Within the IFs

Mr. Thomas Keller, re-elected President of the General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) and Mr. lgnati T. Novikov, President of the OCOG of , surrounded by from left to right, in the first row : Messrs. Giuliano Pacciarelli (SG, F/AC), Charles S. Palmer (PT, IJF), Mrs. lnger K. Frith (PT of honour, FITA), Messrs. Charles de Coquereaumont (PT, FIC), Paul Libaud (PT, FIVB), Tamas Ajan (SG, IWF). We can also see Messrs. Milan Ercegan (PT, F/LA), Michal Jekiel (VPT, FIAC), John E. Willie (VPT, FEI), Helmut Käser (SG, FIFA), Paul Högberg (PT, IHF), Ernst Zimmermann and Georges A. Vichos (SG and PT, UIT), Nikolai Nikiforov-Denisov (PT, AIBA), Robert H. Helmick (SG, FINA), John B. Holt (SG, IAAF), Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone (PT, FITA) and Fritz Widmer (SG, FEI).

GAISF ings. Delegations from the International Olympic Committee, the Organising At the Congress and 12th General Committees for the Games of the Assembly of the General Association of XXllnd Olympiad and the Xlllth Winter International Sports Federations Games and the 1979 Pan-American and (GAISF) meeting in Monaco from 18th Mediterranean Games were also pres- to 22nd October. Mr. Thomas Keller ent. (SUI) was re-elected President for a One of the major decisions taken by further two year-period. the General Assembly was to admit the In addition to Mr. Keller, the new International Amateur Athletic Feder- bureau is now : SG : Mr. Charles ation (IAAF) and the International Asso- Palmer (GBR) re-elected ; T: Mr. ciation of Amateur Baseball (AINBA) as Charles Riolo (SUI) ; Ms : Messrs, full members, the International Military Helmut Käser (SUI - FIFA), Sven Thofelt Sports Committee (CISM) as a multi- (SWE - UIPMB), Beppe Croce (ITA - sports member, and the International IYRU), Charles de Coquereaumont (FRA Aïkido Federation (FIA) as provisional - FIC), Adriaan Paulen (HOL - IAAF) member—thus bringing to 55 the and Roy Evans (GBR - ITTF). number of member federations and associations. More than 120 presidents and dele- gates from 51 international federations We shall be presenting a full report on and associations attended the meet- this meeting in our next issue.

639 International Amateur 2. Selections : special problems related to Athletic Federation finding and choosing young oarsmen (me- (IAAF) thodological and medical aspects). 3. Discussion on the problems of the FISA. ● The final deadline for applications to organise the 3rd World Cup, which is to be included on the 1981 calendar, has been set at 31st December 1978. Fédération Internationale de Basketball Amateur ● In order to increase participation of (FIBA) athletes in the IAAF team cross-country championships, the cross-country committee will allow certain individual entries in 1979. ● The major decisions of the FIBA central The conditions imposed include : the athlete’s office, which met in Manila (PHI) were the national federation must not have ever following : participated with a team in the champion- ships and must not be on the continent of the 1. Affiliation of 7 new national federations : organising country. Angola, Bangladesh, Brunei, Fiji, Mozam- bique, Rwanda and the Seychelles, thus ● The IAAF’s quarterly bulletin, No 23, bringing to 150 the number of affiliated contains a study on the presentation of federations. athletics competitions, written by Tony Ward, The federations of Liberia and Kenya one of Britain’s best known commentators. have been suspended as their fees have His advice is applicable to many other sports. not been paid for several years. ● The fifth edition of the booklet “World- 2. The alterations to the game rules Wide National Records”, compiled by M. proposed by the Technical Commission Heilrath, W. Kramer, L. Mengoni et Y. will be applied after the next Olympic Pinaud, has just been released. It contains Games, subject to their approval by the records established since 1st January 1978 Moscow congress in 1980. Two points are and enables the reader to compare per- of particular interest : formances throughout the world. — coaches to be permitted to request a time out after a basket scored against their team ; — the number of personal fouls, after which two free throws will be Fédération Internationale automatically ordered, to be reduced des Sociétés d’Aviron from ten to eight. (FISA - rowing) 3. The proposed regulations governing rules for players have been approved and are applicable immediately. These rules in- ● The report of the FISA meetings at clude five main points : Hamilton (NZL) will be published in our — the definition of a basketball player ; next issue. — written contracts for players for providing services, with or without ● The seventh symposium for FISA remuneration, (basketball players de- coaches will take place from 18th to 21st fined in this way are entitled to January 1979 at the Berlin sports school participate in all competitions organ- (GDR). Three coaches per national feder- ised by the FIBA and in the Olympic ation will be invited to participate. Three Games as stipulated by the provisions subjects are to be discussed : of Rule 26 of the “Olympic Charter”) ; — the definition of a professional player ; 1. Rowing techniques : the rowing stroke and — body movement from the stand point of the definition of players with limited biomechanics ; the effect of leverage on eligibility ; techniques ; mastery of movements, parti- — conditions for organising open compe- cularly in the training of beginners. titions.

