospatial statistical approach of ignimbrites NA 5424 Brandmeier, 2014. A remote sensing and geospatial statistical approach of ignimbrites NA 5425 Brandmeier, 2014. A remote sensing and geospatial statistical approach of ignimbrites NA 5758 Brandmeier, 2014. A remote sensing and geospatial statistical approach of ignimbrites NA 5779 Brandmeier, 2014. A remote sensing and geospatial statistical approach of ignimbrites NA 5787 Brandmeier, 2014. A remote sensing and geospatial statistical approach of ignimbrites NA 6357 Mamani et al., 2009. Geochemical variations in Central Andean orocline. NA 6704 Karatson et al., 2011. Erosion rates and erosion patterns of to Quaternary stratovolcanoes NA 6705 Karatson et al., 2011. Erosion rates and erosion patterns of Neogene to Quaternary stratovolcanoes NA 6706 Karatson et al., 2011. Erosion rates and erosion patterns of Neogene to Quaternary stratovolcanoes NA 6707 Karatson et al., 2011. 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NP 1750 NP 1751 NP 1752 NP 1753 NP 1754 NP 1755 NP 1756 NP 1757 NP 1758 NP 1759 NP 1760 NP 1761 NP 1762 NP 1763 NP 1764 NP 1765 NP 1766 NP 1767 NP 1768 NP 1769 NP 1770 NP 1771 NP 1772 NP 1773 NP 1774 NP 1775 NP ID Reference.from.source 1776 NP 1777 NP 1778 NP 1779 NP 1780 NP 1781 NP 1782 NP 1783 NP 1784 NP 1785 NP 1786 NP 1787 NP 1788 NP 1789 NP 1790 NP 1791 NP 1792 NP 1793 NP 1794 NP 1795 NP 1796 NP 1797 NP 1798 NP 1799 NP 1800 NP 1801 NP 1802 NP 1803 NP 1804 NP 1805 NP 1806 NP ID Reference.from.source 1807 NP 1808 NP 1809 NP 1810 NP 1811 NP 1812 NP 1813 NP 1814 NP 1815 NP 1816 NP 1817 NP 1818 NP 1819 NP 1820 NP 1821 NP 1822 NP 1823 NP 1824 NP 1825 NP 1826 NP 1827 NP 1828 NP 1829 NP 1830 NP 1831 NP 1832 NP 1833 NP 1834 NP 1835 NP 1836 NP 1837 NP ID Reference.from.source 1838 NP 1839 NP 1840 NP 1841 NP 1842 NP 1843 NP 1844 NP 1845 NP 1846 NP 1847 NP 1848 NP 1849 NP 1850 NP 1851 NP 1852 NP 1853 NP 1854 NP 1855 NP 1856 NP 1857 NP 1858 NP 1859 NP 1860 NP 1861 NP 1862 NP 1863 NP 1864 NP 1865 NP 1866 NP 1867 NP 1868 NP ID Reference.from.source 1869 NP 1870 NP 1871 NP 1872 NP 1873 NP 1874 NP 1875 NP 1876 NP 1877 NP 1878 NP 1879 NP 1880 NP 1881 NP 1882 NP 1883 NP 1884 NP 1885 NP 1886 NP 1887 NP 1888 NP 1889 NP 1890 NP 1891 NP 1892 NP 1893 NP 1894 NP 1895 NP 1896 NP 1897 NP 1898 NP 1899 NP ID Reference.from.source 1900 NP 1901 NP 1902 NP 1903 NP 1904 NP 1905 NP 1906 NP 1907 NP 1908 NP 1909 NP 1910 NP 1911 NP 1912 NP 1913 NP 1914 NP 1915 NP 1916 NP 1917 NP 1918 NP 1919 NP 1920 NP 1921 NP 1922 NP 1923 