Give To The

1951 Heart Fund ; 1 Combined With The Bra nford Review

VOL. VI—NO. 21 EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1951 5 Cents Per Copy—$2.50 A Year UNIQUE MEMORIAL ROOM Newest Mail Schedule Ifillov^s Later Dispatch Diisli, Coii^ra^ and DRAWS STATE ATTENTION A new mailing si-licdulc re­ leased this week by Poaslmastor AViiilam Higgins will allow towns Sunny Florida Vacalionlsls — One of tho most unique memorials Ui the system for many years, It people two hours Into, seivicc. 0 a te.icher Is contained In Tuttle wasn't until the death of Mrs. 'The schcrtuic was Air. and Mrs, Harry rftmUii- School. East Haven, where the Guerney, in February 1047. that slartiiig last Monday. Zellei* To §ipeak soii, of Uradley Avenue, just ar- Guerncy Curriculum Center Is galn- the Idea became a reaUty. Under the new pick-up plan rivliiic for llie rest of (he winter .ng slale-wlde prominence. Mrs. Guerney. called a real, old- Cosey Beach mall, the first >.nonths'. Harry welcomes the It Is a deep, rather narrow room. type teacher by Supeiintendent of local stop will be gathcrtd at A'here audio visual aids and school Schools William E. Glllls. was old 7;17 P.M. and at the Of­ chanKC of scenery, especially .urrlculum material Is filed for use fashioned in that she loved her fice, here, at 7;58 P.M. The last since unrterKolne a couple of throughout the town's school! position. Long after other teachers stop at Main Street oppusKc At Liiieolii Dinner major oiierations and resulting >yslem. within Its walls film strips.: had left for the day. she worked IMassftchusctls Avcnae will be complications. professional books, text' books, ed- on, constantly hoping to Improve at S-M. jcaticnal films, records, display not only her pupils but the system, The new system has the Prcscott Bush will be the princi­ jards, maps, still pictures and even' No Job was too menial which might wholi'Hcarti-rt coopcialion «t pal speaker at the Twelfth Sena­ Genial Beach Head Restaurant ;ollectlons. both industrial and • awaken some student to his or her LEGION VARIETY SHOW torial District Dinner to take place hostess. Josie Orifice. In company the East Haven Chamber of In the Weeping Willows Restaurant \Ktli othsr companions—all female eoiogical, are olfered for research potentlal and to this end she Commerce whi,ch had planned on Tuesday evcnhig, February I3th. —about ready to return to our Its most unique property, how­ strlved, twelve months a year. action asking, for a later pick­ LISTS SPECIALTY ACTS It was announced today by Chair­ chilly climate alter an en.1oynble ever, is its A. C. Gilbert Atomic The late counselor served East up in onlcr to speed buslii('.-.s man Matliew Anastaslo, Tlie dinner, stay on the beach i^t Miami cit which Includes even a Geiger ilaven and Its schools for twenty mail which, ficnucntly had lo sixmsored by the Republican or­ counter. Thus are the teachers and six years and as principal In three wait until the following day AMERICAN LEGION Spi'clalty acts are rapidly being ganizations In the area and gener­ I\Ir. and Mrs. Henry Caslellon . juplls Intormed of latest develop- different areas; Union, Tattle and before being dispatched. .'Igni'd for the coming third an­ ally the largest public function of nents. Gerrlsh. A promise by her was a poslcardhiff Xrom West Palm The sehcdulc as applies to nual American Legion 'Variety Its kind, here, will start at 7:30,' IJcach that the weather is sub­ Although the purposes of such a bond greater than gold; It was a Main Street calls for a pick-up VOTES TO ASSUME Usplay had been talked about wlth- Show lo be presented In the high Attorney General George 0, Con­ lime. While partakhiK of the faith. at Foote Koad at 7:50; at the way of Guilford and Fred R, Zeller, clime, a visit to son, Post Office at 7:58; at His'h BOOSTER DUTIES sciiool audllcrlum on Friday and state comptroller, will complete the Viii, stationed at McOill Air Promise Takes Toll Street at 7:4!); at Gerrlsh at Saturday evenings. Feb. 23d and speaking program. «;01; at Klmberly at 8:0,1 and Harry R. Barlietl Post 89, if Vl, was thrown in to add to opposite Ave. at 8:05. >4lh. Assisting Anostaslo on the the, excitement of the trip. American Legion will .spon.sor Pee- general committee are the follow­ It was such a promise which put | 2, 1947 and then suppers were In- Wee baseball in East Haven taking 'hie show Is under the direction ler on her deathbed. On February eluded In the fund raising program. of iCuptuin John Baync of the New ing chairmen of the various town Friends of "Dinky" Ryan, home ,7. the beloved teacher promised" An afgan, donated by Mrs. Florence REf^ROSFQUOTA over the sponsorsliip from the committees In the district; Jack recuperatlnK from the effects ol ler students a trip to New York Parker, school nurse, brought $252. Booster Club this spring and Haven Fire Department, who was Lawlor, East Haven; Samuel W, mid-year exams at VlUans, were ;lty. Although she was not feeling Rapidly the Idea reached fulfill­ summer. responsible for last year's fine peri Beach, Branford; Lawrence Martin, scared of their wits on' first 00' well, she carried out her pledge ment . IS ^4&00,_HERE The membership voted to give formance. North Branfoi-d; Clarence Andrews, siRht of the Klmberly Avenue yoUth. North Haven;- Joseph Doian; Guil­ alher than postpone the trip, At the start of the 1048 school the project its full endorsement Although many top porformerE all because of a flashy display ol The following night she remained year, a room was created In Mrs. East Haven's Red Cross Drive after listening to a plea by Frank ford; Pete. Chrlstlahson, Madison: chin v*l.skera, "Dink" says "that quota for 1951 has been set at Messina, local businessman, nt Its Intiludlng Bob Jenkins, Barbara Andrew Kowailskl, alllngford; and n school until a late hour. tulflU- Guerney's name in Gerrlsh School Wilson. Botsl Slmonl, Jean Hill, the reason for the added racial nk actual and Imaginary duties where she had last served as princi­ $4500, It was announced this week last meeting. Calvin Sheppard, Hamden. foliage was to make him look so ifhlch only, those devoted to such pal. For two years. Items were add­ by Mrs. Alvln Sanford, chairman Messina, a charter member of the Larry Young, the Adonis brothers Tlckdts may be obtained from much more handsome' when seen I cause, can feel. ed to Its contents and gradually bf the local branch of the New Ha­ Boosters, said that over two Bill Barrett and James Knight, Bol aiiy of the above committee. after removing s&me. Needless to But on Tuesday, she answered no teachers became more concerned ven Chapter. hundred boys had benefitted In the Arnone and Tom Hart, arc tot say. some of his pals wonder when ummons. Her devotion had taken with Its specialized treatment of The nation's goal Ls $85,000,000, club's program over the past three notch, tire chorus after sevcra. the Improvement was appreciated, ts toll in a heart attack. all phases of education. Mrs. Sanford said, revealing that years but lack of public support weeks of Sunday rehearsals li Marshairf-^eebe^ before or after removal. The system was sliocked. Tlien Then in 1940. room space became New Haven's quota Is $305,430 of was going to curtail the project rapidly achieving class, , ^ame an overwhelming desire to acute at Gerrlsh and the program which the Branches will bo required unless it ciould get the backing ot Latest to Join the chorus arc Receives 35 Year After a year ot lircnaratlon, .'erpetuate her name.' Teachers, was shifted to Tuttle. Andy to supply $75,000. a public spirited group, such as Barbara Clapp, Evelyn Watrous which included the biiildlne of nembers of the Parent-Teacher As- Jorgenson, In charge of mainten­ She expialned that Increased the Legion, Nancy Keegan. Marilyn Stone Service At U.I. a home on Prospect Place and oclatious and plain friends, but ance throughout the system built services are responsible for upplng Upon the unarilmous approval of Rhode Casstll, Gus Oswald, Swedt all its back-brcakiiiff work. rue. rallied when the project of special cabinets, the teachers the quota and cited the oxpanlslon the legionnaires, Commander John Hanson, Bud I,,oftqulst and Normar Marshall F. Bcebc, General Super- Bob Blanchard and Anna .-reating a curriculum center was bought a record cabinet, book cases of the armed forces; procurement P. Morgan Immediately named MoCann. -ntcndent of the United lUumlnut- Woycliowski, of Dwight Place., iroaohed. The first affair to raise lined the \valls and IllUng cabinets ot blood for local hospitals, the Frank Barker chairman of the pro­ The Rockets from the New Ha iig Company, celebrated his 36lh will toil it all off with inarriaKC unds came through a card party were added as research material armed forces and civilian defense; ject and Nathan Andrews, Henry yen County Home will bo one ot thi I'ear of service with the UI this vows come Monday AJ>I. at 9 leld less than a month later, Dec. piled Into the room. plus an Increase In^lrst aid traln- Ewanuff, Elmer Morgan. Thomas featured oots. The young ladlei .veck, when he was honored in a in St. Vincent dc Paul's Church. inglng. Home Nursing and Nurses' McCarthy, Joseph MellUo and Burt perform tap dance routines with r :eremony held In the company's Anna will truly cnioy her new Aides projects' among expanded Abrohamson to complete the com­ precision which rivals the profes, reniplo Street offices. Mr, Bcebe -1 home, on which she did so much Board Provides Maintenance services. : ' mittee, i sldnal troup by. the same name. vas presented with a Jeweled eni- ot menial labor hanunerinir, The ability of the Red Cross to Further business contracted last • A trampoline act which featurei 3lem In commemoration of hk long sawins an'd paintinR. Now If The Board of Education provides which guarantees the correct refer­ meet Its responsibilities depends week deleted that portion of the acrobatic antics of . Mlchae. lervlec, by William C, Bell, presl- f.he can get. Bob .to ^o sQine .'cr Its maintenance with $100 of a ence Item to the right place at the of raising the necessary funds, Mrs. by-laws which restricted inernbor- Rodolsky, Ed>Yard- Raccam • anc lont ot tiio eiootrlo company. of the dish and clolSies wash- ;200 appropriation for extra 4tems picpcrtime. , Sanford concluded, shlp to East Haven and the 3lBt Donald Smith Is giving- unusua) While still at'^^hlgh school. Mr, ins, etc., then it'\Vill be tit- or. classrooms and at other-times ^ Alfred Holcombe Is serving as co- and 32d wards Of New Havon. promise. , ,,. . , .. ,! . Following a telephone request, the Beebe began ilsaoclatlrin with the tor-lat. ' las provided money for special pi^;- chairman of the'&ompalgn and Mr. Under the edict men Otherwise Eddie Cllffdrd who omceed tht company as a part-tlpic electric joses such as'a new Artipro movie object Is placed in Mrs. Brewer's Alfred'! Bowden, treasurer, , MrSt eligible can become members of* the past two .shoyfs, hpsibeen QUgRgK, japip. salpsinant..UP...Joined the com- i Wo hear through the grapevhie^ iOrolector arid a" new, tape recorder. car and delivered bjc^what the glrM Frank clancv Is chitlrmaii of.itlie local"Tiost- regai-dles.s. of" reskteiicii.' lo be ihe master of ' eeronionles, daliy "on a fuil-tlhic basis ln.J921. thai"-Taylor-'Avamie Joe-CoUlns;.i4 Tlie,;-lattei-wlll ;be uSed'for speeeh laughingly refer' as, ^'Brewer's De­ committee on supplies and delivery Chairman Mflrgan urges the uhce again, CUffdrd's, able way o! Tiio UI veteran IS the -son of up a tree since ;4hej'purchased a mprovement. : livery Service." by the Junior Red Cro-ss and Mrs. families or relatives of all East Ha Introducing acts has the happ.v Herboft F. tlMd Nellie C. Bfecbc. He .spanking new'buVflt cpnSlstmE ol Control of, the specialized library The worth of the loom can be John Camp is chairman of the Or­ yen residents men or women now faculty of putting; the performers af ittcndod local schools and the suit, top-coat dnd green fedora. He .as assumed by pair of Interested noted In a -fact• relased by Mr. ganizations division. serving In any branch of the armed . Insuring: too quality. Univor.'tlty of Connecticut, says he has no trouble at all with imployees. Mrs. Charlotte Brewer, amis statement. "All teachers have services, state-wide or overseas, to Popular Andy DePalma, Sal Car- In 1923 Mr, Beebe was Field the Ilrst two mentioned articles Supervisor of Elementary Educa­ used this room hi some research cooperate with him In compiling a bone, Johnhy Craig and Jacli Jlnglneor In the same department of apnarel. But, the hati! He can't tion and Miss Eleanor Leary, Atten­ capacity." MSFERS' BILL correct mailing list so that pack­ Brereton will handle the end men ilx years later. In 1039 he was pro- seem to keep it on his head. You dance Supervisor in the system, But the material contained ages may be sent to these services- berth.s. noted to Superintendent of dls- nc, thi.s Is the first hat Joe ever aulciily the pair added order to the therein does not detract from nor­ PROPOSES NEW men by the Bartlett Post, by phon­ Additional chorus sniembers In­ ributlon for the UI's New Haven wore, he was forced to buy this one r.asslve collection and Instituted a mal classroom supplies. Each is de­ ing Commander Morgan. 4-2192, clude Maryanne Yeager, BarbarE Jivislon. —and it's been no end of trouble •..ystem of the telephone service pendent upon Itself. Frank Prahovlc, 4-2143 or Mary sico. So. It any hat specialist reads PENSION PLAN Alice Cameron, 4-5730. Anstey. Jean Alexander. Mary Lot His next step up In his long this. Joe's wife. Dot. will appreciate Stelner, Carol Englehardt, Pearl ervlce career was In 1045 when he her soouse receiving adequate In­ Salesmen Laud Project A retirement fund that would Peterson, Pat McGouldrIck, Valedn lecamc General Superintendent ot structions on proper wearing of n provide half-pay pensions for East Robinson, Shirley Carlson and 'rodilctlon for both New Haven and chapeau. There remains much to be done. Haven Police after 25 years' service Norm Woods, irldgoport Divisions. Two years Sbnllar rooms are maintained In 2nii Lt. F. A. Pieper An East Haven dance team con- Uor Mr. Bcebe was promoted to 'lew Haven's system and other'large Tlie film library Is quite complete or at age 00 or If they become per­ he post of Superintendent of lities may have pi-ojects not un­ since more than 300 strips are manently disabled In the perfor­ .sistlng of Phoebe Clarke, Barbptrc Plans for a IcstUnonial in catalogued. But next on the agenda mance of their duty Is proposed In Awarded Badge For Norwood and Mary Ellon Breretor iperatioils, and year assumed honor of Fire Cliicl' Tom Hayes like East Haven's. But. book sales­ v/lll .v.oark much of the show and he position of General Superln- are now in the tentative staicc, men say that they have never en­ Is to procure a plaque to be placed a Senate bill. endent of, UI Operations. countered such projects In towns of on the wall signifying the high re­ Korea Combat Duty specialty acts by Pal McDuff and more concrete information Sen. William E. Jaspers' bill Norman Hartlln, Gloria Galpln Mr. Biebe lives at HI Prospect is forthcoming by next week, Sast Hav'en's size. gard which townspeople and others would set up a Police Relief Fund hold for Mrs. Guerney. Inquiries administrated by the Board of Second Lieut. Frederic A, Piepei', Claire Haggerty- , Doug Andoi'son .oad, East Haven. His wife Is tho according to reports issued by Nor is the fame' of the town's have'already made and some pro­ liu.'-band of Mrs. Lorraine R. Pieper,' Bud Lofqulst, Don Hartlln, Freo ormer MaryvE. Ander.9on qt Bran- General Chairman Tom Ga- juerney memorial restricted to the Public Safety which would ap­ ord. They'htive two daughters. Mrs. gliardi. Chcif Hayes, not so trea. Recently Dr. Herbert Cllsh. gress announced toward this end point a clerk for the fund. 47 Green Gardens Court. East Ha- Emmer, Jack Williams and Bob and von. lias been awarded the Comljat Peggy Mansfield will bring added Idwln;J, Wright and Miss DorLs E. loiiR ago appointed as head of Superintendent of Schools In San It Is proper to have such a AH bequests and donations to iecbe. the local tire service, is a higli- Francisco, forwarded film strps memorial Insignia high above the the police department would go to Infantry Badge for excellent per­ zest to the performance which e ly respected and most popular jf the city, going so tar as to pro- reach of all persons for Mrs. the fund and the police members formance of duty In ground com year ago .played to standing room Durlnif the rir,st World War the figure in and around East Ha­ /Ide phonograph records of sounds Guerney. by her public life and her would be assessed no more than bat against the enemy In Korea, in the spacious auditorium. JI executive served In the US ven, and this honor to be ac­ n the various West Coast city many private charities such as buy­ three percent of their annual Ho Is with the Seventh Division. I The .show committee is headed favy. Litter he become Commander corded him lias all the symptons ireas. • ,' ing graduation clothes for a lad salaries for the fund. The town U S. Army. I by Bob Oandossy. assisted by John If the Harry R, Bartlett Post No. 89 • *r- of becomin? a huge affair deserving but financially Insecure would appropriate an equal amount Pleper's' unit made two am- W; Camp, ticket chairman: Frank )f tlio Amorloa;i Legion. ' The room has provided material Mr. Beebe participates actively Chairman Gagliarfll, to use Jiis for the much discussed, "In Service endowed her to a place Just a bit each year.,,,' Dhlblous landings, and they were I Mozealous. treasurer; John Craig Words-is "bubbling over with higher, Just a bit more aloof, than tlie only United States troops to James MpGouIdrlck. Don Hartln n community and clylo affairs. In "ourse tor Teachers," which was a The Towlr Treasurer would be iddltlon to his responsibilities and enlliusiasm as to the turnout iorles of five meetings de.sslaTied even the students, the writers, the treasurer of the fund. No pay­ reach the Manchurlan border. Later, and Pinky Anderson ' ext'cctnl". itnd his advi.?e is to teachers, who by her efforts and they took part In the successful Tickets are available at the fol- iorvlcc with the UI. He Is a past to acquaint teachers with modern ments from the fund would be Tiomber ot both the Board of malic early reservations, as the warfare. Including Atomic posslblll- now. her. memor.y. will to, made until It contained $7,500. cvaeutlon of the Hungnam beach- dowlng places of business on Main seating capacity of the Weeping head, the largest water evacuation,Street; Metcalfe's Drug „Store Revlew'Und the Board of Finance tiCF. cherished heights among mankind.) upp^ retirement, police would re- ot East'Havon. A director of the Willows, scene of the affair, is """ : " I ceive half of their salary at the in American military history. Johnny's Barber Shop, Frank's limited to 250 persons. Barber Shop, Proto's Service '/lanufacture's Division of the New • time of retirement. Station, Fred's Restaurant, and laven Chamber of Commerce, he General Chairman Gagiiardi Pvt. Anthony laguessa Bertha King Rites Em's Coffee Shop. ; » also president of tho Manufactur- has appointed as honorary Union School PTA St. Clare's Guild jrs .Association of New Haven chairmen. First Selectman Gets New Assignment Held Last Monday County, as y/oll as a director of the Frank Clancy, Police Chief Ed Will Convene On Dinner Set Mon. Navajo Council D, of P. , Now Haven Rotary Club. Priest and Fire Marshal Ernest Funeral services' for Mrs. Bertha . He, is a member of the American Hansen. Private Anthony F. laguessa. son Institute of Electrical Engineers; of of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony laguessa Johnson King, of East Haven, Thursday Evening the Connecticut Society ot Civil of 25 Harwlck Street. East Haven, mother of Mrs. Anna Johnson of ,^V-,.'