PEACE Info (January 26, 2021)

− Government and NCA signatories to hold informal meeting − KNU Welcomes Government’s Talk of New Peace Process, But Says It Will Take More Than Words To Make It Work − Northern Alliance still weighing talks over government’s peace offer − Military Refuses to Rule Out Coup as It Presses Claim of Fraud in Nov. Election − APPLICATION OF WRIT: What will come out of the row between the NLD and Tatmadaw? − NLD says it can do little for Sagaing kidnap victim − Investigators in Myanmar Probe Disappearance of 18 Rakhine Villagers − တပ�မ�တ��အ�န�ဖင�� အ�ဏ�မသ�မ��ဟ� မ�တ�ယ�၍မရ��က�င�� တပ�မ�တ��သတင��မ�န��ပန��က���ရ�အဖ���မ� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ� �ဇ��မင��ထ�န�� ��ပ��က�� − သမ��င��တရ��ခံ မ�ဖစ�လ��၍ �ရ���က�က�ပ��ရလဒ�အ�ပ� ��ဖရ�င��ရန��တ�င��ဆ���န�ခင���ဖစ���က�င�� တပ�မ�တ��ဆ�� − RCSS/SSA ��င�� အစ���ရတပ� တ��က�ပ���က�� တပ�မ�တ��ဘက�မ�က�ဆ�ံ�သ�၊ ဒဏ�ရ�ရသ�ရ�� − RCSS က ဖမ��သ���သည�� လက�ဖက�သင�တန��ဆရ�အ�� �ပန�လ�တ�ရန� �တ�င��ဆ�� − ကရင��ပည�နယ�ဖ�ပ�န�နယ� �နအ�မ�တခ���� မ���လ�င�မ� အ�ပန�အလ�န�စ�ပ�စ�� − �က��က�မ��မ ���ရ�� စ���သ�က�ဆ��င�တ�င� �သနတ� ပစ�ခတ�မ� ၂ ဦ� ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − �ကအ��င�အ��/�ကအ��င��အအဖ���၏ ဆက���က��က�က�၊ လ�သတ�၊ အဓမ�စစ�သ��စ��ဆ�င��မ�မ��� အလ��မရ����က�င�� ကခ�င��ပည�နယ� မ���ည�င���မ ���တ�င� ဆ��ထ�တ��ဖ�� − �ရက�တ�စ�မံက�န�� ရပ�တန���ရ�က�စ� ဦ��ဆ�င�သ�မ���က�� သက�ဆ��င�ရ� က�ခ�ယ�စစ��ဆ� − ��ရ���က�က�ယ��ရ�ဝန��က��က�� တပ�မ�တ��က �က���ဇ�န��ဖင�� �က ��ခ��သည� − သ�����မ ���နယ�တ�င� �င�က�ပ�သ�န�� ၉၀၀ �က���ရ�� မ��ယစ��ဆ� ဖမ��ဆ��ရ


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Government and NCA signatories to hold informal meeting Tuesday, January 26, 2021 | by - Saw Thonya (NMG)

Coordination is being made to hold an informal virtual meeting between the government and the NCA signatories before the formation of a new government on January 28th, said U Myo Win, Vice-Chair of the All Burma Students' Democratic Front (ABSDF).

The NCA signatories formed a coordination team at the Peace Process Steering Team's (PPST) meeting in November 2020, in order to hold informal discussions on the peace process before the formation of a new government by the NLD.

The PPST’s temporary coordination team will be led by Colonel Sai Ngin from the RCSS and comprises one delegate from each of the ten NCA signatories.

“The NCA signatories will mainly discuss how the peace processes will be resumed after the election, and the 4th round of the 21st Century Panglong Conference, at the informal meeting scheduled on January 28th. In addition to the peace process, each EAO may discuss the matters pertaining to the bilateral ceasefire agreements,” he added.

The ten NCA signatories are: the Karen National Union (KNU), the Chin National Front (CNF), the ABSDF, the KNLA/PC, the Pa-O National Liberation Organisation (PNLO), the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), the Restoration Council of (RCSS), the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and the Lahu Democratic Union (LDU). meeting ------

KNU Welcomes Government’s Talk of New Peace Process, But Says It Will Take More Than Words To Make It Work Tuesday, January 26, 2021 | Karen Information Center

Sa Isue — Despite military offensives bombing thousands of villagers out of their homes in Karen State, the government announced its latest strategy in its ongoing peace process saga - the New Peace Architecture. Without missing a beat, the Karen National Union said it welcomed the government’s announcement, but added that it needs to go beyond words and have practical outcomes that curbs the military's power and the government's chauvinism.

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KNU General secretary P’doh Saw Ta Doh Moo told Karen News that they are pleased to hear the introduction of the New Peace Architecture, after it had made repeated calls for reforms in the flagging peace process as it has been almost stalled since 2018.

