Index Nominum Et Rerum

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Index Nominum Et Rerum Index nominum et rerum NOTE: No effort has been made to enforce uniformity of spelling and trans- literation on the authors, so people or things may appear in the index with a different spelling from that used in the text. Nor has any effort been made to include every proper name that appears in the book. Abibalos, 300 bishop of, 24124 Abimelech, 173 Jews of Abraham, 31-32, 102, 173, 2149, 30056 riots and embassy, 78, 84-5 Abraham ben David of Posquières, marriage customs, 99 Rabbi, 198-9, 201 Philo of. See Philo Judaeus Abulafia, Meir HaLevi, Rabbi, 182 rhetors, 159 admissions Alexandrian poets, 219 of debt, 179-207 Alexandrians, 2708 Aduatuci, 7112 Alguadez, Meir, Don, 3120 adultery, 99-103 alum, 226-7 Aeneas of Gaza, 155, 162 Ammon, 104, 219 Aeschines, 104 Amnon son of David, 23, 26, 2913, 32, Africa, 211–23 10137 agriculture, 52 amoraim, 97, 192 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius, 70 Amphitryon, 10242 Agrippa I, King, 705, 85114, 119 Amulo, 9513 Agrippa II, King, 17, 705 Anaxilas, 214-15, 221 Agrippesians, 70 andrapodismos, 236, 240-1, 248-50. See Aḥa sar ha-birah, Rabbi, 110 also doulagogia, plagiaria Akiva, Rabbi, 5517 animals, 46, 60, 229, 329 Albania, 73-426-8 in Africa, 214-17 Al-Bargeloni, Judah, Rabbi, 186-8 rent of, 200 Alcmene, 10242 sacrificial, 173, 323 Alexander Balas, 26440 anniculi probatio, 83 Alexander Polyhistor, 2149 Antigonus Monophthalmus, 227 Alexander son of Aristobulus II, 7430, Antigonus II Mattathias, King of Judaea, 76, 77 77 Alexander the Great, 104, 286 Antioch on the Orontes, 60, 118, 161 Alexandra wife of Philip II, 102, 104 Antiochus III, 71, 296 Alexandria, 14915, 172, 246 Antiochus IV, 10031 362 Antoninus, 121, 124, 128 Babylonian Talmud. See Talmud: in Jewish sources, 56-7, 13039 Babylonian Pius, 124, 128-9, 13039, 2564 Baghdad, 181 “the good”, 118, 129 Balaam, 267 Aphrodites polis, 169-71 Balak, 267 Aphroditopolitis, 169 Bar Kokhba, 131–54, 191-2 Apollo, 10242 signature, 134 Aquincum, 127 Barabbas, 313-14 Arabia, 7427 bastardy, 91–114 provincia Arabia, 123, 126, 128-9, Basternae, 7326 131 baths, 4, 117–30 Arabic, 30-120, 3525, 37, 39, 44, 53, Bavli. See Talmud: Babylonian 6144, 1311-2, 2874 beetroot, 57-8 Aramaic, 13, 52, 922, 95, 104, 1329, Ben Yair, Eleazar, 325-34 137-47, 18936, 192-4, 276 Berlin, Naftali Zvi Yehuda, Rabbi, 183 Arangio-Ruiz, Vincenzo, XXIV Berytus, 156, 159-62, 29747 Aristobulus II, 73–7 Bethlehem, 101, 106, 136 Aristophanes, 59, 216, 221 Bible, XXI, 16-32, 40, 52, 54, 56, Aristotle, 4, 23–50, 214-15, 220-1 173-4, 217, 285, 298, 30056, 310 Armenia, 73-426-8 Bickerman, Elias, 6, 285–305 Armon, 110 Bilhah, 101 army, 35, 328. See also legions birds, 216 Israeli, 322 Bithynia, 161 Roman, 75, 117–30, 329, 331 bitumen, 226 Arsinoite nome, 269-81 Black Sea, 216 Artabanus III, 29013 Bnei Brith, 311 artichokes, 51–65 Boaz, 26 Ascalon, 157, 160-1 Boethius, 3120 Asenath, 101 Britain, 132 Asia, 75, 289 Bruni, Leonardo, 3120 Asia Minor, 71, 692, 213 Byblos, 297-8. See also Philo of Byblos Jews in, 69-71 Provincia Asia, 692, 7326, 12320 Caesar (title), 4, 121-4, 128-9, 325 asphalt, 226-9 Caesar, Julius, 4, 6, 71, 8082 