640 4. The South African and Rhodesian feder- International ations have been suspended and will not Canoe Federation be able to participate in FIBA competi- (ICF) tions or official meetings. These two fed- erations will be entitled to contest only exhibition matches. ● The 1978 FIC Congress assembled 5. The FIBA will celebrate its 50th anniver- delegates from 30 federations in Belgrade’s sary on 18th June 1982 in Geneva (SUI). (YUG) Sava Centre. where the International Federation was founded. In addition to the re-election of President Charles de Coquereaumont, announced in our issue No. 131, the following persons were ● The final of the eighth men’s world also re-elected by acclamation : Messrs. Peter championships in Manila (PHI) took place on Maassen (GER), second Vice-President, Paul 14th October and was a repetition of the 1974 Liebmann (USA) and Pablo Stock (MEX), final. The result, however, was reversed as members for America, Leopold Spitz Yugoslavia was victorious over the former (AUT), auditor. Also returned by acclama- title holders from the USSR by the score of tion were the Chairmen of the respective 82 to 81 in overtime. Final standings : 1. Standing Committees for Sports Medicine YUG ; 2. URS ; 3. BRA ; 4. ITA ; 5. USA ; 6. (Horst Burger, GDR), Touring (Caslav Veljic, CAN ; 7. AUS ; 8. PHI. YUG), and Propaganda and Information (Hans Egon Vesper, GER). Elected as office members were: Mr. Joachim Weiskopf (GDR) and Mr. Lars Bennbäck (SWE) for Europe and Mr. Eisho Kinoshita (JPN) for Fédération Internationale Asia. de Bobsleigh et de Tobogganing The FIC Executive Board for 1978-80 also (FIBT) assigned itself the following tasks : to further efforts to increase the number of associations affiliated to the FIC ; to promote slalom and wildwater racing ● The Swiss Bobsleigh and Tobogganing — in associations which do not, at present, Association has celebrated its 75th anniversa- practise them. The need for introducing ry. Twelve world titles and four Olympic an international junior class has been titles in four-man bobsleigh as well as ten demonstrated and will be followed up ; world titles and one Olympic title in two- — to establish closer relations with the man bobsleigh constitute the gems of a highly affiliated associations in order to be more enviable record. fully informed about all aspects of their work and on changes in their direction as well as results of their competitions ; — amendments to the racing regulations are Association Internationale to be submitted to the 1980 Congress ; all de Boxe Amateur national federations are requested to (AIBA) forward any proposed amendments to the Secretary General ; — over the next two years, various tests related to the discipline of marathon ● The 10th AIBA Congress is to be held in racing arc to he carried out in order that a the last week of November at Madrid (ESP). draft of rules may be submited to the 1980 Congress. ● The world’s two best amateur boxing teams confronted each other early this month ● The FIC badge of honour has been at Madison Square Garden, New York awarded to Mr. Sergio Orsi (ITA), Secretary (USA). It was the third time they had met Treasurer of the FIC, to Vice-President Mr. this year and the Cuban boxers easily showed Peter Maassen (GER) and to Mr. Hans Egon their supremacy over the Americans by Vesper (GER), President of the Committee winning eight of the eleven matches. for Propaganda and Information.

