
Published by the Commuilist Party of Britain (MGrxist -Leninist) No 6 Mar 27th 1975 Price 3p CAMBODIA VIETNAM In March 1970 the CIA backed a Article 27 of the Paris Agree­ right wing coup to oust the head ment commits the United States THE FIGHT FOR THE of state Prince Sihanouk and In­ to make restitution and assist in stall a more pllant adrniniEttra­ the healing of the war wounds tlon with Marshall Lon Nol at which It Inflicted in its bestial its head. By April the US had attacks on North Vietnam. It has concocted an excuse for invading done no such thing. Indeed, RIGHT TO WORK Cambodia and extending their General Westmoreland (a former war tn Vietnam. The riposte de­ US commander-ir.chief in Viet­ livered to the invading forces by nam) report e that the President the people's army was so severe was very interested in his sug­ that by July of that year Cambo­ gestion that bombing by B-52 's dia was being bombed by the should recommence and thnt IS THE FIGHT TO USA, an operation that continued Haiphong harbour should be until August 1973- seven months mined once again. But the work after the Paris Agreement, and of reconstructing the monuments in violation of ft. of centuries of labour goes on 'today the US troops have with or without US aid, undaunted CAPITALISM gone and the eyes of the war ld by threats of euch an inhuman are upon Phnom Penh whtcb , U character. Here they are buil­ Crosfield Electronics It falls in the near future, will ding a socialist base which will Over 300 workers were given the of wearing a badge on your overall cut backs. be the first capital city to be strengthen the revolutionary sack last Friday, March 7th,wlth- with your name and the words Members refused to attend these captured by revolutionary forces forces in Vtetnam and beyond out warning from management. engineering technician underneath, meetings and told the managers. to since Peking in 1949. The mari­ tts borders . The work force has been reduced whether you were a grinder, deal with their elected repreee n­ onette masters in Washington, In the south US aid continues by a thlrd, and aoother 100 are to miller, fitter, etc. tat!ves, I.e. the shop stewards. be put on short~tme working. The London stewards. visited We contend that the whole finding all thelr strings save one, for the Thleu juata1providing tt: the airport at Pochentong, seve­ means whereby more of the Only six months ago thiS Peterborough consistently at tbreo exercise was carried out by the red, bewail the intransigence of populat len are subjected to ter­ firm was taken over by the De monthly intervals explaining the Company In a collo.., "'ld t.e.tlaae a Congress which forbids the use ror, torture and the suppression La Rue Gro~. Crosfield's uecesstty to organise . Over a fashion not tot economic reasons·, of B-5211. There are none so of liberties. Notwithstanding reason for s&lllng was said to period of time tbe workers became but as firm COIJlPany polloy of blind as those that w!ll not see. the daily Incursions. of puppet be cash flow problema. He soon convinced, elected etewarda, moving' manufacturing o~acl.ty If the exper tan.ce of the war 1n troops, however, the NFL .and remedied tha(. joined the Union and a working ln London to Peterborough. -81:' Al!Ja d=-oostrate• · 14'3!4.~ the Provi. ions! .l!'!Y~l!JIIOJl'!DI. Dol La R~ paid him £6 m!ll)on relatlC~ru~hip was established with Many of the workers In Crosftelds at all it Is that there ls .no p~ly Gov·ernm&nt are suCCessfullY •1ld pil~ h!i;Ji on the DOard ol qlloltatlon...... · of the capitalists countries "lack us believe that we are weak even Marx, The Civil War ln France) "I.nflation, unemployment and inhuman living conditions are the in­ political maturity and have too to bother to organise ourselves The day is dawning when the buUt characteristics of our economy. brought about by the monopolists low a degree of organisation to and that we should damper the lessons learnt from the great and big landowners, together with economic and technological depen­ make full use of the opportunities revolutionary feeling of our class. Paris Commune - that the old dence on US imperialism. It Is against these scourges that the presented by the crisis in their What is revisionism, if it is not state must be smashed before people's struggles have been basically dlrected- these strua:gles countries". ''Left extremists" exactly this - that It despises and an entirely new, workers' state taking economic, political and even armed form .... are warned against any "adventu­ turns its back on the working can be built - wlll be applied In "The reformism of Christian Democracy, backed by US rist" actions and attempts to class! Britain. imperlallsm, was d iscred it~d . and brougllt to an end as a result of the enormous surge of mass struggles. It was in tb_ia sttuatton that "Popu­ lar Unity" with Allende at its head, came to power, representing both the mass struggle for freedom, at a gjven Ideological level , and at the On the Industrial Front same time the ability of revisionism to absorb a strong anti-lmperlalis t movement forlts own ends . . .. Wilson ' s plea That people who see tbat they "I.ts (''Popula,r Unity's") measures agJLtnst the monopolists and for wage restraint Docks have heating, lighting and see landed proprietors were already castrated because they were applied Wilson's speech that unbridled With the week-old stoppage of to the! r wants are described as outside of the framework of the (people's) struggle for power, by giving ,.age militancy could seriously dockworkers being joined by Cowboys and Indians Is an sffront them priority and presenting them as a oubatltut&, lo this way dj.oarmlng the people ideolog!ca.lly; polttk>lrtly aljd llllllt.