ᣉѿਣᄑϟงᕭЈೡ৶ྻ Sub-committee on Wan Chai Development Phase II Review ٿᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳઔᕺߞु HARBOUR-FRONT ENHANCEMENT REVIEW - WAN CHAI, CAUSEWAY BAY & ADJOINING AREAS ᾟᛇ䱢↉•ENVISIONING STAGE PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT KIT www.harbourfront.org.hk 5.2005 ᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉ HARBOUR-FRONT ENHANCEMENT REVIEW - WAN CHAI, CAUSEWAY BAY & ADJOINING AREAS фᏐࠕԳઔ ٿᕺߞु Harbour-Front Enhancement Committee (HEC) The HEC was established in May 2004 to advise the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands on the planning, land uses and developments along the existing and new harbour-front of the Victoria Harbour, with a view to protecting the Harbour; improving the accessibility, utilization and vibrancy of the harbour-front areas; and safeguarding public enjoyment of the Harbour through a N balanced, effective and public participation approach in line with the principle of sustainable development. Harbour Planning Principles ▪ Preserving Victoria Harbour as a Natural, Public and Economic Asset ▪ Victoria Harbour as Hong Kong’s Identity ▪ A Vibrant Harbour ▪ An Accessible Harbour ▪ Maximizing Opportunities for Public Enjoyment ▪ Integrated Planning for a World-class Harbour KOWLOON ▪ Sustainable Development for the Harbour ▪ Early and Ongoing Stakeholder Engagement ϝᔷ The Government has accepted the advice of the HEC that an enhanced public participation should be adopted in the course of the Wan Chai Development Phase II (WDII) Review. To achieve this, a public engagement exercise, namely the “Harbour-front Enhancement Review (HER) - Wan Chai, , Causeway Bay and Adjoining Areas”, has commenced under the direction of the HEC Sub-committee on WDII Review as part of the review process. Results of the HER project will provide input to the WDII Review. Ԓ࢙ᇯส৶ྻ HONG KONG ISLAND สգ۶ྲઔ൭ߞഢᄑȃϿԳӡ۶ਣȂԨ শสਫڲ׀Ԓ࢙ᇯส৶ྻݺ3115Ր6ѡӲȄੲᑂҞࢺ᠈ਣߞ১ࡋȂ৶ྻබᇯԺ գจઈȂԢـȂ׀ێҐԳᆽـਟݽߡႿઔ൭Ȃ҄ઔ൭ـҾӔڹȂѽԴ࠲᠕ᇯสНȂڍྍڻݗфഢᄑԳࣆ؊؊ࠜ෩ ӡᇯสȄ VICTORIA HARBOURڳჅᓊփգੜߞгಿணሃȂፁ࠲гಿఀѽ ㎁߽Ѳ␃ HARBOUR-FRONT ENHANCEMENT REVIEW - WAN CHAI, CAUSEWAY BAY AND ෫ೣგনࠌ ADJOINING AREAS ࣪☷Ҩǃ䡙䩐☷ঞ䜄䖥ഄऔ⍋◅ⱘ⸣お۾ ส֯ऎশสҾӔߞч๒ȃгಿ۶၃ᕻႤಯڲ׀࠲ՅᇯԺ ▪ .ส֯ऎশสߞዾራ This booklet is the Engagement Kit for Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and adjoining areasڲ׀ᇯԺ ▪ ▪ จઈࡎߞઔส ӎгಿணሃЈᔅᡃ࣏ऎᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳ፠ሦȄ ▪ ӹ഼ᅰႿߞઔส ӡߞԳўڳᆽ༓ኧᠥгಿҞѽ ▪ ▪ ѵधૺઔสߞᇢԪഢᄑ ▪ Ҟࢺ᠈ਣߞઔส ф՝۶ࢺ᠈ԳᢰߤྻϠЀணሃᇯสЍ֯ ▪ ࣆܹЏతૼԒ࢙ᇯส৶ྻߞ࢙៉ȂԴᣉѿਣᄑϟงߞᕭჅКȂҐгಿߞணሃȄ৶ྻබթЏਣ༟ϞϘ༵ԩऎ ऎᣉѿਣᄑލຕٿӤ៳ϭᣉѿਣᄑϟงᕭЈೡရᐱȄुڭȷȂٿȶᔹмᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳઔᕺߞु ணւȄڻϟงᕭ෩ Ⳃ SECTION 1 䯔Ẩ憐ᾥ SECTION 2 䯔ἴ憐ᾥ SECTION 3 䯔ằ憐ᾥ 3 INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE 15 WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO FROM 19 WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO FROM 29 SUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLES & 䁴䙔Դⱘগ㟛 HERE? HERE? INDICATORS ῭ᛇⱘ⍋◅ᰃᗢῷⱘ" ৃᣕ㑠ⱐሩॳࠛঞᣛ⧛ץᛇⱘ⍋◅ᰃᗢῷⱘ" ៥⧛ץ䣘 ៥ 5 GOVERNMENT’S MISSION ᬓᑰⱘ㙋䊀 17 HOW CAN WE GET THERE? 