641 Fédération Internationale title of world champion. The event was the Amateur de Cyclisme last of the three Olympic disciplines for the (FIAC) season. In the team event the riders from Canada won ahead of GER and USA. By tradition the national federation of the ● world champion is awarded the organisation The 1978 FIAC Congress, held in of the next championship. However the FEI under the chairmanship of Mr. has decided. so as not to have the same Adriano Rodoni, was attended by 96 country as host for two consecutive years, delegates from 49 national federations. that the 1979 championships will be hosted — Provisional affiliations of the cycling by the Irish federation-home of John federations of the Congo, Gabon and Watson, second place-getter. Mauritius have been accepted, — The organisation of the 1981 world cham- ● The next world jumping championships pionships has been awarded to the Cze- will be at Ballsbridge, Dublin (IRL) in 1982. choslovak Federation. ● UCI Communique’: “Professor Donike (GER), of the “Institut für Biochemie der Universität” in Cologne, and the official UCI doctor. have declared that the results of the Fédération Internationale analysis of the samples of three racers parti- d’Escrime cipating in the 1978 world championships (FIE - fencing) were positive for anabolic steroids. These three cases are to be presented to the Executive Board of the UCI in Geneva (SUI) on 23rd November. Analyses on anabolic ● The 1979 FIE Congress will be held in substances require a 10 to 14-day waiting Paris from 1st to 5th May. period.” ● ● The first 1979 meetings of the FlE Com- Keetie Van Oostenage (29, HOL), world missions will take place in Dublin (IRL) on pursuit champion, has established a new 22nd March. women’s world record per hour with a clocking of 43.028 km/h: The old record belonged to Maria Cressari (ITA) since 1972 ● The Moscow sabre tournament is now to at 41.471 km/h. During her effort, Keetie be included in the category A events. Van Oostenage also bettered the world re- cords for 5 km (6:44.753), 10 km (13:34.392) ● The FIE calendar for December 1978 and 20 km (21:26.665), records which had also (continued) been held by Maria Cressari. lst-3rd : Australian international champion- ships (4 arms). 9th-10th : Melun (FRA), Revenu challenge tournament (foil). Fédération Equestre 9th-10th : Budapest (HUN) : Tokay Express Internationale (épée). (FEI) 23rd : Haifa (TSR), Yehuda Cup (men’s foil). 26th : Safad (ISR) Esther Cup (women’s foil). 30th : Tel Aviv (ISR), Shimshon Cup (épée). ● The FEI Ordinary General Assembly will take place in Paris (FRA) from 12th to 13th December 1978. ● The 1979 under-20’s world champion- ships will take place in Chicago (USA) and ● At the three day event world champion- not in Bucharest (ROM) as planned. These ships in Lexington, Kentucky (USA) from championships are to take place on the 14th to 17th September, Bruce Davidson Notre-Dame university campus which has (USA) riding “Might Tango” conserved his already hosted a similar competition in 1971.

642 Fédération Internationale Fédération Internationale de Football Association de Gymnastique (FIFA) (FIG)

● Moscow 1980 ● The 19rh artistic world cham- pionships, from 21st to 29th October in 88 national federations have already entered Strasbourg (FRA), brought together some their teams for the Olympic qualifying 400 gymnasts from 33 countries. 22 national events. In the 1972 and 1976 tournaments, the federations presented teams of six women and number of participating federations was 84 six men. and 92 respectively. Women’s honours list Following are the teams entered by confederation, with figures for 1972 and 1976 By team : URS (Muchina, Kim, Shaposhni- in brackets : kova, Arjannikova, Filatova and Agapova). Individual combined event : Elena Mukhina Africa - 20 countries (20-24) : ALG, EGY, (URS). ETH, GHA, GUI, CIV, KEN, LES, LIB, Horse : Nelly Kim (URS). LBA, MAD, MLI, MRI, MAR, SEN, SUD, : Marcia Frederick (USA). SLE, TAN, TUN, ZAM. Beam : Nadia Comaneci (ROM). Asia - 20 countries (17-19) : Bahrain, Brunei, exercises : Nelly Kim (URS). BIR, IND, INA, IRN, IRQ, ISR, JPN, JOR, PRK, KOR, KUW, MAL, PHI, SIN; SRI; Men’s honours list SYR, SAU, Yemen. By team : JPN (Kenmotsu, Kajiyama, Kasa- Concacaf - 17 countries (13-15) : BAR, BER, matsu, Tsukahara, Shimiru and Shiraishi). CAN, CRC, CUB, DOM, Grenada, GUA, Individual combined event : Nikolai Andri- HAI, JAM, MEX, AHO, PAN, SAL, SUR, anov (URS). TRI, USA. Floor excercises : (USA). Pommel horse : Zoltan Magyar (HUN). South America - 8 countries (10-10) : ARG, Rings : Nikolai Andrianov (URS). BOL, BRA, CHI, COL, PER, URU, VEN. Horse vault Junichi Shimizu (JPN). Europe - 21 countries (22-24) : AUT, BEL, Parallel bars : Eizo Kenmotsu (JPN). BUL, DEN, TCH, FIN, FRA, GDR, GER, Horizontal bar : Shigeru Kasamatsu (JPN). GRE, HUN, IRL, ITA, HOL, NOR, POL, ROM, ESP, TUR, URS, YUG. Kurt Thomas, the first American gymnastics Oceania - 2 countries (0-2) : AUS, ROC. world champion. Entries for Bahrain, Brunei, Grenada and Yemen are only provisional, as no National Olympic Committee has yet been recognised by the IOC in those countries. The FIFA Amateur Committee is to meet on 13th November 1978 to establish the compo- sition of these groups. Preliminary matches will be played between 1st January 1979 and 30th April 1980.

