'Moment of Grace' for Hispanics Commit Themselves to Work for Justice
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'Beet loved man Catholics, Jews Asks pardon in Colorado' will celebrate for slavery P-2 Page 11 Page 11 VOL LXI NO. 34 AUGUST 21, 1915 Colorado•• urgest Weekly Circulation 80,715 32 PAGES 25 CENTS 'Moment of grace' for Hispanics Commit themselves to work for justice By Patricia Hillyer Register Staff An historical event referred to as " a powerful mo ment of grace," was marked by the country's Hispanic Catholic community when 1,200 delegates gathered in Washington, DC., Aug. l!>-18, for the third national En cuentro, termed m Encuentro Nacional Hispano de Pastoral. Representing 15 million Hispanic Catholics, the En cuentro, which means "encounter" or "meeting," raised a prophetic voice to confront critical issues and to recreate new methods of effective ministry to the burgeoning Hispanic population. Commitments Participants at the national Encuentro committed themselves to work in five areas of concern: evan gelizatlon. integral education. social justice, youth and leadership 1Con1tnued on P.age 4 1 49 archdiocesan seminarians pursuing priesthood studies The last part of August, or- the first part of Septem programs at Conception Semmary College and at St ber, will see 49 archdiocesan seminarians returning to, Joseph's College, Mountain View. California. or beginning, their seminary formation programs lead mg to the ordained priesthood. 14 new to seminary Fourteen of those seminarians are new to seminary This year twenty-one men will be pursuing their formation, having been accepted as seminarians this theological formation, which is the largest number of summer. The age range of the new students IS from 50 theologians the archdiocese has had for a number of years old to 18 years of age. years. Prior to returning to the1r seminaries the students Fourteen of those theologians will be studying at participated in their annual retreat. held at El Pomar St. Thomas· Seminary in Denver: three will be pursuing Retreat Center in Colorado Springs August 18-21. their pastoral year of formation at a parish in Denver, Father John Mergenhagen from the Renewal Center at and four will be studying abroad - two at the North Stella Niagara, New York, was retreatmaster Several Americ-an College in Rome and two at the American of the recently ordained priests of the archdiocese will College m Louvain, Belgium This will be the first time spend the last day of the retreat in discussions with the that the archdiocese has had students studying at the seminarians American College m Louvain. New vocations director Older men Father Ronald We1ssbeck, newly appointed Voca Eleven older men, who have already received a tions Director for the archdiocese, assumed his new college degree, will be pursuing their pre-theology for dulles August 16. Father Marcian O'Meara. formerly mation program at Conception Seminary College, Con director of vocations for the archdiocese, will devote ception, Missouri During this time they will be study his full lime m1mstry to his ass1enment as Director o! ing special courses in undergraduate theology, the Permanent Diaconat~ for the archdiocese and philosophy, and fulf1lhng their Spanish-language re chaplain for St. Walburga's Convent in Boulder quirement In addition to the academic formation program, Archdiocesan seminarians they will be in character and spritual formation programs The following are archdiocesan seminarians for the Many Mminarians study theology at SL Thomas' grams. 1~ academic yur: Seminary in Denver. Seventeen men will be in undergraduate college C Con,,n.,.d on P.ai,. JJ Page 2 - The Denver Catholic Register, Wed., August 21, 1985 IN THE Americans seek meaning of SPOTLl4GHT local Church, nun sa~rs placed with antt-clericahsm. it is being superseded by a Msgr. Edward l)inan New York (NC) - With external signs such as re new generation of Catholics v.:ho ~x~~ to speak .. to the Occupation: Priest ligious habits and Friday abstinence less prominent today, Church as well as listen to its dir~t,ves, she said. Cath American catholics are seeking a " new vision" of what olics today are less and hiss inchn~ to u.nque_slion,';"g as Birthplace: Denver their Church membership means, Mercy Sister Doris Got Age: 67 sent to unilateral hierarchical or clerical directives temoeller said in a New York address. As a consequence of U1at, she said, developing ways to Parish: St. Helena, Fort "This effort to realize a faith community which is Morgan, pastor engage Jay participation in decision-making_becom es a mat What Is it that led you to distinctively American and distinctively Catholic is part of ter of •·pastoral urgency ai; well as theological conv1cllon " choose your profession? a worldwide phenomenon in the Church - the effort to In a period for "tnter:action" of assembly participants In high school I made a discover the meaning of local Churches in relation to the with the speaker after the ,address, Sister Gottemoeller said retreat and my only con world Church," she said. her order had moved thr,ough a series of changes in ,ts Sister