Received 08/19/2020 Historic Preservation Office Brockington CULTURAL RESOURCES CONSULTING ER 20-0889 August 11, 2020 Due 09/10/2020 H- Renee Gledhill-Earley A- State Historic Preservation Office 109 East Jones Street Room 258 Raleigh, NC 27601 RE: Hickory Regional Airport Safety Improvements and Obstruction Clearing Project, Burke County, North Carolina (ER 20-0889; SCH# 20-E0000-0234). Dear Renee, Please findenclosed the Historic Architectural Survey Report and the Archaeological Survey Report forthe Hickory Regional Airport Safety [mprovements and Obstruction Clearing Project in Burke County, North Carolina (ER 20-0889; SCH# 20-E0000-0234). Also enclosed are hardcopies of the architectural and archaeological survey forms, and architecture photograph contact sheets. CDs containing electronic copies of the above documents, as well as the survey form database and GIS filesare also enclosed. [f you have any questions or comments please call me at (678) 638-4128 or email me:
[email protected]. Sincerely, Mike Reynolds MHP, RPA Historian/Archaeologist Brockington and Associates, [nc. Atlanta, GA. Historic Architectural Survey Hickory Regional Airport Safety Improvements and Obstruction Clearing Project Burke County, North Carolina SCH# 20-E-0000-0234 ER 20-0889 July 2020 Historic Architectural Survey Hickory Regional Airport Safety Improvements and Obstruction Clearing Project Burke County, North Carolina Draft Report SCH# 20-E-0000-0234 ER 20-0889 July 2020 Prepared for: Talbert, Bright, and Ellington, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina Prepared by: Michael Reynolds, MHP, RPA Historian/Archaeologist and C. Scott Butler, MA, RPA Principal Investigator Atlanta • Charleston • Savannah ii Management Summary From May 21 to May 29, 2020, Brockington and Associates, Inc.