Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII (2001) 1093.pdf CLASSIFICATION OF ARACHNOIDS ON CYTHEREAN SURFACE. V-P. Kostama, Astronomy, Univer- sity of Oulu, FIN-90014, Finland (<
[email protected]>). Introduction: This group of circular concentric plains, more than half of their total population are as- features with radial lineaments was first seen on the sociated with a deformation zone, usually with a com- Venera 15/16 radar images and later defined in detail pressional one. These Class I arachnoids form about 53 by the Magellan mission [1, 2]. They were given a % of the global Venusian arachnoid population. There morphologically descriptive name after their appear- are somewhat more features in the Subclass Ia, which ance, which does resemble a spider (in Greek, arachne consist of arachnoids which are located on a deforma- = spider, -oid = resemblance) [1]. The origin of these tion zone or as a continuation of a deformation zone. features is still uncertain. We do not know their rela- The Subclass Ib arachnoids are located in the vicinity tion to the other circular or elongate structures, such as of a deformation zone, which has probably affected to coronae or calderas [3]. The arachnoids and coronae do the formation of these surrounding features. One other have many similarities and this is why arachnoids have deviation between the subclasses is the topography of been thought to be corona-like features [2], a sub-class the arachnoids. Arachnoids with dome-like topography of coronae [4] or possibly a part of the corona forma- are frequent within the Subclass Ia, while in the Sub- tion process itself, presenting an earlier phase of class Ib the arachnoids usually have topographic an- coronae evolution [3].