NP 1924 NP 1925 NP 1926 NP 1927 NP 1928 NP 1929 NP 1930 NP ID Reference.from.source 1931 NP 1932 NP 1933 NP 1934 NP 1935 NP 1936 NP 1937 NP 1938 NP 1939 NP 1940 NP 1941 NP 1942 NP 1943 NP 1944 NP 1945 NP 1946 NP 1947 NP 1948 NP 1949 NP 1950 NP 1951 NP 1952 NP 1953 NP 1954 NP 1955 NP 1956 NP 1957 NP 1958 NP 1959 NP 1960 NP 1961 NP ID Reference.from.source 1962 NP 1963 NP 1964 NP 1965 NP 1966 NP 1967 NP 1968 NP 1969 NP 1970 NP 1971 NP 1972 NP 1973 NP 1974 NP 1975 NP 1976 NP 1977 NP 1978 NP 1979 NP 1980 NP 1982 NP 1983 NP 1984 NP 1985 NP 1986 NP 1987 NP 1988 NP 1989 NP 1991 NP 1992 NP 1993 NP 1994 NP ID Reference.from.source 1995 NP 1996 NP 1997 NP 1998 NP 1999 NP 2000 NP 2001 NP 2002 NP 2003 NP 2004 NP 2005 NP 2006 NP 2007 NP 2008 NP 2009 NP 2010 NP 2011 NP 2012 NP 2013 NP 2014 NP 2015 NP 2016 NP 2017 NP 2018 NP 2019 NP 2020 NP 2021 NP 2022 NP 2023 NP 2024 NP 2025 NP ID Reference.from.source 2026 NP 2027 NP 2028 NP 2029 NP 2030 NP 2031 NP 2032 NP 2033 NP 2034 NP 2035 NP 2036 NP 2037 NP 2038 NP 2039 NP 2040 NP 2041 NP 2042 NP 2043 NP 2044 NP 2045 NP 2046 NP 2047 NP 2048 NP 2049 NP 2050 NP 2051 NP 2052 NP 2053 NP 2054 NP 2055 NP 2056 NP ID Reference.from.source 2057 NP 2058 NP 2059 NP 2060 NP 2061 NP 2062 NP 2063 NP 2064 NP 2065 NP 2066 NP 2067 NP 2068 NP 2069 NP 2070 NP 2071 NP 2072 NP 2073 NP 2074 NP 2075 NP 2076 NP 2077 NP 2078 NP 2079 NP 2080 NP 2081 NP 2082 NP 2083 NP 2084 NP 2085 NP 2086 NP 2087 NP ID Reference.from.source 2088 NP 2089 NP 2090 NP 2091 NP 2092 NP 2093 NP 2094 NP 2096 NP 2097 NP 2098 NP 2099 NP 2100 NP 2101 NP 2102 NP 2103 NP 2104 NP 2105 NP 2106 NP 2107 NP 2108 NP 2109 NP 2110 NP 2111 NP 2112 NP 2113 NP 2114 NP 2115 NP 2116 NP 2117 NP 2118 NP 2119 NP ID Reference.from.source 2120 NP 2121 NP 2122 NP 2123 NP 2124 NP 2125 NP 2126 NP 2127 NP 2128 NP 2129 NP 2130 NP 2131 NP 2132 NP 2133 NP 2134 NP 2135 NP 2136 NP 2137 NP 2138 NP 2139 NP 2140 NP 2141 NP 2142 NP 2143 NP 2144 NP 2145 NP 2146 NP 2147 NP 2148 NP 2149 NP 2150 NP ID Reference.from.source 2151 NP 2152 NP 2153 NP 2154 NP 2155 NP 2156 NP 2157 NP 2158 NP 2159 NP 2160 NP 2161 NP 2162 NP 2163 NP 2164 NP 2165 NP 2166 NP 2167 NP 2168 NP 2169 NP 2170 NP 2171 NP 2172 NP 2173 NP 2174 NP 2175 NP 2176 NP 2177 NP 2178 NP 2179 NP 2180 NP 2181 NP ID Reference.from.source 2182 NP 2183 NP 2184 NP 2185 NP 2186 NP 2187 NP 2188 NP 2189 NP 2190 NP 2191 NP 2192 NP 2193 NP 2194 NP 2195 NP 2196 NP 2197 NP 2198 NP 2199 NP 2201 NP 2202 NP 2203 NP 2204 NP 2205 NP 2206 NP 2207 NP 2208 NP 2209 NP 2210 NP 2211 NP 2212 NP 2213 