Christ Church Chronicles
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OI-UMH87. No. 4 South Amboy, N. J. Saturday, April 88.1017 Thr«j« Ctorf ed With Assault Home Defense league Red Cross Society tmox and Highway Robbery GOPPEO ONE OF Actively At Work HELD FOR Fully^Organized Two youths, James Kendall and The military company of the Horn ith the organization of the local freak Covell, were committed to t»e Defense League organised with chapter of the Red Cross Society OUfl FINEST upon a permanent bagia Friday night, SHIPCMUL county Jail on Monday by Just lea membership of fifty-five members ai Mason to await action of the grand a big meeting in the City Hall last April 20, tbe ladles of this city again scored a. triumph over the opposite Jury. MwMfhM fdl Ms) the Monday night. To tbe Joel Parkei tmk ticker*. «f New Y«rht Scut !• Tbe complaint against tbe boys Guards ot the local council of Junloi sex and set an example of patriotism was assault and highway robbery ClKcftet «f ScMfefs mi Ptactf American Mechanics goes the credi CtiMly \m - Charge of Wife that tbe men with tbeir Home Defense BnliM TftNty Wl- Pi om Information ascertained It ap- for giviag the organisation schem Slimy—Twt W«**f mi ham League wilt have to be up and doing pears that John Mullen, balling from the boost that really got It started In order to match. New York, and a workman at the The Guards formed st their roonu nwh IkM M WJUKsm-Wis Tbe meeting at which the organi- sation took place waB beld in tbe tar MMMTW (toy duPont Powder Works, came to this faigf and marched to the hall la a bod Dt«tf IMfcd Traffic at MexkM city OB Suaday morning and on his to offer' their services and sign u Council chamber of the City Hall. tour about the city exhibited some Cmtei Exdtegwfft. for tbe military company. Then al Needless, almost, to say tbat it was money. It Is also alleged he founj most everyone else in the hall aloe largely attended. It was more than Amber la aver accused of tbat for the hall was filled to Its some alcohol to drink. In his rounds Tbe report of rifle shots la the signed up .for the company. Th Through the efficient performance •tfilpsr.1 to MMeavortag to take ad- he triads companions of the boys. H<j officers elected were as follows capacity and then some. Even stand- at her opportualUes for big Bergen Hill section of the city last of duty on tbe part ot Special Officer ing room was at a premium, as It flaally. decided to return to Parlln Sunday night caused coasjderable Captsln, Louis B, Stults; first lieuten- John Morgan, ot the Peanaylvania It woa't be the fault and took a car about It o'clock, and ant, Albert Cole; second lieutenant were, long before the meeting wi Parisen. A excitement and many people hurried Railroad special police force, Paul called to order, the boys accompanied him. When at to the scene. William Bean, It was then decided Rlckerd, of New York, is waiting trial Introduced by him at the a loaely spot between >the trolley to bold the first drill period on Wed- The organization was effected by meeting laat Tuesday even- It was found that the soldiers on before tbe Grand Jury on a charge the formal adoption of the charter track aad Par Ha, It Is claimed that the guard at he Rarltan River Railroad nesday night, the place of meeting of white slavery. Tbe man waa ap- tae first manifestation of hoys waylaid him and took hta money, to be the City Hall. granted by the National Headquarters bridge over the Pennsylvania Rail- prehended with two girls at Runron and the election of officers. Mrs. veaatae part of tbe governing faveatlgatlon on the part of the Par- Tbe meeting was an Interesting one road, had become excited over an early Wednesday morning and brought Leonard Furman was chosen as the The resolution Ita police led suspicion on these la a good many respects. As a re- alleged attempt to break Into a car here for a hearing. chairman of the chapter; Mrs. Joseph effect that the boys, aad they were arrested Sunday sult of tbe visitation or tbe Guards, oa a siding, and the rifles were dis- It developed at tbe bearing that Wilson as the vice chairman; Mrs. with other afternoon. At a hearing before Jus- the meeting was made a public one charged to draw assistance, Just tbe defendant was from New York Anthony Crlstlanni as the financial route of the tice Maaon Moaday morning. Mullen and a good deal of time spent In what did happen at tbe time and later City, as were the two girls. They and corresponding secretary, and Mr. •kJa caaal from Trenton to positively Identified Kendall and Co- discussing the proposition. A would be bard to guess, an there nrti 'said their names were Lillian Ray- B. C, Stephenson to tbe important wMl a view to eecurlag con- vell as the persons who held him up, to many conflicting stories. At any The finance committee also heldV mond, aged twenty-one years, and ofllce of treasurer. The executlv.a to boost the conetrwe» and tho Justice Issued a warrant rate one of the soldiers was badly meeting on Moaday night and organ Hilda Rlckerd, aged nineteen years. board selected was as follows: Mrs. with all possible speed. commuting the boys to the county done up by a person ha claimed w<is lased for a campaign for raising The latter claimed to be married to John A. Coan, Mrs. Edward Bostwlck, Vla> treatable to the resolution men- Jail to await action of the grand attempting to break Into a car. funds by subscription. It is the In Rlckerd and steadfastly maintained Mrs. Mortimer Parker, Mrs. Chas. T. tbat tbe State of New Jersey Jury, Kendall has been In trouble When assistance came the man had tentlon to make a house to house Innocence on the part of both her- Grace and Mrs John Kmlllimsen. Tbe had authorised a million dollar ex- beforo and Is on parole. escaped to a place of safety, but a donation from canvass seeking self and her husband. The other girl nominations were made by a nomi- Jaaadtture for the purchase of the nevertheless a few shots were fired every one. The list of donations to right of way aad that Congressman claimed to be married and at first nating committee and tbe election In FMANK J. THOMPSON. as a warning. scther with tbe names of those aub •eally had Introduced a bill authorlz- maintained Innocence of any wrong every case was unanimous and the Death came to the Thompson resi- Policeman Monaghan was amorm scribing will then be published In doing, but later broke down and made tag actual construction by tbe the Citizen at regular weekly Inter response hearty. dence on Fifth street last Sunday those who went' to the scene of. tho a clean breast of the whole story. Following tbe organization the Rev, Natloaal Government and tbat in shooting, and learning the story be- vals. The canvassers were appor mornlag and took therefrom the^hus- The testimony at tbe baaing tend- Sidney N. U»her, an Episcopalian, .view of tbe van advantages that gan to look about for the supposed tioned territory as follows: First 'saeh construction and completion band and father, Frank J. Thompson. ed to show that tbe man and tho clergyman of New York City, deliver- He waa in the thirty-seventh year tblef. While searching about the ward, A. J. Miller and D, W. Reed; two girts had visited the camp or M to this city that tbe Second ward, John Sutliff and P. V. ed an inspiring as well as interest- of Ills age and died from cancer. A yard and barn of Anton Novak with bunk house where the Mexican " set In touch with other miinl- Kenah; Third ward, George riundrum ing and Instructive address upon the widow and four small children sur- a possibility of finding the thief hit- laborers were housed at Runyon. It eJaallUee with a view to rushing tho and Ernest Zinkham; Fourth ward work of the Red Cross. Evidently vive tbe blow to their happiness in ting the hay, the soldters -appeared "advantages. Upon a motion to adopt Charles Safrnn and Michael Welsh. was/ not the flrat visit for they wore the speaker had been long Intimately the loss of tbeir loved one. and seeing the shining uniform of said to have visited the camp about by Councilman Gordon the resolution^ v the policeman copped. him and or- connected with the society and gave Funeral^ services were held from Next Monday night a genera) meet- a month ago, around pay day, as many interesting references to field earrled unanimously. /r dered him to march to camp. All Ing will be held at the City FTall St. Mary'* Church on Wednesday ; was tbe case in tbe instance when experiences, The history and growth Tto meeting was attended by all xplanations and remonstrances or commencing at 8.1.5 o'clock, Every- morning at nine o'clock. The Rev. they were apprehended. of the society as well as its present •f tto councilman and a majority of the part of the officer were) without body Interested In this good work .the other city officials. The first Thomas .A, Qribbin celebrated high avail, and the soldiers proudly es Special Officer Morgan took ths scope and strength of resources was mass of requiem and interment was Invited to attend.