Management Plan to Appreciate and Understand 's Heritage Case study: Prasat Phimai, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand

ABM, Prof. Nartnide Maneeneb F;~culfyut' Munapmcni St.i~cx.Khan Kacn Univursily [email protected] Abstract

'171~higniticwtce of Prahat Phimrii cnn k u~trihutedto %\,em1 culh~rulvaltlcs und the in~e~g-ity or the ~~hi(wli1~1heritage afid il* laadscn~huvc con~inued~hn>ttghr~ui time, II caiild hc ~iddhat IM piam is a cultnml Ianclwrlpc. tlr~weuer,its Iqck of;) ptowr tnilnng~nllenlplan and lhe. iapr{bpcr uscs of

SOAU: of the buildi~lpado nral pyote ~hcprr1pr n the visitom of its vignificuncc ;md interpretive value. ThereTow. this x*ilrb nl' the Illunigcmnl plan of an hih~nzicsite as u cultural

t;lrldsc;l~ aucrnptx lo r~~vEy/canrlrvaIunIe lk utlluc and thcn oiTcr sugp~tinrlsfor ;I proper Irtsimm plan w well propoxc iw wemll 1anpccm1rwinugcmenl pI:m for futurc a=, Thor ~(uJyCwuseh mninly

on ~hc.w?;~ui~l;lhili~ fit' l~nd-u~ ~IIcultural laurkni and d~cct>nservil~ion of the rui,\ti?g ai-clii~ectumand 1amEr;capc.


Travcl and [nurim are considpad the WrrW's Lugst generdtom oT,iabs and wealth (World Travel ;md Twrisia Cwwll - WTTC, 2004). Accnrdil~g tu !he World Travel Organiwtion (WW).the numkr rjf tourists visiting tha Asian hcilic region rMe ld 104 n~illionurrivals in 21WW and i$l'mcast to mh1 %80 millinn in 20lt). Thew figures imply that tbe averdgts UIIIIUILIgr~wth rate will psak ut 6.7 pcnwl (WTO, IWb). In ter~nhnf iincdn~e,in 1969. lhi'w sector generuted 2(K) million hiobs, or H pcmnt af the wa1'1d:semploynia~c, and USS3.5 trillion. or 1 1.7 pwt:nt of the world's FNP. In 2000. the pi&d tourism receipts rachttd llSS527 hitlion TWTTC, 2MM1. Regarding Th;lilo~~d.the high&^ rate of ~hcgrowlh in visitors' arrival lo Thailand in recent ycurs has hcc~irewgni;rxd in Asia11 ti'tarkcts. In 1W8 Thailand was ranked us Asia'r; third papular tourist destination uftcr HOJI~Konp and China (Tourism Authority of Th&land - TAT. 200 I 1. The nurnber of 4nuril;rs arrivisg to Thuila~~dinrmwd 1 Oafold in.40 pars. from 11.M in 1960 ra 8,d million m IW (TAT. 2(N)l). In udditian. the t'twrisnl industiy was the acand-highest ~ou~cuf t'mig11 exchangl: hr the ct3untt-y in l%W (Thailand Bard af Invwt~wnt- 801. 2W). ?'hi< growth MI) Ix ~~rrihrtttidLW a-nunrber d fuctam fcm txa~nple.he a~mctivenessnf ntllural and culturul fcutures, ate. Moreover, Thailand is a country with a long historic significance and cultural diversily innuaced by mighboring countries. such as has, Burma, Cambodis. and a fond values, beliefs. religions, sorial mysticaily and spiritually influend. many cultural sigmficances; aesthetic, , political and economic values, which

t investigated historic plam in the been discovered. Prasat Phimai is and is a remarkable place of worship, it has great mbitecture and is a marvelow ex of building drom the anciat period with its mysterious construdion technique. Ln the conservation an ement of Thailand's places of dkcctural berilrsge, the relahnskip between the g of them can bF describd as conmaiion and management in law ng atld prom market.