NP ID Reference.from.source 2214 NP 2215 NP 2216 NP 2217 NP 2218 NP 2219 NP 2220 NP 2221 NP 2222 NP 2223 NP 2224 NP 2225 NP 2226 NP 2227 NP 2228 NP 2229 NP 2230 NP 2231 NP 2232 NP 2233 NP 2234 NP 2235 NP 2236 NP 2237 NP 2238 NP 2239 NP 2240 NP 2241 NP 2242 NP 2243 NP 2244 NP ID Reference.from.source 2245 NP 2246 NP 2247 NP 2248 NP 2249 NP 2250 NP 2251 NP 2252 NP 2253 NP 2254 NP 2255 NP 2256 NP 2257 NP 2258 NP 2259 NP 2260 NP 2261 NP 2262 NP 2263 NP 2264 NP 2265 NP 2266 NP 2267 NP 2268 NP 2269 NP 2270 NP 2271 NP 2272 NP 2273 NP 2274 NP 2275 NP ID Reference.from.source 2276 NP 2277 NP 2278 NP 2279 NP 2280 NP 2281 NP 2282 NP 2283 NP 2284 NP 2285 NP 2286 NP 2287 NP 2288 NP 2289 NP 2290 NP 2291 NP 2292 NP 2293 NP 2294 NP 2295 NP 2296 NP 2297 NP 2298 NP 2299 NP 2300 NP 2301 NP 2302 NP 2303 NP 2304 NP 2305 NP 2306 NP ID Reference.from.source 2307 NP 2309 NP 2310 NP 2311 NP 2312 NP 2313 NP 2315 NP 2316 NP 2317 NP 2318 NP 2319 NP 2320 NP 2321 NP 2322 NP 2323 NP 2324 NP 2325 NP 2326 NP 2327 NP 2328 NP 2329 NP 2330 NP 2331 NP 2332 NP 2333 NP 2334 NP 2335 NP 2336 NP 2337 NP 2338 NP 2339 NP ID Reference.from.source 2340 NP 2341 NP 2342 NP 2343 NP 2344 NP 2346 NP 2347 NP 2348 NP 2349 NP 2350 NP 2351 NP 2352 NP 2353 NP 2354 NP 2355 NP 2356 NP 2357 NP 2358 NP 2359 NP 2360 NP 2361 NP 2362 NP 2363 NP 2364 NP 2365 NP 2366 NP 2367 NP 2368 NP 2369 NP 2370 NP 2371 NP ID Reference.from.source 2372 NP 2373 NP 2374 NP 2375 NP 2376 NP 2377 NP 2378 NP 2379 NP 2380 NP 2381 NP 2382 NP 2383 NP 2384 NP 2385 NP 2386 NP 2387 NP 2388 NP 2389 NP 2390 NP 2391 NP 2392 NP 2393 NP 2394 NP 2395 NP 2396 NP 2397 NP 2398 NP 2399 NP 2400 NP 2401 NP 2402 NP ID Reference.from.source 2403 NP 2404 NP 2405 NP 2406 NP 2407 NP 2408 NP 2409 NP 2410 NP 2411 NP 2412 NP 2413 NP 2414 NP 2415 NP 2416 NP 2417 NP 2418 NP 2419 NP 2420 NP 2421 NP 2422 NP 2423 NP 2424 NP 2425 NP 2426 NP 2427 NP 2428 NP 2429 NP 2430 NP 2431 NP 2432 NP 2433 NP ID Reference.from.source 2434 NP 2435 NP 2436 NP 2437 NP 2438 NP 2439 NP 2440 NP 2441 NP 2442 NP 2443 NP 2445 NP 2446 NP 2447 NP 2448 NP 2449 NP 2450 NP 2451 NP 2452 NP 2453 NP 2454 NP 2455 NP 2456 NP 2457 NP 2458 NP 2459 NP 2460 NP 2461 NP 2462 NP 2463 NP 2464 NP 2465 NP ID Reference.from.source 2466 NP 2467 NP 2468 NP 2469 NP 2470 NP 2471 NP 2472 NP 2473 NP 2474 NP 2475 NP 2476 NP 2477 NP 2478 NP 2479 NP 2480 NP 2481 NP 2482 NP 2483 NP 2484 NP 2485 NP 2486 NP 2487 NP 2488 NP 2489 NP 2490 NP 2491 NP 2492 NP 2493 NP 2494 NP 2495 NP 2496 NP ID Reference.from.source 2497 NP 2498 NP 2499 NP 