Proceedings of V International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Modern University Sport Science”

V International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists ―Modern University Sport Science‖ November, 10-12, 2010

Moscow 2011 2

ISBN 978-5904156-16-9 УДК 796.894.015 ББК 75.6 С23

Publication of scientific issues. The V International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Modern University Sport Science"; RSUPESY&T. – M., 2010. – 125 p.

This publication considers materials of V International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Modern University Sport Science". This publication considers issues of theory and methods of physical education, social aspects, sports biomechanics, physiology, history and theory of sport. This publication is for the workers in the field of physical education and sports, representatives of Higher Educational Establishments, students, post-graduates, coaches and athletes.

ISBN 978-5904156-16-9 УДК 796.894.015

© Scientific department RSUPESY&T, 2011 3


















Saulite S., Cupriks L., FedotovaV. KICK TECHNIQUES OF ERROR DETECTION AND PREVENTION IN TAEKWON-DO ITF……………………………………………………………..42




Section II Philosophic, Historical, Social and Cultural Aspects of Physical Education and Sports



Borisov A., Skarzhinskaja E. «RELATION OF STUDENTS TO LABOUR ACTIVITY DURING STUDY AT UNIVERSITY» (on an example of MGAFK students)………………..59

Byikova A., Pidukov V., Fyodorov A. THE ATTITUDE OF TEENAGERS TO THE HEALTH…………………………..62














Saushkina T., Skarzhinskaja E. ASPECTS OF CHEERLEADING DEVELOPMENT…………………………...... 89

Soskov B. OLYMPISM IS A PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE………………………………………..90




Danica Vasiljević-Prodanović, Fadilj Eminović THE ROLE OF SPORT AND PSYSICAL ACTIVITIES IN PREVENTION OF OFFENDING……………………………………………………………………97


Section III Medical and Biological Aspects of Physical Education and Sports







Section IV Issues of the Modern Olympic Movement

Borodin O., Polikarpova G. PHENOMENON OF SOCHI 2014………………………………………………...113





Melnikova N., Nikiforova A. OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES: HOSTING AND LEGACY……………………...121



Section I Basics of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports, Sports Pedagogics and Sports Psychology



Igor Andreev Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Psychological aspects of playing activity are very important for improvement of tactical coaching of tennis players. We consider tactical coaching of a tennis player as a combination of all impacts on her or his technical and mental abilities based on interrelationship of her or his mental and physical conditions, motor habits and cognitive skills, special mental characteristics. In the current context a tennis player have to operate in extreme conditions of intense rivalry. The success in such a competitive struggle depends on well developed technical skills, good physical and mental readiness and also ability to fulfill one‘s potential during training session and, especially, during a match or series of matches. There is therefore an increasing need to improve the system of evaluation of players` activities in different moments of a match, especially in the context of increased stress. It is also increasingly important to elaborate practical guidelines for improvement of players` training efficiency. The relevant information can be obtained while evaluating players` technical and tactical movements, their mental manifestations in the context of an intense match and comparison of the obtained data with the relevant characteristics of the leading tennis players. The analysis of a player‘s efficiency considering the stress level of a match is carried out on the basis of a special record which traces player‘s efficiency depending on the score. Thus, the analysis of player‘s activities in the context of increased stress allows better understanding and exploring her or his personal features, specific conditions, stability and shots` performance, i.e. the level of her or his technical, tactical and mental readiness, dynamics of performance indicators in different moments of a match. Comparison of the obtained data with psychological test findings allows differentiating training and competitive technical and tactical coaching, and also give an opportunity for better exercising a player‘s personality.



Aljoša Arlov1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education,

Abstract. Freestyle technique swimming is the fastest way of swimming. Results of 100 meter distance swimming, using this technique, is a part of swimming skills estimation of students. Lower extremities have important roll in swimming, as well in freestyle swimming (start, leg work during swimming and turn). This research has made an attempt to determine the contribution of monitored motor capability to the time of swimming at distance of 100 meter. To determine these motor capabilities of students, further tests were used: standing long jump test, 20 meters running test from high position, Cooper test and body-mass index as characteristic of morphology of examinees. The results of the analyses multiple regression variance suggest the nonexistence of statistically important differences monitored characteristics to 100 meter freestyle swimming ability (F 1.940 p .111). Based on the results obtained, a sample of 94 students was further divided into three sub-samples according, to criterion of the results achieved during swimming. For new-formed groups was determined the existence of statistically important differences (F 1.805 p .079). The results show that the 20 meter runing test from high position most contribute to the difference among groups (50,74%). Key words:students, swimming, basic motor status.

1 Bachelor student, Faculty od Sport and Physical Education



A. Skorodumova, I. Baranov Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Introduction Modern tendencies of development of world tennis are caused by universalization of the game characterized by necessity in rational combination of active game on a baseline with attacking actions at the net, and also increase of accuracy and force of shots, increase of game rate. In turn, such features of game make considerable demands to high-speed abilities of tennis players. Well-known that speed is shown in elementary and complex forms. To elementary it is accepted to reckon: speed of simple and complex reaction; speed of single movement (at small external resistance) and frequency (rate) of movements. To complex forms: starting "acceleration", performance of integral actions (run, swimming, etc.)

Research purpose Reveal the peculiarities of high-speed qualification of 11-16 years old tennis players Research problems 1) Determine the peculiarities of movements of qualified adult and young tennis players at the official competitions. 2) Determine the rates of high-speed abilities of 11-16 years old tennis players. - simple and complex reaction time during global work from different start positions - single movement time of left and right leg - acceleration time from different start positions

Research methods 1) Analysis of literary sources. 2) Pedagogical testing with special panel, allowing to estimate: - quickness of simple and complex reaction; - single movement time of left and right leg; - acceleration time from different start positions; - height of the jump by flight time from different start positions; 3) Methods of mathematic statistics.

1. Analysis of literary sources. The analysis of the researches spent in Russia and abroad has shown that to perform one shot the tennis player runs pieces up to 5 m. On the average men run for 95,7 %, juniors on "a fast" surface 86,5 % and on "a slow" surface – 83,0 % of all run pieces. Share of movements from 5 to 10 m in men‘s matches is 3,2 %, in junior‘s 13 matches on "a fast" covering - 13,7 % and on "a slow" covering – 15,5 %, the other part – movements more than 10 m Table 1. Tennis players for movements start from 3 various positions: run forward and backwards from «ready» position, run to the right pushing away with the left leg, and run to the left pushing away with the right leg. Leading tennis players of the world and leading juniors during a match, both on "fast", and on «a slow covering» more often move in 4 directions: to the left – in 17,3 % of cases, to the right in 14,8 % of cases, forward in 54,3 % of cases and backwards in 13,5 % of cases [A.Skorodumova]. While on "a slow" covering – in 34,2 % of cases to the left, in 36,3 % of cases to the right, in 19,8 % of cases forward and in 10,6 % of cases backwards Pic. 2. From the presented Pic. 2 it is visible that on "a fast" covering it is necessary to do the most part of movements forward, however on "slow" - to the parties. Therefore, tennis players have often to start from various positions and push away with different leg. For comparison tennis players of 13-14 years on "a slow" surface move to the left in 21 % of cases, to the right in 28 % of cases, forward on the left in 14 % and backwards to the left in 13 % of cases [O. Kuznetsova]. However, on "fast" - this ratio changes a little Pic.3.

2. Research organization. Research was held on the basis of Tennis center RSUPCST. 52 tennis players have taken part in research: 24 persons of 11-12 years, 17 persons – 13-14 years and 11 persons – 15-16 years old, including members of youth national teams on the listed age groups. Testing consisted of 10 tests of high-speed and speed-power character with 3 attempts in each, during which speed of reaction and time of tasks performance were measured: 1) run on 5 m from «ready» position; 2) run on 5 m from position «an exit from shot on the left in the closed stand», i.e. standing the right side in relation to movement and making the start with the left leg; 3) run from position «an exit from shot on the right in the closed stand», i.e. standing the left side in relation to movement and making the start with the right leg. 4) run from «ready» position with start by the left or right leg depending on the type of signal; 5) run or a jump upwards pushing away both legs from «ready» position depending on the type of signal. 6) single movement by the left leg, while standing; 7) single movement by the right leg, while standing; 8) jump upwards pushing away both legs from «ready» position; 9) jump upwards pushing away by the left leg; 10) jump upwards pushing away by the right leg;

3. Methods of mathematical statistics Mathematic-statistical processing of results of the pedagogical testing, conducted on the personal computer with use of programs StatSoft® STATISTICA 14

6.0 and Microsoft® Excel 2003, included calculation of descriptive indicators (mean, standard deviations), values of criteria (t-criterion of Uilkokson) and significance values. An error of a photo starting and a photo finishing devices 0,01 sec, the software 0,02 seconds.

Results 1. During testing it is determined that the task - run from «ready» position with pushing away by the left or right leg depending on the type of signal has appeared impracticable for anybody from tennis players of 11-16 years. 2. Authentic differences between time indicators in each age group are determined: 11-12, 13-14 and 15-16 years: - Overcoming 5 meter pieces depending on a start position, - Flight in high jumps depending on a start position, - Time of performance of single movement by left and right leg, - Simple reaction at run depending on a start position, - Simple reaction at high jumps pushing away by left and right leg, - Time of simple reaction at performance of single movement by a left and right leg, - Simple reaction in run on 5 meters from «ready» position and at high jumps pushing away by two legs. Results are presented in Table 4. 3. Start performance at run on 5 m from «ready» position occurs at all age groups of tennis players with technical breaches which lead to increase in time spent for overcoming of a piece. 4. Average-group time indicators of movements and reaction of 11-16 years old tennis players are determined. Table 5.

Conclusions Results of testing testify the necessity for working out a special method which will allow to level differences between the left and right leg on indicators of high- speed and speed-power qualification of 11-16 years old tennis players and have a big practical value and the importance for construction of effective process of training and productivity increase in competitive activity.

Table 1. Length of prorun pieces and frequency of their repetitions in matches of leading tennis players and juniors Repetitions quantity (%) In the men’s In junior’s matches (2007 ) О. Pieces length (м) matches (2006) Kuznetsova К. Weber «fast» surface «slow» surface Less 5 m 95,7 86,5 83,0 Less 10 m 3,2 13,7 15,5 More 10 m 1,1 0,8 1,5 15

Forward Forward 54,3 % 19,8 % To the right To the left To the right To the left 36,3% 17,3 % 14,8% 34,2 %

Backwards Backwards 13,5 % 10,6% Movements on “fast” surface. Movements on “slow” surface.

Pic. 2. Quantity of movements in different directions of world leading tennis players on the “fast” and “slow” surface (%).

Forward to Forward to the right the left 14 % To the right To the left 20,2 % To the left 28% 18,5 % To the right 21 % 19%

Remainder Backwards to Backwards to Remainder directions 26,3 % the left 16 % the left 13 % directions 24 %

Movements on “fast” surface. Movements on “slow” surface.

Pic. 3. Quantity of movements in different directions of 13-14 years old tennis players on the “fast” and “slow” surface (%).


Table 4. Distinctions between indicators of reaction time of the left and right feet and movement time in various tasks in age groups 12, 14 and 16 years and under

Measured 11- 13- Starting 15-16 indicator, the Starting position 12 14 position y.o.

type task y.o. y.o.

Reaction Reaction p p p Start with strong <0.0 >0.0 After «jump» >0.05 leg 4 5 Start with weak <0.0 <0.0 Reaction After «jump» <0.05 leg 4 5 time in run Start with strong Start with weak <0.0 <0.0 on 5 m <0.01 leg leg 4 1

Simple reaction Simple Jump with 2 <0.0 >0.0 After «jump» <0.03 legs push 1 5

Reaction time in run Jump with 2 >0.0 >0.0 After «jump» >0.05

on 5 m, legs push 5 5 reaction Complex Complex jumps Jump with 2 legs Push with >0.0 >0.0 >0.05 push strong leg 5 5 Reaction time at a Jump with 2 legs Push with weak <0.0 >0.0 >0.05 high jump push leg 5 5 Push with strong Push with weak <0.0 <0.0 <0.01 leg leg 1 1

Simple reaction Simple Reaction Strong leg Weak leg <0.0 <0.0 time in single <0.05 movement movement 1 1 movement Start with strong <0.0 >0.0 After «jump» >0.05 leg 5 5 Run time Start with strong <0.0 >0.0 After «jump» >0.05 for 5 m leg 5 5

Start with strong Start with weak <0.0 <0.0 <0.05 leg leg 1 5 Push with both Push with <0.0 <0.0 <0.05 legs strong leg 1 5 Flight time in Push with both Push with weak <0.0 <0.0 <0.05 a high jump legs leg 1 5 Simple reaction Simple Push with strong Push with weak <0.0 <0.0 <0.01 leg leg 1 5 Time of Movement with Movement with <0.0 <0.0 single leg >0.05 strong leg weak leg 1 1 movement Not bold are marked differences significant at value p ≤ 0.05


Table 5. Average-group time indicators of performing the task and reaction of 11-16 years old boys Reaction Measured Starting X (с) σ X (с) σ X (с) σ type indicator position 11-12 лет 13-14 лет 15-16 лет After 1.279 ± 0.100 1.177 ± 0.117 1.049 ± 0.156 «Jump» Run time Start with for 5 m 1.225 ± 0.119 1.153 ± 0.129 1.025 ± 0.228 strong leg

Start with 1.366 ± 0.147 1.213 ± 0.151 1.141 ± 0.210 weak leg Jump with 2 0.452 ± 0.037 0.481 ± 0.049 0.539 ± 0.063 legs push Flight time Push with in a high 0.352 ± 0.033 0.387 ± 0.036 0.424 ± 0.043 strong leg

Simple reaction Simple jump Push with 0.335 ± 0.027 0.348 ± 0.038 0.404 ± 0.047 weak leg Single leg Strong leg 0.24 ± 0.035 0.245 ± 0.046 0.229 ± 0.024 movement Weak leg 0.271 ± 0.051 0.275 ± 0.046 0.248 ± 0.021 time Run time After 1.337 ± 0.153 1.169 ± 0.132 1.027 ± 0.123 for 5 m «Jump» Flight time

Jump with 2 reaction

Complex Complex in a high 0.432 ± 0.115 0.519 ± 0.211 0.58 ± 0.203 legs push jump After 0.505 ± 0.120 0.509 ± 0.100 0.56 ± 0.170 «Jump» Reaction Start with time in 0.408 ± 0.161 0.409 ± 0.191 0.403 ± 0.193 strong leg run on 5 m Start with 0.609 ± 0.207 0.592 ± 0.184 0.568 ± 0.216 weak leg Jump with 2 0.645 ± 0.176 0.665 ± 0.214 0.603 ± 0.170 legs push Reaction Push with time of 0.608 ± 0.188 0.583 ± 0.111 0.579 ± 0.146 strong leg high jump

Simple reaction Simple Push with 0.78 ± 0.546 0.674 ± 0.118 0.645 ± 0.146 weak leg Reaction Strong leg 0.216 ± 0.044 0.215 ± 0.039 0.207 ± 0.039 time of single leg Weak leg 0.268 ± 0.070 0.252 ± 0.052 0.252 ± 0.043 movement Run time After 0.654 ± 0.177 0.707 ± 0.183 0.768 ± 0.156

for 5 m «Jump» Flight time Jump with 2 in a high 0.597 ± 0.092 0.642 ± 0.102 0.688 ± 0.180 legs push


Complex Complex reaction 18


Diyachkovskiy E.A. (scientific leader Borisova T.M.) Churapchinskiy State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Republis Saha (Yakutia) Urgency. One of the most important problems modem society is an essential deterioration of the picture of health of the school age and constantly bearish level their phisical abilities. Urgency, theoretical, practical value of the problem has conditioned the choice of the subject of the studi «Influence to motor activity on the general phisical preparedness senior classes.The object of the studi: process to motor activity senior classes.The Subject of the study: condition, providing development to physical preparedness senior classes. The Purpose: experienced-experimental way to define efficiency to motor activity as process of the ensuring the development to physical preparedness senior classes.The problems: 1. Study the condition to motor activity senior school age in rural terrain. 2. Compare the level to physical preparedness to rural terrain and athlete senior school age. The Hypothesis. The Level to physical preparedness will increase if will is provided motor activity, corresponding to biological, social and pedagogical regularity of the development senior classes. An aplying following methods of the study were in work: 1. The Theoretical analysis on physical education in school and on labor education in family. 2. The Analysis and generalization documentary material. 3. The Pedagogical observation. 4. Experienced-experimental work (testing, processing got given). The organization of the study. The pedagogical experiment was organized on the base Chemoikinskoy secondary school. Two groups have took part in study (experimental and checking group) in amount 24 persons, 10 classes at age 15-16 years and 16-17 years. Essence of the pedagogical experiment was concluded in motivation of efficiency of the physical laboure as faculity of increasing to motor activity and level to physical preparedness senior school age. 1 stage. Konstatiruyuschiy. The study of the pedagogical literature on physical and labor education senior school age, establishment of the condition of physical health, development of the contents experienced-experimental work, selection of the complex of the methodses and study of the pedagogical literature on physical and labor education senior school age, establishment of the condition of physical health, development of the contents experienced-experimental work, selection of the complex of the methodses and studi of the pedagogical conditions of the undertaking the experiment. 2 stages. Forming. The realization experienced-experimental work. 3 stages. Checking. Processing got result, data, of the senior school age. The Benchmark analysis to motor activity senior 19 classes on: 1. The Broad jump (reter to); 2. Podty agivanie in buce – an exercise is executed on high cross-bar by dashing fellow overhand on direct hand on width shoulder. On command «mozhno» ispytuemyy is tightened before position, when chin rises on level of the cross-bar. The result is a number correct подтягиваний. Exercise do betore the last possibilities of physical power. 1. F lexibility (refer to). 2. Shuttle run 3*10 (sec). 3. Run on 60 metres (sec). 4. Run on 1000 metres (the mines) Results studies. On calculation of validity result between concerning with and not concerming with sport was revea lled following: difference between compared sample statistical not realistically. Thereby, the general physical preparedness, concerning with sport and not conceming with sport do not differ. The Average results broad jump checking group before experiment 17,2 amounts once, beside experimental group – 17,3; after experiment beside checking group – 18,9., beside experimental group – 21,2. The Average results on before experiment beside checking group besore experiment – 53,6, beside experimental groupe – 49,8; after experiment beside checking group – 52,3; beside experimental group – 56,2. The Average results on run 60 m. Before experiment beside checking groupe – 35,9, beside experimental groupe – 37,3; after experiment beside checking group – 34,9; beside experimental group – 40,4. The Average results on run 1000 m. Befor experiment beside checking group – 35,9, beside experimental groupe – 37,3; beside experimental group – 40,4. The Finding. The Differentiated approach, undertaking burn-in occupation in combination with physical labour allow to raise the level to physical preparedness senior classes. The conclusion. Called on by us studies have shown: types to motor activity – a bum-in occupations and physical labour are an efficient facility on physical development, raise the level to physical preparedness uchaschihsya senior classes. Designed experimental program has shown efficiency on development of the physical preparedness senior classes. The results of the study have shown that physical labour and bum-in occupations effectively influence upon the general physical development, on the general picture of health senior classes and requires the literate individual pedagogical approache. Detyam, net concerming with sport, is recommended regularly execute the physical labour for the general physical ton, for health and for physical development. The literature: 1. Zheleznyak YU.D., Minbulatov V.M. The Theory and methods of teaching subject «Physical culture». – Moscow, «Academy», 2006. 2. Matveev L.P. The Theory and methods physical culture. – Saint Peterbourg, «Fallow deer», 2003. 3. Gusikov S.I., Zotov A.P. Physical education and sport in school foreign stran.- Moscow, «Poligraf service», 2002. 20

4. Yanson Yo.A. The Lessons of the physical culture in shkole. – Rostov-on- Don., «Phoenix»б 2005. 5. Abzalov R.A. The Theory physical culture.- Kazani, 2002. 6. Makarenko A.S. About education. Moscow, 1998.


Goncharenko Tatyana Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Introduction Since its appearance on the earth people have always been associated with a water. All times the water was very important for the people's lives. After all, at the first hitting in the water, man drowns. Therefore, swimming -is a vital skill that is associated with development in the aquatic environment and the ability to move around in it.

Overview Swimming is one of the oldest sports. It includes the competitions on the distances from 50 to 1500 meters (in the pool). There are 4 styles of swimming: freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly and backstroke; and also combined swimming and command relay. Winner- is the person or command which comes to the finish first.

Research Objectives 1. Define contemporary composition of the theory and methods of the American swimming system. 2. Analyze of the American methods of teaching children how to swim. 3. Identify of the positive and negative sides of the American swimming system

Methods of investigation 1. Analysis of the theoretical and methodical literature of the American swimming system. 2. Analysis of the American program and methods of swim training. 3. Teacher‘s observation. 21

American swimming system The puzzling perspective for outside observers is that there is no systematic or national organizational approach that ties together the three major preparatory systems (or groups) for competitive swimming in the United States: High school (ages: 14-18),college (ages: 17-22) and club (ages: babies through college). For all of these groups, there is often little or no certification standard required to become a ―coach‖. From the future coach hardly does not need any training or educational programs, education in this field and no basic knowledge on safety and first aid.

The structure of the American swimming system in the high schools American high schools have more in-school sport and athletic opportunities available for their students than most countries in the world. Sports activities in high schools work during all school day and are included in school program as educational disciplines. The variation in program structure and seasons across the country is enormous. In some states, boys and girls have the same seasons, in other states there are separate seasons for each. Each of the 50 states is autonomous in setting up their own standards for athletic programs; there is no nationwide consistency in seasons. There are many variations of the restrictions in time for the training process: 1. It may be limited to two hours a day. 2. It may be defined number of hours per week. 3. Restrictions may also be absent. Coaching contact between the school coach and the athlete is also limited in some states, not in others. The reasons are to protect the athlete from overtraining.

The structure of the American swimming system in the colleges and universities. Since there are national collegiate governing bodies for swimming, it is logical and necessary to have consistent training and competition seasons for the colleges and universities. Women‘s collegiate championships are usually the week before the men‘s championships, and only rarely do they at the same time. The national collegiate governing body is the National Collegiate Athletic Association. In-season training time restrictions are 20 hours of training per week, with no more than 4 hours on any given day, and no Sundays. Out-of-season restrictions are 8 hours per week.


The structure of the American swimming system in the clubs. There are 59 separate local swim committees. Each committee is responsible for administering USA Swimming activities in a defined geographical area and has its own set of bylaws under which it operates. The smallest committee has 539 year- round athletes, the largest has over 15,000. There are approximately 2700 individual clubs across the country. Clubs have no training restrictions, may have unlimited coach-athlete contact, choose which meets they will send qualified athletes to. Their training and competition seasons are planned to match up with the national and international competition schedules as decided by United States Swimming. The lack of government or institutional funding and the lack of their own facilities is the biggest problem to many of these programs. Results After the analysis of the American swimming system we have derived its‘ the positive and negative sides

Downsides of the American swimming system 1. The absence of systematic or national organizational approach 2. Low level of the coaches‘ professional skills 3. Lack of relationship between the coaches of the schools and clubs 4. Limited contact between the coach and the athlete

Positive aspects of the American swimming system 1. Early age of the elementary swimming 2. Ability of the swimmers to train in swimming pools at their schools 3. Well-funded of swimming and as a result, the provision schools, colleges and universities of all necessary material and technical base 4. Availability of swimming

Conclusion Despite big diversity in structure, organization, funding, facilities, preparation of coaches, and approaches to athletic training, the swimmers that rise to the top in the American swimming programs are very successful on the international level.



