Shoulders and Inversions

Svastikasana Sit in with the fingertips near the hips. Press slightly downwards to lift the side of the chest but keep the shoulders down. Bring the hands in Anjali and close the eyes for a few moments. Sing the

OM if you wish. Parvatasana in Svstikasana, Parsva Svastikasana

Adho Mukha Svastikasana

Change the crossing of the legs and repeat

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Teacher

Adho Mukha 2-3 Min

Start with the hands on the floor, after a while lift them higher. Keep the elbows straight, lift the lower arms and turn the

outer shoulders toward the floor.

Adho Mukha Svanasana 2 Min

Continue with the actions in the arms and straigthen the legs. Press down the mound of the big toes and lift the inner ankles. Lift the knee caps into the thighs

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

In :

30 sec per pose and side Urdhva Hastasana Baddhanguliyasana Gomukasana

Paschima Namaskarasana oder Paschima Baddha Hastasana

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Shoulder work with the wall 30 sec per pose

Turn the inner elbow up and press the shoulder blade into the rib cage. Extend the arm toward the wall and press the “heel” of the hand into the wall. Make sure to keep the lumbar spine neutral (don’t press it forward)

Make sure to maintain the shoulders at the same height. Keep the pelvis facing forward and turn the chest away from the wall

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Pariankasana with 2 blocks 2-3 Min

Have a block crosswise in line with the Solar Plexus and a block to support the head.

Hold the elbows and bring the arms above the head.

1) If you cannot sit in Virasana, sit in Svastikasana.

The blocks can also be set lower (s. photo 2)


1 min per pose

Hold a block between the wrists. Keep the spine long and rotate the outer shoulders toward the floor (make sure that the abdomen is not sinking). The second time move the block toward the shoulder blades.

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Preparation Pincha Repeat the 3 positions of the hands: preparation twice per each hand position.

Straighten the legs and keep the shoulders away from the block. At all times, keep the eyes parallel to the floor

Walk in but keep the shoulders back. Repeat and bring the pelvis perpendicular to the shoulders.

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Measure one leg distance from the wall and place there the elbows. Straighten the legs and move the shoulders to the wall. Walk up the wall with the feet until the legs are parallel to the floor. Stay for 5-6 breaths and repeat 2-3 times (to capacity)

Bharadvajasana Repeat twice, stay 30 sec per side

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Dwi Pada Viparita 3-5 Min

Today I want to propose a new home version of the pose... extremely comfy! :-)

Stretch and strengthening of the shoulders:

Make sure tha the lower arms are (and stay) parallel (the elbows tend to move out) Start with a relatively short distance between feet and elbows. With the inhalation touch the block with the tip of the nose, with the exhalation bring the crown of the head to the floor away from the block. Repeat 7-8 times

Repeat the same exercise with a longer distance between feet and elbows.

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Sirsasana preparation Make sure that the arms are correctly placed: elbows not wider than the shoulders, fingers interlocked but not hard, wrists apart. Press the inner edge of the outer wrists firmly on the floor

Stretch the legs, walk closer keeping the face parallel to the floor and lifting the shoulders up Continue to ground the inner edge of the outer wrists firmly on the floor

Place the crown of your head between the hands, walk closer to move the pelvis above the shoulders. Move the thoracic spine into the body.

Stay for a few breaths and repeat 2-3 times

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Urdhva Prasarita Ekapada Sirsasana --> Sirsasana Practice as in photo 1) first with the right leg up, then with the left.

Enter the full pose with 1) your leg straight.

Stay 3-5 min if you can, but release the pose if you cannot lift your shoulders.

Sirsasana and its preparation can be done at the wall

If you cannot practice Sirsasana, practice only the preparation (till Photo 1)

Bharadvajasana (s. above)

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Preparing the shoulders for Interlock the fingers behind the pelvis, straighten the elbows and move the hands away from the back. Maintain the lumbar spine backwards, lift the chestbone to the chin and let the head hang toward the chest.

Halasana 2-3 Min

If the toes do not reach the floor, use a chair of a stool

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Salamba Sarvangasana 5-10 Min

The alternative pose is Setu Sarvangasana

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Viparita Karani

5 Min Here are two possible versions of the pose, depending on the available props. Make sure that the abdomen is flat so that the abdominal organs are free to fall toward the back and don’t compress the diaphragm. Have the top of the shoulders on the floor

Adho Mukha Svastikasana 2-3 Min per side

Relax the arms and the shoulders. Breath into the kidney and shoulder blades. Spread the back in all directions.

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Savasana As long as you wish


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher