Lesson Plan Week of 30 March 2020 This is a basic lesson plan and hopefully be the start of your own self-practice. is best practiced regularly - daily if you can manage. The plan is designed for people attending the centre, you should practice carefully, working with awareness with no strain or pain and stay within your limitations. Christina

“Yoga does not change the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees.” BKS Iyengar

Svastikasana Sitting crossed legged on a couple of blankets

Tadasana Standing with your back (standing pose) against the wall is helpful

Urdhva Hastasana 1. Try separate arms first (twice) 2. Both arms shoulder width apart with palms facing 3. Palms facing forward Parsa Hasta Padasana Turn the front leg out fully

Utthita 1. Top hand on waist 2. Arm up to ceiling

Virhabadrasana 2 Don’t let the front knee go beyond the ankle

Utthita Parsvakonasana Like the last pose but take the elbow to the knee

Uttanasana Wide feet holding back of ankles or hands to a chair or a wall Adho Mukha Savasana Heels pressing to the wall Try doing this pose a and elevated couple of times Sit on a folded blanket Back to the wall Feet apart Upavistha Konasana Sat on blanket, legs apart 1 leg bent, hands supporting you Change sides Supta Holding upright leg with a Padangusthasana 1 belt on the foot

Supta Leg to side, ease belt round Padangusthasana 2 foot and leg can rest on the wall Legs up wall or Shoulders on supporting Shoulder stand foam pads or blankets for shoulder stand Feet to chair, feet to floor, feet apart. Blankets under shoulders Savasana Head NOT rolling back, if tilting use a blanket for support

If anything is unclear please contact me on 01260 279565 or 07970186109 or email [email protected]. Christina