Preprint: Submitted to Archaeoastronomy – The Journal of Astronomy in Culture Australian Aboriginal Geomythology: Eyewitness Accounts of Cosmic Impacts? Duane W. Hamacher1 and Ray P. Norris2 Abstract Descriptions of cosmic impacts and meteorite falls are found throughout Australian Aboriginal oral traditions. In some cases, these texts describe the impact event in detail, suggesting that the events were witnessed, sometimes citing the location. We explore whether cosmic impacts and meteorite falls may have been witnessed by Aboriginal Australians and incorporated into their oral traditions. We discuss the complications and bias in recording and analysing oral texts but suggest that these texts may be used both to locate new impact structures or meteorites and model observed impact events. We find that, while detailed Aboriginal descriptions of cosmic impacts and meteorite falls are abundant in the literature, there is currently no physical evidence connecting any of these accounts to impact events currently known to Western science. Notice to Aboriginal Readers This paper gives the names of, or references to, Aboriginal people that have passed away throughout, and to information that may be considered sacred to some groups. It also contains information published in Nomads of the Australian Desert by Charles P. Mountford (1976). This book was banned from sale in the Northern Territory in 1976 as it contained sacred/secret knowledge of the Pitjantjatjara (see Brown 2004:33-35; Neate 1982). No information about the Pitjantjatjara from Mountford’s book is presented in this paper. 1 Department of Indigenous Studies, Macquarie University, NSW, 2109, Australia
[email protected] | Office: (+61) 2 9850 8671 Duane Hamacher is a PhD candidate in the Department of Indigenous Studies at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.