IAA–94–IAA.3.1.634 The Need for a New Political Covenant on

Wendell W. Mendell NASA Houston, TX 77058 USA

45TH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL FEDERATION October 9 – 14, 1994 / Jerusalem, Israel The Need for a New Political Covenant on Human Spaceflight

Wendell W. Mendell Earth Science & Solar System Exploration Div. NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX 77058 USA

Abstract United States, Russia, and Europe are particularly concerned. In Japan, modest space budgets Of all international space activities, human appear steady and even increasing; and China has spaceflight is most closely tied to the now obsolete recently begun formulating a new program of rationales of the Cold War. Even though only two human spaceflight. agencies have human programs, the total expendi- Human spaceflight is particularly expensive, ture exceeds that for all other civil space activities and only the United States and Russia have felt combined. Currently, the political rationale for compelled to make that scale of societal invest- the Space Station in the U.S. is heavily connected ment. In the 1980’s Europe, Japan, and Canada to foreign policy objectives relative to the Russian decided to invest significant fractions of their Federation; and the lifetime of these policies may space budgets in the International Space Station. not be commensurate with the construction and Their political ally, the U.S., called for support; but operation of a space station. The long term viabil- they also perceived that investment in the associ- ity of human exploration of space requires that a ated technologies was necessary to stay competi- new political covenant must be constructed be- tive and influential on the world scene. tween the technical community and the rest of so- After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the po- ciety as represented by international political insti- litical rationale in the U.S. for what is called Space tutions. Although U.S. space policy includes a Station Alpha has evolved until now the emphasis goal to expand human presence beyond low Earth in the Clinton Administration is on constructive orbit, it has never been fully debated within the investment in the fragile Russian economy. Space U.S. political system. Thus, no ownership of it agencies still tout the technical benefits of research exists within the general political process. in low Earth orbit, but it is doubtful whether those Legitimate philosophical rationales exist arguments in isolation would justify the requested which support an investment in human space- level of funding. Space Station Alpha and Mir are flight. Although human spaceflight can also be currently the only tangible commitments to the supported in terms of the massive problems facing future of human spaceflight, and proponents of humanity on the Earth in the next Century, they human exploration are not confident in the ro- are of little interest to today’s politicians. Never- bustness of their political support. theless, thoughtful dialogue with leaders and Space activities at some level undoubtedly opinion-makers can result in a political consensus have a long term future. National security for investment in human spaceflight. However, considerations still justify a military space the space community must face up to the chal- program, if only for intelligence gathering and lenge of finding institutional and technical imple- communication. Certain commercial space sectors mentations which are much more economical than are healthy, particularly telecommunications and those we now have. Trust must be engendered global positioning systems. Commercialized between the technical community and the political remote sensing is doing less well. Space science is process rooted in a mutual education and enlight- being squeezed, but some investment will enment on the problems facing each. continue into the foreseeable future. The prospects for human spaceflight are less The Political Threat to Human Space Exploration certain. On one hand, some futurists predict diminishing resources on Earth will have to be Permeating all gatherings of space profession- supplemented by resources from space such as als is a concern over shrinking budgets in an era of energy-producing facilities or strategic materials worldwide economic recession. The end of the mined from planets or asteroids. So far, predic- Cold War has led to falling priorities for space tions of doom have had little effect on either exploration. Aerospace professionals in the politicians or investors. Other futurists believe 3 that space exploration is simply part of life’s ulti- cal capability which had arisen undetected in the mate purpose. Humans will expand into the solar secret lair of the Soviet bear. While development system because they can, and that expansion is of nuclear weapons by the Soviets could be ratio- necessary for ultimate survival of the species. nalized by the U.S. public as theft of technology by In this paper, I do not want to examine the va- a pervasive spy network, a preemptive technical lidity or effectiveness of these rationales; others triumph could not be so easily dismissed. have done so at great length. I agree that space The political benefits of space spectaculars development of any significant scale cannot occur were not lost on Nikita Khrushchev. Over the