Freeze Sharpens Shoppers' Wits by JANE FODERARO Retired Man with a Fixed Income Was Shopping for Two
•. • " ' ~\fa§sree SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy, Mild Cloudy and mild today, tonight, tomorrow and Satur- j K.MI Hank, I'rnholcl7^ day with a chance of showers. FINAL EDITION 31 on 111 oil fh Ion n< v*s Outstanding Home \<"\\ S|KI|MM* VOL.94 NO.43 RED BANK, N.J. THURSDAY, AUGUST 26,1971 TEN CENTS RUMSONSHOPPER PRICE CONSCIOUS NO EXCEPTIONS ON FIXED INCOME FAMILY OF ELEV- FROZEN FOODS — COLLEGE STUDENT — Mrs. Peter Petlllo of. — Mrs. Anne Hills of — Irving Carol of Rum- — W.J. Florence of Red EN — Mrs. Francis X. Mrs. Richard Walling — Miss Pam Sheehan, Rumson checks shop- Little Silver, shops in son, shops In Red Bank Bank, a retiree, thinks Woods, Red Rank, of New Shrewsbury, se- Rumspn, a student at ping list fn Finast, Red Finast, Red Bank, with A&P. He thinks price consumer eventually leaves Shop Rite, lects frozen vegetables Ohio Wesleyan Univer- Bank. She expresses daughter, Mitly, and freeze can work if there may gain from freeze.. Shrewsbury, after buy- in Finast market. "I sity, shops for her doubts about price her playmate Allison aren't too many ex- Shopping at Finast, he ing food for family of hope it helps," she says mother. She says young freeze, Reid, both age .6, ceptions. says prices-have risen eight children,- husband of the price freeze. people today see in- steadily for years. and mother. flation in costs. Freeze Sharpens Shoppers' Wits By JANE FODERARO retired man with a fixed income was shopping for two. He had himself. "I just get what I want, what looks good.
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