Special Trades: Prospectus of Courses Session 1935-36
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Technological University Dublin ARROW@TU Dublin Prospectus: Bolton Street Dublin Institute of Technology 1935 Special Trades: Prospectus of Courses Session 1935-36 City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee Follow this and additional works at: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/prosbt Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons Recommended Citation City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee, "Special Trades: Prospectus of Courses Session 1935-36" (1935). Prospectus: Bolton Street. 110. https://arrow.tudublin.ie/prosbt/110 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Dublin Institute of Technology at ARROW@TU Dublin. It has been accepted for inclusion in Prospectus: Bolton Street by an authorized administrator of ARROW@TU Dublin. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee sco1te~nn~ ce.&nn-o1ue~cA1s City of Dublin Technical Schools se1r1un Session 1935-36 1935-36 SPECIAL TRADES PROSPECTUS OF COURSES VIN STREET ·· ·· BOLTON STREET Wholetime Day Schools open for enrolmen.t. Day Apprentice School resumes work. CITY OF DUBLIN Wholetime Day Schools commence work, and Part· VOC""t\ TiONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE time Day Classes ~ for enrolment. sept. 18, .....,. Evening Classes open for enrolment, and Part-time --+-- Day Classes COIDJJlenCe work. Sept. Z3, ...,.. Evening Classes commence work. N,.. 1, r..w.,. All Saint/ Day. Wboletime Day Schoob except COMMITTEE ing Day Apprentice School and Special Cllllleh AL"1 ERMA?\ C. BREATH~ J ACH, Lr..r-., T.D., 384 Clonto.rf Road. closed. SENt:roR MRs. 'l'. CLAHKE, T.r:., Baymount, 95 Clont<lrf Road. Feast of Immaculate Conce#tian. S !': NATOR D. D. HEALY, T.C., 40 Usher's Quay. Teaching work in Wholetime Day Schools ceaaes C oc: ,'\CII.LOJ~ 2\.fRs. ~I. \NALSH, 16 Elgin Road. (excepting Day Apprentice School and Special MRs. M. CosGRAVE, 17 Park Drive, Cowper Gardens. Classes). · P . BELTON, T.D., Belfield Park, Drumcondra. Term Examinations in Wholetime Day Schools D. J. CoGAN, 12 Merrion Square, N. commence (excepting Day Apprentice Schools and , M. O'SuLLIVAN, P.c., 7 Moibhi Road, Glasnevin. Special Classes). Mrc;s HELENA MoLONEY, 51 Larkfield Grove, Kimmage. lHtc. 21, PriclaJ. Schools close for Christmas Vacation. 2\1IC1-IEAL O'FoGHLUDHA, 5 Cabra Road. 1131. MR. M. P. ROWAN, 27, Leeson Park. 6, ....,. Feast of Epi;lum,. DR. LoRCAN G. SHERLOCK, 21 Parliament Street. 7, TaeauJ. All classes resume work after Christmas V-,....... ,.., .. ?v1R. MICIIAEL SoMERVILLE, 1 O'Curry Road, South Circular Road. New Courses in Practical Pharmacy commence. l\IR. 