“We have now been informed of the New Peace Architecture, as this may be a new perspective for the government and is now being introduced as a means to reform the peace process – as we have been pushing for years. Nevertheless, we are pleased it’s happening now. But we will wait and see if there will be any real changes or policies or if it is all just talk.”

The government’s New Peace Architecture was introduced by State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi during her New Year Speech on January 1st . Zaw Htay, spokesperson for the Presidential Office confirmed it during a press conference in Naypyidaw on January 8th, 2021.

According to Zaw Htay, the new process would enable implementation of tasks resulting from negotiations on – Peace Building, State Building, and Nation Building.

The Peace Building stage includes ceasefires, signing of ceasefire agreements, strengthening monitoring mechanisms, regional development, and resettlement issues for IDP (Internally Displaced People).

State building includes strengthening of Regions and States, creating more opportunities, power sharing, and strengthening the three pillars of government. Nation Building, is a step towards the creation and emergence of an all-inclusive national identity.

KNU General Secretary P’doh Saw Ta Doh Moo said that although these three processes are essential, the country’s main problem concerns the military dictatorship and chauvinism that have been unresolved for more than 70 years.

“What we expect is that government to be involved not only in the political process, but also in National Reconciliation – the two main problems and challenges facing our country are military dictatorship and chauvinism. Even if the military dictatorship disappears, as long as chauvinism persists, we will never be able to build a federal union.”

Ethnic armed groups that signed the ceasefire agreement with the government said that they still don’t know the details as they have not yet received any official statement from the government regarding the New Peace Architecture.

The Arakanese Liberation Party Vice-Chairman U Khaing Soe Naing Aung told Karen News.

“I heard that the government wants to go with its New Peace Architecture. However, we cannot yet predict what their plan is. I think it will be good for the people and ethnic nationalities if it improves the previous process.”

U Khaing Soe Naing Aung pointed out that due to the different perspectives held by the government and the military, it will take time to move forward with the current peace architecture – the military needs to be willing to go along with that architecture.

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Between 2016 and 2020, the 21st Century PangLong Union Peace Conference was held four times between armed groups that had signed with the government’s failed Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement. Despite its ineffectiveness the previous peace process resulted in three parts union accords been signed, the final part three accords contained a three-step commitment in building a federal union.

Naw May Oo, who previously worked on the KNU’s technical support for the peace process, observed that although the results of the dialogues in previous peace process were concluded, they were not being implemented. The government’s New Peace Architecture includes proposals for implementation that could be a potential significant step up.

Naw May Oo told Karen News in the previous peace talks there was a lack of implementation.

“There were dialogues at the top leadership level at Nay Pyi Taw, but the talks did not get implemented as a process. However, according to the government, in this new architecture, implementation will follow the dialogues. We will only know how effective it is then. This could be a significant change.”

Despite nearly nine years of peace dialogue between the government, the military, KNU, and 10 armed groups, the agreements have not been implemented, and clashes in ceasefire areas frequently occur.

Despite frequent talks with the government about joining the peace process, no solid ceasefire agreement have been reached with the Northern Alliance, that includes the Kachin Independent Organization, the United Wa State Army and Shan State Progressive Party – North in the Northern regions and the Karenni National Progressive Party in the South East.

The government claims it is in negotiations with some of the remaining ethnic armed groups to sign at the Bilateral level, and is continuing discussions with groups that are at the stage of signing the NCA. says-it-will-take-more-words-make-it-work ------

Northern Alliance still weighing talks over government’s peace offer Tuesday, January 26, 2021 | Development Media Group

The Northern Alliance — a military coalition comprised of four ethnic armed groups including the Arakan Army (AA), the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) — is still in the process of negotiating

Page 4 of 27 a government peace offer proffered earlier this month.

“The government has made the offer, but leaders of the four groups are still holding negotiations among them. I don’t know the details,” TNLA spokesman Major Mai Aik Kyaw told DMG.

The government reportedly sent the drafts of preliminary bilateral ceasefire agreements to the Northern Alliance members on December 16.

President’s Office spokesman U Zaw Htay said at a press conference in Naypyitaw earlier this month that the government would hold separate peace talks with each of the four groups.

The talks will focus on the issues of troop deployments, internally displaced people (IDPs), regional development, and the holding of elections in places where voting was cancelled in November, said U Zaw Htay, adding that the government would seek to reach a concrete agreement with the armed groups for a permanent ceasefire.

The Northern Alliance is also supportive of and looking forward to negotiation, said Maj. Mai Aik Kyaw.

“The position of all the members of the Northern Alliance from the very beginning has been that we believe dialogue is the answer to stop the fighting. We are ready for dialogue. This has been our stance from the very beginning, and it remains the same,” he said.

The government has proposed meeting the four groups either in Kachin State’s Myitkyina or Shan State’s Kengtung.

