Published by the Commuilist Party of Britain (MGrxist -Leninist) No 6 Mar 27th 1975 Price 3p CAMBODIA VIETNAM In March 1970 the CIA backed a Article 27 of the Paris Agree­ right wing coup to oust the head ment commits the United States THE FIGHT FOR THE of state Prince Sihanouk and In­ to make restitution and assist in stall a more pllant adrniniEttra­ the healing of the war wounds tlon with Marshall Lon Nol at which It Inflicted in its bestial its head. By April the US had attacks on North Vietnam. It has concocted an excuse for invading done no such thing. Indeed, RIGHT TO WORK Cambodia and extending their General Westmoreland (a former war tn Vietnam. The riposte de­ US commander-ir.chief in Viet­ livered to the invading forces by nam) report e that the President the people's army was so severe was very interested in his sug­ that by July of that year Cambo­ gestion that bombing by B-52 's dia was being bombed by the should recommence and thnt IS THE FIGHT TO USA, an operation that continued Haiphong harbour should be until August 1973- seven months mined once again. But the work after the Paris Agreement, and of reconstructing the monuments in violation of ft. of centuries of labour goes on 'today the US troops have with or without US aid, undaunted SMASH CAPITALISM gone and the eyes of the war ld by threats of euch an inhuman are upon Phnom Penh whtcb , U character. Here they are buil­ Crosfield Electronics It falls in the near future, will ding a socialist base which will Over 300 workers were given the of wearing a badge on your overall cut backs. be the first capital city to be strengthen the revolutionary sack last Friday, March 7th,wlth- with your name and the words Members refused to attend these captured by revolutionary forces forces in Vtetnam and beyond out warning from management. engineering technician underneath, meetings and told the managers. to since Peking in 1949. The mari­ tts borders . The work force has been reduced whether you were a grinder, deal with their elected repreee n­ onette masters in Washington, In the south US aid continues by a thlrd, and aoother 100 are to miller, fitter, etc. tat!ves, I.e. the shop stewards. be put on short~tme working. The London stewards. visited We contend that the whole finding all thelr strings save one, for the Thleu juata1providing tt: the airport at Pochentong, seve­ means whereby more of the Only six months ago thiS Peterborough consistently at tbreo exercise was carried out by the red, bewail the intransigence of populat len are subjected to ter­ firm was taken over by the De monthly intervals explaining the Company In a collo.., "'ld t.e.tlaae a Congress which forbids the use ror, torture and the suppression La Rue Gro~. Crosfield's uecesstty to organise . Over a fashion not tot economic reasons·, of B-5211. There are none so of liberties. Notwithstanding reason for s&lllng was said to period of time tbe workers became but as firm COIJlPany polloy of blind as those that w!ll not see. the daily Incursions. of puppet be cash flow problema. He soon convinced, elected etewarda, moving' manufacturing o~acl.ty If the exper tan.ce of the war 1n troops, however, the NFL .and remedied tha(. joined the Union and a working ln London to Peterborough. -81:' Al!Ja d=-oostrate• · 14'3!4.~ the Provi. ions! .l!'!Y~l!JIIOJl'!DI. Dol La R~ paid him £6 m!ll)on relatlC~ru~hip was established with Many of the workers In Crosftelds at all it Is that there ls .no p~ly Gov·ernm&nt are suCCessfullY •1ld pil~ h!i;Ji on the DOard ol <!!fee~ -the London stew'ards. have alreadY bjoen mruje redunda.ot mUUary solution to imperialist coriaolldatlng the liberated zone~ tOrs The c8.sb flow went all in At that time there was work for in London some two or three times problems. and pressing ahead with the one direction- str8.tght into his all, over 300 companies were on and thought they had at last found Prea\dent Ford talks of a struggle to overthrow Thteu as pocket. the firm's sub-contractor ltst, some job security. Member11 and 'moral commitment'. To Lon the means of ensuring the im­ Workers were told last August...,. ~of them speclallsed. stewards feel that this Is an attempt Nol? Between euch thieves there plemeatatlon of the Parts Agree­ that this t~ke-over would strengthen Over 50 per cent of the work to weaken trade unionism - espe­ can be little honour. Lon No! Is ment. The signal milttary vic­ the company and indeed more job was being ct~ntracted out and the cially so when the shop to be closed already an embarrasment and tories which they are scoring opportunities would be created, management was