ᣉѿ๴ਣ঍ᄑ೐ϟงᕭ୅Јೡ܎৶ྻ Sub-committee on Wan Chai Development Phase II Review




www.harbourfront.org.hk 5.2005 ᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉ HARBOUR-FRONT ENHANCEMENT REVIEW - WAN CHAI, CAUSEWAYфᏐࠕԳ஡ઔ BAY & ADJOINING AREAS ٿᕺߞु Harbour-Front Enhancement Committee (HEC) The HEC was established in May 2004 to advise the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands on the planning, land uses and developments along the existing and new harbour-front of the , with a view to protecting the Harbour; improving the accessibility, utilization and vibrancy of the harbour-front areas; and safeguarding public enjoyment of the Harbour through a N balanced, effective and public participation approach in line with the principle of sustainable development.

Harbour Planning Principles ▪ Preserving Victoria Harbour as a Natural, Public and Economic Asset ▪ Victoria Harbour as ’s Identity ▪ A Vibrant Harbour ▪ An Accessible Harbour ▪ Maximizing Opportunities for Public Enjoyment ▪ Integrated Planning for a World-class Harbour ▪ Sustainable Development for the Harbour KOWLOON ▪ Early and Ongoing Stakeholder Engagement ϝᔷ The Government has accepted the advice of the HEC that an enhanced public participation should be adopted in the course of the Wan Chai Development Phase II (WDII) Review. To achieve this, a public engagement exercise, namely the “Harbour-front Enhancement Review (HER) - Wan Chai, , Causeway Bay and Adjoining Areas”, has commenced under the direction of the HEC Sub-committee on WDII Review as part of the review process. Results of the HER project will provide input to the WDII Review.

Ԓ࢙ᇯส܎৶ྻ ส಩գ۶ྲઔ൭ߞഢᄑȃϿԳӡ൉۶๴ਣȂԨ শสਫڲ׀Ԓ࢙ᇯส܎৶ྻݺ3115Ր6ѡ՘ӲȄੲᑂҞࢺ᠈๴ਣߞ১ࡋȂ܎৶ྻබᇯԺ գจઈȂԢ੡൅ـȂ׀ێҐԳᆽـਟݽߡႿઔ൭Ȃ҄ઔ൭ـҾӔڹȂѽ࠮Դ࠲᠕ᇯสН᏶Ȃڍྍڻݗ࢏фഢᄑԳࣆ؊؊ࠜ෩ ӡᇯสȄ VICTORIA HARBOURڳჅ׮ᓊփգੜߞгಿணሃȂፁ࠲гಿఀѽ ㎁໮߽Ѳ␃ HARBOUR-FRONT ENHANCEMENT REVIEW - WAN CHAI, CAUSEWAY BAY AND ੕෫ೣგনࠌ ADJOINING AREAS ࣪☷Ҩǃ䡙䩐☷ঞ䜄䖥ഄऔ⍋◅ⱘ⸣お۾ ส֯ऎশสҾӔߞч๒ȃгಿ۶၃ᕻႤಯڲ׀࠲ՅᇯԺ ▪ .ส֯ऎশสߞዾራ This booklet is the Engagement Kit for Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and adjoining areasڲ׀ᇯԺ ▪ ▪ จઈ፿ࡎߞઔส ӎгಿணሃЈᔅᡃ࣏ऎᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡፠ሦȄ ▪ ӹ഼ᅰႿߞઔส ӡߞԳўڳᆽ༓ኧᠥгಿҞѽ ▪ ▪ ѵधૺઔสߞᇢԪഢᄑ ▪ Ҟࢺ᠈๴ਣߞઔส ф՝۶ࢺ᠈ԳᢰߤྻϠЀணሃᇯสЍ֯ ▪

ࣆܹЏతૼԒ࢙ᇯส܎৶ྻߞ࢙៉ȂԴᣉѿ๴ਣ঍ᄑ೐ϟงߞᕭ୅Ⴥ຀КȂҐ௻гಿߞணሃȄ܎৶ྻබթЏਣ༟ϞϘ༵ԩऎ ௟ऎᣉѿ๴ਣ঍ᄑ೐ލຕٿӤ៳ϭᣉѿ๴ਣ঍ᄑ೐ϟงᕭ୅ЈೡရᐱȄुڭȷȂٿȶᔹмᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡ઔᕺߞु ணւȄڻϟงᕭ୅෩

Ⳃ SECTION 1 䯔Ẩ憐ᾥ SECTION 2 䯔ἴ憐ᾥ SECTION 3 䯔ằ憐ᾥ 3 INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE 15 WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO FROM 19 WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO FROM 29 SUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLES &  䁴䙔Դⱘগ㟛 HERE? HERE? INDICATORS ῭ᛇⱘ⍋◅ᰃᗢῷⱘ" ৃᣕ㑠ⱐሩॳࠛঞᣛ⧛ץᛇⱘ⍋◅ᰃᗢῷⱘ" ៥⧛ץ䣘  ៥ 5 GOVERNMENT’S MISSION  ᬓᑰⱘ㙋䊀 17 HOW CAN WE GET THERE? 32 WAYS TO PROVIDE YOUR VIEWS ᗢῷ㛑໴Nj丬ᳯ៤ⳳnj" ৃ䗣䘢ҹϟ䗨ᕥᦤߎԴⱘᛣ㽟ץ៥  9 WHERE ARE WE NOW? CONTENTS  ⧒⊕བԩ" SECTION 1: INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE HEC cordially invites you to participate in the Envisioning Stage of the Harbour-front Enhancement Review (HER) -- Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Adjoining Areas (including ㄀ϔ䚼ӑȈ䁴䙔Դⱘগ㟛 the hinterland of Wan Chai and Eastern District) for more comprehensive planning.

What is the Envisioning Stage? Contrary to the conventional practice of government preparing concept plans and asking the public to comment on the concept plans, the envisioning exercise is to engage the public on identifying problems and setting visions for improvement. This Public Engagement Kit is prepared to provide information to facilitate understanding and discussion.

▪ Your vision, wishes, ideas, concepts and proposed sustainability principles and indicators expressed in the Envisioning Stage will guide the preparation of the Concept Plan and Master Plan by the Government. You are encouraged to give your views in forums, charrettes, questionnaires, and in letters/fax/emails.

▪ You will be invited again at the Realization Stage to evaluate the Concept Plan and Master Plan against the sustainability principles and indicators.

▪ Consensus built will form the foundation for the preparation of the draft Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) and draft Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) by the Government.

ፑඛҒࣁᣉѿٿȷߞᅹྐ༥ࣱȞुٿ܎৶ྻ႕ᘛְணሃȶᔹмᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡ઔᕺߞु ԑবߞഢᄑȄـ஡ၛԳȟѽႿ७ތф

तኃ࣏ᅹྐ༥ࣱȉѽ݀ߞഢᄑჅ຀ȂгಿߞணሃϘଠ࣏Դࣆܹᕢ൯࿄݇ᄦНࢢȂ֭Ыըߞഢᄑᢰ ᑂȄऎў࠮ҾӔڶ෩ҍನྐȂ֯ऎ࿄݇ഢᄑᄦߞڭҾӔକ௉Դᅹྐ༥ࣱබକணሃԒԢణ୅யᛟȂ ௄ӎ०฀Ⴄਫ਼Ȅڻನႋф୅ᎢȂ܎৶ྻપ፠ሦӎгಿணሃЈᔅᡃ෩



েԴ࢙ӲԒᝊ༥ࣱȂ௟ԓᘛ᎛ְࢷҞࢺ᠈๴ਣߞ১ࡋфࢽዾȂԒԢໞ֤࿄݇ഢᄑᄦфᗁᇩᄦȄا!▪ Group Discussions Community Charrettes תЈೡ୅Ꭲ ߤ஡ന঍ ▪ Џ࢙ӲߞԒᝊ௟֯ऎж஡঍ᄑЂᇩନᄦф࢙៉๴ਣЂᇩନᄦߞᚡӎȄ 4! 3

ENVISIONING STAGE REALIZATION STAGE DETAILED PLANNING ᾟᛇ䱢↉ ᓎゟ݅䄬䱢↉ STAGE Public to evaluate concept 䁇㌄㽣ࡗ䱢↉ Public to give visions, wishes, plan and master plan to arrive Ensure draft OZP and draft 1 concepts 2 at consensus 3 RODP reflect consensus npouit гಿ෩ҍನྐȃงౕȃ࿄݇ 5!npouit ሃгಿໞ֤࿄݇Ђᇩᄦфᗁᇩ 4!npouit ፁ࠲ж஡Ђᇩନᄦф࢙៉๴ਣ!4 έএТ ѲএТ ᄦȂԢ੡࢙ӲԒᝊ έএТ Ђᇩନᄦх࣍Џ࢙ӲߞԒᝊ NOW ӎ༥ࣱ NEXT STAGE ϭϘ༥ࣱ FINAL STAGE ൵ࢢ༥ࣱ CENTRAL RECLAMATION PHASE I WAN CHAI DEVELOPMENT PHASE I GOVERNMENT’S MISSION Ёऔ฿⍋㄀ϔᳳᎹ⿟ ☷Ҩⱐሩ㿜ࡗ㄀ϔᳳ CENTRAL RECLAMATION PHASE III Ёऔ฿⍋㄀ϝᳳᎹ⿟ WAN CHAI DEVELOPMENT PHASE II REVIEW STUDY AREA ᬓᑰⱘ㙋䊀 CENTRAL-WAN CHAI ☷Ҩⱐሩ㿜ࡗ㄀Ѡᳳ Ё⪄☷Ҩ㐲䘧 ⸣お㆘ೡ ? CENTRAL RECLAMATION PHASE II Ёऔ฿⍋㄀ѠᳳᎹ⿟