The guns have fallen silent in Arakan State for some two months; since Myanmar’s military and the Arakan Army apparently agreed to an unofficial ceasefire after the latter’s request that elections be held in parts of Arakan where voting was canceled in November.

Some IDPs have since returned to their homes to work farmlands, but the majority remain at displacement camps, and are calling on the government to ensure their safe return to places of origin.

Photo Caption: Tatmadaw representatives and members of the National Reconciliation and Peace Centre and Northern Alliance hold talks in September 2019 in Kengtung, Shan State. governments-peace-offer ------

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Myanmar Military Refuses to Rule Out Coup as It Presses Claim of Fraud in Nov. Election

By San Yamin Aung | 26 January 2021

Military spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun speaks at the military press conference in Naypyitaw on Jan. 26. / Thiha Lwin /

YANGON—Myanmar’s military refused to rule out the possibility of a military coup when asked how it intended to proceed after making several claims of fraud in relation to the November general election, which delivered a mandate to the National League for Democracy (NLD) to continue governing the country for a second term.

The military (or Tatmadaw) publicly claimed to have found 8.6 million irregularities that could have led to opportunities to vote “more than once” or “voting malpractice” in its scrutiny of voter lists in 314 townships in all states and regions. However, it has yet to produce on-the-ground evidence proving that voter fraud actually occurred on election day.

When asked what the Tatmadaw’s next step would be after publicly claiming mass electoral fraud—which was widely seen as a joint move together with its proxy Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) to discredit the NLD’s landslide victory—military spokesperson Major General Zaw Min Tun said at a press conference on Tuesday that the military would continue its effort using all means at its disposal in compliance with the Constitution and existing laws.

However, when a reporter asked the spokesperson to clarify whether the vow to comply with the law meant that the military had no plan to seize power, the spokesperson immediately replied, “No.”

“No. The military will abide by existing laws including the Constitution,” Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun said. “But that doesn’t mean the military will take responsibility for the state or won’t take responsibility for the state,” he continued.

During the press conference, the atmosphere grew tense as reporters and the military spokesperson went back and forth on the same question, with the reporters pressing for a clearer picture of the intention behind the ongoing assertions of fraud by the military and its proxy party, and asking what the military actually means when it says it will take action, in line with the Constitution and existing law, on “unfair and dishonest practices in the vote”.

Notably, the military spokesman chose to open the press conference by recounting the legacy of the 1988 military coup, before going on to defend the Tatmadaw’s interference in the country’s elections as necessary to ensure that the process of moving toward democracy introduced by the military was not derailed.

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Article 40(c) of the Constitution grants sovereign power to the commander-in-chief during a state of emergency that could lead to the disintegration of the country or cause a loss of sovereign power, or in the face of attempts to take power through force, including an insurgency or other forms of violence. Critics say the article hands the military chief the power to stage a coup. However, under the Constitution, only the president can declare a state of emergency after consulting and coordinating with the military-dominated National Defense and Security Council (NDSC).

In response to the military and its proxy party’s attempts to discredit the outcome of the election, NLD vice chairman U Zaw Myint Maung said on Sunday that “We have nothing to say to them [the military and USDP]. It is our duty, as the winning party, to convene the newly elected Parliament in time, as per the election laws and Constitution.”

When only a few days left before the newly elected Parliament convenes, the military has also called on the government, the Union Election Commission (UEC) or outgoing parliamentarians to prove that the November general election was free and fair so that it can accept the result.

Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun said at Tuesday’s press conference that the Tatmadaw would forward its findings of irregularities to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court will hear from two military-linked political parties through video conferencing on Friday before deciding whether to approve their requests that the court issue writs against the President and Union Election Commission (UEC) chairman on grounds of electoral misconduct.

Of the 314 township voter lists scrutinized by the military, only 40 were the UEC’s final voter lists, according to the military spokesman. The remaining 274 were first- or second-draft lists rolled out by the UEC to the public for checking so that it could make any necessary corrections and fixes ahead of the poll. claim-fraud-nov-election.html ------

APPLICATION OF WRIT: What will come out of the row between the NLD and Tatmadaw?

By Sai Wansai - January 26, 2021

With the 26th announcement of electoral-list irregularities, followed by an appeal of January 20 by the Tatmadaw that the president, government and the Union Election Commission (UEC) clarify them, there can be no doubt that the Tatmadaw means business.

And with the Application of Writ, filed by the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) and Democratic Party of National Politics (DPN) on January 5, which was accepted by the Supreme Court scheduled for preliminary video-conference hearings on January 29, just a few days more to go, the plot has really thickened.

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Statement on stance (20-1-2021) – see more ->

President Win Myint and three other government officials as well as UEC chairman Hla Thein and 14 others were named as defendants.