&rll,y. The lllus!ona damage the economic prospects 1200 ~ally clerkll, over £60 tp the dignity of the working of nationalised industries and million worth of exports are class. The placards the strikers. created by revisionism In the minds of the people about the jackals lo 11 the expansion of the social ser­ being held up In the London docks. carry such as "Like Big Ben we uniform. whom they called the "People in Unlform , were intended to repression exercised by them on the working class and vices was greeted with scepticism The dispute is over the long-term are forced to strike", give the ~the th; peasantry, and had their natural consequence In the coup of 11th Sept. and hostility by many trade question of the right to work. true picture of workers deter­ 1973 .... unions. Dockers work is being done in mined to maintain their living Railwaymen, bank employees, inlWld coritainer depots and an standards. "A ruling clsss frightened by the people's struggle and the beginning of their attempts to arm themselves and turn against revlsionts'm, USDAW who have subsequently erosion of 11, 000 jobs has con­ coupled 1vlth economic disaster brought about by the ruling class, won an interim £2.50 per week vinced the dockers that only British Airways rlght-wlng sabotage and the immoral acts of a bureauc£"atic bourgeoisie from the Co-op for their shop­ direct action will safeguard their in government, in ilddition to the influence of revlstonlsm on a handful 'WOrkers, and all other unions jobs and make ·more work avail­ with claims pending will not be able. Foot's pleas to return to Clerical workers on British of generals, lE-ad to US imperialism carrying out the most bloody coup in the history of Latin America. They imposed fascism tn reaction to deterred by these fatuous state­ work fall on deaf ears. Airways won a resounding vic­ mass struggle." ments. Workers want increases The publication of Government tory against their employers. to sustain W1 ever-increasing plans to extend the Dock Labour As a result of a solid and well­ rate of rising prices. Scheme will take at least another organised strike, their employers It Is significant that many of month, and implementation of had to abandon their pay-<>n-the­ Bradford builders Unemployment the unions now putting in claims those plans will be somewhere plane scheme. Naturally this are led by those who tell in the future. method would have intensified t.he other sections of the working Jack Jones, to get himself work of the air hostesses and 200 construction workers, mostly Masson, Scott & Thrissel's at­ class to abide by the social con­ off the hook with his own members Inevitably have meant redundancies members of the TGWU and tempt to make 160 workers redun­ tract. Their own members has referred it to the Advisory for clerical staff in the airports. UCATT, building the £8 mllllon dant was a deliberate attack on think differently. Conciliation and Arbitration transport interchange ln the union organtsatton, an attempt Service. Its public hearings are Bridge Street, Bradford, have to create divlstons amongst the The economic review complete but being as long­ Nottingham returned to work after a succes­ workforce and to intlm idate them Union leaders who approved the winded as its name suggests it ful three-day strike to secure into good behaviour. Thls uMub­ TUC•s 1975 Economic Review is expected to be several weeks For two centuries the hosiery the reinstatement of a sacked tle attack has been bravely rests­ envisage "a much extended system before its report Is produced. workers have fought for a decent workmate. ted by a well planned, unifying of )oint regulation at workplace wage, resisted their employers The dispute began when a man campaign. level", if workers get involved Industrial civil servants greed for the dream o.f a fair man was sacked for not comp­ The strength shown In this to the ex'tent that the TUC is talk­ deal. leting a difficult job In a short fight obould not be allowed to ing about. We have to say workers Over 180,000 industrial workers The "crisis11 of the knitwear enough time. His workmates' disappear wtth the. acceptance of already get involved In quite a in Government employ have and hosiery industry, based In and response was immediate - one 'voluntary redundancies' of those lot of lt. started a campaign for more around Nottingham continues to out, all out. over 60. The results of accep­ But when Murray talks about pay. The worst hit Ia the deepen. They all walked out leaving ting a reduction in the workforce switching from the social contract House of Commons with picket Already more than a thousand tons of quick-setting concrete by whatever means are exactly to that old hoary chestnut pro­ lines manned by electricians workers have been laid off or put only half-poured. The following the same - a weakening of orga­ ductivity bargaining we have to and engineers. No mail Is going oo short time; threats have been day three men, drivers of nised strength. say for what? To put more in or out as postmen refuse voiced that more unemployment lorries carrying concrete around The threatened redundancies workers out of work and have a to cross picket lines. In the is to be expected. Among the more the site, were sacked for suppor­ follow a series of successful greater rate of exploitation? dining rooms cold meals have to recent workers to lose their jobs ting the strike. This action fights over pay and conditions We can do all these things be washed down with milk as are eighty at the Ruddlngton firm only made the strtk.ers even more but as with those Hghls the win­ ourselves because it is the work­ catering stsff refused to light of Cooper & Roe. determl ned. ning of this struggle will only Ing class that bas the skills and the gas. Tb.e frantic management of the After the third day, Taylor produce at most a short truce. knowledge to do it. The only Sir Geoffrey Howe, who's Marathon knitwear group have in­ woodrow. the employers, capi­ The struggle against redun­ thing is we don't need the em­ salary Is many times that of the vited their workers to suggest tulated. The workers went back dancies now facing MST workers ploying class. They are the only workers, said, : 11 Th1s betokens "economy measures" to help ride to work following negotiations has deep Implications. The ones that bold us down and reap evil times for the future. u Ronald out the crisis. This Is asking wbicb secured the reinstatement working class can provide the so­ the rewards. Get rid of them, Jlell, another MP, demanded that workers to participate In cutting of the sacked men. Realising they lution- unemployment for us then we will be able to do all these 11Cow00y a.n.d Indian games their own throats. And at Kina­ had gained the Initiative, a new under capitalism or unemploy­ the things that need to be done in should stop". wear, where workers decUned set of claims were submitted to ment for the class which bas the way of offlciency without What arrogance! Does he think a £2.80 pay rise, this Is exactly management and backed up with oppressed us for so long under sacldnga and without exploitation. workers think It Is all a game,? wbat workers did. an Immediate work-to-rule. aoctaltem! Page 4 labour govt. Kith and kin : Russian revisionism and labour reformism WOMEN tATER in 1973. almost 300 induotrinl enterprises Brezhnev's exhortation that the had copied the Shchekino example FOR STRUGGLE and the ex-secret-police and 'Russian workers should do "sus- and sacked 70,000 workers. Russian trade union lea­ tained and conscientious work11 Unemployment is matched by During a recent dispute over

to Britain next month. After has resulted in an almost three- the deliberate creation of an army scab labour 1 work at the Isle of superpowers when it comes to betraying fold increase in the speed with of floating workers. People un- Grain power station (Kent) was working class that both are which workers have tD labour able to find jobs in their own part brought to a standstill and 50 1f Wllson has any claim to fame supposed to represent, the pre­ through a variety of methods cal- of the country who must drift from women canteen workers (TGWU) were g1 ven assurances that they lt \1 the contortionist 'a stunt of sent leaders of the Kremlin could led "scientific reor ganisation". place to place seeking employment, were tD be paid for any time loot. being able to lick the boots of the labour social democrats The Shchekino Experiment, account for 20 per cent of the lab- The women accepted the promise. two •uper•powere at once. A first started in the Slchekino uur force. On returning to work their em­ project to supply Rolls-Royce The rate of exploitation in Chemical Combine is a way of in- No wonder Murray and his aero engines to People's Chtna ssia, 1f measured as the ratio creasing the surplus value to be mates want to have discussions ployers, Bateman Catering, im­ which would create employment betWeen profits and workers' squeezed out of workers by dlsmis- with Shelepin, mediately forgot about the deal. for a lot. of British workers is wages has risen from about 100 sing part of the labour force and ------~ oppooed by tbe United States per cent in the early 1900s, under stepping up the productivity norms Cont from front page Immediate action because It conflicts with the the Czars, to about 200 per cent of the remainder. By July 1973 Houghton the NUT will not aban­ So the women - who cater for "Cocom" list governing trade don education under attack. over 2000 men and the site hos­ with ''communist countries''. Already, tn parts of the coun­ The Soviet Government has tels - met immediately IL!Irl de­ try, notably In Leeds, Bucking­ cided tD strike. Within hours the also Indicated diplomatically hamshire and Richmond, teachers site was in chaos. 