COMMUNICATION on PROGRESS 2018 UN Global Compact Communication on Progress 2018

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COMMUNICATION on PROGRESS 2018 UN Global Compact Communication on Progress 2018 COMMUNICATION ON PROGRESS 2018 UN Global Compact Communication on progress 2018 Gottlieb Paludan Architects A/S Orientkaj 4 2151 Nordhavn, Copenhagen T +45 4171 8200 W CVR number 1835 5949 Illustrations Eva Sara Rasmussen: 24 Gottlieb Paludan Architects: 4, 8, 12, 15, 16, 20, 23, 28, 32 Lars Ormø Christiansen: 18 Lars Rolfsted Mortensen: front page image, 10, 20, 26, 30-31 Robin Hayes: 12 Stefan Müller: 2 Statement of continued support As architects, we are dedicated to shape our surroundings so they contribute to a better quality of life and more sustainable everyday living. We believe that architecture can make a real difference and contribute to changing the way we live, think and behave. Good infrastructure is crucial in this equation. Gottlieb Paludan Architects has always been focusing on infrastructure by developing and designing solutions for roads, public transport and public utilities, such as water and sewerage, electricity, gas and telecommunications. This year, we have dedicated ourselves support the environment to provide better working environments. Weto an believe additional that well-functioningarea: Commercial workplaces & Office. With and this institutions market, we constitute the basic framework for a comfortable life. Our architectural mission is to create beautiful, sustainable and long-term solutions within our three market areas. to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of humanWe are pleasedrights, labour, to confirm environment our ongoing and commitmentanti-corruption. and support Copenhagen, July 2018 ˄ Delft City Archives The distinctive brickwork of the new domicile for the Delft City Archives takes its motif from a bookshelf, and thus the architectural scheme is clearly manifested in the facade. The archives are placed on the upper floors, where Kristian Hagemann the collection is protected against water damage in the event of a storm CEO, Architect MAA surge or torrential rain. Gottlieb Paludan Architects ˄˄ Front page Køge Waterworks Table of content 1. Introduction 2. How we advance sustainability 3. Interviews with three Gottlieb Paludan Architects employees 4. Professional and organisational development 5. The four Global Compact Core Values 6. Measuring outcomes 2018 7. Our focus in 2018/2019 < Orientkaj 4 Gottlieb Paludan Architects' Head Office 7 Introduction This year was a landmark for our company: In 2017, Gottlieb Paludan Architects completed On the 1st of January 2018, the Swedish engineering and design company ÅF acquired dealing with mainly green energy, water ownership of Gottlieb Paludan Architects. treatmenta number ofsolutions significant and infrastructure public transport. projects, ÅF has a declared strategy to strengthen its Furthermore, we worked on projects focusing on adaptation to climate change, such as architecture and design, and the Swedish projects supporting biodiversity and coast companybusiness significantlysaw Gottlieb within Paludan the Architects areas of as an protection. The issue of sustainability is the ideal partner in this endeavor. Both companies thread that runs through our strategy and have long Nordic traditions, focusing on informs our choice of projects. In our day-to- development of projects within infrastructure, day work, we tap into a number of the UN’s mobility, energy and industry. With 10,000 Sustainable Development Goals. For example; countries, ÅF is an international engineering andemployees design andcompany offices whose in more networks than 30 and • Goal #3 Ensure healthy lives and promote competencies will support our strategy to well-being for all at all ages continue developing and expanding our core • Goal #7 Create solutions that support business. affordable and clean energy • Goal #9 Build resilient infrastructure, Sustainability is part of ÅF’s business strategy promote inclusive and sustainable and a prerequisite for ÅF’s business as a whole. industrialization and foster innovation ÅF works proactively to promote initiatives • Goal #11 Make cities and communities towards a more sustainable society in order inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable • Goal #13 Take urgent action to combat an attractive workplace, wanting to focus climate change and its impacts. onto achieve choosing long-term responsible profitability. assignments ÅF is and providing sustainable solutions. In this report, we will describe how our ˄ initiatives inspire our ambitions to become a Solrødgård Climate and Environmental Park, Hillerød As a part of the ÅF family, Gottlieb Paludan more sustainable company and contribute to The overall vision for this unusual park project is to Architects endorses their business strategy and the goals and principles behind the UN Global highlight and demonstrate the energy cycles that keep our supports their sustainability goals. Compact. We will describe how we advance modern day society running in the context of a wetland, sustainability through our professional and offering a sanctuary for birds and other wildlife. Visitors are invited to explore the park as well as the various organizational development, and will report on utility functions and processes at close range. the outcomes of our efforts. 