According to BBC January 20 explanation, Application of Writ filed involved “questioning” and “enforcement directive”. “Questioning” call for whether an authorized organization or institution is acting according to the given law, principle, rules and regulations, code of conduct, directive and so on. “Enforcement directive” is the application of when an authorized person, organization or government institution has failed to act according to the given rights to discharge the duties, to give directive order and act accordingly.

As if to counter the Tatmadaw or military endorsement rally on January 22, in Naypyitaw, a hundred or so National League for Democracy (NLD) supporters staged a rally in Yangon, on January 24, siding with the party in a row that has to do with electoral-list irregularities alleged by the military bloc against the NLD.

Statement on stance

On January 20, the Tatmadaw Information Team released a statement which generally outlined the development from pre-election period to the present.

28th statement on findings in scrutiny of voter lists Dated: 24-1-2021 – see full ->

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The Tatmadaw’s 12-point statement gist writes:

1. It implemented the first multi-party democracy by holding general elections in November 2010 according to the 2008 Constitution. 2. Held November 2015 general elections and dutifully transfer power to the election winning party. 3. Issued statement during the pre-election period that the voting processes are not in conformity with the law and procedures. 4. UEC vetted polices and stances privileged for the ruling party in canvassing for elections but prohibiting other political parties to do so, including advance voting under the pretext of Covid-19 situation. 5. Demand for copying necessary documents to prove the voting irregularities was rejected by the UEC. 6. UEC released statement on 30 December 2020 that the document used by Tatmadaw to prove irregularities were not final documents used during November 8, 2020 elections. 7. Its statements has already announced that it has found 2,945,621 overlapping votes and 4,678,104 votes from other list, totaling 7,623,725 votes that may cause irregularities in scrutinizing the township-wise list of 314 townships. 8. It has exposed 18,352 hundred or more age old voters, 11,942 under-18 voters, 4,647,197 non-NCR (national registration card) holders, 2,945,621 with the same NRC number, and 613 deceased persons or juveniles in the list. 9. It is checking the voter lists as it wants the election to be free, fair and transparent. It is up to the UEC to settle the issues and it will not be reasonable just to say the UEC decision is final and conclusive. It should provide the people with an honest explanation. 10. While the UEC took no action, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw also rejected the collective call of the political parties and Tatmadaw’s parliamentary representatives to hold parliamentary session to discuss the issue. 11. It is responsible for safeguarding the non-disintegration of the Union, national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty according to section 20 (e) and sub- section (f) mainly responsible for safeguarding the constitution. It took full responsibility to hold the election peacefully, successfully and without disturbances as its aspiration is true democracy and always stays away from party politics. 12. If the election can be proven to be free, fair and transparent and reflect the true aspirations of the people, it will accept the results. It is hereby declared that Pyidaungsu Hluttaw or the government or the UEC should find a way to overcome the political dilemma in the interests of the State and the people.

Aspect of law and politics

So far, the argument and approach regarding the electoral-list irregularities were assessed from the legal point of view and not politics.

On January 21, Sai Nyunt Lwin, vice-chairman of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) told the People Media the rising tension between the NLD and Tatmadaw as: “The Tatmadaw’s announcements are gradually increasing. The government

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is also not responding. Especially the UEC is not responding. This give rise to more tension. If they (UEC & government) constructively respond the announcements can also lessen. Now there is no negotiation to reconcile and if they behave indifferently it can escalate more into head-on issues.”

In reply to the question as to why the Tatmadaw is referring to section 20 (e) and (f) he replied: “Tatmadaw thinks it is entitled that’s why it quoted them. This issue is not just only about law and cannot be looked at only from legal point of view, I think I should also be viewed from political aspect. Both political and legal point of views should be applied to clarify the issue.”

Likewise, on January 22, The Ladies News interviewed Sai Leik, general secretary of the SNLD on the same issue, on which he said: “Another point is that the Tatmadaw is demanding according to the people’s desire. And if electoral-list irregularities and vote- rigging are not exposed and actions not taken according to the people’s wish, it won’t be fulfilling the people’s desire.”

“In a way it can be said (understood) that it won’t be according to the desire of the Tatmadaw and some political parties. If this is the case, political dilemma could arise is the hint delivered by the message.”

“This is one way to urge NLD the implementation of the national unity government, without ignoring the Tatmadaw and other parties. I think this is the message they want to give,” added Sai Leik to explain his point of view.

NLD indifference

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On January 24, Myanmar Times reported the NLD’s indifference to the demand of the Tatmadaw, when Zaw Myint Maung, vice-chairman of the NLD said: “ We’re doing according to the law. We don’t have anything to say on what they’re doing or criticize them. We’re doing according to the constitution and UEC law. Convening parliament within two months is our duty because the NLD this time also won the parliamentary election. So NLD will call parliamentary session and we’re concentrating on it. The rest is not our business.”