Grigoriants S.M. Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Chess has been officially declared as kind of sport in the end of XXI century. It was promoted in many respects by activity of FIDE. The decrease of role of informative, theoretical preparation and increase of the importance of sportive readiness of chess players has some reasons. Among them such as: reduction of time control, popularization of "knockout-tournaments" with the higher level of mental tension, rapid chess, blitz and development of "chess 960" (chess pieces are disposed non-standardly in initial position). Chess are "informational" kind of sport. Obviously, training process in chess should include both information, and competitive components. It was possible to consider chess as simple board game at an early stage of the development of the chess game theory, when this theory was insignificant. The practice was an only method of perfecting at those times, as it was in many "usual" kinds of sports, at the initial stage of their formation. Such method promoted development of special mental qualities which were calling "chess talent" in that time. Nevertheless, the modern "theory of sport" demonstrates what it is far not the most effective method of training, specially for sportsmen of high level. Third chess world champion Jose Raul Capablanca is the highest example of this talent, among chess players of that time. He practically didn't work (in the standard understanding of this word) over chess. But, it is very indicative, that the majority of chess players definitely prefers Casablanca chances in the hypothetical game between Capablanca and "simply strong modern grandmaster" in chess 960. Chess 960 is a game, where all main chess principles are same as in classical chess, but the role of debut preparation (information knowledge) is minimal. Today, it is possible for us to call this mysterious talent - a development of special mental qualities of chess player. If one will examine a lots of games of the strongest competitions of last years with careful analysis of the errors which were made by strong grandmasters, will see that "information errors", (i.e. the errors connected with bad knowledge of the debut theory, some well-known plan or of elementary endgames) happened far less, than the errors connected with insufficient development of some key qualities of chess thinking. It is obvious, thus, that chess players should think about development and perfecting of these special qualities and it should play especial role in their training process. Training process of athlete is directed on development of such physical qualities as strength, speed, flexibility, and it works quite well in the kinds of sport, which are connected with physical activity. However, the spectrum of these special "intellectual" chess qualities is still uncertain. And methods of their development aren't clear yet. Some leading modern chess coaches and experts, however, uses the methods of preparation of the chess players, which support development to of special qualities. Mark Dvoretsky (one of the most successful chess coaches of the world) 24 has created the big card file of accurately selected exercises promoting development of special skills of chess thinking. This method partially informational (studying of various typical receptions etc.), but also partially directed on development of mental qualities. Such training system yields fine results and allows bringing up the young chess players up to the serious level of skill. Nowadays, young American grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura is most illustrative example of efficiency of method of training based on development of special, necessary for chess player, mental qualities. Nakamura uses unique ways of development of strength in chess , which haven't something in common with traditional ones. Hikaru spends the most part of time, playing a blitz games on the Internet, including so called "bullet" (with control of time 1 minute for whole game) what always was considered as absolutely senseless and even harmful activity for chess players. Other grandmasters have much better debut preparation, nevertheless, Nakamura is able to outplay them in the further game, even receiving doubtful positions in a debut. Nakamura was able to bring up his mind's ability for very fast calculation and wonderful mental endurance thanks to many hours of intellectual work which was made by him. "It is possible to be surprised only by extraordinary adaptability of the American: change of time zones, a tournament format, time control - all is nothing for him ..." - the chess press wrote after a convincing victory of Nakamura on very strong tournament of grandmasters, where in additional blitz games Nakamura has won (confidently with account 2-0) former world champion Ruslan Ponomarev. In August 2009 Nakamura has confirmed the brilliant competitive readiness, when became the world champion on chess 960; in the final stage he had crushed one of the strongest chess players of the world Levon Aronian with account 3.5 - 0.5. It is obvious that in chess 960 (at least, at today's level of development of this game) where debut preparation has no such huge importance, advantage in competitive readiness will determine the outcome, in most cases. The special questionnaire of leading chess players and chess experts has been held in April 2009. The objective of questionnaire was to estimate the importance of mental qualities, defined on the basis of the analysis of games of the strongest competitions of last years. Results of questioning have been processed and partially reflected in the following tableau: Tableau 1.

Qualities of chess thinking Average value of quality stamina 25,72 resoluteness 22,39 flexibility 22,14 quickness 20,95

The most significant quality for the chess grandmaster is his mental endurance (stamina), as it clearly from the tableau. Such significant mental qualities as resoluteness, flexibility, quickness, were also included and estimated. The considerable divergence of opinions is observed in an estimation of other offered 25 qualities, what was connected with specific features of each chess player and their self-assessment. Some chess players have refused to fill the questionnaire, or have filled it anonymously, explaining what some questions has very personal character. That is interesting fact also. Thus, having defined the mental qualities, most significant for successful competitive activity of the chess players, we will try to solve the following important task: creating an effective method of development of these qualities by means of special training system. Usage of the modern computer technologies will be especially effective for this aim. Thus, modern chess training system will allow effectively using databases, which contain set of chess exercises and time control means, what will help with the big accuracy regulate intension of training work, which is carried out by means of these exercises.


Hitrova Tatyana Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

Psychological and emotional state of the people, who have a ―man-man‖ type of job, including specialists of physical education, sport and tourism, is of great importance. During the last 20 years scientists faced up with more and more cases of emotional psychological professional burnout in jobs. This syndrome is said to be connected with the acceleration of the rhythm of life and the increase of mental and psychological pressure, and the permanent stress at work. The workers of physical education, sport and tourism, have a recreation during their work and this is a significant advantage. To prove this theory we made the experiment, the aim of which was to examine if the workers of recreative tourism (RT) in Ulyanovsk region and the managers of ―MEGAFON‖, the Ulyanovsk regional department of Volga mobile communications company branch, are psychologically protected from professional burnout. During the experiment w used the 3–component model of burnout syndrome by K.Maslach, S. Jackson. The results were subdivided into 3 scales / colons and were analyzed mathematically. The workers (both men and women) of recreation tourism and subscriber maintenance, who took part into the experiment, had working experience no less than 26 a year. Totally, there were 80 respondents and the number of women and men was equal. The longevity of work in this or that sphere influences the analysis of emotional professional burnout greatly. According to this factor we can distinguish 3 time intervals: 1. Workers with 1-5 years work experience turned out to be the most numerous group in both jobs. 2. There is the equal number of workers with 5-10 work experience. 3. There are by 3 times more workers of recreative tourism among the respondents, whose work experience is more than 10 years. During the analysis of the data received, we came to conclusion that the rate of emotional burnout among the workers of RT in Ulyanovsk region is lower than the average in Russia. Whereas the figures of managers are higher. This results show us how different the emotional psychological components of these jobs are. RT workers in Ulyanovsk region have the lower level of emotional tension (16,5 + 3,2 c.u., picture 1) because they work in the open air, where the recreational powers influence a lot. Managers, on contrary, have a higher level (31.2 + 3,8 c.u.), because they have a routine office work. The level of emotional tension is closely connected with the reduction of personal achievements. But unlike it these figures of RT workers in Ulyanovsk region are equal to average level in Russia (31+2,14 c.u. и 31,5 c.u. respectively, picture 1). It shows the high level of personal achievements of RT workers in Ulyanovsk. Managers‘ figures exceed an average ones and show us the level of physical and mental fatigue, personal distraction to the promlems of subscribers called the service department. . The level of depersonification of RT workers in Ulyanovsk region is 2 time higher (21+6,02 c.u., picture 1) than the average in Russia. It can be regarded as the sign of the change of relations within the staff, the spread of indifference, the lack of countenance and sympathetic understanding. Financial problems, the crude programme of tourism development in Ulyanovsk region and the lack of cooperation among organizations and groups, working in sphere of tourism, cause untapped personal achievements and high level of depersonification. The level of depersonification among managers differs from average in Russia insignificantly. This is the indicative of demanding multistage personnel selection, which allows the workers of subscriber maintenance to give the appropriate assessment of their professional skills. This cause the higher psychological and emotional stability, which give possibility of professional self-actualizing. However, despite the careful selection, their level of emotional burnout is higher than the average in Russia. But this is typical for this profession.


Picture 1. The level of emotional psychological professional burnout according to MBI method

33,1 35 31,5 31 30 25 21,1 21 22,6 Emotional burnout 20 16,5 15 10,7 10,3 Depersonification 10 5 The reduction of personal 0 achievements Average level in Group 1 Group 2 Russia

The results of the research show us that the professional occupation of both RT workers and managers in Ulyanovsk region cause emotional burnout. So, 50% of respondents – RT workers have the signs of syndrome of professional burnout of varying intensity. Due to the recreational conditions in which they work, their emotional state is recovering. This prevent further development of professional emotional burnout, in spite of all the prerequisites for this syndrome. The professional occupation of managers also cause a professional burnout of varying intensity in nearly 100% cases. Using the results of the research we can advise people to take up recreative tourism and physical education, because it help not only stay in one profession longer and keep healthy way of life, but also prevent the relation to work, colleagues, clients, relatives and friends from the change for the worse. Thereby, we should pay much attention to recreative actions, especially to recreative tourism for office workers with ―man – man‖ type of job. The public support of recreation and health tourism in Russia is getting challenging nowadays.

References 1. Burlachuk L.F. Thesaurus of psychodiagnostics. / L.F. Burlachuk, S.M. Morosov / St. Petersburg: Piter, 2001 – p. 91-92. 2. Solonkina O.V. Psychodiagnostics in tourism and hospitality management. A book for higher schools. / O.V. Solonkina, D.M. Ramednik / M.: 2004. – p. 163- 165.



Leonid Ivanov Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

A distinctive feature of Russian tennis is a high level of professionalism among children. This professionalism is expressed in high-volume training and regular participation in a large number of competitions with intense rivalry. Therefore proper training should consider age-related particularities of young players. This will help to improve their current results, prepare them for future activities in the context of growing stress and also preserve and strengthen children‘s mental health, i. e. keep them healthy. Children undergo the first stage of the Russian Junior National Team selection tests at the age of 10-12. A review competition had been practiced in our country as one of the stages of the National Team selection for 20 years. Throughout this period a very positive experience has been accumulated and now it‘s time to revive this tradition. Indeed participation in a review competition offers an opportunity to thousands of children to come in view of National Team coaches and experts. A review competition gives often a unique opportunity for provincial children and their coaches to undergo scientific examination, get expert advice and also confirm their choice. It is also important to identify using scientific achievements and practical evidence the most promising boys and girls and also draw up the ways of further individualization of their training, assure environment encouraging their advancement and elaborate strict training monitoring system. We therefore aim to suggest a way to identify individual and age-related particularities of young players at the age of 10-12 and elaborate practical guidelines for their selection and mental conditioning. This is one of the mission tasks which helps to improve the efficiency of the competition activity and the training process in tennis.



Irina Kataeva Supervisor of studies: Vladimir Sopov Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Abstract: The question of healthiness of schoolchildren is very timely today. In the data of ministry of public health the half of schoolchildren has a broken health. One of reason of this is low physically activity - hipodinamia. Modern schoolchildren living in big cities are spending many times by computer or TV-set. It has not good consequences for healthiness. An effective solution of this problem is regular physical activity. Physical education in school is very low for provision enough physical activity for children. Therefore, for healthy style of life of pupils it is necessary to doing sport regular. One of popular kind of sport giving various body-conditioning is biathlon. It is necessary to know motivation of children 9-10 years old for doing biathlon for it becomes possible to improve the number of athletes in the team. Objective of research: revelation of psychological factors, which motivate of children 9-10 years old for doing biathlon. Tasks: 1. To research the reason of doing biathlon for children 9-10 years old; 2. To research the reason of refusal of biathlon; 3. To shape the list of recommendations for coaches. This list helps them to improve number of athletes in the team. Methods of research: 1. It was devised special psychological questionnaires revealing main reasons for doing biathlon, reasons of refusal of sport and reasons of first visit in biathlon. 2. These questionnaires were completed by children 9-10 years old who doing biathlon. This process repeated 2 times a year. Total number of questioned children is 40. 3. Then it was statistical data processing 4. Then on the basis of findings was devised special recommendations for biathlon coaches which helps them to improve the number of athletes in the team.

Results: 1. Findings give allow saying that a main reason of going in for sports is presence of friendly cheerful team, ability to communicate with friends. 16 people (40%) are going in for sports because they know that in the training they have communication with each other and sport games. Not all children are doing biathlon for cheerful communication and games. 25% of subjects are dreaming of becoming professional athletes and to be Olympic champions. 8 questioned (20%) doing sport because they want become alike their older friends in sport. It is often when young athletes want to be alike with somebody from older stronger and popular people. And 30

15% go in for biathlon that learning ski, become strong and healthy. Of course children knew the benefit of sport from parents or physical education teacher. 2. Findings give allow saying that children think the main reason of refusal of biathlon is laziness (50%). 20% young athletes( 8 persons) thinks that their friend are refusing of biathlon because they have more interesting pastime. 15% of questioned children thinks the main reason of refuse of sport is absence of friends in the team. And next reason is: there is a long way from home to the training, and parents have not got opportunity for leading their children to training ( 15%). 3. So it is revealed main reasons for first coming in biathlon. The most schoolchildren (40%) come to training at first time for interest or with friends together. 16 schoolchildren from all questioned call this reason. It happens that there are adult athletes at the school. Jung schoolchildren (25%) wish to be alike them and because go in for sport. The next frequent reason of coming in biathlon is recommendation of physical education teacher. And 15 % of all subjects doing for sport because their parents compel them doing it.

Findings: 1. As a result it becomes clear that children 9-10 year old like communications with friends and outdoor games in sport the most. The coach must set up friendly team, which united not only trainings together but and joint events: competitions, team trips, walking tours and holidays together. For united friendly team it is necessary team events such as tea parties, walking tours, cleaning days, team celebrations, competitions, ect. 2. Many children are dreaming to be Olympic champions and it is recommending for coach to arrange more often competitions inside the team (1 time in 2 weeks) with awards of winners. 3. So coach can convince the parents of the benefit of biathlon. Thereby parents will stimulate the interest of children for doing sport. 4. Coach must be on friendly terms with physical education teacher because the teacher will refer schoolchildren to this coach for doing sports. It helps to coach to take a large team. 5. So coach must be worthy example for imitation. It is concern and appearance of coach and manners. Coach must be fair, benevolent and little strict.



O. Kosobudskaya, N. Ershova Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sport, Russia

Introduction. Modern requirements to the specialists make active a task of preparation of the purposeful, independent, creative person showing high level of culture, structurally overcoming arising stressful situations in life and activity. Many psychologists suggest that the educational (training) process in high school influences much on developing ―self‘-conception in the whole. The certain vital positions defining the level of competence of the personality and professional are formed during the educational process. The purpose of our study was to reveal the developed of ―self‖-conception at the future sports specialists at different level of studying at high school and to define the organizational-pedagogical conditions promoting its development. To realize the purpose of the research the following tasks were carried out: 1. To study the students‘ ideas their ideal level of developed professionally important skills necessary for the sports specialists (―I‖-ideal) (1st , 3d, 5th courses). 2. To study ―self‖- conception of developed professionally important skills, at sports specialists at the 1st , 3d, and 5th courses (―I‖- real). 3. To reveal the distinctions in developed components of ―self‖-conception at different grade levels of the sports academy. Methods. In our research we applied the following methods: 1. Special literature analysis. 2. Psychodiagnostics methods. 3. Pedagogical experiment 4. Methods of mathematic statistic. 54 students (aged 17-22) of the Velikie Luki state academy of physical culture and sport took part in the study. Such qualities as empathy, reflection, tolerance, communicative skills, emotional flexibility, stress tolerance (stability) were examined. Results. It was established that the level of formed of components of ―self‖- conception and components‘ development at different steps of training is unequal and has nonlinear character. The comparative analysis has shown that there were not reliable distinctions among ―I‖-ideal and ―I‖-real estimated at the students of the 1st course; there were reliable distinctions at students of the 3d course in such skills as: communicative and organizational. As for the 5th year students there were reliable distinctions between ―I‖-ideal and ―I‖-real in all qualities estimated. These results testify that the students receive necessary professional knowledge, get some experience greatly influencing on ―self‖-conception developed. It was revealed that the students trained in the system of psycho-pedagogical support had the level of the development of communication skills more than 59%, empathy -52%, tolerance – 59%, reflection – 72%, emotional flexibility – 53%. 32

These indicators are more than 14% higher than at students not involved in the experiment. Conclusion. Thus, the application of the theoretical seminars, seminar- practical works, problem lectures, different kinds of games and problem tasks, individual consultations, psycho-pedagogical support and personal-focused approach promoted the professional becoming in the sphere of physical culture and sports and as a whole the development of ―self‖-conception.


Anna Scorodumova Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia Aleksey Kuznetsov Scientific supervisor: professor, doctor of sciences

Actuality. Leading specialists in the sphere of sport preparation Ozolin, Matveev, Platonov, have proved that the process of training management is based on tournament activity. Specifically it accounts for work-out planning , the choice of means and methods for training, magnitudes of executed physical loads. In order to plan and carry out a training process most effectively it is necessary to know the magnitude of tournament loads, as well as the distribution of loads of different intensity among days of tournament micro cycles. Nowadays professional tennis payers are younger than in the past , in the world ranking there are players of 17 -18 yeas old. In the light of this the problem of earlier sport specialization arises. In order to gain high goals in the sport of greatest achievements, juniors of 15 – 16 years have to play at the level close to professional. It may be possible only if scientifically based system of planning and control of tournament and training loads are carried out. Aim of work.Calculate the structure of tournament micro-cycles of juniors of 15 -16 years old. Research tasks: 1) Measure out the duration of tournament micro-cycles, quantity of play days in them. 2) Find out parameters of tournament loads: 33

a) Parameters of external and internal aspects of exertion, exactly the volume and intensity; b) Magnitude of tournament loads; 3) Find out the distribution of different magnitude exertions among days of tournament micro cycles. Research methods. Analysis of literary sources, pedagogical observation and survey of tournament activity of youths of 15 -16 years old with the help of stenograph for taking down tournament actions of the player and хрнометрирования, pulse rate, субтест метода «миокинетическая psychodiagnostics» - offered by Mire –i- Lopes. The results were analyzed with the help of methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. We found out: 1) The duration of tournament micro-cycles, quantity of play days in them. 2) Parameters of tournament loads: a) - Indices of external aspect of load of competitive matches. Volume - match duration, pure ―time‖ of the game during a match, the sum of played points and sum of fulfilled hits. Intensity - rate/tempo of played points, motor density of the matches. - Indices of internal aspect of load of competitive matches. Volume - sum of heartbeats during the match . Intensity - minimum, maximum frequencies of heartbeats, that can be observed in the course of match. Also we registered average indices of heartbeats during matches and performance with different rate of intensity. b) Magnitude of tournament loads. 3) Variants distribution of different magnitude exertions among days of tournament micro cycles (pictures 1, 2, 3).

Picture 1. Variant of tournament micro cycle of tennis players of 15-16 years

Grate Little


Picture 2. Variant of tournament micro cycle of tennis players of 15-16 years

Average Little

Picture 3. Variant of tournament micro cycle of tennis players of 15-16 years

Grate Considerable

Bibliography 1. Анохин П. К. Философские аспекты теории функциональных систем: избр. тр. / П. К. Анохин; Наука. - М 1978. – 400 с. 35

2. Васина Е. В. Соревновательные нагрузки теннисистов 13-14 лет: автореф. дис. … канд. пед. н. / Васина Екатерина Валерьвна; Рос. гос. универ. Физ. культуры спорта и туризма. – М., 2008. – 23 с. 3. Матвеев Л. П. Общая теория спорта : учебная книга для завершающих уровней высшего физкультурного образования / Л. П. Матвеев ; 4-й филиал Воениздата. – М., 1997. – 304 с. 4. Сахарова М. В. Проектирование макроциклов подготовки в игровых видах спорта: значение, сущность, технология: монография / М. В. Сахарова ; Компания Спутник+. – М., 2005. – 309 с. 5. Скородумова А. П. Построение тренировки квалифицированных спортсменов в индивидуальных видах спортивных игр (на примере тенниса): автореф. дис. ... д-ра пед. наук / Скородумова Анна Петровна; Гос. центр. ордена Ленина институт физ. культуры. - М., 1990. – 49 с. 6. Скородумова А. П. Теннис как добиться успеха : монография / А. П. Скородумова; Pro – press. – М. 1994. – 176 с.


Laptev Sergey Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Absolutely, in the world much attention given to development of student's sports to what testify World University games, European and World championships among students on separate kinds of sport. In Russia - again created regional and All- Russia Student games, Sports Games and Championships on separate kinds of sport. Acknowledgement of development of student's basketball is the following fact: in 2008 and 2009 women's team Moscow Agricultural Academy became the Champion of Europe among student's teams, and in 2010 was the World champion. Because of questionnaire, we have revealed that more than half of respondents doesn't arrange level of financing for its student's team; only in one high school there are off-budget sources of financing; 83 % of high schools have a gym which is responsible for the requirements to holding competitions on basketball; in more than half high schools the organization administration takes direct part in organizational- methodical work with a team and visits matches with its participation. 36

59 % of respondents consider possible to prepare the basketball player of high qualification in the conditions of high school, and accordingly, 53 % of trainers have already prepared those. Because of analysis of proceedings (Belov, Rapoport, Gzovsky and other) and competitive activity we have revealed any problems in modern student's basketball: - poorly equipped material base of high schools, as the factor interfering high- grade interuniversity and inter-regional competitions on basketball for the further selection; - a staff problem – graduates of higher educational institutes of physical education unwillingly go to work on physical training chairs as trainer, considering a low salary and great volume of work, including holding the physical-sports work in the evening and in the weekends. As result of it many student's commands, having huge potential, can't fully realize it; - absence of regional competitions on basketball in the United planned schedule of the Ministry of sports, tourism and the youth policy, and as result – absence of financing; - weak interest of local administration to competitions of entry level: the great attention is given to the All-Russia and world fights among students but lose the fact that selection on the above-stated competitions passes through the Championship of a city, region, district and etc. The university management always put the highest tasks to coaches of the teams in different kinds of sport. Students of RSUPES&T throughout all time of existence are members of national and reserve national teams of the country. Preparation of highly skilled players, trainers and specialists of basketball – one of priority directions in university activity. In connection with that the level of performance of our students in basketball competitions isn't always high and demands certain growth, we offer the Concept of basketball development in RSUPES&T. In our opinion, it shall allow to raise basketball in university on qualitatively new level and to solve many problems which have existed in this kind of sport. It will be consist of 5 basic parts. 1. Introduction and range of problems 2. Description of condition of level of basketball development in RSUPES&T 3. Purposes and tasks on basketball development in RSUPES&T 4. Standard-legal and financial support 5. Extents of its development in RSUPES&T We, as well as many specialists of basketball, consider that reconstruction of the sports clubs as part of high schools structure realizing its activity in interaction with administration of university, chair of physical education, the trade-union and student's organizations which are the basic link of system of student's sports is necessary in high schools. It also is the primary object of our work on development of student's basketball. The sports club of high school solves following tasks: • involving of student's youth, post-graduate students, teachers and personnel of high schools in regular exercises of physical culture and sports:; 37

• Training of physical and morally-strong-willed qualities, strengthening of health and disease decreasing, increasing of professional readiness level, social activity of all personnel of university; • Organization and holding mass health-improving, physical and sports events; • Creation of sports amateur consolidations, clubs, sections and teams on different kinds of sport; Most of all we have interesting questions, concerning structures and maintenances of sports clubs on the basis of high schools. We have found out that in 47 % of high schools there are sports clubs with basketball department. 71 % interrogated have supported that by creation of sports clubs on the basis of high schools it is possible to raise quality of preparation of students-basketball players. And, at last, 53 % of respondents consider, that exactly the club most effectively solves questions of development of student's basketball. The conclusion is one - through system of sports clubs most successfully can develop both mass sports, and sports of the higher achievements. From what will be sports clubs in the future, what their qualitative specificity, essentially depends development not only basketball in particular, but also sports in the country as a whole.


Lavrentjeva D. A., Aleksandrov A. U., Glembockaja J.I. Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Russia

The urgency of this theme puts in that we suggest solving some problems using innovation approach in teaching of swimming. despite a great number of researches, and methodical workings out. Considerably it concerns to work with children, namely to groups of the initial stage of training. Existing programs of training have little difference from each other (Bulgakovaf N.Zh, 1983; Guzhalovskij A.A., 1983; Makarenko L.P., 1985; Ganchar I.P., 1993; Pogrebnoj A.I., Marjanicheva E.G., 1999). These authors recommend beginning training with any exact swimming style (more often it is crawl on a breast). Adaptation in water depends on adults and individual adaptive reactions of the organism, and also depends on gained impellent skills during lifetime. Hence, it is easier to teach the child than the teenager or the adult. As at early age impellent skills are just formed, or generated, but not so strong as the adult person‘s, therefore a long time for neutralization of their negative action at formation of new swimming skills isn't required. 38

However, in the methodical part of written programs hardly any account of individual features of children‘s movements in developing swimming` s strokes. In this regard, we have decided to apply the methodology developed by the choice of swimming‘s stroke on the basis of genetically determined structure of leg movements at during early studying. Thus a child can start swimming lessons from the style which he is predisposed. The incorporation of these features will allow: • to form the technique of the choosing swimming stroke faster; • to make the expression of interest on the child by the choosing swimming stroke ; • to reduce the lack of attention from a teacher to the child as an individual. In connection with the above mentioned, the relevance of research topic is the scientific search for ways to develop and improve methods of teaching swimming 6-8 year old children. The aim of work- is methodology of choose swimming‘s stroke on the initial training. Hypothesis. It was assumed that the inclusion of individual characteristics over choosing swimming‘s stroke will make the learning process more effectively. The object of the study was a process of swimming training of 6-8 year old children. The subject is selection‘s criteria of choosing swimming‘s stroke by the 6-8 year old children. Research tasks: 1) To determine the percentage of children are predisposed to simultaneous symmetric , simultaneous asymmetric and alternate structure of leg movements structure. 2) To develop and experimentally to prove a technique of training to swim children of 6-8 year-old. 3) To identify the influence of children‘s age on the structure of movements legs. We used the following scientific methods: 1) Analysis of the literature. 2) Pedagogical observation. 3) Mathematical statistics. Analysis of the literature. It was studied 25 sources, 20 of them, according to methodic swimming training of Russian authors and 5 foreign. Pedagogical observation. The method was used with 6-8 year old children in the classroom for initial education to swimming. In pedagogical observation there were involved three coaches, who are counted the total number of trainees in lanes, where children learn to swim. Determined by how many children will choose in the process of free swimming, or that the structure of moving their feet: the simultaneous symmetric and asymmetric simultaneous and alternating. Methods of mathematical statistics. We used mathematical functions of addition and determine the percent of the total. Organization of the research. 39

At the period from September to October 2010 on the basis of Sports Complex «Neptune» in Balashikha was organized pedagogical observation, where were examined 37 children aged from 6 to 8 in the groups of swimming initial training. The most suitable structure of leg movement was fulfilled at the period when the children were given the tim for free swimming at the beginning or at the end of a training.

