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The Guardian, October 17, 1989

Wright State University Student Body

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Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1989). The Guardian, October 17, 1989. : Wright State University.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Alcohol Awareness Week Rhythm N ation: 1814 Squad wins tourney _ I Events scheduled during the week of Oct. 15-21 A possible Grammy award winner for Janet Team defeats DePaul, Texas-El Pasoand Indiana State Page3 Jackson Page4 Page 5

Webster decision effects felt on campus By CHRISTINE ARNOLD even counseling women on abortion, this could change the way pregnancy is dealt with Associate Writer by college women in the future. The effects The effects of the U.S. Supreme Court's would be felt most strongly by women with Webster decision, giving states a tighter rein little money for private medical care who rely on abortion funding, are becoming evident on public facilities not only for health con­ throughout the nation. The far reaching impli­ cerns, but also counseling. cations are being seen on college campuses, Although Florida's recent special legisla­ especially those that are publicly funded. tive session failed to pass four laws before it Co ems are being voiced by campus that would have restricted abortion in the health care officials that the option of abortion tate, NARAL predicts that many tates will counseling will no longer be available to pass such laws during their next legislative them.Thi is especially true in those states (at sessions. le.ast 23 according to ARAL) expected to Randall Terry, president of Operation adopt abortion restriction . Rescue, a militant anti-abortion group, says in According to a story in the College Press a CPS story that ..... (Roe vs. ade) will go Service, Dr. Harvey Klein, student health down," reflecting the hope of many uch clinic gynecologist at Florida State Univer­ anti-aboruon activists across the nation. sity, says he's " ..concerned that a lot of (preg­ While the Supreme Court came just hort nant women) would get into hands that maybe of reversing Roe, even Justice Harry weren't competent" if campus officials are BlackmWl, a voice of dissention among the barred from abortion counseling. court, said the "signs are evident and very If state funded campus health clinics are ominous," that abortion will be banned in the stopped from making abortion referrals, or near future. es one over Indiana In this weekend action. Photo by Craig L. Davis Washington becomes accustomed to B·ush's soft touch

By JOHN OMICINSKI blown it, failing to have a plan ready, failing to dispatching American ttoops, uninvited, to 'The Panama btWness underlines the con­ CopyrighJ 1989, USA TODAY/Apple Col­ block necessary approaches in Panama City. the military headquarteJ"S where the coup tinuing difficu.ties that the U.S. government lege Information Network ''From Panama to the Potomac," colwn­ unfolded. h~ as it's tugged in one direction by Repub­ WASIIlNGTON - Official Washington nist David Broder wrote, "this White House Had Bush done that, it's likely that both lican Bush and in another by a Democratic lllWes "Rambo" Reagan. looks 'chicken.'" Con~ and Latin American leaders would Con~. President Bush's "kinder, gentler nation" But by the time a week had passed and be calling for the president's impeachment Bush has tried to play the game halfway, is ~ptable when dealing with child-care some of the rescued princi~ involved in the By the time a week had passed, Defense but it hasn't worked. bills and capital gains truces. But when it coup started talking, it became more likely Secretary Dick Cheney w~ ready to address He sent ttoops in, telling them to sit tight in comes to foreign affairs, this town yearns for that the coup failed because of the ineptitude to the Associated Press. the U.S. compound. awhiffofcordite from an M-60 president with and indecision of Panamanian officers. Cheney, a fonnercongressmen, suggested The president encouraged the Organiza­ of American States to Noriega bandoliers draped across his chest The coup•s leader, Maj. Moises Giroldi, is that Congress butt ouL tion pressure That U.S. forces in Panama failed to snap reported now to have refused his officers' 'We had situations here," he said, "where nd the OAS failed miserably. up Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega in last demands that they tossNoriegaintoajeepand members of Congress were literally calling The region's leaders haven't fared any week's muffed coup attempt, enraging the drive him over to the American compound. agencies downtown, or even people in Pan­ ~tter . Peru's Alan Garcia Perez suggested left, center, and right Giroldi allegedly demurred~ telling fellow ama, as these events unfolded, demanding that the United States buy off Noriega. From James Kilpatrick on the right to conspirators that he preferred offering Nori­ information. That creates all kinds of prob­ But the coup also uncovered a new rest­ in that Mary McGrory on the left, columnists were ega a peaceful retirement in the Panamanian lems." lessness Washingron, a feeling many livid. Conservative Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N .C.) countryside. Congress has grown too intrusive and events, including the collapse of the oldorder in Eastern Europe,are now beyond the United thundered while liberal Sen. Patrick Leahy The major cannot tell his side of the story. meddlesome in such matters, second-guess­ CD-VL) fired off lightning bolts. He is dead, reportedly shot personally by ing and interfering, he suggested States' grasp. "There's no question in my mind," said Washington wants to put one in the win Abnost ~ soon as the coup collapsed and Noriega. "that we've reached a point where it column. But with a divided government, that ~ega emerged safely, thumbing his nose at At this point, it seems that the only way the Cheney, won't be easy. T!1 Panama coup proved die U.S., the congresmonal and journalistic United States could have seriously aided the is a complicated~ to try to function in that, too. ~lishmen~ eropted. Bush, they said, had Panamaniancoupattemptwouldhave been by this area." • • .. • ' ~ : • ' 1 \ ... "J ~ .. : ~: .. '-. :­ ..." ' 2 ... THE DAILY GUARDIAN Tuesday, OctoberI 7, 1989 NEWS

Personal Investing Briefs ©Copyrighl 1989, USA TODAY/Apple College Information Network ©Copyrighl 1989, USA TODAY/Apple College Information Network

Stocks fall in Japan ..... Ual bought Dow down .....