ᙛ೰ޟᄇ෫৬ѕ۬ೣგۺGovernment’s mission along Hong Kong Island north shore ࢇ ▪ Improve public access to harbour and use of harbour-front by the public ӡᇯสڳгಿఀѽڹComplete the missing strategic road link and alleviate traffic congestion ▪!ؼຠ഼݀ઔ൭ߞ഼ႽȂ ▪ ؼຠӹ഼ᕟཫఐ޶ڭ؆՘᏶ϭߞຉರݑാతႽႮ঍ᄑ!▪ Government is committed to the following ᒛܛޟԤоήۺComply with Protection of Harbour Ordinance and Court of Final Appeal judgment and keep reclamation ࢇ ▪ to the minimum, if any ▪ Any reclaimed land will be put to public use and no land will be reclaimed for the purpose of land sale বᒕێգቮঋཱઔȂϵᆽ༓ิьڹ୰ߞ໗ٙȂ׈ޱфೣ኶ڼᓲՇ࠲᠕ઔส౧!▪ The Government is committed to protecting and preserving Victoria Harbour as our special public asset and ▪ ԇཱ֣ۤߞϿԳ-Ҫྻ֯гಿӡ൉-ࣆܹЙྻऎϞᎱԳփཱۤϿԳ natural heritage. It also acknowledges the need to return our harbour to the people – to give both citizens and visitors the unfettered access they need to enjoy its beauty to the full. ӡᇯสڳࣆܹᏟྍ࠲᠕ф࠲઻ᇯส֯ऎҾӔߞгԒሃч๒ႤಯȂӺ҇ԊሮԢ҄ҾӔф੠ࢉఀѽߡႿઔ൭Ȃ There is also a need to complete the long-planned strategic road link along the north shore of Hong Kong Island. ߞቮঋȄ At present, the link between the Rumsey Street Flyover (RSF) at the west and the Island East Corridor (IEC) at the east is missing. The purpose of the Central – Wan Chai Bypass (CWB) is to fill the gap. ތЀ໖чᑜሃสਫޒ᝝ഢᄑЏϳߞຉರݑാతႽႮȄӫࡈȂสਫ֘ی֘ތܫࣆܹϵգቮঋ؆՘ാతสਫҔ ࢞ၢ՘ȂКᖖᣉѿᚒႽऎႍຉರݑാతႽႮȄܥශН༡ߞാతႽႮڕ஡ތThe CWB will connect the RSF to the IEC through the Link (IECL). It will enable traffic to flow ߞ smoothly between the western and eastern parts of Hong Kong along the north shore without unnecessarily Ԩߞӹڕ֘ތܫශȂᚒႽକߡతര഼สਫҔڕ஡ތЀ໖чᑜ֌ޒශാతႮతാڕ஡ތadding pressure to traffic in the Central Business District. It will alleviate congestion on the existing Connaught КᖖᣉѿᚒႽ௟၃Ӥ Road Central//Gloucester Road Corridor. There is a compelling and present need for this trunk ЀӇႽߞӹ഼ᕟཫఐ޶ȄԴւዋݙգЏטؼຠВᓚႽКʝਆ㨊Ⴝʝڭroad comprising the CWB and the IECL, taking into account all known planning parameters, including projected ഼ȂิьᅆКᖖ஥྽஡ߞӹ഼ᕅϧȂ ތeconomic growth, population growth, employment places and road traffic demand. The trunk road will reduce ߢߞഢᄑணዴȂҒࣁჰเ၃ᕻኧࠜȃϠϾኧࠜȃබ྽ᑟྻфႽႮӹ഼ቮِࢢȂࣱႍҒࣁКᖖᣉѿᚒႽф գညࡈঝзߞቮঋȂॶӏକݺۍශാతႮߞѹ྅Ⴝڕthe current driving time of 15 minutes between Rumsey Street and Causeway Bay to 5 minutes. If the trunk road ஡ ژЀ໖ࡈ݀ቚᣤᣉߞ֖ޒwere not ready by 2011/2012, the driving time would deteriorate to 45 minutes. 2011ʝ2012Րࡈၢ՘ȂӤ ੡༡ࡋᖺ๺֌6жៗȄژ੡༡Ȃ௟ԯӹ഼ఐ޶෋мӤӫࡈߞ 15жៗኧ֌45жៗȄѹ྅Ⴝॶф੡؆՘Ȃ֖ The Government has examined various traffic management measures to relieve traffic congestion and maximize the capacity of existing roads and junctions along the Corridor. Some of the measures have been implemented, e.g. fiscal measures to contain the number of vehicles, promotion of the use of public transport, reduction of busࣆܹЏබؼຠӹ഼ᕟཫѽфକኧҐႽႮሃႮϾӹ഼ਟ༓ߞЙԢӹ഼ᇒನనࣉ་֖ᕭ୅ȄӫࡈൊԊనࣉЏ၃ 6 5 ȃิьգᝯԳ஡ߞѐЀႮ።ȂѽфনۘϯၢࢉറຈۍӡгԒӹ഼Ѝڹዴ༓ȃᄁᔽҾӔژՂఠۘ٠ڼtrips in the area, and restricting loading/unloading activities. While some others are being further examined, e.g. ᅁ֖Ȃ య֖ӅቮգКᖖᣉѿᚒႽ֯ऎฆ҃Ⴎ።ȂѽфऎгಿێՂცЄႽႮ՜໱ȞڼԴᕭ୅ߞనࣉȂܥҁێElectronic Road Pricing(the implementation of which requires the presence of the trunk road to serve as an Ȅ֌ݺ alternative route, and public acceptability), they can only complement the trunk road in relieving traffic ࠧႋٙӹ഼ᕟཫߞฆ҃ў੯ȄڭȟȂҪҞ֯ᒸ࢙ѹ྅ႽߞቃׄనࣉȂփۦcongestion but cannot replace it. (details at http://www.etwb.gov.hk) ݙత Ȟႎఐ᎛ᙱ᠓ http://www.etwb.gov.hkȟ The building of the trunk road, will offer opportunities for transforming the existing Wan Chai harbour-front into an attractive and vibrant harbour-front promenade and for improving its accessibility. Ԣ੡ؼຠ഼݀ઔڭєϧ۶จઈߞઔᕺࠜශȂכۍᑟჃȂ௟಩Դߞᣉѿઔ൭ؼൄ՘ڻѹ྅Ⴝߞᒸ࢙ჰงକ෩ Any possible reclamation at Wan Chai North will depend on the alignment, design and location of the trunk road ᕺߞՉవȄ and the extent of reclamation will be kept to the minimum. No land will be reclaimed for the purpose of land sale. Any land reclaimed in connection with the trunk road will be put to public use. Ԩȃന঍ф֜၉Ȃփཱઔፑඛ௟ᆽ༓ᖺЈȄԇཱ֣ઔݙఀߞϿڕᣉѿҔߞԇཱ֣ઔҞକ௟ۤٙݺѹ྅Ⴝߞ In reviewing WDII, the Government will strictly adhere to the requirements of the Protection of the Harbour Գ௟Йྻӡ֯ᎱԳӡ൉Ȃԯᒸ࢙ѹ྅Ⴝ་֖ߞཱઔӡԳ௟֯гಿӡ൉Ȅ Ordinance (PHO) and the judgment of the Court of Final Appeal (CFA). It is only when the Government is satisfied that reclamation is necessary and that there are no other reasonable alternatives to the reclamation option that ୰ߞঋِȄҪգԴཱઔߞቮޱфೣ኶ڼthe Government will allow minimum reclamation subject to the CFA’s “overriding public need” test being met. Դᕭ୅ᣉѿ๴ਣ঍ᄑ೐ϟงߞჅ຀КȂࣆܹ௟ទ੾ᓲՇ࠲᠕ઔส౧ ୰໗ٙݙࢽߞঢ়ᏼޱೣ኶ږߞఐ޶ϭȂࣆܹЖЯധ་֖൵ЈߞཱઔѽᆕޱҁԪನႋٙўێঋജፁӲփٟգ ݑгಿቮঋȄ How to approach Overriding Public Need Reclamation can only be permitted if there is an overriding public need. Public’s views are important in establishing if there are present and compelling needs or whether there are reasonable alternatives to meet the needs without reclamation. HEC approaches this question by stimulating the public to give their views on what are the real problems and how to tackle them through the Draftenvisioning Wan Chai North stage. OZP The public is encouraged to offer their views and suggestions. Ἠ੿ർಽඟ⸘ഋᄢ✁⨲࿩ (details at http://www.harbourfront.org.hk/eng/content_page/doc/Paper_2-2004a.pdf)

ԃդՃኌঞᎽܒϴಀሯौ ሯौޟ࿋ࠉफ़ϸۍϴಀሯौ੡ЖҞ་֖ȄԴፁӲཱઔ࣏׎ޟܒգঞᎽށઔЍ຀ҪକԴᝋཱ ֌ऎᝯᘣȄԴւዋഺڍ၌ؚПݲȂгಿߞྍޟҁӫ౩ێȂݕԴЙቮཱઔߞఐ޶ϭ࣏׎ՅԴ ?ڭȂޱ࣏Դᅹྐ༥ࣱȂє๴гಿ෩ҍᅆயᛟߞನႋ۶ႋٙўޱৎயᛟ੡Ȃ܎৶ྻళۤߞஇ Ȅڍ࿄݇фྍڻᄁᔽгಿ෩ Ȟႎఐ᎛ᙱ᠓http://www.harbourfront.org.hk/tc/content_page/doc/Paper_2-2004a.pdfȑ 2005 Existing ౪ݷ

Court of Final Appeal (CFA) Judgment The CFA handed down its judgment on 9 January 2004 in respect of the judicial review on the Draft Wan Chai North OZP (S/H25/1).

According to the CFA judgment, the presumption against reclamation specified in the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance can only be rebutted by establishing an overriding public need for reclamation. This need (i.e., the economic, environmental and social needs of the community) must be a compelling and present need with no reasonable alternative to reclamation (all circumstances including the economic, environmental and social implications should be considered). A compelling and present need goes far beyond something which is “nice to have”, desirable, preferable or beneficial. But on the other hand, it would be going much too far to describe it as something in the nature of the last resort, or 7 something which the public cannot do without. 8

࿾Ꮿ ತቷݲ଱ຘؚ Zone ᚬ੮֯ҍ໗ޱ୰ݺ3115Ր2ѡ:џබգᝯᣉѿҔж஡঍ᄑЂᇩନᄦȞTʝI36ʝ2ȟߞҦޱ໡ᬺ ⛱ว⊔ዷඟ ᡽ᐭǵᯏ᭴ᚗ␠ඟ ભᙑ↪࿾ ౔ઁᜰቯ↪ㅜ 㜞᨞㆏〝 ࿾㕙㆏〝 ೣ኶ Commercial Comprehensive Government, Open Space Other Specified Elevated At-Grade Development Institution or Uses Road Road Area Community ֿȄ

ϴಀሯौ੡ȂЖҞѽయᚙȮ࠲᠕ઔสޟܒઔЍ຀գঞᎽཱށ୰ߞ໗ٙȂҪକԴᝋޱThe draft Wan Chai North OZP was gazetted on 19.4.2002 proposing ੲᑂೣ኶ ȄഺቮঋȞ׈ߤ၏ߞ၃ᕻȃᖖᄩ۶ߤྻቮঋȟӅ༷࣏࿋ࠉफ़ܠЙ৞ധཱઔߞయށȯа঎ڼreclamation of about 26 hectares. ౧ ၌ؚПݲȞݙգఐ޶Ғࣁᅆ၃ᕻȃᖖᄩ۶ߤྻߞ዆ᠩൌᕕႍϘޟȂԢ੡ϫؠԤѪΙӫ౩ޟϸ ᣉѿҔж஡঍ᄑЂᇩନᄦݺ3113Ր5ѡ2:џҏᐳ࢙៉ཱઔॗ37г൥Ȅ ɈϠেጄݺᐾգߞɉȃᕕգߞȃҞۤߞݕڱڤւዋȟȄݙᓜညࡈঝзߞቮঋȂ࣏ቈቈ໹Ѽۀ ߏȂڰգɈࠧۖ൵ࢢЖྻቮঋɉഺዹݑᎳߞۍഺৎቮঋ෡গऎدߏȄ֭ҩϘўবȂڰգૈߞ ᅁϞȄێჅڏߏȂබӏֺщڰݕ෡গऎгಿЙҞݕ૿ߞ 2002 2004 WHERE ARE WE NOW? ⧒⊕བԩ" Appreciation of the Broad Study Area