● The second junior world championships will take place next year in Japan from 25th August to 8th September.

● The final phase of the UEFA juniors tournament will be held in turn in Austria (1979), the German Democratic Republic (1980), the Federal Republic of Germany (1981) and Finland (1982).

643 Two features of these championships were : Major decisions taken by the Congress, which — a video control system, installed for the was attended by 41 member and two first time near the apparatus, allowed the provisional member associations, were the settling of disputes about the judging ; following : — a medical colloquium, chaired by Mr. — The technical regulations for the Olympic Paul Burette, President of the French tournament in 1980 were approved. The gymnastics federation, studied the topic women’s events will take place from 21st of “gymnastics and growth”. to 29th July and the men’s from 20th to 30th July. ● Amongst the principal decisions taken — Three countries were chosen to host by the 1978 FIG congress, at which delegates future international meetings : AUT - from 52 countries took part, worthy of course for judges in 1981, SUI - sympo- mention are : sium for trainers in 1981, GBR - 19th — the readmission of the People’s Republic Ordinary Congress in 1982. of federation by a vote of 39 for, — The 2nd junior men’s and women’s world 9 against with 3 blank or void. This fed- championships will be held in 1979 and eration had left the FIG in 1964 ; from then on every two years instead of — the affiliation of the Angola federation ; every four. — the readmission of the Thailand feder- Yugoslavia will be the host for the junior ation ; women’s in October 1979 and Denmark — $US 100,000 (SF 150,000) will be spent by will organise jointly with the the FIG between 1979 and 1981 on the men’s in December. development of gymnastics in developing — Men’s C world championships in the countries ; Feroe Islands in 1980. — the creation of a medical commission ; — 10th men’s A world championships in — the alignment of world championship 1982 in the Federal Republic of Germany. rules with those of the Olympic Games in regard to the number of gymnasts per — Bahrain, CAF, GHA, GRE, IRN, Qatar, country able to participate in the finals SIN, TUR and the United Arab Emirates of the combined events. These numbers were admitted as members to the IHF ; will ‘henceforth be limited to 3 for the Angola, GAB and IRL became provi- individual combined and to two for the sional members. finals on individual apparatus ; The IHF thus counts 74 member and four provisional member countries. — the election of Mrs. Maria Bigova (BUL), former world champion, to the rhythmic — The “Haus Baumann” trophy was awar- sports technical committee to take the ded to Koweit for exceptional services place of her fellow compatriot, Juliette towards the development and popularity Chichmanova who was killed in a tragic of handball. aviation accident which deprived inter- national and Bulgarian gymnastics of several begrieved officials and athletes.

Fédération Internationale de Hockey (FIH) International Handball Federation (IHF) ● The Dutch team was the winner in the third women’s field hockey world cup held in ● Madrid (ESP) from 16th-24th September At the IHF 17th Regular Congress held 1978. The matches were contested on an arti- in Reykjavik (ISL) from 7th to 11th ficial surface with the same characteristics as September, and for the first time in the that on which the 1976 Olympic tournament history of the IHF, three working groups was played. were formed to study questions of organis- ation, rules of the game and promotion and Final standings : 1. HOL ; 2. GER ; 3. ARG ; development. and BEL ; 5. CAN ; 6. JPN.

644 International Ice Hockey Fédération Internationale Federation de Luge de Course (IIHF) (FIL)

● During the IIHF’s biannual Congress in ● Lake Placid 1980 Vienna on 27th and 28th October, points on the agenda included the nomination of The members of the FIL Executive Board are referees for all world and European cham- to visit the Olympic sites for the XIIIth pionships ; the timetables for these events; Winter Games on 6th November and will be reports from individual associations on their staying in Lake Placid from 6th to 9th activities, and the statutes passed at the November. annual congress in Sirmione which are to be Trial competitions will be staged on the new studied. luge run in February 1979 with the following programme : ● The World Cup, formerly known as the Canada Cup, will take place in Canada in — 21st - 9.00 : practice. September 1979. — 22nd - 9.00 : timed practice. — 23rd - 20.00 : opening ceremony. — 24th - 9.00 : single-seater first round M and W, 14.00 : single-seater second round International Judo M and W, 19.30 : single-seater third round Federation M and W. (IJF) — 25th - 13.00 : single-seater fourth round M and W, 19.00 : double-seater first and se- cond rounds M and W, 20.00: closing ● Calendar of international events for ceremony. November ● The FIC Technical Commission will 1st-15th - University world championships, meet in Rottenmann (AUT) from 17th to Rio de Janeiro (BRA). 19th November 1978 under the chairmanship 4th - Junior and senior national champion- of Mr. Hans Freidrich (GDR). ships, GER. 11th-12th - European women’s championships GER. 16th-20th - European championships, Miskol Fédération Internationale (HUN). de Lutte Amateur (FILA - wrestling) 19th-27th - Senior Jiguro Kano cup, Tokyo (JPN).

● The 1978 wrestling world championships were dominated by Soviet competitors who captured 12 of the 20 titles contested. Those earning top honours were : Category Greco-Roman Freestyle 48 kg Alexander Constantin (ROM) Kronilaev (URS) 52 kg Bladuidze Vahktang (URS) Anatol Belaglazov (URS) 57 kg Chamil Serikov (URS) Tomiyama Hideaki (JPN) 62 kg Boris Kramorenko (URS) Vladimir Jumine (URS) 68 kg Andrej Supron (POL) Pave1 Pininguine (URS) 74 kg Arif Niftouliaev (URS) Leroy Kamp (USA) 82 kg Ian Draica (ROM) Abazilpv (URS) 90 kg Stian Nikilov (BUL) Uwe Neupert (GDR) 100 kg Nikolas Balboshin (URS) Harald Buttner (GDR) 100 kg + Alexander Kolshinski (URS) Sosian (URS) Nicolas Balboshin, Alexander Kolshinski et Pavel Pininguine hold the title of Olympic champion.

645 ● The FILA’s official bulletin No. 2 has ● The starter’s order “On your marks” will published the list of referees authorised by henceforth always be given in English at the FILA, as well as their categories. Readers all Olympic and world events. will also find an enumeration of all inter- national competitions from their inception, ● Mrs. Sandra Jacoby (USA) has been the results of the 1977 hopeful championships named FINA administrative assistant. as well as various other international compe- titions and the FILA directory. ● The fourth world championships have ● Among the topics discussed in a working been awarded to the AAU of the United paper drawn up for the 6th wrestling coaches States of America and are to be organised in school of particular interest are : Santa Clara sometime in August 1982. The — Methodology for teaching wrestling tech- city already has the major facilities. The main niques to children. pool will provide 5,100 permanent seats and — 5,900 temporary seats, while the city’s two Criteria for choosing children wishing to other pools have a capacity of 5,000 each. participate in high-level wrestling compe- titions. ● — Mini-wrestling. The 1977 FINA Grand Prize of Honour has been awarded to the Hong Kong — Methods for wrestlers’ training. municipal council for its successes in equipping the city with outstanding aquatic facilities.

