
Hidden Figures

Name: Nathaniel Nsiah ​

1. As the film opens, a young Katherine is counting and identifying prime numbers. What is a prime number? A prime number is a even ​ number.

2. What year is the film set? 20 centuries 3. Why would Katherine, Mary and Dorothy have to sit in the back of the bus in 1960s America? Because they are black and back then black people were not aloud to sit in the front because it was segregated.

4. Where do they work? The work at NASA ​

5. The actor who plays Paul Stafford is in which TV programme? The ​ actor that plays Paul Stafford is in the TV programme is the tonight show.

6. What does IBM stand for? IBM stands for International Business ​ ​ Machines

7. What happens to Mary just before they test a capsule? Her heels got stuck and then it messed up the test because she was not able to take it out intime.

8. What type of necklace is Katherine allowed to wear in Space Task Group? She is aloud to wear a short necklace.

9. Why does Paul go over some of his work with a marker? So that they know ahead of time and so that they are aware that ​ whatever happened that day they knew that is was going to happen. 10. Why does Katherine’s oldest daughter get her own bed? She get ​ her own bed because she is the oldest one.

11. What’s happened to Katherine’s husband Katherine’s husband died

12. What is their job title at NASA? Latching and calculating the distance that it will take to get there. 13. What happens when Dorothy goes to the library? They said that they don't want any trouble there. ​ 14. Who was the first man in space? Yuri Gagarin was the first ​ to space

15. How many US flags at the NASA press conference? There are 7 flags ​ 16. How many calculations can the IBM do?

17. Why does Al Harrison (Katherine’s boss) get annoyed with her? He got annoyed at her because she is always not there when he needs here 18. What does he do about it? He took down the sign by the restroom that said whites and made it for colors and whites. 19. What was the name of Alan Sheperd’s spacecraft? It is called the Mercury Spacecraft. 20. Why does Mary go to court? She goes to court because she want to ​ teach at a white high school.

21. What happened to the Liberty Bell capsule? It landed in the water and then it got lost. 22. What is the ancient method they find that solves the mathematical problem? The ancient method they find that solves the mathematical ​ problem is the euler's method

23. What does Al say progress is? Al’s progress is great 24. What do Space Task Group get Katherine as an engagement present? They say that she can work with the other girls ​

25. What does Katherine need to identify? She need to identify The go/nogo 26. What is the name of ’s spacecraft? The name of it is friendship 7 27. What warning light flashes red? The warning light that flashes red is the heat shield. 28. Where does he splashdown? He splashed down at in the bahamas 29. When did NASA go to the moon? They went to the moon in 1969 30. How old was Katherine Johnson when she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom? She is 97 years old when she was ​ awarded