▪ The green backdrop and the waterfront are the two most important environmental features in Wan Chai , Causeway Bay and adjoining areas ▪ Victoria Park is an important city lung in Causeway Bay ▪ History of reclamation and consequent developments have produced different urban forms: ▪ Area between Queen’s Road East and : more compact and local activities, human scale, higher accessibility, more north-south linkages ▪ Area between and Gloucester Road/: more emphasis on east- west linkages with land uses serving a wider district ▪ Area north of Gloucester Road: bigger land lots and few north-south linkages, land uses of territorial significance, poor on-street pedestrian environment and little street activities ▪ Wan Chai , Causeway Bay and adjoining areas are full of social and economic capital/resources: ▪ rich in history and culture ▪ heritage buildings, intensive street activities and active citizenry ▪ world-class offices and conference venues at the waterfront to cater for the local, regional and international commercial needs ▪ diversified local activities with rich cultural flavour, offering interesting consumer experience ▪ Wan Chai , Causeway Bay and adjoining areas are bisected by major east-west thoroughfares attracting a lot of through traffic. Gloucester Road in particular, forming a physical barrier for reaching the harbour-front and causing serious noise and air pollution ▪ Development constraints along the harbour-front of Wan Chai , Causeway Bay and adjoining areas are listed in the following pages ౩၌ޟጒ൜ـं ൵দঋߞᖖᄩપᙇ࣏ᇴᇥЋ฀ф༵یᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡!▪ History of reclamation for Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and adjoining areas !!ઔᕺ ᢊрȃማᢥᢊЅ᎑ߖӴୢ༲੕Ѭ ▪!ᇯཀྵ࣏ቚᣤᣉ஡аদঋߞҾ߱ ᅗȈ؛՘ᅟ๒ЙԢߞࡱҾߩ༡؛ઔфहᝯ๴ਣുَཱ!▪ ሃ୕Һ႐ႽН༡ߞ᚞஡Ȉᇦะߞ໖ᔝࣿஜ-Ϡݑмߞߩ༡ҿ؊ȃў࠮ۖႿȃാతႽތऱԬЂႽ!▪ ! 1997 - 1984 1884 - 1954 !!!!!!!! ԨऎѹڕႮѽࡑҔ! ச஡ҳቮঋ 10އԨߞാతႽႮȃϿԳӡ൉Ԣ੡ڕ֘ތЀӇႽ0ᇯཀྵႽН༡ȈႵԺטpresent ౪ӵ ! ▪!ഄЀ෶Ⴝሃ - 1955 9 !!சԑสߞއۍԨߞാతႽႮႵьȃϿԳӡ൉ڕЀӇႽѽҔߞԳ஡Ȉജж൷՘ႵЂߞԳࣱȃࡑҔט!▪ !

দঋݑȂ໖ϯ֖ϠᖖᄩႵਮȂ૿ь໖ᔝࣿஜ!!!!!!!!! 1954 - 1884 գᚳනߞߤྻ၃ᕻႤӎʝႤ࿚ȈۍᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡!▪ 1842 - 1883 ! ▪!ᚳනߞᑢҫћм ! ▪!ᑢҫ࢙ᒝȃ௜༰ߞ໖ᔝࣿஜȂѽфࣿ᠙ߞߤ㤰 ஥धЙԢഢጀߞቮঋږઔ൭ߞѵधૺᓱгጁ㤰фྻ៉നࣉᆕ!▪ ! գᎷߞઐ໱ᢜᢚڻԺዹߞ໖ᔝࣿஜ҇ᆕӎԳћмપ֒ȃ෩!▪ ! ЀӇႽȂഺᅆа൙ט࣏־ԨߞႽႮര्Ȃԯփ෩୼Ⴍ஡ߞӹ഼ࣹ༓Ȃપڕ֘ތᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡ജ!▪ ទদߞᐠরሃߩઈճࣖڽԳ஡഼݀ઔ൭ᅹ՘ቪᜣȂԢ੡Ӻ௲!! ϭ঱ԧᄦႎԕᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡ઔᕺߞ๴ਣনۘ!▪ 22 21 North-South public linkages 5 between hinterland and 4 20 accessible promenade ⬅फ㟇࣫䗷㐟㝍ഄঞ⍋◅䭋ᒞ ⱘ㸠Ҏ䗮䘧 1 19 6 18 North-South public linkages 2 10 3 between hinterland and inaccessible promenade 9 ⬅फ㟇࣫ϡ㛑Ⳉ䘨⍋◅䭋ᒞⱘ 7 17 㸠Ҏ䗮䘧 14 15 16 8 Accessible waterfront 1213 11 䗷᥹ⱘ⍋◅ Inaccessible waterfront ϡ䗷᥹ⱘ⍋◅

5. Golden Bauhinia Square - tourist 11. Police Officers' Club - poor water 17. A King boatyard - water pollution due attraction quality due to embayment to embayment, vacant site, !!ࠛຘଥዃඞɯ੠Ⴜ฀ᙇ inaccessible, surrounded by walls !!!់ܡৌጄൊɯаᣉє७ѪᎳ෋м !!ྰୃ೺ዄɯаᣉє७ѪᎳ෋мȂߩ၉Գጹѽ! !!!୼ᖒඛԪȂЙକߡႿઔᕺ

Existing status of the harbour-front 5 11 17 ,౪ݷ 6. A continuous walk on harbour-front 12. Noon Day Gun - tourist attraction, 18. Fire Boat berthing area - dead endޟ੕ᔻ ാ᠈ߞઔᕺ֖ϠႮ underground connection to inaccessible Causeway Bay !!!࿝ѫᏇஃ޿഍ɯᅹ՘ЙକߡႿઔᕺߞቪᜣ !о૚ɯ੠Ⴜ฀ᙇȂ഼ჅԳϭ֖Ϡ഼Ⴝാతቚ!!!! !!!!ᣤᣉѵ໶Кѕ

6 12 18 1. Previous heliport 7. Wan Chai Ferry Pier - footbridge 13. Narrow promenade 1.2m in width 19. Watson Road Rest Green; Food & connecting from Harbour Centre to Environmental Hygiene Department !!ࡈߡކᑟඞ !!!!બ૫ઔ൭ࠜශኵॗ2/3ռ Ferry Pier, continuous promenade to storage and car park site – inaccessible !ژႽԃᐵ഍Ȃ঴ߏᖖᄩᎎӠ၌ৗ਱фஃ֊ܦ!!! the west ᣉѿอᏇፅᔝɯ֖ϠчᑜാతઔสКѕ֌อᏇ! !!!ඞ-ЙକߡႿઔᕺ!! ፅᔝȂઔᕺࠜශԨܼ֘֩!! !!! 1 7 13 19 2. Lung King Street - Wan Chai Sewage 8. Cooling water pumping station - 14. Gloucester Road - footbridge linking 20. Watson Road - occupied by Screening Plant, Fleet Arcade: private cutting off promenade, inaccessible, promenade with Wan Chai/ packaging activities and trucks for land, inaccessible footbridge connecting Tonnochy Causeway Bay - undesirable newspaper distribution !գȂᅹ՘֫ژႽɯജҒႅࣿஜфඡമറ֊ܦ!!! ϠϿ! Road activities e.g. homeless space underټᔷ฀໖ɯᣉѿճѪ഍ನዄȃઔক஥ඞȈ!! ԳȂЙକߡႿઔ൭ !!ֽࡒѪݩѪ૭ɯ൷ᙝ಩գࠜශȂЙକߡႿઔ൭! the footbridge !!!ЙକߡႿઔᕺߞቪᜣ!! !! !ՂڼЀӇႽɯ֖ϠчᑜՅԴЙᏋညӡ൉Ȃט!!! ցራႽنȂ֖Ϡчᑜత԰а൙֌!! 11 !!! 12 ᑜܺऎࣹ઎߰֫ӡ 20!!! 14 8 2 3. Mass Transit Ventilation Building - 9. Previous Cargo Handling area - 15. Victoria Park Road - continuous 21. Sand Depot - inaccessible, cutting inaccessible, cutting off promenade inaccessible: surrounded by tall fence promenade 5.5m in width, off the promenade undesirable activities e.g. squatters ௟ઔᕺڭжუ಩գࠜශ !!ࡈറߏႅۢ஡ɯգඛ៼ඛԪȂЙକߡႿઔ൭ !!!!ْৗɯᅹ՘ЙକߡႿઔᕺߞቪᜣȂڭԳᠠ഼লႅ၉ɯЙକߡႿઔ൭!! !!!ᇯཀྵႽɯാരߞઔ൭ࠜශኵॗ6/6ռȂՅԴЙ! !!!!ࠜශж൷ Ղᄇ࢙ߏڼᏋည๴ਣȂ!!!

3 9 15 21 4. Pillar In Commemoration of the Return 10. Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club - 16. Causeway Bay Fire Station 22. Oil Street - no railing/no barrier: ؊ insecureڨof Hong Kong to China - tourist heritage building, private club, !!!!ቚᣤᣉઐ നࣉȂԟᔍݑ୼يј៼جattraction inaccessible to public !!!!޵໖ɯઔ൭๑ !ϠྻݙȂЙਟټ៳শส԰ᙩ૟஼॔݇ါɯ੠Ⴜ฀ᙇ !!!শสႼၟྻɯᑢҫ࢙ᒝȂ!! !!!ധгಿ་Ϣ

4 10 16 22 Proposed Shatin Central Link (SCL) with Causeway Bay North Station (CBN)

Proposed Shatin Central Link (SCL) with Proposed SCL withoutCauseway CBN Bay North Station (CBN) ᫀᓎ≭Ё㎮˄ࣙᣀ䡙䩐☷࣫キ˅ Existing major harbour-front facilities Existing Cross H arbour Tunnel ౪Ԥкौ੕ਠ೩ࢊ ⧒᳝㋙⺵⍋ᑩ䱻䘧 Connection to existing Island Eastern Corridor 䗷᥹⧒᳝ᵅऔ䍄ᒞ Proposed SCL without CBN Central Reclamation Existing MTR Tsuen ᫀᓎ≭Ё㎮˄ϡࣙᣀ䡙䩐☷࣫キ˅ Phase I II Wan Lin e Wan Chai Ferry Pier 5 Police Officers’ Club Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Ёऔ฿⍋㄀ϝᳳᎹ⿟ ⧒᳝ഄ䨉㤗☷㎮ 1 7

Trunk Road comprising ☷Ҩ⺐丁 䄺ᅬׅῖ䚼 佭␃䘞㠛᳗ Central⬅Ё⪄☷Ҩ㐲䘧੠ - Wan Chai Bypass andᵅऔ䍄ᒞ䗷᥹䏃㌘ Island Eastern Corridor Link៤ⱘЏᑍ䘧 Proposed North Island ⬅Ё⪄☷Ҩ㐲䘧੠ᵅऔTrunk Road comprising 6 Typhoon Shelter Line 䍄ᒞ䗷᥹䏃㌘៤ⱘЏᑍCentral - Wan Chai Bypass Cooling Water Pumping Stations ᫀᓎ࣫␃ዊ㎮ᓊ㎮Extension 䘧and Island Eastern Corridor 6 2 䙓乼ฬ 8 Noon Day Gun Link ދॏ∈ᢑ∈キ ज⚂ 7 ▪ 18 hectares in size 3 4 ▪ Vessel types: small vessels, a few ? 8 1 2 dwelling vessels, and pleasure 5 crafts (some managed by yacht 2 9 Hong Kong Convention and 10 3 club and others on independent 9 Wan Chai Sewerage Plant 2 2 Exhibition Centre licences) ☷Ҩ∵∈㰩⧚ᒴ

佭␃᳗䅄ሩ㾑Ёᖗ ▪ বᒕ29г൥! ೺୸ᇌ᝷ȈЈ೺Ȃව୸֝ਛၟȂႼၟ ▪ 10 Electric Substation !־᏶࣏ৎێGovernment ǜelipad !ȞϘൊжӤႼၟྻᇒನȂ 4 !Ӧ᎛ஃ޿๕࿰ȟ ߚऔ䳏࡯キ ᬓᑰⳈछ″ാ

ЅᐠႄڙMajor Issues, constraints and opportunities кौՃኌौᘈȂ३

Vibrancy issues Narrow and disconnected promenade, limited people-gathering attractions and activities, and ࣀΨ୰ᚠ lack of identity and visual interests along waterfront. ઔᕺࠜශબ૫փ൷໘ȃକᇸ༰Ϡ㤰ߞ฀ᙇሃࣿஜᅀᅀҞዴȂѽф૿ѻપ֒۶໛ះ๏ᙇȄ

Pedestrian connectivity issues ՗Ρ೽ၾ೿ᛮ୰ᚠ Existence of private land and infrastructural facilities obstructs the East-West and North-South ЙನྐȄڭфࡑҔߞാᜭᅹ՘ቪᜣȂ७҄ઔᕺَ֖ᢜᢚ֘ތϠϿԳф௄࢙ᅆټ಩գ connectivity, resulting in unsatisfactory walking experience to and along the waterfront.