Fédération Internationale de Natation Amateur (FINA - swimming) International Skating Union (ISU)

A swimming world cup, grouping eight countries, will be created in 1979, announced Mr. Javier Ostos, President ● An ISU course for starters is to be of the FINA, at the GAISF General organised in Larvik (NOR) from 14th to 17th Assembly in Monaco. December 1978. The cup will comprise four basic disciplines : swimming, waterpolo, diving ● 1979 Calendar and synchronised swimming. — Speed skating world championships W : The swimming and the synchronised 3rd-4th February, The Hague (HOL). swimming events will be held in Tokyo — Speed skating world championships M : next September, with the waterpolo 10th-11th February, (NOR). either in May or October in Yugoslavia — Sprint speed skating world championships and the diving in the USA or at a M and W : 17th-18th February, Inzell date to be fixed. (GER). The first four teams of the last world — Speed skating junior world championships championships in Berlin—USA, GDR, M and W : 24th-25th February, Grenoble URS and CAN—will participate in the (FRA). swimming events, along with Japan and — ISU speed skating championships : 7th-8th three other teams selected by the April, Quebec (CAN). continents of America, Europe and Australia/Asia. — European figure skating championships 28th January - 4th February, Zagreb The Federal Republic of Germany and (YUG). Switzerland have been chosen as — Figure skating world championships : replacement teams in the case of 13th-18th March, Vienna (AUT). forfeits. — Figure skating junior world champion- ships : 28th-31st March, Augsburg (GER).

646 Fédération Internationale de Ski ● 1978-1979 Alpine Skiing World Cup (FIS)


1978 9-10.12. Val d’Isère (FRA) 13-14.12. Madonna-di-Campiglio (ITA) 16.12. Val Gardena (ITA) 20.12. Cortina d’Ampezzo (ITA) 21-22.12. Kranjska Gora (YUG) 1979 6-7.1. Morzine et Courchevel (FRA) 9.1. Crans-Montana (SUI) 13-14.1. Wengen (SUI) 15.1. Adelboden (SUI) 20.-21.1. Kitzbühel (AUT) 23.1. Steinach (AUT) 27-28.1. Garmisch-Partenkirchen (GER) 1.2. Villars-sur-Ollon (SUI) 4-5.2. Nizke Tatri Jasna (TCH) 7.2. Oslo (NOR) 10.-11.2. Aare (SWE) 2-4.3. Lake Placid (USA) 9.3. Garibaldi (CAN) 12.3. Heavenly Valley (USA) 17-20.3. Furano (JPN)

Women’s D S GS C P

1978 6-7.12. Val d’Isère (FRA) 9-15.12. Pian Cavallo, Cervinia (ITA) 1979 7-8.1. Les Gets (FRA) 12.1. Les Diablerets (SUI) 17-19.1. Grindelwald (SUI) 23-24.1. Schruns (AUT) 27.1. Mellau (AUT) 3-4.2. Pfronten (GER) 6.2. Berchtesgaden (GER) 8.2. Maribor (YUG) 3.3. Lake Placid (USA) 8.3. Aspen (USA) 11.3. Heavenly Valley (USA) 17-20.3. Furano (JPN)

D : Downhill ; S : Special ; GS : Giant Slalom ; C : Combined ; P : Parallel.

647 ● To encourage the development of the — In 1980 the UIPMB General Assembly combined cross-country event, an interna- will meet at Monte Carlo. tional week is to be organised in 1979 — General Lonsdale (GBR) and Colonel following the skiing festival in Holmenkollen. Muresanu (ROM) were awarded the Three competitions are scheduled in Nor- UIPMB honour medal. way : in Trondheim (13th-14th March), in Namdalseid/Sprova (17th-18th March) and in ● Mo-Rana (20th-21st March). Daniel Masala (ITA) achieved reknown at the Joenkoeping world championships by ● Steve McKinney (USA), on the Cervin scoring 200 in the pistol event. The last time slope between Cervinia and Brevil, covered a a perfect shooting score was made was at the distance of one kilometre, (running start), 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. with an average speed of 198.020 km/h, a new world record. The record was established ● The 1979 biathlon world championships in the presence of Mr. Marc Hodler, will take place at Rudolphing (GER) from President of the FIS and IOC member in 28th January to 2nd February. Switzerland. ● There are standardised Alpine runs for the organisation of international competitions included in the FIS calendar in 25 countries : AND - AUS - ARG - AUT - BUL - CAN - Union Internationale CHI - Cyprus - GER - ESP - FIN - GRE - de Tir GBR - FRA - ITA - JPN - NOR - LIB - POL (UIT - shooting) - SUI - SWE - TCH - TUR - USA - YUG.