?"J,''''?.^"'iLT,'i',''HmV''n,; Raises New Officers. Englheers; of the University Club ot Approximately 150 were In at­ Branford, were held Monday after­ jtallatlon and annual dinner on tendance Wednesday evening at has been assigned to Headquarters. Bridgeport; bf the Board of Gover­ Air Rescue Service. Washington. noon at 2 from the Curtis Fueneral The Union Schol P.T.A. will meet liMondayi Weepin. Februarg Willowsy .1 2 at 7 o'clock At a recent meeting of Navajo nors ot the Qulnnlplack Club, and Ihs Weeping Willows when the Home. The Rev. J. Edison Pike, Thursday Night February 8th In Mrs. John Flanagan, retiring Council No. 54, D. of P. the follow­ Bradford Manor Auxiliary held its D. C, from the Francis E. Warren rector of Trinity Episcopal Church the school assembly at 8 o'clock. a pa.^t Master of the Wooster I/od((e AFB, Wye, administrative school president, heads the committee, and ing were raised by D.G.P. Margaret No. 70 OF & AM, ' . Installation of officers. Entering officiated. Burial was In East Lawn Mrs. Burton Reed will preside. is being assisted by Mrs. Edward Cannan ot Narketa Council; were: President, Mr3. James Pvt. laguessa. who enlisted in the ccmctGrv. Under the supervision of their Ten years ago Mr. Beebe became .Jaraes Cunningham. Vice-president, Trotta. Mrs. Raymond Freed. Mrs. Prophetess, Peggy Mansfield: U; S. Air Force In August. 1950. has Mrs. king died on Friday after teacher Mr. Joseph Arnold the Ilfth Irving Kappeler, Mrs. Edward Du- Pocahontas, Anne Thomsson: a member of the United Ilmlnatlng Mrs. Larry Madison; Treasurer been assigned toARS as an admin­ grade 0 fthe school will present Company's Jewel Club whio hde- Mrs. Wilfred Dion; Secretary, Mrs. a lingering Illness. She was the gan and Mrs. Charles Callahan. The Wenonah, May Barto; Powhaton. istrative - specialist. Air Rescue widow of Edward King, She was "Moving Westward" an original officers to be installed for the com­ Josephine Gcss; Trustee, Lillian rlves Its name from the jeweled Jane Thompson Among the chief play In two acts. The cast will In­ members are entitled to wear. speakers were Fire Chief Tom Hayes Service Is the U. S. Air Force organ­ born in Bridgeport and has lived ing year are: president, Mrs. Eugene BuiiChll K of R., Helen Finta; C. ization which provides world-wide here for the past 14 years. Mrs. clude," Earl Kornglebel, Wary Daniels; vice president, Mrs. Joseph of W. Isabeile Thomson; K. of W. Club membership Ls comprised of and Fire Marshal Ernest Hansen. Caruso, Larry Floor, Carol Hack- mon and women who have com­ Toa.stmaster was "Bubbling" Tom air search and rescue for USAF ac­ King was a member of the Christ Burke; secretary. Mrs. Sigurd An­ Adele Norv/ood; 1st Scout. Mary tivities and other militai-y and civil Episcopal Church in New Haven barth, Tommy Knapp, Joyce Gas- derson and treasure;', Mrs. Frank Howard; {2nd Scout, Louise Rubin: pleted 25 years Of service with the GagUardi. Mrs. Fred Eberth was kin. Jackie Rauer. Carole Wlstlng. company. nresented a lovely desk and chair aviation of the U. S. and other and Tabitha Society of the Tabor Dumark. 1st Warrior, Helen Macdougall; 2nd Lutheran Church Branford. Jerry Anderson, Pat Romano. John Warrior, Delia Eagan; 3rd Warrior. by the organization In apprecia­ countries • upon request. Fitzgerald. George Colwell. Anthony Guests will be the Rev. John tion for her untiring' and faithful Besides Mrs. Johnson, she surviv­ O'Donnell .the Rev. Thomas Furey Irene Patterton; 4th Warrior He attended East Haven High Zampano. Anthony PaollUo. Teddy Gladys Harris; 1st Runner, Hattie leadership of the group In the past. School prior to entering the military ed by two other daughters. Mrs. and the Rev. Christopher Knott. Sgt. F. DelGuidice Several former presidents and George A. Clark of Hamden. and Arabolas. Donald - Ferrlola. Janet Reservations may be made with Scott; 2nd Runner, Ethel Riley: isl Captains of the organizations add­ service. Mrs. Oscar Olson 'of East Haven; LaBonte, Patrlca O'Connor. Connie any committee members. Those Councilor, Anne Cramer; 2nd Coun­ ed a few words to those of the main a, brother. Wllllard W. Johnson of Fsposlto. Jerry Burns. Burton wishing transportation will meet at cilor, Josephine Carter: G. of T.. A'warded Bronze Star .speaker. Following a delicious meal. New Haven; two sisters. Mrs. Tucker, and Bobbie Brooks. St. Clare's Church. Ernest Hart; and G. of F.. Christine dancinK was enjoyed. Tuttle School Brownies Gertrude Relf and Mrs. Cora Also on the program Mrs. Ed­ Thomson. Sgt. Felix Del Guldlcc, 21,- son Arranging Card Parly Reynolds, both of Jacksonville. Fla ward Kronberg president of the Beginning with the next meeting, of Mr. and Mrs. James Del Guldlce a granddaughter and a groat grand East Haven, P.T.A. Council will give Feb. 7th we will meet in the Haga­ of 651 Main Street, has been award­ Although unheard from in The Brownie Pack of Tuttle School daughter. a short talk In the honor of Found- Teachers League Meets man Memorial Library. Members ed tho Bronze Star Modal tor Cour­ jer'sDayarid she will light the ageous and Inspirational perform­ resent weeks, the School Build­ Is arranging a card party In the note change of meeting ance under fire on November 7 In ing Committee appears ready to School. Tuesday evening. February fl. ir/iTifv-rr-MD I Tivr-iiirnv I cahdies on the Founder Days cake. At Svenson Home place. Korea where 'he is serving with the award the landscaping con­ at B. The Brownies are sponsored VALENriNE LUNCHEON | Refreshments will be served by First Marino" Dlvtslon, tracts to finish Momauguin and by the school P.T.A. The Every Ready Group of the the first grade mothers. Mrs. S The Executive Committee of the Union Schools in order to Old Stone Church will have a Andrews, Mrs. S. Chamberlain, and Teacher's League of East Haven According to the citation, Sgt, (|iialitv for stale aid. jUso.on Reservations may be made with Valentino covered dish luncheon Mrs. E. Charmen. a.^.sisted by Mrs. Clarke Strictland Del Guldlce lost his helmet and the Mrs. St. John 4-4980 or Mrs. Romaf met at the home of the nre.sldent. use of his weapon through enemy flic list of improvements is the on February 6 at 12 o'clock. A. Grindell hospitality chairman. Miss HUdur Svenson In Bishop' . high school grounds. Branford's 4-4600. Hostesses will be Mrs. P. Barker. fire during an engagement In a Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. E. Davles and ~i,EADEUSmP COURSE Street, on Thursday afternoon, Named Vice President deep ravine, but, without regard Dan Cosgrove is high in the The Brownie and the Girl Scout January 25. Plans for the March for his own personal safety, as­ running for the contract, it ap­ Stated Comnuunication Mrs M Gandossey and May meetings were made. peared after a meeting at the Leadership course which Is spon­ Clarke Strickland of East Haven sisted in administering aid to Of Masons Monday Night LADIES NIGHT sored by the Union School P. T. A. These and other plans will be an­ was named third vice presWOnt ot wounded Marines. He had been heme of INIartin Olson. Wednes­ started Monday January 29th from nounced very shortly. Members twice wounded in earlier fighting. day night. Reservations for the Annual the Connecticut Council of Paint­ The regular stated communica­ Ladles' Night of the Men's Club of 7 to 8:30, at the Hagaman Memorial who attended this meeting: were ing and Decorating Contractors of ...,,.„ ,.,, Library. Mrs. A. BonwlU will be the Mrs. Anne Ewanuff. Miss Katherlne America, It was announced last The regular mpetlng of the Public There Will be opposition to the tion of Momauguin Lodge No. 138 the Old Stone Church are being A. F. & A. M. will be held In the received by Mr. David H. Richards, director. Any. women In East Haven McKee, Miss Alice Zlegler. Mrs, Sunday at the conclusion of a Health Nursing Asssoclatlon of police pension bill Introduced into that are Interested may attend. For Ruth Legge, Miss Celc McGovern, three day convention at Bridge- East Haven will be held on Monday the Senate and House this week. lodge rooms. 265 Main Street.'East 202 Hemingway Avenue, telephone further infcrmation.! call Mrs. B, Miss Betty Jov. Miss Laura Adams Haven, on Monday. February 5.1051 4-1123. The Party will take place In port John Carvan of Fairfield was evening February 5 In the Town Administration wants a pension Reed 4-2295 or Mrs.' Yorks 4-3349 Miss Evelyn Eberth and Miss Zlta elected president. ' I Hall at eight o'clock. Plan to cover all town employees. at 7:30,P.M. All regular masons are the parish House of the church - ,„ , ^ , , Matthews. BUI Is expected to die In committee. Invited to attend. Tuesday, February 13, at 0:30 P. M.The course will last six weeks ^4 \

•"*j^j . >•« o* ^-^'r

•r-,.,„crlnv. Fph'^""'-'' '• '9S1 Page Two_ THE BRANFOBD REVIEW • EAST HAVEN NEWS ThuKdav. February 1.1951 THE BRANFORD REVIEW . EAST HAVEN NEWS Pago Three , I ^1' # '.*T»ni•* i^Hi*.'I'lij'fc^ry^i n' yni'it •^"4' WORLD HISTORY RESTRICTIONS PLACED ii i BOY SCOUTS IN AREA TIME AND TIDE OUR DEMOCRACY" -by Mat Television Programs CLASSES STUDY RUBBING SMALL BUSINESS ON PASSES GRANTED . The announcement by the Board of Selectmen of Branford ARE CONSOLIDATED RENAISSANCE that Sal A. Petrillo will head the Civilian Defense effort^ locally, TOUGH ALL OVER. ELBOWS By C. WILSON .HARDER (CHANNEIJ 6—WNIIC-TV) VVedncsiIay. Fell. 7 • IS an indirect appeal for Branford citizenry to sign quicl--;; ^,, __ ^^^^ ,^^. ^^.^^^^j^^. HI^^^^Q heaviesnoaviesiti re- Consideration will be Riven to aid huge Ilnaneial Interests. 3:16—Brldo and Groom ahalrman for advancement; Donald been trade and travel centers since work around the clock. They would need nursing assistants. such Items as; primary elections; Congress \ 11:00—Sunday News Special Thompson of Branford. for cam- Thursday. February 8 — Ing the modified pas.'i and furlough ^2^„°,1,^f,t^° i^*""he coming phase. passed the Pure » .• • 3:30—Remember The Date olng and activities; and John Mc- 7:4S P.M. Evening Service with the dawn of the Crusades. This X company commander Is respon­ Station wagons, cars' and light delivery trucks would be com­ providing for tour hour.s off with Food and Drug c. W. Hnrdor As reported last week, the sale Monday, Fell. 5 8:00-^Up At Joe's Place t^narn of Guilford, for leadership mctlon picture of Navato Indian mean that these Italian , citizens H..e. instructed regimental and sible for the lives welfare and mandeered as ambulances. Heavy trucks would be used to re­ pay on election day; uniform hours Act to protect tlie pnbllc from in­ ot a, govcmmenl Industrial alco­ 0:30—Conte's Little Show liad the money and the time to other unit commanders to extend training of his officers, non-com­ TOUSHER TAXES TOWARP PAY-AS-VOU-GO, THE'AUSTERITV' for nil elections; creation ot tt new ferior products. The Pure Food hol plant In Kansas City for a 1:20—Newsrcol irainlng. This oi«anlzatlon con- Work. "Window on the Shy." devote to study, and the acauisition move debris and clear paths for the injured, the homeless. Ijrocedure tor the nominitllon ot 1:30—Garry Mooro Show 8:45—Jean O'Brien Entertains itltutes the policy-making set-up MOMAUGUIN MISSION three day passes to more officers missioned officers and men" OF SPENDING LESS AN[> SAVING MORE , OF LIVING WITH and Drug Admlnlslnitlon en­ small amount to Schenloy during 7 ;oo—Kukla Fran and Ollle tor the district. . 101 Hewcy Avenue of knowledge and the classical and men with priority to those General Gramer .said, "He has got to Red Cross agencies would move in, calling for volunteer candidates by pcUtlcal parties; to forces the Act. A-:ling In this en- a war porlod, after Sen, Jobiisoni 2:;j0—Nancy's Kitchen culture of the times. CREDIT CURBS AND EMERGENCY CONTROLS - peimlt towns to provide tor the 3:00—Jchnny Johiison Show 7:30—Strange Adventure Sunday, February 4— married officers and men whose perform his job in a superior help to assist in distributing supplies and setting up field kitch­ -pnelty, great good has been done. Chairman of the Preparedness 7:45—Newsreel The field organization, under families are not living near camp. ens. THE STERN NEED FOR. GOVERNMENTAL ECONOMY IN election ot Board ot Education by But the bureau was never given Sub-Cominlttce, had been assured 3:30—Film Shorts yield Executive Jack Dunn of 9:30 A.M. Holy Communion and A new philosphy of thinking de­ manner." separate ballot; .restrlctlnK use ot 8:00—Stop the Music Sermon, the Rector. veloped called "Humanism". Hum­ The Division entered a new poUcy-'mnklnB powcr.s. tho sale was stopped. Is leailhig |i' 4:00—Homemolter's ExchanRO 0:00—Ellery Queen ^ulnniplac Council,, Is headed by Scores of police would be needed to give orderlii-iess to the NON-MILITARY EXPENDITURES. nb.sentce ballots to members ot the * * * malty Congressmen to stop and 4:30—Vonity Fair Commissioner Allen Bonwili of East 10:40 A.M. Church School anism is a system, mode or attitude phase of training this week R. O. T. C. Unlls scene; to prevent looting and other criminal acts during the armed forces. 9:30—Dave Garroway Monday. February 5— of thought regarding the progress bolstered by words of praise from Here's the proposed order: think where the nation "founded 8:00—Lucky Pup Haven, Assistant' district vice-corn In a survey by Colonel Clarence White bread with a wheat germ for tlio people, with tho people, 10:00—Private Eye 7:00 P.M. Choir Rehearsal of man as an individual, from help­ General Cramer. E. Lovejoy, educational consultant crisis. A greater number of firemen than are now listed on One proposal will ellmlnnto the 6:15—Time for Beany miasioners are Burton Thompson less infancy to self-governing ma­ Branford's volunteer roles would be needed to figlit fires and mandnliory removal of names from content ot more tlian i.Kt can no and of tho people" has drifted. 5:30—Howdy Doody " 10:30—What's My Name 3f East Haven. Albert Williams of General Cramer told a confer­ and collefie analyst^ 241 colleges longer bo called white l(reail, Angry Congressmen, supported- 11:00—Man Against Crime Stony Creek for Branford. Clarence turity. ence of major unit commanders prevent panic overloading which might lead to collapse.''of the voting list those who' have hot fl;00~Sidewalk Interviews The father of Humanism was and universities were found to have voted for a four-year period; presi­ even though It Is white. by Independent businessmen and 6:15—Twilight Time 11:30—Mystery Theatre J, Loomis of Guilford and Robert Old Stone Church that "Training has been marked R. O. T. C. unlls of the army, navy buildings. 41 * « other oltlicnB, could chango this l2;30-^Newsreol Sweltzer-of Madison. Petrarch, a noted Italian author by hard, consistent, serious effort dential preference primaries and re­ Here's the background; The 6:30—Faye Emerson . and poet. Other exponents of and air force. Even before the bomb dropped, spotters are necessary to quiring that all towns ot 500O or trend, This thought Is growing! 12:45—News Bulletins The reorganization is Intended to on the part of all personnel and commerclnl baking business Is "What will wo gain to llglit nn 6:46—In the Public Interest Frhlay.FcbniaiT 2 this philosophy were Dante. Da detect the coui-se and type of eneiiiy planes, that counter wea­ more population have voting practically the only mnss food 7:00—Kukla Fran and Ollle Friday, Fcl). 9 bring about greater efficiency and 6:30 P.M. Covered dish suDper at Vinci and a long list of others. machines. obnoxious foreign system It wo effectiveness of the Scout or- pons inight be launched in time to preserve production ceritei's, Industry not almost lotiiUy mo- permit an obnoxious system (o 7:30—Roberta Quinlan the parsonaRc, 583 Thompson As the people of other countries Committees will also bo expected iiopoll-/.od by .1 in- 4 combines, but 1:20 to 8:00—Same as ' Monday anlzatloii in tlic »area. through Avenue, for members of the ParLsh rail equipment, liarbors and the military itself. take root at home?" 7:45—Newsreel 0;oo-Twiight Time g came In contact with Italy they Ifl net upon measures; extending to ,u few huge bakery, coi-ponitlons 8:00—Video Theatre otter use of available man-power. In Sectors 2 and 12. began also to have reformation in There is a job, a big job ahead for Sal Petrillo. But the big­ are trying to change this, * * • . 6:30—Faye Emerson The district ' organization In- a majority ot convention delegates 8:30—Coneerl Program Sunday February 4 Iheir own countries. The Renals gest job lies In the hearts of the public. All typos of abilities are (rather than one-flflh) the • * * The question has been asked, 0:46—Sport Spotlight sludes representation from all the 9:45 A.M. Church School sance soon spread to Spain, the "What will be the otTect of the 9:00—Horace Heidt Show 7:00—Kukla Fran and Olllo vrganlzallons which are sponsor­ needed and none will be shunted aside. Nurses should not bo- privilege ot privacy In voting; llowovop, almost every town ^ ,• 9:30—The Goldbergs 11:00 A.M. MornlnK Service. The Netherlands. France. Germany and selective voting; lowering the voting has an Independent baker who government action In taking over 7:30—Roberta Qulnlan ing Scout troops throughout the Rev James E. Waery. Pastor. England. come air spotters; nor should hidden talents be left hiding un­ all rubber supplies on tiro deal­ irea. Present registration In the age limit to 18 .years; canvas ot survives bone-cruHhlng competi­ vy 10:00—Studio One 7:45-New,sreel Service of Holy Communion. The The following are among the der the bushel basket of obscurity. votes and providing for recounts tion beoauso ho puts out a better ers and lire users?" 11:00—Billy Rose Sliow 8:00-Mama district Is 607 boys of which 201 Senior Choir wlU sinK. bread lliaii the baking oonibtnes. * » * »re in Scout or- Explorer Scout important men of the times and It will be a big enough task to attend to all details when ot votes. 11:30—Broadway Open House • 8:30-We The People 5:00 P.M. Junior PilRrlm Fellow­ their contributions In literature, The amount of wheat gernilntho Tills question Is Involved! 12:00—Newsrcol iroups, the remainder being In Sea ship m the Church Parlor. Election disaster strikes; loo late then to sign up for the most menial This Is but to mention a tew, (lour Is a big tnotor. However, It many factors have lobe weighed! • 9:00—Henry Morgan Show Scout or Cub organizations. science and art: some of which will undoubtedly be 12:15—News BuUetlns 9:30—The Clock and Installation of officers tor Dante Alighieri. Divine Comedy; tasks. IT IS ATIME WHEN ALL GOOD CITIZENS MUST TRAIN THEMSELVES- by bureaucratic edict no one oould more facts must bo brought to The next district meeting will be cominK year. Special Worship Ser­ acted Into law. bake a better loaf ot bread. It's light, before a sound answer can Tuesday, Fell. 0 • 10:00—Boxing Petrarch, Connots to Laura: Mac- Willingness i.'j the requirement. Patriotism, the fuel. Tiiiio, TO USE THEIR RESOLUTION, ENDURANCE AND STRENGTH 10:45—Greatest Fights on February 20, when Stony Creek vice. Recreation. chlavelli. The Prince; Shakespeare. the essence and a I'reo democracy, the result. next week She's one. ot the easy to sec that national monop­ bo drawn.. In the next week or will be the host group. 