offering £25 to is the one wtth the Convener and may well go the same way as that are a fitting tribute to the justice with jobs available throughout the any employee who could Introduce two of the shop stewards ln ft. other American ally, Diem. of tbelr cause and to their ability whole De La Rue Group. another skilled worker to industry, The rate that lnduatry ls being Meanwhtle, Ford has an alloca­ and determination to carry the The Company, unbeknown to the There were Queen's Awards moved out of London, egged on tion of $275m to prolong the revolution through to the end. workers did set up a firm in Peter- to industry; best years ever, re­ by successive governments, wlB ctvtl war in Cambodia, to spin borough some 2! years back called ceptions al Hornsey Town Hall. mean that large sections of work­ out the agony of a dying city. Westwood instruments. When the Yet tn a year they say orders have ing class areas, 1. e . Tower Ham­ Thts ls blood money pure and NUT stewards and members found out declined 50 per cent due to world lets, Southwark, Camden, Islington simple~ Thls war bas already at that time, they stopped work. markets, etc. will In time become distressed cost the lives of one tenth of the The stewards demanded the right When stewards and members areas. Conference to go to Peterborough and meet the found out at the beginnlng of this We fight for the r lght to work population, but what Is that to 'the Annual Conference of the planners who count tn mega- workers of this new aqulsltton. We year work was running down, they where we live. deaths? It is 8 barbarism of an National Union of Teachers won our demand. banood ove rtlme. The management We accept the right to work for u'l'recedented dimension that 8 beginning on Saturday March 29th When the stewards went there in their mismanagement thought everybody in the country. We say decadent tmpertaltsm will treat wlll be an important occasion they found the workers were un- it was a good idea. We demanded you are not going to solve some entire nations as food for power, for the future of education in this organised, had lower rates of pay that ail"Sub-contraot work be called other section of the country's as hostages to the needs of capt- country. Since the Union is the and few of the conditions that had in and done on site. problem for us . U this firm gets tal, and at the same time chant major stumbling block to the been extracted from the employers On Friday, March 7th, the away wtth moving production to sterile litanies about the 'best Government's cuts ln expenditure by trade union activity tn London. management called the stewards Peterborough, they will have to hope for peace' being 'negotiation the delegates will have to declare The workers in Peterborough were to a meeting and while the stewards recruit fresh labour there. from strength •. That strength unequivocally the national res- at !trst hostile to the stewards. were at that meeting got their Stewards and members are has proved to be illusory for ponse . Though seduced by They said they did not want to join managers to oall meetings of determined to fight this one wlth this is the secret of people 'a war Continued on page 4 the Union because they had staff members on the shop floor to good organisation. Morale Is high that:- ...~~""""~~~~~ .................... J The determined to win. " . many strokes, though with I a little axe, Hews dbwn and fells the hardest I timber'd oak". But the rebuilding of Cambodia has already begun. In the coun­ tryside, from hamlet level up­ wards, the people are beglnnlng to exercise their power. The programme of the National United Front of Cambodia is being vindicated even before the last citadel of reaction has fal­ len. The NUFC with Its Marxist-Leninist vanguard has proved its farsightedness, its grasp of the real and of the pot­ ential. With such a leadership the Cambodian people are more than equal to the task of bu!ld!cg a new land, independent, sove­ reign, and prosperous. Page 2 LABOUR's RUBBISH Editorial Glasgow•s Labour Party-control­ led Corporation has stated that they see themselves in the front line of the Government 'a attempt Aglorious perspective to enforce the Socifll Contract. What this means is a virtual wage-cut for the dust-cart Socialism the only way drivers employed by the .City The Corporation have called As we have clearly demonstrated: capitalism in Britain is in a in the army to clear the more grave state of crisis and the ruling class firmly intends wor­ than 50,000 tons of rat-infested kers to bear the brunt of it.
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