● With seven world records broken and three equalled the 42nd shooting world championships at Seoul (KOR) came to an Union Internationale end on 5th October after 12 days of top-level de Pentathlon Moderne competitions. Major Sylvio de Magalhaes et Biathlon Padilha (BRA), 1st IOC Vice-President. (UIPMB) represented Lord Killanin at the champion- ships and participated at the events with two other IOC members. Mr. Giorgio de Stefani (ITA) and Mr. Jan Staubo (NOR). ● At the annual modern pentathlon congress, meeting at Joenkoeping (SWE) The final results in the Olympic disciplines during the recent world championships, were as follows : delegates from some 26 national federations Free pistol 50 m. were in attendance. Some of the major 1 decisions were : 1. M. Minder (SUI) 577 pts. WR OR 573 pts. — the 1979 modern pentathlon senior world 2. R. Skanaker (SWE) 569. championships will take place in Budapest 3. G. Westphalen (GER) 565. (HUN) from 12th to 16th August. The juniors will be at The Hague from 24th to Small bore rifle, 50 m. prone position 28th September. 1. A. Allan (GBR) 599. WR equalled — Future organisers of UIPMB modern 2. L. Wigger (USA) 598. pentathlon world championships are : 3. L. Baasham (USA) 598. seniors Juniors Women 1980 URS (Oly. Games) ESP 1. S. Sandusky (USA) 596. 1981 POL FRA 2. D. Esnault (FRA) 595. 1982 ROM GBR 3. K. Monez (USA) 591. 1983 GER USA 1984 (Oly. Games) SUI or EGY Small bore rifle three positions — As from 1979 the three competitions in 1. L. Bassham (USA) 1165. the women’s world cup will figure on the 2. M. Cooper (GBR) 1159. calendar of international events. 3. U. Lind (GER) 1158.

648 Women — Jadwiga Wilejto (POL) scored a total of 1. W. Oliver (USA) 580. 349 points over 30 m. 2. K. Monez (USA) 575. 3. C. Gustafsson (SWE) 569. ● The sixth field archery world champion- ships, organised to perfection in Geneva by Rapid fire pistol the Swiss Federation (16th and 17th 1. O. Gunnarsson (SWE) 595. September 1978). crowned as champions 2. W. Beier (GER) 595. Anne-Marie Lehmann (GER), the title-holder 3. G. Petritsch (AUT) 594. since 1976, and the unrivalled Darrel Pace Trap (USA) who, at the age of 21, also holds the FITA world champion title (1975), as well as 1. E. Vallduvi (ESP) 198. the Olympic title (1976). In barebow archery, 2. S. Basagni (ITA) 197. winners were Suizuko Kobuchi from Japan 3. E. Ellis (AUS) 195. and Anders Rosenberg from Sweden. Women 1. S. Nattrass (CAN) WR 195, OR 192. ● Moscow 1980 2. W. Gentilette (ITA) 185. Messrs. Arild Honne et Don Lovo have been 3. C. Garcia (ESP) 179. named as FITA technical delegates to the Skeet Games of the XXIInd Olympiad. 1. L. Brunetti (ITA) 197. 2. F. Roberti (ARG) 193. 3. R. Giaraguani (ITA) 193. Women Fédération Internationale 1. B. Hansberg (ITA) 189. de Volleyball 2. T. Bankey (USA) 186. (FIVB) 3. R. Jordan (GER) 183. Running game target ● The women’s volleyball world cham- 1. G. Rannikko (FIN) 572. pionship was staged for the third time (pre- 2. G. Gogh (GBR) 570. 3. C. Silva (GUA) 566. viously in 1952 and 1962) by the USSR Fed- 1 eration from 25th August to 6th September. WR : world record ; OR : old record. The tournament, contested by twenty-four teams, was won by Cuba which defeated ● The FIT has chosen Venezuela as host Japan in the final. country for the 43rd world championships in 1982. ● The 9th men’s world championships, held in Rome (ITA) from 20th September to 1st October, concluded with the ’s fifth triumph in the competition. The Fédération Internationale Italian team, the tournament’s big surprise, de Tir à l’Arc was overcome in the final by scores of 15-10, (FITA - archery) 15-13 and 15-l. Final standings : 1. URS ; 2. ITA ; 3. CUB ; 4. KOR ; 5. TCH ; 6. BRA ; 7. People’s Republic of China ; 8. POL.