Statement of Heritage ShSi

AusWs ICOMOS I aesthetic. historic, scimtific and social val that hcdtage sires must be historically heritage site resides in its inherent values, which Timothy and Boyd (2@33-3also added that econon~ic,smial, political and scientific significance. Adapted horn the Wcsme signtficance in heritage. The value and $igniFaicance of Ras cansideration d the criteria Social vhThe traditional, social activities and cumpatible present day use. It involves conte community and plays a mIe in st for keeping religiow documents. There m also the temple st or^ smctuari sites or shrines, usualjy a large s ceremonies in the comrnuniy . appeamnce of ppkwho lived nearly a thousand y~arsago, the clotbing of men and women and the characteristics of vies,pdams. musical instruments and more. Sdentih value Pram Phimai is a historic site. whicb dects ancient technique medds, design. materials, customs. local wisdom, ways of life of all the cultures in ThaiMand elated cu1ture.s of mbfrom ove~seaschat had relationship wiih Thai people inthe past, such as Khmer. The layout and sating of the heritage site [Prasut Phimaij reflects the intelligent thinking and Iruditinns af the ancient ur local people using natural resources und constru~~im nwhodx adapted fmtheir way of life. such as wall bearing canlstrucuon systems built by smdsttmc,

Aesthetic value: Pmsut Phimai is a heritage st~ucturethat represtnts the unique ark of a particular piad. such es the pedormance of the sculpture 00 the lintel showing musiriamc; and dancers. This is a etting For u sense of harmony with humonkind and gives the silt a piwe of beauty. (Wright 1997. p. 1 181 ~isbuqic value: Prasur Phiwai is a hislaric site thal rcpesenls lbt irnportsmt uswciation of hkury und displays he dd way of lif~gf pcclple from hc puat. The site remains identify th!: materials. style, and wiul prac~iceof ii particular historical ume, such Dharmawlu or "huw of fire", a li@ted h~usabuilt for lrivelew to slay overnight on the mute from t+Pmsat Phiami and Aropyasaia or Kldti Rutsi, a place for physical remedies and health lrm>menta in the ci:lmrnunity. In addition. for his%wic valuc, the roof structure of Phimui sanctuary resembles fiat of . Perhaps Phimd sanctuary was the rnndel for 1ht ct~rlstmetionof Angkor Wat that was built in ;I later period. The signifince of hut Phimai can be attributed to several culturtl values and kcausr? of the integrity uf the architectural heritage and its h~dscupethroughmt time, it ct~uldbe said that the she is a cultural landmark, Momover, Prasut Phimd also has economic 3-gnificance because af the value it ot'fers in term of txpcnditures of viaitom la the site.

Background of Khmer Cultural Rout; Stme Sanctuaries in bwer adPrasat Phimai

In rhe southern Isan region or lhe Khoral Plateau. l~caredWween the Mun River and the Dong Rak Mountains along the Thd-Cambodian border, the:re is evidence of hunian settlements khat date back more than 2,000 years. In the pst, this ma wus called "upper Khnw'' that was separated by the Dadg Rak Mountains from lower Khmer (present day ). But pople in the two arwb were able to travel and cbgtuct each other through more lhan 40 pases since ancient times. Signs of the reladons of thekJwosides fmrn the past appear in the forin of the amsanctuaries that arc located in s line h\m Phimi. r large city of the Mun River bash, to Angkor Wai which shw the ~Ituilaritiesof the art. culture and way of life of the upper and lawer Khmer groups.

The Reasans far the Construction of the Stone Sanctuaries

These stone sanctuaries are archaeologicaI sites that are msid~redto be characrmistic or ancient Khmer culture. Khner kings had the sanctuaries cotlzi~ct~dto k the abode of celestial beings in accwdance with die system of n god-kjng in which the king is believed to be a living god ox a divine king in the Hindu digion such a$ , or Brahm. Although of the Sbivaite sect, that believes that wbn the king die$ he will 8s to join the highest gads that are symtwld by the Shiva lingam, was predominantly practiced in the Khmer, there am dm other belid systems such as Vaishasvik sect ad \ Mahayanaquddhism that are mixed in wjth Khmer culture. sanctuarits bad been built since the 6th cenauy A.D. The in low I~aushowed the power of the lcdm of with the Khmer court. Constructing the be a center of faiths of mygroups of about the donation of people. things established it self around

The construdon y stone sanetaaries in lower fsan brought the plan For cwnmunitics in Khmer cul use, mch as cities with sdgmoats with eatthen dike and a stone sanctuary o s MMin the middle d tbe city, ALso Bwys or reservoirs were bnib to co well suited for this ma of Thailand. The hyswerc of both large sizEs depending on the urn d the size of the community. They were ad imp e cm see a1 where thm is a bmynearby which hm as an ~rnportantsource of water up to Wy.The building of stone sanctuaries an mhmliy brougM the Khwculture into use lnto hesetting of cornmities tbat were la the 10th -12th camries AD.

On the Mun Rivw plaip is he city d "Vimayapura"which is a hrge rectangular ancient city sunrwndad by moats Tbis city is located on the trade route linking the NoWt with communities and therc is evidence oE an ancient road hat is believed to haw oo~ectedPhimai with kpgkm, Ihc mchKhmmcapi~al.