For the time being, no one is sure on how the row between the military bloc and NLD will pan out. But given the maneuvering of the two main adversaries a compromise may be the only way out to escape dilemma by treading between the horns.

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The military bloc knows that it has lost the election roundly but wants to restore credit by pointing out vote-rigging and electoral-list irregularities as a guardian of guided democracy according to the 2008 Constitution, rightly or wrongly.

If one comes to think about it, the military is not keen to take up the administration burden for the present system is beneficial for its group survival, which even lend legitimacy by being part of the NLD-led government. Other than that, it is not insane to take over the government through military coup and face the world in international forum such as appearing or defending itself before the ICJ at The Hague, which the NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been doing for it so far.

Thus, the likely scenario after the January 29 hearing by the Supreme Court will either be watered down through compromise of the two adversaries or one side will give in a little to let the administrative machinery function.

At the end of the day, the analogy of two passengers riding a tricycle, seated back-to-back, on the same journey may be the reality on the ground. After all, both are on the same wavelength, where Bamar supremacy and minimum power devolution with some federal trappings conviction vis-à-vis ethnic nationalities are concerned, and the row is just a routine of little squabbling and arguing. Besides, both don’t have much choice but to work together, as even the constitution has explicitly prescribed the quasi-civilian-military system of governance, whether the contending parties like it or not. ------

NLD says it can do little for Sagaing kidnap victim

Min Wathan | 26 JAN 2021

U Myo Nyunt, member of the National League for Democracy party’s Central Executive Committee, seen during an interview. Photo: The Myanmar Times

NLD says it can do little for Sagaing kidnap victim

The ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) can do little to help free one of its members seized by an unidentified armed group in Sagaing Region.

U Myo Nyunt, a member of the NLD’s Central Executive Committee, said they have very little leeway in providing assistance to its member U Lwin Maung Htwe, who was seized at his house in Homalin township on January 13.

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“Currently, the central committee has no plan to issue any instruction regarding this case as it has a narrow scope to carry out politically regarding armed group arrest,” he said. “As we are a political party, we have to carry out politically and so, we have a narrow scope.”

The NLD is working with the police and relevant authorities to secure the immediate release of its kidnapped member.

Authorities have yet to identify the abductors of U Lwin Maung Htwe or the motive behind the attack.

The residents said the abducted NLD village organiser used to help in resolving problems that arise in a gold mine business near the place where he lives.

On January 1, the Arakan Army has freed three NLD politicians in Rakhine State seized in October while campaigning in a village.

The three were released after the AA representatives and Tatmadaw officials began peace talks after over two years of fighting.

Meanwhile, authorities have yet to identify the suspect in the killing of U Htike Zaw who won a seat in the (Upper House) representing Kyaukme township in Shan State during the last elections.

U Htike Zaw, who was also a member of the NLD, was shot dead by a lone assassin who barged into his house a few days after the November 8 elections.

Several other NLD supporters have been victims of attacks and injured during the last election season, according to party officials. - Translated ------

Investigators in Myanmar Probe Disappearance of 18 Rakhine Villagers

2021-01-25 Family members hold ID cards of missing villagers at a press conference in Rakhine state capital Sittwe, July 2020. RFA

Police and local authorities in Rakhine state’s Kyauktaw township on Monday took statements from family members of villagers believed to have been abducted last year by Myanmar military forces, with a military spokesman promising explanations if the army is shown to have been involved, Myanmar sources said.

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The 18 men were taken away in two batches in mid-March, 2020 when soldiers from a Myanmar military infantry unit entered their community in Kyauktaw township amid fighting with the rebel Arakan Army (AA), later burning down dozens of homes in the 500- home ethnic Rakhine village tract.

Eight of the 18 Kyauktaw villagers were taken from Tin Ma Thit village on March 13, while the other 10 from Tin May Gyi village were arrested by troops on March 16, all on suspicion of having ties to the AA. The body of one of them was discovered a day later in a river, riddled with bullet holes.

The incident was one of numerous disappearances in the now two-year-old war in Rakhine that has killed at least 300 civilians and displaced roughly 230,000 others. The AA is battling for more autonomy for the ethnic Rakhines, descendants of an ancient kingdom along the eastern shore of the Bay of Bengal.

Maung Kyaw Win, the father of disappeared 28-year-old villager Nay Lin Oo, told RFA on Monday that he and other villagers summoned by investigators have now been questioned twice, with a first interrogation taking place on Dec. 29 at the Mrauk-U District Police commander’s office.

“They compared our testimonies today with the ones we gave in Mrauk-U,” he said.

“I appealed to them to have the detained villagers released if they are still alive," he said, adding, "And if they are not, they should confirm this frankly.”

Military patches seen

Ma Aye Hla, the wife of 34-year-old missing villager Maun Than Soe, said that investigators asked her if she could identify the military unit that she said had abducted her husband.