600 Laing's that It would oppose the Spey have stopped work In opposition workers came out tn support, engine project even 1f Washing­ to local cuts. The stoppages and others knocked off at 12 ton should withdraw it~ obJec­ have been precipitated by the tions. o'clock. Bateman's were Oab­ threat to jobs but we must move China has already ordered bergaated! They threatened before the axe falls, realtslng 35 Tridents worth about £120m. sackings, evicUon of site per­ that we are all threatened. There But the possibility of further sonnel from their rooms - every can be no area In England or orders obviously depends on other tactic they could muster. Wales remaining unaffected by ease of acquiring the engines But as one member told us, "It the cuts, whether tt Is a college which powe.. · these airliners and takes the men 6 weeks to shut of education or a school closed or this place. ·Catering is such a the facilitit>B for overhaullng even the lights of a classroom them. key sector that everything stops dimmed. Only the Union can be Wilson's boast abo~t the deal within 2 days!" the rallying point for the struggle he made Jn Russia ho.s to be to keep llt the beacon of knowledge. judged in terms reducing Ouick settlement or Only the Conference can lauoch Drttain to an uneqwl parlncr of a struggle elevated to one of super-powers which ileece the Bateman collapsed - and the lay­ total opposition to all cuts. whole non ... s oclalist world, as off pay settlement sets a prece­ lt wtll have to consider Ita sal­ opposed to enjoying equal trade fighters of the Cambodian National Uberation dent for 1500 other site workers. - aries claim for April '76. It will with socialist China. These men had been prepared to have to reject the slavish mental­ wait around several weeks and ity that seeks to 11matntatn stan­ accept the decision of an 'impar­ Imperial dards of llvt~" and to maintain tial' arbitration procedure to May Day meeting relativtiiea with "comparable" settle th'!!r identical grievance. workers. · Typewriiers MAY 1st 7.30 p.m. CONWAY HALL RED LION SQUARE. The women's direCt actlop oliced The Conferepce will mar¥ the through oll that nonsanee, And The o!t-tn at Imperial Typewriters flrat attampt by the Union to de­ whep It wu all wrapped up, one (Hull) continues. The workers 1 FROM DEFENCE fhw cOm~ lYe\y a tee.cher s of tho men concluded "There waa m~IIMi~"->and that all jobs dUlles. At prs..,nt, teacbero-caoi a time wh811 the women would cook tlun,..ile the manage- tecbnloally be asked to do allfth\ni our zn~al• while we held our w:doa. ~ues with Its policy of TO ATTACK .c~ted with '~1)8 work of the meet1Di• • but tbto tum-<>Ut has rafusol to make back payments it" Worket;s of Britain, for over two hundred years we have defled the· school" . Bul deaplte the atrt.e­ shown us up good and proper. owes the workers. When threa.tt:n to capitalists and organised in trade unions in defence of our lweiihood tures of Lord Houghton, the days They were never encouraged to ed with court action It called on and dignity. of teacher servility are over. participate, but now they've the CQQo!ll~~111ld .MMtration CapltaUsm Is In deep crisis. [t has been forced to adopt new TeacbePI will now give themselves tasted victory and they know Mist Ser'lice tD belp. But talb between guidelines as to what constitutes methods: social contract, oattonaltsatlon, worker participation, the they can win~ " 1 ~ent aQd \1111- broke c 1a lm that classes are no longer important, the plea to pull together the 'work of the eohool". They down. The .Wk.el"l;, speaking from to solve capltaltsm's problems. will negotiate expenses for out of a position of strengtb, sold they'd But we recognise these lies (and no-one tells them so well as the ·school aottvltleo. They will es­ Capitalism denies come tD get all the! r outstanding Labour Government) aS the ever-tightening controls of an oppressive tablish their entitlement to holi­ money and not tD bQrgain with the state, precursor of fascism. We know It Is capitalism whtch plU'I:JdeTa days and breaks during the working management who expected the our natural resources and stifles the Intellect and sldll of Our '-''Orkers. day. They will decide on a mint­ birthright workers to give up control of the We know that only revolution can save Britain. mum number of marking and prep­ factory as a pre-condition for Our class understands, yet still draws back. History cannot stand aration periods. "Maternity wards in hospitals in paying up. The management then still; we have to choose. The Conference declalona will Medway, Kent, need 34 per cent tried tD buy the workers off by It ts no longer enough simply to defend ourselves in our unions no underline a constant truth, that more beds to cope wl th the pre­ maldng partial payment. Many matter how well that struggle is waged, for to do that &.lone is to ' teachers are In the front line of sent birthrate", warned Kent's workers refused tD take anything extend the hand of welcome to fascism. 'the fight of the whole worktng medical officer at a recent meet­ but the full amount. A summons There Is only one alternative: working class soclallst revolution class for education. The future ing of Medway Community Health has now been issued against the waged by the workers of Brltatn. Our Pa'rty, the Communist Party resides wtth us, who alone can Council. company. of Britain (:'.IRr'