Within the Ifs
Within the IFs Mr. Thomas Keller, re-elected President of the General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) and Mr. lgnati T. Novikov, President of the OCOG of Moscow, surrounded by from left to right, in the first row : Messrs. Giuliano Pacciarelli (SG, F/AC), Charles S. Palmer (PT, IJF), Mrs. lnger K. Frith (PT of honour, FITA), Messrs. Charles de Coquereaumont (PT, FIC), Paul Libaud (PT, FIVB), Tamas Ajan (SG, IWF). We can also see Messrs. Milan Ercegan (PT, F/LA), Michal Jekiel (VPT, FIAC), John E. Willie (VPT, FEI), Helmut Käser (SG, FIFA), Paul Högberg (PT, IHF), Ernst Zimmermann and Georges A. Vichos (SG and PT, UIT), Nikolai Nikiforov-Denisov (PT, AIBA), Robert H. Helmick (SG, FINA), John B. Holt (SG, IAAF), Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone (PT, FITA) and Fritz Widmer (SG, FEI). GAISF ings. Delegations from the International Olympic Committee, the Organising At the Congress and 12th General Committees for the Games of the Assembly of the General Association of XXllnd Olympiad and the Xlllth Winter International Sports Federations Games and the 1979 Pan-American and (GAISF) meeting in Monaco from 18th Mediterranean Games were also pres- to 22nd October. Mr. Thomas Keller ent. (SUI) was re-elected President for a One of the major decisions taken by further two year-period. the General Assembly was to admit the In addition to Mr. Keller, the new International Amateur Athletic Feder- bureau is now : SG : Mr. Charles ation (IAAF) and the International Asso- Palmer (GBR) re-elected ; T: Mr. ciation of Amateur Baseball (AINBA) as Charles Riolo (SUI) ; Ms : Messrs, full members, the International Military Helmut Käser (SUI - FIFA), Sven Thofelt Sports Committee (CISM) as a multi- (SWE - UIPMB), Beppe Croce (ITA - sports member, and the International IYRU), Charles de Coquereaumont (FRA Aïkido Federation (FIA) as provisional - FIC), Adriaan Paulen (HOL - IAAF) member—thus bringing to 55 the and Roy Evans (GBR - ITTF).
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