Racine EAA Chapter 838 Contact Monthly Newsletter July 2018 Volume XXIX Issue 7 http://eaa838.org/ Meetings Third Thursday’s 7:00 pm Dinner at 6:00 pm Newsletter Notes Welcome to YOUR EAA Chapter 838 monthly newsletter. Send any articles to
[email protected]. I will continue to add pictures that anyone has taken, if you send them to me. Ken Sack Do not miss our next meeting on July 19th. As usual, dinner at 6pm and meeting at 7pm. Craig Czerwinski, AGI, IGI, MBA, who is an Aeronautics Instructor at Gateway Technical College will tell us about drones. He is teaching a class at Gateway about drones. He also is a pilot at Batten, and a prospective chapter member. Carl Bumpurs continues to be our rental coordinator. He will continue to do this, but he has asked for someone to handle marketing new clients to rent our building. If you are interested, please contact Carl at 262-497-6446 or Ken Sack at 262-488-3807. We have a great facility, but we need to get the word out. If you know anyone or any group that wants to rent the building, contact Carl. No one has contacted us, so we need your help. The chapter’s picnic will be held at 6:00 pm on Thursday August 16th. The chapter will be providing the hamburgers, brats, and hot dogs, as well as refreshments. A donation bucket will be provided, and we are asking to consider $5 per person as a donation. Everyone who comes is asked to bring a dish to pass.