Results of the research. The data about choosing the structure of leg movement at children in groups of swimming of primary training were presented in the table number 1.

Table №1 Individual predisposition to leg movements of 6-8 year old children at an initial stage of learning to swimming

The structure of leg movements simultaneous asymmetric asymmetric age symmetric simultaneous simultaneous persons % persons % persons % 6 years 1 16,7 1 25 7 26,9 old 7 years 3 50 2 50 9 33,3 old 8 years 2 33,3 1 25 11 40,7 old ∑ 6 16,2 4 10,8 27 72,9

Results. Based on these data revealed that of all the views of children, simultaneous symmetrical movements have 6 children, which corresponds to 16.2%; simultaneous asymmetric 4 children, which corresponds to 10.8%, alternately at 27 children, which corresponds to 72,9%.

Conclusions. 1. It is evident that the majority of children chooses the alternate structure of the leg movements, followed by simultaneous symmetrical, and the third place asymmetric structure. 2. In addition to a personal conversation with the coaching staff it was found out that almost all participants of the conversation begin teaching children with crawl on a breast and on backstroke, without regard to individual predisposition of the structure of leg movements in the water. 3. As a result 27% of children were taught the swimming‘s stroke which is not appropriate to their coordinative predisposition, and it had a negative effect on the efficiency of swimming training.



Maxim Okorokov Moscow Province, Reutov, MOY «Lyceum», form 10, Russia

Abstract Bowling game is not only an interesting and involving kind of sports but also it is a perfect physical and mathematical site. With the bowling game, we have an extremely seemingly simple situation: after the ball is released onto the lane its behavior is determined by a relatively small number of laws of mechanics. Their combined action results in interesting and entirely non-simple objective laws in the ball‘s behavior on its way to the target – the 10 pins specially arranged and the lane‘s end. While the ball is moving along the lane it participates simultaneously in two kinds of motion: forward sliding and rotation interacting with each other to result in the ball‘s possible curvilinear trajectories. The ball‘s asymmetrical inner structure and varying from game to game the rules to apply oil onto the lane (the oiling pattern) make the game still more complicated and allow an experienced bowler to redistribute this curvature along the trajectory so as to provide the ball‘s most effective entrance in the pins area. In this work, with reference to the Coulomb-Amontons law defining the sliding friction force, we setup a symmetrical ball motion mathematical model. This model is reduced to the second-order differential equation that allows for an interesting integral (sliding). Integrating this equation leads to the ball‘s parabolic trajectory whose position of vertex, direction of parabola axis and flatness of parabola branches are a complicated function of the initial conditions (ball release). Based on the motion law general form we derive an explicit formula for the game parabola characteristics and their related non-dimensional parameters characterizing one or another game style, obtain explicit expressions for certain release parameters, and when the latter are not adhered to it results in ineffective bowling game – the track flare (formation of oil rings on the ball‘s surface). This work is specific for a relative simplicity of the model and complexity of the effects that allow, with the use of the model, for a qualitative explanation and quantitative description. All the ball’s behaviour basic specifics discussed at bowlers training sessions with reference to the weak and inaccurate similarities and explanations, - we translate into a qualitative language of equations and formulas. The work has a practical value since its results are the basis for a rational classification of the bowling game styles and allow bowling game purposeful planniing and correcting of individual tactics and techniques aimed to enhance the game effeciency.



Pakhamovich N. Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

The Problem: statistic analysis of the second partof figure skaters` free programmes. The Object of the Research: figure skaters (men and women): A) Senior professional athletes taking part in The European Championships, in The World Championships and in The Olympic Games. B) Junior professional athletes taking part in different Junior ISU competitions. The Subject of the Research: free programmes of figure skaters of different sports qualification - Senior professional athletes and Junior professional athletes. The Hypothesis of the Reseach: A) The complex coordination and the stability of jumps in the second part of free programmes among the figure skaters who have the same sports qualification directly depend on sportsmen`s rating. B) The complex coordination and the stability of jumps in the second part of figure skaters` free programmes directly depend on the sports qualification. C) The complex coordination and the stability of jumps in the second part of free programmes for men are higher than for women. The Aim of the Research: learning the difference of figure skaters` free programmes accoding to the new ISU Judging System paying attention to the second part of the programme. Researching the dependence of free programmes complex coordination on different factors. The Tasks of the Reseach: A) To make the statistic analysis of the complex coordination and of the stability of jumps in the second part of free programmes for men and women of different sports qualification. B) To make the comparison of the complex coordination and of the stability of jumps in the second part of free programmes for figure skaters with different rating. C) To make the comparison of the complex coordination and of the stability of jumps in the second part of free programmes for figure skaters of different sports qualification. D) To make the comparison of the complex coordination and of the stability of jumps in the second part of free programmes for men and women. The Methods of the Reseach: A) Analysis of different literature including ISU judges` detailed protocols of different ISU competitions. B) Video materials of different ISU competitions. C) The method of mathematical statistics. 42

The problem of the research gives us an opportunity to see the dependence of the complex coordination in the second part of figure skaters` free programmes (because of the special credits for all jumps in the second part of free programmes) on different factors (sportsmen`s rating, their qualification and sex) and to see the influence of the complex coordination in the second part of the programmes on the final results.


Sergejs Saulite*, Leonids Cupriks*, Veronika Fedotova** *Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Riga, Latvia ** Latvian Olympic team, Riga, Latvia

Taekwon-do ITF (International Taekwon-do federation) is a combat sport involving large number of kicks; it requires rapid and forceful kicking (Saulite 2010). About fifty percent of taekwon-do ITF fight skills are related to the kicking techniques. Effective taekwon-do kicking techniques are most difficult to perfect, and require the use of the entire body to apply optimum force from a limited base of support (Shirley 1992). In Taekwon-do movement studies mainly visual control methods are used (Романенко 2007). Instrumental methods would allow achieving not only qualitative, but also quantitative measures of movements of athletes (Гавердовский 2007). The aim of the research is to find technical errors of athletes, which influence the time of the frontal roundhouse kick.

Methods The subjects of the research are 10 taekwon-do athletes (age: 13±1.4 years, height: 166±6 cm, weight: 45±7 kg; experience in sports: 4±1.2 years), with blue and green-belt levels. Athletes performed roundhouse kick from still position with front leg two times. Movement analysis was performed using two high speed Basler A602fc cameras (100 Hz) and SIMI Motion software. Light-reflecting markers were placed on three body landmarks: hip (Trochanter Major), knee (Condylus Lateralis) and ankle (Malleolus Lateralis). Cameras were located on one side of the calibrated movement volume at angles, which provide for both cameras maximal visibility of all 43 three markers during the whole studied range of the movement. After video recording of the movements points were digitized with SIMI Motion 3D software.

Results. Analysis of high speed video records allowed estimating biomechanical characteristics of the frontal roundhouse kick. To establish more rational kicking technique the kick time was correlated with the following biomechanical parameters: maximal knee flexion angle at the end of preparatory phase, and ratio of kick preparatory phase time to kick execution phase time.

Figure 1. Correlation between angle of Figure 2. Correlation between knee maximal flexion and time of kick preparatory and kick phase proportion and time of kick

Relationship between maximal knee flexion angle and the kick time, and relationship between ratio of longer preparatory phase to shorter kicking phase and the kick time was estimated (α < 0.01).

Conclusions. 1. After analysis of biomechanical parameters of roundhouse kick it was concluded that athletes with smaller angle during maximal knee flexion also have a shorter kicking time, the same was true for those athletes having preparatory phase longer than kicking phase. 2. When mastering the roundhouse kick technique more attention should be paid to knee flexion in preparatory phase in order to achieve shorter kicking time. 3. We suppose that decrease of kicking time at smaller knee angles in initial phase is related to decrease of moment of inertia. 4. Decrease of kicking time in this case may be also related to more active use of thigh frontal muscles (Quadriceps femoris) in eccentric mode. References. 1. Гавердовский Ю.К. (2007). Обучение спортивным упражнениям. Биомеханика. Методология. Дидактика. – Москва: Физкультура и спорт, 912 с. 2. Романенко В.В. (2007). Построение биомеханических моделей основных технических приѐмов выполняемых ногами для таэквондистов- новичков // Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник: Зб.наук. пр. – Харьков: ХДАФК. – № 12, c.281-285. 44

3. Saulite S., Cupriks L., Fedotova V. (2010). Biomechanical analysis of taekwon-do ITF front-leg rounhouse kick. 3rd Baltic Sport Science conference. Physical activity and sport in changing society: research, theory, practice and management. Abstracts. April 29 - May 1, 2010, Riga, Latvia, pp. 48-49. 4. Shirley Mark E. (1992). The taekwondo side kick: a kinesiological analysis with strength and conditioning principles. National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal. Volume 14, Number 5, pp. 7.

Project ― Support for sports science‖ Nr. 2009/0155/1DP/


Taha Souli Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia (Tunisia)

When we talk about mental health and subjective well-being one has to mention the role of physical activity, exercise and sport. What kind of effects can they have? At this point we have to differentiate between physical effects and psychological effects of physical activities. We know that physical activity and sport increase physical fitness, in a longitudinal perspective they reduce the risk of mortality and decrease cardiovascular diseases. Physical exercise embedded in an active lifestyle also prevents overweight and obesity. Proper physical preparation provides youngsters with an opportunity to: • Develop fundamental motor skills in stability, locomotors, and manipulative domains through activities that promote balance, coordination and agility. These motor skills (Hopping, bounding, throwing, running) must be acquired in a general sport environment before complex, sport-specific skills can be mastered. • Develop the Five "S‘s‖ (stamina, strength, speed, suppleness, and skill) which promote on-snow skill acquisition and development. • Develop a positive self concept, and social skills, while experiencing enjoyable,challenging situations. In fact we should be aware that the period between six and ten years of age is one of the most important periods of motor development in children. It is during this time that children are developmentally ready to acquire the general,fundamental movements (such as running, hopping, bounding, jumping, and throwing) that are the 45 basis for all sports and games. These general skills must be practiced and mastered before sport specific skills can be learned successfully. If fundamental motor skill training is not optimized between the ages of six and ten, the loss in motor development will be difficult to recapture. Besides,we know that young people want to enjoy sport. If young people enjoy their earlier experiences of sport they are more likely to stay involved long term, returning many benefits in terms of the health and well being of our future adult population. Focusing on fun and fair play and the importance of participation, best effort and enjoyment will encourage young people to stay involved, to demonstrate enjoyment and equality and to achieve fair play. Finilly,involvement in sport has numerous benefits for young people. Throughout the early years of life, physical activity plays a key part in young people‘s physical, social and mental development. ―All forms of activity have a part to play over the years. Babies learn and develop physical capabilities through play; toddlers develop key social skills through games with others; and young people develop basic skills and understanding of rules and team membership through sport and physical education.


O.I. Tumanova, T.A. Antonova Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sport, Russia

Introduction. Realization of a qualitatively new perspective approach to perfection of the system of vocational training in physical education and sport assumes training of specialists on the basis a harmonious development of individual′s special, professionally important skills and qualities. Despite a wide range of researches in the field of professional pedagogical training, the questions of working out the technologies directed to perfection of constructive motor fitness, as an integral part of sport teachers′ skills, were not practically examined. Though the orientation, pithiness and productivity of specialists′ pedagogical activity and the whole process of physical education depend much on this component of professionalism. We have assumed that introduction of the constructive motor training technology, taking account of various sports specializations and methodical features of fitness aerobics, will allow to raise not only the efficiency of sports teachers′ motor training, but also the level of didactic preparedness of students of physical culture higher educational establishment as a whole. 46

Methods. In our research we applied psycho- pedagogical testing of main types of motor memory, medico – biological testing with the use of electroneuromyography and a multi-joint Biodex complex and the methods of mathematical statistics. During the experiment experts´ estimation was made. The subjects of the pedagogical experiment were four-year students of the specialization « Physical Culture and Sport». The experiment was carried out at the lessons of musical rhythmics and shaping. Results. The findings of preliminary researches have allowed to prove theoretically the experimental technology of constructive motor training in physical education schools with the account of distinctions of sports specializations and to work out a block modular system of educational tasks which allows to develop students′ both motor and constructive skills at the same time. Each of the worked out modules in the system of problem tasks of various complexity took into account the specifics of professional pedagogical activity, the skill being formed and the features of displaying motor memory components and assumed its forming with the account of memory criteria. More than 500 motor instructions have been developed and approbated for training constructive motor skills of high quality. The differences in constructive motor training of female students of experimental and control groups lay in the fact that all the tasks were given to the examinees in the former group with the account of the developed motor memory components typical for their sports specialization, and in the latter group they were not taken into account. The basic criteria of the developed technology productivity were quantitative and qualitative indexes of changes in the constructive motor fitness of 4–year students and the degree of reliability of distinctions in the examined groups. The qualitative criteria of the estimation of our technology productivity were the indexes of the developed constructive skills application. The comparative analysis has shown that there were reliable distinctions in all the skills estimated by experts in the confrol and experimental groups. The Contructive competence of the experimental group‘s students is 13, 5 % higher than in the control group. The analysis of quantitative indexes of constructive activity of students conducting fitness aerobics lessons has shown that the best4 – year students were able to approximate World Class instructors‘ model characteristics in the basic components. Conclusion. Thus, the application of the constructive motor training experimental technology at musical rythmics and shaping lessons has resulted in considerable increase in both quantitative and qualitative indexes of 4-year studnts' professional preparedness at Vilikie Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sport. The introduction of problem tasks into the practice of constructive training, which allowed to consider the distinctions in development of motor memory components in students of different sports specializations, promoted reliably significant changes not only in students‘ constructive motor competence, but also in their didactic preparedness as a whole demonstrated by them at their educational practice. 47


Ursegov Konstantin, Kostikova L.V. Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Modern sports make the big demands to sportsmen of high qualification of various sports. The sated schedule of competitions and training process create huge load on an sportsman organizm. Training and competitive loads have reached such sizes that their influence on an sportsman organizm is on the verge of limiting possibilities of individual adaptation (Matveev, Godik). Women‘s basketball isn't an exception. Especially excessive loads have on basketball players of National Russian team, since in a year cycle they should prepare and participate in competitions both for a club team and for a country national team. In this connection there is a necessity of a solution of a rational construction problem of elite sportswomen preparation's process, and loads planning in a year cycle. In this connection, we put the purpose – to analyze training and competitive loads in a year cycle of high qualification basketball players. Tasks of research: 1. To reveal structure of a year cycle of high qualification basketball players preparation. 2. To define loads indices of club teams and a National Russian team basketball players at different stages of a year cycle. 3. To develop recommendations about optimization of basketball players preparation process in a year cycle.

Organization. Research was conducted from July, 2009 till October, 2010 in the club team's preparation process for a season 2009-2010 and in the process of the centralized preparation of national Russian women's basketball team to the 2010 World championship. Object of our researches were a national Russian basketball team and 2 leading Russian clubs: team «UGMK» from Ekaterinburg – the Russian Champion in a season 2009-2010 and team «Sparta&K» - the Euroleague Champion, since they are base clubs of a national Russian women's basketball team. Players number of these teams in Russian national team makes 8 persons - 66,7 % (table 1), on which the basic loads in matches both the club, and a national team lays down. Results. On the picture 1 the scheme of a year cycle of high qualification basketball players preparation in a season 2009-2010, reflecting structure of players preparation on system "club-national team" is presented. In the first half-cycle from August till April the basketball players participate in clubs, and then after 2 month of transition period carry out in structure of a national Russian team in the centralized preparation and participation in the World championship. In the same time, 48 basketball players of the club teams, not got to national team structure, have longer transition period from the end of April till August that makes more than 3 months.

Table 1 Structure of National Russian women‘s basketball team on the 2010 World Championship Player Club Korstin I. «Sparta&К»Vidnoe Sokolovskaya I. «Sparta&К»Vidnoe Osipova I. «Sparta&К»Vidnoe Vieru N. «Sparta&К»Vidnoe Vidmer T. «UGMK» Ekaterinburg Abrosimova S. «UGMK» Ekaterinburg Arteshina О. «UGMK» Ekaterinburg Stepanova M. «UGMK» Ekaterinburg Zhedik N. «Dinamo» Moscow Kuzina М. «Dinamo» Moscow Danilochkina А. «Vologda - Chevakata» Vologda Hammon R. «Nadezhda» Orenburg

Pictuer 1 Year cycle of high qualification basketball players preparation in a season 2009-2010 on system "club-national team".

The given scheme specifies in an essential difference in structure of year cycle loads at club teams basketball players and National Russian team's players. Acknowledgement to it are a concrete definition training and competitive loads of two leading club's teams in Russia (UGMK and Sparta&K) in a season 2009-2010 and a national Russian team. From picture 2 you can see that for a season 2009-2010 the club team had 49 matches. Thus in the competitive period it is necessary to specify in a busy schedule of participation in competitions. 1st game cycle of the competitive period has made 66 days for which the team had 16 games. In 2nd game cycle for 81 day - 17 games are played. 3rd game cycle has made 20 days for which 8 games are played. During the competitive period there were 2 intergame cycles: 1st cycle - 17 days and the second - 11 days. 49

Picture 2 Training and competitive loads of Russian leading club basketball teams in a season 2009-2010.

In the end of April, loads of club team‘s basketball players came to an end prior to the beginning of a following year cycle. And at National Russian team‘s players after 66 days of transition period, since July, 4th the centralized preparation for the 2010 World championship has begun. In picture 3 it is presented the plan-scheme of National Russian women's basketball team preparation to the 2010 World championship. The centralized preparation and participation in the 2010 World championship lasted 3 months. From July till September, there was a preparatory period and from September, 23rd till October, 3rd – the competitive period. During the preparatory period Russian team had 65 preparation's days, 54 working days and 15 control games. Further, in the competitive period players for 11 days have played 9 games of the World championship, having only 2 days on restoration. The World championship has ended on October, 3rd. Club's coaches have given to players of a national team the supershort period of rest after the World championship and in 5-10 days players have got into work in the club teams. A high- grade transition period for players of a national team wasn't.


Picture 3 Plan-scheme of National Russian women's basketball team's preparation to the 2010 World championship.

In table 2 volumes of loads club and a national Russian team in a year cycle are presented. The table shows that in a year cycle of the high qualification basketball player as a part of clubs have 271 days of preparation, from them 202 working days that makes 836 working hours. For a year the club team plays 55 matches. And basketball players of a national team in addition to loads as a part of the clubs within 76 days prepare and participate in the World championship and play 9 hard matches. After that, without having high-grade rest, basketball players are connected again to loads of a new season of club work. Table 2 Training and competitive loads indices of leading Russian club teams and national women's basketball team in a season 2009-2010

Team The Club team The National team Preparatory Competitive Total Preparatory Competitive Periods period period period period Days of 76 195 271 65 11 preparation Working 57 145 202 54 9 days Working 232 604 836 83 9 hours Training 106 243 349 216 31 lessons Matches 8 47 55 15 9 51

By results of the given research we have come to a following conclusion that basketball players of a national Russian team higher training and competitive loads, than the players acting only as a part of club teams have. Besides, basketball players of a National Russian team after end of a season as a part of club have in connection with the beginning of preparation for the World championship shorter rest period (transition period), than the players who are not getting to structure of a national team, and practically without due restoration after the World championship start training loads performance of a following club season. Such system of loads is danger to sportswomen‘s health and doesn't create favorable preconditions to a set of the sports form and its deduction in an optimum condition in a coming new season. Basketball players of club teams after end in April of the Russian Championship have a long transition period that contradicts a principle of a system of sports preparation and leads sports form loss and decrease in player‘s sports skill. Here the individual work of basketball players previous the beginning of early team preparation is extremely necessary. Our results testify to necessity of serious revision of preparation's structure of club teams and a national Russian team and are the basis for perfection of club's and National team coaches interaction in respect of methodical unity and continuity in ideology and strategy of high qualification basketball players preparation. Also on the basis of the presented results it is necessary to recommend realization of regular control of a basketball player‘s condition and load's correction for maintenance of optimum physical standards in a year cycle not to admit their congestion.


V.S. Yakubovskiy, G.S. Yakubovskiy, T.S. Ivanova Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Three important keys to success in tennis include: physical conditioning, mental toughness, and tennis skill. An abundance of these three components is absolutely necessary to be successful at the highest level in tennis. Working with Junior Tennis Player it is necessary to keep in mind all these components of tennis performance. Physical talent and hard work go a long way towards success in tennis. Without mental toughness it is impossible to handle match adversity to match the 52 power of your ground strokes and play consistent high level tennis. Mental toughness like physical conditioning and tennis skill can be improved with practice and training. The most critical tennis player task during the match is to control thoughts and mind between points and during a change over. It is important for the success because of two reasons: 1) It is necessary to process each previous point to have the utmost confidence, composure, and focus. 2) Tennis player has to clear his/her mind so you can mentally prepare for the next point. No tennis player is perfect with their strokes, but it is necessary to minimize mental game errors: loosing focus and emotion control because of frustration. Unlike physical errors during a match, mental game errors can linger for an entire set or even a match. Consistent mental toughness and preparation between points leads to consistent performance, the hallmark of championship players. 1) Frustration. I‘ve seen many players that appear calm on the outside, but are churning on the inside because they missed an easy shot. Frustration is the biggest enemy between points. When tennis player is frustrated, mistakes become frequent. Sticking in the past it is impossible to play the next point with focus. It‘s like having a monkey on your back while playing the next point because you don‘t give 100 percent focus to the current point. Negative emotions can cause strategy changing, playing too aggressively, or giving up during a point. 2) Doubts. It is impossible to play the best tennis having self‐doubt. Besides being frustrated after missed shots, many players begin to doubt their ability: ―Can I win this set?‖ Or ―Why is my backhand off today?‖ Players who lose confidence after a couple of missed shots will play tentatively and fear making more mistakes. Players who doubt their ability may not take risks, such as change up their strategy when needed or go for an outright winner. A big role of the mental game of tennis is to help a tennis player being confident between points in spite of missed shots. 3) High expectations. Many tennis players have some perfectionism. They try to play perfect tennis, have very high expectations for their performance and worry about letting others down. Because of their high expectations, they are very hard on themselves after missed shots, unforced errors, or generally not performing up to their expectations. It is important to explain that nobody can be perfect and human beings are prone to making errors. 4) Energy level control. Tennis player energy level and focus go hand in hand. When a player energy is too low or too high, his focus suffers and this affects his performance. Tennis players should know their optimal energy level and have strategies to produce it on demand. For example, Rafael Nadal performs his best with high energy. He is always moving his feet in the warm‐up, between points and on the changeovers. When Nadal‘s energy level drops, he tries to pick it up by moving his feet. Roger Federer doesn‘t need that same level of energy to play well. Federer is much more calm and subdued. 5) Positive image. Mental images are more powerful than words. What a player thinks about is what he gets in tennis. If he think about hitting a poor serve on the 53 next point, he is programming his body to do that. It is important to see or feel a good serve or return before every service and have control over images and thoughts between point and during a change over. 6) Over analysis. After mistakes or unforced errors, many players think too much about how to ―fix‖ their strokes. This common mental error is called ―paralysis by over‐analysis.‖ Over‐thinking the strokes should be avoided in the middle of a match. Analyzing or thinking too much about how to make a good stroke can cause a new mistake. It should be done later on the practice lessons. Summing up, each new point in a match should be played with a clear mind and a steady sense of self-confidence.Top players use routines before each point, which includes having a mental routine to prepare for each serve. It helps them let go of the last point, adjust your energy level, reinforce in a confident state of mind, and prepare for the next point. Tennis player‘s between‐point routine is critical to peak performance.


