In this module you will find version 2 of Hatha Abyhassa, accompanied by on the niyamas, and your usual routine.


You have spent many hours learning the theory, now we shall move on more practical topics - the practice you will be teaching,


Also known as Yogic sleep, Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. Usually induced by a guided meditation TEACHING METHODOLOGY QUIZ AND QUESTIONS 60 MINS

Closed and open question will both entertain with a little challenge, and pinpoint what resonated the most with your individual self.


Every module you will be writing a reflection. Save it to your own journal as well - you will not only learn much faster, but understand what works for you better.


Sanskrit Lesson 16

In all spiritual traditions, Mantra Yoga or Meditation is regarded as one of the safest, easiest, and best means of systematically overhauling the patterns of consciousness. TEACHING METHODOLOGY. FOUNDATIONS 101


‘Upavishta’ refers to upwards pointing and ‘Kona’ means angle. So upwards pointing, wide angle pose. It is again a great hamstring stretch and also stretches the back while training Balance.


‘Ubhaya’ refers to extended upwards and ‘Padangushtanasana’ refers to the big toe. In this seated Balance pose, we are extending the back and hamstrings while balancing on the tailbone. Once you get the balance here, it becomes a really comfortable pose to hold for long It is an amazing hamstring stretch and also stretches the back muscles


Garbha means Womb and therefore this pose resembles how we were inside the womb Improves flexibility of Padmasana and also Balance in the seated pose


‘Bhujang’ refers to Cobra It stretches the back muscles while also strengthening them Very useful posture for improving digestion


‘Urdhva’ means upward, ‘Mukha’ is face or refers to ‘facing’, ‘Svan’ refers to a dog, so upward-facing dog It stretches the muscles of the back and prepared the body for further It open your shoulders and if you hold they pose for a few breaths, it strengthens the shoulders Also a very good stretch for the abdominal muscles

‘Dhanur’ refers to a Bow It stretches and tones your back and abdominal muscles Very good pose for digestion


‘Setu’ is a bridge and ‘Band’ means bound or closed - so Setubandasana is a bound- bridge pose This pose is great when you are recovering from a back ache and you can slowly re- strengthen the muscles of your back Trains your lower back muscles in preparation for deeper backbends


Camatkaar refers to magical or often called in English as Wild pose Great stretch for the back muscles and strengthens the upper body and shoulders Usually used in Vinyasa flows as it is a good flowing pose


Ardha is half, Kapot refers to pigeon, so Half Pigeon pose. Stretches and strengthens the lower and upper back muscles Stretches and opens your hips TEACHING METHODOLOGY QUIZ

1. In Upavista Konasana, these are the benefit for the pose, except: a. To lengthen the quads or front thighs b. To lengthen the hamstring and calves c. To train the balance within the core stability d. Stabilizing the spine

2. To prepare the Upavista Konasana, it is also good to start with as a warm up a. True b. False

3. These ceu statement are good to help the students to find good postures in Upavista Konasana, except: a. Bend the knees as an option to help the spine to be lengthened b. Catch the big toes even though the spine is still rounding, feel the stretch in the hamstring c. Bring the hands under the knees and slowly extend the leg, keep the spine neutral d. Keep your chest open to help you to find neutral spine position

4. The words “Ubhaya” means: a. Folding Forward b. Twisting c. extended upwards d. extended sideways

5. In this Ubhaya Padangusthasana, we are extending the back and hamstrings while balancing on the quads a. True b. False

6. To work Garba Pindhasana, we need to work in these several body part, which are: a. Hip flexion and hip external rotation b. Hip extension and hip external rotation c. Hip flexion and hip internal rotation d. Hip abduction and internal rotation 7. In english, the word “Bhujang” means: a. Snake b. Swan c. Cobra d. Upward

8. In , this pose is to help to work on hip extension and stretches the front part of the body a. True

b. False

a , c , a , b , c , b , a , a : s r e w s n A TEACHING METHODOLOGY QUESTIONS

1 Garba Pindasana is one of the advanced poses in balancing seated postures, for a beginner it will be quite challenging. What is your best recommendation for your student to modify Garba Pindasana so they are still working on seated balance posture?

2 To prepare the student to be in Dhanurasana position, what are the poses or body movements that need to be warm before we are going into this variation?

3 In your own opinion, to go to Camatkarasana from one legged downward dog might be challenging for your student. Could you find a way to modify this transition to be more accessible for beginners? REFLECTION

What did you think about the lessons of these past modules? How did they impact you? What did you feel was useful, and what was lacking? What do you think you will keep using and in what situations? BONUS

Sanskrit Lesson 16

Hatha Yoga (Sanskrit: हठ) literally means 'force'. A major branch of yoga, developed by Goraksha and other adepts c. 1000 C.E

Kriyāyoga Kriya Yoga (Sanskrit: यायोग) Kriyāyoga is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms kriyā and yoga (योग). The practical form of Yoga philosophy i. e. active devotion.

Nāda yoga Nāda yoga (Sanskrit: नादयोग) It is equally a philosophical system, a medicine, and a form Yoga.

Aṣṭāṅga Yoga Ashtanga Yoga (Sanskrit: जीवमु) literally means eight limbs. NOTES