until economic incentives dominate, but for at next five years, he pressured the Soviet Chief least next two decades we must deal with political Designer, Korolev, to produce ever greater public rationales. (In fact, the situation will never change relations victories by pushing to the limits the as long as space agencies and aerospace compa- basic capabilities of his rockets. Korolev would nies remain “comfortable” with government doles have preferred to increase capability for space and refuse to focus on making space accessible to exploration and development in a more rational private investment.) Therefore, I want to consider manner.1 the nature of the implicit social contract between In the United States, the initial Sputnik shock the political processes and the space community. led to the National Space Act and the formation of NASA. John Kennedy campaigned on the mythi- Politics at the Birth of the Space Age cal missile gap and subsequently initiated the Cold War arms race after election. The launch of A remarkable event occurred in October 1957. Yuri Gagarin into orbit, superimposed on the Bay The people who were involved with it knew that it of Pigs debacle in Cuba, led to Kennedy’s an- would be remarkable, but they had no idea just nouncement of the Moon Race. Within four years how significant it would become. human space exploration had gone from pure In 1950, the RAND Corporation submitted a fantasy to hard reality. The sky was no longer the secret report to the U.S. Government pointing out limit for the dreamers of cosmic voyages. possible legal problems to be faced with the launching of proposed reconnaissance satellites1. : An Endangered Species The Soviet Union could have legal grounds for protesting violation of sovereignty when a satellite As the race to the Moon proceeded in the passed into its “air space” during an orbit. When decade of the 1960’s, political urgency subsided the scientific community submitted plans for the and the NASA budget declined. Many questioned International Geophysical Year (IGY) which in- whether there was a race at all. As the first Moon cluded the first launches of artificial Earth satel- landing approached, President Nixon asked for a lites, one by the United States and one by the So- strategy for future space exploration. The Space viet Union, the initiative was perceived to provide Task Group, assembled by NASA and led by the a solution to the secret debate in foreign policy. Vice-President, presented a cornucopia of large The participation of the Soviet Union in this crewed space stations and bases on the Moon and benign scientific activity would set an interna- Mars2. The President rejected these visions en- tional legal precedent that permission was not re- tirely, given budgetary pressures from the Viet- quired to place a satellite in an orbit passing over nam War and from social programs. Elimination another country. The Eisenhower Administration of the human space program was contemplated. chose the struggling Vanguard program to be the A series of political considerations led to the U.S. representative because the implementing program. President Nixon was agency (Naval Research Laboratory) had less of a concerned about votes in California, home of military association than did the Army Ballistic major aerospace industry, in the 1972 election. Missile Command with its Jupiter rocket. The NASA struck a deal with the Department of possibility that the Soviet satellite might be Defense to support the Shuttle if NASA modified launched first was a secondary consideration and it to meet some military requirements. Finally, even slightly desirable, given the legal concerns. NASA produced economic models which No one anticipated the political firestorm that predicted major reductions in launch costs with a erupted following Sputnik. The U.S. media char- reusable, frequently launched system. acterized the event as proof of a terrifying techni-

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Parsimonious funding of the Shuttle program and unforeseen technical problems led to delays of Space Exploration is not Politically Correct the first flight. One significant consequence was the loss of the , the U.S. space station, which The Space Exploration Initiative was one fell into the atmosphere over Australia. The Space victim of political wars between the Executive and Shuttle also turned out to be an expensive vehicle the Legislative Branches of the U.S. Government, to operate with launch frequencies more than a but its demise was aided by indifference and factor of 5 less than promised. political ineptness in NASA in the charged political environment. An analysis of the decline Renewed Acknowledgement and fall of the SEI is beyond the scope of this of Human Space Exploration paper, but I do want to comment on the role of Congressional staff in the process. The Reagan-Bush decade began with a theme The NASA Administrator elevated the Office for reduced Government spending, but in the end of Exploration in 1990 to the level of Associate the space program prospered. The Space Shuttle Administrator following a recommendation of the was strongly supported and the Space Station Augustine Commission. The post was abolished program was initiated. A significant development by the subsequent NASA Administrator in 1993, of this decade was the explicit inclusion of a