32 WAYS TO PROVIDE YOUR VIEWS ᗢῷ㛑Nj丬ᳯ៤ⳳnj" ৃ䗣䘢ҹϟ䗨ᕥᦤߎԴⱘᛣ㽟ץ៥ 9 WHERE ARE WE NOW? CONTENTS ⧒⊕བԩ" SECTION 1: INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE HEC cordially invites you to participate in the Envisioning Stage of the Harbour-front Enhancement Review (HER) -- Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Adjoining Areas (including ϔ䚼ӑȈ䁴䙔Դⱘগ㟛 the hinterland of Wan Chai and Eastern District) for more comprehensive planning. What is the Envisioning Stage? Contrary to the conventional practice of government preparing concept plans and asking the public to comment on the concept plans, the envisioning exercise is to engage the public on identifying problems and setting visions for improvement. This Public Engagement Kit is prepared to provide information to facilitate understanding and discussion. ▪ Your vision, wishes, ideas, concepts and proposed sustainability principles and indicators expressed in the Envisioning Stage will guide the preparation of the Concept Plan and Master Plan by the Government. You are encouraged to give your views in forums, charrettes, questionnaires, and in letters/fax/emails. ▪ You will be invited again at the Realization Stage to evaluate the Concept Plan and Master Plan against the sustainability principles and indicators. ▪ Consensus built will form the foundation for the preparation of the draft Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) and draft Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) by the Government. ፑඛҒࣁᣉѿٿȷߞᅹྐ༥ࣱȞुٿ৶ྻ႕ᘛְணሃȶᔹмᣉѿȃቚᣤᣉфᏐࠕԳઔᕺߞु ԑবߞഢᄑȄـၛԳȟѽႿ७ތф तኃ࣏ᅹྐ༥ࣱȉѽ݀ߞഢᄑჅȂгಿߞணሃϘଠ࣏Դࣆܹᕢ൯࿄݇ᄦНࢢȂ֭Ыըߞഢᄑᢰ ᑂȄऎўҾӔڶ෩ҍನྐȂ֯ऎ࿄݇ഢᄑᄦߞڭҾӔକԴᅹྐ༥ࣱබକணሃԒԢణயᛟȂ ӎ०Ⴄਫ਼ȄڻನႋфᎢȂ৶ྻપ፠ሦӎгಿணሃЈᔅᡃ෩ ՑԴᅹྐ༥ࣱаְ෩؛ȃຍயۡȂ۶ӡ੩תȂҒࣁணҐᎢᐪȃനڍҞԺᇌਸ਼ຜПྍְ!▪ ᑂȄڶȁҍߞನྐȃงౕሃҞࢺ᠈ਣ১ࡋфࢽዾȂऎࣆܹᕢ൯࿄݇ഢᄑᄦфᗁᇩᄦߞ ▪ েԴ࢙ӲԒᝊ༥ࣱȂԓᘛְࢷҞࢺ᠈ਣߞ১ࡋфࢽዾȂԒԢໞ֤࿄݇ഢᄑᄦфᗁᇩᄦȄا! Group Discussions Community Charrettes תЈೡᎢ ߤന Џ࢙ӲߞԒᝊ֯ऎжᄑЂᇩନᄦф࢙៉ਣЂᇩନᄦߞᚡӎȄ 4!▪ 3 ENVISIONING STAGE REALIZATION STAGE DETAILED PLANNING ᾟᛇ䱢↉ ᓎゟ݅䄬䱢↉ STAGE Public to evaluate concept 䁇㌄㽣ࡗ䱢↉ Public to give visions, wishes, plan and master plan to arrive Ensure draft OZP and draft 1 concepts 2 at consensus 3 RODP reflect consensus npouit гಿ෩ҍನྐȃงౕȃ࿄݇ 5!npouit ሃгಿໞ֤࿄݇Ђᇩᄦфᗁᇩ 4!npouit ፁ࠲жЂᇩନᄦф࢙៉ਣ!4 έএТ ѲএТ ᄦȂԢ࢙ӲԒᝊ έএТ Ђᇩନᄦх࣍Џ࢙ӲߞԒᝊ NOW ӎ༥ࣱ NEXT STAGE ϭϘ༥ࣱ FINAL STAGE ൵ࢢ༥ࣱ CENTRAL RECLAMATION PHASE I WAN CHAI