Week 21 and Twists

Svastikasana Sit in and with the help of the fingertips on the floor extend the side of the chest but keep the shoulders relaxed. Place then the hands in Anjali and concentrate on the breath. You can chant the OM

if you wish Parvatasana Parsva Svastikasana Stay 30 sec. per side and pose

Change the crossing of the legs and repeat

Parivrtta Svastikasana

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Teacher

Supta Urdhva Hastasana 2-4 Min Have a strap on the elbows and a block between the wrists.

Place a rolled blanket under the shulder blades, lift the pelvis and pull the muscles and skin of that area away from the neck. Keep the pelvis lifted and move the arms above the head.

If possible, without disturbing the shoulder, bring the

sacrum to the floor.

Move the biceps toward the shoulders and relax the neck

Adho Mukha 2-3 Min Have now the belt around the wrists and the blocks near the elbows. Press on the belt and pull the biceps toward the shoulders, the outer shoulders toward the floor

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Adho Mukha Svanasana 1-2 Min

Plank From AMS, lower the pelvis and bring you body in a straight line. Bring the shoulders away from the ears and draw the pubic bone toward the chest bone.

Stay 30 sec (ore more if you can) and repeat 3 times

This second variation is easier on the core and on the wrists

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Parsvottanasana with the wall 1 Min per side

Keep the arms up the wall as in Adho Mukha Svanasana. Square the pelvis toward the wall and keep both legs straight. Extend forward an try and touch the wall with the forehead

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Eka Pada Supta Virasana (or with the wall) – 1-2 min per side

Sit on a block with one leg in Virasana and one in . Maintain the thighs parallel and lean back as much as you can, on the hands, elbows or shoulders. Move the tailbone toward the knee to get a good stretch of the quadriceps.

Alternatively, you can place the shinbone on the wall and use the chair for balance. Move the pelvis toward the wall and the foot toward the hip

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Anjaneyasana 1-2 Min per side

As much as possible, maintain the torso, from the pelvic floor to the crown of the head like in . Slide the sitting bones parallel to the floor toward the front heel

Virabhadrasana I 1 Min per side

Use the block to move the hip of the front leg back and square the pelvis toward the wall. Bend the front leg and have the thigh parallel to the floor. Straighten the back leg and lift the pubic bone toward the sternum

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Ardha Adho Mukha Vrksasana (+ Eka Pada) with wall or chair Practice first ½ with the wall or with the chair (Photo 1). Stay 30-60 sec.

The second time lift first the right leg, then the left.

At all times, keep the leg straight, the 1) shoulders toward the wall and the pelvis squared (it doesn’t follow the leg when it lifts)

If your shoulders are weak, you can use a belt on the elbows


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Dwi Pada Viparita

Choose one of these possible variation (or be creative and make up your own version!). The point is to open the chest and create space in the energy center of the heart. Stay 3-5 min.

Salabhasana with chair Press the pubic bone and the groins into the floor. Keep the arms straight and press down on the chair to lift the ribs. Press the shoulder blades into the ribcage and move the chestbone forward.

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Ustrasana with chair

1) 2)

The hands can stay on the chair (photo 1) or go deeper (photos 2 & 3). Press the pubic bone into the edge of the chair and arch the upper thoracic spine to bring the chest bone parallel to the floor.

Repeat 3 times


Purvottanasana 20 Sec, 3 times

Sit with the legs straight and the hands on the edge of the chair. Press the feet on the floor and lift the pelvis as much as possible. Press the shoulder blades into the rib cage and keep them away from the head.

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

From AMS, keep the legs and arms straight and move the pelvis toward the chair. Move the chest bone toward the wall between the arms. Return to AMS. Practice 2-3 times on the tip of the toes and 2-3 time on the back of the feet (observe the difference in the leg and back work)

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Urdhva If the pose is too much for you, just skip it and move to the next one

The blocks for the hands make the pose easier on the wirst and shoulders. It is possible to have the hands directly on the floor.

Keep the feet parallel

and lift the pelvis from the pubic bone.

If you don’t have a yoga chair, lay on the sit with the backrest to the side

Repeat 3-5 times or more (to capacity)

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Prasarita Padottanasana 2 Min

Support the head on a proper height so that the spine can extend and the heart can rest and recuperate

Bharadvajasana 30 sec per side, repeat twice.


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Marichyasana I 30 sec per side, repeat twice

Place the foot of the Marichyasana leg in line with the sitting bone and keep the shinbone perpendicular. Lift the chest and turn the shoulders, ribs and abdomen

Marichyasana III 30 sec per side, repeat twice

Place the foot of the Marichyasana leg very close to the thigh. Press the elbow against the knee but keep the shinbone perpendicular. Move the chest and the abdomen toward the outer thigh.

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Chatusapadasana 1 Min. repeat twice

Make sure that the folded blanket is only under the shoulders (neck is free and head is on the floor). Hold the legs of the chair and lift the pelvis as much as you can. Roll the upper arms outwards and come on the top of the shoulders

Setu 5 Min

Support the sacrum and make sure the the abdomen is flat. Roll the outer arms outwards and press the shoulder blades into the rib cage Relax the face, the throat and the eyes

Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher

Adho Mukha Svastikasana 1-2 Min per side

Supporting the head, expand the back in all directions. Allow the back to become round. Breath into the shoulder blades and kidney areas

Savasana Stay at least 5 minutes, longer if you so wish.


Lorena Simonetto – Iyengar® Yoga Teacher