7:00 P.M. Senior Pilgrbn Fellow­ IN PROVING THAT THE FIBRE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IS, oly In the baking Industry would two this coluum will bring you ' 1:20 to 8:00—Same as Monday 11:00—Broadway Open' House • Hamlet, Macbeth; Geoffrey Chaucer most famed grads ...... Larry result. Except 12:00—Newsreel Major events In the ScoutInK ship. Debate between Mr. Carl Canterbury Tales; Boccaccio. De­ AS IT ALWAYS HAS liEEN, TOUGH ENOUGH FOR THE TASK. Plscatelli has a new Irish Setter lliG answer. 3:16—Bride and Oroom field in the near future Include a Garvin. Principal of HiRh School, cameron; Cervantes, Don Quixote; which ho calls, "Ivan, the tertlble." ©NRllaiiit Ff4*ltllan ot Indipindtint nullniii 12:15—News Bulletins i demcnstratlon to be arranged by 3:30—Remember this Date Saturday, Feb. 10 and Mr, Raymond C. Smith, of the Vliion, French ballads; Spenser. A blfiod thirsty kid- Nick 6:00—Kltdootlie the Guilford Sea Scouts on Thurs­ Faculty of High School, on the Falrle Queeno; Marlowe. Dr. Wetcd due home from wedding trip 6:30—Conto's Little Show 11:00—Faith Baldwin Theatre of day. February 8, at Guilford High question "Are our HlKh Schools Fausts; Roger Bacon. Phliosoohv LET'S LOOK AT tomorrow Haircuts won't wait Yes, Branford has come a long long has It taken bo tally the count- School; a Court of Honor en Febru­ FalUnK down on the Job?" Meet- and father of modern science; 0:45—Sidewalk Interviews > , Romance ary 13 at St. Mary's Church in Bran­ Wonder why someone didn't way from Totoket and voting ma­ long have machine manufocturcs 7!00—Kukla Fran and Ollle • 11:30—Acrobat Ranch Inc; will officially close not later Harvey, Circulatory system; Co­ coin, "Time, tldo and haircuts wait chines are mandatory tor the Town been trying to sell Branford on this ford; and the annual dinner meet­ than 9:45 P.M. pernicus, Astronomical research 7:30—Thlfi Week in Sports 12:00-Two Girls Named Smith ing of Quinnipiac Council on for no man ...... Lovely Evelyn elections this fall. newfangled contraption. 7:45—Newsreel 12:30—1 Cover Times Square Tuwilay. February G Kepler. Mathematical laws; Galileo. THE BOQKS Watrous to appear in Amerlcaii February 15 at the Hotel Taft in Telescope; Davlncl. Student of an­ i WHAT NOTS I Tho Review states that W/n T„,,"r~t Wnnnni- nf K^ 12:30 noon Valentine covered Legion Vailety Show In East Haven, York, 8:00—Milton Berle Show 1:00-Tlie Big Top New Haven, with Dr. John C. ot the total vote cast In Connecti- ,/*''" .^' """l?"^, °^ ^"^^^ 9:00—Vaughn Monroe Show 2:00—Industry On Parade dish luncheon for the Ever Ready atomy also painter of Last Supper; SM BY GiTA ROUND IBF Feb. 23rd and 24th • began I Group. Committee in charse: Mrs. Raphael; painter of Madonnas. wilh ALBA M. FHATONI cut Is on machines so we mustn't the first i>.dvertlslnK agent, 9:30—Suspense 2:16—Basketball —Yale vs Army Ruth Thompson delighted with be stuffy and old-fashioned but, business ill J841. 4:00-Ti'uth or Consequences Frank Barker sr., Mrs. William Stony Creek's contribution of $80 10:00—Amateur Hour Bell. Mrs. Evan Davies Sr. and Mrs, Though the period from abcut Will the ground hog see his shadow somehow or other tho passing of • * • 4 i 30—Burns and Allen 1450 to 1517 is known as the"Golden to the polio campaign Money our paper form Is a bit sad. A man is usually known by tho 11:00—Holiday Hotel 5i00—Gabby Hayes Show Marcus Gandossy Sr. This meek-end—or will he was raised through piUiow case snje 11:30—Broadway Open House ' Capitol Theatre Age of Culture", it also has a much Long has it been mls-mavked- company he keeps away from. 5:30-Film Shorts Wednesday, Ft'bruary 7 darker aspect. It was during this ^Vhen uou (five fo i/out /^ai^z-Z^e c/ian'f/es- Abandon hibernation a;!,*'"' Drive better here than, in most 12:00 Newsreel Bi45—On The Line With Bob 8:00 P.M. Birthday Anniversary •space of time that tlie'growth of THE DELICATE PREY & pastor wlio had to preach to the places but lagging everywhere ) . 12:15—News BuUetlns Zai MAIN ST„ EAST HAVEN meetlnK of ftie Junior Women's GIVE A TMfHCheckHQ)\i^ CANCELLEDCHECK tune ot 'Crazy Rythm'l TliiSre is also End winteris misery? Tip: More factories to Institute Considlne cities increased all over Europe. The OTHER STORIES the fantastic story. "Call At Cora- LeaKue Hostesses: • Mrs. Howard workers in the guilds and crafts, Talked with Paul Kronholnl of delphia visit stopped in Now York three shifts to cut down overtime I fl:0fl-Showtime U.S.A. Weir, Mrs. Harris Anstey and Mrs. IS VALID PROOF OF A DEDUCTIBLE TAK ITEM. IN by Paul Bowles •zon' which is about a hooneymoon 2S% Savings on Cleaning and •0:30—Lone Ranger for lack of employment, were forced Chicaeo last Friday who flew here to see Peeo Show Inst week ...... Sargents ot New Haven Is one. Thurs., Fri.. Sat., Feb. 1-2-3 Sherwood Chamberlain. into lives of crime and violence. ($3.00 Random House, np 307) —which isn't. Alson included in V. N. A. plans trailer messages to fiast Havener Matty Anaataslo says Repairing of Chimneys 7; 00—Victor Borge FACT,MAKE ALL PAYMENTS SPEEDILYTHI5 this collection is 'You Are Not I'— to visit his 85 year old mother, ill 1 7:30—Alan Young Show ThUfEilav. February 8 Also local rights of the people were I think that everyone has, hidden the story about a train wreck, 'a get all Christmas Seal appeals in The political pot is boiling as ALSO POINTING 6:30 P.M. Choir . rehearsal for threatened. WAY./ a-way where even they themselves with arthritis at her Harrison Ave. after topping $rM« during December a result of the recent police com- 8:00—Ken Murray Show For Heaven's Sake girl and her sister, the mix up In misslon appolntrnents Forty six V/rito! 5EBY FICHERA 9:00—Your Show of Shows Junior Choir ' •• , . The church had problems, too. can't see or think of It, scmethinK the mind ot the girl, and the pity home Reports BUI CJeorgo. campaign Be sure to sign your BULLARDS attended batcholor parly tor Nick 10130—Hit Parade -ALSO- 6:30 P.M. Choir rehearsal for It came close to complete collapse •which is -umentionable—horrible; of the situation. George Fisher, Hal Hagstrom. all income tax returns and to forward 60X 11, EAST HAVEN Intermediate Choir • due to the questioning of -its au­ Try as we might through, there, are former Branfordites. . are doing the original..Withholding, tax forms Weted at Waverly Hotel last Satur­ or PHONE -t-BBTI «flor J P.M. U:OOr-Wro."illlnE There is also the story, .'A Distant day .....i.. Chicken dinner tops .... conol. News BuUetlns thority. Later it was actually weak­ times whefi this horror, this re­ Episode". This is about a professor well in the Windy City Cancer when sending them In. Tax Col­ Sehroeder. master of Calhoun ened bv a manifestation of this pulsive act; Is brought sharply to comraltte seeks to enlarge its per lector John J. Fltzpatrlck warns all Branford's Frank McGowan was a Open Thursday Till 9 P. M. Dark City ColieKeT Yale University, as the ADVANTAGES who is a linguist and takes a va­ celebrated guest at the Sportswrlt' questioning-^"The Protestant Re­ I mind and ths owner will seize it cation. In the midcile of the night sonnel after accepting resignations Bill Gozzi's grand champion speaker, formation". Another Important fact and quickly hide it anain. afraid from Mrs. Rodney Mills and Mrs. turkey exhoblted at the recent ers Dinner In Cheshire, Monday printed on all checks without extra*cos(; ills curiousity leads him into the night both Vic Lukawsy and Stash Linden Rest Home is that the countries where the Re­ that they may be caught in the act desert where he lay in pain till he John Kinney ...... Austin Colburn. Boston Poultry Show weighed A.C.P. Electrical naissance had flourished, were delivered at once. of thinking about it. , • returning from a recent Phila- 37 lbs. .; • . Gumkowskl, who were there, among Start your account with any amount. lost all vestige of human thought CLOSED IV90NDAY greatly weakened by being unpre­ or beh.ivior. the flashing bulb, aver Mr. Service, Inc. arid Convalescent pared for conflict.'and wars that No fixed balance ever required. I can remember one such instance / When girls arc feeling morose and Mrs. Henry castellon enjoying No charge for deposits; no mbnthly charges. in my own life. It happened when THE DELICATiS PREY Is power­ Florida vacation Chief Warrant followed took great tolls. I was very young and I was out fully written, hut somehow each A bright dress, they will buy. INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL Hospital Bank by mail if you prefer. But in men its just the oppdjile- Officer and Mrs. John Anderson. One thing may be said of the Re­ Your cancelled check h always a valid receipt. blackberry picking. I remember IHtle story does not complete itself Branfordltes at Norfolk, Va. spent Open Other Days 9:30 to 5:45 and RESIDENTIAL V/IRINS Mrs. Kay Anostasio, Prop. naissance. It definitely did contri­ vividly that I was standing per­ --tl;ey go on straniicly, co!j;pcllinu The guy toill buy a tie. last Sunday at Camp Pickett Dined bute to culture and social aware- fectly still—and as much as I have —the majority of thorn making vnu with offlcers and visited local troops COMPLETE LINE OF RogisterotJ Nurses in AHendance nes,s. and it was the forerunner of tried to push the th-ought of it down shudder Iqng .itter ynu have put the Town elatfd over successs of that lights are lights •• and those without .should bo given preference Mrs. Anderson's mother made ELECTRICAL FIXTURES ' Day and Night modern times. cut of Eight in my mind—I remem­ book aside. Milton P. Bradley Honored ELM STREET AT ORANGE Next week we shall begin a series ber having a peculiar feeling on rnv twice In one day at the nation's Heart fund gets underway .... trip with them John, with the APPLIANCES AND Carefully Prepared Moali EAST HAVEN BRANCH feet. I looked down. I was so com­ capitol last Thursday Election Stormy Thursday cancels .school U. S. Navy. Is on shore duty at the of articles on the Protestant Re CHRISTI.'VN SCIENCE SEKVICES famous naval harbor SUPPLIES , and Diets formation. TrtE FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY pletely horrified, I couldn't eveni| FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, to the presidency of the Consumer for day M«-s. Kenneth Mullen call out, for there—slithering acrcss Banking Ass'n started the dizzy (Mary Pez) retires from teach­ PHONE UMB OF NEW HAVEN SCIENTIST, NEW HAVEN 407 Main Street East Haven "HER HIGHNESS, THE CAT" my fee—was a snake. Even now. as whirl...... Band uniforms, majorette ing 83 MAIN STREET EAST HAVEN 232 MAIN ST. AT CHIDSEY AVE. I think cf it and write it. I shudder. During the construction of our and cheerleadlng creations will be Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ajello ot new church edifice all services and helped under the subscription Hiarlee, Boston Post Road have pur­ We have a cat, and I declare, MEMBER FBSERAI. DEPOSIT INSURANCE COHPORATIOX Fortunately. I rarely have the time Sunday School are held at the She has peculiar ways, or the inclination to expose this campaign to the Review, sponsored chased a restaurant and nlght- thought to myself, but this week I Hamden Hall Country Day School. by several members ot the P.T.A. ilub in Hamdisn Quite a list I often watcli) her sit and ,stare / 1108 Whitney Avenue. Hamden. DRESSMAKING With vacant sphinx llite gaze. couldn't help but remember it for Teachers will be Interested to ot Who's Who in Branford spotted Amato'sJ; I was reading a short story. THE Sunday Services are at 11 A. M. and know that town road employees dining at Howard Johnson's thl.s DELICATE PREY. This is one of 4:30 P. M. Sunday School is at/11 here recently given fifteen cents an ncon-tlme. Included the heads n I wonder what she's thinlcing of, 1 A. M. The Wednesday evening testi­ ALTERATIONS the stories which are compiled In a If, cats do think at ail; hour wage adjustment Resi­ of the biggest factories in town Restaurant book bearing the same name In mony meeting is at 8. The Reading dents In the town's dark areas may 'Army convoy stopped there Mon­ Now Hayon'.s Leading Store Celebrates Its Her mind seems empty as a glove this bcok I found twisted minds, Room is located in the Liberty ask why they are not- given promis­ day casting a strange pall when I threw away last fall. distorated pleastires. and a great Building. 152 Temple Street, and is ed lights while wbrk of replaceing they first walked in Rep. Alice AT deal which is strange and which open weekdays from 9 to 8:45 and a LUCILLE'S old style street lights proceeds....The Peterson to personally escort Mount At times she looks just like a flirt, sliould—and most often is—kept Wednesdays to 6. ALL ARE IN­ •• " •• • leglslalure MOMAUGUIN LUCY rUSCO, PROP. They're World Fatuous! The way she winks her eye. VITED. objection stems from a stated fact Ida Alumnae through Or. closes, them when acting hiurt. "Love" will be the subject of the '- ' Its a funny'thing ttitpi ice and. snow. -4 Conic in and put yourself hidden. .., ,. j ut Phone 4-5551 I almost hear her sigh. Lesson-Sermon for Sunday, Febur- SERVING FINE FOODS They're Warner si under the smootliiug inlliienco '] 15 Paul Bowles, who without a doubt Why it is, I just d'oii't know. 179 Main Street East Haven has all the artistry which is de­ ary 4, 1951. I hurry to work, feeling fine— ' AT REASONABLE PRICES of Aoicrica's most popular " She comes and rubs against my leg manded of writing, has brought be­ The Golden Text Is from They re Ours! OPEN THURS. Only to lean, l fell behind. » DiaKonaily Across from Green girdle, Warner's* patented \ And purrs for a caress, tween two covers seventeen stories. Zephaniah 3:17. ."The Lord thy ( I The dmnty way slie comes to beg. The story. The Delicate Prey— God In the. midst of thee is Sta-Up-'l'op.* '^ Like Venus in distress. TILL 9 whose title has been lifted and be­ mighty; he will save, he will re­ Choose yours from soft ' come the title of the book—is be­ joice over thee with Joy; he will knits or paneled persuaders ' Her moods are like a lady, great. yond descripticn. A great many of rest in his love, hij will joy over Her grace, one can not match. us read the strange story avidly, thee with singing." East Haven News —in nylon or not—in step-ins ' . And If she's ugly, then it's fate, for therein lies adventure whiclj Selections from the Bible in­ or panties with a 2- or 3-inclj ; If no one gets a scratch. makes our imaginations soar—but clude the tollowing: "And we have Tue.-.clay, February 6th thru' Saturday, February 10th waistband. Yours «-iil be 3- ' Mr Bowles' stories leave nothing knowt) and believed the love that Buying and Service Guide We treat her to a fancy dish to the imagination. Tliey attack God hath to us. God is love; and Vi'ay-Sized tofUyouperfectly i They sell, for special cats, with a strangeness which is trigh- he that dwelleth in love dw'elleth in /engl/i, hip s':e and cnnlroJ; And find her chewing heads of fish in God. and God in him." (I John To he sure—lie fitted! ^ or, hunting neighbors rats. "•^Ii'^^^t Paso Roho". Chalis thinks 4:16) "Sometimes the night takes you Correlative passagi-s from the CENTRAL CLEANERS Bi4RKER TRUCKING CO. •^ the on/,V8'"lio die* nfli!erro//» ., She washes and she bombs her fur with it. wraps you UP and ixslls you Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ ori-r ... aiicayt ttay* up.^*lete ^ A dozen times or more. along, leavins you -washed in sleep ence and Health with Key to the A GREAT AND DYERS Local and Long Distance Moving, you hcDj aamrally fae/oir lliolnnil. Until she's thru, she will not stir, at the morning's edge. And some­ Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, Home 0/ Distliwtive Cleaning Crating and Storage -K llie only nicille tliel cam/orlo- ' Nor, share the kitchen floor. times the night goes on without Include the. following (p. 310): you."—as she sits watching a spidei We Operate Our Own Plant S Ure Avenue Gait l-laven bly sUiui your waiet aa it Irini" your "From him mortals may learn how 4 HOUR CLEANING SERVICE liip*. , And when. it's time to take hOr at work, while she forms the idea to escape from evil. The real man 0/«co Restdtnes snooze, with which to get even with Ruberto CALL FOR AND DELIVER -K tlio only gicillo willi llm ""y tor spurning her Passion. being Jinked by Science to his 322 Main St. Tel. 40070 Eait Havon 7-4879 F. A. BARKER 4-0601 btrctcb waiitbaiui tlint aluiltyf I She'll pick the nearest spot, Maker, niortals need only turn FIVE DAY SALE attiya liiui;... Iiei-er tpreaJl. ^ The choicest chair she'll always Then there is 'Pastor Dowe At from sin and lose sight of mortal choose. Tacate' which is the story of the selfhood to find Christ, the real REAL ESTATE WANTED Then, curl up In a knot. man and his relation to God. and SAVINCS, MORE IMPORTANT than over thi.s year AUGIE'S AUTO REPAIR Warner's Bras from S1"">0 to recognize the divine sonship." JAMES F. MILANO You think, because it shares your Whi Irmtfnrb Ifotptu on wiintctl iletn.s. Mallcy'.s ha.s worked for month.s to . GENERAL REFAIBINa Its Main St., Eait Haven board. Fopular CoUetM TIBEa — BArTESIEd 'ReR. U. S. Pat. Off. The cat belongs to you, MID-WINTER SALE (ESTABLISHED IH 1028) Tlie posslbUity ot obtaining « bring you (ine, and pa.s.s the benent of AAA SERVICE AAA Insurance, Real Estate Agent Tliat you're Its boss, and over-lord. commission efi a second lieutenant ycsterday'.s lower prices along to you. Phone 4-5218 439 Main St Telephone 4-5427 Fallaciously untrue. or ensign, instead of being drained BOUDOIR SPECIAL! OS a buck private, is attracting MiSS MARY GALLAGHER This creature. Friend, has taken PUELISUED EVEBY THDBSDAY • a cuiiomcr ol The Coitnccticul iighl .tEVEBLESniNE_;ujd^.',0HNE.EOEE, thousands of high school boys. The A Now items will bo on sale every day AS hold , , Institutions having R. O. T» C. units and Power Co. joyi; And rules one all the while; "SELIG" LftZY BONES are ' looming tnore popular with George A. Sisson WATCHES and OIAMOMBS ADVERTISED Just like a vixen, vain and bold, So, serve the beast and smile. young men than at any time since 0 your Charga-PIate for easy shopping INSTTKANOB William R. Burns A genuine Seiig "Lazy Bones" bou­ TitE BKAHFORD EEVIEW, INC. milliary science was added to col­ "My electric range is surprisingly fast and ray SONDERGAARD NATIONALLY lege, courses following the passage PIP,E — BONDS doir cliair with bouquet ot roses bills for cooking are pleasingly low. I have en­ % .Sorry, no mail or phono ordci'is IvnTOMOBILE - OAStJALTY 250 Mahi Street Branford cliintz — choice o£ light blue, c.-i- in 1862 ot the congressional Oft Fogs p. o. BOX e^t"^':!!! •=-'"— named after the late Senator Justin Tel. 8-9132 Clouds and fogs arc botli made •( .95 21 Chidsoy Ave. East Havon nary,' grey, turquoise, or pinij. It is 27 SUBSCRIPTION S. Morrill of Vermont. joyed electric cooking for two years and I like % Shop Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday liny wattr droplets. A cloud Is a ' a medium si-zed chair with "big 52.110 per ye>r^»yablo in ailvotico higli foe. A (og is a mist hanging Traced to Egyptians the really different and better results I get. There S. J. ESPOSITO low enough to reach the earth. chair" comfort. Try jt, and you'll ADVEBTISINO BATES;0H APPLIOATION It Is said that the custom ot briog- from 10 A.M. until .5:30 P.M. EAST HAVEN agree! are no fuel odors and I have no fuel deliveries Servicing and Pumping Martu Uaaota Lumber -, . J nB finroiid clasa mattor October ing a green .tr«e into the Jiome at HARDWARE STORE The varieties o{ trees cut In ' Christmas can be traced to the cele­ ft Shop TIIURS13AY from 10 A.M.until 9 P.M. Poinis — Glass-— Toys S«ptio Tanks and CetepocU ':THE LADIE•SS StOdStqflEk OF COCdUR-TBSU R-TBSY AASD.VAtU E * bration of the shortest day ol tba to worry about." Cleaning Supplies — Garden North Dakota for lumber are mostly ORANGE ST. at CROWN TtSuftUM^. A-59flB • aoi HAIN'ji: UitHSnn.Conk Cottonwood, elm, oak, basswood, year by the ancient Egyptians who- Supplies — ifouseftoW Needs Phone 4-37Se brought green date palmj Into their » , •.' SALE STARTS, TUESDAY AT 10 A.M.' 319 Main St„ cor. Elm Street 112 SUver Sands Rd. East Haven aspen and boxelder. pubUc ln'"'",,-,r?; wlU li» wltliluld upon r'- homes as a symbol of iHi triiitnpb THE CONNECTICUT LIGHT & POWER CO. ;B*'AI«^^"" cinlX'iom WIU I. dl»- of life over death. regarded. i