Transport issues Һ೽୰ᚠ ▪ Mixing of through traffic and local traffic ▪ Գ஡ӹ഼ሃႭ஡ӹ഼಄༰ ▪ Severe weaving problems ! Without CWB With CWB ▪ Ⴎবз።யᛟទদ ▪ Traffic growth Йᒸ࢙КᖖᣉѿᚒႽ! ᒸ࢙КᖖᣉѿᚒႽ! ▪ ӹ഼ࣹ༓ኧࠜ Exceed Capacity With 10% Traffic Flow Existing road congestion between Central and ! by 30% Surplus Capacity ༓ژ༓ႿϬ՘! Ϙ՘ൺ᏶ਟژࣹ ໹໸ਟ!!ژ Causeway Bay ! КᖖሃቚᣤᣉН༡಩գߞӹ഼ᕟཫ Traffic Speed 5 kph Free Flow ▪ 15 min driving time ! ▪ ੡༡26жៗژ֖ !ӹ഼ᅰ༶ !ڧി ੡ിУг!!ژ ڧᔷࠜ࢘Ⴟ2֌2/6гژ ▪ ! Queue length around 1 ~ 1.5 km ▪ ▪ Speed at about 7 km/hr Central to 45 min 5 min Causeway Bay ▪ ڧұϩУжៗ! Ужៗ! ੡ിॗ8г Кᖖ֌ቚᣤᣉ! Environmental issues Forecast Conditions – 2011 ᕗც୰ᚠ !Noise: Ⴑॎ 3122 ԑ௑ݷ The dominant existing noise source comes from the heavy traffic on Gloucester Road, Harcourt ᏡॱȈ Road, Victoria Park Road and Island Eastern Corridor ශᗄՓߞႽႮӹ഼ڕ஡ތЀӇႽȃਆ㨊ႽȃᇯཀྵႽфט಩գѹঋᐠর࿚ᔝऎ 13 Air quality: 14 Vehicle emissions from queuing vehicles on Central/Harcourt Road/ Gloucester Road are main sources of pollutants ު੉፴શȈ ࿚ڽᔷȂ࣏ѹঋߞߩઈճࣖژ՘ߞ؛ЀӇႽϯȂԯӹ഼ᕟཫփטWater quality: ԴᗄՓߞВᓚႽКʝਆ㨊Ⴝʝ ▪ Due to the embayment form and reduced flushing capacity of the existing Causeway Bay typhoon shelter, marine water within the typhoon shelter is vulnerable to pollution ▪ The Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter is one of the monitored typhoon shelters that recorded the Ы፴Ȉ ▪ ߐф҇ಀକϧิ਴७҄ѪᎳ෋м؛poorest water quality in Hong Kong ቚᣤᣉᘖল཭Ӥݺаᣉߞ ᆾᅅᘖল཭Кգ॔ᔂ൵ਮНϘۦቚᣤᣉᘖল཭ߞѪᎳ࣏শส ▪ Engineering issues In designing the trunk road in WDII, there are a number of engineering constraints including ώแ୰ᚠ existing and future tunnel structures, and existing harbour-front facilities which may have to be ߞᔋႽᇒ።Ȃѽф಩ڽԕЍ຀নۘȂҒࣁ಩գфӏڀavoided/reprovisioned. Դᣉѿ๴ਣ঍ᄑ೐ϟงаᒸ࢙ѹ྅ႽቮႋٙϘ գઔ൭നࣉȂѹ྅Ⴝݕቮᘖ༟ݕদ၉գᝯനࣉȄ WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO FROM HERE? "ᛇⱘ⍋◅ᰃᗢῷⱘ⧛ץ៥

From previous sections, do you agree that our harbour-front needs a lot of improvement? Do you share the following visions?


Vibrant and attractive harbour-front 1 ࡉ䗴݋ᳱ⇷੠⌏࡯ⱘ⍋◅

Make the harbour-front accessible and continuous ◅䗴ᮍ֓ࠄ䘨ঞ䗷䉿ⱘ⍋➳ 2

Improve traffic conditions 3 ᬍ୘Ѹ䗮ᚙ⊕ 15 16 Other visions 4 ݊Ҫ⧚ᛇ

Section 2 is a wish list containing a wide range of wishes, ideas and concepts. It is by no means exhaustive. You are most welcome to comment on the list and to give your own wishes and ideas, bearing in mind that there may be conflicts/trade-offs given the different wishes and ideas.

Ȃည๒ЙԢงౕڍ۶࿄݇Ȃᡌࠓְ෩ҍְߞงౕ۶ྍڍ೐ϟൊԊಉሏϞЙԢᇌ᝷ߞงౕȃྍ हТН༡ҞକՅԴӬ़фቮঋۤ఺ߞఐ޶Ȅڍሃྍ HOW CAN WE GET THERE? "ᗢῷ㛑໴Nj丬ᳯ៤ⳳnjץ៥ With your assistance, we will identify critical problems and areas for improvement in the harbour-front areas. Different people may have different visions 1Vibrant and attractive waterfront 4 Preserve natural and cultural heritage and identity 7 Ensure land/marine use and design compatibility between єϧߞઔᕺ ࠲Յ֋๒фћмᓷಯ۶ӎϿપ֒ the waterfront and the adjoining areasכand wishes/ Instead of building consensus on ൹ൄգจઈ۶ individual wishes, it is more important to take a ፁ࠲ઔᕺӡԳ۶ѪϯࣿஜߞݑᎳ۶ന঍׮କሃहാԳ௲୨Ԫ holistic approach and establish some guiding principles – sustainability principles – and for each principle, some measurable sustainability indicators. Such principles and indicators are the yardstick for measuring how well the concept plan and master plan meet the visions of the public.

Building on the Harbour Planning Principles, and through working with the collaborators, we have derived the following principles specifically for the Minimize energy consumption and optimize the use of existing Maximize opportunities for public enjoyment Enhance visual amenity, landscape and quality of space 8 ӡߞᑟྻ 5 infrastructureڳharbour-front of Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and 2҇Ԋ෩୼гಿ ຠӡ಩գ௄࢙ڭᔹм฀ᣍȃᇥм۶෩୼ӡԳߞᎳ૵ ᆽ༓ิьକ࿚ઐଈ adjoining areas. A preliminary set of principles and indicators is attached in section 3 for public discussion. People can suggest deletions or additions.

Among the Harbour Planning Principles, three concerning the process (Integrated Planning for a World-class Harbour, Sustainable Development for the Harbour, Early and Ongoing Stakeholder Engagement) form the overall objectives for this study. Accessible harbour-front for all ages, social groups Enhance social interaction Improve traffic conditions and pedestrian connectivity and disabilities ࠳་ߤ၏ӹ݀ ؼຠӹ഼ఐ޶ф֖Ϡാత഼Ⴝ 3ў࠮ݙգՐ៬ȃߤ၏۶ཋஉϠЀۖႿ 6 9

ઔᕺԳ஡ߞᝯᘣயᛟۖرে௟ྻاϭȂׄ۝Դְߞ фؼຠԳўȄҾӔݕྻգЙԢѷहТӬ़ߞನྐሃ দঋߞ࣏ـงౕ࢙ӲԒᝊȂ־েЙᕕऎৎاงౕȂ ࢘ȂፁӲࢽᐱݑ১ࡋɯҞࢺ᠈๴ਣ১ࡋڎѽԑবߞ ɯѽфُϘ༵১ࡋϭҞ༓࢘ߞࢽዾȄҞࢺ᠈๴ਣ১ 18 ږ༓࢘࿄݇ഢᄑᄦфᗁᇩᄦՂ֣ᆕڽࡋфࢽዾ࣏ӡ 17 гಿನྐȄ

েሃԪ֯Ӿ֡ԒԢᕢ൯Ϟ௞ا௄ݺઔสഢᄑ১ࡋȂ ऎᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡ઔ੟๴ਣߞഢᄑ১ࡋȄ ഺਇࠐَߞҞࢺ᠈๴ਣ১ࡋሃࢽዾȂ՜ᔂԴ೐Ϭൊ Ԋѽў࠮гಿ୅ᎢȂгಿҞ෩ҍኧׁȄ Any other sustainability principles you would like to add? ҁҞࢺ᠈๴ਣ১ࡋሃࢽێ܎৶ྻઔสഢᄑ১ࡋКϬ༵գᝯഢᄑჅ຀ߞ১ࡋɯ ְᘘգٟգ ȶѵधૺઔสߞᇢԪഢᄑȷȃȶҞࢺ᠈๴ਣߞઔส The future plan for the harbour-front should follow these ዾঋႃ҇@ .ȷȂѽфȶф՝۶ࢺ᠈ԳᢰߤྻϠЀணሃᇯสЍ֯ principles to achieve an Excellent Design ߞᗁᢜӫዾȄٿȷȂ௟՘ऎഺु ࠲ѿ೩ॎȄޟູڟೣგᔖᒳ௃Ө໶নࠌоႀमޟ੕ᔻپҐ SECTION 2: WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO FROM HERE? "ᛇⱘ⍋◅ᰃᗢῷⱘ⧛ץ៥㄀Ѡ䚼ߚ Vibrant and attractive harbour-front ◅ⓓᳱ⇷ঞ⌏࡯ⱘ⍋ܙן1ࡉ䗴ϔ

A living and vibrant harbour-front providing maximum opportunities for public enjoyment ⫼ⓓᳱ⇷ঞ⌏࡯ⱘ⍋◅䅧Ꮦ⇥ѿܙןϔ

WISHES 㟇㟃 CHOICES TO MAKE ㌱㕯 Your vision of a lively and vibrant • ޟଢ଼ཐڷձ౩དϛ٥шᅖࣀΨڗWhat is your vision of a lively and vibrant harbour •!!ࡩኺϗ૖ႀ • ࢐ܖᗯ࡙ȃЫ፴Ȃޟؚܻ੕෫ڥfront? Is it the width of the harbour, the water !!!੕ᔻȉ࢐֏- quality or the facilities/activities? !!!੕ᔻޟ೩ࢊܖࣀଢ଼ȉ harbour-front is required. ෈ఖȄޟࣀΨ੕ᔻڷ፜ඪюձᄇΙএ෉੉! ៩Ј૯৴ȃᗊټOn facilities/activities, should alfresco dining, •!!ӵ೩ࢊʝࣀଢ଼П७Ȃᔖ֏ඪ • shopping, artwork, street performance, marine !!!ސȃ᛺೚೩ညȃທᓞߒᅋȃ੕ΰࣀଢ଼ȃЫΰ activities, water sports, local heritage or a !!!ၼଢ଼ȃӴୢМϽܖ੕ᔻߝංȂάܖ࢐Ι᝱υ harbour.front promenade, or a little of everything !!!ޟࣀଢ଼ȉ be provided?