In Japan and other Far East markets, stocks took a harp downward turn, adding News that financing for the $6.75 billion buyout of UAL Corp. had fal len through, pressure for another plunge in the U.S. stock markets. The Nikkei, the key index for started the lide as the Dow Jones industrial average tumbled 190.5 ints to 2,5 .26 the world's largest stock exchange in Tokyo, fell 611 points, or 1.74 percent. A sell­ Friday. The decline took an estimated $197 biJlion of value out of the market, and i off in foreign markets could replicate the round-the-world whipsaw that preceded the second only to the 508-point lo s on Oct. 19, 19 7. Oct 19, 1987, stock martetcnNi.

Eight activists out of jail ..... Losses in half hour ..... Most of the loss in the stock market Friday came in the last hour of trad.ing, as com­ Serious negotiations between blacks and whites in South Africa could result from puter-driven program selling pounded stock prices. In replay: 10 a.m. The Dow rose 3.48 the re~ Stmday of Nelson Mandela's friend Walter Sisulu and seven other points in the first half-hour of trailing. After three straight losing sessions that took the prominent anti-apartheid leaders. The next step to eliminating apartheid is obtaining Dow off Monday's all-time high of 2791.41 , there was scattered bargain hunting. the release of Mandela, South Africa's best-known dissident. He has been in jail since 1962 and could be freed later this year or in early 1990. Market replays programs .....

Korean visits Washington ..... At noon Friday, sour economic news began to sink in for traders. Fueled by the "sell" programs, the Dow sank 19.88 after the Labor Department reported that September's Roh Tae-Wood, president of South Korea, will meet-with President Bush Tuesday Producer Price Index, a gauge of inflation at the wholesale level, rose 0.9 percent. At 3 and speak to Congress Wednesday. He'll try to keep Con~ from cutting the U.S. p.m. the Dow drops 66.84 points on word of the collapsed deal for UAL. military commitment to his country. He is expected to talk little about South Korea's huse trade surplus with the USA. Pilots may revise bid .....

Relatives visit Solviet Union ..... A management- group, fresh from its failure to raise $7.2 billion to buy UAL Corp., is likely to submit a revised bid for United Airlines' parent this week, analysts say. Relatives and ex-associates of Raoul Wallen berg, a Swedish diplomat who saved To attract financing, the group may have to cut its $300-a-share cash tender offer or offer thousands of Jews in World War II, are visiting Moscow. The group, convinced Wal­ a mix of cash and securities. Trading in UAL was halted at 279 3-4 on the New York lenberg is alive, was invited by the KGB secret police. The d.iplomat was last seen Stock Exchange Friday. Jan. 17, 1945, being driven off to see a Soviet commander. He died two years later in the KGB ' s Lubyanka prison in Moscow, Soviets say. Iraniansw say Waite is alive ..... Options traders anxious ..... Option traders in the Chicago Board Options Exchange will anxiously await the Church envoy Terry Waite and two other Britons kidnapped in Lebanon are still stock market's opening Monday morning. Why: the S&P 100 options pits closed at 2: 16 living, Iranian sources have told Anglican officials. Waite was taken .. an 1987 p.m. Friday and never re-opened. Meanwhile, the S&P 100 index dropped about 10 while he was trying to help other hostages. points tabout 60 Dow points) more. The options holders who saw Friday's drop coming weren't able to take profits yet

now t e funds rules . .. . . If you're buying or selling a mutual fund Monday, keep in mind it doesn't matter wh at your fund does during the day; mutual funds are priced at the end of the day. That' when • the fund's management t ,Jlics up the current market value of all the securities in its J T VIDEO. portfolio. Your purcha! c price still will be the fund's net asset value at the end of the • trad.ing day, plus any sales fee • •ALL OVIE I raeli prices fall Sunday ..... : •NIN E DOS aily 10 Sessions for : •SEGA • Israeli stock prices plummeted by 8 percent in early trad.ing Sunday as the Tel Aviv : Guardian stock market reacted to Friday's Wall Street slide. One of the few stock exchanges in the $25.00 : ONL 99¢ OR • world to trade on Sundays, Tel Aviv was the first to respond to the 191-point drop in the • Dow Jones industrial average, the second largest one-day fall in history. 1 Month for $39.00 What to do now .... . Just 5 minutes from Wright Stale and Wright Patt. Analysts say in light of Friday's market slide, investors should not let emotions take charge. Investors should ask themselves why they made the investment in the first 95 E. Dayton-YeUow Spring s Rd. place and examine a personal tolerance for risk. One way to cut risk is to keep a well­ diversified group of investments. Settle on a percentage of money and keep the invest­ oll 879 -7 30~ ment in that range. Tuesday, October17, 1989 THE DAILY GVARDIAN. . 3 . . r ' . ' ... ~FEATURES Mulhollan declares Oct. 15-21 as Alcohol Awareness W~ek