^x^-m _.9s<,^,f5f^?^ftl f m "V --.-.-. . it ' -'it

i' 1 1 J •i Paye Four THE DHANFORD BEVIEW-EAST HAVEN NEWS Thursday. February 1. 1951 Thursday, February 1.1951 THE BRANFORD REVIEW - EAST HAVEN NEWS Page Tlwt \; I ROSEDeLUCIA Miss lean Corey Claire Naccarato, WALTHAM GIRL Many From Area Miss Patricia Smith Joan Ahern Entertains IS MARRIED TO Kenneth F. Lewis Plights Troth To ENGAGED TO Attend Susan Weds Arthur Howe At Birthday Occasion North Branford I LOCAL TROOPS Short Beach Briefs ROBERT B. STENT CONGREGATIONAI, CBDRCD WILL START ON Janlta S. Schulzc Tel. 8-1148 IS FOUND DEAD DINO PIONZIO To Wed On Feb.-3 Mr. John J. Bowen ROBERT OWENS HoUister Party Arthur J. Howe of South Mon- Miss Joan Ahern.' daughter of Rev. B. C. Trent, Pastor towcse Street was married on Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ahern of Miss Ethel Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. DeLiicla Mr. and Mrs. Harmon E. Corey The marriage of Miss Claire Mi-.s. M. Ward Whalen of Wal- Susan Elizabeth liolUstor, daugh­ January 20 to Patricia Smith of Lincoln Street was guest of honor- BOY SCOUT WEEK UNION CHURCH IN BRUSHY PLAIN ol 430 Poplar' Street, New Haven, of Montgomery Parkway, Indian OrganUt and Choir Director Naccarato, daughter of Mr. and tham Mass., announces the engage­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Warner V. Hol-Saranac Lake, New York. The at a party on her 13th birthday, 11:00 Morning worship Rev. J, Edward Ncwtnn, I'aslor g7/?Q7@ have announced the maiTlaRo of Neck, Branford, announce the Mrs. Vincent Naccarato of 12M wedding took place in St. Bernard Funtfiil services for Robert B. ment of her daughter, Amic Mar­ llstcr of the Notch Hill, Gullflrd,' Monday afternoon. Those attend­ 9:45 Sunday School — Mrs, Local Boy Scouts will loin with Kcnnclli S, Jones, Ass't, Pastor their daughter., to Mr. Dlno! coming marriage of their daughter, Townsend Avenue, East Hdven to garet, to Mr. Robert M. Owens, son road entertained little friends re­ Church and a reception was held ing were Betsy Quinn. Blllyc Blge- Hie mticn's S.75D.O00 Cub Scouts Stent, were held from the Curtis John Plonzlo, son of Mrs. Alele Jean Marilyn, to Mr, Kenneth E. at the home of the bride. On Febru­ Rollln Whitney, superintendent. 0:45 Church School Funeral Home, Wednesday after-' Mr. John J. Bowen, son of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Owens cently In honor of her second loW. Phyliss Farrlngtoii. LlJcille Boy Scouts. Explorers and their 11:00 Worship Service Plonzlo of 27 Pardee Place Extcn- hevfls, son of Mr, and Mrs. Kcn-Mrs. Mllo M. Bowen of 79 Orove of Main Street, Short Beach, Bran­ birthday. Guests present were Mrs. ary 4, the couple will be at home Sparlco, Betty Cate, Mable Balsley, ZION EPISCOPAL CnCRCB adult leaders to observe Boy Scout noon at 2. Interment was In Cen­ slon East Haven. l ncth E. Lewis of Maltby Lane, Street took place last Saturday ford. Albert Colombo and. daughter, on South Montowese Street and and Eileen Tobln. week, starting Tuesday. February FIGHT DISEASEter Cemetery. open house will be held.' Kev. llancls J. Smith, Rector ST. ELIZABETH CHURCH The marlaRe tcok place on Northford, on Saturday, t'ebruary morning at 10. In St: Vincent dc Miss Whalen Is a graduate of Carol; Mrs. William Beattle and Edmund L. Stoddard 6 and continuing through February Pastor, Rev. John I'. O'UonnclI Stent, a native farmer, was Thursday morning January U at' 3. at 3 o'clock In the home of the Paul's Church East Haven. Regis College. daughter, Pamela; Mrs, Joseph I stock Tanli Heater 12. Observed in every city and town found dead In his home In Bru.?liy Tott, with Barbara and Richard, i Lay Reader Assistant, Rev. T, Fury Plain last Saturday morning by a 10 In.St. Donato's Church, New i bride. The Rev. Delwln Layman of , Rev. Joseph Buckley officiated In Mr. Owens was graduated from An elcctrice stock tank heater 1> Mrs. Paul R. Hawkins and most villages and hamlets by 10:30 A. M. Saturday Rcllglou.'; Haven and was performed by the'. Walllngford will officiate. The cere- the ceremony which was performed Boston College and received his of Branford; Mrs. Ernest Jacoby more than 75,000 units. \Boy Scout neighbor, Anthoity Struy.lnskl, Who and daughters. Lucerne and Ann Fitzgerald a lovy cost way to prevent water Organist Instructions called the iwUce when disaster Rev. Edwin Oaffney. mony wlirbe attended by. the Im­ In a sotting of. white snapdragons law degree In 1D60 from Boston Mrs. Edmund L. Stoddard Week is tlie largest single birthday mediate families. and oornatlons. Miss Louise cre- College Law School. Recently he Jenneane; Mrs. Arthur Murphyi from freezing. If the tank is small observance by young Americans. Masses: 8;30 — 10:30 was apparent. Qiveii In marrloKe by her father, and daughter, Corynne, of Gull- Wins College Honors sbd properly insulated. Choir Director Confessions: (he bride was attended by Miss Open house will be' held from tella was soloist In a program of was admitted to the Connecticut 9:30a.m. Morning aervlce and Twelve outstanding Boy Scouts Struzlnskl said that he had visit­ Marie DeLucla, .sister of the bride, 3:30 to 0 o'clock. nuptial music which Included "De- Bar. ford. Mr.s. Payson Klrkwood and| of the nation will be greeted at the Saturday 4:00 P.M. — 7:00 P.M. ed the man on Fi'ldav night and daughter, Nancy; David Hill and Miss Anne FitzGerald, 56 Elm Bermon C.Y.O. Thursday 0:45 P.M. aa maid of honor. A dinner shower was gWch re­ cause," "On This Day, o Beautiful possible. Holy Communion, 1st, 3td. and White House next Tuesday by Presi­ noticed that, ho appeared 111. He Mother," and "Ave Maria." Mrs. Joseph Avlgne of North Bran-, Street, Branford. has been named asked him If ho wanted a'doctor Mr. John Nlles Plonzlo. brother cently for Miss Jean Corey In the ford and Paula Avlgne of East (Ha­ to the "honors list" at Green Mlss FltzGerald, a graduate of 5th Sundays dent Truman, and many Governors or the bridegroom, served as best will receive Scouts at State canltols Ringing In again but Stent snld 110. He built a lire homo of Mrs. Bernard Lemoy of The bride, who was given In mar­ ven, granddaughter of Mrs. Avlgne. Mountain Junior College. Poultney, Branford High School with Ihe Morning Prayer 2nd and 4th HEART and departed. Looking In at him man. Ushers wero Mr. Michael Branford. Mrs. Lemay was assisted riage by her father, was attended Garden Notes •Vt.. for ' high academic standing class of 1950. Is the daughter of Sundays on the organization's 41st birthday. Tonight the Granite Bay Canasta Speranzo of New York city and Games were played and a birth-' Club attends "Not For Children" shortly after six the next monillvg, by Mrs. Albert Hanson of North by Miss June Ann Naccarato. her during the Fall term. Mr. and Mrs. M. James FitzGerald Children of the Parish will attend Officials at Qulnnlplac Council he found him dead. Mr. Louis DeLucla, brother of the Haven. I sister, as maid of honor. Mr. Mllo J. cf the Elm Street address. She Is a which directs and supervles the with Betty Field, at the Schubert's bride. Fewer than six per cent of the church school classes at the Rectory Theatre In New M^vcn. Tlie Indies mm He Is survived by a son, Jud- Those who attended were Mrs. Bowen Jr., attended his brother as •I'lIK TAMK GOO.SE SI'EAKIiS place of a sltiRle nectar gland, they college's students won honors. To medical secretarial student. at ten o'clock on Saturday morning. Scouting program for boys of hino Pollowlii" the ceremony a rcccp- I Jessie Vogt, Mrs. Eleanor Vogt best man and ushers Included Mr. find so many more to satisfy their to 18 within the area embraced by enjoying the evening are, Mrs. Ben­ son, of Mount Hermon, N. U. and riO TIIK WII.U GOOSE quality, a student must have a motor vehicles owned by or under jamin Abeshouse, Mrs. Lauren a cousin, phllo Uiislcy, of this llon was held In the San Rcmo I Mrs. Ella Simpson, Mrs. Walter F^-ed Naccarato, brother of the Wild aoose. Wild, food retiuiremcnts. Tithonla has scholastic average above 2.5. A ST. ACGUSTINE'S R. C; CHURCn the Comniunlty Chest .of Greater PUBLIC SCHOOLS Restaurant. The couple later left on bride, and Mr. Tliomas P. Bowen, come from Mexico and South RE-UPHOLSTERING New Haven plu.s many surrounding contract to the local board of Paradise, Mrs. Roland Hudlvcrdl town. / I Bristol, Mrs. Harmon Corey, Mrs. FlylnR In the sky. grade of 3 Is the highest mark Rev, John J. McCarthy, Pastor FEB. 1 FEB, 28 He was widely known throughout a trip to New York and Washlnston, Gerlrude Blakeslee, Mrs. Doris brother of the bridegroom. Wild Roose, wild Roaac, America and the , popular name At Moderate Cost . . . Rev. Felix Maguire towns, said the theme of the annl- education Is to be made. The and Mrs. Walter Lynch Ihe D. C. They will make llielr home "Flower of the lnca.s" refers to this versarj' is "Strengthen Liberty." TO PLAY ROLE IN vehicle Inventpry will Include the New Haven Chatter Club met at my the area for Ills attendance at I Tyler, Alice OLsen, and Mrs. The bride's gown combined a DrIftlhR slowly by. day cake and lee cream were By Expert Craftsmen Frank Frawley practically all of Connecticut's Vlda Bristol. ChontlUy lace bodice and a nylon Both of us are brothers. It Is a vlRorous plant of easy cul­ served. Mrs. HoUister was a.sslsted Organist and Choir Director I .„ h'>vf> alvendv completed two names .addresses, and telephone house lost week. Mrs. Mnrle Gerard ture. As a native from a relatively by her mother, Mrs. Shelton Sparl­ years of a program known as CIVILIAN DEFENSE of Hamdcn; Mrs. Fred Hasselman, Fairs, each fall.' tulle skrt Inserted with lace. It Both of Us the same warm climate it is no surprise that Mrs. Charles Donadlo, assistant numbers of the oijerators. Mrs. Walter Corey, Mrs. Lawrence was fashioned with a tulle yoke, But .you have a wild heart. ing of Westbrook and Mrs. Charles Mass 7:00 - 9:15 "Strengthen the Army of Liberty" Tliomas Paine was I leading cap sleeves, and cathedral train. It Is a tender annual. Tender here B. Seaalrand of Stony Creek. Gastle Shop which has made It possible for 400,- The public schools In Connecti­ School officials will ,be re­ Campane of West Haven, Mrs. Fred journalist during the American -Generosity, to many people, con­ And my heart is tame. does not mean "delicate" but un­ Mass 8:00 Northford Congrega­ 000 additional boys to enter Scout- sponsible for the development' of a Schmermond of Branford, Mis. sists merely h\ giving tree advice Wives Oi Rotarians Her handrolled fingertip yell fell Marylon Reese. cut will play an Important role in| Revolution. from a lace Juliet cap, and she able to endure fiost. Its culture Ls DECORATORS tional Church Ing's ranks and for all members to the state-wide civil defense pro­ comprehensive plan • to prdtect Frank Woodman. Mrs. Burdette to others. ' The Branford Garden Club will similar to that of zinnias. While en,1oy a richer experience. pupils In the event of an air raid Babcock and yours truly of local Meet At Beebe Home carried a round bouquet of step- meet at the Blackstonc Memorial Designers and ManufactarBf* of Classes in religious Instructions gram. I hanotls centered with camellias. the seeds may be soren indoors In LUCAS STUDIO Superintendents of Schools have or other emergency. The plan In­ boundaries Mi's. Ruth Bowman of Nortli Ha­ , • * -.» Ubrary, Friday, February 2nd at March or April, most gardeners In Living Room Furniture will be held at 10 o'clock on Satiur- Boy Scout Sunday will be ob­ volves thb selection of safe areas Everything In a lilodern home 1^ u:15 P. M. Mrs. Wlnthrop Towner, day morning In the church. Domini­ served February 11 in many church­ been asked by Finis E. Engleman, Big- Birthday parly last Saturday ven; Mrs. William Ryan of East •lliii New Haven Wives of Ho- The maid of honor wore a shrimp this section are better served by Formal "•'^'^ Candid Weddings All work dona right on our Education Commissioner, and' a near' the school buildings which Haven, Mrs. Ralph MaoWllllams, controlled by a switch except the I! colored tulle and satin gown with ['resident, will preside, and Mrs. can Nuns from New Haven, Rev. es with Scouts and leaders attend­ for George Dautrlch, Jr.. In his children. Larlans will meet in the home of sowing outdoors In May after all Portraits - Babies - Commercial premises ing services In uniform. Those of member of the State Advisory win offer the best possible pro-1 home. Adding to the fun were: Jr., locally, among the guests pre­ Mrs. Marshall V. Beebe, past presi­ a shrimp net Dutch cap. She car­ John J. McCabe, pijoRram chair­ danger of frost has passed. Watt­ Felix Maguire, and Miss Peggy tectlonifrom air attack, the move- I sent there'll be a Saint Valen­ ried a crescent bouquet of white man will Introduce the Ruest Rm. 9, 256 Main St., Ensl Havon PHONE •4-I6V3 Augur a student at St. Mary's Jewish faltli will hold their obsei-v- Committee to the State Director Margo Woodman, Leslie Clark, dent, 111 Pro.spect Road, East Ha­ ing until the soil has warmed up a anccs Friday evening and Saturday. of Civilian Defense, to establish ment bf pupils to the selected Janice and Susan Blake, Jean tines' Supper on Saturday nlte, STEVE PRUSSICK gai'denlas. speaker,. Austin F. Hawes. former bit is even mi.3re satisfactory, since PHONE 4-3939 52a MAIN STREET EAST HAVEN Academy are in charge of classes. ven, on Friday at 2:30. titate Fo'rester, who will Rlvo an 11- Feb. 9 and 10. working relations witli local civil areas, and the use of practice drills Charles, Mary Lncey, Linda White. February 17th In the community There will be a regular business A reception was held in the San germination in coal soli Is tardy. defense directors so that public for all school personnel so that Woody Franklsh. Johnny Clark. house for Granite Bay lA. A. mem­ GARAGE No Minimum Balancs Renio Restaurant. Assisting In re­ Idustrated lecture on the subject. Torch received its award as the _ The Board of Tax Review, will be bers and their v/lves meeting, prcsldend over by Mrs. "Guatemala, Land of Sun.shhie and Children's Teeth schools in a coordinated effort may each person will know his respec­ Bobbie Dow, Dick Cave. Morris and EQUIPPED TO REPAIR ceiving guests the bride's mother most outstanding new flower for in session at the Johnson Brothers tive role In the plan. George Lacey, Henry Babcock and Jan No Cliarga For DepotiK Milton P. Bradley, president. The,„„^I wor„e ,a. maroo„.,„„„n dres„r„s„ with black Color." The hostesses will be "Mrs. 1951 of Its bushy habit Store In Northford on ' Saturday The need for bridges and for make their fullest possible con­ ALL tvlAKES OF CARS group will then hear a travel talk' w^e a maroon or^^^^^ Seymour Bradley and Mrs. EdRar tribution to the defense program. A plan for the safeguarding of Bob Bush. Movies, favors and good P.S. The handwriting on the „ orchid which makes It a better carden afternoon, February 3. from 2 until • dentures would be greatly reduced feed enjo.vod by all ...... Bert and wall usually means there's childroii Main SI. Ul, l-niS iranhrJ TMB SECOND NATIONAll by Mrs. liolu'rt R. Chamberlain, veieveicorsage; . accessorieShe wass assisteana adn by the Xaft. The public Is cordlall.v invited i'luwor than the original Tithonla s o'clock. if proper care were given to the The Commissioner's communica­ valuable records is to be outlined HI whil(! Mr. John Graham . shows to attend. . , • tion asked the superintendents of It includes preservation of school Bob Mason have their Birthday's In the fainllv! urldegroom's mother who wore a .'^peclosa. It groWs three to Jour The March of Dimes which form­ teeth of children. Parents must slides on a recent air trip to Eng- blue di'css with black accessories INow that a new v.arioly of tcel tall, Icrniing a well rounded schools to contact local defense registers, financial records, and today Extra congratulations lunil. ally closed on Wednesday will be learn to bring their children to the directors at .the earliest possible pupil cumulative records. Sub­ tomorrow (Friday) for Claus John­ and an orchid. ' llthonia, named Torch, hpa receiv­ three feet Jn diameter covered active throughout the week while ' denlLst before they need large fill­ Mrs. Frederick 0. Maynard, Mrs i 'When the couple left for a wed­ ed the • hlRhest award In ths 1051.wit h flowers from late summer date to make careful plans for the stitute school housing facilities son on his 90lh Birthday Alice The check plan used by' thou- late contributions are being receiv­ ings and extractions, not after. will be arranged In the town in the Richard W. Davidson and Mrs. S ding trip to New York and Chicago, All,American Selections of fbwcr.';. until frost. Tithonla Torch is a ed. Mrs. Alden J. Hill, chairman, protection of school children and Lamar has a Birthday tomorrow, BRANFORD THEATRE Mudi of people to paf their Barry Jennings will as.slst Mrs the bride chose for travelling a many Rurdeners will be anxious to Rrand garden flower because of the has been assisted by Mrs. Stanley property In the event of any war event the. regular school building too Kristlna Dahlmeyer. Arnold PHONE 8-2483 RESIDENCE g.?