Automotive Applications of Power Electronics
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25 Automotive Applications of Power Electronics David J. Perreault 25.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 635 Massachusetts Institute of 25.2 The Present Automotive Electrical Power System.......................................... 636 Technology, Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic 25.3 System Environment ............................................................................... 636 Systems, 77 Massachusetts 25.3.1 Static Voltage Ranges • 25.3.2 Transients and Electromagnetic Immunity Avenue, 10-039, Cambridge • 25.3.3 Electromagnetic Interference • 25.3.4 Environmental Considerations Massachusetts, USA 25.4 Functions Enabled by Power Electronics ..................................................... 641 25.4.1 High Intensity Discharge Lamps • 25.4.2 Pulse-width Modulated Incandescent Lighting Khurram Afridi • • Techlogix, 800 West Cummings 25.4.3 Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Actuators 25.4.4 Electromechanical Engine Valves Park, 1925, Woburn, • 25.4.5 Electric Air Conditioner • 25.4.6 Electric and Electrohydraulic Power Steering Systems Massachusetts, USA • 25.4.7 Motor Speed Control 25.5 Multiplexed Load Control ........................................................................ 644 Iftikhar A. Khan Delphi Automotive Systems, 2705 25.6 Electromechanical Power Conversion ......................................................... 646 South Goyer Road, MS D35 25.6.1 The Lundell Alternator • 25.6.2 Advanced Lundell Alternator Design Techniques Kokomo, Indiana, USA • 25.6.3 Alternative Machines and Power Electronics 25.7 Dual/High Voltage Automotive Electrical Systems ........................................ 652 25.7.1 Trends Driving System Evolution • 25.7.2 Voltage Specifications • 25.7.3 Dual-voltage Architectures 25.8 Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles .......................................................... 655 25.9 Summary .............................................................................................. 657 References ............................................................................................. 657 25.1 Introduction of the architecture of the present automotive electrical power system. The next section, Section 25.3, describes the envi- The modern automobile has an extensive electrical system ronmental factors, such as voltage ranges, EMI/EMC require- consisting of a large number of electrical, electromechanical, ments, and temperature, which strongly influence the design of and electronic loads that are central to vehicle operation, pas- automotive power electronics. Section 25.4 discusses a number senger safety, and comfort. Power electronics is playing an of electrical functions that are enabled by power electron- increasingly important role in automotive electrical systems – ics, while Section 25.5 addresses load control via multiplexed conditioning the power generated by the alternator, processing remote switching architectures that can be implemented with it appropriately for the vehicle electrical loads, and controlling power electronic switching. Section 25.6 considers the appli- the operation of these loads. Furthermore, power electronics cation of power electronics in automotive electromechanical is an enabling technology for a wide range of future loads with energy conversion, including power generation. Section 25.7 new features and functions. Such loads include electromag- describes the potential evolution of automotive electrical sys- netic engine valves, active suspension, controlled lighting, and tems towards high- and dual-voltage systems, and provides electric propulsion. an overview of the likely requirements of power electronics in This chapter discusses the application and design of power such systems. Finally, the application of power electronics in electronics in automobiles. Section 25.2 provides an overview electric and hybrid electric vehicles is addressed in Section 25.8. 635 Copyright © 2001 by Academic Press 636 D. J. Perreault et al. Relay Alternator Battery Primary Fusebox Switches Loads FIGURE 25.1 The 12-V point-to-point automotive electrical power system. 