2500 NP 2501 NP 2502 NP 2503 NP 2504 NP 2505 NP 2506 NP 2507 NP 2508 NP 2509 NP 2510 NP 2511 NP 2512 NP 2513 NP 2514 NP 2515 NP 2516 NP 2517 NP 2518 NP 2519 NP 2520 NP 2521 NP 2522 NP 2523 NP 2524 NP 2525 NP 2526 NP 2527 NP ID Reference.from.source 2528 NP 2529 NP 2530 NP 2531 NP 2532 NP 2533 NP 2534 NP 2535 NP 2536 NP 2537 NP 2538 NP 2539 NP 2540 NP 2541 NP 2542 NP 2543 NP 2544 NP 2545 NP 2546 NP 2547 NP 2548 NP 2549 NP 2550 NP 2551 NP 2552 NP 2553 NP 2554 NP 2555 NP 2556 NP 2557 NP 2558 NP ID Reference.from.source 2559 NP 2560 NP 2561 NP 2562 NP 2563 NP 2564 NP 2565 NP 2566 NP 2567 NP 2568 NP 2569 NP 2570 NP 2571 NP 2572 NP 2573 NP 2574 NP 2575 NP 2576 NP 2577 NP 2578 NP 2579 NP 2580 NP 2581 NP 2582 NP 2583 NP 2584 NP 2585 NP 2586 NP 2587 NP 2588 NP 2589 NP ID Reference.from.source 2590 NP 2591 NP 2592 NP 2593 NP 2594 NP 2595 NP 2596 NP 2597 NP 2598 NP 2599 NP 2600 NP 2601 NP 2602 NP 2603 NP 2604 NP 2605 NP 2606 NP 2607 NP 2608 NP 2609 NP 2610 NP 2611 NP 2612 NP 2613 NP 2614 NP 2615 NP 2616 NP 2617 NP 2618 NP 2619 NP 2620 NP ID Reference.from.source 2621 NP 2622 NP 2623 NP 2624 NP 2625 NP 2626 NP 2627 NP 2628 NP 2629 NP 2630 NP 2631 NP 2632 NP 2633 NP 2634 NP 2635 NP 2636 NP 2637 NP 2638 NP 2639 NP 2640 NP 2641 NP 2642 NP 2643 NP 2644 NP 2645 NP 2646 NP 2647 NP 2648 NP 2649 NP 2650 NP 2651 NP ID Reference.from.source 2652 NP 2653 NP 2654 NP 2655 NP 2656 NP 2657 NP 2658 NP 2659 NP 2660 NP 2661 NP 2662 NP 2663 NP 2664 NP 2665 NP 2666 NP 2667 NP 2668 NP 2669 NP 2670 NP 2671 NP 2672 NP 2673 NP 2674 NP 2675 NP 2676 NP 2677 NP 2678 NP 2679 NP 2680 NP 2681 NP 2682 NP ID Reference.from.source 2683 NP 2684 NP 2685 NP 2686 NP 2687 NP 2688 NP 2689 NP 2690 NP 2691 NP 2692 NP 2693 NP 2694 NP 2695 NP 2696 NP 2697 NP 2698 NP 2699 NP 2700 NP 2701 NP 2702 NP 2703 NP 2704 NP 2705 NP 2706 NP 2707 NP 2708 NP 2709 NP 2710 NP 2711 NP 2712 NP 2713 NP ID Reference.from.source 2714 NP 2715 NP 2716 NP 2717 NP 2718 NP 2719 NP 2720 NP 2721 NP 2722 NP 2723 NP 2724 NP 2725 NP 2726 NP 2727 NP 2728 NP 2729 NP 2730 NP 2731 NP 2732 NP 2733 NP 2734 NP 2735 NP 2736 NP 2737 NP 2738 NP 2739 NP 2740 NP 2741 NP 2742 NP 2743 NP 2744 NP ID Reference.from.source 2745 NP 2746 NP 2747 NP 2748 NP 2749 NP 2750 NP 2751 NP 2752 NP 2753 NP 2754 NP 2755 NP 2756 NP 2757 NP 2758 NP 2759 NP 2760 NP 2761 NP 2762 NP 2763 NP 2764 NP 2765 NP 2766 NP 2767 NP 2768 NP 2769 NP 2770 NP 2771 NP 2772 NP 2773 NP 2774 NP 2775 NP ID Reference.from.source 2776 NP 2777 NP 2778 NP 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