^^ •ii bilil without tiresome wiiitiag Marshall F. Beebe. pale blue and brown tweed suit, become acquainted with this showy compact habit that is lacking in T. Williams as assistant chairman, hold their annual Achievement emergency in the state. Is damaged beyond use. Peterson. Jr„ and Mrs. John Dwyer Its forbears, and few other annuals Night program at 8 o'clock, Friday. all have their Birthday's next Mon­ TIlUlt.SDAY, FlilDAY, SATDUDAY—KIOHllUAItY i-2.3 in line of rushlnft from pile* urown accessories, a brown velvet annual. Tilhonla bolonRs to the and a committee of several other The Communication urges private Plans for the evaluation of in Wa.shlngton. D. C. hat, furcoat and corsage of yellow family of Composltas. This Includes provide such outstanding material workers. Feb. 2. at the North Branford Town school buildings to be used for day, and flames Comer next Tues­ to place. Cnnceled checki iir« The brldcRrciom, a veteran of orchids. Upon their return they all those flowers popularly known for cutting. The blooms are, carried Hall. Movies of the 4-H Club ac and parociiiai school officials to emergency hospitals and housing day ...... VAN JOHNSON — KATHRYN GIIAYSON f best receipts. Wallet with yoiir .service with the U. S. Army durlnu win reside In 7 Wolcott Street, New us daisies. A close Inspection of any on long and strong stems and they The Annual Parish Meeting of tivities will be shown. The public is work closely with superintendent for; evacuees have not been com­ Mrs. Lillian Seeley spent last siame in gold, free. 20 chccki World Wur H, wa.s graduated In Haven pt these win reveal that tlielr struc­ hold up exceptionally In water. Its Zlon Episcopal Church held in the cordially invited. of schools, who are. to be the lals- pleted by the State Civil Defense weekend in New York ,. Also Mr. "GROUNDS FOR MARRIAGE" printed with your name, $2.00. 1050 .summu cum laude from Yale ture is far more complex than own leaves serve well for artistic North Branford Town Hall on Mon­ The United Council of Church lon leaders between the schools Office btili,' school officials have and Mrs. Elbert Pearson were down University where he was a member of most flowers. In fact, they are arrangements, but when deeply day night. Supper was served by Women will conduct services in and the civil defense organization. beeji a.'ikqd by Commissioner in the big city for a couple of snowy MAHSHALL THOMPSON — VIHGINIA FIELD i Use the Porsonnllied Check a conRlomeration of a Rrcat many colored autumn foliage' in bronze, the Zion Parish Guild at 0:45 the Branford Baptist Churcli on Such offlcals may work directly Flio. Ask the B>nk todij'. 01 Skull and Bone.s and where he Engleman t'o be ready to assist the days And Mr. and Mrs. Fred wa.s elected to Phi Beta Kappa in RECALL SEEN individual flowers, which In this deep red or brown shades become o'clock. Reports of the Rector and Friday, February 8. at 3 P. M.. the with defense' officials. If that ap­ locpl detensi director with thoplan Roganson with daughter. Karyl en­ available the gardener is likely to officers of the various churcii or­ pears wiser, proving there Is-a de­ "DIAL 1119" THE his third year., case arc called florets. In the sinHle flr.'.t Friday In Lent. This "inter­ a.s.soon"as he has his instructions. joyed New Jersey Connecticut FOR RESERVE lormatlon is a center disc, usually turn to the latter because of the ganizations were given. Officers for denominational service will be con­ finite agreement, as to the Sportsman's Alliance Golden Key MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2:15 SECoNn NATIONAL BANn yellow and one or several rows of beautiful contrast it suspplles. the comlne; year were elected. ducted In 94 countries this year. fimctions and duties to maintain steel—More Steel Dinner given In honor of Elwood ray or outer petals. ParLshloners are asked to save that coordination in the effort. Under Complete change of program lor the matinee only. Two hours UF NEW IHVEN , EARL COLTER OFFICERS HERE Mrs. Clarence W. Baker of the The nation's steel capacity has Dow last Monday PM in the Waver- 'The'center disc-Is made up of disc Many gardeners forget all about teaching staff of the Zion Episco­ day for this service. the latter arrangement the head ly Inn :. Peter and Jolin Batrow ol cartoons, comedies and other Intcicullng slioit subjects. |]B Churtli St., (Nut !• lU rait OIIMI florets ,each with Its stamens and of a private or • parochial school risen to 100.5 mlHionlitons. . One "THE PHOTOGRAPHER IN their tender bulbs once they have pal Church School will be glad to A regular meeting of the-Men's day's output of ingotS; and cast­ will demonstrate Iheir wonderful Admission twenty cents to all tor tlio children's maMne«g AUDilwr Fcderil UipoiU Insursttn Cir^ Lluutonunt.s And captains In the pistil, able to produce a.seed if been put in tholr winter storage give any member of the group Club will be held on Tliursday even­ will perform duties assigned to the Nucrful Nuero-Muscular Stimulat­ YOUR TOWN" pollinated. The better nttriid for ray ings will provide steel,/fpr the fol­ Mimbtr Fwlwal ReMne IjrltMS .•\rniy Re.s«rve IhrouHliout Connec- Quarters. While in nest cases no Lenten Mite Boxes if they have ing, Feb. 1. at 8 o'clock in the superintendent of schools. ing Machine on Monday evening. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUI^ISIJAY'—FEHRUAUY.1.5-0 228 Main St,, Branford ileul have been iirp.ed to voluntcer- Petals Is rav florets as they too are trouble need be expected if they 7 J{/Sr REMEMBERBd ... 7 MUST not already received theirs. chapel. The Executive Committee The communication requests lowing items (averagc'sizes): An February 12th. for the Granite Bay CONTINUOUS SUNDAY FliOM 2;1 5 individual flowers, althouRh. not In aircraft carrier, 500 airplanes, 1000 Phono 8-3SII lor active duty In re.'inonse to the were handled properly before be­ RBNBW Aty ACCIdENT INSURAHCB! " The next meeting of the Zion of the Club have charge of the pro­ that school officials A. A. and tholr guests in the com­ HICHARD W1DMAH1C — WALTER PALANCE ihird recall proRrain tor olfleers oi all cases are they able lasproduce ing put away, ho one can tell .lust Parish Guild will be held in the gram. 'pertinent Information which is to aU-a|rcriift Buns, 500 tanks, halt a munity house civilian components of the Army by seed. Now we realize why bees and what their reactions will be. Why home oi; Mrs. Robert L. Ayr of Sun­ On last Sunday evening 15 mem­ bo transmitted to the local defense million Mnch shells, • 1,000 liow- Clarence Johnson's "Duchess' re­ TF.CIlNlCOI.Olt Col. Frederick J. de Rohan, Chief ether insects spend so much time in not assure .vour.self that all is well set Drive on Wednesday, February bers of the North Branford Con­ director within the next thirty llzers, 2,000 aerial tibmbs;. two cuperated from her bout of poison­ of the Connecticut Military District. the flowers of the Coniposltas,' In by looking them ever at regular in­ i4. at which time the "Token Quilt" gregational Church Christian Youth days. heavy crullers, l,OO0' ffclghl cars, ing last week Guess we should "THE HALLS OF MONTEZUMA" Col. ileRolian said that the foUow- tervals once' a month or every six RAY PLANT, JR^ iN§iijjANCE • REAL ESTATE will be awarded. Business session Fellowship attended the New Ha­ An alphabetical list of pupils in 2,000 ^rucks, two cargo . ships, keep our pets on leashes If wo want DAN CUPID Can't Do It Ini? priorities lor recall ol company tlve duty that the necessary num­ week.s. If trouble is encountered, will be presided over by Mts. George ven East Consociation Young each school is to be'ijrepared. Tlie two tankers, 12,000 ..sutos, 2,000 to keep our petal MICKEY ROONEY — TERRY MOOBE Krade otticcra have been establish­ bers will be called involuntarily by subsequent Inspection must be more (260 MAIN.STRfe£T>- BRANFORD 8-1729 Llnsley president of the Giilld. , People's Meeting in the Northford age and address of each pupil is to K^mes,. 20,000 hou.'-choidJ;re(rigcra- . Troop No. 1 Boy Scouts—•rcmcm- ed: ' •• the Department of the lAWny. frequent. Local schools remained, closed on Congregational Church. There were be included. A listing of all member Wednesday nlte. February "HE'S A COCKEYED WONDER" Quallfed volunteers of the Or­ 150 young people ot the Consocia­ tors, and,i20,000 st

UBeti PDESENTINO IHE in EAST HAVEN it's mj BucklanJ VALENTINE A new Engltih wultpapcr pnlUrn ,.. iit i ctiaimlnQ CARDS color cornblno- or living index(l point to equal If! per hour. First lloiis. SompUi «n adjustment April 1, 1951. Base to be 176). W.H.S. MEIMRANDUM OF AGREEMENT 8. Agreeemant embodying principles applicable to \ntliony Marino, BY LloyJ Co. yardmasters to be entered into for benefit of yardmaatera. Mi;r. INC. Washington, D. C. U E. 53nil Slrt«l December 21. 195° Telephone 4-5979 \ 9. Effootivo October .1, 1950, the basic hours of RUST CRAFT Naw York 92 amlng car stewards shall be reduced froo 225 to 205 hours «hall ha;rone\'o\e 'fh""""^' Th» cLr""?"? '"°"" "'' 218 MAIN STREET PLaiu S'lDSS V rnr vardmea with in~ per month; no penalty ovortima to accrue until 240 hours CliicflQO • Boiloii represontatlvoa shall " (Ne.\t to 1st Nat'l) Niwark • BffvarlyHllli have been worked, the hours between 205 and 240 to be paid for at the pro rata rate. ^1- If the narH^o """ ^ote. •• „n= ^=IO^^K''H''° ''^'"•"ary 1, 1951, ovartirao at tins and one-half shall accrue after 220 hours have been worked LET US DO YOUR BAKING Ihe basic monthly salary to be paid for the 205-hour '^fiestaiiiaiir month shall bo the same as that now paid for the 22S-hour Fresh Bread and Pastries Daily from the date of exec ^^^^^ ^-"."'""'^ "lo shaU receive month. Except that four dollars and ten cents (S4 10) Ben required by tne engineers "ho snai ^^^ ^^^^^g shall be added to the present monthly rate effective paid overtime rates e^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^''^••Jlnlnd after ''-1 Straight time rates 10 ^^^ now exist. ™^^g„ ^C desire r,rr^.,}°' I" consideration of above, this agreement to be Jim and Nino's I effectivo until October 1, 1953, and thereafter until \ I changed or modified under provisions of Railway Labor Act. • . ""''-'eyeaa covered by-thia RESTAURANT and BAKERY j ^^\B^JB-^^^^J^^^ -en Moratorium on proposals for changes in wages or rules tre^O hour week -tually ^^^^ ^^^ , ,„„ ,,,,. until October 1, 1953, as follows: Branford -,eek -tes for 0-; week and S day week. North Main Street Tel. 8-0271 No prop'osals, for changes in rates of pay. rules ! , ;• 3. or working con4it;i,pns will be Initiated or progressed "lA-Vi-m-m-m . . delicious" • by the employees against any carrier or by any car­ Plus State Tax rier against its employees, parties hereto, within a That's one of our submarines he's talking about" period of three years'-from October.!, 1950, except • Smackin' good — our delicious Submarine sand­ such proposals for changes In rules or working con­ Va^-^rf*--" ditions which may have been Initiated prior to June wiches work magic for lagging appetites ... is a taste ""' '"'a. Se^,ll:,^C«In:rS:lar (Conductors and Train- 1, 1950. Provided, however, that if as the result of .'Ck treat for anyone, anytime! Stop in for a Submarine or GREETINGS & GIFTS government wage stabilization policy, workers Eon- • New Ics-Blus Inlarior — erally hava bean permitted to receive so-called are brought to you from • New. plastic Chill Drawar ] ^ ^pS^^rofesTonduotors and Trainmen) regular sandwicli tills noon or any time. gold-and-chrome accents oulsida annual improvement Increases, the parties may meet Friendly Nciglibors • All-porceloin Hydratort wl,th Doctor Steelmanion or after July 1, 1952 to Meatball and Pepper — Sausage and Pepper discuss whether or not further wage adjuatmants for & Civic & Social Welfare • Melar-Miter meclianitm Ham or Salami, Lettuce and Tomato • Lifetime Porcelain Interior employees covered by this agreement are justified Leaders • Aluminum iltelvei tannot in addition to increases received under the cost of Ham or Salami with Cheese T.XT.^'io^^.lil -rprurSeader and Ton- througli rust or sag ' • Quicl"' .,/^if'/a^Mmmi}i!mmmm^^s:~ I I'm

Thursday, February 1.1951 THE BRANFORD REVIEW-EAST HAVEN NEWS Page Seven • ''i-l Thursday. February 1.19S1 .fin* Six THE BRANFORD REVIEW-EAST HAVEN NEWS brace, 530 to 528 and 527 to 512. Meadow Restaurant found a TECH TOPPLES GAELS BLISTER winning effort against Stohe Wall by winning three, braced by Stan HORNETS, 5444, EASTIES PLAY TWICE HORNETS IN CRUCIAL PliLskl's 334 score en tilts ot 113, HI -ChChiei f Mechanic EASTIES, 68-51, and 110. Vlnnle Packer's 358 set went for naught for the losers. The IN UPSET WIN PERSOHALITIES and CAREERS BY BILL AHERN TEST AGAINST GAELS IN NON-LEAGUE TILTS IN HOT DISPLAY lead-oft man shooting games of -Ady 130: 123 and 105. An alert band of basketcers from Wilcox Tech Merlden came through Too little and too late. Is the Archie Anderson's 348 total on Us siriinRo the wny uniy clouds iiiul fulIliiR snow brings melnncliolln v/ay to re.scrlbe Haven's 08 to IN SHELTON, FRIDAY with the biggest basketball upset .•• BEFORE SHELTON, TUES. aamcs of 126. 107 and 115 tipped 0 fthe week last Friday night In LOVELINESS on a group of persons. It inny ho tliiil llie coldness or vvcnther (liills for .51 defeat at the hands of gigantic the victory scales In favor of Old St. Stanislaus Hall in the Sliver wtirin IhoUKhts of friendliness itir a sort of Inner (Ire—ft brealli of air AlthoURli Ilavcn llluli acts a Shelton High In a regular Housa­ Tlic crucial contest of the Housa­ go Into the class M tourney but the Towno when it went on a triple win i .> 1 major crisis is on hand tomorrow City when It clipped the wings of STYLE BEAUTY HOME P!$OJEGTS on tHc smoUlcrlnR embers of time. pair of outside clashes lonight and HORNETS BLtiST tonlc I.,ea8ue ba.sketball contest In tonlc League lies In Shelton Friday ever Pep's Restaurant. P. Molnar high flying Branford Hornets 54 to Friday, all eyes are centered on the the valley town gym last Friday night when the Gaels play host to night. •Women's Circurlt led the losei'S. hitting 320 on scores 44 before a .small crowd. Such tliought.? nued ycstcrdriy'.s mid-day when a Kfoup of former coming hoop battle with .Shelton on MILFORD, 72-42, night. the Branford Hornets In a game Branford demonstrated against "Tighter Ihan old fashioned corset of 118. 109 and 95. The winners Aid ' to feminine lovellncs.s Residential work Is the chief Iii- BdUcl-ymun Rathered, like llnkc-whlte ImaRes, nnO for a brief spun Tuesday nlghl in the Easile RVm Too little refers to the lack of which should decide the winner of Milford that It Is the loop's great­ fi,„"??o?", =>" hour-glass figure, was i:egged 581 lo 525. 540 to 503 and Minus their ace backcourt mait, abounds al The style Beauty lercst of Berncr Lohne Company, --S burndd \vor(ls, cheery, hean-llamcd remembrabces of an 111 comrade, Leadership of the Housatonlc jtature the Yellowjackets floored the loop. est scorhiR array when it racked „„,! 'Vu^'^'k between the Swallows 533 to 504. and team captain, Addlsoh Long, Salon, aa I'\iuntuln Slveel, New Ha­ Inc.. general contractors and real IN LOOP WIN M^?„.f''^M°''l?'=^^'" ""^ Women's the Hornets were anything but the ven. ExoerU"! In hair styling, all estate developers. From Wepawaiig GeorK* Balslcy, confined to his Bradley Avenue home for many months league will be at .stake although the igalnst the towering Gael combine Both teams have been -pasted up a 72 to 52 win. Fans are dis­ Holy Name Circuit typos of permanent waving, and homo club Is now out of the runn which controlled both backboards with single losses in the tlrst month counting an cUtslde loss against circuit, 1th the Orioles singing the smooth effiOlent team Which has Road, Woodbrldge, where the busi­ with' ft broken leg. ' A forerunner of the elements. and too late refers to the torrid 'tweeter tcng, 2 lo 1. *lhe winners St. Elizabeth's bowling combine domlnateti state class M circles. the tuU complement ot beauty ness has lis headquarters, the Ing. of action. Shelton by Lyman HaU Wilcox Tech, a week ago, blaming htld light to Us first position soot culture arts give advice on personal service extends co>mty-wlde. gome ARC .'takes a toll In mendlnR not unlllte hftirs from one's head and Coach Frank Crlsafl has a great Branford HlRh'.s basketball lorces last halt drive which the Eastles and the Hornets by the Gaels. Both an off night. ROt out in front scoring 427 to 415 Actually It wa-i at the .foulliue swept blizzard fa.shlon to a tre­ put on against the tiring Jjome ag­ a"d 428-10 420 before losing 452 to In the Holy Name League on Tues­ that Branford lost the same. On grooming and handle the work tor commci-cial jobs are handled, but his malady hns been time consumlnR. In the early stages cards brought chance to grab another game ntar- teams have an excellent chance to The return of Lou Locarno and day night at West End when it satlsfaclion. Service is by appoint­ this emphasis l.s on home projects. brlRttl niug'sftgps of hope; hcarienlni! wishes, "Oct well, noon." Ing qualification for the olay-down.s mendous 72-42 win over a bewilder­ gregation. The- visitors were 19 .1., J » - i I It. _ . u,, Joe Paul to the high scoring field 434. Pauline Truskowskl's 319 set relied lo a three game win over St. the floor, they were a basket better ment only, m the Claa.s M state ohamplonshlp.s ed Mil ford combine last Tuesday points down going into the last 10 Augustine's No. 1 unit. Lorln than the winners bul netted only In business 30 years and In- • But ov'eiydoy occupations and new crises erase thoughts from night In the .stale armory before minutes but managed to blister f^'y.^ SSfn.'l'' nS ?^ I'^^viSSn^'Siu^ augments well for the blazing M- oa'^''oS"""?''5o?'^-" •'"10 hit scores four seventeen tree throws while Mrs. Marlon Albrccht and Mrs. corpoi'atcd In 1030, the Lohno en­ tonight In Bridgeport; when his L°"'^n'?Sl"^'.„??orf^°n^^„<,7,. nf ?nn?- shoretowncrs but its reckless style of 98, 98 aiid 123. Jan(. Oorskl was Paradise paced the winners with a Harriet Mulheru, partners in the «li Uiit ific faithful, men'like Captain John,Cooluc.and those soldiers who Yellowjackcts meet Bullard Haven. a .small crowd. the cords when big Ed oustafson iT.°i^vf,i ^M^»»rtnn n^nH nnliinrri! "^us* hc curbeb agalhst the stringy Uie biggest kegleron the lo-slng side 362 effort, compiled when he rolled the Trade School wa.s dunking terprise Is linked closely to the fougliti not only In the Md.\lcan Incident but \n the first world war, PlttlnR the basket, with the dex­ ''l'°''?J"?fSl ha "ISn °rnr A^S^ Oaels. two of whom are six foot sixteen fcr twenty three. Seven of business, both were gradualod progres.s and development ot the Friday night's conflict against a oured nine points through, the ^fSJ"\""K for 288 phis on gamis 132. 109 and 121. Peter VUlecco with from New Haven School of Hair covuily, lis schedule ot endeavor Is Qeorfjo was anil Is jiklllotl with his hands. Born and bred in Branford, rapidly Improving St. Mary's quintet terity of a trigger-hapby G. I., oops m leading the futile attack. started stealing the ball for easy j, ^ -^ tall. Both were effective of 77, 10%and 111. a 324 series on games of 105. 112 the Hornet fouls were missed In the Hornets quickly penetrated the K hoops. the third quarter at the end ot Slyiing about 1041, b.tsed on vast practical experience 4 his schooling was not Immense, for he soon found that a wrench and will have no bearing on their rating Tall Ed Hogan was the. outstand- against Branford earlier this season. The rangers grabbed a 3 to 0 win and 97 led the losers. Shown above is Ainflnn Bei£;mtinn, ti minnlKn- oC the Nor- and knowledgfe. for the Friars are not a member of Indians' stcve-ilke defense and Thc'last quarter was all-East Ha­ which Tech had grabbed a nine Both have about 15 years ot ex- sore'wdrlvcr unlocked more doors for him than the mysteries of I'oci ingUig player for the home five al­ The pressing style ot the Gaels is over the Canaries when only two of The winters .scored 503. 