after Congress adamantly refused to allocate strategic vision for human space exploration into funds. Staffers reportedly pored over the FY93 U.S. space policy for the first time. After the NASA budget in detail to remove all items Challenger explosion, the NASA Administrator associated with Moon/ exploration and in charged Sally Ride to look into strategic the process eliminated some unrelated items directions for the space program3. Drawing on whose names evoked the wrong context. the work of the National Commission on Space After the elimination of the Office of Explo- (chaired by Tom Paine)4, Administrator Fletcher ration in NASA Headquarters, the Director of the established a long-range goal to expand human Johnson Space Center (JSC) changed the name of presence beyond the Earth into the solar system. the Exploration Program Office (which had sup- This goal was incorporated into national space ported the Associate Administrator) to the Plane- policy by President Reagan in February, 1988. tary Projects Office and moved most of the per- President Bush raised the stakes in July, 1989, sonnel inside the pre-existing New Initiatives Of- with his declaration of a permanent human pres- fice to remove the impression that SEI work was ence on the Moon and human journeys to Mars continuing. Substantially without funds, the office following completion of the Space Station5. His continued to consider strategies for adapting plans program was originally called the Human Explo- for human exploration to the new fiscal and politi- ration Initiative and later changed to the Space cal realities. The existence of the effort was so sen- Exploration Initiative (SEI) for political reasons. sitive that a photo at JSC for a Russian NASA produced a technical response in Novem- lunar rover team, sponsored by the Planetary So- ber, 1989, entitled “Report of the 90-Day Study on ciety, was canceled at the last minute to avoid any Human Exploration of the Moon and Mars”6. The publicity that might be connected to SEI. report was widely criticized, mostly for its pur- A year later, a JSC employee, who had once ported high cost and lack of innovation. Vice- been a manager in the Exploration Program Office, President Quayle subsequently initiated commis- was making a presentation to Congressional sions to recommend reforms in NASA (Augustine staffers about some aspect of Space Station Alpha Commission)7 and to look for more innovative as part of the consideration of the FY95 budget. After the presentation, a staffer asked whether an approaches to the SEI (Stafford Commission)8. element described in the presentation was on the Support for the SEI was weak at the highest Space Station to promote SEI. The NASA em- management levels of NASA; and Congress ployee assured the staffer (truthfully) that it was attacked the program savagely, ultimately not the case; the element served another purpose. scouring the NASA budget to eliminate any traces When I heard this story, I was struck most of human exploration of the planets. By 1993, the strongly by the defensiveness of NASA employee, SEI was dead and its organizations disbanded. who was quick to deny any association of his project with Exploration. The unspoken assumption in the exchange was that Exploration

4 5 was politically incorrect. My rather simple thesis ronment of Washington. Much of Congress views is that this implicit assumption must be reversed NASA as a “jobs” program, and the current Ad- throughout political processes in (at least) the ministration primarily looks to NASA for a tech- spacefaring nations. The community of space nology engine to increase national economic com- activists must create a common system of belief in petitiveness. (However, the National society that human exploration and space Laboratories, deprived of military funding, are development is a natural and inevitable part of the new competitors on the political scene for this future. The question of “whether” must be role.) Strong support from the President converted to a question of “how” leading to a preserved Space Station Alpha in the recent question of “when”. Congressional budget battles because the Many employees of NASA and other Administration wanted it as an element of Russian Government agencies resent having technical foreign policy. Vice-President Gore is very projects reviewed by Congress at high levels of interested in global change research and believes detail (micromanagement), and they resent the NASA can provide important tools for that power of the unelected staff in that process. I do objective. Meanwhile, working level NASA em- not wish to debate whether it is appropriate that ployees see themselves as agents for exploration of Congressional staffers have such power; the point space in the name of Humankind and puzzle over is that they do. Other governments have lack of support for such a noble endeavor. equivalent processes where technical decisions are NASA is a 30-year-old bureaucracy with reviewed by bureaucrats who may not have the entrenched interests, resistant to change which professional training or, often, adequate could eliminate jobs or alter organizational background data for informed decisions. Any structure. (In this, it is no different than any other political strategy for promoting human space organization.) It routinely seeks advice from the exploration must accommodate