Dayton-Wright State making skills and positive tion and recognition of the alcohol misuse." RAAP Team programing ment Poster Comyetipon in University PresidentPaigeE. peer influence. individual's ultimate respon­ "Alcohol Awareness for National Collegiate Alco­ the Upper Hearth Lounge. Mulhollan has officially pro­ Now in its sixth year, sibility for decisions regard­ Week" will include various hol Awareness Week Students will vote for poster claimed Oct 15-21 as "Alco­ NCAAWis sponsored by the ing use or non-use of alco­ workshops, displays and ac­ (NCAAW) October 15-21. winner while enjoying free hol Awareness Week." Stu­ Inter-Association task Force hol," said President Mulhol­ tivities across the Wright Mocktails. dent-run activities on the lo­ on Alcohol & Other Sub­ lan. "It is in the best interest State campus aimed at pre­ Tuesday, Oct.17 9:30 cal campus, supported by stance Abuse Issues, which of students, faculty, adminis­ vention through education a.m.-12:30 p.m.-RAAP Re­ Thursday, Oct. 19 9:30 faculty and administration, represents student affairs trators and the community and individual responsibility cruitment Table in Allyn Hall a.m.-12:30 p.m.-RAAP Re­ will coincide with National professionals across the that such decision-ma.king be in connection with the use of cruitmentTable in Allyn Hall Collegiate Alcohol A ware­ country. responsible and well-in­ alcohol. Wednesday, Oct. 18 8p.m.-9:30 ness Week (NCAAW). Stu­ '"Alcohol Awareness formed. In addition, we want For more information call 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.- RAAP p.m.- "Students Helping Stu­ dents nationwide are promot­ Week' at Wright State Uni­ to encourage a partnership to Carole Huddleston or Rod Recruitment Table in Allyn dents" in Forest Lane Com­ ing alcohol education, devel­ versity initiates a year-round prevent campus problems as­ Guthrie, 873-2367. Hall 11 a.m.-2 p.m.- RAAP munity Center. RAAP Te.am opment of student decision­ emphasis on alcohol educa­ sociated with Team and Student Govern- see "Rapp" page 7 Nissan's new sports car makes people stop and look

ByJohn Andrew Prime shaft, V-6 engine under the Captain Shreve High School. ritual of peeling off the mag- He likes thecurious looks much, they just want to hear ©Copyright, 1989, USA gracefully curving hood. While Demopulos enjoys netic logos of oil companies and interest his car solicits. about what it does." TODAY/Apple College Infor ­ ''With the T-top, it's like rid- the amenities new sports cars and tire supplies and chang- It's a 1990 model "Z", the Demopulos has owned mation Network ing in a boat - you have the offer such as air condition- ing the car's racing slicks for result of a major redesign at Datsun-Nissan Z cars since When Ernest Demopu­ 1980, quite a transition from los, 33, steps into his new his first car, an Olds Cutlass. Nissan 300 ZX, he trades "This one is true t the everyday life for a realized "You drive these cars -they don't 'muscle sports car'" he says. dream - the thrills his sports "Modem technology ha car offers him. dri e you." made it possible - now vo "When I bought my first can have things in a tru sports car years ago, someone sports car you wouldn't have told me the only reason had a fe ears ago." people buy them is because wind in yqur hair, the feeling ing, power windows and ad­ treaded tire . "But they're Nissan. Because it doesn't Sporty road machine dnving one makes you feel of being free." justable-ride u pensions, also practical. They war a loo like aZ car and you hav are no 1 ger the toys of th younger," the Shreveport, Jackie and Greg Wal­ Jackie Wal don follows the car they can open up on the to searc for the Nissan logo, idle rich r the eccentric. Louisiana businessman says, don know the feeling, too. old school philo ophy. She highway on the weekend, "people tell me they think it's They are car · for going to taking his car out on a romp. They are frequently found says a sports car has to offer then take to work on Monday. an Italian import, a one of a work in, to take when gomg His nimble vehicle effort­ taking turns maneuvering the driver direct contact with The auto companies are now kind car. I've had people ask out shopping. kssly snakes past other cars their new Mazda RX-7 in the feel and response of the designing cars both for every­ me where I get it -Dallas, Still, his thrills while driv­ • though they are rooted in time trials against other engine and the road day driving and perform­ New York?" ing come from the same place. members of the Red River "People want to have ance." source as those that excite the "At first I discounted Region chapter of the Sports more fun driving," says Mi­ However, taking such After gazing at the car's Waldons aud Thomas-the that But as I get older, I don't Car Club of America. chael Thomas, a salesman at striking-looking cars out for body, people want to see the mechanical bond between feel older, so there could be Helmets o and strapped Holmes Honda World who everyday errands can still engine, Demopulos said. "So drivers and the road. something to it," he says. in, they maneuver around races his go-to-work Honda cause a stir. Demopulos' "Z" far in the last two weeks, I've "The important thing is to Demopulos is one of bright orange pylons on a atthe same Sports Car Club of stands out among the other had to pop the hood about 20 drive a car that you feel part more than 200,000 people serpentine course laid out on America meet as the Wal­ cars, sport and sedans, that times," he says. "It's mostly of," says Jackie Waldon. who bought high perform­ the cracked asphalt of the dons. After his three runs are pass through the drive adults who want to look there "You drive these cars - they ance cars in the first four Caddo Stadium parking lot at done, he must go through the at his OK Cleaners. - the kids don't care too don't drive you."