● New women’s world records ● The 10th world championships, to’ be held in 1982, will be staged in Argentina for — The Soviet team of Lidija Shikota, Valentina Kovpan, Nadezhda Okpysh with the men and in Peru for the women. 3,772 points broke the record of 3,741 points held by the of ● Moscow 1980 America. — The men’s qualifying tournament will be — Valentina Kovpan (URS), with 334 points, held from 21st to 27th January in established a new record for 60 m., thus Bulgaria. Twelve national teams divided bettering by two points the performance into two pools drawn by lot will take of her compatriot Zebiniso Rustamova. part.

649 ● The junior world championships will — The European championships to be held take place in 1981, the boys’ tournament in in Sofia (BUL), from 19th to 27th May. Algiers and the girls’ tournament in Mexico. — The junior world championships to be held in Debrecen (HUN) from 16th to 24th June.

International Weightlifting ● Vladimir Kononov (URS) set two world Federation records for the 100 kg category in Dubna (IWF) (URS) in mid-September with a lift of 225 kg in the clean and jerk and a total of 397.5 kg for the two movements. ● The 1978 IWF Congress brought togeth- er delegates from 44 national federations on 3rd October in Gettysburg (USA). Among the decisions taken were the following : International Yacht — Affiliation of the Bangladesh federation Racing Union which becomes the IWF’s 107th member. (IYRU) — Unanimous approval of the President’s, Secretary General’s and Treasurer’s re- ports. ● On the November and December Calen- — The election of Mr. Mikko Kunttola dars (FIN) to the post of auditor to replace the Manzillo (MEX, 16th-26th), Varuna (THA, late Mr. Pierre Parot (FRA). 22nd-3rd Dec., Fireball WC 1), Rio de Janeiro (BRA, Nov.), Perth (AUS, 10th-20th Dec.), Glenelg (AUS, 27th-4th Jan., Cadet WC). ● The 32nd world championships featured 1 the participation of 185 weightlifters rep- WC : world championships. resenting 35 national federations. These ● championships saw four world records In the world Star class championships tumble, the continued dominance of Soviet held from 5th to 14th October in San entrants and marked progress on the part of Francisco (USA), Buddy Melges (USA the Cubans and the Japanese. champion of Soling class in 1972) became champion once more when he placed first in Those securing top honours for both the finals of the regatta. movements : 52 kg Kanybek Osmonaliev URS 240 kg ● Winners of 1978 world championships, 56 kg Danien Nunez CUB 260 kg in addition to those listed in our No. 130-131, 60 kg Nikolai Kolesnikov URS 270 kg were Rudolf and Albert Batzill (GER) in 67,5 kg Yanko Rusev BUL 310 kg Flying Dutchman, and cousins of the 1976 75 kg Roberto Urruttia CUB 347,5 kg Olympic champions Diesch ; in Tempest, 82,5 kg Yuri Vartanian URS 377,5 kg John Albrechtson and Ingvar Hansson 90 kg Rolf Milser GER 377,5 kg (SWE) ; and in Tornado, Viktor Potapov and 100 kg David Rigert URS 390 kg Alexander Zybin (URS). 110 kg Yuri Zaitsev URS 402,5 kg 110 kg + Jurgen Heuser GDR 417,5 kg ● The IYRV world youth sailing cham- pionships in the 420 and Laser classes will be ● The first four finishers in each event plus held from 10th to 20th December 1978 in two other athletes chosen by lot underwent Perth (AUS). antidoping tests. The automatic penalty for violators had been set at a four-year suspension. International Sports Press Association ● On the 1979 calendar (AIPS) — The 33rd world championships will take place in (MEX) at the end of The report of the 42nd Congress, organised October and beginning of November. The in Split (YUG) from 7th to 10th November exact dates will be announced in 1978, will be included in our December January. issue.