Sun Signature Flow™

1 Sankalpa Dedication - This practice of 6 gifting the positive energy of your practice comes from the belief that to receive the bountiful 2 Citta blessings of yoga, we first have to give to make space Prasadam in our hearts. Dharma-Megha Meditation and Introspection - To reach -Samadhi self-realization, one needs Living in Full Awareness - to meditate. But meditation The biggest tragedy of humankind is we have forgotten the beauty of is only effective if there is Each class starts with a the knowledge from dedication to a loved one, simple things and do not give thanks self-introspection to place, concept or even a for the small thing in life. change that we are trying to illuminate the path. embrace in our lives.

The warm-up sequence in the Signature Flow is to encourage students to After a deep-relaxation, “take time to arrive”, by we sit in exploring simple like or Padmasana in Balasana and Surya Namaskar. silence to watch our mind as an observer.

3 5 finding self-realisation through the Tapas physical body I Have Come to Karma- Start a Fire - To live consciously and Dharma with full awareness starts Fate and Destiny - with igniting the fire within, To understand to awaken the passion so that that the key for it can be channeled towards self-transformation is in universal love and our hands, and that it is 4 self-realization. within our capabilities to reach for higher goals. Virya Asana Courage is the Bridge - Fear of death Uplifting and vigorous vinyasa flow to awaken the body and and fear of living often go hand in hand. mind, leading to a Peak Pose Static deep hip-opening To reach our destiny instead of of the Practice. poses are included in this languishing in the pit of fate, we must cooling-down sequence. step out of our comfort zone and As we hold the posture for a longer period, we observe all forms grow the wings of courage to fly. of sensations that arise, and try to find stillness within. The practice of arm balances, and inversions will explore the fine balance between strength and conquering fear, while remaining grounded and true to Eka Grata (single pointedness).