Research Paper:The Effect of Eight Weeks of Iyengar Yoga with An
Journal of Modern Rehabilitation July 2020, Volume 14, Number 3 Research Paper: The Effect of Eight Weeks of Iyengar Yoga With an Emphasis on Spine and Shoulder Exercises on the Upper Cross Syndrome in Middle-aged Women Shilan Sohrabi1 , Mohammad Rahimi2 , Mojtaba Babaei-Mobarakeh3, Hashem Piri4* 1. Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. 2. Corrective Exercises and Sport Injuries, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran. 3. Department of Biomechanics and Sports Injuries, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran. 4. Department of Corrective Exercise & Sports Injuries, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran. Use your device to scan and read the article online Citation: Sohrabi Sh, Rahimi M, Babaei-Mobarakeh M, Piri H. The Effect of Eight Weeks of Iyengar Yoga With an Emphasis on Spine and Shoulder Exercises on the Upper Cross Syndrome in Middle-aged Women. Journal of Modern Rehabilitation. 2020; 14(3):159-168. : A B S T R A C T Introduction: Upper Crossed Syndrome (UCS) is a combination of forward head, rounded shoulder, and hyperkyphosis deformities. Yoga is a non-competitive physical exercise with the Article info: potential to correct postural imbalances in the human body. Iyengar yoga is a form of Hatha yoga. Received: 21 Feb 2020 Materials and Methods: The purpose of present study was to evaluate the effect of Iyengar Accepted: 28 Apr 2020 yoga with an emphasis on spine and shoulder exercises on the UCS in middle-aged women.
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