United States Patent Office -- 3,279,918 Patented Oct
United States Patent Office -- 3,279,918 Patented Oct. 18, 1966 2 3.279,918 trophotographic reproduction methods is obtained if in ELECTROPHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL the manufacture of the photoconductive layer compounds Paul Maria Cassiers, Jean Marie Nys, and Jozef Frans are used having the general formula: Willems, Mortsel-Antwerp, Belgium, assignors to Gevaert Photo-Producten N.V., Mortsel, Belgium, a 5 X Belgian company R o/ NC-R NoDrawing. Filed Feb. 4, 1960, Ser. No. 6,627 r Claims priority, application Great Britain, Feb. 5, 1959, -C-N 4,147/59; Belgium, Dec. 11, 1959, 39,426/59, Patent wherein: 585,555 2 Claims. (C. 96-1) 10 X=an oxygen or sulphur atom, a methylene or N-R- The present invention relates to an electrophotographic E. yogen atom or an alkyl radi s material,material consistingand more particularlyof a support to andan electrophotographica photoconductive R1 and R2=each a hydrogen atom, an alkyl or aryl radi layer which contains an organic photoconductive Sub- 15 cal either substituted or not, or together the missing stanceyer orIcn. which consistsa of 9.an organicpng photoconductiveo atomstituted necessary t; and to close an arylene nucleus either sub substance,Electrophotographic materials are already known which R.A.F.A.cal AEEfilia an alkyl,y , aryl or heterocyclic radiradl consist of a support and a photoconductive layer contain- s ing as photoconductor an inorganic Substance Such as 20 with the understanding that at most one of the symbols selenium or zinc oxide or an organic substance such as R1, Ra and R3 represents a hydrogen atom or an alkyl anthracene, benzidine or a heterocyclic compound of a radical either substituted or not.
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