೩ࢊʝࣀଢ଼ȉ • In case some reclamation is requiredޟࣱۣۇঈ࢐֏ሯौఎר!!• ?Do we require round-the-clock facilities/activities • for provision of such facilities, would • How wide should a waterfront promenade be? •!!੕ᔻߝංޟᗯ࡙ᔖ࢐ӻЍȉ you support such provision? ೩ࢊՄԤሯौᎌ໔༲੕Ȃձٲ೻ټӰඪݎԃ! ༝ȉڧ௥ོ ၗȂᔖӵ٥၇ޟIs a sandy beach required? If so, where? For •!!࢐֏ሯौΙএؓ᠏ȉԃሯौ • ࢐ࣥቄȉޟҬޟwhat purpose? !!!೩ညȉ೩ညؓ᠏

• Should attractions be for tourists as well as •!!ਡၽශᘈᔖ֏ӣоਡࡊЅѿҕ࣏݈୛Ҭ኿ȉ locals?

• Any comment on the facilities/activities ࢐ԝາଽ to be provided, their form, mode ofܖශᘈᔖ࢐Ιૡѿҕ૖॒ᐊȂٲShould they be affordable or expensive or both? •!!೻ • ?ȉ operationޱڍ࢐ѓ֤ܖȂάޟ݁!!! ԒȂၼհ዁Ԓ้Ԥࣥל೩ࢊʝࣀଢ଼ٲᕗცЅ߳ !ձᄇ೻ޟঈџоࡩኺ׽๡ማᢥᢊᗗॳ༮ר!!• How can we improve the environment and • МϽ੫Փ@ ቄཎَȉڏpreserve the unique cultural characteristics of !!!੼ the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter? ෫ЅЫΰހୢ෫ᢊհ࣏ၽဠୄڣ၆ސIs it desirable to retain the cargo handling basin •!!߳੼ೲ • for marina and watersports? !!!ࣀଢ଼ൟܚ࢐֏ᎌ࿋ȉ

т౪Ԥ೩ࢊڏHow about the Tin Hau Temple, Yacht Club, •!!Јӭኂȃॷ෫ၽဠོȃϿછЅ • Noon Day Gun and other existing facilities/icons? !!!άԃդ೎ညȉ ጣ 20۬לۿޟୢЅᗗॳ༮ڣ၆ސIs it desirable to retain a curving shoreline similar •!!߳੼᜸խࠉೲ • 19 to that in existence due to an ex-cargo handling !!!࢐֏ᎌ࿋ȉ basin and the typhoon shelter?

• Should iconic designs/structures be created to •!!ᔖ֏ഺഅ኿ᇬܒޟ೩ॎʝ࡚ᑞސоё஼ᜋտ enhance identity? !!!ܒȉ

ຜޟShould visibility be retained between the harbour, •!!੕෫ȃလӴᇄό૗ጣϞ໢ᔖ֏߳੼Ιۡ • hinterland, and ridgeline? !!!ឈ೽ആܒȉ

೩ࢊʝࣀଢ଼Մሯौӵ੕മᑹ࡚࡚ټӰඪݎIn case buildings are to be erected along the •!!ԃ • ᔖԃդշ׋Ȃо࡚ᑞတސ࡚ᑞޟȂԤᜰސharbour-front to support the facilities/activities, !!!ᑞ ໸࣏ճቹЅϚސԤ࡚ᑞܚϷඹշညȉܖԒל!!! how should the buildings be placed, in a cluster Ϛܖ࢐ΙቹȂڙȉଽ࡙३ڙor spaced out? Should they all be low-rise and !!!џ຺ູ࢚ଽ࡙३ not exceed a certain height? How high should !!!૖຺ႆέቹȉ they be,1 storey, or not higher than 3 storeys? Make the harbour-front accessible and continuous ◅䗴ᮍ֓ࠄ䘨ঞ䗷䉿ⱘ⍋➳ 2 b Forming a continuous harbour-front linking Central, Wan Chai and Eastern a Good accessibility to the harbour-front ᾟ㆝ϔṱ䗷䉿Ёऔǃ☷Ҩঞᵅऔⱘ⍋◅ ◅ᮍ֓ࠄ䘨ⱘ⍋ WISHES 㟇㟃 CHOICES TO MAKE ㌱㕯 WISHES 㟇㟃 CHOICES TO MAKE ㌱㕯 • There are a number of •!!ҬࠉϐԤ՗ΡЈᐝ೿௥Ս੕ᔻ • Your views on the alignments • The waterfront promenade at • ϛୢጆᓞޟ੕ᔻߝං஠ོᇄ • Do you accept such type of ?੕ᔻߝං reclamationޟӻ՗Ρ೿௥೽ of the connections are Central Ferry Piers will be linked ϛୢ༲੕಑έ෈؁ټfootbridges connecting the !!!Ȅԃሯौඪ harbour-front. If more connections up with the planned waterfront !!!ၾȂᔖӵࣥቄ՝ညᑹ࡚ȉ required. ೿௥Ȅ೻న੕ᔻߝංᔖ֏င ࣏ԪনӰՄ༲੕༝ȉڧwere needed, where should they promenade in Central ҥߜ๙૦ኄൟݼᢊр੕ᔻ೿!! !ձ௥ ټReclamation III area. Should this ௥Սማᢥᢊᗗॳ༮ȉӰඪ ޟbe? !፜ձඪю՗Ρ೿௥೽ၾၯጣ ཎَȄ promenade be made to connect ೻Ιࢲ੕ᔻߝංՄሯौ༲੕! with the habour-front area in Wan ȉ೻Ιࢲ੕ᔻڧԊ௶ ࢐֏џо௥ޟ੕ᔻ܁Accessibility for locals or from •!!ᜰݧୢϱΡρ೽ • Chai via the Golden Bauhinia Square and then to Causeway ߝංശЍᔖԤӻᗯȉ ޟ࢐ӣኺौݧຜୢѴΡρܖother districts as well? !!!Ȃ !!!Ԋ௶ȉ Bay Typhoon Shelter area? In case some reclamation is required for forming such a connection, • A key consideration for would it be acceptable? What • Do you have any other ?ϴӓҺ೽೩ࢊ provision of public transport should be the minimum width of suggestionsټShould public transport facilities •!!ᔖ֏ӵ੕ᔻඪ • like bus stops/terminus or railway facilities. A choice of walking т࡚ដȉڏӵѴ the connection? !ձԤؠԤܖЬٙમȂܖȂԃБρમ!! station be provided for at the !!! or other transport modes is ၎᜸೩ࢊȂငҥ՗Ρၾټharbour-front or at the fringe with ൜ඪ !!! required and your input is ୢٖං՗ٙݍpedestrian connections to the ೿௥Ս੕ᔻȉ • How could the promenade be •!!ԃ੕ᔻߝංݼ ժȂԤࣥቄᑹ۽harbour-front? important. continued under the existing Јᐝή᝷៉ Island Eastern Corridor? Would a ټ१ौՃኌ ࡚ПԒȉӵ՗ٙЈᐝήඪޟϴӓҺ೽೩ࢊټඪ! ȉڧboardwalk under the Island Уݖٖං࢐֏џо௥ ?тҺ೽ПԒሯौ Eastern Corridor be acceptableڏܖȄо؏՗! ཎَȄޟ௻Ȃ፜ߒႀձڥ! How about provisions for tourists, •!!Սܻਡၽ೩ࢊП७Ȃᔖ֏ӵ੕ • ਡၽٙဣࡊ೎ȉټshould coach drop off facilities be !!!ᔻඪ provided at the harbour-front?

• How should pedestrian •!!೽܁လӴޟ՗Ρ೿௥೽ၾᔖо!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ȉӴ७೽ၾȃଽټԒඪלconnections to the hinterland area !!!դᆍ be provided for? At-grade, by !!!࢜՗ΡЈᐝܖ՗Ρᓌၾȉᔖ֏!!! elevated footbridge or by • Your views on the routes and ӵ౪Ԥၾၯԃ֙ρ҈ၾЅᆰ༪ the connection forms are!!! subway? Should different !!!ၾȂоЅ੕മཱི࡚ၾၯԃкཆ .ႆၯ೩ࢊȉ requiredޟԒלϚӣټcrossing forms be considered for ၾඪ existing roads, e.g. Gloucester !!! Road and Victoria Park Road and !፜ඪюձᄇ՗Ρ೿௥೽ၾၯ৷ ཎَȉޟfor any new road to be built along !ЅПԒ the harbour-front e.g. the trunk road?

ϴ༪ • How would you approach thisٳShould the harbour-front be •!!ᔖ֏೿௥੕ᔻՍᆰӻց • connected to Victoria Park? Is !!!ȉषоၮູᆰ༪ၾޟශᢎҁѮ issue? What are your key a landscape deck across !!!հ࣏೿௥೽ၾȂՄӣਢᄇݍୢ!!!!!! decision criteria? 22 ޟVictoria Park Road without ٖංϚᄺԙӈդኇ៪ȂԤᜰ 21 !!! !ձོԃդՃኌ೻এ୰ᚠȉձ࢐ affecting the existing Island ೿௥೽ၾ࢐֏ᎌ࿋ȉ ؚۡȉޟEastern Corridor desirable? !!! !ࡸࣥቄ኿ྥհюձ