this reality. “community”, which consists of an aerospace industry dependent on NASA funds and scientists The Political Context of Space Activities dependent on NASA funds. NASA appoints the in the United States committees and defines their charters, making the advisory process incestuous. As a result, NASA U.S. society has undergone fundamental has insulated itself to a large degree from societal changes in the last two decades, and a new equi- change. In short, the customer has changed but librium has yet to be defined. Societal NASA has not. adjustments in terms of racial demographics and Administrator Goldin arrived as a revolution- relations began in the 1950’s but accelerated in the ary. He faced an Agency that had been told it 1970’s. Major companies have reduced their work could not go to the Moon and Mars, that was un- forces dramatically in the last decade. Lifetime der siege both at home and abroad for an expen- employment associated with corporations like sive and seemingly unproductive Space Station IBM or even the military can no longer be program, and that had suffered devastating pub- assumed. Legislation to protect the environment licity for flaws in expensive, highly touted pro- is beginning to come into conflict with basic U.S. grams. He also arrived having had very little ex- values on property rights and freedom of choice. perience with NASA, unfamiliar with its The growth of a massive debt has gradually strengths, weaknesses, and complexities. His eroded all flexibility in administering the federal tenure thus far has been characterized by budget, creating enormous pressures on turbulence, creating dismay among those who policymakers and legislators to curtail programs applauded change and horror among those who and services. Political gridlock has led to growing resist it. cynicism and disrespect in the electorate while At the end of the summer of 1994, a window crippling the ability of the U.S. to exercise decisive of relative calm is opening in the Agency, follow- leadership on the world stage. The nascent ing robust support of the Space Station in the 1995 information revolution promises to bring even budget and a spectacularly successful repair of the more changes although no one understands just . A survey of the land- what they might be. scape reveals new leadership in the field centers, In the midst of this societal foment, NASA new organizations and new processes in NASA looks much as it did 20 years ago, thereby becom- Headquarters, a new hard line on mission costs, a ing increasingly irrelevant in the political envi- tightly constrained budget, and a new emphasis

5 6 on interaction of the Agency with society through within a system of belief rather than by deductive education processes and through incorporation of reasoning from universally accepted premises. societal diversity. Administrator Goldin has im- However, I do not mean to say that no pragmatic pressed on the Agency, as never before, the new reasons exist for going into space. boundary conditions under which it will operate To emphasize the importance of shared vision in the future. Only time will tell whether new, within the space community, I deliberately choose emerging structures will suffice to meet the expec- the word covenant with its religious connotation to tations of society as well as the expectations of describe a desired common understanding of the NASA’s employees and supporters. long term societal role of space exploration and Let’s consider the latter. development. During the race to put a human on The discussion thus far in this section has been the Moon, many people - both within and outside couched in the metaphor of the marketplace. The the space program - believed a covenant existed. emphasis has been on the expectations of society Leaders of the technical effort, such as Werner von for products in return for its investment. What is Braun and Sergei Korolev, were working toward a often lost in such considerations is the fact that the future for humanity in space. Vision is particu- landing of humans on the Moon and the robotic larly manifest in the life work of Krafft Ehricke. exploration of the solar system has excited the Politicians did not share these dreams. spirits of exceptionally creative, intelligent, and In my opinion, any investments in the talented young people. astronaut Harrison technology of human space exploration will Schmitt emphasizes that the Apollo technical and always be vulnerable to the derisive snigger of the scientific team often worked 16-hour days because bureaucrat until society as a whole accepts the it was a labor of love. And he emphasizes that the ultimate potential of space development. Of program would not have succeeded without that course, then we in the space community incur an effort. Unbeknownst to the politicians, the experi- obligation to fulfill that expectation without ence of space exploration imbued a generation asking for extraordinary allocations of resources. with a faith that space will be the future home for humanity. That belief and excitement lives on to- Difficulty Selling Human Space Exploration day in NASA employees (particularly younger ones) and in others who are lucky enough to par- In an earlier paper9, I described the dilemma ticipate in the space program. If the leadership of facing the technical manager proposing a lunar NASA