astrologers, 7643 Caesarea Maritima, 5, 12112, 12217, atheism, 300, 329-33 156-62 Athenaeus, 58-9, 62 Caiaphas, 311, 316, 320 Athens, 1221, 59, 1183-4, 161, 174, 212, Cairo genizah, 194 2707, 292 Caligula, 78, 84-6 Augustan era, 69, 81, 225 Callimachus, 219 Augustesians, 70 Capito, Cn. Vergilius, prefect, 243 Augustus, 7322, 85122, 11062 Cappadocia, 7326-7 and the Jews, 69-70, 80 Caracalla, 121, 128, 13039, 174 cardoon, 59 Babatha, XXIV-XXV, 110, 15020, 193 Carthage, 60 Babylonia, 56, 61, 93, 1827 Cassius Dio, 1831 INDEX NOMINUM ET RERUM 363 Castor, C. Longinus, 11062 Cordoba, 60 Catius, T., 298 coriander, 59, 62 Catullus, 219, 221 corn, 7534, 135, 216-8, 221 Celsus, XXIX, 94-5, 101, 108, 300 distributions of, 80 census, 77, 79, 83 Egyptian, 217, 221 chate melon, 52-4 courgettes, 52 Christianity, 32, 307–36. See also courts supersession architectural, 11061, 141 Christians, 117–30 of kings, 18, 230 anti-Christian polemic, 300 of law, 5, 81, 93, 9930, 105, 108, authors, 1212, 6247, 102, 299 155, 157, 160, 174, 180, 184-6, in movies, 307–36 189, 196-7, 199-203, 212, 239, rhetors, 157 245-6, 258 Cicero, 13-14, 75-6, 79, 1323 Crassus, M. Licinius, 77 Cilicia, 7326-7427-8, 124 Crete 7326, 7428 circumcision, 316, 333 Creusa 10242 citizenship, 285 cucumbers, 51–65 Alexandrian, 2708 cumin, 60, 62 citizens of the world, 285, 318 Cumont, Franz, 286–94 Roman, XXIV, 69-70, 78-84, 9616, cursus honorum, XXIII, 126 11062, 174, 225 Cyrene, 692, 219 Claudian, 220 Claudius, 83102, 85 Dacians, 4 Claudius Etruscus, 217 Dalmatia, 217 Cleopatra Thea, 26440 Damascius, 159 cloth Damascus, 194 dyeing, 226 Daphne near Antioch, 161 letters on, 132 Darius I, 7325 coins, 7111, 7215, 7325, 77, 171, 217 David, King, 23, 26-9, 32, 35-6, 48, Colchis, 7427-8 106-7 Commagene, 7428 de Gaulle, Charles, 296 commerce, 2137. See also trade Dead Sea, 132, 193, 225–31 commercium, 81-2 Dead Sea Scrolls, 323 Commodus, 121-5, 128, 21720 deicide, 94, 308, 316-17, 319-20 conquest, 3-4, 71, 74, 76, 94, 1311, 286, Delos, 72 292, 296 Delphi, 71 Constantinople, 117, 128, 156, 159, Demetrios II, 26440 161-3 demotic, 255-6, 258-9, 263-4, 27630 Constitutio Antoniniana, 11062 Didius Iulianus, 123, 125 consul, 13, 83102, 123-6, 297 Didymus, 213 contract, XXIV, 6, 81-2, 171-5, 183, Dinah daughter of Jacob, 101 187-9, 196-7, 237-40, 243-4, 246, Diodorus Siculus, 12, 227-9 248, 256, 2578, 269-72, 276-7 Diogenianus, 213, 216 marriage, 98-9, 109-10, 19350, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 1221 262-3. See also ketubah divorce, 33, 93, 98-9, 101, 111, 175 conubium, 96 364 documents. See also contracts; Judaean Eusebius, 15610, 299-300 Desert documents; ketubah; mar- Eutropius, 156 riage: documents halachic, 186-95 Feuchtwanger, Lion, 285, 303 in Josephus, 69-70, 111 Florentinus, 2278 Ptolemaic, 169-75, 269-81 food, XXII, 4, 51–65, 135, 333 Roman, XXIV, 174, 269-81 freedmen, 69-70, 78-9, 81-3. See also dormice, 54 manumission doulagogia, 243, 245-50. See also friendship, 11, 23–50 andrapodismos, plagiaria frumentationes, 8082 dowry, XXIV, 9930, 10137, 108-9, 172, 194 Gabinius, 77 dreams, 18, 104 Gadara, 12217, 129, 30053 Dura Europus, 131, 287-9, 302 Gaius (emperor). See Caligula Galilee, 58, 61, 93, 121, 134, 137, 317, Éboué, Felix, 