“I told them I didn’t know the unit’s exact designation, but that I had seen the number 55 written on the soldiers’ insignia,” she said.

Family members of the missing men said they had sent letters on Dec. 1 to Myanmar’s president, state counselor and de facto national leader Aung San Suu Kyi, and Myanmar’s Ministry of Defense, asking them to urgently investigate the now almost-year-old case.

Community leader and investigation team member Tun Thein said that all testimony collected in the case will be forwarded on to relevant government and military authorities.

“We will send the testimony to the president’s office and the state counselor’s office, and also to the Defense Ministry and to [Myanmar’s] Human Rights Commission,” he said, adding that team members must first meet, however, to decide when to send the documents on.

“I don’t know when we will have that meeting, though,” he said.

Explanations promised

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Myanmar’s military has consistently denied any role in the villagers’ disappearance, but military spokesman Major Gen. Zaw Min Tun said on Monday that the army will provide explanations for any evidence they were involved.

“There was armed combat near Tin Ma village at the time [the men disappeared], and some of the villagers may have been fleeing from their homes,” he said. “Other information may emerge when the township investigators question the villagers,” he added.

“And if anything comes up related to the military, we will explain that,” he said.

At least 22 missing persons are believed to have been abducted last year by Myanmar military units in Kyauktaw township, according to local lawmakers.

Myanmar’s military, which controls the country’s police force, has a fearsome reputation among the multiethnic country’s ethnic minorities.

An August 2018 report by the U.N. Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar mentions enforced disappearances among the many “gross human rights violations and abuses committed in Kachin, Rakhine, and Shan states.”

The report said that crimes against humanity in those conflict zones “include murder; imprisonment; enforced disappearance; torture; rape, sexual slavery and other forms of sexual violence; persecution and enslavement.”

Reported by Min Thein Aung for RFA’s Myanmar Service. Translated by Ye Kaung Myint Maung. Written in English by Richard Finney.


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Published 26 January 2021

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စ��င��ဝဏ� | 26 JAN 2021

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RCSS/SSA ��င�� အစ���ရတပ� တ��က�ပ���က�� တပ�မ�တ��ဘက�မ�က�ဆ�ံ�သ�၊ ဒဏ�ရ�ရသ�ရ��

By နန��ဆ��င�ဖ�� - January 26, 2021

သ�မ���ပည��တ�င�ပ��င�� မ��င��ပန��မ ���နယ�တ�င� RCSS/SSA ��င�� အစ���ရတပ�မ�တ��တ���သည� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ�ပ���ခ���ပ�� တပ�မ�တ��ဘက�မ� က�ဆ�ံ�သ� ရ��ခ����က�င�� စ�ံစမ��သ�ရ��ရသည�။

ဇန�နဝ�ရ� (၂၅) ရက��န�က မ��င��ပန��မ ���နယ� နမ��တ�န��က��ရ��အ�ပ�စ� မ��င���ဟ�င���က��ရ�� အန��မ�� ရ�မ���ပည��ပန�လည�ထ��ထ�င��ရ��က�င�စ�၊ ရ�မ���ပည�တပ�မ�တ�� (RCSS/SSA) ��င�� မ��င��ပန��မ ���နယ� အ��ခစ��က� အစ���ရတပ�မ�တ�� ��ခ�မန�တပ�ရင�� ခမရ (၅၇၅) ��င�� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ�ပ���ခ����က�င�� သတင��ရရ��သည�။

“��မ�ပင�သတင��အရ�တ�� တပ�မ�တ��ဘက�က ၃ ဦ��သဆ�ံ��ပ�� ၄ ဦ�က �ပင��ထန�တ�� ဒဏ�ရ� ရရ��ခ��တယ�လ��� သ�ရပ�တယ�” ဟ� RCSS ၏��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ� ဗ��လ�မ�� ခမ��စံ ကသ�မ��သံ�တ��ဆင�� က����ပ�သည�။

လင���ခ�ခ���င�ရ�� ဗ��တပ�တပ�မ���လည�� မ��င��ပန��မ ���နယ�ရ�� �န�င�ပ�မ�န�တပ�စခန��မ�� စစ�အင�အ�� �ဖည��ဆည���န��က�င�� မ��င��ပန��ဒသခံမ���က ��ပ�ဆ���ကသည�။

“လင���ခ�မ��ရ��တ�� ဗ��ဟ�တပ�လည�� မ��င��ပန��မ ���နယ�က �န�င�ပ�မ�န� တပ�မ�� အင�အ�� (၂၀၀) �လ�က� �ဖည��ဆည��ထ��တယ�။ မ��င��ပန��မ ���နယ�မ��ရ��တ�� ဝမ�ထမ� တပ�လည�� �မ ����ပ� သ���လ�လ�ပ�ရ���သ���လ��နတယ�” ဟ� မ��င��ပန��ဒသခံ တစ�ဦ�က ��ပ�သည�။