Section II Philosophic, Historical, Social and Cultural Aspects of Physical Education and Sports



Alexander Aksenov Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Information and computer technology improvement has been gaining momentum in the evolution of the Russian Sports Internet industry. Methods of data distribution are changing: websites are ready to offer its users new resources to allow them to follow sporting events. Users have a wide range of choices and in turn business competition has been increasing. The media aim to sell its product through advertising. One of the main focuses of advertisers is: - amount and activity of the users – number of unique users and browsers and session duration. My main goal is to establish the best forms of promotion for a sports website. In the process of realization of the project I had several objectives: - Analyse the existing practices of RuNet and realize the possibilities of with its involvement in the international media holding Eurosport. - Use this data to develop methods of advancement. As part of a study experts opinions were collected revealing development trends. Russian sports websites executives such as Dmitry Navosha, head of Sports.RU, Andrey Usenko, Eurosport.RU editor in chief, took part in the survey. Trends: - appearance and advancement a great deal of video-services such as Sport- Express-TV, Championat-TV and Eurosport Player. Each service offers exclusive video content. - sports websites executives were unable to specify what kind of information is currently the most popular among its users. Eurosport.RU editor in chief doesn‘t place emphasis on a single type of content. But he underlined that there is ever growing interest in varied content. He explained that the possibility of broadcasting several events at the same time over the Internet could cause a progressive transition of TV-broadcasting away from network TV to Internet streaming services. - increasing competition between websites and logical steps to obtain maximum traffic. My thesis work is concerning the modern principles of promotion and advancement of Eurosport video-service – Eurosport Player. The main objective was to review the process of creating awareness of the services: - wide range of PR-documents. - Awareness created by distribution of promotional material - through social networks like Vkontakte, Livejournal and Twitter. - undertaking of a partner agreement with Maria Sharapova‘s official website, WTA‘s official Russian web-site, Yandex and the leading tennis source ―GoTennis‖. 56

Revealing specific things about the advancement of sports websites: - creating and developing a fully localized web service. - media outlets focus on a specific audience according to content. - advertising focus on different media which are appealing to the target audience.


Svetlana J. Averina Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

The semantic level of investigation of any cultural objects as means of cultural information broadcast implies some analysis of the processes of giving these objects a certain meaning and understanding in different aspects of the social surroundings cultural organization. Dynamics of the up-to-date socio-cultural events is so mobile that the newest scientific investigations demonstrate transference of scientific interests from microhistorical and cross-cultural researches towards analyses of the current problems connected with the actual semantic aspects of the social relations monitoring. [3] Among the social activity spheres appears to be the sport supporting world. In the globalizing social surroundings it is just the football that has become a game- symbol, means of the universal communication; hence the football fan movement has been formed as one among the most numerous subcultures. You can hardly see some broadcasting from a football stadium without screaming fans, long banners of tribunes drawn with pyrotechnics‘ smoke. A football fan doesn‘t want to be a passive witness, he is longing for an active co-authorship, and his preparation and participation in the match performances has become evidence. Performance as a form of the neo-avant-garde culture has been conceived as a show to be played only once, being something irreversible and inimitable. And hence this performance has to produce an indelible effect upon some collective or individual consciousness. Performances organized by the football fans appear to be the show taking place on tribunes during a match. Such a performance includes the using of plates and small balls, different flags, banners, paper streamer, sound support, pyrotechnics, fire-show, module-show etc. The performance task is to support the team, to show the level of different fan-firms. The performance semantics is of a polyvectorial character. There is the protest and elements of the fan culture as well as some creativity without which any 57 performance will not be ―catch on‖, and therefore the peculiar action will be lost. As the fans themselves tell, the performance is not a weapon, but the matter of art, a theatrical action. The fans are trying to create and realized sport shows each following one becoming more grandious and colourful. It represents an important support for those who are on the field. The fan actions always produce an enormous effect upon the players. In the XXI century tribunes of the world stadiums are often turned into an arena for expression of political and ideological views. National and patriotic moods, a spontaneous (or planning) reaction upon the foreign policy events (for example, conclusion of international agreements, active or passive participation of the state in regulation of the modern armed conflicts) and socio-economic situation in the country or some interpretation of the sport world events have been reflected in the Russian football fans actions on the stadium or its outside all over the world. So, it is of no wonder that the sport games vividly reflect some military semantics being especially ―headed‖ by press. Some sport commentaries remind reports from the war fields. There is no the notion of enemy in the sport language, but semantics of a more peaceful word – a rival is more and more often obtaining some negative connotation. The fans especially manifest their military brotherhood during their ―exits‖, being on the stadiums of their ―principal‖ rivals, when they are ―surrounded by their enemies‖ of the local club fans and the local forces of law and order. [2] Milan derby (―Inter‖ and ―Milan‖ teams) is not only the principal duel of to historical rivals, but also the war of banners, the war of performances. For example, there appeared a rather provocative banner concerning Ronaldo being in the center of a sexual row (He decided to make out with to street walkers who turned out to be not girls at all). When in January, 1994 the match in Liverpool ended with three to three draw, Liverpool fans spread the banner which read: ―Goodbye Canton and United. Come back having won eighteen titles‖. In 2009, fifteen year after when Manchester United won these eighteen titles, MU fans had completely taken the revenge: they appeared on Enfield in Eric‘s masks and in t-shirts of two types, one type was with the inscription: ―Eighteen titles and this is the fact‖, another type representing Michael Owen triumphing was inscribed: ―Welcome to Manchester!‖. [6] The English fans have been trying for a long time to give up hooliganism connected with the football and to turn their support into a theatrical performance with songs, speeches, flags, banners, drum‘s sounds. Some Russian fan firms do not object to follow their way. The level of Russian Championship is lowly but rising and the football is becoming interesting as a performance. Moscow and Saint Petersburg are traditionally considered to be centers of the football fanaticism and of organizations of qualitative performances in Russia. The palm of priority concerning creativity in ―choreography‖ (the using of banners) is given practically by all rivals to CSKA which is trying to make its banners like caricatures. ―‖ is distinguished by its mass character, while ―Zenit‖ – by its 58 fire-show (its pyrotechnic shows are the most intensive when more than 500 fires are often burnt). ―Lokomotive‖ is characterized by the quality and European style. [4] Significance of banners as components of the performances is immense because they evoke momentary responses and hence acutely influence. At the extreme situations the banners become sharp, poisonous, at the verge of all. So, the famous banner created before the game between CSKA and ―Spartak‖ has made history. It represented Slavolub Muslin on the horse, dressed in the armour of a Rome legionary. The writings ―Your eternal Rome‖ and ―You can‘t go away from Fate – victory or death‖ had to remind the opponents the sad fate of the gladiator who gave his name to their team. The figures on the sides signified the date of Spartak‘s death and the match date. This banner cost 10 thousand dollars and is considered now to be the most expensive banner in the whole history of the Russian football performance. The fans influence upon the team policy they support is becoming more active. In 2004, for example, Spartak fans produced an indirect effect upon resignation of Andrey Chervichenko, the Club president. Dynamo fans also protested against their Club leadership because of the ticket high prices, the team weak play and its results. They use to come to Dynamo matches in t-shirts with inscription: ―Take Zavarzin away!‖ As a result the ticket prices became much lower and the Club began to participate somehow in its fans life. ―Zenit‖ occupies the first place concerning the number of all being made at the tribune. The Petersburg ultras often demonstrated shows using modules, paper streamer, flags, stripes, pyrotechnics, producing an inimitable atmosphere of a football holyday during home matches with filled up tribunes, unstopping roar of spectators, unceasing and well organized fans‘ song of ―The Nevskiy Front‖ firm, sea of blue-white-light blue rosettes, hats, caps, shirts, jackets, flags, banners and transparent of all sizes. Thus the performance as a phenomenon can express philosophical themes as well as social events and an individuality self-expression. Its functional purpose can hardly be overestimated within the limits of a definite cultural environment. We can slightly hope the match performances will change their war semantics into the holiday one that the Petersburg ―Zenit‖ fans are trying to realize.

Bibliography 1. Banner‘s War. 2. Kildushov О. About Two Cultures of Supporting. Some Far-going Conclusions in Connection with the Match Germany vs. England. 3. Culturology. XX Century. The Encyclopedia. The University Book – СПб., 1998 4. Russian Support. View and Estimation. 5. Fans‘ educational program: if you have made something not so well, the banner will tell you, who is who. 6. Manchester United. Returning to Paganism. 7. 59

«RELATION OF STUDENTS TO LABOUR ACTIVITY DURING STUDY AT UNIVERSITY (on an example of MGAFK students) Borisov A.D. Skarzhinskaja E.N., Cand. Ped. Sci. Moscow State Academy Physical Education, Russia

Research problem. For the past years the students of Moscow State Academy of Physical Education go to classes less often. More often students devote a considerable part of time to work, sometimes even giving to it preference before classes. Possibly, there are a lot of reasons forcing them to act this way. Here it is necessary to say about social vulnerability of students and about extremely low level of material welfare for those who has no financial support and can rely only on the grant or on their own earnings, and also the matter can be in possible disinterest in a future speciality. Actually at the universities of physical education the considered problematic finds out a serious professional contradiction. Early sports professional work and study at universities coincides. The analysis of references in literature did not reveal the data devoted to the declared problematic that staticizes the given research. Hypothesis: it is supposed that labour activity during study at universities is of vital necessity for working students, but it negatively affects the progress of students and more often is not connected in any way with a received speciality. Object of research: MGAFK students studied on the day form. Subject of research: the relation of 4-year students of MGAFK to work during study at the Academy. Purpose of research: to study opinions of students about their relation to labour activity during studying at the Academy. Research problems: 1. To reveal the motives promoting the beginning of labour activity during study or refusal of it. 2. To define the character of the work selected by students (quantity of days, hours per week, the rate of salaries, etc.). 3. To specify interrelation of labour activity and a future speciality (received during studying.) Besides these primary goals directing additional aspects of labour activity were also considered. The research organization. At the first stage the sociological questionnaire which included 32 questions of closed type was developed. At the second, flight stage the questionnaire was given to a small amount of students of other universities for revealing the discrepancies, misprints, incorrect formulations ,etc. Then it was edited with the account of the received remarks. Further it was copied and spread with the active assistance of heads of groups to students of the 4th year at MGAFK. At the third stage the analysis of the received data was made. 60

General characteristic of the received sample. The quantity of the interrogated students made 92 persons that corresponds to 36,8 % of total amount of the 4- year students(252). In the sexual relation men prevail. Their quantity makes 65 %. Middle age is 20 years old. More than half of students are on a house care, living with parents (54,5 %),32,5 % - live in a hostel. 10 % have their own dwelling, and nobody of the interrogated rents an apartment or room. An average wages level is about 35.000 roubles. 82,5 % of students are on a budgetary basis and regularly go to classes. 2,5 % of the interrogated are married, 5 % live in a civil marriage, 10 % are divorced and 82,5 % did not have time to connect themselves with family bonds. 95 % believe that nowadays to work during study is quite natural. Few of the interrogated students (5 %) also have a positive attitude to labour activity; however they consider this phenomenon quite positive only in case if it is connected with a received speciality. As a result from the above said, the percentage correlation of working and not working students is 70 % to 30 %. And girls work more often than boys: 62 % of working boys against 81,3 % of working girls. There is a tendency for senior students to need some additional earning. It is connected with a lot of reasons. However, it is important to mention that 95 % of students of the first year of education worked either. Half of the respondents throughout all the 4 years of studying at university had a permanent job, 45 % had a temporary job and only 5 % did not face labour everyday life at all. Working students. It was possible to assume that the basic reason for such students is the necessity to provide to themselves existence means. However, the majority puts this criterion only on the third place, giving preference to such aspects as: 1. a desire to have personal money; 2. an establishment of communications and work experience accumulation. The reasons of exclusive material character play far not the most important role. A payment for dwelling, the help to relatives, existence means, and the necessity to provide for a family - the majority is in the bottom part of the table. The primary task is an aspiration to financial independence, self-realization in work- on account of its early beginning, the aspiration to make life more fascinating. All these needs are more spiritual. Possibly, it is very important on what the student first of all pays attention at a choice of a place of work. In spite of the fact that combining work and study, flexible hours of work should prevail, it is only on the third place for students. On first two positions there is a level of wages and work location. It can serve as indirect acknowledgement of that the given group of students is initially aimed at self- realization in labour activity and, in case it is well paid, they will not be too sad, if they will have to miss classes. Among those who do not work on a speciality only 20 % are sure that after graduating from MGAFK they will be able to find a job by profession. 30 % of working students already understand that their trade suits them and believe they will remain in the area they chose. 61

Concerning the work schedule it is possible to say that the majority of students prefer to give to work from 3 to 5 days. The percent of those who work 1-2 days is thus very low. Some have 6 working days and nobody dared to make a whole week completely for work. Thus, if the preference of a student is given to work then he works thoroughly, but thus not running into extremes. 72 % of the interrogated students aspire to work at least one of the days off, thereby leaving the possibility for going to classes (all of them study on a day department). 21 % leaves both days off for a labour activity. Thus, on the average, a student misses 1-2 educational days a week under condition of working time does not allow him to combine it with study. The quantity of hours given for earnings is very great. The greatest on number group works from 30 till 40 hours a week that corresponds to a full working week. The second on number group (25 %), on the contrary tries to minimize time given to work. Their working week consists only from 10 hours. The level of wages varies widely enough. The quarter of students has a stable salary exceeding 25 000 roubles a month. Exactly half of students receives not less than 15 000 roubles. And the considerable group of students receives from 10 to 15 000 roubles. Thus, the overwhelming majority of them considers that after graduating from university, they will be able to earn more than 30 000 roubles a month. It is possible to draw an indirect conclusion recollecting that the majority of this contingent aspires to work by a profession, that they consider the trade claimed and well paid Considering the link of labour activity and progress, it is necessary to find out, whether students study missed material or not. As it appeared, practically neither the first group nor the second one does it. Moreover, the percent of those who confidently answered said that they never open textbooks on the passed heads. Strangely enough, but having more time for study, more often studying the passed material, progress of not working respondents is more low. The quantity of honours students in both groups is equal, and the number of those who take good marks among working respondents is much above - 71 % against 51 %. And there are only 4 % of those who take three. It is difficult to give any explanation to this observation, and, possibly, it needs some further research. The conclusion goes without saying students perceiving MGAFK as something necessary, do not aspire to full self-realization in its walls.



A.S. Byikova, V.N. Pidukov, A.I. Fyodorov The Ural State University of Physical Education, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Introduction. The concept “the attitude to health” is difficult and complex; includes some components: cognitive (ideas, opinions, knowledge, belief), emotional (feelings, emotions, values), behavioural (actions and activity). The attitude to health is one of the major components of system of values of the person. The attitude of the separate person to health can be characterized by the following parameters: an estimation (self-estimation) of health, medical knowledge (knowledge in sphere of health), valuable installations concerning health, activity of the person on preservation of the health (including physical activity) [3]. The purpose of research – studying of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics determining the attitude of teenagers to the health. Methods of research. Studying of the attitude of teenagers to the health was carried out within the framework of the international scientific program ―Health Behaviour in School-aged Children‖. Research was characterized by mass sociological interrogation; thus specially developed questionnaire which included some blocks of questions (a feed, physical activity, positive health, culture of family, culture of contemporary, the behavioural risk, harmful habits, sexual behaviour) was used. Research was carried out on the basis of comprehensive schools of Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen (Russian Federation) and Kostanay (Republic Kazakhstan). In total in research have taken part about 3000 teenagers. Results of research and their discussion. During research the analysis of the parameters describing the attitude of modern teenagers to the health is executed. In particular the following is established. Estimation (self-estimation) teenagers of the health. The attitude of the person to the health is caused by objective and subjective factors and shown in actions, acts, expressed by opinions and judgements concerning the reasons influencing its physical and mental well-being [2]. The attitude of the person to health includes value judgment or a self- estimation the person of the physical and mental condition. It is established, that parameters of self-estimations of health at girls and are essentially lower than girls, than at boys and young men of the same age. Parameters of self-estimations of physical readiness and a level of knowledge in the field of physical training at girls and also are lower than girls, than at boys and young men of the same age. Medical knowledge of teenagers. The behaviour of teenagers in sphere of health is appreciably connected to a level of their medical knowledge. As a whole for the Russian teenagers lower level of parameters of medical knowledge is characteristic in comparison with their foreign contemporary; for boys and young 63 men lower level of medical knowledge, than for girls and girls of the same age is characteristic. It will be coordinated to results of research of experts of Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Science [2, 3]. Studying of a level of medical knowledge of teenagers it was made on the basis of the analysis of the parameters describing the attitude of learning tenth classes to the use of drugs. Results of the carried out research testify to presence of negative installations at teenagers on questions of the use of drugs. Valuable installations of teenagers concerning health. Results early the carried out researches testify that in system of vital values of the individual health as base value takes the third – fourth place after ―material welfare‖, ―reception of work‖, ―creation of family‖. It is necessary to note especially, that high enough rating in structure of vital values occupies health because, being the qualitative characteristic of the person, it promotes achievement of many other purposes and satisfaction of various requirements of the person. Studying of valuable installations of teenagers in relation to health allows to ascertain, that for modern schoolboys value of health keeps the tool character. In other words, in modern social and economic conditions health is examined by a significant part of teenagers, as a unique resource of achievement of other vital purposes. All this in the greater degree makes health of modern teenagers ―by object for operation‖. Activity of teenagers on preservation of the health. A self-estimation the individual of the health and valuable installations concerning health cause corresponding behaviour. In a context of health of teenagers the role of physical activity is great. It speaks, first of all, that physical activity is the major component of health lifestyle, and concept ―physical activity‖ in the big degree reflects socially motivated attitude of the person to physical training and the health, assumes realization of purposeful activity with the purpose of achievement of physical health [1]. During research it is established, that the level of physical activity of teenagers as a whole can be estimated as insufficient. Distinctions in a level of physical activity of the teenagers, caused are revealed by a self-estimation of health. It is established, that the above a self-estimation by teenagers of the health, the above a level of their physical activity, is more often they are engaged in that physical exercises with achievement of training effect. One of principal causes of these distinctions consists in features of motivation of teenagers to occupations by physical exercises. Conclusion. The analysis of results of the executed research testifies to complexity of an investigated social phenomenon ―the attitude of teenagers to health‖ and necessities of carrying out of the further researches directed on revealing and specification of factors, promoting formation at teenagers of the positive attitude to the health.


References 1. Balsevich, V.K. Ontokineziologija of the Person / V.K.Balsevich. – M.: Publishing House ―The Theory and Practice of Physical Culture‖, 2000. – 275 p. 2. Zhuravlyova, I.V. Health of Teenagers: the Sociological Analysis / I.V.Zhuravleva. – M.: Publishing House of Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Science, 2002. – 240 p. 3. Zhuravlyova, I.V. The Attitude to Health of the Individual and a Society / I.V.Zhuravleva. – M.: The Science, 2006. – 238 p.


Fadilj Eminović, Irena Stojkovic, Sanja Dimoski, Radmila Nikić Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation University in Belgrade, Serbia

Summary The cooperation between parents and teachers of pupils with disabilities, as an aspect of the process of inclusive education is considered in this paper. Relations within families of children with disabilities are characterized by stress and overprotectiveness of achild usually by mother. A child with disability is not able to participate independently in various activities which may lead to the formation of dependent relationships. Parental support, which amounts to overprotectiveness may be harmful for psychosocial functioning of a child. Parental support which contributes to aducational progress and self-reliance of a child is needed in educational process. The cooperation between teachers and parents is a necessary part of inclusive education. This cooperation is realized through frequent contacts, individualized approach, counseling work in the realization of educational objectives, and, above all, development of partnership relations based on confidence. Teachers and parents exchange information which are implemented in individual curricula and they cooperate during all phases of inclusive education. The quality of relation between parents and teachers is one of determinats of educational progress. Key words: partnership, relations teacher and parents, inclusive education, children with disabilities. Partnerski odnos nastavnika i roditelja deteta sa ometenošću u inkluzivnom obrazovanju 65

Obrazovna inkluzija predstavlja specifičnu formu obrazovanja prilagođenu detetu sa ometenošću. Ovaj rad se bavi jednim segmentom inkluzovnog obrazovanja, saradnjom između roditelja deteta sa ometenošću i nastavnika koji su uključeni u obrazovanje. Odnosi u porodici deteta sa ometenošću odlikuju se mnogim specifičnostima ( stres, visok stepen prezaštićiivanja, dijate obično majke-deteta). Dete sa ometenošću je objakitvno onemogućeno da učestvuje u raznim životnim delatnostima, što pogoduje stvaranju zavisnih odnosa. Podrška roditelja, ako vodi prezaštićivanju može nepovoljno uticati na psihološko funkcionisanje deteta sa ometenošću. U obrazovnom porocesu, nephodno je da podrška roditelja bude svrsishodna, da pogoduje obrazovnom napretku, te oslanjanju deteta na sopstvene kapacitete. U ovom procesu, od velike važnosti je uloga nastavnika koji neminovno uspostavlja specifičnu saradnju sa roditeljem deta sa ometenošću. Saradnja podrazumeva intenzivnije kontakte, individualni pristup, savetodavni rad u realizaciji obrazovnih i vaspitnih ciljeva, a pre svega razvijanje partnerskog odnosa koji se bazira na poverenju. Nastavnik i roditelj razmenjuju neophodne informacije, koje se implementiraju u individualni kurikulum rada sa detetom i intenzivno sarađuju tokom celog procesa inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Bez dovoljno kvalitetnog partnerskog odnosa obrazovni proces može biti ugrožen. Ključne reči: partnerski odnos, nastavnik , inkluzivnao obrazovanje, roditelji dece sa ometenošću;


Vinokurov A., Glembotskaja J. Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Russia

The annual exhibition ―Reha Care International‖ is specialized scale action in sphere of disabled people. It reflects the basic tendencies of development of world production and shows achievements of developers, manufacturers of the goods, the equipment, building objects and services for invalids, and also scientific base in this area. The exhibition is the effective business – platform for business contacts, commercial negotiations and professional information interchange. We had been carried sociological investigation on a theme ―Your attitude to the annual exhibition ―Reha Care International‖. 23 participants of the international exhibition from Germany, Poland, , Denmark, Belgium, Great Britain, were asked concerning interest in thematic directions of an exhibition: building and designing, medical-rehabilitation means and technologies, medical institutions and 66 techniques, the help in a daily life, communication media, formation and employment, leisure, rest and tourism, invasport, public organizations and funds, mass media, pharmaceutics. More than 30 % interrogated were consumers of the production for a daily life of invalids (Italy, Great Britain, Germany), 30 % (Denmark, Italy. Great Britain, Belgium. Germany) - manufacturers, more than 13 % - distributors of production for invalids (Germany, Great Britain), 22 % - suppliers of production for invalids (France, Poland, Germany), about 5 % (Germany) - customers of invalid production. According to the sociological investigation about the opening of the exhibition more than a half of respondents have known on the Internet and from mass media, the others – from partner dialogue. More than 10 % of the interrogated participants of an exhibition (France, Italy, Germany) have been interested in the thematic list of production and services, more than a half (Italy, Great Britain, Germany) have preferred medical – rehabilitation means and techniques, almost 35 % (Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Denmark) – were interested in invasport. The majority of representatives of the different countries for business dialogue prefer scientific conferences, «round tables» and debate. The opinion about the necessity of usage of ―On – line‖ system was divided fifty-fifty. Almost all respondents have agreed with the good organization of an exhibition. The international specialized exhibition is one of tools for the decision of a large quantity of problems. It took place in Germany in October, 2010. The exhibition‘s concept consists in an establishment of direct contacts between manufacturers, distributors, customers and consumers of production for invalids, and also in possibility of demonstration of last scientific researches, techniques and technical workings out. The business program is prepared within the limits of an exhibition, it includes scientifically – practical conferences, round tables, seminars with participation of leading experts. According to the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev disabled people face much more the quantity of problems than other people and our task is to create wide developed system of their rehabilitation. According to the Chairman of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation S. M. Mironov the country and we will be changed by creation of conditions to invalids for the maximum integration into a society that in practice will provide their rights. The Foreign Secretary S. V. Lavrov on behalf of the Russian Federation has signed on 24th September, , 2008 in a staff – apartment of the United Nations the Convention on the rights of invalids that underlines the importance for our state of the given problem. It is the first international contract in the field of the human rights, developed and accepted by the United Nations in the XXI century. The so-called social approach is registered in the Convention. In the third millenium the population should realize presence of invalids: according to the United Nations every tenth person on a planet has physical inability and not less than 25 % of all population suffers from health frustration, and to 67 recognize necessity to create for them normal living conditions. Barriers which limit and isolate invalids from a society and conduct to their discrimination, can be the most different – legal, organizational, informational, and also purely physical obstacles, for example, absence of a ramp in public places or specialized transport because of what the wheel chair invalid loses possibility of unobstructed movement. Hence, the state and public organizations should work out the measures of assistance to invalids and their successful social adaptation maintenance of worthy level and quality of life, their rehabilitation and integration into a society. The improvement of this problematic in our country is not marked only the Russian , but also by the prominent abroad representatives. The president of the International Paralympic Committee sir Phillip Kraven on the Second National award of Elena Mukhina has mention the progress in relation to invalids in Russia. In connection with this the teachers should perfect the language teaching methods of students - invalids. The Government program «The accessible environment» for the invalids starts in 2011, which is developed by the Ministry of Social development of the Russian Federation which should become a basis of realization of the Convention of the United Nations about the rights of invalids. Thus, the complex approach is needed to work out the program. Its realization would allow disable people to become enjoying full rights citizens of a society not on a paper, but in practice. For the first time in Russia the International Specialized Exhibition ―REHA Moscow International‖ will take place on 26-28th May, 2011 in Moscow, in EC "Sokolniki under the aegis of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with support of the Moscow City government; the Department of Physical Education and Sports of Moscow; Paralympic Committee of Russia; Paralympic Committee of Moscow; the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation; the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation; Managements on building and innovations Paralympic Committee of the Russian Federation



