Index Nominum Et Rerum
Index nominum et rerum NOTE: No effort has been made to enforce uniformity of spelling and trans- literation on the authors, so people or things may appear in the index with a different spelling from that used in the text. Nor has any effort been made to include every proper name that appears in the book. Abibalos, 300 bishop of, 24124 Abimelech, 173 Jews of Abraham, 31-32, 102, 173, 2149, 30056 riots and embassy, 78, 84-5 Abraham ben David of Posquières, marriage customs, 99 Rabbi, 198-9, 201 Philo of. See Philo Judaeus Abulafia, Meir HaLevi, Rabbi, 182 rhetors, 159 admissions Alexandrian poets, 219 of debt, 179-207 Alexandrians, 2708 Aduatuci, 7112 Alguadez, Meir, Don, 3120 adultery, 99-103 alum, 226-7 Aeneas of Gaza, 155, 162 Ammon, 104, 219 Aeschines, 104 Amnon son of David, 23, 26, 2913, 32, Africa, 211–23 10137 agriculture, 52 amoraim, 97, 192 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius, 70 Amphitryon, 10242 Agrippa I, King, 705, 85114, 119 Amulo, 9513 Agrippa II, King, 17, 705 Anaxilas, 214-15, 221 Agrippesians, 70 andrapodismos, 236, 240-1, 248-50. See Aḥa sar ha-birah, Rabbi, 110 also doulagogia, plagiaria Akiva, Rabbi, 5517 animals, 46, 60, 229, 329 Albania, 73-426-8 in Africa, 214-17 Al-Bargeloni, Judah, Rabbi, 186-8 rent of, 200 Alcmene, 10242 sacrificial, 173, 323 Alexander Balas, 26440 anniculi probatio, 83 Alexander Polyhistor, 2149 Antigonus Monophthalmus, 227 Alexander son of Aristobulus II, 7430, Antigonus II Mattathias, King of Judaea, 76, 77 77 Alexander the Great, 104, 286 Antioch on the Orontes, 60, 118, 161 Alexandra wife of Philip II, 102, 104 Antiochus III, 71, 296 Alexandria, 14915, 172, 246 Antiochus IV, 10031 362 Antoninus, 121, 124, 128 Babylonian Talmud.
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