RCSS/SSA သည� တ���င�ငံလ�ံ� အပစ�ခတ�ရပ�စ��ရ� သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ� ( NCA) လက�မ�တ��ရ�ထ���ထ��သည�� အဖ���တစ�ခ��ဖစ��ပ��၊ ၂၀၂၀ �အ�က�တ��ဘ�လတ�င�လည�� RCSS/SSA ��င�� အစ���ရတပ�မ�တ��တ���သည� သ�မ���ပည���မ�က�ပ��င�� �က��က�မ��မ ���နယ�တ�င� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ�ပ���က� အရပ�သ�� (၁၀၀၀) �က��� စစ��ဘ��ရ��င�ခ��ရ��က�င�� သ�ရသည�။


RCSS က ဖမ��သ���သည�� လက�ဖက�သင�တန��ဆရ�အ�� �ပန�လ�တ�ရန� �တ�င��ဆ��

By နန��လ�င���င��ပ�င�� | 26 January 2021

ရ�မ���ပည�နယ� ��မ�က�ပ��င��ရ�� ပ�လ�င� (တအန��) �က��ရ��တရ�� / �က���ခ / ဧရ�ဝတ�

ရ�မ���ပည�နယ� ��မ�က�ပ��င�� �က��က�မ��မ ���နယ�တ�င� ရ�မ���ပည� �ပန�လည�ထ��ထ�င��ရ��က�င�စ� (RCSS) က ဖမ��ဆ��သ���သည�� လက�ဖက�သင�တန��ဆရ�က�� �ပန�လ�တ��ပ�ရန� ပ�လ�င�လက�ဖက� စ��က�ပ����ထ�တ�လ�ပ� �ရ�င��ခ�သ�မ���အသင��က ��ကည�ခ�က� တ�စ�င� ထ�တ��ပန�၍ �တ�င��ဆ��လ��က�သည�။

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ပ�လ�င� လက�ဖက� စ��က�ပ����ထ�တ�လ�ပ� �ရ�င��ခ�သ�မ��� အသင��၏ အတ�င���ရ�မ�� ဦ��ဇ����န��က “အဓ�က�တ�� က��န��တ��� သင�တန��ဆရ�က�� �ပန�လ�တ��ပ��စခ�င�တယ�။ တ�ခ��ဘ�မ� ��ပ�ခ�င�တ� မရ��ပ�ဘ��။ �ပန�လ�တ��ပ�ဖ���ပ� �တ�င��ဆ��ခ�င�ပ� တယ�” ဟ� ��ပ�သည�။

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၎င��က “၂၀ ရက��န�တ�န��က RCSS က မသက��မ�န�� ဖမ��ဆ��သ���ပ�တယ�။ အခ�ခ��န�ထ�က�� ဆက�သ�ယ�လ���လည�� မရဘ��။ �ပန�လ�တ�လ�တ�လည�� မရ���သ��တ�� မ�သ��စ��ရ�၊ က��န��တ��� ပ�လ�င� လက�ဖက�စ��က�ပ���� ထ�တ�လ�ပ��ရ�င��ခ�သ�မ��� အသင��အ�နန���ရ� စ���ရ�မ��နပ�တယ�” ဟ�လည�� ��ပ�သည�။

ဦ��က�လ�က�� ဇန�နဝ�ရ� ၂၀ ရက�က �နအ�မ�၌ မ�သ��စ���င�� အတ�ရ���နစ�� မသက��သ�ဖင�� စစ��ဆ�ရန� ရ��သည�ဟ� ဆ��က� ဖမ�� ဆ��သ����ခင�� �ဖစ�သည�ဟ� သ�ရသည�။

ဦ��က�လ�က�� ဖမ��ဆ��ရ�တ�င� စ�ပ���ရ��မ� အမ����သမ�� ၂ ဦ�က��လည�� အတ� ဖမ��ဆ���ခ��ဆ�င�သ���ခ���ခင�� �ဖစ��ပ�� ထ��အမ����သမ�� ၂ ဦ�မ�� ယခ� �နအ�မ�သ��� �ပန��ရ�က�လ��ပ��ဖစ��သ��လည�� ဦ��က�လ���င�� ပတ�သတ�၍ သတင��တစ�ံတရ� မရရ��ဘ� �ဖစ��န သ�ဖင�� စ���ရ�မ��န�က�ခင�� �ဖစ�သည�ဟ�လည�� ဦ��ဇ����န��က ဆ��သည�။

RCSS ၏ ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ� ဒ�ဗ��လ�မ���က�� စ��င��အ�မ��ခ�က�တ�� ဦ��က�လ� ဖမ��ဆ��ခံရမ���င�� ပတ�သက��ပ�� �အ�က���ခက သတင�� မပ���သလ�� သ�ရ���ခင��လည�� မရ����က�င�� ��ပ�သည�။