Figure 1 The three stmmm (left to Figwe 2 The right) me Rang HLn Dmg, 2004, TAT the himipal Tower and mgB-that. 2004, TAT. Praw Fhirrmi w;rs &ilt in the I Ith mflhlry A.D. h thc Michuynna Buddhism style and the respected imap of kalnrateng Jagatit Vimiy a. which is be! ieved ta be and inuge of the lard Buddha. The mdatwcture of Pllimai +w~xctuaryce~e~nblad that of Angktr Wal. Perhups Pl~i~mi salwluriy was tht. rn~hktt'tr He rlo~~r;tntr.tionaf Anpkw Wilt thd was built in n Inter age. Thcrc is a legend in the ma of Phimi hutPrince Pachit of Aqkar 'Ihlm ad Nung Oruphim, whi~his a stt~ryor thcir love md scprrratiun. which wux ubsrtuaed hy Prince Brrihmrrthat of VimBy?pum. This atary drrnonslmtes rbe lid between Phimai and Angkor in Siimb~adF;~11s alme pta&s in Phirnai city were nsrrled after ?iamr: aaracterr; in this h~pry.

Management Plan to *predate and Understand Thailand's Heritage

A Case Study: Ptiisti~Phimai. Nakhon Ralchasima Province. Thailund

bape or Study: h~slltPhi111ui and Surrounding Area in fiin~ai Hir;iorlcul Park Problems: Prwat Phin~uiis u hcaegc Ivurism denlimtion siitr~audin th9: hartheast of Thailand. It is one of the Thtii hcri~agrdestinalinns thnl reflects '17E&ilrind's kIieve in bddhianl. long histrjry. ad:incicnl culiuw.Pi~~tAnn Depann~~11,1(1%8).

Firstly, :is the Thai governnent enctwqeR the tourisin indusq tu bz aw sf the ~miorityidchnle pmJuctm ai Ihc satiunal prcdl~t,tot1ris111 has played un inrp~nantrole in all lourism dmtimtionx. Whell tourisll~be~iln homing, it, not trlily cha~gesa communily 's mlmmy. hut dsa its ~ul[ure.As we din nnticc, nr,wuduys. pplebelieve that nlortey is rhe most iirnport;lnt rhirig iin their liic. T~cTP~(~,Lhcy will do whatever they can to get mrlncy from tourists. Fbr exmpls. a Thai guide ~rokn Soreign professor to Wat kdK&w during a tour. The p~r,fessnrwkal Ihc prridc, wkd was the ~~~ennir~gof the three colorr; on thc Thai flag. As the puirk: hiid ncr eriquene s11d wand to get US 1111ch money rwrn the tourisr (the professor) an he C'WMhe explai~~edtht the red mmr ruby. the blue meant sapphkc, and fie white meant Jiumrmd. Tbc .purp~se~oFthis was thlrf he just wanted to ~nukcthe tclurist buy twpc~~rivujltwdry. Thcref~a.the guide muld nake marley from thwc comminiwls ~Siriphaol,2M31,

Tunling 1c) Prasnt Phimai, i~ also has sowe problems regding guides. interp~tativc riignh ilnd touti?im site meaagemaa, While cnllecting data nt the site 1 learned of wmc pnblems t'roni observation and by interviewing mlwhobfetr; for 3 houm. For exmnple. \here ware nut ~llallghIwal guide$ for ~luristsciorolgn~ml and most of then1 could not 6pt:ltk E~rglish.According tn my observations and intwuicws of both Thais and heigntrs ul Phimati Histrwic.ul Park. it wars found that they could 11ot undmrald architectural uoncql and histo~y. Tliis could explain the lack of gn.norl management and intcrprctdiun. which iu an impnrtant Qcmr tixr rohrism at the present. Therefore. the manager who is lorated al Ihr! sita should be LwwIedgtxlble =garding interpretation because interprctalion i~a bridge. And ;t gkud, bridgc sh~ulJlink knowledge and thc ~ncuningor inrorn~ntionfrom the site c:u the visiturn. In cancIruion, when tourists are: [rawling, they can Lcanr about the place (the site), the way of life, msm, culture, etc, whicb are so diffmt from their ow. Therefore. learning how to give inmpmtation should be undertaken at rhe site bemuse the problem with the existing interpretation are nat sufficient and can nu fill up the gap between the knowledge of the sik and the expectations of the tatuists (vbitors).