500 and woginn Iiitornntional Skmig leani, a winner of the Invitation nerlonce In the professloir. Thrv Berncr Lohne Is president; thcC.I.A.C. which sponsors the easily rolled to their win In the though he shared high scoring ven's as Oustafson started catching terltlc on the valley town court but the latter shewed tor the tilt. Using point, 37 lo 28, lead. t|ie wlirils of Hawthornc'anrt the passages of Julius Ccasar. Housatonlc League, They have a fire after a sluggish earlier ap 199 to 407, 486 and 488, ,Tump, a year aRO, who will bo computiiHi! in the Connoctieut, have opera ted this .salon for sLi Mlchalc Lundc, vlce-presldeiib; annual schoolboy classic. honors at 17 with teammate and to stop the home array the Hornets the Average In three spotss. the It was a nip and tuck affair for years now. Children's work is in­ Martin Lohne, seerotary; and Anno Tints at an early age, George Balsley went to work as a machinist 'I Hope To Hun single less. pearancc. The^bg boy found the ^ipst' devise a defense against St. Clare's kept within reaching the first sixteen minutes although State Ski Jumpinp Chtimpionsliips to bo hoirt on .lohn Salro equally high, Oeorge Wheeler. Nick l?i,¥''ei'^,'?ni'','"^ '»'! little chance. distance of the Short Beach array cluded in the program. I. Lohne. wife ot Berncr. trcasur- nt the .{ylallcable Iron Fittings Compiiny. Near ;hl!j bench was Johi On tht-lr .small court a week- ago. The victory enables Branford to Pellegrlno and Vln Gagllardl were Gael's easy to take and his height George Wheeler's hook shots sand Nell Shlllnskas 1th 237 paced the Wilcox held a single point 11 to 10 Hill in Snulisbury, Conn., on Sunday aftornnon. 01'. Usually aa many as zo employes stay at the top of the classy cir­ was a big asset In gaining cojitrol Ed Hogan's one hand push style. by taking St. Bernadette's by a edge at the quarter, a margin Free demonslrallon ot Merle Klniiey.'brother of'Frank, n clever man With a micrometer but with a ho Gael's blistered the Eastles, 08 Impressive for the 'Jackets notch­ winners scoring games of 97. 95 and similar count. J. Plammigan Norman cosmetics is given by Mr.s, are renulrcd, the .sl?.e of the .statl "61 but the Crisallmen believe cuit, at least until tomorrow night ing 12 and II points respectively. ot the boards. The blond horior ^^-^Both g^ooshoot exclusivelyv from thee which was unimproved al the halt winner. Other awards will be given burning Interest In things military. Together the two, like liiost folks 'when Coach Warren Sampson's student fhpped In a pair of re­ 95 while P. Barba with a 254 set led Piannigan set the pace with a 330 Betty Alllnson by appolntmenl. depending on the roster. that on their spacious surface East Shelton's opening quarter actual­ right side, a point which Sampson Canaries when she pinned 78, 91 .•^et on games ot 123, 107 and 106. when i tied 25 to 24, Scoring 13 EAST HflVEN ALLEYS lo those who finish high in the vyorlflng side by side, bandied words imlll they l)Ocamo firm friends and Haven will be able to give away team meets Shelton. their lone bounds, added a ten foot ,push shot may use If he desires to overshlft points to 4 In the third canto, the league conquei'ors on the minute ly put the East Haveners out ot the and climaxed his efforts with a and 85. The Inners scored 447 to 387 L.Canestrl's 319 on scores of 99. 99 compclition. Mr. Qalllgnn, with nearly 40 ijcorgo began to see opportunity In the military, height and outrurt Vln Murray's contest when they racked up nine his defenders. A decidedly lop- sid­ to 402 and 437 to 398. and 121 was the best losing effort. winners managed to get a clear PLAN SWEEPSTAKES years ot experience behind him team. Gael court. driving lay-up while dunking one ed basket adds to the woes ot the "The Robins found a breath of bulge, 37 to 28, going into the final Bill Bach of Norolon Heights is fn ]9M,'when the present, stale armory arose In the same site as straight poins before Ron Rosscttl of four tries at. the penalty mark. The winner.? pinned 544 to 406. 510 the defending king, ho Posted a now, has conducted his own busi­ Two six. five boys conslllule most Joe Paul'!^ nine baskets and four measured a free throw. They push­ Invadens, spring against tlie Bli«;birds rack- to 447., and 542 to 489. eight minutes. The localsi clearly SATURDAY EVENING on TREE WORK! ness since 1022. He has operated the brlglnal one, George moved from his M.I.F. occupation to one as a of Shelton's threat. Of the oalr, fouls gave him high scoring honors ',•?§ "i!l?„^ ^'^'''lo °" scores ot 455 to off stride, tried to get even In the score of 789 to nick Eddie Forml- ed the ^core to 10 to 1 before SHELTON The hulk ot Branford's success St. Vincent's No. 1 unit regained the enterijrlse from present ad­ \...: mcdianle with the famous old Battery. Guard Ed Hognn. Is the better olay- but only three better than Lou Lo­ will be found In the rebounding ot 417. 488 to 426 and M76 to 434. last frame but the, damage had chelll of West Haven by seven carno, who rebounded Into scoring Mautte finally scored on a close B F P some stature by taking St. Augus­ been done and substitutes finished Tiie East Haven Alleys will .spon­ El.lcks. and both men will be back at Well known as a landscape gar­ dress since 1927, and servos Thpuph he went there tlrst ns Armorer, he soon gained a repulatlbn or but Oeorgle Wheeler, stationed field try and the score was 23 to 3 / Captain Ad Long and sophomore Eleancr Schmllz with a 301 series sor its fifth annual ducktiln swecu- ihroughoul the state.. near the hcon Is devastating with a contention by flicking the nets A. Pisacane, t. 3 17 on scores ot 98. 04 and 111, led the tine's combine into camp bv a out the tilt. the East Shore pUi emnorluni to re­ dener, clarence W. aaliigan, 213 as thc'flnest gun mechanic In the United States, biit when the Mexican eight times while meshing the cords before Ed Henry tUpped a side Joe Paul. Both are agile but will bo 3-0 count, The winners pegged 523 stakes for Class B bowlers on SalUf- Central Avenue, Now Haven," Capable, ready and willing to' hook shot, thrown always from the D. Pisacane, £. 5 3 13 giving away considerable height. field while Slg Bloomqulst topped Blake Lehr, moved lo forward by new their conquest tor chamulon- ttbuhle broke forth, three examining doctors turned him down for rea­ with three out of five at the foul shot and Gagllardl tossed In a Wlieeler, c. 0 0 17 the losers with a 292 set pinning 92 to 461 to 501 and 545 to 638. Jimmy Coach Warren 'Sampson who dav afternoon and evening. Keglers .'.hlp honors. : , \ Is adept on tree work. Il(> docs vendor the reliable assistance In right side. A pair of whippets, the stripe. -• . ,, charity try. Wheeler's rebound shot Earlier In the week Shelton was Glynn upset the dope bv pitching with averages less than 118 are In­ sons of health, for ho weighed but seventy-nve pounds and they ojjlned Pisocano brothers, Al and Don, do McCarthy, q. 1 0 2 94 and 106. brought Lou Locarno back to Also listed among the entries Is Irlmnilng, pruning, reeding, spray­ care and preservation ot trees, ho They were the only Pair to.sfhlt closed the quarter, 25 to 0. Hogan, G. 8 1 17 conceded the game on the strength a fine 456 set on games ot 129. 101 vited to partlclnale In the .six game ing, bracing and transplanting of welcomes the opportunity to be ot that' he wdiild bo unable to withstand the rigors of everyday training. the pressing from zone positions In Thereafter the game was played of last week's poor showing against Restaurant Loop and 115. Pete Kobak's 319 series on guard replacing the injured Long, event which will allow $7ff; to the Ed Barrows of Beacon Falls, who Thus the Battery Went off to Tobyhanna, a man light. But In a short he forecourt and Frank Pagano. double figures for both sides bul Frank Pagano, G. 6 0 12 was the top man on the scoring cnptm-ed the West Haven Classic trees. If you have a tree problem he service. eleven men got Into the scoring act on even terms although the home Totals 29 10 08 Wllccx Tech but Its remarkable re­ In the Restaurant league bowled games ot 109, 107 and 103 was the poll with nine baskets He was win be glad lo studv 11 and offer timd, the commanding odlcer, an unnamed Colonel, his loss when ho most Improved Housatonlc Play club pushed the count 30 to 6 be­ bound on Tuesday, in the state this week at Mike Frennelte's best aggregate of the North Bran- put up without regard to nearby from a contingent of DO rollers '.Uusl niR nersnnal nllenUon and In- -•r. Is an able director of team play for the home combine, substitutes EAST HAVEN matched, by Earl Raffles with six a week ago. Barrow's victory in the the correcl .'IOIUVIOJI. '-... 1 ;•.,-...• v'..;.i ,' i.pprcclatlon. civilian employees were called Into camp to properly Instruct the use playing most of the last half. Billy fore Prank Crlsafl's charges came armory has heartened the team Alleys, the Silver Dollar combine, fordltes. power lines, attached to crumbling rem his Iqtt guard berth. through with a seven point rally B F P paced by Joe Naimo's 335 set on hoops and a similar number of chimmeys, even placdd on utility West Haven test drew applause as It of the, cannon and lopalr It tor duly. Krause and Ron Young with nine followers. In the last triple sweep ot the conversons. Tom Pureell with Gay was his flrjit lling at an underclass 'r--'^ Nccil Great Game markers apiece led the Indians. paced by Gagllardl and Pellegrlno. Mautte, t. • 2 1 5 ^icores of lOG, 119 and 110 grabbed a poles- carrying heavy! voltages, .The civilians called tor Balsley and Informed the Colonel of his worth, To effect the win. the home com- 2 to 1 decision over Elm Restaurant. night. St. Vincent's No. 2 combine Sinlscalo tobk runner-up honnors sweepstakes hereabouts. H Rallying behind the terrific Mautte and Reynolds chinned In a Gagllardl, f. 4 3 11 easily iwevalled over St. Clare's Na. with 12 apiece. Most falfliilles have been due to In the Ihterlm of a molting snowllake, word was sent to the hpmelownei jine will have to play the greatest pair ot long sets and Rosscttl add­ Pellegrlno, c B 0 12 Johnny Donolrlo's 338 series en electrocution by coming; In contact Bill Balick, director ot the Ea.St scoring pace set by Branford's All- games of 109, 124 and 105 set the 2 who bowled with four active kegler Branford to c^lne to camp, as a civilian, to tear one of the guns down aiid assemble /f the season which has been niark- Stater, Lou Locarno, who netted ed a conversion to close out the Reynolds, c. 3 0 O -md that bugaboo. Mr. Ave. The with power lines, although falling Haven Alleys, aloesn't look forward d' by spotty pla.v although trc- half while the Gaels were adding loser's high mark. The Hard Cash GPP accidents to persons unfamiliar lo a field thai may match the large It tor the benefit of the eight batteries which made iip'the company. nine points on four hoops and a Oustafson, c. 4 19 winners pinned 517 to 423. 518 to Lehr, f 9 0 18 nendously Improved of late. charity toss In the opening canto, ten In lessening spurts. Rossetti, G 12 4 boys dropped the first game. 528 415 and 484 lo 455. Howard's 292 with roof lota work have added to turnout nt West Haven a work ago, HAVE VOU SEEH I « Geotgc Went to Tobyhanna and with him his wife. Whilo there, at- Only one senior Is on the start- Behind 39 to 20 at the intermiss­ Henry, G.. 2 0 4 to 534 but rallied to take the last Purcell, t 0 0 12 the toll. , ' ! due to the fact that a Class B oon- the Hornets grabbed a 21 to 10 total was high for the losers as he Flynn, f 0 0 0 tcmtls were made to sign him to the federal service. But the Mrs. smelled Ini? five. He Is Bub Mautto whose ioorlng margin at the quarter. Paul, ion, the Eastles came back in the Totals 32 7 51 pegged 06, 102 ami 94. J. Mascola's In rural areas and ismall towns, est Is also slated on the same dav. one hand push .shots and center mostly on rebounds, whipped six 348 series was overall tops, the an­ Paul, c 4 3 11 at Merlden, but is contldent that at 1 a'rtbusle and reminded him of the three young kids. Hazel, Carrie and Score at halt: Shelton 39, East Stanton, c 0 0 0 where 45 to 60-foot antfenna poles lumps have featured the season's points through the basket while :kl hitting once at the lino. MODERNIZE YOUR chorman accunting for games ot arc' necessary to ulck' up distant least 50 to 00 -win be in the line­ Mai) outtlngs. Purcell canned his only four and Despite the fourteen point last Haven 20 109, 122 and 117. Nichols, c 0 0 0 transmission centei-s, improper up here on Saturday. New Haven ', Jrhc Cblonel Issued an order that women were, to stay off the post— Sophomore Vln Gagllardl has the Long, a one hand floor shot. stanza, the Hornets were shaded in Non-scoring subsitutes: Shelton; KITCHEN Maiisey. g 0 0 0 bracing has resulted In 'collapse area plnmon are expected lo make­ greatest promise, however, only his Moore, Fred Pagano. East Haven; Industrial League Soboleski, g 0 1 1 across power lines and the inter­ up the bulk of pin pushers. ili.ithc hope that G(:orBe.could be persuaded. One captain said that the Branford's forward ace measured the late going when Milford, hitting with baked-on while enamel metal The 'lexaco Kids took a 2 lo 1 NEW SPMNG I- ack bf. experience holding him Brennan, Blxby. Locarno, g 10 2 ruption ot electrical service in.en­ draqr was ihit out to keep a certain "Chippie" away from the men. It wat three adltlonal field goals In the equally at the penalty line and the dcclsiion from Auto Electric In the !, 'rom greater scoring sorties, he floor racked up fifteen. Totals 20 4 44 tire communities,. Fires and live UoUBlas Fir Bark tidver proven that she went around with them, tor the captain was cov­ loldss the best shooting average on second period, plus an additional CABINETS feature futch ot the Industrial Wilcox tree throw. Again Paul kept pace Branford hit 13 for 22 at the foul Many a guy who thinks he la wires have added to the dangers. Research nt the Oroaon Forests ered with contusion, later, when ho revealed that the lady was a certain ho squad although totar points be- stealing a kiss, falls to realize he rioor and wall models available league with Archie Anderson sett­ C3- F P Products Taborntory has revealed one to Mauttc. dunking a trio of goals while Bob line while the invaders canned 14 ing the pace with games of 115. Siniscalo, f 3 6 12 The Council urges all TV buyers senior t)IUcer's wife Massey was canning five on two for 25. Is losing his freedom. SEE OUR WIDE SELECTIOM Or Immodiats Dollvory 110 and 127 for a 352 set. Carl to make sure the price: Includes that DouQlns (Ir bark contains from Nick Pellegrlno has been Improv­ floor shots and a singleton. At the Raffles, f 6 6 18 8 to ia% (bn.scd on,(;ven dry welclil) .'?:e Branford mechanic was then ordered, with the six other civilian ing with each game and Ed Henry FINE WINES AT EVERY DAY Weller's 316 series was the best ef­ Ka'lnsky, c 4 0 8 installation by the dealer or a w half, the Hornets held a 41 to 14 fort by the losers. He scored 85, 113 competent service compairiy, '.: of 0 eontisonsed tannin. wdrkbrs, to put Ihe rest of the cannons Into (Irsl class,condition and Mrs. and Ron Rosscttl arc capable In the advantage. low PRICES THE CONN. PLUMBING Lombardo, g 3 3 9 backoourt. • - and lis.' The Kids gradded the Murtagh, g 10 2 Ithl^ley stayed with hini In special post quarters. Substitutes took over most ot the AND LUMBER CO. opening contest. 527 to 460 but m Can Drive Sokel, K 2 15 fOcorge's work must have been elTecllve, tor when the guns went Into Job thereafter with Sampson 1730 Slnto St. Nnw Havan. Conn dropped the middle tilt. 503 to 516 Totals 19 13 54 aCll'oii on the range, the men were ordered to shoot near, but not destroy Pellegrino's ability to drive sprinkling them in and out as he Branford S T.l. 7.0294 before coming back in the decisive tilt to cop 532 to 485. Score by p.•riods : Men's and Boy's Apparel fc edrtaln thipty house, three miles away. itamps him as a feared opponent strove to give his regulars a work­ 10 14 4 16—44 MASSEY'S RESTAURANT \-, ilthouRh he varies hl.s game with out ond the relief men. experience. Vin Packer's 350 scries was the U 14 13 10-54 < . ."Boom" went the gUns. "Boom" went the hoiLSO. And "Boom" went •et shooting on occasions. Henry, Single baskets were scored by Flynn. MADROME WINES Icp effort as the Crucible Steelers Score at half: 25—2 4 Wilcox 'Tech. 3B.MA1N STREET, BRANFOkD V Paul Sbbolewskl, Gordon and Stan­ at tlte ilattery's captain to the Colonel to catch the profanity that goes with Ike Gagllardl refuses to shoot too Bowling Center BOTTIED IN CALIFORNIA burned M.I.F'.. No. 2. The lead-oft ah army call-down. For.once a hit was worse than a miss. ton and charity tosses by Locarjio. RUBY PORT - TAWNY PORT roller had scores of 128. 108 and \ COMMUNiry HOUSE NEWS NlcholSj Gordon and Stanton upped w • George leturncd to Branford and the Battery went to the border; CLUB DRY SHERRY ACCORDION 114 lo compile his total while TV Antenna R EXCELLENT FOOD AT LOW PRICES BASKETBALL the hometowners score to 58 against Geor'gle Giordano's 303 set on scores li iilnrtbd home with a burro and a dog as mascots and wlthlrl months were 4th .GRADE the Indians' 27 at the three quarter of 90, 107 and 106 paced the losers. Safety Hazard h.. On fhelt way overseas with horses and the cannon. Cubs pole. • LESSOhlS Teamwise the winners had scores BOOTH AND COUNTER SERVICE The guns worked well In France, too, tor In the Argonne and St. Yale Joe Paul saved his most Impressive A SCHOONMAKER SELECTION of 543 against 451, 520 versus 483 Television antennas are going U -t. Mlhele and .other major engagements. Battery E of the 103d performed Eagles display tor the last session, however, and .503 vs 446. up all over the country, and .so Groves when he canned three more shots In Your Home Bradley-Upsicn's combination was are accidental, deaths caused by OPEN DAILY AT 6:30 A.M. histoVy making feats. : , . , Bulldogs and added ft pair ot penalty shots N„Y,S„ WINES too powerful for Mlfco. No. 1 winn­ them. »» • • ,, , , "George's heart was In those ginis despite being held to Branford— Yankees while Lpcarno was dipping a lone BOTTLED IN NEV( YORK STATE Accordions Loaned ing a three game decision. L. A tile tolder at the National ' 22G Main ,Sl"rcol, Ea.-sL Htiveh t but when they returned, George was with them as chief mechanic, al­ 5th GRADE field goal, Lehr was adding a pair, TAWNY PORT - RUBY PORT Tamsin's 145 wt.s the biggest In­ Safety council Is receiving more THY QUR FOUNTAIN SERVICE though Jim Bedding became the Armorer. Warriors Stanton a lone hoop with Sobolcw- DRY SHERRY - MUSCATEL FREE dividual game score but triple and more case histories and news­ MlcheRan honors went lo his brother Joe who paper Items telling a grim story Then the local unit switched to tanks and George was In his glory— Notre Dame ot death on the root top. Opeii Frt^ajf Bymm% Until B often but he Is bright handltag the 5TH '•* Goldwater Accordior* Schools pinned 132. 110 and 100 for a 352 CLAYTON MASSEY, PROP. a iglory matched only In the thrill of his family's achievements. Hazel, Panthers ball and does a great rebound work series. A, Chestnut with a 340 ef­ Amateur handymen account for as. a member of the basketball team which replaced the HeartbreakerSj S M U despite a size handicap. Rosscttl Is "SCHOOL OF CHAMPIONS" fort on games of 127, 109 and 104 rcarlv all ot the deaths, the Coun­ onwlitcli Laura Tenney and Phyl Hlbbard, played such Important parts; 0th GRADE the team man. Bold and resource­ COAST TO COAST •jffers over 1,000 accordions — topped 111? losers. The Construc­ cil said. When television sets were Hornets ful, he Is raplsly showing the form tionists pinned 567 to 542. 