>.-:-:.:·:·.:· months of 1989, according to .·....·.·.·.·.·.·...·.·.· ··.;:::·.·.·.. figures compiled by Ward's Book of dreams and love released Automotive Reports, which Macil1tosh '" tracks sales for the auto in­ By MARCIA HARDY arranged by ; acters are set in the Early dustry. The number repre­ love has nothing to do with Middle Ages and the story is Re11tal sents nearly one of every 10 Associate Writer it filled with magic and folk- cars sold. A moderately plain girl Almost every girl, save lore. Maria has fallen in '1'here's a mental stimu­ sits alone in her room day­ the lucky few, dreams of a love with the magician · I. • lation to driving down the k• dreaming. She imagines her royal prince choosing her PrinceFinist. Togetherthey / lnftO S road in a sports car, a thrill lover: tall, strong, caring, over hundreds of beautiful must fight the evil plots of ~ th You can't get in any other type remarkable handsome and women. Maybe she pos- Ljuba-Finist's power- I e copy center of car," says Demopulos, completely in love with only sesses something special hungry cousin. This story is throwing the gearshift for­ her. But alas, Maria shifts that only true love can fmd. truly a tale of magical in- Ward as he deftly lets out the back to reality, realizing her Josepha Sherman tells trigue and love. The Shin- ! . clutch. dreams will never come such a tale in her novel The ing Falcon is published by ~ Open 1 days His car surges, 222 horses true. Marriages are to be Shining Falcon. The char-_ Avon and sells for $3.95. r 429-2585 hWJuning from the twin-cam­ 2646 Colonel Glenn Highway 4 THE DAILY GUARDIAN Tuesday, October17, 1989 -- , ." ... . --ENTERTAINMENT Janet returns to the pop scene with Rhythm Nation: 1814W

By CHRIS CATO "Good Times" series and album. Control, which sold what exactly 1814 is, songs such as the popular "Sometime is Tonight" will later acting in stints on 5 million copies, spawned Jackson set the tone of the "Miss You Much," and make radio programmers Jy Cl Special Writer "Different Strokes" and singles like "Nasty," album early. Rhythm "State of the World." The think of Janet when gearing . Janet Jackson, the ''Fame." "When I Think of You" and Nation: 1814 contains album's best track is the up their "Quiet Storm" AsS youngest sibling of Amer- Since then, the actress/ the popular "Pleasure Prin- messages about the world's impeccably funky "Knowl- programs. Rythm Nation: ica's first family of music, singer has recorded three ciple." Now, the singer has current problems on one edge," another of her 1814 is a great follow up . has been on a meteoric rise marginal albums. Then in returned with a long side, and J ac on's intimate personal testament songs. album by Janet Jac on ano Qiampt in show business. The early the winter of 1986, Janet awaited follow-up entitled, feelings on most of the Ballads are not left out one that could possibly days saw her acting as came back: big with the Rhythm Nation: 1814. other side. The title cut is a on Jackson's late t effort. wing some Grammy Penny on the popular ultra successful Control Besides the mystery of real winner along with The smooth "Lonely" and award her way. Michelle Pfeiffer steps into the spotlight once again