decides that the structure and objectives of base. How does one answer the question, “Why the Agency should be purely “market driven”, go to the Moon?” then the inspirational quality which has been a An initial reaction is to list the benefits of go- hallmark of the space program will disappear. ing to the Moon. Tangible benefits are always I have encountered more than one scientist, preferable but, in an undefined program, are likely formerly involved in space science, embittered by to be educated guesses. At one time, educated the experience of having research terminated in guesses might have been adequate; but the Space budget cuts during the Apollo era. These people Station lesson is that political adversaries will re- feel betrayed by NASA when the relatively small member unfulfilled promises. Avoid overselling – amounts of money spent on the scientific commu- or hype, as it is often called. And program success nity were sacrificed to grandiose projects at is not always an adequate defense. The Hubble aerospace companies. It is easy to dismiss such Space Telescope program has been criticized for feelings as naiveté about the marketplace, but I in- bragging on its discoveries in the press.10 terpret this frustration as further evidence that in- Alternatively, one can cite intangible benefits volvement with space exploration and science en- as justification. Although these are not as com- genders a sense of higher mission in many people. pelling, they do have the advantage of being less Surveys at NASA centers reveal that employees vulnerable to future refutation. Presentations confer more loyalty to the mission of the supporting the SEI promised to improve quality of organization than to the organization itself. life through advances in technology, to inspire This sense of mission has much in common youth to enter technical fields, to spur competi- with religious belief. Believers are not converted tiveness, to instill national pride, and to bring na- by purely logical arguments. Space enthusiasts tions together for peaceful cooperation. This list can produce “justifications” for space develop- reflects a hasty market analysis of “national ment, but these points are usually developed

6 7 needs”, circa 1990. While I do believe that these level about human activity beyond low Earth or- benefits are real and could flow from a well-con- bit, the confrontational relationship between the ceived program of human exploration, I am not President and the Congress doomed the enterprise convinced that they would necessarily follow from in the form in which NASA presented it. Some of just any randomly selected program of lunar bases us argued that the SEI should be treated as a and Mars missions. strategic planning envelope within which to plan A somewhat more sophisticated strategy the future of the space program, but the urge to avoids promises altogether and instead describes make it a set of programs layered on top of the what would be done on the Moon or on Mars. Space Shuttle and the Space Station proved irre- The audience can evaluate the worth of the sistible to a culture based on project management. activities in its own terms of reference. Duke11, in I propose working to reestablish the general an AIAA paper entitled, “Why Explore the goals for human exploration of the solar system as Moon?”, states that the Moon is “a stepping stone outlined in the July, 1989, speech. Although this in the expansion of humanity beyond the Earth”, task is complicated in the U.S. by the recent “opens new opportunities for scientific political history of the concept, independent advancement not available on Earth”, and will initiatives in Europe and in Japan are moving in provide the first significant resources from space. this direction. Implicit is the premise that space development At the beginning of June, 1994, the European and space exploration are desirable and even Space Agency hosted an International Lunar inevitable manifestations of the human condition. Workshop in Beatenberg, Switzerland. Invitees The inevitability of human expansion beyond from around the world considered a proposed the Earth is a theme which is usually supported by four-phase program of lunar exploration and de- historical analogy and/or anthropological argu- velopment14. A phase of robotic exploration and ments. A good example is found in the AIAA pa- scientific investigation would be followed by es- per, “Why Explore the Universe?”, by Robert tablishment of permanent robotic scientific facili- McC. Adams12. The anthropological imperative is ties. The third phase would focus on the first ex- explored at length in the book Interstellar ploitation of the lunar resources, leading to instal- Migrations and the Human Experience by Ben Finney lation of the first human outpost in the next phase. and Eric Jones13. While the premise that homo Although the first lander and orbiter missions sapiens will go where able to go is persuasive, it is would begin at the turn of the century, no time- not very useful in arguments for funds in the table is offered for the duration of the phases and current fiscal year. What is inevitable in no specification is made of the mission content. evolutionary terms can be postponed on What is being requested from the European evolutionary time scales. political process is agreement to a strategic A politician’s interest in