!!!ټThere are views that the •!!Ԥཎَᇯ࣏೿௥೽ၾΰᔖඪ • ၗȂᔖޟձӣཎݎconnections should be wide !!!֜ЕᘈȄԃ enough to create en-route ࣥቄ֜Еᘈȉ • Do you agree? If so, what areټ၎ඪ!!! attractions. If so, what are the attractions required? the attractions? !ձ࢐֏ӣཎȉԃݎձӣཎȂᔖ ࣥቄ֜Еᘈȉټඪ! ՗Ρ೿௥೽ၾϱޟ੕ᔻ܁Is it desirable to create nodal •!!ݼ೽ • ࿽ᘈ࢐ޟЕΨ֜ڎpoints of interest inland along the !!!ചഋӋഺഅ walkways to the harbour-front? !!!֏ᎌ࿋ȉ Improve traffic conditions WISHES 㟇㟃 CHOICES TO MAKE ㌱㕯 Ԓᑹ࡚ȂџоԤճלषоᓌၾ!• 3ᬍ୘Ѹ䗮ᚙ⊕ • For the tunnel, there could be • How would you rank the deep Лၯ೿௥౪ټծϚ૖ඪחsections of very deep tunnel !!ܻ੕ a Traffic management measures for resolving traffic congestion between Central and Causeway Bay below seabed with no slip !!Ԥၾၯᆩޟၯࢲ)ყѲ*Ȃܖ࡚ tunnel and the shallow tunnel ငҥЛၯ೿ ? Should effective relief ofټ૖ඪٮΰחѸ䗮ㅵ⧚᥾ᮑȂҹ㾷≎Ё⪄ঞ䡙䩐☷Ѹ䗮᪴าଣ丠 road connections to the !!ܻ੕ WISHES 㟇㟃 CHOICES TO MAKE ㌱㕯 existing roads [Fig 4] or shallow !!௥౪ԤၾၯᆩޟၯࢲȄ the congested road corridor tunnel below ground but be a prime consideration on Will these measures be above existing seabed with • ۻIncrease utilization of Western • о൐Ιᓌၾԝາඪଽՙୢ੕ • Harbour Crossing by unitary this issue? Ң໔@ effective in resolving the traffic adequate slip roadٺޟȁᓌၾ ᓺޟԒלᆍᓌၾᇄ࡚അڍtunnel pricing? !!ձᄇ congestion problem along the connections. !!ԩᒵᐅ࢐ࣥቄȉӵ೻এ୰ᚠΰ Connaught Road/Gloucester ߳! !!Ȃ૖Ԥਝ₂ጥᔠ༬ၯࢲᔖ֏࢐ޟᓌၾȂषѺޟΰחFor sections of shallow tunnel •!࡚ܻ੕ • Road corridor? !!៖үቹճܻଝዘЫ՝ȂՄүቹ ՗ΡႫ with levels of armour protection !!Ιএ१ौՃኌȉޟӻϛୢՍјό؁ᑹ࡚ • ՗Ρᇄܖ೩ࢊȂޟ௩ࢊ૖֏Ԥਝ၌ؚϓᒛၾ lower than the low-tide water !!ΰάฒೣგٲMore hillside escalators from !೻ • Central to Mid-Levels? !!ఘ@ Һ೽ᔠ༬୰ᚠȉ level, and where there are no !!ٙᎄ೽ၾȂശತџӵᓌၾΰ໌ޟЅ֙ρ҈ၾ! planned facilities above or on !!՗༲πհϴӓ೩ࢊҢഊȂܖ߳ • What is your view, keeping the seaward side and no the harbour area or slightly • Extension of MTR to Western !!੼Ыᡝհ࣏੕෫ޟΙഋӋȂᗶ Սՙୢ@ requirement for pedestrian compromising it for public۽Ӵ១෫৬ጣՙ • District? • Government has indicated that !!ณ೻Ϛٗо૞՗಻ହȄ and vehicular access, there amenities on the reclaimed all these measures have been are ideas that the final form land? studied and some implemented, above the tunnel might be ϴټӰඪܖᄇܻ߳ࡻ੕෫Ϛᡐ!! • Reduce bus trip into Central? • but they are considered earth-filling for public ෵Ѝ՗ငϛୢޟБρጣၯ@ !!ӓ೩ࢊՄ໌՗༲੕ȂձԤࣥቄ inadequate to solve the traffic amenities or simply water as a continuum of the harbour !!ཎَȉ congestion problem and although the depth of water Central Wan Chai Bypass is does not support navigation considered necessary.(Details requirement. • How would you rank the two at http://www.etwb.gov.hk) ideas on flyover ? Visual and @ڙӻΰဣೲᆓ؁Imposing loading/unloading • ӵϛୢࢊ՗ • restrictions in Central? other environmental Ԓᑹ࡚ȂԤཎَᇯלFor the flyover, there could be •!षоЈᐝ • ـԤ௩ࢊϐೝंܚࡾюۺࢇ ୢٖං considerations and effect onݍϚٗ a flyover close to the existing !!࣏џ஠ЈᐝᎬߖ౪ԤٮȂഋӋϐငᄂ՗Ȃծ!! ٩ݰൠᑹ࡚ existing typhoon shelterޟݼ౪Ԥᗗॳ༮ܖ!! ஊ၌ؚҺ೽ᔠ༬୰ᚠȂϛᕗ Island Eastern Corridor or!! • Fiscal measures? • ଒ࢇ௩ࢊ@ outward along the existing !!Ȅ)ყϤ* community need to be !!ᢊрᙓၾ࢐҆໸ᑹ࡚Ȅ)၏௑! breakwater. [Fig 5] !!፜ᘲ។http://www.etwb.gov.hk* considered. এཎَԤࣥቄᓺԩᒵᐅȉڍElectronic Road Pricing (ERP)? • Ⴋυၾၯԝາ@ !ձᄇ • тᕗცӰશȂоЅᄇ౪ڏWhat other sustainable • Issues to be considered on the ຜឈЅ • Ԓശճלշ׋Ѕᑹ࡚ޟкཆၾ !!• ኇ៪֯໸ՃኌȄޟπӴҢഊᄇ౪Ԥஅ! transport measures would you layout and form of the trunk ३࡙໸Ճኌоή୰ᚠȈ Ԥᗗॳ༮ޟپEnsure future land uses along • ጂ߳஠ • waterfront will have minimum road include at least the suggest? impact on existing ࡚അԙശωޟኇ៪@ following: Do you have any other issues • ܒԤਝޟҺ !!!Ȇ!₂ጥᔠ༬ၯࢲޟтџࡻ៉ี৤ڏ፜ձඪю! infrastructure? !!!Ȇ!೿௥౪Ԥၾၯᆩ๜ޟЛၯ !೽௩ࢊޟ࡚ដȄ • effectiveness in relieving the or ideas? ཎَ༝ȉܖт୰ᚠڏኇ៪ !ձԤޟcongested road corridor !!!Ȇ!ᄇ౪ԤЅೣგ೩ࢊ b Building the trunk road to complete the missing link of the strategic road network along the • slip road connections to !!!Ȇ!ᄇ੕ᔻޟኇ៪ north shore of the Hong Kong Island? existing road network !!!Ȇ!ܚሯ༲੕ޟጒ൜ • impact on existing and !!!Ȇ!ࢊώԊ௶ЅԤᜰኇ៪ 㟜ᓎ␃ዊ࣫ㄪ⬹ᗻ䘧䏃㎆们ϟⱘЏᑍ䘧" WISHES CHOICES TO MAKE planned facilities !!!Ȇ!ᕗც୰ᚠѓࢂຜឈȃު੉ 㟇㟃 ㌱㕯 • impact on the harbour-front !!!!!ȃᏡॱЅЫ፴ င • Your views are required in • extent of reclamation !!!Ȇ!࡚അາҢٮThe trunk road will link •!кཆၾ஠೿௥ݓρທЈᐝ • ୢٖ particular on the following: required !!!Ȇ!Рலᕊၼ໠Лݍୢٖං೿௥ၯ௥ሻݍRumsey Street Flyover and !!ҥ 23 connect to the Island • construction arrangement 24 དݲȂ੫տ൷о and associated impactsޟEastern Corridor via the Island !!ංȄ ፜ߒႀձ ཎَȄ • environmental concernsޟEastern Corridor Link !ήඪюձ including visual, air, noise and water quality • The part of the trunk road in •!кཆၾ՝ܻϛୢ༲੕಑έ෈ϱ • construction cost Ԓᑹ࡚Ȅ • recurrent operating costלഋϷ஠оᓌၾޟ!! Central Reclamation Phase III area will be built underground. c Local transport • Continuation of the trunk Ԓ • What should be the form of ഄऔᗻⱘѸ䗮לഋϷџоήӖ۽ݍкཆၾ!• road to the east can take the form of: !!ᑹ࡚Ȉ the trunk road? Should it be WISHES 㟇㟃 (i) a tunnel [Fig 1] !!)j*!ᓌၾ!)ყΙ* built mainly as a tunnel, a • Are there local transport problems • ii) a flyover [Fig 2] flyover or a ground-level ԤؠԤӴୢҺ೽୰ᚠሯौ׽๡) ԃ౪ԤӴ७ၾၯȃ೿௥ၯٽjj*!Јᐝ!)ყΠ* that require improvement e.g. !!ȉ(!! (iii) a ground-level road [Fig 3] road? although the last section will !!)jjj*Ӵ७ၾၯ!)ყέ* replanning of existing surface !!ȃБρમʝᖂમޟ१ཱིೣგȂ ρ้ȉޟԒᔖоᓌၾȃЈ roads, slip-road connections, !!ЕΣЫΰלޟhave to be elevated for !!ᏑᆓശࡣΙࢲ໸࣏ଽ࢜ၾၯо !кཆၾ bus stops/terminus, introduction of Ӵ७ၾၯ࣏кȉܖୢٖංȄ !ᐝȂݍconnecting to the Island !!೿௥ Eastern Corridor. water taxis, etc? (b) Building the trunk road to complete the missing link of the strategic road network along the north shore of the Hong Kong Island? 㟜ᓎ␃ዊ࣫ㄪ⬹ᗻ䘧䏃㎆们ϟⱘЏᑍ䘧"

Illustrative cross-sections for the tunnel, flyover and ground-level road arrangements are shown below for reference only. оή࣏Ұཎᐗϸ७ყȂᡗҰᓌၾȂ ЈᐝЅӴ७ၾၯޟԊ௶Ȃѫհ୤Ճ

ᓌၾ ϞҢȄۻкЫҁ ౪Ԥ੕ அྥΰȞԽȟ Existing Cross Harbour Tunnel ॷ෫ོដ৤។ϛЖ mPD ౪Ԥማᢥᢊᗗॳ༮ HKCEC Fig 3 20 Existing Causeway Bay ݍᐝ ՙᐝ East Bridge West Bridge 10 Typhoon Shelter ᄦϬ 0 -10 ᓌၾ Tunnelۻୢٖං ౪Ԥ੕ݍкЫҁ ೿௥౪Ԥ -20 அྥΰȞԽȟ Connection to Existing Existing Cross Harbour Tunne l ॷ෫ོដ৤។ϛЖ mPD 䱻䘧 -30 20 Island Eastern Corridor HKCEC -40 10 -50 0

ᔣ࡚ؓϛጣᓌၾ ౪ԤӴ១ᆓၾ -10 Proposed SCLTunnels Existing MTRC Tunnel -20 Vertical Section -30 ᗂԨৠব ••ᔣ࡚ؓ••••••••ϛጣᓌၾ•••• ౪ԤӴ១ᆓၾ Proposed SCLTunnels Existing MTRC Tunnel Do you have any suggestions on the form of the missing link? The following drawings show some concepts for consideration only. Vertical Section ᗂԨৠব ࡚ដ ѫհ୤ՃϞҢȄ Deep TunnelٲԒԤࣥቄ࡚ដȉоήყࠌ ᡗҰΙלձᄇᎷήкཆၾᑹ࡚ Ȃ Ȃ ⏅ሸ䱻䘧

