VFW 122nd NATIONAL CONVENTION HOUSING Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards Baltimore, MD – July 31-August 5, 2021 TO: Department Adjutants/Quartermasters FROM: National Convention Office, VFW SUBJECT: Convention Housing DATE: March 17, 2021 The housing assignments for Baltimore have been finalized. Housing for the Baltimore convention opens 3/19/21. On-line access will not be open until March 19. You may now contact the hotel regarding any hospitality arrangements by contacting – Alzaysha “Zay” Johnson
[email protected] (443) 707-0521 Please note, due to COVID, hotels currently have limited staffing and traditional hotel contacts may be different than usual. We ask that you be patient with making these arrangements. If you are making housing reservations for your department staff/officers, please fill out the attached form (one form per room) and fax it to: VISIT Baltimore VFW Housing #410-659-8398. On-line access If you need to know the amenities for your hotel, the phone number is #410-962-0202 https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/bwiih-baltimore-marriott-inner-harbor-at-camden-yards/ Housing for the 122nd National Convention officially opens on March 19, 2021. The special convention rates (shown below) are available until May 27 or until our block of rooms sells out. As a reminder, we recommend not waiting until cut-off as there are no guarantees there will be rooms available by that time. It is always easier to release a room, than it is to get one at the last minute. Rates for: $135 Sgl/Dbl/Triple/Quad Tax: Tax: 15.5% Note: Taxes subject to change Suites: Suites & Hospitality suites; (based on availability) Parking: $34 self-parking You may duplicate the housing form for general use in your Department.