reelection draws approach for space exploration and development. him/her to deliverable, tangible benefits from a Tacit acknowledgement is made that the objectives lunar base (or other human space initiatives). Yet, will be addressed as technical resources become promises from an undefined program are highly available and that new phases will be entered as uncertain. Conversely, successful philosophical the state of technology advances and becomes arguments require time to take root in the national affordable. The Beatenberg Declaration, issued at mind-set and become part of the zeitgeist. Pro- the end of the workshop, generally supported the gram managers cannot expect support for funding program but mentioned ultimate human presence until their objectives become politically acceptable. only obliquely, as that issue was contentious. Also in 1994, the Japanese Lunar and Plane- Creating the Covenant tary Society drew up a program of long term lunar exploration and development, which was consid- President Bush presented a philosophical ered at a well attended conference in September in statement for human exploration of the Moon and Tokyo. The conference was not only noteworthy Mars. NASA, in its subsequent reply, concretized for its theme of Return to the Moon but also the proposal by specifying what would be done, because it was jointly sponsored by ISAS and how it would done, when it would be done, and NASDA. In the past the two Japanese space agen- how much it would cost. While political agree- cies have maintained carefully distinct agendas. I ment might have been reached on a philosophical am less familiar with the details of the Japanese

7 8 plans, but published NASDA studies15 have space program during budget deliberations are emphasized human presence and commercial industry lobbyists and space activist organiza- development on the Moon more strongly than tions. Even within that small group, tension exists have European proposals. among advocates for science missions and for hu- While the genesis of these initiatives was in- man missions. A quirk in the U.S. government fluenced by the short-lived SEI in the U.S., the de- structure places the NASA budget in competition velopment of each proposal has been independent with funding for war veterans and other social of the other and has been independent of U.S. programs, special interest groups whose numbers leadership. At a conference sponsored by the overwhelm space activists. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronau- While lobbying and political activism are part tics in May, 1994, the Director General of NASDA of today’s realities, they are ultimately tactical so- and a senior representative of ESA answered sepa- lutions, targeted for the current year’s debate. To rate questions on lunar exploration from the audi- ensure long term stability in the goals of the space ence at a panel discussion. Both representatives program, we must make long term investments in stressed the need to complete the Space Station such things as the education of young people. To Alpha but then added that lunar exploration was infuse a generation with an expectation of space the objective for humans in the 21st Century. achievements requires a deeper commitment than These independent affirmations of a lunar focus in supporting a NASA Spacemobile to carry exhibits the future validates the general vision of the Space and presentations to individual classrooms. The Exploration Initiative and should eventually help issue of space themes in K-12 education now has the acceptance of long range goals in the U.S. the attention of the NASA Administrator; and, as political process. Chief Scientist France Cordova said in a recent In the U.S., formulation of space policy re- speech, we must get information from space ac- quires input both from the Executive and the Leg- tivities into the textbooks promptly. True progress islative Branches, but they play different roles. in this area can be made only if it has high level The Executive asserts; the Legislative permits; management attention. NASA must produce while complying. The Presi- Next, the space program must cease to become dent, through his advisory system, formulates pol- the exclusive purview of a few scientists and icy and proposes initiatives in conjunction with astronauts. The general public, including the annual budget submission. NASA has input Congresspersons and their children, must have to that process, but outside groups or other some reasonable expectation of experiencing space departments of the Executive may strongly exploration directly. Commercial ventures influence the result. Congress shapes the final designed to give the public access to in-space product through its control of budget operations should be encouraged, as long as they authorization and appropriation. NASA testifies do not compromise the safety or scientific integrity in hearings on the budget, but Congressional of other space activities. NASA programs representatives are also sensitive to inputs from themselves must be restructured to enlarge the their constituents. community of participants. NASA is forbidden by law to lobby Congress In an earlier paper, I laid out a program for to influence policy, but the Agency is chartered to direct student involvement in design and educate the public (constituents). Where educa- operation of a