Gottemoeller, Cincinnati provincial of the Sisters clusion was that I was not to attitude toward lay workers in its institutions. be a priest. Shortly after of Mercy of the Union, spoke Aug. 13 to the aMual as• At first, she said. they were considered a "second wards, Father Roy Breen sembly of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men. best" solution, employed when not enough sisters were took three of us with him to As part of an overall theme at the Aug. 11-15 CMSM available Then, she said. the order spoke of them as co St. Thomas Seminary. assembly dealing with change, Sister Gottemoeller spoke on ministers who work side-by-side but " with the spmtuahty While there, I decided that "Challenges to Religious Leadership from a Changing U.S. of the Sisters of Mercy. which we are careful to give Church." I might as well take the them." entrance exam "just in Despite the existence of many catholic organizations But now, Sister Gottemoeller said, the order 1s '"on the with lay leaders, she said, in the past " lay passivity and case." The good Lord did it threshold" of recognizing the lay workers as people who all. dependence on clerical direction" have been closer to the bring their own original insights u:ito the ministries that norm than " self-direction and shared responsibility." What do you like best about it? " While the old clericalist mentality has not been re- Religious and lay workers perform in collaborat1on Celebrating the Eucharist and serving others. What do you like least about it? Nothing in particular Ruling denies confessor protection What is your most memorable experience? On a Saturday in Septembe1: 1962, I was attending a Flagler Day Celebration when ,at the Air Show one of the on child abuse reporting planes crashed into the crowd and 20 persons were killed. Amid the confusion, I was able to administer the dinator of the Canon Law Society of America and a leading sacrements and aid many people. NC News Service US. specialist in Church law, said he had heard that a If a penitent confesses acts of child abuse to a priest in number of recent state chlild abuse reporting statutes have acti, What is your favorite past:time? been written in language so strict as to put the priest My hobbies have changed over the years from Texas, a 1975 state law would require that the priest decide who arrowhead collecting, bridge a1nd stamp collecting to my between breaking the seal of Confession or breaking the penitent relationship "ser itously m Jeopardy " in" present joy of photography. law, Texas Attorney General Jim Mattox said in an opinion In the United States, he said, it is state rather than Aug. 12. federal law which generally sets the civil standards of won What one person has bad title most influence on your Mattox said he personally believed in protecting the priest-penitent confidenti;~hty, and the law varies from who life? confidentiality of a person's relationship with a confessor or state to state. acti, My spiritual director(s). spiritual adviser, but " the law is set by the legislature." Darrouzet said a 1967 Texas law protects the priest· What is your day-to-day philosophy of life? "No one can defend child abuse," said Holy Cross penitent privilege, but in Mattox.'s opinion the Child Abuse Los Each day I meet different people, and I try at least Brother Richard Daly, executive director of the Texas Reporting Act incorporatf!d into the Texas Family Code in the I to see Christ in each one of U1em that I see Catholic Conference. But a law that deters an abuser from 1975 reversed that 1967 provision talking to a priest or makes a priest a criminal for not toda What is your favorite word of advice to others? going to the police only makes an already bad situation The 1975 act legally binds a priest or mm1ster to report cases of chJld abuse ev,en if learned in confidence, the grou Have a high esteem of yourseU and contribute to worse, he said. coor making the world a little bett,er. Texas catholic Conference general counsel John P. attorney general said No1r are clergy exempted by the law from being required to te!,tify m court about child abuse. he its h What is the one thing that displeases you most? Darrouzet said in a telephone interview that he considers said. naw Religious indifference on 1lhe part of some persons. the opinion "very shallow" and thinks it would not stand up Pro, What pleases you most? to a court test. He nevertheless issued a brief to the Texas The act itself says I.hat only those with an attomey When persons return to the practice of the faith bishops suggesting they warn their priests to be careful in client relationship are i11T1mune from its provisions, and arou dealing with any information or allegations of child abuse anyone else who fails to report information about child Won which they learn outside Confession, such as a counseling abuse is subJect to criminal penalties iSSU4 situation · of a The Denver Catl1olic Register Catholic Church laws say any priest who violates the resp seal of Confession is automatically excommunicated, and larg, (USPS 557-030) only the Holy See can reinstate him in the Church.