Glembotskaja J. Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Russia

Key words: sports translator, sociolinguistic competence, sociological interrogation. Nowadays the inquiry of a society in the translators who professionally know sports has increased. It is connected with the advent of ample opportunities of direct dialogue of sports teams with foreign colleagues at the international competitions and trainings. According to the results of our sociological interrogation 95 % of respondents (teachers of Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, coaches, sportsmen who have the titles of the Candidate of Master of sports and the Master of sports in different kinds of sports) consider expedient presence of the sport translator in sport teams, more than 70 % support the integration of professional and translational education. One of the basic purposes of the preparation of sports translators in sport higher schools is the formation of sociolinguistic competence as ability to use and transform language forms according to the situation Strategy of educational system on considered theme consists in searching of the methods which intensify the process of teaching foreign language, the receptions which are stirring up activity of students at the lessons, means of perfection of speech preparation of the future translators in the field of physical education and sports, in carrying out culturological, regional geographic and bilingual complex lessons for the purpose of expansion of an outlook, erudition and intellectual knowledge of the future translators. Teaching tactic is the formation of study - informative motives of the students studying at the program of additional professional education with assignment of qualification «The translator in sphere of professional communications». During ancient times the rudiments of ―elite knowledge‖ (measurement of fields, a prediction of flooding of the rivers, the treatment, the organization and carrying out of sport meets, studying of foreign languages, translation) dominating groups concentrated in their hands and did ―elite knowledge‖ their privilege. The practical importance of considered work consists that the results of research have direct applied value for perfection of professional preparation of specialists in physical education and sports sphere. We had been carried pedagogical supervision which was based on the background test which was done by 197 1st year students in the Moscow State Academy of Physical Education. The following results were received:

The respondents % 1. who have positive marks on test 31% 69

2. admit that knowledge of foreign language in sport is 99% necessary 3. go to English classes for: a. to receive knowledge 53% b. to avoid conflict with deans 17% c. because sympathize with teachers 17%

Background test represents more than 57 % of all 1st year students representative statistical sample and underlines low level of readiness on a lexical and grammatical material. Only one-third of students if they put maximum of efforts during studying foreign language could fix and improve their school knowledge and probably will choose translation activity. The others 70 % will be required huge own efforts, and also professionalism of teachers to motivate studying foreign language and introductions of new pedagogical teaching technologies. To follow the purpose of the research lexical - grammatical practical works «Winter Olympic Games and winter sports» (in English) and ―Sports in English speaking countries‖ (in English) were written by us for the introduction of methods of professional teaching of foreign language and professional translation in sport higher schools. In this process of methodical work is not preserved only the structural (traditional) approach of teaching, i.e. mastering by grammatical and lexical systems of language, but also there is a purpose on practical mastering of foreign languages and art of translate with ability to communicate, adequately to express own thoughts and to understand the interlocutor in a real situation. The literature 1. Perepelkina N.V. Formation of readiness for use of a foreign language in the course of preparation of the specialist in physical education. Author's abstract, St.- Petersburg. State Academy of Physical culture of P.F.Lesgaft St.-Petersburg, 1997. 17p. 2. Udalova M. Ju. Pedagogical conditions of perfection of professionally focused teaching of foreign language of masters of higher schools of sports. Author's abstract. RSUPCST Moscow 2002, 22p. 3. Schneider N.A. Features of an English pronunciation and reading rule in English, МSAPC Malakhovka 2002.222p.



O. Ju. Komarov, A.I. Fyodorov The Ural State University of Physical Education, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Introduction. In conditions of development of processes of information of education, it is especial in connection with necessity of creation of uniform educational space, the high urgency is got with a problem of creation and an effective utilization of information educational resources. Last years within the framework of traditional ways of the organization of educational process in higher educational institutions the big distribution was received with learning and methodical complexes (LMC). Now the special urgency is got with a problem of creation of electronic learning and methodical complexes. It, on the one hand, allows to refuse necessity of development separate LMC ―from zero‖, on the other hand, releases teachers from necessity of creation LMC on discipline own forces and provides an opportunity of ―designing‖ LMC from already available electronic educational resources and editions. In this case on the foreground the problem of search of a ―open‖ electronic educational resource and development of a technique of its application in educational process leaves [1, 2]. The purpose of research – revealing of methodical features of designing and application of an electronic learning and methodical complex in educational process in high school of physical training. Methods of research. During research technological features of designing of electronic learning and methodical complexes (ELMC) are revealed, the structure and model ELMC is developed, ―Modern Information Technologies‖ and ―Information Technologies in Physical Training and Sports‖ are created ELMC at rates, methodical features of application ELMC in educational process are investigated. Results of research and their discussion. Application ELMC in educational process is rather new direction of information of system of preparation of experts on physical training and sports. Application ELMC promotes maintenance of essentially new level of availability of education at preservation of its quality, to development of the educational environment of high school and its integration into information and educational space, creation of educational base for realization of idea of continuous education. The important feature of designing ELMC is application of the modular approach. Modules of ELMC provides an openness of structure, an opportunity of addition and the further expansion of its contents, and also big ―flexibility‖ and variability of educational process. The modular principle was used by development of structure and model ELMC. Structure ELMC includes such sections, as the description of a rate, the curriculum, abstracts of lectures and slides to them, methodical tasks for practical 71 employment, control questions and learning and research tasks, the references, electronic resources, the dictionary of terms, distribution kits, author‘s data. Use of the similar approach by development ELMC allows to expand considerably borders of educational space, provides an opportunity to students to receive the information in a mode convenient for them (―flexibility‖ of educational process), promotes acceleration of process of updating of the contents of education and increase of a level of variability of educational process. Taking into account, that structure ELMC is an open, important problem of the teacher there is a selection and ―designing‖ of educational modules, that is fragments of the learning and methodical materials realized in an electronic kind, for creation of a learning and methodical complex of a concrete subject matter. Some features of application ELMC in educational process are revealed. So, taking into account, that one of the important problems of the high education is preparation of the qualified professionals owning modern knowledge in a subject domain, by development and application ELMC it is necessary to be guided by realization of requirements of the state educational standard. In other words, application ELMC should be aimed at achievement of those educational reference points which are allocated in educational standards. It is especially actual in a context of transition on educational standards the third generation by which development are guided by realization competence approach. Other feature of application ELMC is their professional orientation, that is during training software and technologies of professional – applied purpose are used. It allows to create of the conditions for modeling of the future professional work of the specialists on physical education and sports during educational process. During training students seize opportunities of network technologies and modern means of the communications; master various technologies for the decision of professional – applied problems; receive representation about methods of information (computer) modeling, etc. The important feature of application ELMC is the opportunity of realization of the differentiated approach in educational process. Already at development cycle ELMC it is important to provide an accessible statement of a teaching material of the raised complexity with a possibility of a choice of an individual trajectory of training, to reflect great volume of theoretical concepts of their logic interrelation, and also to realize enough great volume of research tasks of various complexity [2]. Conclusion. Thus, electronic learning and methodical complex represents new means of training which allows to open educational potential of modern information and communication technologies. At designing ELMC alongside with didactic principles it is necessary to take into account principles of interactivity, potential redundancy of the educational information, nonlinearity of information structures and the processes, the combined application of various forms of training, complex use of diverse computer means.


References 1. Belyaev, M.I. The basic of the concept of creation of educational electronic editions / M.I.Belyaev, V.M.Vymyatin, S.G.Grigorjev, etc. // The basic directions of development of electronic educational editions and resources: Materials of Russian Scientific and Practice Conference. – Moscow: RMC, 2002. – PP. 24-50. 2. Krechetnikov, K.G. Methodology of designing, estimations of quality and application of means of information technologies of Education / K.G.Krechetnikov. – M.: State Coordinate Centre, 2002. – 244 p.


S. V. Konyashkina, V.E. Petrakova Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

When a Russian athlete enters higher school, for him, as a rule, sport takes a back seat, and then completely disappears from his life. To avoid this, many Russian students enter or are transferred to an American university. There they continue to play sports and get an education. The question arises: what is fascinating to offer Americans the Russian athletes, and why Russia is losing its young and promising citizens? Today, we are short in this deal. Virtually every sane applicant gives aware of the fact that his chosen university will be at least 4 years of his native home where he will not only acquire knowledge and communicate with Professor Emeritus, but also to make some free time and participate in various university activities. In addition to all incoming wants not only to become part of the ―big family‖, but also to try to establish itself as a bright and fun personality is not without talent. In our case, it is a talented athlete. Further, there is one of the most important components when choosing a university is the financial condition of an athlete. Many Russian citizens simply are not able to pay for their further studies in local universities. It is associated with a significant increase in the prices of domestic education. In this case, the United States of America extend their ―helping hand‖, not only Russian athletes but also many foreigners who find themselves in this, the same position. In the U.S. there is a management organization NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), through which national universities and colleges set the rules in all matters relating to inter-university sport at the national level. NCAA now includes 977 universities and 287 provisional members and is the largest and most well-known association. NCAA develops rules regarding recruiting-process; financial 73 aid, scholarships, television and advertising rights, and sets academic standards for incoming athletes to universities. To put it in accessible language, students who have athletic ability and good grades can be given sport-scholarship; fully or partially pay for their college education. In Russia, there is NGO RSSU (Russian Student Sport Union), which, unfortunately, is still in its infancy. Let‘s hope that the Russian Student Sport Union, participating in meetings, roundtables and other events dedicated to the development of student sport in the Russian Federation, will make positive changes in this area at the state level. Meanwhile, about any financial support for student-athletes from higher schools can be no question. Continuing the conversation about the benefits of the American system of collegiate sports, it should be noted that the athletic career of a student will only seek up. Throughout the school year, student-athletes, or as they are called in the U.S. just athletes, will participate in intercollegiate competitions, the outcome of which will be the final race to win championships NCAA. Daily training and classes at the university will require considerable effort from the athlete whose remuneration will be a lot of pleasant experiences, good spirits to communicate with interesting people, and at the end of the path a diploma of higher education a prestigious American university. Thus, more than 600,000 students choose their further education in the United States. About 4 % of all students receiving higher education in America are foreign students. In general, according to UNESCO institute for Statistics in 2007, 52, 5 % of Russian students studying abroad, of which 11 % in the U.S. . In conclusion, the above figures indicate a trend towards student mobility in Russia, which is not good, since almost half the sport and the Olympic pool just leave the country. Therefore the main task of this work is to try to understand the national system of student sports and opportunities and to adopt American methods as far as possible.

Information sources: 1. Bleer A. N. Modernization of training sports reserve // Olympic bulletin № 11. – Moscow, 2010. – P. 7-20. 2. Rudiuk. A. V. A step to success. – Moscow, 2003. – 247 p. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Krotova E.E. Saint Petersburg National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health Named after P.F. Lesgaft, Russia

Now we have the situation when people‘s ardour for sports steady increases in the form of a performance. Pierre de Coubertin entrusted in his ―Ode to sport‖: O Sport, you are Justice! The perfect equity for which men strive in vain in their social institutions is your constant companion. No one can jump a centimetre higher than the height he can jump, nor run a minute longer than the length he can run. The limits of his success are determined solely by his own physical and moral strength. The laurels you bestow have no value unless they have been won in absolute fairness and with perfect impartiality.‖. At present we understood that the spirit of olympism and the principle of fair play were actually lost. The moral potential of sports competition has decreased. A contemporary spectator is interested in sport that resembles a show or performance, but not a competition with ―Faster, higher, stronger‖. So, the problem lies in the fact that the aesthetic comes to the fore ejecting the ethical and develops into the cold performance. Ethos и aesthesis are really important definitions for the analysis of the phenomenon of sport in contemporary society. There are various theories about relation of these two principles. Some theories based on the fact that the aesthetic and the ethical exist not differentiating between themselves, i.e. one without another doesn‘t exist. For example, Kant wrote about the taste: ―Only moral person can estimate aesthetic things‖. The beauty is always connected with morality if it‘s connected with a man. Other researchers (generally postmodernists) supposed that the aesthetic manages without the ethical. Sport as the socially significant phenomenon is also involved in this question about relation of the aesthetic and the ethical. More than 100 years ball games attract spectators more than other sports. It‘s very difficult to find the country where any ball game is not dominating sports. Game is the one of the most interesting performance now. Therefore the aim of the paper is to elicit the modern situation of relation of the aesthetic and the ethical in sports games (on an example of football and volleyball). Football is a contact game where the ball is controlled only by feet (besides goalkeeper); volleyball is noncontact game where the mandatory requirement is to control the ball by hands. When doing our research we have used the following methods: theoretical analysis; our questionnairing and patterned interviewing. It‘s pilot research among students of specializations football and volleyball for the purpose to assess a level of their notions about the basic categories of ethics and aesthetics. The sample size is 30 students (in 15 persons from each sports).


Football palyers Volleyball players 1. What is aesthetics? it is grace and beautiful beauty (67%); movements (47%); no answer (27%); beauty (27%); something beautiful and no answer 20%); exalted (6%) beauty and nobility (6%) 2. How do you understand game performance the team‘s game by itself aesthetics of your sports? (33,5%); (80%); no answer (33,5%); no answer (20%) good player‘s technique (27%); sense of qualitative game(6%) 3. Is your sports an art? yes (80%); yes (100%) no (14%); partly (6%) 4. What do you think it‘s necessary part of It‘s good (100%) about fair play? football (80%); sometimes it prevents (20%) 5. How often do you sometimes (80%); never, it happens consciously break the never, it happens accidentally (100%) rules of game? mechanically (20%)

The table shows ranking of athletes answers. After analysis of the received qualitative results we can come to following conclusions. These groups of football and volleyball players don‘t know and don‘t understand what aesthetics is. The group of volleyball players proved to be more ethical, than football players. Possibly, this situation can be explained: volleyball as the game sports assumes the high level of interest in it, but in contrast to the football, it is not tied on "personal" oppositions therefore fair play is not the big problem in volleyball. In this sport there are some valuable and important signs: collective game, understanding by players each other. There is some collective or united mind in volleyball team. It‘s very rare situation in the game when two players of one team go to the ball. Every player is fastened to his position territory. Protection of the given territory is a priority task. In football there are a lot of moments when the players of one team collide between themselves in the game because individual game comes to the fore. Maybe problems in the sports games proceed, first of all, from players. Their faults are that players don‘t understand how to define the beautiful and why their sport is aesthetic. Therefore it‘s very difficult for supporters to know the sense of games if even players have difficulties in definition of priorities of game. Here we found the fact of lack of the competence at students on questions of ethics and aesthetics, which is connected with 76 the absence these disciplines at Lesgaft National State University of physical education, sports and health. From the point of view of public values and strategies of development shortage of the ethical in the aesthetic in sports is the big problem. Ethical allows person to find his place in this world, in this culture. It is responsible for harmony of emotions and will. The aesthetic is clearer. The ethical in any form of "art" changes into the aesthetic. It is easier to see the ethical in the aesthetic. The modern spectator is already used to perceive (to see) the aesthetic which loses original sense because it lost the ethical, which is received by feelings, sensations. Violation of rules leads to ―disgrace‖, i.e. to infringement of the integrity of aesthetic image. But it is not ―unattractivity‖, it is incorrectness. Aesthetic of sport hasn‘t something that we can call not-beautiful. The naked form without fullness inner meaning is modern sport. And football stays in the first rows. Effectiveness turns against aesthetic pleasure and for spectator any action of athlete is measured only by success.

Bibliography 1. Кант И. Критика способности суждения. М., 2001. 2. Новоскольцев В.А. Пылающая эстафета: (О П. де Кубертэне). М., 1979.


Valentin A. Kutsev, The Post-Graduate Student National University of Physical Training and Sports of Ukraine, Ukraine

Introduction. Branding is the marketing activity on creation of long-term preference to the goods of the given firm; it is realised in the course of influence on the consumer of a trade mark, packing, the advertising appeals that allocate the goods among competitors and creating its image. Research objective is to prove approaches of using branding for development of the European football championships. Research problems: 1. To generalise historical experience of the European football championship brand development. 2. To analyse influence of 2012 European football championship carrying out in Ukraine on country brand promotion. Methods of researches: the analysis of references, the analysis of regulatory legal acts, a method of expert estimations for which realisation experts of the Ministry of Ukraine in affairs of a family, youth and sports, Federation of football of Ukraine have been involved. 77

Results of research. There are some concepts connected with brand which experts operate. Each brand possesses certain attributes (Brand Attributes) - the functional or emotional associations, the buyers and potential clients appropriated to a brand. Attributes of a brand can be both positive, and negative, can have various strength and importance for different segments of the market. Any brand possesses the main, basic characteristic which defines its essence (Brand Essence). All attributes of a brand in aggregate make individuality of a brand (Brand Identity) which is created and supported by brand expert. Individuality of a brand expresses that should mean a brand and is the certain long-term promise to consumers from authors of a brand. At each concrete moment any brands have certain image (Brand Image) - a unique set of associations which are in minds of consumers at the moment. These associations express that means a brand right now, and are the momentary promise to consumers from authors of a brand. In particular, the advertising campaign can generate image of a brand. It is important to notice, that image of a brand is that what is in minds of consumers at the moment, while individuality of a brand is much more long-term concept. In practice often you meet those two close concepts - a brand and the trade mark. Actually the brand is not only the trade mark consisting of the name, a graphic presentation (logo) and sound symbols of the company or the goods. Concept of a brand is wider as it has such aspects in addition:  The good or service with all its characteristics.  A set of characteristics, expectations, the associations perceived by the user and attributed to the goods (brand-image).  The information about the consumer.  The promises of any advantages given by the author of a brand to consumers, that sense which is put in it by founders (widespread enough error consists that founders of a brand believe that their perception and perception of target audience are identical; in practice often enough it differs from perception of the consumer). Discussion of the research results. In 2012 Ukraine should carry out the final tournament of the European football championship, the main competition of the national teams held under the guidance of UEFA. Since 1960, tournament passes between the World championships. It is possible to consider this year the beginning of the Championship brand development which at present is the third on popularity sports action in the world. Originally tournament was called the European nations Cup, and in 1968 the name have replaced with the European football championship. Untill 1980 only 4 commands took part in a final part of tournament, 1980-1996 - 8 national teams, 1996-2016 - 16 national teams, and since 2016 24 teams for the first time will take part in a final part of the championship. In the given tendency development of quality of competition, its commercial appeal and popularity among various levels of population is seen. As consequence, the European championship became elite competition, a brand which is one of the most popular in the world. 78

Today the states show consideration for carrying out of large sports actions within their countries, as much as possible using them for development of the image, a brand of the country. This year South Africa Republic which carried out the world football championship actively used the fact of the tournament during last three years. The main objectives which have been put by this country: attraction of investments into infrastructure development, attraction of tourists. Southern Africa has created the favorable environment for development of private and state partnership in which frameworks the country branding program has been realised. The culmination of this program was carrying out of the world football championship. Similar work was done also by Germany which organized the World football championship four years ago. «Germany - the country of ideas» This was the main slogan of the 2006 World football championship. The overall objective of the state campaign on national брендингу Germany consisted in showing, that "Germany is the country of ideas", and to prove to the world, that the country is competitive, innovative, with spirit of production. The conclusion. Today the international community interest to Ukraine is low enough, for many people it is difficult to find the country on a world card. At the same time there is an understanding that Euro-2012 from the point of view of PR is the international information occasion, it is necessary for to take advantage for improvement of The Ukraine reputation from it. The European football championship is over billion the people attracted which attention will be chained to our state during viewing of matches. It is hundred thousands spectators who will on stadiums, and millions foreigners which will enjoy advantages of the fanzones. The companies have a chance of own development in the Euro-2012 context, they can draw attention of these already interested audiences mainly indifferent to knowledge of Ukraine. Concerning an internal audience (for the companies it is own employees, the inhabitant of areas, small towns or the bridge where they do business, their partners and suppliers), the Euro-2012 is a good occasion for qualitative internal mobilisation of Ukrainians. As well as business, Ukraine requires owners who are capable to lead own economy to an order and to be ready to show hospitality and it is to use Championship carrying out favourably. Conclusions. In the conditions of modern development of market economy the branding is one of the basic mechanisms of business development and gaining loyalty of wide ranges of clients. The European football championship today is the large business-project, which client audience coverage is the population of practically the whole world. Therefore the fact of carrying out of the given action in Ukraine should become a push for development, both sports, and a national economy in whole. The list of the used literature 1. Marketing and branding: [ id=9518] 2. National branding of Ukraine: [] 3. Lagae W. Sports Sponsorship and Marketing Communications: A European Perspective. – London, 2007. – 248 pages.