ဒ� ဗ��လ�မ���က�� စ��င��အ�မ��ခ�က “မ�က��သ�ရဘ��။ မဖမ��ထ��ဘ�� ထင�တယ�။ သ�လည�� မသ�ဘ��။ ဖမ��တယ�လ���လည�� မထင�ဘ��။ RCSS က လ��တ�က�� ဘ�မ� မဟ�တ�ဘ� �လ��က�ဖမ��တ� လ�ပ�ခ�င�� မရ��ပ�ဘ��။ အကယ�၍ ဖမ��ထ��တယ�ဆ��ရင� အထက�က�� သ�တ���က တင��ပရတယ�။ အ�ဒ�ဆ�� �က��သ�ရမ��ပ�” ဟ� ��ပ� သည�။

�က��က�မ��မ ���နယ� �တ��ဆန��က��ရ�� အ�ပ�စ�ဝန��က�င�သည� RCSS ��င�� ပ�လ�င� (တအန��) အမ����သ�� လ�တ���မ�က��ရ� တပ�မ�တ�� (TNLA) တ��� လ�ပ�ရ���က� ၎င��တ��� ��စ�ဖ���သည�လည�� နယ���မ အ�ငင��ပ���မ�မ�����က�င�� စစ��ရ�အရ ��ပလည��က�ခင�� မရ��ပ�။

RCSS သည�၂၀၁၅ ခ���စ� �အ�က�တ��ဘ� ၁၅ ရက�တ�င� အစ���ရ၊ တပ�မ�တ��၊ လ�တ��တ��တ�����င�� တ���င�ငံလ�ံ� ပစ�ခတ� တ��က� ခ��က�မ�ရပ�စ��ရ� ဆ��င�ရ� သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ� (NCA) က�� လက�မ�တ��ရ�ထ���ထ���ပ�� အစ���ရ ဦ��ဆ�င� �ပ�လ�ပ��နသည�� ���င�ငံ �ရ� �ဆ������ပ��မ���တ�င� ပ�ဝင��ဆ�������နသည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င� အဖ���အစည��တခ� �ဖစ�သည�။


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26 ဇန�နဝ�ရ�၊ 2021 | က�����င�က�န��အ�န�

ကရင�ဒ�က�သည�မ�သ��စ�။ (�မ ၁၄၊ ၂၀၀၆)

ကရင�အမ����သ��အစည��အ��ံ� KNU န�� �မန�မ�စစ�တပ�တ���အ�က�� စစ��ရ�တင��မ��နတ�� ကရင��ပည�နယ�၊ ဖ�ပ�န��မ ���နယ�မ�� အ�မ�တခ���� မ���လ�င�ပ�က�စ��မ�အတ�က� အ�ပန�အလ�န� စ�ပ�စ���နတ��အ��က�င�� ��ပ��ပပ�မယ�။ ဗ��အ���အ�မန�မ�ပ��င��သတင���ထ�က� က�����င�က�န��အ�န�က သတင���ပ�ပ���ထ��ပ�တယ�။

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ဖ�ပ�န��မ ���နယ�န�� ဆက�စပ��နတ�� KNU သထ�ံခ���င�အတ�င���ရ�မ�� ပဒ��မန��စ����မင��ကလည�� မ�ဝ��င��က��ရ��က �နအ�မ�တခ���� ဇန�နဝ�ရ� ၂၄ ရက�ညပ��င��မ�� မ�����ခံရ��က�င�� ��ပ�ဆ��ထ���ပ�� KNU ဖ�ပ�န�ခ���င�တပ�မဟ� ၅ ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ� ပဒ��မန��မန��က�တ�� �ဒသခံ �မန�မ�စစ�တပ�ရ�� လက�ခ�က�အ�ဖစ� စ�ပ�စ��ထ��ပ�တယ�။

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By �မ�လ�န�� | 26 January 2021

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Published 26 January 2021 | ထ�န��လင���အ�င� (�မစ��က��န��)

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By နန��ဆ��င�ဖ�� - January 26, 2021

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 26 January 2021

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လက�ရ��အခ��န�တ�င� ရ��ပ�င��မ���စ���သ� �မန�မ�တပ�ဖ���ဝင�မ���သည� ��ရ������င�ငံ၏ အဆင��မင��စစ��က��င��မ���တ�င� သင�တန��တက��ရ�က��လ�လ��န�ကသည�။

(ဧရ�ဝတ� အဂ�လ�ပ�ပ��င��ပ� Myanmar Military Rolls Out Red Carpet for Russian Defense Minister က�� ဘ�သ��ပန�ဆ��သည�။)


သ�����မ ���နယ�တ�င� �င�က�ပ�သ�န�� ၉၀၀ �က���ရ�� မ��ယစ��ဆ� ဖမ��ဆ��ရ

By Hseng Leng - January 26, 2021

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