By MIKE CIDONI for Russia" drama hit ''Tequila Sunrise" averaging maybe one hired as lead singer by a co-stars .., ©Copyright 1989, She's heading there to away from considerable co- picture a year. I've been piano duo, The Fabulous Adds "Baker Boys" USA TODAY/Apple College star in the film version of stars Mel Gibson and Kurt resisting (all the work). I Baker Boys (played by Jeff writer-director Steve Information Network John LeCarre's best-selling Russell. keep wanting to slow down and Beau Bridges). pfeif- Kloves, "She's a lot like Some things are worth thriller'~ Russia House." By Christmas "Dan- and catch up and see where fer's Susie gives the boys' Susie (her 'Baker Boys' w losing sleep over. "And then they told gerous Liaisons" hit things are. But I've finally show sizzle and the boys character) in certain ways. Michelle Pfeiffer is ex- me, 'You're leaving tomor- theaters, wowed critics, given in to it I finally said, themselves a much-needed She's razor-sharp, very hausted, propping her head row.' All I could say~. found an audience and 'We~ this is what I'm boot in the butts. smart, very witty. You don't up with one hand while 'What arc you tryin' to do? showed that Pf'eiffer could doing now.· " 'We knew Michelle have to rearrange your taking nourishment from a Kill me?' " hold her own agaimt It beats what Pfeiffer, was pooped out after 'Dan- words for Michelle to have ~ cigarette in the other. She No. It's just a matttt of formidable ac~ Glenn now around 32, was doing gerous Liaisons' and 'Te- her understand what you C just needs to get through ff '7 d f lk b b mean. You don't talk baby . ~ thisinterviewinLos IOU on t ta a y talk to talktoMichelle." ngt An&eles promoting 1bc Good thing, because ~Iron· FllMllOus Balcer Boys," a M • ff they had to work quick. TheCanisi dramatic-musical comedy I ch e11 e. "Baker Boys" script was Al that opens Oct 13 across knocking around Holly- ~~ the country - and is striking while the iron is Close. She got an Oscar just 10 years ago. In those quila Sunrise,' and was just wood for five years before kbi already winning critical ac- hot And here in Holly- nomination as Best Support- days, she strapped on coming back from Europe," distributor Fox finally the claim. ~ batdly anyone's iron . ing Actress for the film, but falsies, tight blouses and says "Baker Boys" producer picked up the project When But the gutsy, chat- is hotter thari Michelle lost to wrhe Accidental mini-miniskirts while Mark Rosenberg. "But we it did, the studio kept it a lenging "Baker Boys" is Pf'eiffer's has been in the Tourist" 's Geena Davis. giggling and jiggling as a also knew that she'd sung in lean, mean production. The going to be tough to sell to last 14 months. In February, she was in character simply credited as 'Grease 2' and w felt con- budget, according to ticket b~yers: The script is Last summer, director Seattle filming "Baker "the " on ABC's fident that we'd be in fine Kloves, was around $11 quirky and none of the three Jonathan Danme's comedy Boys" and by late spring in ill-fated 1979 series, "Delta shape. I think we ended up million - about $7 million leads is a guaram.eed draw. "Married to the Mob" cast New York for her stage House." in better-than-fine shape." less than your average big· t That's why Pfeiffer is here Pf'eitier as a mob widow, debut in the critically Hez ascent from Holly- The role demanded name film. pfeiffer had to when she should be home won the support of review- lambasted yet commercially wood's vexsion of hell was Pfeiffer sing about a dozen be good, and fast, for it all sleeping, or packing. ers and did well enough at succes.sful all-star produc- old news about 30 seconds songs - from the ridiculous to come off. "I couldn't believe it," the box office to prove - tion of ''Twelfth NighL" after "The Witches of (a commercial jingle for In spite of all her sue· she explains, perking up, once and for all-that its And now, Russia Eastwick" hit theaters in peas) to the sublime (a drop- cess, Pfeiffer still seems showing a rare power surge. lead was more than a pretty "This is a lot for me," she 1987. And Pfeiffer seems dead rendition of the worried about becoming a "After all of this, I called to face. Four months later, she admits. "I've been kind of aware of that, veering away Rodgers-and-Hart classic flash in the pan. "You find out when I~~ l~~~ - stol~!he romaQtic crim~- _ __hi~o~y unemploye.d, from questions about the "My Funny Valentine"). To know, right now I have to r------~ ------, past, except to note, be- prepare, she spent two go to work to get some I I grudgingly, that "with tortuous months with a rest." After "Russia House," I Attention: Wright State Students I video, there are no skeletons singing instructor. she says, "I'm gonna wait, ~ I in my closet, or anybody's "It was kind of high- just try to look for some- Im I Got soma great party pictures? closet anymore." pressured because I was re- thing good. But that's what i.o I ~ Need help on a school assignment? ~ I Her skeletons: the dis- ally starting from zero," she I said a year ago. rm still w I ... ~ I astrous "Grease 2," the lame says. Although she sang in afraid of making a mistake. ~ I Parents forget what you look like? I "Into the Night" and the "Grease 2," she hadn't been It's all still kind of a crap ~ I I wimpy Alan Alda comedy to a voice coach since 1982. game." IJn I Bring your film to University Photo Center I "Sweet Liberty" -all com- And that wasn't even for Yet it's a game she lN I In the Unlversity Shoppes across from Wright State I mercial and artistic d.uds. • singing; it was merely to hasn't lost in three years. ~ -; I. Oddly enough, u was improve her speech. ''Not in a while, .knock I $3.0(J off processing per roll of C-41 film the "Grease" sequel that ''For such a successful on w~" she says, smiling. . I M-F 1 may have landed her the person, she has an UN-atti- "I'll probably pick a stinket . I 0-S with this coupon 1 role in "Baker Boys." She tude, an openness when you up the road somewhere. 1 I SAT lO-S Member KODAK Colorwatch System I plays Susi~ Diamo~d, a suggest a change," says This is obviously my time tD ~ prostitute Beau Bridlles. verv be doin,.& this. rve a lot I 1 1 - - ' 'I gum~hewing "S~u· of OfiFEA.. S-'W/31/89 . '29--9819 J i l "' • " ~ J ) "> '· Linilt5roas ~.J' tumed-loun - rf~)I \r ~.-Iilti·..ll:L '.f: l l o.., J;{:~I ; 1 r ~. ~--1Cttfb~~~p\~yed L~------~~------~~----- . ~~ ~·-~T~ I~ and~~ rm sure I will be." Tuesday, October17, 1989 THE DAILY GUARDIAN 5 _SPORTS 4WSU stomps Depaul and goes on to win tournment 'will ..rs CINDY HORNER off the court in three games, little fire, but the Raiders our communication during ously played. It was our first Sycamores for the second stomped it out as they buried the UIEP match. There was match of the day. We were aring a.want Sports fd"1tor 15-11, 15-6 and 15-5. time this~' 15-9, 15-6, l ,_...,... Debra Ruffing led the at- the Miners in five games, 12- not as much teamwork. Mo- very fortunate to win the 14-16 and 15-4. Harris and 'Jn: tack with 11 of WSU's 45 15, 15-1, 15-10, 9-15 mentum is a monster, it goes match." Hughes led the attack on the up Serves upl Kills down! kills. Eileen Hughes was and 15-9. up and down. We have to WSU had excellent num­ trees with 13 kills a piece. nano Oiampions Again! right behind her with 10. A key to the win came have teamwork in order to bers for this one. The Raiders Ruffing had 12. Great serves and nu- Micki Harris highlighted merous kills capped off a the second game by serving tweekend for the Wright 10 straight points. In the third Raider . "Serves up! Kills down! Champions again!" game, WSU made a come­ They defeated DePaul, back with Amy Shennan pro­ exas-El Paso {UTEP), and viding the spark. WSU was l State to win the WSU had 41 digs as Hughes after WSU Head Coach achieve our goals," Schoen­ landed a total of 78 kills with down, 6-14, when the Syca­ Wright State Invitational and led the way with nine. Vonda Linda Schoenstedt gave the stedt said. "Some ofU1EP's Ruffing leading the way with mores had six chances at !PJS1i their record to 14-5. Bebee had seven. Kara Ben­ Raiders a pep talk immedi­ players probably had career 22. Micki Harris had 19 and game point. The Raiders first exor­ ningfield had 36 sets. ately after they lost the matches against us. They had Hughes had 16. Benningfield But the Raiders rattled ~ the Blue Demons of On Saturday, the action match's first game. the opportunity to get into had 64 sets. off eight straight points be­ ke !DePaul. They served them heated up as UTEP built a "I was disappointed with sync since they had previ- TheRaiders sawed offthe see "UTEP.S" page 6 ·s' 1ays. y SU gains third shutout despite missed opportunities i don't contest, Joanne Paxton sup­ in front of the Canisius goal. talize on scoring opportuni­ r JEFF LOUDERBACK - Dayes voiced his displeas- ing room." ure with the Raiders' offen- . WSU's "Demolition D" plied WSU with the only goal Spanning the last five ties." . have ~s Editor sive performance. (defense), known for punish- it would need from a Shelley games, Paxton and Hawker Wirlt"i ... four-game win­ 'OU baby Concern was etched on "We have to finish our ing the opposition with an Henke assist Paxton leads have combined to score ning streak and an 8-4 re.car~ ~ght State Head Coach chances on offense. We aggreWve, hard-nosed style the Raiders in scoring with 10 ws·u's last nine goals - a WSU .tqlvds to Xavier to­ se llyltonDayes' face following missed a penalty kick and ofplay, has allowed only one goals. statistic thatDayes would like morrow. XavierandCanisius 1 u Raiders' 2-0 blanking of many other scoring opportu- goal in the Raiders last four Chris Hawker added an changed. battled to a 3-3 deadlock k. S da The . .us las t un y. nities today," Dayes said. games. Senior goalkeeper unassisted insurance goal "More players have to get last Saturday. ias Although WSU treated its "With only a 2-0 lead, one Linda Duvall registered her with 10:43 remaining in the involved in the offensive ~- ~ts in an inhospitable goal would have put Canisius third consecutive shutout in contest Hawker's successful flow," Dayes said. "We have J"ru ~on 'Bifi-Saun ..1ore . all . oa1 , on-not owmgag back in the game. A 4-0 lead Sunday's triumph. blast ended a flurry ofunsuc­ to execute completely on of­ Steri0 'I'llin tfu ~ When the three-game homestand would have given us breath- Two minutes into the cessful scoring opportunities fense. We must start to capi­ it a •.The Comic redacted due to 11 aiders thrashed by 1illion copyright ~big· id to bird ranked Evansville it all