\ 'Goal I : To &wlop more extensive interntation plans and strategies for tourism in the mbiktural ~eritagelocations in asat at wV*. ROh~~nillci~~~~~rnlbrtllg~ The "BQZZ" word of the day in tourisrn is "Interpretation". can bt defd as 'hponsible tourism which dntains the well and is iuaher Mncdas: on fhe culture which the tbudst b cbmidg to visit. of nature and the economic benefit of the ha1 ppuhtion. 3. Tourism marly aome damagjng effts and hrefore sels a number pts tour opxaturs of natuw, culnue, envitwment, and dtvelopnenl issues. .. . this is r voy inclusive defmilim d '4terp~tati~1+. Rasm PMrml contains various ir$ds of n, moreover i~ is a heritage rite, thm ann kinds of -tian my not be suitable, I$texplainations by tour guides, because tourists ttid to walk around tha site. \ Mrqto tbe obervationa made a collmd of how tourists (visitors) awachhswt Pbimai, it was fwnd that there types of visitm:

2. Ford@ vhtors who come by following guidebp" or reference manuals. Inside Pmsat Waidim art many brrildings that unique compound. But hmobservatioa it was notloed thal hevisitors explored When they reed the message sad stme bD&L@" they

about bemuse the ywng volunteer guidb could not communicate in fdgnlanguages. Tbia is one pwWm bstwaen Ite managmeat and htwprmtion. Regarding the guidebooks ot reference manu which rekr tu Prastlt Philnai scvcml haav knfpund in print but they Iri~vemIy &ort explmtnatiam on rough details and lack anything rnutivaling vidtm to go, While c~llccliagLhe data an inletview was conducted with Ajm h~om Chaiviehit: teacher From Phimai Witthaya School and tw stwjcnts' named. Miss NMm Khulnphi~naihd Miss Prikairung Viriyasuk. bath of whom are ywng valunletr guides and they are in thethird year in secondary schoal. The pmblm with volunteet guides is that they uw nveliluble tu sarvc only tm wcckcnds or public holidays. TE folhwing chm lists the, advantages and disadvantages of guide service nrnmgcn~m~f !he present time: Ydunteer Tour Guides in R;rsat Pkimai Advan- ~dvan~ 1. Community invol vemcm I. Tnc, many student ovmflows frmn their service detnmd. l~~corncTor student% 2. No guide qucuing sy~iem 1 3. Pmn~otescommunity harrnony'md unity 1 3. No daily volunteer guide wiervii-c.

Figure 3 Grwp of vdlrnteer tow guides in Rgnm 4 Volunteer tour guides in PMMli Pmsnt Phimi, 2004, N. Maneenebneb Phimai. 2004, TAT.

Figure5 Interpretation is not caq ror Fireb Text difhcull lo mad. 200$, N. Farangs (foreigners) in Pmat Manwneu Phimai. 2004; N. Maneenetr.

In analyzing the intcrprctativt sign. rlle sign wu~not computibfe with he panel size and the Iex~size was dimcult to read, ctume on the sims pwnels. Fratat Fhjd bas plenty Of sh& bt uodemkm at the site and an bdueruion of visitors

wncerning them.

Fipm 9 - 10 No MxpmWi~esign reg& Evfznl&mx.

IntqmWonPEaa fw SnrsWmbb Tourhi The htcqmtation flao cm €E su %&thur,lW, g.94; Staff, Heritage and Tourism Interpati pp? 33-37] TQ w a phfor sustainable t&

ancient arcmeam hweyec, the thcrearaZrnainpatsfmW physical aspeck md tu pqwc each other in order to beopme a hoti& plan which will be ber~ialFor sustainable tourism in hatPhimai. Man to improve the physical aspects in Prasai Phimai, for interpretation Sbkcholders of the interpretation plan S~ukuholdcrsof this interpretation plan inclr~drmany ugcncics and argani;ralions uuch ;IS:

1. The local governmen1 awy 1. The Fine Arts Dqwuxment 3. The Tautism Authority of Thailand 4. The Ministry or Cultur~ 5. Dramatic Am Collcge n. The Provincial Chamber d Commerce 7. Phimi Municipality OtTm a. Provincial Hotd Atrpaciation u, "Ille IUW operators and travel ugcnts rcsplnsihle for convincing the visitors La txpc,ricncc the site 1 o. The secondaty whoo1.c I I. C?diz?mntnirirssadjacent to the heriliigt sitc

Intrnfation Center fir Ytdtor Center The 1nrcrp'cLaiion Centes or Vishor Center would provide direct informatian regarding the background md hpteial a~tructionxof the heritage site to visitors. For this study the mCer will be called the "Visitw Center". The visitor center will h defined io 2 wries; interpretah zone and .service mne. I. hterpretatton be:me inkrprdattlon zone is a place to stme dl information. 11 carl be uwd to presem information to the pubLic by exbibition booths, poster banners or tnulti media presentations, t&. The antent of the prescntatioa~wonld be the hiswry of %sat< Phimai, architecual style, dml w,the way of Lift in the ancient period, etc, There ihpuld be prohibitions locad at the site ta advise the visitors in terms of "Dm"and 'Mts" *Is visiting the dk.