A. Lomako, L. Shvetz Velikie Luki Academy of Physical Education and Sports, Russia

The first Youth Olympic Games among junior athletes aged from 14 to 18 years took place in Singapore from 14 till 26 August 2010. Ninety-six athletes represented Russia there. As a result of the competition the Russian national team was second to . Russian team won 43 medals including 18 gold, 14 silver and 11 bronze medals. In all Russian athletes are worthy of attention. But now let's talk about a miracle.15- year-old Victoria Komova is a three-time champion and a bronze holden of the games. Victoria is known for her lightweight, psychological stability and technique. She won the gold medal in the all-around, being a few points ahead of Tan Cicinho from China. This girl won the individual all-around types. She was equal to nobody in the . Then Komova excelled on the . In all of her performances there was some zest – her program: exercises are difficult, but they are performed to automatically. The judge always appreciate the high level of technique. Vickoria amazed Chinese teams. Despite the error during the flight to the lower pole, Victoria surpassed Chinese athlete Tan Cicinho due to hight level of the program. At the age of 15 Vick has already the element on the uneven bars which can be perfomed by nobody but Vick. Probably in a year there will be a flight named after Victoria Komova in gimnastics. In the finals, Vicky was qualified for the second result on the , but her unlucky two falls deprived her of the chance to compete for a medal, she was in the seventh line of the final protocol. In the final part of the program an athlete won the bronze medal in free exercises. Victoria's mentor, Gennady Elfimov, explained that the reason Victoria is bad luck pupil on the final day of competition was a tedious doping procedure. The athlete was kept at a doping control for a very long time. She arrived at the Olympic Village only at two a.m. Selicate figure, pointy nose, red-rimmed eyes. During the four days of the Olympic marathon Vick seems to have become even smaller. Three gold medals and one bronze have been received. But everyone understands that Singapore's success is only the beginning of a sports track. Komova‘s main goal is an adult competition. Having arrived from Singapore in Moscow the heroes of the Olympics seem only to start understanding what a burden of fame is. There is the anthem, fanfare, the lights of cameras. It is too little to win a gold medal, you must keep your fame. Victoria Komova is the smallest and the most fragile and having more gold medals than any other winners. In total Singapore's four medals weigh about 3 kilograms. It makes ten percent of Vika's own weight. Komova weighing thirty-one kilogram looks like a little one comparing whith other gymnasts. Who is a Victoria Komova, and what contributed to her fantastic enchanting success in the sport? 80

1. Victoria was born on January 30, 1995 in Voronezh. Her gymnastic data is not accidental. She was born in a family of . Father Alexander Komov is a master of sport in sport gymnastics, her mother Vera Kolesnikova is Master of sports of Internatonal Level in gymnastics, the world champion in 1985 in team competition, absolute European champion, the winner of the Goodwill Games in 1986. 2. Vick was familiar with the sport since childhood, she grew up in the atmosphere of sportsmanship and healthy lifestyle. Victoria's mother started giving her 5-year-old daughter first lessons in gymnastics. When Vick was 7 years old, mother led her to train to a Gennady Elfimov and Olga Bulgakova for training. 3. Professionalism of personal trainer - Before the Olympics we are were at the training camp - says Vick - The program is very complicated. It sometimes I‘m afraid of doing an elements, especially if it is a new element or I have not performed it for a long time. But the coach belays. If I'm ready, then he let me do it. Of course, I fell and hurt myself. But then again I tried and tried again and again until I was successful. 4. Victoria since her 12 years has been in the Russian youth team in gymnastic. Three weeks a month she spends at Moscow-based on Krugloe Lake, where she trains according to well-done schedule. Athletes get up at 6.30 a.m. Thus meet in the hotel lounge their coach and do morning exercises from 7 a.m. till 8.30 a.m. Then breakfast, a brief rest and the 2nd training session from 10.00 a.m. till 13.30 p.m. Lunch and school lessons. The third training session is from 4.30 p.m. till 7.30 p.m. Then they have a dinner and have a rest. This is the daily schedule of a young champion. 5. Personal qualities: personal leadership, belief in oneself, high efficiency, sense of responsibility - Of course, she is very tired. And, perhaps, she hasn‘t realized completely what happened - Victoria‘s mother says. - Vick is hard to achieve such results. During the last three months before the competition she practically didn‘t leave the gym, she was working for seven hours a day. Victoria set a very high target for herself at once. At this Olympics huge responsibility was laid on her. She was the one only to represent Russia in this sport. But our federation announced they were expecting Komova‘s "gold" medal. Therefore, she had no right to make a mistake. Now Victoria‘s bank has a number of awards. But her way to glory and victory was not easy. Gymnastics is one of the hardest sports. During the years of training Komova had tears and nervous breakdowns, and even the desire to give everything up. But her desire to win was much stronger. The first Youth Olympic Games showed the world some future adult champions and revealed the greatest potential of young athletes. On the example of Victoria Komova we can see main components of success of future champions and the factors which can promote the development of high-level athlete. Vika's finest hour took place in Singapore. In the all-around she was the best in three out of the four apparatus. It‘s a unique fact in gymnastics. Now all the 81 world talking about Russian super girl. If adult gymnasts took part in junior Olympics, many of them wouldn‘t feel like competing with Komova. Of course, Victoria Komova is a phenomenon. She is the athlete, to watch and she will be cheered all over the world, like Khorkina was. As one of our fans said, there was Komova and all the rest in the gym of Singapore. Victoria doesn‘t think whall will be with her after big sport. Why should she do it? For Victoria sport is the sense of her life, it‘s her present and future. So, as you know, Victoria means victory.

SPORT STRATEGIC PLANNING IN LATVIA Signe LUIKA Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Latvia

Summary: strategic planning is a structured complex of the aims, tasks and activities together with the model, how to realize them. In 2004 the Cabinet of Ministers ratified Basic Statement for Sport Policy in the period from 2004 to 2009, and on the basis of it was worked out the National Program for Sport development in the period from 2006 to 2012; these documents characterize strategic sport planning of the state of Latvia. Strategy is a structured complex of the aims, tasks and activities together with the model, how to realize them. The process of strategic planning can be characterized as consisting of three large stages: 1) The formulation of strategy; 2) The realization of strategy; 3) The evaluation of the results and their control. The stage of strategy formulation forms the basis for strategic planning; therefore all following activities depend on the results of the first stage. The process of strategy formulation consists of the following parts: 1. The analysis of present and future situation, finding out expectations of the society, the evaluation of the perspectives of the development and possible threats; 2. The formulation of vision; 3. The defining of the priorities; 4. The defining of the tasks. Latvian Cabinet of Ministers on 09.10.2001 ratified Basic Statement for Policy Planning, in accordance with which was carried out strategic planning of Latvian sport. This document distinguishes the following policy planning documents:  basic statement; 82

 program;  plan;  conception. Strategic planning of Latvian sport can be characterized with the help of two documents: basic statement and program. The realization of Latvian sport strategic planning can be analyzed in three stages. Stage 1: the formulation of the strategy. Although the Law of Sport was confirmed in 2002, first sport policy planning document „Basic Statement for Sport Policy in the period from 2004 to 2009‖ Latvian Cabinet of Ministers confirmed on September 15 with The Regulation Nr. 632. This document was worked out to determine long-term aims and main directions of activity in the policy of the sphere of sport, form united state policy in the sphere of sport, put in order planning system in the state, making it more effective and strengthening connection with the planning of state budget, as well as form more effective system of reports, evaluating policy. Stage 2: the implementation of the strategy. 1. To carry out activities, defined in „Basic Statement for Sport Policy in the period from 2004 to 2009‖, Latvian Cabinet of Ministers on October 31, 2006 with The Regulation Nr.838 ratified ―National Program for Sport development in the period from 2006 to 2012‖. The Program includes: 1. Most essential indicators for the characterization of the fulfillment of the Program, indicating the number per year:  The number of people, involved in physical activities;  The number of prepared high class sportspersons;  Built and renovated sport objects;  The number of people with invalidity involved in sport, who have reached highly valuable results. 2. Main tasks for reaching the results of the Program. Stage 3: the evaluation and control of the result. The analysis of strategic planning in Latvian sport policy was complicated due to the fact that no institution – either governmental or non-governmental – performs recording and analysis of the indicators of „National Program for Sport development in the period from 2006 to 2012‖. The conclusions: 1. Sport development strategy has been formulated in accordance with internationally recognized principles and norms‖. 2. In total the realization of the strategy is moving the outlined direction. 3. The state does not secure the evaluation and control of the results.

The list of literature. 1. Homepage of „Latvian Sport Federations‖:, accessed: 15.10.2010. 83

2. Informative statement „Intermediary Informative Statement about the Fulfillment of the Program for National Sport Development in 2006 – 2012‖, the Ministry of Education and Research, 09.07.2009. 3. Krūmiņa A., Rutkaste U. Strategic planning in Latvia. The development of the science of management in Latvia at present and in the future: scientific articles (in Latvian), LU 2001. 4. Homepage of Latvian State Central Statistical Bureau:, accessed: 10.10.2010. 5. Leiks N. Stratēģiskā plānošana (Strategic planning). Rīga, Multineo, 2007. 6. „National Program for Sport development in the period from 2006 to 2012‖ (The Regulation of Latvian Cabinet of Ministers Nr.838 from October 31, 2006). 7. Basic Statement for Policy Planning (Latvian Cabinet of Ministers in October 9, 2001, not in force). 8. Basic Statement for Sport Policy in the period from 2004 to 2009 (The Regulation of Latvian Cabinet of Ministers Nr. 632 from September 15, 2004).


Melentev A.N. Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Topicality a theme of research. Teambuilding is an acute problem, in business and in politics, sport and everywhere where effective group participation is required . Undoubtedly a head of organization creating «a dream team» should be guided by own representations, plans, personal credo and what is the most important - his psychological structure, as J. S.Maksvell writes . To construct correct personal relations the head of organization has to have and to define methods of team work and to create inspiring socially-psychological climate , special knowledge, skills and abilities to conduct dialogues . It is very hard to research the process of teambuilding has hardly given in to studying and purposeful management in the organizations because it‘s complexity , so to reveal true factors of manajing organizational behaviour, it is necessary to get into deep layers of interpersonal relations, what is absolutely uneasy.

The purposes and tasks of research . The purpose of research is studying an effective team and application the methodical and practical recommendations for formation of authority teams in the organizations.We want to take any effective team and to research their.On this basic we want to get practical recommendations for formation of authority teams in the organizations that was in our dreams. 84

According to an object in view in the research work their have been put and following problems that will be realised: – It is necessary to reveal essence and the maintenance of processes teambuilding in c authority teams in physical training and sports; – It is necessary to open value of personal potential of workers of chairs of physical training in processes teambuilding; – It is necessary to apply known techniques of authority diagnostics at construction of authority teams to revealing of reserves in authority teams in physical training and sports.

Research methods. We are planning to apply the following methods of research : 1. Literature survey domestic and forein scientists. 2.Method of authority diagnostics and consultation. 3. Sociological and social and psychological inspection. 4. Expert stimation.

The research organisation. Research will be conclucted according seversl stages. The first stage is motivation. While conducting social measurement it is necessary the corresponding motivation of all examinees. The second stage is organization. Those who instruct examinees answer their questions about the procedure of social and psychological experiment. The third stage is carrying out of the procedure. Cards are applied to information gathering at interrogation or forms of questions which are distributed to respondents. The fourth stage is processing and interpretation of the data.

Prospective results of research. – It is impotant to find out the value and structure of personal potential of workers of the chairs of physical training in process of teambuilding; – If we take for a basis one of schemes of an effective team of already working, authority structure of physical education chair we can try to approach it by means of methods of authority diagnostics and consulting, sociological and social and psychological inspection.



O. Morozova, L. Shvetz, E. Smirnova Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sport, Russia

Relevance: The question of doping is one of the most burning on the threshold of the Olympic Games. Activity of anti-doping organizations is rapidly increasing. It is essential not only to increase the amount of information, but to form strong convictions among sportsmen and their coaches concerning the problem of doping. One should start this process in educational institutions preparing physical culture and sport. The object of research is the 1st -5th year student of the Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Training and Sport. The students‘ specialty is physical culture and sport. The tasks are the following: 1. To analyze the contend of teaching materials concerning the problem of doping taking in sport 2. To value the students level of knowledge and find out their attitude to the problem of forbidden drugs taking The following methods of research were used to solve the task: 1.Analyses and synthesis of scientific and methodical literature and findings of the research. 2.Study of documents and Internet-resources 3.Polling (questionnaire) 4.Statistical analysis of data for study The findings of the research: Discipline Year of Speciality Quantity of study hours Sport medicine 4- year «Physical culture and sport» 2 hours of desk studies Basic of medical 1- year «Safety living and enterprising» 2 hours of knowledge «Pedagogies and psychology» desk studies

Pharmacology 4- year «Management of organization» 10 hours of desk studies Fig. 1 shows that the students of the basic specialty get their knowledge in a shortened way. So, one can make the following conclusions: it‘s impossible to give enough knowledge to students and work out concerning this question. 86

The majority of the 1st year students obtain the lions shave of information thanks to their coach (40 %), 2nd , 3rd, and 5st year students obtain it thanks to a friend (60 %, 33,3 % and 23,3 % correspondently), most of the 4th – year students obtain the information takes to their school teacher. This means, that the Academy is not the main source of information. Picture 2 shows answers to the question: Do you know the competitions where the students of our Academy take doping?

From 6,7 % to 13,3 % of the quizzed tells that they know some competitions where the students of our Academy took ready to doping. undecide receive d 6% 9% no 85%

Picture 3 Students are theoretically ready Picture 4 presents the data, characterizing 6% students are theoretically ready to do it. students attitude to doping usage professional sportsmen.

As you see 58 % of the students disapprove of doping, 40 % keep to a neutral position, 2 % approve of it. This very 40 % of the students, indifferent to this problem, partly form breeding grounds for doping. 87

Most respondents are sure sportsmen are to blame. As a rule, any sportsman knows about doping. There are very few incidents when forbidden drugs are taken against sportsman‘s will. Picture 6 shows the possibility to win a victory over doping according to students opinion. Positive answer is given by the 1st , 2nd , 3rd year students. The 5th year students aren‘t so optimistic. In over opinion, they penetrate more deeply in the very entry of higher achievement sport.

The following conclusion can be made. The problem of doping is caused by a lot of factors. The students‘ attitude to doping is one of the main. So to solve the problem are shoved change the students‘ consciousness.


Pakhomova E.V., English teacher The Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Russia

The primary tendency of the modern higher education is to increase its intellectual and professional aspects. One of the necessary elements of the language education currently is complying with labor market demands, reinforcement of its connection with real life situations, purpose and content definitions. Having a good command of the language is a necessary want under the intense professional competition. Obviously, experienced language teachers know that individual learners have distinct sets of personality characteristics which determine their talents, abilities and preference in language learning: some learners are quick, some are thoughtful some love to work independently, others require explanations, guidance and constant attention from the teacher. Spoken communication being our goal is a part of 88 something broader – social interaction. As such, language must be seen as being governed not only by linguistic rules (grammar, phonology,etc) but also by sociolinguistic rules (setting, topic,relationship between speakers,etc.), which determine the effectiveness, appropriateness and perceived meaning of any chunk of language. These two dimensions are inseparable and the language forms are seen as successfully conveying a particular meaning only if the language is linguistically and sociolinguistically correct. The articles we have studied discuss and lay stress on the most effective teaching methods. Among those we are pointing the ones which are aimed to generate significant language production within the suggested methods: 1.Reproductive method (role-plays) Reproductive method is based on recalling and reproducing language material through extended exercise drilling. We must take into account the preparatory phase to enable students to get ready for the role play. Needless to say, that the texts, dialogs and exercises have to correlate with the language level of the students. All the exercises are supposed to have tasks encouraging communication. (e.g. ―Agree or disagree...‖, ―Express your point of view ...‖, ―Explain to your friend...‖,‖Ask for or give directions to...‖). Role plays take an opportunity of including performances in learning process. This method encourages cooperation and sharing of the ideas and skills within the group. The emotions included in the role play reinforce the memory for words and expressions. 2.Perceptional method (video situations) Perceptional method is a method of the sensual perception of the language material. Video situations method is one of them. In introducing English movie appreciation in teaching English, the selection of appropriate movies can help to promote students' listening and spoken ability and enhance their cross-cultural awareness. The system of role plays is a valuable approach because it is very motivating and integrates all the language skills. It encourages the students to work independently and together and involves genuine communication. It takes language learning out of the classroom into the real world. Memory training, language switching as well as speech rate and vocabulary training all of them take place while working with a video. That kind of approach incorporates teaching and educative functions which become obvious as soon as the visual images are on. Information presented as visuals is easily understood and mastered in a short time period (keeping in mind the limited amount of study hours at the Academy of Physical Education). English video situations are increasingly emphasized by experts in English teaching as they provide students with abundant true-to-life audiovisual materials and cultural resources. While selecting material for the role play or video situation a few requirements should be taken into consideration. Here are some of them. The language material is supposed to:  motivate through imitation of the future professional and purposeful situations,  promote students' listening and spoken ability,  enhance their cross-cultural awareness, 89

 be linguistically comprehensible,  be cognitive and creative,  have emotional value. The fast development of multimedia network technique has opened up a new field for multimedia assisted English teaching. Role play and video situations make the teaching system more reasonable and effective. It provides an opportunity for the students to go through the stage of activities that will make the student aware of some sociolinguistic features of successful communication. Based on this opinion, we long for doing more research of multimedia assisting English instruction, teaching design and the application of modern educational information technology.

Bibliography: 1. Artemyeva O.A. New approaches in the English Language Teaching: English for specific purposes – role play and projects //Tambov State University– Tambov,1997 – p.191 2. Artemyeva O.A. Project and role play activities integration during ESP// St.Petersburg, 2004- p219-222 3. Passov E.I., BoikoV.P. Let‖s take the first step //Moscow, 2000,p.27 4. Aliluiko E.A. Communicative competence formation in teaching a foreign language // Turism actual problems-99, edition 3- Moscow,2000 5. Zimnyaya I.N. Psycological aspects of teaching speaking – Moscow,1985 6. Polat E.S. Method of Projects at a foreign language lesson//Foreign languages at school – 2001 No. 1 7. Ming-chen X.U. ‖On the Function of English Movies as an Optional Course of College English‖// Yangzhou Polytechnic College, Yangzhou China)

8. D.Mendelsohn, R.Laufer Functioning in English- Moscow, 2002, p.7


Saushkina T.V. Skarzhinskaja E.N., Cand. Ped. Sci. Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Russia Research problem: Cheerleading appeared in the United States of America over a hundred years ago but as a sport it was developed by European countries and by Japan. Cheerleading phenomenon, its historical and organizational aspects of development are discussed in the report. 90

Hypothesis: It is supposed that cheerleading can be accepted by Sport Accord as a developing world-wide sport. Purpose of research: To study legal and social prerequisites for recognition of cheerleading as a member of the Olympic family. Research problems: 1. On the basis of the analysis of the Olympic Charter to study the possibilities of cheerleading to join the Olympic movement. 2. To study social aspects of joining the Olympic movement by cheerleading. Research methods: 1. Literary review. 2. Content-analysis of the Internet. 3. Interviewing of the Presidents of Cheerleading Federations. Principal propositions for discussion: 1. The analysis of the legal base allows to state that cheerleading corresponds to all the requirements necessary for joining the Olympic movement:  It has a long historical development (exists more 100years).  It has a governing International federation (with more than 40 countries included and about 15 countries to be accepted in the next few years).  Cheerleading is being developed in the countries of four continents.  The International Cheerleading Federation organizes on a regular basis World, Continental and International competitions ( World championships since 2001), 2. Restraining factors:  The International Olympic Committee decides under the 114 sessions, that only 28 kinds of sports can be in Summer Olympic Games.  There is a tough competition among developing sports. However there are also some advantages:  Mass character of cheerleading.  Accessible training environment.  Attractiveness of cheerleading as it is.  Huge popularity of cheerleading with the young generation throughout the world.



Soskov Boris Russian State Trade and Economics University, Russia

Powerful impulse to formation of modern sports as the new organic integrity that elevates him to level of consciousness, have given positions of the Olympic Charter which accumulated in the form of fixed principles Olimpism. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the education value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. So to us bequeathed Pierre de Coubertin in Olympic Charter. The Olympic philosophy is original: if in traditional philosophy of life (Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Bergson) anthropological intention is not manifested, the Olimpism, calling themselves life philosophy, openly declares an anthropological essence of the ideological focus. The system of humanistic values of mankind, dating back to ancient tradition, became the basis of the philosophy of Olympism. To place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man has led to what was to promote a peaceful, tolerant society, concerned with the preservation of human dignity. By having a system of values in sport is formed mainly by the culture of Olympism. Under the influence of technological progress and market relations arises inversion purposes of sport, when calls are sent to the society is not harmonious development of personality in society and in sport-records, sport and economic (commercial) the state of the industry. Production of the new sport performance is now such a thing as natural, as well as production of new goods, new knowledge, new techniques, new kicks, etc. Modern sport unlike the ancient Games were deprived of the absolute values, there was his desacralization, and with it, and dehumanization, it established a technocratic way of thinking and all the ensuing set of issues (commercialization, violence, doping, etc.). The system of sporting values, developed by Pierre de Coubertin, the dehumanization of sport is the regulator and its moralism. Olympism restores balance and synthesize socio-cultural sport with culture phenomena such as morality, art, education, and thereby formulate a new quality of sports culture and its unique shape. Declared goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity. And it can be argued that if the sport - the image of the world, Olympism - the image of (the truncated model), the ideology of the society. Justification of sports is a justification of the world in which it exists. Sports representativeness and creates social reality in relation to the Olympic ideology. As was noted earlier Olympism - a philosophy of life, blending sport with culture and education. The historical process has had and has a significant impact on changing the inner meaning of Olympism, modeling it for the challenges of society, among which the main goal remains the creation of a harmonious personality. 92


Daria Timoshenko Scientific adviser: Shishova N. S., Ph.D (cultural studies) Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Sport can be described as one of the biggest social movements in the world. In many countries the organisation of sport events relies on the dedication of thousands of volunteers. Besides volunteer sport clubs and associations thus provide a large part of the opportunities for EU citizens to practice sport. Therefore, they make an important contribution to promotion of physical activity as a part of a healthy life- style. Being a volunteer is a great adventure in one‘s life. It allows gaining experience in many areas, to meet new people, to realize how events look like from the background. It is also a great occasion to check skills (language, organising) and character and to learn something new from more experienced colleagues. The object of our research is to analyze and to compare the role and significance of volunteers in organising sport events all over the Europe. Volunteers are strength of the university sport – said one of the participants IX FISU Forum that took place in Cracow in 2008. Volunteers are inseparable element of each event, championships organised (not only) by university sport associations all over the world. They not only help prepare the event or look after a proper run of it, but also take care of participants, guests and provide a good and friendly atmosphere during the events. Volunteers have taken part to both Summer and Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games since they were used for the first time at London 1948. So in 2012, the volunteer programme will be coming home to the city where it all began. The OC of London-2012 considers volunteers as ―Games Makers‖. They will receive an official uniform to wear during the shifts, which they can keep after the Games as a souvenir also they can get free meal vouchers. But the members of OC are going to recruit volunteers from across the UK, and are unable to provide accommodation for ―Games Makers‖, and will not reimburse travel costs to selection events, training or test events. Besides, there‘re some official associations and voluntary organizations in Europe. The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is a part of the youth programme, an EU programme that promotes the mobility of young people through international activities with a non-formal educational dimension - such as youth exchanges, voluntary services, youth initiatives and training of youth workers. EVS measure supports, for example, young people in helping make different sporting events a success across Europe. Volunteering helps to counteract the trend towards growing individualism and consumerism and helps to build up social cohesion and social networks, argued the European Youth Forum in its vision for volunteering in a policy paper in November 2004. It recommends that public authorities develop and implement policies to 93 enhance volunteering opportunities and remove legal or other barriers to participation by young people. Special attention should be paid to barriers arising from visa and immigration policies as well as from social and employment legislation. Student sport organizations and its work with volunteers are also needed to mention. Student Volunteer programme is a project of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), its Student Commission (EUSA STC), together with the Organizing Committees of the European Universities Championships. Active students from all over the Europe can apply for the place in EUSA STC Volunteer Program. The candidate will raise their competencies and skills in organizing sport event in the European level, get new experiences in different fields, will be useful for the organizing committee, exchange knowledge, learn about the culture of the country, get new friends all over the Europe and much more. Also the organizers have established the training course taking place during the European University Championships (EUCs). It includes, for example work as team attachés of the participating delegations, working as a member of the organising committee or supporting the organizers in the competition fields (global coordination, manning information desks, communication between organization committee and referees, guests). The hosting organization of each EUC covered accommodation costs during the organizing period, food and transportation on the spot. The travelling costs to the EUC have to be paid by the student or his/her institution. Minimum two candidates will be accepted per event. Applications are accepted online at, this year, young people and students have been chosen by organizers of European Championships by themselves. Concerning national sport association and their experience in organizing system work with volunteers, it‘s necessary to tell about University Sport Association of Poland (AZS), which perceives a huge strength of volunteering and a great effect that it has for a future of one‘s career. That is why AZS have created a data base of volunteers from Poland helping them in participation in sport events. Portal that has been started in the middle of May 2010 is a platform of communication between organizers who prepare sport events and people who are keen to work as a volunteer. Regarding, the conclusions we reached in the course of the research, they might help Russian sport organizations. This analyzes of foreign experience raised important questions: how and where to recruit the volunteers? ; how to motivate and get their interest? ; should volunteers be rewarded somehow for a job well done? Maybe organizers of sport events should release a guide with a detailed description. In conclusion, we‘d like to say that 2011 is declared ―The 'European Year of Volunteering‖, so volunteer work in helping to organize major sporting events and to exchange of best practice is recognized in the sport world. References: 1. ―Volunteer work and sport‖, 2006,; 2. ―EUSA Volunteer program‖, 2010,; 94

3. ―Student Volunteers in Poland‖, 2010,; 4. ―Volunteers are Game Makers‖, 2010,

ALL-RUSSIAN CONTEST “PE LESSON OF THE XXI CENTURY”: ANALYSIS OF REALIZATION OF THE PROJECT Tatiana Udalova Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

All-Russian contest ―PE lesson of the XXI century‖ is organized by Russian fitness-aerobics Federation. The idea of carrying out of this project belongs to All- Russian political Party ―Edinaya Rossija‖. The contest is designed to increase the importance of physical education and sports, to perfect the system of school sport education and to promote healthy lifestyle for children and school students. The main goal of the contest is the revelation and expansion of innovative pedagogical experience in physical education and formation of healthy lifestyle for children and school students. In the process of realization of the project we had several objectives: - The creation of innovative contemporary PE lesson with the invention of modern methods and different equipment - Exposure of specialists and professionals in PE - Approval of creative PE teachers - Popularization of the ―PE teacher‖ profession in Russia The contest is organized in conduction with the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs, Ministry of Science and Education, Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, edition ―Sport at School‖. There are 6 different nominations in the contest in which we have divided all the projects to achieve certain goals in each nomination. ―Play and grow‖ – for nursery school teachers. ―Funny break‖ – how to spend 10-15 minute school breaks with sport benefits ―Head-to-head‖ – how to organize interesting and effective PE lessons for disabled children ―Together we are a team‖ – how to organize a PE lesson with different games to make students feel team spirit ―School of champions‖ – how to organize professional sport classes ―A lesson after lessons‖ – how to organize an extra class for students and draw their attention to healthy lifestyle The process of organizing a contest included: - Creating all official and non-official documents - PR company in MASS MEDIA before the official announcement 95

- The opening ceremony and the announcement of a contest (organized in April 2010 on RFF) with official representatives, music and children - Reception of projects - Evaluation of projects (each project was estimated by 2 experts) - Official meeting of experts - Participation by a leader (Olga Sloutsker) in different governmental, educational and official meetings - PR company in MASS MEDIA on all steps of realization of a contest - The closing ceremony and summary - The process of communication with all PE teachers who take part in a contest As a result of the above discussed research the following data has been obtained: Statistics: Results of the estimation of projects Nomination ‹ 60 60-80 80-100 ―Play and grow‖ 219 175 95

―Funny break‖ 16 22 1

―Head-to-head‖ 14 7 30

―Together we are a team‖ 197 112 56

―School of champions‖ 100 57 37

―A lesson after lessons‖ 192 108 36

TOTAL: 738 481 255




Herman Van Coppenolle Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences of the K.U. Leuven, Tervuurse Vest, 101, B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium

List of the key-items: Education of experts in Adapted Physical Activity through the European Erasmus Programmes

Educating European and World Leaders in Adapted Physical Activity. From the European Masters (1991) to the Erasmus Mundus Master (2005) and the Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in Adapted Physical Activity (2010).