A Thurs.;.Oc. 19 ne- 1 the Raiders home with a terson tied the Evansville team. From that point on we :t ""thrashing. record for goals scored in one were totally out ofthe game," 11:30am stake k!'SU played the Purple game. Burgmeiersaid. "Atacertain ~p · tough through most of WSU was outshot by the point it became a personal c:£luiuna !Bu&t!J first half. Evansville Purple Aces 11-5. The Raid.. humiliation. When you get -Ffi., dct. 20 :he ~. bed on the board with ers were hampered by the beat that bad, it's hard to look 11:30am ars. . ·42remaining on a penalty loss of team scoring leader for positives." knock ~by .Bob Patterson (The Brian W altersheide, who was TheRaiders dropped to S­ miling. Vlill become more fa- injured last week at Louis- 6-3 on the · season while :tinker :!:1>· Evansville scored ville. Evansville soars to 13-2. 121 r~. ~. With two minutes left in WSU Assistant Coach WSU will be in action ag~ ume'° balronaDavidWeirgoal. John Burgmeier gave on Wednesday when it -''~· ~ - 'IA' ' e 1 ~t~t 'I'be_,half ended with · i:.:vansvillec!redit(or~~~an e vi.$it.~ Detroj~ un \ ' 11.;- .... t 1: 1. .! -·::: l ' l • J >lOYCiUI ' 1YOk n...11'f ~· CJ 1~ ~"'t :r. 't'"O l~ -- · <·# ~, ';t""'(Y >' r . P ·1 " 6 THE DAILY GUARDIAN Tuesday, October17, 1989