DEVELOPMENT PHASE I GOVERNMENT’S MISSION Ёऔ฿⍋ϔᳳᎹ ☷Ҩⱐሩ㿜ࡗϔᳳ CENTRAL RECLAMATION PHASE III Ёऔ฿⍋ϝᳳᎹ WAN CHAI DEVELOPMENT PHASE II REVIEW STUDY AREA ᬓᑰⱘ㙋䊀 CENTRAL-WAN CHAI BYPASS ☷Ҩⱐሩ㿜ࡗѠᳳ Ё⪄☷Ҩ㐲䘧 ⸣お㆘ೡ ? CENTRAL RECLAMATION PHASE II Ёऔ฿⍋ѠᳳᎹ ᙛޟᄇ෫৬ѕ۬ೣგۺGovernment’s mission along Hong Kong Island north shore ࢇ ▪ Improve public access to harbour and use of harbour-front by the public ӡᇯสڳгಿఀѽڹComplete the missing strategic road link and alleviate traffic congestion ▪!ؼຠ഼݀ઔ൭ߞ഼ႽȂ ▪ ؼຠӹ഼ᕟཫఐڭ؆ϭߞຉರݑാతႽႮᄑ!▪ Government is committed to the following ᒛܛޟԤоήۺComply with Protection of Harbour Ordinance and Court of Final Appeal judgment and keep reclamation ࢇ ▪ to the minimum, if any ▪ Any reclaimed land will be put to public use and no land will be reclaimed for the purpose of land sale বᒕێգቮঋཱઔȂϵᆽ༓ิьڹ୰ߞ໗ٙȂޱфೣڼᓲՇ࠲᠕ઔส౧!▪ The Government is committed to protecting and preserving Victoria Harbour as our special public asset and ▪ ԇཱ֣ۤߞϿԳ-Ҫྻ֯гಿӡ-ࣆܹЙྻऎϞᎱԳփཱۤϿԳ natural heritage. It also acknowledges the need to return our harbour to the people – to give both citizens and visitors the unfettered access they need to enjoy its beauty to the full. ӡᇯสڳࣆܹᏟྍ࠲᠕ф࠲ᇯส֯ऎҾӔߞгԒሃч๒ႤಯȂӺ҇ԊሮԢ҄ҾӔфࢉఀѽߡႿઔ൭Ȃ There is also a need to complete the long-planned strategic road link along the north shore of Hong Kong Island. ߞቮঋȄ At present, the link between the Rumsey Street Flyover (RSF) at the west and the Island East Corridor (IEC) at the ތЀ໖чᑜሃสਫޒഢᄑЏϳߞຉರݑാతႽႮȄӫࡈȂสਫ֘ی֘ތܫeast is missing. The purpose of the Central – Wan Chai Bypass (CWB) is to fill the gap. ࣆܹϵգቮঋ؆ാతสਫҔ ࢞ၢȂКᖖᣉѿᚒႽऎႍຉರݑാతႽႮȄܥශН༡ߞാతႽႮڕތThe CWB will connect the RSF to the IEC through the Island Eastern Corridor Link (IECL). It will enable traffic to flow ߞ smoothly between the western and eastern parts of Hong Kong along the north shore without unnecessarily Ԩߞӹڕ֘ތܫශȂᚒႽକߡతര഼สਫҔڕތЀ໖чᑜޒශാతႮతാڕތadding pressure to traffic in the Central Business District. It will alleviate congestion on the existing Connaught КᖖᣉѿᚒႽ၃Ӥ ЀӇႽߞӹ഼ᕟཫఐȄԴւዋݙգЏטؼຠВᓚႽКʝਆ㨊ႽʝڭRoad Central/Harcourt Road/Gloucester Road Corridor. There is a compelling and present need for this trunk ഼ȂิьᅆКᖖߞӹ഼ᕅϧȂ road comprising the CWB and the IECL, taking into account all known planning parameters, including projected ތeconomic growth, population growth, employment places and road traffic demand. The trunk road will reduce ߢߞഢᄑணዴȂҒࣁჰเ၃ᕻኧࠜȃϠϾኧࠜȃබᑟྻфႽႮӹ഼ቮِࢢȂࣱႍҒࣁКᖖᣉѿᚒႽф ژЀ໖ࡈ݀ቚᣤᣉߞ֖ޒգညࡈঝзߞቮঋȂॶӏକݺ2011ʝ2012ՐࡈၢȂӤۍශാతႮߞѹ྅Ⴝڕthe current driving time of 15 minutes between Rumsey Street and Causeway Bay to 5 minutes. If the trunk road ༡ࡋᖺ6жៗȄژwere not ready by 2011/2012, the driving time would deteriorate to 45 minutes. ༡Ȃԯӹ഼ఐмӤӫࡈߞ15жៗኧ45жៗȄѹ྅Ⴝॶф؆Ȃ֖ 5 The Government has examined various traffic management measures to relieve traffic congestion and maximize 6 the capacity of existing roads and junctions along the Corridor. Some of the measures have been implemented, ࣆܹЏබؼຠӹ഼ᕟཫѽфକኧҐႽႮሃႮϾӹ഼ਟ༓ߞЙԢӹ഼ᇒನనࣉ་֖ᕭȄӫࡈൊԊనࣉЏ၃ ȃิьգᝯԳߞѐЀႮ።