636 to first sold, the price included pro­ Carrie, In the birth of the Community Players, whore she performed the Hawks which stamped him as the greatest REO TABLE WINES ail makes, all sizes, at only $1 per 505 and 572 lo 511. fessional Installation. In recent Uhsiing tasks with the same devotion that her Dad showed in Ills often Bombers scholastic T quarterback in the BURGUNDY-CIARET-ZINFANDEL week. In a make-up match Mlfco No. 1 n\onths, sets have been offered uh>varbled work and Mel, like his pop, to things mechanical. Dartmouth state, this past fall. •5TH 1/2 GAL GAL belted Mlfco. No. 2. 2' to 1. Moe with an antenna kit which the set owner coud erect .liimselt. :,\'6rice, the pair went to Fort Dovens, after the war, loaded a truck Globetrotters Junle Orifice. Billy Reynolds and 49c 99c • ^^95 3 Songs by third lesson Steglna took top honors with a 335 Sea Shells Brennan are a trio of acceptable set on scores ot 116, 110 and 109. power Lines Are Risk wlthiodds and ends and constructed a car. It was a nobby affair In ar 7th GRADE substitutes but Billy Blxby is still 33 MAIN STREET, BRANFORD or your money back Oeorgle Giordano's 307 series paced As a result, antennas have been uiiglaniorous way, with high wire wheels and a rhotor that raced with all •J C L A suffering from a dislocated too and the losers when he pegged 89. 127 5MU sees only limited action. Senior Ed and 91. The winnerss grabbed the the iiolse and power of a B,Par-cat .Stutz. MAORONE WINES For information phone Barney dornell Oustafson ,a one year man Im the BOWLING DAILY BOTTLED IN CALIFORNIA first game. 505 to 444. but lost the •; Ypving Mel was oiie of sjoycral lads of the age who built racing cars, C C N Y iiport, is rapidly achieving stature second 483 to 488 before stealing thernost famous of whlcii jjelon'ged to Solly Donadio, the, oil man and LEi4GU£S NOW FORMING DRY SAUTERNE-SWEET SAUTERNE GoldwatBr "Teacher of Teachers" the nightcap. 491 to 451. AVAILABLE NOW! ath GRADE as proved In the last Qael contest BURGUNDY-RHINE-CLARET Louie Chultiinl, Irv. B«idwlh's old mechanic, more recently with the Holy Cross but his effectiveness Is handicapped Michael Vennett, Prop. Goldwater Accordion Schools Shore Line Motor.s. ,; ; , '; Harvard by being captain o fthc swimming John Peter Zenger. early New Conversion Oil Burners ^I:Y U , > team. Telephone Nev/ Haven 6-2096 Telephone SP 6-2885' .At; the ago of sl.xty-two George retired from his mechanic's duties and York editor, was .ialled in 1734 for Yale The returni game with Branford is A SCHOONMAKER SELECTION his criticisms of the royal governor. Boiler Burner Units though ho sought the armorer's job' after Redding was retired, he was- ADULT LEAGUE listed tor the Hornet armory next AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES unsHccpsstul, the job going t|j Hank Lowe, who currently holds the posi­ .Vardellas Paint Friday' night, Feb. 0. . 1$ . "; A Club Warm Air Conditioners tion. •Almost Immediately, lydiwas working at the Register, but his pliers inrver Club bciciime a broom and a dust cloth, his screwdriver. Since breaking his leg, Indian Neck Domestic Hot Water YOUR FIRST LOOK will reveal glamor North Branford h<> has been retired. At home his life Is complicated by the severe Illness Hook-Ups that is practical; exceptionally modern (/ - of his:wife, a cherished companion through the years. Stony Creek BLENDED WHISKIES : ; : but with elegant dignity of line. iio'wom De Molay ., That was the gist of a noon-tlmc conversation. Everybody had a word aiordanos Texaco 86 Complete Installation, Tank, to say .'about George. None could find anything but the best. Many names Beat Inflation! PROOF 2.95 YOUR FIRST REACTION will be-.Thisnew Wiring and Controls LOOK AT THE EXTRA VALUE DE SOTO^CIVES YOU: orefcped Into the conversation; Jack and Tim McCartliy, Robert (Chick) «0% WHISKIES model is really new and different:: . in- 60% NEUTRAL SPIRITS > Watorproof innlllon for yihul, a harum-scarum-youth, once conllned to post confinement for / eluding a new, higher-horsepower engine I • Now "Orlllow" Shock Abtorbors Quick Slarls tlitee months at the end of \vhlch he was commended with the Colonel's Gulf Oil Qorpration personal letter to all captains in the U. S. Army telling of his abilities, Defeat High Ceiling Prices! BRiARCOFF YOUR FIRST RIDE will catch you un­ • Tip-Too Hydraulic Shift • Long W|^9,o,lbaso, Full- which were unquestioned,since he was, at one tline, a member of the STRAIGHT BOURBON 428-500 Waterfront St. awares . .. it's a revelation 1.:; The result and Fluid Drivo ' Cradlod Rido Wcsleyan Unlvor.slty baskotball team. MUST LIQUIDATE ALL 100% WOOL SHIRTS, JACKETS 86 5TH 6-0181 Mew Haven 6-0181 of the amazing cushioning action of • Big, Now, Higli-Comprot- I Foathcrllght, Shock-fraa ,> There wore others. Red Jack McCarthy, John Coolac, Steve BomboUskI, PROOF , BOl 2.^ De Soto's new Oriflow shock absorbers I ilon Engino Stoating DISTILIED IN ILLINOIS the late Clarence Bradley, who was a warm friend of Balsley's, although AND GOATS » Big Windows for Moxl- he served in France with a Yale organized outnt. YOUR FIRST COMPARISON of DeSoto'a • Big 12-lnch Brokot fcr Extra Safoly 'mom Vlslbliily ' 'Still flthers were named. *• '""'*'T •* JWBpiPR STRATHMORE CLUB SYMPATHY?-no. extra-value features will help you realize HOME that the new De Soto is a Ipxury car that t Scuff-Roiiilont Cylinder George Balsley and the late Tomihy Corcoran were the llrst to be Don't miss this Golden Opportunity to save up to $7.00 BLENDED WHISKEY • Now Parking Brake— BUILDING MATERIALS you can afford. Be sure to' see it sooni Eoty lo Apply Wallt glvprt honorary memberships in the Battery E World War I Veteran's 86 ^ Association and he Is appreciative. His name was on everyone's lips last per garment! PROOF BO™f 2.95 Armistice Day when George; missed his first reunion since the early RULLWOUK and TPJliM WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCT flBV^ORIFLot^/'^f/o^^^^ TSvcntles. MASON MATEUIALS A YEARS OLD J^ , "The hour hand on the restaurant clock had made Its jump to the next GLASS ami PAINTS • All Woolens from two of the most famous Woolen Houses 01^^ '^^-^-Ste number and wet coats slipped over warm bodies as the men jostled their in the Country TOM moon way. through snow laden diners ready for their meals. In a.few minutes STRAIGHT BOUkBON they were at work, their thoughts on a new war and Its meanings. Meffert Lumber Oo. • First grade garments only! Absolutely no seconds! 86 STH ' • But on Bradley Avenue, a wistful man was peering at the strangeness PROOF BOT 2.99 P/enty for alLwIth fair sharing 61 a big storm. His breath fashioned a warm mist on the window pane. No. Main St. Branford 8-3-181 • Large assortment (over 200 units to choose from! DISTILLED IN KENTUCKY Even the mazdas, brightly illuming, the room behind him were dull by • Original PrkeTags can be seen on allgarmentsl comparison. The Illusion of years slipped behind him. ' If the accident is your fault, LYNNBROOK Thai's true of a party-line telephone, too. parly-line service • ;He was thinking of Branford, and life and his friends. Faintly he • No one can afford to miss these "Honest-to-Goodness" dollar BLENDED WHISKEY what a relief it will be to have • is good when everybody keeps calls brief and allows time Hartford Automobile Insurance. heard his wife stir and turned to olTor encouragement. saving values 1 86 STH n 00 Outside snow still tell. ' • PROOF BOT ^•"V belween colls. The Hartford will provide lawyers WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCT to protect your Interests, anil Itlll^'"^ y::.:^, You're sharing . . . with national defense ot North Canton Judglnit Working, We didn't believe il possible (o have "three" mild winters in succession A AND 6 YEARS OLD pay all claims (up to your policy Farmington Valley Terrier.s , arid Toy. ; Judging will Your telephone company has added more telephones in limits) 11 you lose the resfiitinft start at eight o'clock. and conseguenJiy we badly over-purchased. It would be very easy, with Kennel Club Show (Mrs.) Florence M^ Locke, Secy conditions being as they are today, to dispose of these top quality woolens GREEN VALLEY the past five years than in its first AZ years. We plan lo damage suit. I- Publicity com.mlttce BOURBON WHISKEY conlinue building as fast as the national emergency permits. The Farmington Valley Kennel Farmington Valley in one job lot to a wholesaler—bul we would much rather see our customers, Better get this policy before you W-l STH « -yr Meanwhile, the demands for telephone service are steadily drive another mile; n/f cr an acci­ Club, Inc., will hold its February Kennel Club, Inc. friends and neighbors heneiil from this extraordinary saving. PROOF BOT «5«/3 ail-breed AlCC sanctioned match In 21 Forster St., Hartford 0, Conn. rising ... for the military . . . for war industry . . . for dent is too late. A BLEND OF STRAIGHT WHISKIES GROUCHO MARX In the Town Hall Auditorium on East civilian defense. Main Street, In Merlden, on The printing Industnry ranks first OPEN EVERYDAY FROM 9 A.M. to G P.M. and FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. Your Lifo" on bolli Wednesday the 7th — the first In this country In hourly wage M/-.NY OTHER NATIONAllY KNOWN James P. Kavanaugh TV cucli waolc on all ''vAtAiSWfiS-***^' Wednesday In the month instead rates. ' ' BRANDS AVAILABLE AT ASP STORES 69 Ivy St. Tel. 8-0063 Branford NBC tiationi. of the regular second Wednesday. NO LRYAWRYS, REFUNDS. RETURNS. CREDITS OR CHARGES Please note change in date which ALL SALES FINAL INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE made to accommodate exhibitors MIRRO-GLASS ,, Stprtttntinf' sea DE SOTO and"^ SHORE LINE MOTOR SALES Bolng to the Westminster K. C, 216a Main St. Show the I2th and 13th. RESTAURANT BtRTfOllO UCIIEMI Bd lltDEHNin COMrtKVi PI-YMOUTHat , „ West Main Street — Branford, Conn. Judging this match will be Father Now under the Owner-shlp ot Branford llirtlitl, Cgmeclltil Charles H. Kane of Farmington, ROGANSON BROS. GRAVES SPORT SHOP JACK KENREDY Between the First Nationals domg Sporting. Non-Sporting and Corner Ivy & Main §t., Branford Short Beach, Conn. 224 Main Street. East Haven Hounds; and Mrs. Marlon Tongren DISTRIBUTORS

;-*J '\ - •> a^---Jsirirrmi»\, tri£-Mtiyd''x,t.»t'''*t*t\'-f1tv' •^i-, ^l_E«,^^ £'-^ll^-,^^'"-tr-te*'^~«<*tJii-C"t,''V f ••-Ji-#-»«-Va-c«i-^fc.^-i.i>-..»->^ J jt i-W™vW-wiB

"t4 . ' -^ I ;. I'

a* -pa Page Eight THE SRANFORD REVIEW - EAST HAVEN NEWS Thursday. Febfuaty 1. 19SI ;• i Orange Dramatic Club will have IMMEDIATE DEUVKRX: Uta KlW- their Battle of the Sexes on Feb­ KOK COM) COMHAT mcl Drelnboard Stnlu, »nd LkTa- ruary 10. Two .separate .shows of CLASSIFIED ADS torleti; Cbrome Bnus ToUct Ae- STONY CREEK I hour each. Birthdays; Chorlcs Hoyl, Febru­ ecssorles; Copper Gntter kni MRS. HEHBEnT ALLEN — 8-2472 ary ; Dick Howd, Sr., February 8; HELP WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Lcaderi; Roo{iii( and lomUtloa. Mrs. Earl Mann, February a. How N?UIB THE CONN, FLtlMBINQ AND W^t least Batim about other people .Hcndlng In BUY - RENT SELL - HAVE IT REPAIRED LUMBER COMPANI Dear-Neighbors: Rev. J. Edison Pike will omciatc. birth dales? Word has reached mo that our The date Is February 10. Only the Dr, and Mrs. Lawrence Bodkin of WORDS FOUR i7U State St. New HkTen, CtOB. Combined With The Branford Review Metropolitan Insurance man, Mr, ramllies will be present, I New Tfork have been spcndlni? oev TcL 7-»2M Kenneth Guenlher attended the oral days at their summer homo on or LESS SOfif Albert Martin of 42 HardinR Place, 25 TIMES $1.50 VOL.VI—NO. 22 EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1951 New Ilavcn is shut-in and would Vermont Legislature to slnR at the Long Point road, OftB Timi 5 Cents Per Copy—$2.50 A Yeor like all you lovely iiooplc to send opening on January 28th. | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanzero BUILDING MATERIALS FOR In jour Insurance to the office, 70 Mrs. Marian Dower was a week- celebrated their tenth weddlnK an Classified AdverKsInc; Must Be Prepaid SALE—storm Sash, Combination ColleRc Street, New Haven. . end guest of-Mr. and Mrs. Richard nivorsary at their homo here with Doors, Balsam Wool insulation, Dower, a • family party this, TInirsday. the For ad over 25 words, 10 cents for each additional 5 words Fibre alass insulation, Reynolds Brownies will meet nt Mrs. Julia 25th ' Congratulations and best ^—— .- ___„_____„„^ Corleso, • those who are In Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Charles O, Sea- Aluminum Insulation, Orange­ strand, Mr. and Mrs. John Sea- wishes to the happy couple. burg Pipe, Cinder Bioclts, Cement, • T 0''W N; NOTED STATE FIGURES tlowd'3 group, Friday. Mrs. Clarence Williams has sold CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Two young ladles have picked strand spent last Sunday visiting Brick, Flue , 'iTale Hard­ in Waterbury at the home of their her house on Main Street Stonv ware at MEFFERT LUMBER CO., Net Ciraiifl List our towii. to live In, a daughter of 50c per column inch friend, Martin Carlson, - Creek, to Noririan Schmld of Lectc'.'i Branford 8-3484. TOPiGS \ I the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lowes, Island. three little gentlemen are eagerly On our sick list to send cards to Classified ads must be recolvod by 5:00 P.M. Wednesday unancis omnuuura, son oi Ni-. TO SPEAK AT DINNER Mrs. Alex Robertson and daught­ LOST — Pnss Book No. 2135. If awaiting Wendy's homecoming are Mrs. MoCroa, who Is In New for publicalicn in Thursday edition. and Mrs. Everett Blancharr" of 111 from Grace Hosnltnl. The second Haven Hospital again, Mrs.. Frank er have returned from a vacation found return to Branford Sav­ High Street, a member of the Col­ girl to arrive In town was a Hearns, with the grl|)i)e; Madalyn In New Orleans. ings Bank. 2-22 lege of Business Administration at daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cortesls with a cold. James Kent celebrated his birth­ The Branford Review - East Haven News Boston University was a member et At $25^634a00 riooghklrk of Leetes Island Road, The Women's Auxiliary of the day Tuesda.v, January 10, OFFICE POSITION WATED of the student gift committee her name Is Janice PrLscUla. Stony Creek Fire coinpany wish to Troop 2, BOy Scouts of Branford, c-o THE BRAr^FORD PRINTING CO. which recently presented retiring ai'o sei'vlng a ham and bean supper Experienced in dictation, typing, - Being married at the homo of thank all who took part in our PHONE 8-2431 ' BRANFORD, COtqN. filing, bookkeeping, etc. Phone president Daniel L. Marsh with a In,the Cominunltv House on Satur­ nand-Uluminated parchment book, the Robert Wilson's Is their daugh­ Pillowcase Polio Fund Drive. Pro­ Branford 8-9481. ter, Janice A. Wilson to'Edward A. ceeds are over the $80 mark, our day, February 10, at 0:30 P. M. bound In scarlet goatskin and In­ Seout Master Charles Hammarlund SALESMAN-Wc are looklnB scribed with the original signa­ Cooke. Miss Wilson is from Stony aim was $60. Thanks again, win­ for a man with good education ADVERTISEMENT Crook. She was educated in Bran- ners names will be In next week, has charge of tickets. tures of 15,000 Boston University fot'd High and works In the Sec­ We have been a.sked for this ad­ iind plca.slng personality who Is students. Entering Mcrlden Hospital for accustomed to active contact TOWN OF EAST HAVEN, CONN. The net Grand List has boon set ond National Bank In New Haven. training on February 4 are Miss dress again for card.s to be .sent to at $25,034,100 for the Town of East Cerebral Palsy Association, .'iO with the public. If qualincd, The following lot.s and other pieces of property situated In the Town aucnicy Drug Dclailman, Mr. Cooke of the Boston Post Road Joyce Collins and Miss Miriam Mq Lon Ceianlano, jr.; iioiv lias Haven, It was announced today by' attended the Branford High and West 57tli Street, New York, 10, write Immediately slatlni; age, of East Haven and taken by the Town lor nonpayment of taxes are PIANIST EDDIE SIMONI Assessor Junlcs Milano, roe hovinc com'pleted their stud­ now for sale. somctiiinK to keep hiiu awake Is now with the Army at Camp N, Y. education, experience, whethbr The. new gross Ilguro is'$20,782,- ies at Storrs. „ ' , „ . married or .single, and minimum Further Information concerning the properties listed below may be i.tfiiils — a cute little bundle Edwards. Miss Wilson's only at­ Juvenile Grange will meet Feb­ Did you people of Stony Creek ol Joy, Amy Lou, by -Jiaiuc, 405, an Increase of $1,918,073, over tendant will be her sister, Mrs. know that our Howard Oobol Income required. Olvc address had by applying at the Town Hall, East Haven, Conn. SIGNS WITH LEGION SHOW last year's RUOSS of $24,803,432,' ruary 12, each member Is to bring and telephone number. If your In the following list the lots and other places of properly for sale Lou ami his wife, the former Lewis Hlldebrand of Charlottes­ spends at least four days a week Ulcnnou, of llan.dtu, Milano said, ,,. ville, Virginia, The best man will their valentines. trying to get blood dnors for our letter Indicates you might fit In­ am arranged by .streets. The number given below each street or avenue Is Junior Choir will moot again on TIiiH MM-vii^l'ltlitira coltnti iinifni-lit became proud parents Satur­ Edward SInionl. talented East ^.'il^I.l!' exemptions amouiitlng to be' Mr. Louis Van Egghen. The boys in tno Armed Forces.. Also to our organization an appoint­ that of the lot number or numbers thai are for sale. Acreage,-; are so Patrolman Backus Haven planLst will be at the Ivories I''rlday, (Ii<»l|;iit;(l for ttolil flltiialCM iiiiikf!!, listed, day Jan. 27 in N. II. Hospital. $1,140,205 have been deducted frort has 'talked to people from Poll ment Will be arranged. All re­ Here's an Item we're happy to for the coming American Legion the new gross leaving a not bf $25,- Tlieatcr Stage. A Bid and Loud i,f>e f>r llx' liiynr |ii*iii,'i|)l(! of plies are confidential. Address Variety Show, It was announced waniilli whiioiil «;x<'f;ft.Hlvu wci^lil. ADMIRAL STItliET E. Lots 42-43 print: A lew nights ago — about To Enter Army Mon. 034,100. he oxplnlnod. EUglblo foi- Cheer tor one who has found a Box 29, Branford. 1:30 A, M. to be more speaflc — a this week, by General Chttlrmnn dcducllonss are fotmor , United way ty be of help to his Buddies 1n,,lRUil of II lluIU)', lirnvy iiliirorni N. Lots 2,33 to 2.