lunar-based telescope16. Beginning tion ends and advocacy begins is a matter of opin- with a university design competition, continuing ion. NASA sends information to individuals or with construction, and operation of Earth-based organizations who then are free to use it to systems with ever-increasing degrees of autonomy support the space program to Congress. In and remoteness, and culminating in a lunar particular, scientific societies and even individual system whose operation is indistinguishable from scientists have become increasingly sophisticated Earth-based prototypes, the program would be a about contacting Congressional representatives collaborative effort of industry and academia and the members of key committees. supported by NASA. In parallel with the Since direct participation in space-related en- engineering and development, educators would deavors historically has been limited to a small utilize prototype and engineering test facilities to community of technologists and scientists, the certify students at increasing levels of expertise only political constituency actively supporting the

8 9 and scientific achievement, leading to a license to 2. The Post-Apollo Space Program: Directions for the propose research on the lunar facility. Future. Space Task Group Report to the A program designed from the ground up to President, September 1969. serve educational needs would be a major 3. Ride, Sally K. (1987) LEADERSHIP and departure from current mission structures. America’s Future in Space. NASA. However, paradigms are changing. The 4. Pioneering the Space Frontier. The Report of the Announcement of Opportunity (AO) from National Commission on Space. May 1986. NASA’s Solar System Exploration Program for Bantam Books 211 pp. Discovery Missions requires the Principal 5. “President Bush Charts U.S. Space Course…” Investigator (PI) to immediately place processed NASA Activities, July - August, 1989, pp 3 - 4. data in public archives and then to compete with 6. Report of the 90-Day Study on Human other scientists in a separate AO for data analysis. Exploration of the Moon and Mars. NASA, Traditionally, the PI has had exclusive intellectual November, 1989. rights to the data for one year, and the archiving 7. Report of the Advisory Committee on the Future of requirement was not often enforced strictly. the U.S. Space Program. December, 1990. Supt. Finally, space agencies around the world of Documents, U.S. Govt. Printing Office. 59 should encourage broad dialogue on the potential pp. role of space science and exploration to enhance 8. America at the Threshold. Report of the the quality of life physically, intellectually, and Synthesis Group on America’s Space spiritually in the 21st Century. It is important to Exploration Initiative. May, 1991. Supt. of involve in this dialogue opinion makers from Documents, U.S. Govt. Printing Office. 113 disciplines outside the space program - the pp. humanities, the arts, philosophy, religion, ecology, 9. Mendell, Wendell W. (1993) Lunar Base – Why the media, the physical sciences, and public policy. ask “Why?”? AIAA Paper 93-4175. Prepared If our system of belief in a space future is valid, for the Space Programs and Technologies then this dialogue can only enlighten us and Conference, Sept. 21-23, 1993, Huntsville, AL. encourage others to experience the vision. A 10. Flam, Faye (1993) “NASA PR: Hype or broad societal consensus on the benefits of Public Education?” News and Comment, investing in space is the best insurance against Science, Vol260, p. 1416-1418, June, 1993. extinction of spacefarers. 11. Duke, Michael B. (1992) Why Explore the I assert most people believe in the proposition Moon? AIAA Paper 92-1029. Prepared for the that space will be a future domain of humanity. 1992 Aerospace Design Conference, Feb. 3-6, My suggestion is to utilize this common belief as 1992, Irvine, CA. the basis for a consensus (external to the space 12. Adams, Robert McC. (1992) Why Explore the program) on the long-range goals of human Universe? AIAA Paper 92-0617. Prepared for exploration. The International Astronautical the 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Jan. 6-9, Federation is taking steps in its 1994 Congress to 1992, Reno, NV. consider the structure of the societal dialogue at 13. Finney, Ben and Eric Jones, ed. (1985) the international level. However, every space Interstellar Migrations and the Human agency which has concern for its future must Experience. University of California Press, discuss the message of space development in its Berkeley. own society. We should heed the Chinese proverb 14. Ockels, Wubbo J. (1994) A Moon Programme: that says: The European View. esa BR-101, European Space Agency To plan for a year, plant a crop; to plan for 15. Yamano, Masato (1992) The Perspectives of the a decade, plant a tree; to plan for a century, Future Space Activities. NASDA, CM-200, educate the people; from the crop you will National Space Development Agency of reap tenfold, from the tree a hundred-fold, Japan. from educating the people a thousand-fold. 16. Mendell, Wendell W. (1992) An SEI Proposal: A Lunar Telescope for Education. Paper References prepared for and delivered at the Third International Conference on Engineering, 1. McDougall, Walter A. (1985) The Heavens and Construction, and Operations in Space the Earth. Basic Books, 555 pp. (SPACE92)