'vV. ]. WHELAN, 35 Lower. Gardiner Street. • 7, Satarday. Land Surveying and Levelling Course ~. Motor Car Driving Lessons begin. Of]ircs :- 1 St. Patrici 1 Day. Schools closed. TECHNICAL lKSTITliTE, Land Surveying Field work begins. BOLTON STREET, L. E. O'CARROLL, B.A.,B.L., Last meeting of classes before Easter Vacation. DuBLIN. Chief Executive Officer. All .claases resume work after Easter Vacation.i New Courses in Practical Pharmacy collomen~; J LOCAL SUB-COMMITTEES Evening classes close (excepting Special l,;UtsSetl},~ For triennial period 1934-37 Evening class written Sessional Examinations RATH11T.t\ES. mence (except for Special C1U5f:SJ· ALDERMAN C. BREATHNACH, LL.D., T.D., 384 Clontarf Road (ex-officio). Atcmsion Day. Wholetime Day OCC.lOOJ~&--eXJa;p NIR. W. J. WHELAN, 35 Lo~er Gardiner Street. Day Apprentice School and DR. CoNN MuRPHY, 10 Charleston Avenue, Rathmines. cloaecl. CouNCILLOR MRs. M. CosGRAVE, 17 Park Drive, Cowper Gardens. Whit Morultly. Schools dosed. MR. G. F. KLINGNER, A.C.A., 7 St. Helen's Road. Booterstown. F,alt of Cor/If# Cllrilti. Wholetime Day MR. M. 1'. RowAN, 27 Leeson Park. excepting Day Apprentice School and MR. W. WooDs HILL, 5 Parliament Street. Classet~ cloeed. MR. M. J, O'REILLY, 31 Kenilworth Square. eaching work ceases in Wholetime Day excepting Day Apprentice School Ul classes. PARNELL SQUARE. Sessional Examinations amunence in ALDERMAN C. BREATHNACH, LL.D., T.D., 384 Clontarf Road (ex-officio). Day SChools, excepting Day APJ[)relltta M. O.FoGHLUDHA, 5 Cabra Road. and Special classes. SEAN O;H-UADHAIGH, 12 Dawson Street. Wholetime Day Schools close, LIAM O'CEARnHAILL, 88 Manor Street. Apprentice School and Special ~~ Mrss H. CHENEVIX, 48 Fleet Street. FMit o/8air~t1 Pet1r antl Paul. MR. ]. W. KELLY, 16 St. Joseph's Parade, Nelson Street. , Pdtlay. Day Ap~tice School and ~ MR. BERNAT<D MoRAN, 7 Talbot Street. Schools doted on all Bank Holidays not 8M:uaJ!Jb aboVe C&J.CQ.da.r. 2 Local Sub-Committees~( Continued) 3 DOLTON STREET. At.DE.R'MAN C. BREATHNACH, LL.D., T.D., 384 Clontarf Road (ex-officio). MR. 0. HYNES, 6 St. Kevin's Road, S.C.R. MR. M. P. RowAN, 27 Leeson Park. MR. M. SoMERVILLE, 1 O'Curry Road, S.C.R. •,. MR. W. ]. WHELAN, 35 Lower Gardiner Street. MR. SEAN CAMl:'DF.LL, 35 Lower Gardiner Street. MR. GERALD DoYLE, 32 East Essex Street. MR. THOS DARCY, 27 Aungier Street. MR. R. Mt'RPHY, Messrs. Hopkins and HoJJkins, O'Connell Stl·ect. MR. ]. G. VviLSON, 13 Sackville Place. MR. T. A. CRAMPTON, Hammersmith Works, Ballsbridge. PEMBROKE (Ballsbridge and Ringsend) ALDERMAN C. BREATHNACH, LL.D., T.D., 384 Clontarf Road (ex-officio). CouNCILLOR MRs. M. 'WALSH, 16 Elgin Road. L. G. SHERLOCK, LL.D., 21 Parliament Street. CONTENTS REv. J. HooKE, c.c., St. Mary's Haddington Road. _VlR. BEGGAN, c/o. McEntagart Bros., Percy Place. J. J. PAGE PROFESSOR B. F. SHIELDS, 87 Pembroke Road. General Notices and Fees MR. WILLIAM HANLON, 29 Home Villas, Donnybrook. 4 KEVIN STREET. Classes in Boot and Shoe Manufacture ALDERMAN C. BREATHNACH, LL.D., T.D .. 3R4 Clontarf RoaJ (ex-ofiicio). 6 NIR. 0. HYNES, 6 St. Kevin's Road, S.C.R. Hairdressers' Work ... MR. M. SoMERVILLE, 1 O'Curry Road, S.C.R. 7 REv. M. GERAGHTY, c.c., The Presbytery, High StrccL SENATOR D. D. HEALY, T.C., 40 usher's Quay. , Tailoring 8 MR. M. P. Row AN, 27 Leeson Park. MR. J. W. KELLY, 16 St. Joseph's Parade, Nelson Street. Watch and Clock Making MR. ]. ANDRFW5, B.sc., Messrs. A. Guinness, Son and Co., James's Strc•?r. 11 Irish CHATHAM ROW (School of Music). 