Board: to guidc visitors around he site and mwerquestions. & MIHI Museum: should have exhibits of past eulkural

14km culture lusd daily utensils like mm, muon chests, caris, monk i writs the histow of Phimai and linrtls from sanctuaries in Nakhon 2. Semite Zone :Thier uea ILP IIEviSim's facilities and taurist liaisons.

tnviment. The ticket kiosk should give print mdia now is of a rather cheap quall tickets shouId be able ro be kept as a souvenir. 22 Recreafb Arm should be for visitors to spend sonre time rehhg while expioring the hislwic park. 'Ihe si historic them. This area would be beneficial for mc kkm kween wrist visitors and local residents of tb area- 23 SmvdrShq or OTQP (One Tsmban product outlet by vibgem): The souvenir shop shdd in revenue. The problem ofexisting vendors around the historic p

rearganized to canrrol its image and also to insum regular cleaning. tourists and attempt tfl deebthe hisrory and arcbitectursl humcan site, but they are untrained '3011th vduotcer tour guides" from Phirnai Wjtthaya Schaol, Thk is a wmhess of the interpretatioe which occurs on this Site. However, the compl of heritage should cmiw of the integration of an -htcrprelatlon plm Meen visilws and tour guides. Therefore. the local guide pvilim should be the emphasis in this inteqmathn. Fu-re, volunteer guib shod be trained in a foreign hguage which can be used to cornnuaide with overseas vbitors. 25 Car Park and TratKc: At the present time, thcrc is u specific place for the car purking lo1 in fronl of the main entrance. but it is nnt enuugh spnce. An extra parking lot for ccsachcs should bc provided due la Ihe peak peritd of ihe mmn. The location can bc soaewhcrc ncar thc sire. A drop off nlid plckup a~:ishitrrrld be providd at the muin entrance. 2.6 Interpretative Sign: There should he e sign having the building's name according 10 legend an the site mup. The Itcution ol' the sign should be visible and content of the sign large enough to be easily reud. Furthermore. the signage shnuld hive a simple design il shaulll ulm, bcl, dcan and fundtima1 to avoid detracting from ~hcatmosphere of the site and rfrv~luuting~hc building. 2.7 Perf~manceStag(Movab1eStag): Drnmatic petfarmances arc held every motiih and a big pwfomancc nl the end of the year. An electrionl system has been instulled and is ready fi~rusc when functions are held. The clcclrjcnl -syslerll now in pl'acc runz ~101% ihc building in plain sight and naked czlhlc ciin gencrnlb be seen runni~agalong tl~cstone. The temporary .we, when not in use. should bc sblc to hr atared somewhere behind tl~ehistorical silc rcnw.

LExlsilng Pool

Fijpre 12 New physical plan to suppnrl thc Interpretation Plan. Goal lE To promote and slirnulate lwJ people t6 cmpm~ttin Lhg, understanding md realking tbe imptanoe of conswing these cultural sitts 01 amas in d@rto naaiataiD local miquwss rrad sustainable tourism. *ininam= In order to sustain the s~gnificanmof the cdturat heritage and promote and slimdate -the? local people to cooperue in learning, undetslanding and realizing ihe importance d @serving tkcultural sites or ateas in order to tnainlaifi Irrcd uaiqueness url sustainable tbm, macro-managemsn arganization mu61 place emphasis on the following: \ ammfor mwrva~ionin line with principles of he heritage site.

3. Itifmation improve public awareness of the cultural younger generation. 4. Regional networks oa to exchmg~txpdse and experience. Regarding the abave. The TMlaad and the Nalional Environment Bbard is responsible for ~tionalIeVCI. At the fwl level the Regional Offms of Tourism ProvImial Authority, the Ragitmal Offices of Enviro- Policy and the lacal Admldstration Or~~vnare responsible.

Evaluation 0s The Progrrrm~~ It will be done by wing qusstia* to get tk data for the interpretation Manager to monitor the programs hat or those chat do not. In addition, Ihc In!eqmtativc techniques and meet heexpctadons olnd sathfaction of visitors.

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