THE LITTLE MASTER OF -2021 (Curriculum for TGMY Yoga) THE POSTURES Basic Level Advance Level (Day-3) (Day-1) (Day-2) 1. 16. Vrikshasana 1. 11. Shirshana 2. Swastikasan 17. 2. 12. Rajkapotsana 3. Padmasana 18. Vrishasana 3. Sankatasana 13. Purn 4. Bhadrasana, 19. Shalabhasana 4.

5. Muktasana 20. 5. 14.

6. 21. Ushtrasana 6. 15. Kaundinyasana

7. , 22. 7. Uttanakurmakasana 16.

23. Yogasana 8. Uttanamandukasan 8. 17. Eka Pada Free Hand 9. 24. 9. 10. , 25. Savasana 10. Chakrasan 18. Purn 11. Mritasana Dhanurasana 12. Guptasana 19. 13. 20. Vrischikasana 14. Matsyendrasana 15. Gorakshana


Understanding of Yoga according to Text Mantras & Prayers - Definition of Yoga in - 5 general benefits of Yoga - Aum Chanting Patanjali - 5 general benefits of - Aum Sahana Bhavtu - Definition of Yoga in Gita - 5 general benefits of - Gayatri Mantra - Definition of Yoga in Vedas

THE LITTLE MASTER OF YOGA The Little Master of Yoga contest is a great way to celebrate true sense of Yoga among the children for their individual practices, learning, and understanding with the philosophy of Yoga. The Little Master of Yoga contest for children of 9 to 17 years age group. Each phase of contest is taking the Little Masters towards various aspects of yoga and motivating them through proper understanding and its amazing benefits of Yoga. While preparing himself for this contest, the contestants are also advised to go through some other available resources also such as Yoga Literature, YouTube clips, newspaper articles, magazines, Yoga sites, and ancient texts.

Note: For Reference contestant of TGMY refer the Patanjali Yog Darshan, Hath Pradipika, Gherand Samhita etc.