12 ALDERMAN C. BREATHNACH, LL.D., T.D., 384 Clontarf H.. oacl (ex-ofticio). COUNCILLOR MRs . .M. vVALSH, 16 Elgin Road. CouNCILLOR M. O'SuLLIVAN, 7 Dothar Moibhi. Glasnevin. SENATOR MRs. (LARKE, T.C., Baymount, 95 Clontarf Road. :MADAME KATHLEEN RoDDY, Broadcasting Station, Henry S~:·ect. 1IR. W. J. WHELAN, 35 Lower Gardine·r Street. MR. M. P. RowAN, 27 Leeson Park. MR. J. T. DoYLE, Osborne Lodge, Mount Prospect Road, DollJmount. MR. THOS. M. MuRPHY, 16 Cowper Road. MR. Jos. O'REILLY, 9 Lower Leeson Street. L. G. SHERLOCK, LL.D., 2'1 Parliament Street. __ .... ., ADVISORY COMMITTEES MASTER JEWELLERS. }v[ASTER TAILORS MR. G. THORNLEY. MR. E. J. 1\fcvVILLIA::--L MR. R. MURPHY. MR. vV. O.Cmmo~. MR. L. BEIRLEY. MR. vV. ScOTT. MR. J. SHEERIN, Mr(. R. BoYD. MR. SLEATOR. 4 FEES PER SESSION. Hairdressers' vVork, 7s . 6d.; Tailoring, 7s. 6d.; Boot and Shoe Manufacture, 7s. 6d.; Watchmaking, 7s. 6d. Tnide students may SPECIAL take a class in Irish at an . additional fee of 2s. 6d. Fees cannot TRADES be refunded. Applicants for admission to courses or classes must be at least fourteen years of age. The Trade classes are primarily intended for those engaged in KEVIN STREET the several trades. Others will not be admitted before November 4th, and then only if there be room, and on payment of a quadruple fee. BOOT and SHOE MANUFACTURE A laboratory or workshop class can only be taken in con junction with an approved lecture or drawing class. No student LADIES' HAIRDRESSING will be allowed to continue in a laboratory or workshop class if his attendance at the lecture or drawing class is unsatisfactory. GENTLEMEN'S HAIRDRESSING A class may be discontinued if an insufficient number of students join or attend; the · number of evenings allotted weekly TAILORING -GENTLEMEN'S CUTTING to a class may be reduced if there be a falling off in the attendance. The right is reserved to close classes for any other reason whatever. TAILORING-LADIES' CUTTING Students must make good any damage done by them. Strict order must be observed at all times within the precincts IRISH of the Schools. A complete course of study in any section generally occupies about three years. Where possible, separate classes for journeymen will be arranged in trades subjects. BOLTON STREET SPECIAL WORK. WATCH and CLOCK MAKING Arrangements will, as far as possible, be made to enable highly qualified students to carry on drawing or practical work of a special I nature. Students who desire to take advantage of this privilege should make application to the Head of the Department. 6 i TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, KEVIN STREET TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, KEVIN· STREET BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURE. HAIRDRESSERS' WORK. HA...'-'"DICRAFT AND FAcTORY OPERATIVE CouRsEs. The aim of this class is to give a knowledge of the various Students are ad vised to qualify for certificates at the end of branches of the trade to apprentices and improvers, who, owing each_ year's. cou_rse, as their admission to higher grades d th epends on to the increased use of machinery, a~ - e usually confined to one of en examinatwn results. the many branches of the Boot Trade. The Institute's Diploma of Proficiency will be award d t Several machines have been added to the equipment. stnde~ts . who complete a four years' course and pass thee fi o FIRS'f, SECOND AND THIRD YEARS.