25.2 The Present Automotive Electrical static and transient voltage ranges, electromagnetic interfer- Power System ence and compatibility requirements (EMI/EMC), mechanical vibration and shock, and temperature and other environmen- Present-day automobiles can have over 200 individual elec- tal conditions. This section briefly describes some of the factors trical loads, with average power requirements in excess of that most strongly affect the design of power electronics for 800 W. These include such functions as the headlamps, tail automotive applications. For more detailed guidelines on the lamps, cabin lamps, starter, fuel pump, wiper, blower fan, fuel design of electronics for automotive applications, the reader is injector, transmission shift solenoids, horn, cigar lighter, seat referred to [1, 3–16] and the documents cited therein, from heaters, engine control unit, cruise control, radio, and spark which much of the information presented here is drawn. ignition. To power these loads, present day internal combus- tion engine (ICE) automobiles use an electrical power system 25.3.1 Static Voltage Ranges similar to the one shown in Fig. 25.1. Power is generated In most present-day automobiles, a Lundell-type alternator by an engine-driven three-phase wound-field synchronous provides dc electrical power with a lead-acid battery for energy machine – a Lundell (claw-pole) alternator [1, 2]. The ac storage and buffering. The nominal battery voltage is 12.6 V, voltage of this machine is rectified and the dc output regu- which the alternator regulates to 14.2 V when the engine lated to about 14 V by an electronic regulator that controls the is on in order to maintain a high state of charge on the field current of the machine. The alternator provides power battery. In practice, the regulation voltage is adjusted for to the loads and charges a 12 V lead-acid battery. The battery temperature to match the battery characteristics. For exam- provides the high power needed by such loads as the starter, ple, in [1], a 25◦C regulation voltage of 14.5 V is specified and supplies power when the engine is not running or when with a −10 mV/◦C adjustment. Under normal operating con- the demand for electrical power exceeds the output power of ditions, the bus voltage will be maintained in the range of the alternator. The battery also acts as a large capacitor and 11–16 V [3]. Safety-critical equipment is typically expected to smoothes out the system voltage. be operable even under battery discharge down to 9 V, and Power is distributed to the loads via fuses and point-to-point equipment operating during starting may see a bus voltage as wiring. The fuses, located in one or more fuseboxes, protect low as 4.5–6 V under certain conditions. the wires against overheating and fire in the case of a short. In addition to the normal operating voltage range, a wider Most of the loads are controlled directly by manually actuated range of conditions is sometimes considered in the design of mechanical switches. These primary switches are located in automotive electronics [3]. One possible condition is reverse- areas in easy reach of either the driver or the passengers, such polarity battery installation, resulting in a bus voltage of as the dashboard, door panels, and the ceiling. Some of the approximately −12 V. Another static overvoltage condition heavy loads, such as the starter, are switched indirectly via can occur during jump starting from a 24-V system such as on electromechanical relays. a tow truck. Other static overvoltage conditions can occur due to failure of the alternator voltage regulator. This can result in a bus voltage as high as 18 V, followed by battery electrolyte boil- 25.3 System Environment off and a subsequent unregulated bus voltage as high as 130 V. Typically, it is not practical to design the electronics for oper- The challenging electrical and environmental conditions found ation under such an extreme fault condition, but it should in the modern automobile have a strong impact on the design be noted that such conditions can occur. Table 25.1 summa- of automotive power electronic equipment. Important factors rizes the range of static voltages that can be expected in the affecting the design of electronics for this application include automotive electrical system. 25 Automotive Applications of Power Electronics 637 TABLE 25.1 Static voltage range for the automotive SAE J1113/11 [4, 6] and DIN 40389 [1]. Table 25.3 illustrates electrical system [3] the transient test pulses specified in SAE J1113/11. Each test pulse corresponds to a different type of transient. The vehicle Static voltage condition Voltage manufacturer determines which test pulses apply to a specific Nominal voltage with engine on 14.2 V device. Nominal voltage with engine off 12.6 V Transients occur when inductive loads such as solenoids, Maximum normal operating voltage 16 V motors, and clutches are turned on and off. The transients can Minimum normal operating voltage 9 V Minimum voltage during starting 4.5 V be especially severe when the bus is disconnected from the bat- Jump start voltage 24 V tery, as is the case for the accessory loads when the ignition is Reverse battery voltage −12 V switched off. Test pulse 1 in Table 25.3 simulates the transient Maximum voltage with alternator regulator 130 V generated when an inductive load is disconnected from the failure