Clothes ~nd toys a must for college life on campu By LIND.A QUIGLEY versity in Nashville, Tenn., men and women. call to complain that the quality printers in dormitory TV set in the dormi and SANDY St.l"TH gets specific in their orienta­ - Jeans. Somewhere rooms are too small." rooms. (Vanderbilt Univer- lounge served the resid ©Copyright 1989, USA tion manual: "Backpacks are rivers run indigo with the dye That's no surprise since, sity in Nashville even has a At least one per studentr TODAY/Apple College Infor­ popular and are worn on one that's been washed out. on most campuses, space is at campus computer store and apartments is de rig mation Network shoulder.") What's left are garments a premium. Dormitories were which, according to ''The For higher education, Clothes and toys. - T-shirts. Sizes XXL ofpale blue, verysoftandtorn designed to accommodate Book," edited by VU stu- have to watch the news A list for Santa? Per­ public television, don't y haps, bot it's the back-to-col­ - Stereo. This is s lege list, too. " ... you need a backpack, calculator times a portable vid With clo~. comfort is seue player with detac the key. With "toys" - speaker. It' soften asyste wheels (from bikes to and friends.'' high- components. BMWs), andelectronic gadg­ almost always loud. cul and larger are particularly in at the knees. students, not electronics dents, offers "hardware, soft­ etry-the best yoo canafford - Foodstuff. This vogue. They're also the me- Dress, however, is not stores, but the fast-paced stu­ ware and computer supplies seems to be tbe preference. what students must have dium for various messages, generally a m~ure of a stu­ dent life today has brought atprices reflecting significant "Here, anything goes," store and prepare hig but, unlike the 1%0s political dent's materialism; the per­ many items from the latter to educational discounts.") For Tennesse.e State University ergy snacks: a small statements, most simply sonal items added to the dor­ the "most wanted" list those who don't have the freshman Steven Wilder said erator and a microwave seem to promote the univer- mitory room are. - Personal computers. space or the money or the of the collegiate wardrobe in Don't leave home wi sity. restaurant or bar favored David Lipscomb Uni- Time was when a student frequent need for that invest­ Nashville. Taking a non-sci­ them. by the wearer. versity dean of students Den- gathered information on in­ ment, most campuses have entific poll at most college "A car is pretty im - Bike shorts. They're nis Loyd, who's observed a dex cards and rented a type­ some available for general campuses around the country tant for off-campus acti · very tight, very black, with an lot ofchanges during 30years writer to put it together. To­ use, and time can be rented on may reveal he's right These and you need a bac occasional neon blue or yel- there as a student, a teacher day• s students are seen hard others at commercial estab­ are some standards for to­ calculator and frien&, low stripe. and an administrator. said, at work on portable comput­ lishments around campus. day's student: TSU student said. - Khaki. Crisply laun- ''Today we even have stu­ ers in the university libraries - TelevisionNCR. The - Backpacks. (So brand­ Beyond that, a dered Duck Heads are still dents who rent trucks to bring and full systems with letter- days are gone, too, when one new students with brand-new of pens and pencils around, but the bulk of the the things they move into the packs will avoid embarrass­ three-ring binder will p khaki is in unironed. cuffed, dorms. And we sometimes ment, David Lipscomb Uni- you for almost anything. funny baggy shorts for have parents who Utep's 116 continued from page 5 the tourney's MVP. Hughes fore ISU scored again. The and Harris also ·earned all­ Sycamor finally prevail !cl tournament honors. Clearing the Help prevent after the Raiders tied th "When our team wins, score at 14. it's because most of our team confu ·on alcohol misuse and abuse "Indiana State had the plays well," said Schoenst­ advantage early in the match edt ''This is a difficult tim The WSU volley through education since they defeated DePaul in ·of the season for the team to tea n defeat d Indi 14~ the match right before ours," stick together. We need to State earlier this season· sai Schoenstedt. "But the keep making good decisions five matches at the Bu fatigue factor came into play. on and off the court, and not Invitational. The Rai Overall, I think we probably take anything for granted." won that tournament had the toughest match ofthe Friday's issue of 'l day against UTEP. WSU will try to main­ Daily Guardian , it While WSU came out tain its winning ways when i incorrectly reported the victor, Indiana State came hosts Louisville tonight at 7 WSU was defeated in second, DePaul third and p.m. The Raiders defeated Indiana State at the Butl UTEP fourth. _Ruffing ~as the Cardinals last season. Invitational.

NATIONAL COLLEGIA'l'E Introducing ALCOHOL AW1 H.ENES8 "Greek Express" W E E K Featuring: C ampio Sweats, &other heavy weigh sweats. Mugs, paddles, hats, license plate frames, 8c accessories for fraternities &sororities. " All lettefS are sewn by machine· Support National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week o1'e" J",, Oct. 15-21, 1989 ~~ • I>)'. TANNING • BODY WRAP ·For more information contad Raider Alcohol TONING HAIR SALON Awarene~ Program (RAPP TEAM) NAILS BODY RUBS 873-2367 or 011 University Center WITH WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY ID CARD 10% OFF ALL FEATURED SERVICES. li34 BROWN ST. ' .. \ T • \ • • , y . ... . f" • • • ... .. , • ' • • • • • • a .) ""' ' ' ' ... f '•I t.. I ' l l i ~ ' .. . " ...... '· Wednesday, July 7, 1989. THE DAILY GUARDIAN 7 LASSIFIED ADS .