Fig 1 Fig 4 ᄦϘ Shallow Tunnel ᄦұ ⏎ሸ䱻䘧 ᓌၾۻкЫҁ ೿௥౪ԤᑥЫၾҺ༘೎ ౪Ԥ੕ ॷ෫ོដ৤។ϛЖ ୢٖං ॷ෫ོដ৤។ϛЖ அྥΰȞԽȟ Connection to Existing Existing Cross Harbour Tunnelݍ೿௥౪Ԥ ᓌၾ HKCEC mPD Interchange HKCECۻ౪Ԥ੕ 20 Connection to Existing Existing Cross Harbour Tunnel 20 10 Island Eastern Corridor 10 0 0 кЫ-10ҁ -10 அྥΰȞԽȟ mPD-20 -20 -30 -30 -40 ౪ԤӴ១ᆓၾ ᔣ࡚ؓϛጣᓌၾ -50 Proposed SCL Tunnels Existing MTRC Tunnel ᔣ࡚ؓϛጣᓌၾ ౪ԤӴ១ᆓၾ Flyover Proposed SCLTunnel s Existing MTRC Tunnel ໽‟ Vertical Section ᗂԨৠব Vertical Section ᗂԨৠব

25 26

Ground-level Road ഄ䴶䘧䏃

Fig 2 Fig 5 ᄦϟ ೪Ѩ ୢٖංݍкЫҁ ೿௥౪Ԥ ᓌၾۻୢٖං அྥΰȞԽȟ Connection to Existing ౪Ԥ੕ݍ೿௥౪Ԥ ᓌၾ mPD Island Eastern Corridor Existing Cross Harbour TunnelۻConnection to Existing ౪Ԥ੕ Island Eastern Corridor Existing Cross Harbour Tunnel 30 ॷ෫ོដ৤។ϛЖ кЫҁ HKCEC அྥΰȞԽȟ ॷ෫ོដ৤។ϛЖ 20 mPD HKCEC 10 чᑜ! 20 0 Flyover 10 -10 0 ᔋႽ! -20 -10 Tunnel -30 -20 ԳবႽႮ! -30 Ground-level Road ᔣ࡚ؓϛጣᓌၾ ౪ԤӴ១ᆓၾ ࢙៉ߞњႮ ᔣ࡚ؓϛጣᓌၾ ౪ԤӴ១ᆓၾ Proposed SCLTunnels Existing MTRC Tunnel Proposed SCLTunnels Proposed Slip Road !! Vertical Section ᗂԨৠব Existing MTRC Tunnel Vertical Section ᗂԨৠব Other wishes 4݊Ҫᳳᳯ

WISHES 㟇㟃 CHOICES TO MAKE ㌱㕯 Is noise impact a concern to • !ޢΙএټঈᔖ֏ӵ੕ᔻඪר • Should we provide a heliport at • ?Ѕ୦ཾҢഊȉ youۺthe waterfront for both !Ѐᐠൟհࢇ government and commercial uses? !ձᇯ࣏Ꮱॱኇ៪࢐֏ሯौՃኌȉ

• Is it desirable to expand Hong • ॷ෫ོដЅ৤។ϛЖӵ੕ᔻ Kong Convention and Exhibition • Will the visual and traffic Centre at the waterfront area? !Ӵୢ໌՗ᘗ࡚࢐֏ᎌ࿋ȉ impact be acceptable to you? ຜឈЅҺ೽ኇ៪༝ȉڧձ૖ஊ௥!

ӻ෮ᎈጆᓞȉ؁ঈᔖ֏ᑹ࡚ר • ?Should we have more ferry piers • • What if piers require reclamation? !ծषݎᑹ࡚෮ᎈጆᓞሯौ༲੕ά!! !ԃդȉ

Ιএϴಀၽဠټঈᔖ֏ඪר • Should we provide a public •

marina and a dragon boat training !ୄހ೎ЅᓸՑଋጛൟӴ@ venue?

27 28

What other wishes do you have? @ҁงౕێᘘգٟգְ SECTION 3: SUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLES & INDICATORS ㄀ϝ䚼ӑȈৃᣕ㑠ⱐሩॳࠛঞᣛ῭

Vibrant and attractive Maximize opportunities Accessible harbour-front Preserve natural and Enhance visual amenity, Enhance social harbour-front for public enjoyment for all ages, social cultural heritage and landscape and quality interaction ӡߞᑟྻ 3groups and disabilities 4identity 5of space 6 ࠳་ߤ၏ӹ݀ڳєϧߞઔᕺ 2҇Ԋ෩୼гಿכ1൹ൄգจઈ۶ ў࠮ݙգՐ៬ȃߤ၏۶ཋஉ ࠲Յ֋๒фћмᓷಯ۶ӎ ᔹм฀ᣍ۶ᇥм෩୼ӡԳߞ  ϠЀۖႿ Ͽપ֒ Ꮃ૵ SOCIAL INDICATORS 䧦㞫㎯㫁 SOCIAL INDICATORS 䧦㞫㎯㫁 • Pedestrian mobility • Free entry for all • Accessible to all, regardless of age, • Provision for cultural and social • Open space suitable for all ages, • Open to the public • Accessible to all, regardless of age, • Diversity in activities for different social group and disability condition activities along waterfront social groups, and disability • Free for the enjoyment of all, social group and disability condition times • Free to allow accessibility for all • Provision of local activities to conditions regardless of age, social group, ӡߞઔᕺ • ᏋԪЙԢՐ៬ȃߤ၏фཋஉϠЀߞ഼ enhance social attachment to the • Provision of a secure and safe and disability condtionsڹFree access for all • ֺ໱ • Diversity in activities for different • ԺЮмߞࣿஜȂ୨ԪЙԢ੡༡фЙԢ !Ⴝ harbour environment • ༟ݸПгಿ • ԃ! • ЙԢՐ៬ȃߤ၏фཋஉϠЀҞѽֺ໱ڻӡઔᕺ • Enhancing the heritage value of the • ऎЙԢՐ៬ȃߤ၏фཋஉϠЀ෩ڹtimes and age groups !Ր॔ϠЀߞቮঋ • ݙգϠЀҞѽֺ໱ ӡઔᕺڹ࠮థߞ֖Ϡతቺ harbour* !ᐵߩ༡ !ф֋ӤԳ !• Չԑߞᖖᄩڻћмф௵ጄࣿஜ • ෩ڻᏋԪЙԢՐ៬Ȃߤ၏фཋஉϠЀߞ • ޻ઔᕺ෩ • Գ஡ڻ഼Ⴝ • ऎҐ௻ߤྻᅆઔสߞᙩ៳ྏ෩! ӡߞઔᕺ !ݑࣿஜڹֺ໱ • • ԺЮмߞࣿஜȂ୨ԪЙԢ੡༡фЙ • ෩୼ઔสߞϠћኊৃ+ !ԢՐ॔ϠЀߞቮঋ ECONOMIC INDICATORS 主䂇㎯㫁 ECONOMIC INDICATORS 主䂇㎯㫁 • Provision of the economic • Provision of opportunities for small • Extension of the economic • Provision of business opportunities • Provision of business opportunities activities with cultural value* business activities from the hinterland Ј஥їߞ஥ᑟ including the old inner districts toڻգћмኊৃߞ၃ᕻࣿஜ+ • ෩ۍڻfor both day and night time) (for day and night time)* • ෩) the promenade +*༡܆ԺЮмߞ஥ᑟ!)џ༡фڻFacilitate wide range of economic • ෩ • activity* • ܼ֩ၛԳ)Ғࣁ᚞஡*ߞ၃ᕻࣿஜ֌ !ઔᕺ *༡܆ԺЮмߞ஥ᑟ!)џ༡фڻ෩ • ЙԢ᝷࡭ߞ၃ᕻࣿஜ+ ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS 䕘⤫㎯㫁׀գ • ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS • Visibility • Flexible use of space • Provision of facilities to cater for a 䕘⤫㎯㫁 • Preservation of the ridgeline • Provision of facilities to cater for diversity of user groups • Safe and convenient access • Enhance openness • Linkage to public transport facilities • Design elements that enhance a diversity of user groups • Provision of facilities for year- • Sensitive building height profile • Provision of landscaped area with • Linkage to old inner districts harbour image • Enhance openness round activities • Provision of open space and other trees • Extent of a continuous promenade • Minimize reclamation • Provision of landscape areas • Provision of community facilities community facilities • Minimize land for infrastructure and • Provision of cycle tracks and • Minimize risk of future reclamation with trees • Provision of open-air venues • Create activity nodes/landmarks – utilities* walking trails by not allowing large • Segregation of pedestrian and • Provision of themed promenade vehicular traffic for good air നࣉڻӡ߰෩ڹidentity icon • Remove incompatible uses* • Visual access to waterfront* scale/developments with significant !• ऎЙԢ᝷࡭ • Infrastructure that will facilitate both • Enhance air circulation traffic impact* quality ᏋԪԑՐࣿஜߞനࣉڻሃгԒӹ഼നࣉാత • ෩ • water and land activities* • Enhance water quality • Compatible land-use with the ߤ஡നࣉڻሃ᚞஡ാత • ᢸࣿႻӡߞߩ༡ • ෩ • • Support commercial marine traffic natural environment* їҳࣿஜඞԳڻനࣉ • ෩ڻӡ߰෩ڹ༟෵฀ᣍ • • ऎЙԢ᝷࡭ • requirements* ઔᕺߞാരݑ • Enhance water quality നգѹᛟߞઔᕺڻਸ਼фَ֖ਸ਼ • ༟෵฀ᣍ • ෩ژඏڻգนᑘߞᇥмԳў • ෩ڻ෩ • • Enhance air circulation • ໛ൎ๑ᜣ գนᑘߞᇥмԳўڻь௄࢙фгӡനࣉ֫ӡߞϿԳ+ • ࠲᠕ౕԨઔᕺߞ໛ൎ๑ࠡ+ • ෩ิ • • Enhance water quality* • ࠲ՅЋଖ። жუѽ෩୼ߩઈᎳ૵ژᎠߞӡ൉+ • Ϡ۝౻୵ЙहਟфЙ • ໪ 30؛ӡന঍Ю૵෩୼ઔส׀ • *Minimize noise pollution • 29 ؼຠߩઈ഼ࣹ • • Minimize vehicular emission • ൵Јཱઔፑඛ ؼຠѪᎳ • ՉԑфݽႿߞઔᕺ • ူѤಯӠЂ༓ӹ഼ߞЂ࡭๴ਣѽิֲ • +ቮཱઔߞলᔍڽӏ • ኸయߞ࢙ᒝ୼࢘ ! +ӡᕕሃ֋๒ᖖᄩ୨Ԫڹߞїҳߩ༡фߤ஡നࣉ • ϿԳږ҇ڻ෩ • ໪ዾራ • ؼຠѪᎳ؛൹ൄࣿஜြᙇ0Գዾɯ • +Ҟ࠳་Ѫ൙ࣿஜߞ௄ᚂനࣉڻ෩ • +њ෯஥྽ݑઔϯӹ഼ቮঋ • ؼຠߩઈ഼ࣹ • +ؼຠѪᎳ • +ᗏরճֲࣖิ • Ꮓవݸߏژֲิ •