9 How we advance sustainability Central to our strategy is understanding ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY how we can contribute to the advancement We contribute to promoting and of sustainability in our own projects, in strengthening public transport, cycling collaborations and in our daily, professional • solutions and bicycle culture, thereby lives at the office. We contribute to all three aspects of sustainability (social, • We contribute to lowering the reducing transport-related CO₂ emissions. environmental and economic), but our environmental impact of construction activities affect more directly the social and work by proposing building materials that environmental aspects of sustainability. require fewer resources in production, In the following, we will describe how we recycling and disposal, and which last believe that we contribute to advancing longer. In this way, every individual construction leaves a smaller carbon sustainability through our work with urban footprint throughout its service life. planning and architecture: The least harmful construction is often the recycled construction, and we • specialize in renovation, transformation and refurbishment. With a combination of architectural design, understanding of materials and respect for the construction and its history, we raise renovation and adaptive reuse to a level where it can easily compete with new construction. The focus is not only on improving energy performance but also on rethinking the purpose of the construction to suit current and future use. < Hamburg Grüne Lanterne We integrate climate adaptation measures A new resource and energy centre is to and rainwater management in all relevant contribute to a greener Hamburg. • projects. The plant is set to become the city’s new green energy landmark, symbolizing the shift from traditional waste incineration to more integrated utilization of the energy resources found in waste. 11 SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY We contribute to enhancing the public Gottlieb Paludan Architects prioritizes transport travel experience through projects that have socio-economic impact. • • This may mean designing urban spaces accessibility, intermodality and integration that encourage physical activity and withimproving the urban traffic realm. hub design with regard to exercise, developing public transport which We contribute to increasing liveability decreases the use of private cars, in turn through the improvement of connectivity decreasing carbon emissions, or making it • and public spaces in towns and cities. easier to commute by bicycle. The outcome of these solutions is a healthier population We contribute to improving living and lower healthcare costs as well as lower conditions in peripheral regions through • the development of provincial towns. CO₂ emissions. We contribute to creating social cohesion constructions as we pay special attention to through infrastructure projects which link • theirWe focus entire on life the cycle overall and financial the use viabilityand reuse of • city and countryside, suburb and town of materials. centre, giving more people the opportunity to be employed, get an education and We focus on designing with high quality participate in society. materials and assembly details resulting in • low maintenance requirements. We focus on creating safe environments – urban areas with good lighting and • infrastructure that appeal to vulnerable road users. We support public transport and public utilities. This has an impact on all three • aspects of sustainability. ˄ Bicycle parking below Lyngby Station Gottlieb Paludan Architects has re-designed the basement below the station in order for it to work as a bicycle parking facility. The project involved demolishing the heavy concrete structures to the platforms and main entrance, renovating all surfaces, optimizing wayfinding and preparing the connection to the coming light rail. Users’ sense of safety was a priority, thus the underground facility has been equipped with CCTV, custom-made light fixtures with strong light and loud classical music. interview with Christina Tolstrup13 < Värtaverket Power Plant, Stockholm The essence of sustainability A case in point is, for example, the Climate and Our CHP plants and other technical installa- Environmental Centre in the North Zealand town
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