296 320 Echecles, 10242 Gallienus, 127 Egypt, 5, 59, 7534, 101-2, 131-2, 136, garum, 59, 62 148-50, 157, 160, 17531, 190, 217, Gaul, 70-1, 225 221, 255-67, 269–81, 289 Gaza, 155, 157-63 Byzantine, 15019, 269, 27110, 277 Genetic Information Act of 2000 (Is- law, 6, 255-67 rael), 108 Ptolemaic, 15019, 169–77, 171, 172, Germanicus, 75 255-67, 269-70, 277 Germanos, son of Judah, scribe, XXV Roman, 11062, 15019, 235–53, Germans, 4, 75 269-70, 273, 277 gladiators, 72, 217, 33096 Egyptians, 102, 104, 2149, 24334, 275, gold, 102, 217-18, 227-30 296 goodness. See virtue Ein Gedi, 11061, 135, 139, 141-7, 191, gospels, 92-3, 101, 174, 307-9, 313, 193, 323 316, 318 Ein Jerab. See Hammat Gader gourds, 53, 59 Elagabalus, 121, 128 Gracchus, Ti. Sempronius maior, 75 Eleazar, Rabbi, 95 grain. See corn Eleazar ben Yair. See Ben Yair, Eleazar grammatici, 155, 160-1 Eleutheropolis, 159 grapes, 55, 59 el-Hama. See Hammat Gader grapheion, 269–81 Eliezer, Rabbi, 41, 5517, 303 Greater Punishment, Rule of, 198-202 Elusa, 160 Greece, 12, 213, 226 England, 3 Greek (language), XXIII-XXIV, 4, 10, Enipeus, 10242 128, 14, 25, 52, 1329, 138-9, 141, Ephesus, 692, 7213 143, 146-8, 157, 174, 18936, 193, Esau, 255, 33, 40, 56 215, 272, 275-6 Essenes, 323-4, 327, 330, 332 Grosseteste, Robert, 3120 Eudocia, 10242, 117, 119, 128-30 guardianship, 8191, 184 Eudorus, 10242 Guinea, 220 Euhemerism, 299, 301 INDEX NOMINUM ET RERUM 365 Hadrian, 213, 215, 217, 235, 247-50, Iberia, 7326, 7427-8, 217 297-8 imperialism, 28910, 314, 324, 326 Hagar, 102 imperium, 80, 8294 Hai Gaon, Rabbi, 190-5 India, 3, 4, 5311, 230 halacha, XXIV, 5, 51, 5517, 91–114, inheritance, 81-3, 109, 150, 183-4, 247, 175, 179–207 256, 262 HaMeiri, Menahem, Rabbi, 32, 183, inscriptions, 70-3, 117–30, 157-9, 163 198-9 intermarriage Hammat Gader, 117–30 between Greeks and non-Greeks, Ḥanina, Rabbi, 95, 9930 29640 Hasmonaeans, XXIII-XXIV, 719, 77 between Jews and non-Jews, 94-7, Hebrew, XXIII, 13, 25, 28, 52, 54, 10960 57-8, 104, 1329, 134–37, 140-2, between Roman citizens and 146-7, 18936 192, 29850, 327 non-citizens, 10960 Hebron, 327 Iran, 132 Hecataeus, 2149, 301 Isaac, 255, 31, 40, 30056 Heius, M., prefect, 246 Isaiah, 1835 Helene, Queen, 106 Islam, 94 Heliopolis, 10138 Israel Hera, 172 Jacob the patriarch. See Jacob Heracleopolis, 169, 172, 175 land of Israel, XXI-XXIII, 33, 52, Heracles, 102 54-6, 58, 60, 181-2, 18521, 315, Herculaneum, 7213, 1322 317. See also Judaea, Palestine, Hermes, 10242 Syria Palaestina Hermippos of Beirut, 297, 303 nation of Israel, i.e., the Jews, Hermopolis, 241 31-33, 51-2, 56-7, 96, 99, 105-6, law book, 256, 258 181, 191-2, 311, 316-17, 323, 326 Herod the Great, 77, 313 state of Israel, 108, 119, 171, 196, Herod Antipas, 313 307, 313-14, 322, 331-3 Herodian of Alexandria, 297, 303 Italy, 14, 69, 7217, 131* Herodias, 313 Herodion, 142–47 Jacob, 255, 267, 31, 33, 40, 46, 54, 56, Hierombalos, 300 101 Hieronymus of Cardia, 227-30 Jagsthausen, 127 Hillel, 2913, 98-100 Jeremiah, 18-19 historians, 9–21 Jericho, 141 historiography, 9–21, 301 Jerusalem, 10, 14, 18, 60, 71, 76, 10032, Greek, 4, 9, 16,-19 106, 117, 174, 312, 320, 327, 330, Roman, 17 331 Hittite, 29433 Jerusalem Talmud.
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