ȂѽфনۘϯၢࢉറຈۍӡгԒӹ഼Ѝڹዴ༓ȃᄁᔽҾӔژՂఠۘ٠ڼe.g. fiscal measures to contain the number of vehicles, promotion of the use of public transport, reduction of bus ᅁ֖Ȃ య֖ӅቮգКᖖᣉѿᚒႽ֯ऎฆ҃Ⴎ።ȂѽфऎгಿێՂცЄႽႮ՜ȞڼԴᕭߞనࣉȂܥҁێtrips in the area, and restricting loading/unloading activities. While some others are being further examined, e.g. Ȅݺ ࠧႋٙӹ഼ᕟཫߞฆ҃ў੯ȄڭȟȂҪҞ֯ᒸ࢙ѹ྅ႽߞቃׄనࣉȂփۦElectronic Road Pricing(the implementation of which requires the presence of the trunk road to serve as an ݙత alternative route, and public acceptability), they can only complement the trunk road in relieving traffic http://www.etwb.gov.hk congestion but cannot replace it. (details at http://www.etwb.gov.hk) Ȟႎఐᙱ᠓ ȟ Ԣؼຠ഼݀ઔڭєϧ۶จઈߞઔᕺࠜශȂכۍᑟჃȂԴߞᣉѿઔ൭ؼൄڻThe building of the trunk road, will offer opportunities for transforming the existing Wan Chai harbour-front into an ѹ྅Ⴝߞᒸ࢙ჰงକ෩ attractive and vibrant harbour-front promenade and for improving its accessibility. ᕺߞՉవȄ Any possible reclamation at Wan Chai North will depend on the alignment, design and location of the trunk road Ԩȃനф֜၉Ȃփཱઔፑඛᆽ༓ᖺЈȄԇཱ֣ઔݙఀߞϿڕand the extent of reclamation will be kept to the minimum. No land will be reclaimed for the purpose of land ᣉѿҔߞԇཱ֣ઔҞକۤٙݺѹ྅Ⴝߞ sale. Any land reclaimed in connection with the trunk road will be put to public use. ԳЙྻӡ֯ᎱԳӡȂԯᒸ࢙ѹ྅Ⴝ་֖ߞཱઔӡԳ֯гಿӡȄ In reviewing WDII, the Government will strictly adhere to the requirements of the Protection of the Harbour ୰ߞঋِȄҪգԴཱઔߞቮޱфೣڼOrdinance (PHO) and the judgment of the Court of Final Appeal (CFA). It is only when the Government is satisfied ԴᕭᣉѿਣᄑϟงߞჅКȂࣆܹទᓲՇ࠲᠕ઔส౧ ୰໗ٙݙࢽߞঢ়ᏼޱೣږߞఐϭȂࣆܹЖЯധ་֖൵ЈߞཱઔѽᆕޱҁԪನႋٙўێthat reclamation is necessary and that there are no other reasonable alternatives to the reclamation option that ঋജፁӲփٟգ the Government will allow minimum reclamation subject to the CFA’s “overriding public need” test being met. ݑгಿቮঋȄ How to approach Overriding Public Need Reclamation can only be permitted if there is an overriding public need. Public’s views are important in establishing if there are present and compelling needs or whether there are reasonable alternatives to meet the needs without reclamation. HEC approaches this question by stimulating the public to give their views on what are the real problems and how to tackle them through the Draftenvisioning Wan Chai North stage. OZP The public is encouraged to offer their views and suggestions.
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