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1137-2020.Pdf Question on Notice No. 1137 Asked on 2 December 2020 MR J MADDEN ASKED MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT AND MAIN ROADS (HON M BAILEY) QUESTION: Will the Minister advise what actions are planned by the Palaszczuk Labor Government to improve transport connectivity in Ipswich to support the region’s growth and productivity and will the Minister specifically advise what progress has been made on the commitment to provide in-kind support to a business case being progressed by Ipswich City Council for the proposed Norman Street Bridge? ANSWER: I thank the Member for Ipswich West for the question. The Palaszczuk Government recognises the importance of continued investment in our road and transport networks to enable Queenslanders to connect more easily to health services, education, jobs and with each other. Ipswich has been experiencing strong growth and increased transport demand and this growth is expected to continue in future years. To plan for this growth, the Palaszczuk Government has several key transport projects underway or planned for the Ipswich area. The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2020–21 to 2023–24 highlights a number of initiatives relevant to Ipswich, including continuing delivery of the Ipswich Motorway (Rocklea – Darra) Stage 1 upgrades, continued construction of the Sumners Road interchange upgrade over the Centenary Motorway, commencing construction of the Centenary Bridge upgrade at Jindalee, construction of the new Springfield Central and Darra train station park ‘n’ ride upgrades, and planning for the upgrade of the Centenary Motorway and Logan Motorway interchange. The Palaszczuk Government has committed $1 million to progress pre-investment planning for the Ipswich to Springfield corridor, seeking matched funding from the Australian Government and $500,000 from Ipswich City Council (ICC). Delivery of this extension is not currently committed and is subject to further planning, funding availability and state-wide prioritisation. The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) continues to work with ICC and other state agencies to plan for, and protect, the Ipswich to Springfield rail corridor. This includes reviewing land requirements for a proposed line (including provision for a continuous active transport link) which is complementary to surrounding land use and development. In addition to this, the Palaszczuk Government is delivering on important park ‘n’ ride upgrades to rail stations in Ipswich. The Ebbw Vale station upgrade completed in July 2020 delivered an additional 70 car parks, improvements to the bus stop, pedestrian safety and connectivity and the installation of bicycle storage racks. TMR is also delivering car park upgrade works at the Darra station park ‘n’ ride to create 184 extra car parking spaces. TMR is delivering a new multi-storey park ‘n’ ride to service Springfield Central station, creating more parking spaces and improving safety and security for people in and around the station precinct. The Palaszczuk Government has committed $44.5 million to deliver this service, featuring around 1100 park ‘n’ ride spaces across the precinct once completed. Furthermore, the Palaszczuk Government will invest $39 million for an accessibility upgrade at Bundamba Train Station. The upgrade will include full platform raising, setting a new standard for all future station upgrades to be delivered by Queensland Rail. Upgrades are also being delivered for the Ipswich Motorway between Rocklea and Darra, a three-kilometre section of the motorway with construction expected to be completed in early 2021. ICC is leading current business case planning for the Norman Street Bridge which forms part of the local government-controlled road network within Ipswich. TMR is involved in the project as a key stakeholder only and continues to provide in-kind officer technical input and guidance into the progressive stages of the project. .
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