The preliminary set of principles and indicators were devised by the collaborators at the meeting held on 23 January 2005. The preliminary set of principles and indicators were devised by the collaborators at the meeting held on 23 January 2005. ֋3116Ր2ѡ34џᗝ֖ߞԪ֯Ӿ֡ྻ៉Ȅڽ֋3116Ր2ѡ34џᗝ֖ߞԪ֯Ӿ֡ྻ៉Ȅ ࠐፇѹঋڽࠐፇѹঋ *Suggestions for additional indicators after the meeting. *Suggestions for additional indicators after the meeting. +ྻ៉ࢢ࢙៉ҩҐߞࢽዾ +ྻ៉ࢢ࢙៉ҩҐߞࢽዾ Ensure land/marine use Minimize energy Improve uraffic WAYS TO PROVIDE YOUR VIEWS and design compatibility consumption and conditions and 7between the waterfront 8optimize the use of 9pedestrian ཎَޟand the adjoining areas existing infrastructure connectivity џആႆоήഊ৷ඪюձ ⍋◅⫼ഄ੠∈Ϟ⌏ࢩⱘ ⲵ䞣⏯ᇥ㛑⑤⍜㗫Ϻ᳔ᙄ⭊ ᬍ୘Ѹ䗮ᚙ⊕ঞ㸠Ҏֱ⺎ ᗻ䊾੠䀁㿜ഛ㛑㟛Ⳍ䗷ഄᐊ Փ⫼⧒᳝෎ᓎ 䗷᥹䗮䘧 䜡ড় Your views are very important to us. We have arranged a number of public forums and SOCIAL INDICATORS 䧦㞫㎯㫁 community charrettes in different District Council districts and we sincerely invite you to join • Provision of facilities to attract • Shorter travelling time within and the events as detailed in the attached programme. Please complete and send the movement between existing and between districts new areas • Provision of activity nodes along registration form to us. ԧᇌനࣉ the linksڻऎ࠳་ྲ᚞஡݀ࠔݙ෩ • • Ease of access by pedestrians including the disabled • Provision for different modes of We would appreciate it if you would also fill in the questionnaire and return it to us. access You may also fill in the questionnaire on-line (http://www.harbourfront.org.hk).

.ᖺ๺֖຀੡༡ More detailed information is available on the web-site • ࣿஜᙇڻ޻֖Ϡ഼Ⴝ෩ • ϠҒࣁཋஉϠЀۖႿߞў࠮຀֖࢘ • ЙԢߞۖႿઔᕺߞўՑڻ෩ • Written comments are also welcome. You may send them to us before 9 July 2005: ECONOMIC INDICATORS 主䂇㎯㫁 • Promotion and revitalization of local • Higher energy efficiency • Reduction in cost due to shorter business • Cost of energy consumption* travelling time By Post: HEC Sub.Committee on WDII Review Ӡ • Cost effectiveness in infrastructure • Provision of business opportunitiesـߤ஡фӎϿ၃ᕻ׀գ • investment* along the link c/o Civil Engineering and Development Department ,୼କ࿚ੜૈ • Lower construction and operation 13/F., Government Officesـ • • କ࿚ઐଈߞ՘ӎ+ cost • Ⴄߞ՘ӎੜૈ+ ԯ֖຀੡༡ᖺ๺ݙକิष՘ӎ 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong KongظЂ࡭௄࢙ • ԺЮмߞ஥ᑟڻ޻֖Ϡ഼Ⴝ෩ • ࢙ᒝфႻ֯՘ӎֲิ •

ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS 䕘⤫㎯㫁 By Tel : 2231 4408 By Fax: 2576 9792 • Land use and design compatibility • Extent of reuse of building materials • Provision of parking facilities for • Provision of strong linkages and • Better utilization of existing car/bus/bicycles/coach at the physical connections infrastructure fringe of the new development Via Website: http://www.harbourfront.org.hk Via Email: [email protected] • Creative use of 3-dimensional • Lower air emission area space* • Lower noise emission • Provision of landscaped network • Control development within • Lower energy consumption* to enhance pedestrian experience* ȂԴЙԢԳ஡ᗝ֖ȂתেՉవϞϘാ֚ߞгಿᎢᐪфߤ஡ന঍اȄڍেদ໛ְߞྍا constraints of land and • Extent of reuse of natural • Provision of environmentally ф௙԰๳ୃࠑ੾ȄࣿஜႎఐԴࠢԆКȄ؁infrastructure* resources* friendly transport within the ႕ྍᘛ᎛ְணҐȄ᎛ཱ • Visual connectivity between the • ෈ᖖԓӡ࢙ᒝߏਫ਼ߞ຀࢘ promenade area* *ӡЏգ௄࢙നࣉ • Access for loading/unloading׀existing and new areas and the • ຠҐ • Minimize vehicular traffic on harbour • ิֲߩઈవݸ༓ েȄְϵҞᓴᑄԴᇨϯ԰ຍயۡȂا௙԰ຜڭেϵᄁᔽְ԰ຍயۡȞࠢԆȟȂا *surface road ᎠߞϿԳӡ൉фࡱҾന঍ • ิֲᐠরవݸ༓۝हਟф • • Visual connectivity between +తቺനࣉാᜭྲф᚞஡ா • ิֲକ࿚ઐଈ༓ڻ෩ • existing and new areas and the ᎛๳Ϣ(http://www.harbourfront.org.hk)Ȅᇨϯᘘգႎ೟ߞணւႤਫ਼Ȅ • • ෈ᖖԓӡ֋๒Ⴄ࿚຀࢘+ ӡգ൹ྍߞϬᇯߩ༡+ harbourڹ ! ԴϿԳф௄࢙ߞনۘϭᅆ๴ਣ་֖ᇒ • ᏃȃѐЀȃژڻԴྲ๴ਣ஡ߞҳඛ෩ • েȈ 32اȂ᎛ݺϟɒɒУՐϛѡϝџࡈӹຜڍেϵᡌࠓ੩বߞྍا +ۘ 31 നࣉژф੠Ⴜѐஃژፁ࠲ྲ᚞஡ாфઔสН༡ߞ໛ൎ๑ᜣ ඏ • ߞ฀ᣍग़мڻऎᚳන֖ϠጄᎷݙକ෩ • ! ᇨປ+ ำົႽ333ၳڎᖖ࠲ߞӹ഼Ѝ ༎௙Ȉ!! শสҔڻԴઔᕺࠜශፑඛ෩ • +ۍ ࣆܹԪ၌13ጁڎПϯၢࢉറӡߞ഼Ⴝ+ ! ! Ҕ • ьԳবႽႮӹ഼+ ! ! ϿѢЍ຀ݤਣ၌ิ • • ྲ᚞஡ாфઔสН༡ߞ໛ൎാత ! ! ᚼӹԒ࢙ᇯส܎৶ྻ៳ϭᣉѿ๴ਣ঍ᄑ೐ϟงᕭ୅Јೡ܎৶ྻ

ც႖;!! 2231 4408 ཇૌ; 2576 9792

The preliminary set of principles and indicators were devised by the collaborators at the meeting held on 23 January 2005. ֋3116Ր2ѡ34џᗝ֖ߞԪ֯Ӿ֡ྻ៉Ȅ ᇨ঱;!! http://www.harbourfront.org.hk ც༎;!! [email protected]ڽࠐፇѹঋ *Suggestions for additional indicators after the meeting. +ྻ៉ࢢ࢙៉ҩҐߞࢽዾ Harbour-Front Enhancement Review – Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Adjoining Areas!! ٿᔹмᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡ઔᕺߞु Envisioning Stage: Public Engagement Events Registration Form!! ᅹྐ༥ࣱ;!гಿணሃࣿஜඡԩࠑ To facilitate organization work, pre-registration for attendance at the forums/charrettes is highly appreciated, please complete the following: Disclaimer ऎў࠮഍ನቦϭНඡԩј᠈Ȃ᎛ཱ኷ѽϭႤਫ਼Ȅ A person or an organization providing any comments, views, materials or ! information to the HEC or its Sub-Committee during the “Harbour-front English Name ॻћܖԩ;!!! Chinese Name Кћܖԩ;! Enhancement Review - Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Adjoining Areas”, !;Organization ݙ៳ᑟᅹ shall be deemed to have given consent to the HEC or its Sub-Committee to Correspondence Address ;use or publish, including posting onto an appropriate website, the whole or ഼ୈԳ׬ any part of the comments, views, materials or information provided to HEC or its Sub-Committee at its full discretion without the need to seek any ! agreement from that person or organization. Any person who does not wish Tel ც႖;!! Fax ཇૌ;! Email ც༎; his personal data to be disclosed, please state so when providing any comments, views, materials or information. Personal data shall not be I would like to attend the following events: disclosed without express consent of the person. In relation to the ӎϠ౬ҍਯѽϭࣿஜ; organisation or company who does not wish its identity to be disclosed, please state so expressly. Public Forums гಿᎢᐪ!(1900 – 2130 ) Date Venue ᗏށ џง Գᙇ ȯჅ຀КȂԨԒ࢙ᇯٿϲৎϠݕᄥᢜȂԴȮᔹмᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡ઔᕺߞु ਫ਼ݕႤਫ਼Ȃ׮ജည֯ЏԢྍԒ࢙لႋȃڍȃڍྍڻᘑϭЈೡ܎৶ྻ෩ێส܎৶ྻݕ ৎϠݕᄥᢜԢྍߞఐ޶ϭȂ؆ԑڤᘑϭЈೡ܎৶ྻȂԴ๑༷ԓወ႙ێᇯส܎৶ྻݕ ਫ਼لႋȃڍȃڍߞྍڻӡݕг༟ȂҒࣁϯႶݺԪᏋߞᇨ঱ȂൊԊݕԑൊݙ෩ڹ֋Ӥ ਫ਼ݕႤਫ਼لႋȃڍȃڍྍڻৎϠႤਫ਼ജг༟Ȃ᎛Դ෩ێݕႤਫ਼Ȅॶԇ֣ৎϠЙౕؓ ӯԢྍߞఐ޶ϭജг༟ȄॶᄥᢜݕށഺϘᙇȄৎϠႤਫ਼௟ЙྻԴٟգႍৎϠށ੡ᗏ ഺϘᙇȄށжജг༟Ȃ᎛ᗏڗێгҦЙౕؓ

תCommunity Charrettes ߤ஡Ѝ֯ Date Venue џง Գᙇ

Please fax to: 2576 9792 or post to the address on page 32 ᎛ཇૌ֌;!2576 9792 ! ݕ༎௙݀32঱ϯߞԳ׬ Harbour-Front Enhancement Review – Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Adjoining Areas!! ٿᔹмᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ஡ઔᕺߞु Envisioning Stage: Views Collection Form ՜༰ࠑ੾ڍᅹྐ༥ࣱ;!ྍ Your Views ڍߞྍְ

Please use separate sheets, if necessary. ҁ૽௺ȄێӡڹՂգቮঋȂ᎛ !!!!To facilitate future contacts, please complete the following: !ᗑປȂ᎛ཱ኷ѽϭႤਫ਼Ȅڽऎў࠮௟ English Name ॻћܖԩ;!! ! Chinese Name Кћܖԩ;! !;Organization ݙ៳ᑟᅹ ;Correspondence Address ഼ୈԳ׬

! Tel ც႖;!! Fax ཇૌ;! Email ც༎; Please fax to: 2576 9792 or post to the address on page 32 ᎛ཇૌ֌;!2576 9792 ! ݕ༎௙݀32঱ϯߞԳ׬