|0 E. Lots 50-51 Robert, The show is l'„r iroltl wcildirr, lliin nnvtil ,ipjitiiiin E. Lots 54-55 local motorist, in a great hurry to I'atrolman Frank J. IVackus States servicemen In the armV. and Friends. Lot C get home to his wife, who momen­ "f the Kast Ilavcn Police De­ slated for the high school audl- navy, marine corps and aJr force h ODtfittftil v/hU iiiiiiiy Iip:tit liij-ers Lot X E. Lots 56-57 uiu.m, liebruary 23d and 24Ui, Our compUlo lorvlco Includes—Rouptiolitarlng of I'lolhlnt; to triip iioiiiliiliii^ air. LEGAL NOTICES tarily anticipated Old Doc Stork, partment was honotwl Woilncs- ana Dlinded persons. • " ••• CHURCH or CHRIST ANDOVEH STREET E. Lots 60-61. was buruing up the road between day night with a tcstimouini , Tlio not increase over a year aKo and rfipairing box iprlngi and mflHrei»«s — One iHlvanlitp' of HIIK t>-|in tiMiform E. Lots 64-66 Oandossl was happy over Uie Stony Creek, Connivcticnl U lliat niPli iloin{; sin-inioiis work DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, .SS. S. Lots 122-123 hero and Brantord,' Unbeknown to dinner at tlie Weeping WilliowK, choice of Slmonl, who, he ,'iald, has Is $l,735fl00., MUano.Bald. Assosd- Modern and ,anlIquo furiiUuro rflflnliliing—una Rev. Arnold R. Vail, I'astor PROBATE COURT, January 27, E. Lots 71-72 1,11 rile eve ui lus uei).iriurc liivu ilip covari—nil at modorato coll—and all OK- f'lUi H1U!I1 laycr.s as lifxlily li(>al iif AUSTIN AVENUE him, at the tli'ne. was the lact that FRED R. ZELLER PRESCOTT S. BUSH GEORGE C. CONWAY handled iho keyboard in many B£!}';^„»°" Ppw cars riiPiounts .to SUNDAY, PEBRUABH 4 (TOHses while men al Hlattonary 1951. E. Lots 73-74 one of East Haven's Finest was on the United States Aiiiny. grUuicr New havuli piaduotlons, $573,187, which, he pointed out, pert worlmanthlp. Lot E. Lois 79-80 9:4.5 a.m. church School with ))mln ran adil arlielcH of ,;lu(luitf{; Estate of ANN M. DENDAS late! pati'pl in the same territory. In Present at the dinner were 4tago managers lor tho comuig greatly exceeds the sum a year ago. 1 AIR FOAM CUSHIONS AND PLAY Mr. Howard Kelsoy Superintendent. of Branford In said District, de­ ATWATER STREET JAMAICA COURT snort tune, the motorist arrived Now buildings ana Improvements en for H'aniuli. W. Lots 628 to 833 T members ot the Board of Select­ production will bo Bud.Lofqulst and 41 TEX SUPEE FQjiM BED PILLOWS 11:00 a.m. Morning, Worship. ceased. E. Lot 28 home and .as he turned from his men, the 'Board of Finance and Doug Anderson.Thcy are being as­ real property constitute' most ot f t Upon the application of Frank DISTRICT REPUBLICANS h J,i. I Sermon subject, Why -Did Christ BOXFORD STREET LAURAL STREET car I to anter his home, be became the ('Mbllc Safely commission, sisted by Patrick Egan of the high tho rest of tho increased assess­ .J', Come Into This World?, the third Cervical Cancer C. Dendns of Branford, Conn., S. Lot 336 awai'e of a car stopping and- a lEu mm plus nil regular members ot the school maintenance staff. ment,?, , .. . , , Leap than six per cent of all wom­ W. Lots 1 -2 . Elm City Upholstering Shop In! a series on this subject, by the praying that Letters of Adminis­ BRADFORD AVENUE mart — soon recognized as one of HOLD LINCOLN DINNER Cast Ilavcn men who will be In- Relienrsals will be held on Sun­ An oddity In his survey sliov;s Pn;stor, Rev. Arnold R. Vail. en with cervical cancer in 1900 tration may be granted on said N. Part of lots 3G9, 370 LEDYAHD PLACE our younger police cfflcers — I OITY AREA departmcnt. day alternoon in the Legion cliib- that the town has dropped real In­ 234WHALLEY,AVENUE PHONE 8-3'tlO Etiabliilioil 1916 could havo hoped to survive five estate, as per application on file emerged. To shorten our story, the y^' 7 p.m. Pilgrim Fellow.shlp for 432, 433 S. Lots 200-201 Backus is one of thirty five roomii, as scliodulcd, with all of the come lof $128,330 duo to tho loss of Young People from twelve years years. By 1042, 37 per cent of all more fully appears it Is motorist admitted to the officer In Over one thousand letters to rtttcle Into the army next Mon­ several business and small factories ' BRAZOS ROAD MANSFIELD GROVE ROAD question that his speed was beyono cast; urged lo bo present by Director up. . women \yltli cancer of the cervix ORDERED—That said applica­ E. Lot T9A Lots 71-72 IN EAST HAVEN TUES. East Haven residents, we're placed day nud leave for Fort Ucvcns, John Bayne, to tho town, * • • -.': '.' " ,' ,Tho Pastor of The Church of tion be heard and determined at w. tnat considered proper, and ex­ In the mail last wcdtiasHhe main later in the day. He makes were alive and disease free five BRENNAN STREET Lot V plained why he was In a hurry- Un- Several now additions wore added The.toVns tax rale for 1051 will Christ declares that this month is year after lr(!atment. For 1050, the tho Probate Ofllce in Branford, in w. The annual Lincoln Day dinner effort of Iho Heart Association ap­ his home with his mother Mrs, to tho cast this week including bo based on corrected figure? soon the appropriate time to posses.s the said District, on the 20th day of W. Lot 24 MEADOW STREET derstandmgly and politely.; the slated for the Weeping 'Wmows Tax Bills In Mails peal for 1051. : '.'Ji; > Richard Motfit on Bradley ALL MAKES ... survlvalrate probably will exceed E. Lot 72 to 74 young' ofUcer advised the.-v- E. Lots 106-107 in order that a final report may evident. General Chairman, Thom­ Peterson, Pat McGouldrick, Valcda: I Is owned by Frederick T. and Rich- EDGAR .STREET E. Lots 119-V21 tivroaghout the nation. A viola- V/IUIam ,Iosper.«. James Gartland .Prisoner of War Is defined ns any ' ard G. Hyder d.b.a. Hyder Bros. N.- Lot 404 lion of Constitutional rights, Woman's Olub To be made. as Gagllardl said yesterday. and Jack Lawlor. Robinson, Shirley, Carlson and regularly appointed, enrolled, en­ E. Lots 122-124 Norm Woods, ' listed or, Inducted member'of the Market of Linden Ave., , Indian S. Lots .198-499 E. Lots 60 lo 64 it appears lo us. A gift ol $100 has been made to Restaurant accommodations for S. Lots'460-463 three hundred and fifty people An East Haven dance team con- military i or imVai • forces of the , Neck, Branford, Conn, and will be E. Lots 102-103 Popular Jimmy Glynn back from SeanfFiBms At the Hiospital' ot St. Raphael to help I conducted by-., Frederick T. and S. Lots 484-487 in the purchaise ot an Xray unit are. available at the present time, East Haven Woman ,sL'jthig of Phoebe Clarke, Barbara United States who was held as a S. Lot 457 ROSE STREET a weekend visit to Gotiiam but not Gagllardl said, but It Is apparent Norwood and Mary i Ellen Brereton prisoner of war for any period of I Richard G. , Hyder of 7 Wlltord reporting much to his bowling as­ Wednesday Session which will be available to all In­ I Road, Indian ' Neck, Branford, Lots 40-41 coming patients. that the affair honoring Momau- will (ipark much of-the show and lime subsequent to December 7,1941 EDGEMERE ROAD sociates. In Coroner's Office ; specialty, acts by' Pat McDuff, by any government of any nation Conn, as permittee. N. Lot 101 Lot 27 The February meeting of the Board members who .attended guln's popular resident ' and ex- Lots 23-26 Lou Crcscenti's Art Classes Fire Captain, will be a sell-out. Norman HarlUn, Gloria Qalnln, with which the United States has Richard O. Hyder •were in New York visiting the E3St Haven Women's Club will be this meeting were Mrs. Eric W. Mrs, Julia DoMlchael of "lO'pri;- FAIRMONT PARK ST. ANDREWS AVENUE held Wednesday evening, February Dohna. Mrs. William G. Graves. Several local stores will cooper­ Claire Haggcrty, Doug Anderson, been at > war after that date. Dated 1 Feb., 1951 FAIRVIEW AVENUE Metropolitan Museum today. ate in handling the tickets. Com­ gon^Avenue, East Haven, Now. Ha­ Bud Lofqulst, Don Hartlln, Fred , Tho defined area Indicated for- Lots 137-138 Patricia Bartlett. a former student 14 at 8 P.M. In the Hagaman Me­ Miss Zita Matthews. Mrs. Henry ven City Court stenographer, Is in E. Lot 19E morial Library. Mrs. Willis P. Hen­ S. Crosby, Mrs. J'ohn Biondi, Mrs. mittee members v/ glad to ac­ Emmcr, Jack Williams and Bob and. an "Internee', a civilian American' DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss'. W. Lots lOW-llW SALERNO AVENUE ' in the hlgli school some years ago the office of Coroner James'J, Peggy Mansfield wlU' Krhig addpd citizen. Captured by the Imperial will return next Wednesday. This dricks, president, will preside. Eugene Daniels and Mrs. Oliver cept res3rvatlon.i. PROBATE COURT, January 29, W.' Lot 17\V E. Lots 22-23 Johnston, senlcr nurse. Hayes was appointed fire chief Corrlgan this wcelt only until, a zest to the performance which, pii Japanese Government on or after 1951 E. Lots 28-29 time to address an assembly on This meeting Is open to all wo­ .r-placement can be secured for his year, ago played to standing roptii" December 7, 1941 at Midway, OuBm. W. Lot 9\V "Physical Therapy." She Is currently men In East Haven and the club last November replacing Ernest Estate of ROBERT B. STENT K. Lots 71-72 Hansen who became the to'wn's former secretary; Miss Mildred in tho spacious auditorium. '.• - • VWak e Island, the Philippine Islands late of Branford, In said District, FIRST STREET E. Lots 73 to 76 chairman of the American Physical wishes to extend an invitation at legge. Tickets arc available at the- fi>l- Or any territory or possession of tho ONLY Ford Trucks give you Lots 11 to 13 aherapv Association and is trvinEr lliKs time to attend his meeting. Exchange Club Me^ts first lire marshal. dowing .Dlnces of business on Main .V< Imd s uiili siUittmi of ', _ Ion to 1 Ion motlels! All, deceased. SECOND STREET Assisting Gagllardl pn the com­ " Lcggc, the oldest employe United States att.acked or Invaded The court of Probate for the Lots 14-15 to Intaresb students to study the The program for the eveningwill In years of service-In the County Street: Metcalfe's Drug Store, to or from such place, or who went lilir this popular F-l Pk-hup. nil haulinu cosli wil/i tlic S. Lots 3-4 science. There is a great need for mittee are Al Standlsh, Herman District of Branford, hath limited FOXON ROAD Lots 5-6 ' be one very vital to every woman. Next Weefeiesday Night Court House, retired Saturday af- Johnny's Barber Shop. F'rank's by the Japanese, or while in transit I'OWKIt I'll.OT. R-S'l'Ali EXTRA Cah' shown. s. such experts In service hospitals, A film produced by the American Scharf, Fred Husted, Elmer Mor- Barber Shop. Proto's Service POWER PILOT and allowed six months from the Lots 43-44 H. Lots 11-13 man, Robert Chadoayne, Eugene t'-r nearly 45 years as secretary to into hiding at any such place to date hereof, for the creditors of she says. Principal Carl Garvin has Cancer Society and the National The'East Hr.ven Exchange Club l-yo coroners. She had reached' station. Fred's Restaurant, and avoid capture or internment by the GEORGE STREET - Lot 14 already okaved her visit. The time Cancer In.stitut3 will be shO'OTi en­ Daniels, William Brov/n, Jane said estate to exhibit their claims E. Lots 11-12 s; win held lis next meeting Wednes­ Ihc mandatory retirement age, Em'.i Coffee Shop, Japanese, s. Lots 15-16 will be 11 A. M. titled "Breast—Self Evamlnation." day. February 14 at the Annex Thompson and Raymond Langfols, for 'settlement. Those who neglect W. Lots 196-197 Lots 17-18 A meeting has been called foi KCONOMY — PERFOn.MANCE — to present their accounts proper­ s. Dr. Edward Allen will be , the House. Paul Doane cf the Program Again in '51—Ford slep-aliend GERRY ROAD s. Lots 19-20 narrator. Dr. Allen is a graduate committee v/iU present Harold Den- this week-end to determine final COMFOUT—DURABILITY! ly attested, within said time, will N. Lots 114 to lis Lots 9-10 plans. engineering paclvs even ntore value be debarred a recovery. All per­ s. of Lebanon Valley College and the nlson, general secretary of the New MRS. WM. JASPERS GORDON STREET SHORT BEACH ROAD BACKS HEART FUND 'X'ale Medical School. In 1937 he Haven Y.M.C.A. as. the guest of OLD STONE DRAMA GUILD The Fofd Truck Power Pllol !> a simpler, into now Ford Trucks, with a You can choose from over 180 sons Indebted to said, Estate are Lots 287 lo 2SU the evening. requested to make immediate pay­ S. Lot 47 s. was elected a fcUOw, of the Ameri-j IS WOMEN'S CLUB fully-proven way of getting the most wealth of great new features! Ford Truck models, from 9f5-h,i). S. Lot 48 SHORT ROAD nail College of Surgeons and tlie| Mr. Dennison returned from an LEGTorTIimLmRY ment to , , ,„ S. Lot 50 same year was appointed a mem-, power from the leatt got. Frank J. Kinney, N.Lots 130-136 extended stay In Egypt last April. STARTS REHEARSALS FOR PARTY CHAIRMAN Under the hood as well as on Pickups to 145-h.p. niG oous! Lots 125-129 ber of the staff of St. Raphael's' During his sojourn there, he spent SETS MMCH 5th It aulomaUcally motors nnd flrcn the Administrator GRACE, STREET s. the modern new front end, in tho • And remember, only Ford gives W. Lots 631-632 Hospital. Since 1947 he has been considerable ' .time In Ethiopia. right amount of gnu, nt precisely the right Address: 256 Main Street SILVER SANDS ROAD chairman of the tumor clinic of The Garden Club of East Haven s. Lot 24 Arabia, Palestine and other coun­ FOR CMD PARTY PASSION PLAY IN MARCH Is planning to hold a card party inutant, to nintch constunlly cimnging new 5-STAR Cabs with wide rear you a choice of V-8 or Six! . , . Branford, Conn. 2-15 HARWICH STREET St. Raphael's Hospital. In 1950 he tries hi the Far East. He will talk N. Lots 3.51-352 s. Lot 19 on Tuesday, February 27th at 8:00 apeod, load nnd power roquiromenta. window, in transmissions, axles, you select the power that fits was appointed chairman ot the about "Experiences In Egypt," and The American Legion Auxiliary, DISTRICT OF BRANFORD ss. N. Lot 353 N. Lots 7-8 Slate of Connecticut Tumor Clinic I With the 21st annual prcductlon Collector, will play the role of Jesus P. M. at the East Haven Town Hall. Unliko conventional Kystoma, tho will have many interesting observa- ipost 89 will hold a public card party jc:' i'a,i.,iuii Play, "from Manger which was played last year by the Funds derived from the card party , . . all the way thi-ough Ford your needs! Come and sec us—• PROBATE COURT January 24, HEMINWAY AVE. & SECOND ST. W Lot E Association. Power Pilot uses only one contro) instead Lots 196 to 199 ! tlons to make about customs and 'and drawing In the Town Hall on ' to Throne," scheduled for the even- Rev. Duane Hatfield, former pastor will be used by the Civic Improve­ Trucks for '51, you'll find bigger get the facts on Ford's proveii 1951 E. Lots 1-2 29 10 33 living conditions there. of |lwo, yet la deaigned to synchroniza ' Estate of ROBERT H. PAGE In STEVENS S-ntEET Welfare Chairman Mrs. ' John [March 5th at 8:00 P.M. The large '• •'? 0' March 17-21 at East Haven, 111 uic: uiu tiiotiu onurcli. 'ihe ma­ ment Committee for the landscap­ firing twice ns nccurately. ' and better reasons for Ford Truck POWER PILOT ECONOMY! HENRY STREET Tirpak wishes to remind all mepi- "Pantri' Basket" wJlll be on dls- High School, rehearsals arc due lo jority of the Plovers Iwll be the ing project now being completed at said district, deceased. E. Lots 371-372 w Lots 478 to 480 bers lo please bring their XrSas ' play the week of February 20th In get under way this week. same as in last year's production. the Hagaman Memorial Library. , You can UBO regular gas , . , you get The Executor having exhibited his E. Lot 555 Prepare For N. H. no-knock performance. Only Ford in tiio •i-.S'J'.i/J i:.\TU.\ CubatiUBftla^UliijiiiilfvJl. E. Lots IS to 16 Cards for the Crippled Children 'The Castle Shop in Main Street. I The Old Stone Drama Guild, • for makeup technicians Chairman ot the card party com­ administration account with said VV. Lots 308-309 \ THOMPSON AVENUE •at the Newlngton Hospital . also which Is presenting the religious low-price field givoa you Power Pilot estate lo this Court tor allowance. I Acting as Chairman of the social will also start this week under the mittee Is Mrs, William Jaspers, as­ W. Lots 310-311 E. Lots 662 to 665 iny stamp v/hich they may have j Teachers College I affair Is Mrs. Slgrld Ores and Mrs.' drama for the second consecutive direction of James Schlagel of sisted by the following members: Economy! It Is .'or the "Stamps for Veterans iVear, plans to hold rehearsals on 1 W. Lots 16-17 TWISS STREET ! Blanche O'Connor co-chairman. Guilford, Other committees named Table prizes, Mrsi John Moran and Hero is an important Ford engineering ORDERED—That the 5th day of .Project." Thurtday . arid Friday evenings .February A.D. 1951 at 2 o'clock in W. Lots 6-7 S. Lot 661 ! Eighteen high school seniors will Refreshments - Chairman. The to carry out tho various duties at­ Mrs. George Murison; Refreshments, 1 bonus, already j'lioVKD on IhouHund.s of HIGH STREET N. Lots 555 10 558 take advance exams for New Ha­ Mrs. Louise Albano. Angel Graves, every week In the Town i Hall The tendant to presentation of such a MrSi Leverctt Clark and Mrs, Robert trucks in actual tiorvico , . , which givcH the after noon, at the Probate Of­ large cast of more than 100 needed • s fice in Branford, be and the same W. Lot Z VERA STREET ven Teachers College on February Mary Plannelll, Bernlce Mozaelous. va-it production will also start Bauersfeld, Jr,; Tickets, Mrs, Prank you still better pirfarmanct:.,, saves you , -ADIES GUILD MEETS 10. it -was announced by their Margaret Miller.- Marlon Matlchek. to stage the production will ror J functioning. Lalne and Mrs. Vincent Itogarly; is assistied for a iiearlng on the HIGHLAND AVENUE V-. Uol 28 hearse In four groups. Groups 21 still more monoyi allowance of said administration ac­ .'JEXT TUESDAY NIGHT principal,Carl H. Garvin. •Jule Caruso. Jessie Shlppee and A meeting of the Board of Di­ Reservations, Mrs, William Jaspers W. Lots 178-179 WEST STREET and 4 will riieet Thursday and' and Publicity. Mrs. Francis Flood: count with said estate, and this W. Lots 164-165 N. Lots 47-48 Those who will be interviiwed Lucy Sarasohn. Groups 1 and 3 will meet Frida?/s.' rectors of the Old Stojie Drama Court directs the Flora K. Gold- The regular meeting of St. iare: Marjorle Ahlberg. John I Table Prizes: Lucy Sarasohn and Guild was held last Friday. Ted Door Prizes, Mrs. John Croumey and E. Lots 30-31 WHITMAN AVENUE Raymond L. Clarke of New' Ha-,i Mrs. George Wagner. Using fafasr rogistration dara on 6,592,000 (rucks, imith to cite all person Interested E.. 34-36 Vincent De Paul's Ladies Guild-will j Bogaert, Susan Boutelle, Lorraine 'Jule Caruso. I ven author of the Passion Play; Shurnway Is chairman of the board. therein to appear at said time and E. Lots 39-40 Be held Tuesday evening In the 'Oaneparl. Marlon Clark. Joyce Ticket Committee: Charlotte Lewis The Passion Play consists of 12 Others serving on the com­ lifo iniuranca oxperts provo Ford Trucki la&t fongorf E. Lot 59 WILLIAM STREET which has been presented In past place, by publishing this order In E. Lot 67 - Church Auditorium, at 8 o'clock. ' 'Freeman, Harold Henry. Joan arid Mary Springer. ' years by churches in other'parts] episodes from the life and passion mittee ire the Mrs. Harry Lewis. iome newspaper published In New S. Lots 221-223 Mrs, Patrick EaganJ-wlU preside. iHcrton. Donald Male, William I Table reservations: President Mrs. of the country as well as Irj'Newj of Jesus. It win feature music by Mrs, Thomas Fenton. Mrs. Paul E. Lot 84 . S. Lots 224 to 22S Comedian rHilton Berle 1« terloua the choir of the Old Stone Church Haven County and having a circtila- Lo|sl45-14G when It comes to flghtlng heart Ul members are urged to be ore- Reynolds. Thomas Ryan, Marv Ann I Mabel Maher, 4-4852; Mrs. Blanche Haven and Waterbury. will'.direct) Goss, Mrs, Ru.ssell Frank, Mrs. tlon In said district, and I* posting Scalise. Sondra Samegran. Donald lO'Connor. 4-1982-4-1144;, Mrs. led by William E. Gadd. choir di­ John Tirpak, Mrs. Hari-y Johnson, IHLL STREET SORRENTO AVENUE disease. Here he tal

"*1V , - h JU- * A.-Jjf'rrt*.'* -^ « )' , AM k