------­ ---­ - ----­ Help Wanted Help Wanted HelpWanted Services Services DAYTON QUICK GHT STATE PINKERTON TYPING SERVICE. Term EMA presents SECURITY - Be a ATTENDANT NEEDED TYPING WORD security officer. Ideal for TIHNK SPRING - Out for disabled woman. PROCESSING, tenn papers, resumes, SF-171 's, ORMANCE. Avicious letters, reports, job ter finds psychedelic students. Full or part time, going? Well -organized? Mornings 15-20 hrs./wk. papers,resuines,fast convient schedules Pre.mote and Escort our $5 an hour. Close to accurate, student dicounts, applications, office manuals. wary in the decadent Faibom. On-campus pick­ of a reclusive arranged. We will provide FLORIDA SPRING Wright State. Personal 436-4595 ouse BREAK. trip. GOOD PAY up. Win Hammer 878-9582 er rock star (Mick uniforms; free life hygiene, light nts. er) and the ul timate insurance, advancement AND FUN. Call Campus housekeeping, some pet STUDENT LOANS no co­ opportunities, and free Marketing. 1-800-423­ care. Will train. Call 252­ signer or credit. Call Stan in the culture cla en ues. Friday/ 5264 (614) 475-6800 ~it classi <. ad~ This y, 9p.m. 116 HS. A college level home study 6014 event cour c. Open 7 days a week 8a.m.-7p.m. 333 W. GHTSTAE First St., Rm. 120. Tel# MA presents LOVES 224-7432 ABLOND. A factory · who is bored with her CERAMIST WANTED: · tence falls in love with a to work with 11 yr. old musician and follows individual who is begging Beforeyou buya]:ypewriter to Prague. Milos to work with clay. Call (Amadeus, One 236-8255 and negotiate Over the Cuckoo's something. )gives us a delightful itpays to doyour llom~orl<. edy that reflects all the SPRING BREAK 1990­ Individual or student sand awkwardness of 7,000 Character Memory -adolescent love and organization needed to lZJ lZJ Auto Center/Return Yi~ an amusing view of promote our Spring Break lZJ 24 Character Display lZJ Relocate trips. Earn money, free ein provincial Insert Auto Underscore 1.P ovakia. A very trips and valuafile work lZJ lZJ ung. funny film. Sunday, 7p.m., experience. APPLY lZJ Spell-Right• 50,000 Word lZJ End of Page Warning 116HS. AUCB event NOW!! Call Inter ­ Electronic Dictionary Dual Pitch Campus Programs: 1-800­ lZJ 327-6013 lZJ Full-Line Correcticn lZJ Bi-Directional Print :he For Sale· . sALEs lZJ Correcting Cassette lZJ Stop Codes I======:::)REPRESENTATIVES lZJ Right Ribbon System"' lZJ Memory Battery Back-Up IT TRUE, You can buy NEEDED! Work for a 25 lZJ WordFind• 0 Bold Print ps for $44 through the yr. old company that gives ley .S. government? Get the it's sales reps 100% lZJ List lZJ Forward/Reverse Index 1di IS today. Call 1-312-742- company support We offer lZJ Word.Eraser• lZJ Auto Half-Space lSOn' 142 ext. 1792 top commissions for those who want to be their own Bu GREEN SUBARU. boss and set their own wer mirrors and windows hours. If you consider tilt wheel, cruise control.' youself a true professional . fm stereo cassette, low and have some experience, es, good condition. Runs you owe it to yourself to ell. Asking $3,200 Call check us out. Send resume 5:30 pm to Box 170, Enon, OH F======45323 ost/Found

HEY LAURA! What's this? No more newscasts in pig latin. I'm so sad. It was so much fun. Greg ' ST In PE building area dScho~l of Mf'.di r ine THE MARINES AJtE ·Jule -Jergen on gold looking for a few good men, c~ faced, watch. Lot's of so are we. Are there any ntmiental value! . If found, decent men left? Help us out ntact MB# B 196. Thank guys. Respond via The u. Daily Guardian

Today's assignm ent is quite simple. And quite or the exclusive fumble-free Correcting Cassette on rewarding. Just study the remarkable features of the anything but a Smith Corona typewriter. continued from page 3 3:30 p.m.-RAAP Recruit­ Smith Corona XD 5600 and compare them with Though we've packed all these features into a embers will discuss with­ ment Table in Allyn Hall other typewriters. portable that weigh. under 14 pounds, we've been dents methods of inter­ After all, how many comparably priced type­ able to keep the cost equally lightweight. writers give you word processing capabilities like The versatile Smith Corona XD 5600. It makes ning if they are concerned Encourage students who Display and Memory, so you can edit, revise and buying a typewriter =lllllllES M ITl-f ut someone's chemical support the goals of the make your w ork letter perfect. And try and find the the ~asiest assignment ~ CORON ~ Spell-Right• 50,000 word Electronic Dictionary ou ll ever have. TOMORROWSTEOll'JOl.DGY RAAP Team-responsible Y AT muRTOUCH'" alcohol use- to For more informauon on this product, wme to Sm11h Corona Corporation, 6 5 Locust Avenue, N<"w Canaan, CT 06340 or Smith Corona Canada, 440 Tapscott Road, Scarborough, Ont.mo, Canada M I B JY4 Friday, Oct. 20 12: 30­ wear school colors. H 111~ lJAlLY GUARDIAN Tuesday, Octoherl7, 1989

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