Since 1991 The Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences of the KU Leuven in Belgium was selected by the European Union as the coordinating university of a one year European Master programme in Adapted Physical Activity (Movement and sports for persons with a disability) to which several European universities (15) sent their best professors. In the period 1991-2005, three hundred students from different countries of the world were trained as future world leaders in Adapted Physical Activity. In 2005 this programme was selected as an Erasmus Mundus programme and was organized by a consortium of 4 European universities (Leuven, Limerick, Olomouc and Oslo) who brought their experts in Adapted Physical Activity to this programme. It attracted each year twenty excellent non-European students of the whole world offering them an important (21.000 euro) for 10 month‘s. At the same time 20 European students received a grant to study during three month‘s or in the university of Brisbane (Australia), Stellenbosch (South Africa) or Virginia (US). As well two excellent students from your university of St. Petersburgh received such a grant. In this way we trained in the period 2005-2010, two hundred students from different countries in the world. After having educated from 1991 on five hundred students, we felt ready for the next step: the Erasmus Mundus doctorate in Adapted Physical Activity for which we just sent a proposal for selection to the European Commission, which will bring together experts from 26 universities of Europe and the whole world to offer doctoral students their best research expertise. Next to this programme we were funded by the European Comission for several European Thematic Networks in Adapted Physical Activity offering expertise for students of Europe in using Adapted Physical Activity for the integration of 97 persons with a disability (children and adults) as well as for the very important actual topic using adapted physical activity for elderly persons with and without disabilities.

1. Text of the paper. I will send my powerpointpresentation to-morrow. 2. Contact details: Herman Van Coppenolle, e-mail:[email protected] Telephone: + 32 2 7597717 Fax + 32 16 91 96


Danica Vasiljević-Prodanović, Fadilj Eminović University of Belgrade, Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, Serbia

Abstract Theorists argue that juvenile offenders need constant external stimulus, and that juvenile crime is the result of "risk-taking" or a need for excitement. Sport and physical activity play a significant role in contemporary society. They have an impact on quality of life, development of personality traits such as self-esteem, dignity of a person, self-confidence, development of leadership skills, families strenghtening. The research evidence also suggest that sport and physical activities have potential in prevention of offending. However, there are no unique connection between reducing juvenile crime and use of sport, but the influence is accomplished through different factors. First of all, the participant in the sport is influenced by significant people with whom they are in contact, such as parents, teachers, coaches and other team- mates. These people are more likely to adhere to conventional, prosocial behavior and therefore should have positive influnce on juvenile. Through the interaction with others in sport, athlete learns to respect the authority and established social norms. Sport is seen as a ideal means of occupying juveniles‘ free-time. Involvement in sport and physical activities leaves less unstructured time for a juvenile to engage in criminal activities. Sport and physical activity can reduce crime by providing adequate social support including angagement of school, organizations and individuals from local community, professional sporting clubs and famous athletes. In this paper are presented different mechanisms of how occupation in sports and physical activities might influence prevention of juvenile offending.

Key words: sport, physical activity, juvenile offending, crime prevention 98

Section III Medical and Biological Aspects of Physical Education and Sports



M. S. Balazh National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, Ukraine

Introduction. Metabolic syndrome is one of the fastest growing disorder threats to the health of industrialized populations. According to different estimates the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the adult population of the world is about 25% and the number continues to grow. Moreover, there is increasing concern about metabolic syndrome occurring in youth and adolescents that has grown from 4,2 % to 6,4 % during the period from 1994 till 2000 [4]. Metabolic syndrome is an integrative interrelationship of hormonal and metabolic disorders that includes: abdominal obesity, glucose intolerance, dyslipidaemia, and hypertension. Patients with the metabolic syndrome are at increased risk of coronary heart disease and other diseases related to plaque buildups in artery walls and type 2 diabetes. Futhermore, it is an independent risk factor that is associated with a 10 % increase in total mortality of the population [1]. The increasing number of people who have this condition is linked to the rise in obesity rates among adults. The root cause of most cases of metabolic syndrome can be traced back to poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. That‘s why metabolic syndrome isn‘t just medical problem but also a serious social one [2]. Methods of the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from the scientific literature sources. Results and their discussion. The clustering of cardiovascular disease risk factors with type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and obesity was first noted in the 1960s-1970s. The concept of the metabolic syndrome was proposed in 1988, when Reaven published a landmark paper describing syndrome X. Subsequently, the name metabolic syndrome was coined to reflect the range of metabolic features involved [1]. The metabolic syndrome is characterized by a group of metabolic risk factors in one person that include: abdominal obesity (excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen), atherogenic dyslipidaemia (blood fat disorders — high triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol — that foster plaque buildups in artery walls), elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance or glucose intolerance [2, 3]. All of the factors associated with metabolic syndrome are interrelated. Obesity and lack of exercise tend to lead to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance has a negative effect on lipid production, increasing very low-density lipoprotein, low- density lipoprotein, and triglyceride levels in the bloodstream and decreasing high- density lipoprotein. This can lead to fatty plaque deposits in the arteries which, over time, can lead to coronary heart disease and strokes. Insulin resistance also leads to increased insulin and glucose levels in the blood. Excess insulin increases sodium retention by the kidneys, which increases blood pressure and can lead to 100 hypertension. Chronically elevated glucose levels in turn damage blood vessels and organs, such as the kidneys [1, 3]. The dominant underlying risk factors for metabolic syndrome appear to be abdominal obesity and insulin resistance. According to the current studies metabolic syndrome is closely associated with coronary heart disease and other diseases related to atherosclerosis. Data obtained from the international studies show that metabolic syndrome increases death risk from the cardiovascular diseases in 3 times. The main causes of the death of patients with metabolic syndrome are such complications as ischemic heart disease, heart attack, stroke [1]. It‘s very important that metabolic syndrome is a reversible condition, i.e. with proper treatment and rehabilitation it‘s possible to delay risk factors and prevent serious complications. The main principle of clinical management of the metabolic syndrome is correction of its changeable factors. Then the first-line therapy should be directed on: . weight loss to achieve a desirable weight (body mass index less than 25 kg/m2); . decreasing of blood pressure levels; . increasing insulin sensitivity; . improving dyslipidaemia [3]. It‘s well-known that adequate physical activity favors to the normalization of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and blood pressure rate, decreases body mass index, has positive effect on the total state of the patients with cardiovascular diseases and prevent cardiovascular complications. Lifestyle modifications that include increased daily physical activity, regular physical training and healthy eating habits are the first-line interventions to reduce the metabolic risk factors. Although numerous domestic and foreign studies are devoted to the problem of the metabolic syndrome just few of them investigates the peculiarities of physical rehabilitation program for patients with this serious condition. Many aspects of the effects of physical training (such as the efficiency of different exercise intensities, training regimens, duration and necessary amount of exercise) on the components of metabolic syndrome need to be addressed [3, 5]. Conclusion. Metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition that affects about 25 % of adults and places them at higher risk of diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and other diseases related to atherosclerosis. The chance of developing metabolic syndrome is closely linked to a lack of physical activity. It's possible to prevent or delay metabolic syndrome, mainly with lifestyle changes. High prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its significant role in the development and complications of cardiovascular diseases determine the necessity of combined rehabilitation program working out for persons with metabolic syndrome and its application in practice.


1. Бритов А. Н. Метаболический синдром (риск сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний) / А.Н. Бритов, М.А. Уметов – М.: Здоровье, 2005. – 63 с. 2. Грицай Л. Диагностические критерии метаболического синдрома: что нужно знать врачу? /Л. Грицай // Medicine Review. Кардиология. – 2010. – №1 (10). – С. 46 – 49. 3. Митченко Е. И. Метаболический синдром, диабет и сердечно- сосудистые заболевания / Е. И. Митченко // Руководство по кардиологии / [ред. Коваленко В. Н.] – К.: Морион, 2008. – С.228 – 241. 4. Сергеев В. Метаболический синдром: причины, лечение и профилактика / В. Сергеев // Врач. – 2009. – № 2. – С. 18 – 21. 5. Hawley J. A. Physical activity and Type 2 Diabetes / J. A. Hawley, J. R. Zierath. – Human Kinetics, 2008. – 218 р.


Olesya Kolesnik Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Introduction. Successful participation of athletes in the Russian and international competitions in many respects depends on quality of preparation. It is determined by the used methods, means and regimen of training loads which should be optimum in complete system of sports training. The modern level of achievements in sport largely depends on abilities of an organism of an athlete and his individuals features. In this connection among the variety of parameters of individual abilities of athletes‘ organism studying of maximal aerobic and anaerobic abilities of 800 and 1500 meters runners and it‘s connection with competitive results big interest represents. Knowledge which is received as a result of scientific research, is especially necessary for realization of training projects in preparation in such events where aerobic and anaerobic metabolism is involved in the certain ratio. According to the received previous results (Ward Smith, 1985, Peronnet and Thibault, 1989, Lacour, 1990, Weyand, 1993, Hill, 1999, Spender and Gastin, 2001) we have revealed, that variose of a ratio of aerobic and anaerobic parameters is essential (table 1). That leads to dissociation of the opinions of coaches, scientists and athletes in technology of sports training. Hence, correct definition of power 102 components in middle distances running is important for the general understanding of mechanisms providing high capacity for work. That is why we decided to carry out our research of aerobic and anaerobic abilities of 800 and 1500 meters runners with the help of veloergometry.

Table 1 Ratio of aerobic and anaerobic productivity in 800 and 1500 m Running according to various authors

Authors of Distance Time, Aerobic Anaerobic Means of Sex researches , m s. making in % making in % measurement Weyand (1993) M 1500 – 84 16 Treadmill Spenser and Treadmill М 1500 235 84 16 Gastin (2001) Hill (1999) М 1500 245 80 20 Run, lactate Di Prampero (1993) М 1500 209 78 22 Math. mod Peronnet and Math. mod М 1500 209 76 24 Thibault (1989) Ward Smith (1985) М 1500 218 72 28 Math. mod Weyand (1993) F 1500 – 87 13 Treadmill Hill (1999) F 1500 308 83 17 Run, lactate Weyand (1993) М 800 – 76 24 Treadmill Spenser and Treadmill М 800 113 66 34 Gastin (2001) Di Prampero (1993) М 800 102 62 38 Math. mod Craid and Treadmill М 800 115 61 39 Morgan (1998) Lacour (1990) М 800 – 59 41 Run, lactate Hill (1999) М 800 120 58 42 Run, lactate Peronnet and Math. mod М 800 102 57 43 Thibault (1989) Ward Smith (1985) М 800 105 52 48 Math. mod Weyand (1993) F 800 - 81 19 Treadmill Hill (1999) F 800 145 62 48 Run, lactate

Results submitted in the table are received either by method of mathematical modelling, or measurement of consumption of oxygen in an operating time on treadmill. Anaerobic mechanism was defined by deficiency of oxygen or on a level of blood lactate. The aim of our research is revealing of the factors which determine results in middle distances running (800 and 1500 meters). Basic tasks of present researches are studying of maximal aerobic and anaerobic abilities of 800 and 1500 meters runners and their connection with competitions results. 103

Methods of research. In this part of the work we used the following ergometric methods of estimation of aerobic and anaerobic abilities of athletes: 1. Anaerobic abilities of athletes were estimated under Wingate test. Loading of maximal anaerobic capacity was carried out on veloergometre Monark Ergomedic 894E. 2. Aerobic abilities of athletes were estimated with the help of the test "WHO" and "YMCA". Results and discussion. Two groups were taken for carrying out of aerobic testing. The first group included middle distances runners (800 и 1500 m.). The second one included athletes whose training process was not mainly directed on development of anaerobic endurance. On the results of two tests "YMCA" and "WHO" the most informative and reliable test of aerobic testing of runners has been revealed. It is possible to say, that the test "YMCA" is simple for runners therefore they do not achieve due level of frequencies of heart rate. I.e. frequency of heart rate of athletes during testing at all stages with various loading is at practically identical level with the difference from 4 till 7 beats a minute. It follows, that the loading is too low for the given contingent of examinees. Therefore calculation of the maximal consumption of oxygen with the help of the test "YMCA" is not quite informative. 13 middle distances runners – both girls and young men took part in further research. Participants of experiment were well – trained athletes of a level from the second adult category (II c.) up to candidates master of sports (CMS). Proceeding from the initially received data it is possible to see a certain tendency (picture 1, 2).

Picture 1. Individual anaerobic and aerobic abilities of middle distances runners (young men) 104

Picture 2. Individual anaerobic and aerobic abilities of middle distances runners (girls)

As you can see at the picture, runners specializing in 1500 meters run of the first category both young men and girls surpass in aerobic and anaerobic abilities, abilities of 800 meters runners of the same category. The difference of aerobic abilities and in a smaller degree of anaerobic abilities is appreciably visible. Results of 1500 meters runners considerably approached the specification of the candidate master of sports. Results of 800 meters runners are on the border of second and first categories. Therefore anaerobic abilities of 1500 meters runners surpass results of 800 meters runners.

Picture 3. Individual anaerobic and aerobic abilities on 800 meters runners (young man) 105

Picture 4. Individual anaerobic and aerobic abilities on 800 meters runners (girls)

If we analyse aerobic and anaerobic abilities of 800 meters runners it is possible to say, that the result is better of those athletes who have rather higher anaerobic abilities as compared to aerobic, in spite of the fact that these athletes have identical qualifying category. Thus, the runners having advantage in anaerobic abilities will execute the following normative category faster. Conclusions. Proceeding from above-stated it is possible to assume, that development of aerobic abilities, to the greater degree and anaerobic to the less one is typical for 1500 meters runners. While for 800 meters runners anaerobic data should be prevailing and aerobic accompanying.

The literature: 1.L. Ya.-G. Shahlina – Medical-biological bases of sports training. / Kiev, «Naukova dumka», 2001 year. 2.Wilmore, J. H., Costill, D. L. – Physiology of sports and impellent (motion) activity. / Kiev, ―Olimpiyskaya literatura‖, 1997 year. (translation) Human Kineties Publishers. – 1994. 3. IAAF New Studi es in Athletics № 3 – 2003 R. Duffield, B. Dawson.



Kornienko T.G. Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Introduction. A great number of scientists has been investigating into the problem of runners physical work capacity for a long time. During all these years they employed a lot of various methods, techniques and procedures. The most known as a substantiated approach to setting the task of solving this problem was a publication issued yet at the beginning of the 20th century by Archibald Hill, a Nobel prize winner, wherein he presented the problem as a dependence between the general speed attained in running the distance and the time spent for it. Many researchers up to now find this interconnection so exciting that they are still trying to clarify the nature of the phenomena hidden behind its components. Nevertheless up now there is no any settled and generally acknowledged opinion concerning the essentials of this dependence. The purpose of this study lies in further investigation into the patterns of breathing and heartbeat rates obtained at the intervals of short- and middle-distance running events. Methods and holding the investigation. The runners in question – (they where 20 males, aged from 16 to 27 years and qualified from the 1st sports category up to rank of the master of sport international class) – were registered for parametres of their external breathing (exhalation volume, rate of breathing and pulmonary ventilation). This work was done by means of a (SV3000) portable volumeter (of home production) during the period of every exhale, as well as the rate of breathing for an averaged interval of 5 second by means of a heartbeat monitor «Polar» (made in Finland).

Mask with the gauge

Volumeter with the electronic block


Some specialized software was used for determining the volumes of ventilation influx, oxygen debt, and oxygen demand for each exercise.

The results were registered by special program called Sport Volume (SV 3000.exe)

Results of research. The analysed data revealed that for sprinting loads (up to 200 metres) all the external breathing values (such as the exhaled volume, rate of breathing and pulmonary ventilation) were practically within the figures registered at the resting level (figure 1). Apart from that it has been stated that even within 30 seconds after the loading exercises were discontinued level, and only after that a certain rise in the registered values was observed, which attained its uppermost level by the of end the second minute of rest. The heartbeat rate during this loading went up practically at the beginning of the testing procedure to attain its maximum at the resting period only. It should be noted also that the highest heart rate was only 169 beats per minute, while the pulmonary ventilation was 110 litres per minute. One of the runners only who had practised sprint attained during this experiment such a high level as 350 litres per minute. Noteworthy is the fact the external breathing indices at distances of 400 metres and over went up at once at the beginning of the exercise, with the volume of exhale to be the first to reach its maximum values; while the majority of the runners were gradually developing the rate of breathing. The uppermost values for ventilation oxygen debt were registered after the distance of 400 metres was done with. During testing of runners at distances from 600 up to 2000 108 metres values of oxygen debt practically did not differ, but the amount of the ventilation demand increased along with the length of the distance covered. Conclusion. 1. When an athlete perfumes exercises at high intensity (for 200 and 400 metres heats) the pulmonary ventilation with all its composing parts can reach its maximum yet in the period of recovery after the exercise was completed. In the case of 200 metres run the indecses of the external breathing during the time of activity do not rise practically when we compare them with thought the level of rest. They attain their maximum yet in the period of recovery. 2. The pulmonary ventilation level values reach its maximum the period of exercise after the runner has covered 600 metres distance, while the heat rates reaches its maximum after passing in running the distance of 400 metres. 3. The uppermost values for ventilation oxygen debt were registered after the distance of 400 metres was done with. During testing of runners at distances from 600 up to 2000 metres values of oxygen debt practically did not differ, but the amount of the ventilation demand increased along with the length of the distance covered.


A.S. Korshakov Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports, Russia

Introduction. The analysis of the literature available to the present time testifies to certain perspectivity of a technique of magnetic stimulation at the decision of problems of mass and professional sports. Regular researches on revealing of possibilities of application of the given technique in the decision of the most actual scientific problems of sports have been developed in 2006 by experts of Velikiye Luki state academy of physical training and sports. Results of these researches show that magnetic stimulation can be used for development of muscular force. On the basis of it the object is to study the influence of a technique of magnetic stimulation on development of muscular force was us. Technique. 12 persons took part in the research. They were divided into 2 groups: Control (6 persons) and experimental (6 persons). An investigated muscle was the gastrocnemius shins. Research was carried out by means of magnetic stimulator Magstim, eight-channel electroneuromyograph and complex Biodex. Surveyed in 109 control group did not carry out any special loading during the research. Examinees of experimental group were exposed to daily influence of the rhythmic magnetic stimulation put on gastrocnemius muscle within 10 days. In two groups prior to the beginning of trainings, and also for 5th and 10th day of application of rhythmic magnetic stimulation registered power characteristics and bioelectric activity gastrocnemius muscles maximum any reduction. Effect was defined by comparison of an initial indicator with the sizes fixed for 5 day and for 10 day. Results of research. Experimental data testify to the following: in control group of authentic changes среднегрупповых values of the maximum force during research were not registered, in experimental group while using of rhythmic magnetic stimulation of the muscle the authentic gain of force of a muscle is found out. In 5 days of application of daily rhythmic magnetic stimulation gastrocnemius muscles of value of force increased on 3,9 % to an initial indicator, and in 10 days this index increased on 8,4 %. Conclusion. The received results testify that magnetic stimulation can be perspective and additional means of power preparation of sportsmen.

The literature: 1. Gorodnichev R. M.Sportivnaja Electroneuromyography. - Velikie Luki.- 2005.-299p. 2. Gorodnichev R.M, Petrov D.A., Fomin R. N, Fomina D.K.Application of magnetic stimulation in sports. The manual. Velikie Luki. - 2007. – 95p.


M. Lescinskis*, L. Cupriks*, A. Lace *, S. Rozenstoka** *Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Brivibas str. 333, Riga, Latvia, **Latvian Association of Sport Medicine, Raina str. 27, Riga, Latvia

Kettlebell sport appears to be a cyclical kind of sport, where high performance is based on the strength endurance, this physical ability is composed from strength and endurance, so one of the conditions for success in competitions are athlete‘s high aerobic and anaerobic capacity. It is therefore possible to win by another factor - their movement economy, ability to lift kettlebell at high speed with less oxygen consumption and heart rate. Aim of this research is analysis of respiratory and cardiovascular system dynamics of kettlebell lifters in different training period. In study voluntarily participated, 20 kettlebell lifters, 11 of which were first sport class athletes and nine athletes were SMK (sports master's candidates), SM 110

(sport masters). All the subjects involved in the experiment average age was 23 ± 1.2 years, mean height 181.4 ± 2 cm, mean weight 76.9 ± 3 kg. Respiratory and cardiovascular system capacity test was held in subsequent training periods: in the beginning of preparation period, at the end of competition period and after the transition period. Kettlebell lifters executed complex load test with expiratory gas analysis. This method combines veloergometry and expiratory gas analysis techniques. Testing was executed on cardiopulmonary diagnostic device "MasterSreen CPX". Each kettlebell lifter gradually increased the load on veloergometer to starvation. Load intensity starting load phase was 50W, then it was increased by 10W each minute. Carrying out a load, cardiopulmonary diagnostic device "MasterSreen CPX‖ recorded: HR, heart rate and gas exchange parameters (the oxygen volume and exhaled carbon dioxide volume). Using the gas exchange rates, we determined AeT - aerobic threshold, AnT - anaerobic threshold, VO2 - oxygen consumption. In addition to the test was recorded the load capacity - W. To assess and compare kettlebell lifters respiratory and cardiovascular system capability, the main focus was put on the indicators that were achieved at the AeT-aerobic threshold, AnT - anaerobic threshold, and during peak load. Results were processed, using t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances and Paired Two Sample for Means. The difference was considered reliable when p <0.05. During the complex load test with expiratory gas analysis were obtained the result, which fully confirms the athlete‘s skill levels. It can be concluded that given groups of athletes have different respiratory and cardiovascular system abilities at various load intensities. In aerobic and anaerobic threshold and at peak load capacity of SM/SMK‘s respiratory and cardiovascular system is better than of 1st sport class athletes. During a similar load in kettlebell lifting the SM/SMK will be able to carry the motion with a much higher rate than 1st sport class athletes, thus reaching a larger number of repetitions. It is therefore possible to win by another factor - their movement economy, ability to lift kettlebell at high speed with less oxygen consumption. Capacity of respiratory and cardiovascular system abilities in kettlebell sport is very important for the SM/SMK; they have been approved in laboratory conditions and in real competition, achieving much better results than 1st sport class athletes. It is therefore possible to win by another factor - their movement economy, ability to lift kettlebell at high speed with less oxygen consumption

Keywords Kettlebell sport, veloergometry with expiratory gas analysis, aerobic threshold, anaerobic threshold, peak load, oxygen consumption, heart rate.



Zusa A.1, Lanka J.1, Vagyn A.2 1Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Riga 2Russian University of Physical education, Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Abstract: Modern World level tennis – it‘s a game with high dynamics and tempo, it is required of a sportsmen to be well physically and technically prepared as well as have an understanding of modern game. A great deal of controversy in tennis strokes has involved the changes in the forehand technique. Despite the existing researches in this area (Knudson D., Bahamonde R.), currently no consensus about the implementation of most effective forehand. Aim of this study was biomechanical model of forehand in tennis. To investigate the scale of forehands application in modern tennis were analyzed Sony Ericsson WTA Tour final game 2010. Six experienced tennis players (age 23,2 ± 4,4) were studied using three-dimensional video analysis system ―Qualisys‖ and force plate ―AMTI‖. Results: sum of all strokes (except serves and smashes) in Sony Ericsson WTA Tour final 2010 were 283 strokes, included 138 forehands 94 in open stance and only 44 in square stance. Forehand movement organization principle – whip‘s mechanism. The open stance forehands developed slightly lower racquet velocities (32,5 ± 4,6 m/s vs. 34,2 ± 4,5 m/s) at impact compared with the traditional square stance. Horizontal component of ground reaction forces were considerably greater in the direction of the main movement in square stance forehands (90,3 ± 9,3 N vs. 70,3 ± 25,9 N). Conclusions: forehand in open stance is more applied in modern tennis game. Forehand movement organization principle – whip‘s mechanisms. Stance version of forehand is situation specific and it has nothing to do with development of largest racquet velocities. Ground reaction forces addict of stance form. In square stance horizontal component were greater, it may be involved with developing linear momentum.


Section IV Issues of Modern Olympic Movement



O.S. Borodin, G.M. Polikarpova Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Object of research are some problem and technological situations at building and project realization «the Olympic Games of Sochi-2014». Object of research: the reasons of occurrence of difficulties of ecological character at building of traffic intersections and objects of the project "Sochi-2014" and possible ways of their permission. Research objective: to reveal features of preparation and project realization «Sochi – 2014» in a direction of ecology, transport and building of sports objects. Research hypothesis: having studied existing problems of building of the Olympic objects of Sochi-2014, it is possible to make representation about real position of preparation and project realization. Research problems: 1. To define features of an ecological condition of the Olympic building in the territory recognized as UNESCO by object of the world heritage. 2. To reveal a condition and prospects of building of traffic intersections according to the Olympic Charter. Theoretical basis of research were the basic requirements of carrying out of competitions of winter Olympic games; the analysis of engineering specifications of building of the Olympic objects, available in an easy approach; interview to the director of department «Intellectual transport systems». Methods of scientific research: 1. Studying of the literature, documents, materials on electronic carriers; 2. Generalization and a concrete definition of the scientific data, official documents state and public organizations; 3. Interviewing. Introduction Reliability of the received results is provided by methodological base of research, adequacy of the used methods to tasks in view, sufficient volume of experimental materials. For the first time to our country is entrusted to spend winter Olympic games of 2014. In the face of necessity to save the Olympic budget looks inadequate. The estimate Olimpiady-2014 and so surpasses average expenses on carrying out of winter Olympic games in Vancouver, Turin, Solt-Lake-City, Nagano or Lillehammere in 5-6 times. Placing of the basic objects of Olimpiady-2014 on the drained vodno-marshy grounds of Imeretinsky lowland in oozy, marshy грунтах, looks adventure. The basic problem arising at building and realization of the project of the Olympic Games of Sochi 2014, the problem with environment is. The basic Olympic objects will be erected directly in a zone of the Caucasian biospheric reserve taken under protection by UNESCO, and the Sochi national park, especially reserved Pear ridge. «The Green Peace of Russia» right after announcements of results of voting in Guatemala has declared that from this point on the IOC on a level with the Russian 114 government bears full damage liability to object of the World natural heritage of UNESCO «Western caucasus». Directly organizing committee «Sochi 2014» has spent a series of consultations of experts ЮНЕП (UNEP) concerning introduction of new ecological standards during preparation and carrying out of Games to Sochi. Following the results of Organizing committee has joined the world campaign of the United Nations «to Fasten the agreement!» (‗ Seal the Deal! ‘), the purpose which – to provide support in business of achievement of the global agreement on a climate change problem. Also within the limits of realization of the ecological concept Organizing committee "Sochi-2014" has held a seminar «the Olympic Games without a waste» in Uniform information center "Sochi-2014" in Moscow. The basic question on a level with environmental problems there is a question with transport system. In preparation and carrying out of the Olympic games the goods traffic will increase to 30-40 tons. The volume of building of a sports Olympic infrastructure in Sochi has no analogs in contemporary history of Russia. By 2014 11 sports objects will be constructed. The basic actions of the Olympic games 2014 will pass in 25 km from city center Sochi. There the most important objects will be located: the main Olympic village, the Olympic stadium on which opening ceremonies and closings of games of the Olympic Games 2014, the main press center and hotels will be spent. Around a resort «the Red Glade» will pass competitions on mountain-skiing disciplines. The ground plan of objects assumes their very compact placing. Comfortable conditions for sportsmen and all visitors of the Olympic Games will be thus created. The central stadium will draw attention of visitors of Sochi and the sizes: the arena becomes the highest building in the Olympic park. Participants of architectural section have supported the project of Ice arena for curling which was presented by the Austrian company «STAHLBAU PICHLER» GmbH. The ambiguous estimation of experts was caused by one more project «STAHLBAU PICHLER» GmbH - Small ice arena. This sports construction of collapsible type which will contain nearby 7 тыс spectators. The image of the frozen drop was put by architects of Open Company NPO "Mostovik″ in a basis of the concept of the Big ice arena. It will take place on a small hill on which it is possible to pass on a wide flat ladder. Conclusion Above listed factors allow us to judge that with each new winter Olympic Games, the mankind leaves on new, higher coil of their development. There is possible a carrying out of winter Olympic games in a city with a subtropical climate. And despite arising problems with ecology of winter Olympic games, we find more and more productive and qualitative decisions, thanks to active work of the state and a society as a whole that helps in further and to the whole world. The city-organizer allows to develop creation of transport and new infrastructural knots and more widely to look at possibilities and requirements of a city, giving the chance to modernize all country as a whole, having adopted all aspects are necessary. Building and the further use of the Olympic objects, allows to develop idea of Olympic in the country.



Grechkin M.A., Petrakova V.E. Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Introduction. Now sports for disabled develop in Russia, and serious measures are taken for their social adaptation. Sports for persons with the limited possibilities reached higher level of development, first of all because of the increasing State support. The importance and significance of research. More than 13 million Russian citizens are disabled, and a considerable part of them are children with various infringements. According to the statistic data of 2007 only 3% of invalids are engaged in regular physical training and sports. (In 2004 - only 1,5%). Results. Paralympic movement is actively developing in Russia more than 15 years under the supervision of the National Paralympic committee and the Federation of physical training and sports of invalids. These organizations managed to arrange more than 1200 different sport events for disabled people. Many regions of the Russian Federation successfully develop Paralympics movement and this process become more and more intensive. They are: Komi, Krasnoyarsk region, the Volgograd, Voronezh, Moscow, Omsk, Perm, Rostov, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk areas, in Moscow and St.-Petersburg , Bashkiria and Tatarstan. Financing of training and participation of the Russian sportsmen with the limited possibilities in different international competitions, including Paralympic and Surdoolimpc games, has increased more than 10 times for the period since 1998. Financing of the All-Russia sports events for invalids for five years has grown from 8 to 60 million roubles. Since 2000 monetary compensations are allocated to winners and prize- winners of Paralimpyc games, and since 2003 - to winners and prize-winners of Surdoolimpic games and their trainers. On the results of the year the national Paralimpic and Surdoolimpic committees of Russia present the lists of leading sportsmen, candidates on presidential grants. The Decree of the Russian President on December, 4th, 2003 about establishment of special grants to sportsmen - members of national Paralympic and Surdoolimpic teams. According to this document 100 grants annually are given for best sportsmen. In 1999 a public charitable organization "Special Olympic Games of Russia" in the Russian Federation has been established. A main objective of this organization declared in its charter is assistance by means of physical training and sports to successful rehabilitation of invalids, their social adaptation and integration into a society. In the programs of the Special Olympic Games more than 2 million people representing 169 countries are engaged. 116

During last ten years Special Olympic Games exist in Russia the number of athletes in our country reached 110 thousand and this organization is functioning in 61 Region of the Russian Federation. The Special Olympic Games of Russia regularly arrange sport events of different level on 27 summer and winter sports. The key rule of the Olympic movement – the main thing not a victory remains, but participation. For today the draft law «On Paralimpic sports» is under discussion. This new law for the Russian Federation is very important because it will stimulate society to contribute to social adaptation of persons with limited possibilities, including sports means. Physical culture and sports became accessible to all, since 2006, when was adopted the Federal Program «Physical training and sports Development in the Russian Federation on 2006 – 2015». Conclusions. Within the frames of the program 200 stadiums, skating rinks, pools, sport centers are already built. The program includes also free and preferential access to sports objects by invalids, children and citizens with law income. Program provides a lot of activities for people with limited possibilities: festivals of sports, Games, the championships of different level.


Melnikova N., Klimenko D. Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

The history of World Universiades is not thoroughly covered in the national historiography. Due to the fact that student sports is an integral part of International Sport Movement, and can be considered as an important training stage for the Olympic Games, analysis of this issue is quite actual. The purpose of this scientific search is to examine and compare changes in the Olympic Winter Games Programme and The Programme of International Winter Universiades. The following objectives were outlined: 1. Comparative analysis of the programme of World Winter Universiades and Olympic Winter Games; 2. Comparative analysis of the amount of competitors of World Winter Universiades and Olympic Winter Games; 3. Comparative analysis of countries-participants of World Winter Universiades and Olympic Winter Games. The following methods were applied: 117

1. Historical analysis of literature sources and statistic information and their generalization; 2. Comparison and correlation. It is the first scientific comparison analysis of World Winter Universiades and Olympic Winter Games in several aspects in national historiography. Practical value. Analysis and conclusions based on the results of the research may be used as additional basis for better understanding of development of student sport and the role of World Student Games as an important stage in the process of preparation for Olympic Winter Games. Our research is limited by chronological frames of which are established as - starting back in 1960 – when VIII Olympic Winter Games took place – and till present time. During past 50 years the amount of sports in the programme of the International Winter Universiades grew for 240%. Nowadays the program of the International Winter Universiades is almost similar to the Olympic Winter Games program. World Winter Universiades are considered to be an important stage for Olympic Winter Games and World Winter Universiades. The data on the graphic, reflecting the amount of sports presented in Olympic Winter Games, proves that the amount of these sports tend to increase, with its peak in 1998 (Nagano, XVIII Olympic Winter Games). This year curling, women hockey and snowboard were included. Thereby the amount of sports have grown twice since 1960 – from 4 to 7. This can be explained by the fact that even though the program has had biathlon for men speed skating competition for women added, Skvo-Valley did not have tracks for bobsledding and lugging built, which resulted with cutting the amount of sports. Since 1998 the amount of sports - 7 and this figure remains the same until 2006. Comparison analysis of sports in the program for International Winter Universiades on the graphic shows definite decrease of the index in 1975, which caused by the fact that VIII Winter Universiade was held in Liviggno, Italy, and the program included mountain skiing and ski-racing. Starting 1991 and till present time a serious increase of the amount of sports is noted. In accordance with the Constitution of Federation of International Student Universiades (FISU), the program of Universiades consists of 10 obligatory sports and sports, which can be added by the competition host-country – not more than 3. Analysis of the amount of participants of Olympic Winter Games and International Universiades shows that growth index of the amount of competitors of the International Universiades is not as stabile as the one for Olympic Games. While comparing the highest index points of the amount of competitors of the mentioned competitions, we note that Olympic Games have a priority: over 2766 people in Vancouver versus 1935 at the International Universiade in Tavrizio, Italy. Even though there is general growth of the indexes outlined in the graphic, there were still several recessions there. They were in 1972 and 1980. Olympic Games of the 1972 were the first Olympic Winter Games, which were held in Asia. Besides they followed after there was a decision of the Head of IOC Every Brendidge 118 to refuse professional sportsmen to participate in the Games. But it actually was applicable to only one skier – Karl Shranc (acting Olympic champion at that moment) and Canadian hockey team. In 1980 Taiwan refused to be a part of China team and has become – and now is the only country – which ignores the Olympic Games. In the following years increase of the amount of sports and widening of the geography of the Games ended up with increase of the amount of competitors. Against the background the leap of the amount of participants of the XVI Olympic Games. This can be explained by the widening of the competition program for the accounts of short-track, freestyle and biathlon for women. The leap was as well caused by the increase of the disciplines, as the program has included curling, women hockey, snowboarding, skeleton, Alpine combination. A certain decrease took place in 1975, which was caused by the fact that VIII Winter Universiade was held as a International Universities Skiing Competition. However, there were 191 sportsmen from 15 countries of the world. Beginning 1989 there is a tendency to the increasea number of participants. The most visible one took place in 2003, which is understood as International Winter Universiade was considered a pre-stage for the Olympic Winter Games in Tourin. Athlets from 50 countries were expected in Tavrizio, but Academic Sport Association of Israel cancelled their participation in the Universiade-2003 without explaining any reasons. Analysis of the amount of countries-participants shows that this amount has permanent tendency to growth. It is also important to outline that similar to the Olympic Games, only countries approved FISU since 1959. This graphic shows us smooth growth of the amount of countries-participants. One of the reasons – is that in late 80s – early 90s, a lot of new countries have become independent states (USSR, Yugoslavia). The maximum number of countries-partisipants was registered at the Olympic Winter Games in 2006 – 88 countries. The growth since 1960 (16 countries) and 2009 (44 countries) was equal to 275%. The latest Winter Universiade had highest number of countries-participants. The record high level was set at Tourin, Italy in 2007 – 55 countries. If comparing the number of participants of the Olympic Games and International Universiades – the differences is 30%. Also, increase of participants of the Olympics is more stabile. Some Vancouver and Tourine Olympic Games champions participated in Universiades before the Olympics. They are: biathlonists – Anna Bogaliy-Titovec (2001), Olga Zaitseva (2001), Ivan Cherezov (2001, 2003); skiing – Evgeniya Medvedeva-Arbuzova (2001), Natalia Baranova-Masalkina (1997), Evgeniya Medvedeva (2001), figure-skating Irina Slutskaya (1999), curling – Yana Nekrasova, Kira Ezeh, Olga Zharikova – participants of Winter Universiade of 2003.



Masyuta Viktoria Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

According to the rules of FINA, world records in butterfly are recorded on the 100 and 200 meters for men and women. In addition, the butterfly is represented in the individual medley on the 200 and 400 meters, as well as the combined relay 4 x 100 meters (third phase). Michael Phelps's butterfly swimming technique I would like to point out that Michael Phelps's lays quit high on the water. His technique differs from others by the quit flat position of the body and by making the stroke maximal path of movements. His technique minimizes frontal resistance. As we can see, Michael Phelps's butterfly swimming technique is better than others' athletes techniques. This success is reached not only with Michael Phelps's strong physical abilities (big high and long hands) but also with the good special training. The science says that a long powerful stroke in swimming depends on the effectiveness of the technique and special force of the swimmer Social aspects of the biography Michael Phelps was born on June 30, 1985 in Baltimore (USA). His mother Debbie is a school teacher and his father Fred is a soldier. Michael Phelps was the third child in the family. Two older sisters were swimmers too. One of them was a member of The US Team at the World Championships in 1994 in Rome. He began to swim at the age of seven. His coach is Bob Bowman. Michael Phelps refused to study at the university. In United States athletes- students are required to participate in all students competitions that take place every week. Michael together with his coach found sponsors who agreed to pay for his education. So, he was able to work quietly, without boosting training. The aims of the present research 1. Analyze the layout time by 50 meters in the 200 meters butterfly in the final swim at the Olympic Games 2. Formalize the layout of the time intervals for distance in a generalized formula Method and Structure of the research 1. Work with literature and other information sources. 2. Analyze of sports documentation (protocols, the 2008 Olympic Games). 3. Methods of mathematical statistics. 4. Analyze video materials. Individual layout time (s) finalists in the 200 meters butterfly on the Olympic Games 2008. At this table we see the layout-time finalists in the 200-meter butterfly on the Olympic Games 2008. Michael Phelps swam on the 4th lane. He beat his nearest competitor Laszlo Cech by zero point sixty-seven hundredths of a second. Following results came from this table. 120

Findings These Data was obtained from these formulas

Formulas x = Σ t ’ n (all participants) δ = √ δ2 = √ Σ (xi – x) 2 ’ n - 1 t, % = x ’ t ср * 100 %

Results We conclude that the average time layouts (%) on the 50 meters intervals can be used to calculate the travel time-distance in accordance with the planned result. To do this, result (for example it can be 120 s) should be multiplied by the relative time (%) and divided by 100. For convenience, instead of the relative time (%) a factor (коэффициент) саn be introduced: For example 1 st 50m: 120 × 0,225 = 27,0 2 nd 50m: 120 × 0,253 = 30,36 3rd 50m: 120 × 0,258 = 30,96 4 th 50m: 120 × 0,262 = 31,44

Conclusions We obtained average layouts time (%) on the 50 meters distance intervals. These layouts can be used to calculate the probable layout to overcome the 200 meters butterfly in accordance with the planned result We have derived a formula for calculating the layout of the time in the 200 meters butterfly, which can be regarded as a basic formula to calculate the "specific strength" in parts of the 200-meter butterfly.



N.Y. Melnikova, A.Y. Nikiforova Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

Introduction: In view of preparations for the forthcoming XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi certain problems become of great importance. They are: revisions of the Winter Olympics‘ programme, dynamics of national teams‘ results and the reasons of it. This research is an attempt to find out if the fact of hosting the Olympic Winter Games by a specific country influences the results of host national team. The base of this research is the comparative analysis of host national teams‘ results in the Winter Olympics in the period of 1976-2010. During the afore- mentioned period the Olympic Winter Games were held in Canada (Calgary, 1988: Vancouver, 2010), France (Albertville, 1992), Norway (Lillehammer, 1994), Japan (Nagano, 1998), United States (Salt Lake City, 2002), Italy (Turin, 2006) and will be held in Russia (Sochi, 2014). The indices analyzed were: 1) The number of medals won by the host national team during the period under review 2) The host country rank in the medal table 3) The correlation of the gold medal‘s number with that of medals won. According to these indices there were analyzed the results of each national team at the hosted Winter Olympics, three preceding and three (or less) subsequent Olympic Winter Games. Methods: - Theoretical analysis and generalization; - Comparison and confrontation. Results: Analysis made has revealed that during the period preceding the Olympic Winter Games in the mentioned countries the results of their national teams were not stable. Specifically, the national teams of Canada and Norway had their best results at the Olympic Winter Games foregoing those held in their native countries. The different situation can be noted in the French and Japanese national teams whose results at the preceding Winter Olympics were worse that they have achieved earlier. The Russian team has also demonstrated the instable results expressed in reduction of the total medal number after the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, following active rise of this index in Turin, and new decrease of it in Vancouver. The Italian national team in the preceding period has twice surpassed its own results gained in Turin, therewith the best results were showed 12 years before XX Olympic Winter Games in Italy. Only the results of the US team can be considered as stable. The majority of the 122 national teams gained the best results at the Winter Olympics held in their native country as compared to the previous Olympic Winter Games. The above refers to the teams of Canada, Norway, France, Japan and the United States. Three last-named improved their results considerably in comparison with those at the preceding Games. And in doing this the teams of Canada, France and the United States managed to increase the number of the medals won at the succeeding Winter Olympics, as to the rest teams the indices achieved at the Games held in native countries have remained the best. Examples of the Canadian, French, Norwegian and the US teams demonstrated the retention of results‘ stability confirmed by higher results of succeeding Winter Olympics compared to the preceding. The Canadian national Olympic team showed steady rise of results; the indices of the French team in 1994 were noticeably lower than in 1992, although still maintaining the tendency to increase. The results of the French national team in 2002 were better than they had in Albertville. The Norwegian team didn‘t achieve such high results at the following Winter Olympics as they did in Lillehammer, but its achievements during this period is higher than during the period foregoing the Olympic Winter Games held in Norway. The US team‘s results in Vancouver exceeded those in Salt Lake City. Teams‘ medal ranking at the Winter Olympics held in their native countries was not the highest for the majority of the teams during the period analyzed. The 13th place in medal table taken by the Canadian team in Calgary was its worst result for 34 years since 1976 till, and the first position in Vancouver became the best success ever achieved by the team. In 2002 the French and the Norwegian teams managed to take the higher places in the medal table than they did at the Winter Olympics held in their countries. In spite of reduction of medal number in Turin the US team occupied the higher position. The only team that failed to improve the results after the Olympic Winter Games in Nagano was the team of Japan. Its best achievement during the analyzed period was the 7th place in Nagano. Thus, the host countries‘ teams, with the exception of the Japanese and the Italian, managed to improve their positions in the medal tables: the Canadian team has shifted from the 13th place in 1988 up to the 1st place in 2010; the French team — from the 7th place in 1992 up to the 6th in 2002; the team of Norway — from the 2nd place in 1994 up to the 1st place in 2002; the US team — from the 3rd place in 2002 up to the 2nd place in 2006. The highest ranking of the Russian national team was the 1st place at the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer. Later there was decline in the results of the Russian team and the 11th place in Vancouver turned out to be its worst index. The changes in number of the gold medals and the total number of medals won have common tendencies as demonstrated by the French, the Norwegian, the US and the Italian teams. The changes of the total number of medals are in proportion to the changes of the gold medals‘ number. 123

However, there is no such correlation in the results of the Canadian, the Japanese and the Russian national teams. The Canadian team while increasing the total number of medals won from 4 in 1984 up to 5 in 1988 didn‘t manage to win any gold medals in 1988, though it won 2 gold medals in 1984. The Japanese national team was in the different situation: rise of the gold medals‘ number along with reduction of the total medals‘ number since 2002 till 2006; the same number of the gold medals in 1992 and 1994 along with the decreasing of overall number of medals. At the 2010 Winter Olympics the Japanese team won more medals than at the 2006 Winter Olympics yet it failed to get any gold medals. In Vancouver the Russian team surpassed its own result in the total number of medals got in Salt Lake City, but as to the gold medals their number in 2010 was less than in 2002. Conclusions: The analysis of the results achieved by the national teams of the countries, organizers of Winter Olympics, proves the lack of definite tendency to stable rise of teams‘ results during the period foregoing to the Olympic Winter Games held by their native countries, there is also no any clear tendency to achieve the best results at the Olympic Winter Games held in the homeland and to keep the Olympic legacy.


Melnikova N., Papenov Y. Russian State University of Physical Education Sport, Youth and Tourism, Russia

In August 2010 in Singapore take place the First Summer Youth Olympic Games, in which 3600 athletes from 204 countries took part. The program was almost the same as it will be at the Games of the XXX Olympiad in London 2012 with differences, depends of age of the participants. It was new global event for youth people from all over the world, which made possible young athletes come together to inspire the spirit of Olympism. 124

The idea of the Youth Olympic Games couldn‘t birth from nothing. In the last twenty years it were many different events for young athletes, which tried to look like the Games of the Olympiad. Aim of the research is to follow the process of the formation of the Youth Olympic Games. Subjects: 1. Define factors, which contribute to the organization of the Youth Olympic Games. 2. Analyze different forms of the organization of complex international youth competitions. Methods: 1. Analysis of the literary sources 2. Comparative analysis

Results and conclusions: The main factor of organizing the Youth Olympic Games was the fast progress of the physical culture and sport between young people all over the world. We‘ve considered the main forms of complex international competitions: European Youth Olympic Festival, World Youth Games (Moscow, 1998), Australian Youth Olympic Festival, Asian Youth Games. European Youth Olympic Festivals have been held since 1991. At the present time, number of athletes (2500) and NOCs (48) are considerably higher, than it was at the beginning (2048 athletes and 33 NOCs). Australian Youth Olympic Festivals have been held since 2001. In this competitions participate young athletes from Asia, South and North America and Europe. In 2001 there were more than 2000 participants from 23 countries. Now, a number of athletes and countries have increased to 2200 athletes and 25 countries. The results of the research show that number of athletes and NOCs, participating in European and Australian Youth Olympic Festivals is permanently increasing. It gives a real picture that youths sport in the world is intensively developing and the continental and regional competitions of the young athletes are becoming more and more popular. European and Australian Youth Olympic Festivals have a short history, but they have already proved their significance. Analysis of biographies of the athletes - participants of the Festivals shows that many of them later were included in the national teams, and took part with success in the Games of the Olympiad and other internationals competitions. It shows that the complex international competitions between youth make it possible to prepare young athletes for future sport career due to concurrence and atmosphere of the Olympism. In that case the organization of the Youth Olympic Games is the logical result of the progress in the youth sport, which allows make conditions not just for good sports result but as well for friendship and changing cultural wealth between youth people from different countries, and for education the Olympic values. 125

PUBLICATION OF SCIENTIFIC ISSUES The International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "HIGHER SCHOOL" as the center of integration of science, sports, education and culture

November, 10-12, 2010 year

The abstracts are published as they have been submitted by the authors

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